4 - 2 tTTsTI xfril Ylr 1 . 4 J- - - Vvit:' J-rr':' i..- 8 i-- - - z1 v - f , i;iii'"! 4 ti'f". ':v;5 iV.;.;:;-? -I'.T.-' 1 t 4 1 ; VdU' r : IP- If : W :U.:. ii ii i i k - r , w ! i 7 viy. eteut' mm AY One copy,vl yeaf 6 months, . 1 00 3 months, ,1i ftf. cn line 'or one tft'ch space, or 1x5 Ono square, one insertion . $1 00 : . ach sttbsequent insertioni - 50 ; tjibcral detliiction made, by special con. tract, to large" advertisers? . , t. jCo ir t ad ver tiscmen tB y l l?c; charged higher than the regniar rates, r Special Notices charged 50 '.per cent highet than druinary "advertiscmenta. THE nOUTfl OF THE LEAHY. CITAPTER VIII." 5 Ther ' was ; that ho loathed'. ighe"J ! A wie to fjereelf, bof it Was 4 afl treat lied' e marticulatd sigh, and -she answered PiaurnfuJIy:u-S"o ' it was no fault of pwr Captain Stalforr.i? Ah f - Str 'Walter, 'you who Wnov thosa scus jica'yoa any ,hojo ? May tbey biva rounded the 'trorld like fcir Fmuejs Drk and bo( ye on their vny - Ks; : r':;'-1! .s:-; !: r r "I ca'mreljiiiB'-VtfuthopeVfaif mistres,- sidiy f eaid 5 BUiglr-T'Staflord ' was bo ra an to traft egress his jcruetion ' k widely ibr''0: e ' iloreorer, I - bave heard tidiug from 9 trvskWf returned vessel that weigh ; heavy en OiO," 'He paused. ?rvr . . J - ', "Tbqy cannot be 4wora -than .our fore btxiing," taintly tut!eagerly , -aaid.Aniisc: , '-'Then it must be told,futf4 1 Jialeigli, . "jThoC'aptaiu of the GainfaLJIariiier.camc y v t e rd ay. to D ra an d 1 w e w i I h, t id i n gs tlat lier had falleu .ore ,-the hull .of a ship that he ftillj' believes to bo th Elizabeth, lying off. a roet,. rock -'.oiup 6 ten ..daj s' from ;i the cAiorea.--JIej. sear, bed the roek, but fouu4 no living man there,". "Xo living man !" repeated Amise. "Ay, lor lie found wo recent corpses of Kuglisb seamen, -Jiglitly buried in 'sand, u ilh roeks rolled over it, a tuight be done by. niert destitute of tools.'' v ! i r ' . - 'Then the others "' 1 . 'Mark you, Mistress "'Amlsft,'1 they had - iot jjerisliad, tor if Bo,r.?aome at-least had lain nnburhsd. f "They mast ibave been tat ken off by some ship, Spanish or EnglitU ? that i the onentloii' " i i Amise cbuki almost have 1 reechoed the quentiou with a creatri, so momentous did , Ue wuU know it to oi as 'li an lguo-; ; m utjous death or 1 liberty ? 'Jot hirhter art on a coqutrr tarra,Roeuied- to be ready .to bo.put in - requisition. tEvea Sir I U alter .lfcUeigh-and iLr. Kirkham, tbongh 1 w,tuoufriiH8.ieasurft(arH.iest. rui up it a invasion should altiniatelraacceexLtbousrht x. . . 1 - s ni mi w w lAniiltv mmlti tk. r,.,.m. ..;,.!, K.. 1 ,..v fv.iy.j wvuim vtg.qw . uLt in, s i teinpun tor j-nose suuuen.. unuiscipuneu protected. aucL- stronirlv urtred on , Grace t . -. . i , that she should j- bring, iier mother out of I reach ot the danger. i v v : .ufc - 1 "If there be neeL; it .shall be done: thanks, mv kind untie " said Graooi hut I ecarceyf.as:,ye There 1 woujd be more j certain danger to my mother in attorn p-1 tinii to move her. and. even were it 'hot so. u untimely nUght would dishearten our tenants v; ;" - ' "There e spoke the Quoen'a. tfne'subleet.' itld Mr. ' Kirkhamf graspihir hi - niece's nana t"voa. are ngnt,: urace i nee not . .,.. - - -.'V. V. ... .. .. . .. vfhen no rahn parsueth !' We 'at Plymouth nd Hawkins and the rest" of hs "on the look-out'at the Scillies, will send you aria- jn iiuiivo 41 iiuvro were jjiesomg uaugur. "Lack-a-day f-sighed- mincing, flu t tcring young .dame, whose bigh-crowned Ja. an4 yellow-laced faTthlngale,-wltU a y Oar mother 't-She Is noao. of Tours,"! irepeated tho hrido : "Yoa are,, notbound mnuV waa'onithe; other side -of Mrf -Kirk- .liftni' brfnd bM'kr-.l'.ilij'.'l-i'j t Ji Jl- MUovIadyJtfevcir,taUit;'on'to Rat - f-JLb. jpoorlltthWi AniisS goty Ion PVULISIIED o et's,aw;iriiWo aTuii er !'iiU'iisn n , . 1 - vmvh, uiu viraee, uui sun 1 ,,1 - ... .1.1 r t...!.... .it k.. w..n 1. ..i' j...."' .1.... An,l,.rk-'en v rtf il,Mf rA ; ou niauc tuan oi m 11 uou give DS UiO I J u ouervP' " tS "bff" S fcr tkl0,y lhe.t0ra!"S "trift- bo h11 be -And aa Staflord twang himself 'apt. What skills il to say mere? The Ar fltwrr?,.!? irv .-. r ' , Jm-..w.01?1 carvar; uai.. rcar.-nqt tor ut -I 'nnfl't wmi r.,ubf. A I ihb'i aide, he was at one Hs,Ted la Hah L. . f And Amise, presently wakng.from the I will bring her as well, as I can, and God V-' " ' r . ' ...... . . . ... irfefe rs &E?F- ESSS.HSS f' inJandBveryUne was explaining, the wltfi his terrible tiduigs,' Mnd the maids Jt " ITW ilin.L "?tZ. " ll wf ooc ftr.11' "4 rarions arrangements for drivnVthe3 cat- nocked out in terror, some running up to J?iJ5Uh -'i f n T I' ?J1fr?m Ur "VlS k.1 ViS 1 ArcoMin X l.Lal'.a ''1,T: tyt icnr tie np to theooVand for.the women aud ttelr mistress, some rushing up theliill to W" .r ' , wsltaTleJ arolb; aaSotnt of ?V love had aU along c,.-te.J in the bean ehild-tdUkb'theinselVea to 'its-, val- the wckhI; and Grace was favoring to ,C ftnT f1",5 moJ funt-te? wtiri. nsrlttn M. 7 tlt lrxX nJ f4f1't Jeyn on the first alarm of actual landing, make' her voirt heard. , i 'n,.,1f :"ltt? IT Hi. hsro in the irea.ere. of the Santa and every vehicle, from the Mayoress of -Amise-Molly, any of you-to thd )Jn 1 U.knew her brother 5"c'vmV-Vii Sol-J ISr wheTfcaJ w ,fto,S1ltf form lU fond.tK-i P.y.ntWoo Ao.a th-W-t; stablea.-; Harhei' the Wlo any cart .-Sa . . Jo '.aeaH4. ff .r1 Jio etendlnfromr mowtioijy taj L2Q;;f e5 w na danger of their not.mUi.tlng un- turned again to the Council of War. 4 Ux M;;ii.U TyL. 4 nfiV - 1X5 8 my father?- til some SpanUh ship should pick them up. Nor did the two yuung roenagain "meet y;hpf , bast year fyonj hjvre.lheeart tVW Vf .i, Ouiy Adrian VauairU had. bleu jeuinei, him until after that gretf enga'gemtot In a,l.onfM.ar,Gra Ere h owever Owwbad since from; the murmur, of the crew it th?Strait. r Dover, which wascuuparW tthosppt .y gh mother w.s Was gathered that they would have" re- to a morrii danc. ; The Santa Cl .ri bdd nvero within a hundredUeaf tne fI 'jkej ti-Tt7Vr- -What i, it? renged on himtheir capture by the here- her psrt gallantly in tie fran, and in ouldnot slcpana.for singly night ,.aV9 r.nJe y. ties' vrhom wromantlo atUo that Urribie storfn, which did the work ojyn theoa ro oali it " your thorrVV heroes, bttle take on board;; and ho itiU secretly con- f destruction of the enemy, and proteo- f(M nVV-J wlito.0u deck, marvelling Vt tbe Uon of England, as no heart cf Ch, no Fears for purrf other," sa;d: Amise. Ul f Srden as if seeking her infant, and his aodaeUv of Staffer and l i .v !.! i ... .i ....i - ueroriu unuereiui. uoine, uu.iau. ruv"1' i j wuruu-MiBc, encu siaric. u ' a t mm n . . i..w ..ft. . . t. i i . i i.i ...t :.. .Amise ; weliavd plentyof yoqog. apajka Img and trying to seUend kiss the siw the early tun V. over a .eatUl blue fulne and mnderabood bim bow eT' txU omtnsncvag loeae- reverwitus; Zt Mabrdnl day U long,: with-us,ondncing to v"-'! GraW V T1 heightthcre were booming aounJ. M Of and how geuero.-ly it ba1 Uen laid a5dt IL vwobeyoarevoted servant. ; Ah 1 lgfeQf ihd by, whit, cloud, of. moVe came mlf. not undemtanj the snry mool which the . ' br Amise, taking . advantage of somo W .J-WJJS t.nJ iaa?bM,d! ing over tho sea,' Cahca irradiating them young man cme4 to'bav o much did- - A waatrt m.e,sraVinga!on-th streeta mt JZ!!t the horses, had slipped from time to time, 'while. now and tUn a Jltlo rtprvng, tv.n wi!e la .U- f K.w York. fJcod bi. Ti dtofiieryoangladyrhiii,sneisrhborhool: not hpiaoff her, for.be must go to the child fomt of mt4.,,i .u.. i . ;,.t- r.r i i.. ... r.. i, i i . . r ' i c knows not what manners are, and no won der, mumping forever m that narrow hole. So fair and wealthy as h is, too f One would huvTS thought tnj' 'would have deeme! hemelf veil qultof w lubbcrlj' u, fellow s Mark Lynch 1 hot they do-say that the sailor-gentleman had stolen her heart, and bt like he did, for apTt must have been scant at Underelifr. However, be that as it may, tis "mere folly to sit in a corner weeingt over spilt cream,' and Grace Lynch ought ot r be so sclfseck ing as to allow it ! I shall speak to Mas ter KirlvUam. He has some power with Uk, and did Harry wiu her he were a inwle hiaiu" - ' ' , But ero theiadyV long speech was en ded, the throng was melting awa, - and the troops vcvrv joined br their-loaders, and let! away, to meetr again no soon as a beacon on tbi Hoe should give warning of the first sight of the enemy; -CHAPTER IX - ''? ' THE" SPANISH Ie!sC1:NT. ' The beacon had blazed f Drako's game at bowls had been played out. The night was over of .which we have heard, ''Such night in Euglaud ne'er hath been and ne'er ajrain shall bo ; the men of the Undci-cliff estate were with the train-bauds on the watch under ' Mr. Kirkham's command, and theLeamy nt full tide glistened tran quilly in the July . sun," the swans sailed mnjeticalljV beneath the wooded banks on. the opposite side," 'and Grace was sup porting Mrs. Lynch as she walked along the garden,' and. as Amise, cut the laven der, babbled of laying them round those first shirts to which her infant Mark was soon to take instead of his ' swaddling clothes. " " ' 1 . ". , ' , ' Amlse with her ' basket was somewhat in advanee. aud had turned a comer of the garden out ?f sight, when suddenly, with a startled face, pale .cheeks, and panting breath, she flow back, and laying her hand nil Grace arm, gasped out; H) Grace! Ml ' 1 I hey are in the river ! Old Keiland knows she is ofpaKj!, build. Dick is come to warn us. But they are . . . I "WhatUitr What does she sav ?- Arit :.. ' ' ,itf :i .. . i ' I rr-a " - a -uar,k : .r the mother. it! I ! i.V . . I - J u, iiu, uiuLuer, saiu Grace, in thq usual perKuaive voice i 11 which he spoke to ucr. "Uniy we will come up the lull. Amise, child,' run on. You know what wo fixed. " You and ; the maids up into the cavern. I 'will bring her when he will move." '' ' "With 3011 ! I will not leave you! cried 'Amise, trj ing to get Mrs. LynchV other arm into her own. and thus to drag her on -to a cavern, amid rocks and trees some half mile up the river, where there was little chance of any Spaniard pen-! traiing.; ' ' ' . , , ". "Who is she? What Would she?; .Why ! uocssno not cm me laveuoer to scent my babe's hirrs? demaVideI Mrs. Lynch, fretfully 'withdrawing her arm. v- v. ' ' " . 1 . 1 ' . ' 1 ."vnuso wrung ner nanus witn uesprur. fyoucan see. lou, Jenny, help roe to car-1 rY her down to it. So wo mar vet roach 1 i j r - a ' . a- 7 a : s ee rre.u,e u. minu so lar prevail- that Amise had sprung off to the sta- hln t n? Peil 1ini Wrt nf tocT.nt .ml , j-... ...w v.v.v,. . . v iui. . touhu-j. gin, m swui w i . t 0 .. . , waa a redoubled shriek, and on the water ge n. the steps from tho gardoo,' Grace oeneia a aarK ngure in tuo too weii-Known garh: of a Spaniard. . ' ' . -. The maids,' one and all, crowding scrcara "P0" scream, fled headlong, and Grace was leit aione witn tne neipiei'S, unconscious I nguro on her arm. Sho liaw instantly that j nignu was i the slight out of the quostion, and that slight remnant of Spanish chivalry the only hope!) She coartesied with was 'gnity, that she might make it ' evident Mua uas oi iuu lniio oioou, to which I ..U .? .V P.t .-.i . . . lue Dijauhirus wenj woni sometimes to .AAAI r HT. ' .k..l ! . - . ........ ; .'I iiiie nope as inore was or; his Understand, - o ...v. wi v. Hut with ' niif HtMt nKm! Hrm ' da nM n'i. on. uronued on his - knee atv their foeL i i-'' ' i . "m.iiw. . i iimiua tiuuio ijio (icuu, Willi a nurse, to protect them from the Intruder. I M31other, I am here ! yvhen strange iuen wero nbouL and sot off ...iii.. i. i ..... . . wim imrnw, untiring steps aioug the 1 terrace, r, .-. -i ,-if .rw a J The tears were running down ;OIark?a me arciumu; 4 m'j are 111 inomtri-1,,nu.,. ... ... : . F A 1 wit ui.'..nT, . 1. ..x ..:.f 1 .... ..... .1 11 1 " . " . V II'MIU 1 - 1 . . - - - - j . - ... mnfhAI 1.1. r- t jia'lr.'.i.; . - n I . ' . . I ' . . - l "if, ...v.. - - cheeks as be roe to his feel, aud implor ingly Calling, would havo reschrI and withheld her; but Grace laid her hand on him, . "It would terrify her to death," she said. o; do not follow too fast; she might hurry and fall. Ob! Mark; poor Mark, what a return! Bat thank God!" And Grace, strained in her brother's arms, tasted of one moment at least of in ,1...;. . r.k.i IaI hear and rep!y,.to hjs .agonixed qacstioo, "How long baa it been thus r' ' . 'For two . whole years.' Long before our father. draih.". - "My father!" and lotting grace gn, he staggered against the wall,-covering his face with his hands, MDoar Mark, it wa a peaceful decay. The malady, must novdt , hare had it course. . He Ufl hi blessing for you." Mark groaned aloud. - Come iu, brother, entreated Grace. "She may yet know, you, in th bou!c Take off that ipanUh beaver, put back vour Lair. ,u, ir von couM Tor a moment look hketlve Mirk who went! Why so Spanish V she added. ; r . . : , . ,44We were, captured, and . rose on the crew of our Captor," said Mark. 4No oth. crclothea could wo come by. . 1 forrot the I terror they might cause.. "Come to your own chamber; uon your I own clothes; then, perhaps "lieganGrnrc, her heart beating to know who was inclu ded i a that we. , . : : "Alack I uo, Graco j not now. We maul be op in time for tbe battle with tho Span-:--.! : ii.i. u..it tri i-. "iui Mitrft uurrivuiy. "There Is not I an hour. to lose. Stafford" (Graco's qoes- lion was answered, and her heart leapt up again) "would ot even pstisto the Sound after wbat ' he heard at Valmoath, but granted me these two hoars,' while he sets the" Jtreasufe ashore, that I might run in with tho boat, and hear " '"Ha'was moving towards tho house all the time, Grace clinging to his arm. and pressing it fondly, as his last words ended in rJ - V. -V - r . 5a".iauo: ! : I jZ S i u i . M it r I . rr-r aiiil 1 1, -n rn V I I Vf.rt . ou'" nysieneany soneain? tnat toe 01a laur I was running about demented, bad there- V upon turned, on a sudden impulse, to take I tbe rare of the helpless one, whom she 1 found in tho hall trembling, but crooning over her old nmrmu Where, where was I lier bsby, JlarkH Amise bad- geuUr ' taken her Laud to noothe, and. if vMtble. lead her awav. I wben tbe wouderlul sight came before her eyes of ti rnce, roy, tearful, yet ineffably happy, on the arm or of Dark, brown-1 eu, biacK-DcarueU as he was, Atntso hadno doubt ana no urvau; but, turning crnnun, I she stood fast-rtoted to the soot. She. I whom he had loathed and fled. Low could I she'sftcak the welcomo to his homo T I He seemed to look for nono from her. 1 Only he stepped towards her, graped her 1 band in both his. and said.- "Fear nolhinrr I Amise Colyton. Theao 1 ,t i wnicu? - "She is yours, said Mark, as climbln 1 . ' np the siuca or tha sh.p be laid his hand on Stafford! shoulder. ' - - '.-irn 1.. O . - - I 1 i - . . - r . u w , tCiTSU- OlSuUrU. ea LTv r I r Wnn"- tnjj uu Mnu. , . - I - - . mhii aunwcrvi t m v-lr . Ull... ' 1VV.. . r.. t. t J 1 r:.t r :. ',jr .,afc"cr P.c,w W? :r"r.. V aU"-' "7 , ' IailD'tM- IrnL ;t . ' " 7. ii. V ou Will Mk I l anon n rtn r Ii .! hnn t .. . f I I . . will tee it aoon -enough, without madden- ing rae with pity.'' : ( . -' "Mark!- v ; w - -o- - i-ucii. iuv jiarx naa movta oat or reach of a I confidential namnr iniA it. lflJeiitia narmnrinlAl ml,l.(Ar iU ll . . I ft. .ft, mm- A . - - . . . . v. . . hat and standi a? . "v v i v wvm.s uii ford knew his mood, and though burning with irratltnda and nit v.-. drt n k..C I . Q I'-J w. v.m in on it.. Indl it a nUht nf ittit l t&ilr rwrv -jiii..;i r ... . . k I track of therrtnada, vhoso.raighty cres- m waniruiu iu inn oeni-iurmnu muadmriK hmt lurnni iit. . .1 wi . - . . .1 " the ad all teen set Ar,. i f i i w M.i .www v mi- luawy isieia oi lliO to save him and his crew as his own tires, should need so rcoaire. ' ' All the larrimer night they sailed. quickly' oaocaled again. dho vxcitemcnt of the vouncr men.' Van kirke and all,'was exceeding; but Stafrurd. . ! ' . . . . . . O' .... ' wmu as wero nar-raml almost all the sai- .. I Iiiva Hiiirlit mn 1ia mnk itiA rl.ni.. ttfinl crteJ rfLaZTiml. "1 uMihlea mt 11 1 ikl vna rra tiinn what von viva t I m as a vvAwa A w I iii VJlllltV HtUDm I LirA a tr M r tr Ti'Sl irkVsw r " A e rui r.n rta. - - ftw iMiLi 1 1. i w 1 w rane l vi v . ftw4 wva uaasv uuiuv. r ii m. v... .u.i a. , u i urn. inon i tiii m. i ptvi n i m i .l: ,i Kr ir w , . t w . . vl- . t i . a .m i.. . -ill.. .1 ii' i . ' m I m 1 l,,C frBjr' WuullJ "0 ro,1Te fvjr - want mi bs could rrcir thn0t;h the smoke where was a fit iuUrral for bearing uown into the mk it 1, 1.. - m s in 4aia a v Baiv o! the plan of attack, he was anxious tn diwni the flagship, and then p!ce Mm self under orders, and he further knew that in spile of the KngU-h C obtained in haile at Falmouth' ihrrw r.-il fn inm in 11.. l...i. .1 - . r - f a ,v 2-.t ft... . . onmistakaUy Spanish appearance of bip, . ,, . After a timt the Cabct became U frxs qacnt, the mole K-m dcno : the .EoUh vmsvls, often with sorely Laiurr4 mail began to how forth pUintr; In fact the cea:ion on their part wa. StafTor! ahrewdly gnevrd, for want of powder, and asnbe atioopbcrt bctn tlearer, o that tho green shores of the Ilo of Wight grew viable, the Kngl'uh ?eli might be en msking for the shelter of the Solent, where they might be abU to procure pow- der from lorttnotb for tho next day fiht. Tlie great Hjaalh ships in their cathJike dignity hovered abut bwjy in the oWog, as though uncertain whether to avenge the insults of the d4y or proceed tcronlinf In I'irir nhifinil . eaUward attack. p ; " Ufin to tl.ejr Almost at the rear of the EngU.h, with m$t shattered and every token of bar- ing wjrn toe Orunt or tlie. engagement, roovetl a tccI, whose msnoruvres ld fix c4 from the Crttho cye ef all on Uianl tho Santa Clara; and wlwu a huge gIlrr was seen moving fyrward, s tbOaeh to cot her off from her companion vetrt. Stafford gave the word, and a cheer fed- lowed the wtlcorat order fnr bcarinvjd'Own to the rrcue. JJefore the Spaniards ' ha-l time to pour ono bros bode into the now silent English teasel, the Santa Clam Isy between, and tbenderiag from all her aecKa, took ucr wbilora stcr ctterly by surprise, and after a short sharp tiglit, brought ber as a prise into the Soleot. There the vee!s were findior anchor ogt anu uuaia outur piying ueiween mem !... ana rorwraoaui, towts, ana Jtyue, ta search of provjsioas alike fur taco and h t A lorn Ofilofl IkAat Ia Iva I a rr f VT" WB, ,u 01 rK. Jj nvii, ior noiuinir less nsa a eomcianu would have broken into hU aileuca. - They ftK&a . . . . tofc their two chief priscners with tbcia, Vankirke and the SpanUh captsin, snd rowed to the Hag ship, wbcro thuy could slrralr dicem the assembly of brave catv Mains, there met for council, pacing the deck, and standing to watch thetr arrival wi(h conoitr. as tbongh they were ob- Jett orspeculation CVmiug alngiide, Etsfura stood op, and taring bis bead, erased )ermi4on to cocac ion ixanj anu report uiraseii to tue ixru .vnnurai. ,MHar cried a well known voice, as a never-to-b-trgoiien figure leaht over the bulwarks, "thoe are tones I never thought 1 ,'r again r half Mariom, man, has eome from the dead to help me in my pneti r nablc ps- .... f . . . . - by his ingenuity enaWeU the prisoners to turn the taoiet apon tntir enemies. "Ha, my young eomra-Io, ail JUIei-h, heartily, "melhou-ht there was the mak - h. .ei' :t. 1 .v- r. I v .. oil I in VAN " . ;y00 etTi m0 COO, advice fir" said 1 JUrK. I0W SuU unfill. 1 . .. ... .- -r that kinu tuat no one ever lo.iowa, replied llaJ.lgh. ' ; -IUt. yoa been U homer ht aUdea. kinjiy, arss.og iu, I ... . . . t . I .-. I : youth apart in the deire to prepare him for bat bad taken pUce there. u jaTC," said Mark, ' long enough to i Tnuin jnin in mo uturv imirv um know how utterly all u loit to me. Sir. if m " t. 1 . . . i yun ia.c M idTumuMwn uununu w nu i win nuo um wrvckn u i bIIowr said Raleigh, "would yoa be off: again, when yonucr sweet nine rosuicn has been waiting and watching rr you all the Tears 7 A look of Intense rain paved over bis face as he answered, . "Not for ran.- That If all at an end." Raleinh looked untatUf.ixl at him, but It was no time wbon.the great explain of; Englaud could siend many momcuU upon 's hv barter with IUlei-h's of bis sulcr. ' ' . "His sister 1" evcLilmcsI Slr.Waller. ' "Who cUe : coult it b but the grave, calm, admirable Grace? I tluujUl bis Tears I wxl, w-rw, -a J rr, catv I not into tbt time io.iun Urahg sod cnra!2nl t t, tW I though her rsinr U loftr. and I mv 1 S UnratL her in frtonc,tcujuly my but I J neede.1 no such c-ntcmjiL MWber U tbe lad T criM. hi .... L more than half lan-bi;?g. Set "ir e bin O! l!tat tnn purp. jltm'.d endr fall ; fwur rears! Ucre is Ma!tr Lji.hf Srndhim to me laUnlly." Sir, cricI 5tsfTanj", ctv.ntly ikum. po-!. -yoa da cot deem that tit re a d-'oli of ; Iri-h sh'y'ik Mmi'lf free f the a'jrm rJ startled Hu-rd, and. watirig lum l aek, wrnt to meet Mark l.jnrb. i ho.d.-turl-rl in tb depths of Lis ta' in by a mck a from .r Walter, was msfing bi gWmr way tliroa-h a storm f ra;n u oWv lknmmiii. " -Mr. Lynch," aaJ Ilaloftb, find that I have to congritnlsle yon oa hatio- won an adnirabte trother-tn-law."! "Voa know more of my fiii!y atTiIm thsn I do," said Mark; but 1 am imiml if my itcr Grace Las LsVen lLi tim f r being rve'l. "Say" sail iLsJeih, a I tindertn!f it i you vonnelf that pnerui-! her." l, sir me ak who has drvJ tha to make u f my namef ib bnacgrvom fcimelf, r other J thsn your captain, Lionel JstalTard, bo told c-t your " I Mark brtAe in. heedless ofall reeet, I ''Staff er! -SlaiT-jnl! Sir, you are on !er some msrvclloos trwr. He, a I now he- l lieve. on willin-! v. tt.rf. the heart of rav bw I trulhed. and to bira I t ictJol her. He believes llat it was yoar siter that yom granted, and crjy wou Jcrrd at your grading manner." My ilr!" gsped MsrV. ml-l me e bira, sir. He ran be onder no such de- laion! It U yoa pord m iije, Sir Wa!ur who eanmt imsne tie tho way I have caused myself to be trvalcL My tiiUr . Hut it is all one to roe, tbe other twur cbdd lovca Lira. The ia!rrr I he Lss brought" I. . I think." said Sir Waller kinair. -that if a stranger mayjs lgt cf lbs coeoienai.ee of a maiden as certain baraet were en, it was not that of Staff.rJ that made Mis tress CoJytoo Uoh an 4 glow, with a U ar in her bright eye." I Mark was now rrarrrd Into one f L" I iw pet at as fit. He strode 00 to the l.ttJc I ino parlor where Lionel w pacing ep and down in aJiuol coaJ agitatooi Catching bita by the Lacd. he .abruptly demanded, . -Lionel, which is T ilrk I can joa doubt? Iid yot deem roe all the vear a traitor? fan roa I imnpne that 1 could prefer thst bit!-" 1c hapjly aoght liimself tit Uc be LaJ I Uteme ancvmplimentary -that pretty btU'e child to one o noble, so di 'y think. Ing. a your sltrrT 3lark cao-;ht him by tbe bind, and wrung it as be bad wrung it in the s'.urus three months ago. And this lbiexplaia s!l T exT?aimei LioneL "This was the taae ofyocrdis Ileaare1 It was from your own heart . T -.l.oald take pise at o.ce. and Sir Walter iih tame don to Kardt! fvr tU ea- prx3m llljnx) cf rating away tbe to 1 Lii.il. Ln.. rr .. - - t)4al ra. Lyncli, hearing the esra of Mark about tbboue again, teraa.e calm and aati-fled, and un!er Che tender car ( 'I Am ui lirnl fr.n rw.i. m hr t-ri.lk ..I - - ... . fwUcni to s-uftea on i.rr t-s rain i tbal titur arns of wvJeUM ercUy that Lad W0loJlitawraCtl w ooLUCntr- I " ini v.ua.OM or th t..um n,.. . ... . . ,.r il. mr . r I.. earthquake in Peru are interelii'g.bt4ue they show aonaething I tbe gcrticft hy which tbe face of I be earth tnu; fnopnt ly, in pa I times, have Ujen alter L How U! and which were mouolairws bate been raid in the tea, and bow tbey aauk down again wo hate read in the . c"&I"g"ital treatites, bat, we have in this I'trutian eartbnnako very rca.arkb!a cn Crrr. A'Jn cd the theory that tho great cba,c pu tbe glut Lavo bcn the recall oi ajb'.ra- nean commvlwrift. In I na tie fac cf luo country baa bvn cl.an-ed. IL bsve Uicn sank down, lVes bro been cade where there were "high" and dry !xr.d. rivers bsva dried an la their toarvoa, and new fttrvams ran when I-err w em nttt before, Tbe iaeidsnu cX this calamity shows oa a small scale ll m-ht bavs been done over a great i-:a! before the era of men's oceupaUwa -J the earth. Ia tbt Sandwich laUods il has Lean oleJ tkil there has been a sbaidoc of a portiea cf the boru, varying from vgbl inches 13 that for?" said La to a person in tbe treet. . Oh, that's to aU.p the elIera." -Ah, I have often heard of the UaM of beafih, hot I never saw one l-cfurv." kkkpixg jir.irr totatols A c-rr''r. !cl f tb ("Ty fit imm w ritifj frmi Oi.io, who sJtjsre rpl rrt wtalr- la gri "-il co . tun rUrrd moaih, gites lis f;I!jwf J'.rV.Kiei 1. Ti i-fttava boaU la stfr in dry we.stt.er, if f nttKl, !rrr in i iaj It rnsln.r ti e 3 . I !. A f."M- fl at wi'l ii!! lis -.- r i t jty.d'r n-l (mviH!r vlelny cr the ltr; Lt it tjine Lc !t tt , rvn.ri bjg iu tbe rr?rsi afur t-t c i IU ua a. Urc i a I ditnp. t Z. In Lnh V1, i Tf . lrv"4n tjjbrw"i Vrta 1fe!tKlT S3tt rath o:t.?r, or ly any -Ur laear a fbts will indue deay 'titrl t ikJin any i4Htr tOC!iSakal l"jrrlin. fLrj tf L i r..V t rTi mi' y ?t A lIr issr I-ff eat w hh a kn:fe il lol 'r? la il krp.'n. tzi ilf.Wn ret fien V?! X To kn l.ci U "aotaj ratf.tf . it it hrrr4fr lf.t tr.ry iatc a cry with m Lit! tr.at---tn a rrt1..!, a I iCiiT.t rntlt:Tft to WT- lb krs o- Jjerv .iry, L; tai.-l .l2;h.ri i.j- f :s ln!&rf. 4. i un t itfi in t; v .r t.A ft fc - ' ml aft ft tTev are gilLprrd, kVll.ri r j ; 1 d a r. ni i, : U t V n e s t l . r uw, art, at any Lani-.-g rr a r, .a . ot rat la lit t w - I car, hy rr.sy 7 -I in Mr.S It wi' m If patked in very Cry si r. J ( l!,y ?l .cl wiU i-ta so ncc U I j lI.U i-hmh ;r laUr arJ ext'tt.se. tc i c 1 r prt-err tl.era tec rs certiirlr. cKUars ar t.- r t at ' Id P lf-a. as they are Lsl'.e li ls ci:. a line, ft I sv cues t!.s c&-e a-.-2. a.ler Wr.rr. il neJ not c'-- .a'Ar-i. It", is cc-i be the jtU'.s UT-g c ..T t! ta lie ta-; hcr srur J Vt .J j x . ctIig tie wv-ta inlte.i r. A rr.a it-cf Lcj.1 w..I ..v n rt 3 tit 4rj n.t. ' II w t (iaarr iiaari: Vists. A ?&fth Carvliua farraer pitr ztltr tie l.c&l ef Smctbiog VVVrth Kt.os in g " ttf fw.!ow. ing: Cat the -ra" :.fi;-ts If.st'S tbe lit cf LVKjembcr tn I tbe Uu cf Jsu-.ry ; rack r tgt, lol'.d in c I and ar.J krep t-eta iu a ft'.lir crt-l tb bac wf tbe titc to l-e T.fY"d are h!f grj n any ,bw stil L p Lis C ' J i Sow. Thee d-.J n t-el : r t!.e c v iar r tba r?r.l Li rs tfc. rau vf vi.e ra J ale, and bant Lr tb Urg--l kui tt.ut thrifty, cat tberu I -v- frtn tbe ex-"r avd witH tr.r thrrrt to r-Dtitn. Cut the .- ..rr- sr cI't a-4 graA j jl as yt j sc! 1 ii if; ! In, ff at- in at lril It j 11 cr. y t4 tLfa pace a Ur hM intr J it, jrtscVIn l tbe t p cf ibe graXV, eoTtr.r- lie ,cf ;rr lu-2aniatb ith t'-e !.r!, fc I r ... a c!J . a d l!.n, if tc gr.fl f- ! ti p ; a. it U tra-K tbe rT-.n tl t lVr tabty lrfe- the u.: 1: w a . i I wi mar Late a tito ;cr 'iri rr.r t txt a r.i Jf J.c ro-jts are tbrir.y. tlcy rr i k lis Crl utnener frnm f n am! yoj Cin itta bste a fct is l"-fb. vrtp cr j;tis lheeviJJ y--r, WiM f r tie ! t to ; eas ndigt'ts to lb t"-l in "ni. ar 4 know l- tier l ban a Tf in To sl'?! try ti..o t arit- ly al bal Jepi! to irAe tl rrv-U. PraVrut ilrwMirt Tf rti-M thst deneg thi rec- t.1 eartLixVt al Anca, lm, fire haa Jr 1 riino'ii rcrt tLrv to tbt snrfa'e. it e-. r. r-cJ ly traTt'fr. . . . i - s ' - sti) rvprt teat ir e r.wn niaiMV regv-in ar? f.'iV-I ml'.H tKe J-KTif J !rJ a of the ab- rt,;ir e. Tt.t r n rt tt' cf lb-e remi.ns cf rf.rruT.tr is alrf.b'.nl to tlx tUr-jale, axl s'. t t!t aJ. sLiib it inprcgasted with r..Ut.; 1 Le 1 it cf tie tJlJTc are ialrrTTl ia ! Virnn,' an ! tbe wicJ remciTt tb l'-M asi ur. cring them, so l! l iTrn in c r!inry tiraea bsnJre'Ii ef aoca'If-l Mssiti-, m;d in eeai-fte graa saaltln cr u trass t.i . I ! Dvt, lijir ien cij t EtYAL FAMILY. EXIT-NSTA TK tlpenea of a iamlly ar ii'.z! rtr! by the ar joent pa att.Ka.iy Ut tlc l-p rrt cf ijr9 h tori a a i Irr hcM I ul. The tjer rfin $!.'.-" J a r if ti a tbe Ise if I!'-rir.- t! Croen Pr.t.ct a cf Jy.ir.'i ft' j esus L-. i f ll'-, j C;br-I!:sa. (Z .C j , tl e I'-:! bri 1. tc-tK- i irj . j :rr tbi- f. lie J ft t.l ttt-.1.' t'.'sf I i rf Mek!et.trg h;r. .its (I'ttiea f. Pin bride's cMtit ilAJ-.trr; r-cira II!-.- 0 )r; the. Pr-.M. of Ttk, 1,' Tbc-n there ar-e ji-.r -cr ci.l'-r ff lie Q iccn iU'J la lo tril i,"l fw-r, AtJS lis .... j i i-nf. I T'X I f A w. at in.'r cone cttU" ll.Or rtT-M i- Cripli.-.iift w tbe Ut-t.( tly think they tai ; d b?U lis t t g ?air. i . i E::uJ i-.in' i'vT --;.-. d -i ru CMffX u L'csi.t ter.ji ir; '! caarx to gcat.'-ft tffui ai r ctber ar fter l. x - a 1 it a U 1 I. rm I m rtik a 1. e-c r . t i w alonl l.:aw:i fti bn x3 U tu J, . aU ii )ai rK.iL j ; - - ni MvtVf iLc lL-t rr " t f icii lbrtb t'l if rs-t i bj cr ti.,i 02 r o .1 f i f - r . ' ft . .a.i