"-VA . ! . w C 4 L' ": A ' . .- x i . . t ', - - : . -'A ' ! - '. . ' ' ' ' . . . " ,iiii'u ' " uT ""t n r---"''--WWr . . - ' toyKtAaA,. , A..AAr7v.,,; -J .;") CUdv -ill AVZ3) 2D A : : 'A' ; ' - trM!7.'A A f. ; " : . ' $LI ox . iriiT.rr.Cl i-T . : ; -: cTv f r; -7 . . g?--..-' I - : -. ---r;"-.8.-";-'i-"L :" :" -- -" " jt ---i- 7-- -- -- ...v ' :, v y.::, .,. -...-..,-,, r ii 1 1 1 in .nif aii.'.....I i ' a i ' auti ifm 1.91 nl in jiv t j X)n tqaftre, on intertJon,. - . j A JfWiC8 dwrsJP jBtigfcr 4 " ii i T.'r Softly on the Bruised SearU : - - ' . " 1 A. .! How tomr W news - ' ; t i ' i word f kindnes fll ? v ? j . , ? , And to )th drr4 and parched soul V ; The mobVmni leaMrop calli ki thV if they who walked the earth, : ; ? J'Midsorrbw, grief and pain, f' Khew the power.that kindneaa hath, -'i.3 '.- i?Twere paradise again. ty a the widest and-fli'pobmt'aT f ij tTfie simplitlanee giyey '1 j; ; " .-And bid delight Uf wintered hearts s f tii? iBeturn am and lire J c--'-PiU t (what i iife lift be lost ? ; imself of phvsical thai a strong rower, with every advantage learly conscious on his side, could scarcely havo contended ,ncM'An.nc. KM fiat nr-NMri r. ' iO iransier -:Kt r, kHmhA nA WAA rCOrfV IO I WBA DCat in 1? . luCId OOWB WUU a 1 2.1 U W SBUU U UM w - - i - - - J - i - u do; even at the risk to u and roeotal sufferings. 1 i. u.c t.: i "V. 4 V. u6t and c6uW not protebt his feelings from frightened girls from one boat to the the unjust nd 'stinginV chargo of coward- er, in the few ruinate of Hmo left ere t hi ico' a6 . a'nfrilv broajrht forward airamst I dow him. Jn .spite of his better re'asoa. he felt 1 frft bnmniftlwl i abd there were momenta when 1 still saved ihelnsolent Logao-from punishment I nd toauaga tbeirt,. hd mw to bo cnaJlyl ihev were Dot momenta or vreaiccesa: id i irapoMioio. ine sirennq di a raaui v character no, was n-aweepfnr current wouia aeor mur ii vessel ;to the edgo, d the dam, sma lto'reUin',Y'n adtanUgo waJ.'.ior m h- :r Tnlot his oWn boat co A', cry' - of despair1 reached. Ihe 'yon ng urcbVMtrfro..V ''::T:V'- i .m,ln," cars " ,the oar propped from hi P Th'e octfaronyof thls1 grasp'lnto the ter Itjas vMeiitto J Ubnefly,tord.l,Waon made bnopf vUt- 6 pecUtort of the fearftl eend that he J- tie' pleasure ! party for apeighboriig vil- bad, W Mr presenco cf inlnd, and that g lagefthatVar spending an aftcmooo m a notr all vnisWrot.iobdwcver. In W - - f :r.r rT" .i:"r'.r;" w bfv th dam, p eircain. lucre wi?,nv vriui, jvmhk -7 ,. . " 1 1 ... - - .f. lie 1 r jj... ' tJ. .'-T :? I .... Vt U.n n fVf?ipTt Al he 1 1 ...tOtlO and DIDtT hannena 011 such'odcasions. some rivalries did so, he jrrasped the other boat,- ' phoru are taker .frAn VArmAi-: wtw 1 hrafiW hlmsolf flrmlv - airainet t: . aicaa cnaina irota the o: cteei,; wnicD la thrust out -just ollcn e: -ngU ; to dislodge , each row, as it U lr vght along by the endle'&e chain. This, x iplied jof -lu wntcriui soon passe 1 iin through the machine, ovsrihe biotk to! receive i another package of;itslliay freight witlna CKkot-iU .innumerable r- riRfhines Qba writer STATE XOXnS. '-'A should only have added piquancy to the I ing:earrent, invcrcoarse. 01 an parnes;: nuu Or what the. Heaven that waits beyond This brief and mo tal span 7 . In mimic elorv shine, vv. Mrw-tvra inf kindness in the'heaTt ? L 'Beflects the source divine; vS - Oh! then be kind; whoe'er thou art,' That breathes the mortal breath, ; And it shall brighten all thy life, And sweeten even death. - 110 WAS THE COWARD ? BT T. a. ARTHUR." ,4Wtll you bear that, Edward T" - The voun man torhonii this wa ad dressed, stood facing another person about ' hia owD age, on whose flushed countenance a was an expression 7 of angry.; defian The name of thia person waa Loganl A r third party; also a young man, had asked the qe4Kn jnsv. given, iu a tone -of-ur prise- and " rsgret,;5eftwe. there was time -t fov ft response Logan said, sharply, and in a-voiee of stinging contempt : - i ;MYou are a poor, mean coward, Edward Wilson! I repeaV the; words and if there is a particle of manhood a.bout you " . -. Logan paused for an instant, but quicks lyTiddedtrYott will resent the insult." Why did he pause? His words had .aroused a feeling in the breast of Wilson v thai instantly. Ibetrayed . itsell' in his eyes. - The word i'eoward,", in that instant of time, would have morn fittingly applied to James Logan. - But, as quickly as the flash leave the cloud, au quickly faded the indignant light from the eye of Edward - Wilson. -AYhat a fierce . atrugglo agitated him for the moment 1 , . i 1 5Weihave ; been fast 'friends, James," aaid vV?ilson, calmly..- "But even if that - were not Ov I will not strike yon." ly -aeainet held It pojeoor fow . mprrr intorconraa or an names: - ana i irom ine wini wucrc ius iwmviB3cu n-rtnld Urn Ann tin hA not" tha imnntient I ter leaned into the whirlDOol below. At temperament of Loffan1 carried him i be- J the same Instant his. own boat shot liko ypnd goed feeling and a generous deport- an arrow Over, the dam. lie had gained, ment towards others. Without due re- however, but : ft small Advantage. It rer flection yet in no sarcastic spirit, Edward quired bis' utmost strength to keep the Wilson made a remark on some act of I ooat no bad graapea rrom aragging mm Logan's that irritated him exceedingly. j down the fall. ft ' 4 m : An ancry apot burned insuutly on hUl The quickly fbrmexl pnropee or Wilson, face, and he replied with worda of .calling I n thus epringingintd thewatcT, bad been insult ; so cutting, that all present expect 1 to drag the Doat agmtnsi me curren u vu ed nothing lea' than a blow .from Wilspn Uhore ; but thia be 'perceived to b4 Impoa- i LIU --ilnea; . --Teet of made- Into ahfp hundred barrel of thousand poo ada of i Sip yearly by these lltuo reservoir. ( as his answer to the remark. ; And to deal a blow was bis first impulse. .-. But he re strained the impulse ; and it required more courage to do this than to have . stricken the insolent young man to the ground. A moment or two;.' Wilson struggled, with himself, and then , turned o& and marched slowly awa. . " His flushed and then paling face, his quivering lips and unsteady eyes, left on the minds of a who witnessed ' the scene an irnDrcssKm somewhat unfavorable. Partaki'njrof the indignant exejtement of siblff, the moment be fait the real itrenrth of the current. - If be were to let tbe boat go, be could easily save bimseir; out not once did such a thought enter hi own heart. " - 1 .' "Lie down cloee to the bottom, be eaid, in a quick, hoarse voice. The terror-strick en girls obeyed the injunction Instantly. ' And now, wttb a coolness that was won derful under all ' circumstances, i Wilson moved the boat several yards away from the nearest shore," until he reached a point where be knew tbe water below the dam the moment, many of those present looked I to bo more expanded and free from rocks. for the instant punishment of this unjusti- Then throwing his body suddenly against fable insult. When, therefore, they saw the boat, and. running along until he was Wilson turn away without oven a defiant within a few feet of the dam, he sprang auswer, and heard tho low, snceringly iit- into it. A moment or two the light vessel, tered word "coward" from the lips of Lo? a it shot out into tbe air, stood poised, gan, they felt that tbero was a craven and then went plunging down i. . spirit about tho young man. A coward I The fearful plunge - waa made in safely. we instinctively despise, and yet, how slow we are to elevate that higher, moral cour age which enables a man to brave unjust judgment rather than do what he thinks pin alun The boat struck the secthini? water be- low, and glanced out from the whirlpool, bearing its living freight uninjured. - -"Which wa the coward f The word Tbe following Is a card from Gen. D. n. ill, of Charlotte, Vice President of the ssoclalloo ol the A rmy of Northern Vir Lnla for North 'Carolina: i CsOCIATIOll Or AEHT OF HOaTO TTROfSIA. Tbe Executive Committee of this Ao- .lion b appointed the- undersigned 1 co President for. North . Oarolina., Ho i :su that a the noblo old North Stale rmshed larger number "or soldier to 2ea amy than any other State, so sb .11 exeel ber ai ter State in the liberality ,' her contributions, to honor the memory our .illustrious eLIcftain., It js recom ?nded that an .executive commilteo bo . pointed at each county seat in the State, -ad this" executive committee select sub committees for every township in the county. : A thorough canvas can thus be made and a large amount of money raised. Every soldier contributing one dollar will be enrolled a a member of tbe Associa tion. k It is believed, that many of our pa triotic citizens, who could not serve in tbe army, will feel irto be a high privilege to show their appreciation of our noble lead er by aiding to erect a monument worthy of hi fame, bis character and bis cause. ..... D. H. HILL. i to bo wrong, above tbe mere brute instinct I leached the ear of Logan, a he gathered wuivo, in mo moment oit exuiement, lor gcts all physical consequences... . J As Edward V ilson walkod away from his companions, be felt that ho was regard ed as a coward. This was Jor him ft bitter trial ; and the more 60, because there 'was one in that, little group of startled maid ecs for whoso generous regard . he would have sacrificed all but' honor. It was, perhaps, half an hour after this unpleasant occurrence, that Logan, whose heart still burned with an unforgiving spirit, encountered Wilson under circum stances that left-him free to repeat his in sulting language without disturbing tbe rest of the party, who were amusing them selves at some distanco, and beyond tbe range of observation. Ho did not succeed in obtaining a personal encounter, as he j had desired. . ""A '" '. ! ; Edward Wilson had been for some time , sitting alone with his unhannv thoughts. v : a' O woe a be was aroused br sudden cries of I alarm, tbe tone of which told hi heart too , . Blnnga Pieaoneixon.1' .f. . From the Port Jarvi (N. Y.) GasetU. j , : The inhabitanU of the Baiket station, on the Delaware division of. the Erie rail way, were treated to a first clas sensation. ilh tho rest of the company, around I About two miles north of the place, three H ilson and the pale, tremblinjc "Stria ho RrefJaridAheajdlr timbered with bem- had o hertucalh saved. Fair ,' lip aaked kek, Wripywig aVeUvaled poaiuoo, sud- the Question. Ono maiden had spoken to denly aauk below the surlace. .disappear- another, nod in a louder voice than she ing in a manner similar to a load of dirt bad intended. ..; i i. when the bet torn Is let out of the " wagon: "Not Edward Wilson,- said Lognn, a There 'was no apparent cause; but it ctr- be supped forward and granped tho band UmI f Ue depth of about forty of him he bad wronged and insulted. I f1. living tbo top, of . the trees ja.t 1 will hot deny it. f -1 have always -Not Ed nurd Wilson! He is the noblest and tho bravest!" - ! Wilson, made an effort to reply; but he was for aome " momenta too much ext ltcd and exhausted to speak. At lut'heaid : "1 only did what waa right. May I ever have courage for that while 1 livef A . Afterwards be remarked, when alone with Logan : "It required a farvgreatcr exercise of courage to forbear when yq i provoked and insulted mi in the prc'euco of those who expected retaliation, than it did to risk my life in tho tolll-dam.,. ' "There is a moral hcrolim that few can appreciate. And It will usually be found, .afraid io do-wrog.' rindSLSnrinSL TSfLSfnTn Kl tho mu is quickest to Ff!L.teRH !rii,hi. li . the .ense V personal daJger when the the direction of the cries, and ouicklr saw vnp cause or excitement. 1 Jiecent beavy rains 'had swollen ' the mountain stream. the turbid" waters of which were sweep- "Bah 1 $ant jand r-bvpocrisy V' said r other,-contemptuously-! Xr$n "d . "Yoa.know me. beUef tba tbat James . V -r . . . ZKty -i& your re- in d(mn wiih grcat vclocity Tw0 young eentmetWr: ottftftjmamoed wrong,.-you -u ww fc.atn lJ..S buL tafprgetwhat, i. justto my ;f 80me dfstanfce abov , a gQat h ftW? cbgpon me such mean atlached lo lhe shqrobr a tong.rope. had, icfei&rocet-j through some accident; got the fastening v- : i. u 'It loose, and were now gliding down; far out wmV111? tho currcntwith a fearfully increasing manniipfWilsonhat he di4 not attempt 8pecdA towards the breast of o mill-dam, . 4 repgeStV-H 'Ml- im&:&lf:- MmehnndrMlinrtflrHa'holnw fmm biik DO jyOUali W5ft. lia exclairaed iW .Wwiii-ihnnderJn.dnwn T.VKt ot over twenty leet. rale with terror, tho poor young creatures were stretching out their hands towards their companions on shore, and uttering heart-rending cries for uccor. ! s i :- v . .. " Instant action was necessary or all would be lost. The"tosItioh of the vonnff'rirl . j? j" ...... omers aro in aanger. Uott Zl&tcliel ar TJ&dt. A block of wood two feet long, and of a thickness 'sufficient for the length of a match is placed upon a tittlolron shelf, in bno of these machines not "a grcat deal more ponderous than a sewing niaebinc. MNwiciwio ion aunacc. ino sinking waa accompanied by a loud crash, .which died away in a dull rumbling, "heard at a &rtiidcrablo distance. Tbe trees are alatiding in their natural position, having eviai'niiy experienced no particular injury iu this dcaarsUY. ' W!r,IAiA.. Itjp usual when auch freaks of nature occur for the sunken earth to be imme diately submerged by. volume of water, but in this instance uo auch phenomenon aueoua. .lbe.aoil u or a clayey nature, and the sides or the chasm funned, by tho mamg prvacni( a eroootb ana even ap pciraucv, as if a huge' spade bad' been tufiut down and the earth thrown out. The DoodIo at the basket and from tha surrounding' country for miles visited, the scene 'of the phenomenon on Sunday,' and vtsitea IV with awe and 'Consternation. I asy don't like to be cloee to where -the bottom seems to" bo dropping oat of terras- uju tuuig. "..T, he clothing or ft colored woman, named Eveline Green, caaVLt fira in some unex plalued way, In, Wilmington, on the night ofthe 11th fastened before she was rcs coodhe was so horribly burns that she died next day. StU ..'- A colored . "-"VGosrdied l WiV ty ia the-' dUaase "which-' klUedhip t ,rHr. Geo.' W. Poos:rjf'duIIIbrd; partha. 4 some $700 worth-of suraps socae time ftgo,mod pat them- ca-bsJTri.-co4Uiiuug spirj j jlft, then jtQred4 .liquor, bat upon entering the storehouse recently, to take ft look at Mi stock, he foand that the raU had eaten off every stamp. f : V ! f ''Hon. V7. N.H. SmIlh, formerly ft mem ter of Congress from this 8 late, but! new ft residont of Norfolk, Va, baa been retain ed as one of Gov. Holdes'a coaosel ia the impeachment trial. v ' . 7 v Colored men aro leaving Edgecombe county for Louisiana; where they are ob taining work upon tbe sugar plantation. A "man named William Norris, living la Pitt county,' was shot dead on tbe 7iU lost., while attempting to escape from an fleer of the law who was conveying him 1 Two prisoners escaped from the jail of Bladen county on Hooday night of last week. A third prisoner named Baker. charged with murder, was in tbe same cell, but refused to avail himself of the op portunity to escape. . , 1 ilcr. 1L Thomas, of Person county, has had his left ankle badly, mashed. by the wheel of ft loaded wagon paaaing'over it. Mi'.too, ia Caswell county, baa three brgo and well arranged tobacco ware bouses. A ; Tbe new Light House at Cape Hatter is nearly completed. CapL Swift Galloway contest tbo seat of Gen. C. H. Brogden, as Senator from Green and Wayne counties, claiming -to have received a legal majority of the voles caJl ta those coaatiee in Aagust last, . - ' Tbo people ef Beaufort county, ioeied iug ft number of premiaent Bepublicaaa, held a meeting at the court-bouso 00 . tho 12th insL, and adopted strong resolutions in favor of an immediate Contention. They have become awakened to the faet that it is our.only salvation. , . Mr. John Taylor; one of tbe moet re spectable cilizens of Kobeson county,' was foal If murdered in cold blood , 00 . Ixit Saturday morning, by .Henry ..Berry ixjwry, ino ouuaw tor wnoae capture a reward has beeo standing for months. Tbe deed was committed with ft double- barreled gun, the' victim beiog-.sbot through tho ; head. A party of United blatot soldiers were encamped onlt 100 yards off, and witnessed the deed but be- foro they could grap their ' arms, Lo wry had plundered tbe body and fled. Intel ligence was at once sent to . the Federal officer commanding at Lumber ton, and bo at once burned forward with-his en tiro command, but the outlaw could not be tracked. ... I.'.:. , .:-. - . - - 1. '11. 3. LllUeSeld, tho -great bond opera tor, ia eaid to be ia Florida, looking alter the Legislature of that Slate. The Prestdcat has, err tor Wade of Ohio, Dr. Howe and Presi dent White cf CoraeTl TJcUcnUyaj" tie Co m m kaio oere t6 Bin ' ai e ga r &. f A. Burton has boeti -appoint Secretary to tbe Commission., ,00, rVeaideot tried to get'. Bisaop Simpson 'and Bieicp 'Ataca, both of the He tbodist Episcopal -Cbcrik riortbfto accept ToafiiatkenMpft'' bat 1 .Imgan. in uncontrollable passion : draw ing back , bis j band, and making ft motion as if he were about toelap.tbeotber in ? r The eyes of. Wilson quailed not. nor was ; the sm alien 14 qui vcr. of a muscle percept bleV From some cause the. purpose, of Logan was not executed. Instead of giv- . 1 A Colaiy for the T7&m B5rlnti.x ' The shelf jumps, moves forward little by ?6 N- Y Snbune in sneaking of the little, bringing the end of the block just cotx7 forming in New York Citr, for above a cutter composed ol liny circles of the furpose of locating at the Warm steel, which take off twelve splinters at 5Pnrf in tb, Betini y: The colony each ascending stroke. These splinters rrnfeTat215 Bowery has bought a val Ihen pass between the links of & chain, as b, property in western North Carolina it is called,, composed of. two pieces or mo(1. f?elr ttM w matter or gen- f ft .common J urB . cvprcuui r ai : 4 wo.' 00a u wood ' (each 4 the ; length or clothes pin, and or tbe eata shape, where it opens at both ends) placed 'together, their convexed sides toward each other. Those pieces are linked t cither end In iW2M,lti ,UlrUVBWU. IBtKIU Vll KIT L.J I j- , w . I r.-; Pw-Ji aeoKing inua o to ,nolhM. n9 n.f Kjk tn" 1 B to be another boat on the mill-dam. and ft. - i.t L I . j r - a . . , 1 . to be driven from lh iJtidftI. in b?Ab h l ""afc U,6U gJ na tner provoke an , aasasltr y'B0! Wilson was net o 1 wH.kbtcui:nvu utiu.se (4. ing a continuous ebaio, two hundred In u feet Thcj propose to establish ft modal facto rr village on the prench Broad, a tributary or die Tennessee. Their water power U nnlmlled, and the to on ntairf slopes that incpse their purchases, are heavllv tim. berid with pine, spruce, oiVash; hickory, young men had loosed it from the shore. x ' xm ' - u . luvj uauirHr 111 sieri 11 r cArriHu iivpr i ii sw vt"HAt.ccpwara, wei- nesaia, I i j '-7uA. j 7 r AA 1 . A A Act! would rather be a coward, tban. Uy iny 7 -!uuu V?J-j a.M- . . r hand indolence pn him whinTl Vai?ce TJZ ?Ah lhA f screaming arid wringing their hands, and ttdthriginrormtr mm. merry vences reached l . . A . 1. A i .,.lfA . a 1 fv", wu int VQUDff maiaena 01 io HhefrreliUoif of antagonism atoncochang- ffP.fiy strike, each link wUh (orcrenough to di -od.nlkgair waIk lS& f ' "PS ,nto the bo lodge the Imperfect splinters, which ai length. This chain passes through the t tosple, chestnut," cherry andIack machine directly over the 'cnlten ihalwioyu ABK,"ed Industry proposes to ml anlintra aa thAV am mmm r k. I ITTtS d erect the mill, with' ita aawa Its block : being received between the two I lbe l.u acbbae whremateria ia aides or tbe clotbes-pin links, which are ujMa eaeap and tbo motive pow- groored to suit tbemA The chain moves DCJt We hope all right minded men just rapidly enough to take up the result l flh will , f?l , an interest In," this of each cutting as the kaife performs its Hovjmont ,an(i that it is not discour- a W m . a X - . from which tho voices . came : while the other iwotemained' where they bad been ; "Why- didn't Yoni knock, him down r ' said tbe oompanfoii of Wilson. A: A; 7 Tbe- latter,i whose face waa. now yery J sober aud very pale,' ahook his , head very slowly. - H made no other response. lieljeve you ' are coward l'A exclaim--' Od the other, Impatiently, and turning off, cried out : "Quick, Loganl take an oar,.or all lost." .. ' i work.- I'asslng aloug ft few feet, a .fitths hammer jumps up from the floor: and dis- are but slightly held, and they drop upon the IS floor. . A few feet further nn ih T w wa MW I1S passes over a wheel, which revolves alowlv ' But, instead of this', Logan stepped back J in a tiny reservoir of melted brimstone, ' a pace or two from the boat, while his face J the ends of the incipient matches gelling' grow paie wim i ear. jxot an mstani more a cam ' as tney pass. Alter .ibis they was wasted. At a: glance,- jWilson saw move forty or. fifty feet further, until quito that if the girls were saved, it must be by dry, when on their return course, they are the strength of his own arm. Bravely he I held down by ft steel flngei, and mad to pushed lrom the shore, and, with giant I just taste' the liquid phoMpborus, which is ii Abe wvbt In the direction Uken by Logan. I strength, born of the moment, and for the I Uken'up by ft second wfieel from it reser M'Th toomtnt 17 Uaon was alone, he seat-1 occasion, from his high, unselfish purposo, I voir similar to that which holds the brim ed himsell on the ground, concealed from ftthof he dashed the boat into tho current, and 1 stone.. 'The erand necesaitx of thafLtntK diversified industry; it cannot rest cotton ss ft staple." 8ometiracs It is a g crop and sometimes not. ' Bet to ber timber Into inola nA fnMifnM uilding lumber, to conanma Kr h-rJ Ring tcaiber and her coal In making nd ber cottpa and wool in making cannot be a mistake. lnirA f ch manufacturing colony, she needs rcu, nu u mo coutb wero alive to ue and permanent fntni-r nave tbe ageols of her immigration ?s'' canvassing'" 'io; evory machine New England. - . i'J. , - ' i-T.n They then finish their 'Journey of wbicb lime they are irttjilpsefevoices iiad interrupted I bending to tho oara, look a direction at an I forty or fifl' feet, by w "v-UksijbirUm'jrocif-ft wttb tbe otber boat, towards the I quite dry. At the end of the course the wcojprtULt.Jiia jianas, sat: mouoniesa lor i pwUh wrw mo wr wu weeumg over i cnam passes ever a wneei eievatea aoove sT5rftlitaintLtCft4 How much be suffered I the dam. At every, stroke tbe bgbv craft the cutUog-machlne. 'from which' it fall in3hj;UttUTxf .ijm dozen, foet, and scarcely perpendicularly. As each link reaches' femtitto describes Tho strati a with his I half a minute elapsed ere Wilson was be-1 trav made to recIva thm. tha matcbaa: rindignant impulsea had been jy ery 'ore. I do the otherboat! BotJ were now with-J Kaeklng. and threateniog, to igoUV W no waLBQcow,ra;.ftt.toearfc 7 jWf ju wmi w iwy u V f " 1wr 1 EnU7 Pu" W511 H by a sliding, jiect JL scran 01 paper baa fast rxtAn nn. d to the "St: .Louis Historical Wt " . a . a a WJ 1 anng tne jouowtog certlncato: "I car.i- tnat 1 gave permtstion to Benfamfn tifdner to eatel on a nie of varni tnri Id Little Purrary. on the iliaaurv. aom ine 4 ia secern ber, 1502. Gixeo under btbd.UiU.rjd JDay or.Pcbary, 1B0. GEIJEHAL HEWS. A young married woman, apparently in good health; fell dead In Cottcsville, Ches ter county Peso, a few days ago, while she was preparing dinner, and ber aged roomer, nasicntng aowo stair on ociog summoned, fell and was killed ioitautly. Hon. John Covodo, Bepublicaa member of Congress from tho 211 Pennsylvania district, died suddenly in Harriiborg on tho 11th ' insL,' from disease or the heart. Though of limited' education, he was rain of great en orgy and an . aggreaaive paru aan. v He became well . known tbroohout the country by hi coonection with the celebrated investigation oi charge against Preaident ' Buchanan in' relation to the Kansas didcullio .faring that: adtninis- tralioa. ..Mr, Cofode'e CongreaaiousJ. ca reer was about, to ,expire, bis district hav ing been carried last fall by the Democrat. 1 . - ' - ;a - - . . Tie Hulled Sutss war sUsmej'&Lu' baa beeu wrecked, on a desert Ulaud in tbe Paclflo Ocvaol Several of the oQccrs and crew set oft In a small beat to 'aeek ftsatstanoe, and after beiag-exposed for a mouth,., reached : the Send wictt Islands, where, upon atlcmpllngto, land, fuur or five of tbem were drowned. The govern ment has despatched a vesael to tbe island where the ttcamer was wrecked, in order to rescue tbo survivors, If there are any. "In New" Hampshire po'Ilici are said to be taking a decidedly religions tern. It appears that the Free Will Baptists, the 3Jethodisla, and regular Baptist each have a candidate for Governor, and it U thought tbe MclbodlsU will carry the day. Well, If ibey are going to mix up religion with their politics, they must be In ft bad way altogether. . ' .'!..- , A - " Admiral Porter was confirmed by tbe U.S. Senate on the 13th inst, the vote standing 30 yeas to 10 nays. Porter thus steps Into the shoes of tbe late Admiral Fftrragut.;- A .... :. T - The Bepublicaa ftuthoriUas at New Or leans have ordered that colored, children be admitted Into the ssrae school, with white children. . in that city, and Uoht togstharv 1 1 J thwy declined .having any Uaag.tQ do with the affair.. Several promiaetit newrpsper 1 ' cf cclTf-evsea'go oat .Uonat tho irti,iiia la-' Terry ' FulTsrA lately Collector cf Ccs- torn at New Orleaes; a prominent poll Ue- lan. and widely known a tbe active friend of Preaideot Joksaosi d4risg tb9 inpeach oiat triU pf jihe Utter, died- suddenly ia Washiogtea on the llUi ioiLof "rWrJri!a or the beerL ' Gen. Alcorn, the BepubUcaa Governor of Mi&siaaippi, .has refused a eoiamla&ioa In the Sute mir.tlftloaman'wbosiNoke difparagingfy of General Lee at the time of hi death. Tba ! Governors says hm "cannet even aeexaingly approve of snr alar cast upon tb pemory of Geo! Xc-e," Un tbe lib lo st. ft. man? named Peter Smith, living at Hilliamsburg N. Yand wbo bad shortly beiore loit bis wife aod child, went to the Ifutberah cemetery where they were isned, aad eboU himself above their grave. . Hi dead body fail across the last rcliog place of his wifa M A verdict of 120,000 damage was girea in the Circuil Ccurt at Bithmond on the 14th insL, agaiotl tbe Rcbaaotxl aod Dan ville Railroad, for 00 boxeeof tobacco des troyed at tbe Danville depot Vy a party of straHinr . Confaderata aotiiera two. weeks be tore the sorreoderef tbe towsw j . The sehooner TToawir, wbidj breegbt a cargo of slave lrom Africa to Savaanabv GeoinlboO, ba been, wrecked, off, the northern coast of Cuba. - Her captain aod crew wero saved. f- ' ''"" Orville Grant, tbe brother, of the Presi dent, was wsylaid, and knocked down in the streets of Chicago oue dsy last week, , and robbed of bis .watch and -.revolver. Ku Kloxl Ku KJuxI Troops! Troop! Chicago must be recoatlrucled right off. A Coaneclicut man ;baa invtnlsd. an almanao good for 300 years. He, adver tise that if any man, after nsing it. 200 -years, isn't satisfied with it, another alxnft nao will be furnished gratis."-' - . A A'detpatch from Memphis, dated l(l& intt says that tbe stesmer McGill, from 8t Louis for New Orleans, took fire and burned at Shoo 'Fly bar. The, weather . was intensely cold, and many who escaped drowning, were frozen la " death. Fifteeb are known to be lost, f odudiog the eaptala, clerk, three women and two children. It U cov known how many taore, ' Georgia is, at last, parilany represmtcd In Coogrtts. On. the 16lh test,. Tcung, Price,' Belbune and Long,. the latter color ed, were sworn la as members of tbe House. The first two are Conservatives, and the latter aro radicals. On the 16th inst, Senator Trumbull or Illinois endeavored to ret the Senile to ; pass an Amnesty bill, i a stead of removing disabilities by piece meal, bat h failed. . New Jersey ia the luckiest Bute ia, lie Union.. It is oat of debt, it receipts from it investment cover Iu expenses, and ' there are no taxes on the 'people. Now : everybody need'nt puU up iuxc, "aad make ft. rush for rw Jerwy; Xjandila high there, ax.d the sand flies are: aboxain- . able. ... r 7., ... The . "Pops' . CarseT agsiau . . Victor Emsnoel, which Is goln the rounds of the : press, is not genuine, It was written,, by j LaarcDce Sterne, the celeb rated EngUib novellit, and can be fbcnd'word for word I In - hie well-known Triatrera. Shaniy.f Tbo Po-pe has Usaed 00 csrs agalsat . tho ' King of Italy, but has simply warned blm , thai bo has rendered blrnll fiabl te the , edict Of excommuolcation pronounced 'by . tbe Council of Trent, three nurrdred ytara j ago""' ' ;. .nr.r0 " '7 The' war in Cuba has df generated Into : a mere atraggle Oa tho part of a: few? oaC- . lawed.Cubans agaissttbeSpaci aulhorl liet, and the conual Js.cbsracterited br , atrocities and barbarous conduct 00 loth A colored man from Wilmiagloo, N. was ejected from 'the dre a circle of ho Richmond, V-, Theatre, 00 the nlrbt or tbe lSlb-ioet. He r told that that placo was dtaigned for .while . ladie and genllcaco exclusively and reqecsted to lake, acat ia the colored .part ef the House. He rcfutedand, wa summarily dragged out r ' , " r The Emperor of Re Mia has erderedtho , arrest and imprisonment of ft number of his subjects who presumed to petiliea him for liberty of speech and liberty, cf-lh press. t . f ..:.- ; .1 . . I An explosion urrd In a eoiVmioe near SbeSeld, England, on tip 12tii jr.sL, by which twentv-ix percoiwere killed -and nine Injured.- :,. j Sinco tho 1st of September bit, over $000 persona, with 1.CG4 wagons, hive em- r fgrated to Texas from Georgia and Tehn. I A female school teaeber in New H lap shire bss been convicted of forgery; and sent to prison for three year. The recent cold weather has killed thou sands or orange, lemon and . banana trcrt in the Gulf 8tatca.A - ' ' 1 Ex-Queen. Isabella, or Spitn,"ls "now IIv- . bg at Gensva, in S wiuerlaud, aud Is avoid-iogallCtoriety- - A The'State debt r Virginia "aaoaaU to ! m Oil AAA ... f . 4T

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