- 1 . '-' - " - , I. : '. 4 0 - -' t a. . V : ! 1 , j. 1 i ft 1 ! r 1 U? ri-i ' -"I Jt I V JH' 4 , v ;T0L III. ' M - P J X AN lNDEPpEST; PAPEBj- -; BT BLUM & SOK;; ; 1IIICE Two Dollars a Year, - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ' "XS?" No paper will be discontinued , until all arrearages are paid except- at the option of the editors. - " ' - Advertising Rates. - J , On Btiuare, (twenty lines) first inser tion, One JDollarand twenty-five kcnTBp -3Qjat her "will be sold to notice; - rjTHE-undersigned taking comS into pos ABeBsioh '0fithe ""property, both real and personal, formerly held by Charles J. Klu 86,4 hereby notifies . all whom. it may con cern: " ,,'V--S '- ; I.. That all persons claiming land under theso called tigM ofpretmjpiion, are here by required to come forward and establish their claims within twelre months after the date of this notice, otherwise tos forfeit all right whatsoever to the land they claim. 2. That after the date of this notics no right of jtreewjptionTr'iil be granted in any case. . ,., ., , f. , - r i ,xor every suDsequenc insertion.; Court Orders and Judicial advertise ments will be charged 25 jer cent, high , er. . Il liberal deduction will be. made, in favor of standing advertisements. --," Mail Arrangements. Northern four horse coaches. Arrives and departs Daily at 1 o'clock, p. m. ' " Southern four horse coaches. Arrives JDaily at 1 p. nu, and departs fmmediatehr. . - wesiera. yiawwjineviiie,; two norse coaches. Arrives at 2 p.m., on Monday, "Wednesday and Friday. Closes at 11a.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, j, " Western (via Jefferson )-two horse coach es. Arrives on ' Monday, and Wednesday at 4 p. m., and Saturday at 10 a. m. kCIo- - ses at 11 a. m on- Tuesday, Thursday and ' Saturday. ,. . ,.-''-:. . j?;-. - Reidsville two-horse coaches. Arrives at 12 J p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday, j and Saturday. Closes at p m. on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. - t MartinsvilleTa. Ilorsemail. Arrives at 6 p. m. on Monday, and cioses" at 9 p. m., on xnursaay; - r O. A. KEEI1LN, pj h. &Jem, July, 16, 1853. , 19 ATlNTION! l SaUEJI, FORSTTrf Co., N.C.-1 I " Sept, 59, 1853: f J NOTICE is hereby given to the Commissioned and on Commissioned Officers and Mu sicians of the 66th -Regiment North Carolina MiUta, to appear at the court hou5r in Winston, on Friday the 21st day of Octo ber neit, in order , for drill. Also the Captains of Baid Rec- m ent will appear on Saturday the 22d, with the companies under their command, armed and equipped as the law requires, ready to join the Regiment by 11 o'clock, for the purpose of a Battalion. v ! M. MASTEN, Col. Com. no one, wmrxinmot rive? rood and approv ed Security for the p&yai of both prin eipal and interest of the, purchase money. N.B. A liberal abatcnrntM the price of land willbe made forj Cash. ,,t : ,tr 4. .That &11 Interest On Notes mnst be regularly paid, and that no, indulgence will be granted to such as neglect tlya notice.- rs ""-' !-. " i;- 5. That all persons in arTears for Inter, est, are hereby required forthwith to pay up such arrears. v 6. That hereafter no person will be per mitted to take possession of any tract of land, until the purchase money has been paid or the required bons given; and that all settlements for land inust be made, at latest, by March Court of each year. 7. That all purchasers of land are cau tioned to keep within their lines, and not w exienu tutir clearings oeyona tnem on pain of legal prosecutionL . 8. That all persons ar strictly forbidden to'cut down on thelandpeldby the under signed, of to remove therefrom any timber, dead or green, and that trespassers will be proceeded against according to law. E. A. DsSCHWEINlTZ. Land Office, Salem, N. C., August 22, 1853. MEDICAL NOTICE: 27-tc Til .yrMs.;;w rr' AV It iwmiECTT Through Tickets ON HRj ZEVELY sttll contin- , v.a to practice Medicine, the reports of evil disposedversons to the contrary notxcithstandtng. 31 Office F. & W. P, E. Co. , August 20, 1853. fTHE Toll Collector at Waughtown is David Blum. Extract from the Charter of the Fayette- iVille and Western Jflankroad Company Section 3rd ofcAmended Charter. - - " That if .any person; shall travel on said .road, between the points designated for the ' collection of Ihe Toll, with the intent to evade the payment thereof, he shall be li ! able to a fine, of Five Dollars,- to be fcollect " ed as provided in the sixteenth section of said Act." - . :E. L. WINSLOW, President. Sept. 3. . . . . ,29-tf ,vj - VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. 11 isiixju to re- c move West the en- ) suing Fall, I offer for ksale the tract 01 JLand on which I now reside, containing 250 ACRES ; also one other tract of 450. , Any person -desirous of situating him self Comfortably, -and of making & good purchase, will do well to call and examine. Terms-will be made, easy,' and possession given immediately. S. A. STONE. August 21, 1853. ; . 28::tf . 0RTU & ELLIOTT, " (SJCClbsbBS''T6 JD. WILLIAMS,) Forwarding and Commission. Merchants, FAYETTETlXr.E, W. C. (Otdj Stand of Hafl & Johnson.") . vr. P. ELLIOTT Great IVorllierni & Southern SAIL? MAIL LI1TE. ONLY $15 50 TO, BALTIMORE ! THE Undersigned have. made arrange A ments for through ticktU from Salem, N.C., to Baltimore, by way of Raleigh, W eldon, and Portsmouth. 1 are only - teen dollars andfjiy eentsl It is unnecessary to multiply wods in connexion with this arrangement, as the travelling community for jthe benefit of whom it has been made, will at once know how to appreciate it. The inn t Stages from tne terminus 0 the Railroad at Raleigli, to the tewninus o the South Carolina Railroad at Charlotte is still in successful opcrationl. Nothing f.Slieplieids In :Jndeau y;' ' 'r Shortly, after leaving the city we met several flocis of sWp, preceddtbT their shepherds, walking slowly toward Tera. alem, and. at once the full force and all ttrii beautifjil imagery, and the many touching similes derived from such scenes and associations, and so often alluded to in Scripture, came vividly before me. These Arab shepherds, clad in the tur bans and simple appass worn by their class, and 'carrying a wooden crool in their hands, walked in front. .The sh- which are a peculiar and very handir- breed, are mostly low sized j t the parts of their bodies of a. fawn color ' rmnperpaYTs-ftlte -they lmv pendent, silken eara,aud sweeping, u., their faces more oval and longer. (I the species in these countries, and ii . have altogether a more t; leasing, , and jnild.ezpfcssion.C'f countenanced Not one of them . ventured before the shepherd but stopped or quickened their pace as he did ; or if a young end for ward creature lagged behind, or strsyed tO; either side, a single word from heir leader; often a very look, brought it back and checked Its wanderings.: Afewfa vorite'lambs frisked about their master, rubbing themselves sgainst his legs and garments. After the sheep came some young goats and lambs, and the whole procession closed with about two dozen of old patriarchal looking goats, which brought up the rear. Ihese goats bate lone horns and pendent ears, that hung almost to the ground, ana tneir nair is a glossy black and of the finest gram; the sheep and goats were pciiecuy aisunct. These shepherds are often to be ecen about sunset slowly approaching the city from all sides, to seek shelter for their flocks during the night, in Rime of the deep valleys by which it is surrounded. carrying the lambs in their bosoms. It is almost incredible,- the inSuence that the shepherds of Palestine possess over their nocks; many. 01 them have no dogvbuta word fa often efficient to make them understand and. obey the will of their shepherd. He sleeps am ong them at night, and in the morning leads them forth to pasture; always walking before them, guiding them to those places where they can enjoy the best food, and resting when he thinks they have obtained a sufficiency, or du ring the heat of the dayl in some shady place, where they all immediately lie down around him. He has generally two or three favorite lambs which do not mix with the flock, but follow close at his siderfrisking and fondling about him like dogs; indeed the degree of in telligcnce and understanding that exists between the Arab and his flocks is truly astonishing. "They know his voice, and follow him;" and "he careth for the sheep." It was probably to such shep herds as these that the angel announced the glad tidings of the baviour s birth lYUktB Nartative. tioh of the enthunaetio tataralut." It thrives well in the province of Bra til, and immense'quantities cf its , fnrii art exported to foreign countries.' It grows to" a height of from " EftJ to eighty fctt, and In appearance is one cf the moat ma jestic 'ornaments .of ', the forat. The fruit, la its natural positic o; resemble a cocoa-nut, beiog extrcmelj'hud. tnd about the sue of a cbud s bead. Each of these contains from Jwelre to twenty of these nuts nicely pacic 1 together.' A"3," obtain the nut? t "they appear ,X5:1 et these shells l - lo be broken . During the seas: a cf their fall- ; . dsogcroos to csttr the groves 1 vi y abound, s? tL fores of their - iia enough to keeck down (La -) man. The hepHes it taliTc; however wUU trt c Jen buck ed now these "te years ' anI thre dsyt. The last time he waa awake" waa ahlls be was being exhibited to the. IWulty of Hochester, somt time la June I believe. These waking, seasons seldom bat tocra than 20 .minute daring "which , time he secms'not to recognise that there Is anything peculiar , in hk case. Medi cint and medical men have exhanstea their resources to restore him. n Is now in charge cf the farmer with whojnr,. . . . . t - w rt i - ne wrmeTiy wor jutb, tou a isr. v . are exhibiting him to the facult; c who intend exhititing him here si -the'tublic. Ha i V -liTlor skeli : so thin has ke. frttnesfji thi Thiee Cities. tch'Juev hold c'.?their heals ground. I.' ' , ' The Cannon Bali Tfrf-Among the plants of Guinea, one of the post curious is the cannon ball tree.'-, It grows to the height of sixty feet, and ill flowers are remarkable for beauty and fragrance, and contradictory realities.. Its bloa soms.are of a delicious crimson, srpcar iDg in Urge branches and exhaling a rich perfume. The fruit resembles enor mous cannon balls hence the name. However, some say it has been so called becaose of the boiae which the balls make in bursting. From the shell domestie utensils are made, and the contests con tain several kinds of acids, besides su Bar and gum, and furnish the xnsterials for making an excellent drink in sick- ness. uut singular ss it msysppcsr, this pulp, when in a perfectly ripe state, is very bltjiy, and the odor from it ex ceedingly unplcarant. '-' .? Ihe JJrtad lYuit Trt. This tree w found on (he Islands of the Pacific Ocean. The trunk rises to the height of thirty and forty feat, and attains the size of a man's body. The fruit grows shout the sixe of a child's hesd. "When used for food it is gathertd before it is ully npe, and baked amonc the ashes. when it becomes a wholesome bread and in taste somewhat resembles fresh wheat bread. This is a very usefol tree to the natives, for, besides hs fruit, which sup plies them with food, its trunk furnish es timber for their houses and canoes, the gum which exudes from it serves as pitch for their vessels, and from the fi res of the inner bark a cloth is made to cover their persons. Ihe low 7ee. This tree is a native - Wonderful Trees. Among the remarkable trees in the will be left undone to commend bur lines world, the followmg'are the most cu to the Datronaee of the traveltins nublic. August 1, 1853. r ! 25" " - j I "" . ' II -"I - MUSBTJ.Vv.i. THE collection of curiosities belonging to the Museum, contain a number of duplicates, which the managers-wish to exenange. x or particulars, auurcta o ab. T. LiNEBACfu Salem N; C.-- 3v J Persona wishing to examine ;fhe Museum can be accommodated by calling on Rev. E. HARlwlarxorner of Mam and P. O. Streets, k Pckin, the capital of the tsa! ; of China, iccmroed cf two parul called ' ' V cr die fie ritT. tks otlsM the new, i Artar aty. The prmc: tJ streets are said to be perfectly straight, about three miles in length, an! a hundred and twenty feet in trtadth, well furnished with shop. "These hou ses sre very indifferently built, snd have a ground Jloor only; though the gates or the city, which are nine in number, are well arched, and support buildings nine stories high, the lowest cf which is occupied by the soldiers when they lesve gusrd; for all the great streets are guarded by soldiers, who patrol by day as well ss night armed with sabres, end carrying whips in their hands, to chas tise all who; excite distorbanets or quar rel i, snd that without respect to persons. The two cities are computed to contain over f wdmillicns of inhabitants, and sre said to be eighteen miles in circumfcr ence. The temples snd towers sre almost innumerable, and the falsee of the Km reror is covered with beautiful shiniog ystlow tiles, presenting to the astonish- ed beholder aprodigioussosemoiTOinji buildings,. extensive ccorts, ami msgnt Scent gardens; the wall around which lorms a circuit ci lour xvoguan muea. lombuctau, in A-fa, situated in Negrolsnd, near the banks of the Niger, is mentioned, in the proceedings cf the African AisocUtion, as a mcst cpulcnt, flouruhtoc, and even luxuriant city, subject to an seme and severe police, snd attracting" the merchants and tradrs of the most distant States cf that vast continent. The principal edited ci which it has to boast, are a tssrniScent moaque, and, the royal palace, built of bewn stone, peculiar to the country, of Venezuela, South America. It growa I after the deaigns cf a Mooruh architect. in rocky situations high in the monn-1 who had been banuhed from ureoed. -wit mm a -a IW.t f S tame, iiaron von tiumboidt gives the iiitncr caravans come irem xjnpoii, iar- following description. of it: , bary, and other plsces. with various 'On the barren flank of a rock grows kinds of European merchandise, which a tree with dry and Icatberly leaves: its sre exchsnged for slaves, gold dust, !vo large wooiiy roois can Bcsrcciypcneiratei ry,pnaouicr commoaiues. vnaiipoD into the stony soil. For several months I be foccasiens the king rides upon an ..i. l 1l ; . I . . 1 1 i . . r i , i , io me year not a nogie answer moisiens I cicpnani, oavmg lor cu noay guard its folisre. Its branches appear dead I three thousand horsemen, armed with iVeea BtH'a TTkly lTwwm.gtr. j IsUxtstl Bliccrcrj fit 'Jtrcilca. ; ... The' fallowing e:xlract ; trhsa a ktkr, dated J erusaJm,"M tj 1C, 1 843 has beta sent to us by a fxk&a Irr pabaealkn i ? ul was spending a ecmr! cf Uys in. Arllts the XortuM c2arua cf tk zoaks, snd rrobahlr til rsids roclos'c the CaiUiclea when I was - tell there was a j kind at tunnel under lie Pool cf Scl- 1 went and found cue S the taotl Hoc thiers that I have seen ia .vtla, snd cf which n la Je -. . a appears to have hetrl I z&ea l to..tha- -Briuhfc Cctanl, who real in Vera at ia theee xatura, and Uv.Mr. ioolajsoa who has beea ire than twenty years; thty had . - tardefit. At the eeatrt cf the tile cf. the lowest cf the ihrt jv cis, thera Is aa tulrasce nearly closed .up tlea i5lk?s a.au;tci ajtaaa rme tfiy feet Lcrg, leading tola taaitw about 15 fctt square and 8 feel txzh. alsovaulud, sod 'from this thera is a ra?rtr, alao arched, nnder the pooL and intended to convey the. stria g, or ef the pool tiitlf, into the aqueduct which leads toJerussleo, and is ccorscaly attrib uted to Pestles PHata. This arched passage is six fctUhlrJ), snd three or four teet wide. Each if tha other two reel has a similar arched way, whkh baa tot dice a blocked ur. and oat cf which I saw by dejcc&dkg nt ia the reeisnralar wclL "The great point of interest la this discovery Is this: It has now been thought fct seme years that the cjlulcn cf theinTcnticacf the arch by the Bo cacs hss been too haaiily adep ted. The usual pe riod asiigned to the arch is about li. U. COO. . n e thought we lutcovcrcd a contradiction cf this Idea la Egypt, bul the present easels far dora aausiso. tory. Tie whole cf the lotg passage cf 50 feet, the chamber 15 feet ajuarr, the two doers, and .the paaaage under tit pools, io each case sit trmt Exmxn arch cs with a pcrfict key sioe. 4 Now as it hss never beea seriously dcalttd that Solomon built the pools ascribed to him, snd to which he probably rtfrs la Eo cleriastet it, 6, the arch cnit,ct Course, have been well kncwn,sabot or bcLrt the time of the building cf the. tempi, B. C. 0 12. The aealed fouaiaio which is near, has the tact arch in sev eral places; tut this might have been Reman. Hot here the arched wars pats probably the whole "ditlmco under the poo!, and are, therefore, at least coeval with them, or were rather tuut befert them, in otder lo convey the water down the valley, ia wlUr therewith the wood that brinjrtth forth trtea.! What 1 saw convlcctd me, at least, tisl the perfect kcy-stcne Bxmaa arch was ia familiar use ia the tint cf SoLmco, cr 1000 jears be fere the Christian era. 'Jam is Cook Bicuxosx va-t -irxxsr. . cci tmiT c rajso 17. atjut ; . . ...... yrxunx . ; Zttirmf mnd DeviX ef ?raj Jatlxi. "TW aeeond sad but tern f Gtsefal CuSl a,n 4mi'' I ef March, 1UT. fhs tilt diiTat 12, fta sppeart4 with Iia sxxc:cf, lit. Tt a - uorva, ca nam sterabKi z.i raeLcT tcra pcnUo cf the tatltaL tsa t atlttua who canst to witata the lui' guratka ef the rw Pmiitai, ati t way dlitie gulshed tmx iWaa, rrerV 1 f his plaot ca the left iani t the. tt dolalett. The-dsj was ieasW elear sjrl4j--jrr alacphcrs-nd He a,Wat,it U3v Bunsa.- Oa Cx4, ia th larja arta4 front ef tit slip, er-rrly with ; .t trcr a and tlot-ely ei-l Ugittr, tlelr 'U "m tamed to ti- per ' rearttlr 1 1 a U Ul: - t:K' - -i - J the tjkiu d. a ic i-i ai- h tusa faces 'this vast crcwd to ' their places, and, troCjuadly ' s2cat, , estil the over... It was the stHl9aa $&i ailexxa of revenues snd aSccUca, asd ihart waa cf rxa fcf ss-.stsie as to whea. mult and issrrralrt hocuoi was dtrtd. ' For an-ot the rialrg was aclinard hv tht settior sua. ' .Though disrehfd cf 'pcwtr.'axfel rttiriag to that shades cf f ritaSt Eft, it was evkicul that tht preat cx lVcalicct was tht aWtelirg ' : ... ht begta to dootzj lit bread at tht pcttko to.Uk a his teat ia Lc 1 . carrugt whka was tobcarhia a.j, tht deep, rtprcaacd frclisg ef tht daa mars Ircke fbrth. scclamaliscs .sal cheers turstiof frcta 'the heart ai iH. icg tht air tuca as pewrr z&rtx cos masded. fcer rcaa ia wywex. trer recerv. to. rta- v snd dried ; yet as soon as the trunk Is pierced, there flows from it a rich and nourishing milk. It is at sunrise that this vecetsble fountsin 1. roost abun dant. The natives are then to be seen bows and poisoned arrows. The various accounts respecting its extent art by no meana sttiaiactory. Jcddo, in Japan, was, twenty years ago, said to be nine miles in length, sbd To via g frees It wsa Jt was tht aSrcucu, gnUuia aad S4p:rauca cf tht Lricg srt, M?s:rtg tor iLe last titat a great vai a. . It the actUia cf pcatcrity, breakisr tie bcacsis cf tespcranea. seucpaitoa citatuntyT-smpctaa. tahlt hemsgt to tht hero patriot, who, all his life, snd ia all Iht crcaairsaora cf his hf, ia peact and ia war, sad , r!o rifus la each, had beea tht fsksl cihis country, devoted to her, rrgtrdLtas cf clL Lncotertd asi hewing, with a lock cf cna3ctcd hsallity and thatk m t . . ..... . luiocax, ne acsnow icagta ia cs-j F-fzm his deep snililiij to this a5ctus,g ovtrfjw ef rclr ft tllsr, " I was J. A. "WORTH Valuable Plantation, FOR SALE. ' fT. T OFFER for sale my C 1 Plantation on Yad. ' t-w hin Riverx tliree miles Tilie, containing 340 acres of Land. - The Improvements consist of a good twofstfrry Dwelling t- Kitchen t two Barto7Qlker necessary Outhouses and two Wells of good water conveniently' situated. There is a eood - Mill-Seat of about 5 feet-fall on the premises, with water suffii- .vmuii ui propeLany quantity 01 juacninery. Davidson Cof, N.C, Sept.' 31-4 M&ter-Cfoods rpHE undersicned are now receiving. the x largest ST0C 0E4 GCwQDSI in their line that thev have ever ofiered to the trade, consisting of a very extensive assortment of DEY ,Gqoi; t Jlardware, JSat$u (taps, jBoot$Shoeti V - and JLcady-madeCiolMig. - - To which hey invite the attention'of their oltcastomet8 and wholesale buyers gen erally. HALL & SACKETT. Fayetteville, Aug. 20. 1853. 28-tf JUST PUBLISHED, 1 THE FARMERS' & PIAWTERS Almanac for 1854, rtONTAINING the Usual Astronomical Calculations, interesting "and amusine Agricultural and Miscellaneous readme:. apportionm't of Representation in Congress Members of the legislature, ote for uov ernor. the Senatorial Districts and appor tionment of Kepresentauon in the House of Commons of North Carolina, Courts of North and South Carolina and Southwest era Tirginia, &c., Ac. ' UL.UM -& SON. Salem, N. C. t FOJT 6AT.T1 BY Merchants generally throughout WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. f RON. f A small lot, just received and sfor4by . lAJM&aoNr nous : The Dwarf Tree. Capt, Kinc and Fitrrey state that they saw a tree cn the mountains near Capo Horn, which was one or two inches high, yet had branch es spreading four or five feet along the ground. Ihe bark Tree. There is said to be altree in Bombay called the sack tree because .from it may be stripped very singular natural sacks,- which resemble The Tallow Tree. This tree is found in Uhma. it is called the tallow tree because a substance is obtained from it resembling tallow, sndis wscd fcr the same purpose. It grows from twenty to forty feet in height. i Lace 3ark Tree. In the West Indies is found a tree, the inner bark of wYich resembles lace, or net work. This bark is very beautiful, consisting of lay ers which may be polled out into a fine white web, three or four feet wide. It is sometimes used for ladies dresses. The Sorrowful Trri.-At Oca, near Bombay, there is a si&gularvegctabJe the sorrowful tree-Hicrcalled because it only flourishes in the night. At sunset no flowers are to bo seen; and yet, half an hour after, it is quite full of them. They yield a sweet "smell, but the sun no sooner begins to shine unon them than some of them fall off, and others close up ; and thus it continues flower ing in the' night all the year. Ihe Great Chesnut Tree. On one fide, of Mount JEtna, there is a famous .t " ' i A 1 1 f . 1 . 1 FOR SALE. fcHillE subscriber1, offers for 'sale that - convenient, comfortable and very mblic stand atMIDWAY, lying on the road eading from Dan villi to-Salisbury, and from-Salem to .Lexington. :, . Tk iTAiTAtvt imta nMiaitt M tt I n wrr rV- I V a f 1 : J . luouupiutuutuw wiiM.w.... v cuesnui tree, whicn is saia tone one story ieinng-uousej witn wimh w hundred and nincty-sfx feet in circum nre-piaces, mmnen, aiame. u ference. ,n9t above the rmrf of th ak wv n ii ana wit n s a f it i .nn i mm There fare also on the premises, a. good ground. , Its enormous trunk is separa- Storehouse, well of water, and a house and ted into five divisions, which gives to it lot, 'formerly .occupied by Doctors and the appearance of several trees growing Tailors . Z - . together. In a circular snace. formed I will dispose of this property, on reaa- by these larce branchesa hut haa been onable termB, and persons uesiring sucn a etcclej for tKe accommodation nf tbni hastening from all quarters, furnished six in breadth, but the generality of the with Urge bowls to receive the milk, houses hsve only a groumd floor, scd which grows yellow and thickens on the the rooms are divided by folding screens, surface. Borne drain their bowls under by mcsns of which they can contract or the tree, while others carry home the extend them at pleasure. The royal juice to their children ; and you might palace is in the centre of the city, and is fancy, aa the father returned homeward defended by walls, ditches, and. lowers : with the milk, thst you saw the family the grcst hall of audience is snpportcd of a shepherd gathering around to re- by maasy pillars of solid-gold, snd three ceive from him the production of- his of the towera where the Lmpertr rttidet flock. The milk, obtained by incisions are nine stories high, and covered with made in the trunk is tolerably thick, sheets of pure gold.. The Empress and free from all acidity, and of sn agreeable I the concubines have separate palaces, ss sna Lsimy smell. It wss oUered us in I nave nsewiae ail me vasaat prince, wiui the shell of the calakast tree. We drank I extensive gardens, and stabling for two a considerable Quantity of it in the even. thousand horses. - The lahahitanU have jog before going to bed, and very early I been calculated at a million and si half. iu iue morning, wunoui experiencing i the alightest injurious efiVct,' Eapldity of Animal Incrcaic blme Tret, There is a tree in 3Icx- cezt to the direct agency of man, his ico called the thijol, a very fine wood, indirect influence in multiplying the which, according to a writer in the a-l nnmhr- ef hfrbiToraua oaadrutxda of tional Intelligencer f W. D. rorter,) be- domestic races may be regarded as one of vVU.w w.iuc - j i the moil onvtaie caoaca 01 tee extni- few years, whether left in the open air naliol, of yptcieS. On this and on sev or buried. From this timber bouses trt . pounds, the in trod action of Ul.l..-l..t . ll I. - . .... couia do ouu. mai wouia in a jew y tha horse, ox, and other mammalia into recomanre proot and last ss long as mcse America, and their rapid propagation built ef stone. The wood in a green I tvu ntinnt wiihia tha Ui ihrM state, is easily worked; it is used in centuries, ia a fact of great importance building wharfs, forts, Ac, snd would jn DttQrm history. The extraordinary be very good as railway sleepers, or for oCrd f wild cattle and horses "which 1.tr M.J ft. r . II - . situation, would do well to view thepre- xauiAlvu Bio.&iAJje r. plank road stringers. . Tha Extraordinary Sleeper. 'We mentioned some time since the case of a man at Bocheatcr, N.Y7, named sprang from a very few pairs first carried over by tne epaniarus; arm my prove that the wide geographical range of large reiea in ' areas eontinenta does not Cornelios Vrooman, who had been asleep I nearily imply that they have existed for five years, lie is 37 years of are, and worked as a dsy laborer, until seix- ed with this remarkable catalepsy. A correspondent of the Philadelphia In quirer, ho saw him a lew days ago, says i thera from remote periods. ItUbelitv ed there exist io the the Pampas cf Bo enoa Avtes twelve million cows and thrt million hones, without comprising in this enumeration the cattle that have no aehnowledced Drcprtilor. rn the . o . mtses. v.; August 7, wno couecs xne cnesnuta. m - The Ivory-Nat Tree-The ivory-nut tree is popuisrly called the Tagua-plant, and is common in South America. The tree is one of the numerous family of IN CIiEMMONSVILLE. I palms, but belongs to the brdcr designa- rnHjE subscribers wil offer forjale, at'pub- ted . screw pine tribe. The, natives Use llio auction, on Thursday ajiiiday,the their leaves to cover their cottsges, and 20fliand 21st days of October net a ircn-lfmmtha lintamahe buttons and Tarinn. AUCTION SALE eral assortment of - tj v DRYGOO other articles. In " an early state, the nuts contain a sweet milky liquid which afterwards sssumes a solidity nearly equal to ivory, and will admit of a high polish. It is known" as the ivory nut. or A .great opWtuni ,Vmbe offered to "getablevofy. and has recenUy been The Brazil Kut JVee. The Braxil nut tree may justly command the atten- consisting of every article nsuallyfound in etores in this, sectaoii 6f ;oountry.' Also Hais, Bonnets, Jiaoti and" Shoes, Crocjcery- Warc, Ifaxnu, Vytstvffs, Ac buy bargaina.. . - . brougut into use xor yarions purposes. viviiituvuo r uv r ! v" j-'4 r . - . they I nu;n. frau tha Orinoco to the Laxs cr is partly I f..ibo. it is reckoned that one cl- i J I lion two hundred thousand roveT His annearance now ta that of a man i.!.nft- .ef Caraccas. tha pror rielors of in a profound sleep. His pulse varies pUtural farms are entirely iguora&t of from 60 to 90, is weak and tremulous. Bmmber of cattle they possess - The His muscles are very rigid, hia body young are branded with a mark peculiar cannot bo altered much from the posi- in aah'herd. and soma of tha moat tion it is in on account of the rigidity owners mark as r-ineas .four of his muscles. His eyelids generally I fttn thousand a year.- Ia the northern are twitchinc: toocn tnem, sna are closed at once. His mouth opened attempt to open, it farther his fswi are locked. Stand him up, and hia.bodv. i reserving very nearly the Ex-President Tiler hsa fully mover tame poeitJ.i a when be lie?. Hands fnm recent indirpoaitiea. . U is until he iiaia'down sgain. Hs U fed ajg txcalhfttt lady presented' him principally on milk, by prying open his yrth a fine boy a few days alne2'trhkh mouth. The : bowels are not ftcner -u thetfth little blessing hi has raebtd moved than once a wee, stta eau:er- jjer ; . catalepsy exsctly, yet it U Bearer that . Jsnny Lind Goldmith, ca the 6th of .v. .Mvt -Tnt erham th 1 Anrusl.preseniea a son ana netr to ner tacy of the books sleep, haa eootinu--1 Ouo In the city of Dresden. . " . all texnLM intemUd In th$ , School! cf Gorth C&rolixuL . The reading public will remember that I have recommended, to be used in our Common Schools. Mitchell's Interme diate Geogrsrhy, snd that X r remised, in connection with the Hon. I). LSwain, to prepare for it aa Af pendis, gtvinga more full and sccurate.descripiiea cf our State, her Inuitutkmt and laprova- menta, than could bo found la any geo graphical work. The matter has beta la Ihe hands of the Pobiuhen for several wet ka, sad, 1 ia hsppy to say.lhey have ecUrtJ fully into the spirit ef the undcrulirg. I hate just xtccitcd a Ktttr ffeua thtn lnforaing me UU lit wetk-wiil bf il lustrated with ecrraviegs of such views as could be furuiiDrd ; and thai., it will be accompanied wiih a cap cf tht Stale, containing all.tba new, ccsbUcs. and largtr than any ether map ia the Geog raphy, j I have a ccpy $ th Pt sad pronounce Jt correct, exct 4 as to the prtcfse lecatioa ef the railroad to he built from Salisbory west, and from Gcldiboro fast' tht exact vocalics of which no cue ran give. I earnestly recce mend this work to oour Schools, Academics snd Colleges, male nd female : ia ict,.it rtccssends Uelf to these wuhicgccrrrctiofcrmatico sod to evtry true sow and dasghtf r cf k . m W. wmm m t v orta Carolina, nt bare lotz com pitined of the manner la" which aethers a have treat ed us : wm wt shew a f rcper appreciation cf those wosLs wukJi do us justlcaf ' '' The tuliithers srt Jletira. Toomsj, Cowperthwait k C cf Philadefrhia, and I am ia no way ictfrrstcdj peccnia. rily, to their work, sod hare received no eompfttaauoa utaj eonlntatisss. Tha cewitircrs which tare X-antfctt. ed a fncndJy rerard for tht cause cf educatkn iaNsrth Carolina, will tlnte ! . k . .ft .--' ceip to uncg tnzs ncuca io Uk aiu&iu:o of tht paVUc. - C. II. WILEY. tmltx Itcucr. locklsg down frs4 siia wmlow, and felt aa tmolica which had never pxaaci through me UIm. I had area tht ia SGguraiioo of essay Pmidm!s and thrtr ping awsy, and their days cf state vested with power, asd imrroe.ndcd by tht splendors of tht first ssariatraxy cfa great rrpuUSe. Bat they all srpeamd tome ss pjgtsaU, brief to the vicw,na-. real to lha tenth, and soca to vanish. Bat here there termed ta be a raalily a real scene a can and tht pt tit he, lavieg dawn .power and withcriw isg throogh the pcrtals of cvcxlasiiaj fame; they, aoancicg ia his, cart tha tvcrlastieg pUudita.of unbera grttra-' lions, Twadsys silt r, I saw tit painet ex-Preaidext ia the car whkh lers Lisa to his dVairtd teclaaica rsaw Ha d, part with a lxk cf .qakKrc 1jta.eul w hkjsbef pekt tht fswtd rn.la.-6u ucm ef tht scl al txchxrntr tha-" cuts .. f ciEot fcr tht repose cf heme, I Hitltry, vas wul ejr.wta .af United Stale Arsenal prtperty sphls, cootai&ieg twslvt acres, d at aoctica on tit Zti. olL. aid purchased by tht city t - 77,000. It is Lntecdcl fcr a tubUc j.rk." , Tht st Mem was acid There srt ent hundred snd sixty tt Kult children la Kew Orltans, ra sn afkta by themselfea, who hsvt Wem fcJuced lo orp tana ft ly.tht death cf their pat. i bo fell HcUea to tht poatry, cralcry, suaxua and ha:d dewa tht military Jacxca;athis wotk will ecsmexnerttt tha events ci hit am adtauuatxaitv' ctrlcs!S glerious . than 'hia ; xaUiury m -Mm mmtm s t ar4t fltatss-sv w si ss -4 i tMvikaaif to wj tiif aiHt tilt brief ftciict ef his last srjtrsnct at. tht Amencaa cauicl ts tstcrfci to prtKrvt actat fs.!nt mf-scrj,cf :om, tLs'rrsadrur ci whi.11 wvl sa iapremits to tht behclicr, and the : Itt cf which oust hsvt la tq griufal to tht heart Cf tht dr parti eg paJLrki, ' ".,. IHght years afterwards ht died tl tSa Hermitage, ia tht fall fcaacaxira ef all his faculUcs, and - strung la lie tut la tht rul jo g tm saica cf h is to J h vt 'cf eooalry. rslUe history will da Jciiica lo his-pUie lift j but . a fcrthtt ts9m Uwanud cf him -ancCct cf the Lzcj?$ tie soaa -cf tht man at heme, with lit wife, hit frWadt, his nogbbevt,' kit slaves : atdthk I feel scat ousLScauoes for gitisg, frcta tavlecgaad yando quaifibtsct wiih h:aJ. Firit, hit Uli r.att'snd early friead Cxa a radt tsp- tart afltrwarda friendship ad ic cy fcr twenty yrartjsad natil his death; la -all, fcrty yean if parses tl clawrra tiot in tl dcublevlaiios ef frirsd al foa, and ia all tht walla cf him. raua silprivale, yil and BlEuryT , . , .The nt tlc:!? ihal I saw Gtrrrsl Jsckica wis t 2 - n S i ille," T t f sace, ia ITt--ht ta" th L'seh a judge cf tht "then SspncT.CuiV and I a jouih cf Mustita, tcx ia tie crcwd. - tit wxa then 4 rceaikaVU man, and had hia aa- ctndaci erter sJl.who strraaeled and tht efftt cf his Ijf h jz-x-J : si-c net cf CU'scnaicrsi nth wlkbhtiad held snd rt:rudt c c-"7 -tlcitj, fit ht had nt lift. Urn la war,, la lh tfeel cf racrI crciUs--ecrdul and graceff I o - : "h bet ;laht temper,' elrtsticsi.tf xs'.zd, aiiiartad rrinl. rrrr -I'ty and perfect isUgritj. I 'nisrgttg lv - zh la tht iLzgm :jt ht cxmc i a lb git sclecaia ia bdr ca ; sisxsory. w;ih.-4 darcgal leg in wa w,11"" Pr.'Cox, sptaklog cf pert oi wh:- rro fcas to do a crest deal fc rdicka "with out retly I -.waemtg-acy, says they v mbUi Lewi's carpetterir to huilta bip.ta whkh ctber peopit were saved aJthouja they Wert crowned thetcKlrtf, Uitd,Vtd withcat sasc j-gtht alTrkuit sfca that 1 wis ever toa ecji rd ia saocOlrt ha dxuew. TUj tni uxt I ir-ck s wilh tin was t fcV yran , i tfafWr, ft a (lies) J::V't ha Tea edUttribo.lfi return tea r ... . li- . ...