.-1-.. t t L "' 1'i 4 Mr. French, of Chowan, by consent, in ured ac'dd the following resolution : Jtei6lvt$i That the committee on finance, either invthe name of this whole conven tion or-In the name of a sub-committee, ;. bo authorized to negotiate a loari.not to I exceed $10,000. in order to pay the mileage of the members. , ; The rules were suspended and the reso lution adopted.; V : On motion of Mr. Gallow ay, (n.) the Con tention then adjourned until to-morrow, 11 o'clock, - . - : ... .- . :. Thvrsday, Jan. 30, 1SGS. A communication was read from Dr. E. C, Finhef. Superintendunt of the Insane Asylum, inviting the members of the Con vention to visit the Institution. Pending the consideration of the 3d sec tion, the Committeo, on motion of Mr. Galloway rose, the Chairman reported progress, and asked leave to-ait again. ; ' On motion of Mr. Galloway,' tue House adjdurncij until to-morrow, 11 o'clock. - i ' .; l Fmdat, Jan.. 31; , Mr. Brvan presented a petition from the Mtizens of Wilkcsi nravine the removal of disloyal officers and replacing them, with ;Ioyal men." Kelerrea. Mr. Rich, a resolution that the Commit tee on Governor, e., consider and report the propriety of giving the Governor the veto power. Lies over. ' M. Tourgeer a resolution that the Com mittee provided for .by. Hood's reflation oe lusirucicu pcuuuu vuugic.-' w .v licvc the disabilities of persons who were not in accord with the reconstruction acts, but who were good Union jnen during the war. Mr. T. moved to suspend the Garland, Garrett, George, Glover, Graham, of Montgomery, Grant, of Wayne, Grant, of Northampton, Gully, Harris, of Wake, Ha ma,. cf Franklin, Hay, Hayes, of Hole-son,-Bayea, of Halifax, Heaton, High smith, Hobbs, Hyniaa, -Ing, ,Jonra, of Caldwell, King, of Lincoln, Kiuyev, Lee,' Mr. Fulling did not think thU Convco tion bad a right to legislate in favor of ono class of people,, to the exclusion c-f the omer. no was opposed to an star Utfri and thought if the one existing at resent had been . swept -ut of exulencc, . r.t the close of t: o war, the couotrv, grr.trally, a a " Logan, Long, Mann, May, Mayo, Moore, j would have been hi a more pr-pcrc jaton Morton, Muilitan, Murphy, Nance, Mib- dition, L hoj-vi tf at icry stay-law i , ohoii,! Patrick, Parker,,. Park, l'etree, ho bo pas cL Ilr. Wei krs amnJncr. irooi, xuigittuu, 4a, xw-oirow, .uhcxu-, would prevail, lie did n Robbing, Rone, Smith, Stilwell, Sweet, Tay- dertoodai favoring i lor, Teague, -Tourgoe, Trogdon, Tinker, opposed to repUiM Mr. Gulloway (n.) offered a resolution, ro- finoRtinor t.lt a " f!rtmmitfA on f!it,i. nnd Towns .to enquire by what authority the rules, and piit tho. resolution on its pas- town of vilminton claims to be a eitv. sage. Agreea xo. - T C - md I LJ Turner, Watt, Welker, and William, of akc. i i i i . ft -m -. I, r Z v I , Those- who voted on the negative are. - Mes-re, Baker, Bruciley, Cherry, paniel, Dowd, Durham, i;i!ij, Forkncr, Graham. of Orange, Guntor, Hare, llodneit, Hol- Iowell, liolt, Jbne, of -W uAhington, lcn not'i, Marler, Mt-Cubbic, Mcrritt, McDon ald, of Chfttbnm, Xcwsom, Rich, Rodman. Sanderlin, Stilly, Williams, of SampKon, and Williamson. Mr. Heaton moved that the report "ol Mr. Ashieyr a resolution in regard to la .bflrers and mechanics. Referred. ' By the Kxme : A resolution that debts for labor performed shall have a precedence. Referred. ' . . ; ... '"" Mr. Gunter resolution that the Con. vention shall assemble at ten o'clock, in ! jstcad "of 1J A.-M., as heretoforerLics over. . "Mp. Logan, a resolution changing the 4crpi of tho Court of Pleas" and Quarter essiqna in Rutherford '.county. Referred. Mr. McDonald, of Chatham, an ordinance evying a tax of 75 per cent. tn old debts. j Mr. league, a.resohiuon instructing the ,' Committee of ' three, appointed to confer with Gen. Canby, to ascertain how far he Mr. Durham moved to amend, by strik ing out all after the word "instructed,' awl insert the following: "to ascertain and report the names iof all citizens of the State, who are disfranchised by the Kc construction acts of Congress, that this Convention may recommend the same to Congress for a' removal of their political disabilities." ' "! . After considerable debate upon this sub ject, the hour of 12 o'clock having arrived, the unfinished business of j'esterdav, viz: the "Report of the.' Committee on Militia, had precedence, when Mr. McDonald, ot Chatham, moved to stispend the rnlesi aiu postpone its consideration, and continue the discussion of this matter. lie wished to have a full arid ' free discussion, and a not winh to b un repudiation. He PHii'tKn and all'atav laws, uul if any io w pajunra, he wan led rncfrMirf Vji tuld prvic; Ike ihole jHMmle. ' M rr JM r Icm Idrof v lat hm; mU tq uayint dVU, IiivUuttion inevitable. . 1 icr waf no u in tri loir to get ftnvnd It;' wo nul' facv tie music with Mmo allusion o tAyurtj liecloted. ifr'Parkcr wa opp'WI Io staying the collection of new debt, bat thought that with debts contracted upon the faith, of property, that had ccaod to lu rnpcrty, tho Cnmmittco on Bill of "RighU l made Fa little indulgento nhould be in-anted. would recognize legislation on the part of I vote taken on Mr. Durham's amendment, v this Convention. 'Referred. ;v Mr. Abbott, by consent, a report from tfae Committee on Privileges and Elections, s to whom was referred tho memorial of one lall, of Sampson connty,contesHing the scat of Mr. iWilJiams of that c&unty, re born mending that Mr. Hall be .declared ;olected. Lies over. . Mr. rRodman submitted a rcpqrt from the Committee on Relief. Ordored to be printed. ; : . . , Mr. Pool prcsente4 a majority -report y from theCpm m ittee on Suffrage. "Txwo or threo minority reports accom panied the majority report.! They wjere ordered . to be printed and. iade the special order f6r Thursday next. ); Mr". Rich moved that the rues be sns- I Vended, and His resolution, offered day be "oro yesterday, callinir on Sheriffs to. fur- ... - . . . - Several ohjeotions being raised, the vote was taken, which5 resulted in the motion being lost. The House then went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. Sweet in the Chair. Ajp, AUqU' amendment to tho 3d sec tion of the report on militia was discussed, and, after some debate, an amendment by Mr. Jones, of Washington, striking out tho whole section, was carried. - Section 4tlw was adopted, without objec tion being.mado. ' i ' Section 6 was stricken out. Section 7tji was partiall- amended. Mr. Tourgce moved that tho Committee do now rie, and report tho adoption of th bill, as amended. Agreed to, when. Mr. Street vacated the Chair and report ed progress. . Mr. Heaton4 moved .tho report of the Committee on uovernor, c, De engrosse for final reading. Carried, Mr. H. also moved the same in regard the iipbcial order for l'Z o'clock on Monday next. No objection. Here 6omo more words were hail in re- ganl to the rcporlorial tnuw, and, aflcrlc- tennining to make Mr. Abbott's ordinance, , in rvgard to the Wilmington, Charlotte KuthiTtord Kuilmad C ompany, the special order for to-niorrow," at 12 o'clock, the Convention pdjoumcd. : i -. SATtBDAT, Fib, yir. Abbotitatetl that the 'Committee on Finance had iot yvt been able to aryive ut a conclupion t rvgard to negotiating i loan of $10,000 yet, Ut hoped to bo able to preset a definite report, ou Monday next. . Mr. Sweet 3fr. Conglt-ton wa in favor of stayinjr all debts wr rcfiuing to stay any. : Mr. Hood," (negro,) thought the ordi nance as reported, objectionable, , bat the amendment would carry universal dis-tr-!sS over the "nnr.(ry, and, iiftcad of giv. Ing nlicf, it would give micry and wrcuh cdncH. H thought that Mr. Pool should be allowed time to bring in the minority report. It might ohvUto nil tho prcseot diElcoltlc. At all ovonts, ruire time wpuji be airrn far thi"nat fnpjrtant qubtion, MMivy thought the cvnflictiug argu neirt Qfoath were ufTicivnt cxiu'enco to cviryeiHiy inai my wp niicriy on tice at tho bar In this SUU waa referred to the Judiciary Committer , ; The ordinance of Mr-Frrneb cTTZz'a. rtpealingthat portion of the revenue law, requiring employers and crpormtioot ti list employee,,--! withdrawn Ucat-is (cn. Canby'a oidr coTert J Lie cae. The ordinance of Mr. OnJ!-r. rrnrallnr I the amnesty law cxcr4o f x at applied iqicmiie oldjcrand femajc, was read Jind pad over. f The VOte bv wbith the rtirf nnMlinn w postponed till Saturday, was rvconsiJ. eredt and on motion it m tl Ur ipecial erdct, 11 o'clock tomorrow. On motion of Mr. 'Heaton the till of -trpo- Tihti-rM-wt!rJ,and ttr-firtflr.ir.ee Xn was i relation Lo tb - i: jl n u p tA ... taken op. . The special order was then-taken op being the coosidcrtticn cf an ordinance in favor of tht WI Kutberfurd K R, Co prtifidiii for the State endorrtnnt of 1.0X).OtjO bWt, nnd for the canceling and dclroi inc $1, 500,000 of the mortgage of H.0HJ"CCH). an thorixl by tbc General AiniU of 1$CS "7. The subject wa fally dtkcu.ti and readied in th parage of the . ordinance, caa S9, cay 49. tyi peoples .rcs?. HALK3I, 31. C. f n i d a y , ffh u c a i: y1 ?, s c s. Ildl JHczd Ucctln In Fcrsjlb. In parsoance of previous notice a Urge and enthofMajtic raeeting of the citUena cf Forsyth County wa held ia the court bcae at Winston, on Saturday, Felmarr' 1, 1S3. J J On motion of B. II. Furl oe k. Eq, E. A. Vooura, Fq, n called to the tLair. ' On motion of T. J. WiUon. Fj, 11. Mas ri and J. H. HcjrTim, Eqr were ap pointed Srerrtarie. At the rrceit of the Chairman, TU. J. Wilton, czr4irrd the ol jtct of tie meeting in an able and Intefwtii peebr aUtaaUg la L derived fmea-ULa! lieei. and that aU rommQniiic lLat voali.too oil their ioterrt, wot.ll give htU Jlhey tad retfcer than coattr.ne ervder tte rrrat didvar.?gr that we-at this tincutor coder, f.r ibeNrant oftr.ear to'tfevth-p oor rrvareta,. axd list now waa the time to take the ntry tet in ecare the eitecKo cf tie Western l!al Hoad tLrotgh tbie section of fe 5tate. Oft raoiioo p. H. Ftartk. TVj- a committee of fifteen was af roieied ly t! e Chairman, to drA retlt.T exprrive of the wihe of the meeting, to wit: H. W. Frire, T. J. Witn, IX II. Fttr. tock. Jfihn B.aeklurn. Jt-r h Crewa.Sen Dr. R Keroer. John V. Vr.t, Wm. llrtk. N. S. Cok. N. I). ?o!;irag. J. M. FtafTurd, I.O. lA-h. J. W. Al.pau-b, J. C. Crta ana i a. r.son. In the absence of the cfrarslttf e. Joj b Matten, Iq, tu ca'.Ied for. to a'.irr- aed the meeting in a Unibr m ner, ahowing the tatTT" 1 T- . pn-jiarvd to act wUcly, arvl and iMandly ucd suggcytid the pro ' t of iwMnotinrr it nrMtenliHl a moWlic rrnort thU question until Mjtu .Jure time, when - J M-J . 1 . r t .. from tho Committee on -lA-mslatnro.- aiu oo more carxuuy coasjJ -Tat lUitaaAD M iurrio 4 ana pleaa e4 to learn that the I.ailroad meeting, ca Pfttnrt!t- ltt Mrs r-rr r!t Vtfrv.fl ... .... wioo me cw, wiacir - -i or.dcr pnct circurr.f.:autr, waa almoi worthleM. He pointed to ur roeadowa, our orchard, our mioera!. csr litne cuar everj dietrict io the county being rtpres-1 ric Ac, JLc comparing the rrrent rri 1 . I a it . .... I . v - - - . I : . . : i . . . i r.i ... k -icrcti. i cuicu uvprominrni ana itinucntiai citttens. I H4iuw "Tmpr, wua au-oinpauy ing minority riMort, Mr. Jones, of Washington, agrcc-l lo the and tho rtretaili.ig opinion wa. that the ,r"f! t ihtT ttrkc! Uw' Mr. Hodman, from tbp Judician- Com- postponement of the auestiou.but thetime road .ball and mo.t be built. - LTi I J ,7 i r , v" J"? !-r mittee, to whom waa rcferrctl Mr. Tour- ihcy apcnl hero in dimWioii was also a c ,. , ' . , 1 lo ,r. R,ona-t r tie watjt of gee' resolution in rcganl toasts in cril muttci to be taken into coidcralion ; and ScC P'ccJ.ng, n another ctlamn. lnVr;': T ? &M l Uk inal cascMxporlcd an artlde to the Cou- uo would agree to a po,toncnunt, if it We learn there U no doubt tbat the h J 1 ,! .,!JV. .T i l Htitnlinn tlitat rr, -V-11 1 I - COuld bo doilO SO BJl not til ililrf.-rM ritK v..nf will ... :i tint . t . I T J' " '-Ji W 4TT41 Tb . c i MtmiUp hn.ln.. irik. :.. I . .. . .. . mctiin,, in an carcci ana : ' t i i i . . " : ? ," p:,:.t;- " ,o'ton vur 3.ooo. vk .howiBg the amount cf ton- iiiiiiii iriiiii v i ti ill a wrr k i I m wmr m vvtH m m mm mm, mm aim w w i r. aa ka k. h mm mm - - . m ......... j v, ,...-.wv. . . . 7. I anal inlarnnlinn in twiHinn. rt IV. I WA Int!ITrld Imm coumr from t?S faa m t:io oAfl will r.w. I Central Iload, at a tal araoant cf timl appropriate I cf tonare with lU fllhrr r,.nr.rU nf (K.t (VrnmiH,.. WCrO OCCOmill' too tl enuCllt. . Huvt n.w ioc - x..v- Air. i'eterson. a rvscdution providinir -ir' J ,u" procwicu io aiscnaa iiie w"'"' Irvr" ncies in each county to purcha.Mi lar.tj, measure at some length aubotan'.iully re- I in. all about t-0O,O00 in Foiyth county. agencies for the benefit of actual settlers. ItefeTi ed. Mr. Itcnfrow, an onlinance for the pro tection ot laborer, Jteterrcri. Mr. Conglcton, a, rcnolntion to ralne n Select i'oiiimittce of eight to ncgtitiate a loan with Conrroa f 10?000 for cduca- iKating hi argument or UcUiH-ruIjy au In the couim of his remarks he said that the measure nndcr consideration was only the cutering wctlge.lo somettlng moro se riou. Mr. nodniau had already a printed document ou the desks, that prooed a Scrarir CtiftT. Among the opinions delivered. by this tribunal, we notice the following cxMa from this acctiou : By. FcAajwuf, Ch. J.In March rs- hish va statement of executions iu their counties, and the amount of money to be collected thereon, be taken un. The rules were, accordingly suspended the Iiepurt of tlc Committeo on the Mill and the resolution adopted. tia; it was also adopted, r Mr: Hood (n)a rcsolution,raisingflCom- At this stage of, tho proceedings. Mr. tional purpose, tu provide homes for the " trongcr d 00, a a he wa- ai-prvhensivc pjjch, from Davidson, jad-nient affirmed d homeless, and to develop out asrit ultural I ,l,al ino P1 Winanrp wulU Itave its 0 resource,. Made tho Vpecial order ftir aclcbono taken out. Ho (Ir. J.) wbbed ',AIT " ,MIC r'- ,lkm ,rum to I TncHdav next at 12 o'chx-k " 1 10 forewarn the Convention of thi outta. I Cuilford, error, judgment ront le revers- m ittee of five to report names of persons entitled to be relieved from political disa .; bilities was an his 'motiontaKen up ; and on it ho called tho previous question, but withdrew it, to allow Mr. Pool to amend it 3 follows': "Strike out 5 and insert 8." making the Committoe consist of oqe mem , ber from each Judicial Pistrict. ' ! . Mr; Hood, coopted and rertewed. the call , 01 tne previous question Galloway read an extract from the report of proceed in g?,Jn the Carolinian, in which Harris, of Wake, was called a ."nigger." Ho said a resolution had beon passed to protect them from insult, and it it waa not enforced by expelling the reporter, he gave notice ho would seek redress elsewLere," Mr. Harris, of Wake, 6aid that ht had had. intercourse with a large niimlier of aespcctablo and intelligent white gentle- Mr. ltagland, u resolution requesting the Coniniiltce, appointetl 'to confer wiih Cicn. Canby, to ascertain if bonds and notes, given incc 1st Ma-, 1RG5, and notes re newed prior to that time, aro subject to General Order, No. 64. Kule suspended anu resolution adoptett. srtciAf ordkc relief bill. The question was unon Mr. Watt' amendment. He withdrew it in favor ot the amendment of Mr. VVelker, (which de prives the Courts of jurisdiction overall gcous design to introduce an unheard of innovation upon tho oriramc law of the land. Ho procevded to dew n be the dire efTecta tUal the adoption of such a measure would have upon the people and open the j credit rd the .State. The bct slay law that be knew of waa no tay law at all; let the eop'e, among lhcmclve compromise ther debt. Mr. Jonc closed by oflVrin the follow. ing substitute for the whole matter: ViVWro, That it is the ciiM.'.f the Con vention that the wlmU ibjrct of old debts ed. In StMe rs. Wright and lairton, from Stokes, no error. 1 Hy Kmc J.In Pff r. Colle, from Guilford no error. In tatc i. Moncyt from WilkVs, error. labor and expenw, drlaring that the rr4 mut le built, cot what it m'ght it mar. Aftrr an absence cf an boar and a half, th committee, through their Chairman,. I). H. Ftatback, IV, rtjortcd the fc ing reolotioot, to wit: 1, Prrf,Ttai tht large and Important sectico of toftry, Xorth Wot cf H"h IVmt, to the Virginia line, a section rirU In its mineral and agricultural rx3m-, U mmt vitally interested in the etallih ment of a Rail Road leading fmm the N, U. 1C IC, by way of falem, into4 and Mt. Airy, to the Virginia line. 2, JlrntrcJ, That the coanty cf For) th tabcribe one hurdrr! thaand d !!srC fo" The call for the previous question result- men of this State; they never had indulged mm. " 11 . IT l - - l veas 8 : navs lt. in sucn ianruaco. The hour of twelve havine- arrived, the of the word 4;ju .... . . . . 1 . Jief measure, was next in order, but was postponed "until; Saturday, and' the . re port of the Committeo on 'Governor, and Executive Officers" taken up. Mr. Sweet moved that the House resolve itself into Committee of the Whole for its Consideration; Agreed to','wherepon. Mr. Jones of Washington, was called lo tho Chair. ' Section 3d of the report was, "on motion pf Mr. Abbott, adopted.' After some debate . the th section was modified and adopted The proper meaning perloinied, since, as well as before May 1, far- was a -low, dirty lei- xf-j 1 . .-2;--., I l.. ,11 ., 1 ;i'aJ,rrt..l-fr.qafvatton. t ' m f aAge,yaXpp"CU iCshouId be abified to the cantors of -that 1,10 nieasurd. lie wiLed toaulmtitute the cases of contract or debt, except for labor I prior to the lt of May, lbCO, be left to the civil courta, subject to audi onler as the Geoenvl in Couuaand tuay deem advisable TK-.ufrc profKrtv rrtimX xet ufton. f a wr ' - - - -- the exton:on cf the Wetem Rail Rad, from the North Carclina Rail Road, to run tin Salrm. Winlnn and Mt. Airr. to tbo Oslt Sivtt. The .mfllepi that J Virginia line; f rcriJrJ, that one-taff the riaie tu4-npuAn now ma le to tb cl cm Rail Road, of herrafter to It tnad l-e expendetl on the cntrwction r.f aiJ rc&d North-Wel tfa!l N.C. Rad Real. ri, flJveJ, That the Char ai rir.t a COittmitte of two per11 attend the . m-i a a m m. m tins Male win oe en till. U to only seven member of the Houms of RcprrnLative. The ConrC'sional Dictritt will tave to le arranged accordingly. paper. -If the pKp"?r had a reporter on the floor, he should favor his expulsion not for the language in question, but fr the evident intention i to insult the Convcn. tion. ,1 jThe dehalo and excitement on tho Re porter question hating subidi, Tho consideration of Mr. Durham's amendment to Mr- Tourgee's resolution was resumed. '! Ordmanco of Convention, of 1805, with thu uecessury change. Mr. ,Vatt said he had been misunder stoov 5y tho Reporter of the Srntiel, on last Wednesday. He only argued that the Convention had the jocer to repudiate, not Cat ho advocated repudiation. Rut ho Mr. Harris, of Wake, (ncuitO wanted relief, but thought more timo wa neceia ry lor connidcrution. a many a err in doubt a to what conrx ahonld be mu( propcrlv pursued. Did not think it sUoqM bo prr el to a vftto to-day. Uut. at the lvroner time, n rolief bill aUould le adopted, ami, if trial wa noi dojie, tue people would very uoi5Q 1 ? 8T xa o or toisiso. ivo icaro I meeimr ci ii.e riern j;an jaiaa urtf a I - . . a f that atoai0 neraona frvriTTXcomAlc rtf w be -H rr ay-ta-tine, on rt.e Ifrfi Mr. Rodman suggestod that the deleirate The 5th" section 'was. adopted without -de- from Cleveland,instead of substituting bin bate. 1 The 6th section was modified and resolution for that of the delegate from adopted.'. The 7th, 8th and 9th sections Guilford, made an addition thereto. Mr. were adopted with debate. R. said he was in favor of what is nro- Mr. Graham, of Orange, moved to strike posed in the amendment of the intleman I gentlemen who had argued that North out the whole ot section 10, which motion from Cleaveland. He came here, InstruoU I Carolina waa not a Stato wcr- in error.-- m m . I tt mm m - - - " I Mm mm . . . . wished for relief for the ieople now. teiii-l pnivrly voto the Constitution doun llm porarilj-, and pcnnancnt ivlicf, when the moved to postjonc the whole matter until Constitution was adopted. . Wednesday next, but wiihdrew, to allow Mr. Abbott favored the bill, as rcnortcd Mr. Grub am. fif Oranm an onwtrtnritv tn by Committee, and was opposed to the I read a auLstitnle, which he rhuuld ofier amendment. Mr. Pool next discussed tho measure. and, during his remarks, stated that the was pot sustained The section was then adopted. . Sections 11, 12 and 13 woro adopted without objection. ' " ' . Mr. Graham moved to. amend tho 141b, poction: $Tot agreed iQ, and the section .was adopted.." . V ' " Sections 15 qfcd 16 were adopted. Section IT was, on nvoiiou of Mr, Rdd, rnan, strickon out. Aer adrae modifica tion the 18th section was adopted. ' . Mr.' Nicholson moved to reconsidor the ?ote ofyosterday on the 2d sectipn. Agreed . : ;.. -'-' Mr.'Nr..tlien offered the following suhstiT tute, which was adopted : "jso person shall bo eligible as Governor or lit. Govornor, miless he shall have at tained 30 years'pf ago, shall havo been a citizen of the United States for five years, and. have been. a; reaideut pf this State for 2 yeara iioxt before tbe day Qf ejeetloq, nor shall the person elected ejtlier qf these , t'WQo Sices -bo-. eligible v tq the same office ro.ofe' than four, years, in any term, of six year's, unless the office shall have been cast 'poif'him. as Lt. Governor Qr President of ;i-the Senate. . , . r " . . . - ; "Mr Rodman moved tQ reconsider tho 7 tyQ .vupon the 1st section. Carried, p; . .Mr. JR. offered an amendment, but with .drew it, as Mr. TouVgee's amendment of yesterday covered tlie same ground. , Mr. Tourgee movcd to amend his amend pjent, of ..yesterday, by striking out the ; : .Ayord "ratification, V ; and insert the word c Approval, and to strike . out the figures . 30 " and insert "10." i . The amendment was agreed to; and the ' eectiqn, as amended, was then adopted, t ; .The report of the Committee on the Mi lijtia vpa WQ3t taken , up for consideration, 1 and, after some time spent in amendments ana - oiscussioas. sections 1 ana z were adopted, in. form following; v , .. Sec. 1. All able bodied male citizens of i; 'the State of -Jforth QarollqA, between the res of 21 and 40 years, who are citizens when the matter t-enie n airain. Mr. Graham then read Ids tuUtilute, which will bo given when the meamro U again discunscd, "Mr. Uarri, of Wuko, (iwgro.'i renewed his motion to jotp.uio until Vedncdy uext ; and It waa agreed to. Mr. Abbott movrd to make his orli nance He earnestly desired to accomplish this. U'ltutioiial bbli-atiou!. The present ordi-1 " regard to tho 'VVilrnintrton.1 Charlotte A and, if the gentleman from Cleaveland nanco was an unconstitutional measure, J Rulherjord XL I R the anocial order for will introduco his measure, either as an ad- for it interfered with private contracts. He I Monday next, at 11 oclock. mhiuii, ui ov.-jiai uucj v, uu would voic lor II, uvl "u "vnv v 1 110 cuii jii uiii m nirui ics rm nni-iiim I un rr. r i n r. ntp uiitttt i lull- had been assembled here. He gave notice . Mo.xdat, Feb. 3, 1SCS. ho wouUf s.oon introduce a minority reitort, I" The flonventKm aaembled in the Com W . .mm B W a mm rorvm, auKin ani iavie, Manca for Miourt on Monday lat, in company with Dr. Samuel Martin, formerly of this jJacc. Stat CoxvrjiTtojt. Tuesday was main ly devoted lo the consideration of the He- j lief Bill, without contir.g to a vote. Co.iaacss, On the 4th, the Hooe was engaged on the till forfeiting Southern Hnilroad lands. In the Senate, nccontrection was con sidered. ed by his people, and pledged to yoto in North Carolina wa a State, but, by tbo favor of removing every disfranchisement, rebellion, she had lost every constitutional on account of participation in the sebellion. right, but, still, she had never lost her con- iplish this, sntuhoual obligation. Ihe present ordi- and lo thought it would stand a much bet ter chance of success, than in iu nreseut form, .- . : Mr. Durham said tho pen tie man tMr. R.) was ovidently trying to dodge the question. His amendment embraced eve rybody not KcA persons as this Conven tion should deem fit. If gentlemen wore in tavor ot . a general am nosty, why could they not come, squarely out and support iis amendment t Mr. Hood thounrht that the adoption of such a measure would cause Congress to suspect their Moyaltyt" ' Mr. iuch said that Mr. Durham's. amend ment would embarrass the Committee to ttmt otent that a' repovt could never be made, as there were some five or six thou sand disfranchised persons in this state. Mr. Heaton had understood gentleman, on tho other side, to say, yesterday; that tney wanted nothing at the hands of this Jlfir Adrertlaementa. Yi A. Yoglcr Shoe JXanafactory. Job Worth Revenue Sales. John Blackburn Assignee's Sale. 1 Tte Satperler Coorta prlnf Terms, The Judge of the Superior Courts of the State will hold the Spring Terms as follows: lit Circuit Judge Warren. , which he hoped the Convention would I nions Hall, al ten o'clock, President Cowles uuopL, as 11 wouia voniain sncn rcuei as ne 1 in iuo uuair, thought this body could legally and prop erly give. Mr. Tourgee said that tho opposition to this amendment aro.se solely, that aid mijrht be riven to a corporation that had gone into debt, sinco 1863, (tho Charlotte, Tho journal of yesterday was read and approved. The ase of the Hall wax r run ted to the Young Men's Christian Aaaociation a lec ture, bv Bishop Atkinson, thjs evening. f If. rria rf T?mrm m,m..m. mmmmn9l tp " -v' mj MV vum tu v, I . m mmt v. 1 , f Til IVI Wilminrton & Rutherford Railroad.') ami. a petition from Ann Underdow. uraviiii? a in disco using tho constitutionality of tho divorott fromi ber ho? hand. Laid ovei measure, dsclared that the State of fortb Mr, MeCubbina, a memorial from the Carolina at the close of the war, was left citiaena of Rowan county, praying for a in a territorial condition, change iu the man laws. Referred. Mr. Abbott asked tho gentleman Ifovry I Mr. Ragland, a resolution as follows : . 2nd 3rd 4th 5lh Gih 7th lh M Barnea. Gilliam. Vacancy. Mitchell. Buxton. Little. Shipp. State Convention. Vjegisia. Three acotious ef the ordi nance on the Executive Department irere adopted. Tho tJotmor is to serve roar year and not be eligible for succeeding terra. He ahall be 30 veara old. and a eit YAiNthat had been done by -thoe Statef k lUtoictxl, That the Judiciary Committee J izen of tho United State for Z0 years, "and tnatrueted lo report an ordinance declar a citizen 01 Virginia for rears. - - governments, was void, marriages, willa, i be inairuetea lo report &c. ing valid all contracts, the consideration of Mr. Tonrgcp replied that whatever has which Confederate Trcaaury iiotcs, In becu dono in these States, from 1861 to all eaaes where the aaroe wa otTvrod to be Convention. He, for 6 no, was for holdinj? 1867, that depended for its validity upon I discharged in the aame fund. Referred. them op to it. recognition from an established govern-1 Mr. Duckworth, an ordinance for the re- Mr. Fool said the temper of the people rnent, was null and void. was not ready for a general amnesty, but Mr. Durham wished to know If the Courts of uaw, that ha.d condemned crim nals to death, had been irailtv of murder. Mr. Toqrgeo aubatanUally repliod, yet I t and adjourn at three. He proceeded in his remarks for some time and closed by expressing the hope that men Qu.tsid.0 of its provisions would also be allowed the bgnefita of the ordinance. . Mf, Abbott again spoke in opposition to the amendment, and said that while he it was for universal suffrage. He would vote against both Mr. Tourgee's resolution ana jj.r. jjuruam 8 amendment. - Mrt May waa sorry so much bitter feel ing had been displayed In regard to tho manner,, a. no report ot each day's work was "natnmg aonej. lie thought this d a- cussion was out of place. He wanted the whole matter voted down, and tho Con vention to proceed to its proper and legit imate work. Let the matter be consider ed when it comes up in its proper time. !Mr. Mann moved to lay the amendment on the table, ' " Mr. McDonal, of Chatham, called for the Sovtb Caaouxa, Rainey, a colored delegate, tTared a rcolutioji, declaring to the people of South Carolina and the world that the Convention bat ik land at fta lief of the Sheriff of Henderson county disposal thtt no confiscation act baa been Laid over. - . parwed by Congre, and. in the bcljcf of Mr. Morton, a resolution thai when the the Convention, never will W, and that the Convention adjourn, it assemble be re after only manner for the landle to obtain m m mm m of this month, (Feb.) to confer ilh that tody on tbc p;jrK- cXthi mn tirg i;, 1 that, U no alifctory arrangn.ent n be made with mi J company a herein ex precl, that immediate 'application l-o made to the Stale Convenr5'n,now in x-a sion, for a scperate charter for a Rail H l Road, between (Jrrer.boroch andlx'xing ton, rourmg ri.i Salem, Wir.ton and 5!t, Airy to the Yirpnia State line. The ReoJotior.s baring teen read, I H. Startuck, Rvq, ad lrr--ol the meeting in their sspport, in a lengthy and able Pmh, stowing ibe retca4iy cl ' Bail load to develop the rieh tsltttral a rod sg- ncu'.lara! resources cf this aertioo of the Stale. He further shewed that tbe Kcnh Western portion of North Carolina, con. pocd cf oneJoarth of tbe area cf tbe State, waa without aoy Rail Read facilities, and that the State tad never expended ctao dollar for the development cf the same. At thecloeof hit ecth the rcclutJr.a were enthuiatiealfy adapted, without w dissenting vote. A call was then made for Dr. Win. IT, Wheeler, who addreacd the meeting In a neat and eloquent speech, cotccrnng In what already bad teen ralJ,'and trgiog that now was tbe line to go to wcrk and build tbe road. The Chairman, lnycrsnar.ee cf the third resolution, appointed II. W. Friee and P. A. Wilaon, Rqr to attend tht reerUrg f the Wettcrn Rail Road Company at Fay- .icvii.e, ior loe parpoe orendtavorirg to etTect the object act forth In tbe rcc!aUcn. On motion, it was ordered that the rro- ceedjnrtorthif meetinr t raUnted in t).m that all other papers In the State, favcral! to internal Itnproveaeota, are repcui to copy. Ua motion, tht meetinr ai ccmcd to meet on &zfrrJjy, Ftlntzry JSlX. AH per. aona, favorable to the roai, are lavitci to be present. A. UOLl.u. CAJirra. JL Afarrcr, ) J. IL Htrrxx, C OCCTa!ruj The hour of adjournment was strircken out, and the resolution as amended, adopt, ed. . Mr Qlover, a resolution in reference to the present laws on bastardy. Laid orcr. ilr. i'etrte, a resolution to raise a com land Is by purchase A titter dicuion oocarred on an crdn naneo invalidating o&atracis baaed , en slaves, . - Mrssissim. Nothing of interest, would vote for a proper and ludicious re- I mittee to meinorlaliza Conp-reat for the re- 1 : . I . 1 - 1 ri 1 . Jit . .1. J . f . r. i ii. ci, nm iut iao uui as rruuri&4 uy T,no Oormitlee, still, ty amended, it wotrdd. en tail ruin upon" all of our industrial pursui ts. M. Heaton concurred with Mr. Abbott. and, though he did not entirely agree with Ruction of the revenue tax on Tobacco, cxnaisntu bcsikcvs. theprovi9iops of the bill, yet in his judg- rqent, it did not come in conflict with the k?Kn TTnit-rt RfatM nhalt hliahlA 'tVwYnfv reaS nd IiaV8, in the militia i,vrovided. that all persons. Th vote is as follows whomay be adverse to beanng arms, from . Messrs. Abbott, Andrews. Ashler. Avd- authority of tho Constitntion. which he Religious scruples, shell be exempt. ott, Barnes, Benbow, Blqme, Bryan, Oa- hed. to be tbe supreme law, in regard to Sbc. 2. Tbe.,Oeneral Assembly shall pro- re, carter,; Candler, Chillson, Coltrrove. the repudiation of private contracts. To fpxthe tfrgaaizing,. arming, equiping Congleton, ' Cox, Dickey, Duckworth, him. the idea of repudiation waa odious. ..(.ucnu-c, risner, rrencn, or t$i.i- ana wnen tnat matter came np oeioro tbe 1 nneiy posiponeo. oen, rrencii, ot itockingham, French, of Convention he would ask to be heard fully. Tha ordinance in relation to tho adrais auagan, uraiioway, I in opposiuon io aucq measure i ion of perjont Irom Other Slates o Pra. I Qtb,ert W.U1 oltow. RaJ. Grtrfx vide Rtd disciplining of the militia, and for pa3' i i5 tn. rnlfl Tfh0!? "?ftUed". into active ser Vice, " ' : MrIlarria, of Wako, (negro,) called np a resolution relative to appointment of a' eommittee of eight, So re-JUtricting the state. . . . - - . The resolution waa adoDtrd. An ordinance V revive debts, py.Mrx! Glover, was taken up. when On motion ax ilr. ulovcr, it was todea- GronaiA. The Relief Bill wasdiaceaeed without coming to a vote. Gov. Jenkina has aerved notices on Gen Rsger, Capuin Rockwell and Wheaton that he will file a til) in the Supreme Court, on the 7th, of ... . t m . r eoroary, enjoining vuo ue w money iy. longing to the btaie of Ueorgta. La&oe rc& tox W; K. C. Riilxoap. Wc lern that aboot one temdred Berroca left this ctyt on Sunday, going Wet tq work on" the Western Kxtcns.oo. Ther are'emruoyed by VT. P. McKeon F-q, one of tbe largeat Contractors on the Road. "SxrLtM, Jan. 20 rfj LcnJm. Jan. 11.40, P. M, Tht emrtlon cf Mount Tea- nviut, which tat continued "with erttttr or lea inteniity since Its occurrence ia the past year, baa calminated, if 1 nay so wrra ii, in an nnctaalaadYery fatal rata trorha. YeaUrday evminr tbe tiJe cf Mount Veaavlas I vin rlrht cr-TKaTi7 gate of Catelle-N oora. re cf the fortiS cationa of thta city, situated between tbt royal palace and the aea, frll, tcnlHrg downward. The detached portion I cried several hocsca built in the vkicity, aad ovcrwhclraed earrisgc and ether convey ances pawing on the highway at the no" ment- The scene is raelancnoly and fstl of rnin. The road running la ihe nr'-h tor hood of the volcano is tiled with rocks and earth which jaat lately formed part cf the mountain. This extraordinary event has a!o teen attended with considerable leu cf life, 1st the Dumber cf persons killed baa sot ys teen ascertained, - m. a a