77r r - cm V - .1 , v:..:.--!i SALEM, IV. O., DECEMBER 2S, IS7G.' 1 ! I V-OvVrvAtV.Vi Q t ..:5 . ! V- M ! fN I'll , 4 . topie. PUBLISHERS' AND TPKbPErBTOES. . ; -fiU fit') jum -i! J r. "i...-t!--,-i:;- j- 4: , TPKMfi:C ASH IN ADVANCE. Onco5yonyeaTZ:.:...t.AL...;.:JJ..$200l ' j lii MOBths)'i.;..i.... 1 00 " : kthreembnthv.J..-..-.w..:..-....r. 75 ; LIDEllAL DlSCOtT TO CLIDS. I-ofTTwenty ..ii :t A Christianas Story. ' I grcW uorldd arM bfttef, nnl aLla'st:! wrote i MWbatT' Ili say.'Jnalylil1 QlCttiro "lias fcecn fOQicamnblc rqispW I Hear, my story. Alter! to rtu nrvjuoiiitMioo In &i& Ei-aijcicoi naking for . It tlonH scm mnch of a story to toll, thonh It wns a tonsil ono to lire, 1 loi ser, it more Minn tt'iity years ago tlvit hiv twin Urotli cr nn1 I sold ontv onr lkniii'steacl in Xw. York, nnd went to spok'our fortune. " All Uieix'stof the fiimily Trcre lcml, and we two wero tho more'wttaclvod to -ench ot!r A4"t(uit! A 1 ! . ' Well, We tried niimrig, 'hml we tritnl trhdin;, and we triwd verylhinj we could think or," but notliinpj seemed to prosper Willi -'tis ;: we only i grew poorer aru! psorer. ,j;,vl 1 :" :.;.."v: Finally, we tlponjjht of e of separating, so as to work two fields at once,, before the la of our cauital ws gone!,' There ' was ojreat talk justlhon' of .some new '"gold region," and we - agree! that ona of us Should "go there and tfv . ills luck wlilfe the otheV st:Vetl in San Fr.-meis-co and carry oh a little business we Lad started therc:l'Jf 10 V: '-K ! 1 : 1 i : . V. i-i.it 1 t in ,ft-- .4.1 t '.'i.r- ii 1 .Qfcoursc,, evrthing was partnersliip. ,1 ticyef, thought"1 of sn inter-st s'cparate,'from his, and he, 1 knew, felt the sam. f; . " ! . : WelU die question arose which of? ua should go. Flt'waslTt ry . .tempting, the mining life. jind .neither ofps was anxious for it. and so we dreWjIots to see wh9's4htilil. go. '. . , . Tho lot fell luine. i ... j There was atiotb r reason whyj,I didn't want to go, besides the uncomfortable, life, -but 'I wonldn'Ltpll Rob; for I wtuiidu't drive him off to the minuc, and I knew his generous heart so well, 'that I -was fcuru he woul i insist on going, if he were awitni of all. : ButwcH. the truth i. in a . word, I was in love.; and couldn't bar to leave my dainty S.isie to fight the world alone she nas a music toaeh 4er, ioor Uungl--uor for other follows to fall in love with .; . , However. I submitted, of onrsff, to the lot, and ruade-niy preparations to go. It wag a sat! Iinart that I bore around to Stmio's rooms that night, and I couldn't hear to tell her; bat, hies jmiJ she.hb ,soiter s-iw mj face than ghe knew sometl.i.ig was:ctniing. and fhe braced herself lip to meet it before she asked me a question. "After we had spoken of.' tho weather, and the book I had brought her he ihy before, at last lk nid, quietly : ; . .. r Well, .Ralph, what' i it? I know -ou have bad "news for Hie." : f , Ifs bail foj; mi. Suie. and I'm afraid it will bs bad fof yon; though you know" I eouhhf't g nf, -and slic poke ngain. brave ns she aVwayn wa:" r -Rjilpl, you know I'm used to misfortunes. Tell me at once:? .... ' ! So l toL.1 her. and she boro it noblr ns I knewho,,woililr-lho'.gh 1 was the only friend f ile had in San Francisco, except her pupils. tidings of my brother and Wife.-''! f i -. Tiie f fiend was riot so neglectful ns th,o wife .... 1 r f , . . and brotheri 1 " ' 'r ' .- . i &ion too soph t got A reply. I can soe it now, in letters of 'fire,' in the following strain: My.'Pear Fki.i.ow ; I have made inquiries conceriung your: wife and brotlier. .us requested. But the' only information lean gain, is that they have disappeared from here-a few months ago,, telling no poo whence t'" were going, but ev iilenlly having plynty. of money." . ' What njoro the katej cimtaincd I never knew ; that much of , it-was burned, into my brninajul at that point I lost myself. M They do say'l was araving maniac. Pciliaps so; , I do not really know.-... : . i . , . '' ; 1 . v - r . (.... , k i .1 only know. I found myself an old man. bhut d before my time, like a tree Struck by lighlu-in5- . - : ';: . ... - ... , Yet, I could net feel "ithgry. How could I ' Fro the Kc TorkX-wvtr.-" lwho't?Hl Mm n M tf amrz ttj-arfVu M I Il.lwf, tboiS tr Upc ca.r ! l.fspC4v. "'" AJNOUSE'ciflilSTli'Al. ' ' ' iindlj !!rrs. Wlrn Uk Cri?oi ffT,!, Altaei; tlwa-a ir C"! r' t 9 U " ,r" ' ' ci jmrr Iirm.r. l!,t,- wUl tmm nlj vrAj t.:r lv mtJl rc!tU. r z' J 7 orixjor tm wlm h It h!fM; tid Cu3mr. mil lb I m. !,-, . ET f. B. "WIWSUTW. til trolN. ritti'.S. itM l.ltr wU2l iWir 1 -tl i,nfk.'. rt ,.. I,,..,'!, i Kir np in tho country where t. trnrtli wls.l cj tT,i.,r ftCT. t4r.l- I41!s. t tl U. 1 JWi" you lqft us, , i struggled on .with, Oie business. though lwt uccclig Tery well. Susie droop- cd at first, but soon grew cheerful, and begun to id an foe vonr return " jt Itt t.4 .ll His word,' brought the denr little creature "-"--- Jw.wW - . B. mm, M.. l.uu.) .i..7..iK..r.. iii, ,.,1 v 1 "' 1 I will ftliraM Ecw wt In.m IInim ti.hT tW.Hi and covered my f:x: . VT . , f - " 7"- J. " , . , OI h,"'?t,eM ri. nrrrr, t rikmu; i tw A weeks and months and years passed on," ' " j T , '7 , .7 "V ' lt..' Tho Ortst West la Conscfl. . . !M4jtMs, I 15. T IVawrtl- word to tell bow or from whom It can. Of course wc knew it was from yon, hut whether gift or legacy, who could toll? "Wc instituted new. inquiries. Nothing tht lovo could suggest was left undone. At last wo wero forced! to conchi-.o that you were dead. bjamu him? Was I not mad to leave him. with IJv a,lrico t'e'on-y invested I.i a farm e went on. flowly, 'her checks grew thin and , . , . , , MIiqn.t rttt, ri.ere.l imn llmr , rMi , t! Vrn.HT':r ..,t''t , , , J , , . , T icJh lie is good-naturedly red to clro to , , , ,, . I . iu..f ,-r.. pale, and hpngry look came into her eyes. I nwUlj. w,lTJ Garn lU HanU soU nd " tVlg m uWt.!; . j! r-.lW-! ,;lM!U. a iUft p -a.tt saw she was pining and wrote letter arArletUr lU J ,Xnno on -Ic4n'e. Um.Ur, lf .ly t Mh,lifUMiin!,;!.UJW( llui.JtSt. toyu,butnow,n-dWnldw.hcau civr'tmas eve. whcU .tnpid uiorUl. tl-nk is J'"' 'Ct 1 n' r j ;-r,rf- i -V..,' to mu in simplo cnrclie. directed to Jioth of Oirotigh th. Cr t and tho Iulm.-,slwl.r U.1.C.,;W..0.!V,H, u t draft of Hrc thousand hilars, with not a r . M . r7. m. .t.. ...1 ,1.. Soon 11 the si!!e, wrj';d n? ! t!lfi! J KitWm.!. J,US, -U. I I. his loving heart, to care for a tender young beautj- liktt my Susie? How could I help loving her? Wasn't she all that was lovely? He was not to blame, poor fellow. , And sftc? Did she not lovo me, and was he not my twin brother? What so strange that, seeing his love, she. should grow to return it? What should I do?; , Should I search them out and blast thcir'lircs forever? Should Iconic with my ignoble revenge and tear her fronrhis arms? ;Y.uld she love n for it? Should I gctbavk my wife and ..brotlier? . ''. Olu 110.! I had been gone long enough to give her a divorce she had undoubtedly gt it, and was even now his wife. 1 His wife!- Oh, God. and I could five! ) .... : Weeks, months, years, dragged on. I seal fe ! know jlvey p-ish1. , Mechanically, I worked on., Fuituiie., 110 longer nought, showereil jold on me. lcaft-o naulit lor it, hut uisliucl pre vented me from -throwing it away.' ' Gambling was utterly repugnant to me. Xo form of dissipation-InrVd me. ' I- was an"oli?r oh! man at thirty I-'only wi.rke! nnd tlMiiigbt. and lived over the old days aiy one brief day of perfect joy. ... . ' I never cursed the. The hurt was too deep and to sharp for eurss. From the depths of my torn heart I pi.ied them. Well, twenty years rolled on. and I had get to lie forty-five years old. feeling and looking more. like lxl-Iivc, bent and stiff and gray haired. . One pleasant Christmas day, in my wander ings. I came on a traveling party of miners, bound to . the gold regions. I joined them, frontier fashion, and was soon seated at their went to live on it. while I started out on a sort of vagabond, wandering life. In- hopes ul leal to find ytur grave for we nevor Im i-lievcd you con!d lit alive thvsc long year, and nercr h i us hear froni you. That life I h.tve lir-l for lifteen years, returning onco in three or f nr y-ars to see to the" com foil of Susie; nnd now I find you'" "lou Hint me. " 1 interrupted, "a wreck a mi.ter.-ihh: wreck, who lias blasted three lives by hi criminal weakne, hit t hiMUh credulity in lc!icving evil, nnd wh will mhi ril ibe tufib of hi jin'seiict,' nnd I started logo, for Verily d spair had seized iiIh-h me. Thai I should have l lieved that horror for so many yea is. mid find it all a stupid mUtake, that 1 should haro thrown away tuy life, the Me.M-u love l mv irm wile. Ill" warm tilleclioii of mv briiilM-r, 'for an hlle scandal! It wan loi much to endure. j " - ', UoImti laid a detaining Inml on my arm. "Hut Sll-le. R alph! wh:ithall 1 MV tollh l -V- i nir little woman who has ufiiid iniuh fr n.l liulc, !! men r..l tn ;.! r., V-'.,.r !.l.!ren ll-l l!p t',rtU In i!.l te 1! !rw t.'X eairj'irg shrates ef wlicat. Svb.xVt ef r-n. ! as-l irerl. a In 1 r ,1 -. . TVV. '.A tohhis. npw- r.d I'jhli. TU l !5nll to riiU St ct.t-l-I i'r. I!eU;4 the tofs .f lm. ti jri! s ef mI IVmcvtwy ."..! Lte tgti Ij fiually n lb rhuf! j r !:!f. t-4 rtrrj-l Ui4 ; f.f t!lr ir i r:f r-.:lK where th-y U-unl ih; iUf ef t! Krrl r.. He m xm m:U1 r.l vr ,,.i f.i II. . . - - w, . teriny.dunir.HMen.-a grv.t icj: bonier be- uiia vxx. g-,. . -r. tweVn lirr h.iie and th outer wtl. a flr. ltXf' n ::" lril ftJ- Ga- H-!WW 'Um f!,s!r. nth 1 1,11 r- - i U-e b-.tt. r.-u.ZV.:trtri lt tl eHitrt't rvrftS!l t'.'.rs T ! wlu.c quir.1 ul.l caf.i T t! -ae ! g -ol ixr j t j f i. j ,( ttc itti;'f U:wis4 will tl4.1l rauic tocii'.h with the Cl4il:osi-ls.!e. j i;r al lU;.e. winter sun only peer-soul for an hoar or two every day, jut to sro liow the wwM U getting along without him ttnl lh iuilcti ilrt-iru l'Mikhig earnestly lowar.l Ute S7UU1. A dreary prospect Iny before hr. In URe far distance tb track!M forests of spruce nswl !; and ltv-cn snow, sruw.- nothing but snow pr.rr, fJe, glii mocking mk thai bid nil the datkncis benr it, nnd la b! every U-ntilifuI thing in Us grasp of death, or at least soil seemed to tho untutor ed young heart hkh had Doty I learned ex- pt rimcntally th filth llut sees warm mother hive ninlerneath the embrace nf the rsd J snow. When all w a f.aUhed. lley wrr-l lr.. A f.-lloe.t j i!.q esiiu; !e .f L'lt! IJ g -rg a lel. ant! if h'uhr tf Ot lT an l l.:s nrs The in.ti.Ii n' rould n-t but Ih- nv. her e r cuntl.!e brncc dM ltej AVr.t4i a Ac fr could le-t but le blue, and the few locks which I 'n5rt H 'g!t. t ihis t.s bcras SO Ouftf et!r st rated from under her cve toi'Tnrt eouhl n.t w:t.U-rs, time in nr iryjffcc ctl.lfg l!fpt f . -a .! r forts', sis) .iV'-ts ws-rt I y t?t n rr tuitrw ctst. 1!.! t1l Iten.m;, , f t! :.f r! stt r --s-.l. .t Th!c hd l4r,n !e: f -i :.iM his irs9.r!il. A rr'!.nki. si ti -..rrl ckl-.- a r; - tr l i.tlu-r than Iho pile. (Uxrrl gtd. -rre! t Uhoc of the IV ih.tUfu CjU'.cuas !) mn. J Lf f tl t- -V. 1 rf s t f t y .'r Ws select aivl I sTtsrt !!e;'.rs tJ sst.t"sia thetFer; but there wa a sh-i low on tla f.;r I et up lnm!cd a I.ltl'SuUc mUKilMUrn, brow, a wistful. f.r-otT h-k in l!ie bine eves, I Kt "is I'm snre I U ird t!io ''n.'afcd and iitKthIiig like t-ar Ind fnwen lnbthrig.il ervtnl oh tlie hrg ee-l ihe s, npf aised In fd- h.w 1 he 1 inling fiiglit -f the birds overhead. Xot yet. sh tht.ul t. lot tel. 1I prom ised Ui sM-ud the Luh--til in bis home, lail lo h is not vtme vt-t. Wlei kn.wt lil the tre-uli- sura cn.High, tin re 1 iy un the r s ne tr..rg Chrutma gifts for U.e li'.t'.c oo f the f.-sk. AnJ o the fua wrr.i m f ir mrry r.w nut! Un a b-te.l And mtttt i u! l be tl.r.;; t! ro tin rp-n . a a js'.tr ions tirvi rtr-cd Sixtm Cas(ft.;l-ai at I.-ij.Is ca 'itf :h la cei-ir !ie Z't. a? 4 tt sr !" tun as will .--t 2. f.l tirr - tf ,'. C t::.-.i - a--I ls. A c'mP ft -;c e l'-g lt-tr.l l tKc n i. I'i tt !j r ;' jnu 9" 'Let her still 1m lit-ve in dead," I said, gluii- ily. "Xay. brother; h i me rather restore you to icr. Ralph, go home, and let lis lie so happy tig ther aS lo jKirtly make np for these year ;f mistakes and error anl grii f.' Wi II. be jM-ruad-l uic, and soon T was eager enough myself. Now tl.e gold I had despied whs valuable, as it could adl to Susie's comfort. I gathered it up and we started lor home. Home! I had not sjniken lh wirl in fifteen years. ; As we went. Robert tried to prej-are me for n firevcxclmngin news of the Iudians and from the I cliyuigo in Su.-ie. Sutes. . I chanced to mention my name. I Shu has had a life of sorrow as well as you. "We've go: a namesake of yours in camp," Ralph, and you must reiui nda-r. she isn't the said one fellow. ; gul of eighteen you left. She Is nvany forty Have you?" I said carelessly. "It isn't a J years old. common name." -, vs 1 irew near. 1 seemcu 10 grow young Ko; and that's why it's odd." said he. "He- again, nnd I wanted to nish through without sides, you somehow remind me of him. though stopping n moment. , Rut Rolxrt refused; nnd you're nuuli older than he. By-thc-way, there J he wanted to get me into civilized clothes, an.l becomes!"..- t, ' under, tha bauds of a barU-r. Jlo wouhlii l take I turned something. I knew not what, shot I such a wild man of the woods home to the little. through me; I rose, and knew my brother. waiting wife. My heart gave one great bound. I forgotl .So wo slopped a few hours in San I rancicf. my wrongs, i saw only my ucar oilier sen. tue 1 1 nau my long wnus nair nni nearu irimnieti. companion of my boj-hood. I sprung forward. 1 and my dress nrranged to suit Robert, am! lias- Robert! dear old boy! is it you?" tencd on toward home. Ho looked at me eagerly incredulously. j As wc approached the blessed spot whero my Vllalph! it can't bo you!" I dnrling lived, I could scarcely breathe, nnd I It is!" J cried, .and well, I don't know as divadrd to frighten her to death. In sight of ' .4 T 1 1 1.:... i;t. . : i .1... . . .... l..V.-.. . 1 1 t-11 I.-. 1 I1KU i I lllJ Il.ll7', A ffl'lli IWin I illlVIUI tl !. II Mill 4410 1 b:iilv bill in llie 1inililn rv. wIutuI ennht lonlr - --j : - j - - 1 : h a 1 U-I on It. which. Win d-f It -tn.tr-1 Vv eroii. Mil-am at the so-rih hrtve irm way.nral j tle lix l of tb grc-sl Yck I e koH psr J A m'.u'.t tn-n dl " if 3,'r H!. : ji ;i lb- fsc jritn (:tir-f.t'.l prite) htvv drawn gbT, pTuve.l it bo a Ciiibisil g'..t fr ' mt j lmi.m .'. T- vs f K-rj.t him int.. th.ir iee-eold cat ems? Who kio tiu member ef the fatuily. ffwin aa uslnn mm0 f ,9 j cvjSr,c. ..i.' U 1 but his horse h is I .ken fright and U hoi h d..or. who rseal at unco int Ue Lotr ' Lf k- .IcrJi. r..J -sttvaJ!l a j. ! rr.A r t3 lkt fh-nd.-r shlgf ... pi-ev? H'lm knows but Ibil i.s an.l the sfrw. Very simpi Wcrv l!f 5. fit ; t Act t'lt 't 1- t e'. tti.f! - ! la he he buried I nralh the Irenele r Oil. little birdie, fn-e logo whither ye will, wwo.1.11 kii.-t arJ tj...iri., wl.ps, I.ckL lii.l I but the poucr lo nnd. rt;ind ytur law- iak c-in s. I.d tg-s, n!sa fs l- V.. mvl gt.a-o which ibe ln.nd.-r of K'to Olaf had. I ik-, Uit all wrre j;uu i;U tW !t It i! 4..J. lit ".. tier, ia fee s t.lr. I-.j- r-.:!l l.k'.f f " iLc f.c1t, l tl t.Lw. -V ;..; ;4 J r t vi.'j tl rtrr ito- w.'.nld send )eMil lo ..n-k for my Old. and senltUiu; and lh fun witV g.-'.i g fnt j- A,k, L. - w : . Ibc rtu-i 'r.' it came Kick and I el I tne wh-re he is. and win re- h.ni lly imic- an io"arn4e.-il f.oaly !.;- j j;c l - L.;m.,: laiH jK.fi.;. U r f. re he eo-nelh ni4? 1 wotild lu-it oi lb. Ivl hf the telhcr's Cj'.J lo Unutf rr 1 htjrvb. 1... ti . !.. I . .! - fi re lie comelh nK; I w..uhl mke jihi ibe J 11 I j the t-.-lhcr s cj.I lo rjrc f r t !rh. T t.t!- :tru w bi irers of many a message of peetinr. nti I 1 It u ty U that AU nr l.tt s r t I s, 4 1,4 would bale yon t. I'i Ol if lo h-len la bis AUh- S -ry "Mnry Chru. in .. as w'.lrd : - j n.t's coUae-hoinc. Yea woabl o iiiiful md 1 wrds lb hu:.bia l-c .!.".I1 i-eru."g : il:b". a 4 - T ll.it t.i I gentle, liirdies; f.ir are lls-rn rot am nig .u i and tht a I-i.l-u m.ioc nnrg!4 t!.- g!l- i . .. Ihe swall-iw who ierchel upon t! Crvsg ui 1 j of l.r Chiutiuis hi ium. I f. a gli rrieil sorrowfully: C'orsd. cons..',e. rn"e ;t-e go;s iwaikid ia Ut mwi Htm."nn-I the lurtlr-l.ive sha saJJ: "Kuuie. j lkt oi.e was i.. l whuh she w " S l e rc g- Knrrie, Knrriu' (lord.) when tioeyo jtli-I nlid J "'2nf under ar.y asjiul h.-... :nu!ig. a.d - no man adored. But in-rliaos Ton would 1 t I wbieh uutdJ Imo Ursa sure tu In lit tldg of findhlni; who knows; wb knows?1 An-1 as 1 .h r s Ij oieUUr pir. ti need and i.r, Itw.nli I ait Linii1,.iti. b-nrn.-.t tlua f.t..t.-r. I Rjt i 1 Is al A ai s .!jir ki l I il Im. fjf d i n ar..l ! - e-" " - . - I - ... 1 .N . f-, i r. c . secret, tho bird 13 alter ml iloirn Ue to tin.' 1 Jy oi:iet!t stj.li t i la-fcirg. .:m!,! i!ft,v;,.f e.iai.len'n ebiH It. np.il n YoI.-t ovmnl in s l.i.ivrr I w ns c!-r al hnd. tit" s! ifs wrr f id.- a fiTii J '.'.r v in her heait: (Iol know-. Ho knew whrc purple streak a jtrl in the IUi. as sb'g't- Iho manger was at lU-UJ hem; Ho guided Ul!s liok'e.1 tie..W! of tl.o cdaitb. aod O-S it-ialM-illT I tliilh. r tli feet of tin Iivlrrtt IIoUl lk kni.ll at tiie L l.iUlni.-is IVkliial l r if it ... . ' . - - - - - - - " " - - ----- , - . " - - - - - - - ' - ' ... M.M. .... c'boTts of announcing' angels; Irutt Hiui w.l'.t his betrothal. . ' ll;. !. ., i i .... I.ui.4l;i . . ... , .- "1 t It l--vi .. OZIcial Vote for OoTcrxor, -I V ..-But I JiadlliVuht of another, pl.ui toniakq mv ritiio "a little asitr. .Tli.it, was. lo make 1 I'm ashamed 'f it I embraced him lier ruv.wife U;fore I. left, soi.ns to have lief in sclioolgirl, jmd wept. tho carp of Biitv aiidclieve her from the liard ; And so did lie, poor fellow, though lie could I into the window. life she wa living- .' , , , . . J lordly believo tlie wrcckeu out man was ins After jonie littlp persuasion, she conscpted to brother. K ,.; ! . ;: it:,w:., ,,t, I, ' 0 I .;15nt what strncK me, even uieB.nj Strang. So,:a Hax pr tw, afterward, wc lhrce-I lia1 ho. did iioshrmk from nic, nor act as tliougti lie toh Rollwent into a qniet thiucU. ;,aiu! busie had injure! me. There she was! Ihe s.nno dainty figure the same lovely face; but dressed, oh. my Grn! in willow's weeds, and her bonny brown Lair thick ly sprinkled with silver l saw ncr rapni, eager rontcrs.nion. l saw wascivento to' 'to cherish and protect til 't "Robert," I said, .when we were alone, and the color com, quickly to her face, then leave deatlu , f Brave lU,tlo woman 1 how trustingly she gave rue, her heart, and how, basely I -failed, lief !r How ready I was to believe .'. A ; But let Die go biiek. .'Ijpok her to our cozy boanling place, which was indeed a home tons. installed her as its mistress, made avery provi- calnier. . "I've forsriyen you long ago. Wo won't speak of the past let pie only be happy ... .i... i i - . r :M ...... ...., lil .wrf 111 tlHI (HISS Ol pi.-i.-i ji; j oil inn y uiuiv. como around to trouble 3-011.", . Foririvc me?" he said, innuinnjriy. "I don't understand. You'll never tronble me and we'll hot speakof the past? Why didn't it ns'palvi ns death. I ssw her turn to the door. and fly. And I sprang to meet her "and ami Well. I can't tell about that. ' ' sr- . - 1 ', On bearing her story, I found that Robert had left oiit'thu laTu'of his own griefs. Tlsal l.o had ' - ' - .A. ' - a. . I ... .4 -. 1 W 1. .! . fr..t.t !. fVill llllf t1..4.ff.lll ll.-t- sion thatlove'couTdsH2irest forhercoinfi.rt.en- you write , to lis, lUlph? ., lour poor little , . . e sii:: .-.111, i!.. .. r .... 1 II '-.,.1 ,vif.. . . 1 n, 0.44. -..4....... .... ...... i.i.Fiiiit (U lOVCU Hie DI1S5 or H lUW IIUUIS lioiir imwji:, .001 I .... ,, , . , ,i- . 1 . , , i'i- 1 . , , r. L - ',nnn't. , Mk ,,fl,r! t e-ried. in sudden arc hi"", his life seeking me. and earing for my t fi ' ! t M i t i i ' . . . . . . j. lu-ifx llitit leiil liuiri t.l liliotber. anil Rolx-rt t ...wi.iV n..L- nfiimf tt wa b-ird T tell nv. ."1 can hear anvttim else snare inc tii.u: ' " . . 4. 4t rv.4n v.. . . ... H . vDon't speak if he'rt" I cried, in sudden ago- It was hard. I tell nv. . "I can bear anythin else spare inc tliat!' .t... ..... I 4T.. ll....Y e4.4..llii,.-' v.rv ct ri n trn . ' SV l. .... - . ' - . 1 ' r- ' 4 fc.-i ..--r. ir . 1 ... " -. . 1 1 1 win. .iiii. r -i4ii 11 u iit..ir iriiiii vim r An, wen : 1 in an oiti man mow oiuer uj -i in-ic. ,,j ....... . y.. J sorkiwlhan bVTe.-rrs; but I shall never -forget Thy "can't I speak'of her? Since you are not tho freshv dainty look of my darling;, as (1 left le:wl as' wo supposet! why flisl yon desert li..p im llii chii lli:it liitter.ifhiv a-lu hle in the 1 her r ' -i . ; . i. i . .! .IVi ' i. 1 '.'I'i tr ri . in .-.1 T V..:.lJ '.,i,...l morning. widow at, night.. Ami 1 never ilid It.irtesermier aijt vtui;..aut a i.hj.muSih.i. t lt 'lhroulrfi'alf Ihe black VearsI' ihbdgli-itl " A honibW langh.: I darn sayfpcolK-rt urn- mfo.'ni IhmlffH the Vefv niemorr of it would ! mle.' ' I could see ha thmight I was mad. mVtiiad. I', I .r u .1 j U ivSolved to eontri)! myself, and since we must . -..- .. . . -rnv.a II - !i 41 I I. . ...... .a W . . ft . . a. 4m t 1 1 41 1 n'lWelJ. I.Wiik tO tlic, mines; and U iod bUtli- uave.u ouii, iatK.iv ., co, . ;uii-, . v ti?wQHx. eagerly, for my heart was longing to get -two. 1 came bnefc. anU stooU iy him miee moi e. , At " Mr. iiui i conitl. not succeed. xiaiis - vpjow, lvmcrr, ll there is any misuiKe nere, yrpro not then eslabtisheil, S(l I did hot hear from 1 J.-t us niulerstanil it at once.. I left you twenty nij near ones; out alt Hie barrier 4. toiled, lor year ago, in charge of my wue, in San lr ran fWer.'f.nhooght of doubt finteml.'mjmind.l ciseij-S H-V - s : j,J wsistpnly toi glal to luiv my dpar bnither to -vYoii 'did.'nndT ' , . care for heij and save her from all rough con tact 'with tho world. , .( ,f " - ' .. Findiiig no lucVin Ihe mines, I determined '.i to push-on iuto the Indian country, and try "a ' . little liuhting n-nd trapping for that w'as good . ... biisinesa ttie'n I; succeeded a little better ..at tb? was furceil to see her tho Very unhappy wife of a jioorniha n M a -v retell j And what said Iho little woman, whn she knew that I had stayed away all thesis long years.) bad blasted her. life, disappointed my brother life love, ni.yle deep iiil rjr for four, by my stupid In lief of gosip that, even lo hear reK-ated, she shrunk from as though it would wither her? I always knew 'she w.is an nngel. She said, though" with quivering lips and tear- ful t eyes: Dear Ralph, let us -peak of It never ngnin. It was a terrible mistake. Let ns lie happy In the 0 irs We have yet to litei and lento il to another life to ruljut Ihe errors of lbis.n tliati Imt wanderorfr on', and finally came outal F'razi'r ritcr. Where' ttb4 'gold, excitement had brtkekl"lWrwy.-'--,.i'j-:-? .? j. f 1 ilOIl L KnUW HOW wneuicr lb - tv.vs inumus ui : yearsKtiyg. Rlitl' weeks were alike to me for. a long tiniOfbnt at last ifwrNtriiecessrul, and got I togctVer' fitp 'tl'itsWiidVffern the yeJW aust,,Of(cdiiric; my only thoaght was of ny ' off the treasnri. - ;V- s . 7: A. miner going 1 mOIwS, willingly4ook charge 1 of my littia pilci and aoon I begun too Jook.for, v letters; ;;" IT'T' ' r - "I 1 ' : V Bob'p I ' cotiid euif rfiruagine noble, nmhly, like himself." Snsie's I thoviglit of, riiui tried- to I'-Cn fcucy, hundred of time. for IM' tievcr hmt , ' lettor frera hor s-7l knew it wonld be delic,te,U ..V ... and datifitviffl le'nviireUv'snotrdt'op, or!J , . , rT. ,rtir r.r rn, r f4 r. . -1 .....u -r. fli .. ' f ur.ii r....:J- i.;:.. i. v.v wi.U.'fe . i; '.VAiid yon,f.I interj tipted, "tok good care of lier, and disk not hear from me ; . and she grow ; tired ol wniting.-nhd loving a shadow; and you j--and you loved her!' ; ' ; " '' Hold!" he shouted. Ids eyes blazing.. .vlio told von that infamous lie?!' 1 . . '.'And the," I ven t o, not heeding him "sho grew, faint anl. tired ; and she 'saw. your love. vnd sho-ruturneil it." ' 'Roncrt si zed m.y nrfn ns thongh lie would - . - - - i - -. . r - i - i - f i S if a. a ( S ,vtt rty vy J . ,f "HutJi. till I hne done. - When. yourccci veil llic iiibhey I sent,' you :were too fargone to go '4 . iWell, aKcii, fiwieics .may o.,yvTy WvllWJ 1 "tlibT Won't riin u Aiieriay pojtjMHii , uyt, nn .m , ftrTT-i Sunt MM.'.lnW l,.J. a.11 inritfAf HtCytOS -lejti jTf ' ' mvTt !V4vt"t uij 4 ' ?(.or Uiem, ,.IlmagE4ii?dJ4slIprt of deMyg. Utu ' 'tno long, -dreary days' wentiiy with ieaden leet, and. left tike-city a iliypf ce ; anJ. p-otr rnfirrled her, I y, , LVipti'kUiiae you.. . ' ,:' ' '''And tou! you've "believed this thing for. tweiitv,ye.irr' he .sa'idj "calmly now, though it was the cnlninivss ofa, smothered volcano rIlave.' .t-r.!-. ;..-. ...... 'Yoii have for twenty lonifyonrs lieliere! tUat roiir brotlier Wero infaiiicrusly false to you ? ua "'111611 lainr luc,Ualph whihx;6wcar" and lll'form;' seenieiV o'-irlyj dilntev aad grow LcnvL' W llosHid:oleurlly,, 'tlrat the whole Wtfo i w truflttayop .toiday.as .he wtis the day rod left lier, twity.-tr3 ngoV.. . Ail T , . Ono Cow a Mino of "Wealth. Tlii history of the short hi.rn vow. Duchess 6Gih. which was sold in 1&G3. at Kill Dueie s sale in EnglamU to Colonel Morris, of Ford- haiu, for 7u0 guineas, or S3.C70. is remarkable, its hJiowing tho actual value of one good breed ing aniimil. From this cow, which was calved in XouibT, 18. tin ro, may U traced in di rect descent a number of nidiuahi which have sold for about $.00.00O. Let ifoe admitled that US much of tljis, value as may Iw is dejieiiding on, fancy or rich breolcr. ami Is not ji:e inirin sic value of llm laef n!d ,milk protluced; yet no one can help, admitting that an immense value, cstimatedjn iheso nfone, has nccnied to . . r ' tf 'j 1 I ' t . . . ,,. the woriu ironi mis. cow; "M'i pio"in"n w this value tnay be cstimatol the profit to a . i . . ; . -1. - T . ...... . .' breeder ironi any superior nnimm no may rw duce. A line of breeding nniiuals li brought inio existence which spreads out fun-likt, and diverges yenr by "year wider and wider, ottil we can' no longer reach tho bounds of the ben- V',( .''iii'r.-.i t.'.i.'.'l'i: .1 I CUoJal inliueico. iv is in ios iuh hss uiu W of 'any cooil animal, and 1t isJan unfair di oarngement to confijio its value lo iho welg .i. ixi " r t "..-iii. .. . .j t. . : mint What do yotr -mcna?" I cried franticAHyJ hi of ninin ItJ carcass, or its proiuco in mux - i and butter. The. breeder who produces a sopo. rf6rnnlfiifel sits in me I ion 'a inspulso 'which ,4"' -frbust. In lim sprt.id and Inereaso cnorraoosly. and far bryoml cwiiputatlon. 4rnm'ca Agri - '.-:.o:,4 M?.Tiii ntHxnu 4t V, r-: ! : - - r - .. .- N- t.,..,,jf " ' 1 ' ' ' r nil -onr interests on Chritmss I'-iyJ "Rnna! Runa!' called several voice fn r.i the little redhouo wi:!i its wh'te window j frames, "co i uo and help, the sun is selling, sn I tin to's much to do." It was a poor, bare lil.le honis into which ll." maiden entered. No supeiCuili. s of l'.fr f-i!l to iho lot of Iho Norwegian lou-Urs (peasants ) Round the stove slool heavy benches wl;h cti- rltnuly carted Ixtrks against one wall several bods wero fixed like ihv lieiths of a ship, ar d tho Swco betwi-en was filUil by a th -l wl.i.h held iho holiday wardrolw of the f tiui'y; q- )Ksita stooil mi immense !res r, nnd shr'ns round the room held rbcescf. rakes vt id Irutl (the ordinary dark bread. Inked on a grhM! once a year), nnd strips of rvin-dcei-meM. At tho broad open oven dun. stood tho mother in hor short stnlT gown, slipping la the whit loaves of various fantastic lup-s. txlol only on tho one r,real Yule fcslir.il. Tkl i, tho next slttir, was varefu'tly measuring flour fur tl.e slipr (xrt iebach), while liivl. Tbusiii !.!a stoinl at iho cli"pping-1o.rl JTej-!r!ng tl.e co.!fih which, wlih Vib r Grot, (white grnel) inado of rice, meal, milk, sngr nnd viimsiiKiii, consli tiiletl tfie canonical Christmas dinner. Ah-n-tia'a sentiment did not init-rfure wiih her Iioum-- wifery, ami soon her b.re arms were p'ni-gcd into flour many sha le dalker that! lhelilvlr. while her har.l wtaalen hoes hiked ln-r shoil, reil lM-ltivo.il about tlie kiuln-l-. ami h r fresh young Voice broke foitll at iuli rials in sliali li es of Scandinavian hymns and limits. Suddenly Ihe door burst open, and in rushed n group df ibri-v merry ly. sh iking tho snow from llielr sIkk-s. niul dcj-ititig in a big pile mi tin floor gieat piles ol corn, wheal an.l Uir- I b y. w hitli lt.nl been left ui.lbrr.hcd for lids ic- ry purpose. "I thought I-kl and his trolls wouM-lnv had me." said (.1 i!ni ir. "an.l si they woul I, Iml lhat the bir.ls knew what I wa nt-Mil an. I C-in-d ami flutterol so with their wings, and shrieked and cawe.l o that the daiiuons w. ra frightene.! and Tclrcatc4 to Ihelr cases. If thry had come on I should not hava ha.l mnch h!p from Ililmer here, he was looking i AT nt tl,o snn.o-t and dretiming away as n.o il." "I thought I saw, said Ililmer, nnd then bliidi.- nnd p.tisol. ".S.iw what, my son? sai-l ihe pile, sickly fatln-r 1-M.king up from his l-x.k ia l!i vomer. "I thought." sa?l Ililmer. thus cnomraged. "lhat I saw the end of tint rnbiHow bridga, aed I wonderol if Asgard really did lie over l- yond tho sunset, an.l if wc could ever cns should our shoes Ijo clean enongh ns tho old Sag tells us. And tlien I thoiijlil bow .id il was lle.it tltey lliouhl have killed Iktldor the beautiful, and that eecrythinj kbou'.l grow ug ly and poor-like. like this Ikhjsc, said iho boy. with sebs in his voice. Come hcle, my jocl-boy. said his tothcr. 'Balder tlto beautiful s was but lliu. rcflerltoii sent long bsjforcluad Into the tuiuds of th old Nurtlimen, of tbe glorious Iorxl Jesus, whose birthday Cekbralo. al.Vulc. Truo, ,,q was crucified aad slain by ctU devices, but he m araia to build Uia" rainbur. hri vvir w hich our purified feet may bwWvd soma Uy walk to AsgvnU which' Ucs fatthvr end yet m-artr tkm tb setting sun ; .and yoo know He is hero again morning la tho hearts of these Tba hr.g service w ovr. t!. c.ngegs. width c.i!iiri":d a!i!si rtet j J.t b g vl in 1 t-t - i.::t I..'. X i.:?ti I. TIM ?. r. n t . j - !.. 4 1. 'si 1 V 1 e.. ir-!i CtU.rtut. f4aaaM .raa44S - -1 I a, . . . a vi..i',sa- ia- n its hit a. i . r .iry:i a icn. ani men ii w hth iusi es.ry ri. roi) ,.MI.ri -.!e, every sj r . w a'.i) sUu C .::ei;g j;.5 i,t.. . p.pl iti-.ti Ini.i'r picking t!i w I it. tur'rj ai-4 i lvl.i . . coin fieiu Uit ir r i n n:iIi ! I - I a ... "'Ue b-ag. arbippy w-.J.y, it i:-re arc 1 1 ;,T. . . . cares ai4l t.r rots s on the rt!i." sail l! !! tl.t. 1?h..I invalid fitber. wl.- f It thsl ctb b l.v! b..o....... r.nde his 1-ul e-stthlf li ifinitgc shm b4 tl . , , , la tinmii iisai tuiu. "ihe u.ttia ;; arw ci i:ik ... such n trouble l i.s i.i t!.: lrtrsl tlor. tuvuv , tt I S-ai .. l.kc l!i rilvl of ib'.S bfr, wt.UU or.i O (iisiktt op i l,,;'f ..... . . . . ., i ,i . . l -''" ..... ..... . . - I ll:f. llc.vftiy jiinri;l fvifcec ireei ll.ros. i ,r sm -. a srTow fll tu t'.sugrvanJ w i'.lit Ul tatlrr-. I .--!i . v . 4.l i:,rr : tM i: i.'iri i l n .i -...t. .. i . 1 l . I. i . ?i . . .. .1 1. ."n--.. ! ..i. - t- t.. i.M ..... i. ... if v .. ........ c, .- ';,Mti.4 straight fofaard in l!e trails of .!.:!y, d -leg l! C'l-enf.. . work (I-l lus act us. .rt tuning !.! frrt I ". ...... f.r and We.tlr.e.. M-reirfi l j 'rw tls m jr?i ....... h"t U-st. Ihe Cbris'ntif msgle ill t"ge 5b. ra j jj 4 ik.to wbile-ro'a-.l arge!s ssxil c!cr gnl Jtrai.4 .Urkil midnl-ht sky.- j llri-r- j At.. a,t. .,.!i.;,. i'.!M-!.i. x: -I !!S.,J'! I - ' - - S.I' Mills Sr nirl l.ke T .C, ef ef t-dtV 1 itur. 1 Ul f,V'.l (al ft"Ui tini.a s n.ls iheni n it't mes.i-s if 1 Jntwa ... , J.J.l J ) aa a, - I.ltti i.';.- li 1 i. I Ml i I . l.l tr : boj-- and e.nif..rt ! l!tj wl ira.l In !.;.- Mcta.wrU Mr kb Ikbafg ... MMfigtietj M -:c I ..I . .1 1 t t .l .. v l t Ann iik-v mi iai iii i.i 1.: tu.i.-. s.-c .'. i . , ihe gl. irr-Urdatwpised tol-3 Ibe cn-Iel ir- frr'!!i il vf tin? sela.h men ar4 women L tried U.l'. ! Anolher si-le of Gertru-k's bb.,", lurrol b.:, 1 M '.oon t i - f i r r..: 1 Jlattin ... a w H'c a c I a ii.i4ii;jrii, "r iiwii: o giv l-r l-rg-i and Ilgbtrst ciko to oor Lord; and still another told of tl: i,tf wlo stole t! ssiors Uivnging to the Virgin Miry. Ittl 4 . rtT ...r.....l . . . . . 1 j. ..r.t.iliA. aat 1 v.-. p4l4l141 . . - . V .-M . . .VM. M. . , 4 be l.ld of bUciir bfo. witli its c-rr sad rcsr'0- ! v.-l l t.n."..r " nihilities, its uiinUtry W the suiTi-ring ia which Nt.!ni' I the tu til. n al his sl.lo was Su.rt ta slur-, till Oaslow mJ Alenn-v Ml ns t!i gi tba ildmes. ali'.I ia!ing .nSm."' from the chnrrh. Wtia wrl.!ing.I!l. at..l tJwit Jvn'b r Chrilnt-t nmrning wst !ied ).ng lis Ur..!'.c lVf4j".!nv.'r.s lion on In r fdtare lif; ai-4 Ib'mcr that jt J l-fvn U: -O-uin OtT. I ihlnk Use birds aio noil J1,1 like lies !-r and kk. tl s!sln afd inivjn- ! ".""!. ts whom too visit, and ol w lrrvi our Iar Jtj,.t..!?t said: 'Ins-muchs tedi-l It loth brt of ;hse. lCKbm4 .mmm.. mt bihrxa, re .lid il unto Me. j !l- . . . . .. a. . ... .. 1-fkiejbsat An.l u-rn lie r wss a sa.i.hrn r.n.u oi i -..:. llt,n M i and llv crx-at ro! snn ansrarvd abor th ts- ' Uf.!-i f-d ! Urn nonintains. while tlw so..w bS-.MVd c r'.ro- J psn... loi. 'aud Ihe h nise-roi fs Wrrw all tipped with I J jrol.l. and a! at ohre tl fljtlevitg cvawl j aiUosg tlK whoat an.l coffl. and livu li:-u.ar.4;s Ss sin .... ! . i. ' z.' - -. l iTr r I I - . I a 72. !.":..'. .i t: tc: I.I i.n: l.s. i i : s.- !..-'.; 4i ; :. - i.::t r:' tr1 t,: lt. :r i:.f j- i J I l. v ZJT, I2 si i ;v.'i r: - : ,i I.::.'.; r:n !:. . i ' n : S . - 41- . mm m a S a , a ; i.' . ia- i I f - -i . - . j . t.: .-;'.:. - ' i t .. . i.v.ii z i s . l.ll 1 Uit 1..: ! 1-- 1 1.1.- I . ' v" i,r" ji ! . . . . I -I . t . , - , 2 111 ! :r r.-.. :! i.vra t ..... . i ! fa-: a t , I . "i a J V , !.' ; J..'--', ff I a-: a--" . a I '.15! I.?.4 ' J K'i :t r. i I 1 ,r . i i i.i:! g.i .',i j.Ti J v ? t: T4TI ri Cttj t.il s s 1 2 i-:s i.:-r l,:i' l.lii r- :-' i.-ii! ;tr-1 !!. 4 a-' 1'.: f.y. T.ti cv 4; m t:-i t j l . - - - j i . -1 ' .ys i r.n 2.1TS 4 r, l.:rt 1 1 l.i: -4J . 112 k:i' i. :g s i-l 1 - l.u i ui v.-i i.;s.- - j - j. r,.J -l; 41' m cr Tirl iift of li'.lU hird-lbruntt t ourel lar a rluriout Uitl.t. 1 Traast - . s ui u ear ! of iaIsc. 'Tl.o argvU tlx-ms!rrs Ji,,"" di.l nol V.n mjr ' leistir.t! tlnn r.it,' ai 1 vk-!!.Z!I!lIlT ltdnicr. while all the glad cbll.bcn clij'w tifi-n ... . te4 Iheir bsrvU ami sl-otcL and !! ro14- S W.lart"-o ens broke out Iain llic Surg ao rvcvn'.'y sang ia I Liu church: Cbry tu Gl ia llos liigtsrU and on cnrlU care an.l gcul will Uiwt.U ua. llto two lr:s tf .tlai serg casnvl Lt iejeir atetl, sal-l tW okt (.wker; .s luvr no ilgbl la slag i!, iMr can wo e-sll f.r'Ji t!. lru Cbri:ris i : ; 1.S.4 l. s l.ll LOIS' 1.4A. ci:S l.ri i:v Litt, Uti1 l.cs: zvs l.C.'. I'M LtV T.Tj i.i ; i .1 - s If C'jria. till w ruvc done .mciLIng. h Ii our own measure, l ) t 1n oj r gol w ul taa vr.L iho crc-.turis Cl kol r.uJe. Tl.ta. laUrI, lLnih ocr rxOsgO my be pU'.a as-J Uimdy. 3:". tViuw . I I.3t l.T4 WiA.s- ' l.T7t; l.rri Wi:-. 1.U.1 L3t Y.lkia m........ N aj T'.', L" Li-.?: i.r. !-!( 1.4 M 1.TT4 l.U Ysa -s's taJo-.ty. Crib 2a svfrs wl:b Cbavktr. :-47 1Ti 1 i,vj 1.45 l.T l:i li L14S IO 140 -l an. J taw - L' S 41

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