cinsi Bins; giftsi Bins’ THE ORIGINAL GIFT BOOK STORE. D. W. EVANS & UO. THE 677 BROADWAY 677 Hathaway & C®. WILMINGTON, N. C . Offer for Sale FIFTH YEAR. NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 185 4. THE 1500 FIFTH ; YEAR. 1 The following is a partial list of property which ' will be given to the. purchasers of Books at the ! time of sale. worth from I Gold Watches, English Lever, Patent Lever and Lepines, $30 00 to $100 00; Silver Watches, Patent Lever, full jeweled, hunting cases, open face.- & cylinder cscap. Gold Lockets—Large size, four glasses, & two glasses with spring,-large and small size with snap, - - - Canino, Mosaic, Florentine, Painted, Lava, Goldstone, Garnet and Coral .Sets of Pins, and Drops, -.- Ladies’ Gold Guard. Chains, 12 00 2 50 to to to 8 00 to Ngck chains Chatelains Gents’ Fob and Vest Chains, 10 00 to Sets 'Cameo, 'Goldstone; Paint- td? Mosaic, Garnet, Onyx, Engraved and Plain Gold sleeve butto’s & bosom Studs, Gold Pencils, with Pens, large medium and small, Silver Pencils, with Gold Pens, large, medium and small size,, double and singlo ex- tension cases, Gents’. Heavy Signet Rings, Ladies’ Gold Chased and Plain Ring«, Gents’ Gold Bosom Pins, Clus ter, with Opal, Scarf Pins, Onyx, Garnet, &c , Rich Silk Dress Patterns, Cameo, Mosaic, Coral, Garnet, Chased and Plain oval Brace lets, &Cg &0>, 2 00, to 3 50 to • 40 00 2 00 to 1 00 to 1 50 to 22 00 to Silver and Goid Thimbles, Gent’s Pen and Pocket Knife,. Pearl and Morocco lYrt-monna’s, Toothpicks; Watchkeys,' Guard- sIides, Gold Crosses, all sizes; 5 00 to 50 to 50 to 50 to 1 50 to 2 00 to Ilhds. ) choi^ N ew Crop Cardones 35 Tierces Molasses, . 70 Barrels-choice New Orleans Syrup, 80 Hhds. fair to choice N. 0. Sugars, 200 Barrels Clarified Sugars, 500 Bags Rio, Laguira, West India and •Java Coffee, 150 Barrels Mess and Prime Pork, 25 Hhds. Western Bacon, (Sides and Shoulders.) 200 Barrels Yellow Planting Potatoes. March 14th, 1859. [march 16—3m Jota^ Association, ‘ PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution established by special En-1 dowment. for the Relief of tlie Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Viru lent and Epidemic Dis eases, rpiie E3oward Association, in view of I rhe awful destruction of human life caused by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims qf such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Sur geon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all their forms, and to ARRANGEMENTS. NORTHERN MAIL, via.Raleigh andiSigli Poin Arrives Daily except Sunday by 8, p. in. Closes do. except Saturday at 8, p. m. I SOUTHERN MAIL. Arrives Daily except Sunday by 3, p. m. Closes Daily except Sunday at 7, a. m. JEFFERSON MAIL. ^e AB Clock Repairing. r fGIE undersigned begs leave to inform X the public that he is prepared, at his residence in Salem, 18 poi 0> Clean and Kepntr Clocks ' 30 00 1 °f every description, at short notice, and upon ' ' the, most reasonable terms. 12 00! 15 00 ; -j. Salem, N. C., Nov. 25, 1858. A. E. WELFARE. 36-tf 7 50 6'00 7 5 30 6 1 50 00 00 00 00 50 2' 50 3 50 Besides other Gifts comprising a large^and val uable assortment of miscellaneous articles, vary ing from 81 to $40. The Proprietors of the OLDEST ES rABLISII- ED GIFT BOOKSTORE IN THE UNITED STATES, for the uninterupted success which has crowned their earnest efforts to please during the last four years, would return their sincere thanks to the hundreds of thousands who have, in past time, seen fit to bestow their -liberal patronuge- upon them; and would further assure them, and the public generally, and their long experience and established capital warr nt them in offering greater inducements than ever, and such as out of reach of any similar establishment in the country ; and propose,-'in this, THE FIFTH YEAR are of their location in New York,, to introduce NEW FEATURES, Still Greater Attractions,- Gifts of Greater Better Selected Stock of BOOKS.. Commissions-pnd rndudmnents to-elubs^Ml to agents who are willing to devote their ti he to our business; so that those who. dosue can have O^ Gifts and Books without Money, ,'H£& We shall endeavor to establish an agent in eve ry town in ihg Uidued.Stnires, sp.that all wLayyill may benefit 4ry our-ilijeral -SystemSof tliade. - > We have appointed S. G. HALL our duly authorized agent for Salem, Winston and vicinity.' who will receive and forward all. orders with at tention and dispatch. A New aud Revised Qa&jQgye, . ready for.distribution, cioiitain-i!^^ desirable book, nW 1 1* & h h■^ m print; aihl arkiiuw'leiig- cd by librarians and literary men to be tlie most complete and best (flasstfitd ever iss_uQd» wit^^lt an exception*. 599,001) ar" reafly to be given away, mailed free th any address,- to- all parts of the world. It contains all works on Art, Science and Nat ural History. AdventuresfiTravels, Agricultural and Do mestic Economy, Belles I etters,Essays Bibles, ■ - v Biographies, Dictionaries* Encyclopedias,. - Q Gazetteers, T'e^t,Bapk give MEDICAL ADVICE GRATIS to all who - apyly by letter, wi ' ' . ' , ' . ' tion, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.,) and in case of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDI CINES FREE OF CHARGE. It is needless to Arrives Tuesday,Thursday, & Saturday by 5 p.m Closes Sunday, Tuesday & TLuisday at 8 p. in WYTHEVILLE (VA.) MAIL. Arrives Wednesday, Friday and Sunday by 4 p.m. Closes Monday, Wednosdayand Friday at 8 p. in REIDSVILLE MAIL. Arrives Tuesday, Thursdayand Saturday, Closes Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 5 p.m. FAYETTEVILLE MAIL. ith a description of their Condi- Arrives Tuesday,Thursday & Saturday by 8 p.m. Closes Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 8 p. ni. add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most j GREENSBORO’ MAIL, (via Kernersville.) Mrrwe-sTuesday,Thursday & Saturday, by 10 pan, Closes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 a.m. MARTINSVILLE (Va.) MAIL. approved modern treatment. The Directors of the Association, in their annu- j Wednesday at 7 a. m. al Report upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ! J Rio-host satisfaction with the success I express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the labors of their surgeons OFFICE HOURS.—From 7 to 111 a. m. From PATENT WEYMiLL DRESS. f|^iIE subscriber has obtained Letters Patent JL or a new Mill Dress, called ‘‘The eon** vex MUSl Oress;?’ This Dreas was patented February let, 1859, and bus so far us tested, giv- en entire sutisfaetion-^a number of Mill owners having availed themselves of its very superior ad vantages, ’this invention is not confined to any specific outline of land and furrow, or to the filling up between the eye and the skirt of the stone as this can be varied to suit circumstances. The im provement consists simply in a convex furrow. And by means of this improvement, a better arti cle, and a greater per cciitage of flour and meal can be produced than by any other known Dress, aud about fifty per cent, additional speed in grind ing. Neither is this as other patent dresses, as the same draft, furrow and land, either circular or quarter drafr s used, and requiring but little work to change any Dress to my patent. e ^ Hght for one pair of run- ners, $25 00.. . By sending $15 by mail, to my address, I will forward a Rignt, with a Drawing and full instruc tions for putting the Dress on. The balance($10) to be due as soon as the Mill affords the advanta, ges above.stated. Agents Wanted.—All persons apply- ing iur an Agency must come well recommended 1;^ State and County Rights, also for sale. A. 8HEEK. Smith Grove, Davie Co.,. N. C.) May 6th, 1859. j 6-3m. in the cure of Spermatorrhoea, Seminal Weakness, Gonorrheas, Gleet, Syphillks, the vice of Onanism or Self Abuse, Diseases of Kidneys and Bladder, &c., and order a continuance of die same plan for the ensuing year. . i The Directors, on a Review of the past, feel as sured that their labors in this sphere of benevo lent effort have been of great benefit to the afflict- cd, especially to the young, and they have resoiv- I ed io devote thent^fves, with renewed steal, to I thia very important and much despised cause, \ An abmircblc Report on Spermatorrhoea, ur I Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, Mastur- I to 5 p. nr. On Sunday Vor one hour only af ter arrival of mail. 0. A. KEEIILN, P. M. P. 0. Salem, N. C., Aug. 1st, 1858. X^si^xf^"' bation, or Self-Abuse, and other diseases of the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent by mail (in a sealed envelope.) bREL OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS fur pos tage. Other Reports and 'F acts on the nature and treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, &c., are constantly being published for gratuitous distri- 1 buiion, and wiU be sent to the afflicted. Some 1 of the new remedies and methods of treat uent dis- J [4^1, i ns t.> the following persons were elected Di- "JVORTI8 CAROI.IXA D OTHCE COWL e Annual Meeting of the North Caroli- Mutual Insurance Company, held on the covered during the last year, are of great value. Address, fur Report or treatment, Da. J. Skil ation, No. 2, SouthNinchScreet, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, President. Geo. Fairchild, Secretary. Feb. 6.-ly Directors. II D Turner, Jno. R. Williams, T. II. Selby C. W. D. Hutchings, Kemp P. Battle, George Lit tie, James M. Towles, of Raleigh ; JamesE. Hoyt" Washington, Alexander Mitchell, Newborn: Jos’ ~YA • $- Wright, Wilmington; John M. Jones, Eden. School Committee-Men.,ton: w.w.Griffin.Eii!^ g p.gag™- t ! 1 Plymouth; J. W. Ilarrell, Murfroesberough; II, l HE following is a list or tae School '- ,01u ‘1 3f’WTlliams,Charlotte ; George A. Smith,Milton; Men elec'ed and appointed for the' County of Forsyth. 1 11 F, Payne, W. T. Robbins, 2 J, S. Harmon, A. Watson, J. R. Phipps. A. Young. B. William O. F. Long, Hillsborough; Joseph White,Anson; Joshua Boner, Salem; A. T. Summy, Asheville; EXTRAORDINARY SALE OF JEWELRY, With a Premium to each Purchaser worth from Two Dollars to Two Hundred. THIS is no Lottery, but a fair and legitimate - sale, in which' each purchaser gets the value ot his on tier nw ey in a Gold Pencil with a Gold Peas or a Gold Socket 15, 20, 30, 50, or even $200! Our Premiums are distributed in a fair honorable manner, and as the name of the chaser is reccived with the $5, his Pencil and and Premium, or Gold Locket and Premium, put up in a small box, in a safe manner, and 1, 10 3 4 A. Calhoun, W. M. Vance, R. E. Beason, C. W. L. Neal, S. Preston, Il Preston. Mumford Dell, Cornelius C. Neal. L Fulp. Je se Swaim, Geo. Willard, David Smith. 7. Peter Hasten, John II Ider, A. Teague. 8 John Watson, S? Frazier, J. W. Sholton. 'Dr A. Kinnamon. Tomi, 11,thru,h J. M. Vawter, I. R. Jiukius, 11. M Lash. Akron York, W. WeavH, R. L. Masten. Mathias Hasten, N. Guriy, J. P. Grews. T. P. Hampton, M. Morris R. L. Walker. James E Mathews, M. K co T Marshall. T. II. Selby, President, Henry D. Turner, Vice President, John II. Bryan, Attorney, Hamden S. Smith, Secretary and Treasurer, T. H. Selby, ex Officio, ) Jno. R. Williams, > W. D. Hutchings, j Executive Com. Thic Company has been in successful opera* on over 10 years,and continues to takerisksupon 11 classes of property in the State (exceptSteam amount. len Hundred Thousand Dollars in bonds,nro; per cent per annum, on all grades of property embraced in its operations. ’A411 communications!n vefefenceto insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, nost naid. S. SMITH, Sec’y. .eon appointed Agent, PuCticlL to the ow . Philosophical and Clas ical Works; Historical and 34. hudy 36. form them nv re Philip Mock, John Dull. ceopts- the Agency purchaser ami IHSL *m> .^^_^^_^5 ^^ ^^ ^ 10 TOOK'S PAm, no r^cm^ si^i^ss, sw I^OBS BHBU^ATISM. 39. A S-yers, T .(40. SamT Black. nuke t hi a’ottm-'. tn. estates Is in a- neighborhood-. -After a. per GNc .s for^ £e Sul Speace, B. Hendrix. ' Creeger, N. S Anderson. V R Griffith, N. Binkley. And-a varieties of riiWications ur every department fff TrwrEbifFe^ ^W^w ^s - low-Ms— and, in many cases, lower than-r+nny other lionise in the country ; and with every book uf the value , of one dollar or more, wo -present some useful Gift, without,extra charge.. . LET EVERY ONE CONSULT HIS OWN INTEREST, And buy at EVANS’ Gift Book Store, examine the prices of books, see the beauti ful gifts so freely scattered among our patrons; and be satisfied that thfr only economical way of buying books, is at " NO. 677 BROADWAY, LAFARGE HOTEL BUILDING, We Guarantee Perfect Satisfaction- . Jud-gs for yaurs^ynft, ; ,. y; . Examine our plan of business. Any one can who will. Observe the daily distribution of watch es/ gold and ; silver; vest, chatelain and guard chains; bracelets, cameo, mosaic, coral, goidstone, gathet, and .gold sets of pin and clasps; kickers, large, mMiuiriand small Gse ; rings, chased, plain anj.sct with atones, cameo.'goldstorm, ©oral; mi>- gaik aud engraved studs and sloevo'buttons; scarf pins, crosses, gold pens and pencils; gold peps in silver and morocco cases, and a thousand other arfiMos of use and value; ) A Gift with every book worth from 50cts to $1. . SEND FOR A CATALOGUE It will cost you nothing, and will bo valuable as a book of reference, if nothing more. Address, D. W. EVANS & CO. sell or trade the above articles 1 and retain the premium .gratis ^r^ We want a good Agen the country to solicit purchase be successful,, should first have a Pencil and and Premium, or L cket ■ propose to let a S3 in 11 persons in that locality to, send p-eir 44 r ance through him. - ^ And if any one is dissatisfied with ther purcha and' an linbi’assed person cbmpeterit to judge'says the articles are hot worth' fnore-than the money paid for them, and in some- cases Tenr or even For ty times the amount,Jet-such .person return, the goods, and we will freely refund the mouey. Among our. Premiums are arucles suitable for Ladies and Gen tiemen j such as Gentlemen’s Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Vest an I Guard Chains, G Id Sleeve Buttons; Gold Watch Keys and Seals Gold Shirt Studs^plain and with settings : Hold Scarf Pins^new ^yle; G-"Id Breast .Plus, CaUfoh’ xiia Diamond Pins,'Gold Rings, ^e.. &e. ^or SaisUj-.s, we.have Gold Watches. Flor- cn-iiie Mosaic, Gold Stone, Cameo, Garnet and Cerni Rr ! ?''„st Pir-s ami E;-- Ring-’. th-:M :;:-; .•!-?••. Gold Sleeve Buttons, Gold BeltSildo* Gold Rings &e , &e. Also Pianos, Melodeons, Musical Boxes Accordeops, &Q^ &c. ;^^. Unexceptionable References given when ever required. N.B.—In sending your names, white "the State, County and Town plainly, so as' to avoid letters NVB. A word of explanation to those who have known us under style of Evans & Cu. The busi ness located by us at No 677 Broadway, New York City, is the oldest established house in the coun try;-a nd is known worldwide as '“Evans & Go’s Gift Bookstore.”' Many have- taken advantage of our popularity to advertise under thesame name, to hibrease their trade. To protect the few who may be'unacquainted with us,we would state that we have no connection with-any other Gift Book House—and though' many advertise under the name of Evans & Co., the firni constituted by D. W. EVANS and J. II. PRESTON, is the first and only concern rightly usiMg the name.—But to prevent all confusion in future; vre shall use the style of D. W. EVANS & Co., and all persons wrongfully using the aQiel- latfon to mislead the public, wilUbe mado co^uffer the pcaalty of the law, D. W. BVA*r5;&-03/ 677 Broadway, New Yurk.' May 20. ' ' ' ^^i^ May 6. 1859. ..A.. . 102 Canal Street, (Old No..) I ^ESE WORST’S ^REAT 'EXSEIISr- TION PRIZE MEDAL, awarded to C. Me.v er, fur.his two PIANOS, London, Oct. 15, 1851.( iOwsou. Jos. Hina. Henry Shouse, iff. I. Butner, L. A Dea Allen Flynt, G. Il, Moore, J. Moser. 8. S Speaco, H. B Sides, Jacob Long. N .Scales, II. Flynn, Win. Spainhour. W. II Doub, W. Spainhour, E. S. Strupe. 48. E. Belo, T. F. Crist, E. A. Vogler. -49 - N. F. Sullivan, Jos. Crews, A. Walker. May 6th. PIIMOT SPIUiWS, Stokes County. N. C. ^IIHESE well known and popular Springs, sit- I uated in .the County of Stoker, 2 miles from Danbury, the County-scat, claim a shure of the attention of the iSenlHi and Pleasure- seeking Public oi North Western Carolina, and of the State. The Proprietor has effected great improvement in the arrangement of his House, and is now able to accommodate THREE HUNDRED BOARD ERS with ease and comfort. The Scenery of this section is regarded as un- .surpassed in beauty by any to be found in- the State. Though not so wild, broken and roman tic as that of the extreme West; there is a quiet loveioiess abcur it, charming to the beholder.— The Springs gush immediately from the base of ; one of the noble bilG composing' the Sauratown Mountains: the most prominent and attractive rnk of which is Moore’s &nob, disfant'4 ,1-s. In ihe vicinity of the Springs is alsositu- M that beautiful natural curiosity, visit to which always repays the trouble. Every possible convenience for the amusement :s will be provided. G FROM The rapid and complete efficacy of MO REW OHM in instantly stopping the most excru ciating Pains and Aches, Burgas. Scalds, Cuts, Wounds, 5S.wises 5 &c., &C., &C.» renders it important that every family keep a supply of it in the house. Armed wich this remedy, a household is always protected against sudden attacks of sickness — Thousands of lives of persons have been saved the night time with Cramps, Spasms. Vomiting, Cholera, Yellow Fever, and other violent diseas- J. K., ^0 ^ j^£]it ; ' E ORDERLY OF SALEM, N a, WITII " iV^ S. ^A^.T & CO,, ^ Importers a^ C..MEYER respectfully informs his friends and the public .generally, that he has.constantly on hand PIANOS, equal to those for which he re ceived the Prize Medal in London, in 1851, All ordersprbmptly attended to, and great care taken in -the Selection an I packing-the same." Helms received; daring the’ last-fifteen years, more Medala .than any other maker, from- the Franklin Institute—also, First Premiums in Bos ton, Now. York and Baltimore. Warerooms, No 772 Arch Street, below Eighth, .South Side, Philadelphia. May 27, 1859. 9-dm. Tr&vethtg IFttcHMes, The Proprietor will run a tri weekly line of Coaches from Salem during t‘ e season, thus en suring to visitors from a distance, direct and easy transportation, without annoyance or delay.— Distance from High Point to Salem, 18 miles.— From Salem to the. Springs, 28 miles. One man per Month, do do Week, 830 1 00 00 i DeROSSET, BROWN & Co , " WILLING TOY, K. 2S Warren Street, ^'ew York,; . Will be pleased, to see all bis old friends -when i visiting the City, Jan. 28, 1859, 44-3m TBJB"HL^ ^Ll^ M^ffi^ of all kinds for sale at this Office on reas onable terms. Orders pfotupily attended to. Li. V. SLUM BROWN, DeROSSET & Co., STEW YORK. Commission Merchants. Sole Agents at Wilmington for Keusc’s Manipulated Guano, and W. Whitclock ^ Co.’s uperphosphate of Lime. fillip Importers of pure Peruvian and other Guanos, Land Plaster, &c.. O'" Particular attention given to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton and other Produce, April 22, 1859. ly, pd. Children under 12 years and Servants, half rates. These popular springs are invaluable for their Medic-trial qualifies. They have cured Scrofula Dyspepsia, and Diseases of the Chest, when all other remedies had failed. Thu Season opens June 1st. “^a PLYADES SMALLWOOD. June 3,-1859. 10-3m; 'Baim ef Florida. A NEW Exotic Extract for the complexion. Y" keeps the skindelicate, soft and clear, re moves tans and freckles, prevents chaps and roughness, and beautifies the cornlexion. For Sale at theSukm Drug Store. BONER A CRIST, MUS^ a, ®w TTAVE NOAV IN STORE, AND OFFER TO THE PUBLIC, AT REDUCED PRICES, A HL very handsome and well assorted stock of seasonable STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. The GOODS just received are all new, of latest importations. They are rich and rare, and fully equal to any stock of goods ever offered in Salem. Their Stock embraces Dry Goods of every description, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, QUEENSWARE, Ready Made Clothing, HATS, CAP S,BONNETS, BOOTS, & SHOES, DRUGS, PAINTS, ID YE STAFFS, P.13TSYVT, A'c. In short every article usually kept in stores in this section of country. Please call, examine and judge for yourselves, w. Country Produce taken in Exhange as usua 1. Thankful for the liberal encouragement heretofore receive!, they hope, by strict attention t® business, and unremitting efforts to please, to merit a continuance of the same. Salem, April 29, 1859. 5-6m. . Miss SOUTH won TH, Col. G. IE CROCKETT, CHARLES DURDE J T, THOMAS DONN ENGLISH, M D., HENRY CLA PP. Jon., GEORGE ARNOLD, SAMUEL YO UNG, Mrs. ANN WHELPLEY, Miss VIRGINIA VA UGIIAN, Mrs. DI. VERNON, Miss HA TTIE (PARE, FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only for the RUSSELL’S MAGAZINE, .3 .Monthly Organ of Literature and Criticism. It will be devoted to the free discussion topics properly embraced in the range of a zine* and is publisl cd in C harleston, S. C. first of each month. of all Maga- on the want GOLDEN GOLDEN GOLDEN G O L D E N PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PHIZ3 ILLUSTRATED. It is designed to meet a commonly felt and to give utterance and cirenkvion to the opin ions, doctrines and arguments of the educated mind of the South especially, and to promote in its sphere, the progress of a sound American literature, free from party shackels and or indi- victual prejudices. Agencies will be established as soon as possi ble, to supply all sections of the country, and meanwhile, orders from Booksellers, Periodical Dealers, Post Blasters and others, disposed to extend the work are respectfully solicited, and will be supplied on the most liberal terms. The work will be supplied at Three Dollars per Annum, payable in advance, or 25 cents by I numbers. ^‘^X ^ $AkTEB, Successor s to BECKET & to. , Specimen copies will be sent free of postage to Lhe New York W eekly Golaen Pr is one of ; applicants who cannot conveniently reach any i ie largest and best literary papers, of the day—an , a g enc y y et announced, on forwarding to “Russell’s imperial Quarto, containing eight pages or forty ; Magazine,” eight postage stamps, columns, of the most interesting and fascinating | , reading matter, from the pens of the very best) RUSSELL’S MAGAZINE writers of the day,elegantly illustrated every week A PRESENT, worth from 50 cents to $500* will be given to each subscriber immediately on the receipt of the subscription money. This is presented as a Memento of Friendship, and not as an inducement to obtain subscribers. TERMS :—One copy one year $2 and 1 present One copy for two years $3 50 and 2 presents. One copy for three years $5 and 3 presents. One co* py for five years $8 and 5 presents. And to clubs, I three copies, one year $5 and three presents; five: copies, one year $8 and 5 presents; ten copies, one • year, $15 and 10 presents; 20 copies, one year,$30 | and 21 presents. # 1 The articles to be given away are comprised in; Will be supplied regularly by all Booksellers in Charleston, and by agents generally throughout the country. Communications and contributions designed for the work, should be addressed ‘Russell’s Ma gazine, Charleston, S. C.” Feb, 11, 1859. WOXE’S Spas-Miass Gelatine. the Handkerchief,FINE SOAP, &c., Ac ForsaLeae qth GSTORE. Sakin Ib. 19, 185 49-ti 10 10 packages of Gold, containing $500 each do _do do do do do The British Reviews Patent Lever Hunting cased Gold Watches, do do ICO each GO each AND Blckwood’s Magazine 300 Ladies’ Gold Watches 35 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches, 30 500 Silver Watches $10 to 25 each each each GREAT INDICEMEMS TO SUBSCRIBE PREMIUMS AND REDUCTIONS. Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Kings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thim bles, and a variety of other articles, worth from We will present to every person sending us 50 subscribers, at $2 each, a Gold "Watch worth $40; to any one sending us 100 subscribers, at $2 each cs. Let a dose of this remedy be taken internal-; a Gold Watch, worth $90. 7 ly, as the case may require, when suddenly seiz- also receive a present. ed with pain or sickness, and it will instantly j Immediately on the receipt of the money, the relieve the patient from pain, and arrest the i subscriber’s name will be entered upon cur book, disease! I and the present will be forwarded within one week, town's READ! RELIEF HAS CURED i ^All communications should be addressed to Rheumatism, in 1 hour Neuralgia, “ “ Cramp, In 10 minutes Diarrncea, in 15 do Toothache, in 1 do Spasms, in 5 minutes Sick Headache, 10 min. Chillsand Fever 15 min. Chilblains, in 15 minutes Influenza, in 6 hours Sore Throat in 10 min, Burns, in 20 minutes, Frost Bites,. Ague Cheek, Paralysis, Lameness, AND IN ALL CASES OF Bruises, Wounds, Strains, and Sprains, the moment it is applied to the injured parts, al pain and uneasiness cease. Look out for Coun* forfeits and Imitations—Purchase way’s Ready Relief. Price 25 cen and $1 per bottle. April 41859. only Rad, ts, 50 cents- I-4m HAMBLETON SHEPHERD, aTTOStlWET AT iXiW, Jfrww^i, Georgia^ (Formerly of Salem, North Carolinas ^^TIEL practice in the counties of Wilkinson V I Twigg's, Lawrens, Pulaski, Irwin, Wilcox Telfair, Montgomery and Washington. Jan. 21, 1859. 43-ly, .'S Seitit of Setters remaining in the Post Office at Salem, N. C., May 15, 1859. Miss Bettie Austin, 2 “ Nannie Brittaine, W. E. Bert, Col. A- S. Browne, Joseph Crews, Master Jobu J. Corbin, D. F. Daton, J. Harris Field, J, Hall, John Mock or Amelia Mock, •Harriet Myers, Elizabeth Meacum, John Mock, Miss Sallie Mathews, Olleu Peterson, W. A Rhodes, Rubin Shield or his N. G. Holland, ‘Mary M. Lasiter, Miss Sinday Stults ; George W. Taylor, Miss Elizabeth Terry, Mrs. Betsy War, Win. (J. Wiilborn, Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say they are advertised. 0. A. KBEHLN, P. M. Salem, N. C., Maj 15th, 1859. L. SCOTT & CO..New York, continue to puplish the following tending British Periodicals, vir : 1- THE LOABON QUAKTEKLI (Conservative.) 2- THE EDINBURGH KEVIBW [Whig.) 3. THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) 4- THE WESTMNSTEK REVIEW (Liberal.) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) These Periodicals ably represent the three greap political parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory and Radical,—but politics form only one feature of their character. As organs of the most profound Every subscriber will I writers on Science, Literature.. Morality and Bell DEAN & SALTER, Proprietors. 835 Broadway, New York, Clean; Seeks. ^TILL on hand, a few Books which will ^sold cheap, to wit : Ie Comstock’s Botany, Comstock’s Chemistry. Practical Astronomer. Todd’s Student’s Manual. Davie’sElemen’ry Geometry and Trigonometry Bullions Lutin Reader. History of the United States. Life of Cromwell. Napoleon and his Marshalls. Captains of the 011 World. 2k few“Roln Books.” Cobbett’s American Gardner. Infant’s Tactics. Albums. Cowper’s Poems. L. V. BLUM, Salem, N. C., Dec’r 1858. Book and Job Printing. rpiIEwell known Salem Printing Office, is 1 provided with a NEW & HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF of the latest and most beautiful styles ; and the proprietor flatters himself that from long experi ence in the business and the facilities at his com mand, he is prepared to execute, with neatness my be favored, upon terms at least as moderate as those of any other establishment in this sec tion of country. Fawp^^s Kg amidins, Cabins, ff5I«nIiS,cfaH kinds Circulars, ' Card, Will be printed in a style which cannot fail to please. J@“ Orders for letter press printing, of every description, arc respectfully solicited. ’ J J@“ Blanks always on hand; and orders filled without delay. Salem, Nov. 1858. L. V. BLUM. giop, they stand as they have ever stood, unriyal eiin the world of letters, being considered indis pourable to the scholar and the professional man while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct aud satisfactory record of theeurrent literature of the day, throughout the world, thaucau be possibly obtained from any oth- er source, EASILY COPIES--The receipt of advance sheets from the British publishers gives additional value to these re-prints, inasmuch as they can new be placed in the hands of subscribers about as scon as the original editions. TERMS. For any one of the four Reviews lor any two of the four Reviews,, For any three of the four Reviews For all four of the Reviews, lor Blackwood’s Magazine, For Blackwood and three Reviews, Per ann. $3 5 8 9 10 00 00 00 00 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews, Payments to he made in all cases in advance.— 00 FOSTAG E. The postage to any part of the United States will be but Twenty-four cents a j ear for Blackwood ?nd but 11 cents a year for each of the Reviews, At the abo^e prices these periodicals will be fur nished for 1859, and as a premium to new subcri- bers, the Nos. of the same Periodicals for 1857, will be furnished complete, without additional charge. Unlike the more eplimeral Magazines of the day, these Periodicals lose little by age. Hence, a full year of Nos. (with no omission) for 1857, may be regardrd nearly as valuable as for 1859. Subscribers wishing also the numbers for 185G and 1858, will be supplied at the following ex tremely low rates. TOGETHER. For Blackwood’s Magazine, the 4 years, For Blackwood and one Review, For Blackwm d and three Reviews, For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 6 6 10 10 13 15 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 N. Ji.—The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. As we shall never again be likely to offer such inducements as those here presented, Now is the Time to Subscribe! ! Remittances must in all cases, be made direct to the.Publishers, for at these prices no cemmis sion can be allowed to agents. Address LEONARD SCOTT & CO. No. Gold-street, New a York.

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