in ITS -.5 J , U f . i!r a 4 -IX. , m and t&ittSxfflWjt! SirGenrtattbai couldba found iu the Cdnfed vim a- a- -.t . . -ml t iM-n', i.t-ii. a r. J -3 t : f 1 ftltt iw BY $51 OCfor SI Mmtlie. PAT i&Lt'lV AP V AN C ri-Wr rtart.- eiiher in the? anav Or a: Iditee. A lu iirn isr. - T " t the nnnm. of Wt Vttifted-Wiich. aiffhifr hnmfiHEn its -sub uuanttnontlfoa you to the hlghiofl-rrtsw W"Uv7:!?t? m mUj:ijfMAYri sA&M-i'now occnDTttfrtwBe.-tteafc tnlederasa aiuniw T'S Itkej confidently teoX. vttyipeJ;Mf ? J lievyou tt pxsesa in an eminent degpfll ir4.neAai)aoiiiues ana, virtues wmoa wino enable tou to Dtesent taan admuinff woria fil wjucr m wujiawu, usu- V) - . ,jr ' -V i TIT J1, the iBDoeme imsse ot i ton." Tnejlfe&sidff ecota -tt aBDipg i v wyewnup"" uiir TOww; jnumeroui dvMupot oiuMnMf mitfleenDip3 dences connected with joop former ,jal; W 1MBSttjre nbileiratrioiic Jnnde c On.' saw (fctfeltlW f VMVW VMV w r - - e.eJRrtt. pjtjti.f ;myqf TfiiiveMee, tf, ve cnfidence Are prep&realo perform Bieemn'a?ttttJMfl 9fiIt,,thi'&Tflijid rfd kithntdcohrktift vatid tetdt&nxaimir Yickftbars ttid Port Hudson haTi fllt i .1 , rJ ' i Tor three raopths fllnTinto ibe hnd of the enemy, jI-It 5. i vlTk eibecteiVoo .cill'rd ?k Will MoUffVkfi.fclM'M-' ioWtWhoBeof'trAtWtKV4ri1t ik-3!Sf!?!? h'ifldrVif Ilia jor tKKhyptM ai thf of sQcoeu onbe ort t& Uimfct yuii n4to4'.the.'proi- J!f S Ttt er' oereto&ro-mirXed tbe hu. tronW ntheryoanelf 'orthe "pubKoUi ;for oae time to Votne;-I feel bound io mite Vom iu&Uoa?spciftIry ; to u 'lbjeei moet' cIomJt oaneoted witb the totfo tiredy dlienaed. i It noiet be 4hnU& tbiriberwi it 'present grett'diaiirufotiod In tbe 'pmblie mind - gtow ioit,of tbe EenreorM of tTar Aim fertrtttaUrt 'cf-rtTiT CibTaet ktsrd of tbeir Ooantrmeor to 'eicnre the re- IllUTO P.WHICH ' O AVE m OCCURRED CENTURY IN'tfiXOLAND.-. cribUooTioitis'5few1Tork' bat ld lbfli ortbefearBibitoriniiek Eorluk' bittv ryfor weordj of grt riou rljeh ba' oeeaiJ rva id ooanij. xoe vvuiiiDgton unrooicl risa Idttueee which" girtef ltb ocmny' tbe'lthbe wd'diriedidi'bka; 'V 7" ; - In 1 780 the noted Porteow ! r!oW oeenrra it Edkbfy'i aeeHbed 1 ttb' Vltid power in 8ofU'i "Hevt of Mid LothWA' police' ofi. Dr ua resaerea . nimtera oooonouec to tee nob, who broke, Into' the prieon where; her wu eoiflned.draed blm 'out, - took him to the plate of extewtton tBiThiored bim there." Tbl lb our c&omet atiTiner, .meuM moralsif'bf the mow winierested "Wiojtr Un, of the greatest weight' of'hricfeiv and of the mosPlteiLdea tame. rermu me-tOrJaT .tbatJtiijTelven ftw.Veoiaoti opinion v amanriyoqc IswLteoi tltatl RiIttmtoon wife the great i;miBhnoM Qi3!at.Ut are Hi ' of your fellow citizens,. I have read Wftnue Lljpoag e a. k . w - f I has tn ....m' aat:.Efl(idrpRfl to I been MTKpldiSaVf tbeonfc&rate BuWHfcftr.aVPfetdenW They knof welt than der;tbeu abuse a JthereproTslent- in the -on- tbiogt wkieb, I eoafeea, 'to toy .Own 'at jawfajiaee oCtWiGowrnmcnt Tfanapoita- not li:Ue 'larmie. -Yon eaonot - bnt on-tHe ifitereetinnbjecleVMttdi beeft iWxfar efficiently", eosu terniuye now 'Jeff ua but viciory, o Ration, larSry nd Ae utter rmir of tl4gn omoiaiweuoffi w."' wrtment oi we uownrntoi; juct ,uw ou have enlrntt 4ikUiR?arall11SSmT. I ed-Qie cbnfmiiiJ df UfmUr haVe tot aFown IbSefrA-Vnifc ifcw;a. expec. 2 titk& imrv w with-l.tpri thAT ment bf all -iw m. m ran assert, that "tor tniafthev cannauaouastaas sacn awwe aanaFi all tbatifttitfCesaarjnfliv HJOf? wuu " called.10 the 'fie& tojfTerj.moUfe bat can momtbe,tt.oai, shouid, proVST. wnVir to ihe noskof-datY, shoaMtand;' brroTegslflfts'of lite are oeatowea -upon ua, g .mmradeaiiow tnrfront of .tlkeooapd tuitoualj by a bountoPrtrtldenc,;tha tho aVstreAfftbeicthie lirmita. of the iiDon4lH tbfthoHer' achibvementa of iutencev federae? to ;n8arfriiHieettt.Kittterejtffw neeanit oi acequaie ixeruon-en ne amounnof .'Donalar bUibmti. occjjrrencotf ;th war, and wb- earkaWaetaoity with wichyea"haVV ad, food an? til rl turn rpoaaiHa foUlltr ?"d tbeVtburfar,and to'certaiu aDiUtt t. -A . v' r Li r . . . J !.... Ufflaindm AA .J- s s I -r lauura vo nrovision loose .jortrewsca n -1 . t vt umMni city. war in tia bande of the rtoarhile thi was being done,.' ao'd tho who! proodiop wertVia . dirtet ridlatlowof th? "UaVfran: aadod. ' w. In '1753,1, there were riot In in any parte of Eorland on aeoooVt of tbef'exeenire ' nrioe of BOv enonia oo neia o n prompt ana tcrrivie - , . : -r -vj Vt iwh army there. wuh thetfls ofaibjUtence, l(ro w.Mf lat and which ..ynrtSS wM. freely eipoeed during he last tesiton iK WM,,. teeTquite .mj. toa"& "tlSS of Congreet. loneeforo the act of anrren.- mta oW hql k.T-- Zi VI exeenire prioe ofi creat exaonaiie Of toll noon the road. ' The ttxr'Uttif of the Gov. ernaeat.waa tbretendr. and it waa 'considered neceroary,t redfloe the cost, of bread and le aen tbe nomoeVof toll bars " -; - In 176Vwb'en 4he Esgn.Parliament re fe'etf d VbUrwhSbb astntepded to hot si pro hibit'ory on the'leaporUtioa of foreign aod pro ictie of tbeniaaaCtotore of EogUh'nk tb Spiutfieids ' weavers proceeded to rioiipe-io Ixmdoo, .and the mtliury bad to bo empl.yed , w .1 j-i c-u ucui i ,w u vn toil QCCUWU r??S? ;ltrtof that the first Lord H.JIa0daid: 1 Wbst eril atf artfartman tolgbt do wilh , these nSobs f mtndi be a. bdldly precTieted.6Trtily; Mr? Preiidcit, I f 1 imdOrfce . sarii receitlT 'become -tteoonstroetion. ' and J w.!nAi- u. i Yhe are wot' jet reoooitrurtioo-l The fuirdeialls "are (q bjo foandIn "noTae . T. , . . " I 17X11 rfn-rA IV. IIT. D... ft . ainda their lmmrditw decpiutiOB.i I,lI1-...rtv.1i.w .,. MM Venn OoHm. ki of. DnV. vimulf . t-r1- t - v m w w oi mm uci ui usa wiin . t . w " - ---- cantaot dodbt that you will lend ataTOrefcle disasters which othor- gorernaeou aodi)ooUl?eBJ - "wIlmeoV-od nnfortunately so erffcto thw -trmTerta? demand of fotrtxn hxro been-hereuforalkoown-lo 'expweooeTIt I v m.,n?ed.-" . b",itJ vwa. nerer crjmen on mis eupiecx. xn asaiow ins svaiia ice tangs aga oitoeineer phuoseDhie and' aal -rr-i "Ampino oiine i " t. v'l" I :: ... r I MnM f nltM-PniMUnii. t T" Tr",wcr wy age-. JJarte ht & ftYV -I53:s"! Teatareuo sjytC VI do tsott' so-r ": "" - j ;r " 7., - 1.a;iier P11" asked, ireauentlr before, both in ancient I - UttaoW and Vhttho rulef'eet fuse-td do HVr S SS' w ila, .Unow, Ah.t hermyvgnir;!r:rC -darftb td' ' Kiaq go. i os uorernment itself nm. cits wb( IbifsldeYaiO Undd'tV&lmi aay.-what ;ut f :V V'vl 6onare-ia eool bUdrUte taformalion !?ii0 v,ind.eim; M0,.5W &n wtado under a,.UU'ef .leuadon. hitd uDbihem will arodube an' Vmofartof .Kat f v: .l- : i7.r ditaffuetiontwixah has ;not been hYretoTareJerDmflnt BQtbing that ija; respMUbleThej axioio W-wo nnu.ei giafc arojHses.spe aeosof aaa.Uiej aao aotniag aloe) vtbej VWe i,Te bslietedairiloo'g- that there were fewer deserters from ibo' North Carolina troops thsa from these f othet States: but it i iash ioaable ax oeruhr quarters - to sitribata erery LI. .t c . . . . sppoBa oc.s xussepataoM.vitaraeter toeur good eli Qtate, aid beooo the stigma in . this rea&ect that. rest-, noon ler.V From tho dayaoaspke Island fell to UepresiiBt, she hu. jTrj- .."-.oc;"t,0 oioa.ins w ,oiaers. .fM sjserteNJ tbeoby person 'very high ia pls?e, on the. etreoelh of mere' 'i(rec 'rnsaor. even coco nf an the.attentpt to retam binu, at, air. rn I (sJi into the, temper of a furkws poanlaoa pro- fand.wiu be productiro of mischief tbjdwderve.boseofiU-aB; then, 'tiri!y 'qTiestom" remaining ?to' ImltbiiotJlidodiorreTjdonng fame k. iM mrrMn it a to m&DiB LfleBLtemiMaviiieuit'w wwncciw-'Niinf lueirr f . j - v r : i i . f m . TV -irf- v' "r -'ni v" v voo has iasoUed ljneoln ' "Ui- fMinv tt Barred fioif of .the I vour lovinsr and admirinsf conntrrmen are t ot tbe .enemy S!tyon seem tbthiok : tWidW very far iroeipawing of ultimate snoceea toltjoor itteytoon to what the Jllnalrioas Cabinet iato the .present. jriJaxing.pnNiioa to attain tbe desired end i will besufficieaolt; 4n'tlAPindingatrggl4. indeed they cansi: ylttan Uii dMl, nnder tntlt eircninataiv J-enl b.onjthtiba etil 1 ml reTolatioc - . i - - - i m m - w i . iir : i . i lyied for some dsyt, -ilarib(f whieh rsoioe and ertn worse "tonmes were rampsdt in tbe capital of the 'kiegdom. Persons were burned to tba ground -and ther inmate liberated; eharebVa, -sreire deatroyed; pnTato dwellings gotted, pltfa- oerea . ana 'oemstisneti. in Tact, Tor several dayii tbe mob ruled and revelled; avjaeiodi aad cm el, sack of them a were not inespaeta. ted by drink, applying'' tbemselres to tbe ban aess'of Hllage and murder." . . In 1811. there were" the "Iiid3its ' riot in Wott i and Derby; fo 181S the Fields' Hots, when London i thtterfroopa!bhaTsd badly ia the battle on inavisuna; aotf Irotn tEat day to, Ibis, though the valor of Ker so'abavetim and tfti'o saved that-person frod the'fateof a rtfogoe and --erer. yet jaatiee .has been denied, her, and i tie -effort ,h as been jnado to prod nee - itojoa, -4nd to that imaraasioo in huicry, that ahe, . above all other States, is s harbor fbr deserters. rlt aeema from th fe!. lowinfxtmt fronj theVnoy oorrajpoodeDee ef vkealafy 'Wstebman that Uis' ffjrt bsa"V becoma'po notonooi tbat'cTeo' the soldiers of other State who desert, claim to be from North Carolina; "The correspondent savei :.'fcYeftrdyaa eld member, of Co. C, arri ved ia camp,-who had been detailed as a scout to arreajpdoserters.- .Ho was assigned to doty 1a ths-oHhborbood oi Farmville, Va , where, oy sreepisg a.viguanK looa oat, ae soon nc eeede4.rn cspturiog, several fellows. who: be- ioog4 io-tne ,VWooo:s.ooser Batialion.". De as ltd thm where tbej'wjrre from, their reply wisj iiortb Cu-elina. . Oiber made like ioqairie and itxeiVed . .the saii. reply; bit when they were brought' beforo the proper su ibdtitletj and th'e .lrnth forced .our, tbe . very nffieefs exmiting tbebr were a-Oir.ded to learn tbt they were Virginians abd-beloo'ged to tho 3d-Va regiment. - A few. days buer- a raqaad oC more Nona Caroliniane wtre.arrtstedt bat io.tbss end tnrned eat .to be Georgian. ' Bcarcelya day pasoed bat deserters were uken nP. ?ko jjavanbly .reported tbemselvf i from North Csroliaa. at firtt, "bat afterwards prove i . tojbe ff jsi some other Stite. A few, 'per hips ohe-fifth', my friend y'e, were Ibdeed from the old NoEfh: Bute, bat by far 'tbe larger, propor tion' we front Vrrgi6ia.V TbrteT facta -can be proven-beyond a donbC 'I do siot-'maVe. thete -tatemeats at random, simply to tamuhv the fair natxes of oar iistsr States, bnt'I de .it to vindicate oar Cwn honor.. . I aca-ssrry, that a ingle' soul hi ever deserted fVem ,tbs Confed erate, since "maa, will, gn, jt isjifot right tat they should travel "Tor hnndfed of mile older ssiamea names "and on. North Car olina credit u It makes' bur blood Koil to Bear North Carolina' denounced as a harbor for 'de serters andiraitdr,-when,-in fact, there are f allyas many in other Stater." -t --r , . Wo id mi t with regrer thai there rt' rnaby deseruVe in this. StsXe, and.we fear that . the party freJiog in the army, gotten jip, by a few offloers.with the sanction of the admisistration at Eicrhcoond, will .lead to more desertions. Bat ws believe there are two deserters.' from Other States to one from North Carolina. Mi. celebrated Spa- mercy or the mob: and in 1830. the afftiemlta- Ij .'JJiT:. . . . Mf w.t lit..- t a l -r ry ueaencrs ui more xnen oui ot ibo service idib AOeakppy aadperoiu n) Mg dwtroinrlota in.Bnrry, Kent i!ie But MPpi beroegs' to the precisely, Uesasse,; wecse thaa,nhfla hnd ffoaieX t J . . cbn'dreW, and o ncthlniVs ssid about Mis- Uslppl: ' Misiippi rstaioed ker etc script to defend her own soil, and yet she waa overrun, and the pewipapera gave n no iafomatioa ' a ta tht deeds ef pi owes aI , those, retained, .con- r. -'"f. 3 -t.t Li ""'A 5' v 13 V" Utemoutiaei .fcatte.aSvSi. Ant ' AT the I nH . MtriuL onne my ooservations at pjesent - - . TTw rTT: r 7 1 -T "T17 a.? wfi,jt-JL-t-i ff fry- : Treasurv: veLthe nay of the .troops was int 4r I tratc: thtvst a nfinii v-r snn nv nnv vn s r sa m tt uavsa trnwina. f . vvwaA .su i. . j -)-. J. i mm mr bww uowjwarjr rT'.VitisiMftau was Utt behind forniheuwanl of CorxIcaiPTioir in tux Uxitxd1 8tatm. The Fjilsdelphi Ledger give one day's scece at theQurseon's oDoe in thai cky, where 'the drafts i men. and suTbaUtutes'.we4rexSminfdw be- re lnf 'caased.,Wa.Bake An exuact: pnsou, custom-ponsea, ex cue omo. ana otberi wvj .wouiwij . a afB teattcsfakeir Chief .Msgis-LpubHov ai.UIarta: : wholly westrpjing.,. Queen l"0?.1 P?JLMWWtw iabstitutes, mmmmm tll1 that you'ihDuldforciWy-deecribe the bra- knot jbot rgW itwabiyjlcon.p fAfnff a osee c:--. tiA u A ni.. PMimttuw..iK.b m.wmf 1.! oImvU J cite from tbe nsea ef Macaulav tB follows: r was nrecise usuaui- i . - " " .7 j ' . . I . -. " ' " . . ao v k . m aoo 1, , wans, ur jMiorn ntn wu snacr xpresaloier 'eyoaty-andTtn- libs fatai Uock; drove. bU strangelyibigeited aUseuion, the mob. used tioleafmeans to in. e4kmo. did. justice) tff.tb and infatuaxsd fop, James the-eooad, acrosltimidate,.the Trs f knoWa, or supposed to be ; 5oiW.h for the-most part auch aa wiU E?!ifflW deatrtioiLUndlsolemiUT Itonhftn Vqur be found Wofmovaty thw prqmW ' Hnuntrr women tner rxwiBiweisfuu uu, cursri t sdio(eifnhCWrfedraH wdiof.,irI veiaH roetTOiD aidcodf cobjhnfetuW "call." j feel bound to say that, whilst led skfefearrocrtid tou have done vour duty aa a'patrrotiotliearTto . -PrMUnfid.rrfarme(LittillfaUT ajlilcJbenrx.aulsixnonrai hotc ' Tbaak God I. it -is .not yet too Uti to. savei rlonderinr the residtnoes. oi the.Mavor Bish lkl-ii4i5giAS 'A. - . w - - 1 . m, . sr ai sa a. 1 aas - n ii s sv'Jk' ssa mmttm. tieji . m. awt. a.. a a a . a w i t a a w asw . -..11 4a TM.nrJnm.tiAD tna whilat I m I vidA frrp it 1. ; ' - J uu iicyk w wio wtr kiuuuui vOD4rMvai 0aiavjSWBMS ut .wiauviB nappy to say mat u nas evidently naa ai-r A spauco t reaay a wnotesome anu ji:bbu);ii lDaeace h ia 4 koinhTpelaran W ' "mdre Hy5t nsarytu-bdolin'in tdW sefm -s toirefill-tSeinM o raf mn tton.i5.w?eIB WJolHWl 'their beasts w drawitj-and the aoldien wereayeb.l know, their roeouroeslia-all alhair -exunt and .lolenoe aver known JnEogtaad: Tbe"BeW hsppily marked tbe earHeri stage-of cr tain reforms, 'evidently now most imrUhjdrr4pctandaihsdTbeen obsr by.t a.- - - - V : -flit a 11 1 "VST- .s 1 -mr . 'W . a a . - V - & revoiuueMrvstcuffiesxeareoiner IOU81V neeaeu in Ansae vexaiXBeative us lernme.t iormaicine: vet tns common taraffsiment or tnaae t Dev. nave enmstea witni tnrnmk-e. too nnmenms in ins mor eanSea of flesertion froms the sjrm to barjonauered.1 vl Mtnntrv of Sanlhj Wales., .and sbteh ta who Wint substitute money endeavor. tO.OOtt- ;UsideathW:tir havn anomeraiedthefe tidtfah2 not douotinVtnat Vou wiil ner- mafker "town 'rasiivaed 0100.0 be Come what may. they will never submit to aula long time, deled allthe effort of the Oo vera- oeallhe1r;ailment.. .Both call intopracUoe tbe . are otnerinfluences at work beside , thosel ceiVethe neceaiityb'f-yieldie ItO-tho wishea4fon0d isc theplaguo stricken amp; f Tba cry AboliUon, Despotism; they will emdnnj.aU anf- ment t ttanppreu, themV.may plose this eatJ f l? "goon making tbe .exami- iuo, cuwukuw, upon prcscnkujg uimaoii-ior , aceepUnee, .is taken into a room, where be dis- 1 w; Af fTs t .t m TORY RAID IN THE .MOUNTAINS. , - ."VW.-W- , , T " : " ; i J teetbj'sAd.exAmme bis-w.hole body down to ' Borne of (hoi dUsJTected along, the Tenou J his , Jca,v The exsminstiea .is . even .'more We) find the eearepng than the examination ef an applicant of - the I - pouoy vi laaaraooe upon 01s lua vj nia . jioaaxanoe. company's surgeon... If .the front '. I teeth are coo'e. as that a man cannot bite off a .Goldman, the head of apoatleajtridge paper, be accepted for in look to bio) ooafidaily for such luire, aad, in it 13 ; private in-x, Nsxt xaeoA.them,froaa lheJtorroza of l tk latnttW f. mMf' 1a aln nil their vDurmitee. . Tbsv. lirtle. kaow the ordeal a.oppfassivt nldacfsdf.than f $5.600.000..' Next to the Gordon riot of I7o0l whic'Usy.'maitpV. 'They entirely say that Jit iheretofow :xUted..,-Tieywein tbie.was the.nsca.t dJsatfoaa. ou,tbrek of mob.?TTr . rM4. .rgew n five tmn dtet cn'OTerbaul'th'em aa a watchmaker , over- I Ka'nW a aath " Thava ii kn.ilinf ' itMwiitt aC sx hvwobhii l cs not ox .10 io, waic.n. woa piaoe, in n aiei w " bsr o'um-uiag-l nd w'eraiaaialy .directed to the demoUlioo of fraud aUaxouodIfkd men claim duqual- a a ar a . a a a, tlaa aa. ah M a. - - a7 . - a. . 1 . a . . . wmcn ,1X0 .persons lmmeaiateiy ,ra, contact icryoor leiiow. connection witn ifja?- iyj . . fc T I wuh ybp :wpu die Jikely fft inggesK hkm this raVe? ami mVmentcrak tfubjeit,' afl that T ."T 'BB ""M8," "J" :goiy y eia F..w wuw, :fchave:dlminirth thoA.Velonif.tttott, r t?or ffVd a!ilUr"!Han; " ehensh of separste Ltbcrty And Jpandenee, ' Xi.4rJtli .iXiiirk'XAl&Ww f. eta r!f . wTj2 Ssi PP w migbA be seeured, 'WfthrTlhia teaaest .May. this wise.aad beneficient Deity,- whom J V ? ZLy, "Vf toidenied..thathe lalXiigteadil, complied'' ... ; I; ..p it. iaarwuntry'a pride .lo. know. Ihatyou yT-: gWrP tTpVSeaed 'WTiK on Vtfaiion ol tiej oon wonhlisa tUv.udy, anabU yod; aota act 'et ipmta and i BMarfed ha energjea of oar run by the , enemy.v MwKeamoxy dltfmi onrMWw Mxhf-' WW oi this fearful eruis si xisj.4best import, with . f tt4a: orthweitern Virginia and Maryland ara ,ViokhsiritnliPort Hodson. tot ether withthe Hi own ateraal deeian aad ba'.most in fur- eu, as leam, cKWf veaartaDeaa anai exclusively occupied oy tne Abolition for- 1st tinitd bfedcu ;tatp I uean Ndrlh Carolina, v6outh; 'G&flitsL tlo v v0ua.. u w -iitia- rvoviiia auu AiaualLk, are m SHIS XuOQSut I -1 'u ul ejaBfoctpn itlllir: theVaaoe ot eor.hspp loduoa and O&io, has opened tba bivigvlpUI . inesa and honor aa a Teo. H. S, Foots. line are getting qui to bold. following in the Atheville Newt U7thf r- the MiiMsatjipi "river to" the 'people of tanner exenioa on irable pM'ot Ja.tbe and hu for the . iKF "i f j rs?wvf;'u j, qw x eoe rettner actuau V' invaaea or .menaced -wittv oTtBwe .woe .s.MUwn loajofheMa lUm lappy aoidUcowithatlPMKPHn VMt-A i UlvPJiaAtemi, oipnolequjaelX ajignw TayJotiid.MagrudeT, iojloweLouT7;.0V? country thoush I am. auitciawareihatlin -isiana. nv mat am AmnA;,. 'Iptleen saJbeadeorine peace1 . venturing w aeciare twira sniwfc in We aes0f .late,. and nnder. ancbnterpriatng f lKdl?rt?8r4 8rh Wm cpmmanderaweliavi. alright ff???--?1 J0? totdtmnrJiJie arly 'dafiveranefj'tot'. 6'nf aen tea Tierca'condenttMion Wflceh6aa4ot a.) , r . -1 ' movement ru tha- region from 'which so much benefit wiltione' Uma anticipated. .The. reoeat inmion of Isrvland andPennivlvaab. .noder that, wise I anf nfi'r'amiWeinmnJiAttr. Hfnfrtl i Iia -'lrtaT . mtrymen in that parTof the world frp eyerjudi hones ofadvateeeiiefntr deoatiA'iraeii HAVA1 tW 1 g SIS1E BSWgroanlff tThhero ia. to ring into fhe field against ns aomeree KhV!fmA t4"tnofle o iunticalliatale xfaf'idV few montna Vupdre5 thouisad . adeTtiW aoiaieri.'' ;Mean. cupying the eataof civil and military: auJ nVcKftw.Voetber ai' reglmibts i thcntjA jMW aiUified tagthd (ime M onnwi.twarfal.rpviitJt and U coniejwhento iall tiH goag (.OUjincrjCT ord,r save the J.are.T not i 32L2aiia-aat 120 dialoval men.-made areid on the town of Murobv. Cherokee ooanty,.laat Sunday week.- They did but little damage to pri- vato property, out demoiisoeu me uau, ana carried offwomo 50 or O'tnns and oonsid- mh ammunition whioh "belonged tothe fltit-J and had been Bent to Cherokee for tn nnai fit LI1H millLiav. aue w.m. - General . Grant, ia hi.c Octal; report of bit operation ia the t Mississippi valley, givea the followior aomnaarv. Tba result of this cam. unrn .kii .Lin thj ittmMi of the enenrv- in !. 1 . . 1 m T..t-.t . v . n?e ;Qitiea. ouuioe ox vicaauurg, wio uww tion of Jackson, . the Capital i. of ,ihs Suu of MUissippi asd tbtf capture of yiekeburg and i. v s t l.M a Im. ii, . ' .Ij.. -k.. a,. crta.- Mnarrl a Cat old men. and the wemen and chu- casers. at least tsn taoasantx xiuea ana wowna i aren. , .. .... .... . ' . aw I edw ana, among the killed. General,.. Tracyi Brysen if anttivw of Cherokee county, . ' . . " n v T"!l V ! I 1 u. J . J i.ki4a a rt4 Tl a4.lVtw!2..:.:l- hava Waean over on eoJieetedW-r Ho- left ,ho, following docn .m-:m ' . . T ft w. ' I . . " . . . " V. . . .. T"T ? . 1 O . . 1 .. i . J f 1 I as en t behind tum : - - . .lutsea a ubiistommi smaier ler-urea years. -TtSw' Tt V: lUmienr: Ml Fain: : 1 .: - ' - tioos of. war-for .an army fan try serviee. He may do tor. a trooper. Ever limb is xsmioed. If tbe langs Are un soand the temperament a pole tic, or.- the- sys- tern vasungi the Government -does not want the jaaa either as a volunteer, a eonacript, or a 'lubadtai. - . i - The applicaat b made to throw himself .into TkOOnX' anitndes. Ula toe and fingers must -be pfactieally perfect. Ha is made to pick up a Hia of corn from the ground without bend it bis knees; to stsnd apon the peiata of hit M, aad to show that he is perfect in bis anaU OBsy- .'lf he.staads this-teat he -i accepted, asi fa release is givenrto the -man who' bv isga bf The tabstitute tben reoeivea his money, itd is" taken into the custody of. a- ruard. j- Ha y;;ra isdv. gov. iva. ia:-A -; mmiiV ni,tWeata4irfdn ipbnd lag country men 1. . You can do laU this, cspJuriogiu - , - ' w V ernmenU.'I ba Pid. litit dtspaub. from VVMhiBgtonaj:-Tbe reiter-'. llSiMtxK atr.JoexabAtoi. otSylriUi I law -of thtvboyt to-tnb- tioabf the atotiea of prolongad debate, in Cb-. j lnATldv SVeoyieia V ..-.' . . - :'.. ittfftej.4h0 establish iwtoa the question qfha ura. on -which thev ; Me-- ftedatatarJ ; r?J eonstaf.i-A.0? Zth Vyaty-mylhicaUiU b aot .believed ;bera ftafca once DUmtss incompetent fWibnarie. "2 rwfU' tt tb a wtJua b. Won fr. Lmoola V-hwtofoWeia afteno: rfX'i I'uiH 'S Qatl, prpm , AU, theses, eensaUons. . mim aJbz sssHSSS .rtHii HlliU&nniiAM' .d-' . - TT V WWW WWaiW. n,rbi;; Jon.iot oiftui ilu. loll "'.? "ao:!'i: "XT to the Jeff. ,DfJt,lojerBpeal,5 cttttin, ta.riutif mnaln -o.m pu- -Sfcet . rj f ii r I I ! it- ?. U 1 1 . - a. i m : i t ' -mi S i ' a h i ii t ml : Wi 11- . r I r- i 4 r fl . 1 t 1 a 'i r I J. i r ii hi - s; i.: 11 0 f - i ; 1 J I--: - ! ! .V j t - . 7l r i ' ' 'Vi-i s ..Tr4wv i r 4