3 - 'I 1 ' 1 jj a an ik i - - ; m m v. - ,. . 1 L v.oj-i. xxrr, SLLEIVX, ZV. O., OBTOBEU 12, 187G. TO. .11. ' ' . ' . ; r i " - . i ill no innnrni a if . jmva ?, -.- ..v.-.a-o ivmu.uu iuu uuiu mcv ieii nasuinirion ami conun um hm kuic io tc nil innimnM i. amj ixmi ..! 1 . 0 MP $ .cBX ;I,ox.lo Ames' and Davis' was $9546.287; until their return, their travelling expenses in this'way obtained largo Jatcrests in a Wn " "' ' " ''' '"' 1 u, tpjcost to the contractors was $50,720,958. were paid by iho Government, nnd nil material or so post Into which ho put no capital, but ru" 1ro.11 10 lUo contractors US.82o.- purported to bo shipp.il from Washington was from which he derive,! usually ono-third or the j i", - 1 -- " . uuiniiiiivniiM, ou-v.11 iv .1 MU.V- 1 .uu... a hi :acu were atimiitcti uv urvii L. V. &; E. T, BLUIV!, 1 PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS: 'TERMSI..CASII IK ADVANCE. 0n copy, one year. ... ......$2 00. 4 six months,.'............ ; j oo '.",' three months,...,'...,...... . 75 LIBERAL DISCOUHfT-TO CLl'BS. From the New York Express (Supplement). Campaign Texts. 1 The Truth About the V publican Party. - Re- Why a Vote lor Hayes Ik a Vote lor Grant. The Single Issue. . tbno2,:A4uice eHJBra became President, has endorsed his Aihninislration. with all its crimes and corruptions in the fullest terms. The Ohio Convention which presented Gov. Hayes as a candidate,tcndofscd the Administration ; Vic National Convention, which adopted Gov. Hayes as a Candidate,-endorsed the Administration; Gov. Hayes, in his letter of acccptatce, endorsed these cnd)rs mans . What thai Administration was., these records show. - .i i .. were djistrihuted among prominent members of Balo4priccs. Shepherd was paid 15 per cent. IGtaU (t hti tettlmony. That tins rreIJent the IIolii? and S'iiate to jiitl lerisl!itin. :Anwinr o iho tfit-l .r .it ti..c . in i.k.t.b ...i...i .1 ,. r -.- . -- r I " v j - j, .v j . 1 . w v., u , j 11111111 siihmi iimx U50 ITIIICn DnUlCr those vlo had transactiens in i Wilsui Sc.fKld. Garfi. l.l. terson,0.f,ix, all lli-pnhlienns. t wvrjp Dawes, cent, besides for the use of his patents. The I tnado of Lit information mnj bo inferred from irt. Harlan, l'at- rooting. piumbmr and ims-Cttinir oftho rort- I Ids own netion in a aimlUr T irw Ilioilu'PUljli- I land (Orcroti) Custom llonse was done in this I when bo w.n Grnrral nf Ka arm it. ,. . ' r . . . 1 ... ..v ...... 1 if ----- . - - m . . ... tiru M. W .'! I iW f M t f f 1 can II,.nse w hit. washel then sill. makinj: way by Shepherd, and the waes of th work- npplntment of pot-tradrr. n lalir. W. jy-l 1 1 Tbfbue l imp! n.d enrarl1ir4 stste- s,ap roats of Oakes Am,:s (Rep.ilan) and men for their whole absence was paid in the W Bernard. suke! n appnintmont far one w"1 f M,J ,r J .Wtt Utl oUr pr. Jamin pj o.-ks. tin only Democnit; in v.l ved. way just stated. Barroir, suiting in writing In Gen. Gmnt. th-t e"rTr.p'U K. ChVII.. at S4. a 1 1 1 1 -1- ii.Af-i.hi'& liavv vriu k."v iiiini..if.i 1 1 1 1 w fe A 1 w r m 1 w w 1 , - - -" m-w . v v wi 1 va ua w u a im aiiini ji V'l.M 1 . - n .1 vaav-aaav I -------- In 18C5 the actual and adjuvftld -delit of Ala bama was SG.221.18G. In 1872; its t6tal d. bt :ind contingent liabilitifs amunti-d to $S2,92C. j Mr. lloheson K-cnmo Secretary of tint Xutt in 18C.9. and was then very poor. Tle income which he testified to under oath in '63. was proGts fr Iii Influence Harrow was apnnlntnl. Tills W shown bytctlnioay before tlto Uouse Committee on War Kxpcndiinrcs. '.- wnfriNi luncocK'a roc. Anions G nf benck's Lilliu CuiumisIos cr of TnLlic D'lil i"C and Gryun.1. pud at VEltr LITTI JJ KECOUn, AND NONE OF ir GOOD. R. B. Hayes was a meuiler of the 39th and 40th Congresses. , Dining that time he distin guished himself only by his votes for subsidies and jobs. March 2, 1867. he voted for a bill making extra allowance to contractors for iron clad, which the Secretary, of the Navy testified was kicked by one of the strongest lobbies ho had ever seen. The allowances were in addi tion to others already made by a Government Board.. 'Mr. Hayes voted against the motion to iwisttvinn ln Potisider:it itn rf t li . l.i 11 noainct' i i -- - ' the motion to lay' on the table; and in favor of this bill. Ail allowance was wade under tbi bill nmouniing to 250,000, half of wliich went to Robeson's friend Sicor. Iogan and Sehenck put through the House a bill restoring the iron clad Comanche to its builders, by which. $179, 000 was tak n fn.iu th Treasury. The bill was tlcnooneed on the floor by Mr. Spaulding, hut Mr. Hayes voted fr it. Seventeen acts, 'making grants of public -lands 16 corporations, ..l .1... 'if .. i i...l .t.:.. -'ta., iiv- iiitiaiip .. 3llirt but on only seven: were the Democratic minor ity able to force a yea and nay vote. On all seven Mr. Haves is recorded in favor of these bills, and never by speech or vote against litem. The amount of land accruing to the Union, Centra! and Kansas Pacific road under t lwci irr'in f e wvia 5l.i flOO OOrt nn nro i. nt. most equal to the whole of New England, and the amount of Government bonds issued to them was $64,000,000. All of these bill were cposed. and most of them openly denounced, without effect on Mr. Hayes. Mr. Haves' only 'Vpecch.was made in explanation' of his favor aljlo action ii the Boligii' claim which had leen adjudgel null and void by the Supreme ; Court twenty-four :. years iK'fore. Mr. ,Wash .' burne (Uep.)of Wisconsin, offered a bill direct ing a suspension of the law, and said that a more fraudulent claim was never presented to Congress. ( ; ; ' M M. A. WlIEELKIt'S JOBS. When the honest1 Republicans of the House i;. presented resolutions in 1861 extending the in vestigations of the corruptions of 'tfsimbn Cam eron as Sicretary of War, Wa. A. 'Wheeler voted to lay the resolutions on the table, raised a technical point of order to defeat the resolu tions, and voted jigainst their final passage. The investigation showed fraud, every whre in the War Department, :in which the firm of E. 1). Morgan, now Republican candidate for Gov ernor of New York, was largely involved. .The framU tt'i"- einmiitted in thu uurchasc of arm v supplies, c:ittle, horses, mules, blankets. &c. Simon Cameron is now Cliairjnan of the ll'pub- 967 v total inereasc. Sfi.TOii 7i Ti,,.1- ,...ii $192; in '64. $535; in C9. tho year of his ai- debt of Arkansas in 1865 wa $4,527,879; It lM,Ml'" t. $1,000. In a few months he had total debt and contingent liabilitiesi: in 1871 ,t't'0,m' in five b;nks. nggregaling $IC7,5iC. amounted to $19,751,265: toi.nl increase $15 - T,,M of Messrs. A. G. Cat tell & (it.. how of tlwi U. S. Treasury, was poo tf f30. fK iho 223.3861 j In 1865 the actual and a.jliusted debt ,,,at a tlosc "csa Intimacy beganjwith Mr. b-wrd of ' bisydog, nnd JUir. U1K of 1 1 755. ofFbrida was $1,307,617; in! 172 jllie total Ko,woii when he was appointed. E. G. Cat till $16X15, f 555, and $2I rwptxtirHr, all or debt, aetiinl and continzent, was $10.556.072 8,,', J'w influence with Mr. RolxMn to many retiring nn. pninting hU arriiz- Tl.a U inen ne, .$15,185,455. In 1863 lw wtual .nn.rl n:lvarvntr:Htors, demanding as his price 5 j ailjuMei) ilel k" of Geor'ia wai "-Si 70C 500- in I c,'nl- on '""l amount ol the contract. T1 1872 tho total ilebt. actual and contingent was invi"l':'ting committee coubl not discover all I q rented b ind-uimu room, laillt tat.!o. and $38,6181750: increase. $32 ' Tin. n. n- 1 !lKn -a!t,s. out nicy dnl discover 18 cases in niainiainm iiortn anl mrriagei. Hie rrtin- oiratie Jailniinistrati.ui has since reifuced its w,,ich the contracts amounted to $7,211,023; S t cxjciis- i,f bis prt decvor were liiuh.1 actual lhd.ilitics to $8,000,000 and brought its fr,,m 7 "f these contractor. Cattell rwived to $250 x r nnnnm. He nli furnM.cl IxMiq ut IjoihIs. which at one time could liardiv be sobl f""11 one of these dealers many pri- tho Ring, with larger decorations for iwrtle. for any? In-ice, nlovo par. jln ijoitisiana in Vale l,uit',asis made by the Si cretary and Uis rMioks how charges for kclrtons of 1.223 1S65. the I actual and ndinst, d.-bt iL. i . ,,,s being set tkil by Cattell. Ono fiowir 'wkets. 221 wn-nlh. 173 crosses. 72 557.999 the total debt and conting. il liabili- ' ""'tor testifid tli.it he iKiid CatuK $37,000. vases, anchor. &c. libitum. , ties in 1872 amounted to $41,864,473:1 increase. Various witnesses testified that RoWson was A ciliusri AX STATESMAN. j TTCAttS l his rrn rtiuraiM Lis dec la rail. a of prniu-nc prr:n It to eschew politics al ollKr UaiiLas likely to lend Idea into trnr. ; XIr. RUy farther statol to i1im grwilrmen (MirMrs. Scott and the others) tint 1 rocuidcr- cil Luuicir relieved from Ids c.bl!g-itWtof s crocy by Hoi Ion's ntt rr dirrrn of bW ' in rrgnrd to pnlitW SACCCO riBOUiSK $28,506,474. .In Mississippi tbo actual and ad justed dibt in 1865 amounted to $99.767; in 1871 it yAs $2,284,216: increase $1.3$7.449. In North Ciii-olina, the debt and liabilities amount- well informed of tho payments to the Cattells, Gen. O. O. Howard, a Republican Hill in and many telegrams nnd letters placed in cti- I Rol standing, was prnved by invrstigalions to denrashowedlhat tho most cordial intimacy I l-,vo aUtracti d from the appreciations for Hkj exislwl lctwevn them. Secretaiy Robeson or- 1 Frccdmcn'a Bureau, of which bo was tins he ail. ed in 1868 to $15,779,915: in! 1872 to $34,887.- t,t'rfJ P11' claims, which liad U-cn rejected by 50i).000 for Howard University, of which bo 467; increase in four years $19,107,522. In Sccrctnry Wi lies, one of tho most upright of was n'so tho head ; sobl unlvtr!ty land South Carolina, the actual ami adjusted debt in Svt'taries, amounting to $789,590. Among improperly, and taken church bonds in pv- 1865 was 13,038.984; tho total actual and ad- these was the famous Secor claim, which was mcnt. &c. irom the IUlciyh Xcnrt. j STA IITLINO HE I 'EL A TIOSS ! justed debt in 1871, was $22,480,914: increase. Pnu'' """ough tlie Secors bail lormcrly ncccpt- $9,441,950. The actual and contingent debt of ca ,n '"II Omhargeoriho claim. Tlcje Tennessee, in 1866. was $26,777,347. and in I clninis wi re iut through ly attorn-ys. istMt of 1872. $32,054,476: increase. S5.277;T29. in them intimate with Robeson. Tho failure of Texas, tbo actual and adjusted debt, in 1865 ,,ousc v JaJ" C,N,ke & Co- In 873 threat- was $328,866 j the total contingent and pros- , neu " I lb brniicli Imhiso in Iondon. peetive debcin 1872 was $12.954;887. j being nn '" tary lColicsou, in order to help tho Cooke incrcae'o,l2,629.621. Tlte debt of Virginia u,ul tells, ndvanccl $1,110,000 to the Iondon incriasca from $41,000,000 in 1865 loi7,000,- ,,m,Sts r"ur ,,a3" nfur 1,10 'lurc of the bouse In IlKPCnUCAXS JlESl'OXSIBLF: IVfl Tllh 000 in l$7l. the small increase Wing ilue to the Nww Yo, k- '" "tirc amount went to the SIKI'JIEXS MURDER. short lived ixiwer of the cariKt-lKin-gi rs. The nr,n an, "t to pay drafts of iaymastcra in total increase of the debt of khe Southern States fotvi2n port, S was chiimwl. $700,000 of this since the! war, is $172,685,940. j ALLEGED C0SFESSIOX OF JET S' GOV. 110LUES. Her. C. T. Iliilcy. Nw Id Mr. RUt ba lrd in Uic Matter, lie Is at trrnt acnlTrom tfw diy.;.' : ; ) a pub.i4cl Mr. Biib-y' card Uit wckl An Indian Toilet. t j Koiady t.f ritiUiUSott Is m-ro ftssUkMS In rrgarU U hi iuke op" tluia m yt liariiur Inn.-k. as be U called un tlo U4b rt ffvmiliig f.r tW war-patlt. Uj fri t, or ji iwprataiit rtmaci). . . The work of Ue toilet tf an Iatlim varrlof Is i laJ5 iw-rrnel Lf lL iiuv, aWbln In iwlof ,ng the T pwtw cHr rrJf olr tlraro, in tike bi-!.c-t styl ( ttti. Generally Im fir.l stage of llw -ruccV.ir.g U i'.kt ainting i.f iIk f.cr. Tl.is i an affair .f lU- great t-t liut-irtT-. In winur. btck aprs to Ui tlte f ivorila oht; In snnuuer. rob anJ yi Hows arc rvgrd-d as IIkj fjvl.i.maUe tints. .iint serves a dtmbls urpve in an InIUn U4- rl; while it adorns I br f icv. it ruTcta up fbc arcumuUtrtl ?irt. anJ saves lb diMgrmklt nwrssity of wa.bing. As a role Indbns b-tc an irutincliTo dir.ke to watrr. cither as a lr cragxi or fr abing. ami thus ttrir Ijcvs arw coverrtl wiib a!u-rnal Uyrrs or rrnt if ;iri and cunt. TWy .iy Iho Minl rrrTcs Cm kin. and kevj it fimu lul ling i C. Ti c r4- ors are kept ir. rvrrpUeVf cf liofn. coriowtly caivcdand Hbcrnic iK-coratrl. and ll.ry arc always bung rv-idy for uc, in rvvry unt yr llge. TIkj manner of ilcoHMliun ti'u-, ! cuorso with individual Utr. i-r tbo tart Htr)w of i-rrnrrting tl skin, a grural akli ofbl.uk in winter and tirmiKiun ia lamoKT wills. rrc; but on cxtraorilinarr iTCtioos tle fTce Is generally streakol itb 1j1k-s of differ ent co.ors. wbkh is suppwl la 14tb very fine effect. th AV1IAT Mi: M'HEELElt 'S KAlj.U OADS HAVE GOT. amount has never been rtvovercd. The naval investigation showed that Mr. Roleson expend ed fully $1,000,000 a year' for political purpos- Thc bonds issued to Pacific Railroads by Rc- j cs in navj- yards, kn-ping sometimes as mar.y publican Congresses which are now outstanding as 12.000 men on hand. Tbo expenditures of amount $64,623,512; and the, amount of in- the Navy Department ince RoU-son's appoint- terest pajij by the United jStatrj, allowing for inent have been $210,037,481. The result of all repayment by . transportation of mails, &c, this expenditure is that, in tho words of Admir- TIIK TIM E IXWAI.HXEM or TUB KlItK Will IIOW MATERIAL WAS COT FOH THE OCTUACK MUX MM't hlJCAX .KASCAUTT AT KAtXICIt ! ;! AMI WASIIIXUTOX J-ES71M0XV OF REV. C. T. BAILEvJ am ou n t s to $ 25, 1 7 1 .0 1 3. I I ' FOUU TIIOLSAXO MII.UOX al Porter : The following stiteiiient was taken by tb fJH-cial c.rresp..n.lerH of the Raleigh .Vc i from Major John A . Sci.lt. of H iywootl. ono ,f Uio worthiest, U-st known citizens of Chatham county, Tluirsilay night nt Sanford. Moore Our navy, taken as a -whole, is wnrlli nntlittvtv." nit. I ll. 1 . ... i K .. -i l " of every prominent naval officer 2irrees. Thu 1 eouniv. 4 1-cn ..!?.. A ! toft ..-a .. " I J ...v.. -x, ttcJ, u.wm.e oo. ioo.. or hi 1Iuasc l,;ls directed the Judiciary Committee to M..ior Seolt i.d.t r t... .1... ' ktit it 11 tint rvnliniirv nvmiiicb T Mm I ... ... .1 r j - c "v r..l)0,i W u. lur 1U) H'Utll Ihim 1 nnt Im inu.Mr ed. but be is still rataim-d in the Cabinet. From rears, tlie uoverninent were oi.oiub.rJo; u nun June fourtceiyirs, they Wclnnulay 1.11.1. at iba 1kIc1 in Caiarroo, Mowrc county. Rev. C. T. Iliilcy, editor of the iiayks's makeks on civil, service kefoum. B&'i:al Recorder. lot.li,hol in thi ritv. (I'l- Gov. Hayes was nominated at Cincinnati ti&X ) ,un,,c ,t nec. the following state- chiefly by the siipp-rtcrs of Morton and Camer- 11 pre m e ..r rrvn.il gentU nu n: s I i t I . . 1... ..... . 1. I M f , . . I .11., ijA-iiui. 11. 11 . iiiiiiii'ii iiiiinn tiiriirnl a ... t,c .f-i . ... 1 1:..: . r.i ... i r muni n iuu inuiieneu ui i resitieiiL t.mni. i is. iiie loiai eAiH-iuiuiires 01 lmc six :v.-ar 01 1. ' I .... r . . 1. i- ..... . ! T I UoV. H.iVt'S chief iMiiut in Iim letter of aereot. '" lii-uu'yi IUU Iho lU. ' " i t. j . .. .. . . I iniliicaii nartr w.ik,rc4iioi.;iJ.. r..r il... .wiee Has ois j. oiuise 01 a civil service rciorm. I , 1 i i ' t I l lletlu-r lie will ntti-mi.t In fulfil I.ij ,r..itic. I ui im.ik ..v . ... f. . , '. 1 ..... . v ....... .'ivai.! 0u t a..'.. v . a . j 1 1 1 1 1 si V 1 ' ' ii.'i deiK-uds uiwn the men loiwhom ho owes hi I r ....n . t., '''I e L 1 1 , t "I ' ... 1 wi . 1111 -.. VI. Ill 1 . I lin nmnlMT nt rivjl cmiilnvoixi iiliili-r IVfti. I . ...... .... ... 'I J - -;i v - y - nominauon. ah 01 mem tire itislinguislicd oi- jn ion iir. I.,.,., 'csn 1ST". .U an.ou.ntrn, cxi ltisive ol the public debt, to $o. 220.250.759. The net ordinary expense s in the ten veaas of in-ae'e since! 1865. are $2,034,233, 1. . - . ... 1 -.-. - . i nlil I lint . lit C n t ttMM . dent Buchanan was 44.527; under I L-incoln in 1K,ncnts of civil serviee r. f..rm M.,ri..a i.r.u ... , , , ,or 1 ' ! .1 l.'.i i-r 1 VHc reform. Morion pro- H-Jden m.ndo tb s niifeloii to him was on the 1863. when the war wasjnt its ..cgl.t. U7.3o; llollnt. (,,,rsthe tn-st civil service on the plan- tr,n on tho IL,K i"h & Ani -U 1 l Tx V .! under Grant in 1869. M.207; yu 6n,t in ,t." and has declared that the life tenmc of of- wT X m 1878,86,560; under Giant in 1876, 102.250. Iu... llow u.oiM.sed bv Cov 'II ,v.-, ..! 1 t , L w 1 ' ' ,w l ' a,l"t . ' ; jl j lut- uo pioi'cliyljowii.iei.. would form Si.to Convention at Fayetteville. Ho (Holdcn) FIVE MILLIONS Olf aEFAlXATioxsr a privileged cL.s that would revolutionize Iho ,U that tho ri.t. that StepUns was inJo , The amount of defalcations under Tij-sident fundamental principles of this Government.' wa u-a that bu (Si,-,.,. .) J. ,.1 thre.itcii- Grant's iilniinistmtionj has Ik en. by jxjslmas- Senator Cameron, whose "son the present Sec- cd expose iho rascalities of the lleiattdimin ters. $373.371 ; by marshals, 249.260 ty sun- rvtary.of War, deeidl H-iycs' nominatiou al jy. 'niai nl tjiu.. jt n4 doubtful wheih- dry public officers. $205,713; l.y collector of Cincinnati, said in the Senate, th: "ihis Gov- crtho Ri-Miblicnn lrly culd carrr North Car- internal revenue. $2,312,544; by niivy oJlieers. ernment of ours is s well conducted now as U $623.208 1 by army officers, $784,553. &c &e.; ever wa since its beginning, and lM-tter tluu tot.il nuriilier of defaulters. 649; total of.defal- )' other (jovi-rnment'iii tho world." He says: cations, $5A0',595. j 1 ."' 'j j I -This cry of reform coiues from thei party in : '' i ! I I ho ttiiiii.rit v. It 14 riilii-iitiiw in .tioiwi.. 1 1 . t lAmrosTi.Y ixinAx,roi.iCY. j i - ""n "v !t W .1 . " I i . . I Senators can Ixj Prevented from aelin a eiti. The totadTXpendilure for the supiwrt of the T.r-i.": ir.'.u. . i. . i - b a. a HIKI9 a7rsi l,c:m Congrerssional J,xecu ivo commiuee. nnu Ind.ator Jr-g l ie years preceo.ng u.e Evcrv c Jllu, evt. h, a, headeil the Pcniisylya.ua delcgatioh to Cincn- war was $23,9.293. 1 1 he total oxynl.tures YrJ G,.t tJ 4 tho nomination of Gov-Hayes- for the fiiix years of the presant adipi.istra- rm Intle4lst and 42d Gongresses, Mr. Wheeler tion. during which thj Imlians . were jewer in rcforn,t ,,Ml no s,ep has cveV lcen take., but that wa. Chairman of the Committee on Pac.hc number, was $40,925,488. The annual average . ai)noilltmcllt (lf .,, Vlu:irA of t:ivil s..r. ltiilroads. Mr.-Wheeler favored every job of before the jkVar.was $3-563.216; 4the aniiurtl av- the Piicifie Railroad corruptionists during tluit erago under Grant is ;$6.820.9l4. Tho, annual lin.n mid rttw'ised everv effort to hold them to fxeess u ud'er Grant is S3.257.69 7: the U-t.J cx- uroner accountability.! In the second session of cess for the six years under' Grant is $19.46,- tho 4lst Congress, Mr.! Wheeler carried thro ten bills in the interests of tho Pacific railro: In tho same session ho advocated a resolution -lgh 189, or nearly tho wlijble sura cxiended in the Cabinet ads. support oil the Indians in the six ycari bdfoic j vice Examiners, which was sjK'cdily nbaiidoned, and only three Sccrctaric who have tlistingni.h oil themselres as reformers Cox. Brislow and Jewell wcro ignominiolslv ilischarired from P1 the w.-ir In tho first year of Grant's adailnis- i t 11 ELK K A r. laagcly incrciising the Northern Pacific Rail- tration. tfio expenses were only $3,400,038,1 but In 1872 a New York paper published the 1 'road land grants, but claimed that he did not a little less than tho average of tiie hi years cvidencc of Gen. Ilazcn, showing that pot tra know how many acres of land wcro granted., liefore tho War; but in tho following year the , comielleil to imv Liro mim for It was strenuously opixsed, but was forced expenses! leaped up to $7,425,997. nnrf livcl ljjcir appointments, the iapcr inferring ojienlyf through by Mr. Wheeler, Speaker Blaine as- since held substantially that fignri). Too cx- Lj1:lt lllo moncj wcnt t0 Belknap. Tlio tcsti-j u by his rulings. Mr. Wheeler also inses of last year wcro tho greatest or ll. ;bc- mony waj brou!ilt lo President Grant's nttcn a bill granting Gait Island to the ing $8,384,656, more than the entire State tnx- but ho Hncj lo nny action on It Pacific Railroad for its terminus. The cs of the State of Ne York. j. j ! In March, 1876, tho Democratic House obtain oli.a nnd many of the Northern Stale in 1870. hid to effect this it was n-cvary to keep up th. I l.LOODT SHUtT ISiL. . T h the leaders of the Republican larty at Wellington ciaiulicil with the leaders of that paty in this Slate, Gov. lbdde'n and oilier. nnk forced upon the Republican arty of ihw Stic the Holde.i-Kirk war. even nt the iUk of i . . - Brownlow'a Indictment of tho Rcpubli- caa rarty. , In a Idler to P.vv. Dr. lt.nl. tt. l'i.l.bnt .f the Mary fill Col.cgr, in reference lo ll Cilil Righls Bill, lltcn landing In tl. Utdlrd S(aU- Senate, imblisbol in June. 151, anlor Broap- lowsays: ; 'In n State is the negro d- riiol of fidl a ad cpi l jHTtiii.n Wyond tlw liw; ljt in -er- al Sailhern Stales like Sooth C'arv.'.Ii.a. !) white man Iias no rights wbUh the negro it Iwund to rcsjcct." Ho ay, in all Xtc Sulhm S:alm the negro has eqn.il facilities f.r eduction i:h the wl.il c rac, at tbo mblic cxwnc, llion-b be b- not pay one-tenth of nc wr ceM on the l..Hr of the taxes wbUU arc cullcvtctl to i'pj-tt tlie schools." Again, bu ay: Tlc li.bpltou 1411 (riv'il right) docs not nlT.-el l.iv;f T.uil4. aI the letub-rs of the South. It U. In tralily, a war npn Him band red of tfKi-inds of d.tlutc widows and orphans of lite Soith." Tltl Republican thief thinks tbo Republican wing of bis pirty will i-tcal. llearbim on that Idnt; it lias a lK.-iuoratic ring tu It. Iljf lays: Sine the war ended, in scttral i-f i!m? S..utbern States tlte ignorant cob-trd i.Scial and white advtnturrrm nrtiitil.uly the Litter. hwo stolen everything that was prttb!r. eve rything thatrmild be carried ff. The Uic bnildings of cli irily, tlve Or4i--in. Io.ihI am Insane Ayluius arc left, lull the meant fjr their supi'orl aro wanting. Tli Uiildings would have been t-l n. Uit the tbievrs cool. not jut tbciu in n bank vault i r carry tltriu in tla-ir pickets. .The land d-uld not lw carrici! away, bu. bts been rendered wpnhli-s by tix ation." Tho Lav of Ilorso Hire A great deal of tronblc bat always rcsulti-tl in tlie livery limine on nccmint of a Lick of knowledge as to the law governing dWpulc It aisting him reported Western Pacific Island was to bo given outright, allhough it was considered worth $5,000,000: in cash. Mr ; Knott moved an amendment, requiring the company to pay $2,000,000 for UievIslanJ, and. nnAber offered $2,500,000. It Whs' denounced on all aides as a shamjlcss job. The bill was ' rrjectcd, but .was revived again in 1872 by Mr, IVhcelerand was pas9i.1l, in the House, but beaten in tlie Senate by tho adoption of a reso lution by the House, offered by Mr. Randall, of PenhsyTVanldcallingttho bill. The Credit Mobilieras then? fresh, i and Mr. Wheeler ed proof of Belknap's guilt, and ho was im i. .1 t...i n..;.i.... : .. n t.: . Tlie nu iiiciiMl cxiK-nscs of the Districtj of r '". ; ' " "M "' " V M , to July 1st,; 1876. h v " WHAT THE DISTKCT KING ACCOMPLISHED the 1 Colombia from July 1st, 1871, to July . . C nn e . i. wcro $42,687,097. Tho amount cxj)cpiredj in ; ? "V 'J - . . ' .i i i. ifii. ., . fWni . i iican ocuaiora niJii one eiiiovraiic voieti ju inmrnninni losa tlinn nne-lial T t IIG Slrci'IS Ol VV aSII- I I . .! j L : . I l.t- .iAAnitt.1 Ilia Mnn.nl fsw.lr ll.n rra-. n r a . " .1 . .i .... onn Q7.I lllv I IJ.3 iiv "J . .t. ...w t i v v. a a. inortnn m llio linct fivft VOar W.'IS SxJ. Z.Uli. I " in fwi rrn ru f il.U work has alreadv.o-ono Gen- Belknap h.id acccptetl presents jus mnitlJ renWl. The WsUt " Gen. Grant had done, nnd arjraed th.nt be ha. debt of the District is! $24.12l';852, tho valU .f ot ncltftl an? more criminallj than the rest ir - .- i I . m a . akV A M tlio'renl esato in the District only $99,452,684. aiic ccsumony snowei ina .wo o The population is 150.900. and the debt fivjer- Mnap s omce-oroKcr, maoc a. nnil Cll.l'l- 1 I """""n " "11- N.rlh Cirolina in onUr to saro the ! l"'n' when a simple knntt ledge of such things would tend greatly to reduce tlie number of la suits n.i! eonw-qtietit ill-Ii-i ling tbenfrom. ImS been dceidetl ilia I when m bore or cariMgo is lei out for hire for the jmrposn of a.-rforiuing n artkular journey (be la.ly letting, warrants Um horse or carriage fit and competent fur sorb a journey. If the hirer treats the Iktm? or car riago as any prudent man wiadd do. he is n answerable f.MP any damage UmI eiiln-r may re ccivc. But 1m nnt uo the Inrc for the por- pose for which be bireil hi in. For ietaace a iore hired for a saddle muil not Lm url la Inrncus. If lira hirer violates this exret con dition oftho contract lm Is liable f-r any dam age that may occur. If the, borse is stolen tbriMib tlte hirer's negligence, such as Icating tlie stable dor open all .tight, lie mul answer fvr it. But If bo is robbed of it by highway men. when travelling tfco unl road at usual Itour, be cannot be held for iLiicagcs. At these questions are frequently in dispute, these dec! sions may lai iut.-rctlng. .11 . MAH..M a.Hl Allll.l ! I r I V .... ... . . .... . . - i i fyn -e .... r npnrv 1 1 1 -i T I 1 1 1 I iinii liiii'i. i Oia not danr resist. Mr. Wheeler fostered "" v; i J . . ...... . .;i v. In . ease clianrinff 81.000 for an introdoctio. Tom. Scott's Xejas Pacific Railroad and passed counts to 27 per cent. . H.o en ure lax . e From MjirsIl rjclLnap! received full real esiair. in tiaiiu.u j , miu, ""'V"J :'r v-- ... . . amount of $13,213,011, has been sold for Axes. .000. n h Iwlf of the black na, levied o. j i ' M rvaiiS. ll iliun a ioiimiik uia-i mis uuii'r fifty; millions FOU public building. jure, tho Ohio SLito Convention, which pre- .The cost of all public buildings, inclivllng presented Gov. Hayes for tho Presidency, eulo- custom house"-, court houses, post offices.'. Uc gized the Administration In the highest terms. nurchascdand built bv tho United Stated, be- nniUhc same action has Inen taken by every tween 1789 1860,' or 71 years, was'$28.640.170. Republican Slate and National Convention bc The cost between 1860 and 1876. or ;15 years, fore and nii.ee. Eleven of the post traders who wa$51. 164.978. Tho excess is $22,524 807; testified, paid $10,000 in 1S72 to help re-elect tho average annual expense before Republican Grant, and one of them admitted baring paid ascendency. $403,382: average since.' $3,410,- assessments within the present year 998. The supervising architect. Mr. Mujlett, the bilb'IiTtho 42d Congress, he opposed the proposition to compel the1 Pacific Railroad Com . . -. ... .i - . .... panics io pay mc tjovcrnmeni sucn sums as wore mic .G'binUtem. amornitiW to manv mil. lion dollars. In the, 43rd Congress Mr. Wheeler was made Chainnan oi" the Committee on Coru- nicrce, nnd defeated jthe proposition to make the lulsyille & Portland Canal rcc of all tolls nnd cliarges. except those necessary to pay cur rent expenses.?. In thi. bowever, he was. over ruled by the Senate THE femJBLICAH CltEDIT MQBILlRtt ion; Sties of the North. Tbo plans -of the ILidieal p:rty,'in the Kirk war. said Governor Hidden toMr, Biiley, wero only jiartiall- eanitl mil. TV; ortion of tlw plan not carried out was tu j j! 1IAXG JLIHiE KEKIt, IX Roan ami other prominent Democrats. Holdei. also said to Mr. Bailey lltat the au tarkies at Washington ronsullcil four or fire Fidcral Judges as to wln-ther those arrested under kuklux charges could be lawfully convict ed under the existing laws. Tbclr answer was that such convictions could not bo const itntlon- ally obtained. Judge II. L. Bond of the Unit cd Sbntcs Circuit Court, was then consulted anil upon bbis pledge to carry out Iho wishes of the government in the mailer. In every nrticular. ho was transferred front Maryland to North Carolina by order of President Grant. Covers- or Ilolden then, went on to statu that be bad been promised a j j cabinet orriCE. the Score t.iry ship of tho Interior, lf be succeetl cd in carrying out tlto wisltes and deigns of tho RqmLlican lemlcrs nt Washington. j Tlio reason Governor Ilolden gave for not exposing these thing publicly al that time was , that lut life would have been in danger and he would hare been sacrificed as was Strplicns Vlid reason ho (Hidden) assigned for the slop oftho Kirk war. was tho rch-aso of tho prison er by order of Jndgo G. W. Brooks, of tho Utitcd Slates Diftlricl Court, and the danger of evdenco fajtcning the murder-of J. W. Slo- l4.nsup.in tho j RETCBLtCAX 1A ItTT. pils confession on tho part of ILdden, Mr. Bllcy said to M.ijor 5M.-ott nnd the other gnlle mn. was to induce bin. (Mr. Bailey) to uo Lis iiilicnco U get the LrgUlalttro to remove bit (ijldcn's) disabilities incurred by reason of Ids imenchturnt ami conviction. Mr. B-iiley con- By means of the .'Credit MobUier,.$5O,P00.000J was nTa intimate friend of President Grant iknd OKV1I. AND tl.YSSES CHANT. were stolen in tho construction of. the Pacific Railroad. Under the Acts of 1862 and 1864, the Union Pacific Road obtained 12,000,000 acres of land, and guaranteed is bonds amouniing to Boss Shepherd. Shepherd was given the con tract for all thoroofirig. plumbing, and gas:fit- tlng in all public buildings, lwth newnniold, and his workmen wcro sent from Washington $111,000,000. Tlie total , cost to tbo railroad J to all parts of the country. Their pay bcgAn nt jn post tmdershii S ami Tliis organized business in post tradcrships t was enfrieit on !T others than Belknap. Orvil Grant, the President's brother, received infor hi mation from the IVctident of imminent changes ndSan ngenclcs, find Binium'i Tattoed Nobleman-Pall Ic crtpuoa cf the Wonder. Tlte f..!lonig fcn iVsctlptlon. frt tl tU BrMgrart (Q-t.n ) IkuJy .Uwivi tf Oj4Ia Glrntrans. Orf? wo,Wfally li!ocvl Allur-ba Grrrk. will, P. T. Itrr.c&t Grct S:ww. miU be rrry iatrmtiog lo oar teasers: "W saw at rx-iLitt Rira em's res kWrxc, tl.it morning. wonder of uilooirg oa tSu ptr sob of Cii-Ciia t;cors Cattcelcacs. a drsrrnd ant of m nU- Grrxk fuallr. from tU iovlnoa cAlUab. His statrnieat la iKt mi. 'An 1 togvfber witll as Amrricaa an! a SpaalarJ, were nilolag In Cbiocae TarUry. rtU;:nQ row-, anj the three jolaol U latcrgi!. U coaiieg to tbelr cant, tbey rre Ukca priaoo er. atd sol joetcvl to Um tiinir " totrit ft fee tnonlbv M a til.hairt.t ia Ug tf I.sv- Z .lwir brads rat cT. Its .,; l!ut lU . cet lootrt sort, irrriUa ftm tUt it rrqairvd ' nen io uo4.i uim tLli oo pcrurfttk! U.a Ira:k-n. A Her It was coraritK'J, all U.rx ej,l front ion. Ut Ike Atnrriraa taly urutr.i tre or six taoaibs. Tbo Smal&rJ Inl LU ejri-U. atd ,!Urvl ia Mo4i'.!a. Lot Cap Ulr ColebIrt.a sorvires an J it ia raol brajih. Tlte t:t.iir a ttono arllk Llk . .J ... r I n-locing Uae xnd ml coWs: ad U7 U h. 4 a single -ot LU U!r which It fcot n..t,,l wiUi ll tUrK to t!t It is iatu' . .. . . .. . f .r .urriMl Wit IZ ftSUlil cic-r tf bis skin except Ij Lis ears and lU kiciciL'i foxi. I.U4i are tW oly jurtt tbey AUl n4 Ut- ,00- IIcapprareli Lrl tt-U as l!xw;h La were clothed with srry cke-;Ua UrUi. insist fa tbn or of Vrty ,ft. le drrrrrtt. pai a i-nc laiiwn. Imwrrrr. It it aces llt Le l roWi4y tukrd. a a. I Uwit tbe apparvs-t lights ant an i::ul.i. M roter LU mU rwn It fuaJ to 1 cvTerol m'rdt a variety of ani.j Irarre- wi U Itwir nk- i I... - - - vni jvw.ly and akUfuUy jiatol lr.to lU coikle. tbj tic f.Uw.l are ai.iu.ali a&J itvartlptlctiK, aivl an t Uccmte sUr-Lle fgTsret. On tLe e MwnfTJ red t4r.tt and fi-tiir. te- cmUing teul4ure. as willat long tailed pan- Ur-like Im). Oa .1 nek.clt. aUbxacn. Ick aa I elrcBihj Uc iia U a Qui of ym-iurtiu-a:ir a iv d adm'traUr rsccvU-4 Cgorx-t of la.V.rj-. tix'rrs. la, etrbint. --ci. tt.Hk. twant. stakes, erocMililcf. i tinlt. .nifgkJ whh !. arrwt. leaves. Cowers and fmlti. In tlw nlmi of l!e bin !s are itHlre.iimUe f gnrrs. and lUlle CgTirrs oo Hie Inide of tlc Crgvrs. On the back and sides tfbUi fret to the tor are I'm 'loitU. and fnm. ll Umrt la lLa tixil rrd line. Alugeller. ll. re are S.nH im.l piflurr-t on lle entire L.'r-r.n the fonlnd. 2; nek. ; tltt. lurk. at.tom.r.. 52; cp r r5rentUi.l01 ; ..ir rslrruiitirt. 127. JJe t crtlaifely cue tf lbegteatel bnruin c?ni.'uiet evir sn. IU bat trattlled in all couMri ex cej 4 America, and was atincUd bcre by lU CcnUr.tUl LiLI bition. He tjwko n:iU, rrecrb. S4nifb and luli.m. this taornldg. and be coder tlan.lt ll Arabic. IVrsl in ar-d tevrral o'.hcr lr -tii -ri. He it aU-ut Cte f.t tra Inches Ligli. Las a t- l-crb jbtiTic; bit laJr it tra?gbi. jel UacV ami ;Wy. Tu Ibe tni b l.'.s tkin I xs a vry ti. Vtlvety frtllng, ami Lit liy bx o o.url .Ik? pnarjnce of UIng ttftl, t!it ,c rwl-Lt walkthrough tle l.L.ic streets w 'nltr..l any one sniveling tbt Lo.mjis na ilr-ixJ ligl.U. A Texas DucL A jnrty crrojwe.1 cf Waller Tatner, TA. Brown and Thornton, frrca Kau.'mia ctKinly. Ud Uxn in tlt Lrality seirrl days wilb race Imrtc. OjTliortliy Uh Frank and Iry Robian. Tajlor CaaipU-ll and Wiley Norman, all of Hill evenly, went lo the can. p of tlte Kaofinan exrinty men and gnl Into a diute wilb tltcru aloot a V,ay race Lie b re tched In a Gt fight- Tit- parlies a greel lo met I tl next ibiyand ft.1lle tle tlurg ia a more salUfectory manner. So at 10 oe!oek. n Fritbiy morning, ibe 1MI rooutj mm tix a stand altlie lwe a-rrol ojwo. a rvadincss for action. Tiny had fel wailed long wbr lite 4bcr itrtyrode towanl litem. llo mr were all armed wiih tlx-sbooters. except Tur ner, who carried a nie!.c -car Line. Wbcn the lriies Iwd anxjtclel whhin larnty jmrs of each other. Taj lor Catuj U1I f.red at Turner, and tlw balile rtuuuircid. Turner Ira ped from Lis lfrc aud fired Ibrve tltots wi;h-l.is LNriiblu crbinc. Tlw frt tltot went rraddng . llirotigh Cantpbei a lam; tlw eeond eaatod - tlw irutant ilealb of Frank RJ.ionm. and tlw lut tKot m.-rully woambl I.ary llutHtn. By this liiuo a ball from T1kinus reToltcT btd patted ,tlinnigU poor Norman's tceait. a . boy age.1 tevrnteca years, nd all of Ibe Hill county parly by wcllering la L'wir LIcod. Some twenty sbolt were f.reI altoelWr. Mare tlma ball of lLa altois wra Crod ly the Hill county jwrty. bat. strauge to sty, none ofJlw Kaufman eonnly mm were la tlw losut hirt. drapbell aod Frank Robinson each Cred r shots ; Norman ami Lwy RuL.it. ton alao Cred. but tlw only ilamage lin y i!U was to kill Tur ner' lKnc. Tlw suniving rty moueted ltort-s and Col tlw country. A Landred men aurted n ntrtuit. VmAU tlw Ib'Vnooj leave families. CaiujJ.ll and Ntcman are unmar ried. Tlw Kaufman county party are all Uj. none of 11m iu I ing nwr tltaa nineteen twenty years of age. Hao (Titi) Extmiiur. We Iwar a fpwd st.y on one of our randi. dates for Stokes County SImtuT. Tlw randi iLttc, wltcllter a mercb-int or not wo bavo a ib l Icacy in aying. lately stoppnl to t.Ik with a man. l.o. u'uh bit to daughters, wa pulliag foikb-r. and tlto randi.Lilc. in or.b r to keep alongside of him. eniiiienee.l pilling tlw fol- Tle Wjtlwvillc EnltrprUc bs rjnile a lorg account of ibe jwr formatter of a lnnatic by tf miuo of John Martin. f Dbann. Surry county. N. C. agil ibiriy-fottr. ami tf Li-1.1 y re(eta- bb eor.rrlWn. lie stopfml at tlw retwlettee der In the row bv wat walking in. Wb u be of Mr. Tl-nat Wowt. at Max MraJnws, ti got falijy setlb-d t it. the farmer say Kxctisc me h .uinule while I tnnrr li the bouto y.'i. jnl kmk abmg wilb tlte gitU bcre, anJ lw b ft. At this the girlt jo.t made fuLL-r fly. g"'ng Lale. and left the Iotum ia tlw nlgbi la a node r.H..blH. arreaojing mur-ler ami mo a lag at f tu t-eaj. Hrurrt. WImh futvd, Ik., was stand ing fwi tl top tf a f.-ncr, with a (.Inula Lis Land. Wilb motp diClenlir L w at relraiirJ m - seicd to do this upon his (IIoMcn't) s.icrcd . in Ws sleeve. i down the rowt in d..nb!e-juUk lime. Tl.eean- ' ami r-n'netl lark o tlw eitnt-t. when bit did.le tuanfully went In. Ii.d i-iit bwid, bnck. f entire -r-n m f.in.l tu liate lexn e. it ami eilbll coal ami did bit level lrl. llf )ttel. ! srraitbtd in a U-trdJe nnt mr by tlw Uitltrs bo sweat, and yti be sltuvcd alng ua.br tlw j and l riara ll.n egb wbU h lw bad rua In bis brutling sun. while tlw farmer wa in I.U pjjx- 1 nianlienl iumln. A tea.ib tlw wst Vnrn- . with bis pipe lit. takl.ig Si cv l at;J boghing , Ing r.nlir,! n tlw fiml.g tf Li. b4lw scat- j Itretl abig tlw r!e lw lrd taken, ia tlw hm k- la .a a - 1 m B a . . . . -a & a pnplse never lo nave anyuung to oo witn : in auont nonr ne went nut i me ikM anrt rtt or w bleb were ill in r-l l. and greti bvkt Kjfics. j released the wtrtil.Mw aUriff. Tlcy aay lw 1 tu tlw atn.vor.l of 17. TW usf.4tue n:aa Jlr) Riilcy' further stalcil that Gov. Hobien never Li ales I -.siirrifl' to tlw f-innrr. l-i irle.1 wt krj4 trecre unlit SomUy rvmin. wlaTw balbccn to him sevcnl times during tlw pat t up bis coil and left; and now be l n't g In ( w . lvHigl.t t Ivillwtilw ami L1nt in jail. tivVvcsrs nnd repeat ol Ihc nltove-meaHonavl fo.Llr IkWt for voles ho ilotgcs m.Iki. Dr. R. E. Jl-re v.Sii Lim and f.ndf! ta MccicnW. -i-!cJf Xro. ct and com ire. i i ' "-

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