mm (ATJvi:RTisriv6 rates. BY; L. Y. BLUM, TTffilJE ; EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. ',!'; $3 OO Tor Six Month. ' i i PAYABLX 1JI ADVAKC. - . 'tSf No-paper will be discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Editor., m i": --. i - mWO IKM l.AR rerVa ( 12 Urs or leas) J.fc.r lrr mi,. .. miH, 44 f nj eats for Ta rv 'lciui iiiervva. " j OUrj notice, fUIutkoi adopted by Ord are Sf. -..or aayibUc of persoaiU nature VCL. X1Y. SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA, TnURSDAY, -MAY 5, 1-864. NO. 1 ww 9 aiHnca m Mavaruaeatau, and abargad ( accordingly. The aaoney must aeecmpaay then ; Lay abou tea cents a line. TPu iy ujj icv jn " - " " ;, I ' ... ..."...-1-. PEOPLE 'S PRESS. SAIrEM, K. C. . J THUR AY, MAY 5, 1864. ' ' " ;i ' - - -' Corgrkss.-Both Houses of Congress or ganized in - Richmond on- Monday list, at 12 o'clock a quorum of eaeh being present." All the old officer? were, re-elect d, , During a aV hato, Johnson xi Arkansas, expressed the opin- L.- Mn .hat .k... .. i j : . .-. ivu u IUS DCIDIVirWVHlU'DVI WUIIBW ivuin ... .x i , - a . . than two weeks. t - We hopV Congress will go to work: in good earnest, early, repeal . the . obnoxious laws pwssedat th-4ast session, end-wjodify-tbe cur- Jwne iiciniolt "as the; Issue of " the fires are concerned, at least . , r The new Congress-it oom posed, in a great measure, of new. members. Georgia sends hut one of her old delegation, and North Carolina inrec. some 4o or mote oi me memoers o the House, (which body is composed of 105 ' members,) are new members. " 1 ,r Hotjsz -Virginia1 sends 7 " new . members nt nf Ifi - N.rfL n.-.K... 7 nl nf 1(1 Rrtn I Vi Carolina 1 cut of 6. Georgia 9 out of 10. AikDamt 6 oat of 9. . Florida 1 out of 'z, Mirt- iisippi 3 out of 7. Louisiana 1 but of 6. Ar kaneas 1 out of 4. Texas 3 out of 6 Tenn essee 4.out of 11. Kentucky 3 out of 12. The Election io Missouri took p'aee on the 2nd. '" There are two Vacancies in the House to be filled:. one in the Tennessee delegation, occa sioned bv'the death of Mr. Curriu; and one in the; Texas deWatinn. caused bv the d ath of Air, Wilcox. j T11E SEWS. 1 Trans Mississippi A beater ef j-patch es from Kirby Smith statei; thai the battles of the 8th and 9th of April resulted iu a complete defeat of the enemy, with an estimated loss of 8,000 killed, wounded and mining. Their own estimate is still larger, reaching 13 000 He captured 21 pieces of arti'lery, iO-OOO Btand of smaU arms, 1,200 muW, 300 wagon and large quantities of stores. ' Our h ss, ('-fli' cial) 2,200 killed, among wb?- were Gen'Is Morton and Green. Three V Generals reported killed. Our forceo. - red from 18 to 20,000, the enemy's force amounted to 30,000. On 8unday the 17th thi enemy at tempted to cross Red river, were again atfick. ed, badly whipped, escaping to the north side of the river and was falling back on Matches. Forty steamboats were above Alexandria and the Yankees were blowing them up to prevent them filling into our hands. Gen. Price bad been apparently M.ingback, in great disorder, in Arkansas, abandoning everything.- When the Yatikees attacked his trains, however, he turned upon tl cra andf eat them to pieeesj capturing 4,000 prisoners, 309 wagons, and all their ammunition, baggage and supplies. Steele is said to have evacaaud Little Rook, and falling back on tfie Mi-sip pi. Tbis story ij corroborated by the Yankers on the Mississippi. Fbom th South-Wxst The Yankees are said to be falling back from the Big BUck after partially destroying the bridge, burning all the sutler's bhantees and soldiers' Luta The Yankees fear that Gen. . Wirt Adams will attack Vieksburg: From Nortqxrn Viroixia Burntide has f TUB STORM OF PJA'ilQL'TIl. ' t NORTHERN ACCOUNT A dispatch fnm Newborn gives tty follow, in? particulars of the attack ou Plyo&utb. Tho bnHc lasiid, nii;ht and day, tTom Sun day tbe liith iu ibu 20th instant, an;ebulfed in tho capture of the city bv' the eay at Wednesday noon, iocludiog General'lWeMels and his t rce ol 1,500 meu: The eamy oh taioe-J poe?siu i f the town athclockin the xuorning General Weasels and ls troops retired irno F.rt Williams and heldkut until noon, re, ulii'g the enemy in even esp.rte assaults. Thetr Jos ia.aaid'o be; 1,700, wlr.le our 1 04 a wa IijrlfT. ' Two cntpnies "U.lougirg to the North Carolina rUnion) voluutcers wer abong the captured at Plymouth, the most of wftm were taken out and suot by the enemy fjfccr. onr forces ba surrendered. All the-negr&a found in uniform were also shot. Tbe funeral of commander Fluss?.r takes place here to morrow. . T Under the cer of night the ram t Plym outh unk two of our cut boats, but lt is not expe-Mcd nke would s tack any number of gunboat in the daytime. A dira'cu from Baliimir - r ' ... reLitcUDie . Jl !. 1 1 . - 1 l... J . IaO.NERS AT SaLUBUHT The Cv..f.-Irr ate States Prison Post at fialhhury, N 13 , eombues a prison, penitentiary and workshops . At present about, 600 p isonera ar L U tbeis, une-half of them . yankee deserters the balance Union men, spies and Con federal e aol diers, who have disgraced thetnelve and been cnt. here to'eerte out fenteocts of vari-.n grades. AWiU J50 are eon fine-1 with hall and chain Ocean ion ally a yankee escapes, and strikej a "lee line! Ijt the yankee border and the "buffalo" deus. Several weeks ine'e Captain Le'ehfiald and Read, seat Iron Richmond, made their esejpe, but were re-eat tared som days thereaJter b; the home guard in Wilke couuty, Ncrth Carolina. , A Soldier aceiJeufjf KUUd. Lieut. Lane of i he 56ih N. C. T. was aeddeutly killed at the depot ef tbe Centralroad at Greei.aHor-.' on Sunday .last, by being caught between the platform' of tho water lank sad the train of ears while in . moo, thus boribly crushing bin, and canting immediate death. 4rlYe learn that taia U be third s'.odier that had ao untiosel daih at !hte place ju the tuanr, and ffi would, therefor bs4 reefer folly, jnvife. tho auction of tb Chief Kagio M t V t riA Mk9lA t aa A 4 a Ok W ' SkJ m frmr Okoa t di-r'cu from BalumoeTa . -m ... Tr ere are report on theWee, tpre Ibis : th M Itt0 ,.daneVTu U of our soldiers or citis -a. lAScK3 IN THIS WAR .We take from tho Philadelphia A'oril A im tollowirg uat, du. up KUROfK .a icon um uxiovirg 111, maa up 10 me tai ' . September, 18C3, tneluiifig tho Utile of Chick- tnm Koropo make appareat tbe 1 aoaaagat different nations are all, more or cnnrtDtftATtft. j)y a strong-ravolatiouary spirit, 1 ALL t; ! t 1862 1864 To'al Killed 1,270 146G 12 321 Wounded 3,055 47.204 4.300 1 -l - . 1 -L J H IS A STATU OK INC1F- LRNT REVOLUTION. The New York 11 raid teieka that the news' fact that the or le, movod and that the -' 1: Tl III V V Prisonexi ToUl w,u W aweenma w - r.o7 ihe piople and rive wsy t- thnr advaaeesaent 7 77 C46 oa pTc'61'- ih acraia, uacic va prog )' The Poles eooUnus their s'rugtle arint 7111 2,147 Cooedt rates died from eoamenoemeat 130,000. . .: W),459 217 1C5 . le'"r 'P ' t& eBoraou disparity of . jforoe existing between tbe insurgents and tho .aictbeai jjfj aovr-rei who elilais their allegtece. 1861 1862 18Gd Killed 4 721 20b79 15.363 9 791 69973 5I"1 9,141 46.534 33.281 Total 40 906 132,745 89,009 form a junction with Grant A battle may Evacuated The In the Senate there aie several chauges: Clay, of Ala , is enceccded by Walker: Phelan, of Wi.-s., by WaUon: Davis, of N. C, by Gra- come off in a few days. a n - . I iiaui. uexe are aiso several vacaucifB. uuiu w snivnrnv V p ' a iK. Alice, a Af iV. T r. Trm.t-nA Y A rTl 0 1 ' fiUhe Kentuckv senatorshios are vaeant. "6- v D.y .-u i . I in ntnn r V; Q.a.. ..J L. at. V.. i lugwu m iuis uwie was evacuaicu vj iuc x au- Thk PtasiDiNT's Messagb. We have not on tbe zatl " taking with tneui tneir ' t. M knt frnin tliA mmmarv artillery, 17 pieces. The' earri-on numbered before us, we judee it devoid of much iutercsL WJ men- Uen. lioke pad advanced upon tbe place, i Z, Tl, -r . iu .).:. j i: ' r " o I Ioroo ia Riid to amount to thtTntaml . U'Oruing, purp'irin g to have tx-en orv"v"t by a co oured fuller, that the C(yourc, Tiioo roojs at I'lyoivuib, N.orth ('aro.ic-were murdt-rrd after the surrendtrr ot the acr7 by ibe reocii'. Trcre arc no tuenir e. vcriffing tnjs state ment, and tbe rumour is probably withjHit foun dation. - t From the Armt'c in ;Gtorai .TbrJ Jacon (Georgia) Confederate learn a from piuenger from the fr nt that a battle Vill iuendiog. A private letter from Arlanrvyb : V "Tbe iudicatioiia are ttu.t tbere Itill be a uku. ai toe iruDi wiutiD me next len-waTa e Yankees are at Ringgold. Tbijr whole J COMTtMBATU THB.tSCuv NOTB S'BCC tbe oritanisatu a of ih5 Co f-rate G vr meat, ihero has been is-uod of bon iutercat beariag Treasury notes aa foUowt : 1 Fifty cent-, ' 911.258 50 our's to . I preumo that rbey Will find I their v a'crko at Daltoo, or wbetevefpld Joe fights them. li Tbe Cou federate omits the num hi 4 of our letter, but savsubey arc more than fei(?y hou- One, Twos, Fives, Tens, Twenties, Fifties, Hundred, Total, 4,$2,000 00 J.C80,320 00 79 090.315 00 157.932,750 00 217.425,120 00 1S8 8G1.400 00 318 03H 00 00 i73,277,3t3 50 men stated in the quite suQcient to meet rand Yankees. that The President says, Congress has assembled under circumstances of deep interest to-the country, but hopes the newly elected members may be able to devise measures adapted to the . wants of the public service. He thinks suffici ent time has hot. elapsed to test the efficacy of tbe important laws of the last session of Cong ress. - Although the exchange of prisoners has been - resumed, no assurance has been given of an in- T-rtcnt to cairy out the cartel. and was making demonstrations a pains t it. when the Yankees retired to Newbcrn The Yankee force at Newbern is estimated at from seven to nine thousand. The defences of the town are very formidable. Mj. Gen. Hoke has occupied Washington. Casualties at Plymouth We hate no further particulars from Piyiouth. only that our 6U cess there has been complete, with heavy Iops, however. A sufficient farce was left to From Ttunetnee. Rumor three lankee regimen's one whtiogod two black attacked (tea. Jark'oo at Catty's S t tioo, 20 miles below Briatol, on Motftiy last. Geu. Jackson, with a force nf not nQs than 300 or 400 men, repulsed them 1.Q gallant style, kiiliog 8, wouuoing 15 and capering 4 Onr Ioj-s was two killed and three cajnured. In a hasty noto from an tfficer whftwaa io .Fort Pillow It apprmr that General Foircit has made n i attempt to hold Furt Pil low. But any disappointment the public in tbi respect ia terv unreasonable. F-rt Pil- hlw i far within the enemy' line, aod e& ly reaoh'd by them by tbe river. By thia mean they were enabled to transport troops at pleas ure, fr m any point on the river, to operate a gaiast General ForreM,- shrn'd. he attcspt t make a ai.d. Their river iron clad could al ho be broagbt to operato in an attack. The fort bad no kuds mounted commaodinp the 89,855 of .diseaao and 4ar to pie eat time, ti.. . ..i j. t " jioary movement. So much does thb ap- rKDlttALB. .(jxar that tbe Austrian givernmnt has tee a Wonndcd rrisnoers Total 'tbe neeewitv f esublih inr at oaeo rtrra. v'o ijT4meiI,,ir Q1 portions of the country are 102,62.5 j ofe derddly than aver their ottoraiaatiou ;-to irew Yenetia and oowquer-Roan. King 262, 00.;, Viet or Emaauel arms a larco fore. ffe is F dcrala died of diaeaae and sickneu during is ware th-a ere long ho wdl have to submit V b aaxo time, SDO.00O. ? tbe; will of hia su'iocu in tht respect, a cd, Bxcarnx'LATioir. Fidcralloa.-s ia battles, io-J . Federal total loa iu years, Confederate loije in battle', Ac, " 217,463 Cunfedrrate l sea by fick- n, &c, 130.000 tte;wui ox hia su'jocu in thu respect, acd, rwar4 with all kis powtr thsir rtvolatixry -4A Ueudeoofcsl . - . , . r fiTrt I W jeara-Dor-i toe ooinea ni revalntions v. years- NapeUtm attained power threw jh Confdrrair tZ 1c year-, in 3 Kiccm of Federal ,oas 55i,720 V'"S,te Kflt)ee f tLe reroluriena v prty iinon Lii rcf i u to the throne tte b abit.diced as much aa be dard the i 1 ... ... . itiai g-rt ua a.-etrioes wnicii e.avatea tim out it:a le have ooL Thi they r.t in teir encanua, wbetin the eppo-ttoo caedvdat4"iri. ompd evar tboee so r. fg,y tepportcd by the government. Thia eourre cn the part tf the fpecp e proves that the in eat tfivulctionanr par- " otTi'J tn,'rc powerful ve llan Napoleon, and aeoordtof Iwiih iter be enuhed. as will all thoao who - m r - " At any uSoment thia outbreak of 347,465 347,405 The toul )o, North and South, to this has beo 900,185 wLieh when the !o:Dose iu . t ...... . ; ....... run ;nree years ot war are eneea, win aount-' tbe mha yearn Kr pojnss and QViImtloc, Icha rise to a .tmilioo. jf-r the Mwnfall of nynaotiea. eud the rule of - Jthe pecjle, may take rlaeeaad then Npo!e- iVi7en. 3fany of our poplc are enm-o:i w-,lif c.0It ,ta0 likely, find himaolf lced pl-iuirg heavily of the wbiak.y mak-ng from to aMuuie tke ciaapoo.hip uf te ma-ees, aod -tarn iu various parts of North Carolina, not- renew the strog'e J tk proan per or il s'anding tho stringent laws against it htag:int tho ruling Po we ro of Kurope, with ia the fault ef the people, sheriff-, constables. diSerence, that from the f jreeof eircum- a a. a W f eouo-y ana uiatnet auorneys that tne perpe.; m0ccs he will be acting f r revoluuonary par tratoraare not -broagbt to taw." Hare is tbrlty acd not with the sole view of personal ag. way they do farther South, where tley lave? raudisement. com in av.ondance: . ic Kngland has fjr ye-r given way to the re?- The Legislature of JiMissippi has passed aolatioaary party, and played at ' conceding to enrobing law uo the aui jeit ( diatilleriea t tLe vishca of the pop'e on all important occa-Tb- law rwide that when at-y one shall e.JgW - Bet this deiit is fat bif; discern r tabl.ah a distillery, the jToperty and tvery. ed by atolid John Bull, and the dayisntfar tbmg thereunto appertaining, hll be cotfiea-JiJ?tnt wcn tho ltrj.ul, Government will ted I'hni'dt the duty of evtry officer ift hixe tA ctpone the cauM of rvolutiuu hoccst the Sute or county, no matter what ofice beMj .d hoar.ily. Een now the poor le are in may b.iM. to teport the time, uodrr penalty cl, dinct contra tictioo i h the eure purtual river, as the enemy, having to de'erd against tfie tbvund dallars fine aod twelve nxwtbsJ by their ru'era. We mean on thia Deiih war. a rear attack only, bad removed the gnn r g-1 iropriaonment in tbe county jail, and that tbevTke i many mounted tn the front Latteries Anaiost MfLcer o failioz or oerltc injr hall cevrH an attack by water, therefore, nur forces could I aaia b eligible to bold any office in thU the fight, we learn that the enemy (Tad no- not be expeottd to make a s'tasd: and as we bad j Sute. In cae the same U reputed by a citi- more than 300 men er!ggtd at any e time I no troops to support tbc that, made the cap ' sen, he shall be paid one-half the price of tbtj iucj ecu too atvaca on mining oi i tore, witnin n-tnoreds of mile, and nosnpnu-s . property eaicatoa. f ! ffarrison tha nlacp. and Opt. TlnVa nrnAMulai. The law contracting, tbe circuiting medium I , .... ,ir ,. A s.; . - , , j , ., . , b towards little Washington. The amount-of is said, to nave Laa tne oesirea cn. ct, anq ny the 1st of July the amount will be reduced to two hundred and thirty millions. T e Presi dent advises against an increase of the circula tion. stores captured is valued at several million of dollars, tbe greater portion of which have been forwarded to Lee's army, iu Virginia. So far as we have been able to ascertain, the I casualties amount to 591. In Ramseur's bri . No hopes are expressed of. foreign interven- , . , .. . :. r. . , gde alone, the total casualties foo up 433. tion, &c., and the only hopes of sucoe-s are m , , r , . ... . . . . " the other brigades suffered as severely as tbe army, with the reliance upon Him without , , , . , , . V, , ,, i Ramseur's we fear our lasses ill reach 1,000 whose guidance and protecting care all human , , . , , a t m " Virginia. Rumors of the advance of the efforts are.of no avail. Yankees towards Richmond were current dur- We will publish the Message in full next inglbe week, by way of the Peninsula, bu' week. I did not amount to much; they were n,eiely re iconnoiterug orscoating parties. Burnsidb's Wberzabotjts It seems to Kichmonodatea of tLe 30th. April, mention h now ncrtair.nd thit linrnsiJa'a ftnmmand Ue '?POrt Of tbo.Yankce advance 10 the dl , . .. , I rection. of New Kent Court bou-e ia a small nas .aireaayjinea uraui, ana uu wrces are oe- foroe, Tbw( W&J n colJi5ion. ang rapidly pusned to tbe front. Bornside s Great preparation! are s.ill making for active aorce is variously estimated at from to 40,000. j operations, on both sides. ' .there aa tumors of important movements in AVealern Virginia. VUMAU v a. i T. RUW-n-ona.EiamifMir Wna that (Wl The Raleigh Confederate give the offieial Tote J imboden, in" addition to his other dnties. an the 7th District, as follows : v ! - ; I now orgaoutng tho rererve forces of Virginia Leach;4,058. -Foster. 2,420. Ramsay, 482. ,n 'be couniies of Botetourt, Roanoke, Craige, Leach's maiorinr over both 1.156. and over kW"B8"ra "unieion. - xiigniaua, Augusia, t -j - - - - t - Foster, 1,638. ; -! 25 ib, were handsomely rrpulsed, niained at hand, and the enemy, aa before romarked, Hbt till the nl-xi morniog, sinut which was able to'covoentrate an ovetwhelmiei! force. The chief fca it is saia tat ttcy 1500 atfooiiioonf'it- the in they have not been seen w a a m are ar ijoneFuro j aoout lOUU trone'i.oonc n g ot cavalry and artillery. Their '& was about 30 in killed nnd vt-undfd. ico-udin? a Majr and Captain of the 10ih Mi5tgao. fffj Our L-sn was three wounded, o e danerousW .... ' aB . . 1 and two slightly, and five captured jAiydon - - m a a ' tirytnmn, Ayril'ZV ture cf the eatraeu from North- trir icrn papers is iho kicking np I a ternltle ro General Forteet acted wi.elf ia fal in after full v acrmimHiKiiij' hi. ..rk nt rl.imoJ over the 'Fort Pillow Mai-aacre from Old tv,n. Fort Pillow wa. of no iuin.wtan to us. 1 Abe, the Yankee Congress, and tbe ncw?pa-' 'aod the only value of the caplern was it eca- I"-. l-'ncjln said in a speech at Bahimor.y 4ou ot -tt i vfretron-hroeiM of the eneav ma .u-cjuaijer wm Busiergr,in p in- od hia heavv toaa in terca. 1 vtiga'ion, and, if proven, the massacre o: tte blacks should Le avenged dee. arieg, that 'Jit Famine aJ the (,,D, 1 rr.lfF.riul ' tbtro bat boen the aaaracre .f three Lundred Pritc.of ProcinioMt at 7YvrnoiA.-4frhe fol lowing fchrdtile of Drices- mas fixi-nisjv the Yankee authorities at Pivmouth N f'C. iaat rf - yj- , J us to its surrender : ; 0! prti Provost Marshal' a OS Plymouth, N. C, April 12, 180 The following schedule of prices foKbountrT produce will be brv(d at the outposts and iu the Market of Plymouth, N. C , fbtil fur ther orders : . Sweet Potatoes, per bushel, l'staioeis 150: Ciiiekerin,. . jr r w per people i!l fore tbe rrrsent coTemnxnt to aid the or lley miV. have a ctaoge f MimVterr, and tbu oKuin tha ccoropluLracnt of their detire Thu w-.o!J lx a tria-nph of . the rcvoluti-juary party. Ttat Koglaod'o g-jv-crttKett w&a prevented fioiu too overt a jaao tioo of the. Davis .rebellion from artaal ree---ii'i)n if tbe traitor ras nodeubtHly a tri- otnph of the teo!otkrjary party. Tbe pepla were averse to tneb a o ley aod iheuuvero ment and amtoeracy were forced' t resprt this feeling, because tbey fear th,e icyoU0' .In Get many a cLlZL.Z.'.C"cf' revolotion cx !, and this Dioih war will mote than likely give, fife and strength to this feeling. State of tlie Inhabitant! A few day ago we or e" lh teo,l rrt f ,hre hundred,! The people 'ihroti.-hrnt the Cocfederatiju are published iMoniats of the pad eoodition of the inhabitant of the Cape de Vrrde, and the la. teat accounts received in Livrrp"ol yesterday, verify bat too sadly tbt expectations which were: then predicted. The bland were fat becoming depopulate I, io eouseqotnce of the resent drought. As au iaataoee, the condition . I a " . tll . 1 ft. 1 ino niriLuiion scan as surety come. .,.i. . . , . , ...... ;rt wiulii wvi Liioeo.o moreover declares tea ne Las deter, mined to uae the negro as a soldier, and to give' him all . the protection given to tho white sol dier. Froa these declarations, this vuzai'cW? of Mr. Lincoln possesses great aicniSeanee TLe 1 ankee Congress has a to possod a res Bath. Rockbridge, Alleghany, Page, Shenan doah, Hardy, and sack portions ef the oountry lower down the Valley as can be controlled. : Mary landers. The gjvercmcnt seems to be. in earnest to put ilar landers into service. . General Elsey will proceed to Staunton next Mendav. and will, for the Rreaant. atabliah hia )".. : '? - " I r . atso laborers, in every community, between 45 Maryland Line. . s . Christian's vote in November was 8.631, and Axbe 2,126; msjoricy for Christian -1,505. Bo lt wiir be teen Gen. ' Leach has gined en CUnetian's vote. $1 S3: Irih Corn eal, per poufd, 3 cts; pir; 30 eta: Tarkeysiper pair Jo cts; Uieso, pft pur la. fiom Ziitffoik PmnzMi on fie train from Ivor, yesterday afternoon, sayithe Pet eruurg rxpns , oi iuesiay, reporLbat tne eLd'By have harnt their carop, evacuated Suf folk, and mired behitnl their entref tbmenu immediitely around Portsmouth, i General Holmes has been relieved from duty in tli Arkansas district, at hue'own re- qT'St He ha boen asrigned to the 4mmand of tte 4,Rervt Forces" in Nvtlh Carolina, of Brava and 8t ThUga was truly fearful and Jolution direo'tog tbe Uotnmlttee on the Con, I desperate. Tho population of tte two islands ol " inquire into the truth of la mounts to absut 70,000, and for this popnla- wUh to cono idauj their power, and they are being taught bj this war what ttat power ia. We aUall not be aurpiiaed tu oe rs'a reuvto:al re coostrae'ion of G- r many; and all this will be tho result of .that re voluiM.ery movement wLich now in its' incip ient ata'e pervades Kutope. and 50 who have families of children and oth ?"ets dependent upon them for suppsrt. Many of them are very useful persons, without whom it will be almost impossible to cany on farm ing operations in many portions, of Western ; North Caroline, with success. We hope the : The Georgia and Tentetue Lines. The Richmond Examiner of the ?9th April t-avs : - We have again rumors of au impending bat tle on tbe Georgia and Tennessee Jines. Tbe opinion in that part of the Confederacy appears to be that the enemy is to make the grand ef- t. .v; z : . , ' . lurk ui ids cubumg campaign in mar quaner j importance of retaining the industrious portion jDaf "hihj thfre is much strorger e vidence that "of this class of pen-ons, wiU not be overlooSedti10 tfirif t6 be. made in the direction of --- - - - - r - - . , - i AvMj o ui vui, it must ow-recoiiectca thai this toe t.v. ; v;nA.t, . ory oy no meana exeludea the probability-thai a ii itr.iiLru iai b aa irnn a ... - - - h JQ0; -"7 7 T important issue is also to be tried in North- lue aiuij --- jvreorgia. . . Jctoria?s; (none of a very recent date, how- The enemy bas'an army'theTe whieh is for ever.) and the New xork ueraid oi tne yth rmidab.e in numbers and discipline. It posses- j i I l,Aa - oca one great advantage which tbe enemy has UOi in Virmma: the lmrrpirnahlA fnrtif.rat.nna April. A Grat Fir. On Thurniay nljht lest, at 1 o'clock, fire was di(overed in a cotton shed m the West aide of the river, opposite Wdming teh. The Journal says it burnt with umazmg rapidity destroying every building south of the W. & M. railroad depot, including the Company s office. 4362 bales of cotton, to The railroad depot bail din p and workshops were saved , Tbe entire lo was about six milUvus of dollars T. Andre, (blockade runner) lost $2.430 000 in 2501) bales of cottonr 30t) of it 'sea island. -The Confederate Government $900,0vO in i0 bales f cotton, Ac. The Nashville and Chattanooga x Railroad Company, -187-Shales! of , cotton. . W. tiw.n.a. 5tThil.kir thm Slate of Virginia, and sun- mirtia 85Q bile? of cotton,' rope, bae . inner, k.. $900,000: Rankin A Martial Roain ; Oil Works $10X00.' B." Haliett, shed, Ac $25- 0?0; Sehithern Express Co. two car loads of mer chandize XlOO.QOO; J in A. lay lor, sm o at er. Tv.itOXOD: B.W. t W. L. BeeTy sheds 1c $25,000. Georgia C tral R. B. Co. 15 freight cars $90,000: W. A l.-Co 8 do $18,000; Express Co. 2 do $12000.. Besides all this, a quarter of .a "mile of wharf, sheds of the Confederate gov't. and Other partieB, injury to cotL n press, c. 4c -; No clue has been found to tho ongin of the fire. a , . o e j- Ut00g8 QP0D which to fall back in ease. v uisaticr. The BUtQ of preparation of the army m General Johnston's front, tbe removal of tbe great bod of U ,rnnr frnm trn.iit and CleyeUnd toChatunooga, and the faiiiityj " o. cements cau bo thrown from Tennessee and Ke-utock,, Wira us that we need noa oe suprmu ai Dy Xmt t0 Letr ,hat an earnesVattempt is being mad . break our lines at Dalton, and that a gr4nd battje is ing on. : Nothing pf importance from Charleston. tion there were, wnen thn ad rices left Tbiga, only sixty bags of rice. - Bat la tbe is'snd of Brava the eaao was eve n ' wornj -there was no rico to be had. Tbe effects of the fearfol wrought had overwhelmed both man and be-s', and tboso who were living wereub-istay uti the hark or ths bsna tree, and tbe fieta if aai- J tbe romors attending the rtxtnt attack, upon; Fort Pillow, and whether Fort P. Low ecaldr. bit tn rainrfd- m.tx.1 ikat lKo r.rtnrt Ka1 tJTULh.N tfOm Bf eUWO. OU til- :i a. a A. V- Vj2Sth ult . a dark ircn rrev raare. tim oil "I ..-i -.a. .t.l l.; .. . uar a at, i 11 rn:c niiir gup, n vy DlacK mane, h loretap Mack and CJt avut e-eu with facts a aOxn a pcaMble. And tbe Yaak new papers and Yankees generally, threaten ts take rcfcago. SUt(fte For &. In the.e days when n.'.iak..K in Yim M t.rm ann.U... " ' l ovaiw BWU Villi mvilUlViL MaCU HHlKlinT, IWI I J 1 ... . t . ' i ? . . - l ., . . as verm sown - ia with Ileadjuirtcrs at Raleigh. prout mg green, there were no cattle to feed on them ah bad died for want cf fod and water. Liverpool J'vst EsplvionAv explosion took place at the Auguta (Ga) Arsenal Wednesday morniog Licensed VewArra. The Enrolling officer ) la-t, by whieh two of thyoung la lies employ- of this Diatrict decided that simple njecn'uta eo tbere were seriously if not fatally ioiurod. preachers 'were not exempt Tom e-nHiripticn.j Tbe accident occurred in the room where the From this decision an appeal was taken to the! rockeis are prepaircd, and is said to have been Secretary oi War; and tbe 8ecretarybas sus-J produced hj tke spontaneous ignition ot some tained the appeal aod reversed thi d4lsiou of j powder. The femailes mentioned were badly tho Enrolling Officer Henco this qfetiou j Durnea, won mnumner oi tne otner uuy em serued. while tbe present law eonlfjues jnPojees tuiiaiuca injuries force. Everr man in everv denominiou wbd bauiborised to preach and ia disch asking hul -4 etiaofa Surge0n.A woman In male duties, aa required by his church, tfcntitled attire, named Visa Mary E. Walker, Assistant to exemption. I oargeon or ilo oina vnio regtmeuT, was i . ..iiptured ana canted to m:ton ny our pickets, A Goon Pxcoxo There is not a tae io ttel tk. 111k inctant a. V . . . .1 . niou, ia ilh noDiir, wrro cuuaiucre-u . o- : e- ' T . . ' . , J - - ail- in. - Althoogbraio had1 fallen, the seed qwntlfj cf that commodity tn.t u d.ily re.l usuch orn , . i?eroto. luueh pirched to V 'J do.c.u. pirwt u ot vsrisA JPJSf1 and although the pasture were beeom W tn rccip. wLUL mftk or ,heJk " w ill cost noihinf to te?t : "An rsteeaed oountry friend ssys be has Wen taught by necessity, sicco the war began! how to keen txtf without sa't. sad Oesire usitbi-f.' Stop tha Rogue. my etable, on Xht nit of tl:- irk i Confederacy wiih the exception of lissovri. where we have no force iu which wityn about two months pa.t the Confederate arm's rfeave not . -l ! at - a. V I a.M . .I cuisTeu nype success or tne xanxiesict wiu a failure.' Thus we hav: " In'lexaa, B-navids affair at Laredo. l Iu Ltmlaiana, Banks' def-Jit at ManiJeld, In Arkansas, the capture of JacksoTurt and the dWorofitnre of Steele. f H In Kcn'ucy, the capture of PadueahjJ In Tennessee, the capture of Kort PiKw. Io Misicipi i, the defeat of GriersofV In Alataina. the Yankee failure at Fiit Puwsll Ih FlcridA, the victory at Oeen PonjLX In oeoria, the reputae ot urow a valrjy In bouth Ci.roiina, tbe confessed tai sieije f Chaileston. In orth Carolina, the capture oi Phyaouth. In Virginia, the dfat of Dahlgreenfrid. ' There are others benid- s. . but we banc coufla- ed ourselvea to a single affair in eacfS State. Surely the skies all around us are biihi with happy omens. t5 Important Ruling for Holders'? Slato to tetl our rtsdrr. According lo-bis experience sod taste, bief ia never fit to bo eaten iu teaks un'il a week af tr beitz killed. Ho says that- iaa a T i it is tupcn0eo oy a aooi or s rieg. ro a eci-. lar, so as not to touch tbe wall, it will, even in 4 tbe hottest of summer, keep irem one to two eek, without a partic.e of salt, and io wio'er for mucj locter time. He has now some the eyes : ail her feet and "es b ac, a saddle mark )n back ar.d slil.t'j mailed ly saddle on each ixe ; a maJl star iu lorciead newly thud a - a a - W a m a mK Knma; ner iara noota wre very Mid is about uni or 3 Inches in d ho!da her bead the. eTi-.:f sore knade by raddle and i iow well. ' i ' I will give a re ard of 200 cn delivery of eaid mar to.we, cr J5CO fur her toetl or 'with the S. S. B SMITII. Thbmpsonriile, N. C, April 27th 18CL Mu Statc.of Jfortl) Carolina: iau proved. It wholesome. is more tender, pals tab and FORSYTH COUNTT. Cvurt of ZaXj. Filed Spring -Term, 18 W. GfvrgeK. lleadricka and wife Mary, aod oth ers, laioUss - vo. . i ji.t.;. I - wuict. ne n. preaervsa .a way cv,r aceiGecri;. U. Yupag. Exeeuror of TJms, Ye. de- eu tai Ajwtrvuivxi i-. ja jiw ; oeajtd, Tltomaa V. oaa; Calvin Vos. Yancv Vcs. Tkoma Ui ahall aod wifo Sally, Bet jamin Yoaa, Nariy Boutio, . William Ifteka aod wife. Mary, lleacaian itrowBane w ie Hrj, w jatt Daltoa A Yanlt SJraottr Ik Km p off the Coasi Jaad kifo Sarah aod John 1. Yoaa, defendants. GENERAL FORREST'S COiiiAND An officer, who is in receipt of late adv.a. from' the West, gives ua cheering news of Gen. eral Forrest's ' command.' His capture of Fort Pillow and his recent movements bad struck great terror to the Yankee heart Hia suedes- had ei"atly aroused the enthusiasm oi our friends in Kentucky and Tennessee, and large numbers wera joining him. The Yankee pa pers in the West say that he has added to hit command, i& this way, some seven to tea thoa- She was sent to Richmond, accompanied by two Confederate officerj. ' ""A Grxat Comet Predicted. The follow, ine, says an English paper, is an extract of a letter junt received from Melburee: Profeor Newaagcr; on a three jears scientifio visi' from Bavaris, tell- u that in 1865 a comet ahall ome so close as to endanger ibis our earth; and should it not attach itself (as one g'obulo of quicksilver to another,) nor annihi- .a a . aa a a . a tare ua, the sight will Dfl snoft oeauiuai io oe held. Durioir three nights we ahall have no eof the darkness, but bs bathe i in the b illiaat light of the blazing train. . Rechs plantation, seven miles above Syo der's Bluff on the Yatoo river, and one of the Urgtat in tbo State, was attacked by reb els on tho 1st in at. It has extensive eotton works and splendid buildings all of which . tan !.. i i were aestroyea. xne pmaitou aaa Deen Florida, 6y a Torpedo. Tho steamer Ma ple Leaf, with troops for PUatka, wh'leoo Lev return trip to Jacxsoavill, eame in contact with a itbel torpedo tbo night tf the 3 1 at, cp-; posite Buckler's bluff wbi&b. exploded and blew ' out the entire bow of the vessel. She auak almost immediately, ctrrviig down, four of the Xori cae fell far an Injunction and account, tc aprarlns to tie sa'iaSaetlon tX tho Cort, aCdavir. that tti au. uef.'ndanU ia this are net iuhatiunts i this btatsi Uie there fore brdired by the Court that poblicatioo bo roaie f-r aii wteks io the Pei pU'a Proas, a naws- rapT puM.abeJ in tbe Uwo e.f balera, notuviag aid defendants to app-ar at the nest tarao of -ha crew, i ne passengers, sixty in number, -vera I rv,rk d Enaitv to h. LaJd tk cntf rAr. saved. -. tTth!al the coot-Lousa io Wiojtoa. on tbe second Monday af er tl a fourth Monday in Eeptesaber demur lake a Ttrid.te Vmll A 7,af UA 1neiU then ad there to plod or tv. r .a.iilM-.. t? vir. w.w. io.k to the PlaintilTa-bill, or the eame. will bo A V v a, ytiuiiur ai-c raviuau 1 uw imi mm wa.i . . . .tTl ... :.r 'j k. i r f V"" .-W9 m w wa. luiujuicvi ui m BKiauri vi vtvmvj m i U'llia.. aa 11 II Starl.iwlr lOrk m.nA U.tfar vT Bonds. The leRisUture havlog pasrtd an aet u.. k. ik, Oavernment and was bain r at its lastacsiiou exempung ow tensively worked by tbo lesieo. Pnnfodarnfa tavatinn. wa laarn fram h Kal-l eigh rrcs. that the State ComptroLer has re cently decided that said bonds weru not sub ject to tho levy of h per oent Coafo4eraU tax as upon other Donus, sua. mat u w ruouo rcaaurer and the cute Auornay vjeyrai nave. iuiy confered and agreed in said doOioa. no eanoeilatiotJ of eldcurtoncT lecWgrcsi-i ing at the Treasury "at the ratsj'of oghty toll-! The Atlanta papers have eompromised their dimcolt'es with Ike printers 'and are again afloaL Thw : Confederacy aad tho Appeal have advanced their rates of ruboeripbow to ao a mouth and $15 for three mouths for Daily pper, and to for Weekly edition three months. la-1 All tho hospitals in and near Eiehmood have boom vacated and cleared out. . torn ml ad who arrived here ou Sunday evening brtl-t Oracle train, that tie Lonff Jlndfe aerosalhe. Potomac, at Washington, was wash ed away by tbe recent freshet in tbo river. Toe same gentle ma a informs us that the e emy have all left tbe neighborhood of Warren- ton, and -that Grant is concentrating his troops in Uulpeper eouuty, in large num tera. it is tbe general opinion in the army that bis prep s rations for an advance have all been completed and that be wi'l com me nee a lot ward novo. ment, unless delsyed by tho weather, during tho present or in the early part cf the coming week. Tbo pnt of our army to said never to have been mere 'buoyant and hopeful thati now, and when tho shock of battle comes era ; ry confidence is felt in its rosuhlrg sneers ful ly to our arms." ' eday evening j M Court, at CCce, thia 20th dav of April, A.D. Bridge j D. U. STARBL'CK, C. M. K lily. 5, 1S64. 1-CL SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE, ) j Ualeiih, N. C., Apkil 27, 1804. I PROPOSE TO ESTABLISH IN THE CITY of Ra!elb, a manufactory for ARTIFICIAL LU1BS. The olject of this enterprise Is to supply these esefsl article to all aUdiers from this State, wfco have. bee, or may be, so maimed ia tho service ae to nqurt toeea. Pint atee aad Boo-eommiastooed o&eers will bo faraah4 grstoitoasly. Commissioned cfScrrs will xo charged the aetoal et ' LHaUed soldiers are reqoeatsd to errepTd wUhl tho nndmicned. nvinr axaw. rtmatit. rack, Iweality of' avpwiation, aid tbo precise measurement of tho Temxlaisr noUr. t ) . -a -al . P a Flog of Tmc Beat Jrriretf. Rietscr triUftU.ora4nd pwrnoa. AH aath AptU 29. The fltg of trvew bra arriveJ t j are avitd to crwanMata iaoediataly with tb.e City Point lat nicht. with 60 tfictrs aad lofW. . bWArj WARKxK.- . . " ' . ..Il l 1 O - i . . . L n - 30U ta. . -' i ; ' rxwg wvwara aagraa waitiinaa f

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