- : - : . - . " rx . ' ? r n Ay Ay SALEM, j70. VOL. XVIII. ISO. 10. v3 A3 u wssr PUBLISHED BY F. B. T. BLUM. x. Terms. CasK in advance. One copy, one y far, .....$2 00 it - - a bix montks,.."........l three months,. 00 75 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ten lines op one inch space, or less, to constitute a square. One squareone insertion, $100 Each subsequent insertion, 50 Court advertisements -will bo charged higher than the regular rates. Sbtm at. Notices charered 50 per cent. Kjj. .amvs m - O higher than ordinary advertisements. " Liberal deductions made by special con tracts, to large advertisers. POETRY. "The Undiscovered Country, 99 Could we but know The land that ends our dark, uncertain travel, Where lie those happier hills and meadows low--Ah, if beyond the spirit's inmost cavil, Aught of that country could we surely know, ' Who would not go? : Might we but hear The hovering angel's high imagined chorus Or catch, betimes, with wakeful eyes aid clear, One radiant vista of the realm before us , With one rapt moment given to 6ee and hear, Ah, who would fear ? '. Were we quite sure ' . . To find the peerless friend who left us lonely, Or there, by some celestial stream as pure, To gaze in eyes that here were love-lit only,- This weary mortal coil were we quite sure, , Who would endure ? A BLACK DEMOSTHENES. -i -; i- What Henry Boyd Told the Negroes of - misslsslppl. Parti of a speech delivered at Carrollton, illss in .Slay, 18S8, by Henry Boyd. A-ilnVl) OH fllA Knhiar.t nf tU or4 rejection of the Constitution I ' franchising twenty thousand of the moa intelligent white citizens of the St, which Constitution was voted dovn by the eoiorea vote in June, 1868, 1 appear hee to-day in your interest alone, -cine.! wane man is able .totals care of .himself; and, as you can all vo, I have not' one drop of white bloI in my veins,, (laughter.) I am a nyalar.bl.J fashioned, -plain, corn -fit-,' J r- gger, and have not tbo crjiacit to ir.ruet white people as to tT.eir duties, even if I had the will. 1 wa- a Uve from my birth I al- ways en' vorea to serve ray master faithfurr according to that letter of the Bibleoich reads; "Servants, be obedient ; .nntjour masters, for this is right." And ' Xin ay my hand upon my. heart to-day, ad say, before God, that I entertain no ill-will toward any white man on earth, and least of all tbward mv old masf prAnd his sons, whom I loved as ray own broth ers, and with whom I nlavcd in bovhood. In all our neighborhood romps and frolics .and .fights ("for boys will fightA thev stood at my back, as I did at theirs whenever it cam to the pinch, laughter, and, thank .God, I will do so yet. I will stand by them so long as they stand by me, wheth er the oppression conies from the Yankees or from wherever else it may. "Whenever it comes to my making choice between white men, I shall prefer those of my own section to all the carpet-baggers in the v world. Laughter and applause. There aint very much difference between white men and Yankees, laughter, and wher ever you find it at all you'll find it in the white; man's favor. White folks are all cut pretty much out of tho same cloth, and both sections havo made their love for the niggers subserve their own interests, as all men are selfish by nature and can't help it, ,and I lan't blame them. When the late war broke out, I am free to' acknowledge, I was mighty glad of it. 1 somehow felt that my freedom was going;to come out of it some way or oth er, and; as I am, perhaps, as selfish as a white man, "I tell you didn't do well, I didn't ery-much at the prospect. Well, when the first company left my county for old Virginny" to fight the Y ankees, I . ennsiea wun tne balanco of them, and , i l a x . . . ' . wwuu iiiuux us urat cook ana head waiter tor one ot my young masters. I had pretty good time, too. for while tho white folks were out fighting and marching, and suffering and dying, I was lying back with the meat and bread wagons, . Laughter. . 1 telt lor once in my lile, it was a pretty good thjng to bo a nigger after all for f the white man wouldn't let me fight alongside of him, and, after I heard tho first shell go off, God knows I wasn't veTy uuAiouo io ao it eitner. icenewea laugh ier.j i knew if I had been along on the Yankee sido I wouldn't have had inch an easy time, for as selfish as the Ynk i he never objected to getting somebody to do his fighting for him whenever Kb innlH Not ho. Loud laughter.. Some folks say he was willing enough to let the South do it all during tho Mexican war, Ap plause. . r Select SpsctUiihb. T mod to be risht smartly amused hear ing the white folks talk. My young mas ter camo in one night after a battle, and gays he, "Ilenry, we've just had a big six hours' fight. We whipped tho d d Yankees like smoke and drove 'cm thirty- six miles." Thinks I to myselr, "llumpni pretty good driving all in six hours, tool iut a neap w pupw mmn. ,iug nigger is a fool. Well, I sorter thought, maybe, the Yan kees were really fighting to free tho nig gers. But they didn't keep tho wool over my eyes long. I watched 'em mighty close. One day the nows came into camp that'Mr. Lincoln had dono issued his pro clamation, saying that if Mr. Davis would lay down his arms and come back into the Union and go to paying tariff ', again the Southern people might havo their niggers I Thinks I, humph I Mighty poor chance to tret any freedom from you. Air. Lincoln. Laughter. I tell you what I felt mie-htv bad for a Ion r time. 1 had the blues . so bad I was almost black Laughter. I think in two weeks I roust have fell otf twenty pounds. 1 was so 'frad Mr. Davis was going to do do it I couldn't "sleep. But by-and-by tho jgood word come that Mr. Davis said "ne d De d d if he'd do any such thing. I ain't fighting for niggers. Let tho niggers go, I'm after my own freedom first before any thing elso in the world." l ten you, my heart jumped right up in my mouth. Thinks I. bully for Jeff. Davis 1 lie's my man! Ah. mv friends, it the lankees had been in Mr. Davis' place you'd a been in the cotton patch to-day with the whip after you, instead of sitting up here in this court-house hearing me speak. Laughter. But don t you see the Uiner- ence bctwec tbe Southern man ana tne Northern man. The Northern man never missed the chance dimes first.' of taking care of tho And now the carpet-baggers come here and tell us they aro our friends, and . the Southern ptoplo our enemies. They; tell us they set us free. Oh, yes", they've dono it all, no ddubL They set us frco about like they kt the mules free ; about liko Ben. Butler set the, spoons free. Im mense laug ter and applause They done it all to belt tho Yankees, and to injure the Sou there man. They can't fool thU nigger. I ksoy who brought the negro to-this 'country, in the first place;! the Northern m$a brought us here, and when they began mose money on the nigger they put th lLger in their pocket; sold him down Soufi, and then, to keep tho South in the "Union to makoherpay taxcp, iney turn arcriu nuu set mo nigger ami the mule nnJ the tons Irce : ar.d I - Constitution, dis- I wquAfn't bavset anytlungfreort the usandof tbAmfw;tfre 5Pods) if they could..?.; i Son.1, back Uto W00r ,c ini starved -"m ta dealh "walni? for l"al mue..jd that forty acres. Laughter. iv like to know where the carpet-bagger got hia forty acres 1 lou all remember, the devil took tho Lord up into a high mountain, and promised if ho'd fall down and serve him he'd give him tho wholo world, and the old Bcoundrel knew all the time he didn't own a foot of land on the continent. Great laughter. j j Tho carpet baggers ask me to cast my vote to keep tho white folks down. Now all I ever wanted was to get on a level with the white man. I never wanted to get abovo him. They say a nigger is bet- ter than a wnito man in v;incincaiu well, that may be the truth in Cincinnati. But it am t true down here, it is my in terest to stand by the Southern man, and it'd my wish, too. Whatever law is mado to effect tbe whito man's plantation also effects my little cotton-patch in tho samb way. The three-cent tax on cotton hurts me worse than it docs the whito man. But it puts money in the Yankee's pocket. They want to disfranchise the whito man, and make the nigger put them into office, that they may havo taxes and things their own way. They never would havo passed a law allowing niggers to voto if mey naan t thought tho niggers would vote tho Eenublican ticket. otcjjuuiu.au uckci. et'fr.ncver, .! - never. Who believes otherw this nigger, certain. Tho Yankee brontrht rmsei iOl r x---. I me lugger nere irom Atnca lor selhsh purposes. 6et him free for selfish -DurDoscs. 4 1 , . . -n-- I and now they, want to voto him for selfish purposes. Take Your Choice. They have a singular custom, says :a correspondent, at the Foundling Hospital oi me Auuuniiaia, espies, on tne zsih of jiarea vuaayuay;, orme resia oeilAD nunziata. lhe building is thrown open iu mo puunc. ana anv toud? man wha wiohoo nnn nM Hit himo. f n;h : f - ., vine, - w v vy Bauwftciion pi mm fjwYeiuwrs w iuu iuviiuiion max, ne is able to maintain her. All tho girls who ; t have arrived n.t a in urn aire a Die aire &rn drawn up in line in ono of the larire room wnere me cavauers are allowed to enter. 1 .L. f .1 . A. regular inspection then, we suppose commences, irom left to right, front and When smitten, the swain drons hia tlrot! handkerchief in front of the ladv Mo ! choice, and if his suit is accepted she picks - - j - ZfJ& JrttJ ? ",v""'v'" v vu0 uukuoruies ami make the necessary preliminaries previous to their marriage, lhe bride receives a small sum of money by-way of dowry, and a few necessaries which comprise her trousseau, a few sheets and a blanket or two. These marriages, contrary to -what one would naturally suppose, general! v turn out happily.H i V r Xv auucs0icaur8ei acres ana no more, and others blondes, and each is allowed Signed., to suit his own particular taste and fancy. Sworn to before me. Orrici o N. C. Ag rjcultu kal SociriT, .Raleigh, N. C, May 1st, 1S70. Tho Executive Committce of the 2iorth Carolina Agricultural Society offert the following premiums, to be awarded at the next Fair, or as soon aflor as practicable. The other premiums, will bo published in a few days : Best crop of Wheat, not less than four acres, nor loss man 4U Dunei per aero. (50 Best crop of Indian Corn, not lesa than four acres to be shelled and weighed between tho 15th of Nov. and tho 15th of Dee, not losa than 100 bush, els per acre. Best crop of Ryo, not leas than ono acre, nor lesa than 40 bunheU per acre. Best crop of Oats, not left than one acre, nor less than 50 bushel per acre, Best crop of Buckwheat, and not les than ono aero, nor less than 30 bush els per acre, Best crop of Ilico, not loss than four acres, nor less than 75 bushels per acre, Best crop of Beans and Peas, not lesa' than one acre, nor less than 25 bush els per acre, Boat crop of Ground Peas, not less than four acres nor less than 70 bushels to an acre, : Best crop of Cotton on not less than four acres, nor less than 500 lbs. lint to the acre. Best crop of Tobacco, not less than (50 (25 (25 (25 (50 (25 (25 four acres ; sample or not loss man 100 lbs. to be forwarded, Best crop of Sweet Potatoes, on not leas than half an acre, nor less than 400 bushel per acre, Best crop of Irish potatoes, not lesa than half an an aero, nor lesa than 400 bushels per acre, t4 Best crop of Turnips, not less than half an acre, nor lesa than 500 busheU to the acre, Best crop of Becta, not less than half an acre, CO lbs. per bushel, nor less than 400 bushels per acre, Best crop of Carrots, (with same con dition as for BceU, Beat half aero of Hops, with full ac count of cultivation and Yrccnra- : (:l tion. Best half acre of Flth satno &ef count as lant, -f" Bert halfaqr, licmP with same a fop of Jfc'a Clover b,v n lea lUau ruuruTrcs,' r Best crop of Timothy hay, on not lH$ir man lour acres, . j Best cron of lied ton. or other Foreign grasses on not less than four acres (25 a o Ono balo of each of the abovo not less than 200 lbs. to bo sent as samples. Best four acres of Clover seed : ono buebel to be sont as sample, ' (25 Best four acres of Timothy Seed, one- busbel to be sent as sample, (25 Best four acres of Broom Corn Seed. one bushel to bo sent as sample. (25 Best four acres of Flax Seed, ono bush el to bo sent as sample. (25 Best four acres of Mustard Seed, one bushel to be sent as sample, (10 STATEMENTS TO BE MADE BY COMrETITOES ON riELXt CROPS. 1. Tho land must bo measured by some competent person, who shall make aBda- vit of the accuracy or tho measurement and the quantity of ground. I he applicant shall mako auldavit, according to tho forms annexed, to the quantity of. grain raised on tho ground, entered on the premium list, which affi davit must accompany the application for premiums, together with a sample of the grain. 3. A detailed certified account of ex- penso of cultivation must be mado ; the ex pense of labor and manure stated ; and tho kind of manure used. 4. The kind and condition of soil : tho quantity and kind of seed used; tho time s j - ofnl-ntinoraowinn-atfttiiJ. Simnln fif I : . 1 aA-,... r rrriiin mi trir La hi a a rtvin(i 1 n Ka . U1UIVVU UV IUU OUtlU I air. whero practica- ble, and also to bo sent to tho Executive Committee at Balcigb, prior to tho,. meet ing of tho committeo in December. " 5. Tho gram must be either weighed or measured in a legal half bushel, corn to bo measured in the car, and an avenge specimen of not less than 20 bushels of Card. Aliailf1 trnnaii a rt .-1 urairl.l nm measured, aa abov nfYpi- i!m 1.1th f Vv. vember, and the number of bushels thus estimated in the affidavit. Ihe premiums in the above w VI ho awarded by the Executixe Committed, at u mmi n tn u i- r . It. . . .. . i uuw lor grass and otlicr crona hnn,nl hv mo 1st 01 UCtODer. tho ivvunlt WJ!1 I made durintr tho next Fair xoaiis or arriDAvirs. v-uuuiy : a. ju.. oeini? duir iworn. says he accurately measurod the fatil upon uiwu u. raisca a crop oi tlo past ovuauu, unu mo quanuiy oi land M V.B. this day of 187. County: C. D., being swofn, says he raised a crop of season lnd. by A-fB., and mav me quantity or grain ra sed thereon was busheli and no moreTr mVasl I ured in nmt KftiPK.,-.!.-. ,vL be,) and that the atatements in legard to the manner of cultivation, Ac, 0 torrect, to the best of his knnwledgo. T re: i o" n r Sworn before me, this 1870. -.. , i i i day of -t J ustico. y be raaJo the faro. O 131 AT. . experimsnta, iU on U:&L ; retaiam, aj'foU cr loss) of thenia : corn fodder by i Uadci and eat- :r x: Fore . or f low ; al n c strip: " . tin;- r. $10 xs'.s ana i :bg; nndcr ti... of soil and s..! -3. AtUoa or - - Hare, oto t water ritc r. L Action c ; low tho L. and n-.-wc.,'. originally pot . , tub-cTI ptoi (10 r.mv t;Jo (10 i 110 (10 -tanJ tCct cf bonodait, for ; phosphate oTlime,) as man a re, C. How late In reference to the growth, f tho lato lillago (by plow or cultiva tor,) should be given to corn for the best product; and whether the said hut tillaga itould be shallow or deep, 7. lUst series of torn parati re expert moots in the cullivation of corn, &Boncfii" "and prodnctt of guano, compared to cotu ; to be tested br i not leas than three different cxperi- $5 (10 menu, made under circumstances more or less different, 9. Benefits or profits of prccnlo or applying human excrctaents as ma nure, whether prepared for sale and direct transportation, or otherwise, but the whole operation to be In Norlh Carolina, 10. Tido marsh mud, or swamp muck or peaty soil, (either kind to bo ac curately described and character it- cd,) as manure, in compost with lime or otherwise, 11. Yaluo of charcoal as an ai l to fcr tility. 12. Value of sulphate of baryUs aa a mature, especially for clover, 13. Toku-co Culture, cost and nrofita 110 (10 (10 (5 (5 "of cultivating, and comparative, ef fects on production, irom diCcrcnt distances of plantiog, modes of prim ing, topping, Ac-, comprising at least three diSlereot cxpenmenU, 110 (5 Cultlvaticn and comparatir "ling value of live. . Cultlvaticn and comnaritiva fed. ling Talue of live. For each of tEo best five, on any of tho Rowing subjects, a premium, as lollows: ?? trie :Liog land whether naturally poor, or naturally rich, or irooJ. an.l . A. . m m ftA a Ul it ni Win mm ii quently exhausted by severe cron- Pg. 1 10 - vii uraininf. 3. On rotati On of fmra (5 4. On tho accumulation. rrr 5 anu applicaUia JL tlCii yru and sublo manure. I a. ' . r, m (10 5. On tho "green sand" or gypseous earth of lower riorth Carolina as manure and tho facta and cacacs of effect or non-efToct, C. On the proprieties and value of tho southern pea (or -coruficid pea or any variety, and tho cultoro there of, whether for saving the rwsa rip ened, or plowing under tho growth green or dry for manure, and as a preparation for wheat or other grain crops, Best cm ay on the advantages of Bed Clover as a hay, and as a fer tilizer, (10 lio KEMF I BATTLE, . President. A Carlotu Legend. When Adam was far advanced in years. and at tho point of death, he tent his son to tho angel ilichacl, who kept tho gate of Paradi, to pray for the oil of mercy so that he could bo healed. The anrel answered that it could not bo until fiiiy fivo hundred year, but ho ravo Scth a branch or tho tret of which Adam had eaten, bidding him plant It on iloant Lebanon, and that when it bore fruit his father should be healed. Sclh ulaated the a. . ...- . oraocn on aia labttrs grave : it took root and grew, and from it were made Aaron's rod, and Hoses' staff with which he struck tne rock and swcolencd the waters of -Harah. It also formed the tote on which the brazen serpent was lifted up, and tbe v w ivoiiuivqjr. Y laaft ik cam in io me bands or bolomon who bcJ it in building his palace, but it continually re sisted tho efforts of the builders to adiutl : . x . . .. . ik, ow u was loo long and then aun too short. Tho builders being angry thto tnrew it into a marh so that it might servo as a bridge. The ooeen of Shba would not walk upon it but adored it, and told Solomon that uion it should be ap pended the man through whoao death tho kingdom Should bo tlrtrnrr S,inmnn then bad it buried deep in the ground, where afierwsrds the pool of IWtbctda was dog, and from the virtues of this tree healing properties wero imparted to the waters. After it had been burieU three faundrtdyears.it roso to tho surface of tho water, and the Jews took It and mado oi me cross ot our tavioar. A lankeo ono day asked his lawyer how an heiress could be carried o2T. ou can not do it with safely." said tho coun scllor, 'but I'll tell yoa what you may do. Let her mount a horse and bold a bridle and whip; do yoa then mount behind her and you are safe, for abo runs away with jvu. a uw umi uar kiie uwjcr 1 Ju Da that St was his own daughter who had run The Constitution, Experience ar 1 obtervaiioa shows that the rrcnl Cociliiatlon cf orth Cartel- na has impomxl a heavy and annecetry burden cpoo the peoplo or the fctste. By multiplying decs and thtrtby lacrraing salaries s d Utt, tho people aro indirectly taxed almost as much. If cot nort dimt ly by tbe tax laws. The Towntl.jp zU nca is an iotolcrahle culiasra and oaM to be abaud &i sooa as pouit!e. TTe are in favor of tias.Bg the Coo tkution. Iyt ma take the eld Ccstuto tioa and r e-aJopt it, makio tat note wary chants rtqtlrcd by the rttslt cf lie war and the Ataesdncnts to tho Ff-icr.il Con aittutioa. Lt u declare in an crrauUk sble and aathoritaliro manner that the folitical rihU of tbe rotprcd rasa lx o rpccud, and then U c show him that it Is to his Ir.tertJt, as well tit intcrtit cf every other poor tela, list tU od ajt'.tct cf Suto Oove rriTp'fit hoa!d be l.caia. alij-UxL Lt cj an hate tbe gwd eld County Cosrta. acd d.pr with the edeca cr ProtaU Juiga, Town ship TraiUn, Coaoty Coonuuacers asd every other naitaoce and owl xpr.e now bora by a patient and s-2"crio; pcv ple. At Uiera aro no polit'vcal q tuitions ow dividiog the pcoplt f tbe buie, Ul tb isae in the next campaign be, kj?w pai?i.'y and a cAan ;e is LVe jracxx iL tut ion.' ? V4 rtm iVncru f. CvXlfl- A simple fcHjw ooco n!d cf a fa acre a beaaiy, ! coald hive coarUJ an J marricl her eaiy enough If I'd waaUd to." -And pray, w by dUa't youf akcd his friend. Of when 1 hegan lo cosrt her, yoa $. he took tee oa one side and politely aikcd to bo exessed, and so I excaw4 her." A lady In Hifhtan hat reccntfr rccov rod her raoa aftrhciog inia&elcnty. thre vcart. The Interval hat bca a blank' but tbe remembers vividly what ever ccunvd hefore it, and tadiy pax-ilct her new friends by her stories cf "what occsrrvd a few weeks ago." Courting Is an irregular active transi tive verb, taiiraliro taHi, present tuie, third person singular csaUr, aad srrves with all tho girU don't it? A darkey returning frrra chsrch was atked to give an account of the sermon. MVe'h sab, de sermon w spon da loavet and fih cs. Pe tai&Utcr said dar wa torca fouaand hvave, and fire fosaaod fithct di vided 'moog dt twlre toUca." Well, what rolracit it there aboal thai T "Why, sab, do miracle was that they didn't A roy-bckcd damsel In Lanlt?iburg., ttew Vr-rW. da.lr IcaJ a a.'ckdkir cow froru house 10 houte asd aojJ tcr customers with milk tj" ircih and sweet and pure Jet Jewdrrj i mm 1 11 ii I ii ftLJ wiff 1 -;y the fair tex la """r, wua rau.m and other lieht Ire ica. . - .'' A Httld t y of Iladsoa (X. Y ) cq1 Jn't emember the text exacu'r. bat thonr.it t was utomelhiner about a hawk Lt. two pigeon." IiwafWhy hall yo ho- ttf rn 1 w n rv,Tft t rr Ttcre is a tacrvdnctt in tears. The r are not the marks of weal nets balof row. er. Thy tpcak more cloacntly thao tea inocsaod tongaea. lbey art the rati tcngrs of overwhelming grief, cl deep contrition, and cf uomUtakatle l-jvc. wealthy Philadelphia wotaia an ! daugl.tr, raoviog io gWl tcUty, hate tn scniencci w a years tapnamcnt far shep Itfliog. mUtlonsry In India Uu!r rreachvl oa the t ibject cf faith. Ulattratcd by the story of Abraham and Isaac, with such ra a -tactic cloqoence that one of hit native hearers immediately went home and aianghtcre4 hU ton anl STsrcJ him to the tig God as a tacriicc Concerning eyes it has bcn said that a woman wuU hatI erct never clone irom ncr nastand. r.cter txttxLcet Lr hut band's com furl for her own. ntver cbaU scandal, nercr talks too much ort little, and is always an entcrtaioieg, agree able and aSVctiotale compmoion.' Ioabt- Icaatul wo know wo moo with bloc, black, brown and gray eye of rL?a at roacn good may tt truly aaid. A Ioaiana State Senator took a tbctk to bo paid if he vot4 for a oertaio rail road and the bill pavd. Then eot to thow partiality, be took a cbnk froia the othcr:de to he pall if he voted 3auat tho bill and the bill w a v I ch L lie voted nn, but the bill pacvl and tbe boort e is."ator it now iLiokio; over tho vaciiy cf worldly ailalrs. At Ottawa, Iowa, a nice young mar. put a sheet aroacd him to scam a IaUbmaa. The Tlonie renllcman tavs: I ahatt jamp my wajon oat and vi;i der git all the tts-.o. 1 vooid vip nim if Lo wat a whola rateyard." Some oat akcd the youn man what ailed hU Hack ej, ad he tatd bo had received bad news front Ucrtnany. An eld lair bttcrvin a failor jinj by her door, and tupjin it to be hera.on Billy, cried out to hica 4B;:!y where It my cow gone? Tho tailor rcpUcd io a con. tmptaoa msaner, 'goa to the d A f.r what I know. ... 'Well, at yoa are goin that way said the o!d lair, I wiah yoa would jait let down tho Lars.' A dandy icialrvd at a fruit stall, 'Are the to applet fit fr a one and tee, said the ho to eatr Try seiicr. A Ftziiie Eepcrur. At ladles who ro cat cf tir txrct lo be eriiic m J. and ara act mlriA wrm ftscaiuTci at oi-tri see mh, laere cxz be no tim ia tracifcrrir thtfwllow. is pen-rlciare cf a female rtrortr, who m t .l . . . . St a woman sairare eotvsLlr la D- loo.Ohio: J Sa!!!a If Jer T-rtm m.A iV. " .-. .- md w Boitoa Pcii. She dlnic.-ru!.? 1 v. r by her frtctral'y ItJcticct, doa'Kare t s;fj and by the ctaUr cf locks the carried asder her ana ar.d ker lon ttr tahtt. She walks with soActhis cl a cstteIiae tlriJe, a4 alwsjs tames a r-ncil In her haad. fche Lai iLa Ticftitla a2;tica cf eye-p'.xatca, wt art a taU;r hst I -1 a . . o wre teatjy, r;air.ir. as t&e it Bui rrt mlrcal3i" tL t.t -t T i t w Jt hocld ihitk htr cha&ces of rtrvaiait a ' Joy firtvtr ara rvd." freta larowta ihat Ia4 brkk." WftMftMVeMWftMm MoctJitxi rca ini t)x lt Tl.. ctpita kiai cf throeJ. IoL;aai:r Hat tho wife" Wis- lcm wii! has, in a tasar.ar. dle-1 wlih LI V-t tvl of kIws coartls-dxs sot - r 11 Btecnary ir tt r 10 wear wrecs ocro lhaa a yca, lhocKa ht caa wear cf Bvsrtic watcnialacd It law be a h'.ch. varies ia dlertai r;astHea la Erypt it It yellow, rvtrur- the dar cf Itavrs wla they UH Ia iU;rU H U brown, thst U.zz tie coUrcf lbs tanSi to which they return, IoTsrWyltit tlc aa crcirrm of ike Lt'jlteat it Is her' J the defeated trjoys. In Zzr:? ii it black, dc actio;; the dtfriratioa cf tight at the detenainaiica cf l.'ft. Kxalud rr tocaget, xacarrlc- it purjle cr vii'.el a;-. n;fca a mix '.art cf acrrow ar i hep. A c-arioat ttory U aiaat sboal the Ea roo James Pe Lclhichild havie tat fsr hit j ktare sons years sro, to Ary Schtf fr, la Ue character cf a Uir. It It added, to cif!tu the ronaaee, thai a chance vUii&r teic the Baron la the ar lUi's tUdio made r far a tittio sad be-htvie- hi 3 U be what he srpesred, s!:. pd a bait into hit hand.. Tte pretended mo-icl look the ccia, kepi It Iavetted fjt Un yesrt, al lha teat bxk lo tht daor ten ihosMid fratcs as the accrat-1 pre It, ilh a ste to the tiTrct thxta joo-d actioa tlwav brir.t ?:Xi4 fartaaa. A dUUoel eorroboratioo rota the irivee tVe loaka, pstr-.tbed fa 'rpeetaUe Paris joaraal, alooe jrval thU tait frotn Uaie iaer4-iU- rcrhtpt io mora practical tacoar-j-txwl to c-aniy baa vr tt a record- cxi, evaa la ccafcicUoo wii tka family whote liSevo'.crre has paaacd Into a proverb, ' 1 : AU! how few of tattro't faces there ere to glat'Jta at with lber beattyf Tte cares ami srrot, and fcscrripjpi cf ih world, chaste thca at they chasers hcarU; and it ia only when lboe paaaiics t.'tep, aod have lot their boll fercttr, that tbe Utmbled eloais ran c scd leave I La Mrfaco clear. It it a cranao this; fr eoacttaancvt cf the d ad, even la thai fixed ar.d rid taW, to tabids Into the lor forgotten exrrjaa cf iIkdImi I a. faacy, and tttle into the Tery look of ear ly I;J; to calftfl, o peaeIal do they row a-ain, that iboe who knew thta la ihtir happy ctuJhocftj. kaeel by the coca's t;is io awe,-and tee the actl tvea roa earth-J.'dfM. A BtarnrcLTnocanT-lIarrarttPcL. ler t-atatwhrre Uaatifa!!y tayi; Itlta mirvel ws.er.co its perfect Sower, (viur l.Sy, derive! its lavcllai.i and ptrfaae, tprirpc a it dc fnxa the black tasd over wh'.ch the rirer t!e.j, and whtra I-rkt the tlimy eel, aal tpcklej frs, aad tht mud tarU, whem cocliaaal Waahiaj cannot c!car.te. It U the very tans black: mad oat cf which tit ytUaw L!y aatkt its cbiteee V.Cm aad tolaoae cior. That we tco, loo. In the wcr'. J, 1 at some per sons at!rsila!e only what is cy aad evil, from the tame moral rirxatat'.aaett which tepply jood and beaaU'al retails the fragranew of celestial power -to tht daily Lfo of others." - TV tlo not know whether aajbody has or hat not prioted the tury which relates haw a ceruin trtaUl taU hsied eaile raan, whi!a la Parie one day, west lo the ZlojzUxl CJsrdene, The vtatber was warm, at J he lay down cn a tench. Pres ently he fell sveep, and he at aroaaed t'V a tlrace frel.e- cf wsmth oa the An lr.fatcitel OftfHrS 14 a'o. snj mitlakic hit ta!d head f&r sa e-, settled down wiih a rc'atadeUrrai nauon to hatch It, er sit there fjrever. Oar friend yelled (cr help until a keeper catne and le-d that d!tarpclaud aai re gTetfal Oftrkh awsy to iu csjrc , " PttroTttr or a PtoxAi Dzrit.-Ia t;no a new roal ihroagh a farm thrro rai!et asith cf 31ocrcf ills, lod, the work men ccearlhcd a tkcletao, ha via 10 some extent the sppearaace of that cf a bbraaa bcio-, $3 a pcfcl ttaU cf prcaervaliaa. It raca3rct 5 feel 10 leches ta height- The tkall it qaile dcrreaaad la front, bav in two protabtrancet cf bores jail above lhe forehead, rarvio backward. Tbe arte are tr. The apical boas Is cf re markallt len -th, and urmiaatcs ia a tall ale at a fxl tn length. To fannert ia Kaatas recently It a lawt&il about seven posnds cf bsllcr. Whta tho jary rtiiral they took with thta, the batter, procured some crackers, ate them together, aad relsrsod a vcri;; of "co caaao cf sctioa. away wun nu client, " . . r I'