ol. XVII. iS-AJLTSIVi:, OKTH CAHOLIIVA, AUGUST 1.5, lSGot rs'o. -43. t is .-. 1 9 if; ".Uv' 'I I ,f.'r" t :. '"" t foplc's )rrs5. PUBLISHED 12V Ell Y FRIDAY BY L. T. BLVM. TERMS. Cash in Adcance. ' One copy, . I year . . . . $2 " 6 months, . . 1 00: 00 75 3 months, ... . RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ton lines or onu inch space, or Io.sk, to Constitute a square. OheJ square, one insertion, $1 00 T "Each subsequent insertion, - 50 Court j advertisements will be charged higher than the regular. rates. . Special Notices charged 50 per cent higher than ordinary advertisements. Liberal deduction made, b.y special con tract, to large advertisers. Chinamen are slaughtered by the whole sale over on the Central Pacific, if. I he fol lowing, from the-Elk'o Independent of the 21st, is true.":. Sheriff. Fitch received a tel egram last night, advising him that eigh teen persons, had been arretted at Tonado and would he down on the night train in charge of Deputy Sheriff Shellon. , These parties are those who killed and soalned six or even Chinamen at that place a lew I uays since. - Edward Halpin, an elderly man from Black Rock, fell over an embankment at "Niagara Falls, near the Table Rock, a dis tance of 180 r feet, Friday evening. He was instantly killed, his body being man gled in a dreadful manner. The Pacific mail steamers take $1,000, 000 worth of silver per month direct from California to China where it is made up into ornaments. i r ' Fifteen hundred ouildir.gs .are in. course of erection in Chicago, at a cost of $10, 000,000, and it is proposed to build a mag nificent Slock Exchange,; to cost $800,000. Y z , -. - " " j . a. ly&Utia uHT-eighl oushels to the acre out if his whea't crop. 1 A 20 inch trun. weiyhimr 57 tons, to.l -throvT a 1,100 pound shot, has been sent : r rt ry ------ , -- -, to. fortress Monroe trom iho Pittsburg, Pa. foundry. - x Florida has an immense amount o." land ' adapted to the culture of coffee. 1 ' "1a. J. .Thompson, hear Ilillsdale. Michi gan, has 'sheared 1000 pounds of wool from 100 sheep. From five rams ha sheared 88 J pounds. , Staggers among Hoo. Take one tea epoonful of sweet oil (or any good oil) and half the quantity ot spirits ot turpentine. Mix and shake the oil and turpentine well tosrethar: then 1av the hoy down with the effected ear up and pour this mixture into his ear holding him in that situation a mo ment or two, until it gets well into the head. . No further "attention .is r.evessarj-. . A devil fish .has been caught at Now Orleans, illis chief characteristics are a lengtii of twelve . feet and a breadth of fourteen feet, and a mouth two feet wide. t Two gentlemen left Selma, Alabama, a few days since tor ban rrancisco lor a shipment of Chinese. They had orders for 500 laborers. A young lady studying French and find-' that "belle" meant -fine," told some one in a letter, that wo had a great deal of "belle-weather lately. t i. The mail carrier and escort of three soldiers were killed i by Indians between La Pas land PrescOtt,' Arizona, on tho 17th... i Tho Arizona papers appeal for more troops. . : , To lay off a square acre ot land meas- . u ro 208 feet. 81 inches for each side of ? your square, and it will contain just an :vi acre. , . ' " .J. . ! A German shoemaker .who liad under tl taken to make a pair of boots for a geutle ' "men of whose fihaucial integritr he had considerable doubt, replied, when asked for . - . the article; "iJer boots u not quuo aone, but der beel ish made out." ... A little girl named Katie Pitt has re k1" ' for committing to memory thirteen ihou- '" sand six hundred aud fif .y -seven verses of ; tho Bible. ; 1 1 " Chicago "gambling houses clear thrco . 'inillions annually on faro alone. There are forty establish men ts. - Sacramento has doubled in population ainee lS65r if now contains 22.000 neonlc. A svstdm of levees has been completed, T A 1 E ?. , . .u: :. i...-u : . .. fliOOuS . HICJl BT'Trei'ttic reuawi-w vku H tmilefr. and thev cost over 81, OOU.UUU. t'vii i ' I -- ' - - liivateif iii tho . j - ' ' . i- Peninsula of Florida with great success, led and pre-empted several thousand jcrfcs They are larger than those grown, in the of land about him, aud learning from Wat f West Indies, and fully equal to them in so t,iat 1,0 had money cuough lo do like ' sweetness and flavor. W4K0 proposed that he should go down to The Dutchman' lien. A Funny Slory vith a Seriovt Moral Once with an honest Dutchman walking, About his troubles he was talking The most of which seemed to arise . From friends and wife's jerversities. When he took breath, his pipe to fill, 1 ventured to suggest that will Was oft the o.iuse of human ill ; That life v;;. full of stit'-donials, And every man had his own trials. 'Tis not the will," he quick rei.lied, 'But it's the won't, by which I'm tried. When people will, I'm always glad : "lis only when they won't, I'm mail I Contrary folks, like mino old hen, , Who laid a dozen eggs, ami then, Instead of tilting down to hatch, Huns oil' into mine garden patch 1 1 g.Kt; and catches 1it; ami brings her, And back into her nst 1 tllng her And then 1 snajU onhe he J, And toil her, 'Sit there you old jadol' lUit sit she won't, for all I say, She's up again and rims away. Then I was mad, as mad as fire, But once again I thought I'd try her: fv alter her 1 soon makes chase, And brings her back to the old place, f And then I snaps her a great deal, . ' And does my best to make her fevl That she must do as she wa bid ; But not a bit of it she did ; She was the most contrary bird . Of which I evef saw or heard. Before I'd turned my back again, Was running oft that plaguey- hen ; Thinks I, I'm now a used up man, must adopt some other plan. . I'll fix her now for if I don't, My will is conquered by her won't I So then I goes ami gets some blocks, Ami with them maken a little box ; And takes tome straw the very best, And makes the nicest kind of nest ; Then m the nest the eggs 1 place ; And feel a binile uion lay face As I thinks now at last I've got her $ For to this little box 1 did Consider I mubt h-ive a lid, So that she couldn't get away ; But in it till she hatched must stay; And then again once more I chased her, And catche4, and in the box I placed her; Again f snaps her on the he.nl. Until 1 tear she might be dead ; And then when 1 had made her sit down, Immediately I clas the lid on ; And now, thinks 1, I've got her fast, She'll have to do her work at last ; No longer shall I stand the brunt Of this old hen's confounded won't! So I goes in and tells mine folks, And then I takes' my pijteand smokes, And walks about and feels so good That 'would'nt' yields at length to 'would. And now so oft I'd snapped the hen, I takes some 'schnapps' myself, and then I thought I'd see how the old critter Was getting on where I had set her ; . - The lid the lox so nicely fits on - r wtt rais--.i--cmiiafi Jfmi oitizen i (Give me more schnapp and fill the cup !) There she was sitting standing up 1 Knickerbocker Magazine. SfrTkffll IIIUOIIS. A HEROIC GIRL On the border of (Ireen Lake, in Minne sota, there lived a sturdy, white-haired frontiers-man, named Waller Brown. He was oneoTthoM! adventurous spirits ever to bo found in the vau of advancing civili- zatiou, always courting the free, wild air o the prairie, and rejoicing in tho profound 1.1 ii. . f i .1 i UCT,U? leu lorcsu. But the country became nnuo and more thickly settled, and Walter Brown became uneasy. His wife had borne him a daugh ter, the third or fourth year of their resi dence at the head waters of the St. Croix, whom he called Leonora. She was a good girl, and tho idol of her father. lie pur- chased a r flo for her, when ,he was but S Vn V V twelve years 'old, and took the utmost would hesitato to do this, becauso having Dains in teach inir her tho us f it Shl...t .i. t i i i... m wa3 bravo and steady of nerve, and soon aequircu wonueriui till as a shot, and the number ot prairio chickens, partridges, uu nnici iu if, aim oiner small game every day was real- Y lar- Occasionally she would shoot -.1. - I , P" ."" v.-..liu, morning oy a luc-Ky ams iiiiw uiu main iiuuuu tiio eye, sue killed a bear. oe.i soe cu.ne nomo wun tno news, tier father could hardly credit her. But know- k 1 l. 1 ..... . ing nor penecuy trullilul nuluro, he danc- ed alniut the room for joy, and seizing the sturdy little maid tj mounted her upon ii. o anuuimiC meioLeo uHin carrying her all the way to where the body of the dead bruin la Thicker and thicker flowed tho tide of I emigration into Minnesota and Wisconsin, following the navigable rivers as a matter of" course, ami more and. more uneasy and crowded" felt Waller Brown. At length his Wife died. Loonnm ivni th.n kivtnn and engaged to be married to a handsome yoUng trapper by the name of Watson, who had ioined her futhoi- in l.i'n.. Tk, .l...l. ,.C l .i. . .. . - frt ""." ,";. M Walter d.i.ll lo move into northwestern Minneota. Neighbors were getting too hill) . n I l......t and trapping were bad As tho young man had w , . V, wu- of land near I ay lor's I alls, and did not lirnrAii :.n ni'djimnin. . - . lion ot wish either to abandon or sell it inst then. persuading Leonora to promise to write to uim ho bifde lcj: a" aft ctionate good-by. ' D,own ,,vcu " Jdncsota tor. three or toor 3.tal'' ,n Paf e ' q", finding gtiod i... I trapping anu nunting iriounds. when nil I at once young Watson arrived nd funmv. , . o , ........ i"vtr w" Y' ",,,,ttSw w ieono- i i r-n ' . i ii. til. i i u r I,.., i ..1.... i . I y.v. uuu nwu. uviu iinnru fcW more no more, and had accordinlv loca ht. laul and buy laud warrants with his money, and take up all tho land ho could "swing." He might then marry Leonora, and they two would go to work, nnd after building plenty of Mabh-s. etc., would get a good Mock of cattle and sheep, and try and lead a pastoral lifo for the rest of their days. To this proposition tho young man heartily assented, and after returning from St. Paul, went bravely to work in the woods, felling trees for building purposes. It was first agreed that thcy'thnaUl build a new Ire wed log house for tho uuiled fam ily, as Watson had got up u fimall single room cabin. Then the wedding was to take place, and the two men should again resume their work. While thu busily engaged tho Sioux war broke out. It was the habit of Leo-. no:a 'it ake her riflle nut every moruing and hot prairie chickens f.r tho ta!Je L while her lather and lover vu rn hat-d .i woik on the new house. Watson had brought ier as a present from St. Paul, a light and han lsonic revolving rifle of which she wan immensely fond, and with which die became so expert that idie. Could shoot a duck or prairie chicken on tho wing with almost absolute certainty. One morning as sho whs strolling 'around the lake, riftV in hand, she noticed thrve canoe bads of Indians paddling carefully along the opposite side of the water, stead ily and stealthily approaching tho spot where her father and lover were at work. She did not immediately apprehend any tragedy, but in snmo unaccountable waj she felt imjK-llid to remain and watch their motions. She therefore concealed herself behind the top of a fjillen tree, and observed their movements, which grew more and more suspicion. There were two Indians in fach canoe, and alter pulling steadily to a point where a thick ovei hauling birch trc afforded concealment for their i-;iihcm, they disem barked, ami crept carefully ami noiclely aloog until they were within a, few feet of where the unsuspecting men were choj ping. Suddenly, with a yell that made the forest ring, and which echoed and re echoed across tho broad still lake, ihey spnftng upon their victims and Lore them to the earth. Leonora trembled with excitement and apprehension, expecting nothing less than to witness the horrible t-uicherj of her fa'.her and lover at once. Hut thidid not "com to be the purpose of the Indians, for,' tying tho arms -of their captives behind them, ihey took to the canoes, where tak ing the young man into one and tbo old nian into another, they shoved Jboldly out into too iaKC una pauuico rapiunr Gown to t I W kollM' V- vAi?rtln.3r. their intent instantly ''Ha!' she said to herself, "thev demVn capii.ring me too. i ney Ucvm thai an . w easy job, jH-rhap!!" and her eye flashed ami her cheek tlnnhed with ager. "See, there is a fourth canoe, uliich they m. Ionbt suppose will carry me. This vil lainous work has been well calculated, but, ha!oub.id savage, you have mistake your girl this time Leonora Drown has bcu taught more things than to cook ven ison steak. Oh, dear, dear father, your Leonora will soon show you how bravely sne can succor you, ana now your innroc ting her the tie of this ritle ha aved you this dav. And Vou 1k. darling Henrv Watson, hate won longer leao of your precious lifo by presenting me with this splendid revolving rifle. Six bullet for six ruffian! Miss one of them ! ah I if 1 should there is my knife. Xo, Leonora, you must not miss ono of I hem." , The girl now crept steadily through the. underbrush up thu bank to tho prairie above. Sho knew that to reach tho house thn finlininj would huve to eroa a hrf-nd flat field, where there was no shelter for their persons. Sho did not think they ....... ..... r..ii, ......... f.,.m n U.,.o About thiriv rods to tho riirht stood caU!e vanl erected by her father, aud in the corner of the fence stood an immense elm tree. Inside of this vard climbed Le onora, and behind tho big elm troo sho con cealed herself. A lew minutes more proved she wa. rirrl.t it. fi .ii ifft ti r. Tlu In.linitK nt1ir I ' r J . - having tied stout raw hide thongs around lhe f0el Df their pns..ncn, laid them down . Utinn. ofiheir cunoes and trrl I ;i.. ..d l..i..d.ii..rK. ..:oi,. i.. r.l4 tl... house, without any attempt at conceal- i tl tent Leonora! heart grew hard as stone, and her uerve?, which. tlnltered a litllo before, now grew as firm as steel. Sho had put freidi waterpivJt-ap' upon each nipple of her rifle. ai.J-pultmg the barrel on the rail of the fence, lrevv a sharp bead Uon the foremo.vt Indian ; but a her finger curved to press tho trigger, sho heard what actu ally seemed lo bo a voice, whisper, 'Not yet, Leonora !" She paused, and then, as if by inspira tion, the thought flashed through her mind- . 'Wait until they get nearer the house, and then shoot tho hindmost ono first.' Sho obeyed the impression and let them miiiH mi m i.w riHM iiiriner. Suddenly I . ... . . i the tliOUgUl C "Now you came again our timo. Clapping her face to the rifle breech, she trained the death ueailng. tnoe steadily at the -iVMrmost Indian for an iosla4it and fii-cd. Thp bullet proved true to its mark, and the burly Indian merely throw up his arms aud fell dead, the rifle ball having gone di tvetly through hi heart. A clap of thunder from a clear sky could not have so utterly astonished those re maining Indians. -WWlly they looked in every direct'on to see wbenco came the fa tal shot. In tho next instant, bang I wen Lvoiiora'a rifle again, aud another of their Dumber dropped dead. , Bat they saw the mokd of the last shot and got a g!Impo of tho shooter. At onca they comprehended their peril. They could not hide, and their only show waiu running to , tho trco and torn haw king their presumptuous foe on the spot. In stantly sonnding tho war-whoop, they bounded-forward, tut with;the note half uttered another of their number leaped in to the air aud fell lack lo.riso tio.more. Leouora had fired again. The remaining three rushed on.bulagain the brave girl'a riflo rang like the knell of doom, and a fourth eavage fell to the ground. The terror of tho remaining two vra now fearful to behold ; they stopjnrd short in thcironward career, and uttering the most fearful screams, discharged their rifle at tho tree in the wildest and roost una Viling f'er. Bnt again tho. relentless rifle blazed, and one ot the remaining two sank to tho ground as the bulla went crashing through his brain. Immediately the one left threw down his rifle and cried out, "Xo shoot me ! No shoot mo I Me give up." Leonora bad drawn a bead on him, bnt now be seemed so perfectly in her power, that she lowered her rifle, and stepping from behind tho tree, climbed ho fence briskly aud commenced approaching the savage. The surpriso and indignation of the In dian at the sight of tho girl wa intense, and forgetting his snppliea'in cry. he ml his hand behind him ami drew lorth hi tomahawk to throw at her. Leonora eye was a slow pa an cay!eV She saw the treat-he ru move. umI Jtt a- the bright blade of the hatchet gleamed for tho throw, sho raied her rifle atidlot the faithleM scoundrel dead in hi" track. With the speed of a deer be now bound ed forward to the lake. Henry Watson shouted- Glory hallelujah! I knew it was Leo nora." Ami the father cried for joy. as her little form appeared on the bluff, rifle in hand. tuickly Mie descended to the iainn-. and unbound the two men, who embraced her and cried over her in the most extrav agant manner. Hut they felt they had no time to Iomj. and hastily gearing tin their teams, and loading up their valuable, they cl out fr Minneapolis, where they arrived safely, and where Leonora aud Henry were im mcdiatelv married. ' Old Walter Brown and llcniy Watson both did good service in the Indian batths which followed : and when the Indian "". finally extern mated, thev all went ffatk to their old lionie on tirevii LaVe. Awhcre thev now live. 'J'heV have ooe of he largest stock farms in the blate and Leonora, though a happy wife and mother, clings to her beautiful reoKii:g rifle, and yet occaioiial!y uvn it to keep hers If in practice. Power of Imagination. A REVOLUTION AKT AMlCtXiTK. Mj- grandfather, a revolutionary soldier, was acciidtomed to I date the following among the incident "of hi experience luring the war : It was during the famous Jersey cam paign of I-S. Attached to the compa ny to which he Udongcd was a private oldier, an inveterate fault-finder, sour, crabbed, perpetually disgruntled about something, but who, nevertheless, wa.- never suspected of leaning toward the en emy, and had always done his duty a a good soldier of the Continental army. Un one occaior, a lieutenant and a part of his company, including the sub ject of our story, were sent out on a scout ing excursion, to watch the movements ol a body of the enemy who were prowling in tho vicinity. It a a very warm day, and the party, after a three honrV tramp, came in sight of the foe, who, being in greater numbers than wa nutieipau-d. compelled the Lieutenant aud his men to use "the better part of valor" and prepare for a retreat On this ' old Gouty," as ho was called, lowered his musket, broke forth into a tirade agai..t military duty in general and scouting parties in particular, and finished bv declaring thai he had done enough for one daV, and wa determined lo remain 'where he was lor Iho remainder it. To the representation of his com. rude that he would bo captured by tho enemy, ho replied that Mich an eveol would e wreferable to :imv farther exertion, and stay he would and abide the result. After ex bans: ing argument and entreaty. the Lieutenant iuliimud him that rather than sutTer him to bv taken by the "3iitih and give them the information they would seek concerning our iorcc, ii no pcn.iieu in his determination to remain, h- mnl shoot him in onlor to secure the general safety. The reply wa: 'Shool and U hauled : I shall ta where I am. On this a hurried consultation was held by the ofiicer with his men and It was re solved to cxperiiiicut-wilh him, and avoid, if jKsible, the sacrifice of his' life. He was told to lake a seal ppon a log in ine wocds where they then were, aud to avoid alarming the enemy bra general volley, a single soldier from behind was lo svnd a b illet through hi heart. The announcement was t dogged resignation and rcveired with an "una! fried purosc. All l-oing ready, the soldier do tailed an executioner, at tho word of com mand, fired a-blairk cartridge while by prtvarTangemcnl a second Mmultaneoasjy threw a small pebble smartly.at Ihc ;oi intended io be hit.-Tho man fell and groaned; -and the Liculeuanl approached, expressed his opioioa thai the wound was mortal! aad his torrotr thai Lix duty ccui- lulled him to the measure, bade tlta adieu, and then led his parly lo the rear, where they concealed themirca to valch the result. - I The martyr to sluluornocu lay for some time, uttering an occasional groan varied with maledictions upon the c rr ice, Lit rate, the rcd--oats and his comrades. His wrath toward tho latter seemed to be kin dled by tho bungling manner in which they had cr formed their doty, leaving him to a lingering death icsUad of dis patching him at once.- At length with a dolorous exertion", fc? raised hira self on his elbow and Iqoked over and beneath bil shoulder, at though lo determine tho ncamesa of his exit by the quantity of Mood that bad issued from hi wound. Apparently aeonibtd at find ing uone, fro next, w ilh slow but seemiog'y le p.ninful naivcmcDU, comaenced feel iu'4 U h?r. hi L Krf-siofahc Lab Ui hole. ,XrjsaTnl tlh tla,' Le raised hiutsclf to sw silling S:are, and ilh much exertion toA 3 hit coal, and Cnd- ing no ierformation. the truth of the trick Hashed ujoo him at once, when, siog some straglcm ol the enemy to tbo dis tance, he started op, svitvd bit mcskct and ran, at none bad ever seen him do be fore, toward tho- American lint. He ar rivni long in advance of tbo Lieotecact and his party, who Lad never occasion thereafter to censure Lit LaSed tabordi- nato. Eatt Stuart. A Mi. Iewis, of Ma.acbuctf, ho bc hcc, ha recently 31 hicved great and m-ritil distinction by rvuing some un- fortunate Hrn I rum a watery grave ; :ii.d tl. pnpen have pMirrally paid ihcir hioimgf iu her heroic action. Nor is this alt. liar N"fi!.ti. brethren, being of practical lurtTof mind, have made Ler the rt (pui.i or uianv substantia! tokens of appreciation in the lape of greenbacks, and jewcU of gold a ad jewelt of tilrer. so oui iter neroic action nat occn rewarded by iraie and pnMkent. i tn was all vrv well. She dercrvel i.i ... ... - -in. an. i we give ner our, applause very heartily ; but at th same time there is a maidt ii in North Carolina w ho disputes ue palm suii rcr. tioibe? inn never I. rani her name. Of course not. for -he haptN-r.rd In It bom on tho wrong i'ie oi me i uimnar. uo answer our owi. question, nnd mt that the heroine of whom we speak, is Aliea Kate Sluart, of Smithville. The other day she re-cacd the daughter i v nptam Hunter, of the steamer Fair I ..ink i., from dniwnmg. by plunging in b-iJdly-and trining her to land at the Vd of her own ViCe, m.d we nut ibe ee r.tMPs thai ffrer n.U-saction tuar Ki llK'll.fr iihrvmfmlMr4. That he i thonujhiy dcMrving our prmUe is horn by such forts a these, that when the yellow tferer and small ox pre vailed in epidemic form at Smithville, she devoted herself like a ccond Florence Nightingale to the work ol nursing the iek, while, after the disinter at Fiber, she devote everj moment to the consolalion of our d ing ar.d the care of our wounded I J soldiers. To show, in short, how entirely soiuier. iu snow, in toon, tow entirety uuclfih this hervio woman was, we qsoie the Haleigh Snml a oar authoriiy fur lite statement thai when our prisoners were removed Ui the North she gave them the -lat dollar she had io the world." To suc'i a womjn the word of praise arc nothing. She has a still, small voice in her own bo mm which speaks to her in lone of approval which are aa-eeier than all the tine phrases which Hamaoe Socie ties could utter, and she feels in her heart she ha laid up treasure in heaven by her modest and unobtrusive imitation of thai Mater whose life sho has taken as her guide. Lei the name of Kalo Sloart be numbered among those who have been or - natnents lo their sex and country ! Rattlesnakes. In an article on rvptiics by a writer who claims to have much experience on the fiioiHi in ine cm, jc ray. sin-asi..g ci t'de r.iltlciiske : "1 have lived at di:Tcr - ent time upon the prairies both eat and West of the Miislp, Upon the wild and b.irrcu region which skirt near ihe tak- rd pLiii," &s,I the nur fertile though e.i'i:illy de.lato liking expanse which is a .a a cuvcr-d wun sage uru on up to iiiC very f.Ktt of tho lbcky Mountains, In all these plates rat tie-make wcro t le found, and snne;inte in alarming numbers. On til th sutoil k'lo'.ls or nmndod boohlcr, a many as twenty, or even more, might bv m-o'i in the space of a lew aouare fect.roil ed up ashep. basking io the sun, but each with hi tad-ratllo left oit. free to move a: ..( I.. -J the lirsi nlarm, and mm the intruder of In dnng'-r. The rattlesnake is ool a vi cioti snake ; t)al it to say will not bite wantonly, like the o"ra or the copper head, ft i pre-eminently a sluggith rep tile almost a !uggisU as the pufT adder nr ih- cai i antifol I bat tcrnbl coral snake, i When diturbed it dm nol move otT, but simply ratllc it tail lo warn tho-e eiiiiing near ; and if. the intrusion is prsisiel in, as il often is.'will aimply erawl slowly a ay, ratll.ng all the time a a kind of menace thai it must not be Tol lowed. Thi in some prairie where the gtas I Ic4 lLxuriant, always leads to it lestrurti-in. Without the aid ofifrattW iu auft, Lean t if u I velvet marking of black and yellow can always iasiauUy bo aeen, and the rvflde can be killed by a child with a'swiub. It tanrol, however, be trcaled wiih the same indirfcrer.ee by the prairie banter daring the dark night, and where the grass i thick. Then, when tho dry. rat td.3 U heard ahead sound which V a . .1 at. Aa. i can ex in pre to aointng oeucr majj the rattle f pcaa in a tio box an insiani halt is calk fet ii k .'iirlli lLd, aod every ooc tLxuwavbiu il. .(Ani in the di ret ton tia aoand, till the vermin U driicn off - a ikwuse " goes rati!iog away, when, of trur? the PrtJ" K'rt h"1 Locality a wide t-rrih. and decamp from iu The grrat danger of tat tlesnakes it. io fact, ihcir sJu-.n.bt..-.. They Wp so sm? aud are sm inert, that they wid remain nil aeta&'.Iy trvd Joo ok en without any warning ratild, sod tl.cn as a matter cd course, thev l ito ictanU3 for even the Wt tmrJ snake dccs not uxe ine Leal oia Leivy praine aeUlercn Lis lad." Whj Pork Sirlalu la Iht PoL An -Old Farmer" rives in Tl, $UJ. the various notions on this qselioa aad ehes wiih hit own views on tL sab! ject, which we condense Ulow fur ur reader. Store rVgs kit low in feh in and actomn, and th t, falij fed ,j,ca up inrisnei.ii, widgaia fat, tr t ar to U doing well, and look r 11 Wn d reused bat ;i wei-J, light, and will pro, tit b the meat ktmi to Ixs txm-d, are filled with gvlalir.cu lualler, which ' has polled limo lo Uxcme bard and firm it t artly soluUe in toiliug wur4 hrnre pork iKrinU in tie tot. The umt kind iT pork rrsulls from feeding tos on tartly anicial food, at at !asghier house, and iron irregular reeOsn. o- frcra kiKit when in LcaL To prodsCO tXirk that Will not .krt.tr In the ict, the writer says he rt ha. a gt.I breel ; they are never a lowed to fjf off in conJiti.n from the strt they gtt with their mother's milk, and never know tit,i nor stunt whde alive. lUriv intitamii he takes them p i:i h--h onfrr, an 1 Ugin, to fatten them, increasing their ration t.f gram ti l they rc lit .-. rdm t I.!! T t ... . n.n. i,r wiMhfm week rnr.rr, i. I make due tirriirsts..n f..r- l-,i,l., ...... . . . - . i I I Unite r.nr.v in lh dv Lv .-,--1 hand. When thorouhh copied, mu i t, aod salt down, (i ot allowing bis york in fret,) ning pSerd) or ihc het sa!t, and filling up the barrels t Ub Lriae, aod not wun waier, as some do. Tti method se cures pork, whiu, fir-n, ttmpari and al most a olid as marble, whiih whn srell tookM will be lender, juicy, meltin- and delicious, never shrinking "in the jot. Hjinea la a Cora-Fitld. A friend in Brlc write nt tLat c!d Tarson F.A. Dorscy, who livr nrsrti.l bor Church in that t -ar.ty, and who at tends to pretty nearly all the Lurch work of that pari.h, such as sj Jitbg tLo sir -to baptising the babies, ar.d b-anring the deal, was pJocghir.g to hit corn field on the 10th ulL, when he was U jxl iu ..t(a of the coro row l j iL aj.proach of a coapfe who setaeJ to h in a grji horrr T . , Pir turned otit lo t Mr. ;.Un U. Ili . mtrm wax years, and Miss LliLstcih Crawley, a I tweutr. who Intimated their tfrsire lobe married just as qii k a rnr bucvlic par son could do the delicate job. "All right, said the parson, "111 tie lOlUin to tho feuro. and then we'll go on lo lh Loa moJ 1 Jd 11 P nlly Ur I "No. no. retdicd tha amioas swsin. I ".o, no, replied the anxioat twain, j "we've no time lo g- to tie hocse. Yoa lean say all you've got u say right here. Accordingly the accommodating lire' L- er called rri a ccnr.'.e of lad, who rr ho-ing corn near by, to witness the hyrae nial ne, and proceeded to tern the bv. ing twaia into one. with ail the solemnity of a bishop, cone lading the tvrcmony witu the remark: Thal'a all! now, go bark to your hoes, boys. come rouhJ here, Dwh bin, and get op! Good bjc, fks." We hare Leard of marriages Lcirsg sd- I emnized in maay strange p'accs, tal this I the first time we ever heard cf one in a 1 cora-nc.d. Aif tcle (A. c.) -trt. Aa Awlrartid niiUke. A farmer wLo Lai bought a calf from a batch r, d.-ircJ him lo dnve it to hit farm and place it in bit stab..-, w hich he accord- i m !y did. No ii l a;jn.r.cd lhat very 1 day that a man with a grin Ji.ig organ and dccitg bear, j aing by that way, lgji tl.etr antica io fronl ot the farm. Alter amusing the farmer'a family fur some lime tL organ man vntcre-I the farm-Locsc and acd the farmer if l.c could give hiirt ...... m .... i a mcht loJiring. lie larmrr rc rwel that he ciold give the man a ldging. but ! was at a Ios whrre to put the boar. Af ter muring a little ho dcteru.incd to biir.g ll.o calf inside the house vr that in.'ht, and p'acc lhc.lar in the six! !e a"I r.i-ht. winch ue did. ,ow, the outrhcr, erctl- tr the tn'.f snal I remain in the stable all .1.. . . m n gl.l. rrsoiTed lo slral it Ik lore mormrg ; and the (armr aid hi gJrt ert in the night awakened by-a ftaiful filling frrin thf oiit-lui'ding. iTnilh gil op, and taking a lanlern ctcr ed iho stable, w hcu the farmer fouo-l. hi srprie, the bntihtr t l.io ! bad Unigl.t the ea!f. in the grap of the --ar. whuh wa hu;:rg hir.i tremendously. fr he CimiM tioi Lite, l isg runtxlcl. Th" fa nnr r ii-! ant ly unJrrlol tk- state l the -ai aad brn C menlejitod ibe ciff-tni-stAJnv to tlv. -w ncr of Vtmn, who. to - 1 nui.Uu iho butbrr f Lith fi. U-I '!, io the Uar : llug I ' Tmiui.t." vl.wh the Uar did in ral earnest, the ImiiLr roarir.g mol kdcsuly lb wlnde limr. After ihey i bought be bad 4rTrred Mf:h. ihey sri him frve, and ll.o sti her sUi.k dtT gd t e j w ilh LU life ; whiV the fanner and hK-guesl rvtarncd to thilr. t-rd- To ratvxT "Lxvr fLx-i Ccr.in. To prevent . Int-i:a l-takii.g t- .d- . . a a dea contact with IVat, the be I w-y i io c Jt r s rai h ihe Is-- d rl.e g'a wiih a of glxxier'a dixmot-d. Auotle. biiibod is to of I ful the g'.a-- i:i a siuvton ef water and aud toil theca. This kmum them. mm " I I

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