'i ' ' I V. f 1-V apa-ar-a-"'' m w r 1 , . w a w . ri i at a a-a. , . k ?. u & - r 11 w t - ma nmn --x. - . mMHMTfl:CA'ROLtffAr!TlTlinRli as w need. 6r Fwe-Doilaw for s!x montKii r-I ' ' i- 1 1 r - -at vnmjr mi - k b&u mmM. m sin k- w m 'mwm mm m n : K . C. .Wt four bwidTwl of :Wffiodn d3nn ,be-1 bU ror tbMd ;gr VtJ TornnnV ihV Aam Gn&rds'of 4hw eoanW twhtf'kn no doabt beloxttea w readiBesSttol the Kjie JottEe enemy, mee HiPS 1 bore. Let them.ja if thejbiiik , tVr Al nouoe u is otaer to eorreci toe murepresef either 8 tion. -v i3wS?r lki;ilinebolow aiehmoa4.v ,; . i.. i 3f.KtteaiiBMMA--bat Utn' ipwialcd either saaa or beau beiflMeToared er'deU9y w"l w- WT -- . , , g-, 1 r !-.'. via:.' I L . A WegraBfYron- CtnttaBoort," IBtbr. aTa 715:.7.?' 1 '.t Sberaan htarud veaterdaT im vtaiidU if tLa rr.r.ru?",wou w. iiaati r nmrT win nmu a u taa an . i . . . - ... . ' 1 i ... w -t - . . l BTa mm 9 . 1 I a - - .9 m . m ItaIiM &)Ternrtnt hak.beeo publiabed. Th- L-:r" ;r T jrUain kSz i to be Vitbdrao1 the TQ$iXiMzl'4p tbe wui nau to not aoitAabLi Jl t .5 J :J 41 J.t , VTT. JTJAtWaal Elueatloaal. ,M , ,.'.T . . 'text'AdiaiJ MeeLin- of tbe'&tite EJa onat?Ajbflatio(B.tft)ta Cawliaa,- wui be Id la Ctnrlottera Tuesday, November 81b, The dttbitft! AoeUtieS of the Confederate Ule'ari!lbJat Jtaefeie'p1a Nevem. Uf peUvaL .the friend deaUfa la Norb Carothia ilh aa 'have aa ooDortaaitv "of "fci rTV7 U OUte aod Vatkal bocaetica. Tere ner , waa a period ia 'oar biatory be fhditka aoi TecpeaaibiTiUea of Ubee OTI4.m4he toatreiom Trf Che riaior reoer: auOD Wan. mora obnoaa mul imnortABt: aiw! ADVERTJSINqcRTM. n1W0D0UiAEabtaaa fli.UI JUforxhe.ttret laaenloo. And one dollai fox ere- tj taleiatInrtion. , .1 . " OWtaarjaotloes. Re eohitBa adoptKht Order' Sotieties; ox acjibin of iaeraotfal eatars wiljbe ineexted aaadrertiemnt fU4 charted aertrdiaglj. he tiwy aiattaceeapaajthaBa varaVratteieenU'tf Ifae." 'r F , VAiftcoeiTed. atKeboj.rtate that Oet,atlyv,' ThiHSa'amed'-ieeperadeea toppowd l9 Si overlooked biber defairiersk' We baia Vcwat-1 attacked SKidAi'a at (Wir Oreek be rebel woalot. from. Oauada. inTaded 8iat 'i p'leci the; oppoaDhWa of thu day oa4V'eipft.Ul arraire4l and Sohoola, N. C ehJ 3 avLa t3 klyV fAfeU? V.F Wk thonUJ aU Ce'eae'ri.T5(tIo4 ' t4 w z aa a aj aa . . . . i irr iwrrww'wa'win a. -w - hmw aii ucaAtw8 m pcatut ia.atrrfMi!ftoia ieea Cos nit1 lift - ittee. edly atnted that the ciuseaa of this eonaiy way quitlf submitted fo eery calrfor men ery ntftde: -fclhraa much so aa - aDT-ny,ia the Slate, ( mitil ber populatuiB, eoniposod -taostlj wldiers' famfliea, iioo onder the manaieat , of our wbiFtbyi Ctti.ty Ageal, bate been a? well; if not lseUtH-, provided for ;.h , in -the Stat ThaOra have men aaock rT..tri;- f diaa , tleu.. ftraaa hejaad . their, , raapUr ( eery loe w b ererer iaot nrr1j U T.reaaitecL t fore dav on th lQdi. rnnrrtnatA aaulMtad tM I banaWvetaoctVoo the '19th." and obbel t 8th and 8th oofpa, drbti the 6ttr eorpVbayond I bankaUtfarge eeai, aid ehot aercral ek'.iz Frf!MiiTOriKHea: piuoaaia "V 'cl: ..sS ? j '. I nse OTerr exertwa 16 naaie the . were aaielvtaosBt off. tmt the etntBT Btibeo-1 raaaaarara ironvuauttx eoortn vae txrti I - ' - oi..J l7. W. P" V-r.r tirJv A Confederate tborltlee ' will WdtV ile iaUl rcreat too raasBJ eapqpna UUTfT '.ueces wi i psr. w.- p to taa ..--J- - fcwiM hodivA .Amti k.rf. i : " laOT jaf.ha Tariauai danrtaaanca upon WBom nv oaroe&a oi ne war nave lauen iuur ioaa u ponen u -woncat so se mxuwui ww hfv.1. .'ViS.l i Tbe enemT'e inantrrrcbried rerr badlt d&-1 portio. trf K ni .i..w, ialti. 'i. W.Boiiiii.. hit Kit Idag - A petoe txmfitftnee treutfctf leAI4'4a. tppoatiaeni for itt fceetiag" t l AUxaUiWiOl. tU kepe that a faTerable tojo ia .ye "everr ednntV In- etertSiate, deny ' Bui 8enUHeaabnldnBtWwbn arnjy 'thaien Ucio New SttUe, and ealla for iTiitTnn enoognxe atonoiwr, witnvneiiig V?? nTT!i 7kI oiawca.aeBtor neenee or tttxroea. aa flUMuae Muuiuivc ior irreaiaeni ct id .a a . a . I""1 : :sww J TTT.r" ' .TrrrT : . ooon railroad not la the iaoediate Tioinitv of eapweay.yw eflry. - " r ;. Tor oi poaoe oa vb oiai. oi e m n.ni; er Uha aimiea: ai w. eonaider the. iM t.'a.V.: - I Ni.ldl - ft1 Jtall r . v a Am ft. .m n Wa I . m "l J A. ... SutetttleifionltU bnt . -djonbed nne ESKIi die wUhMOi making'a.y kemlntUoe.. i J F1,'' " rJ- a .. . .... 4 e, of Alabama, waawowndr .- GlsfgVMlatouri, tad: the fajrion el that T t' V "a?eaf ,""P: LnM at CUriute ;pUee'eap on Satnrdajlby SheLbV.- Ya !?UkJ!l!; ,0 .PftWl ;,v3,Tho.wm.wott?d: The n.aUnildiogi were de,tiy. ;rW8t: M! lo ? f'-f Uvinet. .J. r rri . deeertert , and ttraifteri from the Confederate ft evimwwwinrai r?. , ?0th. Brie Gen. Battle, of Alabama, waawownd. Wi Mvi Wn' rmforiBed' Iht vibe oede Wjlee andhtd . , 'J- vamu. wwumqi , te IkA in tliA La on tk- 18tk tmt The Yankee aoooauthaa La. m J . . m ak- :T referred jkj. inv t&t aructe j&0Teirom GreeireWjrW.'ieonnsted of: abbn. 1$ rora ana. orpjio- e aave nos-aasewiaeq leays. anotner great b rmmnm . .W . . 1. Ttaxi.Aodileetm ef thia bodr will .beUiitt Ceirletl, 4 C-,voa Wedaead.y. CHiflh day if tKoeeaaber eiL YWdit la exact .iiuiubor.TrotQ- Fwjth. bat Iearo the there were other cotf ire apuie ojc 30 the; baanee'om the HMttV from dnilferd, t( 5 ..ii'aTXijii i l-"U6s-. 40th, at tdttcCr whieH-thremtened iis-atfiral French. troopixeoapied Jlattamorat viiboat witn aiaaater, betfi&afly aeBalUng la a Tietory I opposition on Uf 26th. - $ : IV', Whole expditfbnhe1m!td banikgstrale ofQ"i ? Jit?p WT fl an at-bi own gime of flanking. It ia Aplrted Eri?r --r:'Ji ldS..Iil? wHut our 'foroeeShold Rente. . iLlton. KinStou. . - I iiiimum mM ionwi.m. T 4HWKQ IU1U mV .U '.nUir an in adnfnaianl. ! . . . . 1 . on vnananoosa.' m wuiea praee tae reoer is from Uu-lfoid, eA- rwntl aeeesBiotuat an rampant rar mas, so long aS hettoul-ieep hie carcase out of dOfier, .wUieh i.tbe ease " with many others who d&o praetK what theytpiwchy TheOTe axe efttti at we bave)forjjicd. a; dy , noli-A-bade id the matter last weeb, beeattfl thVre;irete many eonnictijsg.ramaf ihf tim tyuok egeraied. --r s--' -V V: Another B(aropcdinf prtyall mpn on . horsebaek,v naaiberiBg twenty-Aree-persens, were arretted aty Dr68 BeeiihkHduse) in' ; this conntjf. on Monday nighUaat, a4 brojaght to Winston-, all from Guilford eotnt ae two from thit county, we are' credilably . infor med." . ." 15 ... '.oirr.!, -' The last 8entinel eeya 4 -Kae of the admha that his army wee 'driven in eOnfanon m ' m a Wu ui. UBHOUVinUi ITim T IDCBX. I . 1- . u .J.lJ : -.f :af t!! .J LPni ria Sherman', f.rcea are on abort ! - - v " - --vn, w.wvw . rv".lMtkinj ' I 1 moCbt1UeAt4 time rennlaed xhe k jf Na8b,ifle papere ufthe lth.aud the LouknUe the enemy, and after tome, catairr oharzee ha 1 ?! vih' "H , attacked (4 r6nT SSSaS ifc MJ Terrndng ioto orjgrttr:- .. lu??; -m 14 fw ,ow truuerj on enr part "Camp Vamc' near Morgaaton, bat, been wae eaueed b? the enna eetuae erewded-birethiip I v. -1. 1 . A j r. ' .k r ".t. n ,. wweu up aou aww reaunTuiu iwr ouotc(jpi members of the SpeuFCt'Vbb wl cleft ted by nifrtgaj' majority of maglsferjttea in the county,- partly beeaaof hia ty thy to the Confederate gylrnmenfhaJ9, reUf ei roei- lively and intedly te.jkt hi property. - The offieert r. thexefoee ander thf -aeeeeeity' o proceeding, teeordili ;to'eSlle4t'fiie tax.?'. a v a " . "a . - 'a - .f . m. . imJ yvaiae jroa.-utfe aooTewnojesaje vwaaaer ( the magiitratea f-ilrbo'T ?er rVfoifcdVtVeit aii Me jadgkig the loyalty of Ait &lloweitizW- vijL magi&iattfl, cat eep - 0001 an act dir- , -.tjett the : reader adbt b led levtbinkr that the mtgiatrate' alfadld ;ib18trtnoi vjieio ra;l?lU TaJt.tlittAd jra&ppobtedfa iMgiatrttevic-rtgs; by1)eiloo1e li. tno;,e ,.vi v.te uuaauj-, av-4xwvyentmee,' OaWre- k ar- h' TVCt; ' 1 . .. - - v bffoana; tialleul1if pVlc Idditor t int , vommwoners 01 Approvement rf, rash delino And whereae. the public enemy bavins pro- el aim vd the freedom of our rTeal iare) foroiog into their armict the'able bqdied por'tioa thereof the more effectually towage their ctuel tod bloody war tgtiast u- therefore be it Eeaolved, That it is the tree policy and ob vioas duty of al elare owaere timely totembve their slavta fiem the haeof the enemy 'a ap proach, nod especially thoee able to bear arm; and when they cheU- fail to do to that it ahould be nUde'the duty of the proper ; authorities to enforee the perform aaee of tlria duty 'and to give to such owmert all neceaaary aeaiatanee al far aa practicable,. . ;,. - ' Unsolved, That the eoursc of.. the enemy in tppropriatine oar elavea wtor hanaen. to fall into their handa tn nnrnnM af umu-ln - 7: J ttt - fa ' '. 1 i..mu va uiu I . -!- r r w i i i : I i f 1". 1 on hum u v 4 iwaw . pnwneri, ivwuj M. , ,5r juuiy a eoange i' policy -a our part ; ' ana f?JMwgb. - -- r ' 7 -W" bUat owbert of eltvee under the eircumttan- In thM batde aa.in .the t toxaar gh wear Win, The Confederate aaja that Chief Utice eee should freeW yield them to their aoaatrr. fTnee'eralVS: lErTaSZ .W1 M ".m8nl 10 " erproper hurrj mg the retreat. Uioe capturing our imna. T' w " V11 J reg.atae;ae -appropriate aota part of the fFJortenuundredBri8Qiierm7nT- ideoid whether one who was under 50 ytrMto the publw terrioe at may U required. , . ... r- -j --j 1 1 j i. i:. i -. -m. ... . . .... were, reoeiieu at tne xtoj yeaterday.. -iwum mi iwiiiwj vm puut vimu ijim xveeoireci, iau ine otaies nave tae ngai to Faok'tliCHMOHn. On the mvrniaar of. tha 22d I arrived tCthat ace. ia bound to eon tiuue lk the export such produetiooa and to ianort aaab ,k.b'-l'e1e war aaidaerviee; , and, ' alao, whether aaubetltate, luppliet aa may U.neeeesary for Stale ue, er fV r1"? tHvltoxhK tefcee belpw who vat ore 60 when put in, it bound to terre for the comfort cc'aupport of their . trooi in CnaffinaBluffl opened udo nnartiasof oerirttal. -a V- mTmm.t . k..v .ua .a. :S 1 'T !7 '!.. wniwi. awj, veaaf or nwui BaN i e ohartered bj thf mj .and tbaf we request .0t g- ihe.amfaia.hf tha Caafaderaey might soea offer aortteerpSmoeaWon tor iu aeaeatbliag f ThM hme,hae:failaiL . The wan la ttiU . racing; wltb-UrUa apoapeea of ite peedy abatemeat. i.l.Ve:mpaatua. 4ae mtcreete of sbamriae; SueraUon should a t be orerieoited. I-b He ro in rite the (ritadt oledncauQu aattseaible taChMoUe, . ' ; The CommitteeaLtp.oiflted at the meetkeg fa Uolunbia. will, hoped, JkUenA to the matters entrusted to their euarge.7 . . ', v ' The fellowi'og .article, from , the' ConrtYtjotioa seta Yorih the iersaa of naeanharaliin i - Any maieinsca oi tae uoaiederatetatea, who may. be en rare A in the profeftion of teach ToSt'or avbo h'ae, ia ny way, idee tified himself wilt ine eaaeauonai ineresta or tbr ooao-ry, may become a member of the Association, ia hhS following manner, to wit: Ite must be eomioaftea u oe ennnaj nueung oj a nxmoer '.liHr.t'.J.'M.-AlJ i. - - vetea - STEAMMGIKJI EU0UT HOESfi IX)WOk'i&5TeiwoatoJrini. ijlue Builer, with i JeornTrie lHbft ,f Last v4j, ppjyrooivorj a wiu.be -too late. Address; : fi- lachieeVAe j. A.coRKrsu;a r T'C EaVemaay uwwied balaneeeVe the Projuna. whwh I -aria a ' seeded ap -witSoet de- . "J.at I wantteel ee wthe aennarta, i ( - a . " . X.A, Ji'QLjCnV ' Tnomae Voaa a&d atiiM I ' t Moitr. - PURSUANT to a OrdbfCouKiia'i, the foregoiageaoa,I aka;lWUaapfcWlenttko ' em lTcMlxieadaiy t534 raretWr, ' lr4, tbont 1 o'loek ia tfce -nfraVoava:-e! tha - " prnV!e. the .valaaUe pJataXyaTef ih 52" AQKE3, and about. three nes, NrtVXt of - ' KarnernlK adjoUuLg- the-'laiia ''if iGfom . Terms made anewm on the UW cf JW. Tk IT CT IDD f'.TT V V -m Mobile Z7tato SoLDitts. A letter fr dated Dot, ltth styt x This m or crag another Inalallatat-jsf wooly heads ,waa rooeired. by railroad au.mbrieg two hunind. They are qaiu an aeqaUi'ion, ai I oBecrTr they are worki-ig oaahe'fortifiea- Itions and cleaning the gutters of, the eVeets a uie iorer.part oi ue cny. xney are coaieni stjtog tby had; joat as soon be here as with the Yankees, tome prrfcring to be here. A mtjoriiy ray they were pressed in by the Taa- cpes, wao, tnev say. are eonseriptioc all ne groes in North. Alabama between 18. and 45 years all who are able to do duty or Work for acre men. on ue iron-dad JTreoncksbvg, were alLihtlv wonnded.7 JSeveraiof oar'. 1 riTAm plied and silebced' the Yankee battery r? J F&om TuNifisix.-Late aecmis rrareaeat the enemy as haviag eyaouaced Ban'aG.p, bn vJwr-ting3waTat ixnoxTUie, vtuenn ojitr tae pnampai goes oaox to tne ana yc t - - - " f Iff i vm--w, aw hhy wawaaay wf at-aiwe-fl WWg- At afmcetlog of the eonstitneoLs of thajQtenJ'f ili Vxt ea.,0J P-ws amoving WW..Bojce. of the triot of South Carolina it represented U Wertg. 40 J 'opdknlg.ih-e,: oads, 5 :. f ;-si' j 6th.Cobgrva.ionil 'pi- " resUioUont which. hue been imposed by . in Columbia, . ev series Confedertto authority f upon wi.exportt or of r-toJutioat were framed and Unanimously wpopt PI ttfpuiea, .. : : . . .. . patted,' repudiating the tentimehlt eipnated ; And Lutly, w-,oem tf,not inapprept-Oe to britidjatleinaafa riopnt ,1s tier tddusted c" Wm auidintllerable purpoae,,at , A-av . i . . . s tw . i k . a a., a. a a. a r r famUiesy ewby tWifcfcre : ep arBeighbea hatforgjytbMtr to adver) tiaement whieh appeared, JUt bicumurbf tbeeaiatesy W4una last, oenng property for. sale, .estraiaed and levied on to satisfy and atanea over jIb. aitAtMMi W allnla I At oar oeighbor, era ie bcoome. w.r.mpol hlV.iJWiiiJpitteti mTSrKifni ' - - .-. i sMta aw. .la, a.'' a . . . m.v aayati - a " sa a awj mjiICVIlp. Cr t , o.Betoled, Taat the CbiitaitlirU Ktrutatod am I MilUiiMt. Prtiutll lUvU. it aia a-tayaMNk to rriaplawfbi; t . -. - " ' i . : W .i.i t r- xiaJ" iWJ the.Premdfut sf Aa 8eaa4taefiaekaT ol aewaM tMiora o aia mt, cuenea oy a aaaiomy oi to then preaeutj and sign this Cooatrtntiou ". .'. F. L. QEYCOLOS, . . rTceiaent ol ibe Arsoriauon qotembis8. C , 8epr. 271864 iiO-7icrn:i T7HERX Isnow raay to hi hfrW Us J- Awjoesi toHae a sant.cC4i4r. ttt the 5StTk4fvCoMo' mtA VocACsrd, 3e lot ? VTiT ibVeo) 10 .AgeAieB-aaiedy fortackia'g tfca Cards onT aa4 be a4dTl tO per pur to the e'xisehs general lft iW no' itfsitnoe umorethjA vne.pair ta be etui tsiV tattd Tv Tbee cards are not iati-nrtaJ . for dm fLniZ. w oUiers. The tepna)nt is harruir a Utm lot backed readv for. use. which wiii be sent o end , sold t h.familiee of soldiers' M fast as tbi can ne tnaae, at a e-uch lwa'priee. ; Acehu hri re. queated to soake errancmeaas aad caQ forrthem. it firs I. TTtNTIL f.rt.ar notfe l.wiiUautd.ry Tf Tburedsy. Fn'dav and .fialnrdav ax tK- stofe of K. A Vog!e, Eq:,,tor je.nuipie of aae uay. i win aiao atteea tot sppoistmesU ryVav-init;-E.,.vcineet4-f,,r. f 4 - ah gooa ettrxena win make"he slvh kfowm in their respective aig.ticudstBj ?IPalto aajst ladicaia lis tieg-heir Tax ta RltC cL 0, 1804., , , .i J;OJ26-mt.u Com & WheataaitecL T VILL QIVB SALT. BOSCH COTTOS JL JilhLTlU in exchange for Wbeatnd Corn. f aoa ahm rgent fr the aa'e of SOvbdnchsa Cwttoa Yarn aasorted-Nys'rom M to' II -which I wilJalJ either by the bale er. retail ina'ateller quniiuea to suit parchasrrst, To any ooa hamg bpfcie,' or Bank Notes, on oneeit mviasL bajika. their benefii. the Yankees haTior comt to the te linvest in bnoch eottou.. I will -ell lower than i a . . . -- X - i fL I i a a mm i eoelaieei that negroes mate very poor ee:Uert. miaie aecuaa eieo-nuy, tr appti AH of the ease splendid plantation in Lioxe- n OOB- ' ;,: - wavww ajt aassi aa sxaHtfii vvrttv aa taiv www vt t rv - many ef them entirely d' sorted, soaae of then with one more old aegToee on them . t - itn -Jtch aunrsed by the conversation of ah 0 d hegrif etptured at Sulphor Springs, by Fem; 'hV ead'toloBged to a relative of mine Iu Llinestone eousty. who said tbat the YankeeJ prcrmis'ed bhn pay for Iinle fvbe, hut always forgot to give It to bun an wok good y Zdtin, Oct. 20th. 1861. i 8UCJJTZ. T 'Of i.1 care to place htm tn 'the most dangerous posi .1.' 1-S i. X the followinjr ttLract at a ipeeiaeu of the rio-1 Jawi rohely."Admintrawr of Andrtw.Klana- . "Mtaj ara- .eratceaiaand.employeet of ; - h :JDanlel Kiaaamao tad atheea; Qatitarmtatdrt,' CmmiTtaties ittd other o. I- . i ni.m. ' impreetedbyt.tha. UitaxvluT.maAaahMaxeut, elsrh et eoplyee.:iu any fusst-d. throe gh,th)s:ipsel';Omt Sun itapaaiy. who la.betweea tbe agee of eighwo aharaatMX nf fW4 4. .B.m. t-i jci-A i"IZ?mZVir Mr.lJovce-wtt Dreaenrsid defended 4im-1 WpeaiheQoean ta,ntoi4.tae o.v,... t.-. irighU asdaorerairy oX.ths&aWxxteperiaa gel7x thtipfie4ilylDelay Wte il4U.tl&aiaea 1 WJt proj gftroos ta wj' -f v' ! H Utwor; Jed gtve -,aoas imhera Ueorgu,iindct ipwMriate fnrelled atfdi be was ,eer wry iwuen U wu Danville Kegiater.ms : iu ; . ; ; trdered into ecTviet. lW"toiilit-tQade bvihitl ' rW K.ndmd and ae-antAeA -alavaa'.'fTAfn from W-fcltmt&oa ox uoagren. vwnien sais. aa K-a4 wane xaaMenisci tne .Aataoeraw oiev oo-1 going to it nor upooAperieeteoV- ratirpaa fftVPfa-aw-j, arnr-n-Tht Ivavaaea Aawl'aaaalanl I avsaasirtj aiaaaa t SI s.til .tma 1 al waa area n3 m . . -r'wj .;tuiuor. i wo gfa.iar- acti Tu- any young man bat Jeomel of SattrrJlT ttrs that ilw til feiVl i-i.-rr4d-J k-.4WA in tK .i. ar., bees aJffBv ikfMiMtil ly.!--i..r;-.T;. t-j t. tJ. iaLL2' I . ' x . . r- Mltw" ncr; isrtno O5acersoi me ,.Lurviuwat axe aetalW aieme aC last. Tha loagJdat'.ehroiJtki w i wwa wtje am m v. v -a . --- i a ' - tri i:uw AmMu.a.avi WbeatWaW from lnforaatlOtt 'fecWalha i a 1 M4 m .mmm. a a. A"mkVir 'arrival' 'at ITV.M '2mk .aVV.-'all.tfm. fli.i. ilUiJU aa. fma . lhr . .m.a. Tka ynjninejitrrtDarJia looked-for yyTfielthateacht ftNnpiU semi mrwka,:tpplj mUiury oommtadants i - """ tuivwi Jw oaon- iniormiuan mnan fi tn- vtnuapi on dqtb .' viae., ma- mr trrrrLa Mnn. itkAwi -i -i i kiMi . ' it. -v .. ft erT.t.r'T ..7v '.r , I nrrTT-ry tt . 1 n.-- T!T vW". 7 -:wff,?JrFP-;iarJ tyfretiwinoBialllonor deoaaagtu-V'Me psuIio be fortbaomlBC M.lbt JtAeyainoTamMr. tlw'th-f JasO 4a-;q0tuel Pittsylresia .froqfthimi.A ".ll'hr.nrJ. itelodtvg D.-iUe, willhtJS, If eTee"MAHli- shoft 1 years bid, had tSf old shoe oVooe oi hew forp fittt 'otherwise tsshbd; Um'ejirriaa heil mine en her left i4t? tsj? toBt'Mddla ci t-i.i v:.c. - v- ojirunBfrmi.aMtaiiMUi.MM .JJo-V-iBoH, &klAi 0. &. eaatoc from I A liherai reward wiU W erica. fa-aUUT- GerrWWarow latter1 tean XnreniogOS-ilH C 7 ttformatioaM4-thar I'eaa tr rFthalEfila.' Yivsa a fall MDtaaAihm ol 1 aL.""! l-s-.j !." ivwivuiwiXiiiItt-w inKUimoioi XMisona Dtaan ii ana Taars r ja - r T. . . - . I - - - . pijtgf.!l: I- . XT a.u ma - - - t- l tVl. 1m - Xk-4 t cU'e : -T0B5YTif luirrT - i This p Ahieh eivviag bee fiHd inmy jece,4and ii appearing that Daaaei tad patiry IKmltamoei. twq pf the defendanta, rilk-7vM the lisaias of if. ton have been ,edueedV theterf MKt: tX iIanTer,' S. Ji R. ScLeadma . imiilW AwA heribaa.thoaet hCo Soottaad lUl'-(7rM6ore' Cimiea' WuWmim metxnFja$ioi3iW $ff AWWW'H, IPv;..Si' Wni W-,'fiaiJers GetiJEarlTban fomrT nirdifftswhYin r , f pgr i?v tyft t yt nttwii froa alliUi oreauia mora xreeiyj aiseri reaaing o- i w.mu6 ilrVteVlilytVcW. the Mpere-fcwing dedsionTthi6h' wd hope will keepSho pound fbod fl .t -5.17 -t;' kit vio ilia crr ixliir t it at.. Vl The?" wufctieu of . -7i- . 'rEr Ti . ' l ntrrest, ana iron L8th .eay.tmrt l4 . UichAondOetober 12 I864.t If-Lll Kia 'nVnlLt. at p and bwoed ftMek Mt 1 2!?15Wavt thOemtof f the lih .ffcrni Court ofPl Ia. fi. (Vui.t. .f ...Vn . I t areofdered to rtpor Mi rMtiilU;.ext ahalt4xow1atatar towaa.; Noeuch oS irmr-ttfiSU wXaTT Monday. .The county, ltJtq aired to send WT aWixad, blJtw.and pa pever. .net area the. 1 tfaar. and tbhre to ioi wA-bleadJ'bt-dTprar taiKi. axe aad rtbt town JhxtfkH9irtm7t I . j fetexi; $eretary o( . W t, or Coo m aa4i g j petVien. or. t wiU b beard p4Wa U tAa. These alamos axe lroaght eXndci-a aH.fct MSfEHofa. army, At taa. ngat to epp.-m 1 : V V f l .Vl tjatjU-axt, at aervj.. tasny. uajti auo. ajiaan, wuua-.Tj aameras reunaa, are I ,ft,-T wn!?' n r AdminlstratsVITdtffiQ. Xljof the late. Cap t Jxsaa W. lAwafc5L, wiu piaee present them for wmeat wirHa the dmcT praaonbed by lew1 for I? i&t dooetU no CmwwUJ bpled -W bafo Ch rtr-?' x jweeaa wtaa aa rifa tr. t4 yveettted am or r " .v. a rv.x. ? . . . a . a PLOtH3 JJ IOI3T3 A SltG'QESTIOK TO lUiava i v FOUN DRY- hi BN tbtiow eraay: ; PTt$ in ooc next. W -'r iiua.y & i .JTC-7?T t-xii-.KV..mrv- kawLj-'O.'..'.iM.. wm. mvvmvMW mww m M vmm .MMSmmjVT U . iruDDrnir . f - mimM.imm. i LI rt rwniw ui. w our ci'iuiiiuuiuav . . - e- un TTrv-1 1 : - . v . - -a, . Oitneetiidhi ; fallen ha&: Shermah witbodQiJon,Uh yeurio. of the qaestM p ifiwon c a aa mmu..,.. . x b . i - hj aj f - wT "lU dtfieuHr of ntaeoffo bliu't -arahfalt ftidltiJMJ ef lae A ointa? - PrinV Hey w-AreT.-r-t Ii?..- x" t -i v . I ir . sa t,w.Li ctr-i n.rM j) Vb. v ..t .a.. i a.un an ax. m uwii mv snauas. mi mm n sua rmm ra r rwra ifiviat aa mm r -ww w mnvwi w w u ax. rw uw kaaa auwcr oL an, ahuirdtntl t-t-hvi Bc-rs K, m An hmm-vIu. -ill .vw.m; Early bat drawnH B-aJ country, and a rW lf htfl 'rnrtPi-ei wtougni iron ttretiext on. spd tbis new " . m m Vmm aa " - mmmW mft m A W Va..& . T aeriyo -I xruta'l pwiaa ia oarsa wouia ocar a arawD; llnl.-fllm. i - .1 . . . - f a.f.ir.f Si -iwa-pw. auowea ior tne exeouuoti TTecjeacei ixntea ny it. i teg leave- to ty mat x uquot w-. v r v w, ; oklttlapttmseAf quanuties of; btat ljr(re!t Ricifc. iWtWiMparal tf the people of the. wo. ' " v 'j r',jL- uoutetfsxaic otatakv Itati Booh aann terpretstfoQe ebUld-be wltheel precedent end lli ex-J annroyUig ttHi onensire to the uplift wbuit the tax derived. are amaleT'Hnoil ratmatd tnwudaXha'aok.I'lWr ft a!Vf4.ka .MV- trvaTwfUnt Vl'i 1 ,1 . .ii i f. i I - i I . . ... . .. - t. r-'-''-. ? j.nm vrmM UTW mi " J . ' I tJrCKTlSanlXTT. : I tfiX TJTaaM.UftrrWtA?tT-if!cr.X. Arm.V 1 Vr...l.lt-tX.mmtn.r iV.t ant, ;1V Ipbtnlr ta "anmy 'caeet would bear" a t drawVng ottt'aaWninglrdl now plough pobltat .maaiBc? vfpuj fDjp aaa etc, Mr taxa ret' se thti4jbjiUad; m hltcktuuth will attedpt.it. . x.a:u : -JI; . If foundry .aea-wher 'make nlouth Mints at . B m IWftsIIible holee throueh .eaol .a'.Jm. Aty perse who will re1a4ltfime to lie ..at KernenviUe. or taili JiHegtia SaIem;iwUl.be4berlIy.ftwajdid;Lyt' trt .. 4-Wa Beroth 5i 14ar WmBsrtt. AtI Jtta C.-Crvwa. 2, Drl:P2 jAO-T 2, d raaa; army, as hie stores and- BMT bf Ihh T-re as , iart, M'paltera," rtisaVthr wrpc-ht point euld b I Mri EMlBMid in fc mm mz... v. jrea I . v sr. . j i . - - IriTttUdou' . Jf Am C5mti raiYli2XZ"0 3C . m ra nvrwi t a.mvia m . 1 9. mi M a 1 1 aa l '. kr ee-4a ft MB' Via' mm t m m -w a r - - j. ptau oodlfh up enqugh t tcrap irott ii-mJRr r.rtVaer&XJeaT, j t3tfflTf.V" W.'IPi JWV WMRkmeringrJn-DHliCv sinrvJI, 'IRxHjr Tth CooM .readily-etmn-: LhWa.'5l? WI I'xfnrMa! lJrV-At.boTeiif !WtmorelHd ? S? WftteihV., W h aunViaiflSi forSrtha5?r -T V. V t . . ..... ... - - - - - - - e ; r 9-. ' ?