i . - - - . . - -- - . Sir-;?V- V.Jt$ iP-?S-' r j" . -" vV - - I j - ' . " ?:-,-- i ;'f S .5 -V - . - - I 1 Ilk -w trr -'.JS;. ' voir in? 4 f - 1. Afc i 2lrcdir7 vjciins Feat' ; rvTa' the juarly parrot the! last century RChon,-in-'Gfehxiany, ; Stained .great wp. culiu ..uiseqYcnes :wojco he deciared he hid mado is to ibe xa'ui; tipjfeatwn-- of plaatr ttad trees. He crold produce Be- said from." small braneharNeVeu from' a leaf, large forest tr iiHheveours4.t through we -soia instrumentality or nre.r-tie. A3i:lSDEr2XDEST PAPEK- TniCE -Ttto bollarg r eari , ,JCf ?of&wtew;irlowklii jaw frenJlerconijTgf&mUta fbrnewsrs-; -.-r"riO oaner trill -Ka taAnij VMitWi"" -T"k- nsirnmenuntr or lire.. - He 'tKSlI?5' subject; me mm of ihcors. :ri I. oWch WasublisnVAutfterdam, .Una square. Ttweofv linonVfir 10. .tionrejPollf smi: twenty-five- eenlt ;'-xsCouTt Orders and-Jfudlci"! r --HMi: ttenU wilt bo charged 2percentv highJ faTof dfanding 4.rertisements. ; lTi V,- I SALEI;.' N.' C., SATURDA' in 1720. Itstitle7 wilt; "Arm'cultur. t:has vbeen supposed Uhat he' learned the s'ecrefc? of the Hindoo jugglers, -whose J - . w iwu-,iuupki sqwahoscedfcoJ; ajr co-ApectitorhT. .Jc tle.i.-rooi i caufor lit the arth,.nd fter Vfew nation of agreal battle, in which two'ad- nerr and f xhibiUng-.tbVmargia num. ber of men and jwoinetx in T&rjoua atti- L - CTh&Weeler then huTied fvnntV lea whkh appeared tf a "Chinese color au44apric,'mnd sprinkled iathe iame manner with'gold, but dn'it delineated herds of caul and Jion, .the laUer sci ing upon the kine in . manner -that I nerer obserred Jn any other paintinrs. The next leaf exhibited, wu a bcauti fli green, iimilariy poirdeted with gold, on which, was represented,' in Italy co lprs a garden' with jumerousoy presses, roses andother flowering shrubs in full bloora'and in the midst of the garden anexcellent paviliotr.-. The next change . - " w TERM0lLa:HE Cebali8ti words nrnnonTio ratilberry, Vpluin, or a Iratnul plant is gradually seen SDrioein tblimtiL ii be. comes'a" large trei with its natural frnif nv its cranobes. : Norus! Bbsfa(r. ;!t f lUi? aii-.Aue inK is piucKea,and inf. serred ,wfth fhl1nruharsix'K b sent to one Post Office for 5 Teri "Sgea : TOg onhe enchanted dstes copies mailed -timefieTorJSlST-V r walnutsthe branches of the mira?u- -T'- v;- '.'v -ul fee.are crowdedwith 'Hrds oere : :-AGENTS:"3rANTEB::"?' y Pjomageho, 11 theisir with their We wish to agents tb;procu're' fT; . A signal -giyen; ahd-the 4subscribers fbr ixt WesteVn ",th lts feathered Jnbnbitants, dis- Carolin-ftH!-- vr. vtppein atk instant, leatinsr behind i no trace of its- existenoe.- 4 : r 'i c rmtirttrfayAr"-- psauiuww iue omental Annua!," 7 " r ; - tLvuiicuian ui uiiniimLinnani vvjj u uuuust increaiDie-ap. K Wotlie&e joggling performance at L"U)C1h fle was present.--. "pperatoi introduces into the iniddle of the circle out any uneaajf feeling i an various experiments,. he at sentinel placed besUe bin, to wale him wheneteThe On one occasion be was at t skeleton, and ' long 'strr before ha awoke. On find', his attendant for. allowing I long in such a state of ut assured thst be had not but bad been awakened th e began to sink." . The -gent', considerable time, .rtcorer aSiection. . " i try ia gltoblipZjiZflir! 1 :r'"':- - - aieonot.i . t.. r . f"i-a - JU- : i : , tttt! r,- ' 10. 19,' t.bad i.ordfrl k dor t '.enau 'acU'wHh .t j lie o I. te.uiii a "; Practical, Valua "cf I TheTalae of ecicntif the hunn'infarmly, and :" kind."'-'":, sL"-n i- - to be spun and wete by band, and which ecnscqueaUr eoat hih r,v f- produoed, by machinery, at aix eenl a yard, and pays i profit. By the aid U machinery cne man can.now peribrn wtatonoe raraired thin i -.rA ared U ao much clear rain, to bo C "tt comroTli or the bUllecUal improTcct cf thence,orboau . Twi cry years ago. fT?; it -would bate been impoaflhle to have printed the edition t( the Ledger in the entire. twentyJbur hours by any . ivh iiion; aadthetciUlwocdd j b ire been, and was, that not cne family f ia a hnndred crnlda5brd to take anew. . r. :And what Is tr ,rnVi;.. -ai cf thS macofactare of eottoo dotL true "' :-.i.cr PAHL1A,; . Wl "do sot knew ci one ais rl rm U Flora's diadem, tact ootUiuiy iaa. utui u.antetlaUia; MAUmiut ... aadiscihieg that ecctianfa loct'jjl . tlrrc la bl -m. '.The wmd .U C-t hi, 0!?mlf r " -.":A-.:aJS Ho! T6 "Wbo At t.fi anvil a7K And cTVa if Ww f t r A' Where from ehhnih?n 'v.; .f o;namd little irirl ahont eiolit. xTmA awipwHliKl ,rro;-s;: T wicxerj passet.! iXlie etui isbown on,ia.iurs. .-: j. ne operator tben uptwis ny io ana iro, .r .-t-VV.'U-v1' Whilo answerioe; & thoTiammpr'a riri tr.' " And:fireif intenser So-fKJf enters;; into' :'':o haY 6 worto-A iSr sha;i:?uFJllcae"Tor -mercy, nnd while MMiHS-h " Ppns cries grow-douder he plunges; Ho tryrwhojih theatubomsoil, ?M. eeapon: into heVlbosom'two or three Who bend beneath the summer sun?' V With burning cheek and brotr-- 4' Te deem the; curse still clings to earai,- . - -From olden time till now . ' .'.'' Bat while ye feelVfig hsxd to toU -And labor long hours through. Kemember it is harder t5U ! ; v . J.o nave no work to do. Ho! yo who plough the seaV blue fid Wlio ride the restless wave-. -f Z Beneath whose gallant" vessel's keel :. .-U" There lien a nmimr v .. .- '. " Around whose bark the wintri winds lake f ends of fufavei-f v Oh I whiW ye feel.t1teoai fs AnT IaTwvf Innn lumn l.viI.--' '.' """- - Kememher it is harder still y i& atl whoUbor, att who steive, - Ye wield a loftv power: ; irn Jmt wlthjyour stregthi The glorious priTjUeg-to'do't-' -Is man's most noLld dower t jVi Oh lito your birthrighi and yourselvea;-: a weary, wretched life jff theirs K sinn ers," said a preacher, i( if jOtt wereiold that by going to the top of that stairs wonder nointin"tn ty pair at thei Tpne.iejBdf ? StlJcchnfch,) times guecessrrelv:; Tfi- prtK ;a a,'a with'iblood, while tei agonizing groans annojinee-dtssolntion. The spectators are ready. to fall on the wretch ', whdm they believe to be guilty of so barbarous uiw;il-.wutu. me uute gin enters the circle from without-dresged in her usual awire, ana as gay-as if nothing had hap- penred to herL c - v v v --J. A..6tlJi more extranrdinnrw foot Vt that'was Derformed": in t.lm i mjc iuogui emperor Jehanegrie, who givof an account of it in his entobiogra-P7- ; The performers Drodueed a Hvin man whose head they fiat 6$ in the rst mstanceTheythedlvid .-hVlimbs mmt4hetfunkaiid the "mutilated re mains lay 09 the ground for some- timeV Acurtaiftwas spot, and; one of the "perform era putting himself under the curtain, emerm fm tit again in kffew minuUs folidwed'by . " iWUftl w ""..was supposea to nave been'so complefelyrdissccted 1 -" His Mogul Majesty erVes'l thefollow. ling'minute account of sometther-lper- wimauuca uj iue sams jugglers, wine Ii arcvery wonderful, J ' " -. "They took a smallrbag'jand having first shown that it was entirely empty, one of them nut his ha'nd ?wn tA ouyithdrawinghis h&ndagatn, out came two game-cocks bf the largest sizeand T;A a ,W 'W"'d' f " of our fortJath,, rvr .v 1 . . : ... I tiaua3 WM UU6 BQt 10 our autesmexr and . ... , " . . 1 uvum iuij w converted 1 dn. justice the description. . - cioui broth fi th, MvvIwL? w?T In nhcAi Ik. 3: I . . . . vu - T rTi. luc"MBUi"arJ chemists hare not only Uocht.xu to do nature of these terormanee. the Em. ,: k. u J.u'UM..l!QO . . . .. . ; I ",ufeB "bw 10 qo mem cxpeditioua. peror Duts aside th, rannositiAn that 1 1 0 - .uiuuus- r v 7:t "ucu."J goods and then see wUt a mess they 8avs. 'Of something bevond tha pirtwin I j. t. - . . . c ot human enerCT I have hesrd it . v 1" 11 0aa'to J for four J:ir I -7. , . . A. DTe P. eeks in lime water, eirrtt i A tni-r;iv Asma'vnian. Z'cefestJlVn f miZrZT I 80m.e our month. in various other ed that it is aWkuowVaud pracUwdTo v" ! " Uid "P09 wonsiderable'e&niT W.hcns il forweeke at'the -ijV Dr. I-.r.T ... ii.. 1 drex Kpfnr W t V.:-.t r.. - tI , .. . il " r mprof emcat that .w look, for the reai elevation of Ciakintt. Evert boor . . ..j nivu CUIIVICa iUOlii 1J acceuiilish tLinmii4rfxnn? V uuman ei to bafle the IWJ3 WmedUtely. asskil- really believe that hardlv uiv Vf Vontiw1-.'.ff itt rt rT" 1 6ttW,ButtetVny'maii that there were !fiv bi'inpirlAllM tn thei 3CW?Vl)oui.a thee reuid be' ' stifth- mHini . :v -iff 'S,f,Y- : A good oldfmtchmari nd .Mfi'wife U8d. 8et US till ' mnintr im'o - latter after ullistrefclT ia the above peraiionrwdjashTash Inrhe- oen. uan yawned, and replied; ?T Tisn 1 vash . m. ttftintill.li eyes of Sally Jew -wide open as she ex claimed ltvpound, you always, vish jourself in de pest place 1'! - I t .The first weeping willow ln-England' was T-lantoH htr P,-' t; i.-5.ii- 7 ceived- present of - figsfrbm .Tdrkcy, and observing-a twig in the: basket .rea- jr Muavne planted jt;in his garden, and it soon 1 became a fino . tree. , From this 1 stock all the peeping willows bra", land and America originated. J. , ; . f -Tie. amountof ; American Indelted nesa to Europe, is calculated to be near ly or qmU$35Qj00fijO0Ot arid ,1 a mounts of stocks are ccrr'ta-'tly ----' ol for sale, -0 r' ' -'Receipts ofihe J3alt: rail road for3IayV;t2U7, edeach" olher.' and - fonvhtl WirK'- ini Korce and. fuTy that their wings emitted i Bl 01 re as every stroxe4 This con tinued for -the full spaco of in fcnnV when they put an end to thi? combat by throwfnat a sheet over" tha gain they: withdrew the sheet, and there appeared4 brace of partridges, 'with. Uie most brilliant aid beautiful plumage, wjuch ramedialtely began to! tuii their throats ;ai ; if there was nothinir - Jmm.w present-, picking at the" worms ith the same.sort of ehuckls: aVtheV nr T,o.- to use on; t ho, hill.side Tha . sheet was the partrid -esT; When again withdrawr, instead of. thosa bpmitJfnl T-i?ro' ' ppeared two f.T -htfulVblarV 'n.trC.- .hich, with, open' ticuih arid head erect nd coiled . togeth e r, e 1 1 a c!ked ea c U o i b er witlvihe trreatest furv. anrl Mn;'r,- to do, until, as it appeared, they became q-:-3 exhausted, when, tley Jell asnn- i der -. t.i ..:.i.;t 1 - -1 They -r:ada :n : excavadoa - in " the earth.. jn shaui -of a. tank fir TPtprvmV ; of considerable dimensions, which thev --i-u. ua io til witu water r:a d:ne r-ey- spread, a k waiter .1 . v li th ngsikr-bevond the scoDe L .MC . oraupjeipn ta -j. : y .' -ft Vrr I Another triumph tJmln. wnuing 10 pcuetme.Y:; V U C b -.1)1 earns -can be procnredXy whisper, ing iQ.the earj when a person 'is aleep. One. of the most turiona. c.n--- inenuc examplea- of thia kind :h as been referred to bvsereral:wt- tha the particuLlr8in a rjWr.W Tp-'nMM, - - . . . . - v w a who wiinesserxnem.". Theeubiect of it was n r-flw. ;n .- expedition . to Loawh nro-K" IRAS . tbis" peculiarity in 80 remarkable a lneJ mixel ib ?.'fiT?ft-M hfs companiona ia th.t trans- '9 h(1 too cast off port were in the habit of amnainir them- v1' n1 n few at UIS UDeDM. Than mnM . , ... J mu- uuibuj xma or a dream, by - t""s " w "a cr, especially ir tnis . -w-w " 'iituu, wiiu wuose voice ha vii f-i miKa. a . At -.. , At vuc ume UICT COD. uwv vi au uiu ueer mitci. ducted him through the whole progress Th 8nng of the leather formerly of ltnnarrpl -b;1-V. .nvl : j.i I wa(l in ( nmni;;.. V- it.. when the parties were supposed to be tre n.w carefully aaTed to be made into met., a pistol waa .rmt intn I,;. ,.a I Prussian blue.' which he fireil, and awakened by the re- . Tne tones of dead animals now furn portr'Oir another occasion they found nes the principal ingredient of lucifer hi in aglecDv on th. tnn Ar . matches. The Arom rf-v, bunker, the cabin, when thev made fulV ejected by the drinker, are taken him believe he had fallen overboard, and b "im m the morning in the form of exhorted him to save himself by swim- SeiJliu powers, to remove the effect of u"ng inej toKlhim that a shark was nw 100 Ire pouuens. The cflal of the pursuing him,-and entreated bim'tadive 8trceU tnd lhe w"tings of coal gas, re- such force as to throw himself entirely otie or are actually used by from, the locker, nwin iu r her to flavor hltm e r.t j. - r-, uo taUIU UUOr. I " " M,.ug AV( UlCUU. hv h-nli K w 1 I . . . . ' I Vo n.r.ll . . ? . Another triumph of aeienra trfvii A ' . www w IM J flni r..r. .1 . ? . . .. M..uuin.ma is me " -nnnxine t roocMbv means rf -.:.!? - , -- -. num aitu a.u -nreads to the inch is reduced, to a oneness oi 40 threads. -A quarter of a centnrt t n.r.. (ity :bf material wasted in it., .rf. ... about caaaT to that Mrinm1 All . -w, AM these tuinrs are now tnrnw1 H. . . c 1 - - -. w-c uaiia. wnu-n inrmir T nmn. ped jftLo the mod and remained thera are now sought after and converted into swords and riflVa. TK. Ar uc 1 - . viiuuiuta v W4J r i . I aera worn rAm..l. .. .? i . v i uo . j uu- ume as ruuDisn. ucjr axe mnea witu parings of horsca apparel of mendi- dava Mum ii tV. worlu in the form of a !. -f tV. beautiful hue. . The main inirredtent nf if- rX m-U O. - - " which we write, waabovtihlv of a broken hoop ofan old beer barrel MTed la thif way from unavoidable la bor redeemi man; sb far forthrfrom the tcix oi Jivihg to exist, and enables --- -u.u-..ca c nis mic i "ard aoni A t- i v MJoia-' curnitv or manhsrH Tf two centuries the journeyman mechanic uvf.axtn uxe noble, ybat rrtater Inumpl mar we not look" f- T. tk. ccuiunes "to come. Th t. K VI. VI manxind, Indeed, has only begun. Sagacity cftlxe Hyena. u mission wim whieal was eharred lu iRlR a i :. xi Berthoud, the French .naturalist, aome ef the natives ave me "a young hyena, which soon became attached to me after the manner of a dor-. na .rtnM w came the inseDaxahie eomrvanim nr. rambles. With an imtinet t... , - HV uwuiujoniT acnie scnaa or anu ak. F - WSBT-0 serTed me aa a iraid- asrl ii K v r.i. - . icj. ccrum oi nerer roinraaj-a. o a r a wnatever distance I might penetrate, ei ther into a f?ret or a mountaia ravine. or among thoso immense sandy plains which o much resembla thm aoa A. soon as I wished to return or even be- lore it,, ir she herself tell weary the hyena, with dilated nnatriV soil, and after a few momenU spent ia careful investigation, she used to walk rapidly on before me.. Nir.r AA deviate from tie track by which we Ud come, aa I constantly perceived by the mark which my foot had made in stop ping to pluck some rare herb, or the ev idence of where my hand had broken a branch from a stunted ah rub. From lime to time aba used in mint. n herself on her haonchea like a dftf lawn. ing for a caress, and afur having obtain- iu. wvuiu wut on again, ii any nohw waa heard in the midst of the pro- T-y xtL nerally rulu rated attl ath. For . dahlias this mia. ecsrn raced bloomieg ia April, aaJ they kav been one dnse rnssa cd7 blooxt rrtr sis ee, with prcpcicf coatiouirg so uaul froat. The forms range from the exquisite dca We. ran to thaeeen tetvL Sam .in. eingnluly.aa' ftod fcfntiulj. fee in stance, sa deep criavaoxi with a sicgls white petal, tea rlt I acd white, yellow od rtd,.Trr!rd. sad sll the thoxxsd . r 1 t -a . ' at., errors. "w-nc a ticx ia frrais uH f-mllly beat ra sandy. s5 ittoo rich a'aoil ma amg u too feuahy. . Whertthasoilif tvatonJIy rich, a ahortlfall cf sand put -a-u J -.t . -ra vubo ue luoere wm te ef great eer- Vice: tad la it k .-In-atlr nvw ah ovaluU c f . w U-rot urd " man ara will c the sast.v3a Ue dahlia lorea wa ter, end. when the acaaon ia sot aory wet, it rrt have artificial walsriof . - -- tit. . . ... . - wuit iui cTuiuxe u an tovera ox r-w tu..u. , , Many who eullSvata dahllaa ara a1 aware of the ease with which the plant may be c&taiaed from the eeed. This 08 y be gathered ia suSdent cpantiues at the acajou of the Tr fra almoat any plant wbich has LLcaed freely AwtmZ V . V . . -1 " sprinir in a rich warm aoiL iLh a aontk. errt ''-wnre. thev will viiWi tra trodaee rlanta whkh will Una. aom aundxnUy dupag the same season. The practice of keeping the. tubers thro y,m -.lyKi a juji uoucceaxary,.cxoej for the cmervation tit eh those obtained from the aea-d wiT v. mence bloaaomina' aom t what lar in ika season, than the uhara, but early aoeugh to mature seed, while the raria tia m V- V V caa be thus aecured are almost cadleaa.H Southern (2lixsxJ, stood by mi urcera, t-l tr! t , t.x sem to kave aay cailnct Ja tf tie inporttsoe of kerpirg th. rartlU grrsad mellow by frr-sret jii.fr-' l. twa tie grelrs jUiU, itt tr SI tSXT L tceeatirT t r-rrrst rnml cf fcctlJ-J-sci tTra.txJs wa m ten c : se of f6294 3 cT;r : is a"-f?!-KVV - IVhenit lssetupforaL C3 C7, e p!-cc7 and tfier a thcrl i '3. . - f :v SO -y c Ai'-Sky!l3d". est; and t? w v 4v exparia in F f, fiobf gymn--:ties Why, sKoldosB : Jat .i'knd ihey all workl'at - -. - v. ' -v Why are caahrnpra , t--iii:v":Ii FPie JBecause yojixan't'rlake then Jiert. .itwj'--- ,. ' .. ; . .- fVy WarSecJirj h 'cVs'c' th - J removed tLo cover, t: d that seme cf tL; L::t kcei - . -i - h Itbcv c-3 eight bd"' directed io ele acrcs's-.;. -'Accordis -ly, -. ; : tf the T fi V , -T fc 1 ( a . , ' 1 over talk r3 rach 3 if it were o r' ifona , r :-'a:ning for Boie time j ci" t'3 frozen rtond without C""iiicLr " tha .,:M.-6i fro ---' ?-To SS his clr arid zifzir Loi tzhd'r-zl "on the f by which '.ha war, pinch bruised; and t! fter the landing of the! army at Aiu, meuas lound hrm as leep m His, tent, much annoyed' by the cannonading. They then made him be lierethat he was engaged, when he ex pressed great fear,' and showed evident signs, of - running away.. Against this they remonstrated, but at theaame time increased, his -fears- byj imitatipg the groans of the wounded ind dying; and when . he asked, u (iah j;a . w. -m wiu, nugi were down, they named his particular rripnna. At l. 1 n .tj l? . t ... 4 . l"?"",ucj viu nim xnasine raan next himself in the line had fallen wheil iciintlr ht i-M-nnn C r: l-j' rushed oat cf his t?nt,nd ws aroused Koa hisdangernd his dream t-n-etber ni 'f-IKn. At.., it.. . . o v--"uiuo u,r iuw.iens ropea. - A re- marxahle c.rreastatcre inr this Cape was, tat after tlic.-j exrerirnanta. Ii. d;, tbct recollections or fatigue ; and us- tu-'v -"." iueoa mat ne was sure he was playinj some trick- upon him. A MCA r- " 1 rr c.?.TT.L .. 1 . . , ; , : ".v :"uar n iI3 oeannff is re- iaita in 3? a at IIi?t sut-ctcf.TT!.:... , a : . in tl.3 Ucirc. - . V . xawuu. Ve miffht Continna tliau MmV. . . . mvm.mm lw muDiiy, dui wnere ts the user Every person who takes the papers, knows as wen as we do that there . is scarcely an wuwB.nuito goes into the mouth or on me Dacx, which gives ns either warmth or sustenance, but what owes either its oeing or perfection to some happy man oi science. ; Progreu of Hyfnd ; "The immense strides in civilized nen have made within the last 4aA AAataM. 1 1 a ... are reaiiy incredible until the aubjeet.ia thoroughly considered. ac w u. ii y exaggerate when wo say that .a journeyman mechanic, at. the present day, lives substantially better lobleman did four centuries ego. cf L. tnrv. the at i :cu obscrrci 1- by -r 1 10 r.jse, awakens -rtao ' :- cda- 7 ice: VAs acros3il2 r 4 --. .i 5- tb. - - . -The enScCKdjwiCourmfna be J -fc -a- a hi. to creams whi namely, ihzt t' : -the ' persons a;. . which ? appears f i ' : srderahle timeV T' cf tLis has beenrer tic .an dreaded t)-t ? a tllcf, r-ned.hlareJ was r ' .ended, earrip, -v.- ... : 1 to bo shot s rid at In cut fcr i::atiorf .Vi.,r. araticra. a. run-,-- "rl, v ffiffil"? Wi Prt;'-: :i both .3t, 1- ES 'riei, rried clrc: a dr icT "TIL ill rroi -ki -,i .li- i( anlf ft? V,i XT' n -tt-m'1j r --.v tneG.overnor, reqnestin g ibe Presid dttnffwesas-p sava 'that tho snfv ; r va Jfocatian whenever: ho siepf- in- a m: and awakened 1 . biL.e want Or hohon-of tir- ;a r hms from other iru v:. uretTorr-mftntunr a U af -' .. . -J - " 1 - it;. . - ed -" carlv ar day as frabtf cable, i. - -u - 5 i s r " ' I"1 n-asped bin )olently iy , ths. throat dr.,3 a :. tfc; ,ing rjQturebhVadvVi-J v . . .- .-. v . - -raoTAT fri--i vfj-ilAnfi-.lv fWMt wojuiajesuit-tnjrn the ex&rrf . Ioa T l e;ccs. -v - rj-"v"1'?4"r ,u n-icg poainre wim . I . V u4u a oootcmia aid loar Mn'nH.i -- There stillr survives a hnunM bnr.V- aepi oy.one of the great Dukes of for thumberland, which leaves. na doubt 'va on this subjeet. .From that volume we learn that his grrce breakfasted ca ale and herrings, dined usually on boiled beef, and was quite as ignorant at sup per of tho luxury of tea or coffee, as he was, in his household furniture, of ear. retssofas, or hair mattresses. Iu thfrPosf on letters, written aboot the i ' ' '!a cf lhe fifteenth catirrv , ' T J t "V ave i .cr .cvidc-:a ef the almost in- crt'diLie Kant cf pj -uca! comforts among tl upper.cLv :cs. - Tie Puke of. .Nor folk cf that day, "tba cf the greatest of r "1uVcblerr:''n, - often in need, of Us smallest -einis of uoney. while ror. 1 t a " M - 1 1 ranK aaa xreqnently. teauit pr-ration for f ilmgs. .Ito ncilCfi '-'?cl peer" cre ' -- -rc: iy iadu.riotti Fca as liteaj ;3, tlerc 1 floors 'heainVoaof ..La SooouT, eon .h'i sister, f ' ::d : .rote" l-. to 1 n huts of r .-sjen logs foe - .'..'j prrtess the ciTpix i -iaJ.lt i ta ilo"'csQ of tax. . Cot: .-a clwtb. which once "had SC w ICaJ CI to fc-bsilt to t V " t c f f f- A Thrill In Adrestsra. A merchant. wiiLin tn mIiu vr. daughters wedding, collecud a party of w 7 nr COfUMniCnj: the rjrrla.1 around. hcT, wiahisg much harrneaa to iouyoamiui nnae, ana her ehtu one; Her father razed proodlv m kla LraaT. child, and boned, that aa bright proa- iva ut us rawre aotgut cpeo-4or the raster his children, who were playiaa ana a V . a Wfc a . a . r"u Kuesia. i-asaiBg rough the uau vi wis camera en i, aa met a servant who waa carrrinp-a liaf-tjl msi?i t Iter hand without a (rw?l.-LrV rr- found alienee of the deaert il mm A x4. m . .T or "eh ecadcet, and srstit erect her ears and make inquisition with to a boat Ue sapper, her ou ck seeni anJ ir .v. !T I Kul c reUuned, but without the suit produced nothing afarminirX t would pail rtnnniWMni. Tr. uk meru tamutf na. rai. appeared, she bristled up her long KV.r, I. taifli' mane, took refure between mv 1 doM "e Lad been remained there until she saw V. . on, after exchingidg with me the aaTa-Li jw caadkl U ioquir- tation which. t . rtativ. fii-M' lathe ctaort alarm. the travtller .whom he meets on the way. , JtS,!1 Jf18'! JlUl 7 One morning, enUoed onward by t. ffJa' .. strong Pkautasmagoria .of a mirage in M wllTlSli0' . ' v v the sandy plain r ar Tlrehaa.. T L, , el, ?.d lJtKk, ao I Hack myself at lengthy the midst of rd. LVE ? the small ert. I - could see nathlng on every aide 1 irat.., ' , anooJd Isrfre la x.:t deerld . cf- -.-S eoftst-qusxraVy acsr iro call tbexualraa firciera. , . TT rrc;ise tim - 1 5 tuta tafcwwfirdaaffwcf lleaiT -taef; Jrrlti5ec.taaiata;c!;g aTmtb. lew rrrffi t fmr:-- cr--m t t"d wa Lcpa LLai U.1U.J tft' iui i.J speeddy teal by jr;csoe the trtOt ef. tfrafV request surrkef l.aH ia ef rreat airautar aid hi'tr cHotte, acre cr lea icjsry t rcpi & erased brdrenh A. mellow surface allowa th -riaa Ia iaJ" seiatolhaaoa, rastead ,rt!t2' law gi.es as j axrrarj; u alia p ra tes t tie rapid erapcrtUoaxx triers cf mouturr. from, the soil iato tie atsoi pbert, and La -dry weather it aifcvba a" ttax ajaocut of aiettatare ia tha fcrw of dew. by allowiag the air wfcch u Jaad.' ed Yith tacustare at tight to descend a coaaiderible Uepth lata the grsuai, ax -' 7 FreseaUog a TasUy greater .amount ' " tnSaence than alanl- or : td VC Chiz:- " " " " sa-va m wa Miiu auai ai sr a aa a a. a a . a v m flil .t. " enoaeo, i ihe rairage. fatigue at lemrth oV " tt! came me; suddenly I felljo the ground 7,,. without strenrth. mv head barin-. Z. ' V .r: aere resdr to periTh with thi. . Ta-aT. ?twT? iV tram el- inr hvena came un ta m. anJ arJu r il0.f ln :.b barrel, me witVsppsxent disquietude.. Sudden- 1?! a.'t ili "Jk iTshedamd VJ aoshrr-tTrr aaJ .sS !!r ' VZ au5cfburat such fearful rapidity, th-: ' Vheaiaai T?. "S" wither all his had left nae to my fa'te.. H tried &to rise JSik trSl USf v W and follow her. but could noL T ?5-BPa his w lae a kaeflj the wiaccaoi sooTe. ui i eel ox ahe j .. . . . a - T r.t r . . . iLDir w i Ln ir-ran waiar r r i i . i iv.ii . - -. - ihe trarV ln.K ,T,a .""V. . AJ I t?.C.a h red hot Wick to tydnraofmoiJture.,. , V. C!?;;' -Thel Certainty of finding wcoc. fi- inwjrcu my strength, x arose and man-1 k -v-.. . . . r . , . . . aed to follow.thVhvena. who sralfi S??.1 Ml oi aloVly in advance, tamlna- her 11 rtdto the ckspieg Soddtlv aha V-n .. ahk i "Jf1 WHtfilcKai, tad J pawa., and made1; small hole. "X" wne tacottswd . ... ". .;- v . . I ausioast 10 na La allow tier timan BTUM-ni i a r ma r. i ia i k v. ail.. -r - - luuuiwocwDii yracaoso, i( seemea 10 me d.Ljdou- I drank of ilfrefilv: baih. ed my head acd face, and then txA. ed bom eward, .following ray faithful - Bach was the extreme acuteaexs of this ereatareB aenae ef small, that at ika distsoco of fire or six leagues from the touae which I inhabited, atFhillipsville, f a used' to ducorer the -leacw of the create of a dead anim. . .Then the oatuial instinct of the wild 1 ast awoke, and would not be restrained.; She used to manage to elude my vigilance, dart o!f with marvellous ramditv." aarl ara long return, gorged with flesh, and half dead, with UtiuaT. It, was In one of theseTgas troao o to ir-r-"us that Uset her. A "panther, ' . 'xid ccrraittsd grtat raraglalo i' uicl, ducked and woQadedbr ' severely lhat she died" in a Xncl-.t-after act - return home I. 4 ra. us Intrniperanceis the fjoaaut abiaaa of the rifta of Proviiaace. . . ' v - a . a - , ci particles tolls surface can do; aad these particl-s be-- eomog quickly eocl at right rcc..7 vapor and cams -dew, while a bard face tires cmt tha irl-'M;.. ? Ting the day, aad thus pe vasts tht. UH " i cew. jLtery jper&oara&st have observed that more, dew fills ca a mellow surfaee than ca a - tvt, axi the soil beneath Ttmalss i: Czc bo ger daring seTtre.drot: a. 4 " r 7- '9 2. It rrCJa t-U tod, and. tlmby ucreases the mala of iba rn- Tv. r. ' is dona by aRowioa tha ralaa Ln nJ into the soil, as above stated, i - i Afre, by the ataaanat which sum r rtina alwava n(iia. .! l.4 l..,i. j - a; aw wwvs aa ta ea-aa aa.. 4a-aa-sVV avaluble to the roots of plant. insUa4 W. a at a oi pciog earned ca into peads aa4 streams. The power cf clayey.aad lia my soils to absorb ammonia is caa tf the meert valuable daoovtrie L Ith ele mloal science has saade fit aricultore. . T. 8. Tit narrttae c&mrala c tU cjl art rriidcte mart orotZsUe bv the aii musioQ cf air. as wall as mclitisra to iv root cf tlanta; l!och cf the food cf plants. Ufa rar. ! tiV.v .-.-.v v .WM -c by the Toota fir a gaaeooa f :ra, -r U readered aolahla b-r tSa aj-,--- by fermentation, la wlkh iscar: acrid airtta Bseeasary agtatf htsce It la foond that manure ara aMBMrttlnTa of but little ad ran tars (a wi !. oils where the air his net free aceexr, aad it s taeasurablr the anas la d-y soils when the surface Wbm K.' l aad hard. 4. T74 dcttncikom mf t-aa.. I XTm should not deem it fieesaarv ta rriak tkis, did we net sea acme ilrsf 'ailll hcidicr to the mirUkra ra-n-," srteds are ao ad rants ia'aV --'tka" grouad ia Lme cf Crx a- I. ;.i mew consider that evt.T.yr-1 acta ax a rarrica pvipt drawing mu s '. re "rca beneath the surface, and ae- ft cX, by evapcratka into the sir, etd alta ah scrbicg nutrinuat frota the ec"U-thra the advaaUge of their dstrae4oQ' by frsqueat boeiag, la e thick xatjtl. obnous. . . ..." - There ara several other Urastat. aa thaprcaerratioeiYfa mors ecal Uia peralore ia sous thai ara fcrqurally stirred, 4.; bat fctrbg that oar lrtlci will be too lc fcr farrra 'u.mJ at thlalary acao,wwra cct jar, sacra " at prtatnt. OA ia C x tMUr - The siady cf lis icH Is sit.l."tan;v Ufal, aad, to tie arictlnriit, r -.!- u" ly prrticor The fcrt !rii:i tj le' icaraea ia ice cxubx i t--Vac a&d f'aoryja we iarc iaorraaia Isrre-imLa are r' : a-- the trirtica aaJdecccrcar. a aad othax.-xalaeral ceajiitaerta. It i frota this toorve that It dxriTs lis ctay, ' and. licse, 4c The crrtiv Itfft c u " sre dfriTcdXrcm, lie dfecst-.;.:. x 'f apt etiii rt rtuils t-. -r-a-. Tie f rxia C-T' 4n.rjea aa - . v v -w Urt-s. .A proper llroib cf tic is a stoaniti-rr. TViTITtari. L..;a t- -6rfginal Atlacir.cat Ltvicd'eo iaad of al:r- feciLuiraUrtstiaa5UTe... . (Soils tors pot IT srreario? to the aatUfacti?a cf Hilars t iTaatt - IV..1 ika ctaf, naat n f 1 1- rach is. WO V' ie a ncrtsidut- cf this uu; Jisitaalksbci. therefore crdmd by the Court that Pi1 iTTrtd by 1 liixMsu U tade--iWsix,W((kjia ! crli:t; ti Trjy. Pr-. far mU aVft-4 4siaiare cf drcavei - - ' ' - "It t v. aa erdiixry .acrrsilja is raT :I:cll de!maide t trrdorr.lsxir f t" r- ' Tl-M, rcIU d xfa. . . 1 c t',uUi'Ti;;:uc4.'' 1 v-lefy rf crtrir era-. - a . ' t . r . r Llaad appearjbeiare the Judge tf wJIL!?r . r " perivCrtcfltherxtCis11 ,,scua tilbeh'i' ' fcher-tisit cX -tad alireiy aw p-lt ---Xa" . - i New what wei: it; 3i .a i Craa roa Virr raTor ra.x Hrv t Immediately ba dicvrriflg thai year horse. U fooadsrtd, raix abyat a. nt cf aegroar 1 1- .3weT ; teed la bis prcjea der, aad ifwul afeet a ccrtab tm It-U a sin pie remedy, ar. J one cf tie tea ; t e r io-Il i 'araurn rr.'zt..'' llisalwsjt throagh tie real, i a ria- r4 f selia g that war aaptiacfj c cat e,f r ?.setcnd'iz,-tc; r i.i cp a rre-'-r-. - basis cf ali - J A. . f f 3 U 1 v a AsJerery fam' iwtw t . : k f -vt : itT Tikal wcail . cf tia Llsprcftjilc rzl tzy ka.-'d- cf ' lis eccat;ts?c!j cf lis'ilocd, er lie Ur s . of Lis aad "X .'ii pvvr ost f a jro-' J rvr baraveny f -&.-UiaJ Xiii is iis . a ' t - .4 JT. . f - -r: -r v- a 'fr . .4 1 .