I ' : - ' 1 1 SAILE31, X. O. AUGUST 3, 187G. - - - . Ejje file's fj L. V. & E. TV BLUM, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. CASH IN ADVANCE.- f to. on 1 00 -75 : 0n copy, one year;.!.. " " six months,..., " " three months, LIBERAL DISCOCST TO CLUBS. Vance and Settle at Rutherfordton. i From Charlotte Observer. ied nlong vriti peace and we l the bloody shirt. Wo wanted could reply to. one nt a time.) lie then went I alono was entiucd to the crodit of suppressing would have had it long nco. if it over tho same old ground of ku klux, and when 1 tho rebellion, and said that the clalui was "a uaun t uccn lor uie - radical party, i keeping up the issues of tho war. Like ?the stago driver. when after n loner vovaire he sailed im in to tho door of tho hotel, and one of his horses fell dead in tho harness. Some timo was greatly sen rod and called for the bible and wanted to'swe'ar off right awav. The bible was brought and John took a most solemn oath never to blow lout a candle ns long as he lived. fiie Republicans swear they will never-takb Grant again. jTho Revenue mountains to tho Irishman from mosquitoes: On seeing a thought j it was no uso to hide frcimthe darned critters as long as they had 'make up that tost money. Like trying. to hide lightning bug,' and the hanging up by the neck unarmed citi zens in lime of peace, bnt he never could forgive its attempt to Saxon race beneath the African race. Our old ancestors laid the first principles of freedom in letter books of Gov. Vance were taken from him the German, forests. rhoir liavies have whit- bv the Federal troot and tho Government now ened every seal. and theii power has been felt in I holds tlicm in Washington City, and refuses every laud, and yet the Republican party wish- I Govt Vanco admission to his own letters, while ed to force thej Civil Rights and Social Equality they permit Judge Settle, his opponent, to inn upon uie winie peopio oi uus country, ms i make all out ol tueni no can ana in nny way eloquence at this period, was of the highest or- I ho can. Gov.-Vanco held tho letter op to the der and wonderfully thrilling in its; tone, jind it I people and pointed to tho garbled ext produced a marked impression upon the sea of I had been made. Ho said that ho a faces before him. He urged the. people to sup port the Constitutional Amendments, three of which lie especially called their attention to: the prohibition of Uio Interniarriiige of whites and blacks; the provision of separate schools . On Monday we left with a party from Cleave- land Springs to be present at tho first meeting f the two standard-bearers of the two political parties of the State, which was to take place at ltiitherfordton the next day. Ave saw plainly from incidents along the way that an immense crowd, such as Rutherfordton probably had never seen before would be present. Our car riage was peered into at nearly every house by curious persons, looking irk vain for the famil iar face of Vance. We passed a wagoner on a Ions hill who called' to know ; if we were going to see "Zebedee," and on being answered in the affirmative, he winked significantly 'and gave thrco cheers. We verily believe that nearly every man in tho mountains thinks that half of 'Zebobee" belongs to him, and that he is secured by a mortgage that cannot be taken from .him. We could not help from marking thcontrast in greeting given the two speakers upon their arrival in he town. Vance came by wav of Spartanburg, accompanied by tho band of that place and several admirer and leading men of the mountain country, while Settle rode in a buggy, and the time of his coming was' un known. From sunup until noon, the people icame pouring in by couples and squads. Eve ry vehicle from an ox cart to a carriage bore the old farmers who were anxious to see old Zeb. and shake him by the hand once more. A delegation about forty strong m6ved in from , Shelby, and stopping in front of the Erwin Ilons'c, at which Vance was staj'ing, gave him three loud cheers, and moved on. In the mean thne, a perfect throng'besieged the hotel until . the band wagon, drawn by four chesnut sorrels, with Vance plumes upon their heads, led the way to the grounds. Gov. Vance was intro duced to the audience by G. M. Whitesidcs, Chairman of the County Democratic Executive Committee, and on arising said in substance: .When comparatively a young and unknown man, he had sought the suffrages of this people to send him to Congress, they had responded heartily, and he was triumphantly elected. Eighteen years had elapsed since tln'n, franght with many vicissitudes and changes, .together with a desolating war. He novK liad the honor '-to appear before them' for the Chief Magistracy of .the State. Was glad of the opportunity of meeting his opponent, Judge Settle, face to face, as it brought back tho time-honored cus torn practiced by our fathers. It was right am : proper that opposing candidates should meet . and discuss the issues before the people. De fined his position ns n lipoid Whig and a Union . man at the beginning of the war. -He wen with his State because he could not i turn his gun against his own people. Frequent chan ges of parlies are necessary to a pure and hon est administration of '; tho government. When a' party is too long in powfer, its leaders forget that they are the servants of the people. The Republican!) havo been too long in power. It has held nearly every branch of " the government - r r r, . i . . , " . jor uiieeri years. i lias Dciraycu every irusi . s .i vumuiiucii iu u.ib, . im9 tlie wnr Jtu which tO most corrupt party that ever existed. Govern ments are organized to protect tho life and lib erty of the citizens. In many instances- the Republican party has been found wanting in these great principles. "For all tho hard times, thefts,- swindles and peculations he held that party was guilty,' for it held all the reins of tho government and the keys of the treasury. It was now bloated and insolent with too long a lease of power and used military force to keep its hands in the coffers of the U. S. Treasury as it did in Louisiana when it ejected members of the Legislature from the halls with . bayonets tat their Ihroats. Ho could say it without con traihctionj and he called upon his competitor not to dodge the issue (but knew he would) that the Republican party had inaugurated a system of corruption more wide spread and ' Infamous than any known wliere the English language fs spoken. Like the Irishman who bit a cod lish ball, thinking it was a biscuit. It didn't tasto like any other biscuit-he had gotten hold of, and .after smacking his lips and making sorry faces lie exclaimed: V'Jim, d d . if there ain't some thing rotten in my biscuit." The Radical bis cnit is either rotten radically Or radically rot ho would raise his voice and make a violent falsification of history, and an Insult to tho hon- gesture, tho rear guard felt it their duty to orcd memory of hundreds of thousands of Dem- Iangh and holler. Ho said tho Democratic ocrats who sleep in soldier' gravcs.n Tho House at Washington was a white-washing ma- remedy proposed for all evils was tho election chine (Jim Justice becomes moro jrowdy and of Tilden and Hendricks, tlio reform candidates. one remarked that the animal was dead. " Yes," the rear guard echo " 'Foro do Lord dat's so.") The resolutions wero adopted unanimously, and replied the diiycr. V ho was dead ten miles He. said Democrats would steal, for Pool had tho iron: John P. Stockton, of New Jcrsoy, ad back, but I wouldn't let him down." So the defaulted tho' Peabody Fund ; and pleased the "dressed tlio meeting at freat length. Ho said bloody shirt wavers won't let it down. (Sensa- negroes mightily when ho told them they wero Uiat tho Issue before tho country was one of re- tion.) Ho appealed totho people to be govern- put in the penitentiary for stealing somebody's form and good government. Tho Democrats ed by reason abd not by prejudice.- The Rad!- chickens and shoats (Jim Justico has talked had put In the field representative men. The cal party had: squandered millions of the tax himself hoarse, retires for a pew drink and is Republican candidates did not represent any- payer's money and his opponent wouldn't deny supposed to have restod somewhere on the road thing. It was a well known fact that James it. and reformj could not come with the party as he does not put in an appearance). He dwelt G. Blaine was tho true choice of tho Republican that inaugurated the Corruption. It was con- at great length upon tho homestead and tried Convention, but owing to tho fact that he was trary to natirfc. A gentleman who had ial to make it appear that tho Democratic lawyers I assailed in all quarters with charges of corrup tion, the Republicans did not dare to nominato him, although he was their proper represent tivc. He appealed to tho voters of tho country to come forward, and, by voting for.Tllden and Hendricks, to redeem the country from tho dis drunken servant and wanted to reform him from I were opposed to it but failed." ' Ho was exceed- his ways, reacj him' an account of a man who I ingly severe upon tho Robeson County Cora- had been drinking nntij every vein was full of missioners for turning the scales ln'favor of tho whiskey and hs breatli so strongly impregnated Conservatives in the late Convention. Settle's with the alcohol that when he went to blow out speech was highly partisan throughout and was the candle, j tho I flanics ignited with his confined mainly, to arraigning Gov. Vance for grace and corruption which had overwhelmed breath and there vasn't enough of the man fighting as he dd during tho war,and the in- it in the last sixteen years. left to make a decent funeral. John by this genious manner in which he avoided every Tho remaining speeches In the hall wero giv- issue Gov. Vanco called upon him to meet, well cn by Leon Abbctt, of hew Jersey, Charles W. entitles him to tho name of the Artful Dodger. Brooke, Simon Sterne, Dennis McMabon, and In the main he took no advantage' except what I otliers. , , , i . i . i. . l an orumary opponent wouiu lane, out uu was THE TAMJSAJiT PEMOXSTRATIoy OF TUESDAT Loud and continuous laughter .J officer's hunt tho guilty of ono scurvy trick which redounded against his head and covered him willi shame at last. For instance, he presented a letter I witli the seal of the United Slates which he al leged was written by Governor Vanco during the war. 1 uc document could not bo called a letter, it was only miserable mutilated extracts lanterns. They arc a lawless set and practico I of a letter cut up to convey a false impression; the grossest impositions upon the poor people, 1 and tho most that could bo made out of it was and hunt theni without; mercy. He could for- tho fact that Gov, Vanco urged Congress to give the Republican party for its violations of make desertion a misdemeanor in order to stop the Constitution. " He could forget its Kirk war its increase. Settle did not act either fair or MGTIT. New York, Ju!y 25. Tho great Tammany Superstitions. The moon is thought, by old wives, to in fluence the lifo of a child. Thus, the child born on the first day of tho new moon Is nnfortunato in all its undertakings, and will live long; ono born on the fifth day will bo vain and deceitful; one born on tho sixth will live long; ono born on the seventh will have a lifo of trouble; one born on tlio ninth will bo rich; one born on the The Tobacco Crop. A Summary View of the Condition of the Groirinj Crop Ihroughout the Vnion-PtOfpcctif Vicft. We have recti red tlio annexed circular. w1(?li gives information of interest and value to our : tobacco planters and .dealers: ... norKtxsYiixr, Kjr., July 18. FoMh4cne fit of all vcrsons Interested In tobacco, cl tfier as tenth will bo n great traveler; ns born on tho rcr or seller. I civs all tho most reliable in-" eleventh will bo devoted to religion; one born formation I have been able to gather relative to on tho sixteenth will bo iatcful but unforta- tho growing crop of tobacco. I shall confine natc; ono bom on the eighteenth will be brave -k myself t ths tirrUoxy wllck'-uWf uj ono born on the nineteen ui wni do iuu oi niai- yk, 0f tobacco. Of tho cuttlnf districts of Ice ; ono born on tho twenty-first will bo strong Kentucky and Ohio, I luivo mado no Inquiry, and healthy, but selfish; ono born on tho twenty Xho Clark esvillo district, comprising tb second will bo cheerful bat inclined to low com- eonnUes of Caldwell, trhzr. Chrhtlsn. Todd. pany; ono born on the twenty-third will bo on- and in; Kentucky and RoberUon.' Mont governable, will forsake family and friends, gomcry and Stewart counties. Tennessee, there' and wander In a forcijn country unhappy ,.nftt nr.Ski Kn nniwrAnnh r,r r na born on th twentr-fifth will L..it ' 1 mm a ucueTo even ins. . through lifo; one born on the twenty-fifth will bo desperately wicked, and come to a fearful death; one born on tho twenty-seventh will bo amiablo; one born on tho thirtieth will havo tho sa mo of all good gifts, temporal and spir itual. . . A baby's nails must nctcr'bo cut till it Is a year old. or it will bo a tutcr. A cuud with a blue vein across Its nose will never wear Its Tho Paducah district. Indading West Ten nessee, tho crop will not exceed one-half. Tho Ohio river counties from Cumberland, rivtr to Louisville, that once promised an aver age crop, cannot now make over two-thirds of a crop, and some think less, the Crop" being much damaged by heavy rains. The Grren river counties have been much wenaing cioines ; snouiu u cuanco io octave its fomtzrd by wet weather, and no-half a crop infancy. It wUl bring sorrow and disgrace to u a faU imte for that section. all belonging io Ik A iwuo uiai cries at lis I .The nDocr Comhcrlsnd district of boll Ken Hall ratification meeting camo off to-night, and I C"ritnlng tvill livo long; If yoa bathe It oo j.. an d Tennessee, Uicro cannot bo over one- was a success so far as nnmbt-rs and enthusiasm degrade this good ; old Anglo- honorable in tho matter, and tho document he well knew bore the evidence of fraud upon its very face. It was vitiated because ,a portion was suppressed and Settle knew it well. Tlio extracts that were concerned.' Three stands were erected outsido of the hall, fro m which orators held forth in defenco of the Democratic cause. Tito street was filled witli a largo crowd, and tho hall was hung with bunting and colored lamps. 1 Chas. Ai Dana presided over tlio meeting held in the large hall of the wigwam, and mads an address which was a vigorous irupcachnieni of tho Republican Admiuistrnllon for the post fifteen years. A scries of resolutions wero read, piecing thooinitcd strength and support of their Democratic fellow-citircns to Tilden and Hendricks and expressing nvmnntr with men of all ranks, especially raeclutnics and la borers, who felt so much the evil effects of Re publican mal-ndministration. Hon. John Hancock, of Texas, said that tho tho great demonstration refuted tho assertion that the Democrats were divided. He spoke of disgrace brought on the country by the re pub- fur the. two races and tlio disfranchisement of persons convicted of infamous offences until other wiso restored to citizenship. He had served the State in time of ;war,when sorrow ;' ! -.1,1 , confusion and: gloom pervaded every household, and it would bo surprising if there were no ob jections against him. Jle branded the man who said ho was guilty of cruelty toj any creature during that period as a liar and a coward, and said no man would dare to tell it to him before the people. Some lavrS wero harsh and un pleasant to execute. He was sworn to obey the laws and execute them. IIo did his duty, and nothing more. . The chargo that he ever squeezed a woman's finger or laid hands' on her unless it was agreeable to her he characterized access to his own letters and had been refused by tho United States government, whilst his enemies were permitted to make uso of garbled extracts to his detriment.! Ho would liko to have tho whole of them published, but the Sen ate would never have the fairness to give them up. j This was tho warfare they wanted towago upon him. They were afraid to fight him a fair pplicd for ijcnn party, and said though they did their duty I Bumiay it wiu do sorrow iroo; u on vieanes- t., of a croD. moat emulates rdace it at less. uay. it wm grow ocauuiui : u on inursony. it xil0 coantIes of Kentucky, which pro will grow fat; If on Friday, all It sins will be tlt3Cs a of bacco approximaUng tl forgiven; If on Saturday, it will bo unhealthy. -cUVksvillo type. Including Hart, Hardin. La There arc certain other superstitions apply- R3e Warront urc. Green.- Taylor and other ing to older people: If you cut your nails on coanlIes. will not exceed one-half a. crop; I Sunday it provokes Monsieur le Diablo to such thej. think less. " ' 1 ' a degree that ho'll shavo yoa all the week and crt)ps ef jf, uJ Indiana havo been lead you into mischief. If yon clip your hair aQcU ,nQrc1 by exccuU9 drowning out at Uie new moon, it will grew long at the full ; Qch Jb lohu,, tl lo frencb. 1 think as me moon wanes your ruur wui iu out. ii u wouM a full estimate to pot tho two Suius you don new clothes on a Sundny you'll bo hap- i lwo.thlrds of a crop. Py; if on Ifonday. they'll tear; If on Tuesday. , jiiori, u,0 oniy Slato that Las claim to a they'll born; if on Wednesday, yoall have fun cr0j, U now making serious complaint of plenty; If on Friday, youll bo unlucky; if on mnch Jame frum and excessive Ik Saturday) yoa won't livo to enjoy them. Every Kun anJ ha lob:UXO .t a na direcUons has one.sllcnUyoropcnly.ua little suspicious re- off TerJ indifferently. ThU U com- gaming- ruy, yet lew coniu giro a reason. plained cf from CTery Suto that grows the rrrr ml -r-i A. I m nrl... . I jrmy- xuree , Virginia and Korth Carolina will not make That there Is but one step froai the sublime to I one-half a crop, and much of it late. during the wnr. tho Democrats who wero also truo to tho Union liad now to rescue tlio conn- try from Republican corruption. He denounc ed military rulo in Uie South, and declared that Southern men were loyal to the flag. Gov. Walker, of Virginia, said the great de monstration of to-night will vltallzo Democrat ic faith Uiroughout our common country. The Uie ridiculous is shown by the full accounts of tho recent revolution in Turkey. Abdul Aziz, Um Sultan, who had an immense accumulation of gold coin, variously csUmatod at from forty to one hundred million dollars, refused lo ad vance even a small sum to pay his soldiers and civil officers anyUiing on account of salary Uiat was duo to them. But to guard against an evil result, ho ordered his nephew, the heir ire- fight (murmurs of that's unfair, a villainous act J South would give ten out of i cloven electoral I umptive. to bo Imprisoned in a cellar. A few I as utterly falsa would execute . If elected Governor now, he every law ho found on .the stat ute books. . II j) was not a man to trifle with his oath and if they wanted a man of that sort, let them take Billy Smith who made a joke of pcr- him for money during buy dogs for Uie pur pose of hunting dovn deserters, and now pre tends that he violated his oath and gave them timo to make their escape. He charged tho Republicans with suspending tho writ of habeas corpus in times iof peace, and Judge Settle with aud a shame on Settle.) Everybody felt liko Settle was guilty of a me tn and shabby act, and Settle felt so too when ho saw how he had fall en in his own pitfall. . . i Vanco ' replied to Settle's boast of being a great peace man; that if ho was, nobody over knew it. : Liko 'tho man giving his son lessons in nstronomy ; lie told the boy that a little star to the left of the .moon was at least 500 times bigger Uian tho moon, and Uio boy thought if such was the case, that the star had a devil of a poor way of showing its size. He stated Uiat neither Uie Suite nor the Peabody Fund would loso anything by tho act of Pool, as tliat official had secured tho money ho made nso of by a mortgage upon all his property. The difference between Settled and himself was Uiis: They both held offices during the wnr. Settlo was elected whilo at home; he, whilu in tho war. Settle rabed a company, took them into Uie ar myj'dcscrtcd them by resigning his command, and-then ran for office,' while ho (Vance) was elected by the people while nt his post, and was taken from tho army at their command, and was votes for Tilden and Hendricks. Hon. Cliarlcs E. Hooker, of Mississippi, ex Confederate, said if the men who crossed swords during the wnr could control tho Government we would havo liad ten years of prosperity in the South. Hon. Mr. Tarbox, of Massachusetts, contrast ed Tilden and Haves, and as a Union man de clared belief in the loyalty of the South. ; So, taking a careful survey of all Uie tobacco portion of the United States, one mustcoino to Uie conclusion Uiat Uicre cannot possibly; under any circumstance, bo one-hall a crop made, as tlio greatest failure In Uiose sections Uiai grow Uio largest quantities. , . Tho crop In this section of lift season lias nearly all been marketed. rot over 10 per cent, now in tho hands of Un planters, an 4 the fir mer havo realized fine prices, which should be satisfactory to them. They mmt remember there is a point beyond which consumjion will days afterwards, at midnight, tho ministry waited on tho Sultan, announced that his reign had ended, and opening tho dungeon door f I B0t tako tobacco, and Uiat tcu!atio lias fre- Princo Murad. next in succession, uaiieu Mm qocnly ,uhcd it to the point which checks tho ns sovereign. The deposed Sultan and his fam- congamion of- American tobacco" and In- lly were moved by forco to the Topcapoa Pl- crcnsrt that of su&titntcs. So my adriee would ace in the old Seraglio, nndr a strong escort, lo ,jjaJC, holding tobacco to acwptWI priett while tho new Sultan took possession of tho atyi fair protip on tLcir stocks. While I advise Dolma Bagecho Palace, and Uicnco to the this. I must mso'sar that good tobacco of decid- Tlio last speaker was Hon. Mr. Franklin, of I11O5(la0 by.wlicro no received mo iiomago character occupies a very strong pusiUon. Missouri, ex-Confederate, who said Southern- tic great dignitaries ana oi uio array, ami nll of it In the old stocks being exhausted, and ers had come back to tho Union and moant to niaila promise or being consutnuonai ruier. i on. a tm3 portion in Uio rescnt crop. stay. virtually-endorsing the Kirk war by refusing to 8worn jn ag the Governor or their choosing. enforce the writ. Books will show tliat Judge Settle during the war prosecuted, while solici tor, old men for harboring their sons as desert ers. He had nothing against his opponent per sonally, but his politics were of tho very worst sort. lie hail The Lucky Letter. I As was recently pointed out by an exchange, all tho Presidents elected by tho , people, wiUi four exceptions, Adams. Polk. Taylor and Pierce, had a lucky N In the name : Washington, Jefferson, . Madison, Jackson. Van Buren, Harrison, Buchanan and Lincoln havo tho "n." Adams, Polk, Tnjlor and Pierce are the only exceptions to Uiis rule. Tyler and Fillmoro were not chosen President by the people. Even John Qoincy Adams was The telegram which announced these changes said Unit lira deposed Sultan accompanied by fiAy-thrco boats foil of women, was ennvcxed away. Fancy Gfty-U.rco boats full of wives! The star of Erighaui Young pales in compari son with Uiat of Abdul Aziz. Brilliant's twen ty wives make a aiall circumstance by the sido of the Sublime Porte, sent to solitary confine ment with seven to eight hundred wives! It Is promised that Murad V tlio new Sultan, will livo almost in a state of celibacy, his harem los ing limited. It Is said, to somo forty or fifty wires. Even with this limitation ho throws Both of tho speakers made powerful efforts cicctcd by tho House of ReprcscntaUvcs not Brigham Young in the shade. which will long be remembered by all who heard them, Settle made a strong parUsan speech, but not ono calculated to win any votes. Tho Democrats feol sanguine of carrying R ut li no quarrel with tho masses of erford for Vance, The people are wide x.vake. tho Republican party., They were honest, but 1 seem belt opon c:irrYing the grit Captain their leaders were corrjipt and .had deceived rt " i "It i 1 1 them, and witn uou a neip, no wouui never rest until they! were driven from power. He had been speaking much in thej east and his voice was broken' down and he would not speak the two hours allotted to him. as lie would hate thisty minutes to reply. settle's SPEECH. t As soon as Judsre Settle arose, the negroes In the rear of tho stand became exceedingly dem onstrative and behaved in a boisterous manner. He commenced by thanking God that wo had a of the Democratic hosts to victory. The brush picaps of liberty aro burning brightly id ready on every mountain side, and wc expect to hear a good report from that county in next Novem ber." . The name of Vance, which is upon every lip, is electrical to tho toiling m:isses and is bonnd to carry ns through. i Tilden and Hendricks. by tho people over Jackson. In 1823 Jackson (with his "n") led all competitors in tlio presi dential race. In 1836 Van Bnr.m was elected. In 1840 Harrison wnsclected. Both names end ed with "n." 1844 Tolk and Clay ran. -X" ended neither name. In 1828 tho same was the case, tho candidates being Taylor and Cass. In 18."2 tho same arain Pierce and Scott. In I givo Utcse as my conscienUoos opinion! on . Uie growing crop. liavl2 bo Interest ia mis leading any one. But I must bo allowed lo differ from some of our brokers and merchants.wlK write as UioogH tohncco could bo 9dL ono week, tojjxd tho next. and ruX Uio next. I expect to see circulars Issued in August, or perhaps September, saying. " wo are having sc.4Sonabe weaUicr. and an avcrsgo planting rnay yet be mado." My experienoe as a farmer of some fifteen years convinced mo Uiat Uio weed required threo to four months to mature. If I have committed any error la ray esti mate of any district. I hope some one will writo me, giving Uicir views, so I can make correo- Election Laws, m..r! T 9TT. Pnkl.rt Tatr lft7i-.73 rliinre I Uon In my next. tho election from Uie first Thursday In August The seaboard markets are notopla Ura prices to Tuesday after Uie first Monday In November. lho taaUon. and they win soon find that the Wo givo below Uio amendments to Battle's pnt crop will not much exeoed Uie crop or Revisal and to election la w of 1873-74, making 17. prices should bo higher than they are. th. h,. Am thrH. monthi node of election Madi of tho stocks la tho West will rem.Ua and 1856 Buchanan, of course, defeated Filmore. h, to bo given, tho attention of County Conimls- bo taken up for hotno consumption, as Ue lall- In 1860 Lincoln de fen tod both Douglas and I doners Is called to this matter. Breckenridzo. Tlio 'nn was Invincible. In I Sccrctarr of tato to furnish registration 1864 it was "n' against "n," but otn" was too books, when wanted, on first Monday of Sep- t THE GREAT NEW YOUK DEMONSTRATIONS. ten, great laughter and applause. He was I Centennial year and grew rather pathetic over .using Republican authority and if it was a lie, I that fact.. He then expressed his satisfaction nt that party told it. The , Curtis report of tlio the high toned and dignified speech of his op- Govern men t Ho had set a good and praiseworthy years, was $1,581, 000;600r and this included the example and was glad to think that the contest Indian war, the ; Mexican war nnd the war of would bo kept above tho mire and dust ofa pp- 1812.. The expenses' of the government, under Republican rule, from 1865 to' 1875 (in time of peace) was S2,340,000,00j), nearly twice as mucli as the expense for Uie period of 72.years. Out of the $4,500,000,000 collected by the civil ser vice or the Revenue officials, $1,500,000 never reached its destination ; in ' tho language of the report it was lost. . Ixjst! Lost!! Is that the name you give it up. ' here? (A voice in' tlio crowd, no; we-call it stealing.); Suppose you hear your dogs , bark at high and hear your chickens squall, and when you count them next morning and your old dominccker hen don't come upl Do you say she Is lost ? . Shouts of laughter and cries of no! Like the Indian who got drunk in Washington City and couldn't find jhis hotel.'' He leaned against the lamp post and said: "Poor Indian lost, mo no find hotel; no, Indian not lost, hotel lost ; Indian here,' Mon ey not lost. It is in tho pockets of tho Revenue officers. Roars of laughter, cries of that's; so. But to excuse their own stealing that party nl leges that some Domocrats havo also stolen. Well, the Radical party held the keys iind had ntf business to let them steal. It is their bus! "ess to guard tho treasury so that nobody can handle the funds except tho. oflScers. HLs op ponent would evade tho living issues of tho day 'wid appeal to their prejudices. ; Ho was tired of hearing of the war and he wanted its fury, fire litical wrangle. Ho was in college wiUi Gov- The Anti-Tammany Meeting of Monday Kight af id the iammany Meeting of Tues day Night Emulation and Enthusiasm. the Tribune's Report. :to ratify tho St. Louis nomina tion and platform, held nt Irving Hall a few strong for "Ian," and so Lincoln beat McClcllan. In 1863 Grant, of course, defeated ; Seymour, and In 1872 beat Greely, Seymour and Greeley both being without Uio needed "nM anywlicro in Uicir names. ! No man with an N in his narao has ever been defeated for President before Uio pooplo 1 . Froiri The meeting tc ruber. Registrars to be selected by tho first Monday of October. They will revise the eslsUng reg istration books between Uio first Tuesday in October and Uio day preceding, (Including it,) tlie 7th of November. Judges or Inspectors of election to be a p- ure of tho growing crop will bo soon realized. Respectfully. J. K. Gaxt, . Of Planters WstUkxisc. A Barbarian Uonarch'a PuneraL The Jomrmd de Faris contain a IrtUr from, an eyo witness, the following particulars of tho atrocities committed on Uie occasion of the fn- neral of ilsnirssi. King of Ouoporo. in Central nights since, bv the New York county (Anti- i - I - - I . & A I W L m . I . ernor Vance, knew him' to bo a ready debater Tammany) Democracy, was very largely at- years uio cuuuren aro Drougiu up nureij ia jor uii ncxi tiay.- and thought they would have a lively time, but not an Unpleasant one. Said Governor Vance I outside Uie hal), addresses being mado by Sam was tho standard-bearer of the Democratic par- I uel B. Garvin-j-who presided John P. Stock ton and Leon Abbctt, of New Jersey; Cliarlcs W. Brooke, Simon Sterne, James D. McClel land, of New York," and others. Horatio Sey mour, Abrani iS. Hewitt, Samuel J. Randall, Samuel SJ Cox, Benjamin A. Willis. Elijah Africa. - An Imaease grave or ptC.capaUe ol by ono without tho It. RuUierford B. Hayes I pointed on or before the first Monday of Octo-1 holding several hundred people, had ben dog. and William A; Wheeler are without the N, I ber. i I at the boUoni of which tho wires of tho dsfunct and Uncle Samuel Tilden and his running mato J iu,trning officers of ScnatorUl DistricU I king had been xlaced ia tho form of a ring, to Hendricks bo'Ji havo tliat lucky letter. I composed of more than one county to meet on I bo In readiness to rccelvo opon Uicir Knees tlio Tuesday, one week after Uie election, at places I corpse of their lato tyrannical and barbaroul Ti-rvisit Cinrj)UEv. Darin? all Uicir tender desiffnaUsd In BtU's Revisal. Returns waited master. Several regiments of uw lloyai uuara had been sent out on Uie precodiPg: ktjit to st- tended. There' was sixjakin- both insido and tho liarcm. and their education Is entrusted to Sherifls to furnish certificates of election to icnuy lurreunu wu,m . .y. 'i- thomotiier. A marked distinction is observa- members or Uio Iiouso or Iprwscnuuves ami w;w ,H"UiU' blo between Turkish children and European Senators where the district Is not composed of man er child Uiat made its exit from tho children. The boisterous, rowdy, self asserting more Uian ono county, previous to Wednesday rounded huts was forcibly scixed and carried child is absolutely unknown in Uie East. He before the Udrd Monday in November. Sheriff oS. and Uio captives entrapped la this manner would bo considered a lusus naturae. In Europe ,hall also at least ten days before Uie first day conducted towards the pit prepared for Uie f a- rliSMmn n nfton tnl.1 that thev sliould bo seen r TWrmhrr. notlfV ncnou elected in tho ncral. Hero Uvire commenced tho most horri- but not heard, but it is only in tho East Uiat this county to meet nt Uio Court-Houso oa Uie first Ward, Scott Lord and Oswald Ottendorfer sent phenomenon is realized. Respect for his elders Monday In December. onnrhifWl frnm hU manner that ho was eithera letters of sympathy and regret for their absence, and a behaviour compaUblo with this respect Sheriff or oUr returning oflccr of county to fM1l or dnink Und wo were not mistaken as he The 'resolutions and spelhes presented reform which, in fact, is tho Only form In which UiatJ transmit to the Speaker of Uie Hooso of Ipre- ... .' .. ,i ... . . i -l . I .' 1 A I 1,1 U 1 Tnitf w,r Kr I nonlrlffl 5 lh Onfi Crtt fTtat lesson which a Turkish child has to learn. Ho I for the third Monday In November ty, but had hever heard lum call nimseii a Democrat. (Tlie negroes thought it funny and many of them; rolled upon tho ground convuls ed with laughterO I 3m Justico, a prominent Scttleitei froni Rutherford, was sitting upon the stand, und tjiougli wo never met tho man, wo a Douglass man akthe' commencement of tbo cured only by tho elecUoa of Tilden and Hen- ... I . m . . -v. B 'SI 1 f war. - Saul tne ciiariotto uoserver nau uobo mm a great honor an accusing him of being a firo cating secessionist and a member of tho Confed erate Convention. ;IIo said it was untruo and a mistake, but failed to point out tho'.honor it liad done him. He left the army because ho wanted peace, and roied for Vanco for Governor on that ticket. (Vance It was tho best vote you I dricks. j soons learns it, for everything around him is In I SccrcUry of State, on or before first if ondaj bio scene. Tbo limbs of these poor creatures, arms and legs, were broken by tho soldiers. Tle lamentations and cries of despair of lite victims Intrnnlngled with Um sheaving of Uie fanatical crowd, andone by one they were thrown Into the gaping gulf bdow. Then corn menced tho beating of drums, Uo , fiourith of Tho meeting Was'called to order by Emanuel harmony wiUi this very iajuncUon. A fear of n October, to furnish County Commissioner trumpets. Uio piercing soum iuw w!uiie t iinrf !.f mnPi n arwn n having tfteir children corrupted by evil com- cooles of so much or Chapter ox Ifcvaies llevis- M-M llillU SI 11V MViUl -m - - n - - m I . . 1- mm B . a m . m -K..t t-r n...u rvin. UnnWtlnn nf Chriitian children. Is not Uio Ui fl relates to elcclloas. as ameadod by Chap- lions I ino rrow.i. tiiwntw uk tries i ue '"""u""' r r . . . . . -. 1 . ... . .. I -t-j! , TA-- .TI .1..-.,, . t ,. t. - ,,nt.l rt ,rn.U ,t w.a Vft Wst m-werful motive which DromDtS Uie it US- tpr 2S7. laws or 1874-T3: also wim lUer. 1 ' l- " u ;.t.r,i.. ir nnr?n'-orvnlno. -nnh sulman to oitch his dwcllinff away from their ClDtcr 132: laws of 1873-74. U ameadod by dy was Uu U.rowa bck lata U ru dwelt on the reform, and extolled TUdon and habitations. Ono Indirect conscqucnco of Uiis striking out the first Thursday in August as tbo lr Tlie fcnalicnl speeuiors of Uc dis i . . . - i, m. t a ni ia m mr ei m m n i imb mm n Hendrick's as its truo champions. The only mode of education Is Uiat cuiltrcn in uio j-asi day r election ol Uie ocieers rwnw uwrnn " ' 7'; gave. Tremendous laughter.) Jim Jus- objection to Gjr. Hayes was tho fact that ho are remarkably observant. As Uicy are not oo becomes 1 more mouUiya3 Settle makes represented thq Republican party and tho Grant cupied in jabbering. Uiey observe, and their ever tico becomes more mouUiy some violent partisan appeal and tlie negroes display their ivory to tho best advantage. Settlo blamed Governor Vanco for his activity in the i arrest of deserters and for carrying on Uie war. Administration. ; naturally remarkaWo gilU in tnis respect aro Rnr.it V inlntri rorxH tho reaolnUons. I allowed full t)lav. It is for this reason that whicli declared Uio Republican party . responsi- I you often sco lilUo urchins in tho East helping ble for Uio alleged dcclino in public morals and I their parents in complicated domestic duties. of fiscal integrity, and for nil ' tho trouble and at an age wlicn Uicir compeers In Europo aro (The ears of Jim Justice grew longer and ho distress among1 Uio people for tho : past sixteen kicking Uicir nurses, and blowing Ho trumpets ruade i brays still louder when Gov. Vanco says ho years. They dcalcd that tho Republicaij party in perambulators, !7a ell of State officers, and Inserting Tuesday next after tho first Monday in November. Officers whoso terms would expire did tbo election coir In August will hoU over until Uicir successors to be elected ia November, qualify. Returns of Uio vote on Uie amendments lo bo made to Um Chief Justico at lUUigh within CO after tho election. Italdgk Noes. com- rucncttl to d-uc on tlt summit of Uc grave. Itamping th smI clown with all Uicir might, so as to form a Innl. compnet Layer abate those baried alive! All tho lamentations having ceased, aothin g was left to indicalo U.o cere mony of t3t6 abomiasble s pulture ; tle nouo of lle invtruincnts ltd ccascl alo. mkI tle as SemL'ed crcrvI retiretl.ulUlk-d with tltemsclrcs and admiring the great n it nf lira King wbovu nxiiKs dem wlcd such sacrifices. and bloodshed shut out from the sight and bur-

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