tTESMSi OF. :ADVERTI31NQ: rOa iqnart, (fli UamIcW,) Int Ur7. tioa Oa DiUr,ani UtoUra tesu Tot amy wbjtfe3tUaxUo ' DcJeU9tvataa4ia X. vorcf itaaiogaftri!Eti.U.fXA uuxt. as follows : ; ; ; , , p y? . ; Pol.reWonvVi." : 15 '54 " By L. V. .IfljTI sin L ,?js fossa &9 r PAYABLE. iiooio;o.o t.nq ggy No paper will be disconjitenj af Arrearages axe paid, except at the option of the oiou noil ill , -or irx ttoai,,: : : Ji tO ' ' FcTtwelrt Boaltf; V : 13 00 jUUBBlN'a.--Six copies wiJlMwletoLV .one Post Office or $10: and ten copies for $Io. . t. Yd ".Kali isiniill av m. w- lag If lloei In la&h, Firs Dollar t y eaT bDRtreaeala jreettloo. . . m Toioaaro tfpfr atUotioo, all comnioxJc uo&a sal It tun oa btulaess xautb aidrtxa4 All payments Irivariablyjuindvance. Anv nerson' nrocurina five -new subscribers' and remitting Ten Dollars, will bo-entitled to. a VT W T ".Ln-(TP! f U tla E4.tor,Mt ; , , f 1t 1 I K N IS !w'.L.l ti ' Id I ! IU?' ; il ' V:L 1 . If". ' . irWiAV. o.r---'- A Panther Flstlcnfil and Booted to3 . - : : r. r . Death. . Mr W. R. Stockend, a sftiewy, stouj active young Scotchman, associated itt fkri ming with Mr.IJnklater, Tenalquot Plains in this tionnty," recently fkilled quite a large panther; sir feet seven inches in. length, in a fair fist and lxot fight the ircurastan- es aitenaing wnicn are jreiaceoras ioiiows : t;romrthaJiamterWtpl4ahI ' d ii K ;o!i;D.vT q y; n s m a l rULvCTiXAJGrE TRADmOH. btV. vrfmtiispods' irvi. -.T.TOieiii 1 . It ho been many Ion jf jars agothotitjiit seems as -if, t yren jotif yeaterday-- since ;I. nt in nij; yaecifatpmedjiapaijin the village ""church, where so if an Bappyhpur,.of my. young jfe It seems that at the iJfttrtber5-n3LLof.j a'YartniariTlVBarf-Tear8 of wcirlntn and large field, about a quarter of" a vmile frop. of pain hvC flown. 6ver toy Head since thattiaie. j,us i wih.ibii nvi u iutcu uTs gone down the tpraK;: The aged have be?n gath erei jn JVik hock iwimeiarin.fcU sea son ; the atronz man has ceased from his labors andr the .burdened &)eep "where the weary are at rest" 'Thc'beaotiful, too, have faded awav ifce house . Mr Stockpn 3UscoS)re4:qwt a movement ana uiiujuauc.awngt H!io of .hogsthaf were ket irTarieId71te lit once proceeded in the direction tp ascer tain the cause, wien,6 his aurriseiitit; short distancje from the hogs, he discovered tha$ a fay orite. young dog was engaged in a confict with a panther. Determined to like the .flower wVieb year after year ipriog tp on the eeme flpt,'' and bloom' atd wither and die. MuV u. ...... U save jthejjog.j.t all hazards, he, resolved to. .-.JnilooVrn around upon the congregation terpoae m the fight, expecting to frighten gathered in tfceT village ehureh1, new and strange the panther up a tree rhjird iby, when he facs meet me in laca'of.tkose I knew so well - could return to the house far .hia rlflo1'! arid bring it down, f Ie accordfhgly gave the animal a substantial kick, when it ceased its engagement with the' dogi straighteneSi itself erect on its hind tlegs and pitched in to him. In the meantime the' voung dog made a hasty retreat for some distance. The contest now seemed to be a de&par ate and very unequal one, but there was no escape from it for our friend Stockend. The panther made a furious dash at him, but retaining his full presence of mind, he met it with a furious kick. The fight now assumed the character of a "rough and . tumble, "and a volley of well directed blows and kicks disabled the animal somewhat. He called his dog back, and the faithful young animal, as if ashamed of having , de serted its master in the hour of peril, and as if to make amends for its ungrateful conduct, entered into the x:onftict with un equalled, fierceness. Mr- Stockend" finally fn by .-gone years'. Now and then I can trace on the feature of aorbe bloonrtngyoong maiden a shadow T resemblance', to .the beauties that lived a generation; Or two ago: but all that 1 there from thi time of the flood, to which epoch 1 internally 'referred all thing which took place before my own day. i Her mother waa mtek quiet and. 'melancholy. womarf' whoi seldom smilebVand whoa Section seemed centered nbool her young daughter. i I r N iiul . -I ' . avhea at eiuWj 1 waa frcqafatJr a Yiaitw at their residence, which was a looHy and retired house on tha outakirto of cms tillage, large and roomyi-rplainlT but well i furnished,-: where i all the inmates, except the beautiful young Sallie, spnxa to each, etberin andertoaes, r. .Dal Cor aer, the old manaion would have been as gloomy is the chuTchTard where, alaal lies.' A maiden -aunt by whom'1 was brought up, v is en terma of greater intimacy with Mr. Yfir ;r than any other ol our townsfolk, and It s-s to thii caos alonat that I waa indebtcifor J freqdent tiltslo'th Jaiaily.',Ihe rcaerrJ - J the household, their -retired -habit?, and -the gloouYtharsurrounded the my caused the rlllaf en ganerkllt to Iktep alaof; and a thai fair Sallie had but few playmates, among girl of ner own age, l waa made uouoiy welcome, and soon became as mnch attached to her at near relative or a brother." Even hef'aad and lilent mother wis cheered by my frequent visits, and naver seemed to e'njoy herself so well as when Sallie and I were playing around hr. We roamed at will through the -whole house, mak drugiton at St. ' Aogrlinte, at Vnether ma.-a' tobacco warehouse at Mobile or New Orleao and I tilt sgtla si tu said to be a partner in a targ eatablUameut at Havana. : Ko eaa kvew with exaetnet the kind of husinacs in wLieh he was eflrired. bnt all' men tDok eoaasaiaaer. atlogty of the-poverty which made it ' Decenary lor cio io irequenuy to sdkoi liimatu trota homa for the rapport of hi family- n.c; ' - Aa year passed eo,8allM Winter 'became ft. ore reserved in her demeanor, bat there was UI1 th same kifidoes apd affectio: different ly: mamfestod however, which had marked our early intercourse. We no longer roaatd aboat ever lh lonely house but sulder Ue;raaUaar borio-lH front yard, or in. th sraiil-coo C:rttla and well farnlthed parlor, w enjoyed many ltd a (aley.ia which my memorr aow Lrens -back a 4ha'happ!et portion of say iiU. - . Asa approacaea .tna ag .ox mannooaint more protracted became .the-period of Jlr WinUt'a absence from hi family. He waa now seldom at home for a . longer period than two or three month i of a year, and waa the u-o'deV the'guna of th MoroCatle, Ufor tie treacherous brees of th tropis would , di away, and leave him exposed in thof daorer oor tea to be; plundered by lawleaa bacan eera. ' The treeie had been decreatieg all th evealag, and towards tunscX, though rery stitch of can vaas wu irrtad, th good ship Hear bo, waa tartly making four knot an hour. An hour after sunset, th brtrt died entirely awav, and we lay motionless and a till on tb placid sea, with the low eoait scare a league distant on CurMeft. ; Tandergraft waa pacing th deck with an air ci impatience and anxiety. ' 1 tu won t do, - uepkins." said t tn aa undertone to the mat. ! ther no air at all silmoer 2oa enough toJIaat a further." replied .1- mate. 'tut la two boars w U aavo 11 hrcex upon-XJ.'" 1 ; . ; "Set your sail then so as to tak th airaav tag of it when it comes. 1 don't Eka the looka of this else at alL I'd rir a rood thousand dollar to be at anchor , thla moment Had we cot better Am tfteWnrra rTwrTiV Tlrl il Iata t min Aal tthan I first remembered him, bat L imagined I could under the guns el tb loro." . . at times detect his watchful eyes directed with , "Just a little safety ther arhere, elrrtr a glanc of satisfaction towards Salli and my turned Hopkioa. "If all they ear be trnev th aelf, aa though ha divined aad approved of our eammaodant baa soH himself soul and body to feeliogs towarda each other. The old gentle- th pirate. Heia aadeepas they ara. Dat ing the gloomy plaoe to ring with the noise of I mar seldom spoke to hi daughter in my pre-1 Captain we are as safe her aa if r wer along- our childish merriment. We two were the onlv I once, but at times I coold hear him conversinr I aide our wbarx. ' . . her to peereat aarlig. lay to: till ah eoaaea an V1 "joiri . Laa tMau .b eaoght aappleg, replied th Captain. M2o dot rarrtauoaa. if yom pleaac, Hopkin. If aha b a l7aUh Cmi aer, wail until ah run p her far. aad them ii to if you tut." At thU iastant a broad fash cf light tHaal ' sated th rigging of th vta!, and a fag was scan running ap to th mast head. . "What la Pvhat Is it r. cried Mrtral rcf- "A deaihV head and oa VewT crird Yaadegraft, aa a ball whUUed throwgh oar rig ring, I knrw it would U o I W ahall bar a broadnde prtarally, hat th rascals art afraid oftUractiar scan hip cf war to th roct 4 1 blia v are iaiar utxra" tbcta. at all CTtBta.". t - m ' Th piralicxl .Ttaxl far such. iUra avav oertalaly aaccrulaad to b-wa enidily lca roggt.OTtc Th aua was aooo 'rf parts t j thr brtt vra going diMn,' ad oca .kft th licsnoo too. wboe -sails Carped dlr acalsat th masts, whi! th ship by mc lies'. etspurly amilesrarl. So far, so good," aid th Captaip, ttoour loved, all that I knew-say& perhaps onaiirlwo Sd1 sPlrit of the gloomy mansion. Her father with her in tones so kind and 'gentle, and sol : "I don't know that said th Captain aaxl- of my own generation who are now almost stran gers to me havq, passed away lik4: autumn' leaves.r , "The -old church itself, the grey tomb stones on which,! in boyhood, I loved to ait ori.atill Sabbath mornings, and the gnarled old oaks, that interlock their limbs I above my head in whatever direction I gaxe, are the only familiar objects toat meet ;my eye, . A glance around sadly admonishes me that I need not seek the f10 "Wo art ocly Urn league from thv ilero castle, aad ther ought to b on or tw ship cf wsr cru'uicg abaL I jedg so freer in siiecc m Loos rascals. 1 tty sr grotrai ly well posted aa aa to th movemenu of ear cruiser, and cartfal sot to ua their heavy run woa is vum Bvigooonuxn ci m snip CI war. g. waa a strange and silent .man, who with folded! different from the abort,' quick and sharp mio-l ouily. aAt all event, b ur to kerp a good arras paced up and down in solitude apart bis fa mil v, generally in some chamber I bouse where no one could intrude upon bis vaovl Hot Salli and I had learned to re - . . - .CJ . - . f . . . . w . l-TWl.l bis presence aa little aa tbat or aosne ol the an- aunoy atmoapbera ci love and auadaeas. I i do eonverawou wukb a bu wwij rrc r- ottt Uque articles of farnitorethat decorated the , The affecUon of a stern and . cold tempered beard, was euScieni to ciaqoiet me tn om ce-l VandergraaaiarUd.aadexelamaticnaefrar- room wmcn be most frequented. ' yur noise man is like water irom a flinty root: it is tn gre, jt my appreocuii"w www Ho nuwui' pria and leaser wer heard on ararrmda. i from I ner in wbicn n waa wont to addrea U ct tiers, waicn, ana u any airugv appew ot qo fer it mAj b th ease, bat I woald be better of tbtbst I internally bleued him tor tb aucctioo I caiiei up. - sataed if Lopes and Fraak had their nesr pri- wbich he lavished upon one so beautifol, and The Captain then went down to hi cabin &&kaar raulu." i irard fkr too aensi'Jve to live in nv other than thai leaving th mat in eharreef tbeaW I Mo.:t jnr-' tf.MtAl tk tV. liv ing the other in ramd tion of the animal's bead soon brought the contest to a close. He has no ' doubt but that the long heavy boots Tvhich he had on were the means of saving his life.! :' The fight lasted, first to last, about fif teen minutes, in the bourse of which Mr. Stockend was somewhat severely handled. His shoulder was badly, scratched he re ceived a severe wourift from the teeth of the animal in the thigh j and was badly scratch ed In several placeaj although by no means dangerously, or by which he will hereafter be disabled. Can any of our cohtemnbra- rCies beat the panther fight"tfour friend a m r l - m m seemed never to reaoa nia ears, and only on I more grateial because or tn pleasant surnnMl iy xeiiea 10 pnTiai irem aptunj mi Far away toward the east a frtsh tail was on or two iwninnt can I remember that-he which it excites. Tbe freshrea which it I tbe social pleasure of ny fellow IMt8KfiILta n iV. rlr mr,!;-,! tn. .V. o'J Mwwo u A. ut&u UU KC UO I ' I . fc. . . ,T t . . 1 " J - V friends and companions or.: my-cbildhood in the I eer pausea in nu solitary promeamao to uouca i sprcaaa iroooa mij qui kuu ur, vat yo w w "n .r oontoj. homes of the, living.!! No; their names arc 8 our Play. He always dressed plainly, agrecabl and striking lU eontrut, with the upon toe quiet ea, wnotesunao waa oroacn isii rsfltbriog th wind with her" said Vanier- ana, as well as 1 remember, somewnat coarsely, i desolate waste, tne Darren aanu, ana u steni I iirtjo m:i uj gran, for not a caprol bar we. I pray the the flae stones around- which sneak volomea to His face was ever shaded by a wbits broad rocks in tbe midatof wbita it sparkles, a MJJiv no, aarung aocwi, buq scmviBg a "PP""S wind msy not fall 03 befor ahrrach aa, foe mv own heart cf the vanity of human lrfo. and brimmed hat, much tbe worse for wear, which mond of the desert.'.. . water behind themj ,cantng 10 long irne i if tber, w Mv giai I bir tt atj htst tha pi. toe noioingoeis 01 auman auections. i naTe l ;uuwcicvi uu icmtum m. w u v i.u vv i - ? , . . .. . i j c heard man v an elobuent sermon from Tondar obtained a elan to at th booked nose and tbe I stem old man lor bia daaghUr; aid belli . - - . . - I . . .. . ..'.... t.l. ill 1 -I .!... .J softly cushioned pulpit, but the eloquence of iqt groyeJ watcnea oeocaia 11 roaaiiovea mm wiia. au aimoas saouwroua Tgiou. the silent marble where the names of our child- brim, lie stooped much in his gait, and though Bh often apok to m ia praia of her father there I sometimes, too, potogeucaiiy as , taoogn h and feared that I, too, bad imbibed some of. those that at I prejudices against him, which bu myatenous once challenged obaervation. You felt while I manner of life and hia strange reaerv wer so Bucceeaea in getting one toot nrmly plant-1 nooa 8 inenaa are wmieo,' oeggars toe .eto-1 UD cuicm ubwuii ui cf u !, pd nnnn the nnoV f K!a giooHont riA lrn' laaence of man. The dead are ervinir &lnnil n I was a reeularity and precision in his step - r " " " w uoau.&nuv,. kiiv..-c L 1 - - - t . J o I " . .... " ,. . mnfinn ;n i u io mo last man wuo wanaers iiae a atranireri ""i wiuw upon the earth. I he names of acquaintances and friends metme at every turn, appealing to 1 my heart as glad faces and. bright byes rbe up in memories arouna me. SALLIE. OTNrI? waters behind them, Muhicg in loor line of I corruacatiog light. Far away on our larboard, a I few fleecy cloud with silvery edges wer net ing in tb lucid at moephrr,-while all rood ! th fall orbed, unclouded moon shon down with a splendor, witnessed only in th tropics. Ther were in all some ten or twelv passen gers cpon th deck, two of tbeta young and beaumot Craol ladle who -were admirable per- b was approaching you, tbat ther waa some- well calculated to engender la strangers; bat iormeTaupB .,lr thibg mysterious in his air, and that as alow as mors often ah apok io term of deep venera.aooywT th bpanish lady and a coup! of his pace appeared, he waa advancing upon you tioa for a character, which, whatever fault rhor paaaed pleaaanUy ay white I stood aad with . atranor' e1ritr. IT n tln Mnri. ntrVliici mlirbt atueh to it. Qer xhibiUdKuteoed to their atrasr hat pleaner aecenti and atraoe celerity, lie waa always a ted in my mind with a silent mansion and th I itself aa kind affectionate be yood suj How familiar that nam tb m r ears : ret hnn-1 sloomy church vard. for tbe-wer th; onlv I rraiae to herself. dreds have read it and paaaed oa witb sv eareleaa I places where I ever met -him. Aa regularly I Tim flew on and I reached my twenty first indifference which'almost astonishes me. To las tbe sabbath bell waa tolliua? its last pialT hia year while Salli was joit In her nineteenth Sl;ockend ? iPsaL tti. it is'a household word ave. it ia some-1 slouched bat could be aeen advanoine alonr thalaummer. She waa the belle of our village, aa . - 1 I a . m a - . a I narrow and well worn walk that led to tie door I Deautuoi as an noune, ana won to jov ana of the church. Qaiet and uaobtrosive,"" aid esteem of all. Even those who looked with aa .i i . -e j? r . r ji v t. ..v- wun a coriain air oi meeaness ana jc oi c-1 uairicuuij ur ujjiuiuu j vpvu ur uiutt, nity about him, he sought the acquaintance I sought to mike amend for their ungracious and shunned th notice of no one.- Some said I neas towarda th parent, by an exceja of kiod- that he wu verv poor, and that poverty and I ness snd partiality towarda the daughter. su toil had broken hia snirit snd deadened his dent tb have turned th head of one not tbor- i thing more. I remember her as she stood before me "forty years ago, and litUe did l then think tbat at sixty 1 should return as a stranger to my own home, and read that familiar name chiseled out upontheeold marble" ! Jf ... 'IIow to Stlect t am no sentimentalist, vet -I can searcelv forbear a word of rem-oof to the: carelew atran- sensibilitv. Ha had the svmpathT snd eood I oochly proof srainst th sllurf ments of flattery ecr'who treads heedlessly upon her crave. I wishes of all, yet no one intruded upon his pri-1 3Iany auitora wer at her feet but she turned Flour. 1 Look at its color. - Fortv vears aro ahe waa the nriia of the wil. vacr or aourht to uUr within the pal of that I from them all, remembenog only tbe friend- if it is white, with a slightly yellowish or straw lage and the flower of the good pastor's flock, reset ve which h had thrown around himself, ship of her childhood which had ripened into colored tint, boy it. If it is very white, with a She was "the bright particular star" of a con- He was an exaet man in all his dealing, cru- love. Her strange old air betrayed unusual bluish cast, or with black trjecks in it. refase it. vnxratinn whera . bMutr waa tba lioritaMi nf nnlonalv honest himialf and moderat io his ex- emotion when I approached him 00 tho sub- 2. Examine its adhesiveness xgft'nA Vnond 1 man TKa nM 1VwJ nnnn ltv with rnA I rvpnrWnroa hnt tila tabln u alwava aoDclied I iect of mv marriars with his daoehter i - . ' . I J 1 E I K V - w mm I - - - I . . fTf"16 of 14 between your fingers, if it works soft land admiration, the young of her own sex with with every luxury. So far a n1" outward! "Tak her, Harry, answered be, with a t. sou nuKijf, it u pwr. ; riour maae irom spring I gooa win ana ainaness 'unaimioiauea oy ner snow was concernea, nu immiiy ia me Yiiug i niu, -uu hij jwa v - ; . - . n mt i I . . . . i . i . . . ill- i ii c7V-i..Aw..AA . . . . M a -ma ..-. personal superiority - to tnemseives, wane not a enjoying a moderate competency coma nve more i i ooi mi kib gw few suitors . thronged about her to eniov tbe nlainlr. The pood rossins of the villace at last I sh will not Ian to b aevotea aaa irue to you. sunshine of her favor and smiles. . L . . I made the discovery tbat be waa a benevolent I and encourage you in the path of usefulness and ite of I honor, bb will nave an ampi loriune tawre wheat ts likely to be sticky. 3. Throw a lit tie lump of dry flour against a dry, 'smooth, perpendicular surface ; if it adheres in a lump the flour has life in it ; if it falls like powder it is bad. 4. Squeeze some of the flour in your hand; if it retains the shapo given it by tne pressure, that that wi These m we make nertain namely 01 that the beautiful mutt perish and that J man and perhaps a pious one, for in spi the lovely must fade. : What a home would thi earth of ours be, if the fairy beings that smile is appareat poverty and unsociability, be had n rartoue occasions, as was accidentally diacov- his on ban sufficient for all your wants. It has been won st a erest sac nice greater than yoa can y too, is a good sign.- 'flour I on us here were untouched by sorrow or blight I ered, made liberal donations to tbe pastor oil dream of. l axe it ana ner ; ana, ooy no sina 11 stand all these tests it is safe to buy. or death : if like their affections thev knew his church in an nnostentations manner, and be kind to her I She u well worthy of a odes are given by old flour dealers, and no aee or dec v.t .i.j - I deaimed to cscano notoriety. , I kinr 1 1 am pleated and rrati&ek. If ay life no apology for pristine them, as thev I hare looked on manv a brow of h4iitv x..a v9h .AtinM n4 1 is now suddenly cut short I will have th sat- to a matter that concerns everybody, since the hevdev of vouth. and manw a lovelv v- fm.. mUm isfaction of knowing tbat BaIio bas a protector .i i . m m .1.-1- "1 - ' UUIQI UJSU VVU aUV 4 WW wa avv mm tl a Vim.alf In K. Knr. I WOriQT OI UCr. A wuw jwur wiwib- M The Rank is but the Guinea1 a While Lord Napier, the English Minisfer; was busy at Washingtonhis lady sojourned at the iilmore House . .Baltimore. The 1 fashionable eyes never rested upen so beautiful a vision as was Salbe Winter, when I looked upon her in her twentieth summer! ' Just of i the medium m, mt m m m ' W height snd modeled liare a Venus, with every limb full and beautifully rounded, she was tbe . j . . '-I... t. . :,i - . j v ,t; . V I mosi grace i ui ana amaciiTC creaiuro inai ever iCT-e Sltated K .tbt reated upon our earth. "Her features were of the purest type of classic beauty, soft, eloquent and expressive, and her rosy lips wert; parted la a Lit7 aI a S inA -lr e tecth ! Mft d dimpled shoulders dei surprised to find the English lady in excessive-J in n.tnnl jAntfuimii aMA of Jflan casting a soft shadow upon her beauti- wife of a live lord, and her ladyship received numerous calls and party : invitations, i The American ladies of fashion, ' elaborate! v and ly plain dress, totally free from all display gmier aua nonsense. iMot a single jewel was visible upon her person. The wife of Lord Na pier, however j is a woman of high birth, who can trace her descent from a long line oof i illus trious ancestors. She is, nevertheless, remar kablethough born and educated in the ' heart of European refinement and civilization for the plainess of her apparel, the simplicity ?of her manner?, and the entire lack pretentions. of ostentatious tresses, ful neck that seemed chiseled fronl parian mar ble, so perfect Was' its ' beauty ' Snd so pure : its complexion! Her form was that of a Venus, but , bcr gentle -blue ; eyes shadowed by long I silken lashes betrayed m their glance tbat '.re tiring modesty snd purity ofthoaght of which the perfect besuty of woman is itself but the svmbol. Her.face purely -Grecian in its con tour, was Indeed beautiful beyotd the- power of I language to express, lremember well, upon England never sent a better pair of renresen Ln m bA wore ,' n'raeelat rlpamW with a tatiyea to this country than Lord Napier and coronal of A brrkht '0 diamond's snd rubies. 1 5 It v- a w - . w - - ms iaay. tie teaches tbe American ;men that mngt have beeh a costly gem,' but I thought ...wc u.iuuug win ieiKior us on. tne other sjdo of the water, and expresses a manly desire f appreciate our institutions. . She teaches A- mencan women that the advantltlnn. v A f a f . Sm not of that then :! I only Temembef that ' when ill' cold glitter attracted my' Vlance my gaze rested not upon the bauble; but upon ' the full ueaniiiut arm vi uariau vciaij tiucniuc uwwu almost . . . . i t wasais rv cao uv skiauabt w auv wav w w aiucere neart. Kh"aflminiii L -iT . n . f'i. n Vnv- 1 . " ipursi upon me .or uc ur umo in -wo -iuu renuse to th nnatart WmwV I a r t . -t- era yahii ple.; t-K zialingx '? Bob, Tom.' Jones has one the greatest curiosities yoa ever saw' 1 "Don't say so what is it !" -V I childhood alas, alas I with what pain I write I I 1 these word.' ainMi T hirtl looked nrim he? tbuh I of lr -and in truth' her beautiful faee was' 'one of eartiesi among my TecollectionaJ ,cWtf 'had grown up together snd ouresfiy dntimsey but "A Ire that n..L.i.-r-.i:Ai.BPeMaw wsy'm pasturer tesrsVfof an attach.' -ioi cuiuuh nuu ntuuu muiu I r.nn i ' 1 .i . - 1. , . svMi.Hr wun) ciose ana strong tnss tnst oi ordinary '11 .. - V. - ' . . - ' ' . s smauet the older it grows." hJ .If. . I friendship., I ' She was paired bub gooj : influences were sitenliy opera it ?" Well that is a curiositv. Whera AlAi hnrWi i She waa ah onlv rA n.r.HoA .A .A. "Fronr CaUfornia"1 i y W Mg " presefve"Ber from IBeos equeficerfl "What is the name of it'" ' 0.TTlle "Axle-tree I It onca helonirftd-tA.a jnUfiJtL lions of rmlyohiHren;5 1 . v A nia omnibus." . j.-.-w.. . ,.r . II jVi the eaWy : history-of het -tarenW Tkoftwi Scene closes by Bob throwing l, -1,11 .r "-o -vu, w?j wcie.iuuouu vi uur rvHiage, WQICU to me' was tantamount to their . having resided permit ried sway by his feelings.' A? blustering young man well known in the community for hia frequent Srswle and his in difference to the feeliozs of others, while pass- . . 1.3 Jl i i V mir sioue toe sirees ioiiea ruaiy acaioss mm. The broad brimmed white hat was in sn instant thrown back upon Winter a brow, and raising himself erect, he stood confronting the young man with Lis terrible grey eye fired with wrath. uasiuy snaicning up a pie;a oi umwr mi iaj upon the side walk, and uttering a terrible oath in a tone that made. the blood of all who heard him run cold, . he advanced upon his youneer antagonist who retreated before him' The air of strength and .vigorous energy-with which the usually quiet old man' seemed sud denly endowed, presented a striking ' contrast to the drooping gait and dejected air which habitually characterized him. He stood like an anery riant before hi atartled antagonist, who cowered under the terrible glance of hia ey . So mnch enraged wu Winter, and ao prodigious the power which he' manifested in this aodden ren counter, that had not a number of bystanders promptly, interfered, he would have murdered his .sntaeomut' on the spot It required all 'their strength to restrain him and the moat ab ject apologies of the young man who had awak ened hi wrath were scarcely sufficient to ap- frjease his resentment. . At lensrth with a cold amile of con te rant, ha turned on and proceed ed on hia way j calmly aa' if nothing had oc curred,' drawing tbe broad brim of hi beaver over hi pale face and quiet and meek feature, ..... - . - - - . . from which erert trace ot anger acd resentment departed as auuaeajy as it paq aru.. 1UDIB IUV UW tUUi Lw.wiL riiaaui aww moment after, the oocurrence, with drooping shoulders and ; ssemingly feeble step, eould scarcely periuada .themselves that it 'was the same man who had so lately stood before them with fiasbinB! evts snd erect ana ansiea ions whoso borcukaa strength a number of strong men scarcely equal ad- .From that day men spok bf him with let ol pity and more ci respect, and .when . bs appeared on the atreet h, was raatod,.witlt a pqnsjderaUo which oaused mm 0 .Stay P- i -".".:. 'iiititI..i,Xsi;);, ;.;. 1 llreoaentlr Ihis silent snd rloomr: man iwss ablest for mouths, attending, a wu said,-, to Some mercantile .establishment in which he had ;B inareat. in aom of our Southern sea board cities: r At one' time rumor spoke of it u ter from childhood snd I lake you wall.' . On th next day, Mr. Winter left hi horn to be absent for aom montha, a wu hia wont attending to the tolome business which occu pied to much of hia time. I endeavored earnestly to prevail upon Sal lie to appoint a day for our marriage, but sh wu firm in her determination to await tbe re- urn of her father before taking a step in which hi feeling were ao much interested. It wu but natural that ah should deslr hi presence t our nuptials, sod I had no other resource . . t. . Vt.v t loan to S wail nia rviuru, aa cTtu woicu wuum not perhaps .take place before the Chrittmu lrdara. It wu now the do of September, and I resolved to see aom little or the world during the month or two of painful suspense before m. ' Our whi canvass wu spread to th breeze and th good ahip Henrico bound to Havana, waa ploughing through th waters of the Atlan tic, under a steady breeze, which gave promise of bearing her in to the port befor th night wuquita spent.' Tbe ship waa richly -laden with valuable stuffs for tb West India market and tbe Captain had besides,aome thirteen thou und dollars in specie to be delivered to th mercantile bouse or frank & Juopez, wojco oe As predicted by th mat, th land breea sprang up sad with ita first breath ar awKs wer hi led aod oar pwod ship onco zoor walk ed the waters like a thins of life. Th night dew, too; bad begun to descend, aad th pretty young Crsol lldis withdrew. aad th ahip'a passenger retired, leavisg th deck to th aatr aad myclf nd on or tro sailors who kept watch. Tim flew on, I know not how rapidly, for my thought had wandered away to tay dutaot home and wer busy with th loved and bean Ufol whom I had left behind me. mm4b tt a suddenly 1 wu arousca irons th reverie, into which I had fallen, by tb voic of th sailor on th look cut, cryiog out, -Sail, Ho!" M Where away H shouted th mat. "Just under our bow. air." Tb mat gav th order to bar th Captain called up, and cam forward to sxamin th at I an r aail. W had just roocded a point of land, and came suddenly in full view of th at range ves sel, which up to that time, bad remaiefed con cealed front cur view by lb Intervening promoo tory. She wu a loor, bw and dark, turpi cious looking cralt, with tall lampenog spars, ahooting p to s great height aod clearly d fined arainst th sky. Sh lay about thrte- foartha of a mil before us, and between na aod lb shore. Her sails were all foxUd, snd ah lay at rest on th waters. "What is she. Mr. Hopkins f uked th Captain, cornier np on deck. , "I can't mak her out, sir." replied th mats "but I don't likt her look at U.W "How ar we sailing V asked th Captain. all sail t," r Th piraU ia lowtricz her EU. air." sail Hopkioa. ' . .. i Vanderrraft turned hi eyes toward th tt rate, and thn glanced again towards th sail on or atsr beard, which was rtiily rinsg L:rbr above th botixoo. Vic 1 "Sh will U down ia -will I v the wind ia half that tieaEtfStt th Cap. tain to hitaielf. "W can rh( th boats uotil w get th wfSd. Etaad. hard boy I There the j com with a steady swata. pf their oar l uiv them a hot recpuoo : aod tnicd. Hopkins, if w rat th wind rirht, let th shin 1 off through. th waUr as fast a sh will ffy. " ' iscs os sod oo, to meet th strascrr. Stand firmly boya, snd on no accwual soffcr thssa to gain a footing on th deck-" . belting a lighted rsatch, VaAfiwraft took hia atation by th six pounder. . wheelinr It a- round ao that ho could ia aa instast of tide." bring It to bear upon th ap proacling boat He wu u dogged and aj rttolaUaniauev. trwd th quarter deck ; but I trtahlei fsr rrsulr, when 1 looked around aod saw so'CiCT'X-n. at - - rue and trrsaolot lacea. Tb ship, whoa, ull was sow rising over th wave to our star board, wu completely hidden frcta the rrtw cf th pirsle, by a lotfg promoatory which laUr vsned betweea them. It wu yet to b ascer tained what effect th knowledge of iu approach woam nav upon th desperat men who wir compajsiog our destruetion. A I taroed and Ixked at th pprochisg boaU, tay heart sank within tne. How couli! th unwaxltk crew of a merchant vessel, too Ir ..wnj U4 n-oiatr ooioiiratiM in tn n9 "iureJy ait koou. air. and all sail set, ro piaed the mate. "Head her off from th shore then; wemust gtte a wide birth to that dark looking custom er' "W ahall lose th land breex, if w stand off too far, expostulated 'No matter' retorted emptory tone, "w msy dos't." The ship wu headed off la an ioataot, aod this msoocorrt wa careely axecuted, when, on sftar another, the aail cf th stranger war opened to th brees. Vandegraft, who wu standing by my side, uttered sn exclamation cf astonishment and tCTTOX. "It's the Bonaroba, sir ah answers th de scription of th piiate well. W must prepare to fight I Hopkins, call every man up ! Se th sailors armed." Hopkins expostulated, but to no purpose. "Do yoa think l m roior to d ia s of wrspoo, and but few In number, hop to cop wun weu armed sal ternbl despcrade, to whom sanguinary adrentorrs wrr scsxody mom . - a ? Ther were two boat edraseiorarjoa -u. erowded with pirates, sad th stead aad r. lar aweep cf their cars, as their boaLa f .it- lb water, which at another time might bar filled m with admiration for their skill, etrsck m with solemn awe. I kacw that I was fi-ht-ing under Urribl dlsadranUgts, and I could careely hope, under any ci rental lancet, to es cap with ay lif ; yet I determined tq sell my blood dearly. Thouzhu of lots aad cf horn ctmecTtr me. snd I thoarht how. Ur .rt fondly my return would b looked far. ai kw dark a mysury woull forever seUl upon, my fat. 7 J I Y - . ' th mats. www irea bj nrrne dj ui voio tm r.i.Tfl U r-r drgTft apeskior ia codertcue to .tb . . the CsnHia Io a per- sailor who aaaUtad Lia in th xzrrr ffL loss ti ship if w ,u dtf f MW lii nJ; ;ACf wu hearUly saxiou to deliver into th hand lambr vociferaUd th Captain, angrily. "Cell .... ...I . . l?. . v r . J of th owner withxmt delay. A voyege to th west mdiu was not at that day to pieuani snd sgrtcsblo thing which it now is. . Many s . - . i iiuruy navigator oirectea , ni veasci prow through those tropical seas with fear sod t re nib- ung, not only lor the security ot tne Measures ..j'i.t. - in i very man to his post. If we must di, better stain th decks of tho Henrico with our blood, than walk th plank like crwarda. snd if ther is a man who won't fight, pitch hia overboard out of the waj." Ia an incredibly short f pse of lima th alarm committed to his par, but for his own lif snd I had spread through th ship, aad passengers aad the Jires of all who h,sd embarked with him DaiinfifaoU of piracy, had frequently been committed even in foil yipw of th forts, snd euties of tho "Antilles," and from th imbe cility of th eovernmeat and th supines of tho who wer commissioned to ferret oo,t sod destroy ,thoa daring. marauders, no lew, than ia. .. . . ii i i j irom. weir own. sdrotuei son stiu, iuey,ua managed, to defy all efforts mde to detect and bring them to iulios- It wu even ' hinted thai the Spanish officials' coasirrd St and as crtUly favored, if they. did. not absolutely set en foot snd foster teso terrible scourges .cf ttj tev sailor came erowdior on deck. Some wer ut terly uoercdoloo of danger, and ether were pal and unnerved by fear. Th Captain reit erated hi command for th arming of th craw wbich wu accordingly, promptly done, and we stood, soni twenty-fir in number, armed with muskets, pistols, culls? snd boarding pikes, to repel any attack which might bo made. A brass aix pounder wu on dek, which Vaade- rraft ordered to be double ahotfod, and. thus prepared, w efood rrady to tcsel th emergen cy." Uqr preparations wer scarcaly completed when a shot Iron the sujpidou vessel wu Lr sd erou oar bow. "Shall I slacken sail, air!'' saked Hopkins, who etemed anxious to avoid a eoefiiet. rr Captain Vanderirrafi wu a cool hearted and cars fill man. aad be put hi shin noder a full press of canvas in his ansUtv to cast anchor haja it may only b a Spanish Cruiser, lying with th lir hied match in oa hand. at th breech cf U gun, and wsitiar tjatil ocsv cf th boats should oa within th lie cf iu "6"- gB siraioea my y upon tb foe.' most boat, momentarily expecting to hear th discbarg of tha gun. I heard Taodergrafl pnog suddenly to his feet, and th vessel aooo who ta discbarg cf th. six poundrr. WLin th smok cleared away, I saw th crsef 4 cf cn of th beau throwing off their gaimraU ' and preparing to desert their ticking boai. - Th flther dancing over tht. waves, wu cbse wer var cow, having Ull their comrade to their UU. I ooly uw that the riraLa waa Um.' ering another boat, nd sprang to Ik ship' aide, with ray culliu snd btrdinr pike, to cn- pose i th demon who cam upon us witli thrv . Vi fearful cheers. Oar man wer limi! aa! 4 vT. mayed at th first ocac aad, giving way, per- mitud th pirate to board ts. With sn caii, KC VanicTjraft seised hia caked cutlaa sad rprang 'J to ray side, to assist me ia beatia , back th tt '" a it. r . -.... . ric. lie joflgos wiin tn eooloeu ofa veur-, aa, and th courage of a lien ; bat we wer opposed by men who mad a trade cf wir. . Pis- tot shot wer ringing in my ear from all sides fired both by our own crew and by th boea- aicrs : and tbourh I wu cocjooos that I kA I received a wousd. f, still maioUined th Crht. atunnioca u suits IBiM U tu Mil. Th leader cf the piraus wu a gray hair-. J, bat sinewy aad ttrriLJ mas, wbq ahoutrd wood io hi crew in Um that Cell with sun ling tffeet upon my ear. twu tt drsam-like, to see th grty lifra rl eg floating ia wild disorder over so t!J a, Ther cam snob Mke th rata Ing cf a lock cf birls, id a wide spfrad of canvass