- . - " , - , y - . -V'r nw" f ! - , . . w4cr,.V. t " Ov.-L 'T-'- ,1..:. .. tKV ikn 4 'At fep . v iNi f-"v 1 I i). .3T,-J!U)Z!; fade. EDITOR AZm XtOpirrQTO :t defialM tOO)Ut ahftkhBcry y, and If t . ' " wyl ; rj events fefttVtwWoltJj1ilWri j h tell ivi kU fsrIw4 hW, -jd... .r. -- w -J i-". V- 1 " kNK DOLLAR per sqare (J2 Bbc f 1 " Lot fit drtiaemtii car propr.iti wi. - ' . hex of ike iWJ owrfi Jfirisule : " LADY &6fENA. . . -' - n . . i , . . Tto un went down, the hip-fik clouds s Sai'.ed'boi of portf with goldea skrouds In deep (rAuquilUj ; ; And when the moon roie in the east, ' Like some pale add from evening prayer Aftier the goin of her priest," ' And stars shone saintly fair, ' -Ludj Rowena walked alone . On the balcony under her easemeBt hijgh On the fountains below in the garden ehonU . The moon in the eastern sky. . - fle ooroqs hrees aeenie opprps The f&dy, and the wateF WJth its air plaish, as U& qqickly paged The Imlpopy to fo. Was the lady ill that she looked so white That her lustrous eyed were starred With ; learst . And was she telling the silent night Ot joyful hopes ? or fears ? . v . she erer grojse;d he? brest? and sighed hen, kisiag her rosary, droope'd her head Android her' bea3s again. " - ne yea? ago ihe lady gtoo( the jiltar p.f Saint 41tasjra hrit, leging her faith and womanhood To the man who stood at her tide. And aot for wealth she wedded him, For she had leagues of land ; ; Jeicundfaa diamonds were to him JJo treasure likeiier haqd. douro restitc ra th atmopucr. Xs!' - ,reapateK Iapputs Iiis broad po ; hk stalwart tiee. -ts .T7 tttttt band sfartad tbeviBJttmF needle wh dd elicit eVey 4hg I I'm dafued tired of H all. Herd t have bo woiklae eI and tatel Kte A olggr eUre the. trfcole blosatd timmVrf and ari tAee yr aiots g bafll--and it aia't nm tothte&t lllamcd. if I don'x dxo&,tktt.ula coeccrn. A Mlow may wrk and work, till lib very soul i clcaa wtiggled out of his bedy, ab4 wLsi does it all "amount to 1 - There's no gtUing alotrff honestly SaX this world, old woman 1. It'aall cheating and ehaSeriog, and it ecuse you'ro too much of a f ol to be kavc an' Afolka'lL tell you of it, too, is farmer Jons did me when he carted off that ' lust load of hsy.' - It all turns but bad as far as I can s.?e in this world, and as I don't know about the next' Samuell" said grand ioo. her Back, rejrOY ingly. . To be sure I don't" repealed the . farmer, gruffly, stirring up with his boot the sulky em bere, 'kaow Lotting about it. Wboevtr's got the ?hfge up there TuanagW things, IUskeff, pretfy uiuoh as t vranla d oil ere or else, "may be H p.Uce is so far o from theie pafts tbey goVong in spile of fimi" . ."Oh,- Saiuil I" mi4 grandfnojlief pepk. 'If deacon Gilbgrl should hear thee talking scj Grandmthe? Becfc ha hceo brlU;bt up imong the Qaakgrs, but the Lad the profound est m-pect for eburcb dignitaries of any feet . it IJLu.--- t" , r ucieoa uruoerr, 8 at a farmer Ilope, nappiog his fingers. ' uUe don't have any short cropj to mko long payments with: he" When ir,eea werq brigh-, , in Apnajs, ? And larks tfere overhead, ' . Abd all the land brufcs out ablase -Ith-SOfies iamng j e.d,, Sir Vincent and the lady walked, -All in the pleasant weather, - Under the bloomy trees, ai4 .talked. With down-drooped eyes together. IT Ab, Jady, when with dark Sir Ralph r The tender vows then' spoken : Were cancelled by harlot-laugh, And o'er tho wine cup broken, , You Jittlo thought that pe to whom, . Before the' sacred" altari ' '" , edged'y6ur vlrtue-t the tomb With lips that did not falter, V " - . . "-: That Vincent, whom, yoo thought was gone, , Without the chamber stood Aodsawyou. At the ghastly dawn You fogad him in his blood. - I ,v ' ajnt Agnes content sianda alone Within aale, and ercr ' At midnight, nhen the holy moon Througb. windy clouds that soter Shinesjelear and cold, a pale nun stands By the cross above her be, , Telling her beads With trembling hands . And praying to be dead. - yAaiOIIl HOPE'S !TR00BLE. 1 Farmer Hope sat brooding over the kitohoo firei a feip rays froip the covered embers g)ano id; at nim, BOw and then' blinked, witJuid, and wen to their then slejena?aln.' When they so tlte trffler stirred them up with- his -feeav boot I Why, Samueir said to old Udy, up,'if ing ner.wriajfieq aanaa, .rora whieli the great h&ty of grv yara;ro;ic4 'Weaclero'uily n'Son the fl'or, "surely thee' cot. given over to russ. taainff ' aavantaee ot tteiopv. grasped kt be instant th.e luckless ball, aud roke a the srne time the thread of grand tjROjher fiecks iseourse, 'to pust " I'geljeve a lie f Ay, to be uro It's not a lie if I believe it said, farmer Hope, with a harah laugh, 'and I do believe it von may Btake your lif on that. Tin't a iia that folks do five in this world to humboe and cheat one another, and them that doea it the best gets off the safest," and no one above or below, 'pears to me, take charge of thiogj, and ieth em richt. '.TaiaU ' done T' Aud r.!fciL-"tii uj..'iZ iJJh i-t-T- to ujti iiujra : iub ucci ui uis uooh eucrgeii Oally on puss's tail, who had Uktn' refuse in :t " . I L 1 -a - . a " oe.ariut iq lUYcsugaie ido o jro M fjcr JeuiifO. yell lioin, puj. I 'b? i'crpal tingj"- trie4 tbe farmer, I grinding bis teeth as the scampered away. uranamomer uecg rocjea nerscil to pattanoo Farmer Hop ro np and airo'Qhed bUsclf. aod yawoini; tookt candle from the.hiirh maotelthelf. Hb tall figure almost reached 2tfrnh4aa, youog one witH tUeVhtul pas, aad aiaaikt droopiag af the Wj trasia, si if ara. found pto!cnf en tkag yerolved ta bet eAtL : . - t: -s ' The shadow war r-il Spea farmef -tlrpi faae; lbs titrr uaralsg, at be weaV al If, km wurk-ra,- paiafal and settled -hadpr.-XT naly tiftiiWaWnC'-tii bsri workiogr ma, whi had not a word to-day fur Lii worU).ea aa hU .boasebo'ld, lip gt red ia hi coJdeariogcd hair, which yeV retained a aeruia yoathM Isfiire'at varuaoe with tho rim' Hoes on hb face, and the moroie'drjeetioa of hi ayes no der their shajref bi6s. He had growa erav Ta spisit. working out here ia the sanahiae aod the nanny field ; and the fact that ha was not outward j gray-biirsd only made h tooot gloom more palpable. It was a hot, autumn day; the beat lay down on pasture and meadow, like threat, ilea solemn dream. Not a bird chirped, not a leaf atirred. The men, seattttad ia the ahadww oi the hedges, or grouped b n and there aodc some braocbiog tree, wire ftX iher ooon day lanh; some of them lylag lti'j t full length. " 1 T -', Suddenly there roco to the heavens a featfvt cry, which caused every man to t,rpg to feet. A,ctos the bailees, coea, hecj kss of tt noonday run, the tcapers harried, bei' NdJy face turped Qnlv in one direction. Tb;re, just beyond, over the rUleg ground a white snjvko roye bra lly lo the summer aa, cutting away In alule'cr fUcLW towaJ wulkin. poo knew what that mcant-r- Jost ot r tue slope, then, in sight ficra tie rising ground, stood the old farm-booie. On this ifvnt (-unimcr day, without a olf ot warning, it wasi swittjo, rroo the very If aV5iia. o old place w On fir t Tke dear, dear bid placo I To Vrery ioul then hastening on, the anctcnt and sturdy faito h,oae that bad loie.l ovvr tke br of the IUI as lost; aa any of tlcni rememlo eJ. teuk ibt ap?ct of a d r old triend wtoe life wilc the p-jwer of an sac my. Every man's face grew paler with patsies ate eagerness to reach and to save it; evry ncrvo straitcd; every foot forgot its heaviness But one figure, suit wart and strong, strode on inadvancoof them a!l. II U at ear a feat arcs werked into a strange emotion under the rndo straw-bat sbadiog bis eves. TH are wreabpd, rata, ofu ihlch wbuVd"'theai-ion-hite clouis of smoke, tbroach hfeb every moment l'crcn8 tooga of Qame elov us. mJ . tvo neaveu law lonely msni"n. struggling rileutly with doatru tin, lakiog it gimp4 ot (be quiet aoany a- ids, was aot tie thing be had ba ed Uat night, aod a! moot cursed .ast night. It was the old bouttitcad agaiD, where hli boyhood atd youth lad been spGnJ.an.Hir which ho had livol aod labored I tniok io that moment, as farmer Hope ad. vanccd wt tly toward the scene of dotructlon, be scarcely remembered Lis property that wa .. . . ' - . .w J" aftj!L. iV 1 ' .UaJ.,iUllif!Nai.;Ae y.Hi, lit. Zm, U: I ZTZZ . t9" aass- 1M fra.iiar.e&rra) M4.': rt roiea spd, are sat arccra ir tmitr," tWif- . " "i-" "i ai laa it zw aerM t a l ute tu&n. Wa aa esatMl tJ kl.. r1 etee fcf ra )Ur,tr tt-n4, W4a-a-a 'atrwariaa im4 iki 1m P I ' t tail yWO tvJ V; alij Wi;., Ui, grwr .Taa wr b trs-Oj sU i mm 'I . VVaay "'oaatry Vat AiaarWa, aad it ia fur tae im U AmWk av t r ay ewa aavT U, thai X pUU gvlaat tklft datXaawKifi aaavxUTiae T p"CUat'y fiffvwreg hW rau fU m?9m9g mw arm.ai, rather aaaa a - . VS,t rarlax,i tUes4td Sfuup, aadJeea; ttaevfeViag, r- t'eacek r the fcjf ciotfa , ,ho .ra. tfcke tat you the kitchen beams. Puss looked down upon I bvini sacrificed; be acarcc'T thouaht of the it him frvm aloft in the rafters, folded her tail 1 mates, who bad fled, probably, from the flame a, calmly about her, and waited to see what helpless aud in terror; bo ouly thiuxM of bu OIU lOTO IBO Old. fia UOUK3 ijut af ba appraihfa over tbo bp of tic corb'GcId that LitTaurroaDdo'd it. a wild firurc arrested bis s'rps, ber grty hair streaiMisg io the wind, her wrinkled bauds beckooiog iih gcatures. It was gTandmelbe m a tor to-nignt, at . any Tbero'a weald some of it 'Had enough of it rie, t oeq oe. --4 m on 10 pcq. xnero trothina t6i it, that I see, but ' to' cell the old plaoe; it g Bhingled with' moirtgaget now, and I don't see as I'll ever PJ m off' 'What will Lii8Ctte do then 7 said erand- i mother Beck. "Liittte may pick blackberries for a living!" A meiry laugh was heard outside, and a little sunburned maiden sprung lightly upon tbo djor sill. There she stcoi poised an i ei int. looking Ubio. lik a Vcunotu bird thit imploring Beck. "L"zctte! LrX2te!" she cried. "What of L't.tier -aid tho farmer. safe in school, i-n't be?" . Us, tu ! oa,.L eti rt ha marmerM Laei:e l eh, Uitu I wW-ra U Wear cried craadaiaaWe 1L.V 'Ueenfor tWbmits,' U Llaetie, wi'h bei n-at aroplkiry,. aa4 eeaato4 aub. aiuaiveaaat fe rrandoviiUf TLV. Tah lixtUe kaJ, f roeee, pneticed a Utile d aetUoa oq the U4 Wy, and Wga4 her illaeae and need o4 rest, ia or ler u eaepe. (riTt tina , j .. bouae'wa- gore, Vim ti'f.'. She hal, a grando,, hredly ob Jjft U'f V:kiag tjaUte?- V1 (artati nape,VU cV- trbrsun fa.e waa t-ie4 with ukeWc(hU t'ruyg'd wjth tU U.tnj litUm seoee eel 0 It aneh !u9iau XPfci h,, ftUc ,pujt f aheetfaJaesa, I had aettr aeea U(mi okea, tU,, which I think he brought fevtu that battle ia.wLkh he wa vaaquiahrd, bat Which a ttrooger haod lhaa bis Krtbado to U aa.nt'CT dcftal. With Iisette to Inapire Mm, ib lataif r works sturdily to recover a home agiln. With the taat hior of his proareritv. ha fftnubed Ms qosrtvl wila Mm aajj, what, ever dinwintroc. uU Kf 6t oU,f, aimacii aia a -MUo ua atKat the day wIko L'.Ue w 01 bUcLbe rjicg. : paitit Ra-rUVntlaal. t'Tltp It!l-on -llC.f rrctaoo 1I.' Tha lUry of ll Sars-on Ofaven. tla ncJ. ietl atlen-hnt o( Kt l're itcut Lhj$ fitiU flfttriTr!- occtbjtf Lii rrUfiti lik, Jat teu pao.iatteo, a4 will, Cm rt4 with iaUaaa avidity both on this aod ike other eomiaeat. ; The papsrs, generally throoghoattha eoqv "J ttlog eopioas extracts frujn, tbU mot leraarkable bowk. Ve bare rr9e to-day for only ft, but tyay giveotbets brefur The plain, as tb p , uaaJerocl record of Dr. Craven sasatt.a aad oravboraiea the terrible report of Lis ucccar ia tC5f, Dr. Conpcr. WbiU it Is gratifjitig to know that, siace the rep-ri of tta latisr, the rigm of 11 r D via' pria life hav Ueo oooidrably aaiil gated, it i cifScalt to ctacive that aay mis aoy EU'e pnoor, rvpnaro'iog a ea- of the mgfito'e for which 31 r. Dvi U called upon to auBcrcouid have been the victim of ucb borrib'a brutality as marked the earlier aagi o' bis eucfiuemcnt. rucb rceiials as that which we subjoin and which is but one out of tie many recall the ptetute which the biatotlao ba left na ftf the urriblo prison hours of h& riplf ttjaV TAKTOil'a UOjfl tbo moratog 01 the or Il,a. Tti b:t:grr trial a 10 ra iJt the piouJ spuil a trial severer, probably, ihaa baa ever la avdera iIuks b.eu icfiiotvd upon any one who bad cojitca saou cmtapet Ta$ marmimy Jrffcrto U.tei u aWratrt - . - -C. - . 1 t . j f-tci ;J.-r.r-.:t t ;( ' j.:acl t;i Ve V -r- r t i a 'rw- - eVTkal llAa a,, U . It , ; " V , 4 c tr ti 1 ,: 1 f .. - A 1 Cv . ji,4y w - I.- . ;4 Ctfartt, t Ce ; T ' C?itla' ?:? t::r-j" t". aT suca a.all aud ai if FtaT. il arlV Till lllT win aw 1 ; -ail-- -. " -1 - : v 1 'L 1 a D. yttr ah'I, ,ieeilTaaUl!ea.lVfe:. J M H 'i'-s . irT 4.t,a ! 4 N re, mlj Uward the embvwara aa IS net W?ct tit rrtr , ; 7, c t ; i T'iJ t wit aae 'the feet laisit. U eaify Owrtv tl aU tr ai-U t . J i - t I prxt ims4- pala 00 allUaa: la petrau emil4 -!ra U iIj -va 1 nt ' ' w..- , , f hU rater. iew.- . . : ; V aMt.efTtailJ, u., , a .trrvd'- . J At th wvda the Uimh adawawel caUiekvff z iU C.-..f ,-t-- r !.v . f te tVe alacklca. aa aawlar tlal tVe artarv tla ah La J A fU ft., j .' : ' e - 1 taaaavl tiav a4 aid U:-:t t-J;, 1 ia4f J i la tU , df4tlai!a, akUi ut a'..! J U J V ' j ' .iwfvad a We Uiry d7t UUr f :;frU V 1 arCwiu At the fecial Tanit t! aawli. t. . ' ,..f - e - I w .- I . . w had cue fool apoa tl a bai b Hgt kaad m-ls-rtwj ebair avaar Ia aedaUa. Law aw tW kaak a la. t. If awoy taAakaaU aoaJa aa 1 alios ! ta Mlm m . of ike ataoVl.a evrf the ok4 aa rauad; Val; wt h the T'teaxaat ml saieogib which f'et ir en I ajart, evea ta the wtaktet UvsSJ, 11 Dvm Vibl aTatl Wis aAaaiUat m4 barfd hi half waf aeesaata iwem. Ua tbia CaUia Ti-Ua taraci, aii, aadeg Ibal Javii hftd b.cifd a-.Iija the wall fav'ar ther raatftiatr, Va U ratnoweuaae, poUtil cBt in Wkr, aUsr laagas la ih eare a ratj. a , aad that araW ssani be aaiaaead at aay .0.4, Wbt ewmpai aaa ts add ie til, iha fattUr ViiJ 4 aweiaai via. lfnea.otlf awccaftliy at jrr Wlrj bosad - am. a priajevr of munm Certely rvtertad (kfttU. "I late We a aaUarr ia Ue arsaUe l Ai-W avd ko fcjw to aT. . Oa!y M I tat, tad a.y lest breath shall It aWacr cw joexh-?. Bat will? 1 have Lie aa4 sijii4ka. eevcataaf, avaaacaU aw onai)i, tvr tty .t aaa My taae, tui titrtspoa Cpvi TuWw. ra54 La a acr 5lt nd 1 etAUvr frvaa the wext rsoo, aad the acrgraat advaaaa4 to aatae the-trie oscr. IsaaMduuly Mr Dim lev aa - kua. d$ 4 kU aiaakst aad atuaep c4 to wramait it lrM aia graftB. ; ... Uf eoqne.aaah a aetae anaVI waveVateae Uae. Tasre u t a ion. bawtitaaUHkafSa. a a aaaaeit Dftvis was latr IMS hat bed. aod Wfta his fear pwrfal aaaaikata r BHtved tWir haade frvaa bias, the Uaakeeath td lis aaa'uuai had diae tbeir week '-awe aa curiae tbUrct 00 the vljlt aakle, wkHe the OlUr trt-rJ V lav Af iVa mIvi mm f - 4 - 1 Mft, Chi akaH, ew' staves. arirHaaaJ tti taeavta la V atrr4 tie 1. 1 a " arerllii tl aa Mf- ti Jaaio m. .' t traiualucd frmaa UvOj CrrUaAi asi cafrUe VvU; te ab-l j -caau - - b takafe aai taCd te W J si rwa af U . ft;-nf Ceauts aA-wriu'U Uzt tiatwal -tci.i ejpeavaa aay fcrsf, a yicrUti' J areilaaj 2'al .tVUarCsfaea; c'.:r"lr -' wnti UtatSft'.nad C iaa 'tt e Oci': rCtU aad ' ; 'V" pacrla cLe LVa, as it !Z. - 4 tU avse Xu E. i . Tds mtLUti: nit tie CUrU ia eoemy tia rtti 4-1 wtita a ieri aaiaaaa$ aaaaat art ae arl Ws tba Ooary Uean a 'laatxl la jatiaw tf s intc'nai laiing 'ij-gHt again. Shi wak I unci fit! and" gracious maiden, as pleasant to look upon aa an apple blossom . tn - spring i. be waning light seemed to concentrate ra her tiny figure, as she sto d in ' the doorway. - Within, the houso was dusk and solemn this lirtlw r. ... Mu;i .11 iV. . : . r .v wuiiw iuo Pwlf Uliu, Hup' She'staTJiict of the Jrotomee, be Teoocvace and Gfora"u oyer twj LuaJrvd thoastnd btobtid ran I Io hurried, broken afpta, and with baud lend laurlU4 TeUrtna arm prrpariog fur the Io-1 ht$ Cigfrly 4rsgtd him fojaard, the oil wo-' 1 grand W. U the at nwroiojr, io whlah, hStl man '? xpMce3 tftai Ltxctte aod ber fellaa PQ i eludWis aocvoi oq bofore the mao- aert tma al aaU Cert, :OsTa Tain; ar-l' - rvrcra j w ue af 6 Ja tr e4 usal e- tea at iaad . eat ' siUar f af paae I ma. tV . rt aa aWrvaar aT the Ccsrt l , , Upiae lv7, witlrt aaia. -,; ; , , '(;. VT r Hxtf. Clai t wrsei S ta t fxSCiai ' . 4 t i - J. This d-oe, Mr. Davis lay fr a aaeameat ae if ia a ttDor. Ttea aWwlv rants r alaaaalf and torolng round, be drer-ftd XU ahaelbad fat to the fir. The karvh elaak at the sirring thala aeeoe firat ta hate seealled hiss to hU eiua'loa(n1, dtu; flag hi (aaa lu ai & 8,94, t euta -w jaaeMaaaae im ai UftJSj, rotttojf to and lrak aa naiiartsg, at Iri f aeUTva, Oi, the aUa the abase r V " better fun ! Grand 1 I'd bo out in tho hill all day, instead of dozing and "prosing over the scuooi-oooas. ' luu again sno tauenea tua quick, fresh; gushing laugh j suoh a frank, free laugh, na, like othvr giriisn thiogs women learn to put by in the pronaio sadnets of their pupil had received ab nncxpeo'.el half-holiday. I aion of the PrcjiJaut, the eooqucrio tuiUtsn 1 tt . . . r 1 . t . . . .. - ana iJxuo uaa come nomo and cone an to 1 o .wer 01 too nauon was to lav cown ata arms her room to he down; she was not very welLlat the feet of etvil authority, tfcc UUww G rax dm other Beck was asleen herself wheal ioc sceac was cnaec4 at VWt Monroe : tho lire broke out, and had made her cscaMl Cant. Jerome U Ti'lew. ti tie Thh d Peno - . " . .aa a t - through the kttcben. L.xt.e s room was aa 1 svlvauia Artry cntvred the anaonat't acJl aoa bis hand A- tb-y entered, Mr Dii ws loJiiulrg on hi bod, fcrcnsQ and weary altera a o piou aivh, the;f(d placd near to him the prccaJiDj; 4y at ill o&touchvd on ite tin pKtc ceir hit Ih4 Mde. . girl seemed "to bring the frubness and life of dcr the poiptc rqq qf the uilinjr, apd Just follotird by the b ack-mtta of the fort at woods and meadows with ber- , bee the great atone-cLimaey that took is aaiUt, ihlattor carrying to hi ! Indeed, uno'' said abe, fTd lrken'o almost one side of the hooo lad which was aoroe heavy and barMy ratiling hackKs falling, fali'102. boforo their vert eves. f armer Hope did not wait to Lear more. Sbou'iog to the men who were hastenicg with eaa8 anJ buckets, he disitpeared ia the smoke and fit me which aur.ouod d the en traoeo. A ereat ton 2 no if fire leaned fi roclr ... 1. ft. ' fiTAT tftATf. ANOriniNANCr.TOClIAKQB TUE JU RlSDlCTiO.M 09 TUM COUnrS A5D TllK UULUiqy V LEADING Til.llXUl Fieri -x I IV it aWa'aW If si TtrrFiA cf .uri4 tVirtV.a. ta Caaeeatftaa mtrnwUd, J ' Is krrtlj ordUnl If aailorCvy eUa aea, That the jitit'.Ictioa,. mf the eral Ooni af the Stau. and of Jaitieca af the XW, cxartt as ptovUed la this orlara. eVail . be ae La the year lblkl tvrral Eaperior Coarte of L T.raas tleiof only, walesa athrle Wrttua proTiiJU-J, akall Lave exdeaiew arigtaaj jr4 dict oa Jo tear, try tud ctUrcuaa au t dell, evoaat, aaaatia eraeeoaal, wkn laa ajt, dae or ewirr, aeaosau fprtac.raIaCi :l-cvj 10 amy evuara ar jjaaa Uiu 1 C, j. . , ; v"" - t rAa astl ji---is i-aaa U tie, ranTfesaaavX .Ua ik (3nr ar?;j ta . eaare whara icfra-iaai tUIe taeaaxyvifa tla , praaLaaae af ti.U ar.raa.-r. M.-J is, a 1 ahaA f Ui ati J away ara 1 j aacrd i Oiia realae asrae af tbe Ce atv r.t : v eisa.il). Ls ii rtUr 'a tj; Tialia" write ca LU ot taaiXiCai axaaaaae Ca iir. aa-nt ia atftiacj a dU. aavaaaX aavaariit m, , .ft J ev aaeostat, et dscreea far raeawy aUtta&le i .. I' tiaiiy alaU lit trees Spiif Xt8a, 1 Sr, J V wataoal.prs:feu at Ocajt, asi at -3U il-e f '- J rJxat fri'Aia- tke tie tirtr irt rT Vie , 1 1 teath. el tla. jaiiercl ct df-?rte -r-i trr.f. ' T-i !j tie fall eaeuetl w.iVst,f,-tct;r.r k 1 . ' 1 aaarat aaaaU rs'.ara : jrrrUsd f.iar, Taxi aah acrttt sn i -rat are aiall act prj-Iira " ' ; t aay la ui.x.IaX)UZ t&ay Ut iara cy yutsa aisaMft fa rr teiiuraa axr3c-t.i'-ri.X acalat the lad 1 a t a) T - Tin at fcyvsg Tra J5 tvii- 4 . . :4 ?careihl raa-fJA tf.Oar- i-j ar , , ' airtvee U I'kt aat?rr . ? ' i ' 1 1 StC 1L, Xe at ftrt araTeaV !, TlU apca . J. wartacva btf.'-a Jtrtf c( lit Praft ft a .'- . " j ' ft1 tl 1 all aa la d;bi. be rtiertiaUa ta Uprise Terse end ba s- nel at left? thirty dye (Aaadtya iaJa4) ba Ut e tae te urn day. WitMa tbafrtttkree wrtia ball liter years. As farmer Hope strode off to bed, I aorose tie doorway si teraniahed. . t "...ft 31 . . ". t. ? - ft 15' -!-! 1.1 . I "t ... . ft-. -. MVe!l !" a4 Mr, DU as they caUtet,dajs cf tie retera tetra, fheaUl eke 4cf.Uaatttfr;l zitr V. sbaaU Ua eklftail yiy '.A-trik ta tU . US ef ttJe weli-c 'L-j tCacf f-r. Us - le, tleexftfU sf sailut cer v.'f 1 a i le . pay ae afftcarail aaa-hftlf cf tl rt V -v aaaU e aaTf HX.u ?: IXT Mac, aai al tte - axpirua U nll n bui sjla-a'aZaU ' f hart Jair-t al aitM'JTn f-r ba 1. ' -i. 1 a-- . . a A j" . a . r.u va . . .it; v. - j . : r ' 1 x.. . . . UU lLcJl-iti-aut.asl ii al de- fraJa.t. an aavk. aia'J a! rat V 1 .7- a . 14Upa- tftxx'a (,rie:I?.i til J ' r sto at ,rArtW.trdi.y,nti tsls:7 hI', ..r::v , avrvcaact, aaaajerau ar aacrast a t, Cr TT ' - if bo" glanced at this bli be 'little latigher, . and Mr gloomy eye lit np for an instant. For she was the "embodiment to him of all be knew that was lovias and beautiful, and bis hmrt. a ueavy, Droaq-snouiaerea man wav iariner toougu te ojq not acnowuqge it, toos to toe Bolvnd as h tpf4 -5n his arm-chair, over glad' blessing ' of her beauty and rtshnces. , ue smonlderluL.beatth.- his' muscular frame Lixette' was more tb'bim than meadows or droof ed fnitht potetouewetghv as If theIcrops, or the old frm-hous& itaelf, and dumbly Kn cyclical It. aa for life, the neiituboia worked: but ia th a lonely eonntry disttleir eeb tlfyts re of little avail A fire one nreaxtpg out in one of tba old lramo butldioc. snatohes up Us prey and devoorg it before there s. V 1 1' ! -- . is jcij una to escape nitn iui iron it m . - croaentcg pawer. i&htly raj.iqT hU heal. I have an unpleasant da'y to perform, air: raid Catvtaia Titlow : aad a La apvke the aanlar bllakamlth took tke tbltklct from til aUaxrv. .. .. - . ' Davis leaped ioataotly from bU rcoaiWut ftuimda. a fia hDMODr over hta face for. a moment, and tic a bis O uatraaaee tTtw fivid p y te the p ftU'iff, ov iata Oaxl to 1U tae, one tenth X tie dl4 ee dexaaad (pnaelpl aad tbtercr) e&4 all cvu to that time, be thall ba allowftd aonl nest Spcine Tern le plad- At the aad Fpiia Tece. ahoali tie, tUit piy ta Lt pUieUU, or i.W C&tai 4 U eve, toe BTib ai the rtaidae cX iba dab I at! Cr aaai atd et, ba alall be allowed ntil tit au '.L aa, i.1 1 J X-ai yrv!.- zx t: Z: tnorm rgrorxd along to the blaciag ,r . . . . - f- ....t, lecwampnaf tae aax juaiuu ot wa. neavv w. . : a mis-line neavy-neartea man worauippea an ocauty 1 moke and fllimf tlmha. thta u buL one IT ."' 7 - ;:i.V . : Frrio Term, abeald the eklebahat tv ta tke tapieop the thought in 4hU breast-lto reach t and to Kii iVS'latul verio. hlm P1" pifeotrsly at tie eiid of his ose: for iarmer fsiild of hi dead wife's sister: -.--'ta . l.t-i .v- -vtu ..k. I ,.".u'Ji a bea reeovenog nimii t-iUM . U a a. a, -rl4;Pik But tonight .ledHO word, even for her, , of death -'riod lainU ? reaere Jare ,'W'J wbtl atf wsstea.Bgure towered npia the eaearadiaear Tern te - afidmca;thhff Siting Mntift V.r TX&ZlX'llZt rSpTeeTtX "5 eold, ene(ml.J:jpo. at the hardsMpe through which KwUpJ if WeVlh.'e n- S?.' fane tthe J-P i. tel f hi deil ' ? ling did aot Overv.h, great etoJr. eUmney; aVorawhioh T.f;Tj cf; demand x iWaV-V r . H fyeeW long.; Jrokethe,.enewe. that nl.nk and placer had ajtrc4dc4 away, writhed . Mh pUlntlf, if tt paired, tUllfle Ua 21 tV ' He fgkBa aiidUia himeelf; bat that W uocIe parture, a4. ahff ask the wd hissed the hungrx flames. Thay wrapped . . ; ( A . ' . adltt iiior aad, ir tie eja!e-Ust 'fthaH :"r: .,. .i?.,-TT.f j.l .t ...... : IIM -Vaa ea&a&k havw beta asottO .i..v...v. v.t. ' ft.t.. grnamotaerjjecflatintteedowa iiorai - 1 w aaa , wa a-j aua. UniMot H the te.ge.j yawned t gall of fUmee.- ' ' - -rl," '".V .n;? V ,T erarrthiBd tfcat iil tlrr ..MX , tw-k I coai . da somelhttrr, Every limber bad" faUsn ia. With ial one Saehare ml Otcera, it" rtWd lie I Uiai. a3 af thiaV eVilt U aartlr-Jarly r te try tl rtr-a, ra at Ve a. . a al a -y v4 : or tan'.tf xacitlr, aa i-e pajisj' a-t.'Js, a:? itfraa: taXr jaJrfS.'r- W ., . . : a.. ei-5t. - t r i-v : .i;:t, t- - cad ' ctsti.il a 2ait la trait t . :zr- loninflornueld that ooctrpied rising groufld - jost tVey ond ith, honaej fftd hftid hi&l rjr-re,.cruii Jaef crci I crrf.ts foot-cf, the Unlit toom: : ' " Z i ' til "icl.i;3 now P abe eaid, haf to haolf'u)drnings and J gbuce across the akva, eySTngs.hca'X. l.WbTil eutamid the eraekle inl grandmoiherj all ibe girls io the fae.ary .pay feailJiag-i-a 4aa theii "own -ioarct. and here I3sja,t'arytxccoujlw't 1 a w tt Ail l DaVpay fax my .'Wi eiei. - Vroderl &4 ehiam; and a ery thai re&g eer. .bcekeaiag .tkelaokaautbrfte eraaa,Jflft tyjttVaa difaUlvU T araah'tftf the falUsa! th.eteaped fonrard, nleekiag tie . awdleek I i tkw. iaatalotst mailed, al witt M ai- 4apalriag ery. tkatUdxto and frepatkj the, let tera, to da thertv aSea. I nita u i. aad lie CaH ariry a 'frr,i ..m.. M-malThem httarav wrre cf heayr ireau mbally Urr.ai tla 'aaaa tiavl ar taa&e .:trst Hli . tisi leached Ur. Utah ef fiejrhttrt e( "aa .iach . ia tUcleex, aad aa. urar, l trV Oefctut la wU.7r.t1 ttiartr: He rrtis, and U tA wext c'Z r 1 fcfcaiaat ia:i be alwael tiaveta ylrni U; r f ynt ef lie ri-Lrx tf lit ali'.tei eacrxst, -ae4 wlaUref lia. Jiry easy' fii iLiA lad a4ad' ever a4 alrr lit U 5 t rcrutcJ, f arCVar, iaal Z H li frtiart bii te w thj.Crat f. ftt.:. k..i Vvi iKatBMiaj I'iiaf av a enata. tu iuta waizaa a ' ' . . .11 lir T I . .... . - - - ... BY.. . . . .... . 1 - . w . -a r.zicir :r ,x;cj : ccrtt.- into a u'.a saidett we!-t of tix.heavy frae loeecced the Dtaera tiuy art pew ia F"-3 i r:;s f t: ... t: V;rv f J : u c. fniL- dc-i t:sb-f es.ttrl4r-;3rted I, JGontrxl MLlesand wtU ta ajtlstetetAr T.i;er.:r--:;tiV--V Vr ruh.cr.'vitf.n. dr.95 iirrytltijt teiiai.-, vv -:-V .V;- ' : J- 1 - j , t . 1 .. . I' . ; . 1 e:?:r' 1 1 '$ ;f-t,l far acra.r---. rt '; - ; - - . - . . 4 j 'X d: : , t " 1 1 1- " if errs - -. cr. r.ttnt;t:;a-c txx-r. tilt jvt U r. a -ee tie ?. C f I ' ..1 ti t J . ft a - Tirw, 1 .7, tf ii CspU Crt, rii a.;:it 7 licrtif aia I U lra tie aUlrc-. t5 Uul : j - ' I tacat; aj U.'.ra C;::t ; as2 is t.a i'rj .l f ' ; ' , J cr" Coaxt uexaoe n-ttsciz a1 til U t-bi a-. t f -ta j..;tai fc tl Cv.aiy C, aJcc:.. , V J ' tt j V Vti--.a T ef Ilia r.i.i--.,' v-a . k . . . " , 1 tX-C It.- Im a fwrlLf .cvi-ft-7,,Tlal' al t; ! lS?rr if tie" rur'T ta'ail," f.'.k a.- i n . . . ... 1 . . .1. I . . . i. ft I u . ft i ; ttil. wri'S el arfr ---vj ta a." Jt.". t-.', Cu.i frtaa tie sj;::r i Cz'j i ;.r- r ;t-,- tata'S U at- U -..!, .ic. t:;f . .1 !--. -,. - v aaaaaat, aa.i 4 Tf.r.. i t v . :.r t- - a- .-4 U 3 i T;.-"V -1st U L:- tar ;r;a 3- : . - ft 4P a a 1 . - ts C; - f r: '2 fl'-IVx:; c: . . a ft- . - ar-:.. "it:-' . .3 ; tlJ. S.z'j Us t. ' . . J ' w- ,1 . T tft. . . .. ... fc 1 ti t - f tiae. rra.iwL' a. i t a-T 7 cf.'::vp" .v-ftTl t a'll V rrfiaaa?r U' .-1 a- 1 ci; a.' eeesxtUa, te the eoarae tl Ce Ccrrt ' V tl . . , j , rtj I) ii. m l.inu ct4i. -a eemiiaa ae ia ewe a. --eC4r-ri r . - - : -j : - : - ' , i-f t r:l:;..l t;4i :: .-.-'V. c t V : - , f ..-a-iC- J . - V . , jt ; - . . . " .. ,,fc--:fti ' 'f. "V ,i - '-V' :- - j vVs : '"'c' jJ'UJrr . ;V.:;;- r 1 t- Sf J" y

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