! 1 .9 I I I . . . 1 - ... .v i. .'. .. I. J. I n - ' 4 ' 4 Kyi v .. .... i 2 1 r i. . I i i , I j -r HLKY ' : H von : : ! I 1 VI II II Ck Jc0pIes; ) xtss. T L-tV. & E. T. BLUT.l, PUBLISHERS AND FEOPEETOES. TERMS:.-CASII IN ADVANCE. One oopy,-oa yearii.,te,$2 00 " " six months;!........1............ ..100 . ' three months,.. ........,...i. 75 T II E I - ' ' - AN ADVENTURE IN CHINESE WATERS. jir'urME 'jacket. The night wgsvdark and threatening ; havy masses oi clonds Ooated across the lowering t - heavens, obfictirinsr Uift stars and theBtrurtin raj s of the young moon, which strove in vain to pu ree through the gloomy canopy by which " was envi K.Hl. The wind, in fitful gusts tviine with im-reswingi force aeioiss the broad lHwoni of the Yang-L-itf, dashing the yellow wa ttrs againsstthe broad stone jettys lying abreast oi rrencu lown. V - - t. . , Down one of these piers a man was cautions ly feeling his way- evidently with the intention1 unuing one or ine numerous sampans which moored at the foot of the letty. Out In the TiviT the twinkling anchor lights of the shipping cast faint wavering"rays over the turbulent waters, which only rendered "the darkness more intense. 11 " Confonwrthe lubber that left that stave In tho way," mattered the solitary mdividual '' iio inppeu over tne onsticle. If I get aboard the 5hrwjvthout breaking my neck, 'I slmll in a Incky man. It won't do s for. rue to get a Clucking to-night with a thousand dollars of Mexican coin for ballast; 'the result of my lat trip. Ishould guto the bottom likeastcme. Ha! : 1 i . . , . " . what liave we Iear? River pirates, by the , -Ird Harry; and not a weapon in tny pocket. oneer on, you long Jailed devils!" shouted the seaman, for such he was, or I'll put a m .rk s j"". i.i ku. win cause i you. to nnrfft the day you ever fell athwart the hawse of Jack . Hurley." v . ; .As if by magic some h;Uf a dozen Chinamen (had suddenly staiteil into sigiiW springing frt.ju in ci r lurking places with a celerity which prov- eci mat uiey wen? no novices to the business. Alone and unarmed Jack Hurley con fronted uMiui.jiiM nanus grasping tlie canv:iss baffs of doiiarj with a nervous cluteh. A bold perspi ration broke out all over him' at the fate which etared him in thu ftice. for often had he bilield the Indies of Implesa seamen floating about in - Yauig-tse murdered nnl robbetl, the vkitims of the treacherous Chinamen. - Thousand of lwats' line the wharves and "river banks whose owners consider it no crime loot an European. Detection is next to im , Ijossible, and the authorities are all but pt wer less to cheek the native tendency to murder and .- But Jack wash bold as well as an athletic seaman, and was not deposed to lose the nuin f ler of his mess without a struggle. His Araer ; ican bloixl was up, as well as his contempt for all Chinamen, ami. with a yell, he'sprang upon his nearest opponent, swinging a bag of heavy coin furionsly round his head. , The Chinamen were armed with hatchets.and Jack's chances for success were decidedly small. How the afFray would ! have terminated it is im MMsiM to fctate; but the rapid tramp of ieet, mingled with theory of an European, caused ! the Chinamen, tci take the alarm and slink away ; as rapidly and'ttiyHtwiouslyns they hat! appear-. 1 I - --ed n thc'eene!' .'. - -1 - Jai turned to greet the new comer, and ex- I temling hnt haiid to grasp that of the stranger discovered for tlw first time that he bad sustain ed a severe cut from xne of the Chinamen's hatchets. (i-;-'.. "Yon hove In sight in good time whoever you are, and its my private opinion that a few . moments more would have seen Jack Hurley on his l aw ends, a candidate for Davy Jones' locker. I owe my life to yu, and you'll find me ready ta to you a gMnl turn4 if I can, for I m one wIhi never forgets, a.favor." . r , v i . . 'IfTV:tm."joWviee and'ain h! your friendship. JCkmI knows'I am thankful," and a half mothered sigh escaped from the 'npeake who continued. " I hearcf the struggle, lesainl iU meaning, nnd -the rest you ' aie"ae iquainted witb But had : we better not IxCwoy- ingr oa nre on Uanerous ground, and 'soe- ond attack may find us t! . SUil Arrtber lo leeward. Yes, yoaVo tight, ; I'll hail a sam prth, nnT if you'll got aboard, rf0i me, we!I talk matters over. I have ' not 5 s'een enoughtff yoa ycC ' ? " I shall be pleased to accept your hips nitidity. fofx .maj m yrcii confess Utat ,1 am narn up, 4lttml would lose, no' time tn setting on bbardi for: your hand if bleeduig frejridi snonm e axtetidort tafj I am a sargeoaiy prdt fession, and Will : dress' the wound If ' bd will s : i V Jack Itufley pas Jn command; of a? topsail etnnUally famished, , into . which the captain ushered his guest; saying ! .1 .v ; .,-,( " TbereVHere we ar aboard thenrc at lM! vJ ewftevjr7 timber head in hcr, animy own master, and jf ack Hurley mn Wof knj benefit tq I yiu, say " the word. ',1 You '14 yw wer UP' - HtflP ywwelfol of them,'? and he thw'eboirid6i)ars o'ft.tii"taKfe where Ithey fall wiUi a heavy tlm'd, -'r ' Take care, Captain Hnrknr, or, I may avail myself of some of your offeNV But fii-st allow I me " denotin gasl from New York, and my name is Varley-Ed wara vaney. 10 iUMHiu bjiiw naniw-ami with ask 11 wA . 1 .V -i i. 4S.T;"W,V.,.UUS !"or at tho Uhe ocean, anil, evurytiji eg proved favorable, to g loner practice thei STifm!rtti .. .u L . ?! v ' combined with tlie hWof th 1 ta firr..n-bimti4". who went to V t.K liwhichJHurley hacV recejfed : Vl '' overcome them with slum- will and earneslness,r,ei2htencdby tlieremalna " Wheredyotl hail . ,-, . ' 'IWthe.wieck be(iug visible, In the clear depths toperatiott 1 trough 'he "ir oorr'f! ' ' 1 i , had been wononnceo.Rnfshoi -v; i :1 . u . ,ur ,Pit, but all who 'vim i t..i.. o...-.wi ; i.t ...... ' 1 Jt'z , . ...,. . peaceful, arid I nir k " I. L -. . : T f "UVJ tJ;.'fT": .r '"I anl ftH: Ameriontflike, vonrJfl .T -m nn.,.- 5 f W 1 he aroused .fVpm nT carefully lowertal over , U? aide, J -Varley Jdm, Hurley glanced the stningei whose pale. intellectual; i;ico w.vs partially covered by dark neavy whiskers, and a luxuriant moustache . J ' i i f . - . . . xic was rattier over medium height, and his clothes showetl unmistakahla evidences of long wear. "It is; not for'; me to question you, Mr. Var- ey, wh:it you, a surgeon, are doing out here on thVfcoastUinless you1 intend joining the Ti-pings. No! iVpllJybu can" make 'a home of it here aboard the iSwnrwejif you wish. I sail to-morrow for Padang to get a load of Spice, coffee, etc.; for the - But wliat the dence Is, the mat ter with you, man?j ; You are' taming red and white like i girl In her teens." " Nothing nothing. I assure you, sir. I am weak from jwant and exposure that's all." ; s.With furious haste,. and a face erldwino- with ihame at hearted (iir us want of perception, the warni- rousecl out the steward.: who soon spread ; the table with' 'a substantial meal, to which TVarlcv did amble '-Instieft. TTo ti;v man who )iad ; fastetl long, who had wrestled e a with wantrahd Hurley Vatched him with grim satisGictlimR t.rh 1 ' : ' ! " ,'-' ' It was late when the two sought their berths, n1 Hiij-le,: who had carefully avoided any further personal allusion to his guest, retired ell pleased with Tai ley alid the fund of infor mation and knowledge with which1 his mind was stored. j; j : : t . : ? ;. . .t At aji early hour the mate of the Sunrise en- lereq. ine cabin wiUi the Information that two mandarin boats filled with armed braves were pnlling towards the vessel. ': 4 - j - 4 'f'W -What tie deuce can they, want-aboard mr raft?" growled the! worthy .Hurleys J have not Drpken: any of their Jaws Uiat I know of. and I ilouVniuch fancy these long 'tailed imps a-overhauling my vessel. Hoist; our colors.' Mr. Brace; let the stars and ctr! us, and i 't ; "lr,- V4W ' HA word with you. Captain HurlJ v .V exclaim- ed a boatse': agitatejd voice in his ear w nat I is it vou. V.irlHv? Wh,- H . j - lTI;in T-i-fcii nre jis wtie JU, a Sheet! W it i it 9 ui.... mie tho matter.!' ; Is - V I '!! 'I I " Simply this. n told me last .night you would di me a lavor it ever the tiniu The time has come when 'you ear. more than caiiK ' rt'"J TV A reno;erea you on tin; stone pier yontier. ; lliese soldiers are searching after me. upon.wiiosehead a price I set. I Conceal me somewhere, saehme from the 'malirll.tnt cruelty the mandarin's' men, and I'U be vour ...r. a ou m:iy mu me on the hrst desert is land that Avast heavin', Jshipmate. No men nf ih .t kind alxjard my craft. What Jack Hurlev 1 a fellow-be eave ing on a desert island, and after he had saved my life? . You have seen Queer tiimw i uiKe ltjand.you must spin us the yarn when r. . ; . - ... , gei inio oiue water, liut Uiere tliev nm. ilongsitle, and you j aro trembling ail over. never v say die. You shall Never say die. Lul. weather bn these fe lows, or Jack Hurley is no Yankee'li'M j ..:.-' i ToncUmg a J cpncealtML si)rin2. a ortion of uie ouikiiead swung open, revealing' an apert ure, large enough for Farley to conceal himself in, of which ho wasi not back ward in availing nmself. ' : '! . ' ', ' "There you are .now. Keep still land vou ire all right. I used to use Uiat when I was in He opium trade, arid it never failed me." ' The officials searched the' Sunrise from stem to stern. ; with no success. Hurley plied the of- ncer lu charge with questions as to who he was in search of, and why his vessel was suspected. but could obtain no satisfaction from the taci turn individual who resisted every advance.' ' ' Scarcely had the Chinamen left the Vessel orders to Jieave jshort and when Hurley gave get under weigh. " There is some mystery that I cant fathom." he muttered, as? he, walked to aud froc but once I am clear of Woo-sung. Varloy must hoist nis uuo colors or wo do uot sail in comDanv Soldiers Uo not search aRcr nien for.notlnnf that's law." ! j - . ; I: r: ' 1:. t ' It was a fine, pleasant evening" tho schooner under all sail was j dashing along before the nesu nortneast monsoons. .. The crescent moon was just 'sinking beneath thedistahtj horizon." tinging the heaving, ever-changincr waves with broad belt of silver light. " . " ' , j l - i : i . - ; ; It was the first night out.from Shanghai. In the cabin seated by the table were Jack Hurlev ..-.I 1.v J-..i tr.i ! - . J -Now, Varley. a plain, hail, yon know, re quires a plain kinswer; don't itt? Yes. 1 Well, then, take a throat seizing of that Cognac, will you rTliatV right j now Jigba eigarV Pretty good, ain't they? man-iriight bo korse off, than in the cabin, of thsiSunriie. But to the point. !; I want to know who you are, what these poldiors iwere look ipg after you for, and in fact all about yourself.V-a. ; , , :", ; I fully latended to delate my story to you paptainJHurleyU? JuMre ftallira. to Jose th life I have foeea-leajdirtg, my cbafactct? aspetsed and the black clou($ of suspicion enveloping me, I shall tell JroU the! troth in ; as few jwords as possible; and my. life Smalt pay Uie forfeit if yoo detectthe slightest prevarication. 1 , i (, r "lleft'NeWiYork Wam'all bark-Lnn t Hong Kong; having been ndvisetl to take'thef ..surnw 1 was' very much re duced bodily; wea nnd nervous, and iuy return toJaUh was very 'The towage wasleU i n -.i - 'T " Hcnea me straits of Malacca when we were buTalmed. jThe b:irk r loal)were 1. w 11,0 " Until midnight set'ln! h thecipwin and rnte were sweeping the land with theirglasse. but nothingof, a suspicious, nature was uV At eight o'clock the watch was. seV wih pU Uve instructions to keep a sharp lookoal, nmate ,,ad enlarge ortho;wa wlth-or-' ds not to leave the deck until relieved by hi.' mSelr thl lnoA... r .1 K'H" days work'ihel irien wet ol. .1. ' r-i 4 ' 5 ' i oaths and th,. AL r,H SrQ"ns ' ot, Tr -ryor ' Before I could men. i hardly collect my scattered a , - j senses, my stateroom was fillel with a number of swarthy Mnrays: armed to the teeth, while at their head, bearing n- cutlass dripping with gore, strode a huge white man of ferocious as pect. ,j ". - - .', ; "A dozen cutlasses wore raised on high, but we uarsh voice of the whito man restrained ihcta. i , , ,". Who. are you?' he demanded. Are yoo the passenger, the surgeon, whose name is on the ship's manifest. Speak, for oar time is precious!' . ; . ... , ... , ;( " I am Edward Varley.w snrgenn by pro fession,' I replied with some difficulty, for my nerves were far from strong. 1 ' " I am in need of a surgeon I cive von vonr choice, join my party, share proportionally all prizes, or. or' and he pointed sijrnificantlv to the Malays, who were thirsting for my blood. ' " I had to choose between life and a terrible death.' Life had for me many charms r thouMir of my young wife and baby awaiting h?v fettfrn. P oi my father and. mother, the world and its man ifold enjoyments, and I yielded.! " I becAme oher lh6 Infernal hand ytf . ,cu UJf i;iit;r:uie wince man, 11a rendered his name terrible by his deotts of blooik V I was the sole survivor f the tinpie&lilp's company, anu my escape had been almost nrf- raculons. . ' " But I will pass over a long series of atroch ties in which I participated so far a my duties as 1 surgeon wero required... The gang had fn fleet sailing proa, and it was finally decided U take a cruise In the China Sea.-We were fciglit ed and chased by an English gun boat, who mis pectmgour true character, chased us lianlforc. ing the ; desperado to Utnh his Ixmt on the southern extremity of the Indronu ll.uuls. , " The seas swept over tin? proa, overwhelai. ing all of the desfHTate gang who had atU-nipt to gam trie land. As.f..r myself I clung to th w lV'cfe eteTmine.l to give myself to the :uan-of wars men who were approaching, us in UtaU. lh.e wreck was sinking, and I h id barely time to jump clear of the" undertow, when th bhiod stained craft disflpp anll beneath the waves; .' " When Ifully recovered hiv eiises I found myself in ir.'iis.'sUle by.nide, iwith the I.m.1-t: tli ir.if.i. rti. f . ...v. ,,. .rim 4aji;i, were wio sole nr- vivors of the pra' erew. I 4 7 ' When4nken.U f.r the naval commnndr. 1 told iuy story; but the pirate, laughed an.l ............ ...j iiiik' jitTfo uio.ior tny want of courage, creating lU;' impression' lint although one of the blackest of the gang. 1 ws endeavoring to wive my life. In f:iet. the scouii ditd swore point blank. that I was' the lending p;rii oi ine gang, ana my appearance and ed ucation were against inc. ' ; .. " We were taken to Shanghai, and handed over to the Chinese authorities for trial.'wlrure I lost sight of the scoundrel who hail been the aalhor of all my misfortunes. What - became of him I know not; as for myself, I was east into a loathsoaie dnngeon to Wait tho pleasure of UieTaoutalof the citj. ) "I made repealed Altfitipfci to gain thli'tcr cession of the American Ambassador, but he re fused to interfere for so 'depraved a- character, as myself. Then- it was, when 1 ft to my fate, and thrown upon my own resourcesthat I bent my energies to escape. The masonry was old and defective; my patience and! perseverance triumphed over all difficulties, ami I succeeded in gaining my freedom. -The first night passed in the open air. I bad tfic good fortune to en counter you. The rest, "Captain Hurley, you are acquainted with.n j 5. ; A straightforward yarn, and no mistake. You were in a tight place, and when a man is on a lee shore, he'll do most anything to claw off. .and gain an offing. I do not know a. I blame you.' It is hard to judge what oho might do under the circumstances' But here is my hand. Viirifcy.'. You shall not bo i tamed adrift. , wiiiianti your iricna as long as there is a shot in the locker.w j " ' ' ' Youkrea kind noble-heaftLl man. Cap tain Hurley, and I will make you all the return in my power for the service you have rendered rae. listen. When' the proa sunk off th r... drones she went down in about four fathoms of water. In her hold was' stored 'treasure suffi cient 10 mr.ke us both independent. . It is with in your grasp.,, As it is. it is useless to every one, and you may as well reap th benefit of it." 1 "But; Varlcy, it is stained with blood. - Ev ery dollar has been wrung fron the poor fel lows who were sent fluking to! Davy Jones locker. J It would not belong to me after I rot it."- ' f "J "'"'" ; ' - -;" .j - , n " It was' gained by violence nd murder, true. But-it would be impossible to find the rigiitful owners.! "The treasure1 is1 lt-W lJ..w.,.ti. ti. .1. ters useless to all. Take Itput It to "ool u and tho curse will be removed." "There is some truth in that. Varley. I am more than half inclined to take y r.r advice." en. lor whom ...Think of your wife and child ... 1 . 1 you are i tolling. Think of the dangers .1 overtake you Veil. run. My unhappy fat and -" i might .."And I should not have vour profession to Yon are riirht. gave uiej frooi ji walking .plank I will lesitate no longer. I liave a diver's suit in mv cabiu .which I have tiseil for jH-:irl lislung, aiiiM 1 put t to giHl u-e. "IIqw much treasure d( you think went dowii with" the vy;ti y' '..V "!r - " Alxjut , two hundrv'd . tliousah,d , dollars, , or uiereaoouis. v u-' iu .4 ?' Enough ballast to carrv os through life iut BjtE us' a bcetlng'-house'lt Is letter than coast ing, "I jam sick '6ts the wateV 'Vailey ; Went 'gha bo a course for the islands." t ' ' AndTIu'rley's eyes sparkled with excitement, luJJ J'' 1' ;,'v ft 1:.. . : no 110 uwctnou ij uuuttn ij.ic uiiaifc on 111 cabin table. ' 1 ; v. ie "Ml he schooner rode lazily to u?r anchor? off southern, headland, of the islands, rocking, to the s land fro from the ...awel which hcavd incpver tlie reel.. oreaKing jieavny on. uie block rocks which, , fringed the beach. The weather "was no: not a breath of air. ruffiod tho surface of self, tendeti the airrpiyup, ynuy r WetJoyua manned tlioitdls.fay whkh tho,, treasure woa, bo rescued fiom Uie depths of the sea, 1 cvt uin. n.iri Uib m m ih n'l 1. t . . ... infely transferred to the Sunrise. t . Then they rested from their exertW g.dulations.cr.eg.Va wu were lorocelv, a generous pofUoa of the ' Singapore was agreed DDon as UwbMtnonL , ... . . j - - "e scuooner w.is soon under way, with er - j v vu t (.TBwomi upon ner. Hurley experienced no difficulty in disposing ; Vorley Wouhl on4T accent fiA v thon krs ft hii share of , .V... ' ..T as forced to rest content with tho resolve. At X w York tho two 'iwt. wiU, promise. v w 4vinics t)fthemmto'trnm ' i t - The TJif.n 0.1.1 1... . wh.it P.otv n .... ... . " " jwi wvu irefinno' . ueuw:u. o ftave abo.ikth.Ui,, ten ,ge, trie, to show what Paul's thorn was fioL anil in t- . , . - i-bc tru-stoshow whatitt.. . I , Many of the theological doctor. Iiate felt Paul's pulse to see wb.t waa the matter with h.m. e.up,Keibe reason he did not tell us what it was.av v v-..... not want os to know. ' J " now. Hcknew that if he U- there would bo a great many rintli UUaruighim with w- t;-d wli.it it was jx-ople-fnun Cori npuons now ,,e might cure it. : - S..m. say ,t wa, diseased eyes, some that it was ahmr.b uk. h n, have been neu- ralgia . Perha,H ,t whs gout. altlK,ngh his ae- tire habiu and a smirsa iliit thr.ir t. .r . . . .. f .. ' . ;7 uU,,fc un the knooosilinii. !i ' tliat.i. it i-tuck h wm s moru im. It was It 11... .. r . . 1 . ' . . "I"1 U,J w nui m,lcn cconnt in the i-vesorthe worlds It was not a tnmble that W.11M le comir.Ht trt A it.. - il.t;. : .. r. im. .1 . . - -- " uukutuu. sea 11 w:. ime a morn Uwit you may Imve In voor h;idnrfitai.dBUVknW that It Unma a trpo of those UnJo nettlesome worriea of lifwhat eriKjK.-r.ae tin, spirit. Lvcry of ha a thorn stkktair him. Th honseket per Gu) it in unfaithful domestics; or an Inmate who keeps tilings ilUonlered; or a house tOO Small for miin.ni to be kct cleanly. To profoional man finds it in perpetual Interruption or call. f.,r - more copy J no S.ablKith.schooI (earlier finds it In inattentive scholars or iieirhbirin that talk loudly and make a great noise in giv- mg.a little instruction. One man Im a rheu- " , a end of alurp thorns that have Cee bmk. ir In t)ie fm-er. . . " in uic angers. Let ai start out wiUi tlio Idea that wo must v ve annoyance. It I, L , w, uwoer 01 ful. ToPn . I L' :"r.-ir- tiisciDiinarv us sciplinarr as it is not one thin? It L ...ji,. Trk-. 1 . - anoluci. If the stove doM not. tm.. w .1... nL- If ih .1 1 itk. If the thorn doe. not ulerce Urn knee, it must take you in U,c hick, life ma,t have .Wp thing, i t. : ,We cau not .,aku up r- v . . M U e want what Paul zntt grace to bear tin. wnngs. u lUiout It we become cns. censori- ous and irrasciUu. We get in Uw i habit of ukKinSauriiionwinUi oher people's fingers. But. God ihelping . waiiaace Uieno annov- aiiff In tlkM u... .w. it.n t . .... . n uimgs worn t ituariorsoiKi.- We mo kw much sliorter Uiorns are Uian tho .pike that stock throa-h tho palms of Christ's handv and remembering that IIo had on! Hi. head' a whole crown of thorns, we take to ourselve the ; consolatioo that if we suffer With Hini on earth, w - .hall be glorified with Him in Heaven. U ,r iBut how ciiuldal po..it!vely rejolco In these infirmltlea? Thochool of Christ lias three classes of scholar;- In the first class we learn how to be stuck wiUi thorns without lo. ing our patience';, in the aecond class we learn how to make the sting positively ad vantageoua; m the third class of this school we learn how even to rejoieb in being pierocd and wounded; but that is Uie Senear doss, and when we get to that we are near graduation into glory DOES tiie WORLD MOVfi t , ' ' Au octogenarLin. in alatoanmber, ot Ajjlt 4m' Journal, gives sonie noteworthy Diets and figures la-aring on indnsuial progrc.'ln 1$10, Willie yet n-Voun!' 111:111. ho (rn.vlL, tku.nl. all the principal .countries of Europe.1 making careful observation and f.tl..- !..,.. ..r ... .... . n - - --.... tHivurii l onditioa of the iH?oplr ' And their in'.ln,tri, ' r v. kiiv During the pii ei.t yi-ar. he has agtiin.' travelled over the same ground. -civinir sDeci.il ittentSow es. Uie same class of facts. Thc cwupcirisons ade on several p,,ints 'are suggestive as well ns interesting, bia we pro,,.,Q"hero to'note on- ij s...Sit.aooi inemvas most strikio" am best n.lipted to strengthen tho. faith of"u,osi who believe in this faithless aire tliat th-i. d lose gv tliat tho4woxld moves, . In 1810 the entire whito or Pu. roan p..p0latlon of the globe was onVhuoared am e.gmy millions. In 1875 it is Uiree bun dml md sixty millions-' .Tho producing area of Europe, in 1876, he found to be one Uiousand and fifteen millions of acres, thnt ol Uie United States w about two hundrwj jand'.fifty million, of acres., and tliat pf other, countries scttted by Europeans about t!Urtyrfive millions of acWs total. sav-one thousand Uiree huadred mllKon. of acre,, , Tlus area, for a jKymlation ', of three humlrcdod .sixty millions, is but tl rel. mJ .two-gupi nms each, while" in 1 810 It reiirovl five and one-eighth acres for the'suenanec of eacn person, showing thnt the. prclnctlrrness f0 Pacing surface oftlje earth moft Ive t-mianojai oyvr.mtjr pr.oeat,.r a least 3 llittl- IIMIIL Mil It'll. Wllftl Illrt lrii.,1 Ij . 1 IIK11AU rt. r l.u t:,U, full Llf ilw. . : """" 10 "- P""t Pr nt .Kip Wn tlK-m. Tlwso trbu " Z ' . C1w,w ,m,"M .uor tllc.,n,e. I, lit. rTlt ,,"! L""" r,'-. - of U l.t .0 l u,.ntiun.,l il-t 71 !-; "m,.n.ncc. II.. , . .v0e-,jaii,,iu,Qrdcr that three and two-third acres as .fhonUl yowpuprtnj a'aij, ftrw flw 'd m oneeiuhth acres diil fnrmiri; ti"i .i '- . Sm,,V.".0f this great significant fact!" onr'n ' -W - r- f 1 m . " 'w m m tmmm - ... , , . . -, , ' - 4 ' Il t .. . . i . unite W" now grow wliere but Hire ' Z "'TT'grew rest any fen that j kT0 r,r.K.r.i r iicniU . w. vwvsuwuw. - 1 , TEA. We are indebted tola Korthera . . 'J '7.,VrU "J re, Ufore tho Low- j Th L. JILa T.i 1 " '- - . lil F i are dried Ja , carper nuu..bpiMi. K-r U . i I 7"" pr prussute of Iron, or soma. iumcs CTtMUU mud.' Jadlm. T1. ; f - ' v . - .... . - t uieri er auw K-ration, are rank ioUcnitar.,l the 1L eomiMnitlrftT hmlM. i. i v;. 7 I ' m woicu hw I ... " ' vuroe. u sid 1 wunui care 10 imMK. tv- -h,t "... . . I never drink green tea, bat teat it to thm m siders. It I, Stated by medical t .... . Muionij, UU ii-cj wt poisoning irom aau traLn.l tx bare not been nnfrcqucnw . Tl.is Kross fraud pracUd by U heathen Chinee. In which, pcrhapa. nnhk. Bert's hro. h i, n.,t ' ' L.r . ' 1-o ..r"r e railing I ti ooam as a nroiitabla nM(mo. Tl few experimenU that have been mad. have rewlted Civurablr. A gentleman residing near' Favtterilli liaa rL.ri- ... l . I 1. - " j 'buwutuMtcu err u-v. era! succes.ful crops that te ca be raised iQ North Culina with profit. Tlu, txxxrlmcnt Inu.Iikcwbo boen tric4 ia T.i Kl sissippi. . pf course producer, most read nt r..u .. ,.r. . . r a P miisiuu; un uie lUWttl, n IMMer to Pit ttmtt I I ... . .. "M :r " K 0Ol I cuuivaun ting the eroi IntcUiViUlv. n IXDIAXS RF.RnKTKn -mr TT-r,r - f " Has following I. an extract from Uw 1 r . . . - 1 iruoi 11 in. 11. 1 iintnii r.. r s . . . " . .17. -au,c rauam. . f " V-V.!!.. . ' r . ... .,,.c M any ouHrrlo.lL.ai on oer fro- icr. Al nit Umt um. Uw princllml ?,ncl that intemperance would destroy him- pUnriMMtvUntnivuttij ; i?101001 was present wlH,n h assembled them. 6n hatcK-casio,. 1... 0 formed h ,4. that Im, had been consul. -riu .r .n.I .i..-t.t ., .. . , way. uipro- uote their iMppim-js iu the f.itore. He said h. U, beCume ilo of nipermnco-was whiU. ; ious sit- m thry injori- lirvcted hh C Jlows : T . 1,w iTIigneU Lhrokee. hvl.Uffln? Vn I 1 , iitaUa, ngTee to ahiudon tle use of r sptritnoos liquors. 1 It WAS ImmivliHi.lK t 1 at .. . . . " -n. t lUC OKI cnief. I wno was follow-! bv i...s. town. ! -"" "en,thatlml,,dve.lthem 1 tinwards nf forttr , fr. ..).... ... . .. . . - 1 r . " -i-r. iu) rniire onject hem" li.. .. . .... J " F"o. uieir interest. He was plmed to ro tli . . . ! . . . It . b- - .11 ' - 7 ""V' .. tVl tpat sUt ' ' 1 . ,l" c,nI,jrant. : Each Cunily U now cnnahlu of r,,U it.. : t "wn lannarv. niatrafortiirintr tl-J f fK. nd nn.lerstaml urming'ana the moclwnl- If5" rts as well as. their white hm thev are indebted f.,rV.i neiiriiDors. In . . . 1 ,.L... t.,oy ln,Uh,, fcrlW .rc.ru.M.t IL 11 ... I inenmy iispoiiion in ndvancingtliem in im 1 proveuent.', rP jror n r"v"r ry r 1 ........ , j A week or two ago the PreMcnt and mrty. accompanied by Governor Emery, inspected Camp Douglas, Utah, reviewing the' troops. They then drove tn tho Mormon Tabornacle. In Salt Lake City, and viewed the city from Uie mountains to tho north of the city. ' At I V. M. - vs V4 K m . Afc A X the President held a public 'reception "at the ,Walker House. ' Nearly ever '"perwin In Ua? city called on him. Including the So nday school Sandavschool chiiafcn, a number of whom ho krsod. 'At 4 P. M. the party left by special train.1 kccotnph - nied by prominent cltrxens-amVofJclaU. amid the cheers of Uie crowd. At Ocden" BriHmm Young was introdaeed to the President by Del egate Cannon. 'Young nckn6wledgeI tho Intro duction by saying that lie was tppy to wel-,eomo- the 'President to Utah, being tfm first ChUf M.nHstrato he ever shook hands wlth,and lwpcd bis vl.lt wou!( be' one ofnnmlxcl pleM nre. Brlgf-Aia tlicn eon versed wtajMr.. Grant for IiaTf anTiocf nnd retiredt Tn the conversa tion the Presldunt said no politicaLsIgnlflcaneo was attached to his visit to Utah. He came be canse he had a few day. to spare, and ha want ed to view1 the country; 11e President ' and party expressed tlHfmiclves highly pleased whh Utah and tlie reception of tho dUrrns, and re gretted having to are so too, but Um Preri- i dent's mail dcspatcltcs Were at Dearer, and cbnseqocnUy lie had to return Immediately . , A Woxxar Walkist. -In reply, to a rrrsnt card from Miss Annie Ulndle, dated Camber l.ind. Md September 2L challenging Harry Brook , "ejiauipion pi-dcstrian of Uie world." to Walk a match ol endurance for from f 1.000 to $3,000 a aide" The match to take placo n Wash ington city, Mr. Brooks, in an luiswer daleti 270 Pennsylvania avenue, Octolier 5, accept. Uie chal lenge, nnd pvli.uitly offers to give Iter ten miles in fifty, or one mile In ten. ' ' . . . a p - . A waterspout visited Uic town of La. Con cos and washed away sixty Itou.es, when a sxxnd 'iu imo ana cicanca out UJo Daiauce ol Loo town, in Mexico. Judge MaXiimty. lato Jodge of Us Supreme Court of Tennessee, died at Kauxvi!ler at fire ard a half o'clock, on Ute-iuorniag of tho 9th ,t t The fAmous'trpttlng Vnire " Aracticf nit Ulll j Sho was vnlnod at $23,000, COBlemDonrr IrcUire Coyinoe4 tliat intt Tlw expense -'of the CentnU Xxbfwi. eooaacted on ever to economical a wu ' U ." the rhiluklphUas. at weTli t2r Wn, are excrr UlnTf .Cu ZSC Wi- IM.Lnj!..' ... mm po- ilaln bulldinirl it Afcm. rt chi chinery eiGO.000; other 'bolULgi wte 'S Ti;.i,. lmDroVflTtlL. WJ.l" "S WJ,W1 Aggregate permaaratcost. ihe rrr.nme.I expense of - ru.elng" tbe' ei biUUon d..r,g ,Ue U month. I .Lici, it U X b. open . includieg Ue cort of watr JgbCoeU moving of machinery. adi.w?a-' I. roU. and a liberal sllowanca of coads- ' nCrT.lhlj "tlm total of ioet to t&.OX),0CO. Tho board of ,w wi MV 1, V , ioeipoia for- niixwi 1 - in rwi a . 1 I -f-wv, ana ue eute at Pm1 nl.ttVwi wt .. . " - -j. il 1 " wom go. Tbeaeamotaa H n not reprrseoted la atrV T.. Lt Ui.V'u,,,,.:- . ."rr -j.-tTow 1 tHJiminrv. rruar mrnmm .vti. r.rt n t. r ' 1 art gallery, which will remala a. the nai property 0 the State anl nhw. The stock subscriptions 90 Ur rteh m. liuU over $2,500,000. ThU leaves tUWlOf raised. ' ' Jir0R$E AXD CATTLE DI3ZASS. X short time since, a disease, aot aeren la lU ctaractcr. but dlsabUag a large antabcr of bnr hroke out la this city, and the efty rail road. ,cre greatly Inconvenienced by U. a4 many private stable were Invaded. It m ahnllar to the eplaootk whkh prtrntHed thm yeariago. It ha. appeared at maay ecer plaoe. A BufMo paper state, that bree fborths of all Utc Itorse. la that'dty wwrm Zxr ed. At New Haven many of the boms oa " d'USrrrnt railroad line, were afWtoil. "A iTm path from rocgtikeepsle. dated September 231. ay. : - Tho hore disease U rapidly vpreadlag 1 vim awi vwi la ua. city ami county. It not only affcU tha i . . . IjcsvI and Uiroat bat seem, also to im the lart. All of the borsi la th rhv rIWt re afllxtcU and bmorrow car. wHl U run on half hoar time.- M Um,A Tl SprlnrfMd (Maw.) KpuuLfmt -TlcattTe disea at SpeeTtary q-tefu (g.TSmi.nitx ing lost eight valuable Stive cows, wU U ha. many more affected. The fin. Sw ul3 ""w 101 AUrtdi & lull Is also affected, aacMaerioas- lr. wl.iU .11 JZ-?T. J -w.vb muuwih arr I I some of there improving. A fatal cattle dle easei a rt of typlm. tnfiamsaatloa' of tha I spleen, earned by eating half-decared aftertsCh I tm overflown mtadows. h M I arooeg thu cattle near Morris town. N. J. AS- ready eiglity-Qvo cow. and calves bar been atOtekcil.' The cattle discasa h fcrVB I In WilbndMtn. Mass. Tlw herd of D. D. Mur- rick are ranUl dvin- ..-T - V 1 j 4 t m- wvwm w 14 X OLD PIECE OF RAO U0XKT. Mr. Willi.ua Thouipson,an empleyve la tha county, clerk's oSira, has la his possess Um m pe. cnliar piece of lp r money, nearly oae hua- drwl years old. It is of the nnosual dcnooilsrw ti.m If two-thirds of a dollar. Oa one side are the words, " Two-thinls of a dollar; Pldladei. Au:i priatod by IU11 & Sellers, U76.aad a design representing each of the origlaal thir- tren State, of tlte Union. On lh other side la a peculiar di-siga. lite meaning of which we 60 not prt-U-od to npthTstand. In which are th word " Fnglo" and " Mirvl yoar own busl nes. . On tlie other part of this side of the piece of currency are Uie words. Two-third I ..r .i.Jt. r ZZ'TTZTTl ' ( 1 V. The nnmWri 131.&31. and the wriUen lgna ture Is - C. Barns." This antique piece of frc U.nal currency has been In Um Thompson fam ily nearly thirty year.. .fcxAcsfer Evening 2Lc- . -4 FOOT LAMP. One of tlie most interesting thing. In tha Holy Land Is tho fact that one meets everr I here In dally life the thing, that niostntU tha - . j v s 1 wwslortlie Lord. Tt ro very narrow, and i 0,11 hi nTJ?- without a llio streets of Jentsalam no one Is allowed ta go l nTghi without a Hzht. Throw ota tabt 1 kittled (n .the evening and look oct, a&4 70a 1 wl11 what seem to be' llttlo stars twlaillng 1 00 Pttment., Ton will bear the clatter of saadals a. the lata traveller rattles sdoeg. As Uie party approaches you will see that he has a little lamp attached to his foot, to tanks hla step a saf one. ' In an Instant the rule comas to yoar memory, written In that saxn city three thousand years ago, -Thy word Ua lamp to my feet, and a Ilht to say path. EFFECT Or HOST. Dr. Moors, th metnpbysklaa, thus neth of Uveer7tof light oa botly and, snlad. JL tad pole cocJlaed i a darkness wodd svcr heoc.ua a frog; and aa lafaat bsisg doprired of Ileav en's free. light wUl oaJy grow lato a ahpalss fcliot. Instead of a UaaUfol aad reasowathr ba. . Ing. Utnce, la thf ilark gorge, mad ravlssv pf Um Swiss Tslohv vhers the direct ssoshia nevor read tea, the bideocu prevalence of kUgcj sUrtles Um traveler. Maay dUxea. nra Uca pable of any articulate speech; some are dea some are blind, some labor nndr all these pri- v.Uons. and all are misshapen la alnKwt every pjirt of UMboily: I believe there 1. la all place, a market! differ nee hi Um healthinca. of IIkh- acoontlng to their aspect la regard ' to thf .nn. and those are decidedly the heahhtert, other thing, being equal. 1a which all Um rooms are, during the day. folly exposed to tha direct light. Epidemics attack fahabltaats oa tlie shady sTiie of the street, and totally exempt Utose on the other side ; even In epldemlos, sodi ! " "gv the'iuorbhl Inffuence b often thus paf " i twin us lauurs. Tltc Sultn of Turkey .pent $750,000. not '.long ago, on fireworks and KumlnaUoas, tho 1 caa-asion being his blrlhtay aonlveraarT. That ; be wny In' which he spends his salary f 110.000,000 in 'gohL and. has to borrow a good denl Wre' les Ides for similar exiicnse.- . 000 lqlH-t of wheat tljls year.

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