'' " ' " ' "'-1-v " " j , - " ' , x- 1 :(1J; 1 r ip : r rfi' - ;r rj) & vy : 'a ' .7, 18 OS, 1 I -:r .... ; l : t ! , . " 1:. - i, h - .v -;: -' W .. - - ' -' i t i !- -1 if 1 :- , : .W - tt ft ft: it- -it - r-- . . ress. PILDLISIIED EVERY raiDAY V. BLUM. 4 -Lu xr bess will advocate a speedy restor ation of the Union. fW " - . fender it.a welcome visifor to the family - - - ' ' -WAV mVMm WfcAAVW L- -W circle, and no !,.!. will hnrd . mt .Advance. ., V $2 00 :;. s. i oo- . . . 75 One copy, 1 year " - 6 mohths, St months, . RATES ADVERTISING. Ten lines or one inch spacej. or less,; nstitute a souare. ' consulate a sauare smi ta cW,. Jeni lusemon, - au ', litweral deaoction made, oy special con ' tract, to large advertisers. .. . Court advertisements. will be charged higher than the regular rates. Special Notices charged 50 per cent : higher than ordinary advertisements. J0HII CLAREE ' AND HIS FORTUNE. "Never mind tho honae" L.Jnh'n one of our own," whispered John Clarke's wife. . ( .' . "But. what in the world has he left me?"' muttered John Clarke. "I -believe he ha ted me Iheliovo the- all hatene." -liusn, dear.". "1 bequeath to John Clarko. mv Hour v beloved nepaew," read thtf grim attorney. o a iunitiu wr uis nrniness in resistinir feupxaiion lor tho last two years, and his determination to improve in ail acceptable mmgs my one horse shav. which has stood in my barn, over twenty-five years ' requesting that he shall repair it, or cause it to be repaired in a suitable manner.? , lhat was.all. Some of thi people gath ered there,, tittered all seemed tp enjoy the confiisioivof the poor young man. J I is eye flashed fire, and he trembled'exccssive ly oor little Jenny fairly cried , "To think," "she said to heitielf, "how hard he hnTlried to be good, aid that K all he thought.of it! . I "Wish,yuU joy,7 said a 'red haired jouth, with a grin, a he camo out of the l-oom. John sprang up to collar the fellow, but a littlorwbit&.hand laid on his coat sleeve restrained him. . ' .' ' Let them triumjih, John"; it wont hurt you !" said - Jenin-witB her sni.nr smile. 'Served. hini right said Susan Spriggs, the oeice of the'old man just dead, 'and! to whom he had willed all his silver "served him right,' for marrying 4 that ignorant goose oi' a Jen ny J ,1 suppose he calcula te'J a good deal on the old gentleman's generosity." To which she. added in a whisper, that only her own heart heard : ."lie" might have married me! He h.nl thC chance; and I loved him better" than anv J one cIseT-rbetter than that pretty fool Jen-1 py 'Xow, we wijl see liow deep is his good ness, said a maiden aunt through her hose. "He stopped.short in wickedness bc- cause he expected a fortune from my dear - good brother. ' Thanks to heaven that he I left me five hundred dollars! ; Now I can get that .now carpet ; but we'll see how much change there is in John Clarke-he always was an imp of wickedness J' "Well, I guess John Clarke will have to be contented with hjs little ten feet shan- ty said the father of Susan Spriggs to good old Beacon Joo. Hemp, . "Well, I reckon hejs contentif he aint i ho ought td bef withj that little jewel of a wife. . She's bright enoueh to makn nv four waifs shine," was the deacon's reply. ; "Pshaw! you're alt crazy about that iral. Why, she ain't to be. compared to my Su ean. Susan plays pn the fortj'-piano like sixty, and manages a house first-rate." -. "Bless voifcTiciirhhor S k ' 41. I - . II 1 n irtwo uiai,.-, iuuixx'ui. , uioomin iae tn . " n . - . " . ; "I'd like to knovv what yon mean ?" ex - laimed Mr. Spriggs, firing up. fljJtt'st what I say," replied good old Dea- fv" Well, that John Clarke will die on the gallows, yet, mark my words J" said Mr. Vppriggs, spitefully, j , v ; "That John Clarke will make one of our . best citizens, and . go to the Legisfature yet,n replied oldpeacbn Joe, compbcentlv. "Doubt it!" 4 . , r . J "Yes, maybe you do, and that's a pretty way to build up a young fellow, isn't it, when he's trying his best. No, John Clarke won't be a good citizen if you can help it... People . that cry mad dog' are plaguey willin' to throw stones at. the crit turwhile he's a running, r take it; and if he ain't mad they're Bure to. drive him so. Why don't you step'up to him and say, BJJohnjPmglad you're going right now, Taith in come to me and I'll put vou - tErough?', gh V that's the ' way ; to do the busi. pess, Mr- Spriggs. t 'WeIl, I hope you'll do it, that's all,1 ; plied Spriffffs, u - r re. . . 'ahopol shall: and I'm bound to. anv !..' k h -smile at me when I waked up of mornings f ' ) than aU the forty-piano gals you can scar -f.- : -.,;.; up 'tween here and the Indies iact." y?&Jy t havo tbo chance. Fact j is, , he's' ot such a smart little wife that he really crn't need any help." ? ; ! . "No it's a pity, then that brother a ' . ; eob: left him that one-horse 6hay," r . " "You needn't laugh ak that : old Jacob pever did nothing without a meaning to it. That old ahaj' may helD him' to be a crreat .man yet. Fact is, I think myself if old Ja- the ruin of.him. W thing, than . one uiu uu ic mm money, it might a been i uo ruin . f - ; a;s . -. i Wtmwj hmadeamnfortin. j jc I .. - "Well, I'm glad you think bo much of him. I donV . , MNo,H muttered Deacon Joe, as his neigh bor turned away, "but if he had married your rawboned darter that plays on the forty.piano. he'd been all riehL'and no m!. take. .-..- - ' "A one-horse shay!" said the minister 'aagninff; "what a fortuner so it went from mouth to month. bucut lut uwner 01 ine one-norse gn&v i i f.t. i . . a dollar of the beoueathment left tn Kim her; but they had rather, rejoiced, in his H;Brrm . 4 Tho truth ivevebody bad prophesied von'M .m. t. r.j ;k;ir.Yf would come to ruin, and thev wnntml Ihn to I Pfophecy to provo a true one. Ho had in . I his vouth:. been wild and wAwnr iwi somewhat profligate in the early years of iiinuiiwu ; uui nis oia uncic naa encoura cd him to reform held out hopes to which he had hitherto been a stranger, and the love of tho sweet youngTenny completed his reformation.- . , "No matter, John," she said cheerfully, let them think I was in the least discour- asced, that will onlv tleai them tno-wrllfl U . - i - i- ..... iK? do, cut thc raiIro throtfgb our bit uuini; uitcir uww ; nnu ou Know ui iana, me money will set us ud ouite comiortably. Isn t't our home a ?K it it is small.,-And h! John, by-and-byr An eloqucntblushaelancetowardher work-basket, out of which peered the most delicate needlework, told the storj- that ever new story of innocence. beauty and akin to an helplessness, that brint; cares 4jci s work. For once John Clarke stopied the xros- a uiuuiu. iic nem nis neau up innntul Iy worked steadily at his trade, and even' step seemed upwanl. Baby va just six months old when thc cirP0tol laid into John Clarke's hand . e R,,m of hix tundreil dollars lor thepriv- ii-gu in laying a irac-K ot railway through hii little field. ' "A . handsome baby, a beautiful and in dustrioiis wife 'and siv Ii John with honest exultation i.: ' -v x v. V III is linn villi Raid his wife, rising frnm hn .-I he old trash r muttered Johri : u"But you could, at least, sell it for what the repairs would cost," said Jenny with her winning way. . . uYes, 1 suppose I could " "Then I'd have 5t done; .and bless me, I'd keep it, too. You've a good horse, and can have the old shav mado shine?" , 1 "Wcjl, I'll end morrow, and nee urv nrru : jir. iiosmer wants -oa to come over to his shop!" shouted the carnage-maker's apprentice at the top of his lungs '-Old Dcacen Joe's there, and says that he is right down glad ! Its hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hnn " "Stop, boy I What in the world does he mean, Jenny r cried John Clarke, rmttinir ;T.i-.l I 1 ,r tt the baby in the cradle face downward. "My patience I -John, look at that child TP1?!1" darimg! pm sure I dont know, John; Id go and see," said Jenny, by snatches righting the baby ; "iu his fun I : "Taint any fun I tell ye " said tho W while Johnhurried-on J& S?-15 h2' "MvirraciouslT ,-rtMi " T. -Tr.V tun when you come to see them ero told things, and the bank notes." This added wings to John Clarke's speed and in a moment he reached the old coach- uiaKcr u suop. . 1 - "Wish you joy, my fine felerl" cried Deacon Joe. . s ' "Look here what'll yootake Vor that old shay ? I'll give you ten thousand dol lars," oried the coaohmaker, in great glee. ' 'Ten thousand ?"cried John, aghast "YeB; just look at it I You're- a rich man, sir, and by Georgo I'm glad ofit; you deserve to be." , The carriage maker shook his hand heartily. . What do you suppose weie the mingled amazcmenCdelighTgraUtudv-the liU, wUd joy that filled the heart of Oarke when . he found the old shay filled with gold and bant nnt? T mCnn i r. . j " rv be placed without danger or injury thieves never would have condescended to the one horse shay 1 ? Ten thousand five hundred dollars in all! Poor John t or rather, rich John I his head linings, auu everjr piace wnere- mey couia was nearly turned. It required all the bal- tnjwi T r.. . I ter to keep his brain from spinning like a humming top. Now he could build half- aozen houses like the one his ancle had bequeathed I iq his red-headed eouisin, who naa wished him iov when tha will vu nvc xji jennyi nice eouiDOise oi charac- I -moo1' U .i . . 7 I vu me uear oia unciei What Pennine sorrow he felt as' he thought of the many times he had heaped reproaches upon hw memory ! . ; . ' - fMf yon can; dear reader, the pe culiar feelings of those kind friends who naa prophesied that John come to grief. Clarke would l'ZL. "Sf rri m-n. .work, -Kwkont." He didand saw tl,c old ? , J , avewlr Bxlctldcnec ever . due I hem be eiiwrdi-,1 in .-rirul. ";n Pro'nK a committee ufeij-U :o IcMance of it;, v'J. " one-hors shV, dragged by a stulunrt Vrl'l " ."S'.'f ' Wh l.lenwl food .'d clothing T.t . into c.n.;Jrllo. tto Con-trt,!,, .n'j SS tou'tSlJ'S-', ?ro. - .'8i. 1 cra is a small island off ilm r..i rr-tn.ui rT,.- i r . .. District. I.nU r.r. . , MV,y ve,r ocea lor tvo vrm saPy.a9l,owdoIebarn'i.goill. f P '-ro th bird, nsa7.Iig, iialion". . c.,Wt ' " Mr"' cU fif UV ' rw feiH7Sr 3-" the c il spirit, and a better one smiled out ti.. J UlCy WOrlb b"1 WT Poand. Hon, exclusively for Indian oecnnat Van ' llr . Jr.i!!--... Lar7 IV: .0r,Jlf IM ot his eyes' i ' aucyiywaoi inoeeTesseUwbich.iQ thai tea. I They recommend finMlr that thrmintZ nr,!,i i 7 .V- T .J "S" naa no T r" , Cl Jar, aad to have the old shaV mended u,i,cS von? S7" .cpfuk f .0! ArsL?"Dd 6.UU far t,r ?ou ought to, according to thrwillraaii 2 , .J!!?" di"e them have expressed , a willingness' to hold a It would diaftj-felrVfe iJfiniv, . 1 -------va.uw. iu urv arm! i vuuucii ill inii lime. . niri rn,. .....:. . rrfHiimn . M.i.ii ot --,,. : . a modi nf .u j - r- v- v'iMn. r- iu is-c zrac oz.ee a 10 nuo in. Mmnt i-i..i . tw inut'c it over to iro,w- ... ,auns ",e Pago by saying that it merclv ...I.-. k..n j. .. iiiv.wii, inui the Qtiaila flw !tKI " imt lie 11 uo 11 lor. 1 . pinr; v--oo 'l"?n -ore lor the building will cott $300, : i I Quails la tit Dcssrt It is very pleading to find how stronglj modern travellers confirm the account giv en. In Scrintare of the X" Yu 014 D lD? cniwrtn or. lurael In r..:t. r l . . .. r . . . r . - c " ne cnuaren or. Inrael In nd the mode of drin I LI1H Wllllmnaa an thera for foodr -Ana mere went forth a wind, from the I ,r tiiv r?'S-VS0??nr'n,u lroro th.8 " were a were a round o g lourncv on ilia nthi ai.i. I i .t v . v . ino cn,I! ancl as ,l two cubiu S! S 1 belcarlb JA?.d!b4' people stood on all that dar. and 11 tk.t n tl op all that day, and all that SrfSKd L", ?.e W1?. 6tfc. o quails: he that gatherca least J ten homerm? anT tk ,i " homer.: and ther .n them all abroad fnrihmlrM.: ii tnecamp." (Num; xi. 31. 32. . v VUUU liAJU -Mv.. vviuun jin mo wmu, their inv mcno numbcr..covcrinxr circle oftl.Irtr spread in tho sun for drinff. nnea.S aS vr junv nines across. and thIr ln. nnhkely to. one amed writer on th Pi. we. mat he was oi t ne word "o'uail .-..mn ere meant insicac. rf SiSS I1 n 8C0 the tcsl-mony ?r Cnfl0, -ye-witness. Mr. Sladcsavs: car onntantinonlo. in th intnmn ii - i i v.. . : quii! ;vkth ?. b lho MTii-.ie. was-, oi ;noiPt -:a?ht .b3- means of nets spread on ey are "iZ liV . I . OI . spread on high r. ,A,,ir,a,on ciitr, some yards! ui flSa,nl hichlhe birds, MeariftMi wrr iimi . qm , oY Bnu ,an- Jn October, laa, the Sultan sent on lor in i.t- 4 . m M n w v ri w caicn lour hundred dozen. In three uays incy were brought small cages." to him alire, in It is stated that such numbers were once , UW -r.n' ,n "aT. to have yield u me iiiatidp of the place no amalf plrt tT Ilia lnMm.. .1 . . . L i V,,,,"ur "Jaw m consequence. muni me -iimnop or trails. .,,"l.oerfra.veu?rilI- Madden, tells us luo qnaiia viait i'gypt it, immense flights about, harvcat time, where thc Arabs take. theni in nets by thousands. Xhey fly ,n a straight line from north to ;Jcry r,,m eaat to 1th rvsnect td their lln. .li , va.ivvt 111 IIIC a mode of preparing rish and camel', flesh still practiced by the Arabs in tho same country. Another difficulty which the learned man, of whom we have spoken felt, was in their baring been so thickly stre wed a to form a solid mass of "two ;uuiia uign upon the race of the earth uul Jcwisn historian Josephus, whom .1. orthe people, about two cubits from tho ground. And this, in fact, these birds of ten do, when they have been' long on tbo wing; and they are. then knocked down with sticks by the Arabs. . . A Remarkable Iarention. It is stated ahat German glaasmaker has lately made a remarkable discoverr Ile has invented a telescope, or magnil fying glass, by means of which tho most antneato nerves and vessels inside of the u.jr w Been irom the Outside. In It . Lole flrrangemfnt and action of SlTJr.W'i can. of this K't "? nguisnea. The discovery will wrohablr- K r 1 mense benefit to mankind, as ly means of it the physician will be able to determine, with nnvaryinsr accuracy. tKA .' . : 1 . 1 z . -wi uu,a,J accuracy, the natn-a r "j fanicuiaraisease, and the proper man-- ner lor treaUng the same. lhe name of the inventor,-who will probably realize a fortune from his dis covery, is Gottlieb Junta. He j, Terr poor, hut a well-read and highly intelligent ron- Pe iff a gd mother, an invalid wife, aixchUdren; and a blind sfrer, all dependent upon bira fof iuppoi.IIis mother was well acquainted with the poet Goethe Qd it was probably her mliny anecdotes of thiaillustriou person whkij flm intmul l.. ... 1 . . something to YV acstre to do olhfellfwfmen ThTJtZlFt will probablJ Wmg 6 h. fde rank oTinven.n ? S tu Z .1 ,n7entor, and win for htm the s- wera ox wnoie nations. 1 1, By means of this Invention he has al ready nearly cured s wife; Six months ago a well-known doctor said she cou!d not live, and pronounced her disease to be an affection of the heart. . -.: juniz, nas, however, proven to him. (h h. . i I . t. . 1 . . MW w m wonaenui inierairano . . - th1 he WM entirely mistaken ; the atom- ch ftloDe Ipg the part affected. ' "We are eagerly looking for farther in formation regarding Junta and hta.wonl derfnl irlasa. . . . , The Kingdom of Bavaria iamaiu ,... the Bute of New -York, and yet the standing army numbers 103.C00 men. ' ' The iron column, for the second Btoryof ""innew ana vaa& wirehflni T. no-being erected. : The' wvi I U HIIOW If! httfn lvw. - f t 1 t , !.... ia thr lheT -? York at least seven thousand persons who wear is dona ntliVwTV Z i V c.wVr ISiVJ'H ? od is thus des- o i oy ioj American Artian ? -Aman sits down behind a jet of 11 T 7n,c POnicJ nd directed & he imbedded in tbo cenler of the iris. The ".wu-twwii seen In the white of tho rye are e&ilv nnt u : i. . .. r ..w,in ,,m ,,k0 tall, of b.u. a j, who eye can be made ituiJe ThV JL T " T lo l,n- Jho readier should know that it i Z.,"'." nouiu know tb.t it i. . 'mply a thin glass shell, which UintnJM I. I t . t " - It .TOTV ino "omportho blind eye. .ficr that I . " .'"'I n io u (! I ' " .limlr"lC !l too law. It fverj-particular like tha'i.atural eye an it is quite ImpoMihleln r nny cas to te one from the other. The nnerntinn moves in not in the hast painful, and thoo who uave worn them a mimLr ..-r..i wi Ut iicr with them la than when, they are out. A' l'Ism eve "should l fL-ifi i ... , . . . w- 1.IB WI ;Tcr7 n'5"t ncl pot in in the mornim? . 9 V S lurrc or ronr years the falws eye b- i-nmes so worn that a new one has to be uuiaiuea. rirTOItTOirTlJKlnniA HnMwidcrAw Tl,. jr !.m I'eac i;om . A IIV v.uimvi wr notj inai no more mouev wiajeu to the Indian, but lhat what- Hoaaoas or Yellow Fkvxr The Hous ton (.Texas) lilrgraph say: Wo havd witnessed a number of epidemic within tho last twenty years, have been cognizant 01 many sad scenes canned by ravares of the pestilence; but we have never known anything of thc sort so sad as the destruc tion which the yellow fever during the late prevalence of the cpidcn.tc,has wrought in the family and kindred of Colonel J. J. Diamond, chief editor and proprietor of t a. . ft . . mmm. . mo Journal, or this city. Tbero were two families first, that of Colonel J. J. Dia mond, and that of Col. W. W. Diamond, his brother. In addition, there was a largo family of orphaned children of deceased brothers in Georgia, who had como to Col. Diamond for protection. Both of the Col onels have died, and a1o twelve of the above mentioned kindred, making fourteen in all 1 Merciful Heaven, what a destruc tion iu one family 1 , Pork Packino at tux West. Tho great bulk of packing this season has been completed, and estimates. of thc -year' bnsinesa already made bow a material decline, as had been anticipated. The Cincinnati Vice Cvrrcnf of January 1 gives a statement of returns from all thc princi pal packing piaccsin the west, which loot up as follows: Packed to date, 577,7 CO; estimate for season, 701.012; total la&iycar 54S,G2S. Tho season closes much earlier than usual. . Losses bt FirxSiscx lioA-The total losses by firesthroughout .the country in j tho year 1SC7 amounted to $3C,905,OiX ; in lbGC, to tco,4 10,000; in 16G5, $13,133,000; in 18C4, $23,522,000; in 1SC3, 114,000.000; in.lBC2, $17,040,000; in l&dl, $18,020,000; in 18C0, 115.597,000; in tlG,059.OOO; in 1S58, $11,501,000; in 1S57, $15,792,000; in 1850, $21,150,000. Total losses in twelve yeans $304,854,000, , . Modesty In woman is like the color on her check decidedly becoming, If not put on. . Loos, to tqx SxAira. A t the present session of the U oiled States Court no less than fifty of our most rcipectable retailers are indicted for selling sardines, cosmetics, perfumery, etc, of foreign importation, without a revenue stamp. The imprc&sioa prevails generally amongst storekeeper that because theso articles have already paid an import duty, and in gold, that they are relieved from, further taxation, but it is not so: such articles, according to the Internal revenue laws, require a stamp, and the vender is liable to a fino of fifty dollars for each violation. There are now several United States detectives, regularly com missioned,; who trade with the ignorant and unwary, and . we would therefore advise those who offer such articles for ale to look to their stamp. (Jkarlaton Mercury. miumtiAm hsra a.Ma.i i fttciy fc.braitted throuch the President m Ioo the Conirrc. oflL 1 1 f , 77 .u,lwUT,rcr. - Corgrt.. They agree that tho cue of 'D?T in sc;ion, aid the iwiJcnUo SeMriDtcodc-t nf VaUlJKv.v i he Tate Indian outbreak was a violation of 'S hearing tcfore the SaprfmS Inteninicf rSLln,t V T 1 ireatic. on our trt. They, find with re- hurl of .U- S s oA all ,oints, Inrolrih U -T General who !l?M L?; V? rU fpect to the burning of thj Cheyenne til- constitutionality of the rrcoostrtuiioS the ic'na tt rclh hi ,t Iwbv.Gen. lUnctxk, that he acted on ct that their UUln ru.v be .ItorTc Me SutJ It fh. 'V 2eU ' omciaf rejwrts made to him by Major own thc rcopfe of tho . and place unl T ,1 ' J pouglasa. which reports were subueit. cariV V r?U- V mmU- . f Gc "? A.f " ly prored to be wholly fae. Thev re- hJk4ofJf That copies -cf this reflation elexud. Tl rir tTrm VfHt 7 commend that the Indian Bureau be iacp. transmitted by the IVvIJcnt or thi. mmcc on lU Jrsldar if 1 urate department, leaving to CongreU the Prv.Mr.it of the U. S., tcr .lection, and tf whether tho head ahall JT a m-mlJL ,.r to tho Chief Justice, and to the St.t-J 1. . fot'l.,n..IJ.ntiJ J ao- - STATE COITVTIITIOIT. TtfOAT, Jan. 2.. Mr. Eodmau prrscnUd a report from the Committee on IUlicf. Hade the special order for to-morrow, at 11 o'clock. Mr. Gonter offered a rcsoiaUoo la rt!. tioa to relief. Laid oTer. Mr. Laflin, a irsolotion in regard to is suing new State bond. Laid over. Mr. Ilyman, (cc-ro,a rrolation erajjnr the word -white" from the Conttiution, and in rrgard to suffrxs. FxfcnxJ. ' .Mr. Krpc, (octrro. a reisoJatJOft iKat !) real tUu be taxed ad ruLyrrtm. Ap. 1' fcrrrd to Cnmroittco on Towns and Citic. Mr. Baker, a rcsolotioa in trpotlUon to all tcAt oat.- JUTerrc i. Mr. Kilia, tho fu!loin rrolntlon, tIx; H ucekas. We. the d. . po of .North Carolina, auw nillcd, do rccv-. in the GoTerr.ncnt tt iK- t:;,Ti S r . laics three co-oniinati! l,nnrl,M -n.uuc, juatuiai ana lcrtIaUre , and do fur . ? YnilaU rra ar V'T TVh I . ?Ltlt 0.,L.rps trWj. Thc not recognize ioy Conuitatiotial f re many ,p? ci. here person. w held in pccjjr bearing before one of branch- 71'hsvi iiui WU3 (iriBinrii rtm w A ihus Uepming them of a richl to a fadf . . : and impartial hearing on po th contitutionalitv of the r n points inrolfini acts, t.tus satjecting them togrratand un- aj.p inconvenience: Aad vArreJS Thcru exists a widfrprvad feeling of dficonUnt m all the States ortkU Union, in regard to the preent unhappv tato oftkinra: Juiced, therefore. T,i iu .i, Urte- ilr. Hood, (oerro.) said that the Conitl. I muonai amendment was the law of the land the law under which Congress was acting. .... .... Air. J lea ton said be had Wen informed j jjviHiviacii uign sianoing ana great learning, that opon proper representations from member of this Convention, Con- grcus wouu remove, at thev clearly had a right to do, the disabilities f t.oae who were in a hearty accordance with the Ke- conttruction acta. Mr. Jones, of Wabinrrton mavod th adoption of the resolution, and said the resolution proposed a committee to report names for relief from thoae diabilitie. They wUhcd to relieve the rentlt man him-1 teii vir. but be would not accept it. The rejolatioo of arrnt had Pad; now it Miciumuon oi iaru. i nmMt i,ir I taken the matter in hand; how can it be averted Why not accept lb situation and let N. C. take her honored stand in the honored Union 7 Air. Graham, of Orange, said that ho op posed the resolution on the groat d that the vAJunuiuuon oi the u. i. -av nhe Prci on thc other side with th K K.- - i .. . ..- i Ken me oath to support this ConMitation. He certainly did not understand that he was swearing to sunrort the Howard Amendment, nor did he believe that ra"wr on inn noor did. Yet we are told t ... ... - aal inr mat three-ioiirtha of tho St ton ratified this article, and the law of the land. He had even congrc bad eo declared. Yet, this resolution is foumlcd upon.thbsappmition. Whv. tbeni it vour rvtrtv ift.nin., v . ContUlntion is not yet disgraced by sach .'. rmr IW 0. Inink tiul. Ih I a proviwoo. and be trnsted from the iV or the lime, both :ortb and Sooth. it nev. er will be. We are aked bv the rentL. man from Washington, to take advanta of the present propitious season, and, if we do not need pardon oartclve, to present me name of our rncod. . lir. G. thanked the grntleraan fur Li kindne, and for the information lhat "while tho lamp hold oat to bum, the'vilcu sinner may rlcro., if we hare cbraraitted effence. we am subject only to such punishment as I pre- Biicu vj too laws in lorce, ween the act wa committed, and not bv tho Conrra . - - I of the United BtaU. . r . BT I I do not think (said Ur. Q. I wool! be putting any friend of mine upon a roll of honor by presenting his nsoe upon such a ; petition. But we are told that anWt we cease our factious opposition to tha meaa- ure of Conrrrns, oar State will never rrt ! back into the Union. Mr. President. 1 do ! not" understand how Korth Carclina haa! ceased to be a State in th Union. Gentle men will hardly contend that it was by the ordinance of acccssionf Tho Con-T-a of the United State declared, in the dark est hour of tho war. that thav !i.i wago war for the purpose of satjogation, bat only to restore the Union with the .run, Ti-.-.r urar riEWW'W- uenisuau have power to grant reprieve . .7" a any contract caie prior and jrdona for offencea egaitwt tho Uni- lLC Enfl daJcf. '. 13. (c xcer t ac ted State except in case of impeach- ll?n.B SiDt Pc cheers, xrcJUr, ad-, menu- He had Wn tritf,l - minitrators, cuardtaca.-fmir m-A t,. a jriht. of all the State culaptlrrd. 9 V , i "V Tax Chorion, a JcJ cf the Dtricl Court cftts Slate cf orth tarohna, aal the Chief Jcilios cf lbs Latled .Siau prctidia in the Coart. I, thcrrfore. do rnued in Vr-fV n na is a fatatria ths Ution, inferior to none of her filters, and am c; posed to Ue whole system cTIepaiatlcn a ex reff jrf . Initcad cf the dark and Lstric p r.ctcre portrayed by tie grn tic naa from wLhic-. Vi UVU to,m io l& northern peP', aad that priJe tf race r.rl iU co1 Uaue tie prnt uKjcct.oo oft , Uie race, er rtw qytri the dcccnJanU Ut wVia i-od bj tUia tbo caltle C!J cf tLe rctc. lion Id U dcpnvM of rritilcrs not denied wJm 1 lfcink lLU Conteniioa would con.ult iu owe self retpect by wait-. n ontil this information ihiUhtrrqctt tea by Cotigrr. Mr..Uloit 1-- U.at tit IIoca Agreed to, when . After sorae dtUte cpon tht caestioo cf creating the oce cf UeuUnant ii ,VJ-2Sred r.J?'. "?. r,u,,"w"t iur iae oruccs . . - I a .ahU IT BD B A . " - r . - - A - - m " GoTcmor, Sept, of Tullic Work, aadf PuL!; ' li U L ' I lost. Wftt tit . . . ... AAer a rood deal cf "rf-.u. j nomi U- -'".wu, sea ia e amendments iK -..r IJ!t i"1? W" iopteO. la the fcwirr Srenox I. The Exccatire Dcrsrtmcat liC vcttcrl the nnNh. r-.t 1 than four 3 car in any terra mere unlets cut upon ntm at Li. Governor, or Speaker cf the Senate." On motion cf llr.-Gallowiy, (nfrro.1 the Conmitue ro, the Chairman report ed rrogrctf and aked leave Co .;t'ar!a. unUl 11 o clock to morrow W.u:cij:uTt Jan. 23, 13. frxciAL carta. ; . edf Hr. IkKlman rrport, as Chairman ct the Committee on lUlief, the special order the hoar was taken up. . . The following is the report r The undcrtigaed, a msjority cf the 6 OCCt CoramiiiM ah t..i:-- . .. . .-cm. o cjocx uavir-ir a rri- port the fuUowing Ordinanco and VlZl lion ani vwm.. Asv OaxtxA)trx Ktirrcrura the Jctu-:c-tiox r the Cocrt or nns State.' rlA Cxmxi CtcrJh aiurdij lhat no Court otlaw or an-'t- rr tTl , State shall have Jurisdiction cf any isJt or ler lio in afidoriary tararitr. ar4 .,r . . . - 11 V"' twr trTaco tctr TvipcrJr 1 U J rP"priaUon to their ovn tM .1 "OD c rTrty ocia!1y received ty ,. ' tm, sr crier .mvu or proces to revive cr en farce tay "i taUs in the Un- J03STnnl heretofore recovered cn aay sscV d that it i cow cooir Kftheraach action te cow ptsd id not seen that lft& vrhtIVU commenced tereziUr, axd woeinersuca procM has L4m a!r. 'r- u J -I I. . r -caii certancr t n:cd fori and ice tacnr, coroner andece? el s iir uimji LCOJ rn rn any j u Jgm ec t, foe ad c ! e ro- , 01 wttn. bertby come rweding cron tosUy a.'l proceeding cpon lie and return the same to the rrerr c Thi ordicaace shall U (n force lie a cc ; : : t. r Ar ft ratlicatinn l f Vr. o. uon and sha!l onticu In fcrte rnt;I tha Cm day cf July, 1SC3, or tDtil tie Ccr.tO to tioa, which tbt Convr.tic3 bv met to Jdopt,haIl go leto ccct, whlcLercr.LsTI rsi happen. , . HftJttl. That a rrrv-r- r r -v. r Ordinance he attoiajor Gent rUCkiiT, Commanding. Ie, and that ha ."J Se.eu to caute tic aatae tal ra. r it -- . - . . . I.lf,1 ... Mr. McIWld, one cfth CoraRktee, grce in rccommen Jr? the fyn-z;zr with the exception cf the exception in ti Crtt ction, wfcuh he tUck shoali he stricken cit. . , . Wiu. a HoDMir; CLsirnxx. - Jona A. McDoaAt, Jcn Bead, - - . O. W. BXAttET, . J. IL Dtcxwotm. A locg discuuion enrsc-l cn the rvjert, but without a vet hcirg rcacll. Mr. Hcaton sabmitted a report frcrn t' i bill of rights committee, bica wtf r ed to he pricttd. i t.; "4-