- ' V.v -.v-.. . . 4.r xi :ir ir ..-r . . rr . ZTTT - - - T.T-rw.. .. -.- : -... ,7 , l -. p v at n t a w. . .i a. - r -mwm. - a i . ... 4 i m. i ' wv . . - k. hmih . . . fQi;yffl.A-'?r;-,; r: vJfiliEir RTd: dMOLINApFRIDATiHORmNG, . JUNE 18, 1858. NO. 14 m the PUH1SEE WEEKLY, .5. - - m BLUM We hate cool iapaasionatelTi'oonsidefcd tWfiubJect ir hoe weighed ptobablV.incpa Tenicuco ikd hardships, agilnst ibe crifico of just arid, essential rigbta, and do fnttruct jon Bot to agree to ihe Confedcraljoir; nulefa an article, or articles D added thereto, ifl coafotm . itj. trii.lv bur declaration Should we succeed in obtaiDbg stiteh artibes,4hen jou are hereby full fitb powered toacceae to tho Con cdefdcj." The political sagacity, the insight iiotV the futare", .manifeifcd by the authors of these in stru6ion9,' k indeed most admirable. . The ar ticlra Insisted en by Maryland - were joserUd j and jet, in little more than half a century, we witness i the OTerwhelming preponderance of some of the States in the councils of the nation. Some of the States, formed out of territory then unappropriated, have on. the door of Con gress three fold the representatives, and carry in consequence, three times the. influence, of some of, the original thirteen. Ohio, one of the off shoots of Virginia, bar 21. members to her mothei's 13. . - So great was: the irritation of the public By this jaa and patriotic act, the StaU of North Carolina rcocWe4 more than $1,250,000 which Were appropriated to the payment of 300;OOO of pnblil debt the like amount ad ded to the Literary Fund $600,000 to the stock of tao Wilmington and Weldon Railroad and the baluiee ta the draining of the awamp lands.' And while pawing along,' I take leare to state, that, without this most opportune aid to the. effort of individual v the railroad could not have been built, and we should baro been up to this time; in all tjtfoblb.llty without a railroad.;.- ,:..":( . ; ' -t. . -Ufd tbat most jast and munificent syitem of distribution (for, although it was called by so othrr name, it wis nothing else,) been cootin ucd up to the present time, it is clearly demon strated by the figures shows, that the State mrcd in many of the Colonies on the subject of nois Central Railroad Coj which shows that the waste lands, that at one time it was appro the company has now In operation 704 mllca of hended that the small fit tea would withdraw road, coating in the agsregate 920,000.000 paid from - the - contest,-a step which must hare for entirely from grants of the public lan3 the proved fatal to Jthc success of the struggle. It company having received 05,000 scren. of was essential to a successful prosceutiuti of ibe which about 900,000 have betrl sold for i l0, Wafj and the establishment of a salutary and 719,228 leaving on bacd 1,700,000 acres, permanent form of Government At . its close, worth, acodrding to last year's sales, $23,000, that a Federal alliance should be formed ; with- 000, but, in rctlity, a much larger earn, as the ottt it, there was no common head no concert company had borrowod money on the land, of lotion, either in projecting plans of operation &d Is able to bold them until their value is or incondocting them. In order to com pro- increased far bevood that aum. As it is. the mise and to accomplish so desirable an .object, ooopany has received from the Uniftd States, the several Legislatures passed resolutions and J io round numbers, 126,000,000, snd a bonus tne general Jongress made appeals .(for ,tby oi (,vwtw) Xortakiog the road! would bare received many milHcos cf doUarui'oJi. I crs-.-nal allosiout a speech tbat, 1 J I H. ' ... 1 ..1.1.1 ... .1 . aou occo Bote, witnout comracuog sr otDt, in have completed her works of internal improve ment, so indispensable to the , development cf her vat resources. " If any- doubt exists as to the -valoe of the lands, let us look to the late Report of the 1 1 1 a tATAjBiL5 tH ADVANCE- m Sr JSq paper will l)e dl? continued until all arrearages are paiaV xcept at the- obtioji of the Editor. . - : - - ' r.ri-. . 'f: Slx Cbpiestloir t; " fit) Ten , . 15 . -,. ;v" , - ;;r Twenty--; Jn.--';l$3;v;?-; :. r Ail payment s In varlabl j In advance ; Any person procuring rrvB toow sub&cribert and remitting Tea Dollars, will be entitled to a sixt h copy gratis I. ifp. Z V ; TERMS ABVERTISINa .' One equare; (fifteen lines or less,) first inser tion One Dollar, and twea'y-five cents for every subsequent insertion. ':' Deductions, made in fa vor cf standing advertisements, for i square, as follows: . : ' ; r ; ! ' ' . For: three) months : lC::f3.50 Fir six months, : :-; : $5 60 For twelve months, i.r ;t " i v $8 00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceed- ing five lines in lengthy Five DoL'ars a year- longer ones in ; proportion ; ' --' - y - ' ' From the Fayefctenfle ObsVrver.j . The Public Domain. : r Metsr$. Editors : -The subject of the Tublie Domain, 1 am happy to see, is now attractibg the attention of the old States : and beinc ono of the eteatest interest to everv tax aver with-1 bad not power to do more, to the masna imi-1 Dut, to show farther the utter falsitv of the in the limits of our own Commonwealth 1 ask I J slid patriotism of the States : and under the I imprepsion endeavored to W produced upon the a place m vour columns for some --remarks in. geoiw innaence oi toe love ot liberty ana or puc mma, tnat tne lands are of no value; relation to their histdry- their value our tUlj.owonrthe appl wsootmado ia Vhin. . look to the Report of the Superiotendent of , to a distributive portion and tbeunjust, and -Kew.xoTK led the. way in the generous com-luouc instruction in the btate of .ilichigan iniquitous policy which has , prevaued.in the promise, m liu, fier ljegislature passed an auommea io uie .Legislature a few years nccc difnosition of this masrnificent mrooertv.'. I ci entitled "An Act to facilitate th articles 1 1 qote his lancuajte I By the term Public Domain, is meant that 0I" confederation and perpetual union among the I ''The primary, school lands reserved from vast tract of territory within r the.7 fimitvf the I u-B-of AmOT V ; By this act it was declare pale sod given to -the State by ordinance of United States not appropriated to individuals, cd that the territory which she ceded 'Should Congress consist of sections No. 16, in all the communities or corporationi?. : i : ; ' be and enure forever for the use and benefit .of surveyed townships. -Tie peninsular portion la the progress of the war of Independence, such of the-,TJnile4 Statesaa should become of the 6tate of ilichigaa couaista of nearly tlii Knbiect of the wate lands wnsi & RnViiit f members of the Federal alliance of tha. said 1 40.000 SQUare miles -one thirty ilh rvart ti discord and dissension, which excited sad fore- States anc? for no oilier use or pnrpoM. what- j which belongs to the common school fund. bodings in the breasts of these early-votaries of soeer;"i - ; ; . . - 1 In 40,000 square milsa there are, 1:111 town- liberty.- , - ; I f . ' ' - .' lne deeds of cession by Virginia follow after; ships of 30 rquaro miles each. But droppiog The large Stales influenced by that feeling sd. although of precisely the &i me tenor as all 11 entire townships for the deficiency already of avarice which, as being then exhibited, ap the others, yet, , as being rather more full and suggested, there will retu io 1,100 townahifa, pears to bo almost inseparable from, our com- explicit than some i of them, and as those' deeds which is a fraction lew thin tho true number, mon riature. insied that, in case of a succors- of cession are the deeds of corivevanco from the In 1,100 square miles, there are 704.000 acres ful issue to .the coal est; their- territorial limits il then owners to the present heirs or legatee, il which, at io per acre, the medium pricei would should not be lessened, and their right to the' qupte in full. This instrument bears date 1st rcalixo to the . State $3,520,000'' aceordlog soil hould remain unaltered March, 1784, and byit6he authorises certain ' another esiimate,. be valats tbtna at $3,850- The sujalier States, on the other hand, ursed Commissioners "to convey, transfer, and make 000,000, and adds : "These estimates mav seem that the t-truggte Was for principle and not for 0Ter. lo the United States, in Congress assem j to be extravagant, ba.t it is confidently believed afiCTandizeoient that they furnished. full bled, for the benefit of said States, Virginia in 1 that the result will exceed rather than fall proportion of men and money tbat the sover- Jctiwire, all right, title, and dominion, as well of jshort of the highest .computation.", x And be eignty of the. soil w4thin the cha4ered limits of T 80 u f juzisdietion, which the said Comnon-1 was light, for, under . a great preasore of the each of the Stater, was still inr the British wealth hatk-to tha territory or tract of country l money market, the ac.ua,! tales far exceeded 'crown and never would be" wrested from Itl within the limits of the Yireioia charter-i-sittt bis highest estimate. ."but by a united effort and at a eommon saTi-1 ted lying and being . to the Northwest of the These statements. by the recipients of unjutt fice that even if ibey succeeded in the attempt aio river, io and lor tne uses, ana purpose uueramy oi voogress, are evidence alike oi the seoro of my colleague, to raise a: question of vertdity with bin, especially on a subject which he koewa nothing about? ; Mr. Gilmer. I thick I recollect seeing the gentleman from Ohio Mr. Cox aome where oear me at the time. If h it in the IIouc 1 shoeld be glad to hear bis recollection of what occurred. : . Mr. Underwood. I trust that If the commit tec has no more important busieess than tbbj wc shall Tise. Mr. Otlmcr. Well, I will let ihal paaa. Mr Chairman, I am not going to ioSict a sreecb upon th ecommittcc lety far from iu 1 will bioply state that when I made ay speech upoo this subject of Kaunas and Lecomrton, 1 aim ed, as far as 1 could, (and I thiok 1 loceded,) at making a speech io which there were no of cooecirc, iu aeeepiaota to moai souuern gen tlemen, and to the conservative gfnUcmao from the North MyeoUespe, Mr. Shaw, J twen ty days thereafter, in my almoee, axia a reply to it; and I submit to his own good sen?e, and I submit to the scn're of the committee, and 15 all who may have read bis speech, whether, in stead of aniwerirg the views which 1 had re spectfully submitted to the consideration cf the Iloase'sod the country, without cfL-oso to any one, bo Utd not in Lit specon reply to (be ad in which it wst put, and everything could be gained by puttiog it in the simple, plain shape of striking out the Green, amend meat; aad thca the vole would have been be text a tho two propositions as I have staud. But 1 desire to aay no more upon that tab ject. I understood i greater portion of the speech of my coileagte, of the 0th cf April, to be a defeo-M of the dctiiee coataiocd ia the executive Lecoopton message. I directed my rcmsfks to the doctrine contained ia the toeae aga. Io order that there should be no diEcuI ty upon that question, I qsotrd the very Iden tical doctrine in that message with which I found fault and dlnented from, and open which the Orten am end meat mted for explanation the executive message git iog meauiog. forte, and effect, to this Qrito aaendatoU I have, as to this, not .heard my eolitagns distinctly and'teilljrj-lJa not nBderttaad iosy wheth er he approves of that doctrine or not; thrcrb if I have heard and understood hla eerrrctfy, be says ts deti not atprove ef that portion of the mcfMge.- Tbea I submit with irrcat d (ctttt, that my tolUsgue ought to have let my argument cn that subject pa wtih hia'ap provai, and hiauielf argued somtwhat' s pi cat that doctrine of the PrttUcnt; and. not lute devoted bimielf so entirely to other mature in the teeth which I made, snl mat: era fmirn famine, si if my having done this or that, anl to. which no aUaiisn bid tta calo by having helped a r?or lrtshmin,cf hating toUd D this way, or that wsy, in the WisUiore cf Quo word now as to the vote wlkh he raid North Carolina, bad anyihio.to do with tho gave io the ScaaU of North Carolina. 1 de grcat qdrxiiocf that were then before us t And 'ir b he quoted snd stated as to the ifm collcsguc, hitiog thus attop!el b t provislcnt cftbaccoutou':o of North Carolina ppeech to affect me politically," fa the estitaa- tr?a hU speech Jatt ss he spoke it tionof my constituonU, bss found, from xsy hcretday; bocaose, whan it ahall bee-nspar- reply, tbat he has gained nothing by it, bat co " w coaauuuoa,of Xortb Uroiiaa, tho contrary, tbat be i about to lo by it, I would simply ssy, here, with all good bomor, and with all respect,- that 1 do not think it be comes bim to eet into this foter, this eieiU. ment, this fury, this evident sUte of dwatUfjc lion: for 1 can a sure my collcoue that 1 am down with no inch compliiot. " : . 1 deeirc, now, to say a word or two ic reply he meant by th remark la his casing speech that I had not Vein faithfa! sgainU alien suf frage, cooiisted io this : that the ithabttials or citiieos of Kansas eiht, ua3rr the Crillen den Jloatgoaery 121, fsrwhich Ivofe'ia case they voted drwa the Iewarton ctjcvIw lion, make a new cat, ia which they miglt tol erate alien rcf"rtf e, tiao to guard s-iisit if ia tho act cf admiasiTaf If the 5? uta afrerwaris sees proper to call a coavtatlon std ssecd its eonjututico, the di 2 rally wh;:h my eoUeajue seems to labcr esder W5ull arUe ia crery eae. I mention this to toy colleague to show how anxious be Is to pcist cct defects, and isislge la fault fladitg. He savs that, br ouctbz the lttlrr ef the IIoncTable Seattor frca MiitarirpV THf .'Da vis.1 1 e'iaeh the argaasaleabisroamsn, aad la his favcr, ca his rets to ad sit Minnesota iroiiaa. there will be found, I conceive, a Terr calerial difference between his qnoutioa and the comli- muoa lucu. . me aai a couvc&i:7a to asraco the cootliiutioa of North Caralioa, ia 1SG3. It was called by an tcablio. act, the people being first consulted. Tbey dctlArd ia favor cf a convention, and dclcraics w re elected: idmenti were made by that convection, Amenc to my colleague, in regard t my speech io re- lnf P18 n!,,Btl lbcjr.ctoa- ply tohimhavii g beta delivered on Monday f -Iotbat wonectko, the-eommUue repotted evening.. My eolleagee may be assured thst e that no convention ahoull bo call as eariy as week sgo last Tuesday night, after la ,b mooer Ull bJ " J colleague, it was determined, as I nadcraW, that wo mcmcry... Uat aecordiog t the were to ho d evenlnr esioBS for debate. I-aal "5rr oeeaia uie waTtnuw, thenredy to proceed, but could not, by the fir- WCIC v. atnwn 4 House refusing to ro into committer, for which of tho eocstuliocsl smeodment trst prcprscd, refusal he voted, I waited till Saturday even calling., a coaveauan iu the fatare, log, when 1 obtained the floor ; but as ay col- Whereupon a very imiwrUat amendment, aa lcague waa not then present, I ptponc my Utl cb.fitn V Jwgiage as to the call of lemarka itill fnrtheV until Mi, a contenUoa was msde the firrt draft btrag, to be emsncipated . from, foreign political cp of the above mentioned I act " Then follows pression, their influence in the new Government tbe et4Tbat all the lands within the territo nronosed to be established at home, would in "e 80 ceded to the United States, and not re- evitablj be overshadowed by the overwheloiing served for, or appropriated to any of the before influence ot the larger States, and refused to ueimuuea purposes, or Tiisposea oi in douoiics enter into the Confederacy until a compact was jwuioomcersand soldiers of the American army. furmed.TirhH'h secured to B.ch member-rights snau do consiaerea as a common runo, tor. tne and TirivileffefrDroDortidned to- chareo and ex-1 Hse an benefit of such ot the. United btatc? as T , - a f - I I 1 t.i i r . i nendituris incurred by each. l- .,- pavs.oeen, or suau Decome,-memoers oi me Tri" order to show tbe Etate of feeliDff. which ouieuerawou or reaerai ainanco oi me saiu isted at that early daj in re'ation to the waste States, Iryinia inclusive, according to their I ad. I que te a portion of the instructions givsn rerptxtive portions xf the general tha rue : - . . . .. 9 . '.i it, . a .in lii i uiu rytrw.irc -auu. fiuaii un lanniatiy aua l - r .1 ii- . . TAiuc oi ioe runiio jjomain, and tne niqai- toua disposition Which baa been made of it by Congress, the trustee of the whole family of estates, . JUSTIUK. , '.Concluded next week.. Personal Explanation. in i u balance "tut no cooveotioa shacM Vc called, except bv the eoneorrlnc to to ef two thirds of both llouses ' The amendment crtde this section read la substance, 'oo aweolioa shall ba called by the lgUl at ura except by the concurring vote of two thirds of both Uoavs," for. the express purpose ef giving htm aoovpor tuaity to be. here. He x he did out receive tbe nouee 'I proceeded., with renrd to the pricting of my speech, my colleague will Cod by reference to tbe Olobe. tbtt it occuniel ha rerular dIjm in thn MnWInn ! m-A I concumnj at the ca-liest poaaible moment.' ' But such was P,! ,Jm, M maie-extlained my anxiety to publUh it that I bad it printed mo l7.DJ 108 usoaies maiutsista tor vas elsewhere, at my own expense; od if it did kVr o( -pCOp! t .Carol: oyer not fall into the bind, of my colleague, it sur"" "1 . ' t to tbe Lands of manv rotlemn hcr hfar it . uu.w u Ul-"tu? cpiuioo on r,.iK-k.l :. . i .. - 1 1 this . 1? . so. , ..... without a prorUIra pro'eotiag Ohe Ua'.tcl Suus la her righu ta the puhte doaala with ia the ccafats of tin nsw fiu!. Vrvd'5tr. eat, o trath, if there be taythfag i iu era pGtuCon atmned ajtiatt we. , I a ai frts.to adeit that my great oVjrdka to the sdaliiim cf Miaatsta was the slkn unircnil saragt which ler emtftall loie rales, aad whkh ii not dfded. . My ecllesgne is doau pa-"tEt al-out my fcrmer titws as to the aiaijd3- cf Kaasas with the Iexarta vaaiiUaUca ; talks ec'g aitintly; and ttirgei cere than 1 rrcVJert. I do not rrcollrcl mahout the envaas. Ido a:t deny, howevtr, that previoaj to ay coatag to Ccagrtas I did catertaia aal etprrva Krrsl tiews la rtliC.a to Kaaru aid Leectajtca i lhc I fjraH sad acted upon after iavesUrxl in -vt V-,t-.!,v iV. V,. .j- iae ua, J prrree is t5t atlcnaj. - I ia free to admit, that had I net brwae wtll ratls Ced tha seri.ss diSta.UrJ W5a!l in.e?jtVrr tnUyi ca'f tlOtotyiU cr brsrfJ to tr a-tfVo, triso to the rtaoe aod naset cf thtLTaicn,fI wduW have ern as mJy aad a saxioss as aay ether to adcit Kaiis with the Ltcnrf tea e-M.t italic a, waccaJiuosallr. - - - Bat I cae here to center, lavev.ite, aal to Irglalttc f;r tha bcit iatertrts of cry or try t ame here ta give that rte which I ftoejit w&cl 1 U brt (;t the Nerth, br if f:r tie Swth, best for the Eut, ad Icit fr the'TTett; toi when I aad maic a fall iarcalirati:n of the' ejrct so far as 1 could; I'faunl thiols very diJ3crent and came boLcau Jo the eonrur-on, withoat any TtfeTcaoe to aay rcitita c.f this country, that a hi ! ccatalarar the rroTcas - proceedings in the Globe ing at small thioc; and lint all th:s is catch- I eiprcM trv belief. suataia my colleague 7 Did I ever talk of sustaining tbe doctrine tbat, ia a new State or ia an old State, t eooTeatit-o, called la one SPEECH OF Hon, TJ0UN: A. GILMER, OF NORTH CAROLINA. a . - - - acquire them ? ": We think notwe aroconvinc- - ed the same spirit which hath prompted - them -., to insist on a claim so extravagant so repugnant. , to every principle justice, so ; incompatible with the- ceneral, welfare of the States: will urge tfcem -on- to add oppresssion to injustice'. . If they should not be iucitcd by a superiority of wealth'and strcngih, . to, oppress by - ope i , force their less powerful neighbors, yet depopu- lationy and, eorsequently, the,impoverishmeht of. those . States 'will necessarily follow, .which by an unfair construction of 4 he confederations ' ' may be stripped of a commou luterest and. . tho - edtemon benefits.;dert vable frooi the Western Country. . Suppoi-e Virgiuia fwr instance, ; in j di5putally possessed of the cxtentivoaBd fertile country to-which rhe has set up'.claimj what wpld- beheobable conseflunces o CMary land of Fuch ; anCundisturbed and. nndisputd t6s8essi6n.rTlev-canhot iBe' least dis- cerning. Virginii,rby selling on theimost moderate terms a small pcrtion of tbe.landa in - qncstion, would draw mto her treasury,- vsst . sums of money." and in proportion1 to; the sums aribing" ffi m such sales, would be enabled rto lessen her taxes; U Lands comparatively cheap .and .Taxes ;'coparaUyi4y-Jorj.;'Vryh the- land and Taxes.of an adjacent, 'Sjtcoul.ojiickfy- : drairt the State, thua dUadvajDtage6usty4rcum-. , stsnced,' of its most useful : inhabitanti. Its wealth, and its ennseduencf in the scale 'of the confederated State, would sink rof course. . A . claim so injuriousJo nnire tUato one half, if not thewhole pf rihejUpTt be puj parted by hVcleafesividec of- rigbW CYet what eyvlence of that. right has j. hpe pro duced 1.. s:!ifiil aifcir illgHn ; support, either of tbeevidnce or JXe, rightj' None that We hsve hearXo We are cbnvihc?r -that a c uutryi-n'oselkledH V of thia Warclaimed by,ih British Crown and from -the common, .enemy..; by "; the;, blow? and . treasure of the 13 States, shbuIdlwpnsVcrcd ( . a rnoii out by Cougrcssi into fjee,.convenienv.ad;in- dependent Aiovcromeots in c Fucn mauaer -ana 4 such tibwSaMhc .''" 't;i'-- r. 'rj. .'-: : ' ". . .-. ." -i-.--. i Sitaii ucreaiier uirccr.- ex land the T!fr: Mature of the Stato of Marrland. in 1773; to her delegates to Congress : oona iiae-uisposeo orior uun purpofce, atd tor the Houtevf Brpretentative. May 31. 1858 "Is it nossihle that those States . which are n cuner use or purpose wnaisoerer." . . '.. . . ' 'umliififMtalv frrflninrat Trmtoriea .t.which:iD lbe deeds from the other States, containing 1Be "ous Dg t&e committee of tbe o. r o .- . . ' n; . . t t ' i , .t .. i . .IWknlanntl.A .t.i. .f il. TZ ;..rJr.TTxDr,f tho. hta n.A tho it chi.Hn. i uuapproDnaiea tanas wnnin meir cnartercd v" -vv o4 wuiuu TA a J UUtUJWUVt f m a w m vm V v. mv ..mwvi.. . a i ; , of exclusive riehU will use with ereSter inoder- Umits were of a similar churacter r and, with Mr. Uilmcr said : Nation, the increase of wealtb and powerdenved l cpuuu. i iuc purcuases irom inc muiaos i . -' - . i sun uuairman : lOete from those , territories, when acquired,-; than liuciuaea xne wnoie oi me puouc lana wnicn u seems io oe some indication 01 a deposition to Whkt thev havy disnlaved in thcir ehdeavors to embraced within therboundary of tie original I deal with me quite fiorcely and harshlv. In- io ... . lueea oi arguing me political qui stions under Bat, besides this large domain, constituting consideration, tnrusts and attacks are made ad at this time more 'than half the original number I Komiaem, . to do mo barm. Points out of tho oi oiaies, we nave a still more exiensivo tern ; i uruiuary acupq .are maae, ana my colleague tory acquired by puichaseor by. conquest.' ' I seems' to insist upon them as though something rj.u -xovQ, tue purcuase oi JLiOUiMana wa maue I -"puruiui, was io iuru upon mem. i5e- of J? ranee by Mr. Jefferson : and by it waa ac. lore 1 proceed, however, I will call upon the quired all the tract of country Ivine westof the gentleman from Uew York, Mr. Goodwin.1 4 - " " V " . I .1 ' T I t . t r -i-ti . iU!ssisKippi,-(wiui me exception oi-xexas, new i wuo waa yctweta Dir. uiaaiogs ano myself, Mexico and the territory west of the Kocky I and l would no. glad If be would atate, . m tbe Mountains ) It is now' parcelled ofif into scve? j hearing of the Ilousc, what took place between ral of our most valuable States and Territories us. constituting a large item' in tho pecuniary eati, mate of the Public Domain. 1 "Id 1820 the purchase of. Florida was made from Spain,-under '.the administration or Mr. Monroe. The .value and extent of this rich in heritance is not "understood "by .many of oua people. " They " have beeii so long misled by tbe - : '.i j' i t; . . misrrprcBcuiauuus ui- uesigumg pniiiiciaus, wuli all becoming respect that ibey had better be left out in discussions of this kind. I ex pect to gain nothing by such. I think m col league wilt find tbat tbe people of North Caro lina, before whom we havo both to appear, will take very little notice of thcie small matters. My colleague, it seems, would ret me ioto some controversy with the venerable centlemao r it: f ".-.. - . .. . irvia -ums.wipp. ir VUltman J 10 IttAt , 1 trust he wJl be disappointed ; for I aay here, as i oaro ottcu sa'd in relation to the rentle- man from Mississippi, that I bad esteemed and vencra'cd him aa much as any roan whose ac quaintance it has been my fortune to make Mr. Atkins. . i I object, as objection was made on this side of the House just now under simi lar circumstances. ;.. Several Members. It was withdrawn. Mr Atkins.. Then 1 withdraw my objection Mr. Goodwiu. .Mr. Chairman' -'Mr. Gilmer. My friends, say "thev think it wholly. unnecessary to introduce any testimonr to' become incredulous as to auy true statement upon this' subket. . fCries of Let him eo on.'! on the subject." I must refer then t.j some of W.eli, r am perfectly willing that be shall make Bcial sources of Information as to tbe quality, J bu statement.. ; v - ;- the number Of .acres, and to. the actual bales, . ; " Mr." Goodwin. I will say tbat I waa in mt for the value per aftre." .": "i ; v " ' : v own-seat at the time, Mr, Goodwin's eeat is 'Fttllic rfoOTatn.Latids void from next but one to, the sea occupied by Mr. Gil of land office to 30th June; 1852, ;103,I13,6I mer, and between it ani tb aUleJ that Mr acres granted for .schools; :'&c';0,'6t8,978 J Giddings ttootiii tha alsl by the tide of my deaf and dumb :asy tumn744 .J7 1 for- iatrrVial desk ; and i bat there, ir one more desk bet ween Irrm'rneAHiBnra 10 007 K77 4 niritjiri tCTvicO: Mr Gilmer's Snd mr Own?-' tfp fJ.Inrr. soch j tbe bill I bars edroca'ed aad lurfi.oe-d was leircacu!xtrIVqut the eaatryfaallj and fartTjr. ' I gave it mthrarVl ittay hand, I pve it my cctdial aad brtet tarpen.. Tea rue permit me ta ak him a qaetU&af - -v Mronxer. My ril!e will red!(tt biw be answrrvl me warn 1 arxe-1 tbe tiai priviUga. I mail teply to hi a la thstiat way. - ' ' - ; ' - ' " Mr. Shaw, of North Carolist, I w&dJ Ca pjadto know wheiher xay coUeirvedslas thai tne sabalJijan of tbe L.rcotaptoa ccsi:!atJa to the people was a qnesliou la tit tail eiavaa?; . I understood htm ta say that he tovk eopi lien in rcrird to that qaatloo. If ibe'eaji: 11 prove purpose ceoics waai 1 bare rai j, .laa-preparcj t it," l aay $ts nrw, tcraaset rsaut -mj to reply ta aiza r . . - . Mr. Gilmer.: Mr . el!arJa will fatrrsri me whether I ill or net- ? I tdAit that I wat, wfUr 4lfcern fitira rnt!r who believed thit thar was nixciit fr a uhaisaloa cf tht'tx.cecVtiUiUfta to the pecpl,for that t then believed list it wvt io be submitted to iht Ke aa-J cspfer r poa a Mja irlj to'git vid of ihvrry'nal lith been th trne Ut ( tbiajJ4e? tVrf lecrmp toa adaU?ed -'via very. rXi oarv&jf. c taaa would. hava more reaaify" atoal ap r the al miiaa of Kansas nadcrtle Irc.upt&a V6xu talif.9. " ' ' --" l bjcctllhiuklba.c "W "W"o 'J Sr that my. people, ? .V '.i. V- "2 )!ins, will bV ieli of V ..;i.-..: - :-t. Nsw.let me ahow how erruei r Thuftcv'w Gilmer's 18.709.219 P reserved for 'Indraos,3,4UJ.7Z3; stood nere Dy tne side o swamp lands granted to States. ;28,156,o70; ( bis. bands at Mr" Gilmer, -and said, -I do not lands nnsoldi .i;387.534 00l crcs.rCmM thank you for connecting my name with that i f Vompendrrf. 191: - r " iJ ': Air. uacnanan. ' v ina was all be said ; , and - But.: agaitf; -bir the opcraiinn tf. the aet of then Ve passed, 'along. .-lie Bid not take Mr. August, lS42j to provide re'vepuc rem import Gilmer by ;' the -'bands.': " He was . not 'within &c: thejdistribution of the uct;-proc'ceds of the reach of his hands.; " .'MycoHeaue,' Mr.' An publiolandsambng-the States was ruspended; drews who sits by me, wss bare st the' time. The nroceedaofibese "lands up WancLioelod- Mr. Aadre'wsl My 'recollection ''cf wha't'oo- ing: 1st January, 1839 amounted to the sum of jcurrcd corresponds aim. abating colleague baa ,5204'iUce' that. timer-the followfni? jusfstated.-f " "I'rt- ' i-"'. ' - v " ", x - -". - - ' .- -. .. i ti. ti: l t . 1 i. ' i?i k . sums naie Deen received, vis : . , . . 1jr' A.Dgaam. a. uie me noeny or saying 1839, e?,076444Y t :l848, j,32S,642 that 1 believe the gtsntleman'frtm' North Caro lUU:; i":392.i68S:849 1,683,99 lina" rMr.VShawT was" present" .whenv my col 1841165,(T rJL85p s l,$59,t894 1 lcajne, Mr.Ti iddi6gs,j in Jils hearlng'aod in 1842, -. 1;385,797 - lB&l,, ... 2,352,395. tbe liearing oi ids tiousc, said tbat Je never 1843; 97,818 1852;- 2-043,539 jwmgratblatcfd 31 ti .Gilmer on' that ic6a,.ion, or V 4 . ' J0- (et 1?.Q VS.?t T Kitt ftRt nt W.?ni l.iiT it'A -r, T .nkUi l845fT V 017,022 18M,A-;. 8,470,798 V tho ticase add. ibJh'e ioanfry if,afterbear. '185,,694.462 1855, vMl,497j049 iflg fliattatenicnt A)C mj league", fiis not, ' rmH&l&&! :-frotho,o . - - vn ii'm w nir.ii . firui nan a w . cniwirrn wRm Rrnan , nv that were in the Senate bill. I understand my colleague now. to say that he was mUoaltratood j .that what he meaat was, that luasmoch as the people of Kauaas might vote dowa 4 1ccoaf4on, and proceed to lorm -a new ccoiutoiioo. and ia the fcrrmatioo new cooiutuiion " they might' claim a roald. be ezectaal Suus. - err Jueoos this poiitloo i is. All Uonrreas can do is to aut a nre&erxsfe guard into the bill oo which tbe State U 14 be admitted. Seppose, far Instance, that Mianc sou or any, other Stato havio'x publlo lands wuoia it, comes laroioe union, wi in proper proTirions io the set of admiaaion as to the rights of. the United Stales ia'tha public d main, aa aiterwards tbe people ot tost cute should change their, constitatiod and put ia a ciause declaring that ill the publio lands with in its bora era should be tbe property or the State; bow would this affect -the Gorerameal title ? The poaitioo of my callearna if : noderstand him, that a aabscqnent alteration cf the buteeoniliiutioQ could takeaway the title of the United States to tha puDlio lands ia that Sute," w ben express pruvisioa . a gainst il h ia Y the admitting act -if the admtasion afurwirdi should be . bj f roffomaticm: Bat,' sir, I "pro l'y santed the views of the cefllleman from Musis- t 0 " SH mf 7 anxiety to get rid of this qeitioa. T Ve did, t U4i a greaur tra.'AJ I; was aaxloat, have Urn anxious shea tbe di?e!iy arose, that the Qcatlaa'mirht be got ril vf without ham to tha peioe "aad taiercsti of the c:aatry . or tha 'ixcrioce cf aaj ipriaVi-' I'prtsame thstm coITtapje'derire-i the same UsiCf. " I . . pmaaa that ail gratis me a w voted bra ci'Jy ; -oa thiaqurtioa tcra dalrad aad pmed same thin." Asl I rer-eat here; vhtt the way or the other, could fairly give tho Leula- tore tbe power to make a diMnminatioo be tweea property ? I never did at any time. i never maiaiaiacd tne uetnoe tbat a conven tion can jouly give tho Le,iUtaro power to give s:curity to one species of property io pref erence to another never. AuihU," however, I more lolly explained before. A word now about tbe eighty millioas of public Iaads. The fault which 1 found with my colleague S speech. wat, that be stated that I voted againtt the ceceary prorivtoas to pro tect tbe Government io her right tn.tbe pabib lands within the coo&oea of Kancaa, . without l&B I a . . .'.. a iv,. . .t . - tt.inotici' tne tact tbat tbe same safcrusria were ; taua ":rT..: "V. wr.. -1 Q U.eCrittenl.n 'Mourner hilll- Mv ColIS tl thai Lhii ialkl&I faT uu c uiuj momenuri t intfi ii.tnn ttrii. mi ni i t , o- '. . ..... . . . which on reflection, l am aure will soon pass away.' I expressed my riews ss to huw thoe bo desired to baro the Green amendment stricken out of the Senate bill coal I have pro ceeded so easily to do it : and itr this. I indul?- cd iu tbe usual freedom of political criticism. I , J?.'1 Hot upon that psrticular inbjcct Ilhiuk I bac . ifV a ticeu beard in sucb a macne at least, and all N.rth Caro catisbed with the history and cxDlanaticn which I have given of that subject Was the amend ment nf the venerable gentleman from Missisa ippi to strike out the Green amendment? Let us see. ' ' v - - First, we bsd the Senate bill. The first amendment was to strike. out 'the Senate bill and insert io lieu thereof tbe Crittenden Mont gomery amendment,' What was tbe amend ment of tbe gentleman from Mi.sippi ? It was to substitute bis arneodmeot for bvth the Senate bill and tbe Crittenden bill to thnw the Crittenden bill entirely aside Had it been written out no mention of the Grren amendment would appear in it. It was a substitute both fr tbe Senate bill and for tho Crittenden Mont gvmcry-bill. In bis amendment, I rfp.il, noiniog would Dcsaid a boot the Urecn amend . - . .. vv. B mens suppose it wniiea out. ubat was vote f Tl. ose who preferred the adinitmmt -j j iuviu. t iu winuucu obi- . r-. -T . : . ji r : v.: gomory amendment, and were opposed to the u"l M Mlfsa(. 'itIit JA?t ,fc.t I :iZlr.:Z:: Provide ln.the.wt of admUsiw wv untu iuit uuueuk. iuut reni. jl uxa r !. .u ,1,. -,-..: r - . . .. ls w us paoue unus ia ou. r.M:n" loses.iu control over thoss Canute I have porsded on thil raijr f h?-r-. south m men were with js tr'aJgJstTr,iV - It mm T.L-mt " AWmmm 2 Ta.t-rV "P1 rV- T I T aW V- V Jkl' - m - V mmy m mm y J frieads bTve cph't,- salitir.iisllf'la V tilC which iria pwi d, ppa py ilcaU-f fla!fafm, I tio.t that.'eiperieafeJ whLh It thJ rrj.lcf lixs. easy .prove that I was yigtt. ' y , " ; TSen my leae recall of ray vbUo3 the , Cm tea it a till bcstdi-T.reat from las rte of the grtit majority cf -mv saallifa fricai, aad wits a majority cf the NcrrlS, why. dli ha ... !. M. vV . r-. ioses.iia com :,1.TJAp Bl J eoUeague fiies iajisntly iZ.iT. ' - X u fcotneuung else to ret out of not doubt, no man duabts, if the. amendment bad been first made to ftrika oni ihf Hrf. mendmcut from 'the Senate bilL that" motion would have been successful Then what would have boeu'the next voU I .'.It woull have been a vute deciding between the Criiteldeo Mont- gAmcry.. bill oa the one aide, and the . Something else lo ret out of that diSculty; and 'aay s the remedy is contained ia rthe rci bliog atL I read the views and position cf lbs Senator from Mississippi, sad showed that they muat be provided far.. - : : - r. lit. Shaw, of Nortlr Carolina.;: Mr. Chair man- s .. i fT,; m T- mMmm r,1.t rv . . 5 . K. J . " "" u u,l l intrrflr)L mm . rr-io t iArrHt Mm in fci faot to tbetr attcntiort, and akcd that the" pre-17 ,T"7' c ' ? t "';V-T S j: mi ,, ,.,,' k a h i. tr " , r , leutemcnu..- The Secaioi; froaMsiippt i nwqueat.oa. should. befwihdrawo,xjhat thU na. .cT it, ,(rL ..VtK.' t0 not raiuth'a that uf-oa.ths "esafcrsaoebi!! (wa aa ecocat wjuiociu dtb cicr rzzr-i itaa fior reccrded their ibsmtj with; (he North? Docs my eo!lesue' sir t bit the gtatle mm ft oa Soath Crolioa Mr. BsnhaJ aad tha gaile maa from" Mmjilpti prf."Qaitasn hivt , bccaoM of ths vote, uei falie t their SGtcs, and tos ncrVhtrn ia tacit filters scl fria-. ciples I . How toivjcf they fee!, ill haw cijhl . thev U." feel, if Thai VriiTa'trp-ia' tny "plseo, J" and ia the prcseaco' of the to ex bled ILrpmen uUvW of the aUio, ncdrrtiyTc-ta ht aid tiae graUemtn wlth tavbg ptrtutd t'c'cra by whfeb vhty forfeited the criElrCca cT their country had) perptratod' 'an .tiaparaltded 001 rao Veca oar the?"feH h-iaod, nader a senje ofIaty) tioord their voles wltlrwkat my ealleagaj! Calla the JJJsck Ipnntlfa party? I mcrtly prescbtJhls attOpfio taake m oil aa-abolitiooMt si ens of thos' thinr I be placed ia the" saae catrgrry aarcsiog the axe, c s V ihho swJC nhed lor br'peh . : fa rarrtDlt to mr cL'wrue'a speeca,-1 aasa ia aubsubc, tlal l was surpriaed ihat fca .Tad not poiatcd oat some portion ef ray ph t-at an citfa aofUsra ssaa rocia r or ia altra man aoywfccre, wciea ce w v bony taaths to uj. a ce.re m ais,wr illiag to let trj . . . - -m w mm t ia .&. . mm motion might Jrst b made, so aa to blare-alii ..-j-t -jl..: v - ---... f. . !... r.j lt:Vw lam ik.'i u tm'ibti fief 1. nathitr mere. l ...v tfa "ila ernntrr.- aail ask ti l-e U LTWVM ..- J W " averse ally taxdsl go to North Carolina, or aay WberteUevaoi pejoaraa ci ana uc- . ' 9 m . I t mm honest ccnruiucney. l cuj eoia, as s&jwcr Wtay collcsgue'i speech, that be. ia '!.". ' T ' M W mm m-m w w tt&uu sgait ui esv

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