l-it. s: ,.!.. .ti: tit I' s :J. I Mil n riu.J t-- , - I IV. m j I I . J .!.' k. Mli W W I . t I mlA II .1 II , . ,:n : ' w 1 A -A r- L. V. & E. T. DLUT.1, PUBLISHERS ARD i1 PROPRIETORS. Terms:-easn. In Advance. ou copy oner year: .V.I.S.V.. $2 0f " , six months. 1 00 " three montbf.. . 75 Liberal Discount to Clubs. i I!, , ft " !:' n .! 5f 1 1 i II, vol. xxyir. . . 1 .1 V .!.. !' i .; i; 4: ill : 1 ' J Ik U. II.. 11. -A J . : t i V. - ivii I J. ia j, IrlJ 'LJJ H I . .1 I ,' I ' .' vjiu -in ' : .: vjiLy. ... , a,..:; j ... ... i il : SALEM, N. C, JANUARY, 23, 1879.' PETER AUD THE WOLVES, t raviniesyritK, rocks and 'fallen: $rhefl.'j ing, tcwards ihe laddeH But Greta; .: A ' - It crossed the road on which beir gdne ttoad vritb tierr'or, a9 he thought, aoaK About thirty years ago, a Norwe-v mother oV be i cart was, liplowlyAtriyr rusnecf past the'Volf sciunga tx j The Devll't Blary. gian, named Jan Jansen. came to big the ox. i -t :' ' . ' ., in bjch.sbe.Jcept. her wax. doll, her this country, and settled in the back Peter was fifteen, and, a ' stput 8ttoday tibbona, all hr most eacted woods of what was then old Virgin- boy of his age. He sat now shrrer-' treasures' - It was' a beavy box, but THAN ; ELK YEN HUNDIID Pit. SONS MURDERED IS THE XTNTTED -1 I i y. Nil; ITIWd . V YEat LOWEST entGEs. ..... . - t; 4 .. B trar to f lft xt a trial Ulara ractlac whh ut co tlaa. I ..'1 .J! . CannfhaTlamttablta cf thi gfctwa of tha Kargtt aa T1aartl STATES IK ,1878.'' " " " ' ( CiocinnAli ComnxrcUt.J wooas oi wnai was men oia lrgin- ooy of nis age. lie sat now snrrer-i treasures: u was a neavynox,-out .uiDcinnu UomnxrcUIJ ' ; Tablta, i wu nn. American nam W I i ri ' v k ' a t t. knB "ju ii ia, elering W fen. in the mounUin knd whferig.m the corn shiji 'fa . ji.to the ;; la thU h.ppy l.nl W.. CUWv fbroJi w.SWU. ffi ifflStWt wilderness near the Cheat river. These mountain., fastnesses were then, as, indeed, they are still, ten anted by the bear, the great gray wolf (not the' comparatively harm less cayote bf the West), and even la Arvirat Tta4i In tha wardroba of nllabraw 'iVataagiL&r'cr a VElaxai" the moat tplattdld articl ccloUiiis wprid artr ; J5 Jt Ube bcart of wu Ka tnrtkti fbr lhe who ooold I the Bnllsb Kcjpire tSe world. I Among the paaaensera i by. .tie j - olhr peca1 tait to Ifc W" with'w 'tf CA)?!e Grey bouno, arrived at thtt port fain MtUScd wioi Viadlok ptece of radioa of Charing Croaa nearfj. acjeo It nambeni like a scaredibaby. ' ' : . j ladder' The wolf sprang , at tue were killed by their fellow-men in quarter of a centurr has neVar abtn t! J.j ' -1. j ir'jtf V..Rl.MT JUuJ.-ir V. "Mother is dead! He-'bas killed boy, but Peter.. had". me strengtb of in 1878. We briefiy autatname the crvmxed'cnlry and" baa" ber?' hecried. , ' ". "U twomen that night. -He dealt him kDling as follows : . 1 : - pooked upon mefacecawblUj mak t obtain, JlbUan VVno wouia kiu motner r i n sta a Btunnroe diow on ine- skuh inin xdb TOiwnpi,-..;..;...,...;...,2o u"" kjujiij rtrneA -with 'two latcnata I vaiDoucs tlxaxx liomo lUcu: mora and find her. Come f Do something, the butt end of his gun, and rach- Women Peter i said the plucky lhe ,ei t)ie gadder before be recovered. Persons Greta, fugging at the lac with' fc.er By the. time: the children gained Killed i TK .Tnn wpta pn5l , tni. I Rhakincr h?ers. .! -1 'i.i : .. -iUhe loft the kitchertiwas filled with fathers hearted fblks and counted every- -; 'Io'l;yfif&Jn' abodydo a furious Snarling pack; :y ; ; ' Insane body a heifclibor and 4 friettd'who when tbrcre W?. f "If I cut awa'y the addernfl Prostit - wWKin W P?Tr.n?t nPthtrtv miles. 1 . He crouched on the floor and hid I had a hatchet "or a .timeot;scne9?.:orotner emergen- anow wnav. a ji u... ..uey. mm- -uf j -,. T' " T H - -oo unman steak .taken .from, bia anaf 6tcttd bracelets' eT'o J cUente ereoar Ui u7.00aaan cy, tney. tooK .reier ana vireva ana gry. xn xiurwy nc amajs uwiuj uva, uuanu.w- ,u.i - wu im muu.n urreis, itirayv a rvyorvcr nas ooiaiooa intn . . .. . . - l - '.. . .. it' i .if. i . ni .. i 1:.iiit; t.itt .i .it sm. t i -.i .. . set out, leaving the cabin locked, I a meat lor tnem in winter nignts.-1 wun niH- gnn. r i iiey - nau ins i ires Kiucti,... .....,..:oa I r i;nase .no louowing eiory . thp nan thr I -I T .tj. t killed by abortion, 12 wviiiaaMopcinas w.ano i.ti The ladies.1 rnocarrie4 larory Into Jawa Uu the whcJcI oiPaUaUe ; killed by mievea,..'.....'.i57 Wa Ut om .PM4twy,.Co every derUrtAent and who re aopi mora Irith than Dol ; laoro n political quarrels, 14 n,eclicot - tjurm yrm a - rK eveno'tbW bfent time to Scotchmen than lmUrrgb V trior kill sons..... ......18 Fo'"yydi" UfJindiffcVenttoaalee.neklW Yel.bmo thJl Canlift and.morr luurderers-' 13 P"1 h hM gtodpbf or del 'tiippira, bad "lUir coui liy-boS 'pcrb , a knife!" cried Mother, kill theii children,..:r.37 tte'uthS thai. latcW. inada of lorr4 Icatl, Brha cvmti.e.V, - isno way to keen Baio fatal ouarr els ' - 10 e ? V;nf ,ttnd .rt . cry five miouU .las a death in it ,s no ay to keep Bagnio Utal. quarrels .10 ever having faa much as a siico U firori.B !or. : Taa ankles..t.cW evrr eT.ht mlaatea. IUa .eo ac. and the' key hung outside, according J May father never has done it herel" J the , powder ; aid allot "betoyi,.. The 1 Clijld murdiera, 9 to the mistom of the country. There was , a haunch, of venison boy s strength wasfgomg; the orn-1 Aeerdentil killmg.... 6v inging to the rafter, but half-dried.' mouthed beasts were ., enqeayoring, Justifiable, .2$ or . a .- f -mm f 1 ... -. . dainty atlver chaloa and rfnga, I eratreeU-: lias on an arersiwco. with tiny wltcr UII. Ilalr-neis and I ty-eght miles or uew trcU o-tioi - rocity. Jbia I.orriUe practko vs iwUnd, acten huudm! hekela cf tjd, lincreajung at ffn avera of 30,0CV dulured in urincioallT to irrmtifv i a I . -. 1 .. t ,' ' tT.fi'rr.d!rl 1 knnum :LM'rd(W thaJ. ci-third a deadly spirit of revengs whieb ope Caily put Li band tbroo'gb tbctn-- of ttl.AilV5.?. Vm- tribe 6t natives bold against anot)- Some of the' women 'wore' Wveral mtted in it;' bai atmaoj tr nhojw ef. Tnthe many brutal and bIoo4y rings with" Utile bells aiu'ehed to nd gin pAlacea a wooH, if plI civil warV which they have, wag W, tbem. They wens gniraiy mad aide by injUnirtta Ct-irin against one another the slain aad 1 of bom or silver. But tM.tnont pop: I Ccws to Portamonta.'k diianH captured victims aro eaten wjth'alnlir risg was the norLor-. The aerYnty-bree rniWn - 1 kmr38,W0 vengeance. . In their religioaa ritta, icft hoatril waa pierced for, the par-1 dnrokards 'annually brbugBt IWurr also, they offer up buroaa aacrifioea I noe.' and a rine made ' of Wott or I tta 'magt-traU-aT baa a iha'pV "pan the pedler, to fire off on Christmas J Seduced women kill seducers, 6 1 captured in battle.' When a victim I metal pat tbrobgb lu'Bracrlcta Were I per as woald niore than occspy'wv- day ! , ... : : i Thieves shot, 27 9 elected for a cannibal feast his Iftvorite ornaments, and wcrejeenar-l cry, boo lABrigbtou; ba0Jward- a matcn i Acn, mein -oti, u icgroe auieu,.. iil' r; " v":u, " . we bave nq match !'j ; t The group of islands ron whUb I head bands were is irrcat rtiVaesU I snd f.000 cw boa built in it rvr- 61 he has 'pasaod hfs quarter U The Uer' were made of 'KoUVaiUl iSome! Christian soul," they said, hanging to the rafter, but half-dried.' mouthed beasts - were.., endeavoring, justifiable,. .28 1 a century U the ilarque--. where ho- ver worB nader the ml cxlcad-a4 43.000 sdded.o.u r!yp4,Jo: "might need shelter or a ineal, and j-The boy laid it in front of the fire I by means of the ladder, to leap in- Killings on account of dogs, 4 fore 's own eyM uc'ua "55" " j g from oae ear to ariUc i Ksr- baa 1,000 bip and A0Q9 jaaikmi in the beasts could not unlock the until it began I to crackle and burLltothe Ipft.l. ,tle"lookp4 at, '.Greta! Killings on account of wives,. 64 1 baUra practiced :ibotU-s fitie 'art rjnrs were troaeb thnttgkt f.; 'We I its port every day - hk 117,00a ba- door. M X Greta knelt on the hearth watching who -was kneeling befwe her dox, W and ganM Fear of the! wild beasts prevented it. She knew that this was the wy taking out ber giltnctasped ' Bible. Peuds,!... ....56 their leaving the children at home, in wbich the angry spirits tbat filled No wonder the ebildhad ' gone Parrieides 8 t.i'if. tiifef bear nor the mountains of Norway were ap; tnad- ' ! '"i," ':', ! Tatal quarrels about property.. ..,.55 panther werc.ever known to ap- peised; she .thought they had left She sprang to her feet at last. Mobs kill......... 29 proaA arouse! arid me'wolves only all those terrible creatures behihcl Peter, seeing what shejield in her Wives kill husbands, ......7.11 in casoffetreine-buper. them. I - V I - ; hand, gave a wild yell.. ; Officers kill persons,.. ...,53 After viTi m lhe mountains for Peter took up the smoking meat,' The fireyrorks-the precious crack- Officers killed,'.......;..:. ...86 a few years, the Jansens became carried it to the edge of the woods, era,' and1 candles, and torpedoes, Prostitutes kill men,... ...2 convinced that?there was no danger, threw it down and ran back, bis which their father hail bought from fraternal fatal quarrels'.. '....14 and grew more careless. ' They fre- teeth chattering with terror .n quently were absent in the field all "Come away from the window ! " day,' leaving Peter and Greta alone he cried to Greta. It is death it in'the5 house. But they took care you look at them." , j never to let the night fall before- He threw himself flat on the bed. But, there was one in the depths j Baped and killed, 10 their return. . "ti , But presently the little girl crept of Peter's pocket, and tbc ..next Persons killed on account of lan- The surhmer of 1850 fwas a hard to the windowi "Surely mother is minute a(smal red mass was lowered guage or approbrious epithets one in that desolate region for man cditiin. JnS tBeJcab'tj se$ me, Into the mi6jt .of the jpaci They t ' used, ..............13 and-bcistrCroDS of-all kindseven anVhbwJ through this chink j' she stopped to sniff at it." Then was an LXJxIL '1. hxZJJLS t." Uii. I . rtn-vr,.;- : J A Break fbr the Prairie. As the fall passed and winter ap- The moon 'had risen, and threw a off like cannon: "The crackers hiss- proached, the deer actually came spectral light over the open space ed and sputtered- A .daa; jjing glare near the cabin in mid-day, driven by and the dark -woods beyond. of Ted' and blue; lights filled the huHg0f.in-camaftt3iu the-fajr- - Little did the poor boy think that room. Pop ? Bang ! Bang ! Yelps offTa'rms that 'tlie wotvesgaunt and while appeasing the anger of im- of terror from the wolves, shrieks hunger bitten, had attacked tbe cat- aWinar1 spirits, 'e was whettlnjr the of triumph from Peter. In less tie in the barns. 1 In early December, Jan was sent able. to John Supplee, a farmer living What were those black, shadowy J arid halted in the yard about ten miles down the range. shapes tearing! at the meat? The down tbe ladder, and flung another Supplee had fallen and broken his child's blood grew cold in her veins, box of. blazing crackers among them, leg and. Jan,? wha had a good deal The spirits were indeed there? They and followed it up hy more bullets. .. iof (i'.PfylP" left tne meat. The crept stealthily iThe childrenat last found means son who could bandage it properly, to the bouse. - ' to barricade the windovf, and 'did "ion will come with me, Maria, ' Wolves ! wolves : she shrieked. I not dare to open it until . 'jkA ' Ton Bottom, of .the Scat. Hero is an end or ail romance IIttv.. RMkaira. i A lady iHves aaate blots for re. the hair I ally worn on ibe ricbC armT 'Some Iof aailUeo .babttssl .negleciors of Negroes kill, 102 of hu hcad U hurried off. If the feast 0f them were exceedingly .targe, ao poUSc womhip ; baa CO roUeof open ta uu. oi a migivuB tijaracier, ino tbat tbey reaCbeu Up.tO.lnC eOOW. kmttptj'uwm" sy ;aa' wrci victim is simply Waten to death with Rings on the fingers ; wer worn; of 900 new bfrnrbe'knd '500 addi- war4 dubs, andtwhp d.ca4 bis body cbamaof fine gold, or striegatf pearl, ti6caldty'miUrbnarres has an in- agaio washed, and placed in a large wth little silver bafta, or small link- flaenco with all part bT the woHJ oven dug into, the earth. iiTbe bole ling bells, were worn round tbe neck, represented by the ycaflj' delivery iormiDg ino oven nas ore oeneaui, i - i in it oi s-3,vw,vw oi iettera Fort Robinson, Neb., January and over this h a1 pUe of roaad 10.1-Tl.e hostile Cheyennes impris- ioncK n lho r be st?nf r- 4 i -. . . . : I mj-tA made of a. xlmnc m'tir.i.I am onea nere since Uctober, -wing been, informed by the commanding J' , Lt( -tnr.r- aboat tiearis In keeper : The Cre-brick' of bar cook- officer that they, were to-be taken cred whhVgrcalpilo of leaves, chambers or peart, or mermaid?, or atove gave out,' and not one back to their agency in Indian Ter- an(j aji n ith anoth- heaped treaaare. and .dead , mea'a to V DaJ Dt.rcr PliladcJphia. nfAftf rtAAnmA tlAai all ap . mm. A mm ' mi mmm . . . frL ft fnAA.I m-m mm S Mkt.k mm appetites of creatures more formid- than a minute, the burned am frigbt- J , , c g 8.ttIIBW er layer oi mats. ; The fire bcoctlh Done- WDiwning in eom. iM - b . ff I , ,,,., .,,. ,ttt rtf pressed a determination to di worka well, thoagb.awe 4, , . ri fore consesting to such a movement, ling steadily, and soon volume of I for ua. 'The report of Uexbibitkn I bad htUe faith-in it at first. We and halted m the yard. Peter, ran . . , . I . J' . . . I . - t. , vt.: I . kr .-fr wit. ri a strong guard was. placed over tbe steam is generateu. ibis escapes Km iroa iauuu m utr - r . .. prison room last night. When near- alowly through' the maU and leaves, ty'a abip Challeoger has rccepUy sshes, wetUng it up with waler ly every one was in bed the savages and graduallv ; the body becomes ben published. Nearly .four years ThU was applied to the Inside of the rougn, Uua. simple putiwere gvea vo o linaLB-uun, v. w-v he said to his wife, "so that, in case "They are climbing in at the win I cannot come back before yftight, dow." you can bring the cart and ox home." I ' the tbe, un wasiip. r r - :' lf ,, Their father and tnother returned soon 'after dawn.:i Maria, finding - , 1 j f .... i j . the road blocked by tbe fallen trees, jumped from the , windows of. the room , and made for the praire, which is coated with frozen, snow firing on the guard with revolvers which they had concealed since their capture, wounding four, one of whom died, and another of whom down:" she ' said. "You can have shouts, as a boy ipt supper ready, Greta,4 and Petermay great excitement. Wolves ! He milk the cow." ' 51 could kill a hundred wolves ! A dif- , The children spent the day quiet- ferent thing from spirits ! ly at work in building a house for 1 . .He had iust time to close the , cooked throe certain ateamiug proceaa. Tbocooka I tbe'currenU aad floors, of thenar bardepedia ft few hours, tad answers , are of superior skill in . their prtiea-. I great oceans of the world. Tbs'Au I as wdl as the Ukk. Cracks la aleves aioo, and can tail to the ioatant wbea I lanUc, we are told, ii draipeo, woaia I may am raaoa in ua ensan way. a thebodyis8uficiectlyMdono',toauit be a Tast plain, witk a mountain paa used lor taking ap aabastiad be- the tastes of the guests. When ready ridge in the centre' running parallel come too fall of bo.es fbr us, bat was to take it out of the oven, all tbe with our 'coast, Another range croaa- ao light and hafcdy we did not like to i . . ... . m.T jiji Ttjr tt J.-.' 11. ' l-..i material covcriog is carefully remor- es n iromwtwiowKuiau w u-aou, b.obuy. uv-.fifupwu.w.ui ed and when it comes to the last lay- on the top bf which lies a aubmarine oVer tha boaotay ootskfe and kand era aurroundine the victim the maU cable-.: The oceaaU thus divided la- then cbver eKl'tbe cloth with a thin IWqivesr T fej gave quick, convulsive had been,forced to go back to Sup- , J'- a boy is apt to do with plee's. Jan and she had. walked . , , , 5 . . , . snot ana xiuea over lortv. a nun. i ai home across the hills in the nigb . f ,1. m - t. ,. .. ' r.t. deDthfu The tor' of I firaVrats aha-til ttiD? tA hot aah full of anxious.forebodings, about ' JnM U tnrr,.r ' WK. ji iJtbaeeaeiiioojiiai-1art L". I i i . t i . t i i I Vln-mmr m a1in 'V it. thm Vv.nm I Iner tin wttl. tAtt .ffnawl-m-i at. Wmmmr i . , ineemcr savaires. 1 i oare, aou oe pgay iookb crown ana r, i --o ' w .... - m. . , . m f iit.r . . tt.. t . forty. A bun- 1 are taken off with a 'sensitive touch, to thrco great baaina, no looger ua-1 cement , of tali sjsit ahs.. It ,la a .He had just time to close the)? thens. The$ sUtf awasl MiriMeaty shuttetMisfie fieVfjeC-Geast man, who went through all the bat- t?e they h0T1gl if?wa8.Jead.41irwjjMiow.. was ties in .Virginia; hut he is never States is over 13,000,000, which is cooka are complimented in the hitrh i , J ..m.SaI. i t . t'ir-i:' -t-Ia. t -iltl'-; I.. . ii.. ..! i.a. i I ..... . I .. . .. - - i i mii iib mil I. t n j m rim TT mm - ww ti r fa imiT 1 1 rnT j v n aa rrroi r m r vaim . ra r. v . r .a. ni rrriT ar nnn .. -. .. .. - - .. - !...& h v m i . hl a p-.-a.r . . . ... -.. m. . -.. . - .a.l.-r.mBiA . mm . I a aaa.aa -, w fr. a a a I beautiiuIlT cooked, a sboat or demo. I acoorumjc m .kcc4uagarB -umiiuucs. wwvu w iuun., i. wwu twt - - ' T I .... . . " . . I ' - f . air, and the I which la deep eaodgh for drowning, il 1 well, i know of a ooal-acalUe that noon ran .4 '. i - . . Specie Resumption. After seventeen years of suspen- the-nWnes.5 "Quiet, quiet, good Spry ! " cried 1 ed beasts, who each hQ lased but Peter, patting the white spot in her, a morsel o the fleshf. e i j .i : . ! i I "-' I"" ' ; iurcut.au. --luotner I have not done my -pry-' stood -still strained and put away in the brown l ed Greta. L. "1. crocks. : The cake was baked, and; The. children crepfiiselessfy in- ! On and after January 1, 1879, waited, smoking by the fire, butllq tbBbHV5B-with the 'Secretary, of the Treasury i themvthebeyes fixed on the square Bhall redeem iu coin the, United Peter?" GreW r Hotel. fa tender notes then out grew white as she rcaught his arte. 1 Tne barking and. ryelping of the I standing. the countries of England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Denmark, Nor- the children. Peter Jansen is now a middle-aged I be number ef cowa in the United niac laurrhter renda the cooka are comolimentod in the hi?h-1 not for myilery. The moan tain i are I has done good ssrVioe tpr five Tears W milk the cow,Taliwly shut. retst drw Aha great tired of telling of the night when six times the number in Great Brit-1 est terms' by the hosts of cannibala I whitened for thousands of miles by a laince It was proooeaofrl ,wora out, and Greta put the bacon to fry, and baracMss it; v. Tbekieri was full He and Gretta fought tbe evil spir- ain, over twice the number, in thirsting to enjoy tbe dreadful Uny, creamy shell. The depths are simply by having a,, piece of cloth ,efc0fn-cakain'he covesjcillet of theBtfeekeW wthe'itirig meat, it with fire-crackers. France, two and a half times more luxury. The cannibals seem tola- red in1 color, heaped with vbtcanio patched on with thJck oar pasta. JAiUA. tki?AW,UA ill.' ' j O " 3 llf-Ti jil-r .t .... - ... .i-i - .u: v. : i .... ma Tkark tht black. mn- It needs rfawie ahodt twa a auujaietBf ii m.uuciicu vap iuiu-1 T. w- .4 ;. ; i man m iTussia, anu more man m UUI6' ,u luwr uu" w k-1 ,,wa o . - - pure love or revenge. They areccr-1 ess waver oi vnc-o m.u3 mm iauto K.- 7 w. to vw mam laiely not driven to it for want of gntio - abnormal creatures which I mended a big diah-psxj by ooveriog food, as there ia an abundance on the I be" rise to upper currents. There the bottom with w hue. paw t, aad to doubt immemorial cus- U aa old legion , coming down to us then pottisg on a piece of. while much to do with keeping from tha first ages of the world on cloth, whkb aba alao covered with v indnlcnr .till Sn mm., which these acientific deep aen aar- paint; She had'eard it ! ve Teara gether contain four times the pop-1 (.h;idn a. .nt t- fnl!n in k I round inra throw a curious UirhU I then, and it U eleven yeirt trfl.' ao I ulation of the United States. The I fooutepa of their lathers, and gener-1 Plto and Solon record the tradition. I presume eh ta using It alUT, U abe proportion of cows to the inhabi-1 ttion irlvee to ceneratlon laws and I snciant in their daya, of a country 1 waa not a. woman much given to tants here is twenty-three to each I customa. The religioua sacrifice of I la the wesUrn aeaa where flourished I change. one hundred persons. I human bodiea, and the habit of offer-1 the first civilisation of mankind, inff lbem nt. food u now mora I which, by Tolcanic action, "was mb- It was i 1-liah.Tifr rnarirtcr K.aa.n I l' Voil' v,f ' 2. This redemption Shall take The Smith Carolina T.Pm'aUtnro I ' .k .t. i.? j I m.tl n ! TKa aaraa aLorv ia I n muw . .Ti . . f'r,!"";?"4 VVI 4 ... ,t . . ..7 MWM"MCM u . -7"rV r. oeitrlnIowa.andUansceo far nnma mhi.h --. : i i i n orp rn inp nrpsflnitiinn . t bii rn i .. vwa i :i it r r . i ., if iiam rixr i no -nui .. mini wiui i m m. nviot, Huiui ,uiicu iuc nuuie air . i iiuuse. . . " "-r-i-i. t r i .aw - uj.i a uwi iuuil: iuik but i niuBiuui. ne uncsia aw ma. u i i . then longed there The was warm. in their last croodMifrht-i .V.r-. A,l Vnm A tkViiit V -.-V l.bf New York. f , , , , , . onmont for not leaathan air month I dCaln OTer tne ?.Uves Woi,e MDJ O . 7 O wava v WMV I w,.- w "VPf 'J.P'. f M. aaSS. I r" I , .! S " i -.' I , -. .... ..i I xi'.s-. mi i a o,l o- ' . ' ' . : I is comm? ana ; n nera waa-arteinaow in tne wasn-i u.ni-v,u IVo--u ef- .t swian I h i 1 work." J :. :; sM, ftrwM payments on the 1st of January, Austria, Hungary and Switierland !8land -Thtr1 milk was ; ; "They will net ,find iti'4 whisper- W y. -the Keaumption Act passed coined : althoutth these countries !7 . ? . V.. It . r - ...!. I ' " lin IP?-HLI he . bU8hSCPets it." o an. 10 1 o, proviues in Dnei : t0 , "O j , jmother bad not corqe. 1 What is ' that, Petei ' - . The natural wonder known as tbe M W..U,. T.Vl U lUmtl-.rt ..- m m m. followed by a deafening, pro-1 vB .suddenW tenders in sums of not less person convicted of carrying con-1 they relinquish auch rites they would aUll celsbrater ta tbe last oi tkei n L'avihinff"i at roach it crash, like thunder. Then amon-the bushes, aist-on. two. a than 50.,,,. cealed weapons or arms . on the bo ahorn of so much authority, and lci", tbe ingnuauy cataclysm i was a silence. ." , tile open 3- The plaqe of redemption is at streets or highways shall be punish, bene they cling Uaacioualy to their j which deatroyedhu land mllh lU I . ' cl-v-x-oe Mi -iw.n: ..;l-:-:. ' ,JU; ' thftofficeof th...Asiatnt Trpasnr- W K f r.rf ?, .V.- to (VI I sacnbcial altars. The tmesUT class exateiy wuca. xomsvours ou - . -,.--,.., iiug vxub, .UC.OCbllllU DUU.I WU1UVIII.: .U.','.i f.75 T I.'Ti'' I ' - . -- - ww T uuw w. uwm ivj . i r"vv l .... - l . ... . iv.t .t.lQBi uu j i.inway. miie The birds were twitteF- f Peter' fired-- Thete was a yelp er of the United States in the city nor more that $1,000, and impris- " ld the power or life or otner West of Dubuque Cftyr Tbaake v-j , .: t -M1'..s ' ;.'-.".' ' -i.-ij -..:.-7 f Ikr -kt v-v ' L .. i I death orer the natives, while manr Moat land extended from llex-co be- ... . ofthe chiefs haVe but nominal infli yond tbe West Indies. The 1 7'::" 1-, darkness . felL The (two children retreated for a stood trembling in the doorway. y moment, the whole mSmerit.:; :he toert The' redemption will be either nor more than one year. hiU'pack,: 'discover- mgdld, or silver,, as 'the holder of law, rigidly enforced, in 1 1 ma n -..1 : a .'IT. , I 4 . . . . : . t 1 . , .i . . . , I 4-Vi a IoimI t-nil-n TtaoiM . enniAKf tn I 1 . 4" ... o an c y 11 BiiiriL. Ruin rorer it n er T.n- nneninir. msnpn rt rn.t onia i i"o vuv.o uvuv, .v is iiiim iii our i t ta l 1 --7 , l -J- fJ .- diuv I. :V .. ... i... . a had of the house iThe window was full the- option ; pf the Government to I Legislature could in i ;We have made him jaws', Aewn of these legal PrE" J l ori tket-, Jansens M-eui alV their native superstitions bf 1 rieamihfi! eye?, arid fieree!bpen PaJ .n either meUl. r k Lj: v .r :i ir-. " -Lq-.t . r.;fi. ti,; .mn,,nt , with, them,; j. . angry in - some; way., qomej in andj shutthedoor.; i;, p ;;;;; The crash had brought more trofcr1 il-l tcnuilrthap could any angry spirit. ; It. was a, tornado which had crossed the mountains five miles to the- south, tearing up great oaks by the roots helping the A similar in this State, needs. :Our no other way do their constituents so important a service. . , , enco over them. Almost all the pow crful chiefs havo died without leav of the . plateau discovered ly the fired, hW sister lo-iainthe guns fdf J tendc is Tipw $345,681,016. inmY BntiheviyftrA two rIAw'" On-.! ' tf. 'The leeal tender shall earth's surfaoe. Ia some places I v . ..n in. r t ? . ta e . :. ttt A , iLIa i. I mm m mm mm yf tMm luU.M mtmw w F MAC tn alien w i nwaui wtui ij -- 1 - . . m . WV.I IT nm IriAf ' . ..--. I r.nt.f Baad in (la amimrtlM- - way. The remaining chiefs ia anion abould yet dredge out this, unratb- ..l ( . . lW "77 '7' . . a . a .i? . it . i . a aii.aiiaTi " 'iv-- - - ww - . a a . .- . . a , ... . . a rina a i imp a. n mm ac a-, a. uul a - wa i lib Liin iirinsLa. iiiLnaii aid wei :r ur waasw autMi w-w --p--w - - , g 1 ' o p l wield a despotic power, and are tbe . L . ! . 1 L . . T . incr Tioirn tft InT.r.t. Oifti nnKonndf. I TV. What if BOme keCO XUQlCee I , .... " . lmi 3atihey.ft two slbwVi One gret gaunt the ,. opening, .. .v . -. eacn otner in tbeir turyo pass not be unt -wolf 'leaped nhrough' dored.,' retired or cancelled, but r8eniing Ingmmersre a ' at er in tWfurv to Pass.-J The ict doesQt apply to the bee Cour There were over, fifty women, rep resenting almost every class of so- the Jefferson Market po- pounds. ' No ooe cad ttti'iA Idea aa to the meana ' emploved to brie ir principal defenders of cannibalism.- SodrB- jke. 7. theii to'thawao Col. Robert P. Crockett, the only Court on tbe 3d. inst., charged surviving eon of Davy Crockett, ia t a! - . V T.Ta. 1 T 1- I tt Jl 1 ! t 1 2rM '-3 i t i- ' 1 1 circuiauon oi me xiauonai aus. i wun arnn-ennesa or aisoraeriv con Without was , a dark howling mass. 1 tt:i.-k.. :n lj- a :-. rri. i : . People were skating in j Atlanta. H-' Tbo lake ooerfpie xoe&d sar Ga; for'the firat time la ffl iyeirs.--' Caoercr 5,800 aoreaVdeplh- ef wittr Tkm.rf!rfivM--aof mhaatan M CTeat aa S3 fcrt. "The 1 water U Btoieked Peten reportrf to U Urlng in II4 Co- cut 4 ked. tb..lnt Urn. f.cV are still refdeemed in duct. The apoloev. in everr case ty, Texas, old, Infirm, and poor. thing was ever known. .Aocre wbere' the ' water' ccsfcs frcm nor clear 57 H 3 . tJnited States notes' at the eoun- was "ladies day; we are making Some of tbe papers of the Staie are great auffarieg amoog the poor. The I where it goerf, but ftT alwayt'c eatstill fir-IWrsbf ihcB-mkjsissgthera. calls." . .,;, .', ';... ,s9t urgipa that he be given a pensW. ' d ty ! wllerbg the fuffcri-J u J ad ftesh. -; UJ ; t j

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