f :' -- . - -i Vi yXvr'?'I-W7-.i V-- S - V -5- "'SV .-;' -: -A--- ' """"T" 7 W"-:.."AA - . 1 1 n - V - 4 you take Imck year a w:rv ' . . - , BDIT0B;A1TD' PJLQj?RBlt! iSWMrif iBBn 'rH4l rryneT5ri,V : ftA WK -m: . -y .;:T i i 1 iF mlo the: firt-ptice f -4ni Ui t- ... - TL- .V. f . V l " - - - - ADYfiliXISia u 'flvA,j'-.v. v " :ZAC. T'tr t ' !'-" -&w " - ' ":( "A:ft. A -.A: 71iAlr ' ivV-'- VklW TjfchtsxrcriBr'fct 'flflnsr1 tver tie' : - - vTvt that IAka.i go crtwJW -atracH Uomifia ;J..)t I '?"" it-- - ' - '.U l : i 14 C-r:. :T:: d:rtirr.:-t-.ilfck r. f--.'-i r-;. Ai J j. n fTtf ia c ,llA - , '. - eI . ; J? ?. -:-Jfrf SP5- - I - " ' A'STORYvfROM.REAt'UEE ' " - -.. T? . . Take that ho: added- stritinir ih heavy blow, oik iha' side of tha bad nhar. and that !" repeating the blows spoKe, tne last ox wmcb xnocKea uiej)oy ovrtr a plow that was Btafiding -by 'Uet np now and turned the father. keep oat of inirehief that crying orTirgiye" y6a r somethipg 4o The hoy started for the house, stroggllng to snppfess his sobs as he went. y 1 "It is astonishing" said During a4dresi sing a neighbor named Hanford, wEo was near in a. barn, and of coarse had seen and heard all that- had passed, 'how trouble some boys are. Just see those oats, now, that I've sot to jick up for thit boy's go into the hoa9e- coa ,, "and ' see ; if yoa gbta t t bryawhue and atop bore her ta the-bw, sad Ueiv tavic - -i- .......... . t - . . ; . . . . . I Jkia uuuu mjniv" p n , - . .i .t -"5" " - r i; i. . r - - , r Xt I j l l-fiia'.isnrj.apiwaungTiaiTMiTC oex i wug-y .ww.. ;iwWu, r .-- i l-j i-tt.a inn rciil U urLrEI r ii' t A, , L t 7V7- Ar.V.:k-xta;r - ' ' A areies jf--ew tjI TOdt I gill andbreaV. my oath UHol MowHv f fi1 L a V17- Mt, -iaafoatttaea m fkt kre aslfi -t" ,,ft,-,-aIt-T'--'J l I'iub wu twuuit hit wuwi jiouuwn vliv .v.v..w. - L. ,-V I rOOTlT COrrmvni V - - . 1 iw nwn t uii. . ... j ... iuj a' m-r ?r?fAV"rT:- coi-. taw tw.r.iv -ai4- t4u . . . r4 iruiecto my owrcfeooa anano as y ui caa xu uic, weme s u.v); UVi n, o n-n.) md iL J l " " i .v. , . , .: r waa compe5e, anano ouw. cuu wi T' tT'iP: T V il v,7B 'cryjceitwlj (3cB,aai Ut wW. -mUi.7 iw tin it. .!; ,M w4 m1"! " LriM J U - F . mv W W tlttll K. 1 1 H I mv bear faculties: and when my sense of lired. J? prone month ne conw xai ercnl LnUed SiaU4 (XvrxuJ Uu x"-.. duty has been chastened and softened by I walk without help. v " ; & kt-o tigaaiie (oa I ft ad) UmU CitBuu wuvviwvuo I w . I 4. ..... I . - - 1 WW w !. b-M V V. V I devoted nmelf to poor Charley from A year passed away and Mos Uelloa I femog oo u,ti 1! Utt, 50 4t J itk b4 fw fcm attMa4 at tmn, ! . . ... . . pa -J or UU U M4M4 to dfaw u ilia rti iar taci t 4 IitraUr rtoauior xr kU D"i Ctf kt 14 Uu tat thm tela. tK ti'mi h left his bed. and we came to returned to Vennotit. He entered, the understand one another as I think but few 1 court-house Lat JJurlington, and Daniel fathers Md.soW ever do. The poor boy Bryan was on the .floor pleading -for a never blamed me for blighting so much young man who had been indicted lor tor ihappinee3 for him, and 1 nave sometimes gery. Felton started in surprise. Never tried to think that hia life has '"Ixeen made before had such torrents of eloquence happier, on the whole, than it "would have poured from his lips. The case was given been,- had I not been taught my duty to the jury, and the youth aecuuited. Soon ngbt en-J. VTell dooe, a&4 UU!j to hn.og ot (i d4 io tUdtaea,tk rood HiJc .i.iau .tn...t.i. inn " " II" - - mj 4wv. KxnuurrniM are ta riimhitL caresness andhe pointedtot They shook handi but did not ore of oats which William had accidentally "og, a 00 Borr w iwio jwu . i j . -v -tnrned ' - fyoar 80n "William pass tnrouga a aimuar ispcj-.. uui-u wcj iiatuvv. um ordeal. - A- none otnera couia near mem, nryan suu . "I trust that we shall not," emphatically denly stopped. and gravely responded Doring. I thank MoseVVhe said, "do you remember you for your story, friend Hanford, and I the words you spoke to. "me a year ago!" shall try and profit by it."v A . ; DMi!e,' v . " , And he did profit by it; and we hope . J . -f5 . uu n a iiva illicit! . above oa right end. dtciva foe urn t el the rtoib bill, bat err iof jg not fioe. Tkfj rt itt4 Mj I5i, 1SG5; letter 11. Tb greo iok h the bwk oa 'be eoanterMl U .t!ei ikt lkt U ih era moe. tie ca efol tad eianTtt well til bctof unof them, m tbrj btt ooeeiTed too of or ben jodget over-turned. . "And it was for that trifle that you as saulted your child and knocked h;m down ?" replied Mr. Hanford, in a sorrow fal tone. , : 'Doring looked np from the oats in sur prise, and repeated : : Assaulted my child ' and knocked him down!' Why, what do yoa mean, neighbor Hanford?" A ' Just what I say. Did you not knock the child over the plow r" , Why well- no. He kind a stumbled and fell Over it, doggedly replied Doring. uDo you go Jagainst parental aathoHtyi. HavenT1! itight to punish my own chil dien r , ; . ; A A " A "Certaly unave," responded Mr. Hanford, , "in a ptopef spirit, but not other wise. Do yoa think thaf a father, has a right to revenge himself upon his child?" ' "Of course not; but who's talking about revenge r that every parent who is capable of strik ing his child in' anger or petulance, that reads this sketch from life, till proht by it. ; : V- 1 " DANIEL BRYANT OATH. them- "Yes, with all my heart., 4Then I am in part repaid "And what must be the 'remainder of payment t" asked Moes. "I must die an honest, unperjured man ! The oath that has b&md me thus' Xar was for life important oecitlon L'nUer tbe Civil nigUta u.uimufti, rfHIJ d. IQ1t liovte, Chief Justice of the Cirt of AppeU( has renerd an important decision under the Civil Bights Bill, in the case of The Commonwealth vs. Somen. forbeatio?a negro. It was contended by counsel that, accor uing to toe lavs ot uaryiana, toe negro was not a competent wuoce apttnt a vbue man, Tho mautrate decided that said law wat ,nol and void, havia? been jnk, tl tke r9 lod xA frott ta la Ui foeta f riealo. iuctt 1 13 fr cry br brd bot. "larttvert ail cfrstg ta4 9.7f4Z4 ta it floa bj rrpr thtt rtilcJ rah ' btl Ure fi f fi" ttk rrooai. II ftaotJ Lud t trr tbca ov tat ifcej wcali aot bttak thetkU. Oa eae alUaitLk aecliatltr. tot it m apis f!tl Fit II j tWc krtty wtifBn (rca at leut tvcaiy fta poaij e jki) ett uritj- i l tVclr ea wlfcVi tad siwiioa, lL tf6ft give a coari a br U Ukt ha'4 of tk tev acd Uxt mi tit toftartd, tltlr huxU r t'ioat cot la t4d Vai p acre cat . of lair ar 14 abw taI tp prtu itod valor aad dttotka Utaorkiaa cull, m tooa at tka Telita.aaU L prprd, Uk tun iu reat-i( aad tW da- aial daat eat oa. tta vleiaa body a wtia ta blood, jUat aadaeioai. -Aatit octai atvtrl iM3ibaa aad taaai oMkrt kcrt, a fmt trtw J of ptttatott rala- tta4Uurirnr.rt Ua 15tk lut. fr&a alha puat t3 lis cuiltrr. tptbct vtik a tUtai tcx tt It Uii rtmtai la tie cH rt- cf tt co;i3T ut u Klcvt. HradVckVtVeiJlrtt: K. . r, aal H. 0 , KaOcjj, &c rrU rj. -Tat GAiDsra Corrxa Mua, Gnu roa Conrrr, N. C Tha Ctfxr 211&r oil rorlh Carol ui a are liow ajrala ttlt worked proublr, the ore. toaeTrr. aic till t?tieIud'ocx of the Snu; weh aoca toTe tha ho! troca earrial on abrortted 'and ipperveed by the . Cvil r.!Uwr4 ,u FVfdr'i? Kii-hU Hill, atd otiirtd halL.kTch Ram I . tytvIaI bn u.a iwvon . law ww r m. h- t, v,iwvr iff fvtr rrt,fmr wtr.t 1.. 1 i ' ... . ial M-r auiEii mk. rmm lb - V W w I w w v w A 111. UBk AIAU1 W m a ft ft A M a ft W I r I u a w rm mm 1 w mm m r a a MJaM M tlf Aii - Siummt. hnt nad fallen, through intoxica- knd wain-aat-?ii'tU rrt wlA ber aZ: w W -U 4a 9 d " -- w i m w - w jh. - Al L Lkli.tlWU B mm XllM IAU II M EMmM lW H 1 I rr W mm A.fl . 1 . ft k ryv.. Tri " t. o I rrJor: That nl7hr aT ttaYf. the flfhfuT Wife r. r7..J.I t m. SZZ S1 64 rtforaatM at tt!v aAxl, Li.ru f fond husband mdher loving btother, the a writ tXhaXxoM effrpus. which he declined I TilxbW. t iUIt Xrc4 id tUlr tsn6 t- B4iita sea, ban cf drgrstf ,,c,ijrr.euu .ch &Q8ther case was knovm. x v,ri - ; t.;s wto 4 I :t.w 11,4 v "4 : ' 4 . 1 . r r r . , ",B r x &-. r r... u'r"lUk'J , , ; , tAc' a,uv r-J w gTui, giving a wntten opiaion tuauto- eirtraU iri hy atttdaat- oditlaa sea. .iivy oioivi v ..vu. 1 f j t v v"""-"""-- tut . uiq ivu u. , 1 lair lub marairaif. iindiu tL.BiAi ttumJi.i Week after week, would the XaUen man he J roful and bleeding heart. . I drunk on tbe floor, ana not a 4ay ot real sobriety marked his course.: 'I Ha admits there are doubts? as to the consthotiobatity of the Civil Ilights bill en other points yet, . ot' seeing, clearly, s breads cltae federal Conititutioa in the Tho Silk gplde of 80hatbCaroUniL . D-ii Q. Wilder, late enrireoaof the , . 1 doubt if TTa tzra q ywi ut.J-Pa too low for convmality, and those with Bhoddchilde.poaished? I . . .nfll, w would not "Wby tomake it better, Aand-todo5it jjr 4 .... goou, 01 course, qmcmy . repiieu xoring. : "Wdl.B;fttl10imSi0ti. KPyx.aTe th? tot of tar lectured now, replied Dorms, thouchtfully And,now.iny friend." kindlv -contm ffftAW:w: !MttBWv neoreao treatoent to Wa moieats:aw cf spider was L warla Eorcre; to wJtchlts wereas and '-xui way aiay uii jwkw WM tMm V tV. rv . i .f. f articaltr toint 'bearing oa this case, and oUoalog the tiare.andr decuiont tC the bibcit courts, he was .bound o auume that Conerets had not violated its constitu tional cbiiittiona. and passed aa ucoaasU I lift I 111 mm mm m mm 1 m in w , w I 1 Iir I W Mmmm m. mm W r k L1K mm " . 1 J . . .X - rr gave tbe nxst of tsar lfecturts npoa the mnae w we custooy.ci tae ccerv. 9 y . Condact ITar lu.Earopa iateretting, if they art to have tad obSaJa Kctt- Sj toJtd llifloil baebarMa aIt4ifa) cxkiblUaa tf av- H Jttrj. Tbe platre i laJ drly itsrtMcd ea ay KtHi, bat 1 caoaoatTt bUf tit kern at the axaa, eititi bj pea cr pacU. . tueceiittuy at Ue taiae. . We tipy followia frota the GrtfSAWro TaUit; The Oardaer" Las . cc- beta fas oxj as the not prodactive of aay c j j cr taiae ia North Carolina. Per. a let a 'frriol A r -kzr VVA. rl i At A.; v aDve suoiect in uoston. Tbe "Journal" . . a " cogQ w vau .c . w-w giVes? the following .brief but interestb Hovr Txei L visvuoosis: - j - - i A ? I t. v. ther. did hint any good, or has increased his re spect and affection for yoa ? -The boy, I venture to sav. is utterly nnconscioua of haringoneany wroiig, indyety its , body, ia one hoar and a! this country. denlyassaulea him with anger and yiq- . w . f. - f1 w!f, -;t luaner, ona aunorea ana fitty yards of commencemet mm C WW W W - - www - -mrw r i aw A. I W r ft m mm m mm . . ft a ''Y.IjnlZTn! lktmt m north ,.hk i'u'eonietrfc5tb. pri-ci- PcasosiL irtuuxct or Ixtsinxr Joirssos-A Washiaao' writer thzi akctehtss the pcrtoaat a ppearasca of rrca- tacnroansca as aeea by tan upon tte delivery of his great epetch oa the 22d ol February: . ''Mr. Johwoa ia a run of very ilalvart mould. Jtut abote "niUile stature, he U so broad-shouldered, Era set, and deep- at alaotr to aeca below tt. lit lence, and ' gave ' him a beaune wbicn K7Ai.a: 5 LiV. ti BUlt ne next year anotner od-lleaaL '. . . i leave mm now. uiu ue m buuu icaic uc. j r . . i no penitentiary convict :can ne subject to Jtt AiAi : . : l1 uunj spmera tnreo tnoa- witbathAig . tne outrage inquired into by a iegisiauve committee. iiat Jet toe tell yoa a longatory. Xoo? knaw.myjon The one that ia preaching ia Charles town ?" --S."- J" - VYed. ' Ton haY&opably coticed that he Js fcmel'-A A t. "I have noticed- it," said Doring "and asked him hovrrhappenedand hotold me he got bar 'when a boy." "Yes," responed Mr. Hanford,A with emotioiK 'the dear bow never could be XtCtl" Entered 'the W hundred and eighty four yards, f olio wirging from a eorretpoodent cf the 2 Hd &S BvL" a nderer .r two maea of single London T&c$, describing the eatrsoee of toS ffis' l wL XthS of this .ww strong aongh to .Is the Xmssian army into JUiony:- . the tomb. .Iiiixliat4 was . sioacnea a ht of fVonj.fif.-w to one -mA. .orm . tha.lrTisian rinruard. At apartment. from the tomb. t that tint flT pVnSa. at ,lrS ov .outline ; long, pew- it that thus fax ftoMerfdcnderkw: well deaed hut rSer bas not . louowra ut example ct lW - r 'y. - . . -otI.v. fan irreat ceroea ol America, ua aoote tea i a :i . -'..-.' . ... I uciwie iipa ; ista - corse ta nurture ot ,. v t. M..- l r"1 a . ironj-uiiy-iour to one over his eves, his hair was matted, and his I u i I?i . : - . "... , . -t. .i uuiiurcu ana aevea erains. in ioto ur. Wilder showed'his specimea to Professor Agassiz aad others, to whom the spec!& hands .hung loosely Aby. his side. Ah, Jvioses, now how are youX . be stammer ed, for he could not speak plainly , - Moses looked at him a few moments in silence. . Then," as his' features assumed a cold, stern expression, he said, in a strong- ; ly emphasized tone : JAs, sooa. s, the -Xru-rUo Tioguard- crossed tbe frontier, Pfbco Frederick Cbarlrs issue-l a most ilriorent order ia fina 5 complexion twarthy; hair. eoarw black, streaked with crer : a cwa Jsa3 at tho root, but fall and urr at the ncstrili. which expand and lift as he speak ; broad forehead; UUlair, boshy' erc-brows, be- .1. . Vt" vnjca are a pair ot me coidcH na4 g'pfrt prerians t the war, tt was aifly workerd, rivic &:lorntti Luicuflr fire hen irtl ccrtiiTea.. .We ara pkl to know that craaUos lava heea re newed, and a th Ux UiUt prttpo than was aaiidpstl ml aay p retina period la lie hiatory cf tha aiaa. r-A r ; Latering tha m&nm shaft, caadle fattened to car .bat aad f olWia Capu3a StafordV wcilctcecicd the tsiaa by ecaai of pcrpVwUr laA'.cra. The ptarp xs ia this, shsfl, the truik oO which aeariy 1U it, aUowicg bat bare sr raotatoSe-accod-with rasa. Thepasp is capalle c f throwing cS acres ty gallics tt water per avcoad, aad works with the ata:aHTrtrc. tioa, drirea by the sc?t ccgiaa.ae ever saw ia eperaUvo. The dtcia f the tagiae shift U caa ha:drtd aad atVtatv- fire feet, wl-chlrtsrs. iu to the ricrtV (dealaaud by. ll dr' cf tha ahsi,) as the caa hat. di til adtertaiy avefmleveL This ltvai is serta haadrrd fttt. la Itprth, aad caaacu.wita lhrt ahafu. , The learta of the . vty it abcat three hundred ft, aad is Coca io to fwurlei feet ia width., It frocsts to the piatra a favorahld' a jpearaace, tha lodehila ralx ed to a ceruL-r derree -.-Q.Ly which is rertrdfd as a rood bi: eta lea. In his "lrrtl' there is cse txeaxficakaewn as the Vz tliee." .TLk is f-rrr frai ia lcacth, aad aboat tveary iabraadik: It yields scUd ere, aad the. dj-zr.l leci b. There . are cthsr. veins bran eh; or froa the taaia leteL all -f ; which sire t romlf of yieldiai iaexhssstilie trrl'ti cf tre. fo-le thli tela if 'a xed fart.' There U nthTn'bcrai aVast'lt tr ait the .itw vtj. i!:i.jn - .. -j-. . ; a ii'v lthoush wedded to a demon. was new. Uetarsing to Charleston he re sumed his researches, and. after a variety of adventures aad disappointments, sue ceeded ia gettbg- a number of the spiders. in the course of the season, these all as to their Tit J habits,, mode of livioff, etc. From-the . J 1. - youameaaAneYerioTeu mu u;c, . . j . , .. - M1n. ; tr.m of an arm a hi eh CO ri : Dntiv , . . . - o i - . - kind hearted aeldiera hava .breuiht wjth wmca oftca toa "V ' - v " saw that TlbTitf vtka ahnnt -tn'aaeaV . - a z - r . - " a I wii -trwA AnavAne f TTTl . - ; a - - - .1. a . . a 7 it I l UM Wl CI C staz - "vvoen.vnariea.was aDont sne see otiv, . -7 . ' r j ;i I uevour iue weaaer, ao tnai out oi ser-icon your son:WiUiam2 thousand, only a few hundred were rrl were it not far the swords aoJ bayo- avedinteJlig?nVboy8ha which gU-ter -la. tha.taa i was. iona , oi turn, ana fiPecjaiir ot Juai - - . . .., j- luemunsinuea tnat tnev couia te raiseu fcioM eierv road, toe icne ahichhejosistednpon tbe troops showing c CJt4 v eTtTw fa tamaa head. every re?pect xorpnvate property ana - iba antlinea ef Atdw Johnn. ::U -i; Hi. roice i. dcar.hsnh, powerful .and officers and. men. but not from tear of tbe military nuolthmeat which wouia ba tbe conseaoence of its traasgresska. The with most excitement, he Is evidently the aaaTmI .111 M llt.KA.VI " physical beauty tanately I was i violent temper, ; nd was in ' the . habit of punishing my children under the influence of passion and vengeance, bstead of from the dictates of , reason, duty, and enlight- ened affection;- v .fo -- VOne day Charley offended me brisome .rpT T- J -7.-- bad-said, Daniel replied : . . Tfdnr fibn a few-mmutes ago, I struck him St -' M , J r t f TiftWtf! r-rt Wrif rv,'ia cfD. . P -Mioses 1 11 can yet reiona . v. . - - : 1 ".1 nn fan vine. u is npTon l vuur Yon have , had inducements enou - rcasus Sccatxs. A" foreira letter. speaking of taattera connected with the tmpenumg war, says : Thec rrussiaa ruas are well known la America; that ixT as: well known as aar- is oa. ef per- t ? -1 WJ In some place, the tnett. art 1 1 11 rjMi ?i rttnii attirit in. m . tome. Thus do I pray, that viod will soon I v:AAlA r iTJ AlTi . r?iI 1 'r,ua ry " n" " L T compound of rotrredicaU known otdr-ta 1 . - . -t tv 1 "u1v.11 nos ui a Komen Teuow ana a surer 1 nttvtat- m otnera toev tat oa tcc wikp - - .. - . - - . give nerJoys to . nw v-lS and as fcrilliaat aS the metals in iog iQ 'the cottage gardes aad nearly 0 J "T1 r id, I do sincerely hope that the first mtel- . r .. . . . ..Ll! . .l.r t, tV- .1 " the Goremtntnt that the fccrel ligence that reaches me from my native "'Vl? Is raarded 1 ja. 11 a a j a l 1 1 1 1 r 1 11m.. inn ua 1 tt ar cu. wuy u t v aa wm w . -l place, alter 1 snau nave reacnea my nome, may. be .That Yoa Are Dzajk In a kind of bewildered -consciousness aWlfct f - - - m-.Zm.m I W J w ""1 " V w ww I W - . A " It . III- . 1 TT. TS J I -.it rmi a w i i.u an irriLaniH ami iv "at his side, and bjured his left side so bad ly that the result wai, h Ufei-BUiir MrHanford, tp1 Jace witl1i8hndfj 411CJ- iHIV J est sorrow" andJ ia;.h18 Go and die-)lB,,Daniel Br :'i.,.;;;;B:w.,.-V : . L er7.rA.M..c .t,..! r.rtiL gbtaacay by a aqtnd of twtlre a6l- ' . . r"vr 'r: . V4 - .VVri.r'.v"dien:TeTT letter which he write is in: . puuuciu . lictfm lonrnii. .wao uvea oo ury borses .as.Wiey .go iaa.wn!twa, i , , . .. l . ot I Iv. ' .v. ... I " . C i i ' .tl spectcd. and he is not allowed to cornea- irr" ,iV'"6 irom-aai uw i are lnviteo, nan airai'i, vj pevp ww w - ... ... - . Sutea. has endured tbe followiar ealamltk: " .1. 7 mW ttl rucate orally with aay perwa. except ia MI ?tT0 4 P1:nUJti011 ia .tb9 4,rbr I aVbUaTpt Wed j Jfamarity. tome too P? jf ffri Mf . Nentlasj. (ea in iiUud): received : 20-po.na m ? nrt t ,. tfl inirolac a h" Pll tls' bveatioa a duTcrent pow- sheila tbtoaSh.my house. aad.lSrpiuod ebot rniTf flV. in gh to alongside; hive.beennWi- Wcei. Jf'fiV! taakc rCTe4r possible.; Mi,too..rta off; mj f! J' " Hr.i!: alkbd of .helL not. mrch larrtf thaa'a .cotton crop and enr.esae dtatroved; - soe prcnncroi wo Batter j .vjlV- 1 -.v : 1 ; mtra tht o than before I a e n - k a rvaxu as soon l uwvu tauvu cia p dt - .a . .f 1 wAvma T Afmtina (nwittAt m ri(M. oa trrm now tha rmrtTYioTir. that RAOfl TTAtl I e- -r " "",tl,Mh .-aM-. v. w - - nie ll Nil Adint. . tsnml till flfUl 1ms Aff as- 9w vw-aMva 4FS VJliUH,'f av.VW i firm vi - : a. 1 1 1 sentry. wmcb was aVIast broken-by .: Mr, Hanford 1 . . 0 - I pUat): aadantlly thtce dia-rnt aMtapts U ? saying v .'a.' ,t X. "."A . jialLii.-'s r - i.tvpssaesinaU tae in one week. Tbe eai il " - mere an some unuiftuus wao, ia. 10,1, i,.H w ..'mI... u u.ki.. a.. . . . . . . . . .... . . , r i'iiuv i iiw uif vitnutc IWMHItlVi w dA.tmef and tha other aid robbed d nyanca two revolvan. on a tifla ao I a rAiut mil niii)i mi Dmn .1 11.1. l..a..).J a ' ' ' . 1 . I 1 Fu "f1.1 weT,-aaa was about to His eves flashed. and, -he drew hiiiseU all tbU. had the coin Wr tit. caltnttifa (or jiCCjie ex-1 si s. tnontbsjmast fil ibe.jime, dsUdsas. i.sd 1.1. m.m. tA I .t. a a ia , venemence. i aitogciar bt sbws taroera more oanai tat 1 - r , r A rain Uriog at a villsfce near slabOe. oa night last week, atuspttd to. frightc a sane alrla bv-wncoio a.wbite alath arooai lit body sod personating. a sibetv - All ran hot one. who paJed cat a ravotrar asa cniocrattii brad tixCb-Da taia taa aeaa aaa .aoaj, cm sbea-wrat bow a a ad talad thairtaiaae. ballet, whkh .explode body of a man; tearing the Emhs to piece with rrslrileas force. Thew two secret are arrppoaad to ctake the Prasalxa. amy vaa; inmeihlev- . . :j.A y, tj, a i?" Tb. Pianiaa nada gat, aa aU.be a Wu. ees, ku pafn.wiaidel wuh a tamW ezt wbica b 23it a ct? itnycartiao U ill- ft ft ' ft ' 1 " irl WUk4lB W A- f VCTTft- raxasfjraeat cr it. it s t-c!r wwkisi far lis leguiraale earnbrt, and Vhi TUrlr ta pperausa wiii,weare ars6 jay a inaj- aoae jiciactcat. v, h ; . - I., i .I . ...I '. , . On o raraiATway-Ta it t!.M af XUW ! was t&Iraid ka XrxWs la ortr u UrawTn frsct tla haviliaUoa cf Hissf 4r nie raakea Gfmoeat.7 arp Latisg a rt'Wtr roaih eirrif. Wlta. litj .lm tniral la Utslso tttj fual fktt lit waaajtutg bat a dcIaiTal r!as tf ru itcK aad mrj tj -etc Uu ti aat ta. arme4 tber Lrt laprrmsa. .1. ai.i.ua ta tia ataaj Ciemc:axTt tvpmM4 ryibeai, at kUicrvs ateSotJ , wa jeurly fabUtked as Motil af iba csjtrra a Xkip ttaUr af tbta b t UUraU. er m tass lb esitat fthtlr tat. fart ft t a. T-Iitril, anrela-- tisg tha ,hutf .aalaita a tb xMtU, urmsad ta tar tatas iat taa traj u Jaarti,aai by tils lixs tWy ara jtiWUr' carrjit caulcu (a tiopaaj T'. aai ' bill titiTUrd rlrxUia fani Ual Is terst, Tirtfrt, last 1U 1UUU aba West t lit xei bt fii2ly ff tbr wiutU." Tti tare trtrH ciMettlrta frvaMktlf kalr i aad f rkdc; Uey vrt f an - aMa t stttj vkir j aad uxy art bow tptorr auers a a ttcfrcl amyr-Tatt.aiagiw tkrtl u ia is to r lara ta Ut Lai ltd fiuscs sa tsU-oir ttj tattle dema QiWir la aaefal. actta l'Jbaa. tad teah.thlr ViUr-,ta Uvt aa4 swttttaoa Ua lt at thtix wwjIX. X -SV-H , ' ii i t - 6aauts ta forratta' VYrttxx. &aa ei.-wa-Ie ttttlrr la'IishW (Aia wm antitfd W iWkl" wt W far two, saa lUa "aavotr-i IW tUet larotadtd. ta txUf. A Ua ttaW ef taans are UtM ta Uviiictr-at t i Kft-1A' Kmatka .ti.ka-LJ;.i.L:-'Ki.L-ft T ."2 vsTT5 ; twn"'WM Mptoudly np.; Go Moses . T r: r:Z : a toae or bitter aaetaa by refsta tbrwa iaW lW wttr aad:partkS Tewalag to Ut pat fo4ad file lUadc&t; U aas IU CtUj? at IVlaiL dt LTZ i, w . Jpi'm.t T. altogether Utrepa-sel throeth more carisi tk. ltd tahaal, tad loss tha rrxioa Uxa af iafastry, tvt, aearH ta.Ue iYci V 1?t'3V cxtrrH jett wt Jf oinbla4.'k. .Iclih hmxL 4 ;t.vai "laUtis ; - AMlA.fw ..--ar..s .V v;-, -i;. - - . , -.....v. - ; -(a,?w-, j v"-f ji.'ki.. v.- - - - . A. .--. ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ." ' -ia -7 vU - A" i 1 . ' - - 4 Ml -

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