1 m X - cm Til Ay O., -A-TJ GUST IS, is7o; IVO. 31. pope's rtsSe i. F. fcJ& T. BLUM, PUBLISHEES AND PROPRIETORS. Terms. Cash in advance. . One copy, one year,.... ...... ..$2 00, " x months,........! 00 . three months,..... 75 KATES OP ADVEItTISIN G. Ten lines or one inch space, or less, to consti vtute a square. , . -, One square, ono insertion, .; 00 Each subsequent insertion 50 . Court advertisements will be charged higher . than the regular rates. Spicial Noticis charged CO per cent, higher than ordinary advertisements. Liberal deductions made my special contracts, to large advertisers. , VOETRY. Tm Old To-J)ay. E An aged man on reaching his 70th birthday, like one surprised, paced his room, exclaiming "1 am an old man! I am an old man J" J I wake at last; I've dreamed too long "Where are my three score years and ten ? My eye is keen, my limbs are strong; : I well might vie with younger men: The world, its passions and its strife, Is passing from my grasp away ; And though this pulse seems full of life, - I'm old to-day, I'm old to-day. Strange that I never felt before That I had almost reached my goal, . My bark is nearing deaths dark shore ; Life's waters far behind me roll : -And yet I love their murmuring swell, Their distant breaker's proud array ; And must I, can I say "Farewell?" . I'm old to-day, I'm old to-day. . ' '' ' ' This house is mine, and these broad lands That slumber neath yon fervid sky ; ,- Yon brooklet, leaping OTer the sands, v. Has often met my boyish eye: , ' v I loved those mountains when a child j They still look young in green array ; ? . Ye rocky cliffs, ye summits wild,' I'm old to-day, I'm old to-day. . 'Twixt yesterday's short hours and me A mighty gulf hath intervened A man with men I seemed to be ; But now 'tis meet I should be weaned From all my kind and kindred dear, From these deep skies, that landscape gay From joys and hopes I've cherished here; I'm old to-day, I'm old to-day. O, man of years I while earth recedes, Look forward, upward, not behind ! Why dost thou lean on broken reeds ? ' Why still with earthly fetters bind Thine ardent soul T . God gave it wings 'Mid higher purer joy 8 to stray ;' In heaven no happy spirit sings, . I'm old to-day, I'm old to-day. yard long, and while .peaking, was draw- Colonel UlVia LT0Ctu fri . - if rJL, W th .make Ant fift rem aO. thcn CAtaO lO the 60 as to get a sight of him. Ho threw his surfaec, in the politics of Tennessee, new foot around over tho boshes, and tramped man from a new section. It waa Davy them down in sach a manner that tho Crockett, of tho Western district. II e sp- monster was fairly exposed to view; but pcared in tho State Senate at NaahTiHe, a jost as he did so, and before he bad time rough, nncouth backwoodsman, of parent- to striko, the snake tnado a sadden spring age and lincago so obscure that ho co,J .f Ar t tnmil titvftv mv faco in hof- nprhsns hardly traco them himself, but a ror. The next instant Graynor exclaimed, hale, stoat, athletic, fine looking hunter, while , "I'vo got him, by George!" - . without evocation, savo ia shrewd, sound, ills la r tJrA iUir nd with hiarVht hand common senso and woodman's craft. Ho lower. ho was grasping tho snake by tho neck in I was in the prime of life, about 34 such a manner that ho could . not bite, I roars of age; had shot doer, banted Tit GrtTt of Oseeoltv In a Ute number of Leslie's Illattrat- ed New appears a sketch of the grave of Otccols, the Indian chief, near the walls ef Fort lioallrie. Accompanying the sketch is an accoant of Osceola's life and death; front which wo gather that he was Z'Z years cisro at tbe lime of hie death, and during Ms lifo had slain a large norabcr of j hile i nons ia.tle rladcs of Florida. r was aa l.ngl.jbman named i nis mother t&e casgutcr or a i tfA ... or i vncroic : t.jiciiaiD. nuo on a run to bear. I an A rot ' .n f?rt she was sctx and sold I say, coadsctor, do yty ktvow tlv roo-i looking lady ihtre with a bookr Yea, I Lave c3 her a fw tlace. Ily Jotel Shs'tspJeiU.' Yet, I think she ik' 'Where docs she liter la Chiearo, I Ucre 'I woIi Lke to occarr Uil with Why don't yoa atk Kr. I dda't kcow let it woeld bo o?t of order.' it wou cot bo if sKe wit n;;: V have yon oetcpy Jl O; tcsrse yea tlila The rows ia the a::y f LyttlUrr. a, are sail to t 5yiaj; tffXjaea AMtM trvcji tcre ty Ttxaa cauic LaU aJvioM fr&a tit Ia-foj iMitrv . . - d aa war are trtuy wU d.-ui. IU4 Gzi Las cxrru.1 lisK'f txrt'Jr v rrsce rI ff:e ia Oe lalsis U Lit rocjle Uwarit tU whiut, ai tUy are Uas dpoc4 Ux war lio tlry were 19 tacstisag-x Aa crier has t-ea rtirtJ la rt l'm cy a Xroa;ajal ctrtaitle ffrta, frva tLe , . . i . . . . i .rv . ... r i . - l . . i . - it rtz,ca rrrrtrtau i r v . . . while tho monster was gnashing h s teeth fought Indians, skinned coons, som.crcu to areata me w. i rj a --B-..ec:an. t v , . , . . r..;,frV,7f 7 Zrdl&glihlt New Orleans under Jackson (flat-boated ceola, a,J from that Umo .to h.s cartar 'O.ceruly. If yea are iltteJ cfisy f.r tie Frsa:h ary. in huge folds aroand Grayoor s arras. All some wo expect,) and was known to be flf,f)WirSn,l,l:Jfl J'r,-1' P Utrodoct.ooi at la. The wsctca ct lirjlttt New r-2. of a sadden, in some unaccounUblo man- tho finest rifle-shot, bost buntcr, and best On the 33 of October, 1SJ7, while hoUmg if yoa Lave to oljccUoo.' UaI are sUrvr t. tit ar t,wt tssiUg ner, tho snake freed his head, and quick as humored rough joker on the frontier, lie a conference wi lb General Jcuap, rear Krtalnly not.' a jrcrciire daj f.r tittr ga. lightning plunged his doadly fangs into was tho representative roan of his people. AnjtsUne, ho was scitcd with a number Fixieg hu hair, tnofltache and whlikrrs It hxs ba arru:tl tiat tit r-' G right cheek; when, dropping on tho (Would that oar peoplo in later days had of Lis fUlowcra, and taken to Fort HooU to Uecoicg sljlf, he f:owe4 thecx4so- ercf xt, KiTsIZrTll "!T grounl. ho glided n few paces and again been as truly and honestly represented.) trie where he was closely eonSoed anUl lor, who, on rtachirg the sU whee the otui a! t'jul lrtfi ciled himself up, keeping his head erect This legislating was anew thing to deuh. Osceola died as he had IireJ, a dy sal, said with a pecal.ar twinkle la rx w ari art cVI V- r tl 0 u lT and ringing his fearfulPraures. G. turned Dary, bat he haJ plentr of good sense, toflbo ro from whkh his father tiseye-. ' ... Se a doathlr rale, paused a moment, and then and ho applied mmscu wua eaccfc nnu i-.u.g. Jieuyoniw wbch ib loei 'Xj wiitf, Mr. .ef.Mw lcr, wio I r . ,r .v . ... rM with a littlo stick advanced toward the! learned. I cc' vgncd, and with a frown as dark at 1 aararea me thst be will die before rvaher I , f - . yoar afas-A. snake. As ho did so tho snako mauo a I In 1825 ho was a canaiaato xor vxngrc&a, i ia oa dh not nnnandtomo face, he I Detroit if he dace col lorn snrinff at him. but G. struck him with tho I and camo within two voice of being elect-1 folded his arms across his araplo chest, and I lance.' stick and knocked him back. A second led. Iris friends advised him to contest tbe I "ai in spirit passed quietly away to I The grnUeraaa Lammtml, tUttereO, timo tho snake sprang at him, and ho again I seat, bat ho told them ho would never I ie nappy punting grounds cf tho berai-1 ffrtw ira to the face, falirrrd ool eoneex. knocked him off with a stick : but beforo sneak into Congress, He must haro tho I noics, where all hit braves wtro irapvlcute, and retamed to his sct, lraitth4 he could striko a third blow, the snako had I clear Toico of tho people, or he would not I ucnuy awaiting his presence. CXufaU I lady io com paay with her helaad to to rnado another spring and inflicted another 1 go at all. ilia motto was do sure yoa ro i wound in GraiUor's arm. This Umo I right and then go ahead. Thetxr-rrwef UVu-r tie ect Ii trs. To dfrr Ls xrs. t taller joy the jokt. Gravnor arain mana?ed to scizo tho mon-1 In 1827 ho was acain a candidate, and --.-O- . , - . . ..I . .. "... . AA ster by the neck ; and dropping the suck, I was elected by a majority oi over .uw, he drew forth his kmfo with ono hand, l and was ro-lco ea in mz-j. in iwi no one nod it with hia teeth, nnd then dclibcr-l was beaten, owintr to bis opposition to ately cnt off the , snako s head spurted from tho trunk, and sti ing the 6nakc, whoso hugo folds and writhed arouud him. turned towards I tics and A young couple had been married by a me, staggered, nnd fell. I rashed uj to J gressman Grit blur a Fir la Ciarcb, The Uma (Ohio) (7i:.V tars : "A ladr IQ"1'. ftd alter the eeremonr he re in ono of our churches rested her head on I mrks l the hethsnd : Thoa art tow at tho back of the pew In front, as all devout I en'4 or lhT troablee." but in a pew I l9W weeist auer, tneyoucgmaa came who reiiher 1 10 ro"Od minuter, boiling over, with public life, and roado a rood Loo- lom0 B0tlJe4 aftJ danced opoo the head loRhl joa told no lhal 1 was at Ihe end n. -"-of Ihe fair one Uhind him. oecaaionallr r wjlroablcar lb, whoevi- -iv i ohi, ineoa, mi . .w ; . : I people no in time of r raver: 11 grasn- but In 1533 Uol. Urockctt was rc-eiecicu i f . - ' ' flannod I to Conrar. lie was fluito fond of poli-l i . i i . ... . a a n tl cetucs la I St 3, the i:a ef H.O.OOe wPJ l-t rttlrci. Qslue a d.-crrtc t-e-ltea Hacal aJ aa'-ILadal rale. Da tt WcbMday f Ue rrrertHt rao&ih. the Gov ere caret Jcl2 IJ,O;3,00 of gli ccia, ia Ntw York, The Kaoxvi'.U NX aayt thst Hat TeeecMce has ralKd thtt y tar five raea of tahc!t cf wheal, a&l wiU have a esr pics cf three raiUiots cf tiiiU V bim and asked nira : Kept an eye to tno ousincta in nana, ana loncUn iho neck of lLo ' lb b ..So t did, friend, but I did not tay whkh "What in tho name of God can I do for improved every day he stayed there. Jcnl, foniiJert ,t a tf end.' y v , .v When he first! entered Congress ho was lroooioma iocL Kor a Ume bo bore "Nothing," said ho .calmly, "I am dy- almost as much a "curiosity" as a bear or iilQ nnnlant nnfJm llVknnt At . ir;l u . 4tYr . WAI mil .i , ' . i .:. r- .n t:. t. kv. "in. .t;.tt " unpicasanw sensaiioa without a tnfr- At a inai in an Alstama town rol ing. Tell them good- , and his fea- an Indan would have bee a. His dialect but . . A . . li tares became frightfully contorted his J broad, hia, manner. J. ftln.,ndtnih.tt of some eighty years was t eyes rolled over as if starting from their his general gttup decidedly awkward I cJald plainlr see that Iho hour fVal Uuestkmed br thf of cnrb-afB ani ina iMifir awrtl ion tnnrrnn nm. line a 1.111 rrint lairr nn tv r1 nr llir 1 . . . . , - ; 77' . ,u rri 1 r "V 7 'y. J T.J.ZJ "I. nJ hW come. Instead or saying -Fboo I tivo to the clearbcat of her eyejghu Taa traded from houth. Then ho toed hand I r on tee roe T 'Ye..' the anwcred. 'How n.s reu, wna, sianng eyes upon mo, ana ieU genuemen. no any. T , rooted Uward tho anrrcJ cn Jin- In. well n voa ae nr rwrited th. Ia u v. . 1 vrvy l- hiAh . wai atiii nni. idhsji at f-wnvv f r - ' - - cp lo I Iedlaca expects tAecMcve yv.y tuiy o sni;.ORS u taxauiu ty the centet now Urn- taken, aa IcereM tf colderahly zaoiw Can a xanioti ia Us years, A Ht. Jfr. rvetaorenli t.ta."y o trts! Ufare a Freod io New ierttr for the aw. lolr I f! crtaa, rarely coea milled, of tciir. rTjf.ldry and BaialereUg sertsdaa. passed stilL p, piercing groan; over his frame, and then all was I waXalone with the dead. 1 1 11 1 1831 or 5, that knowing he was "green," ho at first quietly watched other men, Alarking tho placo aS well as I could, 1 1 whom he knew to be well-bred, and then hastened to a house we had passed on the I actod as near like they did as ho could road, some half a milo distant from tho I without attracting attention. (Ilowmany fatal tragedy. Runners were sent through l thousands who have been "through the the neighborhood, and in the course of two I school." want tho senso to i mi la to Davy hours some twenty of tho neighbors had I Crockett in this particular!) gathered. Wo proceeded to tho place! At Washington ho dressed in the usual which I found no dimculty in poiutiog I stylo or other people of his potition, but oat. I qoito plain, and bo tho style what it might, Good heavens I what a. sight met our Iho would wear his shirt collar tamed . .... I - .m... ..... view, 'ihe lace and body bad turned to a I town over bis stocic, and nis hair parted deep purple, and wore swollen to threo 1 in tho middle. times tho natural size, presenting the most I In livia ho made bis last race for Con- borriblo appearance I had ever witnessed. I gross, and was beaten by Adam Huntsman. i The snako lay where ho had been thrown, ( Iho majority against a - a V t V fl a m . . neck, men lonoweu a irantio clolch. a spring behind him. I magi no tho horror ofthoyouth to find in his hand the eobby hat of the fair one, which he had torn to violently from her head, aadly dUarrang. ing the contour of braids and chignon. Tbo lady was Indignant, of course, and tho youth could havo been purchased at an i mm en to sacrifico about that time. Kxplanationa and apologies followed : the ditorzanlted was nut io order as aoon as potaiblo, and tho devotional exercises were resumod." yer. Meil enough rcponcU the la-jy, to see that you re neither a negro, aa Indian, nor a gentleman. The aatwer broaghl down the house and silenced the coo ate L A man, at LIoojRkbcrg, f, was eat-bl io a t header shower the other day, an 4 tlroek by li-hteisg. Slrar-rt to tar, the bsia cira tiara nak, w c.J t lejtre hia a rankle. Foer rata were latlaatly kl!'.ei. aai a fVh daagerxruly woaaioi at ForUvws Monroe, cm the 3rd lr.L, ty the eipV'ri of a borah-thcll whkh they were La&diisg. The beiHIeg was set oo re,asi Ui txam rorarae&kaie! lo ve otkir LtuliSetaU of whkh were Ud with ht?U. i'chlrr and was still writhing. Select Pjiscellap. A FigM with a Rattlesnake. HUNTING IN AN ALABAMA SWAMP ATTACK ING A RATTLESNAKE EIGHT FEET LONG A DESPERATE FIGHT DEATH OF THE HUMAN COMBATANT. Very silly are the bold stscrtiont male in polnits, of Mr. Pickena' constantly con tinned diaipalion. The great writer left S 100,000 every farthing of it earned by almost daily literary lAtL When do Ihese critical and clerical gentlemen sar- poAe that men of letters do their work? 8och ttanders rrfuto themselves. Ixk, for iostanco at Burns. Prof. John Wilton long ago pointed out how impossible it wouij nave been lor liamt to bare ten to much and so well if his data' and nights had been given lo inebriety. II him was only 230. but Col. Crockett concluded that tho "Western dislrict'had gono back oa him." A tnftnfW a ft f V a J1Y4W.I t Ara ha aa An t.ia jm m 1 a luvuiii mtvi v v (vuvu uv e via mm way aaa rienuce. way to Texas, whero bo gave his life, a John Ilu88ell Young, of tho Now York fw months afterwards, in tho straggle Standard, vwho attended tho Asociatcd fr independence, which tho pitrioU of Press Convention in Louisville, thus writes that Stato wcro then making. lie was In of two Kentucky celebrities: tho Alamo, which CoL Travis held with "Wo saw much of Louiavillo, which is ISO men, against Santa Anna with tho an interesting city, with its substance and Mexican party. After a long siege the shadows. The shadows of Clay and Crit- Alamo was carried by a vault at daylight tonden and Tom MimIiII nrf tt.n mAn on thn mArnlnit nftlin fltK rf X(rrK lVL't wwawMMiaa auw UIL1I mia w w v vi nm w mm w w '. ' - I 'MS n nr! all Unf maa -1 T I ThM wam knt .Iv t: mxn In II, m. CUrt I COaniTT. I 1L WOUUl M A. tTWl taopton Correspondence of the Eufala ew8. who onco Btaikcd thoM streets and tnado and Col. David Crockett waa one of them. lh) mini.tere of the G .bast baturday morning L was the wit- iventucky a power in American politics. Ue was overpowered, and taken with his ra pre nena that men oi letters, are not ncss of such a scene as I pray never to see Hero Clay lived his noisy, bubbling, rap- trusty rifle ("Betsy," the gift of a Whig "ways indulging in diMlpatin. More again. I beheld a combat between a young turous career the same Henry Clay about dab in Philadelphia,) in his hands, and cr! M Chrutianity is supposed to I man and a rattlesnake, in which the former whom wo so loudly sang actually dead tho dead bodies of no less than twenty charitable, it would be well for professed was bitten, and died in ten minutes there-1 and never a song to his memory his work I Mexicans lying aroand. Ho was carried I rituan to understand something f the x bb parucuiara oi mo lerrime ai-iover ana lorgotten poor foolish day. I bctore .acta Anna, who allowed lum to be I "r inait ana uarutnipa oi a. partly DUlcncrea in cold blood. 1"V,"'J urn ciergyracn nave me Thus ended tho eventful career the most rcmarkablo mon that A clergyman at Cambridge preached a sermon which one of the aadilort com mended. 'Yes, said the gentlemen to whom It. waa nrntlnnil i l a t-vwl termon, but he stole it.' This was repeal- e?14 U done td tip the Cats re, cwieg u ed to the preacher, who reeald ii, and uaau bcrsutg ot ueuau. eai.eU oa the rs&Ucmaa to retnut. I will,' replied th agreor. I tjul yoa ca4 stolen the sermon. I ej I wrong, fur o rclerriog to tho book whence 1 thoeght it waa taken, JitnA a Ifurc; r.Uct is the Ur best rrei had his faults most people havo 'tot he lived at a convivial time and io aeo The Ton On co IVpartacnt ct the United States has l-l t;l.lii.T3 In'ooe year on tho sale cf stamped eavelepee Tbe contract was awarded to oihtre thaa the lowett bidders, and the reorde eaatt writ-1 packet the lois. Hot who pock eie4 the conttucrairon lor ,eiung ina original com- ol tract 7 That a tho poibL 3a I Suie ia the Uakm. aad Iowa raaks text, asl The city e-f Fhilaie'rhla expcu to ex hibit a pcpalatioa el cae tauwva cf eeU by thlt evnras. Iu area It rrealtr Ihui .tw icrs, isa ec3;mi ue tun tct A riot ocrarred at ITsrriVrr. ilrrrer Co. Ky co th Itl iatt ia whkh oae while man aai Lszr co7rel ra were killed, aad tome twenty ethers acrert'y wo-nded. COnVlVial I In rrlAmn nf TV-fftn .i .: i r I 1 . - vr i -reatjy Urmed, recenUy, at the seventy e Gopl could of ioonJcr a4 I rhtnlnr. fell suddenly opon hit knee, and cicUimcd, U, Ird, furgiro us, and tlop this." ceoteal rnrsra. after. iair are aa louows: i urcaming work as much of it tvat and On Friday last a young- man named I bc,- rifted far into silonco and night, tho Graynor asked me to spend the nijrht with! gaudiest sca-babblo that ever mrmht K him and go coon hunting with him, the I sunshine, so long on tho crest, ever caudv I ncssco ever produced. -next morning, to which request I readily J and shiniag, only to break at last into! Ho was a citizen of Obion count v. and assented. We started out aboat 3 o'clock foam. No party, no policy, no ono living the si to of his "log cabin" i still pointed a. m and near day tho dogs opened on a speech, no one hearty deed, only his bright", out near Crockett Station on tho Mobile trail in the swamp, of Bear Cieek. Just cheery Kentucky smile a bubblo once and Ohio railroad. Wo beliove the debris after sunrise the deep baying of the dogs and only foam I We stood in tho room of tho "historic shanty" was removed to informed ns that tho game had taken a where rrcntico workod and slept a kind mako way for the road bod, some fifteen or tree. -We proceeded to mako our way of journalistic monk , whero bo cooked twenty years ago. through tho bogs and tangled brush and his steak on a ramrod until it was half He was dead beforo wo wore born, but vines in the direction of the does, until done, and baked potatoes in ihA wo haro hi.l Ki tlL and hU hWtnrv. hi literary life. When clergymen have the Tho recent t crofor.eol dytpeptia they can preach old sermons or Mcthoditt I-r1 West Ten- 'fi lo Kuropo,' with all their cxpentes off all tho ro!oi paid by their aCcclinate Cocks; but the into a separale work of a literary lifo it never dooe ontil tbo doer has sunk to rett himself in hit grave. The world makrt enormous de mands upon popular writers, and then wonders that they sometimes seek re laxation of tbo kind which is raott agreea ble to them. It may be, often ia, bad for mem, but they are entitled to a charitable judgment. w6 came to a small space of firm ground, We saw tho cupboard whero he kept fresh I tragically heroio death, and his wonder-i , " . , - - .... &. v fcu ul . v liUBiiis nuu nuts ; wuero oay 1 1UI ot oeax naming in iuo ioac i oenouj xtauruaa ACCiaiau oatc bushes. Hero we halted a moment to I and niht ho A mi ui n u-lhnn i?nt , o -- ----- .ww.vv, iu ing .y,.Mvv Awnw '- - J itirniinin. AnHU ll A IBO im fl recent ucreral Con urea re or the plropil Church, Soalh, set red preaehera and neabers and iodepcBJcal eneral Confcrenee, with fall and e-3eal powers to elect Clshopa, and dUcharge all tho fa ac tio &t of a Chritllan Chart h. Hon. Joseph Jkgar, of Virginia, pllehed iolo lion. W.K. Lincoln cf .Sew otkt tn tho ttrrett of m ahrgVo city, oo the 4th intL, and gave him a tevere caaiog on ac- couni of Km tlandcrs al'cjrd to have emanated from Mr. Lnco!a. The mihtaat The boi!rcf ihe Si earn lost SUrer Frrty exploded oa the c'sU cf the 31it alL, awat thirty oi.ea above Jlcah.t oa U.e MUalMJr rivtr. Twtatv cae lives were ddeolyl01 1T staler cf rt-vre lrd I bvJ!y ifjared. The taA was aboet thre hundred yardt from shere, aad aa the Im mediately bcame wrsfp4 ia fLu&et, the tartivert were corap-ci.J to flsage (ato the rirer with boards c balrs, bci, Ae and make their wsy to the Uei. roa hies. listen for tho dogs. We bad barely paused, . r t r rx . i BtarUed bv a loud, strand rattli annnH irree.nn.at nnri .nnn " 7 ir V.'l- . i : L " " i. .'? i ' :on' ?. vno. vncipeao - . ' ----o-r r. ? . . r iu muiutsj, i "vv4 wuiiMiv, uu uuuivj, i uu fcuwavij I anu unio railroad lat nihLt ov beneath low, th.ck bush sweet and quiet and peaceful, bat a graJo in their graves) until to doubt them would tho 'rear was rrrcipluud doi uruma oi ins ana aamnoned rtaner. Wn BWamns and Lha Mno.br&kM nr Ihe bottom Bl.ti. t .rv tv.. i .1:. : .i 1 , , . " I J . w I 1 . . " " .. . I "m'vm ivik itiiuniuim lull ujviruinir w ak : nucu wo were 1 efcwu vy nia crave on . Uavo 11 hi. ua I recounted to n. in inTanev. bv his old ma. I road lat night, tho car next to rn a precipice 100 feet high. Twelve persons were In- . a a t 1 1 mm I w arva wa m A Vi 1 ttUU VI 11 LU LIIH HVKH 1 VI T T r inn AtSl AM WW. II Tlf 1 MB TY1 fVTI tfFAe IS I I .a A A nmrkin "Rnnr it'H k ' I r.i.u: ,T ..V : . - wcro mortaiir woaoded. ...vm,oullj Uj mo resung piaco oi uoorgo The Seerttary cf tho leUrior p if asthority shal be cccfcrTvi tr io take ladixa toys cf t.iUbe aa. ap- ErtaUos them lo farmers stall they leara ow to till the eoT, aad thea rvUm theta to their tnbee with lep.tatcu asd eLkr things eceaary for farmlef. Ia this msaaer he thinks the IeJIaa cma be cavj. iai. The govtraoent it fltir tot aervie la Ihe Charl4tgwo (Ma.) avy Tar J, twelve cf the moat powtrfal war vrU Virginian was tobMaeelly arrtlrd, aad I hare 10 oar tavy. There Is ostthisjg bailed in the turn cf te lhoaaxd dwIUrs. I ia the wind. The U. S gwerBaeat his adirod aa j demaity tor Americaat who were i.tl trtaUeg within a few feet of us Though 1 bad never heard tho peculiar noise before, I quite lorgotten, for no stone marks his tomb. A simple, sodded monnd -witK do -a uays a am to Crockett Somo ol these how county is to be made out of marking, "Graynor, let's lcavo here "What, S said be, "are afraidr V - . "Yes," said I, "I am afraid ?" "Wcll, S- ,' he coolly remarked, "I ycujD. Prentice. Description of Boston. am going to kill the snake ; it would be a I Tn0 Y. correspondent of the St. Louis Tho coble animal nolongcr need precede I A lady made her boband a present of a tho plow. A planter near Midway, S. C, I silrer drinking cop with an angel at Ihe Tho Commitleo appointed by Coagrea to loresligate ihe charree aaiatt certain while cadtls at West l'omt lot colored cadets in aa an; ner, have concladed their labors and sen tenced the emending eadels to be repri manded by the aalhorilies. A fool, named Comtlotk, tried lo rival iho celebrated Kara ralclt, at I)cUlo, r. Y., on the 3rd int by jumping frcs Ue roof of aa elevator into IUk Creek, a dittaoco of 12Z fecL He ktt hu baiasce, whta aboat two-lhirdt down, and falling npoo hit side on the water, waa seriocju'y, if cot fatally, Injorcd. Albert T. ltorran. whiu a dlttin ralbd a glimpse or tne anake, .wmcb, as nearly person is a criminal and every seventh a I marcn, this novelty to tho stud has pror-1 she had tho angel taken out and a devil I radical Senator la the 31 U-im.pi 1 as x coaia juage, appearea to do about I luFer ureo-quartera ot our farms are 1 oimseu a great success. HU farrow I engraved at tho bottom. Ho drank all I tare, waa married on Iho iu intt- to Car- a. i a a-. a. z . 1 . 1 1. -a aw -1 ? . 1 m nvi wa ree .w -e 1- a 1 ? 1 m . A.naa.-.ama a a m a . . . . . a a alkmanly maa-1 ly expelled (rota the ialaai c( Csb ty the labors and ea-1 bpaauh aalhoriUea. Three yoao? Jspaaeee peiacee are slay isg at the Worxhetlrr, liaaa. lliiitary Academy, and bar made each marked Erogreae that they have been pXaewd at tbe ead c cf the academy ia every dertrv meat. about Q miles from-Augasla, Ga has die-1 bottom. When she filled ll fur him be Covered an addition tn tha list lUmu. I tijA trt drint' it in tt K.iiAm at, .1,. pity toJeava Bucha fino fellow here. So, I ritan Advocate gives tho following as I tic animals. Employed as a 'sabsUtute' Uked him why he drank ctery drop. hero goca. I Wendell Phillips detcripton of Boston: in war times for tho beasts of tho field I "Because. Ducky, I long to seo the dear t uuo uraj uwr wan Bpaking, 1 cangoi , - wu m a cii in wnicn every tenia 1 wimcu uiaappearca uunog Sherman a I hUle angel at the bottom. Upon whnb glebe has broke," and eight feet in length, and three inches in I mortgaged for drink, two thirds of the I oft tho stubborn diameter ra his larger part Ho was lying PQ,P8 ur. fi,Icd with drunkards, and tbo J this year ho served alono In the opera- reason, coiled up in perfect circlos, with hia bead I bench of jnstico is nearly vacant, because I tions of plowing and cultivatia the en-1 detil a orawn Dack in a terrible graceful curve, I wuu "u Ul mo juuges navo died drank-1 tire rarm. llespecling theso statement the same, and she again atked him the "Because, I won't leaf o tho old drop," he replied. a . t mm m . oline iiigngate, a coiorea dsmteh The pur Immediately left far Cleveland, 0 Alorrva't former home. Tbe anoint ptail to coetewtasU ef saia la Centre daring the late aeaan, was $2a30i Tbe whole erpecae cflhce tetu doce not fail far abort cf 1 j The radical party baa leaaraud a eery I expensive and ia proper ttte rvgariiag the ootUsu, which o( Ll to be bio, i deo I flAAn eM-tea I X rr m Tm TaVn n waveiei Asia ftith in "J- sponsible for their truth; as for the poetry .t.V.rn 1 i wrath, I aiuE nenacaxninips can say, yctl l&o animal Is a ZZO pound allitor I iJ V i i ,7 x , . .i . T " warn! we are willing to credit him with Snaor Tho pet worke kindly In hnessVaf vt 5 SSiL". S.1.: . blood- wnat no says about Boston, because it the driver docs not need to "put a hook L."V. ' f 'ZZZl " ZY'n tames with our preconceived opinion of m the jaws of the !oiihan thooch Lahud- the place. These people these "crimi- toay In case of need ; aa, Ibr instance if L f'P T to notbcr plaUfal theoT ask. . a nals," "paupers" aid "drunkards" come the7 animal should Li tl2 5 H o polite hotter w I - - tongue darting swiftly back and forth, and ins urown neck swollen with fatal i while ever and anon he twirled the ing raiues in tbo air, with a harsh cnraing sound, i "For Uod's take, let's go," said dering at the terrible-sight. 'Don t get scared," said G, "jU8t climb tnomselvea and send missionaries down I throwing hb tail over the drivioir lines, a tree, apd .he won't bite you. It ain't I to tcsuih 08 morality and law. If this! ' - z , uimia wim sucn l vcvu giyiu vj a oouinern-1 Th Vw vt, & fine. lanrA jinnbA 1 .. ,. V I j. , I xum aicw xoriC j &- - tuu ib wouiun 1 1 w uava vcuu uviiuancou as ui io lose mm. , - , . J traduce Ho had picked up a small stick about a 1 Biscay, " j tm vu vi torn rvaaiui 1 1 . of a Conaenralive Htate trovtrnmeat ia which California re jokes. cr, uu wuuiu nave uccn acnoancoa as a I c....i m i . -.-n' . .r - ... tradacer from Cano Cod to the Bat of TWft m , m,,1,0a of do1'" T Biscay. 7 , Ut0 "89 ln whi o bought when it hero T waa uvwu vj mo lowest ugures. The loa ooollaaed drtwrkt la I be Krw Ir, I 1 ..... l.xi:..Ula 4r I . t I . , Th. Stale debt of California it two and f JT ' Y:. T ' " . w a&4 bar&ea, r4 foe Lortee aad calUe is gtlel? sbort. the frail it droppieg premalcrely I rem the trtee, aad ia eotae place the well are rvlsr Mr. Frtlicgboyscn has not yet aceepled oL the miaaloo to fin rland, owing to the aa- - . , ... , setUe4 coodllioe, ol bit f rivaU aiTair. ' TJ" V? over some or thetr Cceretaneiti coaiaa A large bruk and wood a UitUirg la tk&. aad their Fuieorraa e-renlr reeadi. lack of attention oo his minUtrationa, ap-1 1oton, gave way with a tremcoJoacraao I the rcaoeaiaatioa of TorUe la the papsra aay that A. T. I pealod lo the few present: 'What can lion last Friday afternoon, and. feg 1 2rd Diatrict. Tbe si raa aow are that tbe A Sanday School teacher, deploring the said he. Ho ret the boya and rirlt I acroaa the ttreet, knocked emtlhefrooul I know. aald One of tho nrehina. I of two or thrco tlorct and a boUL Osa wKtt U ll' fir a nliti'linin tr LillfJ and apteral IMtrCvl. Coatervalivte w ill carry evtry Coerree. alo&al I)uukt ia tbe Elite, except, tr bspa,the First.