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THE SMITHS, And their Adventure with a Robber. BY PAUL CRIYON. Mr, Smith exchanged his slippers for his boots, and ran first . to Deacon Naf fles' house, whert he expected to find the younger Smith who was courting Naffles' daughter. He was surprised to find the house all dark, as if the Naffles had retired to rest and blown the candle oat.' , He knocked, however, furiously, as the occa sion required, fter some delay, Deacon Naffles came down in his nightdress, stared at Smith ia astonishment, and demanded his business at that hour of the night. "Caught the thief locked up in the granary where's Increase ?" "Ha ! caught the thief?" cried Deacon Naffles, who, having lost some property as well as his aeigaori, was interested in the intelligence. "Good enough: keep him till morning." "'Twon't do !" replied Smith in an ex excited manner. "He's a desperate fel low break out I must rai3e the neigh bors where's my son, Increase ?" "Oh, Sally is sick to-night, so Increase only courted about an hour, and then went home." "Went home?" "Yes," said the Deacon, "ahout half an hoar ago." The older Smith clapped his hand to forehead, as if he had been struck by an idea of some weighty substance. "Gracious !" he ejaculated. "What ?" asked the Deacon. "I believe," stammered the elder Smith. "I 1 have locked up" "Wnor "Increase !" "I'll bet vou have !" cried the Deacon 1 heard him was considerably in error. !he truth is, in closing the window she was pale as death. The reader may guess the sause of her agitation when I inform him there was no Joe Ferris sick with the headache in the house. She was soon in Mr. Smith's barn, with her hand on the granary door. "Joseph," she. whispered. no reply. Without any further delay sire. Ferris having thrown the Ham door wide open, 10 mat sne could see to perform her opera tions, commenced hammering thejpauiQQ in a most destructive manner.' 'hjp . Now Mr. Smith, who was within, was ex ceedingly astonished at what he heard.- He certainly wished to get out, but he had no deaire to have the padlock smashed; without first trying other means. Some thing like the truth flashed upon his minds however when he reflected that the person who was breaking the lock had called bio. Joseph, and that the voice was remarkably like that of a woman's. With great anxi ety of mind he waited for the door to open At length the lock was torn away, and Mrs. Ferris whispered: "Come quick, Jo seph ! There's no time to lose ! They'll be here in a minute !" She caught somebody by the arm, and somebody followed her out in the moon light. Then he caught her by the arm, and both stopped, looking each other full in the face. Mrs. Ferris screamed, turned osier than the moonlight, and dropped her hammer. md-ois companions were tvinw b;. k..4. Ft . ft v. ;jrns and his wife were accommodated rithlodgingt in Mr. Smith's house that gB ou ..,iuuging in mr. omitn s bouse that ghjfc and on the following day, a search ing been instituted and all sorts of goods unp on 'Joe's premises, they were both f Tomoitted to jeil to await trial L i the Mntenc w convicted W iff eriffl tYi rmA - - T 1 "J-pfc, U i. . yoa hT. ?" .h. fro ; bat itiruTo "ih. Zl led Knocking at th nnr. E i. m r, .. . feuuu ,.t . f.r , ... . srv?w ol omunTiite were troub ed no more "Let me out, said a voice within. rrfih the mvat-rin,,. d;.. r .l.:! r BITS. rerriS I VnasW nd ibtrl nA tk. t --.w, uuu hiv uuiikiJB rornem- er with peculiar satisfaction, the mani M" mistakes committed on, the night of JfH adventure with a robber. The Smiths of Smithville had for a long time been very much annoyed by the dep- j "I beg of you never to mention this I if : Br. Lincoln's Oablnel ' W snbjoio a brief sketch of the history of he Leotlemtn who are to be the "coostitation j advisers'' of the Prenident for four years: srearrART or state. Hn. Wb. H. Seward ia well known to the onnxj, and therefore it is unnecessary ta Utors thsn that be was bora in 1801. A law er if profession, hs has served in the New JflrE Senate, and has been Governor of that .jtatr In 1849 he was elected to th Hnit . lates Senats, where he has over sines eon tin .Bd,wd where his course is well known. SHCRETART Of THX TRXA8CBT. ? Imon P. Chase is a native of New : sur?bire, bora in 1808, and at an early are Seated to Ohio, bat leaving there efterA . )r" reridenee. graduated at Dartmouth Col TO.N. H , and- studied law is Washington I .J JMer the celebrated Wm Wirt. He ens t inwj himself during the years of his nrofea- sooa studies by imparting iontruetioo to a e- K-?1 seooi rnr beya He was admitted to the r a, Waabioitton in 1829. and in the follow J tear retoreed to Oinetanati sad entered too Ihe praotice of bis profession, ia which be ion oe to eminence. He was eubseqoeotly ctt$ nuHer of the U. 8 Senate, aad op- a tba expiration of his Senatorial term be was tat 'nomination for Governor of Ohio, aad 'rB- M was again pot in nomination for l ovejoor, and was arain e eitpl tn Mr. Bates was oomnlimented with tkm honorary degree of LL D.t ia 1858, by Har rard College. Some years before he had beep ired with the sasae degree by Shcrtief College, Illinoia A GLIMPSE AT THE LONDON Wherever a London POOR. it neara mm say ne baa got to carry the , Mr. Smith was scarcely less astonished buggy cushions into the granary before he i but recoveiine himself, be said. rathr cfelJJ.t ttbooJ for bova H mu. iv. considpi inir tun ra-Aumn "Look here," whispered the elder Smith, "You are out rather late to.night, Mrs. I beg of you never to mention this I if Ferris : allow mo ro nn kn. " . . . ... . . . I . . . .11 I 7 " J ..vr.... reoationsotBome unknown invidual, whose it it sliould get out She could not refuse his arm, and When confused idea concerning the ghu of -prop-j "Ob, IU keep the secret ?" intermpted , she saw that he was conducting her to hie erty led to the frequent abaaction of di- the Deacon, trying to preserve becoming j house instead of her own, she had not the rerue gooas nnu cuate irons me premises gianyr. "xne joke is sate, and i d advise power to say a word or make the least re- iui ue wwoBnna m s larava ana mysie- yvu io nurry nome aud let out Increase, rious manner. Bags of whjeot and oats " The elder Smith turned upon his heel Yani8hed from the granary, ork from the and vanished, feeling very weak, probably cellar, and corn from the cribf; in one night i the effect of the excitement he hud under a sheep that had just been slaughtered , gone. cooly trotted away, and on mother occa- Let us now look upon the younger Smith, sion several gallons of maple jugar evapor-1 who was actually shut up in the granary. ated in a night time. Milking stools went ! It is now impossible to decribe bis rae oi off on three legs, and Mr. femith s best axe : finding himself thus was found to have "cutstick.'f SJlaebains thoutinor until ho was became "rattlesnakes and cileptP; iron; deaf, he closed hi wedges made splits in the Smnth property; down on a bag of meal to await the result boots walked away, and "jacl! rode on the Increase had not been long in this dark "saw-horse." dungeon before he heard a noise in the barn. Vain were all the efforts oft the elder and Supposing it was the 6ld man, who, having younger Smith to discover the mystery j discovered his error, was com ng to liber of these disappearances and to entrap the ' ate him, his anger evaporated, and he could offender. Despairing of bringing him to , not help but laugh at the ludicrous mistake. justice, the Smiths found that they could But there was a mystery about the sounds do nothing more than to take measures ; be beard, which caused the younger Smith to ensure the safety of their property. . to doubt whether they were made by his Accordingly tbey built a newgranary,witn rainer, alter all. Me listened. The kev strong walls, a narrow grated window and turned cautiously in the lock. Slowly the neavy oaxen aoor, to wmcn;was auauneu . uuur upeneu, wnne increase scarcely brea- formidabla padlock. Xb prison-nice , tnea. omebdy entered noiselessl v. he in paner i is bant to say where it does not there column after column tells of hopelese daatxtuUoa, starv iog masses, towns bsseiged by stsre famine, neg ected desert, unrequited iaeassry, starva tion and nakedness st oat very dosra, sad all that we might ex past to hear ia the stoat op pressed region of tbs Ooaiinent after it had hsse ilUged by invades, or sasatereri famine combacs its thousands. The dtstreaM iu uib metropolis is oeeosaiog a met of Euro pean dimensions; it vies with the epsning of v bma, it bests the siege or Gteta, aad occupies a larger place than the fortunes of several ra ess and empires now hanging on the die. Crowds appeal to oar aid, and crowds still more importunate proffer their arms to our selves, to police magistrates, to bankers to al most anybody except the poor-rats oolite lor and the parson, both with better ehtisas to - ad minister a nation's charity. Who weald act be starving at seek a time T Certaialy, as we return boms ia the dusk, feel the frost retuns iuf , relax st s good ire, sad count the minutes to the dinner bell, it is natural that ws should Deatow a fpare thought on the poor IN8ANE ASYLUM. We have received, says the Raleigh Banner, frees Dr. fisher, So: ndtnt, ths "Rtport of the Pressaeat sad Di testers and Superiatsa- dent of the lassos Asysass ef North Carolina, for years ending Nov 1, 1859, and 1860." Frcea it ae learn that the patients admitted frees Nee. 1, 1868 to Oet 81, 1866, were 168; Of which Bum her 84 were males sacL64 fs males. Patients so the Asylum I daring' ths two years. 302; males 188, females 116. Be psaiaing Oet. 81, I860, 179; stales 114, fe rns ise ee. rstssets etssasrged easseaetrt, sad deaths, 188; males 71. K61 Beseeerod. 87 males and 17 Death 33. wf whotn ii died tka U.t entrapped. After ii'i-uo ann naariu teeth angrily, and sat a a portion1 of the barn was suffibiently large j touched young Smith's shoulder as he naa to allow the Smiths to lockup with the sed, and began to explore the further part grain a great deal of portable property, such as was most likely to tempt the cupid ity of thieves. . After the granary was finished, a month passed, during which time the depreda tions of the robber or robbers was coo fined to the orchards and hen roosts, when, late on Sunday evening, the elder Smith, as he was sitting, tipped against the kitchen wall, smoking his pipe, preparatory to re tiring, bethought him that ho had neglec ted to lock the granary before leaving, the barn. This was by no means a singular circumstance considering that,the granary was usually locked by the yoiroger Smith, who bad that night "gone a courting." It was a moonlight evening, and Mr. Smith on approaching the barn, was con siderably startled at seeing the door ajar. Certain tf Kin'mo aVint t Vo V. - . NVVl OU UUUI previous, Mr. Smith thought of robbers. His suspicions were confirmed when, on a nearer approach, he plainly heard a move ment in the barn. Too cautious to endan ger his life by boldly attacking the robber, Mr. Smith, with considerable trepidation, resolved to watch his movements and disco ver who he was. Looking through a crack on the east side of the barn, he saw a dimj ghost-like figure glide across the floor towards the granary. A happy thought eptered Mr. Smith's. brain. Stealing into the barn, he crept slily along the mow unl near the granary, when clap ! he sb4t the door, adjusted the padlock, turned te key, and was off as for his life. - It was impossible to say what made Mr. Smith tremble so It' might have been the smothering cry of alarm which issued frou the granary walls in a Way fully calculated to awaken suspicious fears. But Mr. Smith never owned he was as white as a ghost, or as white as they are supposed tb be. , "What's the matter ?" cried Mrs. Smith. "I've csught the robber !' he) ejaculated in a breath. "He's locked up in the gran ary. Give me my my boots." j "What what what are yu going to &r ; "Get help. He's a desperate fellow, and it would be dangeroue to meddle with him alone." It is impossible to describe the excite ment of Mr. and Mrs. Smith on! that mem orable occasion. The latter took it upon herself to load tDe muskeg while the rinj no onvinced t caught for as- of the dungeon. Increase dropped on his hands and knees, and taking advantage of the noise made by the rob)r. he crept out. Then to shut the doof "and lock it was the work of a moment So8rebodr . t er was iocxed up. Listening for a moment, and j sound, Increase became firmly mat ne naa committed no error. a real thief, and went immedia sbtance. Shortly after, and very mucfi of Irs mistake, the eld or SmirV into the barn and approaehed the It is necessary here to observe that der Smith locked up his own son wi O a aT i xey wtneb be had carried with him carelessly left it in the lock on e the granary, and which the younge uau uarriea away. i Ajid now the. elder Smith mad open the door. "Increase !" he called, putti inio tee granary. No answer. "Are you asleep ? Come ro playing any trick with nre it - . 1 n TP jSY uukHtKe ior l really took you to rob" ., T ; . - , Mr. Smith'f voice was stopped by a vio lenroibw upon the mouth, and in an instant waa fumbled down amidst a wilderness of barrels, bags, rakes and shovels. Mr. S. was considerably stunned by the blow and the fall, and when he got upon his legs again, the door was closed and locked Mr. Smith was a prisoner. I leave the rea der to imagine his feelings. Meanwhile, Increase was raising . forces to assist in taking the thief out of the gran ary in safety, Having first told his story to Mrs. Smith who waB greatly astonished. ho hastened to alarm Joe Ferris, a stout fellow who lived in the woods near oy, and who complained ef losing quite as much property as the Smiths. . Mrs. F. put her head out of the window, and wanted to know what increase -wanted. The man asked for Joe. After some hesitation; the woman replied that her husband hadthe headache, and could not get hp. "But we have got the robber caughjf i; "Oh, have you ?" said Mrs. Ferris,'?! a feeble voice. "How fortunate ! But as my husband has the headache, I think you had better keep the man till morning." "No we'll have him to-night!" cried Increase and away he ran. now it tbs young Smith thought he was ISLn lil t'. I ASaSlAa ,1 i . V . .1 n: ' , , . . i .ww. w tod eiecwa to mat post iue gooa iauy s leeiings on oemg brought t ?o j Kneentiy be wa a second time elected before Mrs. Smith, can be more easily im-. V- 8 Senate, and took his seat at the agined than described. In her fear and t!ertestion on Monday, confusion she confessed some very startling If skcbitary of war facts, and with tears in her ey-s begged Ht. Simon Cameron served an spprentiee her "kind, dear friends" to be merciful 4p o the priotiog busines at Harrisburg, aud not expose her. Mrs. Smith recovered el1 'bseqoently worked as a journeyman in from her amusement, and exclaimed. "H flssbgton city In 1821, when a voins- nomination for tant General ofl was appointed bv West Point: and Lnfl. J r,d Mr. Smissa. wholBligj . )e qclined tbc offer of a was not the least excited of the thrfj BT r ' M dulged in some em. v sensible rWrimf -cw.uu; yivanis; m toai tie Meanwhile Joe Ferria who ... th J ?0?aV Jkion a visitor to that had t,ken the vounger Smith's nl.ee J8 Ibe min d-e,fMd , " : F luongiw. ror m in the granary, and gave it np in tarn to the elder Smith, went home by a circuitous route, wondering by what strange accident he happened to be caught, and congratula ting himself on his escape. He had reach ed his door, when hearing his name called by somebody in the road, he turned around and saw three men going by. "Joe Ferris, is that you V oried the voice of the younger Smith. "Come on if you are ready. I've got Bill Hodge, and PVisaa press. He formerly I Mr. Blake, and I think we'll be enough fori P5tm2leT of Hrlordt nod" that one thief, but the more the martTer so I 4pistratioo, nd left the come on. I knew you would go in for the fun in spite of your headache. Joe was as much in the dark now as when locked in the granary ; he concluded it would he best to put on a bold face, and accompany Increase, and so he declared himself ready and jumped over the fence. At first he was afraid of committing him-! self, but the conversation, by the way ws va etstivti w VUV wy C J www wyvv U U U showing him, as ho thought, exactly how0 ttdcr,i taking a prominent part in its f oiie ana national. tb ground lay, be laughed heartily at la Zl' rT stiooai. ue was a queer manner in which the thief was caught, ! dSl r" State at large to the Chicago and volunteered to be first to enter the -SSI? 1! ,7a ,f ?om' granary where he foe- confine at the mauuu. ng WSS Si- a c aal iBaT 4 khamed i .awaked ilnLel- aaaaaaaaV m BV: m ' : ay 81 Br BBB BBS wm . ... as ssr BV O - -ssa nomination for anv years he ha hen nmm. ineotlf identified with the works of internal tiproement in Pennsylvania, and for twenty seren years was eashier of the fciddletown Bank in that State. Hs was also formerly President of the Lebanon Valley Rtilroad Oompioy, and President of the Commonwealth infursfeee Company. secretary or the navy. Ho. Gideon 6. Welles is a native of Con n.ptici.t, and a well-known contributor to the held the office of Mr. Van Bu- office innn mf. kCthr election of General Harrison in 1840. EjrinH a part of Mr. Polk's administration he eupiid an important position in ths Navy Baparment. Like many other prominent Northern Democrats, Mr. Welles disagreed wtth b s party on the subject of the repeal of assouri compromise. The territorial qth being the chief one at issue, he be otMoe Mentified with the Bepubliean party soon r rlk organiEation, and has since been one who save to do ires, dinners aad everything for selves, wives sod families on 10s. or 12a. s week. Bet they are act the objects ia this national calamity, which, somehow, seems to bsve been got up on the spar of a sharp frost. There are people with absolutely nothing. Yes, in this Christian country, it is assessed, apparently without contradiction , that there are thousands hundreds at this police court, hundreds at that, 1,600 at the Thames Police i.ou-t alone all said to be without a hit of Oread, or of coal, still mors neoeesary just now. it ts'impoaaible tot to atdr, what has become oi our poor law.? Where is the Relieving Officer? Are there sot Boards of Gxardiaas? D n't we pay heavy poor rates f Yes, indeed, we do Tbexe u a rina at the hell. "Plmu sir, the collector, for the last quarter's poof rate; and be sjs there are two quarters due 'l ' Well, what is it r "For the two quarters, 7 18s." That it no trifle on a rent of 15C a year; but as they say others are paying s good deal more, aad there happens to be the wnervwiioai in i Hi a ease, the rate is paid, and this modest residence, in a street of a hundred ousc, pavs nearly a sniUtag a day to the sup. port of the poor though we do not happen t know a single pcr.-on to our vicinity who can be reallynmff YJrtsvw dira for relief. ' London News, Jam. 11. The "The mortality was not colt Stat it t'. taw way saw mas year, oat twice as great as the pveeeolag oae, wheo the deaths reached too to aetnber. Tail retail is to be attributed to the prevalence of dysentery, in an epidemie form, which made its ap pea ranee in ths Spring, sad con ti need through the atamtT aad a por tion of tee Pall moo the , um "those who wars roffererj from an attack of the epidemic, were some, who, notwithstanding ths stsoy years they had peeted with lesson da ta rocad, pretested the ttogoktr sad pnenomsoon oi aa enure It WW of that a fatal tarmlaaftWatt.n'iW Ai l tiasi, bswsver, daring thatr ills tr, that ks sash DENSITY OF POPULATION IN f HE UNITED STATES. Some of the facta disclosed oy the teases are that the noo-tUveaohiiag States are twice as dense as the sUveaeMiogStatas Ths Mid die States are the fleasst; next, the New See -lead; then the Northwest; then the South, and lastly the Southwest. The States taken to gether htre a density, of about sixteen to the siusre mile With the density of Sweden aad Irorwsy, which are the least populous of any European States, the United States would have forty-flve milHees ef inhabitants; with the den sity of Russia, -ever eighty million; with that of Spain, two bead red million.: of Franoe fi hundred ml! lb aw; of Britain, six hundred aad sixiy millions; sr Belgium, eleven hundred and fifty millions ' la popaUaoo, the United States it probably Eooeded oory by four of the European Pow- exceeded aw. - era, namely, Russia, Austria. Fraoea nJ tK. Em sirs in Kuroaa. It U nrl T , - SSI MnnlAB . . I. C3 1 - r-r - m i iwiis, epaiu or orkcj, and is equal to the aggregate populs- ton.of twenty-four out of toe thirty seven States of Kerepe. LBritish rune twire at 1 ' THE TEXAS WHEAT CROP. The Galveston Civilian, of the 22d ultimo has the following: ' ine wheat eroo of NortKerr. T... t. HOW JL U. 8. COMPANY WAS SAVED. We have been informed by so officer of the United States army, of a most remarkable in stance of iogeuoity sad presence of mind ia a sergeant oi the army, wbtsb octal ted a fewJ.i 7T7 . weeks ago, by which he saved hi. own life and K,!T-!!Et' Wr..tfc seated as unusually protaiasas A l.rr imonn t nt mA k... W M . B that of bis party A sergeant with about twenty-five bad been sent out some mi Us from Fort Dwfl- anoc, New Mexico, to guard some stock which wore seot to grass, when unexpectedly they found that the party were surrounded by about lour hundred hostile Navajo ladiaas. The brave and skilful sergeant took position on oa era men oe, ana by a volley ollsv from the lone si iog rifles of bis party at first drove off the sav ages, who however, soon rallied, and prepared to storm the small party oa all sides. The sergeant, in taxing his brain for an expedient by wbioh to convey intelligence of the deeper ste peril in wbioh his party was placed, took a tingle dog which had accompanied the party, fastening to his collar a note written with a pencil, informing the commander at the fort of his situation, took a Ua cup hat is well crop nigtily favorable, and the slant vaoced aad thrifty. The ere hi m i?1Jefer0 C0" Herald, of the 16th ultimo, says : We are informed by persons roosatly from the upper eeeaaes that the prospect U fine for sa oousuaU, large crop of wheat. A greater u Hioaaatogiy laxunaat PUTRIDITY IN WELLS. Sometimes ths water ia wells quirts a put red tasto and small, as animal matter was undergoing decay therein, j-- " mwih ciriiui s. not to be ths cats. The i ii a a sf ' T" wwv m a uutu -1 ,. i.u..H6JV;uuN, H in uu- soone si the Presidential electors. ui me vuuueer omuii s uismav on g, instead of the thief, his own father ck and key. glee the men proceeded at nary, where Incre.se pro- companions to go into the tern, and see if his father pon which Joe Ferris laugh' Fpubiicta of moderate views r J i l. f uu auvisru me jruuugiT and bring the old man if re to be found. 8ECRETABY Of TBI IlfTXRIOl. Hon. Caleb B Smith is well known in In, disea, ,iud is reported to be possessed of a vig o(Ouv intellect, snd considerable administrative t5t.0 bily He has been frequently a Whig Member of Congress, and was com mis siooer t Mexican claims. Hs is now a R. with .lad ttdinga, he cried Bill Hodge, "the grana- n, and the thief has broken out. Increase, came back filled with conster nation, aud Joe Ferris waa no less surprt sed. 1 1 The strange events of the night were. mvolved in a deeper mystery than ever, when the elder Smith, having heard of the approach of Increast-ajuAhis.. ruonafrtons, made hit appearanjte with a light. "Hallo, neighbor !" cried Joe Ferris, "what is all this hubbub about ? Increase has been telling us about thieves." ui I, - .. ... "i aeciare, lather, said the younger l omun, -alter you shut me up, 1 shut up a real thief, and left him in my place ! " "I know it, your mother told toe," re plied the elder Smith, "aad when I came to lei you out" . Oh, I tee all !" groaned Increase, "he mw- j wo to come So Wing, the elder Smith held the lan tern up to the face of Ferris, who turned ghastly white and trembled as if he had been in an ague fit. The whole affair was now explained, to the astonishment of everybody and Joe F. in particular, who was too much astonishsd to make any resistant while M POOTafASTEa-OENEaAL. Jhe 'Hoo Montgomery Blair is a soa of Franci; P. Blair, one of the editors of the Glebe , the organ of Gen. Jaeksoa daring hit admin L tratioo. For several years past he has ratided. with bis father, in Montgomery eouaty, Md Is graduated at West Point, went to the stiVt of Missouri, practiced law at St. iouis, taa made judge, and was appointed by f-resiaYt fierce solicitor ot elsims, from wbicb MCe hi was removed by i resident Buchanan Judge Slair is now in the prime of life, aad a warm ftepubhsao. Ue a ton in law of. the Itts Hit. Levi Woodbury, of New Hampshire, ssa or tutr ot frank r. Blair, Jr., A;ongrett naa eiitt from the St. Louis Dmtrios. ATTORNEY OSMBRAL. . Hon. Edsraid Bates was born in Goochland Qtniv.-Va . in 1793, and in the war of la 12 served as a volunteer at Norfolk. About 1814 as rts dnt for St. Louis, aad erossed .the Mis rimrfppi -or the first time, on tbs 20(h ef April. Bets be studied very diligently in the oftce of Kafus tton, a Coooecticut mae, aad Mme iiao a delsrate in Cob teta from M 1 ! i fsryttocV. Mr Bales came to the bar hi the Wjnier a 181617, and practiced with fair suc- Vm as r. beginner. In 1853 he in htrh Ksa vasa " k,aa uw tvtaa uut a 1 ran art j rass -ia. aa . a . . - Some pebbles, which were nnnhni uh . nM. i v : . , n-nseiOSS taUs'OT of cloth over the top, fastoned it with a atrirg I the thoroodsisAiop oTSLJUT wTt to the doe's tall, aad started him lone, know . .K.!?!l' 7! . tT WUTr hl ing that he would, iu his ahViaht. ran f. is. L... 1.7. z Dfl"fi. fort. Hs dsohed with the greate&t speed to Fort Defiance: the note was disco vend and rssd Straightway a party was sent to the res cue, and arrived j oet in tone to save the -lives of ths whole party. This sergeant justly mer its a 00 01 mission, which, we hope, will ho swarded him by the President. ATaarecAy Flag. cot away 'es. arid shut me up !" "And how did vou oat ont ? 1 v o - - - tr" y -- mi ww uo was eieciea " 11 Ji iae lDieI e we naa the Rinaneso tage ex, the land Court ef St. Louts county, ome and break the look ?" Khd after serving io ths ofiee about three nrtars h( resigned and returned again to ths practice 01 the law. tie acted as president of the nvst aad harbor improvement ooavsalisa which Stt at Chieago, sad Ln 1868 acted as president of tbs Whig National Convention wnicb tact at Baltimore. In 1860 he annointnd bv President Pillmnr r.A Annc by the Senate, Secretary of War, but dcebasa 4 the appointment for personal and domsstM rta- (SBJtsOISI j i HELPER IN NEED OF HELP. Helper, the notorious anther of the Impeo ding Crista, is lecturing oat West, where he does not appear to have a more brilliant iba. oats tnea atOnsded his efforts in New York The Dayton (Ohio) Empire says hs was in that ..... a a v sx . st town lately, aad that tells bow be fared : The 1 i . j . . . . uait was iiguww up. twenty terse tietets were Kld, aad afssr waiting a reeesmUe time far stare customers, the agent slipped away sad the gas was turned ofl. The proprietor wa at a ate hoar last night, endeavoring to find the aatbor of the '-Impleading Otitis, who, it eems, was endeavoring to escape the coat Hucw ui uis own wore, wo were aco aa oa a aw m 1 b tireiy diaatsrostsa observer of the coarse of events, sa ths ag ot bad aegjeeted to meet sa )r,iiiiij viirio mm uut BUB Ulf r. avr more or lest in oontaai witk tx. , The next day the water was sweet as ever, ,1m the case of a cistern of filtrrsd rain water, the efsje remedy of agnation was reamrted tn uk 1 '8 Thb Elbcmob ra Arslahbas. The Little llook (Arkansas) State Geaetss of the U tan . oys that in many port, of the Seats not ptore than half the usual vote was polled. ' Bad fm all asmctseal purpesat weeJd have beew im- Ncti cing sa take some fins oil then pot it oa till it boils. Then ibicknet with CHEAP PAINT. a inoairv for a ehean naint. in put ea eld heildtngs. fa aaewer I would say I bate bad se experience in that Ihre, snd wt'L give the desired information. In the first o's mix it with cold water; and keep stirring it it to the reonsired warm water. If awn mAA It white, stir ia whiting; er say ccJeVyou like Apply with a brush, the sasae as paint It fills the pores ia the weed, as that aflat two, ooata, it will cost no mors ta naint aw nU knn. ding than it would a new one. It penetrataa the wood, and does not peal ofl like whitewash It it never tafs to paint over whik T. a mmmmm win last a number of years, as ths os tee steal teepe it from washing oily Oisi Thousand Dollais Rrwaed Gov nor Ellis hat iseoesl bis iwnnjasaslfsi -m reward of 81,000 for the arrest of James R 8. Chipman. late of the eeaaty of Gwirrcrd who is ebtrged with tha . artJ Penix, late of the same county. Chip mail w described at being 9 feet 8 or 10 ieebet Ufa, it sparely bellt, sad bss back hair sad aoZT ' tttatH'esv t m Tobacco Stalks One sf oat says : "We made Last y tar s better crop of - . !. - t ..... -T www, maoureu exclusively with ttian we have ever made with a aao. The stalks from four seres will one sere abundantly '' tttarrTAitcxs ro Ibblabd. Dtuhtsr the ft aouth, sadiag the lot of FaWuary, lie ser vant air is of Ciaeiaaaii asms to tWr ami friends io Europe, the teat of 884 iae rstaistaacos vary from 88 U 826 is) 4t I Give the devil his data. Certaialy; says & u temporary ; but it ia bat tar to ban an Am due" rri!' wiU wHhiag Staar KZ3awt saVVa. Tsmr - mtpjroasavBsaa tatsretevaavsam two tVctt A J-'v t 1 2. , a 1 81 italB "ill laalhin-isfTiliitfif 1 'jklfi '

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