y" itt."A esaWBi: 4ga j "i ' ;. , . . i I (if 1T j ijfiV. w 0 Mip' .ly-: ::... s-AJL,ii:r, r. December 2.-5, rvo. CIjc liters xm. L. y. & E. T. BLUM, PtjiftilSgERS AND PKOPBIETOES. TLR3IS:CASU IS ADVAME. One copy, one year $2 00 " six months 1 00 " three months, 75 BATES OF ADVERTISING. 7 Tea lines or one inch space, or less, to constitute -square. One square, one insertion , ..$1 00 Eieu subsequent insertion, 50 Court advertisements will be charged higher than the regular rates. Special Notices charged 50 per cent, higher than ordinary advertisements. Liberal deductions made by special contracts, to. large advertisers. Select iHisceUaniK. Sclioolmaster of Russian k Bar. " When is he expected ?" " They said he was coming in to-night's stage." . lie taught in Frisco, didn't he ?' " Yes, I guess he was in the depart ment." The Doctor's wife was an authority on all matters in Russian Bar, arid on this last ser.satibn the coming of a schoolmas lor she freely enlightened her neighbor, Mrs. Blunt, a plump widow, whose miner hnsbaud had dred a- few Tnoilths before. There was not much gossip about in that quiet village.'- The arrival and departure Sf the stage brought the people to their " doors three times a week, and it a stranger was noticed, envoys wore immediately dis patched to the hotel to learn his name aud business, and the probable length of hi si stay. But now Russian Bar was to have a now schoolmaster, and the folks wonder ed m uct if ho wouldi have any trouble with Sam Seymour, the butcher's boy, or Ike Walker, an unruly spirit, who had knocked down and puinnielcd the last pre ceptor, who undertook lo teach him school- " discipline. The trustees were powerless in these Tij alters and declared that if a school- 'master was not able to "get awaj-" with Uie'bOys in a square stand-up right, he might as well pick up his tracks and leave ' Ktissian Bar. Ori'lhe verj- evening of the expected ar rival, Seymour and Walker, the leading spirits of the mutinous school-boy6, met at a' pool, from which both were endeavoring to coax a Jew speckled trout lor supper. " Have you heard what the now chap is like, Sam T said Ike, as he impaled a wiig- glo worm on his hook. " No ; have you ?'' Father told Juke, the barkeeper, that Le was very young." And small 7' " Yes." 'Guess he won't stav long in town, Ike?" , I. guess not, Sam. School ain't good for us, such tine weather as this." The worthies sat and fished in silcnco ' fjr some lime, and then Ike produced a bunch of cigarettes and passed the no to his friend. At last, rinding that the fih would not bite, they shouldered their poles and straggled up towards the village, paus ing for a moment to stone a Chiuaman's rooster which had strayed too far from 1 he protecting wash house. THE SCHOOLMASTER. Philip Houghton was a schoolmaster from necessity, and not taste. Like many who have been educated as gentlemen in one sense of ihe word, that is, without the acquaintance with any special pursuit that might be lurried to good account in the struggle for bread, he found himself adrift in California, with nothing to fall back on. Seeingfau advertisement in a city paper for a competent teacher to take charge of the school at Russian Bar, he auswered it, and was accepted at a venture. Pullinr his few movables together a pair of old tons and a set ot well-worn boxing gloves, for Houghton was an accomplished boxer aud fencer he bought his ticket for Itus . sian Bar. He found the stage driver a communica tive, pleasant fellow, who, at his request described the charade, ialics of his future home. Indeed, his descriptions of the class of boys whom Houghton was to take cnarge of, was not very encou 41 lou II nnd them a hard lot," haid he "and they're all on the muscle, loo. " What is nboul.ihu weight of my old- . AS t I TT 1 .. l. to Mrsi Blunt. Meanwhile Houghton bad washed off the red dust of the road, and took his scat at the supper table The driver had introduced him to about a doz en of the leading citizens during tho few minutes that intervened between their arrival and ibo evening meal. How do you like our town, Mr. Hough ton?" asked tho landlord, graciously," as he helped his new guest to a pi ceo of steak. " Well, il seems a pretty place." " When jou get acquainted you'll find yourself pleasantly situated; .but you'll have a hard time with the boys." "So they all tell me. Anyhow, 1 am" not unprepared, said Houghton choir fully. After supper tho landlord remarked con fidentially to tho Doctor, "that the young man had grit in him, and, he thought he'd be able to make tho . rifllo with tho boy s." , , j TI1E FIRST DAT. , jWhcu Houghton arose next morning'and opened' hi window 'to the" fresh' breeze, odorous with tho perfume of the climbing honey -suckles, ho felt that after all. a resi dence in a remoto village, even with a a parcel of rough boya to tako care of,was preferable lo tho dusty, unfamiliar streets of San Francisco. lie smiled as he unpack-1 ed his foiU and boxing-gloves, a little sad-' lv, loo, for they were linked wilb many pleasing associations of his under-graduale days. " Well," he soliloquized, as bo straight ened his arm , and looked at tho finely de veloped muscles, "I ought to.be able to hold my own in a stand up fight with; iheso troublesome pupils ot mine. This is my day of trial, however, and before noon we shall probably havo had our battle out." The school-house, a raw unfinished look ing frame building, stood hard by ihe river at about half a mile from the town. When Houghlon opened ihe rickety wooden gate that led into the school lot, ho found a group of some twenty boys already as sembled. Among them were Sam Sey mour and Ike Walker. The lallcr's sister a pretty girl of 1G, was leaning against ihe fence with half a dozen of her friends, for the llusaian Bar scltool-housc was ar ranged for the accommodation of both sexes. Houghton handed the key to the nearest boy, and asked him to open the door. With a look at tho others, and a half grin on his face, he obeyed. "Now, boys, muster in," said Houghton, cheerfully, to the boys. They all passed in Seymour and Walk er Iat. The lalter took a good look at the schoolmaster as he' went by. When thoy were scaled, Houghlon stood at his tlesk and laid a heavy ruler on ihe books before nun. "Now, bovs," he said, 1 hope we shall get along pleasantly together. You treat mo fairlyand vou-kbuli havo no rou&on i complain, I promlso yoa. snenre and obe dience is what I require, and a strict atten tion to tho mailer ul our instruction. Giving ihem a portion of the grammar lo prepare for recitation, he walked quietly . t T up and uown mo room, occasionally ftanu- ing at the windows, but appearing to keep no survcilaiico on l he uoyt. ruddcnly Ihe crack ot a match was heard, lol lowed by a general tiller. Houghlon turned quietly from tho win dow, and raw ihe blue smoke irom a cigar cite arising from whero Seymour sal. . "What is your name, boy?" he asked in a stern tone. ; "My name is Seymour," replied tho mu lineer, insolently. " And are vou smoking? " I gUCaS SO." J 'Leave tho room." evening with him, and told hit advenfrcs in early California to a patioul lis Iter, whilo Gypy dutifully mended her lailr's socks on the veranda. k Mrs. Lane,' when Gypsy was but a 'j The Grotto at Lonrdes. IlilleitU Gins. All Franco it in excitement over the I miracles laid to be lur formed al a l.ralin- t-fT L1K l! Tttt rtlAl fr C4KLT I.HVt. fountain at Lourdca. which is itnalcd on ! Tn a tw MtCOVtmr. tho norihcrn lopDuf the l'yrvnnc moan. Mill I V ... 1 ...... 1 f A . Hm f ry '-7 ' , " 'V 7"u -".mm ;iainNinihcouihwrtlernpartorihttuo. before Lane thought of settling al 1 usa.: , lry. A, , Bar. Seymour and alkcr were tlHttFcbruary ncs ficrnaiclUj s,bt. an master bad, and werv happy when atfcn panying him on his fishing cxcurionsJ(o aot, all agroeJ 111 devlaring thai lho!o calional-deparlnieut in the village i a thriving MicctfKN. Uuo iiJMiut evening ir. June, (ttr Lune, twirling her . ctraw hat thuiighllly", ncked her way -airos Ibo tmnJ uclUnlal IV Oetwccn iter uousc ana lite null, tm stream was a wirtdin; one, and as1 placed her liny foot on tho lirt slept sione, sho saw a straw bat on tho g which she knew wclU IIow is Miss Luna tli rewmtr'- Houghlon, lazily, from bcncalh a man its feu ah, where ho bad been enjoy 1 boos and a pi no. Well, lliankyou. How is Mr. IIou ton ?" replied Gvpy, ahyly. Warm, but not uncomforlabU. A you going lo tho tmll?" 'le, 1 have a letler that lias just con for father." May I accompany you?" "Certainly, if you chouse.. . Houghton put on lib hail and hclnci ..... . 1 oypy across ino-orooK. I had 1 letter from New York a fe4 days ngo',w'saici he,' after thtn- haS Mt tl ursi uenu 01 111c Tivrr ocninu. "A pleasant one?" jj cf the cort. It Jfrdr skc-e lit itjce- I lion Li ai rtrsrt.t, a4 cJm'.s . j on tL IVijcvI h":at- MKjJ to LkVe p:4 K Wannoib !rUtrv(rom tJr. One of the ari, ilih s.iU ar..l Tt UJr !! Usn ca"1 cttra ioa cicnic luc fr hut.crrds e4cr , by ll j (( dmdion tu ri rc Iicotct. i the ytx ouiftvr ; t.l a ic.'ief are rr.iin iMv.!wa lo liUMtLttil1 ill r. lv al ! ta f.l in lL Szi.Ift.tat- lionrd by m.tny antictil writrr, ercia!Iy Ttu afli(e 1 tl tal i!a(c. TTfcO ly Tiiny, who cak o( il basin- l-eu I l! n'.xjkn c J4tlt lr Uotcrr of Lo- invalul pca-ant gul, fourteen years cSJ, with two companions, went oul to rather slicks for fuel. When al tho entrance Of hm1 known m tho GrUo do Ma-tid. dtiirJ h-n ibro n on a Kara I ittai.a A u t.ltm V. K".Ue sow Ur.;J le, ihe maiden saw a woman tf angvlic j ltjcr, a4 hcu hamtarrrd iiio Kijsj.Sm(i'.r, snj w. 1 ir bcauly, wearing .1 while drcs whU a blue l'c Ir, The woii'I v a tAi?y Jol.n 4c!cfjr f-t lf.c ttt. !nrx bill. She ai Urrifu-l al firl, but cein grraicr inunt of (jUw ho hxn il jtin Kellr- w HI il a nrrto! bl that the lady was only engaged in prayer, Ihe e3Hy art I Ml Um nter hn al4 i. ; IW.itxtnr Cy. lit lrri4ni Uvlatr she i in i la led her. Paring ibis time the overcnic lis briat!enr-. That (tnpUb- u '.at, m L c!r.te4 t. S. staler, companion of the girl did noi eo the vi- and il o!.J cnler ila t... run r. I ;utrft.r Warn, 31b aiaUt lt ion, but did noluo that IWrnadclle toon- ! r.w, u i pruujr Ci-4ie with , it tm u lh l.,t tttkci tf int tc4. lenance changed, j he vision UiapicarcJ. I r"" "Jpretpjicy a an a i 1 ' w v I a civiuzai'un. , n!ier in n uti ha rvcrnily ma le a Joery that i.ay &n l the child coming to her ehe, rvlurh C'J home and'told what she Lad seen. No ono believed her, though she bad always .T"o n truthful pirU Tho nest day she Htt to. the KTotipSiinwbcn tUa " p pea led as LeruroTand ahe was atTv! to Vrrp-al her vision for fifteen day. In the meantime, the story of her vUion wi noised aloiil and t aucd a great com motio!:. The 'i(Vitcrs of the law and the parish priest endeavored lo make her own that theru wai no truth in tho tlury, and being uutucveffdul had her arretted at an impoftior.' For all lhi, many f the poor pe.if.miry believed the giil a atory, and great crowds followed her when ahe cnl lo ihogrutia. iJLlksgUU hJln:h day arrived, and Bernadeile went lo the grot to lo deplore her Lard fato lo the beautiful I! lady, who thcreut-on bade her co upon her "Well, although 'in one senso it bronchi' knee on the rock wLtm she w till ho good news, still I can hardly ca.I il a plcav toulJ go no lurlltcr. s ben there she loo ant letter." I up hiiuo of '.he scanty earth about ibe They tvalked on, and Gypsy swung herl focks kneaded il, and carried il to her hat pensively, longing, wilh a womarTiVT- 1 uc, Uv Uu B mi, lo wun i.er the Ncwl uanu a,,u prveniiy waier oegan 10 coucci in IU one uiptM'u up onie 01 litis in her hand, drank it and nenl away. Frum that lime ibe stream InvreaovJ in nic lul the walvr flowed with conaiderable leal to lb 1 ret ot cry of the iol link in Ibe chain of early invention. Ho is rnatufat turir. a thrra J of Ibis maltf.! grcr than tbe'CMe f ib iilV.wu'ioi, bi 1 enter ing largely into ihe mancfatiorv tf a ra- riely of nc fabric v uth m cabift, at pel, table tlaib, ahawU. octkiie. (Trr Iptci anJ isctvt rlnJt; tt tLcre in brocade! velvet and i!-". emtroidcfy ,J ii for) car la ctne Int any raove: lapelrj, lace, and a molmcd of other ihingv ll is a ft as fet wool. strongvr than s!k ibrra I ; and Is a . - . m a y m . piiy kcui 01 ir-ocT-J. m ap J iber-is terr hit grosfei amcti j a-rv al Lol pu la iW p tt, i(nrlai.( iLk! gait-s tL taXcty. IUl lb Ii Tr lo Ibe t jmulry hy at h Kiir.r otrr ilr yL cor CJ ivr t- Toe J. TLe cae il aJI tie i Mr f ib cu!-ii t-!aa 13 a!l itvu!U I'.l i-rrja iK trmtxs'(ai etiL 1X Umc i jm corr-pV, aa J its l.lkat are ioj r-iatb jJJc! lo iLnr 1 nra; ataU- . changed by beau bgbi, m it ort? or aci Is, i lo rW ibir t 2rctt. at-J ibtlr co nor ltat! to fide. imriat is ibe ' er-u as.J tt.ftnce ls Ibo cae cf critT matter dcemcl, ibal wbl ibo r rtcc 1 sM law a& J lb- trosio.4a of Ibe lrs curia'!!-, lo hear moro about lork letter. I am going to leave Russian Bar." said Houghton, abruptly. soon "Indeed : ho'w "I don't know, yet; po$5ibly withiu a week. Tho hat Was swayed from fide to side with increased energy. "Do you care much, Mi Line?' This question was ukcd with an earn est,, look into the hazel eyes that were 1. ... kepi sieAUU) oen 1 on the brown parched gra.s byncalh their feel. "Yes, of coitrM) we shall all be orry to lose you," returned Gypsy, cvaively. "It 1 como haek in a few months with something for my ful.no itV, shall I ec ihisringon her finger?" w h K-red Hough- ion, c-Nplurmir Ihe little baiul lhal held the hat, and "lipping a poail ring on ihe oelicate finger. (tvpy said nothing; but her eyes lurrw eu lor Vlv- kepl a profound ret, the Aetinan Min ister of Com merv has a! reals r-aftUr J school for glass pinhirg in varioas 4scc in Ikibcmia, and a variety cf raanuJacior cd arlul'-s are now for sa!e and will no doubt xii reach Araenrx Ifll sbs'denJ O'ny aovj osr cf lie t-a'.iaa. Clocif Wcxk la nlU. Al K-i-stul, a a 3k all Lsts!cl ttxx lie So4ibfu lvrdr of tbts cosaly, a Umlli o thai it cao l-e rv?-j -hi r rxUe 4 into I t .beet, ttw.d rcru , much of k j ,u mm i;4 at,4 wurlls irdostry. In -K-cJ. o or J . . afelv predict to bl :. il rn.-hl rl lc 1 , t(i , at f I.ust ; TLfv tal tti ibil fcr appliexl, al ibe materia! is p!eMijiI 10 all liiunii iii ii niu rii'HiismnMT ii., ....1.. 1 ...... earnest face. and in ihe Uoraufl cbvJc. a ....mt k in. iiii.iiiii 1 . . " " " v " - " " mm & A Jnfltk ' It itlilV 1. Jtll!9iail i.II, ill icnce. It was soon discovered that the alcr ot the stream potccd healing jower, aid many reported lo the groiiu lor Ibe pirjKe of gelling relief from Iheir bo-lily 11-Lrinilicf. Mill the trin ha4 omy a l4al celebrity till some of the local aa t fori ties iried lo slop wbal ibey conider eO a great auiwrslilion. Tins, Luter, sit prevented by the Kmiiror, a bo tele graphed that no coercive measures should ho ucd to keep the peasantry from ibe forvat. About Ibi lino M. Henri Lasaerr, an editor in 1'ari, visited Ibo aprmg and prufeacd to bo CUrvd il blindncs. H? wrolo a bouk on Ibe ubjeel, liom ibo pro fit of whub fCU.OOd uasrvalUid. fivtii ibis lime ibo spring let amo a great fator lie, and invali-; and cripple rumc lo H. all palta ol franco, but r nit nine. Muiui. . 'rinei l fitly u 1111 lands. IatI us great a Mankind bate Lope Ion sra tJ for it. Ihe itk near n5 l-e Tuacb -iss Ttufi I ai m I 1 rm. m 1 cr a m sk m . A C a (aji . Z faifl a4 Jaa ll.tix, frvsa ml tb caore a.Jf.J lo thro. ljtU tMf rrwt 1 (!; Lai Uo ctrt- tl. On IL al'.erv i cf iL? isy r. atari lal-, lt.ati: Cfv:i, . pa te4 Vy Whit It Ecj'itltrn 1 L- trv:l.r Wi..am aI ts ttj4t.erHitw I.I AAA.. ..I lmth i tf I " " .-w .. . t profess to be il? Ubuss, iLii i.rai i ordtcile of Uu'J lha to ar Um.rj . . m u aeets orloiS. ho orthra 4 , . , , .... ... . - i. . I I. a bU -. a Isfvosa osarrsl srra- Sqibern ; ib IluJdhisi c-i IhiVci, i,, Ci.i Cartel a L tfollH iba. Mancbur.a. Ch'ma aaf Js;a toi , .. Tlll M.th ibo former. anJ ih Si ' U ,lc- ,W lU X9 .. t , , ,. . .. , :s:c iiavr i rt at a rr. ir ti I 11. Ik Iii .... w fil.ti . I-il iL.m uLti J - 1 hitii.U I, l.v U fallowed tim d rotumiin l I" iir- !: creed. wip l l ttl i i "luuf iclltlt as i..juMi IM Lull are : (1.) SatTftnn- ei:v i it3UK-l lr Uttiir. 3 ) Il ui U l ,ntat.A. ill iiu'. can l-a oil a vl l-y mit.)i g ll. j-...ws i . ft-l i((iial 8 O tatisl imat!a;j :'.r r J, Ir it pSfM ti pM r ;" i. i .. , i.ti rKl4 a 1 o lla, a s,sj-Horj,a JiSjtf u bnt -IW mS srf4 s l f f 1 ia.1 . it i W l- a ,1 l tt-.t !it..6lo I mUiX, lt-riaU(l (IlS l I lb rrflHrrCi ttwn. Thrrv are cTrf tP'-J. M"!"". Vr J a i I . " . , V wish Philip Houghton f.odsprel on ibe ,itf.c kuUU and a greal imn.Ur t f l.rd- P ' "" "l thi w tr J .sirtat Ut t V mt7ZJ7wJ morning be took his p, ue by the driver ; i(liT ,IOU. TilV rg,ttr pa..e.ger rc - I 4 t cf lITIvl uCl xx ho one year before had m-i bun don 1, at ; c.,pta al ibe ra:wa stalu.n am..l .,ic4loil il.ai ulc.ro.r m,h.( 1 lt !. j ik,url. h. iVrkinn Hotel. They knew h j Was on j SJ.ojj er uaj. A ihureh il.ng iitJ.oJ repjs-. ll ,s svtctl, sssiLiIv.,.., U,, .7.7 his way to New York, and that h. bad ' tiant, i being creel, 4 ovir U.e ---4 V. . 5lt 1 clt been left some money, and ibe g-.p ..j .....neroi, i....ve..ls and LaiIa arv . l-ul "A H r&ctb .,e -!.. , . ., t . ' 1 n . t tfc mo.o Ihanau.pecled thai there was .,mo. u j,,.. l,ui . .. il.c lull, around. To pro ! Ldal.-n Ibal l-a4- lisllktai r ( 1 i S ulZ k sL t iL lit Ihing belween Gypsy Lane and Iheir Ta-! Irvl . of the gn-tta from I J , t W Lc lua.n:.....-! lhal .UalUJa.. . . ail,rjl ?l! . Jlr voritc. At all event-, her eyes were red i c .rril avsav a rail.n - has ken bu ll f-reier ce-sd i lv as ,.v.y ..4 ; -'" W fora week after his departurv. Vl vl " truly as ,he l-l.X .1 a la-,. ..a 'l u ' Jl " 4t Winter had come; Ihe river was iwol- len and rapid, and many a lofty tree from the pino forest bad found its way to ibe j hearths al luian IJar. One delirious morning. est?" asked Houghton, good humordiy. ' You see, if I have got to exercise some thing moro than moral suasion, I want to get posted on the physique of my men." ' " Well, Sam Seymour is about the strongest." But what is about the size of tho re doubtable Ike?" ' Well, I guess ho tops you by half a head.". ' uO, I expect we'll get along well enough together," said Houghton,-" and I suppose this is the first glimpso of liussian Bar," ho added, as a turn in the road brought them in view of that picturesque village. Tho stayo bowled along the smooth road, and past the great white-oak under whose friendly branches tno teamsters wuru ac customed to make their noon-time halt. I'll set you down at the hotel," said the driver. " There s i'crkins the pro nriMrir? that fat man smokinjr on tho j . stoop." Houghton confessed to himself that tho " I guess not." There was a dead silence :n ihe school room now, and Houghlon felt lhal the hour of trial was al hand. 4 Seymour," ho said1 again, very qnicily. "What?" J " Come here." 1 Seymour, putting his hands in his pock ets, sauntered from his desk, 6tood within a yard of tho schoolmaster and looked sneerin;lv in his face.- " Leavo ihe room," 8ai 1 II otighton,again, in a lower voice. The lilho "nrm staightcned out liko a flash of lightning, and ihe rebel measured his length on ihe floor, whilst the blood gushed from bis nostrils. In a moment he sprang to his feet, and rushed furiously at ihe sehbolmaster, but went down again like a reed before that well aimed blow. The second lime ho fell, Houghlon stoop ed down and lifting him up as if ho had uecn a emu r;.u. Uiut him outs do the door. Seymour, confused and amazeu. staggered down lo the brook to wash his face aud reflect on the wonderful force of that slight arm. Aud Houghlon, turning to the school, without a word of comment on tho scene, commenced tho recitations. Walker was mum. Scvmour's fato bud appalled him, andjin fact tho entire muti- . 1 1. i e t nous spirit 01 tuo scuoiart 01 juim;iii liar was 111 a fairway ot being totally sub dued. J When ibo trustees heard of tho affair. the unanimously commended tho school master s pluck. " I tell yoa what, bovs," said Perkins lo crowd who were earnestly cngagejt in ihe game of old sledge in his bar-room, that Houghton knows a thing or two about managing boys. He'll fix 'cm off, or my name's not Perkins." crip ami eoni, alter a mglii a rain, the stage pn"-eI ly Ihe large hile oak and, Milaahcd with mud, halted before Perk in?' Hotel. 1 1 had been all 1 ight or. the way, for ibo roads were very heavy. Tho wor'.by proprietor of lhal excellent house wn in the act of tossing bis hrt it comptelely c.Ver-l uithlhc t rl he """" J" ,. .,r ul,.'. I. ... . Other balo Lj44i.s titi.y with ibe uh' of ibur buil-v Ihe i'ulho'.ic tlergt bate lagc of ibe excitement it.iv it... w eil a a i I It I "I " taen a an. I I v li e rl ibal ll IS ha', a J.Kw:i',iji,4I;c . I kf lit idaa'.it . l---l ply u (tt t ra fj-.m a T at - or Imaginary el!eri i ii.ss spring o in. j ' " I augurale a revival ol rcl g.on as esell a a Nrta.f ly lh or e m l.s U'1. j rctival of palri..ti.rn. llarli j ntoiKr ll-- llj-i4Li. i.e. Kl.cs i. or Imaginary eilerls f 11.x r I a day xx as ael br pilgrims m a! parts i rr.ii.eu lo iil Lonrde. ll i estimate j inai 'j.vuj ie-rsoiis nrrc ireia at r.e l.iUlhe grral U rill !.: ( al I. m'cl I as I III tbo e I 4 ;al f t.;Mf, .i'. ! I-a pA-r a 8 - " 1 ftievio e-t-" . i cocktail, when a heavy hand .u laid un limr, including cigbl llisbopa m4 2 Ool ; trry ab! ; .1 I rve fro dceay ; il i. his shoulder, and Philip lloug'.ou about cd- "Perkins, old boy, hoxv are you ?" The landlord returned the shake-hand, dived behind the bar, and had a second cocktail mixed in a moment. And noxv," said he, as he pledged ihe ex-st hoolmasicr, ' xvbeii will the wedding lake place ? Six weeks afterxrards the old mill was bun- f. priest. Appeal were made lo ll.c mull:. ,rrc ,ron Ui uorw.j.oii ludea to lead a brller life, lo oUcno ih I'" . 'I lra.Had , il is :a . l Sabbalb more alrutlx, an 1 lo re!!. ay ffJs f a." " ' v il vni - a a - attention lo mailers ul of ihe cxercie of ihe occasion cor i i A pari ut "f-" r rr .'fti. ' from e-!ranl : il a!ral , it s ltx i lrs Ilra .rv , it sap.T rr I'ws 4- lw'e i. t 1 - h sir I. f Ik".! In-lb a n f f I - S t Hl ((1. ! i K ir l .. I p :4 t t , tft.r U xhty ;-ct atJ. m !. i ra 1 1 ! J -s'. ,tmm ' ;'rl Ift 5-l4 .m 1 rj ly U'm. a- I I-I t og-iiiT, ttA4 lt- jr lliX'l. i.tm.f j at 4 si, l!- s i;4 .'.vt ihf S.M lalf'fli 1 tkff l i ! I at. 4 t!r i la avast K;..t4. sLa. 4 i-li-4f-4 a a f l ftSj iLe I.r- svl cf slcr-a aa fff. ts t., I lly t-l,l tr fnore saf"' -L xrj. "1 Vy ljer- las, . .. . . . ".V I .... . . . .1 . . . . - -t ... , "tn-va ill hlessmg the lannrrso! Trance, u,iii "re nuni iuc ex.. n cin.i.'. t i.,r - xsero seni for ll.at purj.se fium eccry dc I'brae ls la n..i .;..., I , fc , parlmenl. Alsace and Lorame vr.l their fui4,,,,5 oi4-ulUv;y i li e c a . i r Ihe urtl i'ia'. t i . . ll.xtl.u rxaeb Nsisa f-fr. II iii mourning, burn- ly girl drecd in x bite. The banner of Nat- a ssas r.n.lii. ed so lieavy by go!4 and embroiders thai ! ,f n? r'c a'.la-f iho S. airong men o carry il. i p'ir io w auner sxero ran-eI in a i rra ny 1 rio , inng with evergreen xvieall.s, and n grand J ti rrqUirr. , estival was held at Kusian Bar. Gypsy i..,,,.., tli l.ano was a lovc.y urme, anowneti iiuugn. ,:r, i.. nrillllll tt!f. ,. ... , . . ton took charge f the mill and invesud hW A lUclt all., nl ' htn , . be pract.e !l liic S nrk mrrt- ll,n .-Tl ..... I.. ... . . i. .. -r J. lJ al it I.? . ar s ih. . ' ... .."V 1 ...I. , ... II .... .1 - I . .. . .. i ... , . . i " ,,M i,ii sin vx io ri'vise Hi.' " o r..-.uuv in xne eo,,s trnrHiili.,1. fr,r,i iK- ,..f everyiiiing scemcu to mKu a iresli itarl. Through all. his warmest ami mot devoted lh prx-lsle. xx ho stretched ihe.r bands over Ihe inuUiluJvs ij I c ftee ll.al xxf.uli i lL ca-- 4 I . . .. . . . I . . V . . . . . a S.i.a xsi J lv fthft-c vI. e . a. J sr t I" f m i- a l tl ft,.--vi Juhtt Tt lL a i f tfuat lr aJ Jatat ia lbs Ti. I tti i rr t .i.f a 1 I lfl - " j s. I- l a t L i fx tb b- I. He a "f .! b l f ..:. it. -I. it .4. a f.tiit i J ca I i-a ig rvc iij i...-j a li p ' '.y I i J : Marsl-aU I o km T !' s . f a osai rvl ;. b--t i-4 1L- larf" friond was bam Seymour, once ihe lerror of Hussian Bar schoolmaster, nnd noxv lo holder of that important josiiion. Iletal Faper-Hanslnss.-vaaa- Papcr-hangings for walls are known to everybody. It is noxv proposed lo uo hanging made of metal; and an account of this new invention, which cornea to us from Paris, has beet; read before ihe So ciel3' of Arts. Tho melal employed is tinfoil, in sheds about sixteen feel long. r, rn l7,Perf,. ' Tkc i!.rsrr ital . l-ra, -al -ar iLI. . Ibe following is what Ibe Ci:u im.alli . w. il.... -i. lLii.. ..i iaiw: La f I t a a i r . i a 9 . . a i rauo i.iai iiiibiis oi inoe cuaracier x no . j.cry i.a .p'. u.c com rbi a of their county paper, and mteaJ , lo s.al isib.' mr MutI4 in a r. J ie as ontf.ot to support il, send otT for large cily papers aod lha help i ...r,t ibem ? "A genlt3.an wrile us ibat hi county ispu psKir tnai ,0 ha uppcd lak ing ii. increioro o..u u il.rrc .iUar f jr ino ira.JO l.il. c repeat thai want subactiUrrs on ihuo Urn.. j r 1 1.? ft,. ar i -f ; Ul i- as Li -ste i a p.v. at.4 ,1 a l-s raii e l It? . ftJ,.T6.jSfc-y : U J.ur Uartr at ibe lits.- ii a il!f i.iJ t t t-im -.l cf ll.o . Alt I .r r two I! fi ibo s l - ,t S Urtx4s, W.tiTS'o tJsb l a r- -v r tam4j J(4it, al I'rxjsi. a '. - a - - ... .o it, i .f j t ij. ii iso ea.a v ijai inai to joa A man's . . a . . . . lie iracvaclHa tbcrt. J.ti r. , base vwraoi; w.uu,, a suit of thing m LkU ibt IVdcr! Got. n" grcr. a tract a trnaiisl batacn a irlia. 4 ia wb.el. ftr -s,-. a-s. nuuarrv. ib order is givalunrxxr tbJas. Tk. i c.jrt-Iy tt t xUf t:j at.! It appears thai that pn or rafTwt.b w lJ Ilr. ii appcara M I . .ac u a r. sift llm i to tt J'r causer a . -i . . . . . . , ..-, A NEW l't'RSUIT. Houghton svas hospilably treated by the folks of Russian Bar. They felt him to bo I f .... . . . -t t' I IHtllkl t I.MI... k. ..I ana irom tuirty to roriy inciies wiue. i lie i -.pi i nn re to i.,,.i than high n i.er pajwr in u.o xaorld. r if a III I. I.i. ... . I . t. paj-r i sheets nro painted, and dried al a high r paper in ll.o xaorld. r if u i i,..i lempcralure, aud arc then Urt-oraicw. wilh ' " vm" iawu. n u.e counts jiu'itin'i iftii i x'mi.ij patM-r i many rlilferent pattern, such as loliage, rvcrij vnomragci, u may r, ;,c 4 u. 1 a . ars ririi i..n..i.... .1 b a - , imitation u 1 " ...' iu-ic eaiue . tl.c 1- ..f. .1 a- - , tX.'a.tftftllVI V", ...."', i ' ' ' - - . 4 ft.,. l, , wood, or landscape. When decorated, l,,u w 'eft ll i ii.e!, U.,, , j,, the sheets are vnmUbed, and again dried, 1 1" lu ,,,, l Ue c ly pnp-rr n, n,v f anu are then ready for i-au 1 nih il i in Cffvi ' s b- is oppr4t4 i men ei-'ly as ra-ca"x s a ..ft.s.I. l r.l small. I .llis i l, f..rm a Mat lel-..g 1-j.ar J. l is givn ibe nhifii f 1 1. r i.l f t- . to ll,e L.WtaS I.-pit".- sfir. "T - ii.g I4var4. bi U t l.f lis wf L - a, (oil l jf ibo t . -' -4 ( ..-.. II ,ig I - ir. :.pr-r , vb'to l -xr a 4 lal at xr. Im . -1''p xaat Is rf ift-eal ,;.'. r.- r li-a i at-i a L"f lst t..tacl yfts ratb tt'l. fof lb. f prospect beforo him was anything but a . prepossessing o e. - - - r y ft mfti of rcfinemcn bro ht down jn lho coraDauve natu.e, luuugu . ft. - ..-.v. 4-orid, but showing no offensivo superior danger for lho excitement ; but a game of . inlcIeoursc wilh Ihem The ' fisticuff with-a dirty, mutinous boy, had ,vife rrOROuntcd him lo bo lLo nolthftr .rlorv nor honor for a man that . v v-,l-- -i. v.-,i . 1 had been ono of tho hardest hitters in his lho inj?inualcJ ,hat Mrs. B'lJnl" college.). the widow, was selling her can for him. The folks were all at tlioir doors when Gipsv Lano, tho daughter of a leading tho stage clattered up tne smgio sutci, man ln Kussian Bar, and made wealthy, by and tho slender, goou-iooking iuuu8 iu.o a aw-miii, which all-day long groaned and by the driver was measurea anu cans asseu screamed somo distance doxvn the river, beforo that worthy had passed tho mail lo did not express her opinion as to Hoogh- tho doctor, who, wilh his medical avoca- lon's merits, but iri tho summer evenings, tions. also found time to "run" the post when tho school-masicr, rod in hand.wan- offico. . dered along tho stream, nnd threw his line . Ti. Tinntnra wlPix was at her window, across tho mill-dam, Gypsy svas seldom 4nd after a long survey of tho school-mas- far away. Lane, a bluff, hearty old fellow, ' ter, haatened io coirmanicato her opinions frequently asked Houghton lo spend lho iiself nalurall- tough ; and the coals bid upon il in preparing il for the market in creaso ihe toughness. The banging of tbeso mclalie iliroi is similar to apcr hangiog, except lhat'tlib svall is varnished wilh a weak kind of varnish, aud Iben applied thereto. Thus in this way a room or a houso may be nuwly painted, without any smell of paint lo annoy or barm the inmates. Moreover, lho tinfoil keep out the damp; and aa.hc varnish is a damp resisicr. the protection to the room is 10 fold. Kipcriente has td.own, nlo, lhal cornices, moiiMiugs, and irregular surface may ho covered will. ih untoil as readily as aflat surface: bci.io there is no pari of a dwelling-house or public building which may not bo decorated with these new sheets ; and, as regards aiylo and fin ish, all who saxv ihe specimens exhibited at the reading of the paper were made awaro that tho highest artistic effects . . at. could bo achieved at pleasure. Ltery &it xirday. In. I 4V .. . Jftr . '. ,IU III.1M (Jll (Ih ,..,.,. . apcr Ibal pvibiiftl.es ibe opaxial aix.r ruenlt of bis lonnty, the pubi.e a!e. mar. ket, conrl nexs and other b-al mu;;,. gencr. ll the patr is i-r. the t-...-, it, , !. rSa-"4 " stc. il,r.j(r I il li.M 1. a. 1 f j' lc ... t r t r - I I ' f ILr Jr. tke ' z : .kr'.r-l c f f4-S 1 mm,4 tvo hiv l tew p. . i .f-f c.r lray -4ri-a i- a t arr X'l a-4 M.-....I.UM-1,.. ..0,1., . 1 ... I tiifv. TL, ftJ.Scf-. - r-..i cja:.j -irrxr c-tj.sl...e.- I- .-... 1 1 w A : Ti- lUaprtr at. I rrfcor other i Aimoili. at. I .t m Lo Lai I if J"l ''.V.ftfttft -'v 1 ivm rf Alra tale tL.r rt al . en. Ur lf', Sllh 1 1- va 4ft. ... . . .....ft . - are more at faull than Ibe publisher f..r ,,'?r' 1 r t J 1 .1 V 1 trir- 4 esHt. 4 it ptffcl liberal palrooagc iloxscr .wr ' uV "f" "ln",lttiu,b ,J ' t -'iliU? sfll-sr urtss Wi. itllal county paper may be, il i .lajx s.tU I l"T; ? 'fj ' " Y V ' " 1 ,h- fUos a..r asi. moro than 11 co.i to ibo inierc.lc4 in ' T " lh , Ul ITlx n . r ; " . IU IW rvV t4r .f ia lirtar the affaiia of Ita localily. ! !rjr1 !mA Kc nmc ,Lr ,'r4- fe..;s. U fad lt-al U4i S rrs I The G.seroor. y a jwi.-,. .l'V ly .u,!f ,4raal day ,!.... rr thai Ibe IUbmo..4 CbtC. S txZ --ff -m-jsH ,.any. about four jn,:e frm lhal c.iy. La . .V L L.lll I - t lL:ir , " -f f -f fcalUr just m,; le one of .L, largest blat rc. j f -, , U a, u4rJ ... I-'J 1 '-'V:f lU f IM1M. S IL I IIC liliniUUV 111 a-..r..l . .. .. . . t ... t .1 1H". 1'f.- vmn.mg r. Iftt- .1 I Ii rfft liiinh.iiil I . . . . , a.-l ..I piece of alone, ol etcellei.i tpatilv. aixiy leel long, lillj- feel deep ar.J six feet wide, measuring I li.Oj J cubic feci M mm. then trim taol iituU"H It J M J 11 rI All ll fitl 4 It .-.m-.-a . . . 1 . ... --! fin lifter IL Lcf lSft'ftJr ii l.:. nml xs pi'-V.m- I 1 '.Oil ... rir. . ' .... j ... . - - rft -t -,vw,wit ,hioll Wftrisotli iorl U w;.tJi, " - .i- u.S Krpj.r. iwi. Itt lc;.j ...... . ..w ft vi v u - uia ft, . a airqoftl i . enualcd by Ibo aame wnen a block of granilo 000 poucds was obta any raore luccoifol blasts aro recorded. sblal sxas lnoi i u0 d.ul(JH. tc lutil i.i 1- xsi.cca aa a rctsa-Jy; T itul company in j ahl lf s oOm vi v. On Ibe oil er Lat-4 f p S !r. fu al f ff ) U1 . o weighing lSuOO.. j xt9 l,ytnU iWard U.selUir r alcr asl.l a try um- 4rKi;;-a a incd. War doatt if Ulon riving ibe rtarn lo th otber t.Je. 11 Ibe Crvr.k. sst.cii wilj soca tZtxl Warmotb, LaTifd-nriiica the erJcr cs.

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