' te: . - feirBiis b Ss tefte ?.v?J&tr& r "'A VWXv m "ftiot .fare IJi wftJurfeirjujUrwottt ffim!WmW.f TMPg iMJL.iiteliMhrV.IiLnuT: ana r-nt.ti iik - r.v i; s:s m vh ole metifaict(kr toagb -8pry j . -0 . i - - -r r..- -1 1 inscrtwa! -.Deduction made.! f7r,or)4taadw0M jqI 6 At - thw rttQ there WQU'De It? ll mWs-..r,Zk hviiU .Utif.iV,r wr better J. 4ThefcbelegHrd 8tlWil ProrfoaUr.Wtapa, .ard. o.f xpwdup git ppdeP went thfoaffb the oiWiif ' ArlnUfvtb'a five iiiiaaWi;rivS a jeirVtoJita SflW ; TR? - ,'.T,f fr www jina '-;?wmbm renotieifM red rath toHhb' WodVtieatlL tby ctipoa fid Oertotot of U U .K.4i . !r?V . "BBJ l?c ror.aittioBS After: iirturivuzirAffuuct 3TI SCCUllfOUS it V.' L. Tut jcq'.p of tle jxrseVMetmw in i tVe. '' 'At iitai. period, Vkfid. in that'section te ircuraion&' vfi;tlw -Indiana' haabeconrV1 ex- t'reme tyiiajrMng; in'd Wtefetf pfctiye,ta'n'd ne ther "irtaiU .nor fchHd wi' phfe To s oaick. eves n Trae epeugb. Jack 1" &piad4"tb W j 1 Meanwbile iIrs; KeodHeks8 btt ndoved off a little dislaace; "aEdw'aS "bending dwm i to the ground; fining lier' iprott'itb "BticVff. ' ' :rjairTerJ,ni6tb1itr addei endrjcke, as he tutned fowafd'tbe cabin door. -.1 Jbyeuth-complied' at bnce.and; Wrek Kendricks, having nearly filled her apron, Atriihtened up and took a step toward the cawpr'iv was TJui one Biept uuwcki, vi at that i mojnent: bc StiU . ar reverberated srltK Uifl joareporj iQt'evf rme uu wrtb a shriek the poor .wanj . dfpppdto 'the' grounds 4; -tiT1 -'fMerciful God!" Telledthe father and gonVin-(p.ne.irea41t s .'v ''; juung thetf from- VUo'fcy thing. like an dnik:aa iajftheri jloh! Vtne1f CwitbtoV irozu tne lowptylos fier.T?eral ifunb failurea, !-we must .iitr rush- .oatian? Charge' the Ved deva," or leti'em .'aeapeniV in tne end.' 1 t , . - Sr V l?,c&7rrrD!4W-Fe,DI College, now avvvuiirciiyn IU UiVAJiraka mm tarjl ibe Bute. Th alb .'a - 'ji.r . A oi iiaaen'i iaUae prtfeqv ttertfor d mat eonfi,. apo-.ftOLthei - iirr:i At .Ibat motntntia lo'idef 'about tlta .JW.W from thotilndbblbf;i; ine'r and aoh quickly prngi'back,'td 'hfi loop boles. hey s'ticevere be ciR?6i Six mortf-'I ndUns baarriye on the grqand; aaoU Mr. Kendricks ascertained by, afctual count.--1,f : j'jr;.x That utiles' the bisneW me boylVitaid' the Qldan., - in deep-. toneaj tharV' we)e- 'fifff tyyffiffffi'-. 'Vlilt rl-skn8j.bui?8t' ffo the; tbkcfbreBt, ' in-' a'daah." - " jf!- f J;;1 every titg$V "'itnesse.b' 'VVtVijtaiun 'yfjBwUb louil jecaoi94'aniiiai( to'wafd "An1 rnqst he mur4ererauv-inyr!bobiv Jif aiM "property. " . .St .-. thfta)ia.4L . VUJ Yt- . ; - motner; 8capeF.q at last-rA cried tberTOUtb.' ' 'Thelflf-.. qpf;ib4nany athriU ,Ai Middened ibyi tb- acn'-beroro - them; wiik-paa9ioAaie-.arneatiieaa.- ' " Nj j K ,J jipg ifK'sKfiPFri V o.t tjVon- ' ' otjf X km nreventit me bQjr L'Mres I i f ft l I I was 8ttate4- in--tte.wrtde rowww'we distant (ufQTbtaiBV Oabed tttwrd - ibe1 frpor- wherV from 8ty ffteteen$,' Vhd ff rotft Hnr' other KafiftiirU -tfv '..The -.Httle -phcewas W(' ciipied'feya'f per4ifttler! named;- odbud ponded the old ran in 'low, deepir ah'dfeV olqte toneaH'feera much a .hVan km Mra; Kdifallenvatwhich 'theyere' wifh tlm dead-body uv oe "wj 'lym', m(Wcb: cloier-proximity hU4tfiebutcfier: &al,f wantirVake iifTengearfeiruaV lo ranid vfto tb:r5rtovMnentsthat thev rashea'duEh'tn !fiiV" k were nntnomenv itffea'chinfi? the '8b6t; ix Zl1' 1 u2ir.n 4U1 4th. I4-U ' " . I t - " v r I mi TebUenteri)riTr..nrnT.S5 - J )le Ttf Tt, loVoJ4 aol,7 I I'L-iLittiMiM- rtl7.1LJ ; H ! lbey:-howed4kr u4.to tho .rA.1 t"1" Tte-wcpU trattf ceanuuy, foray !rtD . . - . i. - ii luc iiuriu unmiin i i . . s . . r . n f edoeatioo gerali? , .' t' J !W'er JVWrfbnM ta- " Ate W Irani ro Ifii??tmJtt,Vmil-.ii.at4 loe pbUe yCioecaidr- tkat the OollfM kJhT..J iZj ert:a.tff".rV4 aj9.i ,1 tt- -itAi 'be Coia ebould benyY:!?f. yJ! ' reT6J 4 front Hxn; Lewij--.i WnQfJRaand.DanielVSBickrn- VJ "T; Pf pradihetr.--yrap4thy',''JJ r-T?ro V a1 ki . I : r t . . 1 . -( Eei.dncka. ni.s iie .AHty,i: auq tbfir.an John, a hold t fearless vciftb. abput 21 or'22. year (fox6 -."" r .."t :s:r .Kendric?p . 4- jtr pwaaUnnfid wiidfrAes? taming" lhl fe UiW roScrtidJ.-'caltcq ptfrfonii ttrhla wn to:'c6meL '6nV to -'-every dafrg 8ffrHtg"ah,d IrbiiWitfci ' I'U ' f oiler ydd; dental ;td ffttcn'arr ottr oi rne wj anq ex; post-d IfffT coh.MifqtfetitrytheVlwVre more or iess preprt-u iur any suiiuen e- papopntet it srtnupncyigtfrc.i .; - '.ii u 4 prepared- to execute Vome plan.' . A ileiDaV- -.4 K?4 Aminytteo We've, got rthrf ?anu me bot ut ' etading iftjf 4vQrw ofj tbecabin ot;obVwg behinoVlmaYal?.1 ndttcki MW-4 be dark aide laid tb oldmif wuuuenuv. .vn.e sin tee tnem atoro they u : ' ' "; hM- liit 8oVaa3ented,rViour8e: r: ' ! V -W6 iBtat atrike huTctabd aure" thouel tne boyj'or- we'll ei the wnst f it ?. liitentiy.-cafifllug the .siwroa riding forest I dashed op iqwarditheeabinbia. son closely d i ver.jdBciioftr rgjedi abdu'l- her foH6wr..JiynbtaowJtbotttpeaiWly viiq anfanxMuav wiiriBg fokr,;nd at length giaacig pax aihewbsyeavg8,, -1 exprps8Mh6rf2hts- afoad: : v (Ji dad oo-l? scried :tb -fearleis 'bay; - at,iih?atk f a'a be rioole another look behiBd h?m.r J . v both JuhW atehrf IboW'b'eack :bv r TKeWriiar reicbertbe door of nfaki ' this tlmeeymlsei to KforseyLHm Jo?tl rk VwC" HWbip to.Jceep mem l(avay.;i neither .leas 1 eirtrsed'lfieirweabdns- and with-fierca vella they've Tajljpn jgjwiiht'fomo Viibckred wariiLahed1; fcrar5w. , Mtnoti : IwUntaneoualT mint g, and I 'spect i6ifc: day iylV looaeiwub the report boweycr, .iba , elder ..Ken their bkulpafc'an4lhatr-,i.e 4he end on 'em.l dricka WaVnat of aiaht in the, cabin, and I don't like, to think about. if. hat I 'apose the ton! drppped,to vtba gnainnd Instantly i iuat s nuitv a u.utt im&. lur, soouer or ta -1 luuuwiBg wa.uiBBurgo at a weapons, ana ter Well, th JUordjhtwvtb, tbep,! and jw aa itbtetavagea dartW Wrwa"rd,; young a momfnt.8 pause Uife good wonanvaddedy jsouplo pf muscular bonqanand bimaeff 4iti grttm barker and dafgerj and afore, almost )nde of tbr .nouse'r -Another mo long the torestnTO asUck aNjrow? :1 ffienand'-tbe door,waa closed and barred." wish to gi atioua;tbeyd beme'hefor1 !I '"TciomV tfme Vbe Indianrruihed iitbe'r feel kind- o"i narvwaaito wght-i-jeBt -?ar S if and thitbef' abound the bouse, .uttering the BomethiokiVaa eoini tn kannee.'!' i fierceatVni rrtaat diahaliMl .vplla . . ; . At thatvmj&mehaan : suddenly- made - -After posing u4 barring the door vounz waa lorpae of bis m6th TherftV J osbuan4w iexefeimedMri I and Iremllioi? tones. Kendnclta? 4aa be'a ;runnine8 as if for f 'Dead foreite v toy 1--' raa - the -"ild his life. rSmetbin! irong. I know !" lmani broken. Ten! y ? h Mr. Kendncks dashed forward at a des-i "Cubs the Moody mfihatera V1 'crleoTWe uciakC IMR I 11CU ELI 1 KUOUI IIIBV vflMQ I BX fropi thencalni'aKdian;irntming; at' the bands. "I've a mind to rush outamonem, fpp ofhir;8p8ed;4Bferff ad 'either kill them " or be stulped W'tb 'Therei ' I Vnowlui"; - l; ' iVVait !? reanonded the oltf manlvriaUir tiou ae old settler entered, iato an expfant ? . . - - t . i r 5W.,W oir kirTa araM, BV into 1 .n PnV.LincolnUVtgntfiU pur--" 4 .fea atba ' ViVH aJcnon mai feting .ba Girdle--- ' ,i Virtnl-! Bold Wn l4'e,n?We ftober5.))u should, -businees prevent,, bo,, Sa j tia(oq?6W,a irtoVirD iers;e;piople4 bylejier. Jibe'. , i the iildiDp '!(?.KP4litr QVp; wbrfeoald-fer1 fi.ikjWd matt t48wuug toeJargeat javerbald in Sff'fS vry:kevy : It ,a.t et-loUi - or" fiveJ tiV t'riiW. have to th.ira. Haviog getbeaowaiCTi? "VJ'?- : wbat it would Ufaia tie wir.-. ktmnnMi.u. .l.--j . . M lhe CiorYrnmnt. Mellvern 7ft tT, . oatef-M'abanlaot. qdtakQod-North; Us . v4 '.r oliDiaaa wara aever mora liberal ihui how I tl C :.- : : - j -..j ,i 1 5r J . - . ,. mo wwjry or we 11 get. tne wust 01 it j aaueq tbo'bld, man! ! Tbar's five "uf them to ojw of i'yer. know !H , Vfri-4 ttddnVt'-cafe if ibV,war nfty."oa' HnV v w tru., unaui.ttui nqw peur I eorin of their i.rak-irit ifai . I -u;-.l P''ilON . Itf . T.H K., OHVPjmitP ATP . Other.pariM.. ) ft. U vPTAr.QR?AiMJSEIOA- -Ttcv it , . . With these Uc Ufanju, J pmfiieatlf kpi t-.: ; , ,;tu . ... , : Toli'Aawwioo la iaaetfnr AVrTl' t J rebuild the (doie-at daoJcrWaiaUuV UOoe ef iba iiiiA?mf.saia,.al Wf1.BJ?JPfW- ' . ' - . . ;r, ; a ; i - - - r i bk inu iu MAjrftf Mt J . ri.T w r ( be alter .d.irtaf.adMeliKI lave not eswa Uamftom.!AbtiloW.,IBp Udn Waa'iba'reo v innn, MTanrf er a.nd forgit nbera." . .K-ii if ? f That's right, ma bov LbaL ddo'DforHt tbat yer must fitei yer. never fit afotWH4-1 nd the next .moment pqhedrtbe doorback :tt-ik11: ii Wfeh precr.irAbeta the two awaited wbav they kna.w .iaust b-e the inevi table" reVuli.' . " i'ivi.i Bleantime, the savages were still rushing around the cabin'm'all direciionafj 0hree or oar. happened i6 ben front of the.doory however, 'astaii was,openedland vitbl'sv loudell they dasbed' forward. b'a i.c.)i era renet4 .e, sound anclhaataned i kfje'r. their cimpani6nst" Vv v: .v- s ".(41 ; On Teaching 'the. cabin t door.iboaa in ; ad vance! dashed inside, but only to have thV orams rnocked 6utyv ,iqu -and tain -blows, pf endickfs and bia: aoni r.: Al ooatJdn ibe tn'reahoidi and befbr tbey -bad uuuguv wus.wacomDg.' tne aavares were orameq. iti iigbtning Jixq raptcif ty fejl Ybe fatal And unerring bUwsl, iad m .tl. iBunatea an inieDuoo 10 aia ns.r i arnJpft propose, iha gettleureu a&'ls&ea fa ah. parts of the Bute iaejiaad to baipaa. :Wi!l aSdrau iime now to vii arerv.-womoasirura Ktate". rrme tnovera are. bow oipiojea.,ia uiui.kjw .u. , i. .. .! Tet I wiU .8deavorVtiesU,ofl:ev.rv;6Belwbo LaW Thav pra, ifcjSZZ .Vlz! . V1, me bvj.uerto tbuaitf, .Mtb'e BaYlUUtaUbUBa batn "B --P-n. V..ilX-NfA W4 VW.AW?i ?iWfi.iyrUe aaodai.-ia-POaTPO.VED fcrm " r.-Jw U.iT I. Ja. V- k. - - L. Vil' X 1. " I H T S . . I.e. 11.. II .k. V rfS wbt:. a -J " . 1 ' - lor rabaUdipgike XWlegr,-aad-wkrt tkeyyuj86otkHhe, no, su.? sepuajeu wvuld U tWpbiLniM ,w A..vfa TXi r; : py ua ajsaaua. j jata pavabta ta three, six will. ba thaaxfuy friend net to aead dt os checks p prnviury the deepest ilence-tha.'tf tter'and'his;8on performed theintleadiy' work - " ; Ft'f tt.h ,-Tbe.savages-rusbed Vm iKe'dbotl bf3 1 toe K., firlyJdmpin;.widkheexciieiBen bia'feetJi "Wait a bit. me bovi her feelinga:.;sUttWyi!J am i?lil- J cabin onefterHhe'5otberi the swiftest be lujt liret, ana irom mat tavoraDJe icircum- ?en yards from theciMr'-and a pissi'otia that way with one before'anoher came jip,; and meut thefidian stdpedT threw upbW'ndrl i1raed A-num4rihjBa-,:v;;i tbe.bodiesof bilf a (Toien lay pi'J op " . ti"5 v-.r oeiare ine.rea bkius .were , at all -able' to turn uDon the hidden ill iVlri?f U the . incidents tf ltbti;deA.. UBUUU.ier pMsea witn tqe1. rarjiditv ot.ih6ubt - ' ! f'i:- n wuc uvincr man i a r - lucAuwunninfl innp itnifAt Anuint vm pricks fede, tnd halted fe;ttefsamaa oUretf Inibe; Vf ;: . yell tbedwfelV fow uj :,to .Joorhole in tha frnn walV wder Inetantanreppsly .anQther cersonadK loyei ibe -f nV. s sye44be.c;ipn'taidd i -claimed Mrai'Krito he s savcdiftefe r c V gdifrg thV moHmentsfT tb .oopinV said the boy; lrraif1-bia tf1,rhr !tendrict : -.-L-f" 't' I t Ripaaoas- wr-Baieaiiea w ur,,. vsrn t IarnrcftJfclX'D.r- .ir i . , eigtit asajwelTe moRts,. UaM.WM t received.. We beg our gftfe,andapwbicb .Viblis bilawJ: ,n ui u.-i i s rtn a.t K! ant cash by mail.' Saddl was trabtUfed.by.tbeapiwv il4fsacr4.Aitl Mf... ,- ... i . ! i-ot u i: tirdi1 - feaver aau.wbafala'eiHhW addrof.iha Nwioaal Qtatralj liU j.. 7-jtt r h t.;V I will ejfe, asd 1 will either vwit ihQfftHejti Vomavtteeofuo uermJDi xjofut, Amancau 4rvfA"y-1ii9aTv4, make arraBgemeata for foaeting.? tUoWfln"K5a t u t-i vi ; "'AroikeMaet 100ffCi h tBe uU4 bol W Tbe Bfcessiiyjol geraa nt&WTtinx .&JiV&Mtoiteipuuu who are-now iu.i will gfye av, flOOO each'.for ba sSbjeStft itanatj, (it s.yaj t c xiat,, .'wi;bjot t4ipat IWa l Wf itb abiiractiBg .q ttte litbo i era! have p4 offered .tab -onuiwdrad" JVitloat jt the Germaaa of this Re'pub iet.art &m J.VftMI1 '! io'-'girelbai "W. Ctea gmlemau prcpoaei.to Jibe ajpeodix of auy par iealar .twy, without vS(wp 'tv-, S' W10 onje -ufH ; give '15.000, aad pejj tbrjsaraliiaffad.witts4av'ea, Bttry-aepvata, plhioal,.aec.ataatftlljj JSftlfl n-d xic4 wnoiwicivtrai iaa.ue'wiupa.into, iop.TOBua,m..Barr;"--rr,r-r""& 1uT-.wi.V-twv, vPtik u-4v:. irtvaiuuu. : Are tBrre Dot sur m WOOf-maay wbo wTII give me e 40030(5.1 locVl dtowrraiioia48t Xwa diGhiara, , Pcr?2t ImpircaUd wEa,waa;Attght;U icJfir 200 a4d 1100 eab? nraUU'ade tirutbAeligarasf HaUrak. aodther lotafTtmhwtn-l9 tmptiimn g tbt &ilI-7 recently ' in: . .r are, -whs will gift.nip llOCfiK-bia ,iAuatttD-! will be rr'te fully, received and,vdoly.act4cwi- , t me bearfrom yout f xidwitiieos,' at puee. . Let as bavjauak; iadiaUo6 -ablie lavor imoHiiarelv. aa will iatifv e Tnuteea wf tbe College in proceeding at aooe to raboild; And ay your ready" eontrtbatiose be saev as will aecare tbe favor aad bleaaioea of tbat Ood ftAfiveri'i atretched 4 bl wyst m a. hod4rr;?t-lfc-'-tJ-i' f ,fucceeded!nfrehg'an,nHanoln btnThe qmck: tyessUTered Kenoricka i& bta aonfund: wit$; fil but f -the eroest.-'cbaracVer- Kewlrjc'lts lliMM lind'TeifeaS?'.- . woo wvea a eaearim g of Oreensadro ftoJai Cotjre'i Raleigh, N . -Q Augoit J4; 1 n - : f i i Form the Xaw Tcrk Tinjts J3lh Agtta& XHB4 BEZELS AJD THeIk LEDEB 'Bad as Jeff. Dtvts is, be has 'served tke, V tiaoa rt-rk.-auffieiaotly anvl Tbe b P b'MeUra Ef A CopwelL'r,Tba, o 1. tutof v i toe uermeoa in Amexiea-ooaaBvanMi' "r" ?",y' ,v u-rufvyLhj t -w as to orrti.U(e.ue ueraans4Qto aprofrrru.vivv' . i- ,:4DVUC" v kwec8L.FBAj --4.4 , raixioed tbraUeoaJitjiaid,aaBgaafebwtwr.!" ia,,kuiedbaii ti ever tby retajgraewUuJis-gfr.iBaojrxraj'Utiaij mrTZZ t 7 jtrlJr?ny&yi&9 xit nT hi Oil 0 dertaki k-weli.'aad they bivo si Jgbt 0 orfp WlTf hini,-tfiiafWa.adUoVabWpa.id;atvny:ii uoioimbnsHViitedA The V bad Iqpv, J bias- andr 'tbbrV'BshlTftMid .ecpld, Aot iajawstakau aiff V v. V-5f hi 'Wuy Hi.w tpeir principles. ; it M. ne . jaqmef jLfjj Wbple.;katv I Tbev coald nare found no "aoaB -witViA AlitiJ KoreVa,,W4fQihdasaaiy ersttip Q6i&-?itiirr&L k Wperieus: : ns . t - 1 - m wa. 1 . - a - - - 1 iiin-n h lAH'raii' Tn m vva a ru. r . z 1 iblji "Sarun-Jaclrfsn?nded as be pressed Jiia iS:' "IiraTlTWCT .m liw rTT Htl'Wfet raab; iaHssibta iahlaTJarpcie, -yet Wofen-ibauiv Wfipissperac soul ; cspaur oi?;b. , r- r-.'r,r,".T,'T? rrr.-4 p wmg annex. anaU-nDietoVti-. . . V ' x' kva earned aipoff UbteauUreeX-Jtt-ma-andl -"7& ,yi,f :u;pni ia-.wniieaf . . j glish eulrare.. -Tbe. Qemaa..XiiiinUrfiva -MVJe : ; jnwns in -ita.vAoirrua-.' ic-aau, -uaaj msr" .Tr, C x4 r" ! rir m 04 . . - rrman piritrepceaebliag BSt;doeavtbel-'j.. - -i af--K'a-iia-l,J wli ; klsTTiteratarj) pMMtQr)ii, ;BtgietvoT.--1- - ( f,x.w4x i ri irn vvt ? .A haurioiai4Aia-i----uitryric llal' :B-U54S fJGoa Aa-tBb v:tetoci k-WrVra - val - 1 . v . - . . I ll . . a - , - . B ... - . . j it-rfJitbef ,every put MascEaafwaw ,Taargaaai 'wj ita:ri4ir.4m.Vrfp . - v the Bojjgy, ftfPCMdWBipie-a-fabeUa fulri--l tte-TpreparbgMsaasrlel a-'?4A : : i' Vtxua oovJJ brgaaAxfcrnai-9tW aTial-fl i,bai-4iatiogiVbM T - ioMrontb 4p4er.pbia-awrplra4isi ttxfenU1 iqt-ev irktf atowavf lhf bt i bel - M 1 i, bv eraoo. aad ppla-el' ai ,.y gV & W.ity atashBaiiw-Arefan W V i Wi ba raiW'-Jiisb--rg W f tfrtnaif SfeeT att;y.-ilwWBbejow J , IUJbfi fyiaaWnacfgarlebaV ItJlJtasOtlteJj- MMf . IteVaVbfcAaerieia aH ii AuUr,' 'JF-tatftbtaf tha bf saJki-'Tbir i ' 5 sag e-Ldaity-aa4ralrbieyskbW Je wit;Bawe4wHrBy -fie4d ajab-goi fokmnd eoBegit IkwAaier imoeftilely.-.toi' Uebj--raad apte iAdrYnJ'r, -'" '- ' 'tiZ rb' ,0b foregtfrpfpose' ""l f rsr tae aext.rreiaeauM aiae4ie TVBrr.ai wti a.y(jcpS-qrarfatqitfcgJ y VXri Qermao .etaiaart ;penaiiaa.nniFetb pjx.-ir-aritiiS ;8at t&".-V p.witt egouTj CtBsjsta- bjaotia-iio Jcb; apd fateaiog fhe atrip of iron to1"14 tjfX. ' .. rK-rvw mJj. tWHWr-m.UWi ll--if? P ;o (of. trisMaa4 t&TOimltt ihs'rn'-i lion-pllUbe Qtrp wa.UiatiTasatougb -if ,Y, tt --? a rV d'auebed. '. thiak Kendrkkseimc'stlyf; 1 ju-riMjeu aowor46.uX (i.'.iad clerita tjtraelves to a balanoa of jwwer laUk.UB-i: a'ppr tota.af k-l tbti C w . 1 1 ji . a. . fc:.;. . l a. . w i. r . . - . 1 Jk " " - J h. . . . . . A k jnsk a-SP m p l . . di ... M. m. mm . - ' . : t ar jaataxpnaaj im wraoit it.v vui m at mh 1 wh rfrv .FB,I" uweia- ipuni - . . j "J . " a tidfa of. ' AiieVrt-U't:"i atraigM-.atio; v...- -. i ; i . . . ... - . . - u - . .. - . .; F . . . - X1 .... W - ra - T- - I .. " ' -' f- 1 'i 4 t t m wl r 9 j t Vft S J ' 1 "" .. m . .. - . Jf r " . - . -

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