X t 1 v.. 7' ' J "i-n J' - - -nn I-" ' r - - - - I r ' 1 " '- r "u"i '-TT1 r . ?" u i i " "i - . : hi iiimi a i vol. m 1 u ' L. Y. BLUM, EDITOR AKD PROPRIETOR, -; TERM8.TW(:D0LLARS a jenrin ad Vance. On Dollar -and a half fur six months. ' ..J-wt ADVERTING RATE',,''' ; 'L TNE DOLLAR per. square (12iies or. le) 'Vr for fifH insertion, And fiftj cents ..for every 'iBubsequeBf insertion. L ' j s ;Xnger advertiseaieats in proportion - ' a-t)J)ItDary notices, Zteeolatiooa adopted byOrieraj Eoueties, Ac, or aayUing of a paiottaf nafore, frtll be inserted as advertisemen's, b4-charged Mfyrdipgly. The sxney mast accpup&b the uanusuript. . . -. .. ri a . . . IXDIA! i; Just after the death of the flowpta. ' r, And before tbej re buried in nMWy l rThf re eomes a featite feaaon,fc.7 When nature; is all aglow Ap-ow with a mjstfeal oplendor .a i ' . That rivals b. brigbtneas of pru ( l Aklow wiih a beaatj more tender t , Thanaaghi wlic fair samarj ooakl.briBg p 8 . tne spirit alciofti the rainbow 'V"T " Theo borrowi4ti: magical diea,' ' t!- . ; t And mantles the far spreading, landscape ; 1 In hues that bewilder the eyes!5 ' - TLe sun. from his loud-pillowed chamber, ' 8aiileeoft oo- tisioD so gaj.' ' " ' And dreams that his favorite caildres, Tha flowers, fcjrrt not jet passed a wayr . There's a lumineusiBist on the mownUia, A light azure hte in the air,,; ' -"Af if angels, whilst heavenward waring, Had left their bright robes floating there. The breeie is so oft, so caressing, . . - vV It seems a muta token of love . And floats to. the kart like a blessing From some bappy spirit above. ( These day bo serene and so charming, . Awaken a dream delight " ' . A tremulous tearTuf'eojoyment, , ' Like sofTstraios of mune at night; We know they are fading and ficeidg, ! ' . That quickly, ipo quickly they'Ii end, . "And we watch thorn with j earning affection, As at parting 'wewatoh a dear friend.. Oh ! beautiful Ie'tfaa Summer V i Thou favori wbildof the year - Thou darl.ng, wfaowt nature enriches With gifts and adornments so dear I ' - How fain would waJwoo thee to lioger ' 'On mountain and meadow awhile. - J For our hearts, like the sweet baaata of nature I ' R joice and growyouog ia thy smile. r Not alone to the ad fields of autumn . , ' ' Dost thou a lost brightness restore. . ( But thou bringest a world-weary spirit . 8west dreams of its childhood oicc more. 7 Thy loveliness fills us with memories. . , ' Of all that waa brightest and best; "Thy peace and serenity offer .J , ; t A foretaste of heavenly rest.' . A Touchinq Imcidknt A; young man and bis wife were preparing to attend a Cbrist masparty at the house' of a friend some miles distant. "Henry my' dear hssband, don't HrinV tnn mneh at t'nartv to dav : -von will promise- me. won't yoa?" said she putting her I nana upon bis orow ana raisiBg oer eyea to his face with a pleading smile, f 'No, Millie, I'inH not ; you may taut me? and he wrap ped her infant in a soft blanket, and they seended. The horses were soon prancing orer tUHurf and pleasant convereation ;begUed 'Mway !uNW d0 -get ?KUt man who loved to look upon the wine when il was! red The pady. jMaeedpleeaa.Uy , the time for departure diewaeai; the wife descend; - ed from the uDner ehambar to ioin her husband! A pang bot through h J beaung heart as ahf met nimiogfTws mioxicawia ; bo oaa aro. i ken his piomife. 6ilentlj thy r'ede hemej I ward, save when the drunken mxa broke into anawnes oiaaongi'w-unmeantog- laagnr j l f '7! ffi W tSOWflfHMlU you with hun he said,. . lie, I-ean t trust ' . thry approached "l,r"B',,H?B,1 "V a. Tii i-.iV. . . , . colidini? wth the mass ahead. aadbTTat- lirewery tnthucity, Laa a rt roia waicnio;naMai aiai au.i--- - w-- ' oorn-ner aarimg Dane, aioaaiy wrsppea !.ai a r-;";.' ' "i- ' i V r tW the train hack escaoe their clutches, and $100 taken.. ' 1 af UsUrtadUa saaaaf aetata aTaottea $it a sptuw tawtstaatetaoa Ca. . great blanket-t6;kii tom,rtper,U.1 dark hx i kagC SSwr n - ' ' , I ., a .k- tnb UraaJ b'a ls ftta-'asi-aU pt-ataaUt asfaaaira llaCaS f waters the iable steed safely bore Uem.aa4 wext ihalockfttrionslf .; . . r These haying performed their work, ren- The only nan tevertty hurt, by tha Ua vtlat tlt e-ioa Vltt U itwd fuir aps Ufoca tii rttulTrS 4 when they reache 1 lbs baaky tie motb; asked "Powers of marsj l'! Cried the deacon, oared unnecessary however, by the train thowing of the Uaia frota ,tbs track .was xwAtU ti eat ,U .acC Tlfs waartUk ,m,uj Ttha cvta wuk aiaaT i fot ber tbild. Withimach oarS and kadatotfs -Strikein' five T it's struck a hundred al- running from tho track, tomed iheir com- th ttgineer, Mr. StewatUPrtopt. at u4 latttt ttpnwttt mcU h ksi rr JvlazoL win Ut a etlr ccIaztaZav" Uplaa8dtfhababa ia heilaraH j.-Jbat.w:hea.tbt- teiiyr' t 1 4 ' ; , panions at the wreck and the work of pil- fir. t D02c hit vig?.eat eye gave of daofter Wiser, fciaay u lU aptnia af U ta.ua eflTnUAaaTrttiiJiTllIriv Jd-ii to hurt it was not there ; it had " '6ea'cori3itriertyT erica the . deacon's Uge commenced. The party consisted of AQeadt to reverse the engine and aound tha towW. Ir am U Va a ya V Up J? r, ,t eto UZZlZi thi Wetndht. djunkea eltef.hatChid hwtily . rpbed herself, ten or twelve men MttgWrvdressrd, arm- brakes, with his hand on tha throtUa valve, aory is wbat .kms Uf-w-sba M ihvZtaiiIV.I ' AddilfK i3po? Ipiungiu down the staircase in the od with navy revolvera and with their faces b. al wWU lha'tpgine cad ssa.wa.wtb a abs aarwaawrWa tT HwJj mother around tam,. aad htued. round jss 3t f(iaro: . ..-Whala the mat blacWd after the most approved atyle b fearful leapown the bank, and r- d Uf, aad .tiii.a p a-aka. " l U 1! fiT V rf I' Mi 41, 1 - , ' tT SaewPonIerful gymnastics Xh - C- .tf il that y bis owu isfen?rtaee t W ancurak "Goodneu only koowa,,, replied the old placed at the ends of the cars and the re- BQIt b4Tt taken place from tha position in rTf.ZJ. rv. ,1 Trr ee tf . . . a. i t f of thmotfiand remraeithffaihTiue JnanKaiathafamUy thaaa ban- mamdjr went through the coaches demand- whieh U wu Ufi; Mr. Stewart received f A CVtu. Jl c'MteImsgind thaakdesetibed. V'' 1 dred years, and neyerdid.I.know it to car- m the money an watches of. the passen- pi0fal hart io tha leg, which aili pro- , , . w IJVj' 7Z wl. 7 ... ciaaJsiVsw ' ryU&W iA.ii.-tt -n gers.1 Quite a number of those who had u,- Uy kia lp for MTerU weeks. - r 7Tr . V?J l"??- -i i 4tw J "f, ; .liWhiaih bMal banitl batff 1 went the Jarge f urns of money and Taluables about . . aa Masoa'a Ctusaars Tit Um f T44r ( w af. aarh a (i-)ip.J?? 'T,- . "i!?v li 8 15 ' 8 mem had sufficient TrtMncs Tf mind .Mr,.?'lUJ "1 ,T S u Jtt-Sr.1 Jaa's DaT.-laa.ait Wj U thaagt tt t U la a eaaaara fretted. A Plkasakt gousxr tovavt -Tba : . , llul w ., Jr crcemin Tne way Tlnother X- ely bruUed by the falling cf boxes at u w.dtdku . K wST ai.Ty tha aU.puca at J. a1; SSSHSte - fesr rr- .","r v" y-"a u5r--4tetaiaed a leaven of rood old New EaaUneU killio, as W Rhelby cottnty.'when we rakiaioUrrriition in bis nature. Anhow." bel 7 anauler atlon the intelligence of the commuai 'I aairl-nftpr a ttinA &vhin Hn!nt.i a. I doll f tyidaj! Sftf B?8- aftayoeiatj mea aiwifik'(Tll'sta what'a got into shot 'within a few yards ef oor office; bn'lefa J J . t 1 elkkl baBiI'I'm shot nightly, from otStfaed I i .lsea Offbe Shyno the other. One ot the JWaT ol "r T" .r1; -astomshtTTffesTnres in thu revelry of blood ia fwl, Dao HbWnonebMce of the participant '"ltfe 'eo Tedboth'the women tpgethef. . for one another' lilmeaikt.liTwwiewjfta.J . rMjt goVmy raiment.". shauted lha old t'Wnfle'wreswagr two, pemiWbeoatoH-eoijfagpf , 4S aoJcwwityuactjMaQs skso& jupa vmi vT rK..'p..kS a.ll'C ttiati t 4m, 'mw wmmm-m wm. nyawauwi tww equvd put jqv thumb in The eity is mad; erfauK ts epedcnne"and tht pisoaous meats coasts ia tha-avil praajUoe of earryiag sidifisVJi ieum'u a- vy t J.'ai i 1 , , i Jaaiaifi s '-"-MrfrggmmMaB)M,.tw a" r mmw mm ' is wal mm mm t wm' n ' . ' !THf BVlfCHO CLQCL BY THE OLD UN,, J! About half past cleus o dock on Sanity night, a human' kg, enveloped in. baaufuj broadcloth, might bava been een . enter ing Deacon Cephas Barberry'. kuchec window. The leg tu folloTrVdj -fitialty,5 by the ennri person of & live jankee auire d in bis Sunday-g-to-meetin' elothee.. It was in short, Joe Mayweed,' who thus burg liriodslyv: id the derad of night,' won bis waj into the deacon's kitchen. "Wonder how much the deacon tnakst by ordertn me' riot" o darken his doors gih"i iQ'UoquTBed ' ihe. young gentleman. Prfmrrsed nfrifT wouldn't,1 but did'nVsaj notbm about wjndej. Yin.ders is jeet as good as door, if there aint no nalU to tear yer trowsers on to. Wonder if fiall'll comedown? ., r,,.,; - - O, come down SalL, O, come down, iOi come down 8all, 0, come down! the criter promised me. 7 I'm afearj to move 'about here 'cause I mTght, break nj shins over somethjn , nuther, and. wake the old folxg." Cold enough to freete a Polish bear. ; , I'll jest sing another verse of t lat good old song, to let know Vm hare : There was .an old woman lived all lone, ' She had three dartera, all young wo men grown ! Oh, here comes Sail, now." The beatious maid, descended with a pleasant smile a talbw candle, and a card of lucifer matches. After receiving a rap ture ua greetiner, she made up a rousing fire in the cooking stove, and the happy couple sat down to enjoy the sweet inter change of vows and lopes. Bat the course of true love ran no smoother in old Bar bery's! kitchen than it does elsewhere, and Joe, who was' just" making up his mind to treat himself to a kiss, was startled by the voice of the deason, her father, shotting from his bed-chamber door : "Sally ! what are yoa getting up in the middle) of the night for ?' ' "Tell him it's moat morning," whispered Joe. ; :. v "Can't tell a fib !"- said Sally. . "I'll male it a truth, then," said Joe; and running to the huge old fashioned clock that stood in one corner, he sit it at five. "Look at the clock and tell me what tian jt is," cried the . old gentleman' up stairs . ' MVa five, by the cluck,! answered Sally; and( corroborating her words, b 14 struck' five." . The lovers sat down again and resumed theirconvereation. Suddenly the staircase began, td'ereak.' f , " , . ; 'Good eracious! It's lather." "The deacon by thunder I''. crie4 .Joe. - "Hide me Sal!" i. ,::.- "Where can I hide yont" cried the dis tracted girL . "0, I know," said he, "l'll-squeeie into the clock case." And without another word, he concealed himself in the case, and urcwuc uwr ireuum uiw ( The deacon was dressed, and sitting himself down byjtht cooking stove, pulled biitf his pipei lighted it, and' commenced 8moking denherately'and calmly. -Five o'clock, "eh f said he. "Weill shall hafeW to smoke three or four pipes V""" fM th critters fust 'i'' .11.- f, r suggested 'he dutiful Sally. , , "No smokin' clears my head, tnl wakes me up," answered the deacpnj who seemed not a wait aisposeu.t? puxry, tus enjoy ment. " v - n . , .t 8urr-r-r-r whu! dingl ding I ding T went e coz. ' "Tormented lighting!'' cried the deacon, gtarting u-and-drapng his pipe on the . f..- creatis!?a 5hat ?' f - t ' -tr"W Weseon..... "I ait . afraid of thafpowfix of - vrnarknette. V 1 i.ki,tdcW..tipp.4 Wt..of hit coa'w snd .while; J -m i j , m i .- "v.iiii vr tup UUMI . UQ UlfKV elf - j forward, and laid his hand upon ibe dSor ot toe-ciocK case. . ui nobumah .power csaMpcaa.n w"aa aaariing-aa saaia mi ai mil wkV. im-v. 1 1 SAipig with sT death grasp. The old deaeno.'ba. gin'to te"dreadrulTy . frighted,, Ut g'ava r.tis'more tu.' 'An uoeartbry yeTl'aA Ifa fiend in dUtresa, borat from the; jnajde, and then' the cl or k pitched be'adCoremoct at the (deaconcll headlopg qn the floor, caashed iu facer and wrecked its tvr. ptrporttoaa,, The current of air cxi'trguiahed iba lamp the deacon, the old lady ; aad BaJly flsi tp sxairs, ami Joe Mavwetdextnoung him, sen irom-necwcr ruerxa bis ecp the same way In -which be' bad'enUrvd. 'The nexrday all 'Appletewti 'was alive wun toe norj oi now Lreacon rjarnetry clock had been bewitched," and though taasy beHeved bis vtrsiVn, lotae,' and especlallj J Mayweed, affected to discredit . the whole'eflfair, hinting'that, the deacon .had bfea trying the experiment of tastiog frox en ader,. and that the vagariet of thsvUock case existed only ia a distempered im agiaation. , ; - However, the iaterdtet bemg taken of, Joe was allowed to ireomw his courting, and won the consent of the old people ju his nwm with Sally bit repairiBg the old clock, till it went as well as ever. DARING OUTRAGE IU KENTUCKY; A KAIL ROAD TRAIN" TIIR0r7!T" FROM ' TDK TRACK'AND ROBBED-THRIL-' LINO SCENE3 AND INCIDENTS." " On several occasions trains hare been thrown from the track on (ho line of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, and the lives of unoffending men and helpless wo men and children periled with an attroci dus abandon, and the property of the vic tims pillaged. An exchange gives the following interesting account of the last occurrence of this kind : ' It was a little after two o'clock yester day moj-ning that the train from LoutsvilU to Kash'ville, due here at' 3.30 a.' m.,' was speeding at a rapid rate throngh the wild lonely' country about five miles from the little town ""of Franklin, 'and a trifle over fifty miles from this city. Suddenly the watchful eye, of the engineer, Jim. Stewart, discovered an obstruction ahead on the track. To whbtle down breaks and re verse the engine was but the work of an instant. ' On sped the train, however, and ere its momentum was half reduced, the engine plungod into a pile of cross-ties and rails which-had been placed upon the track ny- w i .f Ammmnm. In. hnmaji f hape. who waited cooly by to commence tnd work of pillage and plunder. TheTe was a wild crash of breaking iron, and the locomotive leaping from the track and fol lowed by the express car, shot down the forty foot embankment making two com plete turns and finally stopping with its head pointing directly back to Louisville. The baggage car followed the ex Dress car partly down the embankment and butting back into the smokin e car. which likewise unged to one side from, the rail, left the adies' car and the sleeping car on the track. There were about one hundred passengers on board the train, among them six ladies and a number of. children, all asleep ,or dozing in the weariness of night travel, an instant to diisftreable consciovuness,- Thefinng ofaroly from, the psrty . ot banditti outside intimated to every-no the cause of their sudden st6ppage and the p'tobable fate(before them. The robbers hadeelected a point where the road ru&a through a - drearr and al- o ------- most uninhabited ooan try, with thick woods on either siacv ana piling upon tne trauu a or foirt-tnerr a' short disUnce baekwllh otter obstruction on hand to thrjw across the track in case' the engineer should-bo ahle to'brine hU train S a hilt before ara was secured from the vanra. Thn modra cmerlndi was as follows t The passengers in the sleeping car were . arous- aua roarcnea W19 .ne nexx car, neing fched at the entrane. After the car had been vacated, the villains commenced a systemUfc 'search for 'secreted 1 money and - ratable; hat -were . stopped by : the ouniing or tae express car,'. waioty in the meanwhile, had caught1 fire, and by this .... ft r "-7 "a - nr In. it rrn rlnilm v nriunAot v.ik s .1 glare. Fearful of loosing the chief hoty for which they had dare U jpardlte fwic w .imucr iittrricu Karen M. mm .m f I m mm mm,mm . rk . . 1 ' w passengers,, w rgoocra sprang w . express car to.secare tha money afa, StTwtaa lata. J3a.fira had alraady rvrapped.the Ueaaaxw jox.m iu emWrneV, M;?6 C0nlt4 wcjt ipeUxrnt u a cpsp. withXhe enure lading, car. wYeh consistMTn part' of throogh packsgr from w YtrkChjcianitrana other paant. i m - - ' .t ' uaw-rxpren ear uwnre'-waa ec& nu&icj4edtQ tke Vaggag oar Crosa which meanwhile the "harvrare jnaater and, mall agent had thrown the haggae'and' okH "HP A together .witL.tke srsokinr eepw to:car, xere redured to ashe. The rUti. fearine ilouUleas to Y'rman ' traiUeded such I'rhfDargage as they could carry, and ia about tall aa hou after fheraia wait thrown from lb tracks disappeared in the woods. 1 caries? the die comtted traveler to eoioy the specude of uorpmg iram ana isax oxer among lin elres the Incident of the Oae kdr was Urrihlr J'ruhlJcisL a! kept repeating in aa agony: of. deapair.i J'O tord, we'll all be.,kiUea O Lent well all bo killed !" . . I A grntlemen, erUeritly not accustomed to surh little epUodea in his' traveling ex perience; was equajlr frighted and nude no effort to iecrete his nioner, When lis pocket book was demanded bw a - Villain. who tvesensed tha barrel of aa wily look bg outol to rha breast of, Us tKtaa..h snoos: uxe a man with the arue. ejaculatin-l eral fate bjp thai Le hw been a four 'jreare"; he ws of one of the eihm. vonicerate silenced hf t who with a c i t1e rem arte. I, "oung Utical affair." Ulace4 hundred ana for frjbketbook, and alipped man, this is n One gentle ty dollani in h a urge jpacka dollars ia his atajning seven hundred t, filling it so that h could not get it ore than half on. Tbla was noticed by oie of the robbera after h- had accepted thrive hundred and forty "as a slight tokel of regard," and he gpd fly asked the cause. "Tight boots and short time for dressing," replied the other, as he limped out of the sleeping car with his money safe Another gentleman (Captain LL II. Cusbinx, of Louisville,) .eared a splendid -.11 I ' 1 . . jjvisi waieo, oy nangmg u aown his oacic inside his shirt. ah muiviauai irom carannan put a hundred and fifty dollars in his pocket oook, and secreted a package of five ban drl h nyj;rM5t pocket. Jnt as hel of the gaugt.retaarkedtnThat,s a nice overcoat, hsan'l ifc? I believe that ll just fit me." And forthwith avtrcoat. nooav .11 .!! lm ?. . ou and all changed bands. f ... .. CapUS. B.JJrfwnf.or,Louuvim had bu eirpet hsg taken, contarotag ten ihoo- saad dollars worth of votcktrs aod other valuable raDers. Aboat oaa hour aiier u tuf aqny oi terror, "ilj . pkct beoi f't got anythmc in i t,'lul , lr's , four hundred dollars, only don't kill me f "ordv donllaitJ', J : -.x. - . vuc nimviuanvnoi io escano me. V. r thadepartura of the robbera ha fallow ad up lsaa, aad iVs ptaisuff sastt pay Us aol af taC4f'i ELii isMfraw their traiL aad some Uwo miles from thai tail, aauaatiai to I17J7I I Aadrtw acijM.. railroad found where thsy had cat twa thai vaiueauosaaenoas ciotnea, ecu, wav tor P PrV U?etlM0 " " j " " 1 . . V. rr : Jt7Z7. I J.. poctet-!ooVVfj 1 1 hands nra oat I gives rr V tn -'mi'-. Jr. AcVlieUm lvohscart .. . A revel A tlemao Ja4 his. oooey. jluUiC 1' 1 M(j some twq Q .-.f uuadred daJUra. taken,! hill vnepacxaoH,Toawerif.ageuier won a Plawt. Aa kavaaue la.S.w Orita-a aa. " J 17 , v4 fewtrfUu CapVias phokgraphj,as of noLuw traUg ki-auaiU tUe jU af aw JT, . 'ntul-l 'iinuw, uMMa i wbm iM iwrRWB i vw'J arv. Mitt m mmm wm i m mw km a ;qs. pnwi Lcr wm nwniitt La mot mm. bat LM itiMUM 4 at i UidistIsj la the wailf harobbers.1stcty Im tettr Uwa aa4a uH aw; .l.?:-P?lf- J40! hM lU tfX'? eighty dollars. J. C. Ot: poctet bx geb&iea, coniainirg aoooi Qoetsfl agent' tf the Louisville I Dattace to new locomotive, iv,va three ears burned, HWV- . .Tha loat ta tba' Adams Express Co M tannottat ba ascertained, but it ait) Li 4rf.ablT be more - than $10,000 oiofVi tTrkftn " )as recently ascended Mtant lloo Jon. Ha ha csUUisbed the t.t. . - f T lTa - rj Nf. t.-.11v T. I I II 1 -V .14. . Jiha it ta the highest Mountain ia tht un 1 Suua. - It it 17,000 feat. Mount K W. K. . t M 1 V . oi 1 XlitchaU, in r0rta tjarouna, n aw if' jt ine i- 0M tUihigbaat peak East but ; ..r,T. . v r?.r AW 1 23, -i'8G6.V. . ; ' f faas rle La Cnm fW) TV u CHICKEN JUSTJCEJIUCEOSSE- UtiOL Paatcrwi la a lf. 11m JUfcm H.tUr-, U this iky, saeUas Ut tati taftiaaWs.af, wklsk:ae ju llawa t i. JUUWd ilcWrkk&aav lao 17ia W oVa 'Vtr br4UiUA4aa Bnk7 Vmrj i rtevvtr p fr tws rcMrs IVa4 j im U f'ot with a rTtx't., fW4Waa UJwt t aa ika biaisiiff, aa tU waiaw md iSly aaU Tki w Ua kia.$M tkaja U a hms txica a4jwrm1ti( ifm'wt t wk vll iX t f ct lV dU34t. " as !U.ria tnt allaliaai. Tki sarais taa s waaa 7Maa Mafse L.Jsa I Lja4 Was( tiai wian to a umaaaty u. awariaf ia ki dtra a . m Xa.wiTl-ra. wm trof 4 J ; tVs itV t.ns'a aa.vL L atiatt'ac saeeusf tWkktaa s-as.a as!jj-rel alau?, bwscV taa.a Iks sstckosj laa.iUr, wrt rared-fi.a bra Wiapap Vf m sf the delrwdaat ak4 Ut j Uai W kd rpt eilv aied titftaliat ti vsalw feel ta aiailtrtat! ffotsijsaiaa,lMw Uw9ff4 H bna as it, sad. aakad fje JaJ eat e ote Ua aad teals'. 1 9 Tl .tr.fi fatt ada?ttt4 akrtM fW aVuk. S a 1 twwaad ay IW aaiabv. iaaaw tsa WrfS Caata,i . la AtU, lrtu'j.f.aUoro, fMt uilef tncJptrwMKUy Vaha-aoiaal wa lap ia a -'able kirtl by hiaa. aa4 swrsdfj f ft afM plcjf-K . Tkwai. a4-4itil aojf ia ih barw or s'bU ktVa plalatifs . Wa T tf U atd Jeai ot UtafrJ 'fv ta e.r -Kittj' sa4 oo taw iffnata at ay. ewe, aaU Aro Ia sa o brrrL la iavuV, oce o'lbt kcaa, a tUek oaa, saal krr att la4 thirteen tWis, aad ft meii ' L raiae a - fiaiUy. "Waea Us aw got swady to Mi lb dcfaa4aai rs4 taa ay , mka tk ert of ai tr to fi daws toss, aai prhsis e, a4 pat Uta la Ua ai, trat faaatlsf i"b otket rrt- To bvy'wt! a as was ptvt4 iltaaw pr saaUy oVasw law aa eut aftVe stts's a .d a a tlikrs.r mora; ke irWl la aaaka'bev ev Vt a Wa!4 Sd, bat rerd 4ta1seabts kU'ea, dary bobl aad pais for, tiWai bis Okiwaaai, kavw ae lUaaav aitr re p ai4 tfliru ca hi part aad by ait ! to bat ler vacate bis prvwat. ' As4 fwrtber, wbte lbs bea k4 kateatd bis e f 4 sbe rat aff wrth LU ebickraa, slot a U aaber, tws n not prjdaett eVieksa Ts btr trrtirt at bajrVt aa twt, the aat of Ut aubls aai a mt4 bill is Uo abapa cf.as as cka'f! btr W tba twa ca aWapailaL axd deaaadad "f; " rNKM It J! VJTiV?"! M k-5 !?,k 7 i fc.fs red or ptkfl Utadrkkt has sw4 all f ,iuW, i. , ar ballt , rtJa ab aantr Us paatwaywara Afur pi Wat baa iaf. th Jadee 4Uw4 thai tkstw as mm sf MiWa, aad Ua tin iWiai ana LiiU ai&at aiaa tkik. , j , . , , .. a,, , 8rAlJcl ef Ccrro. MM V1" wf,f?! 1 as 1 1 eat si U t s t tr-.J Uu a a-ni 11 a. Ut V tw - diaary eo-iea eleh O.e haairM aaJ Uraai. A tj U is WtsuUki-4. a4 Us ia or iaforwaai, be-vU a(Miaa wof Urt dA,at aa a-lf 4I. T nil loa4 Ua kawa tUt Ua lira at tosses Ul Us aotta ata'k bore aatroac Hl te U. f bra of fas. bat Us tt wl-tts JVI abaaty a-, a aasbta aMitai at aow lar t tra wU iWiUri k-t aa aW4 ta f,t ! ia .nt" daa'rtrUa af iaa Uwplt by Taaa la Us rtTia o Ht. Js,ut iuf4ii.; I 0ls ta tbs eaaay aaaaaerra aad ctfeu . wtl bWb etited Uat avf .l tvtai,. Tr I on fU vtr, aaseb lata dewy. Mtsvtfib !f,t wtrs bVdktw ap, aai bat ftw toaVi ai . . 1 I IT.i - - . . . M . ... .. . . . I wlug f craft wm l'-i U U, iscll bjtaia, wWUu aatvtd tbu Us pna '.il .tml raaM La ia aaenja ot Jlaajrr was ta waoa v uiuii aaui m iimi vi aeut- TbtyUrfft, dtta'td arte a af fbais jbm "w-m-ml saasaWra as wail waaa El J bs. ib- Kvacftitsf, wae.wa al UattiaM lWfi CbhraV, Uraawt VtmM lUs.Us a&a tfm m vmf w u I w4a . mmmm mmm,, u uanrvi Graad.Haatar. IU tatwaktaartt Uai. Uawxa wall aukkaa ia)t, jWaag, apwara , i . ' , K0;J3. I rf aiavHy.) baviax Vaa la iVa aarij fart f baa Iifa tail in ad t.ra Uaacary, at tU j taks wf UaMK Uai Ua. . lie iA aa, aai iaM'd bf aia.WariM( wksl,5i..JMa ibe Bru bt arssfMd ty kit saaL Afar thiaiU Crmim Lir waradiaa t4 t aaaa a4 8t Ja Ua Xlaut, .by of Uhi bia4 rrfaraUd a siaaaV Ckhalla' pa tra ef MaMary. :tsfriM kUaact 1 nr Jtbra-4 U tiA.a Jsaaa e - wC. ratiaw aiJpasi Uw XiaaV m4 t l k mt IM)aW ia iavtaiXkja a ' I tws p hL aW I - Ws awpy rbs fsUatiar frwssi laaat ei lis rTaakUVea At OatUV IWsg KaJ .Iwpaa-ei.wW .aia ptM i tkmt sawstU ataik.ri ikt r?MUi v cuiK aad SiiM laU U WuVtii. D C da la tWir aasaaaratatly fsi tLr a aawtiJrlwriawC.a w.n,U a4 aaasr Idsals mi abet ftawai swaatl t4 U . ioa a4 UWny, ka s ia a tiriwil saaas tU mm ia4 -waaU ts a aU Is tbaa iba tmlrnl tvl, m iai Pisaatar Ws a4 yaawyaaMawa ts 4ao aai s art praataa sa tas UyU sasjwby U ibo Tairiy. a talk Cafssta 'waaai srs rtMfWt-Mii' fal f ajriwM.a tf . tax aaiaJcda4iiarma i M)pstta U it rM'M isvaSvwi. . - CMaaa rwt al lij 7wsa,rerrM rtasw urily Wlty aa rsVakt tia. i'Mvw iWvVr tW,ua tWsaUaai a ui.va KsMAUta rtirt .tb lUut VtmJi ml U. GTWMat catia kiMarift a Im Mj-riawMts ik sVdvrai .saiuX aasit w grta, strf salainu a wUt ali tasi ubWiuatira.. ii fr,aaa.aWaUwtaaata. Wu tajif tJ Usectsca.OaiiTaa, u Lm bawda tia.Cmasrt win.'f asinsUs Urrfv aahjaa sau as m&.mJt potisraaacat sat Laaiy aaivrraal. a , a&cuaTit, CTps4ts Ucml,.aa4 stay as ai. aad, R H. Uis'ea, Waars-a, D. a Tie Xaiwaal Iautlvaa1 saaaLWt a ask caara,U Us. 'aVosa aaaaeaal lis SJS ... . . . p i - 'Wsatw x4std aai ,Ui butnwt ftMB aaaay ftwrva cf NHaiM Urra. tkat ia ia laa MTaiaaia a.frrwastaraf aaeoUtltrtL aVt U lie caWU CiW TKi t! asay U,aiiiU dauria aUliOW i.p e int nu lcta talks MtaUIkalktM by tWiviri J vaawM by fU 'ef Vt rAftait eM ' r"w ia tw j, ' - to rtftsaa apaa Ue-aiatalgrib'ai sf L f f ' 4 r f I 't .V Y4 UertU axy rr. a Us aaU ml tas auivrs LstM wraai UVtM La a 1 salts sp it arwav v 1 1 calufaliw of ssttia a- i. . , uira isuiua i r svw. . : l - Uad al aai ateUarisJ.t.7j!j: 1 btrir altar al af, lmox '7 ".T" 7. H .Tt I .tj lil ' ; Vaary-rr'" aasaJr ,rtvWf mJt afMh "H. . rttiliU win stwirdJw tawthJtakeaoa wba. f rvtaailiui tfid Wu as J m J ki. 1 . , , r??l 7 , . il: C . J I T- l,a Fnwa xtaini ga ta I . a, . .. .... - a a t w towuy ia aa-iaoa4. i Us aaras ! a-a- aeXrrH. r tai N f?tt bv iU a axiau im grraMti ttawr, waua r, a.' ur ait, vaa raa aim af poliucii aaraaasy.' - im .n mil f Nota-PaDcr. .a a.EnYolopcisucsV ,PUl.GAibtt rWa J4sad 0w L ya-. mmml UylrK Wot i a fruMft, t iM, r a t , i . . Tttls orfrcr.4 al Ml tea Cow. , " i . .T7T x3l ru& salc AftJy as uV V - 1 Vl I.m aw it t 4'

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