... r mm, - ;. ---w k x- I it . r ' " ii mil iir-iir,ifciiniinwMiMfc r 1 ,1 wo wim 1 1 iimr i n mrf n r'--.'.:- 'r -f-nn "i i - -1 .-if'- I - to tho people to come to tte BupportoTtbe ofslavea thas fleejTetimali: - .ftf- ISO--.W Government ia aettt of reform wUchcrUon,.or bjlhti efeBu'of jii wif : '5 i VAledert 749 .115- "841 819 piwu t isSTJLTES OFW N RT1I OA RGLINA, 1 ADdyfl, ? l j OEORGIAvALkBAA7 FLORIDA,! ma. . . a. a. " . . ' - - . - isn vok . T w rra non - arm sacc4estCFIrhiohlFo esse&tup if noils our respective States Jefix crices Qader jont respecMye btatej Hpx jiriC( ... I ;vFA?I1 J pvenfaj oraer . , of the Becretaly of War .a( the instance ''of I thecreUTj ot tlve -Treaury- at ' Mbni V goapferi.siiAhe 20tH trie., - for'inutnal i'ofii-5 C Montffomerv: -ffii1Wl'rt: e IF pFf Pftff.Pf Prices . orsveuttvuua x prices jbsc eo tne government '-'Jand tbe people toi sasain the fcredit Jf ithe WfMw drefi8 you on,ihii impjotr ' - ,D Ht labjecvi and to appeaF to h4 of I atfOUt tins. aegi-ea .reuif. to, coma to ih Carteie fenUcky bao th I'; past; -:':im ii'K'.air,4omWea":b7lrMMfla" If; 1 9 Ulti,ii('emji to - t Jiki 4-of Gonji8siojaefa,r and td the aUair6p.tiSnfl,orlijy tffcMiJfflS-lll oaf .JMlrtWW,:ll:4;, i " ; ; ;:- .... 9. '.. 1 . m M una i .itrffiicittMi 350 00 l.f47,,;f(C6ffrWw. f - - .7V rMA Ml - rv AJIIinKt ' isi.?fsi .- .. irI-.6ave now'receta1 l&lnL Vr4 her MtjfestjV 'fflvru1iD'ibitn',oern!h'iheiia aia oiiyonr scouvtry :pon- tbia qaestion, vSalt Ker life,, and.to your own future a interest inafwIfafeT ' ' :i -:.o , It is your own government.Ve " you yWlo linpport--your own credit. we "ish j J9fpnold. -f i-Bat tWthtngsf afreqnir ; .Vlujayoir- ttWH,o;.tM?0ne-' is to t 'it 4WiWJm. mHmi9oywmm at ,.(l.J9Fe8i lne oier, i to invent. yofir surplus i t' ingaArft necessiiry to bring-thf war U a , i Bucceasful close. Men nd-tnonftv. Ma ' .-.5 . ... i. hr our; battles,, and , many j9 provide oBjiA0." ?ur rmjes w the field. The patrioliam,en& eotmtr cOantr Bappiifci . the- mfcnp mri&'marti.V kz .asitne pitrotTsfcr n'th'e part of tbs St ;r!!Jfee cbeeifutlyjtopplytB utQt ., currencj, so that its burchanW natn XsICIie,e and-theJargestamouTrt 6f - -TOrplnreuuretf' with 5 the reast' amount of - cI bi4Wav IK4iA 'Z-iPiiu v ' 1 .ge value ." .cpweucy Xhe firat ia.io diminwh its voiuiae; .-Miesecond to hare )nfidence ?e made,Wr Ma" Jtjrarnment eanotkilrt 'upo'a 3; BubjeVfcl' beflie re the hardships ma eminent cannot Wdert' lJI I ARD BMEVlLLt L,! . V eubjeo's who voluntarily reside in a fottntffrl cityu'aUim9fivlhteheVJfameTriM ai.CiewinkIudia&tforTfl 1 a . i ' w T-i imrJM6Uat8lV'iCBhiiihenthjnj E tliKMlr . i . - . '"s'or M -xociT-naittrai siatofi, in IownrtnTr tnemlDDtirmhet lead W 1 ; time 0tpwce0BtJielrlWBaiMtiv9-'ftnKia: lKjMtiM.Uiit Jkl.iJwti.r.-- 1 -t 'i'.W Xr-t toi. .j demand i. inepinioii. ITkMawrrK uoW t, ntaflfttfiA GoveVunreaaoW thaoryCs ijafctj'a-Qdiei i tb 'appr jima1itlMt: aai(1ttnai 1 , . - ' b . l t boasibleptlee.,.. Id. wi.Q. - mmK re--? f.sJjW4WiSxto4 itS Ji rii 1 I . ' o ' 1Z 111 Illlfl 1 1 . l . ..vt- - tioa tha overnment.yT,M.H;Z.:r,,8: tenemvatw r oai.'a sk --feftoW" ?M"ies-;---ct,h 'these enytftrgelf. f(,., A v . ' taiainn the vW WSSSS-STna-' " ffiblvio furnish tne liovernment with your eurplas jppplies m youf.po.wer' to ccomnlUh awfMbl; &J9i you'that fthia jatb yourj cM?? ;iflierKi, -a you twiU4ben hold yQarsjIv8the government inaebtedns .-wtipll. w1irie;ltttarn4d to you in ioterejt U upon' her iecuritiev and in youfrmihiHhld burdeua o0axationvBjit do you dktruat .MhmwHmWem m's&J do, you distrust your own cause, and .h r.iSaqh one pt; your- States wai rfnra. 4 :iii4he Ckmventionand the Cfom'miminnW Vter ; the mosr mat'uf e coppideration, ,de- - uiuiu prices ur, ineseveral States, redocine .;tnfra, dr pfrhaps slightly more. An extract . tluolug reiuars.3 or tne Jfresnient " will inform you;of the spirit of ife delibe V rativettap!s ' 4Tevr!iriirYexilrienMfni;K0 t''BUVr''1'M'iaKvveniea py r..tj uwm jrgatgruay.cTe-i uvj( ' no- - ttartialikwlk mvtrv k;..ir-tit J I nincr n rntuur' ITJ'.. " mi.wa. I JY5H !i4iiA Hfiltkrv oiiU'.ui wvwjwar aiamg ewte'wt5tfrnw -i act be oiratfiastaaiment: of fiv cthaiiml J-tf .It ,',Cr,VPlr iioawax jsn ! t :i . ' - v - - j , - mcK.Min avi nv . t . AtWkBiple Society aV K?9' ir.r;- ".-fiiS , .f 7..urVDlva.''fo t-icnmeuq I tuaoiaoaf visited he Piir 6 SafiaVifrs. Wrhto'Wa.VburSaly ir. the Vit- rfrrVction? (who pnt'ep tbeScniBeiy,) '4isislsf bne It-- aW ax a-.V Ti fr I11HIIH LVTI1 II MITRH 1 "W IM) r fT I a . VtAVP A W a 1 .HlPlin. t 1U(1 ar 7 1. I H.VvA.a a. I m a.: ik Carohnk IrfSheorder, secessiW ' In 1 AUPell, 72& ,..10lXXra:iA Pftje ,tQ .section 5, ulOQ. ef the; VGeorg'ii McekU.lnrg, r425 . W 1 .Compilers sayx-Jhe; following f J. ,i'8if5 is tfcfewder m .which jhe several. StatW seceded frooaitlro , United States, to wit: EJB TUB. . l.1Mt kX ttaJ ia if - J - erabotif fort i ,laloiWi Ina, iRol -i.-j.' 1 t i. Ji..-j 1.' .vjiWKen . - " - . w 4 n r - - -w iia rr no-f - - . . . . . . m - r ' . - - - .Mjo tWHi tST'I 2 cesta a pQTohaer. short ,r. jinfiasippij- Jnuarywl861i ;i .'J QimTT l lJ " 72 -r l f-tUcd;.-: P.. , .... -Kn- - Z.VZ .. ii V C. 'tH W-a wal ax'i VOTiWsJ in boxeseadj "fr " lKe8fJiry 19tVI88liki i-ll 'te be supplied it 6.-IbTsiW4V7ilihary0th: l&Gli r' r . - . " . c uoiice in.onreiebangea another 4Hfl- " 8. .VirnK"ADriri7th:-l861 " large quantities, and-adrtia, ito 4eji mjhem ioe railroad depot in tnat.towa at 8250 ti step ' A firm nar Spartanburg, S. C, a y t Irkanu " fiw&riMI li "t kg.-Woode aboeJoleiT .ISr?'J --Li'I tkaf hutidre'kirgr; ' iJ ; !i 11., Miaj9urirJattgat .1861.'' l r j fS'W" topWnix ' There ia throughout the TVeiU wf " Si' 'i'W" 2rTWi?,,i Vrfrrf: industry, ife bavetfo WtmWother nlacn ?rowio feeling, of diilike towik New YrSZn " i 'lria1 uceae.a articles ' wjlf t added lb : the ILt of 1 iSoganL " I'fiad this leelfn? to hd hiu'mA , if iT.Lil - Z.- rTTr nJrM''rtT, I s nth. - a. "ewtOent. nautili ; n . hi 11 . . . . -T i I "... . fr WWI.TDWII Ufrvur it tive i bodie have I seen manifested more I Jpursentve proueed- aRi f beofitbe.vCouvention Iftw:.ra) and fftfiscwntioaa :faith gW,ead0JEed to.-;dischrg Ms ;duty 0 Ihe govrBrnent aadithe Deonle. ; e ,3iH?fJ ana4vaced Bp-an.in raaction of prices bVthrfea-, C3 deeplv j teltbut which, neceasitv eomnAli ns to ttkn m the exieencies of tho count, ur action, and approve what d md, patmtkm demanded ; - feut WnetheV L!L '4 ri' " ,.V'i l i'i JjiZptfrimeDES- With. nnrrhnm Hn.. o. Sagar, revised fr op edTtiou pub.ib-'d b Hedges ree-CpqWp: J..lUu. Sk-I5 iW.tWei of ?".uwV .Fnpui teConle4arsy.. in turmnir over fh noAf'iLi.,i.i. . oureveiinrinT &ro, .Wlflf0 copy fefifjs T rAttia. Ann VI I IliV.f,ll-iM ji. v . Tl...i:..: , ' r . -pwuawiKOl "-'"MHigr oi the Borijiotf h-vr Bcu... Buouia ne easuv atrainad in n i- whetaana eaa UafiUjXriplmrabJ rts. thf proportwa.of iMllskjiajiaiailSiAf T lueoEDSlt Which results af resi ae aifaM taifWmmv.pHuflip Ui WimHlaav i o yiyyuriiuu aiaiiDisaerin exafir corres-l WnaUvet uijbwh .wnrp er gfaotMe wntfeAfoes ae8ato5ohaagbtt:S'W'ty!ii ii'me" -vii r muuriim. xao leeaasr inat to NJm i w-- . . - . : it "mbwiuut J Eoelaad -f.hatlfelsni the '-eauntr.S- l..iJ sl ir,"i"- 4 ' Wi..t7J8r lk ,i debl.WrtbyeaWieeus-wa'rTinJ : -r-v -.itU...-l i fiiXr ferolmenlaeVeb' getting an undue shWteV Will i rr,' 1 WDU"'' dioou ana -irvasarelj morel Yadkin " 1 iro " arM u Uirof w jusueeTiiiL bulbar nrewr inaiLe 'couth gain dence, there, ia bat little b kl..l.Hu b . vi"wuib ifip L.ijmiM n. ... t I " . ' . . WH, WMfih' PS RMIRHi'iib hU taken; finaniaUy to main- dPftHP?rP W Rb paid in, treaa-j : jaiidieenifiwtfesifofrmdebtedfia u Iwlrigpefirinbrst? oavabte tA eice, ind , free , from,, taxation, ; These not,; oura iiht respond aibiTityi .and we leave, it to the Wlm nAd, entf ibAttbJiopioion: which it- gfaburdantJefore fttb arvSift. 1 wt-'to'meet and which: filled fWvnat'iisiaeti0Bi84aVUK .wTatSSzUrt obstruct o wiysfort besi. hf gj Tyfirf-B scrioas obstaoieMo tbeeeue&f br frtin-lbTrrWlie ury and M ; J?y; 186iV- 5 , " atfeof 4hay'er3dr .epOWceato aejr aa womiad ;f j fi.tVLl: i . T iZi-Utns r. "-t?T7: y&wytwmi tm no cause l.ry aWi ii di ttarbenbe f- .v:- UltL !of tirrrrttMiF4T - "jwmu uj una i.n t m m ; . . . - - j r Havra ujen . 4 -3 jertrr ttaarrwad CbarrtatMUCL' at. &t taKyri icy Wai Jo tba infnniLi .it ' 1 i an ; : ii ' s -a - - n . '11- I, -. - .i TTirryimM l H TW.MBfWWri ,-t v mill vaaHUIIAilZTl.aOim tu t1tt.f 0nria 1JB..JUlsaol3i, hawttUitkbftf'bVa Cotton Factoriaa, a. so aUaaafelyjosiiit ed ing'eirrwfc xaJ aalmeWl4 U OoattI for UammTUUA 1 I T L I ' M A W. .UJ. w w w bv u a i c . Bk.W.ijmei aliaiaa a complete raatwi: mAu 7j 4titteaJfor$baW Signed YiLMoaa.n xox taetrwof u,intecagjj asdtoVaaataid the m ronvj-f i r iae cnescr "certii JesSities majr requiresm jTreaaurv.aiotia ci:nmttlatirjg iii the hands of the capitalists- W-Rble. iUpserafcboidk idto beoldjfor ,t,hiredemptioiilif c dirftet reduci 5? i tatheracaiaSbnainess wants of ihe Annntri .. - ' " mm m w I w MJb - if AM1 19 I i . riden axvw,,:-" .aut i 1 VI jaiawa -rt at "i a a. r f t J - t-l-vJ FUsotesfrtofes4 1 ' ; . -- .-...- just heard qani?Se9r,'fpJoi by a lady pf . H'-j." Tuesday the 4ih lotantl some Lf1 litUitnea'.bS&Sn fefvl&S thnkireaairfL i.Sh! Tf M.MtlwJuL K 11 mTWi rSf T hertotheno idi Bast Tennessee.- Waickna. SitiTMni k fmu J ZrZr?yti1Ui. - 1 hum. - -cy WiflM tyTI - i f I- - v - . ao I a KamT UGOn LIIW. IK.K 4. A . V a a. 1 FToreo-panlea to U Oii'r . a - - J - - - - . . . . - v Ataoenaaaach iTlo DoldaWa jtb fva t N one caaa alTjr, r ' w7 . - S - t 1 i 1 v" ' -1 . 1

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