"1 THE PEOPLE'S PRESS, PUBLISHED WEEItT BY L.Y. BLUM. : PRICE Tvro Dollars a Tear, PAYABLE IK ADVANCE. Kn naner will be discontinued tmtil all fin TERMS OF- AD YERTISlh'a - Oie Kjtrt, (L1ea ii&ex cr lets,) Inl Isacr tic Oas laUjr, ali tveaty irs tests f:r swry suVaqaat isMrtisa. Dcdadicaj tsads ia fa vsr cf ausdiag advsrtlMaeata, fcr a axart, as hUsws t - - - , Tor time talis, : 4 4tt3I9 Tcr six nsathe, t j x ID . - For twtlt taoatht, . . j ti C9 PrsftMioaal cr Uti'.ataa Cards, retaxrred- . bg te liaes ia Urj, Fits Dollars a ysxr, loejrar cnes iajTepcruta. . . , Toicrars pre per atUstica, all crafcatira tisas sad letters on bajiess cut be addrt aatd ta the Editor, pest rail. i TT: :7l 9! 1 ' ' W -THY TTO V l : ' - i ! Mi Is w arrearages are paid, except at the option of the '. Editor. --'v : jgrjLUBBlNa. Six copies will be mailed to ,i'bne Post Office for $10; and ten copies for $15. JGJtuotcb ia politics, itfbreign emir Oomesiie Nttos. gricultiirt, ilje ittarkcte; anb G5rncrQr3nformQtion. -"Any persou procuring five new subscriber ' t ' 1 L:1aI' m-T-11 Ml 1 .-till-. - VOL. VII. . -SALEM. K. 0..-FRIDAY,' MAR0I1 13 -r. " Ka 1 ' mm sou remming eu uotii-f win uo cuuwu iv sixth otpy gratis. "'. ' -; ' - THE TRUTn POTII NEVER DIE ! - . , , WW W - , J . .. " V t h 3 Thaagh kingdoms, stages and empires fall And dynasties decay ; -;Vi j . Though cities crumble into dust, And nations die awayj .( Though gorgeous, towers and 'palaces " . In heaps of ruin lie, ? ! . . Which once were ! proudest of the proud, ' The Truth doth' never die ! , ' l'We'11 mourn not o'er the silent past, " Its glories are not fled; , ( : Although its men of high renown ' Be numbered' with the dead. We'll grieve not o'er what earth has lost, It cannot claim a sigh,. , : For the wrong alone hath perished," The truth doth never die I , . All the Past is living, still v.; All that is good and true ; ' The rest has perished and it did - f . ' Deserve to -perish too I . ; ' . The world rolls oyer round and round, And time rolls, ever by ; , ; ' V , And the Wrong is everjrooted up, ;But the Truth doth, never, die I c TiscdlitncDus. From the Report of the Trussion Conductor. THE CRAZY ENGINEER. 3 DEFERRED ARTICLES. t Terrible Famine , in Norway Hundred t Dviva Dai?v- The English papers ' have ac '? counts from Norway, which give a painful pic : ; ture of the suffering of the inhabitants of Lap- i land and Jbinmark, bordering on the Worth 1 Cape of Norway, t Owing to a failure of the crops, the inhabitants are in a state of starva- tion. . .: ' " Hundreds are dyiD daily, and the living are compelled to subsist as they best can, on ' thc.bark of Vrees, ground and cooked with oats. In order to alleviate these sufferings charitable 1 committees have been organized on the opposite t coasts of the Gulf of Bothnia to collect contri- ; butions in kind, such as corn, flour, vegetables i and spirits, which will be conveyed to them i across the ice in sledges. As an addition to i the suffering of these poor creatures, the cold i is of a 1 severity rarely experienced, even in t those ice-bound countries " . 1 -iht ,lAjypl JJisaster. ismce our last we , have heard the following additional particulars t of the fire damp explosion in the Egypt coal mines by which fire men lost their lives. ' I The Superintendent, Mr. " McClane, had left for he North on the day previous. The acci l dent occurred in the night shift not the one f which Mr. Dunn has charge of. ' The six men had just descended the shaft, I and stepped inside, when the foul air ignited, - f and in its force hurled one man into the .shaft, !- FJtoWBfeU ndwasiUjcdotufiP was thrown- into, tii Urgn. rntarKiir of vtl Unrl wM drnwned. Three others were burn"f. I to crisp, mutilated and mangled. . TTmle the sixth. owes nts preservation io,.a larg spike nail, on which his clothes caught, and prevented j his being hurled down the shaft, which is some 200 feet deeper than the vein of coal at which the v ire now working ;- ay. Ubs. r ' The CensxU of Missouri, T which has just been taken, shows the State to have a total - popula tion of 912,206, of whom 819,593 are free whites, 2652 free blacks, and 89,590 slaves. The increase of the white population in, six years has been over thirty-eight per cent., or 224,453, while the increase of the slaTCs has been 1,823, or. only a fraction over two per cent. Two counties Teturn no slaves; twenty counties report only 1000 altogether, the highest reaching only ninety-six, and the lowest but eight. , Up to the year 18o0, the increase cf the. slave pop ulation in Missouri was rapid and remarkable, but the increase .seems now to be, as effectually . My train left Danzig in the morning gener ally about 8 o'clock, but once a week we were compelled to wait for the arrival of the steam er .Stockholm. It was the morning of the steamer's arrival thtt I came down from rav hotel and found my engineer had been so seri ously injured that he could not run. A rail way carriage had run over him and broken hia legs. . I went immediately to the engine house to procure another engineer, for I knew that there were three or four in. reserve there: but I was disappointed. I enquired for Weit- phal, but was informed that he had gone to fcteegen to see his mother. Gondolpho had been sent to Koinsburg on the 'road. But where was Mayne ? He had leave of absence for two days and had gone no one knew whith er. - , ' : - I Here was a fix. I heard the puffing of the steamer on the Neufahwasser, and the passen gers would h3 on hand in fifteen minutes. I ran to the guard And asked them if they knew where there was an engineer, but they did not. I then went to the firemen and asked them if any of them felt competent to run the engine to Bromberg. Not one of them dared attempt it. The distance was nearly a hundred miles. What was to be done ? ' The steamer stopped at the wharf, and those who were going on by railroad came flocking to the station. They bad eaten their breakfast on board the boat, and were all ready for . the fresh start. The baggage was - checked and registered, the tickets bought, the different carriages pointed out to the various classes of passengers, themselves seated. The train was in readiness in the long station house, and the engine was steaming and puffing away imps.' ticntly in the distant fire house. It Was past nine o'clock. "Come, why don't we start?" growled an old fat Swede, who had been watching me nar rowly for the last fifteen minutes. Upon this there was a general chorus of anx ious inquiry, which soon settled to downright murmuring. At this juncture some one touch ed me on the elbow. I turned and saw a stran ger by my aide. -1 expected that he was going to remonstrate wun me ior my backwardness. In fact, I began to have strong temptations to pull off my uniform, for every anxious eye -.,. I looked at the window and 'founi that, we were dashing, along at a speed, never before travelled on that road. Posts, fences, rocks and trees flew by in one undistinguished 'mt&a and the carriages now swayed fearfully. X star ed to my feet and met a passenger on thepUt form, lie was one of the chief owners the road, and was just on his way to Berlin, t He was pale and excited. . V - 'Sir," he grasped, "is Martin Krollerrtxthe engine 7" - 1, . ' .' t "Yes'-1 told him. . "Holy Virgin.! didn't yon know him ?" "Know him V I repeated, somewhat pux sled. - "What do you mean? He told tat his name was Kroller and that he was an in- gineer. We had no one to run the and- " : "You "took him," interrupted the uood neavens, sir. be is aa craxy ss sr man .ecgioe man. fixed upon the glaring badges me as the cbeif officer of the wb: However, this stra mmm an. tall nd -fTgy 'anfn wmja -oo marked rain. a middle man. tall nrl r-S . . . . - rjw vrm; 1 COUld can be I He turned his brain over a new plia for applying steam power. 1 tsw him at the station but I did not then recognise him, as I was in a hurry. Just now me of the passen gers told me thatall your engineers were gone this morning, and that you found one that was a Stranger to you. Then I knew that the man whom I had seen was Martin Kroller 1 He escaped from the hospital at Stettin. You must get him off some how." The whole fearful truth was now open to me. The speed of the train was Increasing every moment, and I knew that a few miles more per hour would hunch us into . destruction. I called to the guard, and then made my wj as fast as possible I I reached the after ten- aer, and there stood Kroller upon the engine board; his hat and cat eff; his long black hair floating wildly in the wind; his shin inn buttoned at the throat; his sleeves rolled up; with a pistol in his teeth, and thus glariog up on ths fireman who lay moneyless on the fuel. The farnace was stuffed up till the very latch ui me uoor ?raa rea not, ana tno wnole engine was shivering snd swaying as though it would shiver in pieces. . , "Kroller I Kroller I" I cried at the top of my voice. The craiy engineer started and caught the pistol in his hand. Oh ! how thro great Hack eyes glared, and how ghastly and frightful tie iace loocea J '.'Ha! hi! bar he yelled demoniacally, glaring upon me nxe a routed lion. "itej swore 1 could not Liako it ! Bot sec! see . See my new pwer 1 See my new engioel I made it ! I -de it !-and they were jealous of me, made it, and when 'twu dono- they itole it from me I But I hare found it. Tor years I hare been wandering in search of my great engine and they swore it was totrnads ! But I haveouod ill, 1 knew it whtaTJWTt mtia lap by tlera far tbe German stalest, and he accepted It wiih much gratitude, and I was glad of it: for tha.eurTtnt cf their gratitude to him may have rrevented a fir di!Trciit tarrct which might hate poured upon my head far oaTing engngcd a . madman to ma & railway train. ; ? .Bat this is not the end. I Martin Krollr re mained bsenaible from the effects of that blew upon lie head for nearly two wetka, acd-wha he recorertd; from that he wa sound ' again. His Insanity was 'all gone. I saw him about three 'weeks afterwards, but h had no recol lection cf rae. 'He remembered vothicg, cC..he past year, not even his cad fie ik ca my ea- s10 V. " Bat I remembertd It, and I naembtr it still; snd the people need utter fear that I shall be Imposed upon again by a craxy enjin ear, ' ' . . JI1RRY1XG FOR MET. THE BRIDEGROOM'S PROBATION. darted rut from the brush'-wood, with csuks opoa their faces, and storp4. lbs cam re. One cf tie peraons watched the poaiUiaa, with a tretenUa putcl, wfcua tbe othir sptr&ached the coach windsv, asd said. ' - "We are siteaturcrs, and rtoueal yon to gira ns ths pcrtioa cf lbs .bride V . Th colonel and his son-in-law swars and ranted, but the robber coolly i&iltied vpott bia dtmaodL-' After some ptritlisg. however, the horseman teat toward the jou8gmaawhii;4rcd in hit ear t . . . . ; "That vera may sss we ara rvaa-jtabTe rata it u Qui 14 tamatenai to ti, acre' cce eball'tter know year deciuoa V trroca did not thick lose sbcat the A yoasff Easlijhman. from ramins lova af. fairs, and other such gold scattering eejoymeoU so neany reached the dregs of his great astner a bercditanr rortion. that he conliliha mm kn rmrAeA em u .re calculate the departing hour of his last guinea, be Was a trother soldier, ia priest's attir, ard had gran wi leave yoathe ehcice cf tw this rt gits uj tiller the bride er her rcrtka ! - h or certain reasons, over, no The brid matter, before be whlrpercd. .Taio the bnls 7' "Brother," cried the roller to lis arte a plies, "we shall take the bride." ( la the tvbklisg cf sa eye, the 1021117 seised his gratis son ia-law by the neck, shook hia violently, exelaimiag, ta a thundering voles. "Hal viliian! so my coejecturs was sot aa founded, that yoa cared cot for oy danghur, but merely for her fortune! God be trailed that my chill snd my money" are net yet irrt rocably ia yocr clutches. Know then, knats ! As one eveomz he was re arnic? boma from one or tboss haunts cf diwipatian, which bs ha bitually frequented, feeble ia body asd io mind, and for tbe first lime ia his life casting a firm look upon' the ruia cf his fortune, he could net wtll determine whether he should these geotleata srs no highwaymen, lat fries ij who bars' done me the serric cf proving yoa. Sisco then, yoa have laid cpea "year while rOeoeas, we shall hate to mors toaaedlca. I sau rsiura noae w:u oy aaug&ur a ad my Loodca nr tc lbs )!eaawlUe, 't;e rwd ca ; lie Sevto Tears wsr was foht; lie rartitisa cf Pnlatrl uk p-aoe ; America becarss fre ; lbs Frtach rero laiioa a-d tbe l&eg war laa j Napo!es rab d aed Frc tali, as d lh n E z gl oh torn k ard td Cc p eahaa, The bcabaadmia sowed asd rtp-- tie tailler fTcasi, aad the smith haamerw, atd ta mictrsdsg the veias cf cttal ia tSeir utterraaeaa wwshi'r. As lbs t&ieeta a! Falca, ia the year s:ghua Is id red and tfaa, -a,litt!t Utcrt cr .ar.er L Jcha's Tav, Wrrs ezcataUsr aa trtaicr ietvtea two shafla, fall thrw batlrfd e Js bt.rw lit grccsJ, ilry drg fresa the rallab, a-d t.trcl vtur, the boiy cf a young maa, es'Jrsly eaUratU with lica-riu ru, cot othrrvu aaiscaytd szJ a&alursd so Uat ss er work. Bst whea thiyhsJlrcrjht ts h!a cat taibe light of day, father, and metier, frle s it aad acqualatsaeee, bad beta ktgdtsd; as ess eoald identify tkt!eper y oath, cr tell sry. tblcg ef his nil fortes , tij sis tame, wba was oacs the betixthed cf that Riser who IU ess J C-' to the tslae aal titer rstarael Gray sad shrivelled, she cass Is lbs tlars heb blitg spea a cratch, aad rrccralsed her bride groom, whea, mors ia jnfal ecttary tlaa rsia, aae tank down npea the :cTi firm. As soea st shs bad recovered brr cospoears, sis eselaimed, lt is my Utrothad, wheta I bsvo moaraed for fifty years, sad when God 'tew permits me lo see cat mere befrrs li.lt. A wek Ufcre the wt-ldlagtime, bs went caicr tie earth, and ester rtlarati. coicirrtcaiscaytdazJ iri:uri hat cas eca!4 diiticgalta bLi faaiarss aad ate s wall as if hs had cied oaly aa hoar befrrr. r bad faea asletp fcrs, Lu!s whUs u his All the byeUaders were taovsi la tear , ' as they beheld the farmer bride, a waited sad lid I nnnav. a-t(4 9nrt 11 la end his troubles by drswing a trigger, or by devil!" - a"wf? womcii into tas Thames, . Vti& these wcrds. be InsstlaaUd the s- not to lay violent hands, utwn h malf. bat b UCl TT,. ntt. tAA t!,V t, I T01' ultTl allow him wlf iaK n:. r.u. .u " YC. i VT Tt .r V . . " 3 OT 6" jcstajsi icvs awese e-sio. :.j ulCf7.e""; "eiajruana trt sone wealthy best orportcaity cf determining whether bs aaw consoling taoagot no went ahool now ui a t wtcl cr threw himsell visions the nter. bride. to bed; and already ia hie noctar&al the rapid racers flew, the fair , girls friaked a iwuui uua, Douj.or.wnica. ne wassLappy ia thinking he might maintain in f Jtare apoa the dowry cf his wife. .. On thet followiog morniog bs rcected snew upon bis yxn, and found it nosxccptionable ia stery poiat, excepting a very alight eirrom sUnce of not knowing when or where he was to fnd tho rich heiress he wanted. In London, where all the world regarded him as a spend thrift, it was not e&ee to be thought cf. He saw that, fr the future, he muat throw his nets out elsewhere. After much cogitation and searching, be at aiv wu u w.a ina. cwoiKl, UVlOg upon tate, ahout-lwenty.toi!t fmtn the into not for the loul of me, gaze steadily into it : and his lips, which were . thin, seemed more like polished marble than human flesh. His dress was black throughout, and not only set tled with exact nicety, but was scrupulously clean and neat, i "You want an- engineer, I understand," he said in. a low, cautious tone, at ths same ' time gating quietly about him, as though he wanted no one else to near wuat ne saia. "I do," I replied. "My train is all ready. and we have no engineer within twenty miles of this place." 1 "Well, sir, J am going to Bromberg I must T . 1 a a go : 1 win run tne engine lor you. "Hal 1 uttered, "are you an engineer: ! "I am sir one of the oldest in the countrv t and am (now on my way to Berlin to make ar- rangemeuis lur a griat improvement X nave in vented for the.' appucaiion of steam to locomo tion. My name is Martin Kroller. If vou i a we're eff to the moon, f aay ! 1r tha Yirjfa a Lctd.o, and was the father of an caly daogh- Mother ! we'll be in the moon in four and twra- ter. ty hours ! Dawn, down, viliian ! If you mete Iota the house of this gentleman, by meaaa I'll shoot you V' of a friend, to whom he promised half the booty, This last was spoken to the poor fireman who he got himself introduced snd received. - Ths at that moment attempted to rise, and the fright- daughter cf tho colonel was sn awkward coon- enea man sans: uacic again. "j gui, uu rouua cnunty cneia, like lieu- "Here's Little Oscue right at hand 1" cried ben's chrubims, and looked particularly odd one of the guard. in the hand-me-down attire of her sainted moth- Uut even as he spoke the buiMings were atier, wntch did not st all tt her, and was of r t um BiTcr rneaea aismosta so esue. ar his eyes to reeoruUt ; and sh, aa!Iy, as ths oaly cce beloarisg to bia, aad baric r a rirlt bia ta sum came a 19 ter own i,u; roca, till a rrave coali be rrrr red la the ehsreb. A Noblo RSTtZje. lyard. The rxxl day, whea all was ready, aad The coSa was a plain one a rocrmlwral! JOrT t him away, the cpeeei pineeoffio.- No flowars ca iu top, co lininr of Iilu CT9tT oi t"g oat the lck si roe white satia far tbe pale trow; co smooth rilbons about the eoars shroud. The brown hair was laid deceatly back, but there was 00 crimped cap, with its neat tie beneath the ehia. The sufferer from crae) poverty smiled ia her sleep ; she had fouod bread, ml aad beaith. "I want to tee my mother," t-sbtcd child ss the city undertaker sere top. " 1 on can t ret out of the don t some ooe Lake the bratr JJ"V1 1 . .,. l belpuaa, fcopea otpbao, clotchiog the aids ef taecnariiy Dox,aoa as as gated into that rxrszh Tie TttTTZCt In AMtl face, an routed tears streamed rar idly down the I a ara rrait t.v. u-r. Tt t. cheek ea whkh childish bloom ever lingered ! make the snbjoiaed extract from a Jetur wriu ya 1 11 was p mini to tear aim cry, "only ones ten by sa ecr cf ths U. & Naty to a fries cratal, lied it around Lis seek, sad then astta. ranied Lias ia her, Saadsy garb, as if it' wers their weddicg day aad Dot tie day ef bia buri al. As thry Uidiita ia the grate talis cisrch jard,she said 1 !aep we'd now for a fwdayrf ta thy cold bridal bed, aad Ul aot the time - -.! . .... fg o uiea. 1 Lara cat iiitis mors a. wed dowa tha P Vita WU1 01 thea it wi'J U itj r d e.,JU- was gonr away,-ate kciea way boy why,64 uor ta? w " A . . nana. A sickening sensation settled upon my heart for I supposed we were gone now. " The bouses flew by like lightning. I knew if the officers here had turned the switch aa usual we should be hurled into eternity in the. fearful crash. I saw a flash it was another enrioe I closed my eyes but still we thundered on. The officers had seen our speed, and knowing that we could not haul up in that distance, t!ey bad changed tbe switch, so that we went 00. But there was sure death ahead u we ud not stay. Only fifteen miles ahead was tbe town of Schwertx, on the Vistula, and at the rate we were grin? we should be there in afjw minutes, for each minute carried us over a m el The nhrieks of the w-enjira now roe al ve number of whites, seems significant of a change I cept the man's offer at once, and eo I told him. I the crash of the rail", aad more terrific than all in- course not of the moit fashionable cut Her mind too, was ss her sttire. She could only talk of hens and geese, and when any tthcr viuo uotc ooaru, ncr contcraation was checked, there as in Delaware and Maryland. J wish I tpill run as far as Bromberg, and I will Iparatively small number there, and the great 1 Was I not fortunate 7 I determined to ac- Iitnitcd to a "yes, yea," cr a "no, no all be jond thu seemed to be sinfuL This wooden poppet was indeed a mighty contrast to the sprightly, gay, and lively nym phs with whom the young Briton had, until this period, been tojio-; but he carefully confined to the solitude of his own bosom the disagreea ble feeliuz of this beaten and earth distant dif ference. His flattering tongas called tho girl's wuues ceictuai mnncenoc. ana fcer red swol len cheeks he likened to tbe beauty of the fall 11 a a . . t oiown aamaos rcwe. - I he end of tbe son? wa. let me see my mother, oaly ones 1" Quick srd brutally the hard hearted mon ster struck the poor boy away, so that be reeled with the blow. For a moment the boy stood r j i- ' .. ivauuug wnu rci urn rsg; cia tme ete a Undcd, bis lips sprang apart, a fire gleamed through his tears, ss be raised his puny arm snd with a moat anchildiah acrtct, screamed, "when I am a man I'll kill yoa for that." There was a cca and a heap cf earth, be tween the mother aad the poor forsaken child, and a monument stronger than granite built ia his boy heart to the memory cfa heartless deed. aaSxa- i in the fortunes of the State. ' A letter from 1 Jefferson city, tho capital, dated February 6th, 1 to the bt. .Louis Democrat, says :. ..- "Large slaveholders .are now. selling out i their lands in all quarters of the State, and preparing to move to Texas; others are offer ing Jheir lands for sale, and negro buyers He received my answer with a nod and a smile. I went with him to the house where he found the iron horse in charge of the firemen,; and all ready for the start.- Kroller got upon the plat- iorm, 1 iouowea mm. i naa never seen a man betray such peculiar aptness amid the machine ry that he did. He let on the steam in an else arose the demoniac yells of the ginecr. mad sued warmly for he turned to the father sad hia daughter's hand. TV. 1- 1 t . . .a us cumnci, uunor nis sixty yeara career Ths Court Uouis was crowded to tion. TYva an aa ar.-.. . . tl. . . - V'iw ail i-SM V lali fc.. VVUQ self atked the Judge.. There was a silence whea he finished, aotO, with his lips slightly prtsaed .gather aad a look of strange rteruiU9a blended with haugh ty reserve upon his Landsome fc stares, a your g maa stepped forwsrd with a firm tread and kin dled eye to plead for the erring aad tho friend. leas. He was a stranrer. bot It in- "Merciful heavens I " casped the guardsman,! thorucu the world : had collected this k much there's, not a moment to loo.e ; Schwertx is knowledge of mankind himself, that however close by! But hold" be added, "let's shcot I aiilj the young had marked himself, he could, htm." - I nevertheless, ducorer ths fortune hunter reer At that moment a tall stout German student 1 icg through the dwiruie. At first, therefore. came over to ths platform where we stood, and he thought of peremptorily refuaiog him per- we saw that tbe madman bad bis beaty pistol I mission to woo his daoehur : but on the other aimed at us wood from the tender, and with tbe steadiness I rerhsrs I mat ba doini? him an in? idc is the headinir, of aa; article in the New business, and felt composed once more.! I ava of ncrva which I could not havo commanded. I vet betrata no anxietv ihont thm rrir " York Tribune of Mdndaygiving an account of my engine up to the tew man, and then hast- he burled it with such force and precision that why should the girl, who is marriageable, rs the operations of the'nreviousdav in that eitv:iened awav to the office. The word vu nsKr? I hi VnnnVrd iu V.Itnl from the maaiie' rr&jtn.ltukin loni-r at hnm. n..t .v.u w. I . . . I - . . . 1 7 r 1 --w- - . . o r 1 o - ..-.-v.. .m.. 1 . 1 . ..- soon H saw the movement, and on the instant that granted but his arrarenl.dUintemtedneasl T-Lf C111r0'p7 a . ah I I II . at a, . . I h at Mk a aVvT I a M pistol fell 1 sprane. forward, and the rota his eatraace there was silence. Tbe splendor ef his genius I ho b u well e5, m: rally, tiysicially, entranced, coatinced. Tbe maa who ecald not I rially, ss tie went ataaed aUte la the ta tits city. The wnfcr is a a:a cf a lata dis- ucrciihed Sec tier frca one cf lie New Leg. land States- The lelUr ia written ea board the U. 8. ship St. I3ai, and dated October. 15, at Little Tub Bay, Vittl Ccoit of Af rica: oxhers it rery little rariety spca tUs c-ut- 'Xifrera, aUvea, timers T it the cry. This towa u like ooat ether place spoo ths coast, male cp cfa few people eaUed whits, sad a crowd, a cats cf olacrab'e, filthy wsrth!esa,iadoieet(eigxtrs)ivaUtss. If Charles Samaer, Jack Hale, cr say ether scaaibU tsaa ho wishes cr is wiihtr to be permanently ear ed cf his mk philaathrcpy aad sirkly acati mentality ia regard to the universal negro race he has oaly totals a six taoaths CTuis vpoo the coast ef Africa. If that will net cara him, aai eoutinee hia th-at his sympathy tcr tho three sal a half xaiUiocs cf the bsppittt ne groes upca tha- cf the earth b mis pUoed, then I bate caly to say, he b post Lop sad put curs, "A I livr, I do cot beliete thers b ca ae- gro ia cas thoosaa J cpa the coasts cf Africa cr s- Uaity! traversing the State, bujing up negroes for the I stant, but yet with care and judgment, and he soutnern marset. I bacsed np tne Dacgase carruce with the most exact nicety ' I had seen enoueh to assure me oumay Lie w Aear- TorA The ;folloTf- that -ho was thoroughly acquainted with the 'A stranger earroted in the Fourth Ward for all passeneers to take their seats, and Highway robbery in Oliver " street A boy afterwards I waved my. hand io the engineer. 1 l. Vakm a.i j j a l 1ST i 1 1 r 1 mi rr lUtaicu uvan j vu-ueain -iuan siaoDea m ;nat-f xnere was a pun a groaning pi tne beavy ax s aTtrembling of th buildinc -and thi ham street." f - jl, committee has been I experimenting at Washington, to ascertain the effect of weather on the marble of which tin extension to the capi-j ,toi is being constructed. Tbey find that, after! every freezing and thawing a scale of 1,500.- - uvyin 01 an men tbick clears off.from tho sur face, so that, allowing fifty feezings and thaw ings for every winter it would reouire the .-m. what lengthy period of. ten thousand the building to. be exfoliated one inchby this nation - - - . - " - V - - - - 1 W U0WI letrees aTtrembhng of th buildinc -and the train was in motion. I leaped from the "plat r - 1" . - m iorm 01 .ne guara carriage, ana m a lew mo ments more the station bouse was behind us ,:In less than an hour we . reached Direbua, where we took cp the passengers that had come on the Koemgsbere railway. ; Here I went for ward and asked Kroller bow he liked t tbe find a fnend, was acquitted. I States. Slavery here is siarcry so Jc-ed, aad (4 "iay Uod blew yoa air. I cannot. tne tasst tomtii liad. Cruelty traeiiced "I waot no thaaka, replied the stranger bere by black slate owners, b hesrt-rvadirg to is. He grasped a heavy stick of baud he thought, the youth ii fahionbIe, snd wllhrKJ eoUnees. witaeaacs. 5cms chiefs fUack) own thooaais the tender, and with the steadiness perhsps I may be doing him an ipjostioo as he XT 1 fl 7 skaowa to Bt." Iy scIL, totiars er kill them a plsaaara. wiii mrvaa your memory, lwtn-1 -'iacij-ois ci every osadrtd aegroes, slates ty years ago yoa struck a broken hearted by I" free, etea ia towc, wesli gladly cxekurw away from hie poor mother's ccn. I wj I their e; tuition with the mcxaejt. at ri-i-.t. " lei lUve ia ths Uaica. It b I a-. . . r - m . . . . . . t m shU stand a deciaite triaL i Bn imi. - I tars tie miserable cd;tica cf ths tallrt Af- The suitor was thea informed that the father t-Tt L,a rctJ B "ea ' bks tay Hisr' I ricsa tpca hn owa stu. had n objeetiona to the match, rrotidine bis I ,'rf. " ,WMlcr I hats sst-I r-.r- " . , , "... j,...i.t-.-M -t-1!-"' .F j Kl ledtho Hfecf the maa who. a lul AA CitHusuoa, cr even rsrUal caltars.wltii ths . iUlbl ff. vu iu ki.b ur. cuu LI B. II 1 1 m tim I . . w w w a. mm m . . . . .1 . .1 : 1 1 . & I rankled ia mv rT-t tnr (mt n-t mjf luiuir rrruru in aair Donna -mi t i j vw fathor'a will is minel" Indeed, eoald any.! "raber the tears cf a friendless chS the German followed tne. - I grasped the t man by the arm, but I should have l en a mere infant in his mad power had I been ulooe. . He woald 1 hate buried me from the pjatiorm, bud not the student at that moment struck him upon tbe head with a stick of wood which he caught as be came over the tender ' - Kroller settled down like a dead man, and f ' - --w . - -m ( S - W maae of natives, b sa iia so perfectly abrtrd lodeed. eoald soy .1 . . - tn;og else te expected. In the course ol a few weeks the marriage ceremony was performed at the country houe en-Jon the next instant I ebut off the 'steam and I of the colonel, and he instantly made the son Sick Ileadacli.l 'kz,x6 known the u-roirtf hnadacbe to be helped and the nertpus head- . acne curea py some sympathetic person rub- , Ping with tbe bands from the top of the head down and off the shoulders, after the mesmeric As 800n as tue Koenigsberg passengers '-were all manner. The most intense bain n hA .aai,. pon hoard and the Darcace crate attached,- we ed in a few minulea by this simple remedy, r"e. started on again. '" ' : - ' " membering to carry the hands further a'wav As soon as all matters had been attended from the head when the downward pass is made connected with the new accession of passengers xnis win aiso neip tne toothache nine cases out' weni 1Dl me. guara carnage ana set aown w w a - w v i a 1 -i m . a - a a aw m a w m aw aj aka.a m, . gme. no Tepitea tnatne used tt mucn.. , J opened toe taite. . as tne ircea steam anries-i in law acaaaioted with bis wile s psrtioa, "But, be added with a strange sparkling of cd and howled in its ctcape, tne speed began which, la German money might amount to the eye, '(wait until you get . my iniprotement j to decrease, and in a few minutes more the dan- thirty thousand dollars. Tbe dissembler acted ger was pned. As. 1 settled Lack entirety I as tf be wished to know nothing about the mat overcome at the wild cmot ons that had raged Iter, and solemnly vowed that he had not as within me, we began to torn the riter; and j jet, thought on such thing-, but bad regarded Pctorc l was tairiy rccoterea tne iiretreo had ' stopped 'the train in a station house at Schwertx. ' '. ' ' ;..''.- T" Martin Kro'lcr, still insosible, was taken from the platform, and as we carried - him to tbe guard room; one of the guard recognised and the hurt that can wronr hinx Tbe man bowed his head in shame, an out from the presence cf a magnanimity as graad to him as iocomrreheaaibir, aad ths no- Lie yousg lawyer frit Uod s tails la Lb soul forster after. . uu is ooa cot admitct athcurht. Wiia ths V? la . m . Icca&isra cherts cis muiioa compsteat. Leant, iodajtriocs parxrvisr r hi!a a th repeals : with Ul IUI 1 j f . ,o J i and then you shall see traveling By the soul of the Virgin Motner, sir, l could run, an en gine of my construction to the moon : in four I and twenty hours Y ' v .... . I smiltd at what 1 tnouetit Cis quaint en thusiasm, and then went back to my station. only the noble qualities m bis charmine wife. whose pure self was dearer to him than all the treasures of the world. - -Upon thia they sat down to table, and the father-in-law urged and begged that they wonu mass at mnea'.bMte as possible, ss ill jLm SweodiiJx Tale. i. raot rat cravA.t or sun. In Falun, a minis? town in Swadaa. a baa. dred yeara cr mors ago, a young miner kissed his fair bride sad aaid to her; . Oa St. Lucb's dsy oar lovs will U blessed 1 rm," by tbe priest's band. Then we shall U Las-1 band sad wilt, sad we will bail! ns a little millions tf money yearly expended to the beat poasibls a JtaaUrs for a mulwa cf years, would oot develop has Laadred tsatitt Africans wbi woald bs ef say aecoot to the world at larg. So moch fr aiggcTS. Ilarisg sera ear co rroes at home ta ocr South era slateaand hit tog aeca them here, I regard ths iestitalba ss it exiils thers asa benign, csy.heattnly ierUta ticaaaloursoathcra brtthrrodes7rvcthet'aaks of the whole Chrisuaa world, fcr Laving amel iorated, ia such strikisg csetrast wiii. the r tk. 1 1 . a a m m enwrea acre, tares saa a aaii muneas ci ct of tou. Ohio Cult. ' ' ' ' - - ': ' .'. Prosperity of Louisiana. The Baton Rogue Advocate of the 13th states : From the assess ment rolls made up by the Auditor of Public Accounts, running up to the 9th inst.r it appears ihatlhe increase of taxable .property, for the present year over last is $29,000,000. . " ! Death of the Original Uncle Tom. The In dianapolis, Jnd., Journal mentions the death in that city on Sunday last, of Thomas Magru da, an old negro, aged 110 years. He is sup posed to have been the one who Hucgestod the name and the leading features of the characters in Mrs Stows's novel; "Uncle. Tom's Cabin.' to him and told us that hs bad been there -about was bb intention that the young married people nest of our own. rs two weeks before. V , - ; ' . - should set off that very afternoon to London, 'And pcaes aad love shall n. ."He came, said the fuard, "and swore that and that he should accompany them. the bean tifal bride with a An early train from Kccniesbere had been an enciue which stood near her- was lus.' ns through two hours before reaching Brombreg said it was one be had made to go to the moon and that was at Little Oscue, 'where we took the Western mail 1 " j "uow we go r uttered one ot tne guards some fifteen minutes after we had left Dirhua. VThe engineer is trying the speed," I. return td, not holding any fear. Bat ere long I began to bo. fearful that he was running a little too hst. The carriages began to away to and fro, and I could b ear ex clamations of fear from the. passengers! - "Good heavrns 1" criei one of the guard, coming in at inat moment, "what is that fel . . i . -. t . t t ... tn, and tnat it naa oeen sioun irom mm. nt went for more help to arrest him and he fled." "Well" I replied with a shudder, "I wish be had approached me the same way. ' Bat he was more cautious at Panxig." At Schwertx we found an engineer to run the engine to Bromberg, and having taken out tbe western mail for tbe next northern train to take along,' we saw that Kroller would bo properly attended to, and then started on. Tbe rest of the trip was run ia safety, thoosh I could see that tbe passengers were not wholy low doing ? Look, sir, see how we are co-1 at ease snd would not be until they were en :!' .-..!. Ii- .1 .. tl a. 1. L . "t .... , - I uraiy cieax o too rauw.j. a ueiTTpurnvsi Tot Lrnjto Tint The Liverpool Albtca dwell ia iL' aaid I cives us tLe sUtasUca ef tairjaXioa from Grrat iimi in. Briuaa donor tie year ItbO. The tctal maL, Th son-in-law was confounded, snd be fin thoa art tar all ia all. and ;tvi (t,M y n I rratioa was 13C.0C0. ef whom QT.CO In, -.V . .1. I .t ' .7 ---- I O. . - . , ' ' w ivui rituKj iwui iraTcuog on mi cuoote 19 M ia DJ grate. firat day of his LanDineas : but tha aoldierl llat Un iia ti..t t. t:. . ..... t . .. . - fVmmmX maintained Chat these were futile, sssunog him baaa 10 the charch for the coed time before that he had particular reasons for prtweding S. Lucia's day, proaooaced ths words, If now forthwith to the capital, and that bis matrimoo any one can show reason why these persons should not be naited ia the beads of matrimo ny,f death waa at hand. The ycrcsgnaa, as he paased her hcuM next morniog ia Lb blaek garb, already wors his shroud. Us rapped lal joya would b as well realixed la Locdna aa ia the country. . ft hat was to be dot ? Why, tbejoorney wasimmedUtely uodertakeo. The eld man eecured ia a small caaket, before the eyes of the bridegroom, the portion ef the bride, partly ia gold sod partly ia bank notes, took it under his arm, and placed himself by ins siae or tne young couple ia the carnage .1 - T Ca.... "T-L - iV? a p ia u- ci-tu. ibi iwi says: - - Thess figures show that while about cce-half of lbs emigratioa to Australia and ths whele to New Zealand arc composed cf Esgliahm-ra, mors than two-thirds cf that to the Uaitsd Suue b ccmpoacd ef Inihmaa- Tbe Mcrmca exodas eoatiaaas ea the tacrtaaa, tha a amber who Lars saiisd frees L-srtrpocl fcr Aatricaa ryirta aa thair vir ta TTlaai daritr lLa r-ct 1 upon her window, aad aaid good mcraiag bat I moaths being upwards sf 4,665. . AoeccaU ae aster cams iaK noa las mine, aad all in I roes ths Great Sail Lars show, Lo waver, that taia she . embroidered for bia ea that very I ecaaideraUe cumbers are ecatiaaally lerriar morninr a black rnvai artS a. rj Ws.. rn.l,i.iiv.. T. r-r a5 Tbaroad rsa through a fo aad aearody I tha wedding day. Thb she laid earsfaily away I others fcr oora decsat dlies ia ths Usitsd . they fairly entered it, when two horse neo lead otter ceased to taoura cr ,rep for hiss-. (Sutss.

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