-- ' 'j' ' t . V sAll;-.iiiiUiiiiiHiH '"Sn thai IMPORT "kTTyy ' i l ii 1 1 v n iiuinr.il. . ucld . n u n w vt. w w w : . , . . t t ! . i . i 4lr - x &. ' v . ... i - - K w - ia l ikit km m iiuirw rmn iam m m. a Wa Ml(tnhit ire h&d-to ZDect ,wZ: Tr .1 iT - i " i C ABneu (. ioi. m UlL m jwa juil ,. j f, . . t ; '"wi J wa OX nlUOtt?,. DOiaa tO fSe :s g. si tt23 rorl is? Vm ssf r - Jefepi ; ;1' v' c . diyWaal foighwit Wrfor li8 rerj life; AiYe iWVive o Jir Vierity; iiag?- -i; A M101! bot -V w tef.er bsenrel in - ' L:vUiiiWni.Vi thiv nemv vont. ;ana tnen not a man, i . - Lm?. -Hi; '.'vU':.J.k.T.f.;,;i-liY.i.i.... " "17 T- r ""."iwit wea lor tw utediff tkn von ! .( . r - Any pm6u croconng-fite new 8u;- -. .rVY- Vj' v Li ' -" , . T . -f iiuoom, oa Ua 94. day of 8p. ,lt ka'hi oi-! - wnmamnncSoar bti reaaon to lira- EDITOR AKDrPROPUIETOE. ( ' " ''J'-" -'-' " i . ... r ----- . aVreadgfca f are d except at. eptwn othe nfew Babficnbew i to'' .;'' L " 4'- - . i.: - "i - - - - - . One Dollar land flfty cejitfi eTerjvaaDseqvfD insertian. ; Dedubtions mafe in favor, of, BtandMig advertisements, for. a,.aquare, as iouowk For threeinOtitH- ;' :;: ' VA - Al 9 i Fortwelteiaonthsj. : - i "-- iV) ProfeBsiobal or Business uaraa, not ezceeaing fire lines far length; Five Dollars a. year; longer ones in proporuoo WHAT BRAVE MEU CAN DO.j ' The mutiny of tne Betigal- Sepoys fur-, lushed the,; occasion. of . pome of the . tpost memorable v exhibitions of iLumaji heroism which the world has, cyer, seen. At, the. time this mutiny began, . .-the British armed force m the country was only loUOU mefi, scattered over a vast alien territory, and encompassed by 120,000 disciplined, sot-, diers, jfigh.ting desperately for supremacy. So entire' was. Ahtf. coKfitince.. reposed, by the. British Government: rin the Sepoys, that it had guarded the capital city of India ith'native "troops only, , and kept in on "bf the provinces, containing eight millina "Of people ';" a garrison of only' 600 English tSQl(iicrs. .:'". '-, ' , : ,JC'Nor were the Sepoys the only enemies whom the English heroes were forced, a; that critical juncture, to confront. Tht .season seemed, to conspire with the. Sepo for. .the overthrow t.of British rule. kn'd then the same crvJ wai repeated opposite direction, and thon the xaetljhad to jush to rapport, their comtadei yrho were more hotly pressed, . and soon M . the pres sure became' graterr ait pariiculaiL places men rushed to those spots to give asaistahcer. During this trying lime even k the poor wonndod men ran out of the hospitals, and those who-had wobnds iii-the5 lees dropped their ertitcnes, kaelt dowii' and fire a fast as they cool d qu oiitne loop noies;, oioem who couiaidoTit'Ui; et8e, lbaded the muskets whflsVttie a1&le'np4ie'd jqldiers'fir.ed; and in this' odd manner these bravjamenof :ber Majesty's 82d upheld the4 honor of itheir nation, and strained every nerve to repel thafuTiQas Attacks the enemy. ' . The minor episodes nthew,:ui hun dred isolaied; station, iore:equl testimony to the heroic spirit and enduranee 6f En glishmen. Whether successful, as at Luck-. nowj or crushed -down oy torty ;imes.tneir nuntberses t Cawnpore,'' tbey fouglit to theiastt ditch? and .defied-every adverse. conjunction of numbers, position or season. "Of numbers, indeed, there wasco account. for, the prayer of King Henry at Agiocourt seCmed" to have been granted to them in this time -of mortal peril, and a l sense of recKuaiQi: was u&vu nuiu mcui.. . i nrotiteers bad shrewdly chosen for --the ' peT"'':W re not advocating the" cause in which riod of their outbreak that ternhlv htit rnt 1 th'eie miracles -of heroism we,re displayed. . jninaiion sf the. torrid spmmer, when!ittjttt.no0pg up thel herois'in itself .as an" ex : iaofthe aan are almost alfatil;o! exUmiile and incentive " W-the people of the sed Europe4nsMinTeirlIelsv eteemfettthem States Admitting the. cauae:t the face f theelanDalinutmWnato been bad, what : ought fcouthrn -Bvl separated far from the mother country anffidters to accomplish in a good cause?- The from each other, assailed- not only by thje 1 8ame oiooa warms tneir veins ioas u mu vast Sepoy army, but in the midst of an Krate ta $0TJ an4. lor .of the Britis enormous hostile population, sixteen thoji- race in every clime. ;.and Englishmen blk& down.' "bt- the- md- hundred battle mentum -ioltaeirN"mor8r enDehoritr - and J degenerate sons ot neroic drAftded.that: theothers might have been ; This iffection, which ootupriss thosakoqn jfWrthrtr-TirpMed'' th&n! we Were. Atf under the:varion uamea of bada6r throat, aa- intervalsrheaW th cry of 'more men this gia, crodp, and tbe'Froeb iwyiW boaeante,, . : a ff mh two or threw Alt I las hhberto been coosHered one 6f ' thevnwa't na v. auu vu. n w r- - i . . ... .. . - WhWti&eY here !Wnd AeVe. ' difficult 1o'tire .:vv some time duk gave, an kA than thfl name crv was reDeated in an unit toera - i . . . account of Df. Tridau'a metbod," whWb' ocn t48ta in administering stent u'nder'tbe1 (or mo J a STroc; b'u we new find in' tba, I&huii eaieitfMc.A'Mpcr by "Dr.. A :Dt Qfand Bou-j logaa, yie?Coujol at Havaaa,'. ia' which , be mentions ieo'aaan iofalliblepeciao.. As this, Trom ta extreme simplicity, would, if effective, be far superior to any 'et tried, we'vannot re frain lrom qooting the eaaea ibatuooad by the author, whojj published this remedy, 'as fir back r Februirry, 1860 and cooarquentl j edm plains (not without renin, if its efiaacy is such as he deacribca it,)l of tae loexmuable segU eeoee of nracutioncra io not takinff. not ia: ef .i i - i i vi - i: 4. w . ii, inereuy auowtog maoy vwuwiq uth h ; m loti. -l The fdlfowing caaea caoie under ' ha bb aervatFdn 3 ftf ' that 1 date - ' la March . aad April,. 1861, the disease in question broke but under an epidemic form, and chiefly attacked adults with suoh viru'enee that in one week three young wemep died in one boose. One df Dr. De OraUd'a patieatl, afflicted with ble pnacite, wa acisid with' it, and ai be .eou'd not iTBmeaiaieiy aiiena, owing-, to ma Kveriij'gi the ease; another pbyMelan'waa called ia whe ordred emetics and alondioouitfglto",1 whieb prxi ieed no effect. At leaeth i l)t Da Graad came, and foqod the tonsils, greatly, awolUo, and faise membrane covering them. He im jedtit lyradeiinitered small pieora of ice, and bv the fllwio2- mornine the tumelactionlof the totsils had diifaintf hedbyhilf, aod the ulna J mfttnhraoe had nearVj'diappVarecf. hat f'eryi evfiirg ha wa enabled to tat 3 YSod.'" ? T $f aa iroaiuu-.cityi eoHoog- ai .would reqairtj rTl ! tn., 1 4:9 neeUng is to bef all thoee who.aaia inwWtitr?B OMOiida ta .tbe Unbn,and sure, my .old. poliuM rienda wUl thank me Jor tenderine. aa I do. the nation' r.U. this to tho other nolila men whom no tsrji- ?aa msliecrur'partiaaa tipa can make f alee td Us. aationV-life. viTaw .are thoae who" are 1 ia illafi aj! , . ft " . m w r T"-"VW i vl ' ao aooa & won ia say, joudeiira peao andvou blaeaa ma that veu J J a . I w- J t m oo not nave u ua.t bow xia'we" obtain -it? Thwraartf tat ttree eocceivabU wava. Firrt: io appiei the rebelliai by force of arne. ioia i am imng to do. Are jou for UJ. U you are, ae far. we are agreed. ' If vou are not .r ir, we tre not agreed, ; " f. A tctoad way la t(vi:fa ud the Union. 1 am agtlait this. If you are, yea should 'say so plainly, if ran are not for foree. aor th for di4oIaUoa, th.re only ramaioa at ma ia4l ,aay eonptooiiaev :I da not believe that any eomproaiees objao,ag the maiateoaaae of the Union ia now pbaaihJa. . All that I learn !eads ta directly the opaoaUe belief. ' The atreagth vt the rebaUioo ia lta aailitarv ita arm v. That ajrxy'dominatee all the eoooiry." and' all the people within its-range. Any jgffer of terai tnaae ay any man or aaenwiihia that -range, ia opposition to that army, ia a imply . nothiog, t,r tbe prreeot, becaoae aaeh man or men have 80 power whatever to earoroe their aid of the CQOBBtoisise, if ana were made with them. ,11. To ill nitrate: Suppose a refpjree from the Soefh and the peace men of khe North get to gether aod frame aad proa aim a compromise pm nrmnin 9 in ritAniin ai ik- iiniAr.. in what way ean'tbat compromise be uVed to ltaep en. Lee a army roat-o: reansyltaaiaT Qea. . Piofiiina by this fxampie, a.few days' after her tWi V.-rs&d wnh V44bvoa f pr& pentn the Fame preliminary FHUptantW axi those of us vterj.bqt h.,wta waiting cit , anu tn?y naveproye xiid.-a ft r-t -V j.t.i'rii'f' ' I .. -1 . neias iaa tney are .hoj, toe frfn hires. Lt them Waif v. . ay j 1 jve naw c y vu a JMwft ldy whb rftd;be',n Ubtjr'ffig1 uriler the 'disease fir eoa5efwyght"-hiBar;rall recVCie' EaJ udtaepaenta, relaUona xp fu0 01 amazing Courage, the whole-'Tist odds" jQf fcontigije steadfast to the end;5.' and bb incv hisiihtiQ mutiny, and piadhewruiii); ; examples; we hive" quoted to thfdneor British dominion lid Inula apoftW WpWlC'?1 ;aifoTeWle Ticttim's own'domimon VnltinvttM'' chivalry ;,Let it never. be,, saul;. that our . -w - T ' 1 - - -j 1 1 i n T mm -1 1 1 -twt i ' 1 W ' . j" mm u . a a . u .WOiaiiJHA'KX mhe capture; of Jjelhr.alone willitahd-tpdjntiab Jkinamer kWWWM&- much ihe'fid of ttirnd aarW of tKfVmAitTtraftTLJnrowsa-m.makinff otheroPa.opw .slaves as dinaf'aehiBvAna nt T?r?Siih;i vAa rAmm haVa in defandinir.onr.oirn RbArdes. - , wondrousMaiplraym ' . . . .' Mifihmond JJtfp0Shiii Lsh historian .' has Dronounced It. nWecteA ...J Jess, ;than :fou? tpeusand .Engjiahmen agains;aoajmy otuup,, itrong 4iuHtuiuBBVi,.xu! puDBeuBBoujui , aonexua' necessary tatletyja8?aai.rlet, venl force of woned atd ehren aay thoe Biy were p-.ungea in tneep.a.j aorrow Ur Da Uraiid ordered ieea'ceoerai cry of atODl4jment ' was unterrd by all tweeat. Ic1 feraiiWtb'rost! rimpoii'siV.e'! "it 'Waw hherr mtktdel 'lJr De Grand maintained his iund, aaftw-mieh 'expoatalation,' dating wtneh much time was loatf'ra attained his end B fore teuty-four hoars were nrer, the parent raa 10 lull oonvalesocnce. tfeinjr at "Vera ftofPM w !RokexMeau.e4o aee'ra Tyovnjf man 'mho Ifat attacked with malignant wfathroat. 'ana'btJMfrtrtVe'tteAiifithoat tff :ci bv:fliS iTiaQmMtthtbtdiot(ltt.!i il4 hndf leirvtMMPoarid to ahtaiilater loe. !Tbe tiling ' Kf.ckimw emitfanlliSs iWiaW 'aS W'&lk-,' 'fSk & ' faoavithe?trf iWna: rtb"JFohaUnTeilert br W i walh4tliw?4rVUtS iwith inea. ncirciea nv.snch n f ran ai men D1 1 r. .4 1 Lni',,:,i f..tiirjwTfr vr. TTir- ;jt 1 erm-n ;-JTr?PiJ ,J-,t'Ci "fr-'tctav -TffteaniTi'ia eomaeToaa.n to. the coma Denaauiv tnrnvn nn in vo. rnn i . fttrMtr'i -ia. miinitii t-.- f -s .fr: -cu 3iJ;rj Pt- -'rT ' ffnajr, iien;ttAfcameAkaewo tft the. my,' and surroupd,ed at all points by lkej; 'ill&lVfi i.4.M!VW?i?W jl?" the btt?e but oHupale; defenderl of Vicxa- f fl .W.WnisLl poaro;, tnat st, m''5anMtcrnim tnev nao inoty n-oi rmany nppt iucy oe?i lowin: day Dr. Pa Qraad, .baa .ceor been using this xemedy for tbo . !aii iwelvt year,' HnSuMttft W whV'a1 aVaSfo1 failafca YP'axii a bar ha- aayr, bit wveoy iHaly' hi IT. -df what he eeys were trie-. ifcftiame4isiuald hbe tryd by otbera. . Cold.'garriea have, beei phv m - ingtonBtipablicas If; Mrada'a army av kecpCea. Loe'a army eat eCraaajlW(n1a, "1' iluyVVaif nltiaaately drit e- it oat ef exTetenda.11 bnui)o 'piptr com fhrimvwMrtithf eWrWla'o Oto. LoeS Wnj afetlnei agreed, eaW alWltaffoet that aroaj, ii aft CQit. at-aaehf eotupmoise w wjaid srhioS the enemy wow d improve' to W4ateimtfk our (fyadfaatege, and th would be all. a A comproiuiM to bo tu ciire, mtut be saad euuer wkb iuoe woo cor not ils armr. or wi'h the tnteple first libel ated freaa the' domi tiitioa of that army, by the ues of oar army. r . t . r . " - . ii jwai.ow ma to aasare.joai (oai do wora .or otimation fria the rebel a nay or frooa any of ,m ?Qlr7lltc S iea w y Pee com prom ue, oas e?er eome u my suo)eoge or btiHef.1 All charicta or iatimatiooa to the contrary are deceptive and graandleaa, aad promi.ieyoa that if any sash proposition ahall herrJW eome, it shall not be rejected -aad kepV;,eflft fwnijoo. - Xfraelv aeknonUike. myself to' be the acr- , - I.. f w - - , . tatt oiibe people aoooraiog to, tna nana ox ibai as rf-uch- f am 'responsible to , them. . Bat, lo be plain, yoa are diraipQed with o i about fibe? nogroJ . Qaue likely there is a. difference 01 opinion oeiwcea yoo aaa mysen upva aa eouia snbieot.. Vl bertalaJr wumtiai an -men. be JreeitwbQ yowI'saWpsae, d hot Tet, hwtwdthdr adopts MKfiroWd 'eoyr. weakens tbd eoeay io. hia reaisuace' to.yoa. Do-yoa thbkc differently r I " thought thai whatever nrgroes can be .got Io 4e as" eojdiera leaves jott moch less for white, soldiers to do in saving the Union. ' Doea it appear otsereUe to you? " Bat ne gtoei, like other- people, :aet apio aaotircx. VTby ahoald they.do aayihiag for u if we will do aothiag for theai ' U they stake, their HveafoT na they aot .be prrmpud by the atroogeat motive. ven the pro is of fraedom: aad the prtaie beir g mas att be kspL . The algoa USk beiUr. The Father of Wa ters agal gta nOTexed to tit sea: taaaka c a - u gro toiiawei i r n; aor yM wholly to be ai. ' Thrte hnhdred miUs op iby rritt New Eoglana,'th Ep:r, Keystooe. aud New Jar. say hevisg their way rigit and Ufu The sun ny Soath, too, ie oqm ejlora . taaa one, also lent a hand on the . spat. Their cart of histo ry wa J at ted down fa black and blu. The goal was a great National one, and let nana be banned who bora aq boo est part ia tij while taoaa wao ba. a cleared the rrat titer well be prood. y , ' -liven that is not all. It ia hard to aav that anything has bcea mora bravely aod b. tter done than at AuUetaa, Morfreeaboro. GcUts- J .'sia mm 9 ' . uurR, ma oa many oeioa 01 leaa tote. Mar nnt Uncle Sam s noble 8.et be foreot- tea At all the watera. marrina the been pfeentT Not ooly oa the deo wl th- broad by, the .rapid river, but aUo op the narrow, muddy bayua, 'aad wherever the groan d was a lutle .damjyjtbs have boen and made their tracks. :rJ,J idid u in tor ine ureal itepublic, . for the principle a by which it lire and keebe alive Jor-ntaa'a vasWotaret' Tbai.ka toaU! : . i Feaoe docs oSt appear a dwUat as it diJ. I Aope'it wi:l eome aoonj oometo atayaad'ao come aa te be. worth the. keepUa in all. future iroe,.If . will ihe; have.beeatfpMved Hhat ajoong iroeaiea mere. can be ao fUfccaral ep ptlconj too. ballot.. to the bailey and (hat they' who take such aa appeal are aura U lose their caae and pre the e at, and then there will besome biaek men wbo ota remeabet . that, with eileat .tongues.' a?d . elahdd teeth, aod steady eye, aad. well. pabd bayonet, they have helped mankind on td this groat eooaammauua. I uTable to forntxhat, with etaKgaaet heart and f.b!tBr e" 'ad ia ,lHt e( populatioa Ideeeilfal sDech thev have.atri?n. in klr it. LhuJ ?,s gather, houilc." - io. ! . - . r Lord. IIavi mj him trr.vLhov vi!l tiam. omii, iet us. not dc otct aaogaiet ci a speeay , ,71. , Z , . sa liou wraapa. Mt m m qaiu aootr, ( , 1 , - . r. ua oiligaeUy apply tb. taaaaa, never doubting lo? Pn Pfw U that aiuQoijTii .Wa ewa good oima, will wbo iiu.M fWlj J M?Vf ; .4tiT-Tt-?.fni u ' . aaya Irtiag. wbx haJ.boen pramlaentia the Youri, very trtflf , " , I r . - '1. r"B" proo- - v. j v . i lainsitAa - -i-aAaa mwi aa a a mm u b . a a KHtwi ia arsi 10 auomii.. toe miadla ranks yemaised gefierilly alaadfsst ia tbii time' oi trial.?'' Bta says"1 the aabmiasionisti he- 7.t'ProV?UMiMX1!ira'antnT.l . aiIa;pripnri- of .wiii'imioihernhj parole to.nonmhatiiits, and oih. of alle i.ance to citixen S.J ia . t'ccorUoce to the privisiona of this order; oader.auch.instruo tioos and. limitations aa may bi. prescribed by the Privost Marshal General for thm . ' P.rovpet Marshals of corps or division, do--" inched or acting at inconvenient dittances from ; thetr corps headquarter, reporting promptly a list of the names and deacriptioa of all persons so paroled by them, with their bWdt, if aroy have Jeen given, to the Provou Marshal Oeneral o( fbe army, at., the' bdadquirters. of .the Department for reooriL 4 1 ... . . j . I.".;.4 . By: command of Mj. Grtu .RoUncratu : . j . J. Batxj Dickv 805, A- A Q. TBI; DARK DATH OI" THM RE VOL U- ; v . . j TION.j - ' . ' In -th'e long ratter of - Mr. Rirav pifc rahe4- by eterdy, the dirk dtya of the Bevolutioo; aad the fortitnde and heroism to wbieh'they gate birth, are eitcd as examples f hoa much a I rao people may bear, and -from what iSeult.wa l key may emerge tri amphantly, if they bat hold fast 10 their faith and stnirgle 00 with unflargiig resoahiina. ? The Charleston Mercury, adverting to the aama ' hrorical peri'd, near the eloae of 1776, aayas The battle of Lner Island had beeo fjncht and loi. New York was evacuated by the Ameri cata and taken possession of by the. British. Frt Washiogionlbad beeo uken by amalt. who nearly owu prisocsrs. rott Jea 1 bandoed. ' ie w J erey lay open ' to the my, and Ph,Uade1piia w-aa within their 1 waa a.- ene- crarrt. At the ame. time Gen: Charlei Lm:. who was regarded by many aa oar at 'eekntifia and rrptrieosfcd General, and he waa called bv U;e BritUb the.Ameriaao Palladiomy wij u Ikea. priaooer. , The militia: disbanded and. precjpuatelyratreatfd to their homes; even the i-g!ar troops, as if sVuckj with despair, a!s filed off and deferred fa parties. Everything threatened America vitti an inevitable cataa tr6phe. The army hf Vahiogtoa was eo tn febled that it ecaree ly amaanted to 3000 men who 'lost all'oouTage and all eoerry. aoi were expoaed la aa op;a coon try without tenta to 1 A. PROCLAMATION - OF. RQSEN-longed, for the'graaur rar to thexVeas of the CRAN3 THE BaUTAUTIBS OF very poor, or the very rich. The inhabitant. luii fAU&dA. 01 roaoTifania, iiaeriajaa 01 new ieraey, Gen1: luucMeV' leemi to ne HrntrU flfil it1Lkfa'"v?B? nnWf to,elTaf borTified.al'tbo bruHHtiea of bis m tol, r i1?;0.!1 "4 agiast ythjom. al r eeed the iaacdv njn.oo4foti4UM rnaat. urewhjeh ia a at 'eoitiatent "wtta' even y.oori viea. MBfrided -vba-ard fdattl UnloQ."' I aux-' geated Compensated annneipatioa? fO'whfob you1 ienliediaaay oa wkhed-aot rw'baxad'Te.bdy oevroea-'o-qat I'ha int sikvdd tu be taied to bjiy.nfffroeaV.efPVe sgah.waj a? to save yoa from greater taxation, to aae the Union exalu-irly by other pt ansj : Yoa ,disiika the emauotpsuaa iprociamavwn, aoa peinapa ; jeu, want to;Uave it; retracted., afeo say H ia nn- it'jinop ii,' . thiak difipontly ft think. tae CQDSUlUUuU laveau jh etHiiaauuer-ui-oiu is-that , slaves ever .bsen, birnhat W fa.onXrdnh 'examinationjf ine auuno irom tn. Morr . laiaaa peM6'ttf wtfWfl ..Aad.U-ii oi. weededy Hbabav in mil 11 iu inin n mm. tnii.. haimki. i u i " ' v - . .. .. i. 7 7 1 ; 6 ;T v. Ler. uxef it iisipa us or sniit jt -enemy . ATi vening but salt myab. bayou and water, deiffOj uumoree Mtierterartrnmcn nearer tnan:ih4t7- .W-r. tU..ariBat .mUAltmA;tAt 4iW.,MdaI ucr; -Ha juu.ioo, 1 kt4 others f the most waalthy and retpeoUble naaju;aaueoiw'orwnicu.Kiouow- fanUea.' Every day aaherad' to oma' tew tpg laarr.sxtMuett 1vv oJamityj aha earn ef America aeeraed hasten ii i-i a . n r 4 am t w. mm ni.cai 1 w. 11 ra 'I'hA. ichrefaMtt-tV r"ftlwS' ' W? Pl' v VA4rthie,r.6p6yt .dwbuldi teltf ,k' .iewafdotheayiheahaWf. et wtbeockadUnd'kp" m.S"r , 186 .Tnpweinattery,5 buttoun Iflgi the - T i a.ee. nimj yr uueiis nsw leaTm.xofim.Smd f nd uittr-rtf m fkH anc acslnct. nil re sr" sr Or o a sa 1 A r j a. I . T , . 1 - I ' i: j a r. ? -IKVta.T?, .JAJ. iiPPr' ytftbsrer -Vreear, on'Tbere were- ffixen Itha IftmVI o:bia dspanute'iof RoKLDhi1 j j arlIHru a trOOP Of t Off e. Ob ca H,nr rtrnt intii&V band- r ment eadrsed of bavinir ahtlled tfH3fcir S-Lhtf r teat tMjdttbn, f t . " k W l "ry ' win- ill 1 1 I 11 1 I ".T int i" Hit.J.i..:.'tTT a.-- j !9 AotPlaUiON:4na U W Conseript? atodlbpteiled aSffsfew X&1 V4j. )XiinK tor.taka the piiice i;i aootoer in aa Aruilerr- Hi deitrovthejr:a!a ta keen. iffroaiv-tkai'.enay' CiviUiribeUieronU doailta;ihsir power -to f JlvPr. huft..thd neaaiy,.axdapt A MIT. Wral. Uorepanaij wimreMiwr.Bruii. 4mWf Teejtw aeaarawX vant malt, '.1 viKi Littr t s .: - . Ojt tbjpracjmtl as a law tatvalhi 'Or rs BQt Jtslid, ill U.ia set valid it needs' no retrad- tioa., Jfitiayalid. it caooot.be: retraetedi aty teoora .tbaaia deadlean be brought to life. somayBa.praiaaf to aoiax toai itareireua would operatefavorab!y tat the Uaiea.t -',yhy Matter .ailex thantrasttoa tkaa ' before the is suej ,;&nere,waa mors .wan, a. year ana m . sail fjriajLlonpjtfej Ahe-rebeUion .before He l&maiioa waa iaiaed iha last MrAJOvrea tfayt of, 3tioh sPasaed under: expliettj aeiief ,it wM'eomnnajeai averted .bythoaw .ia-. xavoft riftarnisg to thtU allegiaaea J - mi-it i 1 'ha war hacjttirJtjrjKtmrwd,Uavara M for. ua. since tha laua . of. tha -. broolamaiioa aa. before.; 1 know,a4 folly mi one ran; "kaow .ibVopiionaf:obes,.lksiaoae ai -tha com bandar aeac arjaies rwtha! held who1 affl ffivefena aomeitf eoMnaoati iBrMrtaatVictoriaa, beUeffsth ait thai emancipation poliey aad' tha aid n t thai eolcttwd troou-, ooauitatee-ihe hav- List biowtf vet daalti to Ithw; rebellion- and at least 0 .o Ahjam iatporta ataeoeswa eald n rir . t 3 1 . vli...ii.i bve neeai aaaiaveawtteuvvu iaasy'tM .U ((i.tvl.tlrntliiiM .4) ..-! fi W W 'i. " S ' ; ? Among theommaadrsoldinglh'seviewi m aame'wbot have never had any afioity with Ua-caiUdVAboaiioaisai, rwiUr,epab& Snpaxty pclitica, but who hdi'liisilrajy .-1. 0icers and soldicn. of the- Oumberlioi to iaevitahU rnid.-The moat diacreet no . land :,..-:t -t w t ; v 0 -,! 3.s" " I longer dissembled taat tha ttrmi of tha war .Some grave otitrai-,an'd wrongw' had I M haacf, and that; the- hoararaa eome ia been perpetratad 00 loyal citixans andbarm-1 " kch; ibe eIooua vwera frbout to; mama less wonBwtbr,dawleta mud wnprincipJed lJ0u 'Ji:W?aJK T on own tnea .wearing oornniform and calling them- "lt0 I firta and?Bdanaied..He MWes Qldiert. . 800b 'aWuion: of- crdere JviSfi"' , ' . r What think von. .said be to the Crave Mereer: - disgrace, our country and cans.. I appeal ,boi4,rtt;Mt tao t Vo? PsS to yoa.by your hnerrf your Jov5fwwntry, 11 TlVrenhylfanfata- Inpporta and the noble eaia ia whh ;yoQ -ierie. ".i-it th lower '.eoVn ties give,' theJback. to awncwatna inng'iaywmnaaeoj iihnaU'wm othb 'aatae' warths?diicear Sach offenders. lt nal the albhiaat staia I mmr rta4y. - "We aaast thetr re treat W An- ' tniih jW-bHUUjat.reCordjt a.-IV f t..raaaaovy; VirUuUaWWaailDua ;hts" jif benon or property1,, go nnpaitsh-,V .J prda. : If pressed, we pxui 1a, s-w .A.w.-. - ...lerese tne Jvuegaatet;. v v,,;;i -vl?rt Ua lodomnuta wayavisst and merctfoL' ancrtbat " r ' 7 Ti ' ... ' . ...I vant hi In 4 r k t nnmtaL that Wnl nn K k AkuiHRMi 'rvf Mnw : nn Will I J crownt your .noma rworay claims iQltha. respect aod oonntrr..' .-i-T.j J rVvrv-U "P'' bwX froa foahdenrigMBiah and eatabluh ypnrjnen7WfllL i - - , td-gnutode '-of pnl sua? JV-ii t -.r.i 4 ? ; I.: heirio-imaxidrm .authority, . .k-? 'T T , ? u" , , , .. . a .1 ho, tbeBkhmon4 oorrepoadent of the Mo- tbleviog.jsnd ptUagmg around jthe AdTeilUr mn4 KegUier, relatea tha fol- r, are not entitled to the pnvUdgee j0:; -...T aJf ! 1 W go eoontrr. w ..t . . . m ot soiaieri nua prisonerioj war. xney an rrv .v- viw- w.. .v t.. to. be - regarded aa hnztTtf entmies; Pf!-.:. v i.,:..,!.. . r .v.-.. mankif-dy and are to be trtaitd :-xording. to show fyeeling of boetiUty to bj, I.ie .-l! ",tJr aadlbvar some avideaeaaf it; Ai one: Li; PMrittf,icoawript agenta,.aid pris- placa-a beautiful girl ran dawn Ibe ale ps of act ors. of -jfsrsJr desireiat of -bandotri . fthl le mansiotr;1 aod xundi.g W the lerraoo i .... ... .- 1 , ' " - t. frAni ' twJt- m mm X Vat 1 T. S O I - f. 1 M ' "5 rehejlito f-aa beoomiag wceanie- ciuxene, i -.V" . ' - ' ""r.0''. -ill be iaroled srikmers- of-' W andlT CT PHV1!: TmA . P paroUai-and wUl mot be exchanged .unlrta flQ,he4 tJ ii,h a taunted ter'fig in their .they.xiolate their.pronaisea.- -i . -".;-: j - faoea. Ai thU monfeht "Gen; Lee rode .p. ! ' 4.-'All thixrtft" are inrjCed to unite I in Hi nobIa fie 'and bnlct'Tebrtin?' look m& . j T - ... . a I a . . a . t - r Jn.aruppeaslnIl,c, w"f Ba waving ur lTi'wwlJt'?: 1 1 For a taormltil akir lnAif' -with th ?nt.rn throwing down thd miniainra waa lowered. him, aad thee, baaaer, ex clamed restoring law wnd order f and :j , I' ltr-.i.rtt-a L r 1 ti r o t t h . ro 2. --rztJr-iv-Trr--'. - ' "T.l idtKl:a al.i,!-n,-a .hite Lands Wetb- ot thtteervtce wiuje acceraro-.to tnose jmoi: . -r'AVtl CTZr'-- - V Vw. -j - Ai? ' i . : J a7.. : ? 1 ler. "OhM wish he waa ouxsl' The fisg waa fSJ JKEm L 'l-'iTllfv - r l"1 f picked up; but, with ianda .UI1 held tigbt rbe. on'oath M boOd, bf other euuracio-l'A., .f' S- w ;MffhtfaV faoe .she ry vaacber,- that they iwiU conduct; thep: LJent back to" the poreh,' atlicl.eacfeably,1 aad-io noninjury to- tie 1 tei gW Uaka sentiait ladies. - -! No fartberattea.pt sen usual was made by thoat a 4 1 ... 1 .tr !.! I: : r'.;:"i

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