i 1 - 1 i ' . . f ': ' cm cm .1 "I , .... ''.ij ; ! . 1 '. . V?5i?? 'X.; O:, APRIL 1, 1875., voxi.7x:xirr. -VO. 13. I I X ill V 1 AT a. 1 n. L V- & E- T.'.BLUM, PijISHEBS Alfp PROPRIETORS. TEH MS: pne copy, one year...., CASH IN ADVANCE. ,.,.,.. $2 00 three months,.... 1 00 ' ' 75 'Un at the Death," . r A STOKY OF . SOUTHERN LIFE BEFORE THE WAR. rnoroiyrir: BY DON CARLOS. ....... i;u - fAtitiior of " TAc JWal Shot,; etc: 1 CHAPTER, , V EXPLOSION. laffinoafohet 1 Efyc outcn ft,. ii i i, TUB PtASTATIOK, .THE ittle ink bottle! Shoo cl.-ir! don't take dat 'er stniw jiiyc;ir Til tIoe absorb -et ns'itlwur a pieco o'tilQttin P4Qr uony: can t oiu 4lilgg:r taf jtis lo bones. out tb' blotch on de grass, bot a little imp mils lxdder him moss to deff. Nehler seetl nnffin like it shu! 06 oaten i!tt5 ht Kisses' fnigHhet; now ! Sakes silibe, how J dumvish massji'd droAvndiit tr nirgarr T: ew!'dis "ar's a hot d.iy. I feels like a StickjjTib 'ebony laid out to season.' jitiWlfctn dat magnolia dar! . Efl cotch ye dar-agin done git a rope and bang ye dar hear - dat. now! See yar, young Pete, de nex trader Wot comes along dis yer way Til adwise ma&to U Je r.v bunch of njtains. V What's the matter. Pom pey? Has the sun burnt thnnigh that tough Jnde, that makes you growl at Pvte.o?" ...... f .Tle t atU-T question was asked by a young man as ho-passed out on to the piazza of Mag nolia VUla. v The house w:is a large two-story building, painted white as the cotton picked on'the plan taticn. It was situated in a grove of beautiful magnolia trees. At the distance of somahing( less than a quarter of a mile flowed the rivt r, which could be seen in a northerly direction for several miles, but to the south jt was shut out from the iew at the distance of a mijq by a high blnff. (.1 '' t. .. . . . ... f Between ilie house and the, river was a vast field of cotton, and at the opening of our story thciield was alive with the blacks, busy picking the valuable production. . . ' -t ArwidiVT3Tatla surrounded the. house on ' Uiree sides. The windows were Jarge and reachetl to the floor, and being open, one could walk in and out at will. , PomiKiV. who opens our story with his com plaint, was an old negro of the favorite 'body servant" oruer. but was now wo om to worK much so was appointed'' to wateli the children . ii 1 ...i. : i nuoiib tue nouse anil prevent inuir uuiii ms ;' chief. , ': He had been sleeping peacefully in the shade of a m:ignolia, when Pete, who was quite old 7' a long' stalk of "grass, he renchHl through the fence and tickled Pomp's feet, they having been hardened by nearly seventy yrars' exposure were not troubled in the least, but when the straw enUircd his ear he roused himself and de- ' liveretl his rebuke to the daring young rascal. The young man who entered upon the piazza in tlie midst of Pomp's threats, was Justin, the only son of Judge Harold, the owner of the . plantation. lie was a hnely built yonn and do not live half as long. And'how do they appear? .Worn out in the prime of life, thin, haggard, consumptive, and weary of existence Look about you here. ' Are there any con sumptive people here? Are they not rugged and healthy ? And. listen! Hear them in tho fields singing!' I tell yon they are a lwppy peo ple compared to your day laborer. In a mo ment we shall see this old man of seventy yeara dance like a boy of fifteen." ' : 4 Yes, but-notwithstanding all thai. it i. freer dom that thu white man enjoys. -'JTho right loi go where he likes, to do what he likes, to stay as long as he- likes, without JtxriBg whipped, or questioned,'' jEpfj argued. ' a . " Granted ; but ymi let the day laborer be late a few times to his' work, the time lost Is taken from his. small wages. ' Then' comes the inquiry, yon pay Js not put to tho white man Why 'do you so?' Next, discharge, and the day laborer, is thrown on' his beam ends, so to. speak, perhaps, in a dull timn when work is hard to get. f, f ;"..'"""-- m ! True, tjjcre.arc hard masters in tho South, but give these people their freedom and will notrtif mrpy nay, more, suffur from, the attend ant oviU of ifreedom tlvuv suffer now from hard 1 ,t.Suppose yolaYe.alK)r8e. that is psefnl in a greater orjless .degree, are you, going to un; mercifully beatTr kill that horse, and lose his value? No. ! I havo slaves, many of them, in fswjt nearly every one, worth from a triflo more to ten times as much as your average horses in New England.- Am I going to incapacito my negro for work because I am offended with one? Certainly not. - ' " Tis said, kindness kills the devil, and our slaves love us and honor us. We seldom have occasion to use the lash, and then it is used ju diciously; and, by the way, if the whip were to be used on the northern criminals more there would be less crimo. 1 . . i " But here comes Caesar with his banjo, and let's change tho subject. Cassar, play for Pomp while he sings for us his" ! : VIRGINIA RECOLLECTOXS. This done they locked me into the room nnd f and I know not what became or them. I wm weak from loss of blood and could not call assistance, but I waa suddenly relramnl by tho explosion, which tore the room open and pre til mo into the water. Tho cool water revived mo and I grasped a stool and kept afloat until picket! up by the flat boat.., , . . . ' ' VT do not ask Ton to revenge my death, but if yoa can bring the villains to justice, I hopo j-oa will do so. Iam fast losinz strength Justin. Good-bye all. Justin wife God bless you, and Jorglve mo." . . There was silence in U10 little group lor some minutes, broken only by tho sobs of the monrn- . n .1 r . 1. : ing people. Aims was mo joy 01 uiu irn;iuin tiour, tnmod into sadness, and 'tho snjllos 01 Eleasurc, into tears cf sorrow. Every head was owed- and Justin, takinff his father hand in his, lifted his face to Heaven and took a solemn oath to hunt his murderers to earth 11 uotl per mitted him to live. Once I was a pfcaninny, j ! ! - 1 Dance, darkeys, dance. Massa Jibed in ole Wiiginny, i I Dance, darkeys, dance. ' -Brack as de crow we used to lun round. Stick our head down in de ground. Tink we's sale no more t' be fbund, v . ; De Lord help us all. . De oberseer our feer he spied, iatjghwl so hard he nearly died. Lashed bur toes wid a big, raw hide. j i h . .- ; Hallelirjaruui. Older len we soon did get, ' ! ' '' Dance, darkeys, dance. Den we'd serenade our pet, '; ''-' ' . Dance, darkeys, dan, ' Take de banjo on our knees,. ' . . Try us best out lul to please, : . " , SUe'd come out, we'd hug and squeeze. ; t , .1, ... ii:'."t- '.2 De lord help us all . Hobdays we"d fix up bright,' ' 1 Go a coiirtin' all de night, ' 1 'V1' tTalK'teti hi!e,. get bacta by light. t i -V I I. j Hallelu!arum, ! At the words. dance, darkeys, dance, the old man-would break into ai terrific double shuffle, and between the verses he would dance about five minutes to the banjo accompaniment of Cresar. wlio. toffethT, with little Pete, wonl join in at'tho lines. " dance etc., "de lord help us all," nnd f Hallelnjarnm." j Tho old man was certainly very liycly for a person of his age, and the steps came in in al most perfect time. ''' T I At the conclusion of the song. Justing sent Pt aiiec-otue.Kl . lenionala to , n-fresh the pertornwrs. t lly exiM-sse! nmny thanks.nnd smiled continuously, showing their double rows ui iry. h j After they, had drank, their mastei dismissed them to theirl -several duties. I There," said he, " what do vou think of the elasticity of the old man now?" Well. I give in that I don't know a white man of his age sis could Wat it, still, this idea don't run ini that direction, nnvlmw. Tho- CHAPTER II. , i ttte PCRsrrr. the tavts ovicr- the aukest. Four days havo Co ru a . - 't that tlrao tho btxly of tho L.ta been depositctl.in its last resting place. , ,T . Tha8un was lust sinking ixiliUul uie western horizon on the fourth day when two travellers accompanied by their colored servant, align leu from a hack nnd -walked up the steps 01 uie Hotel Savannah. They immediately engaged rooms and lind city, and the ono small window nnd door ap peared like tho two eyes of a dirty poodle dog, trying to pcepthrongh the mavs of dirty linir, so eoTcrctl with old clothes were they, render ing the Interior, dark nnd unwliolesome, where nopiy of the sun ever t'nctratel. , -ino keeper of this hovel would remind one of one or those sluggish Insects one discovers on turning over a stone out in the field. : 'There were a vast varfety of articles deposit ed 06 the shelves, and in an old dilaphlatcd show c:u!o on tho counter. Infioraerablo pegs, supiwrting innumerable garments of every description, burled tho room. au u3 our pnrtr entered the filUir den, they in- '3 ior rreatn. me ancient Jew 1 r-. ;r. i-1 him! tho old counter and in- 1 ' v:Il can I do for de nice . The tletectivo Uicn put "i rrgnruing the stolen h.vl presented It for sL SO pi An Act to Raise Revenue, As it Fix ally Pamko the LxciSLATuni:. Sr.cn ox 1. The Central AtsrmUy cf Xorth Gtrotitut do enact. That the taxes hereinafter designated arc jwyable in the txbting national currency, and shall h seed and collectwl nndcr the rules and regulations prescribed by law. Srxr. 2. On each taxable poll or roalo be tween the ages of twenty-one and fifty years. except such as arc both poor and Infirm, tliat the county comnmsloncrs may iicc Tare and re cord fit subjects for ext-mptwn, tlertj s annually levied and collected a tax o five cent, tho proceeds of ruch tax to be derot- each and every perron buying liquor froc " aid di-alcr iih a nwnrn certlfmU fr each and tTcry snlo tliat lie has paid uM ux aa tlic law ironircs. iYwidtd furikcr, Tlat ptt dealer slcUl 1 esrmpt from saU Ux who dgr not proilnce said certificate : Amd frwild fury ther, Tltat no connty shall levy for county per- pmes a greater sum than Is hereby Wvtod for State porpose. Anr agent wlKorrr aay sach ', iiqnnrw ir ai snail pay a jika Ux on llM r ki no rf all liquors of any desoriptioa sold by tin, Six". II. Every fx ron Uoirin to41 spirit- r ami re- nous or mall liqunrs, niottor CvrdULj, to v-iAQ. sliall bo tities les tlian a quart sltall, b fora cngriZ ' f ninety- in said sale, cbuin an onler to tle sUtiS" fros jo uevoi- 1 iim nmrtl orrnnimitSKmert ot tle coontv in criljojl by Uw. If an r lite. w hich cnlcr they d wiUnn sistr days af- at their option, and. if sr cil to purposes of education ami the siipr-rt of which Im i rte to do busiars.s to irraAt U ui the poor, as may bo prccruM ry law. If an y liecr.e. w hich cnlcr they may rrnnt or rtfawv poll-tax shall not bo mid wiUiin slty day, af- t their ojKion. and. if granuh ho may Uk. tor tho same shall bo dcmanUhIe it slwll ho Hks exit licenws fa hm rrmainJer f the year, aa.1 duty of tlie slhrifl". If he can find no property of I flkall ir a tux tlrr.t ihtti.iit!.rM .vaJ - ! .1 1 JT!-f-.. . " I. ' " iuo jxrvju uaoio wuicimi u mumj 1110 same, lars per montiu and everr rrUil dealer of malt their baggage, consisting of a small traveling satchel 1 each, carrietl to them. These two travellers were our old friends Justin Harold and Ephraim Tuttle, together with the negro Cajsar, our manipulator of tho uanjo. . JThey at onco repaired to their respective apartments, and made preparation for tea After enjoying a rather hearty repast they rboth returned to Justin's room, and lighting a cigar, Justin drew from his pocket his memo randum and summed up. "In pursuit of John Keeve ami betli fetors, murderers of my father. Signalled the 'Queen. They left the 'Swan' in a boat previous to the explosion and rowed ashore. Traced them to R. R., station. They bought tickets to Savan nah. Telegraphed police. No answer. Thcro, Eph. there's so much wo know." "Yes, but dare it all, perhaps they didn't stay here two minutes." ."Oh, yes they did. The prolKibilities are that they would remain sometime concealed until the affair blows over somewhat. 1 Jiave taken every precaution to have tho true cause of father's death kept secret, and if they sec there appears to bo no suspicion offonlplay tlicy may bodly come forth from their hiding place.. . . . :i ."The explosion, although it was none of their work, covered their villainy to a certain extent. and they will iinagino that the real cause of his death was not discovered," - "Gosh! yes, I never thought of that. Why the deuccjidn t you le a detective ? iSo know ing what you mislit have done, t raps you might havo sometime to bo chief of police. No knowing." . S you see there is no hurry, and the great est need or keeping our errand secret. I wnt . 1 1 . ; . 1 . ... .1 . pjuiicui-w miriicuou 10 uio police To lie cer tain they do not leave tho citr nnd nn!lf nnd silently, hunt them out of their lair.- They are of tlie lowest set and will haunt tho vilest places. The people named in tho notes are well known throughout the State and they can Ie readily viwmct n 11 tm ml .ioiiiinriiin r i '. -tl the Jew, V.3 ' i LI. . L rim H it h?n. If.licv we.e fclicntlemcn, I would doanytiBg to help J10 shentlcmcn's to recover,-but ash I rmpes to breathe, dey ncvnro vos presented, ."Tiro." . - ..... - ; . Austin haitoCmtndr listening dnnif? tho conversation, but his cycs luul wandered over tlio stock of goods, ami after tlie Jews proles- ..ftf ft a . a . a. aa unions 110 ully inquired, pointing to a gold witch In ono corner of tho cise. 'Wliat do you ask for that watch? - "Dat vatch ish to attach any de!t or thcr proiierty Incapable of manual delivery due or belonging to tho person liable, or Uiat may come dn to him be fore tl cxjiration of .the calendar year; and ! the peraon owing such debt or having such property An possession, shall bo ItaUe m saiU Ux. lioorrs enly hall par a lk-cno Ux f oao aad " a-ltalf dollars per monllv, ar.d no license shall , be lssne.1 Lit a titoncf Urn than ihrr icr-slUi.,-and all licenses graated under Ue proUloc of. this scctkn slnll cxplro on Uie SOU Cat of Ajtil of each year: ProcuLcd, This eclioo sJa!L not be con 1 trued to rrpcaJ or altrr lb provUa. ttCw. in laxrs iH-rctnaiTeT tleaiznateil I lona of mv hmUI ut rrrJJUtln. r-rr,i of tho I ting tlw sale of liquors vi any particular lor sliall ho applied to defray th expenses sale, shentlcmcns," at it then," pcrist- not for quickly replied tho Jew. "Very well, let mo look oil Justin. Dat vatch ish not mine. It vas left fordo ro- rcpairs, I don't tike it out. Sotnelhinzs rulrrht get lost yoti know shentlcmcns." : " bull I demand permission to see It, .Mr. Iilack." said Justin turning to tho dcbctivc. "Uiatis the watch we arc in search of and lean provo it. If I clvc a description of tt mark on tlic inside of Uie watch, will tliat ho proof enough Uiat it li mine?'' 1 "CerUinly Mr. HarohL onitc sufficient,' he replied. "Then on the under side of tho balance bridge. rill bo found tho letters J. H., scratched with a pin. cy arc rudely marked having been done by ,me when a loy. If Uiat is not suffic ient proof, Uiere is a slight cavity in the bottom plate, under tho escape wheel. Ict the watch be examined, and it will b found as I ay, or ir Is not Uks article we aro in search of." ; fTho detect! vo then demanded the watch. showin? his authority for so doing 1, The Jew after much delay produced it. nnd on examining it, it was fouud exactly as Justin Uo,il dscnoed it. - Then Jintin enquired the price of a certain diamond piu. tiio Jw woro iu his dirty shirt bosom. 1 . ; IL protestel h would not sell it under any errcnnistanccs. neither wonhi nn sliow It to linn Justin again informed the dctectivo tliat the pin was also the ono they were in search of, nnd tlteit tho same initials wero rngmvwl in the ring of Uie setting under tlio upper side of the ton. ;11io demand again made, with a similar mult. The pin was that belonging to tho late LXow." said Justin. " explain how these" came JWo.your iMS!.es.-ion,and no rurtiier procit-ding v t.Lbo taken nainst yon ; but rvfuc, anvl you WiTTTKpun Thed as ah acetunplice." : vTlo Jew, Seeing his perjury waa oxpnsod. and that further conccalin,ntof the Cicln would liiuLumk v 1 : 11.1 r . .. . . n ..... anl the watch a most excellent one, T1?re.Hf.T.TO "l Their first impulso will lie to iIUikw orL., ,,,, , ' , r,n,iiP...,.i...Li h. ..1. r"' - - liiii iii.ih iii; 11.111 iim.iiii i-i aini a. a l 1 Till ' ------ a I ---- ----- - . - - - State government, ami to yey appropriations to cnariUblo and penal inslitulions. Class la Sec 1. Tlicre sliall l an ad valorem Ux of fcir- tccn and two-third cents for the gi neral fond cn every one hundn d dollars valoe of rral and xr- sonal rrowrty in the Mato subject to exemp tions made by law. Including mencys. crrtlits. bonds, stocls.pnd a'l other taxable property. rEC. -. A stu-cial lax 01 nine cents fn the one hundretl dollars ludl lie levied and collected on all taxable property of the State for the Inane AST In ni and tlw Instilnllon for the Deaf and Dumb nnd tlic Blind. Sec. 3. A spctjhd tax of six cents cn the one hun dred dollsrs sludl Iw lev let 1 nnd collected on all taxnLlo properly of the State, to be appliel to the support of the convict, and to a general prose cution of tho woik connected with the Peniten tiary. Clam II. Tlie subjects and icrMns mentioned in the following second class shall be UxcU as spec ially mentioned: Sec. 1. On Uc net incomes and iToGts other than that derived from propcrtv uxed from any source wliatcvcr during Uio year preceding the lirst day oiA4-ii in each year there slia'l bo a tax 01 two per centum, rho inconio tax sludl Include Interest on tho securities of the United States, of this Stale or other States or governments. In estimating tho net Income "S "I'WI ;i 1 .. J of twenty-five, with fine, broad shoulders, and " ff, . 01,1 mamra- tllH kind of " .J" " f'J wit 1113 "on IU4 no use ior iue 10 iry ana ueny it. Say, Jus! uiere comes a steamer round tlie bluff. ' a noble, intellectual. face,-' Jte was manjwejspeak of." born to command." His hair was lisht, and not 'parted In the middle but nixin one side, and gracefully thrown back like tlie undulating and unbrok?n swell of the ocean. romp being, tnus adiiressea by nis youpg master, slo'wljr scrambled to his feet arid ap proached him. '. "No, Massa Jnst'n," he answered, " he sun aint got do power yit tpeben-Un ole Pomp's hide, but do dimkuty aro, oat dat ar young nig gar am do mos onrnliest, an de mo3 mischief- est, an de most olistrepliest picaninny on dis f er whole plantation. He eenamos hodder do ifo clean - outcn me. He haint got no more conslienee dan dat .ar bnnr-hole, and ef I've l tole him once to stop his tricks dis bressed day I ve tole him a liunerd times. : " par he goes nowi Jess see him hole o' dat ar mule's toil. Ef he wur any oder niggar he'd git his branes kickt -outcn him, but he ain't in no sort'ob danger. Dat mule won't kick him. i Dar ain't a mule on djs yep place as'll kick him ? Cos why? Cos ho ain't born to be kicked; he's Ixirn to be sold. Dat's what'll come o' him. De , Lord hab massy oh him." .' ' Well, "Pomp, keep him as straight as you canj ahd if ho V such a torment us yon say he's sure to make a smart hand when he's a little mdet'.fEph. come out On the veranda, nnd we'll ,; have, old Potupey to -sing a song and dance r, for us." " ;!' .." All right,' Jus. answered a voice from the house, which sounded decidedly Yankeeish, and in another moment a yotmg man of medium -'! hoiglu, andTather sliiu, freckled and sunburnt. "s oarao'and aa-rtown; beside, Justin, and putting one foot against a pillar, crowed it witli the .....pfcbor, . - !:i-,-.v::'.r-.i:;-T , r X will liurddrice him s Fplrraim Tuttle. He .. was. about thei same age as Justin, nnd had liv ed on his father's farm in Maine until recently, . f . when a. wealty aunt had died leaving him a con siderable fortune.' He" had improved the op- portnnity oy visiting nis cousin in lieorgia. Jle was one of tho best heat ted, good natur i cd fellows in existence, and smart as a steel " trap, as the Yankee saying is . "Jest as leave seo ah old nigger dance and . hear him sing as t6 turn a grindstone.every bit," wsaidhe, , 4 i Oh, de gootl lord ssikes alibemassa Jus'n! cvervthing for money, and to that end will watch the newspapers to see if any move is on foot towards dieeoYoring them. Finding there is none, they w ill vim the pawn shops where they will turn everything into cash. I sliall therefore visit such pawn ofhees. as the chief of police, being fully acquainted with tho places, would advise. j "That's the programme I have laid out now have you any ideas to advance to better them?" inquired Justin, who took the situation in at a glance, as cooly as four days ago ho watched " Yes. it's the White Swan'l and holonirc father. Perhaps he is on board now. aa bn t,,e antics of Uie negro Pomp was intending to come up from Orleans some I ' VHave I any idea to better them? Weill time Uiis week. I If sti, she will stop presentlv. say not, de-ci-dedly not. I think that's the Ocean Queen' in her wak( An! here comes the Ocean Queen in her wake and they are racing. Tho Queen' is gaining. If father there he'll not permit that. Now the bwan' moves ahead. She is a beautiful boat, and was built with si view to speed. . !Upc yueen; lias been built since to com pete with her, but she never , as yet has been able to pass her." ,1 " X'm glad I'm not on board, by thunder, but I should say 1 they wero putting on too much steam for safety," said Eph. " ttless you, they never think of Uiat. Every man, woman and child, on board, would risk their lives for the pleasure of keeping ahead of the rival boat. Still, as you say, it's dangerous. See how gracefullj' she bends around Uiat curve and how !M ! i Ah! Great God! She has exploded. Here. Pomp, Pete,; Caesar, send every man on the place to the shore and aid iu every way possi ble. Take Uie flat boat and paddle1 her into the river, and pick up everything you can. Go ing down, Ji,pur assistance."; i . just about tho ticket. In short without hesita tion, I have no scruples in saving that's even better than I could havo reasoned it out my self, every bit. "Say Jus! I expect I shall get married to a gai 1 Know of In Maine, one of these days, tho only trouble being, as her mother is a regular tiger cat, a Urnal she-devil, so I'm afraid she'll trouble me alter 1 am married. "Now Jus, if she was to kinder go ofTsome- irnum CAniAlimA n . . 1 n 1. i . ... ouuisinuu, mm niiuuillll I gll D.'ITK HI lllUe ior supper, and there should be a search for her, I don't want vou to come visiting just at that time for you'd find her suro 'era thunder. ym - .w.....Va. WU The Queen' will lend every WHO mi?nit bo hrontrht tn I i" w;h zliuviuij ponnnz OYCr tlia Litest r wo ii minor iioici acquainted his mother of l1-, . : ... .ITariey has an item of $2,814 short timo he heard IJ origin ana enny, dns." saluted !'- v" nn nsi ou ior a simii 1 ASrl... V . .a . a a a of the hlacka re- AMafc 8 ul way. it s the early bird t t c .liMMupson "cam Uie climax" I ain't dance sence l'se . tirty yeer. ole, ah dat's -'.'forty yeer ago. Don'Uxwe foe to dance, cos I ' 1 cobldn't 'do itj bress de Ixird I couldn't massa!" v. 4 n Yes,! you can. Pete! here Pete! . Go and tell j Caesar to come up here and bring his banjo. lively, now'.;: ::. " ; : - ! ,: "I believe J shall lhave to live .'down'sonth; and own a lot of niggers. Jus ; it's so darned' llnffif J a.1?1 hem run errands for ye. t ifow , atiSJitti&thii hay feiJoko ftAer th&liau io myself. Wal, if it comeTto that WeHionldat ' dv4 Wiry need of it; aid;Eph. M , . ? ; j yifj'Aldaro say. not. r You Northern people do . notloiow Uie 6omfbrt we takel Welon't work i . our i people hard, and they have no cares on ., Uieir mind, for tliey aro sure of plenty to eat, drink and to wear, and a good roof to cover Uiem." . ," fThen why should they Avant freedom, with nil its cares to provide for a family, and, fail ing in that, the misery they would bo forced to experience,:" '! : 7 f (.y - -.-. ; . .. , " Of course there aro many Who' could pro-' ... . . vide, but roe masses could not. If yort were to - ask those of age on this planbition, to-day. V which they would choose, freedom and the trou- bio to provide for a lamily such as thoy have ' " or slavery such as this, wiUi ho cares and easy " work, they would almost to a soul choose the ' 1.l.. ; : - . " Why look at your hortherh factories. The people who work, , in Uiem aia, none, the less -1 .'. At m , ' " t I lT t I iavua, luougn DOUnu wiui invisioie, snacaies. ana mey work twice? ns ffaru. as j uie pegroes, " Yes, I guess III go 'bout as auick as mv legs will carry me." Ixxik after the hands then and I will make things comfortable here for the recepUon of the injured onesi ' '- - Eph hurried towards tho river, while Justin. set the house hands .to - work getting Uiings in rc:unuesn 10 aiu any jtfie house. j!He also. tne acciaent, in. a Yery sounds without, as of a party turning. S ; f : He hurried to Uie door and beheld Eph and three negroes carrying the form of a man on one of the state room doors, and behind came nearly all the, colored people , belonging to tho estate, weeping and moaning as if Uiey were to 1 1 . . - , ue sum ai aucuon. Justin, eager to see who it was. who?e mis fortune caused such general distress, stepped" oown irom tne veranua to meet them, and be held stretched upon tho door, Uio form of his lather. J., . i . Astonished and grieved beyond expression at this sudden discovery,' he ordered, them to set him'down upon the grasse for a few moments that his mother, might ., 'gently bo informed of his misfortuneVand he dispatched Eph on this errand. Then bending over - his father's form, he discovered a cut in his wh'rte vbst where Uie blood was oo2ing out. ' ' Examining this ' hq found it was' done with "a" knife, and, not bylhe explosion: ; Yhile pursuing his investigtUons, the judge slowly opened his eyes. Justin sent for a stim ulant at once and poured some down his throat. Gradually his j reason '; returned, and cLisping Justin's hand he faintly spoke. , I "My -son,?; he Add." "I havo been foul y mur dered. I have but a short time to live so must be brtef. You have seen John Reeve, and Seth Peters, two notorious gamblers and cut-throats. They were oh board Uie 'Swan. They were at their old tricks, and I ordered them to stop gnmoungon my boat, ami exposed uteir tricks would by mighty.' "Have no fears on that head." "Darn it Jus, that's the only head I havo any fears on. J "I'm afraid you overrate mv faenltv for de tection. This is as ! simple as can bo and bears juu uwiiT cunsirucuon. . . T , .. .. .x know it; but somo fellows would havo cono into ic ueels over and spoilt the whole thing." "Well Eph, if wo unearth Uiem, then will be uio urno ior comments, for the present let's hike things cooly.' After a short timo more passeu in ciiatting on topics uninteresting to us mey separated and retired for Uie nMit. .jjr mo ncAb murning Justin roso and calilY. Src 12. Every me rrhir4. j?wtlcr, grocer, Ornggit and every otlirr tn-Jvr lo, as pti? cijwl or agent, carries on the bminet of buy ing or selling good, ware or rnercliandiwi of whatever ramc or lescTiption, excej t orh Rf nro speeinlly taxcl i Uewln-rc in Uiis axt, LJJ. in addition to his ad rtfarrm tax. pay oner eighth of ono per centem aa a privilege tax 09 tlw total amoont of purchases in or out of the. State, fur cash or on credit, except tb prodncLs of manufacturers and agrlctiHoral prx-l-etsf mis xaie; and no rctai. mexrlianu wUau Uxrc? qui ml to pay any tax on porxhascs ruade fron wlioh'vale merrkanls residing la Uls Slala. Every person required by law to list bis purr t-havs hll. on live ru tUy of January aaJ July In carh year, luton oath to the n givUr of deeds, the total amount of hi pun hasca fur Um pTcccling six months : Proruird, Thai Uie per sons mentioned In this secUon may ruak ot in writing a list of their taisUe prcrerty, aaif swear to the same before any justice of lre pea co for their county, and rrtnm Uie said lUt to I he rrgi'ter of dood. Tlie ngttf of deeds slmll keep a lio.k in which shall b trccdil ine ii3i given in 10 mm as nerria rcqoirouana hall furnish the jhrriff with a copy of sail lists within ten days after Uie same are given in. It sliall ho tlic duty of he sheriS to collect from every person on tho lUtfarnUbcdliiraby the register of deed th taxes embraced there in. Tlic rreUu r of deeds slskU have power to tins only deduction by way of expense sliall he, I require the merchant making Ja's sUtepwai to 1. luxes ouicr tlian the income tax duo Uiis I uimit his ror-Kj i.ir rxamtnajt 10 nun. aaa State. - I every mcrcljint rvfuirg. on (kmand, to s-iLmit 2. Hcnt for the use of buildings or oUtcr prop- I his bor.ks to nch rsaniination shall bo lialis to crty or Interest on encumbrance on property I penally to the State of two hundred dollars. umiI in Uie business from which the Income i to be proseruteil by Uie reguter ot tlccus, sj! derived.' recovered tn any coort liavlng Jurisdiction of 3. Usual or ordinary repairs for Ukj buildings the same. It shall furtlicr be tho doty of the from which tlw Income U derived. rcgUtcr cf deeds to bring snit against every 4. Cost or Ylne of tho labor, except tliat of merchant refusing as aforesaid in Uie Superior the tax-payer himself, raw material, food and Court of the cxipty a may bo pr4crihed for all other necessary exjx ncs Incidental -to Uk? siccial proceeding-, to the end cf obtaining imsines from whith the inconio rs derive!, such examination and comilUng TvTtat tJf together wiUi the nccf-ssarr exiK-nsca of tun. I tlw proper tax. Anl nir U rrg-. lKrtinc the faiuily. w hiih tliall in no Instance Utcr of diverts shaU I- enrtUed pun- Uiirty doll ars anl the pin for a liun-.!.x-.l.; They a cre really of a far greater value. lhcyalo had presented several notes for sale, Imt he h.ul isit oft purchasing until the evening of that day in orner 10 iook up iu; nauii-y. ' "Tlien they have made an apiwuntmcnt tore- turn hero to-night Justin Inquired, "lcsh, mytlearshir. "What thno?' , "Nine o'clock.' "Ict them come. We will come earlier and conceal onrel res hero and arrest them ' lioth. Aid us In this and you shall bo no, her, but If you give them a word or a noil of warning, you shall sutbir ior iu ' I will aslst you. tlicniiemcn. I ncvare lievc, nevan. Vill you my t a.. siaincu .- "Yery veil. slientlemcn4. (TO l'.K COXTIXUEP.) cxccetl ono Uioutand dollars. w- iliu incvm Ux inrrr sliall return to tlio asesor Ihe net amount of his income, which return tlio asse-or a,nll file in the oCiee of Ihe etiunty rofflmiHitiiion). " r.C. -. lvxl whenever in tnr law or act of incorporation trrnnU-d tilhvr un(. r the crneral "a -a - . I a a a law or by ixul act. ineo fourth f Julv. on I and rates arros Ingliwavs. one-lKiru 01 ace thouand eight huiulreil and islv-ei"ht- then I tvr rt ntnm on gro recciirfs. is any limitation f taxation, the same is lien?- I SrC- IS. Every National mrV. Siate bank. saving lank, or aoci.aUn cndneting a bu iness as contemplated in Uii Section, any pri- to f.1oea creu for each rrtnrn mado by any mcrcliant, same to l paid by tlx comrulofie rs of the county. . Sir. 13. On tlio fVs receipts f hoult, loanling lioue. (exempt Uiomj Cscl fur tdoea- , 1 local pirrea) rr!n'TiMi ad jraliag booses, tlio tax slwll I one-f nuth of ro Ir irnlms. Sic. 14. Hie tax on poUic feme. u4LbriJxes vatc lonker, agent of a foreign hanker or bro ker, cverr m-ney. exchange. hnd nr noU bro ker, wliether oi rating as con orations or aso- . ' i i.'.i 1 1- . .1. shall suuir ior iw I "I will assist vou. kssociatcs with thieve tne for do loss I haf su i "Yes. if you aid n." bv reiealel. anil all the property and effect of nil corMiration h.-ill lw liable to full taxation. like property owne by individuah. Sciimvix li. Tlio toxes In thi mholule imjKHed arc a li- I ciation, or privately as Individual, and sorh ccn-ctaxiir ibc privilege f mrnria on tlic I Insurance companies as are iarpnriu4 oy business or doing ibc act nami-il; and noUiing this State, in addition to Ihe ad ralorm tax o in this hethilc contained shall lie construed to tlieir capital inveted. stall pay annually a tax relieve any nriii from the payment of the ad according to capital employed, as f Jkiws: vajoran tax n Ui proix-rtA-. ns reouirc! by the I On a capital -r ne liunirei uxosani uotiars postal unlike Tiik New Postal Caud. Tlio new cards authorized ' to ho issued will be those now in use. Tlie color will bo violet blue. Tho border and all directions a to where and how to write tho namo ami address will ho llispcnsed wiUi. A monogram formed of tho letters "U. S.. will be printed on tho card in black Ink. This will b on Uie upper left hand corner, across which will le tho works "Postal nrd." Tlic vignette Liberty, with her luxu riant tresses hanging down her hack and con lined by a cap adorns the upper left hand corn ier. Tlio new card will bo identical in size .wiUi tho old ones. They will lie ready for de livery about Uie middle of April. . . ' - It costs something to entertain a King, and lie of tho Sandwich Islands, though not the monarch of many men. was quite a cl'n- sive a guest ns if he wero Emiieror of all Uh Uusshis. Ho was the guest of Now. York city sauntered leisurly down to tho reading roouiu l i-bouta week, nnd tho hill for board and lodg- mV.. - - , .. . . -.1. r - was c J.-oo, Vs. w. for carriago hire; ar service. - A. D. with a little bill io nuim, uus oiow.roo, u 1 vu3 n v. . ri.i I wouldn't turn over and. toko Another r Here's an account of tho explosion, hot it U mention a word but what tho late judo w blown to his death. If those fellows read t' Uiey'll come out of their holes and look afonr TWeiicall on Uio chief this morning commence ojieraUons. Have you seenC. Uiis morning?" "Yes, thero ho is now, coming this way.:IIt Julius Ca?sar." i - vs.ir." ? "Your master wants you. : -'.' VYessar." . , " , 'Ctesar. have you blacked my boots 't!,I morningt" . ( i, "Yes sar. iest a-hen doln' li n:nv . m.. . . , . .--. LI r preceding schedule, ami no city, tuwn or o titer .... ...a . municipal corporation mail nave power 10 im tosc, levy or colic-, t any nreater sum on real and personal property than one anil one-half ier centum of ihe value thereon vriao. Tliat this act shall not apply to cilic or town win-re a rate of taxation i fixe! on their chatters. S'.C. 1. Travelling theatrical coiiipaiiics stall Kiy two and one-half h-t ctnt. noii the gru receipts tf each exhibition. When the theatri cal exhibitions are by the reason of not lc. ih.m ono month, tho tax shall be one hundred dollars per quarter. bEC. 2. On each concert or nmical enter tainment for profit shall l- paid five dollar, unless such concert, musical entertainment or lecture lie given for religious or charitable -ur- ps-s; on each lecture for rcwnnl. five dollars. bEC. 3. On mu.oeiims, wax work or curiosi ties of any kind, natural or artificial, (except paintings nnd . statuary.) on i-arh div and night's exhibition, tall In pi Id five dollars. -Sec. 4. On everv exhibition of a circus or menagerie for each day or part of day, fifty dollars and five er c nt. on their gros rvccipi. and for each side show or concert ncconiiwny- ing a circus or menagerie for which extra charge i made, ten dollars nnd five tt cent. on their grcss receipts. A return of their re ceipts shall bo inada to the sheriff opon the oath of tho manager of such exhibitions as are here in referred to. . Sec. 5. On all itinerant companies rr persons who exhibit for amusement of the public, otla-r-wisn ttan Is mentioned In the four preceding sections, ten dollars for each exhibition or per formance. Flying trapeze with ropea or ma chinery, fchall jwy a tax often dollars pT day. wiictiier they charge for exhibition or not. x Iiibitions given for the promotion of religious. educational or chanUble object shall be cx cmpt from taxation. Src. C. On all gift cnterprics, or on any i r son or establishment offering any article f tii:: . ,1 -rfi t. . .. V'o rrnrinA rk. rr!l ., n .... i u ' t ' i i i " ,l,ll,,,,s viii t'auiai? law 1 eoniani- roSS f bit o7' ' byv,f fl0 h the tasls for suits apdnst salo.,, keop- JSS l K:l.;!.Vck. Vn.V ? ? K.3 i rs and ir. nearly all cas wiUi suoces-. i A fu ; oaor seller in Ambov.tn Uiattate 1 a a - V tompelUnl b pay 2.Oil0 to now. sar. brackTas d .bvck o' my h md, .an as shmey as de limpin strcaui In a calm o.wind, JSebery. night" . . f 1 " v ' 1 - - -1 1 "Very well, take this check to tho bank and f $58.65 for sundry bottles of Piper Hcldslck. oina Victoria cigars (50 cents a-piece.) various rmKS, uinncrs ami etceteras. ' : . Qceex Cotton Ccuious Estimates. It AS been estimated that of 12.000,000 women In Imerica, 11,000,000 wc:ir calico drcsso. more rlcss; that the spirit of economy has, durin" jv.,., ...mmmid ihii; iwn or establishment ofjcring any article for pieceiromuieir usual outlay; that tho avcrajro I tle. nnd t.roi-iii t tir,i mr.t.nu.r. P.h ulico dress contains eleven yards, nnd tliat I nnr ;rt r S. L.tntnnt t rl ,.r. onscquently thero has liecn a Ioas to tho tra.le J twlntv-five dollar-, nn l one ix-r centum uuon W r . AAA a Ka a I af - M - the gross receipt . to In paid to th slicriffof the crinntr. And on any lottery. wIk-Um r known as a U-neficI.il kmk iaiion, gift concert or ilh wisc. one thou-and dollars, and ten cr certtum on gros .rwlptn. Iota j-edd to the flierifTor tax collector. Tlw? tox in this section stall nt b construed its giving license, r to rclie ve y this retrL-nchincnt of 121.00 1.000 vanUl Thla nearly the entire product fall Uio mills of .Massachusetts for a year. ; or ntorc. two hundml rtollars; on a captua oi fifty tltouanl dollars and less ttan oo hundm! thousand dollar, one hundml iWdUrs; no a capital of twenty-fit tlwuand iloll irs and 1cm tlian fifty tlonand dollar, fiftv dollars; em a capital of less than twenty-five tlnHi-fHl rtollsrs. Iwc ntv-fivc d lLir. and alo ten Wi!hrs addi tional" for each county In which ttay tave aq ap-ncy. said taxes In be paid te Uv State Treas urer Every ron or company running sleep ing ears njon any railroad In lhl Slate, shall pay for cvrry car" so run. fifty k41ars rT an num, and shall male return and wy Vt Ihm Slate Treasurer a and wln-n other Stale Ult are returned and paid. On failure to comply wilh the roviion .f thi set-Uof. nM bank. eorojwr.U-s or rsn stall fwv as Uin two thotiAard dollar. t be o.Ilectol by tlie Treas urer f tlw S!aU. '' Src IC. Every auctioneer n all gwl, wares r ii.-n tamUM. sold by h-mlf or a-nt. w htl er by axvnding -r d-M--n!ing bid. r at 1 lic or.tcrv. sliall pay one. J T ccntom tltO gri-S of hi sales, subject ta all tlw fegidatiooa and exrini-tioii h- f.-rth in tta ;?guth HptT of llattir HetKnl, entitled .neti.4t and Attc: a. a a m m . tione rs. I:t tin sliau noi npp'T "i warihieinrn. i ho tall pay a bc-t tax 'J iwmir L.lLtra a rear, nor to irron-'wla keep a waelHKic cxclnircly for tlic 1 pf cton. ' . a. a where all who wlh may exhibit cotinn luTMie; Uittlic keeping -och warehons stall imy a lM-cnt tax oi buy tioiiar; -rorfioa. riwt if any totacco wart-lHiemin lmll dtrg- t account of sales of any patron or cu-tMiter any item or imu nnder pretrnco er eiiT n State taxe lie fctall m IUU U a tax ro per centnm grns nncAint of In crutwaut tMt MAUI Miff. K-41 1 A ID r I - i n M"l .... . 0 SEC. IT. Every commtalon mcrvtant mall lav a tax of one i- r centum h nmmi. IYorMah Tliat nothing tar in r.tainel mall apply to Uk. sale ..fartU h wl.h h sre Ukm -gr-niltoral prrmicllon of tta Sttr: VortJoJ. Tliat when MiiritiLHi lj.pHr. tlnout malt liquors aro sold bvcHiinili. m. rthint-.' tlry slmll pciY a lax of five a r centum m thvlf sales of said liquors. . Sic. 18. Every w-rson wh -ntjvuJ"n t Wine- i to ki-rp. Ihtm - tehh let fr lur or to h t, taU y a lx f 'Ilr,f7r, eT get it cashed.", . ' '-, i ' sa,, and " wa3off I" a minntc. After breakfiist ou two detectives started off for, Uio office of tho chieT polioe. Arrirc-d ttare they were informed that no trace of Uio men iia oeen discovered, but Uie strictest secrecy T had been maintoined in tho subject of tho raur-1 uer. JJetectives had licen on the watch con sumiiy, ana were certain Uiey tad not left town. Justin then told tho chief hi plan and it met with his decided approval. Ho then snmmon- chi nis oesi ants nnd directed him to visit e-r. ui uteir. unpoa.! uiey were enragnu ami swore iin p-awn omces in company with Juatin and vengeance, j j The Queen' : coming up wo put Eph. ' ! , t more steam on and raced her. Tliey visited several with no : siitisfactory re- 'Everyone's attention W:is attracted to tho oth- suit; still without dcsnalrini i.i , o w cr boat. Passing : through tho saloon, which was entirely! 'deserted, tbey suddenly dashed put pf a state-room and stabbed me, and holding one hand over my mouth, thrust me into Uie state-room, and robbed mo of: forty thousand dollars, in bills and notes, together with rqj watch, and diamond pin. . . .'. ' ' Uieir search. At last they entcredonc kept by a p" al old jfew. who appeartnl at 1 of age. He was a short, quit ,, vidual of dingy appearance, half and beard, anq .small shop was n one of the"1m, drunkard who was killed in hi saloon same law Is in operation In New York. . lias instlieen ! such iei.ion or establimmenU from any lien- Tho widow of a i allies incurred bv a violation ofUto law. Tlie Ti.iri. t It is a curious coincidence that Matt Caroen- ter stepped into the Senate tho -very day Uiat Johnson stepped out of the White Honso, nnd bow Matt stebft out of the Senate nt llm vrv imo Uiat Andy stew in. j . In England, thoy had a more agreeable Jan uary than we. It U rtated by a gentleinaii of llritol that ho can loam of only three inUnccs within 103 years when January ta l?en so hiild a roonUi in England as it was this year. V ' ; Mr. Thomas Brought n, a large stock-raiser. ' f who resides at Fulton, In Clarendon county, S. - C, lost fire hundred head of hog by the lato uriiniiiiuuj iirMiik in i i luiini river. A. IHii knoll in the river swsmp. whither lie tad taught them to fly, on occasion f high water, was completely submerged for Uie first tJpn, rn , many years. ' , Sec 7. Every agency of a tank incorporate! out of the S'jite, one hundred dollars, to be aiJ to the State Tnaurcr. StJC. 8. Tim tax on billiard salncns stall ta twenty dollar on c-ach tnblc. Every wh r a billi.ird table is kept tor hire, shall u considered a billiard saloon within meaning of this net. Sec 0. On ocry tawling alley, cr alley of tho kind, or tawling saloon, bagatelle table, or any other table. it-fcd or place, for any other game or play, with or withtit a name. unle such alley, stand.' place or game is kejt fix private ninueiticnt r cxercUc alone, nnd not prohibited hy law. thcro stall ta a license of twenty dollar. Se:. 10. Every dealer In spiritt-MM or vin ous liquors, porter, lagcr-lavr or other malt li quors, sliall par a tas of firo per cent, on tta amount of purchase of any and all of iho li quors aforesaid on which a tax of like amount lias not already been paid by somr'wliclcsahi dealer In liquors, rcsidipg In this State, nnd conducting sal! hminrVt In this State: Voru- j rd, Tliat anr stu h wholesale dealer stall fumUh cry lior kept Pt Uiat IKirj-. rti ". tti firtday of January and July in nu-hymr. fnmim tta register of dee.1 a sworn Ule Mnnt r ll. immlrr of IirtTM-a a 11-1 muC kei"t. at any time dm tug Ita Hw.fmg U month, the taxes In ! r.n.- tr-l by tta slieviff a taxe under e tin twelve of tlu aet: Vv Tidal. Tliat this Foction sliall not apjJy to dray- iilnco irnncn. . . , . t i practitioner, irtrait or miu'tatur- lntrr. .U guerrcan artlt nnd other --r.a" taking likr neeorita hninan face, to AdUrs ruf n h county in whi h lie carries on h Urinm. Every ItiiH raiit l.-alT In oris l4i"Wgrapl, or . J a It. I I..,,1r.l a..I!ara luT Ol PPT kill". hu h Ilie said lMwir.es r cmr- Ivery p-rMn that iUl- gooK rcltarMUM. ciitar by hid .x waltT, meilicines. T otr- mli , rir- each rmnly in ri"'I on. Sec- 20. T wan-s or inert . ..-.a ilrnn lia!mmi ' f t.. ..r malt linuor. whether MM slnll travel . n ft r w'lh coovrY ai.ee or otherwise, stall obtain (m IV rjwn tuIioners an ot.lrr l. ita sheriff to grant lum Inldler rJrone. to expire at tta n I "f ix ntnlta from Its dale; and Uie stariff. on prw d net ion f a copy snrh order, rerUS'-il Ly tta Jerk of ! cunirui.ioocr stall grant lievrti

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