1 1 ; . - : - . ' j , . - 'T i - 'iirtiri 'i zz jr.'"' ' """Y"! " "" - - - . .,: , . . .. ... ' f:-(HJ ' K- hi r, jl i ::: p. ' ' i R : r:--:-7- :- --'., .... - - i - .- t .. , . . ,s . 1 .... .., ...' - ' ' , i V 111 J - ; . ; J X ?! ill J i ......,,, . ........ . ... ...-.rv-a,,..,. , u,V. .4jyrf J . I vJJLX ... . " ...... Iofe JDAUY2,t873. . ' -;' ; V S0 , ": rcss. ! J L E. T. BLUr.1, PUBLIskEBS ' IPkoPEIETOES. . v. , . f ... ; .; : ,' . u-EttM!xCAli tlf ADVAlf CE.' ATS .1 00 75 OF; ADVERTISING. Tf ja Haef or on i aeh cp&ce, or less, to constitute 9n siiaaicqne jneertion,......! 00 lUubscqunt insertion, 50 jort jkdvrtnjcnts will be charged higher than thr'uUrrte:,:.; v :: ,t;; , I .. . ... 9BeeiIal!fotles cliArged ; 60 per pent, higher thia ordinary advertisements. " '":" ' Lihsral do luctions made by special contract j to "iSltHM ni t..:. ti;, 11 lulhr.s ill i -f Select viltiscellanii:r i it- PIRB TEST. I hofj Vou will 'iee no Iroubli on yoa;r journey. Wliti! lell tee thai again 1" I demaadd Yo must be rery , careful boweter, for fire forgetting eVefyfliiiig bm the Ue or having tlTrougn'iil Uit region;;" - f my honor Jiuifned. - ; ? .You.don' know, how lhe word cheered . I took, it, Jacob. I knew &eIU loreAeo, me., Notwithstanding my embarraa-nng- poal- ana I coal J at bear It. , Thai letter I hoIwm tion, I could nolfeel eorry i that I went j and, to gel yoa where Ioold carry out my rdao. I apologixing for my mistake, I took my leare, misUt have left you to die in the hat, bat BHe Tery much' happier, yet, withal, feeling tort would alwaye remember you, while a ahadow of pity for John IUchardsi " of suspicion upon yen would hate ended U alL The first part of my journey was performed Bat 1 gire her up to yoa. I era not good without serious trouble, -fit Is true I had aome enough for her, eren If she wanted me but If narrow escapes ' from the! fires, which I found lire, l'lldobettec You will not tell rVUe everywhere, thus proring my mothers fears . j i a. r J -? 1 T i ' Cv.t J. DOl wuuouv lounmvwo.j out, va wnuru; M o John." . M . night, the night for camping out, I met with! ' '' 1 . " .At-iritniArtJLitTHmlvA J By thrsUmetheheatwaasoIntenMthatwe . .. , j I had to wade deeper Into the water, and keep very unfortunate ending to my. trip. 1 Vv " TljecamoinB-out. however. was not so dis-1 z. , "T, . I. . 7 agreeable as I anticipated, for our men on the way up had erected a cabin for themselvoe and a sort of stable for their horses. In the latter I tied Jim) finding hay and grain enough for a feed, and then ' betook myself to the other cabin, where I made preparations for pesln I comfortable night. But Tcould not sleep at ! Ah, sir, It was terrible. TIeny a poof being fled down into the water that night and never returned. . ' f "Well, I hardly know how we lived thflnrbJ t ed bf dep: -ams fillsd with' oayaant i aod his only respwx wae to try la ihtm Ihetn away by LhrevUig ston Into the waUe, then dash ia and eodearer to crew before Lkry had reoovered thsir eourage, -One large river he cio id on a raft, the branches foe whica he cut down with a knife smade out of a rusty aU iKfti. awful ? K t Kni Kr I mm. m considerably soerched, and aomewhai rTflr - odaty. sVVj.iTi e-4 a lore that p-sctief this c!am are ;tIcuU' iu:j'a He erlWeMH of lie Lj, sa-1 teaijruflj la ebU li lh Uxxer. This liiosrpcr Is sti. ledVyrovU who kow U Uj areaboet. 3oh feo4 al-sye taahe srUgfLU it U rere dsriag the Utter period, ae well as da 'what UssIasws tWv eaa them. Xika klmMi he fcuad on the wsy. Indians, Spaniards. I thlar. . tkl .L, v. i. . t and Jaguars were on his track. To add to all, whkh ran oly U UlalreJ i re the heat was overpowering. Yet he surmount. pertUvy wIhIx 7oor msa, thacgh thrr ed all j and on the fourteenth daythe dj. may have the IndiasUc to ds eaaso4 si Unce was over one hundred mileehe had the ford to saart ai ai30.t every boJ wiih dsUgbt of beholding a buccaneer ship careening. thy are hroajht U tc&Wt. TUj ktww tlt Pee received with .transports b? Lis ell hy so doiag lhy wooM be uhL-.g He breed friend, and Immediately offered to lead them and UaUrr out o tUIr own taeutis, aa4 ills U tgsiasl n prise worthy efthsnt no lb In j less a considerate wLi4 coetroU to a rrx si than the rery ship in which he had Un a lent, even the taot ImuUe' Adsj prlooer In Campeachy. He soon found volon the etctihoweter( that there is wUhisj thrn teert to accompany him, and a day e two after- eewrula smsnai of ttsf ;uh- ' ' 1 wtrds, at the dead ef night, noUelredy board- eipwodsd, sh pT4 - .sou;r ed the ipeniara. ice senunsi cnaiieng a I eposs Uvo4 uMiU.la tsr them. ' Te are sailor, said Eanhslsiar, I and frees wheea thrr have neihlsf to " .Cmlli-ju lij rut UCe- .U fl dtt U it,fr.T3 tie " kln-Ca b.i ilrce to tte wrru U .- r ir thai frW Wt tie $um cf tie &a; s f ed t ecs-at ancrw eeilsiis -cnabe. lUl faU frcr tie rith riae Lai:e," Ul U tie rcry frvtet tlat U rJt Iruatj rate. 5o t44u'7 dtroui la ills d;nsi;e trw Are1 taaa Onrssis Uu llry bvatsj tArvrrvC ca errryU-ar else lv txie t n ik txfi tf frsr. sore, but quite a man after all. There I believe it si r 1 do, indeed. ' There never was ah cvjl that , some good did not spring from it.; it is : something hard to believe j. it was fori me once, but it is truth. Shall. I tell yoawhy I changed my mind? I don't. Jcnow a I ought to for I am . not much of a story- teller. ' I can balance a account, or scale 'a load-of lumber; bnfe I will try this time. ' Ahr how' I wish I could tell it' as I saw. it ! "But r don't believe anVbody ever could do that, go Itht:', : ' ; r ;";;f I am'in the employ of a heavy lumber coiri- pany doing, business on the lake : shore, anu hgVejjeeji, for. years. Most, of the time;jtbere ar wo of us in the officer-John Richards, a son of one of ,4 he, ow ner?, ad myself, Jacob Jackson John usuallygoes into, the pineries ,yejl, Jast,wn,ter was unfavorable for log ging j; (here was no snow'.to speak of, and our supply. Ojf logs was so much,. less thsn usual that we. were, obliged to shut down the. mill. by the ls of September. That left thirty orforty men idle- You know these lumbermen must . h.ive something to eat and wear clothes, and tlie-'firm 'deefdeel to put a crew into the woodsi i f it was early. So, about the 4th or 5th of Sep1-' tember a loof men started. . " John Richards' went up to boss them; and, to be frank, as ' I' always want to be, 1 was glad whetf Jonh'was.out'of ' my sight.' There were two or, ' three ' reasons why I was glad. First, John llichards was not a very agreeable person to have around.' He was' haughty find over-i beA.riug.o the last degree, and many a wordy tift have we had. A sain, he was paying atien tipn to , beautiful . girl whom I loved. ., Xo - doubtI ws a Tittle selfish, but I. really could not . help it. There was no open rivalry be- i trjrejusjber ibfi J had never, insinuated i ' even to my. dearest friend, my mother, that I cared aught for Belle Royaltotu But I loved . her, and the idea that Richards, or anybody efee for th'at matter, would bear off the prize, c fen before I had entered the lists as 'a competr ito?,'was repugnant- to my feelings,' to say the least.' ' "Lastly, John Ricnards was my enemy. Wherefore I could' hoi fathoi5i,'untess 'some act or look oj minhd benryed my love. But ho. was my enemy, andf I was glad when he was outmysighU, . ..; , :: . . . . ' John had been! gone nearly a month when the firm received a letter from him, in which ho had stated that he' had found a large tract of-pine land forsale. Theowner had just been burned out. and John' advised that- I 'should come "up "with a few "thousand dollars, for splendid bargain could be made. ' The partners, held a consultation, and finally deetded that ' I should, go up. , I was to start immediately after dinner, on horseback. I knew 'the road well, and was sbm ewhat ac quainted it h ' tlie few people who had ven tured to settle in that wilderness ' throdgh whach'Ehad to. pass j therefore I apprehended ntf trouble.'. - Not so with'my mother, however. She iook -alar m: at the fiist mention of the journey; ; ';i-.f-; Wish' you were not going, Jacob,'-she saiu, ,wifcu a siow oi muco anxieiy. "hiheri'; if The-' firesa Ttey - are burnings all . over thwcicd,lrtdi you ' have1 to camp -oat ' one nights avno - 1 numbed rftiei' fe.rtirfof I' thonght' iheu gro&ndltess, jirid'sTie'dkl bdt press the'sttbject further.5 :ttt he look of ah tiety remained on her face',' "and 1 promised to be very'cafeful.- ' 1 -' J, f hose: V use pfr pwn horse j so after dinngr I ffiJt.PU. ti)4Ue sUlend.sdUed yimand - rooftqpwn to f.neaceR,,.,i,v, wiu .,, A Thy were not' quite jready, and- 3Xr. Rieh aidsiatd f bad better take a -turnJ arou'hd 'Erid se-eftHer'ere' ahy letters to lend ' td' A W men. i. tr ojiiu' las only by sorite sU6h transTent methods thWwV had anymtomiication' with7, the hum l tuunu many letters aireauy rf 9 .... i. . " . : . After I had visited, all who had husbands in thVroodsY headed tdwpds'the office agaA 5 bui f iuppened. to .thlAknaiperliaps Belle' had seme 'word to send to' John Richards'. ' Jt was not pleasant to , thiqk pf,..and,, X selfishly ueciaea tnat i would not be the bearer of com- niUnTcatlon!7. between "Vhem"' ButmV betie: nMure pretJiiled, as I hbpe it always ma.' ' t i ddef ovter Squire 4 Royal tonV atfd ''asked 'for 1 Belle She was at borne, and I think' 1 irem-' first. Ten thousand dollars In one pocket is J too, ia that bed in the i corner. He will jet not a remarkable narcotic, especially when one I over 11,1 gueea. I shouldn't be telling yoo'thia J is in a lonely cedsr swamp, with fires lighting now, only he said I might. He has-turned the heavens above, the suffocating smoke re- new leaf, and does not want any seer sit tarding respiration, and men. prowling around weighing him down.' it IfctuCi'I for prey. But sleep earns to me After awhile There is Belle, too, just coming up the walk, and money, fire, smoke, and robbers were for. They put my bed here, so thai I should be' the gotten. j '' first to 'see' her when she came, and the last ' I do not-know how-long I slept, but I do when she went away. In't she beautiful? Ah, know, that I was awakened very suddenly.-, I but thai is nothing to her goodnes. She has sprang, fi-vm theheapof straw, that, had been saved John, and me, they say j and she is my my bed, and, by. the light of the .fires, .which promised wjfe. . ' i ! haxt burnea nearerii.saw a man sumaing in blame me now tor aaying there never the door. His face; was towards me a black 1 M;t .L.t 4 .i; u "urolng from shore with goods that have I Trobably, a eerula luad cf taorUi rUasure -ojiuij. i urn iaiwaiu4 svsuqs saanvr nope that he would not be forgotten, but face it waa; too, but whether artificially colored 1 or natural I could not say. ' - ' ; : , ' If you don't want to get burned np yoad better get out of here! he said, grufSy. Ten' minutes more and the hut will be ablaze.' ' . . - T - . . . lie came irom. or now be entleu, i T needed no second bidding. I found thai 1T . , .. . , ,. ' j. v. i . - .. He first looms up a the captain bis words were true, his warning timely. .On tt r .. . , - J ..'!!, 'v' ' cancer craft oarjini four thrc three sides of the cabin the hunirry flames were greedily licking up everything conxbusti ble, and et one point were only a few rods from where I, stood, j. . i t . . ; The smoke was stifling the heat scorching. I had no time to waste. "' The stranger-was al ready oh the move, aS I knew fcy the sound of his horse's' footfalls' I was not far behind; I assure you "for my faithful horse seemed to realize that we were in . Tlie smoke wes so dense that I could not see ' ' 7 Baitkelemy this ?lrtt9. : ; 1 ; , One of toe representaUre men of the arly American buccaneers was Barthelemy. There he came from, or how he ended, no oue kaows. ef a small buo- carrying lour tnrce-pouaders and thirty men a mere'vnite in eosnparisoa with the Sjjenish galloons. Tor all this, Benhelemy determined to attack a large- poniard which he met off Cape Corrlente; "The a hole pro ceeding was cha'rsctcrb'tic' When" the Span iard hove in jrhf, tbe buccaneers VtscmUed round the ' mlt dlscoiied1 Uie stranger and resolrcdr considering he rcrpeciiTe strength of the twVveisrls, that IhcyjwouM not attack unlessthe captain particularly desired it. ZUr a rod ahead, but I struck out boldly, and a ride .11 .. jw .P..v...,..u' .r: I nothinS was. to bo sou in aey part 4 the world without rUk, and oruVted anil to be net of half an hour took me out of immediate dan ger. . Then for the first time since my awaken ing, I. thought of the money., I quickly clap ped my hand to my breast pocket, and it was empty. .. - ! 1 --. .! . 1 , Can you guess my first wish ? -It was that I had been left to my fate in that rude hut, for death seemed preferable to dishonor. Yh in chase. Tb Spaniard carried eveoty men as crew, beside marines 'and passengers, and twenty guns. 'One can easily fancy the sense tion created by the threatened attack of the little sea rover. This time, however, the Span Uh captain did not order the crane to be i-ese thousandth not-rem.irrwithTnwrry VF&Y!. U2V&'?S. .1 . - . his men and when the Lucanneers U th of , time, for somewhere in advance of eulM thfy , the next moment he waskUled'and theveasel taken. '-. The faithful seaLos, matter I derived frca In-Ialxkceln ireer, Ts-.'s T eLeg as hate CaLoaid, secure aocruia amounl of outward shw and .dfrvnce L sotaehow or etlsr, root I rrcas woull alMi as aoon b slrufk L. afiktl.! i & 4 M v S.J Y..1 . I . ... " u'aMiM Awvyiw- da eil tly can U aroU such trealAaal-. The stale of the stomach, we are told, ha a Sssdly, however, we 14 to by li laca great deal to do with the temper, the natural pered men and weosu tlouM receive rsch Mo result being that, when a man's liver is out ef dr ooaMdoratioa. Their bad teaser is nxh order, his temper Is In the aarmecoodi lion. I This in f more or leea than an alocainaUe eee, may be true enough,bul we question very math those who indalge in It are suevca! asl whether the Uvvr is amwerable for all the tins &' Tieir trout Us are ttotaor to th tlaa which are laid al)U door. We know many bed trouUse to other people, so there U no rea- trmpsred people who, to our knowledge, have &b7 Hy luiibe o pUiic, tlitln never been really bilious In the whole course ef anger U Jtuiiiall, but rhreede 13 haetor Is a their Kves. Of course It may be aliened that If I UiUnr; wlh there can be nxlrUtll railtr llaa deu lXr rtJ Li . r - wirr an4 tlH j iatsUvrrj, aJ rrm pawn ixrtvr wo w i nvarv U liOtiJ In aH T-aaf ra rirlr. rA r-' xX sac' arc Is d n ' - eorcjL :'-" v carit fcsJssl teizil frni He pU'.c olt., whith are snod W be pwfrct lme e Hsar, aa they arw ofUa tie tlraUwa c4 tie mm ; hcarVeickt&Is tra-rvLra. ,Tha rarai: - 4 of tie tibfr ci.fcc4 it d:e i- llr.r cwa aste, ac4 llcy tvrr fad to Unt, ad err a lrip,rtati.e,tlrrvi;:rf jrui tf tit fTort, whBe thrr etra tol W'lbe Urjfrc sarzj thrr Lave sot er wen MSMt - Lt frxala. liil tlourh Lxjd.it ael . fallen dctxa II Hrlt th&s to tnttAr tbir a n uric, vm.t wirce aiJ dur LUtf tr strictly crlrmi to avxii a3 rs?h l2rral prartka, teal He wel. &ld rcrve c yZr ; aboU aafcr dtnmaL - - , ,. the Her is all right, something ele Is all wroox the nerve, or the heart, or the luapV Cr the teeth', are driving poor uffercft almost (o distraction. -This, also rnay beec-rrret. Bat tt must be admitted that there are many plran I beings' who never complain of being efiieted by any spocial complaint, wboe exwteneo for all that. Is one of chronic ill humor, who tosp and snarl when they are spoken to, and ia!k when left to'themeolvss." A good many of these gentle ore t area', will. In latervals ef comparative good hamer, Ull yoa to your C-c that they are bed tempered, thai they a!ejt have been, and always will be. They may top port the Information by declaring that their bitterest condr&aation. Iirttalas ax tit naaUxm Toy. crvier. Gray's TcAk ia lie Uan cf tU il -M nBlc:a- Knows it as the n l-s bis nest. Bo- the hi-hei f r-raVs t4 the &erra It attracts tie eio. wiWh al. mot dail rLberrund its hcaj ar J bnt 8pua it, no Hal aocsetuare it uiru itc ncrrct cf tin Uldesl to run the eraaniM of three storms. At such lime lie wU4 mountain soerat tlar witb iUir,r. ScTeral hO hare been caa-ht lUr it uch a moment Udi mo how It shot three -h v n mk wmm. m we mm. w. - am m - - - it essxea about me, fleeing from his ' victim and from the de vouring element, was the robber. , My only de sire, then, waatq overtake him, and wreak out my vengeance on his worthless carca. . Putting the whip to my horse, J flashed on. making but little progress, however, for the way had never been travelled before unless by some footman.1 Towards daylight the way inw proved," and soon after sunrise -1 struck a road. I now. moved on -more rapidly.- By frequent inquiries t learned that 1 was on (he track of the villain; but some hours behind. I was gaining on him, hpwerer. ' As the daVaned I heard of him nearer and nearer, I hoped to overtake him before dark, but failed. , I did not despair.. I , kept on, and some where between eight and. nine o'clock reached a Village situated on- the i border of a bay. I rode down to the bay to give my horse a drink, but he only touched his lips to the water ,when be lifted up his head, turned equare around, and, with' dilated- eyes,rrwelliiig nostrils, and elevated ears, gazed toward-the woodsy which surrounded the Tillage.; And I, too, turned in the ,same direction, for a, low, rumbling sound, inexplicable to me, broke the Sabbath Stillness. Louder and louder! and loader it grew as we gazed, until It' was tike the noise of mighty, irresistible waters'sweepingtowsrds us. The inhabitants of the' village were aroused.- (Though conscious of some terrible dinger ,they were jgiibrant of th'eir-awful doom. "Even the uomesMO apiouus iook ioe aiarm - ana nea, warmly thaVlher wcre.cvmp!)ad .tOiTetry .tp. their own vessel. Barthelemy siarred off, and kept up a cannonade, an d-roliing fire., ef musketry for fire hour. We must suppose that the Spen ianUwere absolutely incapable of workinlheir guns; for though their superiority id men and racUl was as six to one, the upshot of the combat was. that when the buccaneer board ed the second timcth deck was yielded with out resistance. tBarthelemy had lost fourteen men in killed and wounded a Urge propor tion for atcasfur bat there were not over forty men leffliving on board the Spaniard. The prise contained about $30,000 in money and merchandise,' which would have given the captors ' tome l,0U0 a piece Bartheimy re ceived nearly a '.quarter of the whole as h3TuJerrer after share.. But. they were not destined to enjoy it. ,Aant of water. compelled them. to run into a port in Cuba. . On weighing, three Spaa, iards bore in sight, and captured them easily. Barthelemy was curried J n to San Francisco Campeachy, where he was immediately reoog- nrxed, and the captain who had taken him required to surrender him to justice. The cap tain bad taken a fsncy to his prisoner, and W would have retained him. But the Span Lard thronged the harbor, crying t "We bare caught Barthelemy, the Tortugueoe, Uie most wicked rascal in the world, who has" done more harm to Spanish commerce than all the other pirates put together. We must hang him at one.' . . . - . . . r ... i . . . . - umersanu great grano;nrs wero manAitj nract uae bece; ttcj touhl Lear li Ha ndle it il, though not. perhap tothesameea ling Iiko a rale thrva-h the xi -la - cf a Cent. They apparently glory U the admission ahip. The guidre U'wg rf acci.Tt3ol of their wcakLc, evidently considerini an to thirds arv Ir tcrriScd. tal Lfksr-las out-an-out bad temper Is a possession of which arw sometime paralysed with terror If not a man has some reason to be extremely proud. Ti ' . -!.- IV-. . fast W.tm; U . r-tl,. st. sn.t tkH l?iok l U r"dne tO Hn .Tlir "I.;,;...1 .. i t. IttccuelTrn Cal a po a tit ir CsCca. not to They regard It rather in the light of ditca -be tou KSb S which Lke fever must U allowed to run, lu I n, tbcir hcaij from lie itnr ..VfV:. I tujMhecktd.Katarallf. Uls not beat. If a party Wtre Mtrbt wi ik. n. boardtfl ant toll muds to do with Ue pevpl jln-1 taWil lc?g'K'w stonu.it is "t I e n . - aea .a f.r i i I tt s st -, - - . t a mm a deeu,, u u quesuonaoie wncutar n i pos., i arj wpoja pmsa. In H Uindis- for many to uoki close and long conunuea ia-1 uruj t wouia vc ta Lie la zd tie tcrcourse with them. Generally such Inter. I Ph, an I no mortal ttrtc rth eouH LcU course U brourhl to aconcluskn by a terriUe 1 Pr "fJ ft0s3r- -ch acxidrnu do in which the sufferers from bad dUplsy their lofirmitlst inathorou They say thingv net compatible with s m and usage or po4iie society, and ue laat arKs M (. Ukf M ' iv,r which U the revsrW of proper. . Timid brings I 0p U the mount Into the csoud, and Lad am " . . mm temrr 1 "m te gulrt arw on He . u wi wnrn iny s astona ccsun- on 4 w" uin. iter tr . g - ' w w m . -aytm ATBLi trrm r r" are almoU frightened to drih, and, lo abate I seen the awful pow er of Cod. the furies, are ready to swallow the lek lol . I immmmmmmm ewssiwBM n i s a v I a a I Tlisi txtrlmm tmt n.-.r I alight twinges of compuneUon tfler iheir tecv JTtalflf Aa TMaaJjr Ortixidl. per has cooled, and, rhap, half apologise One of lie most eucwaaTal fruit rals-cr by Uying the bUme upon their paMouatenea. in Wosicm Kw York, ooc inlwrmed a The Injured ones, longing ft peace, perhaps Hal bjr rrtaoviu two-liurvU cf lit tocn nation (but they nrver forget, lvx ha j-rich ims, Ht Lxcim srdiarecold.atd dlstant.and grenreomith Ur-tr tlai'Le Lad a oiay iispicious. These bad Umper- aa oss lAo nilia tMa, nd Uxat Daring tie nin tt tie c41 wsisrpcr L sal apjn tl tlrtoe at lie ila cf my ni f Ull to fvam. it wm c Cij fvort! Vm Hit yv!r list eca e srrs cf t. tlx Wei When Ihey are servants, their proud'iplrfts chafe at being U1 J to do their duty bjt heir m- ployers. They kict al authority,' and cannot wfltrhftilr anil uTirm TOMt Lavl-lrtn fvsr. rwnls .months look-out forlnraluJ wlul latUr wouU acmrtriy brvn? tnr "7 --.v, vkMn m-js tea exc-ecui Ihul rv3luo irvm Hiatan, aU4 xxa-llj fir a dollar and tv LalC Anotlcr proof U brook reproot . They are constantly on the b hu U. toouOcm Huno look-out for things al which to Uke offeoee. who La a model r-tlanl uf IboQ ircea, aZ It they hold subordinate positions, they come Ibrdior last year, ncarlr 1000Q t.v... to loggerheads with the manager, bead clerk, I and wuile rumarr peaebca rO Vc-rm tor or foreman as the case msy be. .When. they lbojcn at froa twenty-five to tity c-r&l. . . I VI trampUnj'many a pcor unfortunate under foot - us uodu imporf- intheir.madflixht.. ... ance. Heavily ironed, and surrounded by a it r : . " r w - . w , But the worst was yet to come..; j JUmb with awe; tatherj.than fear, I stood facing thsninystenooa roar stood alone strong force of men armad to the teeth, the capuve tacaneer was transferred from the esse! (mm' for deekrof the ft lewdly captain to another te ear land U nhnecessary to go through ; beoama -f lri,;' 'Vtbet was all that was n the need- written. my frightened horse -had', broken away fledwhile fieroek and' morev terrible ' became tbeorrid mystery: -J t . .Vmj : iJuf the worst was not yet.' '. - - i uuuucuiji anil. 9 Aiguituug uuu. l uup. 4pen':wifh a 'deafeifi'cTb.tikV the up? wip junfheefr scorching, merciles! devour- in ir nrpnVAinriin iua Yll leifrA nrl nva rwt t.n . .. - f pnlin.l Ia h m tt ....I. II. -t-i.i therein a sickeninffiolosjt.r i. . "7. .. ' -risi wgw,uiir. i - - -- . ... .... . . . n . . , ..4 .t. ir.im.l ..!.. ... Oily when the. tornado of wind and flame v "tra ua WK,kOU f . , . t 4 -; -A 4 . '.a . I i nen.'corRinr two viusge uia i realize my uangar. . ' . . . bled a little whle.the servant was calling, her for I never had spoken. with her except in the presence, of, others, much less visited her . w . ' -v in ner home. J. was 'even agitated " when she eniere I-the room, and the tbucli of her, uan4 fconyeuf me znrougq ana tnrougn. j t was onjyby a ;jh ighty effort that I con trolled 1mV iceiings. R n i . now. lovely sue jooice4. dj dared Inot , dwell n . such . thoughts, so-1 stammered out the business thai brought me thc?!rT 9CTWe.:.l! MM .her, a imis u Thank . you, very unuch ; UK Jackson; but ofeid ;:pvd- jhJUI r.i iJwaBurprised, 5and she saw it. " You hare beeH iVdThto'arf eworV ail niorerierieua1y,-dt I think yeurall thbiaria. X3 Kyjxsje as v l cue e raL wol a itorbruUlHy we know not-ltet Barithlemy , a now that the scaffold stas oiaaslyeady and .therone nooseiJ Trrs srisj tmA )iim (a U lost. I Ia could &u thr dlud th rlrilaiioa cf ntnel nor rwim the dlUhce.wh!ch tepa rated him from the shore ; but he was not dis couragod. Freed from Ids won, be sailed the occupy positions of auUvoriiy thacaMlv, they play the part of tryanta. They get iato a fu rious rage at trifle, decline to allow a kap lesa culprit to exonerate himif by render ing expUnattons, and InSict ,JrsooniaA puss ishment. Nat orally, they are nretty gener ally detosted, but while they are dVtetUd, s . i. a w rw a m . -v wv uwi m rrmaj sae at acrcnty Qro cecu tus one deHar and Iwrair.ftve ounla. 5o mod fur pruxun and iLmnxag and carciul pick tog ao4 paoua. . A. thnnng roun urtUard slould U prmncd sjrery t?prifl to CfVtiaM tie bece. sir f culling tiff targe Lmbs, whxh is J 1 WaV dsLnrurnisl f . . . - they arfard,whleh It nuy be said, is n the Tu head alooll L-fc.r,. ,kLz,ZZT case with another class f bad-tempered people. liuU crusaicg and abraidifi one aUtx P f . a. t a ( n a ski a sb n Sk m ss- a v an jm, J & 1 ji ew There seems to lie within them a smouldering j grusr out cXpropvriioa alortcard, e9 aa to t&insf of IrriLslion. whieb Is LubLTLne forth I make a tVutKl tvta&ift riri K I ed1 A Spanish sailor whether from U. fif '.Un"l,.. I ' ' ena a a on ws nHba v j ajs e v ssxn. j a4, " e v eaJsV T sw qusstioh, much perity U evident In We tones . Ww a Ctmcxive that lie ocnl Uterret- rucnt cf tho s icusav Atsixls. Vwk.ii. . . 1 IMM struck the Foxnatelr,6 wis loseA to the wa.er'a' else' I jgever should havo told lliesfory. " empty Jars, he tied them . , under his arrrtplte and let idmsdf down Uto .vue, i ... UvtW. ....:.. '.Lit ' . fftrv ' "Willi ,r . - IUB in enains. ma earcln : s- into the cooOinieni Waist deep,',. v . 3'T" i, ' f'T'"'?! i . V . , .1 " 1 land. c.ren then, such u ih ii-.tnT.. i Twaeoo-i wcoo4 save.mei; tor AJoOTs sake . . T-rr"."; 4 rewoeV rushed .5 y-- . ted to s . tor AJoars k i-,-s-4 . . . . . . . don't leave me hrel ,lr D ... . ... ... oiu oioou-iunasn MemeJ impoe- I m-u i t s we. nce was only f pe way ef biar the '- '.i 'V mJ womlulJluJ,tersland t,tt ,J hy lyirLiaTI ahrillabove the'roar of tbe devlstaling fir. 1 fcf .ri;n; ' . ..1," V J.,?!? ?. 3irntv1 in tn fl;.V. T i- v . . ' ! T " . I tk a - ' - - ' - a Ult - i e . . unLVt' ' 1A .."--; : III t r'.r:' .lw supporting Iir Ohl Jacob! just try once to save me onlr Lby rnawlni tlie roots which erw .wt.. once.! LIll,aak no more." ;I ..,. , , of thestrearul At length Lf Centered to Cr. j Could you . have refused,' even though it rw.il"..a V111 ooJsd,tl gibbet Intended for seetried like certain death to venture back into i bimnoV plainly niarLed in relief on, the even. that aurntngheat? No one. Then, could If in sky, he act out at nightCsll fof the Oolfa wiU U thai knawn a the - lulani g i'AT;j. UtLm It it an unjae lira lo iliiwirate here CTrrx l &asw or tnl lc. J ils t- aua trw:,Vhith arc toV ks iuun t. BMi.fc tv&icrtrtw Xlctw w m r a TUI !n UWji frvra ej TCntrs-a, aud aid froru tL ctijoj'mcnt tlsAvl U tound rn ru varkd sVba'itcrracao cjdx Uoo, it Is not lop-.ti. Hat turn mUs r reach, and Amcrkaii rUtiiJ- One noble man returned with mX and 'to-1 TmU on,X baggage e, calabash of water. increuioie as na.1 rnvnhu r..r ntfrni nounuerwentgreauroneenow; HisfoodwiU theahelbfisb; thrown op on the beach and al felt the cool water enreloping nim. - You have Sometime the shore .was saved m from a t! .J'i .n 1 .thickly rr errrown with ' tree that4 h My jou. J BdrourJiead.dmn Jacob,-. The lii??" b V1 h!m gether wevdragged poor Jbhhtbrough the ws tfifin comparative safety. ' f - r.r.W :Vl.cs vpu, . murmurea John, as h tooncy.ia all righfV.nS , 1 ui i:'ranch to branch" irke 'Cie of their rvrlr.i As aiiule. thrr are, an . . i .i . -gry, ai nothing in putkcUr, 'and wul no one in. partieular they are, simply, ia con tinual confoundedly bad 'temper; tleydo not know. why, and no ers alsacna tc-.ouut for II except upon the supposition that it s natural to the aaXmaiT Thfrte4 Uttsitr aseaTtsl nd wrinkled ajartne, .thr test ural rwoltof long -continued scow Ung and frowning. 'They are pleAsnt' p-p to live with, if ou' are a Mark Tapleyand wntto show you ash'b Jolly under the most Iryiag drcumsuncee, Vpu w Ul . not 4 U aUi to do M I. .. . . ; ssUxJ5-Ur- anyihing to ploa.; thfVfd t:Tket cldJ dnlrtU V -p narl at breskCasU dinner, end tea,0.tr be- Ufslaem In exl ,?tC leg always snsihin, which U dist,trful to He varies dctkre Tcf,' V cclf them They growl at yon, and d what yow Urahh. and J JTjCTCt wiU.you are uwitetrnable te oVspUo them. trd. ocw, tA'm&l They terrify the sereanU, - wbo in devpsir. Ut among the tjut lm wnanl" aalceita i r give warniag.- They scold their ch'Urrn, Jch4iJtriioa a:l i:;, tLtw J who be uke themselves ff when ever the J Ima- t Ut OrpLsa asjtaf. f c-V'i-g Kf- gln they cmn'do so wlfh wsletyj Tney. Bare, and model f f t'fr. ly ledure-Iheir wive, and unfs vorsUr r$. K and gtxdeaa tVr oalioor aaer- srlsvsa f Ik av .9 m T 1 - - a 1. 1 '" "- ejtw VisUitm ; - rrarigirue7q U JO 9Vll4rw vk4 listmM onlTtrfciJIr. iTaMicrrMiU. sfvsM - T v .1 . . " a a . - . . ... m mm k. : s kkswa w urari vw smv k rir kiv ax nwi&fHi anw a 'ia.&is. s. m mr v stas . -r-t! r-i: - ; I iot wrs ci scu-importazxCW Wtkn Is to nu, sao Mt great t4 lowanjs maii frrqucnllr rxUUUd ir oar trstlfvn cf other people miserable. But, though they I lb Yi(?red tncasioa slra Her am sc rwJ'.a bad Umper,and ever anayping I rrd ta any work. La asroo tro UUr lacstralcj ttn Ir the xtUma!L-3 tf a cU ored mail carrier U Yirr-Ietaho Lvl Ua areU Kakm by a man tCr ki.krr tut -"Look here, man, jc-a'J tt:rr t- icV fsl bow yoa slalc dls tlH ; cms w tea yea ti:ake raeou slake ds wlolsTb ! Vtl. tti 2'JJif : t ciTTvcs i4 - I - dred wirr Lad bnwo Indaf rier ia the rnrat sear. seed, to tie rvral tfrrr. tr-4e fl ocfnsZiJi cTllcir gTi-'t, rf t-aicd ct-&ti as rzr.ae, a---i prsjrtd 1 IH ' J! sj.it v "e -Trr- snrmwsj oo tie rwsM Hal tier Lt4 kwi- s coly twenty tlsa&aas 1 tclf (ttii tWv snx4 ckuar) Uh tbey aracd was 'Lot ? at a drr p In tho ccwaa rxtcaparrd w itl tie ! rcs"3 rede of i!s Sect we, IxJalls- . Lie ijiisty. . TW cxrrvtos tii kir. w be lorrd try Wrtur than arytkir - cine la ite w orvS lino ta.r tJprtU llfmse.rai to1 . excrptcj) had no sc Lrsanl tl scm cT . twenty thoasaM tkals &eatksr4 tltA, ise lie small eowesa cf t'Jrvw wiln wlxts natarr Led rnaord , hta. L aaca raosscd M Lis prrrocw smrU kii sJEktra tatl.orm-al barren, a! crJTc4 lLr lo . isflxt, ia Us aanra the f stirrer d - tine cf tllrir tsspe on tlo a ps i tie . fret cf each 4 the o4f olji Lsir, H p. arrre tnrtn in rslere Irva tko s5rrrti.. tt oT gats t !. . , . . ti Dtrtlsj ly XVsry. Amoeg the satxattu c OrkcUi ra tixa, dasxia (Us gttmiTil UrprtX Ual let . rvTt tlo aakviualrl ssrpae Vial ly W-ocw arw 'Cunnl walLtvcw cr c3t-."..ca, rocs! dtoe or ,ma4ruieis all X w li J barUv e an a&o&nlof cvasLar sxrrtn itr- . ssu&l will Iju'rra ilrras ptrasore. 2o; lie OrvcaUj La a faslka cf Lis own ia re lard to tie dance ; and w brer Le CmIs tndined to ic4!je LU Tcrci-rra-a yrc diviuc, Le docw ao, net ly Cs-crvr llr-.x ( bci by Lavisg Lis sis v re la da it r J. b7i and pnnora, lords a&5Jsict," 'rvclt al caaa ctsja csIks of rtTrcl, wb-r away lie ixTzhTt slsrUt frvm gfiUrn cj, sxt.L.r - tie Lrr:h fhajnsni .awers, cr waUUc - lie Us wrtatlf cf sts-eke frcta still crrre frarrsji cLHrroot wLiie lands of da&tle r-j'is x Libit Heir trracw. asi dexumy itr tit est tcrtaineut ( lie a-3,rl cenror. I re ntoUf a tsCl girsa by a Cniih sfrtlax,t at tie" ca;4LsJ of Slant ia ho&tr f Lie Qsertj'g brtllty, wlra Krvral &are noUre anrre tncr the rcewia, ai ia lie early portion cf tie srvenin;rcd wtth eaxh , other la cotapJitneoti-'g Heir Lost n tlo - ta-ioncy of Lit ent:rta.&mrt:L . Know;- Lla to I wcsJily. ccSiTjTisj ari fjftd f d.rpUr. llry talcraUy trpect- ru aozacuupg rrry iL&e to ue amy ? 040c lc. TLcir aenaaUoca mar Le 'imarltrd whan the Scottish Lrrri. ttsrl iv u til sailor, s:reck p ti cc'y ctc wVki had bcra fja&l ava.lal, al tle H-z.ro- .. rsnut Cfftlm cf lie c:ja::y wt-t wLlt- tic anJ past, ne rri J . an-1 II-llxM fleg f Vowel rachcalrr ia cxick asxw 1 tion. Dsab tsl;l aa,rs.riae and d .srr. tr. tie rwdiee railed ra ssviae fruc tie Lcr, ro Urol tiesr toais ar4 cnJrrrd tie oars tart id r-U fsrwus!y fr tie ralwco Lccsos t si!ca!cl sntae two m'Jre Jjwvr dawn ii Her. It wai rrrx toward tailtJjbf, " but some of the migcarea wervauil bury i la llcir J.brarwe, a&4 ti estivrd toil.e,'A nt knocking Isrk-esiy al th k, anl lien eUrin witl-tl til: f.f a rrtN."" psoss rx!'cl T13 J " Ht p, bVvT t wr ei.irrmf a ! Tl f. f-: f'i llrltlsh r5dowT.s are all rve crairt tlrV ahUrX fjr lhctn.sl:vrr"--VTS CV...l ra.'l ,stx, 1 1 f ra, JL "ra!r . . . i ;s: Thai was a twite y'.h. l'w' t- w-ped to tsVr-wtrrii TirtjJ!: fa ftei slatrstsan, ia W'aslis, e.J tle:r'ie?4 courage la rfe- ilja a joct fws.' rsaa, jzt W-v.aJfj Uc slrvj'Wif !J He j icvc-tl IctVrr to ti2TTt Si atsr&st w lj kitKJlr latiled Hrt Lce la d-str. , -Tct talf ' tf w f sail lit gTrt f'ats-erxaav in wder a-tjwrpr4sL ' "'c ooe ltie gUs cf wtx T ex lad . lb s,fslsV, s'.TT:l sr. wifetas ! .r-v e'aa to Lxr.l. -?, w j n grs-rw llsl W'cJ tare c Varied a a?-' 1 rii. ra.iararfd U frvs It r;ca Lira, " ' 5esT oalJ lb Lerc.e ye-e .h. rvWt Uy, - 1 T eF pej fsa i 1 , - LI 11 bat a tscttra rt.era. sree-aCe-tr was llaU ;A pewr. ftsw;,ssi youLh rrJLaio wine al the tails ef s srsmkky aa4 Lasscme sUlrcrsaa, errm tWrb c -eTi bj tin r Land cfa LenauAi UJy. 2 " aasd tl4 s&a yet rxaa, arl Us vci LTTtrlied a Ltile asi Lis.rLask Chst. " 1 rvrrrr df.ek wis, bt (ktre La sraixbuced I and i s word jrrr-sr trmer ) if j cs Ve r--4 a Lf.la g-xljclrje Li key It skeil a-iad irj it a ts.'Ur.- " " ., and tr.srlinr. thrr aroii dawnrieht euarrJs. They msy go to He vetg of ( one. tut no far ther will they proceed. Kor wfll Ury'ver eUnit,Hat,th,yart or Ear Wen, In 4 temper." Cnirr'reo tie's Thiar'nsiioat rr.'it ate ij Hctn asVay.cr they wc-illl H, .;Jk tactaenl, TLU le tie Rsaais cf .taciUtar V L vm tX'gjaitlsHr- am e-f a c sit eiara.r. Ltxl, the rets: s.ye exts.si. 11 wjys rriti.j esj-ctv. . - 'li sx, -s,k tnj" ex. J aa.iUs - U s a f ra, Hir En