V -'.. I I , r- w V,--" v.-- : .'i SALEM.-NVC. J a;.. ..-faFac- t,- J- 1 y r - V-i. 4"xV , 1 1 toi U'a eel? .. . ' - ' . Ik r - - i j . j. i. ". 4 ? ;-v - 3t- -4 - I;. PAY ABXJk ,lifvAD ' . - - for BTRrT RtrHritien t, t tiw..--:t-sTi V.' 4 " . - . durfc Orders Md-jndiciil advertls. iMiits trill -be pbarge(f2 pr -.tWaE 4iigV patable; lflr ad?aucij4fotT fin cfmsideratinn1 m nbstafje,' it. will be J BtTtiu nuu fiuc i re8..jn C1UD8 OE 81X copies maiieaw poomceTot .510 'subwjribers "far? witf Vtetu ,6rll 111 a. My last hKm&i$is as I bajj fortjejd distant, from me, by'thejiiilf bpaar p my J watcu tuat the . sun was .vet to; measure i the Uigbee nver? ;oerigbfan $pdn Jegawequim r ithr soae ounoait j( ; the eastern bank; ;J4k an.xpeneHced pw"8Bawty,Jbi intelliiiencebiapow traveller, I facas 3pieng.itt:onTefa which.the liest: town" W361unibnsVwak ished. coairtesv.- 'caused toa. to et him; to sundown. I am no layrr, of ridtnery16 HUereyas intbis appearapco a oiue- after dark, as mv eves.m neitthc best, and Cx 4cles5mly wilder my vision in a shadowy V oadl-: So I In- quired for thc jaearct liouse-And.wVoff -'-.K-WHlJ J? ltSvprpprie rcctionsjiido graphic in llingnagjop , iilgp npldis road, .matll cetpiak. pry, wbahagot- suckj'rd bunder an ipV& open t: 4en'; vo'u"&oei io de Jeff. till you sce biggatesYottieeshdeJ if. J.Li , ;; i - J u,o g35 uu. "gl?--90, on. ae leff nan -and bym: by you eonies to a j-tua1- tin,) and go through laiie bllf a vyl whert you see de diimneys. oCde bouse top o de.tfccs..and den ton "find it 'eas? nuff,r inassai" Please. iiutssa6CajiT bim uiylast- quid Ipf Cvendisbi. wttb a wuvi, :m. p.oor; 0 nicearx-u l eave dime'nnder i and with a dime tfnd -ai quida worth cenniae' Ecufty bleimrei T jode'5ff to follow the directions' of my j aeurate IJnfofm wa? delicions,' "FIowerT that "bloomed ".6nthe3Bgbpers banks filled the air with - mingled perfumes. ' ScPres: Of -birds of gay plomagefiitted Jabput m- the(trcesr now deliglitingmyfeyMtV VbeT's'plen ddr of their fliar'f V' the' sweetness"';o'f ihen: songs. JSver and an onVtbe clear-voice of a slave .at work in jtdun - reachmp and add to AteTaried barm on y of the Lour.? -. The limpid surface 'of the ver -was. enameaiea "wiitt oiue, -grange, gold and pprple "tints," borirowed from the .sonsef - skyjCand 'occ-oaohallyidim- naiive: element tyH"tie scene With slacked frm'everytla ef played boKpHritli me from behind a tail sycamore v and once- rtnnnedVn adniire thpdoirPf-tbe elitterin ealertf a ioW an;d'esiiae'ilmt-tiY cfu: au quiet - qirecuy-.-m-tue road at ;r,u serjes toiconcenjric nraceietjs, ithio? the pthertbanhe Kmpress. one w; oragudra pne-?--the btfpleslCtePpatral ? So what witH 'dallying and" loCteringi .. Hoyr. letting jmy liorse -;browse at " tbtf leaves and now drink" at -Triyrilet, I toolf little-notet of etcrs',. diretftio:fid ' rbe sdn set: finding; me at;ifeastUEree. miles eyond the.' ford wherVl had lcli rv.JPiBtetj and npt a sigttVena1AirUfon" thin a deserted: negro t cabin In an 'field,.! drew Teinand'bejau td 'look ... d&out'me.AV.tobeinrr miidpd feV.itift marks wbicbOiad bag 11, give'n mejtipas V poV-cmt.of tbe-questibn jrfor'tbe tiv-T ; jak;'the '.'oldiratetbe f'l3ne7'ana -,:.fiT marks T was quitainnooent; of fia'vi. ; ' iad vision bf Butbrewlldered trayeU 4er, TJixriijbi.jajEuutuau-iciorc nitij'can- raijtk -- .iw - nrthAii CkvM m "-- H L . -. " Ifct .guffar Wrth . wbefe.So-Tdrw the flaukr of my astomsfied steed -sbaTply A.rapia cauier aioDg oe wwujan coact irefei-BirdsJqIm x ou crosses acm. er.-ana-iaice.uG fecoiC turn t'6HQ nstht fdfs "me'l'eri'ffht" plecl into. Wjden'edsirc f '-'-ASM IWorpTlIsbnry, very- scaled fish cleaving it into the'air fl-ltilbManVfand iher n'oted abo-v to fsdl-bc amtfi a gn ?TfemteS fW tfiiR? " tbe explanation Of khis nhenoJ IeT nmborseal they find 4 rein.wbiledrewenvment W ibIe Tanoas-passages regulatine fik afour mef y'A fsaulr ttd;pTeschbiiiglbe relative du- Ji.ageniam1gl. W proud 4o v ear-if were harmless 1 Ari uSmnress once W see TOphrpub tbb"eatHerrD twilitbtlelfeEtulyllt'him - x TOu5uave Toaa iwojmies -us avery '-already dark) to tuefkbtJsoonrfrml vrevty -ats,-muwi -saw a.nsru-fi'T-rT?asi We'a'tiTirii. iturned. It conduct j.hi me-mToineyery neart oi a viuage c ienceitte winyy meac Jo "v; Tt4sarrofcQc: wttm&lbx 'tantwt-ir-ttlich.bo-, ,2ns, .a lOL " 1 " en . 1 1 1 1. hvitv Liiiiiir : vf'rv.f j to ; jiSf ft tiegrc ' lldrcri plenty of t&rV ke'js,ok?K andpigeoti i;h' lyaiigbte "4iid one'f rl y took: BiT.honw hv .? j bigatt to, ramive E3 V S.nj.iu,-s or" -1 draw my foot 4 out from tK $ tin. - w&5 met by;a ceiiUMuu iu a linen rniinH- abajf with a ei iia:4ra jnonlli. I cbo eordiaUy sbook my UaHd and inL ted,me.jn vAa 1 have Said tire house was built of tewei" containia however majiy TopfiJsjand bingf vbTt--sncd, uu piaiza-Twnning aioo the ant, 1t bad AntiearfiTiefr of 'lPesectAi.i lit v 4.k Q 'itfearqef- would evr believe Jog xvvjkup c tuple, wuicn.aa pTotase Iy piledTrith-gkl tbings tbere- iai be- ni&ed taatroniol tbfold school. borftOiii tbo Touohost jfisfnameV). and aliplrtls; came: and seated bimselfa da'rk gentlgpiaB b evidently, in" bretnaturl lge.?;, xie ,wa preswea rto me " Jin tlevvom a;onff vosbaren w- V;Jau of Society rand) majve- l?9 w una sup n. a man in uii swclusion : ibing that rcademcl perceive that beiras jue bfueuaiu iragmeni 1 : ttnat Jie had V i 5f5uc HospuaDiy invitea mo-to g$o Jbia" Castle iud'ied me across tbe ecwtto he' rear-'of the mansion tA S&;-.0T. pqeoVmVconnlng-twt , ywuwus urc. puce, garnisued ro.ofJ'jpipeB Saiiile tobacco boxes jandj other appuxteoinces of a de iernjiKedJimbke - wereatuck about "in (bereyfees etveen.4bt! Iocr. ; Ha of- fered mb" a."pfpi three, eei" lopg,- and we FVi?52s? smoking, ana ail tne while 1 was pnxinjig mf brain, tpttipw. wbcre'J bad soon ibis sent lemahrt his Hfr. .Tin was, inli of anecdote I fie knew Van Bnrpn, Jackson jbpfU Adams'j Calhoun, Clay ; Randolph, andvery man of. note wbb hadfiguredptbe'swrl for thirty ytars 'past,' and b'ecdotes to tell of eaeb'7 :Tle vEnew the private bis- ltory2ofjevery:,body '6 bd any private bistAjbad danccdwitii.the belles' of foreign! ininterst of '.seven' administrai irons and' wis' qvaiitil the, pdliti carabcT domestic candal bf Wasbington fcr as "many reigns.' -He entertained me n .ts5' lUQemaunours, vet; an tue wnne-x couia noi mace out wno ne.waa. fAt 4eugtbVa.t twpojeiock lit the morn iri I putthls"auestrpn"d .1 v "iu luu uuae ui an nivsiery, sir, veil me'tftiz-A 01 ap.xDe jMrfJones s of the fTlleaughe'd heartily and said t . V ' -. "1 k"0? y .-y.ear friend) ;I re- ;t;jLFui icmcn hit. u oues vou are 1" . dkied together in New York yearsagoi I was' waibngoseeafjon would recogi tk aid an th n &er- and slaye juftr ag if it lin i u MfcV"rP? proper; re- - a pilvi uiug . w IflO BCD-. y creed; it is a JSorrid riroVCbn tlyis , that creed' ?is uncfiao-e.i-nd as tbe Jiible does" hot tally .with BiUe Qjtcourso crcstVive wav 1 h in x? .. Vfe jpag fii-IIarti'H-tbe f nurrer f tbe coronation of the .black Enjl' lnd Emprcsa pf Ha-ytf.was ceie Pnp the l8tU ana,l9tb of April,' e cf magnificence foilycqual to j the' c inperiak cdnHf of Europe'.; vera rcd; fias. audVtaxneVs dis-, Vcle ED.T'e Xcttji'suij, a rmtid J givea.at tbe palace; and t.3 ci""- inated; while tie t.e railed mul-.j 1 - J&eir-3riesif :TiietEmrt:itij Tmperor and mpfoss u era escorte a" ,E!.nif ary and : cividt tircccssion. tiiejsatacs ta te cathedrae They. iality baddolrie."its"Wotit bponis frane. i all hecoba becdTB'dV- Afundtt,; . visi&: from 'a pricBL td absolve 1 apsoiute ppscunfy-a'lqan poulaTiowiyo i-ysja jsmau-cerapetejQCMJT-na Witn nis: vjiks miu wa ur memarieai nn Denan- and - - ! tflHbe ravo ahall c ibrace alt tharwaa jusing .inr nntr- gtay; and black beard,-nd bis- iai r Was streaked.BPt thiulj-wHeiUcr strands. likes -;tdL-.nuCn.' jover th.left BotlderUr-tU niocn. few doJwQiIllTD fKU r rftVAai . . Tbere! .cricCstbe; rood Iijf isitb'k oyer "tSere ir ill boVousmliuat as ssr. predrcUou 1 . twwU-ndeK mj.-yiodowj od lbe- lamp goes .cutjbree limesV and bcar.a pij. tolvin'be,: middle of r the ogbt, and I dre, ; ' tbalnj. bet tocttr f '1 Qtli- got -to gv Ala 1- lor tbafunCortunjito aomebedyl -Ilia ebrood ia making j bisl TVC- .-ro T -h last narrow liome sounds ponder the rat-tap-plan- of the hammer if "it i a "stormy; for' not aJf signs UTat failln arySMatbe. s '" ' : The ;fact is -just? tbu.' Tb toute'st heart has ita momenta. of eredulona lief.- , Ask any .aged, niao -ot your aej quaiotance If bocyer dreamed a dream j or Tiaw a jnght:that foreboded coming trouble and be will tell you yes.U Ask an old iady -heaven- bless.tbe venerable nimer-if.he everVould yarn over the eel far stairstAnLIn'aht: nr mnt tA r & . salt, Repeating some fopliab sort ef rhyme awoutro loyea, hearts;., darte;.' iyea, comp1exbnK&o .Nine, ent of ten will fyjT though io be aqrt tboy bad no fajtb in it : joot a whitJ not a partklo : ilJ bad tried it justweU, just becanae. t , V ; ;; . . . Cy . y J-S?Vwi regard-to dreamj, wa. have badjill sortswe h&i like; to say all si xcs7., Ver bave buried our "best friends, anc wejvt overthena wh a grief as bear ty as-a jeal bcreayemcnt m'cht call torth ; a-anJ, w -haye waked-,un half iuj4Jg,.nau.crying over the teI.ision TryeV bappj tPLfiud our household un broken;.; We have beard Trav'a mnini- ous bowltwh'caba waa .having the uoor innocent :nioonwithout.eyen takioff the picvauuuu 01 mrnmg our ictt.sboe oyer three -, times, and, most asfonisbing 10 !mvwj nQ utn jut uicu fuier Ifc. W hare, broken looking glasaea, and they' hve.acryed for a- twekemontb af ter, to make" ''nature hideous," by divi ding the homan face" djytne into squares and triangles; and patchiog the eyes over the nose, and the month unon the for. head, .without - doiag farther intorr.---- jEviot nn mat, we.ahaU not say that we are entirely free from BQpertai tion, if it may- be called 6; for- we have neycr yet found anjf liying mortal that was. Ulive Branch., " , The Origin of 11 Hall Columbia." C -In the year 178 whenpatriptJoTeel isg pervaded the country,: -and '.when there were several 'parties in te field, Mr Fox, a young player, who was more admired .-for bis vocal than histrionic "powers, -called-one '-mornin-r noon Ma friend, Mr Bopkinsorand after stating that, the following evening bad been'apt pointed .foe bis benefit, and expressing a great fear for thKresuIt;"i not "single box hai Jteen'takeV, begged bis 'friend to do something in hisbebalf. '"If. aaid iex-'you win write me. some patriotic verses- fcr the tuire of the 'President's Warcb -1 feel surv of a fuH h'ouso.---Several of the1-people about tbtheajtp have -attempted it,, but they havQ co-ne to ioe conclusion mar ireannot he done ) yet I think you ' may iacccedT' Mri Hopkmson retired lo bis study,-and in ai hujo wruie tfitj. urofc verge ana ten to-be compatible and- in kecpirre'. In ims -way .ane second na. other verses wont' mri 1 1 an o t rl 'tm I . on "Xf ' rus, which was submitted fd Mrs. IKp-kinson,- whQ sang' thnrat i "pianj W corapahtmentl and proved "the -measure flleiin the evening, -be rcceived'rwith dei light he song as ir nowstandr r " The wiloiffing-morpmgi'iifiau baqd bills .anno'uneed, that Mr.Fox .would f'yg.-cw. jpairioijc SOpg, -CilQ, . ipe theatre was' crowded : th'o sonc u mrtrr " Vnd repivedwUn'xa "re ppaed eigb t "timea, and again incwrtd ; sncBoa wnen sung.ine nmm time, tha whole audience stood iitf and joined in- the cbo- - -his-v Nigbt after niigStA-Hail Colum - evecia .-ciieerea me. visitors td the, theatre. rbshd ina"few davaMt-ras the nalvet-Mil RairfDw .ooytin.the.streefroTann low rnd 5tth-e" V';tB oiueiv Nor7waa - w Ihe Uistinirulsbed anthnr tKi- 4t1 f,,t:. li s . - '.;;"7,rr.vH rvkwnai sonerraTaorixr which, -met the denipnrpb fT-iOJ;pVrtie qftiVay--- wtlwgHen hf -sireeynwhka ha fermmu late JargtK.lortunes wnusj. otr -n4l'ded cai onja tcaslori.wai" - fiiaTJoiontDia ' ProJce on the stiunessl vw-it m v v " tLr a r r w . joicesl ' . . -A. - 'm-r f . A. fii. . : 'fiw i 'tt thingstpadmire TwercrJjgnitrirwraefalhcss.-' 'JTA fTtoee Ifbings-to 1oe0Tragf,'i gen-tiCTe8aok)fiatencs8.- --;"i?Wv..--' MniBgratitade:":: . fidjeneaa-f lf nottbera will be so at W -r --i -V- vA'Hk ,.vir. .lU&tberiii.ni r-' fohmg tdelight Jn-bpaufy ffrjmincsSr-frwdoit--?- i, i.r frJendsVftiEeerfal spirit' i r K.Tbree tbingsTla lbiprireAfpy--j cbn4cVyrdcatKrV -..afgTia liw;M .dotted, 'of Wclely lei Men aw. foitrturtiiiiiyipf Jfl : V P .WSPt - ' " -''i. , I : o . . W r a,T '- 1 -x 1 : . ta-- ' . . . - a - - a . a e- - tf t - a. . - ; - DrJV IT rr , c3 ra:t2vc. 'IbaT: h;"rt; '. lira- r i - r ry, frfa 1 '"r cf (Ve1 tpr- ..nc -: 7 .T !" -be -n vaj pir It.aJfd oiiriiuRi- ctirg-tbe 1 1 are utt , bei ibet r vr? n and "ilj xfxrmcT' rf r. imi . nr! Java, of tb fi "oqtKard "or3.- L . iia wtapona cf d toldt--t-.:;pty 't!.. T j ... hp.siitb&tiL k-ttg l-r) w bkb. are tWi i deadly bit "of.-tbaratf arc uo i-jui?! by acc, iae rwerre (13 arc Prom ruin.. 1 yruiciv" of tSr ftru r t ' kiiM .iri.nTrt I soar to the Wound,' tRritiagtb le'pisoti JUclf tie; doctor ra-! aeterof the marks as follows f - f There .U; good reason for th btli-.f that its action is tBp jgaxae npoa all Ur ing things, vegetables as well as animals, f6r Dr'.l)earinir informed mo that one of bis - specimens.. after bcioe'-irtiutad Bdaonoycd ixr ha care, in motioz sud- deuly,. accidentally atnek one of iu fann mia ins own uoayj u soon roiiea over and died, as a ny other ; animal -would have, done.-: IlejTj .tben,-we bare the remarkable, .and perhaps .unique 'pbilo aApVtkaA fatt, ottk V-iqud'aecfiatittd from ths blood, v.wbicb, protes .deadly -when Tntrod need into the. -ferry' source (the blood) from which it was derived. , --in-order to scrutinize by tbe aid of the' microscope the operation of this dead ly agentott the blood, Dr. Jlarneltata jicficd -ono of tbo fiercest of his snakes by dropping tldordform jopon bis bead 'Twenty-five -or thirty drop being allowed to fall on his. head, . one slowly after tbe other, the. aound of bis -rattle gradually died away, and in:aferOmn utcs he was wholly under this agent.---He was' then adroitly seized behind the jaws with the thumb and fore-finger, and dragged . from tbe cagoand allowed--to partially sn?citto r in this stat?" 'z ohd person held bis tail to prove b ; hia coiling around the arm of the first, while i a third opened bis. month, and with a flow of poison which was received on the end of the scalpel. The snake. was then returned into the cage. -' - Blood was then extracted from a fin ger, for close microscopical examination. ,The smallest quantity of poison . being presented to the blood between tbe glass es, a change was immediately, perceived -tbe eorptasclet ceased to juo. and pile together, and remained stagnant witboat any special alteration of struct ore. .-The whole. appearance was as though. tbo vi tality of the Mood - bad been suddenly destroyed, .- exactly as in death -from lightning. .This agrees also with another ci peri men t performed oa a fowl, where the "wholo . mass of the blood -appeared quite liquid, and having little cpAgulabl KM... ' Dr." Burnett ia of the" opinion that the physiological action of the poison of the rattlc8n-tke in animals ia that of a most powerful sedative, acting through ( the blood off tbe nervous centres. Ue sun-, porta Ibis position by tbe! remarkable fact that its full and complete antidotes are the most -active stiinulants' ; ancfof these alcohol (commonly in the torni of mm or wnisaey ) is tne hrst. - lhisrem-J edy .'is.'well known"attbe South; and there, are 'some twenty-firo autbenVic casopr record proving. that a 'pcfaoh snfferiog from the bite of a rattlesnake -may drink from one" to two uuafta.of ucaF.uriuuj wunout lecuog iuc. 8igat-1 c cMucugj vo. jnioxicauon, an evenv uaUvrjcQver. Tvoxtjt? - .. ?' .. r.r.JnalUof Fortunes,' . . Sp'nTi" modern phflosophio ..theorists propose, to. remedy the inequality of fpr: tunes. which- exists by a nw orrmixa- tipnof-jweiety, but- wot tbink that ill ,woqU1 bo j yst-as practicable io eatabluh A -perfect nniformity of mind-.. Indeed, the latter would seem t be' essential to the larraerj-tor sq longaa one man basj an mteucctuai superiority over another so lopg will; inequality cf fortune exist. ln.tbia .-country man, is free to pursue the promptings of his owt mmd, and to rg"iet up thq products of bia own indQS I try." )Ve have bo Uwa of primogeniture I F. qonunue suies jn iama rom geu- eratiPn tareneration. and hence the neb oi to-uay may pe too poor xo-mor row AUlk... . MM.V.M' i w...ii i. - .V. see inrsre estates remain r the tatr! fair. M- t."r - . . t Aiea ior more man poet, .uerauon. s ; Ktn men . daUy i.. - - i j r iorIsuYporwna.iaas icoi"pwneaci as - I ' .. ' C . -a ne-ft oranixatioa of aociety.v :--Suppoea matr-au-equal -OiBuiuuwuu were maue, i . . i . vl j t-i j i . now couia 11 pecoonuacv--..- ajuo junus- tri.eaa .aid pradeol would loon onutriji V m tn.l.r. .Mil .fnt.fff n( ' mrtA. iV. rei tared in thaeourM:rt-a.Bbort l"me: It iadcair- it. ... ir.i. -1 - t. UOUS-Cl society-i'-u.t3fc u our,rra4i, , I AriiVtWce, and economV: ; -;. . . ..... . and Bucn is tne rewai-t peicyv i every one whp chooses td use the prpper meaoa. ija.c cecause-sotiie ueeiecb, moso means tbe WJ; acJ HIeocBu t-f - it r?gbtnic'il iho'aid b j K' m it at -naUUa t -txerUoo anJ-pbyc;j; Jt talj tkai, j urow-r-jiierauy. uiAi m aaau s- XL power wbicb. td has, pitebita h-im frovS bia -eondi:win- And- af.ill -k lv talitbat, Ifux bavitjg tVaf fxejrci lira lelf and ob tai oed a tots pe tene v. bJbUl o6t acjoy the fruits cf bit own icdatrv, but tans diuibuUbjt rr-racs bll ' UTe and dissolute thit.tuiy U hutqI ia f r to oe T. 8 a eh d oct ri na will a oa-ajw e f in lbit? or any r' r tivilhed -eouairy.' If "e would ta 'perfect eqaality, mu5J destroy all tuotiva to be 'taduUrP of tbt To,;jt. neics. ,0Q.vrtli0Q pctaeytriog, a4 ub-a-nlna!; titats the iron -money of Ljcc rgu a for b', Ir I- roU,.ailvcr: and. bank-pa pr. whrcb " l-rrt. y- rotm cut car&iVea r " " '-- . deictuJ L.kw tie ac-U ot ti.fcs.t- xd bnmanity;L '.;" -v ; ; . - oowiy aasert tbiV.it ia act in the power of any man to devie such an or--aoisatjoa of society 'aa willcaUbliib equality 'of . fortiQe. ' Farm way It tottd fortwrjr .maa' intie nation, ad thry wiff U Mtodett. at tie tott c" M jmllie treasury t but XXJCAUTT 0 roa- TUXJ. CAXSKST fiC lTTJLBmilCj. Tbe proinbfT to-bring about e&cb a slate of it-nngt mty serve to amnse those who seeVto get rcb on tbe" spbfla' cf 'other men's labor, bixt tbelr bonee can a ever belUcdl tu tnxQOsb-aTiiVe -voxxtVi. boweyer poor be rosy start in life, looks forward to 'a rrri6d wheef rtDoaa' from hJs labors fiTtrTe enjoyment oftaao and I comfort. : tithont this stimuju-j to ex-J ertion be would be a -poor ctcalure--- enmbercr of the rrtund instead of ituse- fill iitileh.r-morepy,. ... .'. . .... i e ana a lew-woras-in a late nom-f bcr about -the neglect otbm el boose Hold aria i.rf te cdacatioa of guU," .We fiod,'iu an Eilinburg j)iper, 'something further and better ontbe same subject, to which "we intite the atteotied of mo tbers and biscbers: . . ; " ' - " . 41 Topatcb--how vulgar i tbtj term ? Yft it is an opefatioo " tequlrin ' far mora, skill than .docs the making a new garment, and when ' well executed, may eavc the purchase of many a ictly one; tbe'roost expensive robe may by accident do torn i or spot ted, the fcrst day of its wear"; the piece" inserted .iff H$u of Uit damaged one is pafch. ' If a figured - - . . . - - . matcnal, the cittern ba. to be exactly matched jrjn.all cases tHe Insertion roost be maae. without pucker "and Ihe '"kind of'seara'td be .such -aa though -afrong, will be !eas" apparent he careers must be .turned with taeatnesa.' Ia not this an art whicb requires toaibinr ; So'pf -Earning; "mueh lottructioo i necessary aa to the number of tbrcaoU to be left by the needle according to (be kind of fabrio; ihen there is the kind of thread or yarn "most suitable, which rcnulrev experience to determirTe : where an article (s coarse,- the 'chief alien UoU! s directed to expedition, but a costly ar ticle or embroidery on mus4m can only bewell darned with rateliogt of a sim ilar muslin ; uqch r'ticuurs do. not come to 'thefirl by1n?piritlon,r they murt'be taught, or iefV to be acquired -by dearly bought xpeoencc. .;- - ' : The-third niodp of repair is weirnn derstood, aiiwjprtic byouT continen tal' iSclebbors. 'tbouzh ."rarelt in this ectantry. Tbe stockine'autrhiantithcT more dimeuit nor tidlo-os' than tbe darns yet how many pairs of stockingsare lost for the want of knowmg it when a hole happens to be above the sbocT-' " xTacucc- jn wee smcoes is . suij more desirable,VticuHrly f-rrrp-iiring lace of the Biorc'ctjstly 'dcscriptiocf.'Tbe deficiency of a'single loop,. when lace. is scut, io ne waaneo, oitctz Dcomca a large boleduring the operationand thus the ocauiy ei me leccis cestroyea. - .xnueeq laco wEetCduly mended, on Ihe appear ance of even tbe smallest crack,' with veryjiktle trouble, may pema3e to. last twice of thrice the time its'duradon. So the shawl Hitch is nerer Uocbt in ibis country; tbohgli' by. employing it r -. 1 .t. . . i wtm rravenors . liaeii, me most .coauy cashmere eatibo repaired Without a ppssi bilitrof discovering the ioserted part.'". Profleiency in such useful workamieht well tnerit as much approbation ia-' ia pW? bestowed upon crotchet and fancy r : rf ,aud -might 1 Lo cotrsidercd 'as ' ""' L '.desirable' 6uaificatioh ia-,a In Dotmloua nlaces it tnisrtt well an .. ... ..... . Iweftd establish acbooii "where the. art of r;udig apparel sbould "bebe ""thief oliuct-of instructiotft k'tautb"bv two in it mijjh be suffklant for the da'r-jscl i . in?-.-' .Lit. n. wno isfureaav couu djjud dwuio ww er."-It most ba farther- eberved; that wilhoat a practical kao: ledce of needle- wPrkr nd youni'.lady ean tcU" whether bprervanf baa- or has not done a reason ume; ana e wuag.it iu regard le the r'-' ' 'It's 7hkX' you' StJcjad: ' -? 1 - 4 P wUt theaMf sp5ad, my , son,' 1 tat-! a,'-cP ftld Oakir: "not what tbce'll .-.r r .l - t j ..;Ji V t4. i I. J i piasc. Jf oicu.W"' u--wo muiiump-- mferf remarks L ' tbdefpl.:4LLedr') .I . , ; .i ' j . .rr r -v.ITi. j nor u . was. ;uvi.r3-i'"i-. v1" ahapc r". tak6-cao .cf the ptbouS;Ld I me pouno wiijtamet . i vk katkii-nra. sole qaaniuy oi u rn a pen if tbU be true ej.to. tbe pU:a i. still vnpre esseotiaV' IrnrjwitiiL -AaJ 4 S Irr j: a iiliat arf-J Lhat't!u3rt M j fr-; M cf r- - '.'. To vji! err 1. a u .ni t . i.- w x 3 't-,eIf aix-Ajsire-l :::r.r Tl j tusr, ;ha T Uto c.t v-J., t 11 i4tm".i . v,:a r 1a a acai w irih ; f j t Isa'a Irti Ur. -II t try ii 1 tc jira trxcr.t tif.tf-rj tix tcadrrj dcCirt; a jf nrt'.J eiv. ext!aia.- 'cil, jbtn, Jbt -Jl-rb A(cilU t :r r t if la I tir i to aay, tiat wfcea t tz M (WitaM te be ricBj ft as savt J Ua ' d-lUrf . be b"vL-ca In'.f tbe bat: traarva balile." tDt A . V . - 1 a k -a- . I Hat ha Trw tbaV3 r-ik j-ocV t:a;a.ccao acrjuirei tai-.ta cf prtirral ecottDniy, wttcb w-caH :3iat,' te-ep tnr-r a a . its' -!1 crw w- ar " loctis back,'- caaxKtt. u.!,' as U a -a wwbere tbe mov-y wt - a a." Ta aare. ia the rcjJca rule ttr get T.tkr T sq-catidfT, era a Lb am all tuuli step towards lb4 pocr-boaaa. 'J Uecnt Wtrleft tbe'pJtiacf IXia-iIaby apaaa through; fbc iaoputa:n rangs cf Ztnuxkl In tbe valleys Wa Lnicdtlaitexiof b!?cY tenta Hslouspog, O.'rrmad Hard, and UiAViU-ri Jef were t ued wkk their fioeka .Te summit cf blrb M r v;Taiu toe roaa ia cccupiea oy ue Vuin of a caalle, form frlj- held byKur dish eliefgj' who. levied ilackmajl od travelleri and carried tbair derjedationi into tbejIaioa.'Oa.rc-KhiDg ihe top tbe pass wa bid n uniutemirted view "cf tbi Subbam BbaaJ' -Fiom tbe viHage of .Karagol, where we bxlted for; tbe pight, it rpe abruptly Ufbre na. This paguidcicnt; peak,v with: tbe -roared monnUits of Kurdistan., tbe rirer. j ' 1 ' .V. -i- ' . phrates windings tbrougi tba pit Jn, the pcsjra'o ti driving the oxe-o over' th a ocxn. on the -tLrr tbixjc-fiocr, and. tl Tips iilU'JiJ BOTKDIfa WlUJ.tCUiX iviig "jpctrs and .f wiD gcjcnti forciH one "of thasa ceacicf-a4,ten travel which !ca.ves aq iodUbla impresaioa pa tbe imagiriallooarj bring bafikinfVcr years "iudeecribabfafaelinr of pleasure Und repoac: VTLelbwhlng flcr,"wbicb aauea so-jnucn beauty, and interest ta the picture at KaiaroL bad been 'seen inll the yiriagej we.bad pactd dpriarj vw( jj a joarnej. . xne awwoaai sur vt b-Klbccri gatbcredio, a ad tbe Cftrn was jio-f to bw ' threshed and. stored for tbe Winter. "Tbe 'proceas aJopfcd .is simple, and nearly such as h was ia patriarchal- times. .Tbecbndrea either drive horses roa&d and round ,orcr tie heaps, or. Standing uposi a aledgeatucl full cf sharp fliats on the' coder, pap, ate drawn by oxen." ever the sea it red sheaves. ' , Soch ' Were the ..-tLreahiog sledges armed wltntceib'tr mentioned bv Isaiah. Ia noloitasc were the an mils ranix!e4---;"lbou. shall c zauxxle the ox'w ben be'treadetb out the corn but tbey'.TiogeT- to pick up a aeanty mouthful aa they are ured on by the 1. -jt i . - ..' ,-i ooya ana young giru, io wnoo toe3u ties' tf tV. tVrcabt ng-Boor are cbieHy aa signcdV jbe grala la wfn.aowad,by "the men. and: women; who "threw" tic. njrai and.arraw together, into 'the air; with a wooden abovel.'biaviog the wj-d to car fy tie ebaff wbilstWbe Iced fails a the groopd. ; The wheat is lben;rksd into heaps and !efton"tbebrtsbing floor un- in ma inoe-gatnerer caa uiKftrftMi pot-' lion-. Boyarr$ Dihcpejn'cM ta fAa fcu&tt o2inctah barf BaFyhni- .' ? " "ilinlage "Ectiio hi In&li.;' ."mjird Taylor writes fxora jtiombay ls follows :m : v ' V-' . - b ' .-i - .-.--- ;. Last niehU-ca ray wsy borne fcoai lb.e Bcrtaob 'Oardrn, l.r?at . a magciraet aaarriagc.procrsioTi i rjf thestreatsof the. numbef-ofbciUJuUebildrvn, La pped carriaeeatbe pearls . - rfioglea ca tbeirrcsa ghttanL . t - bghf tf tarc&ev wtTcb werr; Un- upon.' loag polftr aad. waved la rtotoaa jobHel j soundl of mn5o. -Behind ttfc-.wer a m ai -J b - a at -a a boys imt jewTi. 4 ruoes-.on. trrsct--exT urn SIC a sa4,lutesr-caica aext.asJ iba.triu. groom mounted ca a -white aor---; lie Taua .man ol-aLout twenty, ciij m spu-id robcJi Clyl ?Jt fcUk,alLtiaorn dered.wiih gold. liirtcrhsa p.eamea wlUjrcarU, a&d tiaxt-tla audi rthc-a4 wete eereved with gavi JCAt. uo ari - - a ' . m ft A . -r i Uvlc .r Vvmio; hM si sa grata and tn rn ' - . liV,in t mlrmif4it before bua. lb t . .-t. t i ve -Lca takca. fv r bed iusiu zx : o. ..'A ? a t isl be! l!ag eilver- trrr?n,-rsi-w: ---: a fan r walked ca,eac- .Je dcita, rnd bthi&d eatoe thedowrT, korwtca. mrr. ba..;4laaa .eoaUA"ied.ia t-frcnly xr thirty toosja arranged so ai- 0 fem a qoadrajjUWXU m tempia L-C centra r. j -,. - 'From- tbiii Ic-metaorf-.!, -Ttlday, baaf teen lorwarpM upon ui ax a ut cr xi 1 lumen' And tboegh this preJnJice,lA I less rferaldQt' nowtbaa it Eaa b-.tra ia era! awa,Iya there era tmny; ejrc j u mva."ta1itter:cf 'fact' " -sf- CCrs, wis wcafi besaute. p-t ajjay t-ytnat-; icioci, tn. tioMn. an v n n 1--ta. ir, rf i- tr r,frvr . '. - .. t 1. t . - Fith satran U IJiag -coieij fnogtdl - aa a a m - mm 1 prgilae aoorajheir heads. . r.oiH piercieg c;c: :y or t! i ccarasi p. f r t " v t c tx- i : tla - y 3 t Clr. 3 l-J . til rr-;- 1. 13. tff tr t.jh-'T t4 Ui(l-i k?-a rd r tbe a4.1lctaf-.ltf tils ft t Uanlir ;;mb. K , .1 rm i tt C-i !a u . . y at Huj! Ar-.i-Kr . . La X .Vll.-cf.li-.rJ- . Va ar' ta- rite uJ.lC:l Lis cc: vey tarvra. Aaietn . j-sr-r'tU.f lis J7..; Ori Vrv. ?f tt,-7:bv K v:, !? !' pua4cd St.. . r-iiiit.c,' tL? c! J'.t ait- tLxafjrtv tear,-" ' - ua rruiy ."ot. 1C. t:tjr . Flower with tie Krrs eaJs -lb. bVr bcrj cflYovrc-e Uwtu Ac J : cxt!e - va tuj aijS4 li.,l A-ai Cwrj-j-vi, Ibl art rsBaer" cf 'our jfrr;i : ri;U .Cbsstitation.' i ' "7 ' -.' .l . ' ..Oa Friday DS 22d, -16iv.tbe.Pni.V?r griasvm-J .tbelr fml lutilsr at I Jyi ' mo-ilh Rw-f - -'-- ; Ua Fridiy TaiS2tnK."Gir Wulbgtca, the fall.tr cf, Acerirui -Oa Friday Oct, TlbT Vl tba VatCt cf5artpga was Tengbt-, ...' Y 7.' . " vv ca'cf -Arnold was likidiireJ'.wt:ch;r. B-T1 tt f mTI a-f rarr- t-f- , r-M-a " - aa'aa- -aa vat V V a- J. 0 tion ia Ccn-rtM cade? by John Ac2 trsJ, sad ""tcoodrdt by Eiciard.IIcsry'Iet; flat tbe United Ccloaiea. wtra. ax J of rigbtOit to bfre aad iodejaieii'J. -Oa Friday Jane 10 is. 1775,-Barker Itill was seized aid fcnlfej.'-- ; ' .aFriJay'lNrri..'22d. lTbO. tbe tVi- i-.V, IWJ V-V- IV. Lt'i.lSf 1'JT- I T7 " I f n . v - . ' render afYcTktown; -OU tfowwr ffg! ry cf -America Arms ' . r Oa Friday June TtlfllTTOtbe: v I nas:iuru5S . ejaspics wt Ke ttxiVowcTerit may le with tiie cibO" natioavA mericsua teed re j iici I begin ba : Friday "any undcruUr'g X'ai etc-r motBentcftii it may' be,- -"".' V'-5" " - , f. r CTsU(2g Gtza eid Cztizz'Ziy.. ' '' "Twt-'abQall xrevcr. be gil KbAX - " , afUr -ibt . seed ia f vna&i aad tbe a. -be- ' t w ecu the i!k and da h - atate : Or chard graaV- Lawarcr. ia ad mpab aaara tender wbeu t sa tbe .fiower,t ii'a tbaraforeo mxs&prcMtvLbr tla cat tlc when ao. ect; that it houfd tot be-' p-4 nettled "to ripera iiito teed bcfuct'cpU ling ; vil doe aof bawarer, to a great aa Unt afier cuttiar, and ooral3bucl h&ore nutrimcnk4i 4i-Eotiy f -.- ' . I any farmertu do. r t :r 5-- :T fb scpixld&g cffecta cXr Jr - - t 1 Jvlt" r sua, od. tbt coasts. ,c n :...':' too'mutb nrlc J ia ti e; -4 .. 'ia SMVjXck L'avj, ia. will be cencrajly ctrre taucseutlj.'wiea 7 exraecdia llje .ewarth.fov tea .day Sy -ben bck or-trjxred -rrst, .it- rbouir I not"re mairj in Ibis coadhicu-bej end tW 1 firs t d ry, ct.it wU t Lbs rose maeb cf ita - 1 il:.:.. j;. ' . - ' - j 1 . IuuMHii-jGacca ur aaoeiacrw cr rr be permitted io fall a'pajt,' pahss- la . - cqcss.. . jli jj Dtueriurr j -tuujy Cry--, . ingta txposJlt f r three c.7 J'-zr daye '. . In tb'st war, xiJ --. l v rc pT j' practice Jo salt Lay v I ' ui sccarcvi agio; . sfonal 'jcepneas';' .- -1 1'. pflie i :t,alItnerV:i i (ma oce . ia norite IcLia p'tjec t- after '"c j g bay,'. .fa. m m if ma cat-.: f taixzii kilt. - ' - . , t - r,bxTr, Irxisrdiai 11 -a f ti.'y r iar;d- ncre accurrat:: ; ierjprif a; r-rsr : r.rra. ap ti'.CT rapidly .and. cv.-'j.-..,Ti;' twaxt", unlc :s Vcryrieia; w-;t rtrrrr, to I ?rred -nb-it ailc" I Uwlli. ea tb.s lv. cay tbea i really. rtieJlj-, . r. :re. tarr?i" over, - aad-'wbea the J - 2; j-la'ccl Ia-bigU r r 1 j . .a. trd raCcieatlf .dry; t t ir.to t' - liia.Ccvt: V-y.i-e' Jiisia. ..:Vr -rr ru, ly -4 evW.vpTtr ii 11 tbe Eaov, tWCL " aria cf i a w k. , .:j 1": r lte: ei,-t- tis i lltock Kr .": t.:- L. fal e::..--r ! .: ; i-ii..e ri lie A: t-ara cf kit. .. ia laTenrtrdrj trf ". -vL tie ebrcf,'ty.t: - r 1- - -Ci S3" aw era tLe r.-?-: 7 . v ? it tuVeri". reft! : t'rax f:r xl'y lip ro: fJur.-r.' V"-1 - 1 -e i-iT , a 4-Lk. '.T. ."cc -rf T. :1 r csAcnur. 1: - . . ,4 . t To c . ; eicryct! :r ;b-i"' -t: ' CCC-i cf JC2r C'T'I ; " ,o bc:r : t Ba mij" at fit t: . : t bU'r-ea7'-- , .;' - r :! a t .4-t.s. : 1 . To beet r-' v-. v a - wV ''c -.- ' - - "-V.. - y4 - . . " "." v ' " ;;v v-: . - - v. . .. .: - - - M -4 ' v . -. . - 7r. . ; - - - -:- ; : --."' N -'. ' .' . 7 v -iZ? &:ti- r . ' l,. - - w - ' - '. . - e.7--v :.'.-'-:'-- - ,7;v 'V-.V s. ." V7- --'.:-ft ' ' 'r -V ' , ' -i-V3