,'JkV people's SALEM, N. C: TIIU US DAY , ' JANUARY . 13. 1876. LOOKING BETTEIi. FlOU New York, : we learn, the year 175 closed with, I symptoms of some improvement in the condition of busi ness affairs, and there seems .to jbWeatoirj to "hope that 1876 will op'n with a better fooling; there seems to be a growing disposition tlirough out the country to employ CHpitil wljicfr Uas long lain" idle.' A Revival YfB- Jiwlgipg hoyx Pres cnt out-Jwok, 1876 will be the Revival your as ,vell as J4ie CeirtentiVYeir. j -.''.' In New Yorifj Peiinsylviinm, Marylandf m nectiuut, and in New .-Jlsunpsbife,.rcatrevi vals Jinye been, in progress ' for weeks ; in some localities, daily meetings' being held, and number of conversions .are reported, a i ..,:: ,. i j . From JP. Afihinston. The Science ok Health for January,: 1876, vigorously l'gins the year, and we consider it specially t interesting-- Some liew topics are started, " which: arel fu.ll of sngrestiyeness.l .The first chapter of a i S(.es of sketches, entitled 'From the'Cmdlo Id the Graven or, Studies in Family Life," I'.is exceedingly - promising. and deserves i u though tfnl Yeadlngv Ventilation temperature, and clocking receiVb a easonabje notice under the head of Ipula Physiology. "The Drug Business" is humorously! character ized. ToblKieeo Using": is "puffed' in tho way it should be. I There are some good thonghts on "Stairs and Sewing-Machines." "Butter and Olea-margarine" are discussed. The "Vine and the Grape"' is the title of a very interesting and well illustrated essay. There are numerous GENERAL NEWS. The Proposed Monument to. Genekal Leic S. Bnssett French, secretary of the board of managers , of the Lee Monument Associa tion. Richmond, Vn., , has addressed cir culswr tortus Southern piyss. in " which ho states that it is the desire bt tlio board tlwt ev ery Soathem'fomily shall "to ?isted ami solicit ed to" -contribute to the proposed monument fund.. .It is believi-d that the 19th of January, the ann.vers'ary of General Lee's birth, will be the uiest suitable pay for tlje general canvass to take place ; and circular letters have beep pre pared requesting ordinaries, judgeof counties, and mayors of town- in the Southern States to "lav off their respective counties and towns Has the BEST 1 1 WINSTON, N. OXTt a LIGHTED: SALEtROOIJ of any Warehouse ii town. IT WAS TIIE FIRST HOUSE TO REDUCE CHARGES. TIIE EIGUEST MARKET PRICES OBTAINED. 51,-3m. M. VORFLEET, Proprietor. fresh Rnd savory receipes.'and a fhlj assortment : uto numerous and convenient divisions, and - . ... i . i iw niiDoinimenis nave uwii ku"' Seward, W of Editorial Items. Answers to Correspondents, Literary Notices, etc. Altogetlier we regard it as a capital representative number. y Price, 20 pents per copy ; $2 a year. S. R. Wells & Co.. Publishers. 737 Broadway. New. York. . The AMEiitcAK Fakme. The first nnmbtir, of the new volume of the Amekican. Faiweb for 1876 i received, and ls a capital one jn ev ery rcspeilt. viTlie mass of practical information in every Hraneh'. uf agriculture. In ; this single number, wort'tat morv tsnny inquiring far mer who S anxious, to improve his land and his condition than the year's subscription. " Pub lislKfd by Samuel .Sands & Son. Baltimore, at $1.50 tier annum, : or $t for club or five or when requesttHl. NEW? OF ; WEiEK. . i . STATE ITEMS. , . The man who now punnw water.for;'' the en gine at China: Grove n the . C.-R." R. has btt n at it steatlily for about 22 years, ever since the road was builLri m j!" " It is 1 estimated tliat' fully S0;000 ponnds of jjork were: lost in' Wayne county by the recent warm weather. v In other E.-isterncounties the lossrin pork has also laien heavy. ' H VU !.'' '" '! " - J '' : " ! ' - 'An old. woman: living . near Old! Fort, N. C. has, with tjioi assistance of a large, dog, captur ed two or i tu'ee.i escaped convicts, delivered them to the officers, and deceived the reward of fered for their csipt lire, i i - i ' 9 Iews Bagger, Solicitor of Patents, reports T)e Raleigh News says: Sheriff Afch worth of Raixiolph advertises for sale at the Court Ilouse at Asldniro on the 7th- day of Februr.ary, , the franchise, ro:ld-U!l, and superstructure : of the North Carolina Railroad such a Jies in the county of; ll.andph, the: same i being duo for taxes lue from the roiul. j Wliether tlio comi.a ii y is unable io piy or whotiier it is resisting the assessments ioj v-ounty tJomnMssionerawe are not nren:titi1 tn tar Hit It is lnvitmc of this kind of trouble, : ; r Tho fr.lli.wjn firmTKl r Reward' Minister to China: Merrill, xii Ai-t. r tn R.Wiiwui Carpenter, Second Comp- foller ; Capipbtdl. Collector of Jiitenial Re ve line for tins third TeXas district ; Mattliews. Su pervisor of Internal Kcvonoo vice Mann, re signed ; Mosely, Postmaster at; Talladega, Ah bsma; Mullen, at Tuscaloosa, Alabima. Dri J. P: Ha sublet on.- 'f GtHrgia, was elected .clerk to tlie Committee of Ways and Means. Memorials from the.: Arkansas Legislature were presented asking the refunding of cotton taxes, iindtho construction of national levees for reclamation of alluvial lands on the Mjssis sippi riyer - '; :r-:. I'"' : )' Gordon presentetl niem.opjl pf tho Grocers' Association of Atlanta7;tjeorgia, against the "restoration of the dutv oh tea and coffee, ; - SA Matters concerning bankinffj currency and" resumption . of. specie payments by . national ' banks were referred to the Coiutnittoe on Biink ing and Cinenpyf:ders pert-lining to tlie legail tender notes werjTreferred to the Commit tee ou Ways aijd gleans. H t Qn fi paU of Sutiis,- among the bills introdnc-, ed, vas a bill to nepoal the bankruptcy act, and a bill to make prisoners on trial before United 6t(csjp6Qrts jomiieteht!vritnegp8.' if -V Mr. Douglass, of Va., introduced a resolution for the appointment of a Select j Comujittee to investigate tho affairs pf tlfe tfreedmen's Savings and -Trust Cimpany, and its several branches, and the causes of its failure, the parties respon ' sihle tlierefpr. &c Witji trjo names and resi dences of all ho ijubtors i of tlie .Compajiy Adpted.- ": . ' I I ' Mr. M! Caldwell jisked the number pf U. S. troops s'tiitioned in the States; of Alalwuim, Mis sissima. Arkansas, and Louisuma, on the 6th of Decemlx;r, 1875. i 'Morrison; of Illinois,, offt-red-a resolution di recting the $eye':d,Comiuittees having in charge matters pcrtainingr to Indian affairs, military affairs, naval affairs, post offices, public build ings and grounds, claims and Ayar claims to in quire into any abuses or frauds in the adminis tration and execution of existing laws affecting those branches of public services with ay jew to ascertain what eliangesuid reformation pan be made so as to promote integrity, economy ' and efficiency ; also instructing the committees. on exienditures. in the several departments to I proceed at once as required.by tlie rules of tho House, to (examine into, the state of the accounts and ixpeii1itures of the respective departments, whetlierall money lutve been disbursed in con formity with the. appropriation laws,, and what provisions are necessary to be adopted to jrt-o-vide more perfectly for the proper . application of the pubjic moneys, and to secure the govern nient against demands itijust4n chiiracteror 1 extravagant in amount.- jAdoplftdv i' ; jTvrt. of Illinois, offered' a resolution declajping thaf tie doctrine just enunciated by t4iir House "in " the, adofJtion of Uve j resolution offered by Mr. Carson, of Indiana. s so wise" and just that jt shoul le fpljpwed by tb,o! ofljeers of the House in tiljing the snljofdinate piaces under them,-and instructing them jn all such eases to give to well qualified Union soldiers the pref erence over soldiers of the late. Confederate ; army.- (Liugliter.) He moved thjj previous question on its adoption. .lJie previous ques lion w:w UQi $iVowun wjstiy a vow oi o 10 ;o3. ....-! --: --'r7T-:- r: Wood, o New York; i eftiarking that this was tho Centennial year, a yearj in which all past disscnions, diffii ultjes sind controversies sliould ; . ,, 7, , s r, ... ., r, . i j ,-JLA Bi'tliel Jolinsi.i), Itoc-Kingliani connty.- oration. av)ixint canvassers for each, who. upon official notice given, shall on that day ruako tho domi ciliary visits anl solicit generous contributions." All returns arfe t5 be maife to Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, treasurer of Virginia and nbo treas urer of the board, : , - , ; "I i :r :. ,:-' . I : , -. ' ; '' .' ; i Ancient Cnuucii Ateticles ToBEExnmrr- KD - AT THE PlULADETU'HIA CKXttiKtAU-A gentleman iii Richmond . has reivrd! a letter giving . a tlesci qaitMi if two mmm Union , ser vices iliat will lie sent to the Philadelphia Ceri tehnud for cxhb't'o,- '.Tlly' are tobo sent by the Episcopal eliuri-h at .Williamsburg, Va of which Rev. IJr. Wilnier U rector. ' j xn.uiis ciiurcii, on occasions oi uie noun ma more. Specimen nunets j will "bo forwarded liering-; of th.(IIoiy Communion,, two sets- bf communion' service nave been useu. t une is niado off.goM, being .beautiful, ami .' consists' of , only. two. oseces-ra round, bowl-shapcil cup with two handle .for the wine, and; a small saucer' lor. the bnad. This set was given. by some aristocratic ohl ' family. . ami bears their, crest of firms supposed to lmve been i given lo the church in 17C0. Tlie other set is of very hcavy silver, and was given by George IV, (of course 'before tho revolution of the colonies). It consist of tliree pieces a- tall tankard, with top, much like the shape now in use, for hold ing tho wine, a very handsome goblet of most beautiful proportions, very large, and a large, heavy plate for. the bread all ot. the pieces bearing the royal stamp, erowri, &q. These curious and interesting pieces of chujeh proj erty'will be sent to tho Centennial ;in the hope of deriving . some money for repairing the church. ltechmond Dispatch, " v ' j A special from Vieksbnrg; says that the two Caldwell brothers, blacki went into the streets for the week ending lWmber 31st. the follow- Kclinton Intoxicated and challenged the whole ins patent issued to" a North Carolinian; No. I ..d , ..n i nnh.ntMtA.i 17Q.932; bale ties and hoip: laces, jlo L. J. Bb 'dcnliaiiier, Kernersville, North- Carolina. mvitipg a good Tho News says Tlie Sec., of State has paid into tlie State Tea$ury in the hist four days, over five thousand dollars ifir' grants issued , for vacant lands, mostly , in if tlvo western counties. A1 amounts over one hiindretl acrg! are charged fifteen cents per acre, and ope hundred or less, at twelve and "a half cents per acre. Grants were issued on -last Friday to Mr. Wm." 1). Sprague, :of Morganton. for twenty-eight hmi ilrcd dollar's worth of land in CaldwelJounty. Fifty or sixty more grants! were issueiu a few days since fur parties from all portions' of Olhe State. t . 4 P ClOCK 'f iirn i. i n .i i iiti iiiiv' i mtHHti I f i WMiihut I tt I it .uco fr crt littn hue- I - ,- . J ' .aw .......WA...... ...7,-w aa. olfleetlNewlioil, ferquim! Ii:iv mi ntoi' hiiiii!Oiiibc. J ho mo- I 'i l - a : -A, .. r . . . i aro vJli u TniaTi rnrvisir. Iiuikin tl to ayes 12t. noes 1, anil tlie ., t.'i: ' if v.u'r. iness and tion was agree refOlution Was accord ingly referred In the House, on the 6th,. Reind:U from the Committed on Ajpropriat ions' reported a reo hltion iusttucting the Committee on Military Affairs to take into immediate considenition the pay and allowrvnceof :al officers Usf" the army, and report whether in any.land-if so in what enses'sochi pay allowances - should be reduced. Adopted, j -J ..v --i- j ;-i. j "Mr, New, of Indiana, offered a resolution, de claring that the fraternal feeling and gwd vll now existing in all sections of i the country and the manifest disposition and 'purpose -of. the men Who battled against ,eaeh other in the late civil war to join hands as -one jxople in the future is most auspicious to the inhering in of the Cen tennial year, and that while ,thus tlie people are making an honest effort to live together in jwace and to uphold the same flag of an undi vided country, their j representatives in Con gress shUld do no act vrhieh would necessarily disturb the patriotic concord' now existing and increasing not waiUorify revive the bitter meas urt?s of the past. a .- f . Hj Ho insisted on having the vote taken by yeas and pays, and it was accordingly taken and rej suited ; in the resolution being ; unanimously adopted, yeas 198. nays 0. - . ; : A bi)l tax ins aih'S of bonds, stocks and re ducing tax on toliiicco for tho relief of tobacco growers and ! delhiing tax on pialt liquors ,,re- Vrrit.. : i I : 1 1 i w. w.t i j, - ; I j .. ... ....... . j , : - . A I.' . s i. ' A resolution for a select committee to inquire into the inraid reb)crics and murders along tile Mexican border in Texas. 3 Adopted., . ' , , ' Blaine asked Rmdall whetlier. he' desired to bring the House to a vote on his Amnesty-bilf onjpndayfief R,inlal reified that he did; .fnTmrTfjen saxtitmit ne Ijau a suDsiuuxe to oner to twhicli h asked to have read, and ordered to be printed, i The substitute was reau sis Km lows : ." That all persons now under the disabili ties imposed by the 14th amendment to the Constitution of the United States? With "the ex pepfipn of Jefferson Paris, late President of the sq-cHlpd Confederate States, shall lie relieved of such disabilities noon their appearing before tPIJ Judjre of anv U. S. Court and talking am: subscribing in open, court thU following oath to bp duly attested ami recorded, viz: !, A. B., do splepmly swear or affirm that I will support nnq defend tlie Constitution pf tlip United tettateg against all enemies foreign. Hud domegtjp; that ; I wil) bear true faith nd allegiance to . tlie same that I Uike tbis obligation freely without any meiital reservation or i purpe of evasion and that to the best of my kiiovlege and ability, I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of n citizen of the United States." Tlie rpsolntioni of Mr. Goinle. of Va order ing inyestigationsjnto marin corps manned pf expending appropriations fur ten war sloops " and conduct of Nvy Yards .generally, causes great excitement ill navY circles, Adjourned to Monday. - ' , ' j . ' . . I On the lOtlu jietitions were presented asking the repeal of the upecie resumption act. s ! . A resolution was submitted by Conoverj of Florida, authorizing and requesting the resi dent to declare and maintain the strictest neu trality between the government of Spain and llio pA-oplw of Cuba. 'i 'In the IIouse, bills were introduced to repeal In pnrt the act of last session, providing: for tho resumption of specie payments, and to facilitate the resumption of specie payment without coti traetion of fhe currency. i . i'; . Amnesty bill considered to adjournment: Says tlie Wilntington Star of Tuesday!: "The first fair of tlie " colonel Industrial Exposition Associathm, and tho first: fair of the ' kinjl ever held by the cohtrod people- of this' State,' was inougurated here ;Monda. "Af iroetssion was fornlicd at twelve on Third Street; lwsuled-by the Rise B'udj Band. folJfw,el by ,tl)( Order of Good &imarit.fis. tlie colprp! Mason io fraternity," citizens on fojot, carr riag4eontkiiiing the irators,-&c. The 'Ktyafto ville Star Band-wjas nlso in tlie prooeushni,. flip marched through!; the princiiml streets, Tialtinjr hi uie giouuus eonier 01 jiiignu: nu j. rinccss streets, where thd sixjaking took place. ' -- J-vHj'T-. I' u';:-.,-f -ix :. i The following young men havo just been li censed by the Supreme ,Cout tapractice law: Tliomas Braxton 'Bailey Da vie jpotinty; f. Jacob BattleA Kilgecombe touty. Elwin .Thomas JJoykiii, Simjison count-.; . William Frederick C:unpbclj pu lit he i land icounty. ; - Theodorus Henderson Cobb. Lincoln county. William Joseph Grmn, Pasquotank county. Piukney Alexan- ctnihty. William ans county. Rich- count y. YVaight rd count v. Hen ry Howard banuiinj Unslow countv. tieorsto Manems bnitHles;: Wake county. Harry Skill' tier, Pitt coiinty John Henry Smytho, cbl. New Hanover county. Julian Augustine Tur ner, Stanley comity... and Walter Parker Wil iamson Edgccoii)bc county v . i face of the earth, and quantities, he leasee nominal sum, and at Pile Asheville Pioneer says : No ' one . article of exportation has employed more capital and industry, and Drought .more money into West ern pnii c;arouna, in uie piust live vears, lhan mica.: Then is! harxily a county west pft,;.the iilue Kidire out What it is -found in. srnwiter or ess ouanties, bti I 111 the county of Mitchell hear ly every land owner is the possessor of a mica mine. A! few years since one of the firm o Heap A? Clapp, Knoxville merchants, while on a business .trip to thsit county, noticetl -a", child playing with a large sheet of this shining mui? eral. As a stove-dcah r, ho knew its value as article of com nierce. : He" made some inoniries in regarm to wnere it coma ikj louud," ami wjis answered "You may j pick it up most any wnere about nere.-: : jie lmmediateiy-hegan in vestlg:itlons .below the sui finding it to jcxit , in vast a large tract! Of Ian il for. a once commenced mining1 operations under the title of Heap & Clapj. The result was most fortunate. Both gentlemen realized an Hide pendency from tho venture. Mr. Clapp having since died, the ; imsinesS; is still esirned on by his lady i and surviving' ipartner. The widow. recently refusexl $150,000 for her-iiiterest in the minusv Shev recently received, through her at torny,Jl09,000, her sliarei of 4 the, receipts for mica sold trom theJLst day of ApriU: to the'29th day of Qotboetf. '"-. ' I- l-l j ' rJ V' S :j-: 'i. v.j."t--i ore iuiinriou uwssryfyr says: a lew flays since the store-4ionse of the :Li,te ffrni'of Grier & AJexaauler. was ld at auction, by the trustees. It was purehased by ;'Col.3. -.It'Morehead. ror $9,000. This pr6pM ty H.is j situated . 'ou Trjide street, between CoUego; arid A, and is account ed as among' the most valnkble in the city. The property known as the Crnse Lots, on : Tryon. Chnreli and Seventh streets, near the Episcopal Church, was sold on yesterday. The property was dividwl into eight lots ami the total amount iealized from the sale of the eight lots, was $5,- 070. Six $100"Shares of First Natitnal B.nnk stock were sold yesterday for $ 106 per share $6 "preudum. l . , i ! .ill 'V : ! j !' . J '.' ' .. I The Hon. Burton Craige. bf Silisbury. died on Thurf day morning, Dec.30,at tho residence of his son-in-daw. A. B. YJung, Esq., in Con cord, whero ho bad beon lying sick for two or three weeks past, in tlie 6oth year of his age. Mi"; Craige was serving-his fourth term in the United Suites - Congress when the war broke out and afterwards one term in the Confederate Congress1 He was one of the most prominent lawyers in, Western JNjorth Carolina. retiring untnolesteu. Caldwell, nn ex-State streets; much intoxi- town .to L hglit, hnally About sundown Charles Senator, appeared in the pated and declared himself afraid of no man. A nstol wiisjaeeidentaJIy tired in tlie rear, of a. store into which Caldwell bad entered, when lie rari into the cellar as the citizens rushed Into the store. Callweireommenceci firingand at thjo second fire Dr.! E. G. Ranks fell" seriously1 wounded;-' The citizens rcturnod.the fire, mor- tally wounded Caldwell. Fearing more trouble .i ' iI .Ja r'--, . r . -A iio .mayor u'legrappqn io vicssonrg lor assist ance. . jno lurtuur imuoio was apprehended.: About three months ago an old and respected citizen of Petersburg dicd.ienviug, ns was sup posed,' a very whall estate tobedivided between a wife and several cbUdtjeiT " Among his effects was nn old desk that he alone had had access to for the past f Wi'hty :or twenty-five years. This family were very much surprised on owning tlie said dek n-centlv t film that it contained bonds with coiuMHis attached aniouutiug' to between forty and fifty thousand dollars, which lad been purchased by him more than sixteen ..A. A S i years ago. Jhe Interest coupons are; still on tlu'in. none having lecn cuiecteil during that ong penol, rctcp&bitrg Index and Apicul, ' f I c L. I . : ") ' Somebotly has hwn shown from tho reports of the Buneau '.of Elucation' that there aru no fewer than -22S 'universities and colleges" Jn our countr-, which conferred l."st yeJtr 3,520 degrees in course, ajid &AI luntr:iry degTees. This wjis quite indciiendcnt of the thirtv-five agricultural colleges, with their-362 desrrees: the 65 w.onaan's colleges, with their 663 degrees ; the 81 medical selioojs, with their ?..845 degrees ; the 59 divinity schools, with their 630 decrees-;' and in fine a total of 8,8wS degrees in courseJ Tlie New York-Srtrt reports that, tfnder the new arrangements. Mr..Heeeher gets 845.00: 1 :is editor of the Christian Union, Mr; Chtave- laml SiO.000 as publisher, and Mr. King 85.000 as assistant publisher, find that several women in Brooklyn have investi-d in the stock of the imper. on the personal solicitation of j Mr. and Mrs. Beeeher. '"?' '' '''f'" New York wound up the century in charac teristic style. , Tlie Tinted, of Sundayj rccrds among the festivities' a man shot at a hotel; two men stabbetl; a bov'shot; a -milkman shot while going about Ins business; three men shot" in ope street ; one in another, nnd'a girl severe ly wounded by a pitd. And tho atmosphere. wsis not .clear enoujrh for rood shooting either. Meetings havo been held over the whole State of South Carolina; for the purposa ot en dorsing the course of Governor Charnberlain and protesting' against the election bf. Moses and Whipper toithe Circuit Court Bench. CUT THIS OUT, ' It,Moy iSavo -Your i : i I 1 , Thore Is no person living but what suffers more or less with Lung Disease. Coughs. Cokls. r Consumption, tyet some would : die'-'ratfwr than pay 75 cents for a bottle of modiciao'lhai would cure them. Dr. A. Bosclwp's Gerniaj) Syrup has lately been introduced,. In this coun try from trerniHny, and its wondrous cures as tonishes every one that tries "it. ,If yon doifbt what we eay In print, cut this out and take it to your Druggist," prSV. O..Th,itnpson, Wifl- ston, N. C, and get a sample bottle for 10 cents and try it, or regular size for 75 cents.,' t- - v . FATTERSO. A CO. Keep well select ed line of, v . ..i. . -js-i. :'. :. STAPLE CARPETS. ' i ' i " ! hemp and Grass mats. ' - .j : . OIL CIATHS, TABLE LINEN AND NAPKINS. Tliey ' will san iwhl to their stock n line of WINDOW CURTAINS, booght of A- T. Stew art & Co.; in elegant designs and at very low pricesJ : '. ' ' : t , ' i -".'' They correspond with large wholesale lions- psinJthc Northern cities, that inmisn .tairpvis. '.Oil Cloths and Ciirtain! of any iUyht or finish, and any order can "be filled In a few'days. " They kocp also ah assortmciit of tho hew and popular PAPER WARE, i- : - ..; STheir's is the only house in this part of tlw Sfat- that can furnish BURIAL CASES, and BURIAL ROBES, tho latest and handsomest garments for enrobing tho dead." j - , Iilccting of the Board of Education. :,TJIE BOARD OF. EDUCATION, for Forsyth Cotnrty will meet "at the Court House in Vinitt6n "oiitlte first Monday of February next, and ill per sons having busincs before said Board, are hereby notified to attend. :J. H. WHITE, Jan,-13-No-2. , -1. j Clerk bf Board. A Ufternl St Beantinil Holiday Cilft,- Those who wish to please their wives and daughters will be glad to learn that Mr. Jones, the: General Agent of Wilson's Sewing Machine, will discount five per cent, rrom list prices, from December 1st to Jan uary 1st: Such a liberal offer is seldom extended to the public. ; ,f i- va.i. 17 FINE QUT BOOKS. :.: MabeTMartln, by Whittier.- . . ,.! i j rhe Snepherd Lady, by Jean, Ingelow. Italian Pictures. Spanish Picture The Sea and ita.Wonders Allibon Poetical .Quotations. . -Allibone ProsetQubtatioiis. CarlefotfSi Fariii : IBaUAds. Tlie British Poets iti Faiic'y Holiday: Binding. and a general stock .of tht BESTJ i BOOKS for general reading, at the BOOKSTQREJ . BEAUTIFUL PAPETRIES. 50 and 75. Very fair commercial Note 30 cents f4r five quires - Envelopes from SO to 70 cents box., f Corn". . Wheal. 1 Flour, : MeaU Chop , ... Uacon Pork. ; Lard,. . Eggs, Molasses, Cheese Fae.' Mount. Batter Peas, - OUR DAILY EXCHANGES, THE DAILY NEWS. ' PL'BLIBHKD'bY THE iNEWS PUBLISHING COMPA"N f j Raleigh, N. !. : .ir?i . Ai&sii 1a irt.AiVAAC;: :-.'- j Dxihx Epitioh One copy one Tear. I . . t ?",'. . "s six months, " - ' s'i :. ;"" "" three niohths. 5.,; . " .'i $7.00 $30 .$2.00 TIIEEVENTNG ItEtiEW.: Pnblishetl every afternoon, Sundsy,.excepted, in Wilmington N. C, by , " V. "-, . , J A Jl fi 3 AC rftHiw,' : I Editors and Psopbibtom..' I . Scbscbiptioss." Postage Paid : One vears, $5.00 Six nionths, $2.50: Three months, $1.25;. One L 11.: V X. I .. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ,10 a 1 m I 75 a 3 00 2 a o 2 a . 2 13 18 0 00 S900- TIlEMARKETSi ' Corrected by It: A.' Wommack & C ' " DeaUr itt General Merchandise. -7 00 ft 75 I Salt .1(Aiftl ' " American, 0 00 -Candles nlh 18 a 2t Oils, Linseed.0.00 1) 1.24? ' " Kerosene, 22 b'SO Sheetings, FrW B. T; . . A $4 Yam, Fries. 0 00 a 1 15 Iron- "-"S' - JTailf, " - 41 ..,:, Calf Skins, rreen. 10 ct. - "Tallow. . S a 10 Beeswax, 28 a SO Clover Seed. 0 00 a J toi l Home grown ;0.0Qji Q.0 Barrels Floor, Fruit 'SO Brick. . ltjo' s oo;oe 8hin?le: V' - Longleaf pine. 4.50 a 5.i0 Ilay.percwt. 50 i CO 12J 10 55 18. 15 25 Apples, green, 50 dried, A Potatoes,sw. 50- insh. 50 Coffee, i 22 Supar, i 8 cnwnen.t lo 18 15 40 25 20 00. 00. 0 00. 10 00. oo so 15 18 ft' lTJeu pei.,peftcfiizi a z i snnrr tteann. "H ".-unpeel 6 i, lned Chrrrje 18 tO ; Dried Blackberries. 0 to 10 I ; . - - ,- rWINSTOX TOBACCO MARKET. igEw Common, -,-r ... aOoooL working. r Bright medium "smokers, Fancy smokers, - Leaf,, Common,- '.' Good, . j '-' Medium wrappers, Yellow; i M i Fancy I f " ; Mahogany medium, " good, . D A Y nt home. Arcnts wanted. Out- tit "d term free."- . ' .- TKUE Jfe CO.. Angnsta Ma.ine. $12 $77 $5 lo $20 A WEEK guaranteed to Male and Female Agents, in thwr ltKsiliy.. Twms and out fit free. Address 1, O. VICKEUY & CO.. Augusta MaiueAf ' i - ' ' - ' per day at lioiue.' "Bdm'plcs worth $1 free. . - ' STIN8UX & COj. Portland Maine. THE DAILY" JOUKNAli THE OLDEST DAILY IK KOBTS CKOISA, TS PrBLWHEl) EtKBT MORNIKO, BXCEPTM05Di BY aSJCGELHART & 8AUNDEI13," witMiKGTOs. ir. c.: :.-.:'T-i' One year., postage jaiu, .... Six inontlis ..... .. a t . ..I f ' ". t. Ona month. ..$8 00 ..$4 00 75 A GENTS, the greatest. chance of the ae. ' . A. ' drtss, with. btaiup-, Nationai Copy Co,. Atlanta Ga. . j .1 ' ,'.--.; Ad- ing THE'MORNINd PUBLISHED DAILY, BTXj. b WM. H. BERXARK 11 ,' Wihuington. K. 0. t'- . Rates of Subseriotioiit in ad faiice: One copy one year fiKt;ige pnid) tbree months." " one month . .. '',' " ADVERTISING 1IM RELIGIOUS AND i ; j WEEKLIES, 400 2.25 1.00 Danville Primings i Lugs (Very Common, Medium, Fine Smokers, . Leaf Common, Good . Wrappers Medium, " Fine, ' " ". Extra, f Tebacro f S QQ to 4 OQi. 4 sXW -7 00 5 00 to 10 00 " 10 (X) to 20 00 4 50 t o 6 00 -6 00 to ; 8 00 J..-8 00 tq 12 00 10 00 io 25 00 25 00 to 4StXf 00 00 to 00 00 , 00 00 tp 00 00 ' i V i 4 , "; ... ; Marbet. V". i.!i50 to 2 50 , ,.,C.O0 to 5.00 . . 5.00 to 0.00 . 10.00 to 16.00 4.00 to 6.00 0.00 to 7.50 - 7.60 to 10 00 . : 12.50 to 25 00 ' - 25.00 to 50.3. Richmond Tobaccs Market. ii SE5D FOR CATALOGrE . f- ... .111 lull ! - a ! T II E D X I L Y . O li H BUY E R. CIIAS. R. JOKES & F BREVARD MtDOWELL in Charlotte. N. C ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES, Daily ! year; (ojt paid) in advance pRiifixGS Loowe, " ' ': Prized, ' . Lcgs, Loose ahd priied, .... Ls a r. Common to mediani, ' " ,.(fOoI, ! ?'wr ; Gok1 fine brown and dark, RApptES. Bright. yellow, com niou to good, Fiue do do .... . r i -J - j . ... t 9120 a 4 00 2 00 a 4 CO 2-50 a 5.J0O ' 4 50 a 5 50 " t 9 00 10 X)13 00 6 mow I" - '... " ' - 4 - . 4.00 . Smos. "I " ,..-- ; - 2.00 1 mon. , " -;)' ; -. 75 Lrcs-TCommon ? Good . Extra H.no ! LxAr lommon Medium Fine ON THE LIST PLAN. For information atldros ' ! Geo. P. Rowell & Co., 41 Park Row, NEW YORK. 5-tf. SAFETY LAMPS. OX E.XPLU5IVTE, at liianufataim-rH prioe. at f 'BKIGBT. Lies Common chafl'y mokers and hllers, 8 00 to 10 00 Medium to good smokers tesit roaTo XJ tr- , ADVERTISINQ IW Canadian Newspapers I $1 fori 2S - at C1IOS LAND'S. OUCH WHEAT 5-tf FLO I it at and! SVRl'P R04 LAND'S. t-t :r.- ' SEND rOR Ot'R CT.LOOVK ON THE LIST PLAN. l ' . I I s ; For information, addrrti Geo. PJ Rowell & Co,; 41 Park Row, IMEWi VOKU. !2-4tf. I- I : You can find a gojl PATFVT AXE. for Une Liollar. at I j : hDtSST JIU.T HOMIaX Y do OLD. SLACK.. good 12 50 s, 35 00 a 25.00 50 00 $4 00 7 50 a oo 8 00 00 00 to 00 0 00 t ( 00 IS 00 to 16 on to lo to to of all VU.M .SAUK'S. pl i ; - - - ct 'CR LAND'S." . , ..-and fillers. Extra smokers , " LxAr Medium tpgood fillers Extra fillers ' WiArrns Common . Medium to good Fine - - . Extra." ; ; WRAPPKRs-Common to medium 15.00 to 20 00 11 50 to 15 0O 25 00 to 35 CO 10(H) to 12 00 17 00 to 20 00 18 00 to 25 00 30 CO to 45 00 50 00 to 65, OO 75 00 to 80 00 Good to fine. Wrapfers. Good- to .Extra I BAPPLR. fine 25 00 to 30 00 to 35 00 to 35 QU 35 00 50 00 kinds, pure and unadulterated, aa cheap as toe cheapest, at j; r .: No FaveHcvllle, Jan. 5. Baron 12 a 15 Flour, $6.00 a $6 50; Cor n 0 70 a 0 75; Oais 00 ii 60 : Ky. SI 00 ; Wheat. SI 20 a S1.3U J-ard, 10 a J: urajiuv, li OO : uiskv. corn SldO zevelY s Urua More, $u-5oi 4o;.aitMoai5o.- j. J. V ."i " 7 CImrlotte. Jan. 10. Bacon 12i A 15; .S2 00 s S225ii Salt X FOR SALE. Frank MonltOn has Beeeher, for $5,000. f entered suit nirainst Supkeme CotRT. This trilnnal eonvenetl in,' Ralt igh: last foiuhiy. -week. Ciises from tlie varioiisl julici:(l districts' will ba taken up in the'folhvint order : , 1st week, 1st and 21 districts. , 2d week. 4th nml 5th districts. 3rd Week, 3rd and 7th districts. 4th Week. 8th and 9th districts. 5th. jveekj 10th and 11th districts Ct) WHk, 12t!h and 6th ditricts. I i If. . J. rrrr.1 married; In Memphis Tennessee. Miss Maggie' Davis, dantrhter of Jefferson Davis, to Mr ArDisoNillA.YES. icaslucr of the Statd National Bank.,i.. , j j:t.. j ' "rAt thfj residence of Hon. William M Rohbins, in Statsville, N. C. on the 29th of December. 1875, Rev:- M. L. Wood, (of K. C. Cohference.) to Mrs J Amanda. A. RoBBRiS. Rev. Ii. G. Bar-, rctt omciatlrig. ' j -: 'v. ' j ,j , At the residence f tho bride's fatlier. neai' Mtl. Airy, on Thursd.13; lec. : 30th. 11875', j by"; Rev. Ci Ca Ilaymore. Mr. Stephei Williams,' of Va.And Alius Sarah Ja Midkitf. ! . On Tliursday. DwOernbr 231. 1875. hv iF-Brindle. Esq., Mr. Wlux Faxclkb to Miss Fankik Bbkwer : all of ForsythA 4 ' .f ' .V 1 I. J ' ' ' ' l i' . : "'I - ' 1 " JOn Hie Defiembrr. 18T5. bv F. Bnndle. F.o Mr. James Pattox, to Miss Nancy Rominobb; ail of IVii-awr li ' .. ' ( - .' 1 1 t On tlie 30th December. 1875. at the residence of the. bride's father, by F. Brindle, Fsq.J Mr. Jacob Sanders to Miss Lyma Brewer, of Forsyth. ' f On the 21st nit., bv J. H. Cox. Eso.. Mr. JAmks E. Ztoi-AR to Miss Mattis E. M.X)be. Also! 01 the 23d ult.. by the same. Mr. James A. Fktrek to Miss Mart A5S i ir EEPLE3. ; . .! desirous of marine a chanee In my bijsir neas; I will sell Uie btukehuuw aim uui. opposite tlie Female Axiailemy, on: be corner former lv known as 1 IlaU's Corner.'" Will sell Storehouse either with or without shark of poods. It is olio of the best stands in Salum or Wiirston. :. t - j Apply tO " ' '' Aug- 1G, lSTvtf.- i B. F. CR03I,ANI 1 1 inOOTCES! - HAVING duty qqalined as I'ublio Administra tor, with the will "annexed," on the estate of Akka M. Blum, deceased, all persons indebted to said estate,1 are requested to come forward at once and make paymeut-to! me; and all those Jiaring claims agaiu-st the said estate, are Jiereoy uotiiied. to present them duly proven, within twelve months from "this date, or this notice will be plead m bar of their recovery . r t j i - i D. P. MaVST, Public Administrator. embracing 1 '.iii 1. f . GROUND CiyXAMOX, 11 ri a ! TFaPPER, j GINGKK; n MU.STAKDoJ In; fact all SPICKS usually ,kept in tho Stores. a1so . ' j1 , '"' . I ESSENCES of Cinnamon, Ginger, Lemon, Peppermint, nd all other ESSENCES usually kept in' stores, to 1 De haa at itvtLY S IS ru Li r lor! !t he name jn-ioa that inferior artirles-are fold, at else where; My essenoes are tivioo the strength of those found elsa where," . em, K. C, December (1st, 1875. Call at ZevelyrS iSiore. I INITIAL. IlPER.-nInlsrtt variety no c.-iicm liooKstore. . -i 1 h Flour. 3 00 a $3.50 ; Corn, 60 a 65; Oat sr 55 60 ; Wheat. SI "20 a $1 30 ; Brandy, $1 75 a $200.- j '" . . '" rAi'EK. Iatet styles of. Plain and Fancj Note Paper jxit nu In boxes, embracing ' Small Note Size. Lng and Sonare Fold.. j , - Extra Long Envelops." nil af tho finest quality and nio-t fashionable slyles. ut j BLUM'S BOOK STORE. IKFELICE is Mrs. Augusta Evans Wilson new-and charmine book, probably the bet ever written by this most fascinating Southern authoress; The work is selling fast and Carl. ton's presses in New York are task ed to their utmost to produce them faat enoug h to supply tlie demand at Blums, . - " LAND FOR SALE! yct "variety BLANKETS, Aci Oood Jot of; BED LAP, and JI0RSE BLANKETS, cheap at J-.: . i . - .-."' . II. i jWOMMACK'S. . - ' i . . ' . v ,'. I ;... 'r - Mf. Mary J. Hoi mps Ikis just returned from , Europe where ehe ha? been enjoying herself lipPl) prPpepv? Of her story H'ritrajr. ! i r Foreign Sews. jThercfis n minlste1ilal crisis in France. Cabinet council was held Sunday night- j . i Serious disturbances are reported at Chavlo roi, Bel;inm. i The military were obli-ed to in- tcpfero nnd many piMsons were killed. A bat- tallion of guards has been sent to the scene pf trouble from Brussels! ; 1 War is threatened in Enropo op account of Turkish afifaira. vears. v 1. ; : 1 j. . . . a 111:1 huvci U UUteUJ " T" offer for sale a valuable tract of land, lyinpln eight miles of Salem, adjoining the 'lands of Joseph I THAArA - ntlrl Dl f rC Millen Jr.. Timothy Fishel, aud others. containin I rRfiS 'all (J IT IHiIlS OaNE HUNDRED AND. FIVE ACUES of which 1 VVV 11U ; tH 20 acres arc cleared and in a good state of cultivation, tliere beini? not less than half of this '20 acres in ORCHARD OF THE MOST CHOICE FRUITS, and in good bearing condition. The, remaining 85 acres are well timbered white oak and hickory be in abundant. 1 . ...This tract lies within one-fourth of a mile of J. II. Miller's Foundry and Machine Shop, and is a Very desirable locution tor a mechanio, farmer, or trades man. . I will sell this land privately, at any ' time between this and the 1st of March, and parties wish--ifttf to-purcjiase will do wxjll to appy aonea. r Jj'or -further particulars,' call 011 or address, - ii. 1 a A. HEUE, Salem Agrl Works.' No-l-4w. .-' .! (. r p.., ,j 4:-;..:.;.v Salem,.. N. C Holiday Annouhcerrierit ! 155S5 WE invite the attebtion of ",ftS5?L 4f3$3 Planters to our large arid i?Wt yrr complete stock of Stundatd m n"'1 ntpn"f' J H .. l ' 1 Van " TREES, ' Standard and Dwarf'-V : ;r e a. o h:4, t bee s, mi , Manoard, and lwart-.4- APRICOT, CH ERKy,'Ii ECTAHl NET pTJINCE '. Trees, of the mostobproved vHetlrEiT JOB PRIWTirJC. ' We call the attention of all classes tcko vsih printing executed neatly, expeditiously, and upon reasonable term's, to the facU'ttic offered . at thcPeople's Press Printing Establishment We can furnish r at short notice, , s' BLANKS, BILL-HEADS, ' - i LETTER-UKADS, CABBS PROGRAMMES, HANDBILLS, , . PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES P0STERSf NOTES, CHECKS, i ' 1 .DRAFTSJvc, Ac, GRAPE VI N ES- STRAW REnt1?V;:A5f D ni f vOA . 1 RA.SPBERRV PLANTS. w IQLTOur New Descriptive C4talogues M. tl. In Norfolk. Va.i on the 22nd nlt M. H. Pikkii. lfisqJ of Iexmgton. N. C. and Miss CodStmky Bax- teb, only daughter of Dr. O. F. Baxter.1 i , A . j ." j .. DIED, r.': In this Co., on Thursday last. Mr. Wbbit Brewhr TOYS, GIASS AKD VXnm WARE, ; ; CON PCTIOJTEBIES, f i . and a General i Stock . of ' &' Address CRAFT Jt S AltOR: jledPUins". ' Cedar Cove Surserv. " Yadki4; untv. N C Mrs. Aunst-i Evans Wilson has made 8100, ,uvu ny novci writui? in the past eirht ami sie says tliat u n lei ico bhe has marneil a nuh UQshjvnd and lives near Ala. i ' OBITUARY. - ' ' J DIED, in PfafTtown, Dec. 30th, 187f. bf consump tion, Chakles E. Tbansoc, youngest son, b Ephrainy and Adalaide Trans ju, aged 80 yearaV" j ' 1 If CrtARLKV was unknown to fortune and to fame ' it was because he sought neither. He was not am bitious. As a disciple of tlie Christ he had learned, ' not to seek tlie praise and honor of men, but to win by a life of righteousness and peace the honor and praise that cometh from God. I .- Charley loved the truth, and he -enjoyed the freedom that truth alone can give. Believing with all hts heart. God's record of his Son, he was soon after the war, baptized . into the church of Christ and died as he had lived, faithful tq his King. ; He loved God and he loved his nitrlih.r having lived peaceably and walked humbly, he rests from bis Jabors and his works follow him. fill 1 . , iiiere is a uauu ion nose wno weep, A rcsrv lur frcury iilgnius IOUlia ; Tbey sqftl lie and sweetly sleep, i ' Lqw in the ground. AT PW. JMELLER'S Old Stand. Work Boxes from 50 eta to $3.00. "All liajrid- aAA 1 : . 1 1. a a i..i..ia.i't- "iu biiu in luo laitCwb aiyioa, .ouuia verjr oiq gant trinket boxes, j -,..'; ...1... tr '.NOTE PAPER and ENVELOPES tut up In neat and fancy Boxes, with and without Ini- tialsi . These- Goods jits verV firveltfhd selling A ! f 1 m A 1 . 1 ' I A aa. vome geiore ine siook is orosen- jr.- Notice. ; ..." .p-l BS..TnOMASJ BOyRRThas resamad tb business of Coloring and Cleanslr g. and is prepar ed to. Dro'every. description of ladies. -and ganUa- m on -mm am 9 - lt St 3rd door from comer, back of the Jiank. . 'j.--, Salem Oct. 23, 1875, 13. V.. iv'1 Mosic A choice lot of Sheet Music, care fully ..selected by Prof." E. W. Linehack. - for Kileatthe - NOTION STOKE: T Something Xlce for : Christmas, '-A -fiiie lot of PICTURE- FRAMES. IirRo and Small just reoei vel at LiNKBACK'fi , Photo-OltAPU- GAtXEBT. , .,: - ... - -.A.,! ., - Irgp3 PHOTOGRAPHS for FRAMING, reprodncted from Oil-Paintings, Crayon Draw ings, The very thinsrs for Presents. Ther i-aro choice. .. .. " ;. Call nnd see them. , The storm that faoks the wintry sky, No more disturbs his deep repose, I Than Summer evenings' latest sigh, I rrWi iqy.rose. A ne undersigned begs leave to inform bis friends and customers, that -be has jceoeiw his qURISTIvIAS STOCK OF GOQDSi oon sistinff of FANCY GOODS. TOYS. CONFEC TIONERIES, FRESH PLAIN AND FRENCH CQN0IES, of hisowq manufacturirr iNUTS. RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS- French and Stewing PRUNES, CITRON, B. AN ANA'S, OR ANGES, CRANBERRIES, c , Ac' i ln short everything suited to the season, in his line, at the lowest reasonable figures. Thanking his friends for the liberal patronage heretofore received, he hopes to continue tp deserve the same encouragement in, future. ' j J. w L .Il W- MELLE.R,- K The; Best I Books for Boys and Girls of - il agea ana tastes are now on the-aW 3 M OTESES3SEl'iaa. Our Second Stock of Fall & Vinlei- . Goods. We havo just recoivod the Largest and xaost varied ktocls of GOODS ever offered in Winston . or Snlim Webaj forCMVpuWanUin quAntitlej th.tDaVla a, to 'get bottom price, TOneauntlr '0tockiiUli. of TerarU(iiy of gbodinsed bj tbomw.. of thepet.pl.. - r't'.'i.:-! I wvy groceries, iron, JLeather and Nails :e a" 'i;r.; TWA ft ISiA.! stuvniA T.tPV ! ooai, Klnfni. KvnIrftAA . M - r - - : T'Tl1j .Y1. i'"K - f prices. i '-"I .':. ' ': t 'l : : ;-fjV,i ;;i I. . I ' '", " 'Ii' , ;' ': I'. " . ' ! is M ' i '!. . I '; ' .Hi . "."-.. i . - ! I - I i -1 . 1 s, . . I '

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