nA TTniftn vr devised bv man. will not suflerl it to perish until it shall hare ben peacefully instrumental, by iu example, -in the extension of civil and religious liberty throughout the world.. , v .v ; u" ' Next in importance to the maintenance or the conatitntion and the Union is the duty of preserving the government free from the taint, L ovn the snsnicion. of corruption. Public family of nations. :- labour intercourse with them there are some plain principles, approved by our own experience, from which we should never depart. We ought to cultivate peace, commerce, and friendship with all nations; and this not merely as the best means of promoting our own material interests, but in a spirit of Christian benevolence towards our fellow men, getber. The spectators were the great spetade 01 me occasion. Along tne avenue, tn me houses, and from every point where a view of any part of the proceedings was to b obtained, they thronged in thousands. . The . multitude was every where and seemed ubiquitous, so ful ly did it occupy all tat promioeot parts of the city. It ana around the capitol at the time wherever their lot may be cast Our diploma-1 the ceremonies on the Eastern Portico were to : it,- enimf. rif TflnnWift: and his-1 or should be direct and frank, neither tinrrl rmwia! there waa AjumV!.1 fmm thtrtv tilLa Con i .t tory proves that when this has decayed, and to obtain more nor accepting less than is. oorlufiy tfioaaad'peopl The wieVarea io front the funds, they aoU their ngbt another party " fv the love of money has usurped its place, al- due. TVs ought to cherish a sacred regard frr of the lDrtieo wae'denely crowded and the who propose to build a railroad over the though the forms of free government may re-(the inaepenaeuco oiaa nations, and ; never at-1 tnruog extended, though leas compactly path main for a seasen, the substance has departed tempt to interefere in the domestic concerns far Lack in!o the capital grounds as forever. " . . nJf unless this shall be imperatively require!) Greeoough a eutae of Washington, The roof Our present financial condition is without a by tbegrcat lawof self-preservation. To avoid of the capitol, the wiodows and facades of the - - - - .. . . I lT j. . ' m I . . I- , . . . ... JNo nation has ever neiore enunguug auiauew uaa ueeu maxim oi our I new wings, ana roois ana windows ox inc ouua . 1 - ! -t- -T .L . J TTT. . I .i t . . i i . I .v T. .V, . J Tf. .V : . 1 1 . J : . i . n earnestly ask their 1 "en emDarrass ea irom too larg e surplus in us jpoucj c uuj vi uaauiBgwa, aaaiiugs rouimauuiux ticw oi me scene, were an all iust measures treasury. ..-".-. in wisauu u uuo wui t.Kiaf . w uiipuve. xaimicaiy eccupica. iao garnering oi sucu a thi hAKt li. This almost necessarily gives birth to extrava- short we ought to do justice, in a kindly spirit I mass gave a grandeur to the scene, which was ation. It reduces wild schemes of I to all nations, and require justice from them in I increased oy the general decorum observed and i m DJATOURAL ADDRESS ; . Fellow Citizjens : I appear before you this day to take the solemn oath ''that I will faith fully execute the office of President of the Uni ted States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend . the constitution of the United States. " - . ; v 1 .;' V In entering upon this great office, I must ; humbly invoke the God of our fathers for wis-, dom and firmness to execute its high and res-; ponsmie auues in sucq a manner as to restore harmony and ancient friendship, among the people oi tne several states,, and to. preserve our free institutions throughput many, geneia 'tions.' Convinced that I owe my election ,to hfl inhftrent lnv fnr the f!ntitrit?nn nnrl the Union which still animates the hearts of .the Parallel bistory American people, let me powerful support in sustaining calculated to nernetnata thnse. tical blessings which Heaven has ever bestowed I6anfc lgisl upon any become t- r tnntiVA : . ... i" - i-i " rmbli monev. The ouritv of official aeents. have never acquired any territory except by fair excellently designed and executed. Iothearea IjCIIUU hub LUtClUUiCUb CXC6DG luB UcBlru- UUIV I r X r y - -I . . 1 t - J.t.- fn - - .i . - 1 and faithfully to serve my country, and to liv9 tT!ther rightfully y in the grateful memory of my countrymen ' "We, have recently passed through a nresiden tial contest in, which the passions of our fellow-, citizens ,were excited to the highest degree by "questions of deep r and vital 1 importance : but - when they proclaimed their . wiilf the tempest at once subsided, and all was calm. V The voice of the majority, speaking in tho manner prescribed bj. the constitution, was heard, and instant submission followed. Our own country could. alone have exhibited so grand and strikkig a spectacle of the capacity oi man ior sell-governments What a happy conception," then, was it for Congress tojipply this simple rule that -the will of the majority shall erovern to the settle ment of the question of domestic slavery in the opioion that the Porte will not ray jxnny, and thinks the project is a job' between tbt two governments. A firvuin has been given for a railroad from Smyrna to Arabia, the com-r-.11 tli moner. and the rorte to raaraotee nothiog. It is said that the paay have will fall firman EIjc JlIarkrt0. Sjllxv, Jlsrth 13. . Cym 85sW): Wheat 1 15; Floor tZ.CO Tl : UrV, naturlC: Chickens 8s10; Lt-rs "W"1" r.rI Pothers 40 s. 45: Utewsx KtJ 7 If-W to tbe crouna. jora fu 75 s 1-W; U'-s t, inw was granud for s. cnU from 7!, lndyTS: Apr- tnpil. but as I5e ncuers nevsr Vv-- . nt.k'n nation, v. Having determined not to penauure, -r " t7 ;fl., i - j l trivinf and nromouncr expeaienis w ouunu eiwuucu uC uumimum u. the very evident interest with which each step . 1. nauons nave ot tne ceremonies was watcned. the' sword, wel The amnremcnts around the Capitol were 1 route. A ompeoy proposes a leu-grpa i.v ConitsntJnople lo llsgdal, conaeeticg Eogtand with India; far it is suppo msi i v. iK. Pmiin Calf and the In- c . . ..II m i- a- i v . - j p.iiHiMt a num.. u w a ana hviwj -- - - ber of other improvements tn the same una are cootetrplated so that the iek man", is in a fair way of beeomiog better, tbroogh the out side pressure ef the age. Trou'v Jo Bacon 1I12; CoUon 5 50 a 17 00; Com w 11 131; Floor, tl: Vheat f 1.10 nal or wrODe fully is suspected, purchase, or, as in the. case of Texas, by the I in front "of the portico a substantial platform, and the character of the government suffers in voluntary determination of a brave, kindred three feet high, affording standing room for the estimation of the people. This is in itself and independent people to blend their destinies some twenty thousaud people, was erected. It a yery great evil. The natural mode of relief from this embar rassment is to appropriate the surplus in the . " f- -i. ... v:.i. - treasury 10 great national opiecu, ioi wuau a, clear warrant can do iouna in xne consuiuuon. Amonc: these I might mention the extinguish ment of the public debt, a reasonable increase . V m m I w witn our own. iven our acquisition from Jlex- anorded an excellent view of tee ceremonies. ico form no exception.! and here the great balk of the spectators were Unwillinir to Uka advanUre of the fortuna congregated. In the rear of this platform two of war against a sisUr republic, we purchased UnterpisiDg daguerrcotypists had LigH stands ;il 0- Oau 70 a 75; Rye fJ0 a $1; Urd is" 0? Molasses 50 .'to? Sail aack $15 ; xTsxseei 10; Apple Drandy 75 a 00; Teatb, do 0 a 1.00; Wtulcj C5.a t'O. Sauiivxt, ijartu iu. . BaconMOaOO; Com, ,50 a M; VheatMO 1 "S- 6u 45 a 50; Lard 10 11; Bcowax, rtJ- Ucf4a: Butter 15 a 20; Coitoo, erected, upon which their operating apparatus was stationed for th purport of taking views of the scene at the moment the r,ath was admin Hlslorlcal Evidences of Hid Aulheallclty of the Bible BecoxiL The Taris corrtadent of the Journal of Commerce thus alludts to tne discovery maf by Sir Henry Itawlinaoo in Astyria, confirm- Lnrv of thft trnlb CI lh lliDie JVwi i j . ..... , Amonr the recent nntlio lectures in xxjuaan yon may m strecx wiia o oi or u; lUwlinson, cn lite Oriental discoveries In rela tion to the Bible. It occopied nearly sn hour snd a half. Sir Henry expatiated on some of the most importsat molts of hit discoveries in v a w 11 a 121; Unseed uil l.w a s-u, ' ,u . Ix, 75. a 11; Sweet do 75 a $1; SU,25a : FlaxAed$l a 000; Tallow IS; Wool 25 a SS; Hour, 6 50 a 0 65. XoxroLX. March 9. Flour. S. F. 71 Ul, Kxtra 8 a 8. Famiil a SI ; Brco, Log round 1-J, Ums.jl 8 Uides 10 a 101. which he was hidden from the gate of the mass below at this interesting niorumt. these possessions, under the treaty of peaee, for a sum which was considered at the time a fair tntiiY&lent. Oar nut hiatarv forbid th&t of the navy, which is" at present inadequate wo shall iu the future acquire territory, unless jstered. This intention was, however, proba- Assyria, coostitttUog a vsnacVo cr nptore - . m i a w a t . s a a l av" a . x to the protection of our vast tonnage anoat, mis ne sancuonea Dy tne laws ox justice ana now creater than that of any other nation, as I honor. Acting on this principle, no nation well as to the defence of our extended sea will nave a neni to mieriere or to compiam ii coast. j in tne progrew ot evenu, we snau suu xuriner It is bevond all Question the true principle extend our possessions, iiiineno, in ail our that no more revenue oueht to be collected from 1 acquisitions, the people, under the the people than the amount necessary to detray tne American nag, nave enioyea Torritnfloo I Pnmrinci Jo nsUlm. tci t thn uTTutncAS nf visa ecnnAmiral. anrl pffloipnt 1 PIOUS IlbertV as Well as eOUal and ..W.V0 . .,- VUULtVi'O- lO UUbUCl . Lll ICiMMaiC 1 w w w 1. I " t O I " 4 I I . - . . . - ... slavery into any Territory or State ior to ex- administration of the government. To reach have been contented, prosperous and happy .- general attention, and their movements through- elude it therefrom : but to leave the eonle this point it was necessary to resort to a -modi- i-neir traae wan tne resi oi me world has rap- Vul luc y Vr " J1 ""a v tharant j 4u.:. Cmtifin f f forflT n1 inis T trntt, Kpn I ldlv increased t and thus everv o3mmirMl .. 10C spectators. AUx. Gets. domestio institutions in their own way,, subject accomplished in such a manner as to do as liul tion has shared largely in their successful pro- blj marred by the uncourteous closing in of! history; he illustrated his topie by numerous those on the Dortico around the IVeaident. brbn-lnr n.l mtli txmn from the scriptures nnw in ihm ilniiih Museum. 11 couia aruac by abundant coincidence, the aaibeaticity of The erum penoa lhe military display was the nnest thai fits itK. HoIt Writ. The erUt penoa v woica I - - . . I mf . T m, protection of Ter given bnlusncy to the inauguration cere-1 the inscriptions he Lad fouod rtierred, was apoo ClVll and fell- I 1UC rptcuvMvi uuttuiuu muA ycarj KUrt VAtUb au w ; inatUw. mA I deportment of the visiting companies attracted I of Autrii had ba ex cars led in the course it Land Warrant Lost. NOTICE is Imbj giwa that. afUr ruUicaUsa ef this aoUe Ux aix weeks apphcausa wUl K mJ. to ihs Comm'iwioaer ef ru4cr.s for tie weeer HOfd onlv to the constitution of the United State ' tie iniury as may have been practicable to our giess. - - ' i ' ' , A roilal Honey Order ojslesi As a natural consequence,' Congi ess has, also domestic manufacturers, especially those nec- a shall now proceed to take the oath prescrib- The seggestious contained in the following prescriDea inai wnen tne lemtorv ot ivansas I essary ior me aeience oi me couuirv. vuj i vj ua iuuiuiuuvu unuuii jumnui nrairu inu.itw iui, v . ... . . J I r-. .. . r i vi : -1 T;r t 3 .i T I . - . . i - . v. euaii do aamuted as a state, it 'sbaii be receiv-1 oiscnminauon against a parucuiar oraucu, ior iuo unsajug vi ituui tuwucuvg vu van eh mij oi i dwik mguti wiusi ijiumi ea into the Linion, with or without slavery, as the purpose oi Denenting lavorea corporations pcopic. their constitutidn may prescribe at the time - of individuals or interests, would have been' nn- their' admission." A difference of opinion has arisen in regard to the point of time when the people of a Ter ritory shall decide this question for themselves rri ?2?iv . ...... inis is nappny, a matter of but little practi Must to the rest of the community and incon sistent with that spirit of fairness and equality 1 which oucht to covern in the adjustment ot a revenue tariff. - But the squandering of the public money JAMES BUCHANAN. WAsniNaTOX Crxr,4th March, 1857. narrow ucapa 01 nr. uucninia xrom a Violent Death, his researches; a multitude of inscnpiioos had been deciphered, and ia many intanccs, they confirmed, in the minutest details, the ptges of Serip'.ore, and explained passages wnico naa bithsrto been oucure. Ate mtuocas woma he cited, teem with instruction and forte; the nUrpretation or denvation or name i in particu lar. The earliest connexion of the Chaliees and Indians and the Babylonian mythology the tthnoWy, ani geography of lhe Astyriaas, the historical mords, all are ill nitrated; n every case, there is an entire agreement with ths Bi ble. The lecturer inferred iroa nis smaies ,i ;mrtwr, ' t-j. It i . . .... j. is e;v- ;ct-;fi--a .. . amiL adouj me time sir. uucnanan returned irom tion. which leoitimtulw Vo1 ATi rra tn t,a finAmo I fiiinn tn cfinmntiftn Tvhn cftmnared with the I 1 iaie V18U 10 asuiDgv tion, which legitimately belongs to the Supreme ation to corruption when compared with the i aie visn 10 ? as Court pf the United States, before whom it is squandering of the public lands. . J v- R . 1 j mi - . i . . . . , , vr : : v. .r : v.- v tO his Illness and I uun jituuiug, auu will, ii is understood, B8 L1U uauuu iu iue nue oi nuao uu cici ntu speedily and finally settled. To their decision, blessed with so rich and noble an inheritance iu common witn an good citizens, 1 shall cheer- . we enjoy in me puDiio lanas. , in iaaminis- may suomit, wnatever this may be, though it tenng mis important trust wnnst isi may oe has ever been my individual opinion that, un- wise to grant portions for the improvement of ,der the Nebraska-Kansas act, - the appropriate tho remainder, vet we should never forget that penou win oe wnen me number or actual resi- it is our caramai poucy to reserve mese lanas, dents in the Territory shall justify the forma tion of a constitution with a view to its admis ; 'Sion as a State into the Union. But be this as it may, it is the imperative and indispensable duty of the government of the United States, to secure to every resident inhabitant the free and independent expression of his Opinion by his vote. , This sacred right of each individual must be preserved. That being accomplished, nothing-can be fairer than to leave the people of a Territory, free from all foreign interference, trT J . -J J.. ii. 1 'i " , a .. , .-ect only to the constitution of the United States.-1 . ' , ',. The whole territorial question being thus settled upon the principle of popular sovereign- ty-r-a principle as ancient as free government itself everything' of a practical nature has been5 decided. No other question remains for adjustment; because all agree that under the constitution, slavery in the States is beyond as much as may be, for actual settlers, and this at moderate prices. We shall thus not only best promote the prosperity of the new States and Territories by furnishing them a hardy and independent race of honest and industrious citizens but shall secure homes for our children and our children's children, as well as for those exiles from foreign shores who may seek in this country to improve their condition, and to en joy the blessings of civil and religious liberty. buch emigrants have done much to promote the have proved faithful both in peace adin war. After becoming citizens, they are entitled un der the constitution and laws, to be placed on a perfect equality with native born citizens ; ton, we hear whispers ystenous nature in regard sudden return homo. In prosecuting our inquiries, we asscrtained that Mr.. Humes Porter, of this city, came from Washington with Sir. Buchanan, also sick, and was obliged to.tske to his bed, where he hu been ever since. V At the same time w were satisfied of the truth of the statements of special consideration t 'AVctstiVy for a ltal Manev'Ordtr Syt ton. It must be confessed, to our great dis credit, that the postal system of the United C . I !. .i1lw (nfnnr In ftf mf F!cl. repesn eoanlry. In one of me most import- thst the Book of Job belonged to a time about ant branches the safe conveysoce ef money 700 before Christ. In ths itscnpUooa there is it is wholly deficijul. A merchant prefers sn a period cf nesrly a thousand years, without express company rather than tberosl02ee mention of Judes, but during that perii, there -. ... . DeDartment with a valuable pjcksre. and thouch the inadequacy of the latter to supply the great and increase wants ot the people is notorious, yet year after year passes away, and we do not see me sugniesi euori mi lmrnjvc mcnt. If, to obtain such improvement, we were obliged to wait, by fsrte of circumstances, until some new unheard of plan could be sue ts which we- give below, CC4,faijT Copied, there might be some excuse Kiog with his fath efforts were made here as fof tbU net,)UtuC9, But plana have been al-1 himself op ia Ninevi the reach of any human power, except that of the respective States themselves therein it ex ists. May we not, then, hope that the long ag itation on this subject is approaching its end, and that the geographical parties to which it has given birth bo much dreaded by the Father ui ma uuuiry, win speeaiiy become extinct: Moshappy will it be for the country when the public mind shall be diverted from this question to others of more pressing and practical impor tance. , Throughout thewhole progress of this agitation, which has scarcely known any inter mission for more than twenty years whilht it has been productive of no positive " eood to any human being, it has' been the prolific source of great evils to the master, to the slave, and to it - t- .1 i Ti l 1" . i tue wuoie t-ouuiry. is nas anenaiea and es tranged the people of the sister States from each other, and has even seriously endangered the very existence of the Union. IS or has the dan ger yet entirely ceased. Under -our system, there is a remedy for all mere political evils in tho sound sense and sober judgment of the people, vj Time is a great corrective. Political subjects which but a few years ago excited and exasperated the public mind have passed away and are now nearly forgotten. " But this ques ( tion of domestic slavery is of far graver impor tance than any mere political question, because should the agitation continue, it may eventually endanger tho personal safety of a large portion of; our countrymen where the institution exists. In that event, no form of government, however aVlnvirable in itself, and however productive of material benefits, can oompensate for the loss of peace and domestic security around the fami ly altar. Let every Union-loving man, there fore, exert his best influence to suppress . this agitation,' which, since the recent legislation of Uongress, is without any legitimate object. . It is an ev il omen of the times that men have undertaken to calculate the mere material yalue of the Union. Reasoned estimates have been presented of the pecuniary profits and local ad vantages which would result to different States and sections from its 'dissolution, and of the comparative injuries which such an event would inflict on other States and sections. Even des cending to this low and narrow view of the mighty question, all such calculations are at fault. The bare refenee to a single. considera tion will be conclusive on this point. We at present.enjoy a free trade throughout our ex tensive .and expansive country, such as the world has nevejr witnessed. Thisiradeis con ducted" on railroads and canals on noble rivers and arms of the sea which bind together the North and the South, the East and the West of our confederacy. Annihilate this trade, ar rest its free progress by the geographical lines of jealous and hostile btates, and you destroy the prosperity and onward march of the whole and every part, and involve all in one common ruin ' But such considerations, important as they are in themselves, sink into insignificance when we reflect on the terrific evils which would re suit from disunion to every portion of the con federacy to the North not more than to the South, to the East not more than to the WcbI. These I shall not attempt to portray ; because I feel an humble confidence that the kind Pro vidence which inspired our fathers with wisdom to frame the most perfect form of government and in this character they should ever he kind ly recognised. The federal constitution is a .grant from the States to Congress of certain epecifie powers; and the question whether this grant should be liberally or strictly constructed, has more or less divided policital parties from the begining. Without entering into the argument, 1 desire to state, at the commencement of my adminis tration, that long experience and observation have convinced me that a' strict construction of the powers of the government is the only true as well as the only safe theory of the constitu tion. Whenever in our past hi.stary doubtful powers have been exercised by Congress these have never failed to produce injurious and unhappy- consequences. ' Many such instances might be adduced, if this were the proper occa- " . e . sion. Neither is it necessary for the public ,u?,en" t0 service to strain the language of the constitu tion ; because all the great and Useful powers required for successful administration of gov ernment, both in peace and in war, have been granted in express terms or by the plainest im plication. : . , . i Whilst deeply convinced of these truths, I yet consider it clear that, under the war mak ing power, Congress may appropriate money towards the construction of a military road, when this is absolutely necessary for the defence of tne country against foreign invasion. Under the constitution Congress hss power "to Ja.l.a ' ' tttn mi.a mmI i envnAt . w nr ... 99 1. - 1 -1? du as exiraoruinary euoris were maae oere as fof tVx$' negUMDCe. But plan weii aruasningwn to xeep me matter nusned j i,- and u olber and withheld the facts in our possession. As they aro now coming out through other chan nels, it is due to our readers to give them a his tory of this extraordinary case of a narrow es cape from wholesale poisoning. When Mr. Buchanan went to Washington, he put up at the National House where J. Ulan- sTbfFpiog. otel has been terribly infested with rats of late, and one of the boarders-ss the story goes conceived the idea that they ought to be disposed of effectu ally before the day of inauguration. According ly he procurd extra large doses of arseuic, which be disposed of in the most tempting manner about the house. The rats ate the poison. It is well known that when rats partake of arsenic they put directly for water. There is a Isrge tank of water in the upper rart of the hotel re- terrea so, ana inso u me boss rats piungea, lbroo h t oEcd erdt b eiiste4 -f - i mm 9 a I snii IiaiI B w4tv fhia Ian IHaI .w " - house is supplied with water for drinkicg and cooking purposes.' Twenty or thirty, of the guests were sudden ly and some of them severely affected, fiotn the use of water thus impregnated with the poison. Mr. Buchanan left enddenly for Wheatland, where he arrived suffering severely from diar ia other couatnes, are wotked with the most marked success. We have only to adopt them-to put into practice a system, the benefits of which have already been demeostrated; yet we refuse to make the attempt, and eling to old fogyiim with tenac ity wholly opposed to the general spirit of Yan kee go-ahadatirtness. ' ' "Oar prssent system of registering letters ii bos;. It c fibers no more security for the sale transmission of a valuable letter than is to bs found in the ordinary channel. The only dif ference is that an extra fee is charged. This system of registration has been established for several years, but, instead of being a check to stealing money entrusted to the mails, it has rather been the means of pointing out to dis honest men in the service the exact place where money letters can be obtained. was no inducement for intercourse between the Assyrians and the Jews. The visit of ths Qjn of Sheba to Solomon was verified. s the wars between Seneachcrib and IlixekUh. There were four distinct captivities of the Jews. Seme inscriptions rsferred to the time of Nsbu- cbadnesxar; others threw light on the exist ence and ectiooa of Belshstxar, who was Mint er Minus, ani who shut p in mnevaa Usee of a dopHeate Warred. No- C0.4I.?, i i , r .mKM !3tl. 1M0. fcr rO acre, i to sae, late a Cerpersi ia Captain Jaae Gibsco Cotnraay ia Coloatl Cabal's Kriaat cf Tccc t Moaoud VoUaUert, la lhe l Vsr with the SmiooI Ioiiaas,-! WarraatbaTicg bHB lot. at4 a Cavtt r!cul lu Ucaik eotrv4 la the Goral Land Oice, datd cn the 24 day tf 9 L 9 rIbtZ'l7VMiw. JACOB T0KEI.Y. STATU OF XQRTII CAslOi-IX A. roasww Cocjcrr. Cort f 11m sxd taartrr Srt iocs, IvtaUr Term, TTillixa Gcelia, Admminratoref Tbctsss Tatr. ' doetMd. ajrjett illiam Yatee, ao4 oiier Pe&uoa to Nil the rl estate ef asid dd te r-y dVu asrl chargts ef adaislatratica. IatListitarpaTUJg to tts ratiffartica cf Court, that Wilu&m Yaus, Graavil!e Yau . al Jimtm Yaue, dtfeadaou, are act iahatiustscf this State: It is thsrvfore ordered that petli ca tion for six ecuseeutite weeks. le tamde ia tte People's Press, a newrpepsr pobliiifd ia Salre, farthta to be atd arrar at cmr urit Crt c( Plas aod Qaarter hnoo, to I hld fcr oar saiJ ecantv at Lhs -cocrt boo la Witu. co tie third Moaday of Marta, then aad thrre to uiwfr, pld or dftaar to said ptt-bou. crjacj tntnt pf9 cm will rvo!red agatcst itt m, and the ceoe te hrd ezpne as to ihttx. UjtcM. A. J. Marrd, Cirk cf rd Crt. at e5ce, ia Winston, lecbr Term. lN5fi. A. J. bTArruKP, r. c c 4Wv. pr. ad. 5. Tho Drel Scott Cuo, Important Utcuwn of the l atas &aif$ o- preme Vomrf, WAsnixcTorr. March C. The cpioioa of the supreme Uoart in the Vrra ccott case was dsltvercd by Chief Justice Taney to-day. It was a full aod elaborate statement of tie views of the Court. They hare decided the folio ia. all important points. T- - - , jFtft t rrpr!i. whtiher slaves or free mix is men of tH African race are not cilixens cf the United States by the Constitution. Second The ordinance of 1767 had no is- dependen. constitutional force or legal eSVtt subsequently to the adoption of the Conttito- tion ; and could not operate of itrelf V confer freedom or citizenship, within the Northwest territory, on negross not alliens by the Con stitution. The practice cf remitting sums of money Third The provisoes of the act cf 130. rtat I MmmMilf m11J ihn Minnri fm r'. . i l t n i. .i.. .t.. I . . w"k,u u wmiw. uv.u-u., in,iuc ,0 xt ka it undcrtooic to excloiot State orronTii CAnou.A roaswa Cor TV. I a Equity. Sljtaoa ?milh, Admioitirator ef Acthcey Beard, r. John Bard, Wra. S. Srhsub, aad othrra. Orixiaal Bill aod I;Btrlio. It appearieg ta the satlafacuoa cf the Court that Joha Beard, cos of the d'ft&da&u ia thi raw, is not aa iahabiuot of this 5ute: It is therrfit ordr4 that potlicatio Le tsad for ix wtls tn U -People's Pre." putliii-fj in tt Inoif 5Urm, aottfjie said defc!arkt Jctn Prsrd, to appear at the at it Term ef the Ccurt cf Equity to hm held fr the Curty ef I'ortvth st the Ccort lion in Winston. Od th ?sd 5loc!ay eflrr tt Aih Monday io 3Larch nest, lhn axd ttrre ta pUJ. axwwrr cr dner to tae PUietlfs biit. er th will takes rw9 ce0o aad irfrd c iJa"UTS MB." ! t-?. -.. - . n nBMi. . ii. ciarcecs. ttrra ad JJiitrr Id Equhy for sail Coocty, at ce. the 2r4 Mc&'fay Xir tht 40. Mooij ia Srretar. , rb. C 43-Cw. pT. aJr. Ji. same system has been in successful operation for several years- It is estimated that over $50,000,000 arc annually transacted through the British pot office by means of mousy or ders, and not two dollars in the million are, within the same period, lost by mail robberies, fires or other causes. This is surely ample rhoca. He was, however, less severely sffected rrMr nf K Mfr( f tM. f t r.n.r;!iin. than the others, and ra a abort time recovered ' . tn GrtatBritain no order is issued for over five pounds sterling; but we see no receive visitors but the fatigue incident to entertaining two or three hundred persons, made it absolutely necessary for him to husband his strength, by refusing to tee any but his most intimate personal friends a rule which was rigidly observed up to the hour of his departure this morning Dr. Jones, of Berks, wss more severely affect ed, and has been lying in a critical condition since and a doubt about his recovery hss left his sppointment to a place ia the Cabinet an open question up to the present time. Among the others most severely affected wss the lion. John L. Dawson, and it was rumored this mor ning that he has since died. The report, how ever, needs confirmation. Mr. Porter of this nerro slavery and communicate freedom and ciutenship to negroes in me northern rsrt of the Louisiana cession, was a legislative act exceeding the tow- ers ol Congress sod roi, amd of no try t I tjert to that end. In deciding these main points the Supreme Court have determined the following incidental poims: rirst The expression "territory and other property, of the totoo, in the Consiituuoo, should not be usued, as m appVies (in term.) only to such territory as the the C Seco States j and the powers of the Federal government staneea. We want the system first, aod other respects, the powers cfCcorTCss. mske improvemenu ferwsrds. Third-As Congress des posses pow W e beheve that the establishment of some Kf mu enactmenu rtUtive to the r reason why orders w me exteut w t wenty nTe pounds, Coion pcMcd al the time of the adoption of C 1 fill A (amhii In In. I n i ah rUn I . . v. fvv. ..vvuut, . iv; jjjg vonstituiion post omea if a money-orocr oace , mi in La- Second The rights of eititens of the United nada, the larger eEcis, or about one eighth of States emigraUng iato any Federal territory. aaiX3 nuvio 9 w v v aa v a v eseav emv ncy orders, lhese, i.owever, are details which lheref depend on the rtnsral provuioos of the mayor may not be -aJopttd, acccrdhig to cir- Constitution, which defines in this as in all cumsunees. can "to provide and maintain a navy' and to call forth the militia to "repel invasions. endowed, in an ample manner, with making -power,, the corresponding duty quired that "the United States shall protect each of them the States against invasion." Now, how is it possible to afford this protec tion to California and our Pacific possessions except by means of a military road through the Territories of the United States, over which men and munitions of war may be speedily transported from the Atlantic States to meet and to repel the invader 7 In the event of a war with a naval power much stronger than our own, we should then have no other availa- ble access to the racino coast, Decause such a power would instantly close the route across the isthmus of Central America. .' It is impossible to conceiro that whilst the I inland brake w constitution has expressly required uongress toi a neat and beautiful appearance. The interior aeiena an me oiaies. u buouiu the "war- o iis room ever since, we believe bt is lbKe Bcrctnil y is - Ut Cf dlDfier -X- j tWed ; and tl Extraordinary demonstrations of respect at tended the Journey of the President elect from his home to Washington City, from an account of which we make the following extract : t : i f fAtColumbia, Pa., the party took a special train on the northern central railroad, placed .4 "r t.. .u . j: i i rr t ai wL'xt. UUVU1U4U uiapuaai uj jCUOS Duontu, John Ilerr and Robert llollands, esqrs., of its managers, lhe cars were all new, and one had been especially built for the occasion. It I is painted buff, with panel stripes of vermillion ! brown and orange colors, i The platform rail. shcels are bronzed: civinp to it safe mode for the transmission cf valuable Ut ters amounts now to a necessity, and the want of it should no longer be tolerated. We trust ...a - . ta 4 e . . that the matter win receive me amotion ot adjournment. Its importance mercantile community cannot be over es- tbe adoption ef the British moo ey-order system will be invaluable to the whole public, and will make a'considerable addition to the revenue of the department. The char ges made in England for issuing orders are on a seal of ose-balf per cent.; aod our people would willisgly submit to even a hither tax. Irorided it insured the safe conveyance of their etters. The benefits of the system would be felt by every clsss of the community, aod espe cially by subscribers to newspapers and other periodicals." er it- rersons or property of eititens of the United States in Federal tcrtitory, other tbaa such aa the Con stitution co&fers, so it cannot constitutionally delegate soy sue a powers to a Territorial gov tru aunt organised by it under the Constitution xourth lhe legal condition of a slave Ia the state of .Musjun is not aSccud bv the temporary sojourn ef such slave io ether Stales, but st his return his condition still depends on tbelsws cf Missouri. As the rlaintiff not a eiliien of Missouri aod therefore coeld not roe in the Courts cf lhe United Stats, his wti uiHM u9 uuwirnu vr wast vi j in4 Kitoa The delivery of this cptotoo occupied about three hours snd was lutened to with profounl attecticn by those ia the crow Jed court room. Among the auditors were gentlemen ef eminent legal abiity aod a dee pro portion of ladies. wuoga .uiwo suiea me menis ot the Of Valuable Lands, BELONGING tthewute;cTlvMetifc . Jed. on 5eturdsy, the Hih tf iftrtb tot. in oWMtence to a decree cf the Court cfEovitr f.r TortyOi Coocty. I tbaa ipe ta r-oUie on Str4y th I4ih day cf Mareh. 1S7. nl il i&jeriJene ot inuv JUtlhw. t tt Hot "ow Irtd. 3 mile Sc nh Wtt t f Kerrrii!5 vent DLsmtnLr i.ixn Ulaejpng to tht betrs cf ti. deeeaf t 1st Tract. Tb Iioeetad. a valsa- tWirm an ITaTrra iliad. Olmt 2a 1 Tract. Th pAitra Plsee. m. larre rcrtioo In -.WaJ-w. fs M 3rd Trrt,Woo4Un4. A Jjoiticg B,L. Walirr. ,00 - 4:h TracL The Powll Hace, lorGurley R. S4n!v. lfO M i 5th Trmet. Tb John Jc&eTraet. J- ifnmog ir. 9 A4Ar.ic.Uit l'l-f e, KO ract-WoodUnd, a4jc4ticg l Jones trsti, KO Persona deIriog to buy eo b aeBro:t4 with tracts of any site, snd shoU etaiaics its lands hefure ths Oay f tU, TERMS. TweJte mccihs credit with Uad aad approved sccuritv. IK II. STARCCCK. C. I. E. Ifbrosry Cod, K,7 iC. sini.cs tjiadi: ended. its oriem constructing military roads. - It might also be wise to consider whether love for the Union which now animates our fellow citiseus on the Pacific coast may not be impaired by our neg lect or refusal to provide for them, in their re mote and isolated condition, the only means by which the power of the States, on this side of the Rocky mountains, can reach them in sufh- Tchkit, En AnxnL Dreamy, indolent, the ques ion Uieg whether cr not the re mot al Mahommedan Turkey shows signs of banog loiccott frota 2Iisoun with his master to Il.'i caught the progressive spirit of ths age. 1U4- Isois with a temporary rstiJcr.ce worked his t . i 1 1 I - - . I l. ' L I tl. ?. ., - . win inu c&Ba.i Dili vrta Eroiwicu wsica nn i launinuoa. lis duqiudm ulii i&i (iom. yet deny to 1 0f tho car is nrobablv unsnrnassed in riM f. not fill to rrve a new development to 'a snlen-1 tiea derendtd solalv on the nm ct IWmatl them, by any fair construction th only possible magnificence on any ror d in the country. The : ii hut neglected country. Since the eonclo-1 snd for thst reason the jodrmeut of the Court means py wuicu uue oi lueac cau uo.u- itront aoor presents a yiew of Wheatland the Besides the government, ever since residence of the President elect, immediately , has bean in the constant practice of under which is a harvest scene, (representing reapers at work. Uver these is an eagle hoid : : : u i- .1. r. j e ii " , iug iu ia i iic luiua vi tuo niiiooai stan dard, which forms a drapery. The window on the right of the door bears the coat of arms of the State of Pcnnsylvanis, and that on the left the arms of the State of Maryland. - The upper sashes of the wiodows bear in enamel glass the coat of arms of all the States and Tm cienttimoto "protect" them, "against inva- the house of Representatives at Harrisburc' sion." I forebear for the present from express- the State House, Governor House, and Fort nu ujjuiyu vt u nvo. vvvuvivw i h UDipOllI J VSpilJl ftl l asningtOO, il0UDt moae in wnicn me government can iruu ui am i Vernon, and Uapitol of l'ennsvlvania. The in aceomplisning this great and necessary work. I rear door represents in stained glass the coat of I believe that many of the difficulties in the way .. . 11.11. Ml . which now appear lormiaanie, win, ia a great degree, vanish as soon as the nearest and best route shall have been satisfactorily ascertain ed. ' It may be proper that on this occasion, 1 should make some brief remarks in regard to pur rights and dutiss as a member of the great arms of the United States. The seats are fin ished in green plush, and the Coor covered with a iirussels carpet. ! SCENES AT THE INAUGURATION. luc uL3uu!ru.i3ueu icaiuru oi me lnaurara. tion, giving to it its most imposioe aspect, was .1 . . m -.... me immense numDcr oi people it brought to- sioa of the war, that Porte has been besieged with offers fur the construction of railroads, canals and Ule graphs. Some of the schemes are exceedingly wild, and ahow that the prrjee .a . ' w . . - tors are wit noui me necessary lsicrmauoa to carry them into execution. Oos party to make a railrcau through any pari ox Din,, ana to irrigate the whole of thai country without con sidering that the road is not wanted, and would not pay, and that there ts no water to carry out the 'lrnzalioo. Another ptrty oners to make a canal from the Mack Sea to the Dead Sea aod thecee to ths Red Sea, aith a eoonect- iog'cne from tbe Tigris and the Euphrates.- Another plaas a railroad from the Uosphorusto liscdad. . The Porte evinces considerable ssgttitf in below should be eSrtaed Judge Catron believed that tht Earrttas Court has juried ictioa to deoJe the merits of the case. He argued trst Coogreas could not Jo directly what it could net do iedirectly. u it could sislaJs another. With re gar 4 to the Territories ceded, Congress eauld govern (beta ouly with the restrictions ef the States which ceded them, aad tie Missouri set ef 18.0 violated the leaJiag features of the Coouitaiioo od was therefore void. He concurred with Lis brother Jo ints that Scott is a slave, aad was so when the suit was broorkt. Several of tbe ether juJts are to i their views I o-morrow. SMITH, RHODES & Co. (LATH S31ITII 4 ROBERTS.) Importers aad Diilm La roreira nnd Domes. Uo Uajdwar. CuUerj. Ounj Badrj. Ac, 6. AO. AO. . for sale oa eual terms iih say rem Ur Ikwm br or e!bre, Urre aleete4 stk sf Hardware. err ial!y adsrted te lbs trad,ef Vintia, North Cia7sJj TWat e. The gtMda hare Le selected wiUi rrrat 'r? P?-d direct trim the sna.fc,Wft of l.nU4 aa4 iLeoaalry ra ta bitterns i reepeetfl!j sjcit trxxm iLe MrrtUaxt. trJ . " . . --- omamiuta ti wf "TV Mw. cr tk is etta. pniarrt,asfoaavs,vis: RcilJirr mttnuU oT every darnpik. preat t,Wj m( .u fif aurCara, NBiibs Tarr. 514 le. Pocket and Table CalUrr a !are earietv! Bcythee Oraee. Grain, tlorer. (iittn.) all 77 J .r craw SwbtTra. Hrwr- liver Oa Tuesday of last week, the reorle of Cob- ths choice of the various schemes proposed. nrg (Canada Vett) beheld a grand display of The railroai prtjected by the lVitub govern- the wonderful phenomeaoo of mirage, by which l. t.j:.... . . . . i . . . . i ii i . . t . t . .i iuo.iiiu lo .'ituinuiBua ioiui xporaiea, liucy couia aituociiy tew mc .iminaa in ore with the view of openiog a route thence to In- sod amall objects not leas than Co miles d'utanL. aia, is gusrstued six per cent, by the Turkuh The village of Charlotte, the light house steam government. it is eighty miles long. A let-era in the bsrhor, and some say mea could ter written in Conjuntiaople cxpreucs lis 'plainly sec a for aa hour or more. a e aaJ Utuor Sims, Ttread, Patent ad LaA:ied Ulhr. JVhipa Serge Chaia.. Alr. AtW pnora. ola. Uaabrra. Roll, llcrw aii- Rndles. llatura. Abcbor Rclnag CAh. NmJ4W Tree. Horae CvUara, Gats, PJe, PitUU, Itel Tr, im. jsjw ana loiter MmI. Aarila. tlcta. IJeliowa, Twer. Dattreaa. 4c. It. !. . a'a llfTTftivrit rpilE SaUcriUr is smw prepared to xUl aH or- ja. wr ivr Superior Water Buckets. II maaafaclarea North CairTioa cvalrlal bt etaploea .Wl Cr!iaa capital a4 labor. aol heou North Carvuaa pjtlrxmar. ReHi6r hue atria) iM by epri8g Lia with XcrxUrt prce. La hopre to be aUa io cnl a fatorabls abowieg. A trial ia what be wata. Utear. Worth aod L Uey. f rajrtUt ilU mr, roeral Agtnla fr tLe U u( a Una Korl.u. . O.IL HAKEPJiACE. raytt!f,Ule. TsVy , JO-l7