i I 9t I 1 ti Ill 4ii if 1 k 5 -i 't ih.- 1ft .vie ;I5 . 4j J! hi .' Ml i SALEM, N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 18, 1878. A Third Pabtt. lienuemen oi me Democratic party have called to enquire what use there is in a third party, when the candidates on the Democratic ticket are all in favor of as many greenbacks Sun Strokes. Quinct, III., July 15. Seven sunstrokes yesterdey; five fatal. . ;-ir . St. Louis, Juljr 15. There U no abatement in intensity of heat. The NATIONAL PARTY. The first Convention of the jYiiio at Party of Forsyth and Stokes Coun ties was held in. Winston, July lGth. 1878. It was called to order at lj they can honestly get, are opposed to mercury is at 98 and very often 102 de- o clock P. 3L, by Martin Grogan, fcsq. heavy taxes, and all manner of fraud and I grees in the business streets. Every one vt ah inKtPd to this I mrmntinn inth Revenue department or I not compelled to bo out keeps in doors. 11 Ulltt. mi IBIOVMO ...v.. 1 I i . " t . - i m(' nr anumnt. would confer a I elsewhere. Democrats would do well to I Thirty sunstrokes or prostration from wu, j - I . . .. , . - I i i ., .1 ; null iitiiu ucrttv3 fairs, to remove-the burdens of ex-' have been bunt. la nnaMnmi village eeive taxation, lincene and imjo- tbere has be wanton destruction, at tritions, to inaugurate a M xlom of leDtlJ J dfu ot ord of barhari absolute money for the American J. Cases of d wm dllb.r- . i . . .. , atoly burnt alive hv been frequent. people, and to M-curc to there and yi,, JOOvg rirlibu also been special favor by calling and settling, as we noed money. j J Clubs. We will club the Press and the Carolina Farmer, published in Wil mington, for $2 75 a year; or $1 50 for six months. stick to the regular ticket, give their united support to the nominees of regu lar conventions, (where no undue haste j influenced their call,) as dividing to con-' quer is rather a novel idea! In order that our readers may know what others think of the present National and Inde pendent movements, we clip the follow- heat reported to-day. from these causes. tt CiT TT TTVTT TTVT P C I infir from the Greensboro Patriot : II UD F rl 1 II 1 1 II U Ul divide and Conquer. This is the , " , ... , j policy adopted by the wirepullers of the all descriptions executed I Radical party in sections where their aritli naafnocQiinrl rlisnntrdi I weakness nreverits them from making II1HU wuu uuk"vu - .... ,a 1 singular that it should deceive anybody. But people, very well-meaning people too. will sometimes fall into the trap. We don't think we ever heard of as many "independent" candidates talked of in this State as at the present time. Thev are not confined to either party. the difference being, however, that the Republican independents are playing the parts assigned them, and are run ning in pursuance to the plans of their managers, while the Democratic inde- pendents are "going it alone" ana run- ning in opposition to the wishes of their own party and the earnest remonstran ces of some of their best friends. The impression seems to have gone abroad that the radical party in this State is a defunct institution, and that conse quently there is not much danger, in these little family squabbles amongst ourselves. But there is danger; more than unreflecting people think there is, and they will discover it before long ll I this disregard to party organization con tinues. With a united Uonservative par ty, republicanism is practically dead, QjJ at the Press Office. STATE TICKET. Democratic Judicial Nominations. FOR CHIEF- JUSTICE SUPREME COURT. WILLIAM N. H. SMITH, of Wake. During the six months of 1S78. end ing June 30, there were 48 failures in North Carolina aggregating $469,400. During corresponding months of 1877 there were 65 failures amounting to $411,054. So while the number decreas es the amount increases. Die total increase of amount for the United States is over $31,000,000. This, mind you. is only for six months. The Portsmouth Times pays a high tributo to Senator Mcrrimon, of North Carolina, and declares that he is "one of the ablest and most representatives in the United Senate " lue limes says It wonU "se riously regret to see our neighbor State force him to give up his position even to advance the dashing Zeb Vance." FOR ASSOCIATE JUDGES SUPREME COURT. THOMAS S. ASHE, of Anson.. JOHN II. DILLARD, of Guilford. Henry Hart. Esq., was called to the Chair, and N. S. Cook and J. D. Tay lor, appointed Secretaries. Dr. Samuel Martin was called on to explain the object of the Convention. On motion, it was ordered that all the townships that wort? represented report to the Secretaries. Twelve townships reKrted from Forsyth and ouo from Stokes. They t were then requested to retire aud make nomi nations for the Senate and House of Representatives. In a short time they reported jlurtin Oroan as the unanimous choice lor the Seuato and Wm. B. Slype for the House of Representatives. These gentlemen were notified of their nomination aud both accepted, making interesting and earnest ad- I nracLAQ lit airfimrtt tfi tiA tiiinMniAa distinguished V V:J . ' 1 I m i iia ill if linn t-nrii- States I rpi. 1 1 : .i...r. : : 1 UU lUilUVtllJg JMUUUI 111 Ul llllll' pies was then rend and unanimously adopted : Whereas, throughout our entire State and Nation, the value of real estate is greatly lieprcciated. indus try paralyzed, trade depressed, busi ness incomes and wages reduced, un paralleled distress inflicted upon the poorer and middle ranks ot our peo- tilled with fraud, era- their posterity the lleii,g of civil and religious liberty. On motion, v j ho Convention ad journed, i i HXMBV HaBT, Chainnnm. X. S. Cook, ) t. t . . . . - General IS-vm; ' During the thunder storm at the G rem- brier White Sulphur Spring. SatnnUy afternoon, one of tlio cottages on Vir ginia row win struck by lightning, com pletely drmoluliiog one end ol it. Tu very frwqaroL lochia g mor horrible than th pmrtfcolar of this report ca m lnugiDa. its vcracuy resu oa utm oSeial authority of oo of th most re spected or Iter Ujcty's Mrvaau. aau of men employed bv bim. opoo his coo vlctlon of tbclr perfect tnutwortLIn t. Fawcett iotcoa to Uv hi report be fore the EarlUh. Austrian and French ambtuMdort. with m riw to eeodlag oat comtuUtloa of iaqairy to the spot, to eetUavvr to pat il U Uihi C An PETS, CARPETS, i rpiIK (4oUiU vkinitjr U ktrt.ii A. tb otvrmUr of hict m Urcrrtd let Moruii of CkrfwO lo frum t?.u hMM rrrr bcn krp in U 4rv Uriur. fx, lb CXClttT U of j RlchiTdJom'i Ctrptt ExhJbltor, Taxation IU Inequalities. Mure ihaa oece we have sbowa the uninjuml nd was ctrapii-d by Colonel I aaequal Uaalio tulr the laternal IUt- oemmes, oi rer urieans. wk escaped unhurt. A young tu.nn. who. was paiot- Appletons' Journal for August lends off with an illustrated article descriptive of artificial flower-making in New York, entitled "Flora in a Garret." which comes timely at this season as a good I Pc e la"d fob judge, seventh district, JESSE F. GRAVES, : of Surry. FOR JUDGE, EIGHTH DISTRICT, ALPHONSO C. AVERY, of Burke. contrast to Flora when at her best in the woods, in the meadows, and in tho gar dens. ' Tho article is delightlully writ ten by Mr. William II. Bideing. and ef fectively illustrated by C. S. Reinhart. A short story, that is almost long enough but with a wrangling Conservative par- I to bo called a novelette, bearing the ti- I ties have, ty it will prove an astonishingly lively I ile of "Up in the Blue Ridge." is from I sufficient bezzlement, bankruptcy, crime and suffering; And Whereas, this state of things has been brought about by legislation in the interest of and dic tated by money-lenders, bankers and bondholders: And Whereas neither the Republ ing in me Miming nl the time, was drinking water from a pitcher. Much to his surprise ho wns left with the ban die of the pitcher in hit hand, tho light ning cutting lira body of the pitclicr from him. After tlte Ul init., the cnipvnalion of postmasters of tlte 4lh class U baM.nl upon the value of stamps cancelod at their offices. incnd f as before, the amount. sold. Tlieffu will tlcn receive ns compensation ("0 per crnt. upon the urt one hundred tioliais worth ofstampt canceled In each qunrter, M per cenL on the next $20(), and 40 per cenL upon all over Fresbttikianism. During the past Tear there were organized Lbroa?b the Instrumentality of the missionaries of the Presbyterian Church. 132 chore be and 322 Sabbath schools, giving a total of 1.612 schools connected with the mis sionary work of that Church, embracing 124.921 children. The United Presby terian Church I e port for the year ending May 1, OO prcsbjteries. 647 ministers. FOR JUDGE,. NINTH DISTRICT, JAMES C. L. GUDGER, of Haywood. ELECTION, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1ST. District Judicial Nominations. FOR SOLICITOR, THIRD DISTRICT, swift galloVay, of Greene. FOR SOLICITOR, FOURTH . DISTRICT, JAMES D. McIVER, of Moore. FOR SOLICITOR, FIFTH DISTRICT, FRED. N. STRUDWICK, of Orange. FOR SOLICITOR, SIXTH DISTRICT, W. J. MONTGOMERY, of Cabarrus. FOR SOLICITOR, SEVENTH ' DISTRICT, JOSEPH DOBSON, of Surry. FOR SOLICITOR, EIGHTH DISTRICT, J. S. ADAMS, of Mitchell. FOR SOLICITOR, NINTH DISTRICT, , GARLAND S. FERGUSON, of Haywood. corpse, ine wounaea opossum piays dead to deceive its enemies and tho Ra- i dical party is good in the 'possum line. A Herald Columbus (O.) special says that Senator Thurmrn seated that the Democratic party was never in a better i condition for a contest this fall. Their record in Congress had been excellent. I They had done much work, and of that character whicn must be acceptable to the people. They had strengthened their claims upon the people's support bv the passage of the silver bill, and by stopping the contraction of greenbacks. which was in effect the same as tne re peal of the resumption act. and decreas ed the expenses of the government, ue was satisfied that tho Potter investiga te pen of Constanco Fenimoro Wool son who is, beyond dispute, one of the best story-writers we have. "Up in the Blue Ridge" unites stirring adventure with some excellent character-drawing. It is one of the series of American nov elettes tliat this magazine is now umk- ing a feature of. The second install ment of "A Bit of Nature," by Albert Rhodes, is given ; this is also an Ameri can story, tho completion of which will follow next month. It is a story out of the conventional rut notably fresh, and of tho soil. The Rev. Mr. Walden gives the first portion of a paper entitled "Voices of Westminster Abbey." which ican nor Democratic par-1 92 congregations. 78.643 members, ami . by their course, shown a mwmbuhicpwwiui .iiin., i ti... ;..tAMf n cholar; total contribution were a . cnoe lawk lite )asiungtoa tmc nas had access to the Items In the report for the focal year just ended, and) from it we gither that the whole a moon t of tax collected as laternal Revenue was US. 41 7.7 48.33, of which sum the Stale of Illinois, with a property valuation, ac cording to the census of 1870, of 12.151.- G8(U79. paid t23.LS2.9G0.71. whilt the State of New York, with a property val uation of f6.20aS41.564 paid oolv $14. GS5.081.&0; the State of Ohio, with 12. 235.43XSCK). paid $16.6ia446.09. while reansTlvaola. with t3.d)8,3i0.112. paid only $3,931,273.48: the state of Kn- tocky. with fC04.318.U2. paid S7.G48. 612.13. while the Statrfof MassachoseUi. with t2.n2. 143,741. raid only f 2.730, 632.61. thus showing thai Kenlcky. with one-third the wealth of Masaacboeclls. paid nearly three time as much tax; the Stale of Virginia, with f409.3S3.233. paid f7.313.02l. 13. while the States of Maine and Rhode Island combined, with fC43.121.317. paid only f314.826.48. or less than one-thirtieth ia the proportion pajq oy irginia ; ine sum oi .terut Carolina, wkh f 260.737.243, paid f 1. 67933.69. while Vermoot. willi f233. 449.333. paid only f4.097.15. tion would do the Democratic party a great deal of good, as long as Hayes tit- is a fresh and most interesting paper on le is not assailed The American Farmer for July has been received. : It h:is some well con sidered articles on fertilizers, and on the cultivation of wheat and tobacco and the assorting of the latter ; and also valuable contributions on the dairy, live stock, poultry, grapes and garden products. There are also some valua ble domestic recipes and paragraphs on home affairs. Price of the Farmer 1 50 a year; or five copies for $5. Ad dress Sam'l Sands & Son, Baltimore. a subject that never grows old. Miss Fenimorc Cooper appears with the sec ond of her "Otsego leaves." Julian Hawthorne continues his London sketch es; there is .uv essay on "Genius and Labor," by Junius Henri Browne; Poems by Dr. English and Edgar Faw cett; and still other good things. COUNTY TICKET. FOR THE SENATE : ' ; Dr. WM. A. LASH, Of Stokes. HOUSE 'OF REPRESENTATIVES: THOMAS J. VALENTINE. i- -4 V SHERIFF : JOHN G. HILL. REGISTER OF DEEDS : D. P. MAST. COUNTY TREASURER: CHARLES J. OGBDRN. Foreign News. Russia has retreated on all points from the haughty attitudu she had assumed after the treaty of San Stefano,' whereas for England the present Congress may be considered a success not less import ant than the Crimean campaign, as it has been achieved without the slightest expense of life or money. What arc, indeed, the ultimate results of a war which has cost Russia hundreds of thous ands of lives and nearly all her finan cial resources? For the losses of that war Russia receives no compensation worth speaking of. The plan of a mon ey indemnity seems to be entirely aban- Lippincott's Magazine. Along the Danubo,' by Edward King, is tho open ing paper of Lippincott's Magazine for August, and both text and illustrations are spirited and lively. Edward II. Knight, one of our commissioners to the Paris Exposition, and a member of the jury on machinery, gives an illus trated paper on the Buildings and Grounds, with suggest! vo comparisons between Paris and Philadelphia. A much livelier article, and ono better suited to tho present temperature, is "A Welsh Watering-Place," by Wirt Sikes; but the gem of the number is "Tho British Soldier," by Henry James, Jr., in which the exquisite irony and delicate powers of the writer are employed on a most attractive theme. "Sambo: a Man and a Brother," by S. A. Shields, contains some pictures of negro character from personal observation which cannot fail to be read with, j interest. Mrs. Hooper COUNTY M. H. SURVEYOR: MORRIS, doned, and as to Kars and Batoum. the cession of these places loses nearly all sketches the career of tho Empress Eu- interests of the country. the suffering people by the introduc tion of any bill or resolution for their relief by equalizing taxation, giving tho people an adequate supply of le gal tender currency, or in any other manner so to legislate as to meet the presMiig wants of the laboring clas ses ; And Whereas, the limitiug the legal tender quality of Greenbacks, the changing of currency bouds iuto coin bonds, the excepting of bonds from taxation the contraction of tho circulating medium, the proposed lorceu resumption ol specie payment and tho prodigal waste of the public lands have been crimes ugain&l the people ; and, as far as oMblo, the results of these criminal ai-ta mut be counteracted by judicious legisla tion. Therefore we assemble in Con vention and make u declaration of our principles as follows: This organization tdiall bo known as the ".National Party"; and we pledge ourselves to do all in our tower to secure the election of uch men only as are willing to endeavor to carry out these. principles. lie Jcnl, 1st. That we demaud the repeal of the Specie Resumption Act, and tho issue ot absoblutoMon cy in Greenbacks equal to gold and silver; That we demand that all bonds now subject to redemption be immediately redeemed in absolute money equivalent to coin ; reductiou of all National, State and Municipal salaries, and the repeal of tho law exemptiug United Stales Bonds from taxation. Retotretl 2nd. That the Internal Revenue system, as now enforced. is ruinous to the industrial pursuits ot our section ot the country, com plicated and expensive in its execu tion, affording places for thousands ot omcers and employees with large I cents. salaries which absorb tho bulk of the taxes couecieu. while the various complications and exict:ses of its regulations exclude tho manufactur cr of limited means, while the rich monopolize tho whole manufacturing f782.6CC. Tho contributions Sabbath school wera f 23.510. the Fortify th body agatntt dicas by purifying tho blood witli Dr. Bulls Blood Mixture. Thus forearmed, you will not bo attacked by sickness. Dr. J. C. Aver, who died in Maa- chuM'tu lat Wednesday evening week, left an elat worth from f 15.000.000 to f 20.000.000. 1 1 was all th result of ad vertising. His medicines may liare been very good, but Iw wonld bare larv cd to death If lie hadn't advertised litem. The aggrrgatn of appropriations made by tho last CKienrs U f 157.213.933.77. as follows: Military Acadetny. $282. 805; Fortifications. $275,000; Consular and Diplomatic, f 1.076.135; Navy. MM.- lol,G03.70; Pot Qfflce. f 33.256.373; Pension, f29.371.574; Indian, f 4.721.- 175.50; Army. 25,W,1 86.01; Lrjri.U tlve. Eieeutlve and Judicial, f 15.42. 881.30; Sundry Civil. $24,750,100.56; Klvcr an.I Ilnrhnr. f S.507.0W Counterfeit Coins. Reports rrcivd from lb secret srr- vlca agents la all parts o tltm country Indicate that the business of counter fsilioe silver coins Is m Urg and rapid ly increasing otto. Tb spurious Isaacs Include tb new silver dollar, half anil quarters; tbos of iIm Urge dsaoml ac tion being more numerous. At Um se cret headquarter of Um treasury de portment band reds of sacks of the so eounlerfsltt captured iadifirrvat parts of th county, have already accumulated. and freh additions to the stock are dal ly rweirrd. An analysis of the cooa- tcrfeit coins shows Unl tbey are nm puswtl of bl-k tin. aniinuwiv'and eUw, cast In nil ! mde of iUtcr of i-ri. Among a new UA ot coins jut I reeeive!. sofuv werv ftaind which In appearance and by ordinal acid tests could Rut b UtlfigtiilM-tl frwtu erbuine roin. A careful examination led to lite ditcut ery Uwl Uwy werv man a lac Lore I hy the electro-plating process, a suOciebl out- Ing of silver brtnj: placod utxo I lie nr- a wosmntrrL ixvkktiox fat sbosrlnff Can: a brief &rcritmt r thtmewbsrsrertTbew. f With the n of the Crrr KMtsfTe. w show front a ij4 ju fcow the'4r)M Uks on a very Isrr roum. aalti4yin iu SatapU a thou r, d lintm, ruauti i show n as perfcri as Uea ihersrtt i suU up mad nailed npoti toe tUmr. in we are nuw prejisml to show tmi a J NEW YORK WHOLESALE STOCK. i We bsv made spnial arranremetii nnl, Mt of the Lmeynt itvmmrt In "rW YcHtV. I All all our orders far Gsrprt. sa4 m ill you a larrer aasortmeot to srkvt frotu.iKi, Las ever been kept ooule of a l4rW boose. i We keep samples of all ' NEW AND DnslKAULi: TATTUrN- ! w hich mr mul lrj4 im 0mk oot4de t.f Lar;-r cities. This wsy of bo ring farprt hat i I trmw tpfml e. and wbow what eon mM otherwise bate lo fro to New York l. ft We can urtl as cheap f m a yuQ ra tu for la New rk. and there Wtriu t rrtuaants to take oa the reoltk we are m bled to all on a very wuaU cotauueit. atl luut re-pertfully Inrlte Ue uhtk- Vt etjtm Ine our ark, and saltfy themer. IF YOU WANT A CASPET of anv dimeoskms. brine a eortect ruexur. of vour room and we froarsntee la soil Ilea rati ami see whether ymi ivl. to boy or not, a it Is no tmoble ! pjods. j PATTERSON & CO., nimi, cit ctosi ul criEtu Mttlu street. Kalrm. .. . Tkade in Moxtkixo lbuDS. The Au gusta (Ga.) CAnaiVe says : Full frrown luockin hints sell for a luzh iirtee) In the l.irge Northern cities. Ilird hunters coroo Hit to Georgia from the North orcry tptinff. and carry back with litem large numbers or the fledgling, which are taken from their nests. If a stop It not put to thi wholesale plundering of mocking birds' netts. the clianuing notes of this pride of the Southern woods will soon ceaso to he heard, and the wonder ful songster will pass away entirely. face to make it resist tb acid. Th coin lias the appearance and the ring of the genuine and ran only be detected by weight. The cost of aaaaufactoring these spurious coins Is about 40 per cent. ff the current value of the genuine. Tbe centers from which tlte counterfeit currency is chiefly circulated are Phila delphia. St. Louis. Chicago, Indiana polls. Vlncenoes and Louisville. It was aaM at tbe Treasury Department that an ex pert with a capital ol f 5 could set him self up In the business of counterfeiting silver coin. MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTt'K lKA MoUTiiAiiK t ! eiecuteil on.l'lh oajr 4 NuutuWi 172. br Ksmoel A. Alaxb 4 Klicsbrth II Abpaerh. to JJiu XI. MJlr.t. ' record! In the l.erier" Oftiee In r-til rounir. on the flh tsf at IwmuhrT, 17 Z. a Iiook No. fl. rr y. 3ii st! a-. e esijn lo saie at ul4e outrtv the krt- ti.ler. imi tlte etnte. nn Wi:iNlA Till: SUt lt UK Jl'I.Y. IO.ll- ., (4luini; bcnll tract 4 Uil : " Oib TUACr In Krrth tuumr. ii lU waters cif 3JoUy C'rerk. Muing iu 11-. f Jsrue Cwtral anl hV. moUniinr .. writ rvire rr lr. Zv TKAtT, Ijlnff h!llw r 1 In ai.l ciKinlr. a.1oinir AttciHio !(! 1. and otletx rtmtalninjc ' acre. i S TttACT. Irinx on Mmllow t4 r-l in aaeMinir. containinicSi airvM. I l'Mi rati I oler.ta the water ol t tvk. aUl cor.nty, oiUininj One IfiUHlttd KtnrJtrre anl a half acre. The aUiTr drrrihed trsttvof Und wiU o H fat caH. . tix:r,y. r. Mkskn. r ttA N Jnne sk r. rrrAmia. j. u. e la. lT9rr7-4U During a recent thunder storm In SSfSSft rwMwt THE MABKETS. killing ten and wounding fifteen of the party. It Is a sad sight to see an intoxicated person on tho street. How much more so is it to see a dull and sickly Baby, renderea so uy the use or dangerous opiates? Dr. Hull's Baby Syrup con tains nothing injurious and mny be giv en to the most delicate Baby. Price 25 NEW STYLES OF Paper & Envelopes, AT THE DOOK STORE. Call and examine our esdlent Mui k 4 per anl eOTrlow. A tarre atwortmebt Nov. St fins and common on hand. "J t rl P Bscow axd Laid: Western Sides. Country, Shoulders, Hams, Lard. Gftatv : Corn, Wheat, Oats, 7 to 7 . 7 to 8 C lo 7 8 to 10 10 to 11 to GO $0 90 to 1 10 to 40 . THOS. R PURNELL, . Attorney- at -Law, iLAXEian, it. a. CORONER: IIENBY A: HOLDER. The above ticket is well worthy of the support of all the citizens of the county. Ine candidates are men well known to the people, and should receive the undivided support of the Conservative-Democratic party. Below we pub lish the appointments of the candidates : Countt Canvass. The candidates for the Legislature and County offices will speak at the following times and places: Widow Clinard's, Thurs. July 18th. John Robinson's, Friday, July 19th. Kernersville, Saturday, July 20th. Crim's X Roads ! Monday, July 22d. W. H. Haizlip's, Tuesday, July 23d. Bitting's Store, Wednesday, July 24th. vl TTt rant a -v v. xnursuay, juiy zdui. Friday, July 26th. Saturday, July 27th. i Monday, July 29th. luesday, July 80th, its importance for Russia in consequence of tho retention of Bajazid by the Turks and of the condition imposed on Russia to dismantle the fortifications of Batoum and not to use the harbor of that town as a military port. The cession of Cy prus to England is a threat against Rus sia and involves a' humiliation which gonie with much animation and caustic ity; and Mrs. llowland of anew system of Musical There is a striking story in the number entitled "A Saxon God,M and tho new serial, "Through Winding Wavs." shows a careful study of lifo with a ge niality of tone that is especially charni- IteuJeeri 3rd, That wo earnestly Wuirnxo Posts ijt Vikoixia. Vir ginia's criminal code became ope rati ye s . sr www on me ii oi juiy. unuer it one or more whipping posts will be established in each city and county within tho Com mon wealth. In future there will bo no imprisonment for potty larceny, excej ! for second offences, and where, in tbe Floursuper (!0rt lbs) 2 25 to 2 50 - lamily 2 SO to 2 75 Meal, " 1 25 to 00 Chops. " 1 00 to 00 Rice, Carolina. 10 to 12 Flax Seed per bush., 0 00 to 0 9) Potatoes, Irish, AO to 00 Teas, 63 give,To.unt de the manner in which cd. XSSji usical Notation. ccrH ! " Internal Jievcnuo service aer $iripe unadrisable. Tbe Legula- commit depredations, nssaulU and other crimes, in the pretended di. chargo of their duties under the revenue laws, which are in direct violation of the laws of our State. ing. Thero are other good things in and are protected 'from just punish- might seem hnrd after a defeat, but the number, which is almost wholly of inent by the interference of the Fed- Old Richmond, Vienna, Old town, Lewisville, Benj. Hampton's Winston, Wednesday, July 31st. All citizens are invited to attend. Yellow Fever is in New York, thero being some eight cases in the quarran tin hospital, brought from Havana, wmcn muse do unoearaDie i or the na tion's pride after a victory. Even the direct and disinterested purpose of the war, put forward by the Rnssinn Gov ernment namely, the entire independ ence of toe Slavonic Christians can scarcely be considered to bo secured by the decisions of the Congress. For if a relative independence, under the rule of a Roumanian Prince, is awarded to Northern Bulgaria, the Slavonians of Roumelia will still remain as heretofore under the direct dominion of Turkey and subjected to all the blessings of Turkish "reforms.' In view of this miserable result of a hnrd strugglo we cannot wonder that a great and just in dignation prevails among the. Russian people, which feels that it is not rcspon a light character, suitablo for the month, crnl Courts lietoteed 4tn, lhattho perictua The Financial Situation. tion of a free G'ovcrnment depends The reduction of tho public debt for upon the education of tho people, me uswu year just enuea was z4,uw,- anu as the public lands aro the com uw, ngainsio.uo.wu lortue preced- mon property of the whole people. j - - - - w.. .i. muvi ill that year mainly in consequence of cov ering into the Treasury of $10,000,000, balance of the Geneva award-fund. During the last year the bonded debt was increased nearly $83,000,000, and the amount paid out for Interosts is greater by $3,000,000 than was paid for the preceding fiscal year. During the same time the debt bearing no interest has decreased nearly $21,000,000. Tbe increase in tho bonded debt was caused by tho sale of bonds for resumption pur poses, tbe proceeds of which sales are now in tho Treasury. The total coin balance is now $197,415,133. From this sum must be deducted about $46,000,- ture determined on this chance at tbe ast session, in view of the crowded condition of the prisons, the cost of maintaining convicts, and the Impovrr- unraent oi 'he Commonwealths finan cial resources. Tbe rlzht of anoea! from the judgment of a justice to trial by jury Is of course reserved. Butter. Feathers, Beeswax lmeu merries, 121 cents per pound. " Blackberries, 5 to C cU. per lb. Winston Tobacco Market. 00 to 10 10 to 1G H to SO O to 23 iWo 40 Lugs, Dark Bright Lur, Common.. no Daniel R. Goodloe, of Warrenton, has been appointed supervisor of United States Revenue for North Carolina. Mrs. Martha Waugb, of Ashe county. says her bean vines wero frozen and the business end killed on the night of tho 22nd of June ulL sible for the humiliation it now under- 000 for coin certificates and nearlv fiio'. goes. New York World, Dem. 000,000 held to redeem outstanding call ed nonas and other outstanding coin lia bilities, leaving the actual coin now in the Treasury. $U1,94.3$3. On July 1. 1877, the actual coin balance was $50,- iz,biy. he reduction in tho leral San Francisco, July 16th-Gen. Miles whipped the Indians at Umatilla reser vation with 800 infantry against 500 well mounted savages. The fight continuod from 8 a.m. till noon, when the Indians tender circulation during the year was attempted to chargo Miies' lines, but over $13,000,000 and in fractional cur rency nearly $4,000,000. The national We have received from the Department of Agriculture the monthly crop report was desperate, were repulsed, being unable to staDd the fire from the howitzer. Indian loss 15 killed. Miles' casualties were onlv two wounded. The chargre of the Indians for June, notice of which will bo given next week. N. C. Railroad. The meeting of the Stockholders of the N. C. Railroad Company met at Hillsboro, on the 11th. The old Board of Directors on part of the State were announced Col. Thomas M. Holt, H. W. Fries, M. L. Holmes and Dr. R. B. Haywood, were elected Directors on part of the private stock holders. I' Extensive frauds have been discover ed at Fort Thompson and Crow Creok (Dacota) Agency, Fraudulent papers abound. The militarv seized the safes at the Forts, and hedcethe discoverp. bank circulation has increased 10.000. 000, the outstanding amount now nq thorized being over $314,000,000. Tho total receipts of tho Government for tho fiscal year were as follows : Cus toms, $129,897,344; internal rovenue, $110,200,956; miscellaneous, $17,90S, 518; total. $258,001,818. Compared with the preceding fiscal vear tho re. ceipts show a falling off pf $10,998,760, The railroad companies of the United of which decrease over $8000,000 were nan hAitA V Rilil IVUI . 1 1 I ? m internal revenue. The total expendi? tores for tho year, exclusive of intcrost on tho public debt were $135.620,6,17, which is nearly $6,000,000 less than tho ordinary expenditures for tjie preceding fiscal ypar. The amount mid for Inter. est pn the debt duripg the year just States have in use 8,500,000 car wheels Those on fast passenger trains aro re newed every ten months; but freight cars use ine same wheels sometimes ten years. The average life of a wheel is 60,000 miles, apd at that rate it takes yuu.ow n year, ot a ppsf, less the old wheels, of $6,000,000. Cel Leaf Common . M ae m CoLXTtBJ trr Cotx. rersoos in po sitions to know estimate Iheamooiof counterfeit coin now in circulation in this country nl fully $2,000,000, much tbo greater part oi which Is Sirious silver. The amount of eoonterfalt enln instead cf bving sold to speculators Increases steudilv. the increase Itavio? fim ilnnntAfl In m!IniIj Atl.m. hvn eraaitne. It is of it. In 1 1 1 . . corjwrations, they should be appro- four years than during any previous pe- jHrhtWrs pnatcu to cuucationai purposes and V :r k' 7. "j" or the pervading dullness of trade. ery kind. Men generally have a preju dicethe prejudice may be most irra tional in favor of living; and. when thev cannot live honestly, they will live dishonestly. Persons wlto liave never offended the law up to tho Autumn of 1073. oavo doubtless done so since In va- donated to actual quantities. ReuJeeri 5th, That vo denounce all '-strikes" mobs ami other vio lence calculated to interfere with tho administration of the Government. the execution cf the laws and tho legitimate rights of all persons and corporate bodies: and we ask all good people to assist us fairly to re dress all grievances through the me dium of tbe ballot-box. RevJertl b'th, That wo believe tho ballot-box should bo f ree and tin trammeled, uninfluenced bv either force or fraud, and that wo denounce all attempts to carry elections, Stato or National, by outlays of money. as dangerous and contrary to the free exercise of the elective franchise which should characterize all freo gOYernipents. ItenJetri 7th, That We cordially invite the attention and co-operation of all honest and, patriotic citizens to aid in tho foregoing resolutions, and call upon them to abandon old parties ami unite with us in estab lishing ft new party of tlip people, whicli U to deliver tjiem from the money tm Corporate despotism un der which tbey now labor, lo se cure to labor its just reward, to trade, commerce and. mUU, solidity and sccmity, lo reform - the abusei in tho administration of public aft 3 50 to u Ul 3 .Vj to 4 AO & UJ to M Ul B ) to Id Ul 1? Ul to ?l Ul 3 onto 4 An a 00 v iiuj lo ui u 11 CO rspeier. Common. 14 u u 1U An m Medium. IS (Alto TZ AO " i"o . . rr Ao to 4i cw Mabossny rspper TI AO to 5 (0 Accordins to quality. The Home Fertilizer. .v. w. uuuiricm uuiiv bu lines I u Ta- I -nfiu f TQ 1 v. , . . . riousw.ys. because thev could not eel K0" IT"A..F,rT,:E3j fWLLARM tmninTnirni i AiinmriKiiinir ti -itfi ,-.... . . , MAM KH that sHJl tns ill atUo.1 to busiaeaa In tbe auie sl Tedersl Ooort. Claims eulkKte la mt part of the Mate. Floral Atitorrapu Albans. , ,A " d beautiful alUtsi. rieLlr illustrated with eboiee WreaUi I IVsoquets of Flowers. Tbe mot elr Birthday Present ever offered at BLUM'S BOOK-STUHK TTOB PRINTING, OF OU ertrtf JtMcriptt fsss ml lAls Office, im JUrsf Class StyUand at rtaamnnbte rati; Trees and Plants. WK Invite the aUen- wottr Ixrjfe and com plete stock of Standard and Dwarf glaodsrd sod Dasrl PEACH TriKIvH. htaodsrd and laarf I PKAH Tit 13 K s. STSiPSF Cr-V. gl'lM-K NUTA 1-lArTrer. of the mrt ImiitJ tsrieiM, GKAFK VIICJ3. STItAWfer.RItY AM iiAspnr.miY rLANTx Addrrft j CRAFT SAILOR. Hl ta.as. )Wlssj rWaif J .V. t . rVKY. mooted with other crimes: crime do- I MANURE iki tn LTvJ T. V f . r..i.. A-.m-...t -I t I ri.. ".7 nuca l"" wf uiuustoo anu enoruuj up- I voen, uacs, is toes, and Tobacro on commcrcUl actlvltj, upon the prop er adjustment of Ubor's supply and de mand. Times like these show bow closely connected morals are with ma terial causes; tliattho averago man is not Inclined to evil so 'long as be Is wholesomely occu plod. Hat. Ofocrctr. . - . . War's Horror tf&rttlYe of Bul garian Atrocities). IxiaDOX. July 10. A Constantinople despatch to tho Tinut says: Mr. Faw cett lias returned fnm ' Sagos, and re ports the intense sufferings which exists among tho population Sooth of the IU10 dopo Mountains. He enumerates hor rors perpetrated by the Bulgarian and Cossaks, and sometimes by regular Hutsian soldiers, whose design seems to bo tlte extermination or utter dlspcrsloa of Mussulmans and Christians favorable to them. In pomoda district fiftr-thrrs) villAgcs have been plundered and burnt by Uuislan. sod Bulgarian troop. With, in the but two months twentv.threa tu bffcs hrtte been equally lib! waste and any manipuUteU ItrUUser oCtTwl In tbe ul "Llf.' wr-oe uoliars. Kor this retnarkabU tatemnl mm offer you tba verv best refereoon ia your Mate whldi voasrill find bywritlnjicWa?. . formoU witb lnf roctloas. Ac. The name I1UTKI, CAttMEtt A. CO. PROPRIETOIw. July 1M.UOS B-IUosme. Md. THE 11AL1IIG1I OlWKItVKU, " A Dally and Weekly DEMOCRATIC NKWsPAPEU, rublisbed la Ralefch UY P. M. IULK. A V U HAUXUEJ. TM ur Scsaiairrtoala Aixtaxcs- IMly (Uvenrrr. om year , M sis mooths.7 4 wvi, H ?"KoUu a oo Z J M jrmr 2 Address THE OIKEKYEC. lUleUb. X. C 1-tffcs hrtTe been equally hid wj fnMt Im I. t .1 .1. it W W t a . uui iitt i&j a ud ai IB ii il l ni i sr ijist mmsm . Fhilipoppalls iliftrict twelve villas. lUHRl JMiKS0W.arJ ' XOUTII CAUOi.l.4 HAND BOOK, - , rvWe for Janice, of tbe tWe. Clvks. Mieriff.. Rer wwjrs. Corooer. Go.tsbles and (tee fit.i Otteen; laclallnr the j Lasts, tniv. BY A HKIIBKRUPTHKUALKIUH BAU or ssJs st the HAt.cn dook rronc WK ARK XOW RECElVlXCi drtt SPRING STOCK. and offer to oar friwids tbe nesrr and tooj fMtiionst4e STYLES OF DRESS GOODS, PMXTK FANCY GOOD. NoTIoN-. UlSMEUY, TABLE USKXe. Ac, Ar Ac. Xilers fine SHOES i tor Ladies ao.1 CtklsK ! And many otber tmii mtmi mUt rW t greatly red ure4 prices. , v. PATTIRSOX A tbe UOOaUfTOks. !