t i VOLUME XXJV SALEM, N. C.,1 SEPTEMBER 21, 181G. NUMBER J!8. THE WEEK PAST. Iris rumored iu London that Disraeli's reason for occupying the peerage le had formerly refused, ia that he is about to again enter the matrimonial stale. A foe en- d, and friend Dec. few years ago heWa reported to gaged to the countess. of Chesterfie his present fiancee is said to be a of hers. The new peer was born 11, 1805. i ,Ex-Empress Eugenie still wears fine clwthes? She recently wor,, while lunch ing with queen Victoria at ! Windsor cas tie, an exquisite costume of black gros grain, with overskirt and sleeveless bodice of crape, and to the belt at her waist she had a pouch suspended, made of crape and embroidered magnificently in silk with her monogram, her arms and her im perial crown. - ' Of the. South Pass jetty works the "ew Orleans Bulletin says : " The jetty 'contractors are busily employed in con structing the desired works at the head of the improved pass to get to deep water We have no doubt but that if they keep on as they have been working, for some time past, they will gain the end so ardently hoed for and so' long awaited in rain." : ".. ' ' - i v Scattered 'about -the earth there are supposed to.be 10,000,000 or 11,000,000 in a aiivc. iuuusauus oi inese peo ple are rich, sonie of them own colossal fortunes. Rothschild could buv ui the I fee simple of Palestine. Goldsmith might fiore has money enough to cast a golden statue of king Solomon. But of those wealthy Hebrews, not one is willing to eo bad:. - The hair of a woman nearly ninety years of age, who died in Martha's Vine yard, was wholly woven in with false hair .which had not been removed for over thir ty years, and was held in place by one hundred and eighty pins. One article ef her dress was held together by three hun dred and eight pins, although her bureau contained ninety-eight new dress-patterns of all kinds, and qualities, some of them, bought sixty-four years ago, and one elei gant brocade silk xxmld be traced back two hundred years. ' SCANDAL MONGERS. Do you hear the scandal mongers .'.' PwsiDg by, Breathing poison in a whisper, w , , , InstghT MeTing cautiously and slow, Smiling sweetly as they go, Never noisy eliding smoothly like a snake Slipping here and slipping there. Through the meadows fresh and fair Leaving subtle poison In their wake. . Saw you not the scandal monger, As she sat, Beaming bright beneath the rose - . In her, hat ? In her dainty glove and dress, 1 i Angel-like and notningiess Seemed she casting smiles and pleasing words. . , Once she shrugged, and shook her head, Raised her eyes and nothing said, Wien you spoke of friends, and yet it left a doubt. Did tou hear the scandal monger ,5 . the ball, ThYough the music, rhythm, beautr. . v Light and allt Moving here and moving there, With a whisper light as air. Casting shadows on a sister-woman's fame Just a whisper, word or glance As she floated through the dance ; And the world is busy with a spotless name. You will find the scandal mongers Everywhere ; Sometimes men, but often women. Young and fair ; Yet their tongues drop foulest slime, And they spend their leisure time Casting mud on those who climb by worth and work. Shun them, shun them as you go Shun them whether hieh or low : They are the hideous serpents af the earth. It was the deceitful calm before the whirlwind. He found Edith pale and self-possessed, as usual. lie was quite as much so himself even went bo far as to compliment her on a coquettish little jacket that fitted her round figure very charmingly. "I'm thinking or taking a short jour ney, Edith," said he, Beating himself by her side, and playing with the silken cord and tassels about her waist. "As it ia wholly a business trip, it would hamper me to take you with me; but you'll hear from me. Meanwhile, you know how to enjoy yourself hey, Edith?" He looked scarchingly at her. There was no conscious blush, no change of expression, no termor of the frame. He might as well have addressed a marble statue. 1 Mr. Jefferson Jones was posed ! Well, he bade her one of his characteristic adeaus; and when the door closed, Edith felt as if a weight had been lifted off her heart. ; There was but one course for her to pursue. She knew it she had already marked it out. She would deny herself A lover' quarrel I i A few hasty words to all visitors ; she would not go abroad THE MISTAKE OP A LIFE I TIME. a formal parting between two hearts that neither time nor distance could ever disunite then, a lifetime of misery. Edith.May, stood before me in her bridal dress. J The whole world was to be made believe she was happy and heart 1 1 . TT 1 a - . ' . T U - wnoie. i Knew Detter. i Knew that no strength. I'm so glad to get to work, that's the trouble with roe; ma'am, It's a Bible fact. I'll beat them carpet A TRAMP tr U O tlUXOBRED A!flt Tilt R3T Eli roR WORK, A robust tramo called at a he use for something to eat, averring that he had lf M7 ,t I Wt be wrpooaible . . . . I fnr in vu maVtn m nrV fur nntMn not taste j looa lor a we?.. i " Whr don't voueo to work?" asked for fiT or six weeks to pay for teann the lady to whom he preferred hUpe- 'm into liU,yer know. I'll go at 'em tition. I if you'll say the word and take the re- " Work!" he ejaculated. " Work ponsitilily, but the fact Ulm too hard And what have I been doine ever since worker to go looim arouna carpet, the middle oi May but hunting work? Who will give me work? When do I ever refuse work?" "Well," aaid the woman, "I guess I can give you some employment. What can you do?" i " Anything!" he shouted, in a kind of delirious joy. "Anything that any man can do. I'm sick for something to fly at. Why, only yesterday I worked all day, that's just what I am." The lady excused the energetic worker from going at the carpet, bat was pas- tied what to set him aU Finally the asked him' what there was he would like to do and could do with safety to himself and the work ? "Well, now," he said, "that's coo siderit in ye. That's real coiuiderit, and I'll take a bold and do somethln' that'll give the wuth of ye'r money, and onxrr. asd a ay. a Tl a carrying water in aaoia sieve iromriini ... . nA . f cWror river and emptying it into the MMa- fttMn, hv WOfvtn. .m if T.'n sippi, just because I was so tired of jwt kindIj felch me out a rockin diair, havinz nothing to do, that I had to work d()wn ,n lhe rfu(Je kerp ihtf at somfething or 1 would have gone ravin row fjom lifl.Q, lhe Uuh of lhe front crazy. I'll do anytling, from cleaning MJ n, ,Qlo the yard An. n, nouse to ounaiug a steamo-a. do t ,,1 and only charge you reaaoo- me work, ma'am, an' you'll never hear . 14 fii . furtt.fl f.ct u r m d. rtomiDJ KJ-cor. The manatees or sea-co, which wrrt I ."Did abe Dot rtlorn roar Vove'.? hipped from Florida to N"rw York, U 1 jaqnirrJ a tyttpathlxia fmc4 of a week, ikngrd to a ilr. rtu, ooe or ii.e Toar.g x-sa who icllanAUd iLat b t.4 oldnt settlers n the Indian river, who, auccc aZcalxj with his tweetLeart. with the amUtanceof two or three others "Yen, shs rtturoed It, ad list U txart had caught them and was tecklcg a mx j vt !Lm trol! la. fis mH sLs let for their sale, havicg chartered a ala'i want lu" srhooner for that purpoM as far as thU ..Ths govemtDent ha rdred ti-t city. The manalos Is tvidectly a near oore j-ucj or asxcccilkm thaU V relative of the seal fsmilj, rmaUicj it m a the IolUn country. This order In general appear nee very c lowly, le4 probably because "pesos) com- although groicg to aa enormous izr, mlwiooer Sitting Hull trot la word that spproximatlng In the Urgtt specimen, coennutnd was ow fally anoed," a4 nearly or quite a ton in weight. Itutrs he had no itonr-roota or traarporUltoo wholly in the waters, feedieg excloai vr ly fc,f any more cartriJr. on what U krwwn a manaUe jrvaa, which ..This Ul policsoaa's story: A gnoj, grows under water and Is abundant In pious man, who lisp sightly, happetad the Indian river, rvesr the mouih f tl to be out Ute, up town, the other tight L Lucie aud rU rebsutian, where large when a hUarkm youeg chap, ivh aa droves of these animals are occasionally unlihted cjar stomp, stop pd hira aad seen. They" paws In and out of asked for match. I don't carry the ocean at the iolct at Capr?n, cuuhes; I rvcr axoVe," rrpJied lis and occasionally one 1 killed. A good taaa, iiguaatly. " Ut, joa few yeais since ooe was captured know, you want to ret ia ry. U IrV- alive and sold fur 91, Vn, for a c I low, uvctgti. axa yoa cgav a ...v. Yn,k .how. and a schooner chartered to I one for U i k ley bo, na4 Ue sy 1 1 s-.m tin ner nusoanas return, ene was strong in her purpose. There should be no door left open for busy scandal to enter. Of Ainslie she knew nothing, save that a letter reached her from him after her marriage, which she had returned un- woman who had once loved Gilbert opened. And so -she wandered restlessly Ainslie could ever forget him least of through those splendjd rooms, and, tried all,' such a heart as Edith's. y this self-inflicted penance, to atone She was pale as a; snow wreath, and for the defection of her heart. Did she bent her head gracefully as a water lily take her guitar, old songs that they had in recognition of her numerous friends I 8ung together came unbidden to her hps; and admirers. ; "What a sacrifice I" the latter mur mured, f j . i "What a sacrifice!" my heart echoed. . Mr. Jefferson Jones was an ossified old bachelor. He had but one idea in his head, and that was to make money. There was only one thing he understood equally well and that was to keep it. He wa3 angular, prime, ccld and precise ; mean, groveling, contemptible and cun ning. I -f And Edith our peerless Edith whose lovers were "legion'-Edith, with her passionate heart, her beauty, grace, taste and refinment Edith to vow Mlove and jiivrmr" in siifV a ormtlpofl blrwlr ! The Turks have an enviabe facility of VTt TnnflA shll(1der to think of it. I disposing. of incompetent or unsatisfac- Mt ihnurh his verv Zo were nrofa- Murad Effendi had hardly f t; " upon the throne into wvil thA weddinwaa over, and she was duly installed mistress of Jeffrson House. f She had fine dresses, fine furniture, a that book, too, they had read. Oh, it was all misery, turn where she would ! Day after day passed no letter from Mr. Jones. The time had already passed that was fixed upon for his return, and Edith, nervous from close confinement, and the weary inward struggle, started like a frightened bird at every footfall. It came at last the letter soealed me ask for bread agin." The lady was i pleased at the willing- nes and anxiety of this industrious man to do something, and she led him to the wood pile. "Here." she said, "you can saw and split this wood, and if you arc a good, industrious worker, I will find work for you to do nearly all winter." "Well, now," said the tramp, while a look ot disappointment stole over his face, " that's just my luck. Only three days ago I was pullin a blind cow out of a well for a poor widow woman wko had nThin' in the world but that cow to support her, an I spraint my right wrist till I hain't been able to lift a pound with it sinst. You kin jet put your hand on it now and feel it throb, it's so painful and inflamed. I could just cry of disappointment, but it's a Bible fact, ma'am, that I couldn't lift the axe above my head cf I died fur it, crazy for work that it itn't big pay I want so much as a steady job." And when he was rejected and sent forth, joble and break fmtless, to wan der up and down the cold, unreeling world in search of work, he cast stones at the house, and said, in dejected tones: "There now, that's jut the way. They call us a bad lot, and say we're buy, and thieveis and won't work, when a fellow is just crsiy to work, and nobody won't give lura nary job that he kin do. Won't work! Land alive! They won't give us work; and when we want to, an try tn. they won't let us work. There ain't take it there at a cottof about ; but it died on the raf. One killed by Mr. Tayne Ut summer was skeleton Ued and shipped to the Smithaonian in stilate, which paid t'A for the skelstoo. The bones are remarkably hard and ne. ward youth. At thU poifcl the po!ke maa laterfcred, and the csUlVs taaa moved o. ..A bVf r f tobacco ailM aa II negro woman, the faxes f who pipe were anooylrg to hion. If she thocrU chrialiaa. .1. 1 - . M-V I m m - bcinr uwd a a subatitote kr ivory ia I e was a cumuta. v,,, . the manuUrtureofbillurd UUsatvd kr specu i tv yoa v a m many other purpow. Mr. EtU, at an Uble? 'Ye. brcdUr." "Do ye expend of nearly one hood ml dollars know there U a fv in tUscr.rtare Lr.nnA t.rvUrreuxlllmnfU hkh TS that tX-lhicg BCCa shal . -. . ' j P - " I . . . . . m m u - . j a tk- .i iV. rtwtK rJ iK t I eoUr the kirrJ I e, and placed Lucie river, and was rewarded by b taiolngthe specimen now lahlspr mrjSoa whkh are a great cunty, lew perwifa I've heard f iu" MVi!l,aVl yoa moke, and yoa can tt enter lo'.o the kirrdftm f heaveo, lcao thsre Is oothicg so eocleaa a iKe ttrath f a xneker. What do yoa way to XhAlT tor Irt J le having seen them. Of coon no regular . " . . L.!u.iiVm tAtlitn anil tK5r tiln I SJ a man in Ameniy tost oq wor as naru i . , Imvv, I i.a Ut K!nJ mo vhea I r dxx '." a ch.nce.-?.m owlrye. . "e V " " "'V' A Scotch &ial.trr thus drwj great worn rrnwTw irvw ---- t,.,v . i . TV. un r,r inrfim ntff I tory sultans. seated himself which he was' forced after Abdul Aziz had made such an effectual use, of a pair of scissors in his bath when he was sum- with black. "He had been accidentally and I'd jest as lief let you pull my arm drowned. HUhat was found; all search out by the roots as to try to pull that for the bodv had been unavailing." saw through a lath. Jest set me at Edith was no hypocrite. She could I something I kin do, though, if you want I ready rwheJ New York. not mourn for him, save in the -outward I to see the dut fly." garb ot woe. " Very well," said the Udy, " then you Ainslie waajust starting for the con- can take thee flower beds, which have been very much neglected, and weed them very carefully for me. You can do that with your well hand, but I want Abxasmas has a nominal Indebted seas of J oUhed tT7 many rare specimens for the nataralUt, some of which may be fcurI in the cabinet collection f various la- stttulkmtja the country. Amorgthem aw.fih, whkh meawite fifteea fret in length, with a saw of six feet; al!ir!or sixteen to twenty feel, aa4 i asam- $19,000,000. A SrAStsit 7rl root bt yellow fever to tTnaa&. Orr-Dooe relixions saeeliare ar beiag held la O'lttmbua, Ga. TMC firl ew tmn of Carolin rict h l- tinent, by order of a physician, when the news cached him. A brief time he gave to decorum, and then they met. niarily retired and Abdul Hamid been declared sultan in his stead. has fine eaui nacre, and the most stupid in- There is little use in giving the details of the and. f i new sultan's , biography, ;as they will doubtless appear in his obituary in a day or two. I The deposed sultan was in- a. But Mr. Jefferson Jones was very It is needless to say what that meeting you to be very particular with them, and was. Days and months of wretchedness get them very clean, and not injure any were forgotten, like some dreadful dream, of the plants, for they are all very choice She was again his own Edith, sorrowing, and I am very proud of them." repentant and happy. The look of disappointment that had They were sitting together one even- heen cbjlfle1 ,way from lhe industrious ingEdith'B heady as upon his shoul- manv face wnen he saw a prospect of der.and her face radiant as a seraph's, something ebe to do came back deeper lhey were speasing ot tneir future than eTcr the lady described the new The cultivation of Ubreo la Arkasaws rereirinc attention. Trier, U aotnc etsj lalnt t grmaaboppera I 4n rnany vWilors from the aorta tnaVe ia et Tenne ee. I .t11i nf ramrlnr there Icr a lime f . I - m .1 ty ft.). ft t.l to&t rnee of eonlracUoa. ln "uk " . . , 1 Tn employers bavt yielded to Iht 4- ar. ret fat on rtrs an-1 boalny. Ia mandi of the st'ikiot Jew Ortesns eoopeea. summer rraa sand Cies ari tx- old botoe. . rleasara. .. . . 1 A W ALL lbs rilie sad lowna aronna rmvuBaa lock doa al the doke's swtat ; lhey are Trry bocny swaca, aa they'll I cs.icg aboct aa aye Aackicg doa tber head alavtg theirwlie T the clear water lill lhey area slii; thea yoall iheta cwrair- Lo lhe !re, a a they will gie iheir wirr a Ut Cap aa they're curably addicted to strong kdrink, and dekrium tremens were unfavorable to the management of affairs in the present critical situation' of ths Turkish state. It is to le hoped that the new sultan will have the good sense to keep sober and save his own head. proud of his bride, firstly, because) she Korne. added to his importance ; secondly, be- Any ppot on the wide earlQ but thi(l cause he plumed himself not a little in dear AinsUe Tave me away from the8e bearing off so dainty; a prize. It gave associations." him a malicious pleasure to meet her old ?rt a admirers, with the graceful Edith on his wcll known voice ..j but tried that arm. Of course she preferred him to faithful heart of your9 u, rrove it. rity them all-else why did she marry him? to tum Buch a prctty into . inen now aeierenui u w trggedy . bufc j h&mn to u manager manner since meir mamagc , uun r quarantined to preTent the pee4 of ! yellow fevrr. ... YaJrnmmer. book Wtenl, liKhlnlnr-eod peddler and insurance areal findeth suae dail to la soaio. It tan op Uaavi. of lb aleihodiat, ebareh south, U bout to sail for Cbin nd Jspsa to lank after the nlwinnarv work. Gxorgk ravoa. colored,- onaer sentence job, and when she concluded, he had to I of death, eaeaped from tb Nctoaa (Us.) remain quiet for a moment before he weUae-uay iau could contml his emotion sufficiently to v v ; Zt ru dry araia. Now, my frietJ, jco co& moth aixe.an-I rare birds f various ir,l.jryau ,.V. . , . ' Ttm a. ower wi' the r-r1 3 UI,!.T dkil wi' It- Pat ytis jtt.l fr k a hae. aa' sit d-ca ly joor ttxlt, r yoor witfs aKt tjs aa' 7r a dry ever sraia. roe r 00m txr r The winit report f the aa.Ury committee lhe petvainrg d f yicettheWrd f kcalta York ordered ,03 ccpJea puU-ed x distributed: "Never cerWt loc-eae) f the f l.irjr tx ra-.vra. - The Ixodon Telegraph says : It U a pity, with the thermometer al nicely degree la the shade, that lie la teal ahoold not be more general lhaa it U among thoe whose Oiean and lciare enable them to secure iu advaaUsea. was tiaro vi.nncr man en id Wr. -TnnM tiirrv. lirFus Choate is the subiect of an polite, and how careful to perform her I . article full of reminiscences in the Alba- duty to the letter 1 -Mr. Jones decided, J The revulsion was too dreadful, and Edith survived but a week. Ainslie be came hopelessly insane. Two lives were thus sacrificed to the mistakes of a moment. Both had in that brief space up the source of grief for life. They weuld not hear and forbear when it was yet time, by kindly conces sion, to repair the breach irritation had nv Law Journal JTrm writer rlpscrirw I with his usual acumen, that there liini as six feet in height, with a power-1 no room to doubt ori that pointy ful chest and shoulders, and raunt " He noticed, indeed, that her girlish frame. His hands and feet were large, gayety wafrgone ; but that was a decided and he walked with a rolling gate. His improvement, according to his view, lace, of a bilious, coffee-colored complex- She was Mrs. Jones inow, and meant to ion, was deeply corrufiated with wrinkles keep all whiskered popinjays at a re am! hollows, and his eyes, large deep-set, spectful distance j and wonderfully expressive. His hair He liked it ! " i was black, curly and luxuriant. He was And so; though those interminable generally attired in ill-fitting, slouching evenings, Edith sat; playing long games and a brief word wouid taTe - l.a ill? . 1 I - 4- ah 4-V Villi I garments. He shrieked, raved, swung of cness witn mm, or iioucmug w his fists, and distorted his body into un- gains or losses in the way of trade; or natural contortions and poured forth reading political articles of which the his arguments with startling force and words conveyed no idea to her absent velocity ; but with the arrangement, de- mind. j f tail and orator, utterlv forgetful of him- Sne walked through the busy streets, self in the abandon of the moment, his leaning on his armwith an unseen form whole soul being thrown into the cause ever at her side ; and slept next. 1 speak : " If I ain't the most unfortunate man in Ameriky," he sighed. " I'm jest dy in for work, crazy to get somethin to do, and I'm blocked out of work at eve ry turn. I jest love to work among flowers and ditr in the eround, but I nevet daent do it, for I'm junt blue ruin among the iies. Nobody ever cared to teach me anythin' about flow ere, and it's a gopel truth, ma'am, I ean't tell a violet from a sunflower, nor a red rose from a dog Jennet. iasi Piavkmoi Jotts C Baowjt. of Ta nfMff, ha beea re-eleeted viee-preaidenl cf I the Teiaa rao&e rauroao. A noiLKa eiploJed at Marietta, GaTaee dar, kulinc two nerro Other so that be died. Gax. rr.S5TrCKa baa beea ordered to the der arm nt of lb rnlf, and Ut raak besdquartt r al ML Vernon, near Mobil. I s niCATtoxs of silver have beea discovered fifty feet nnder reoond by a eooipaay opera ting near Marytille, Tena. A wild horse, bearine lb dead body of a rasa see ore It stripped to bis bck,'dabe4 into Waeo, teiaa, a few dys sro. Til XT are ehaajtinr tbinir ia lb Strnta. A firra la Tenneaaee, a few days sgo shipped a thousand bar of corn to Illinois. IT i re nerally believed that souihera rM No donbl the practice ha, growa withia ia aa bf.at. CA . X the laat few years. None who are famil- dUpenmry tPciaa atoex, aI he U .v.VCl!: r.n ka oh- riv. Ttu rale about .U It shouU Uk. Ur rved tit. tV. TV.mra ran fail to have h- I five TOO role ( - 1 . r t 1 M. tt tMtitifal I and bow II so-a.- aeiploded l Marietta. CaTae served am hi l lis juki. - ctwonerroe snd woondmg - reaches dainty little Ubr rose Irs of soowy your rxci a cor4 a. pr-.e. Ve turw4. Keep . a . . 1 vi .AAii'sVJs.i aTi snxs uua. aa.!' - - canva strticaea upon . , 1. Pot along the banka. About thera sni hI aaell. to come froa ka. ia their neighborhood 1 every siga f boiea, gutters, etc . bot comfort. The well appointed loat rides where yoa live J;r o" J at her rainier a few yards If. complete Uiag x.&U coapuda to the board and CnUhed, from the white rudder f health, if the t" Hoe lo the dainty little fender lhat fVnaire, When aa lafaat Is cro- aol . t.v r .v- inrK tfaW- In lhe hot weather, a trip oa f the lock side. Without the fairy l.ke the w.tcr wBI It a great ded f j-.h; .r, .Bread. under the shade f al may rttteat clx.r latua. ls ' I m ..AlUftnDrit onnr r nvrrhacrinr bourn, (vmwnat.e w- 1 00 a.- ' " . amended. garden, and I worked about a couple of hours, monstrous glad to get work, now you bet; an I pulled up every last livin green thing in the yard. Hope I may die if I didn't. Pulled up all the gram, every blade or it. lacl fulled up a : place I tried to get work at, woman of st the varions waterier places thU tea overnacgi g wslerpcoccf dried fruiu Aa rnat onder a year VI ened It v . , , . dreaa very pUinly, sad are not demonatra- I trrsnr each resting upon a waterprotapi 1 onea irai. . v . rnea the house set me to work weed in' the I J:7J.., " I . . vi-a.-rta the ah-1 alkali not have any frail except 7 a nK n.i ih hird nri tttimfM Mrs. virw u...n.i.i rmm a innoo. dui s ui vi uiiivi" ' V" T.7 V-l 7 . rj-. , . - !,LMn!t.,irM. lvo.tr enia uy - I nre mnA tirra. the K ft vie Sinra s vae wia ' ' AFlorioa .a. . rnjd .$4 W rta. jearby - inTitaiion to evenicg tea, while I more time a day. MltlBllnira oiiaarc oumw vi 1 v.. .... . into the h'ew York market before th seaaoa I bottle of mineral water and his still hock I "Children under tea mocu w sjr Tiller but the breast r But passion had its way, and the grave ,;n,.n(h PTPnt.ft rtnlU that hA I Tin Hon. Altander II. Stephen ha I . .? , . . rv rv.'.irilr. when tare. I only led the wound Mnd by th, I mMn tYJnni lh,. 1Ur tl,a h. SSft IF. T TuQVrfllf-li' unguaided utUrances. 1 into the cistern, and I yanked 'em richt I Lome speeches for Tdden and Hendricks. know how comforuble It l, I .v-.rd water to two thirds milk sal up, every fibre of'em. Woman was ol As Id eltisn who has resided tn fUoth , . riife 0f a week under caa- I wrroi8r to Mood heat, aad aliule aver vv- .x. , I America, says that th young ladies I M 1 . . :mMH I . . .v;.- ran TusTtu""";"" 1 looeUKi strwvi vt - - - r . OSE-SITtEIi DETEJAiPMEST. he had undertaken to present. MORTALITY OE CUT AST) COVSTRT. heart, when hers was far away ! But when she was alone no human eye to read her sad secret, her small I -m m a 3 The habit of using the right hand in preference to the left among those peo ple whose monuments date from the remotest antiquity appears to be a uni- a t . 1 . a Heart Droxe wnen sne came out ana see ;.- . ' .,;fAi M-mttu.uiB. from the yard just as bare as the floor of a I eatine aUta-ator steaks. brick yard that they had to put her to WmxsvEa anything f firit lhi I m tl. 1- it. ...A it la anM I, kill a Mlfllfl ucvi. : j bui, I era genersu A bucket dropped ta a wacon and I had to work for that bouse three I Ga., mell, aiithoui malice preieaae, I to a pint f the mixtore ; bat la the rity trddalflhe mUk ha t'rftty d hands clasped in agony, and her fair head I vergai fact, and this is accounted for by bent to the . very dust was . 1 1 1 1 1 I kiltl ventral llaorabook. monuia lur nuu.m u u.j w - 'WM'Cocont, ),riog ia Gibson eoaaty. ! ..." - - - : w It was a: driving storm. Mr. Jones resolved to dine at a tavern instead oi He had mst seaiea n. T .. - I Un -. thA VrV: flUBl WHO UC "V" fitatistics of the relative mortality ofaveDed town and rural districts in Scotland are published in the Edinburgh Medical Journal. Of the strikine facts broutrht t light by Dr. Stark, the following ap pears to be among the most important : That were all thelown children Of Scot land reared m the country, at least eight thousand lives would be annually saved to the population ; scond could the mortality of the towns be brought down to that otthe mainland districts, upward Rllov ,x;d Wnmn to marry such of thirteen thousand lives would be thus an idiot An for a fooUsh quarrel with saved to the population, and every indi- Ainalie. you never saw such a wreck vidual living in the large towns would, &h it has made of him. However, she is on an average, live ten and a half years well punished ; for with all of her con longer than he has any chance of doing 8ummate tact and effort to keep tip . P" at present. Still further, if from the rjearancesL it is nlaim she is the most a 1 rural districts were excluded the towns with populations varying from three thousand to ten thousand inhabitants, the mean ase at death would have been j . . alwiit forty years instead of thirty-five, und could the mortality of the towns be brought down to that of the purely rural districts of the mainland, then the average life of the town population would be increased about fifteen years, the anatomical mechanism of the human body. It is known that the right lung, liver lobe and limb exceed in size that of the left side, involving, of ceuree, a greater amount of tissue structure and a larger supply ot nerves and blood pay for damage I done. Hope to die cf I Tennr, drank aiiteeu at of eider st t j;4 t -.-., .,.iW:i T v: J I ntia aiitna. and theoth friends who fl- . JL. t. v... t , j.-I Wed Wilham s. remain to their la.1 mung 1 11 snow you wuav uni, uut a nuum ui 1 .. ejtbed-cr deep stgo. dare to go looim arouna no nowers. iouvrsos s.u u.. . .... Vf th; .T paper aUvaaees th rUaaibU MLCMBKKtXO rLAXI ... . . . . 11 IS Mil 1 - I t illfi isl If VOU tJ m 1 WKTT uti sj&ju iii a -w-" night; but the f hour, or ' lL chiU. see that the aamn matter of hab and may be dirtu:be4 J "7. . ' vvrWce are knt i lutkn f . . A Ta awlJi- . . , , . . eleaa WSvrr btu iwt up to crow at untimely hours by 1 JJof miilfanda will keep uVta froa A rreacn caew ,articr sncr. II tae tay weiaw a t&Llt. cot a. I a rhysiciaa. , I some work; don't send a desparin' man ValCBaISl I ' himself, and given his order to the ob- U their nutrition'. A person walking I away nun8ry f?T wort sequeous waiter, when his attention was L a Aem9 og figureg with his feet the " Well," the lady said, you can Wat attracted by the conversation 01 Ugginent of a circle, and, if he is right- my carpets lor me. iney navejusi ocen gentlemen near him. . handed, he takes a direction to the left, taen P, nd you can beat them thor- "Have you seen the beautitui ioun becauae the right leg naturally takes .a ougnly, and ny me time -tney are since her marriage, Harry ?" " . longer Btride. The left side of the brain done I will have fomething elxe ready for "No , I feel too much vexea wun u. . h .rf . and M u you. , light of alajjtern anbiected a seasiti ty, O, a t dy ars d ih diur I ingly trjing course of ducipline, ty coca r-"" ,tl ehanrins IU bours-eipn? or wa torownii- -7 .r . r . 1.. to a bright Iirnt at niov. 1 a ruler snr. I . . 1 ..:!. nlint Ia tn f irMil-l iVh. tl mi row" A KtGRO wa. found dead ta a well la Hibb suPjectca - - - - u rte- theory that be either fell I 1. A Sorni Caanua worderer, st bU ete-1 . -wn. and potting It la a dark rtota !ri7a.r bfound durinc the day. The riant .Prred to i,;m ftnlr fifteen cent. Which b divided iik Mtnirderat. T11 reb itrsnaao gool rooks and fit hundred koure rirla, all Fecliah saerasta, vUitinr theeeotennial esblbiuon, bav been induced to go to Bicbeaood, Va., where sta- QKMMIVAXtOX rnax TOOV9AXD tmAKM VLlK yat.f A nvl inlemiirg baervalkra. reWt ring to the power of rertaieatioo ia nerd rbea it is noaareoji " - " miserable woman in existence; as Mr. Jefferson Jones, whom I have never seen, might perceive, if he' wasn't as all the world says, the very prince of donkeys." Jones seized his hat and rushed into the open air. Six times he went, like a comet, round the square, then, settling his beaver down over his brow, in a very prophetic manner, he turned his foot steps deliberately homeward. aa - be much ponied and cuiuriu at urn. 1tr.rened and tWI it leave irregu- UtIt. sometime codling, la spite of lhe I f 0vi. ia said to have tra by artificial sua that shed ts reams at mil-1 pf, HeaireKh la oreece. ia t si"r . . . . ! .. fM I mm 1- V - . L. t 1 pioTtnenl wa rturanued them. . oigh and sooeuKr. tnUS l-aunuw, - w Rev. Mt i:5CLA5P, bU stepson and I rorce 0f habit, to 6ad the chamUr 1 nxUnt Greekssr at perfeBlMM S, ia eder to rain, after aa lereoved wars that the power of verbal articu- The man made a gesture of defpair, r . . ... ... - . . I . . ., 1 ' . . . I . . - . v 1 v . ... lation in the right handed is confined to and sat down on tne ground inc. picture daughter, were murarrro 'T7 I jn time f dsy. rnieb a certain convolution on the left side, the of abject helplines and disappointed 57J.f m AuSItadV.'a .a- the trammeU of use and weal. Pol conclusion is arrived at that, in speaking I aspirations. j 1 I and mortally wounded. .1 yioaj itnirjile, the plant suh- and thinking, the left side of the brain is l, at me now, he exclaimed. lny:?"rr been one f depreei. milted to the change, and turned dsy npd. this beine the result of dextral 1 vht' tmin to become o me? Did I noo and dinrr. tb t;raitevin eottoal. .t.i.. without any apparent ill " j - " . ... " : v.. 1. ...-, AAA aw I e education. The opinion uas also7Deen you ever tee a man so down in luck me 7.-T 7? J"d is". more cf effect. expressed by some medical writers that j roe 1 tell you, ma am, you must give I -lolh th preeeediBg yer. Tk entire -I .nhaoiii in rifiht.hondMI I . 1 f J T I .v.4 nolift WAS 1 U r TUTII. DliniUliI amnesia uu -r'- - ..6-. mesometnin i w uW. u'll, if eeitoa-et U men indicate disease ot tne leit Drain, more daro for to lech thera carpets tnan ; ' m ffnU ,,1. Th profit from the nothin in the world. I'd tear 'em to I Mle of rooda for th year amounted to I . . that hammer-palsy and writer's cramp show the results of excessive work ing of the left brain. I'm -n awful hard hitter, an the 4. from wbica a .twt a -Fy - 7 1 on the eapital stoca i sow.iaw ..A We!h judre, r-oloriou Ut hi greed of See and IU wsot i penonal cleaalineas, was ence ccmptalnirg of le- t. - x dear sir. s'.d mSU I JekyU, In hi most amiable tones, " yoa modern method, silver siiH W la lKt drea. Tilt rtfaae ore b proUhSy aV.t;i two thousasl year o'.l. Aoorj it, lie aeed of a species f elaociaa or poj . WS KUa3, Wi;3 P-rp tea at the earth darieg all that time. After lit tl""l.iie, whea the aUrs were breurhtopasd wotled?at th rsel.inc tea, there sadirtJy ara a crpt-i rUuriata rlaaU, with a heaai.rai jtwji last time I beat any carpets was for a wo- Vhe empany also Purrhad a valalmdl tJVrf, ."T? Ytor. fa lir,i utUs rw nA T in.t wrltM r,ri.Ue near th reai mUU, erected ra 1 have aked the minister fur almost every. I lr.T vat Lich U deart.ted by Hrr . ... . . . . .. rrr. i I lllllll f - J - " I . . . : V K m.mA Mdlk. .. . . . " - . ? . IT i- estimated tnat at kmi PI'" .A ;ntA ,trinaa .nJ raratracr. ?r".'"a "CJT..i"-TiX-T.LTL thing else, wny cod l you aaa tin rcw m 4 iter as a ireqaea. cawec left Savannah since the breaaing o 1 " - I have piece of soap aa 1 a nail-brush ! ' C, I i s t.: 1 t i '! . If