l ' J . i I :- ? aV mail TCI, V i Sr.iJ'ii.jJf? 1 S74M VH .11 11 i) 1 tKl2newU A mil I iii .n tU--i.u L .2 V y he .snIUawi i - - - THE rKC&a"ofv.TLOxvi EXT PUBUSBERS AN'FROPRIETORS; -Ul.B ;IUU fNHia rifVki Ui iU3 -AtkSM K. 'i l?i.J Li I ' CJl U?wrf ;i uj b.T - 3 A lo-mto-. u...i' LCTwd taJ n!f..a4 I '. I WWKeWiWr, M"a I U I., ., i M Ml'l) .1 a i. jjidvijun .th-tii .???ifMiw lfj if noil iftrtn t rwC2 ay tr'tIia.,-r- , ., 1 Li L ' 1 'II I I ' II MlMilMlkd .69 ' 'v II atom II.. I I S V A W II .V v y V J f VtaJ I t .wrvJh JlalJ L veil I m rsl I I r3H( j 1 1 ii.ii. .iiiii -ji ti ii . ii - r i r I f ill II" I .1 IM1 III Lm-J ir.i in tii .. at t . .r rtr-rr- i ' ft: The nill .sfood mte little hella a lbw'blndO' nfrfctc-rTed iwoodett sent ' I subjected ratopr.QftHotQ-l changedMPoseivSlippprs of , soft fejtt ideni anaw ed to AY)eriny twQrgu&esw'd; was other frWA&a ' 1 V. the happiest part, liut t. lappiest part. But ' tjb. jvj as cTe'erTn VnuVeV'of ways, and XlM&frWtpw&i W lWis,edis CfrrtAlatjin!vgpitvij,lj r.jUiej tLsOoedkimfitlt iluM-1 Ittfbokuhii? oda.ituiliatcs to. tahero tHatlld'hirtielfi W-W-Mife7 fctetrt'Hirtdi find Xbat ' i'Ded ehakiricr. The wh1 frr iicau v-icai nmi mm wut iiu -w r - m - 1 i : i i . a. i . . & -a. a. i a. a. a. ) 4 He was a shorVWtmieliekieattii-e drd!ioft:, jmtaLI'e ..fioistwith sweat and bifcrwbeN4 ,V16 Powde,"IMlU Andl4M-tbe mni iyxp mjtoatiUf l fcmugw as'Jif 'v'erv hot rfitn.iJiw withered iherh-oottldaJtyalpJ sedit anleM ft Wei C I rfcmdi ixul'tnifirxiff add. f.hi'e.-vrM .liu'J Uo :kT)ii 6wi ibm Cbantun o.ihfJirji hiiWHiiMi ltto?med'-Wfinr'te fhxiVnyhiiytem sketch Irf flntfd hd'un dlotirtd''Mnd ijHnffKtrrt. .fCoihtTC6BtilWifia. yer; KaYinej come 'around.'l $ta,na,H- . iv.mighr tjq. n hierj joRt , Uia.Aerset.vUia reveal oi v iae .wprKiucJi .Autr JAi asi i 'rmW tUu:U,iirttiinfl rnmih'ltift' I and tied' fast, that was the. 'first ' :i'rni;lirl:.,Jrfc-wiA: u 1 Mi . vi .L S . f J .1 i? 1 .V I it CVerV tim it n&MM hl h&A 7T tor ne was a reai -jau-Dira , Dur-iiwtor, BnwmuwwBtiics iuouns sione nex mat icxidv forward a;iitiPi ijLT7 "a-T r - t myself; as w ecrossed he itm?&5h6ld: .t cit'or tnema pair ot stones? andi fi$l jOTeng.d, W Jonely7, room, m the centre ot which were twTTclrTtira'nrot twol about four feet in-diameter and at tached i o: pne' shaft were Tevolvink The troughs were half full of a black sub stan ce ' which th'e : stones were crjisKicg, and .before ; each , stpne & Avoodeti scraper moved along through tjjiiass,tirring it up;r?'Tl)ereyas but little light struggling through the. XiwihdpWs. ., Overhead, grimy beams ; .the. walls grimy .too; the flobVgrimjr-nd smooth somewhat as ; if the .whole room had been rub bed again' and1 again with what1 call " blacV lead " and Wed for pen cils. iNot a flv-; not a Spider, not a cobweb, not a vestige of any am mal lifer-fiVh6ft We deemed pervjuieb annate terror. And indeed, a hush fell on me as I, lookedTat that slo-turmhe ver ti cal Bhaft arid heavy stones that were roirmg.away, and yet ; did hot leaye, their places, & They change - their position so constantly,5 as one stands and looks at them showing, square-! ffy$- coming 'straight .at mm, they awing a little and go oh. their f:curYed wav I then5 klihw their b'rqali.t&ides -then 5 theirf' retreatljpg etiges,!ana then wheel about agamJ Ttte the I tYmipgVobm,''. , m$ this simple process converted the threjnnpeiiiatierials intb t vggejfJfiss, said the workman- m attendance, ' these three things arohwGhQftilk when they are'byKemselvel-iOharcoal is common as dirt, and peoplje brush theniteeth ith; jit sometimes ; sul phnr''eTerybody knows on matches: a$ juhw, tiL tagtes with 5 'molasses i and 'saltpetre some folks use . to put in the three come to be put together asuiey are in- that trough, they turn -into dey-ils, and sometimes they do raise HELJi. ; ! ,. Yhatn is. the bottom, of these troughs?' I asked. Hard wood.? Jtppa wawoujan t answer -said MaMntoareugliJto ep iroin menwngir.u J.pe DOttonxiS spmething 1 harder y 6t 'it is' iron. ' u':Iron ; ' Tprled with a,! start. 'KtiIi that a safe thing to-tisc? Iron or stone strikes I stopped invQlunta TUv'ai; areafuf -Wr ,k4 3 ,7f The! powdeyjijselfJ'rthe'bTy PF9l8lfo iSnly keep enough of- that under - the stones; and keep dt we" -ttirrd so as to cover the "bed; and everything is safe I that is, we tldru: so.' y happen to uncover, tne iron beafo an instant '- ; " -0 'Z',t .'m.ight ; d jvjit ' might .not re pe4MaTcqmwluh it vpiiid'lbe very quicklyioveiViji . .t?:? ' d'l ' shivered in? the warm ' 4ay knd that clpseif:;f -v u ' : i-1 ' Tou see"tlid8e scraDers t ' "Thev Kep.tbe j mixing; aiid they are ; br raaejAXid ftjdW'bF itself! :iloe; and: no isooaer bn Ltteyr'than hefwas fierce to hiwIratJier tatoevejs,for a joe -XhtA fiW;'wiUymllyflBul:it?m(lhVWliTir;: he .suddenly thought tit nughba that bargain didn't suit the ottfer JPi?1 party. OldVMcKipJey. ordered him m'enjber o clear, and set the dog on him ; thewretfch.fhatl wflniedito iU,hiui hnd the dosr iust went for him and he would likely have done it right- duok- .vjthouli -Urtug jtht J tp, took away a piece out of bis legas" thlerc'intTid kharja . Rnife Biit whether It was'i'JiVit 'Je.ogtj ftyi WaV something about "' VisesT'l likely to cometo.bim was a' long idpn't know:. J)ut the $0 that never paynd'niglit:tniUiaxrbcatDenV ltuJrned,ubackjto.i.anyi;htngbetpre,, Which he conht 'endure;' unpleasant shirt his tai down-close between'iiw W ita V-;: -'V, egsiike-thei blade' of ;a Mack-Mife j j .At at oncea' soununder, il(e ajiGL .sneaKea.ptt , iiowimg ; , ap.a he poorior j rauiex-. uie ae m .a pr- inetier. failed tarnn at , sicrht .of the; tttnilar84und, ttrrlct hirar ahd - ' - j ' - man ft h Jtold McSinley tiiatllie jceri'aiuiyvl having n'fTHg'&r all. JVnl, when J .11 11! . 1 11- 1 T. I L.H L U . " . 1 .1 wouia can ftgainy anu waiKea oil. ia.i iwi. iuju net;is;:iru fjuitji wia xuerAp; no- escape ior me watery tne pret fiurcL's risht heavy4.' andsbme-ater Somehow ;he; goV a jftb,;in the: mflJ, 1 wprls out , irough ' cracks in IteJ and 'in tae very mixing-room wherei numei so there 8 ,.alwojs:, Acoruflrr Tom . wasrHe'd scowli ' and1 shake Uess of a his to b beirdv) i Now? his fist, and write nasty, threaten-1 therfe. was;no nowe-af hll1 cowing" in-letteVsbnt-he Vonldn't'f come froni that wheel, and 'yet the1 wheel' out and face the1 ratted urelylik'ei wasnft running-, That ' paVtwuri a inanj thougK.he had' a Chance drie jheel and'raixer was-Tom'a, anL" day;; Xog aa:jXon7aiw.iLucy..werQ: PJ ome reason or -other the'flumef: walking'home,sth"ere he'itaj;by the- "bx had J settled o?sorAethih ;$b side of thc!roatf'scxWlfng,as usual; ; that? the gatQ would opeu itaelf, if it ..Ib heire, 'RnneysayB'6jfg ' chance so that, it Wasn't qnite Ihik thingaitfi wi -Pliid isaies but' they had Met it slbjij: side. IeTerfgot.in yor'ayV'idHi)thout xiiig, and To h S Jf &-iMltS !-&-us .e-.lulnlt he.r the hiss fairly! i If shell be in your way aa.kauch:as.id(itAheoniy;aa,7Jthe probshlTirvtrkinTj Word.' bnt tyon ' -shan't theWise' Arotfrft thgatmWlhwhec-bbx Mi this airi'tne snuartf -fhte'-ro adehtopcirM Qamajiing lacea aa xjie um.JaxKjneJr, comu pvbuf ' fc Rnhney" ; didn't stir nor peak; yes it"Was-aetua uitysvvnfvu iiiitu lici. .... I wrf r."1! i ,.V kljucy, dear, go you on a little I was .u-r-t&aj ways, that?s a eood las. says Tom. I no'-otner ,tl jrWrnTio' Jir nemtKIMt I bV Ihe amoctU paid cut aad u 4Xatar.ttcrit! -i-..- J4n4 for what parpoMs' l I i "So ho had taliAlhere and waUTiflc tit nH hand tbetoteHiz , . fc . w n. ; ... -' I T"l ' T" t- : ""i -kw a ibjneWA AidrefonM hamdoat-fi; romredyaod froet whai Aouir aad tha bal beloteHa Co k eouo tvl -CS) To ca!T tm ih Slrf !f I the ,.Clerk.of!. tLa Eaprjdr COurCor I . b a k emer o nicer baviog coemtjr. taoae va i w aavnoav av. fee Ma XVU9:aa rtr-io mm aoa tveeocntlor au aath 1 notwni'oajppcheil. 'hfter'i'dozen' uriqrJiadbeen uwii, iieopenl yen fhance of ewcap. 1 Bz4tTirr SfoA ferW MA70ataaa b ka-f bwi ' thrw dTaV I f t xs-i h" wZ ' readiroocxf, a.hoUi,ixr: bwwwJl racmd. rat tared Yaotyllfa tt&irret: r4 enUy a little girl cf abotii Ua jo'i caaj tfi al Uokwd tl ra4-i abtaSU rootn.' 'Sit Vtflfrsvsf fa'Vt'r' ihs.h4 rfmUInViywthatt wfqcni lata i wce, d.lthena'.fAaditliA 6ret . thing he j'By'and H-haw: in one pol, jWHsIiucTVfae a at fifsr; aljd '!ht the ring'otrwdcr.inthc'tfptrch iteme "rom'V if f he 'died bardening! - 4 criY!.ueaius,,in..lliA.Jiext . (nv mm. i l vur uvfc,itu ivx .anu 9 xaxnnaaDtwjori -arj. aoouaiU f h at oCs; and ea ih itlk i-oobnU cotrnf he-Tnbfttrri'rte ?iatfvr h V Trca a rcV,n(f s 1 lat fl corrVc 1 he baVr ivllio Vili laaJ. VJLjfd ites .while whe-iVoeCeA. at- it' and 1 kntif lbcro-. The.bMcjpVMrmper If. miy.lmi tht re ,ba&V V4e. houghfbet her, and Wdndered if raV. n. w"11" 'xom i0 suoum evrrsee, hef a-dio . She 1 1 i V . . i . " i -IV II " " " lT i " . , ... . . -. y . i iiuiu jiiurc ui inxj jiu, iIio.eaurcri,fan(Afri;oroom sw crnunxL aDnoTeermdo.fie .knW 1 lre..- len v i a ' . a ; j - - - iieaa tninKmffor him1 that' tefy 1 him aKool- kntl'lvriri ...i -.t t..:JlnmiU.Ji;,r fri" . ..:-t Jmritittf: 1 And'lf slif jf hly' Jcriew ! fui, Lofa and wd again at him, by Ueie"LrfliUtWnVi& pyiejLKytn, : minutei time wonld.be iarm. One or two turneof Um sOoad f'rttifiri T) Intnmtt Wit uC fenouffh. . But she was aiuini? in fl horo . -.-'. : .J $.,,ii Ue OfTranrcrhaibc(ioratiatbrtv Irertnji in ' church, er-nhe Was 1 1 ' u He cbtdd nee the bare iront-tho I KKer b abolhhed til any &rcaty;i .a a. a. . ia . i i i u..7. . y . t .av b aa i . . m - i. i ins about (retting dinner or I !,vfculc in swrne rame n woma i uiucs cuiomro in in' wuon moaii netrit'ttiv-nenk ef ;.aaew id p r U of tii Tiw ae4 re n; abo vomwkit &ay-i uuzzinr aooni (retting n .WaLs lo'ok'ihcr out ofi hVr vmilnv 1 f" H I1 gav'd a rali:hti Wtonch. 1 ptply W the peraoavactinir la the ca- Kndiwbhragit wavnkhto aa teb. r"."0 uPPr r or bis body, pacuy oixtturtu , lb) .imiiJootv i ai - a an r..n - a a r . ime for him -to 'tcomeand ho'was I that' Ihre : in ihafliplF'f VaU?n, 'vvrt Uead'anUpt alire, just hahcini: ,ba I f jthe tKlgff of the.vor arm lull forward on his elbow oa tho P dor by tbaeide othe tnrtgttv lie trogvnn-Miiirteltwl one won,: a .fool r Commissioner t&it anew to the ommltteewbA , xaitua thejbooks nd moecva t the Jrcaaorcr the rjrtrr.,4,knt"r IvilrtHivfhifif I km I kkine nav rw'r im rtilt 1 ftwirirl L4ellinir off his 1 wattw a heidrew-thera and" ex- Moi? i to ' the,4" uncovered ppoV-hflf to nxcuaA jxxy .for oot daj f arrxk rcctTtig ' eTcry one ; to be lthe last. 1 Ihruatdowa .bin IcA haaX in Trr 1 for each eTranmatieo.il v -. n jWhen it 'came Just, Aon? would.it lespc ration and the bigttoae went Sec 2. That ec 10 be amtnr'hd bdme.ltj. AVouliL he. see . anything, K aad oand and roaad agait, to reJ af follows-: Aey Treaiwrer heat anything, feel anything know hnd oytr-aed orer it again, bat it brtter'elsrilrfg.tftcer'fan'V Ln'i,;ni. At: i-nrJr.i . didn't touch the iron f M It. berform anv of the.dQtle Lerfein an- i J'J. P.yL'.: .. - . ll And theii thA rfnnr f F7vifrl lOiaed .'arQ'L demJ" irnfltr cf a xubi aiui.,rear.ia wnkCQL me. waole I U . . . . . ' V-1J t 1 . .' . .o .-. "nlaM wauU flu iMB , -i,! i I no. ppsnanu jnrauer l-acy.iicl iinfccaDcr ana.- epQn eon.Tciq piae..wouia,liy a ay : or wouiarit I v;L- 'vV - i vr':.r.. tww -A4;a M.;.L 1 fS9tSlew -Wv " v';1 tie'wheclhtitae te witS ihl! bo rta&Vcd fre5nfe,n4 Ut ibfr TV ft wrrr-fftejirir room, and jVc wVJ.etJtiii."1 end aji thn went to tM man pcU C tM UJrljLs, aUa U4ttl jinn kaU sntfjte eat ftr m vuoie tyr-- rQtlcrQan. cot dfh-.J.lr W Ce aaidoc. M lJn iJLKckrr Rf fn iwne f-r ItwrMi'C 'Karl M . pjg tUfJbrfe.djy A1 TU thH4 ojicned hrf rvi in ahj worwWt kd etarvd at ibr' f'e a -wrutftia. ben waited a! oa Ir. V3 rarl"t e dir: Fhe Unml the aoeUtavaI iWaYT-tr, prsitalint; fcraa awiaiiVi lTin.il h j Mtrt, and ntfy'ljjjlbe te Uj,wtti aMie o ire aHriiW4 a her Toice: Jf 3oe harn'i bal aar Vrhtpe 1 ran ret vis ;ms to the rooU of hit hair. ml'iii'Ua-' be MJeHeceh iitirle H anr. kissel tcf In delist !ftehtc ber to the praoa ia. ihm ruom aaaii le thobo itt'the eorrMorf ad tlbC- fece, uilinibe itcrj-.i tX'r.'tt inbutim,. crc XaUrta fnoner W baut w-ii bint.' y ere ralad: and 4 the little rce W-? ba tr .way .rjoici K-Z.l ..T m . t. .. , I, t ., , when t a mUl goes 'it heranto -ttlve air, sM, botR dropped broerw ad.aAe.lt raHttatioo. &g left,, ankwerea tfaV tigetkeron the rram. j ni.ri;-;-! p.- rtri? aof.meir.m. tnillT.A 'Oh MH.ektTaimod,and drew a ' "U l-XVall,atcaJL, ' 1 .A young miQQlehteenpriwfn ...Because 'com -:nothiil(nf ' mbn.nf mill a.4 sd of tonrse'Thdre'd bd no Vroof ww ui. .f . . i aea ma rw w nam w iaw ; l i i i aiuo vi kucui t itjp eff nnaai. a aw am rinivaNi!o rkae ea ttlitald...streamw killed.: a :. Left IEnfif knw. V :? .P4.1-? T what he-was about when .he plan. S, o!, .VaTwaa! 7? m! L?T' .W It 6 nd t' - ! n.ri, !t , " Pwy.a poUae Mt evcr.waar? fqend. inch wa his kindness to the ? nu:.'-w She eouidii't toU what made btr go y6uDmfWhO'mit,wi.hntcCTyla HV..Wueet.jna . :.,ape stones KCptnp gOOa spCCd to the tiUlrjast. then; nShe taidhe TnatrulL , " eateand it waata little while, as if thev'd hAen. ha.l hwn flinn- nnr fx- I T ,l!'.b"M.Vi'L.,i! llrnnleckedj their, regular.' rbri.Df aweekliy ; hAuwd aIastTrtrhelfd Mm rail, ahaandUa r;"i6. rr :T.7"-l t"'-", VV 6"" lv oi.is vu mur, i T".r.i . ,il i ,t . .. w ? 1 1Dg vo icaa vno coaTcnauoa u rraxa unfaie wneei ppenana although they had; 5UncrL with a w.fta auo Qpma eaj, . , , I wbjec; t nwi pair f eld atieee i escape i or. tho. water: it iirreat rush at first- and Trim uk-, a. I I-.AB4T noir,!.inero.. weii. anaiivinir In iaetatK whica they 5 . V. t.wiii, xom, out ,ton t hurt the was quite certain tnai-ne stream nttie eoqragewi -lia taw the'-vheel J , , 1 , C?'?' P?8 sra to a pocrr xzan wtxxj min ;t; dowo woiieep ft working iraantttimed fallWrtnethintf " ?; wita tad'almoit fiaiahed 4X0 Lndy. If L f:, 1,. tkopgrsa; had; drkedj ihV bitween ;the;ircl t5Sn?a? ilnd wI .P, tb. Now then;iLefk 'Runne;,Veaye an4 biggfr,tiUt,.qt .trpng enough ,haft Weoor.ani.bwedged -iSlw 'ft S? And" wha?I P'-B2.?r? ul tsthj iH th-wnae. tVMW K.thJ aetduS his ;.JIfyo4feitIptte!way. pidd an, hour at,farcst. keep ' the; .-Wf.fg? 11 W .nojAixd tmsYr:Sd wtXe fctt trtSS jnst tep.there Unto the:roadi and n44y4lU,i$he..whee4of, courser the thpugh;; -the prcsrewal' ralhcr that's the j xtty, .mixir,,lbre that I tv'wben eannftr'flad! thtin e ,?v? ."Dt'r stonea'f'ipstatjiTf t, or! e. aery work off t-; j.i ij i". . -i'..! w&a tiel. oajt aod tha, stone the I &x, IHcsd.aXiawcredtLd S H ti' lt'r' I1 TL3 pxty clear, to ban. oqej.cecnina .toward ftjrcjjijsrith golmJw i vUwpnfeht.youa'5iaiid.j?ttQ'ne .ya( tied ;nom; now!' Tieft: Rnimey 'meant there Ut Jrs4stMakoo.its9hf ierjr,9P eewwaarea aathoeMeaalpA but jyonlbf never ijmairy.Jieri;aii:fl after,tbe1.6pnes)! should be an accident that 'morning thattmjk niy hand froia.tJiA,,l' f. r Butoi areticavaodtmayAgiTevan riliyon5dead, dea(ldead;'sai-4eiMi -J.Tbe al(mea-wtinld;ecnsfi iuakeadi and that Tom Harkness should be T AS( ' beeatne-of Li Baa- MTramuclieiterlJAaarelytaaaai CM&V kiW meclehdee.tiian efye4fthml, arid soTbmhotJght ) 6ri thcjpot'to get the bedeuVof -It. fcW? Ar'm6m:1 .i.'L .:a"T: W?on 'in&rMnjtnerdistance-with iRMedTthfnis 'theVaY4 (old , ? ?S TT 1,000 Si1 !? Vx1? 3 iSaktdeiu fejyenssiyto ,0 -Larn-Crl ?fihUfVll tScq-wsr. ;LtAMfeomrfW they . J n Were nxedin rtfe ttKmT'IrshM M rf.th. gate ai iujpped ibt tdM yjpur.p.wn chance witK4he. gift Lfe. ;?! .Si .to.sUy; within a mile,. Bff, stowef.-.i' -yiWo ci 1.4 . .t W8w!ttliereaWffi CSS andnw?t,stand,,up- hke a.maand Wenwt,f,1nIyJ8moome andWtt gQt.poor .Ton faat.w,:, , 04 -A'niil(f ivrilk !n -ths ettm-baf th bohe hard. br. thrtrtr?Wh!cl protectors. If 1 they5 wereUifted -iip ; I shbiildn'tlikeo ; stay; within: half .a&ilVof fr aia.ij .miow.can lyau.worK nere, . s - 'withh all this-before : your ? .Right ner mnti 'tery presence ui 'UCTS-f ince ot death anywhere. Missel paid. Malcolmyionly wei donlt secinmrer. think rabon'binril'ye'ain-to ; tell ybVtstbrb thing4hat happenedi tp A tPian, in a room jusi-iiKe tnis.t a r ai settle it;ecowl oway, veBritish 1 back; as iLAn purpaae teajroidithaU inift.Ycu See this is the war thi fiend I he said, with a Qniet smile. Some I thev ooutl'ciiAlI watcli t!i iiWjrir. jiro atbh u. What wns; at the boUerii of i the 1 had fixed'1 matters'. df -he'dput in JcynU win. MPi-SX loti I and see whaUTer wonder bridyv - - . 1 ciriTnrinn rnorr v'rnm lnnfnrt Mnt 1 Ka Avnt4k dkaa.u 1 M haiiviA ULa.naiiFiiM moir. 1 lemnh . , w wvui ,V4A a v i avv ivwu iiibu inn i'i il. c i iu f Lii 1 1 ;r m i 1 1 i 1 1 7. w i u'i'ii i " . am.T w tw t - i t it" w w a kui a aa.a , Bia lh BBKBBaa m.m ear : ii i irf taai I iheVtrpugK and .Keart stood m osid xful& Jt'dT amt' Juaonlta daahed oe oi.; ibaiUing JuaJlj I .Ulipoeri sun K'aUiatoi.t Tnm ftTiil T.nw wprA t.nli n xroiir I fnrA"Tninnti. Vt it oaa i 7AiV2 YoJ!. inui Tm ki.A 2 -k. 1 dannc to change my:etoLriea,'aaO I- , t " f T f 1 w. viitn. - . w hiim w wm ieIWU ' MA ia I V -Tl 1 1 Tl eaW ajofteiih.rpuge. wood half-' WixeawnBderp'an there thmk. asannocenE. a!t&efciO3iiaiM.TWm08t wajjne.j.acpm:is darting: ias:metj gcrapi as nappy aPxiiety; Eunlpey .sneaking hi r u as pi lai iaii. -wrlr and taiae the path where he JU1WS 1TBKS. Tke eelia tie Ibae. Dr.Utk I Itextrworiy UI.' lit U St ?aryr Aboet a-eaieifral J ikiflr cilia laao1 bj U Uaiirl Katra Cocnj. acrr.xti thi ?TcW-CWeAi4 Tkayuc,y iz frtVtro cf. tU ' ryai' piracy ec the tcTijiicma laicr jU ta laiaaraljraataCTt-Jaltailaaa t-i s i tf t fc- .'111" ,lm a si 1 4 Coeerst IH line a- waW ilrtiamrj Uflc aaa Dallaa. Taraa. roi aCt tms revia i ef fit .130. ' V. fraaOtJ- r" a 7 f w Trt p tttis r:r 1 . 1 w!T bixa&4 ta cTi vefj x inL i . l. i 1-v ii.. r. r J-Ia -iraorc- eaa W 1 aaIrski rUo ail Cfae.Fpota -taaaa, Lbana are My-two eoeipaalae of aatara-3 trix-pe, t!f of wnlA relppfaatrf . canury aad bar 'artlUfr. SiTtrvif Aosuata two aad Colas bes eaa.aadjret the eolorad oaa h,a. ao rirhu la the Sooth. l-U the IScatatt Ueaer Ur U ti2traj r&toiora garaT.a al 4 frtfrctj'w lJ Chat CZUX. It tl. tT tO aT JXf -WOfcll lav.ral' i- iSmitlt. aanrrIij,t, It It rary'y wcrUurr aad wav arpa U- tAWtcaw auaaraawe emfrUy a Xna trmtw It tUe i7 rauur Jca acqo. Tha f? cl iad la.ucTvaay a7oa ar&io.. Kxat is atwaac3awg14aooai rrtLki(a, Itaearta, tUe Dr--tf pjLlra. A'-ite r-J XetalsS b:- tLc rJ.t wL'i jfrcw Its r:; a.-4 tha u- t rlJdUWct c3urK As ii Ka tiia err? aeoe iJ.WJ tcr- Lits toe f lirutl sa.VTa the1 wm-i f3 'But.1 Jain ti Lucydar-,aid .. - TomTi.ilarkness-rthaV 'was ; his ' nameWis okml niixihs ne .twist pf my arm.V;?M ,-"?'" j I'm afraid .for .yfljVjtbp brlle's got lt!W ()f men ttHatsrnn'Jwnhthini,' and 'who5' tiio ws'-whaif ! thiv niayYdd v that part ot ; the ipiarj?. he. got td;go ing with hkt ' aigood'deal,vand' to likiniherVdlhe him: FoSIincf 14ne I baMed thfllloa and Sonafs'.and Is thqrtv8Uren the: wheel? "WWe wild gcfatveri'terV'likely it:w6uld Mtfe now ordered to enrollment in reeard mi&mtfKXxV neH'th'ebleHKsan td.Oonnty, Toirtm .IriVTtry ... x. I 1 i. l T . LI- - .. .. . . , . , . ropm,. some, lghjte.ars.-.agpj ,::U was rra j steady; i rquie t f ello wy4, an c thereswaspthinrg tV keep Him frOYi , . gettipg on; m the world'and; heou - get .on, Myingvup bisi symgsan( being content. But rbyf and by ; tfii s met JI fnrmAr'c aiirrVlitoi"ii-roo'lir!ri i andlyott;canugive"a:'eeRrIt,l fetltaVlBaoafttreer persons j . .WT(iVl'tt! -v.i kH-Wutii !ui was RpcjLea, j pyer seijssY a MeTintev. sweet 1" rf 'Vb 1 -VttodSIS ta blawe lew !4iUMa ever.adeilaw.ijad.fioro.a (Sweetheart a rfv-"?" and it all eome frbo'uthiie natutalJ like. 01d'M6KinIey didn't say Ttl' and. Lucy herlft6nly,llsaid it long fee awss i reaV? downright t deadd in 1 then,:and,eve.n .sh cpjjj vAjj. earnest. - . 1 el him T It was a pencil sketch :aLOm&nt.tha water-wheel started nn-i Li.f A-. hM rkn. .ftflT,.. ....r I lalPOTtaatrrto-that k44nee4.Tio4.Utae i noorraherf wsajtany,' arid; altered thethet.iTund r-SI?!?f,T? vl??I?f St giMUT fp&z4&gk wwsS khtne.of'SherKcraners-vorfkfiow Pihh ktnnaa' siiAu'Jil! i AlY: .i-.TTj 8 . - - i ua auu i u l. aaa j iii a y iiiil 1 a. i ju u 1 v- i m 7 to, you.,braYCL,.and.stf.onff. asw v2d .oo xnm;ieinmreeoe persaaaexf fWuTfMW S';') . vaniiua agamstf jeapn,:,., p!fiahns to taKei ,ner .nome'": axm.then1 he sirollacaVtoto I xr'f Hewen. very slpy, and waa so , I .Quaeowosi tirpveu ja- uttie. so as not lana.hw; cani? iitd took ana : off Aiu. VwiMiuilaJnatnnd. uTAal looked gether and iet-.ttwotbe owtibft its as If Jbwway'Qf getting iafrit regtlit.Wlf rWlhst'Wir- irtir was JtieaAtj bbf he didn'f'ftaowall be;Wdeitlrathef I he couldrCD was.taU jon. hiacoiir I Atrd. aTtSdrfcaiOv aii:J L'ia l-tw;.i ;ti I 1 himU iU .VmiM;iU' .rt. Dales KewStbduV tratnit!i? ll his IbV;W UtPrl th'VriSeS-wrtTi? r"W 1 toufrh. muscles toVet free. ff m,in f V l"UL.W Z'-WW 'Ji '-Vi k T.UuVi .V. rf?WWW)j Jrt ahk.araa-.bcdiBdetncAthfrin:tpm anxT'rcnd acbouobf STOnbraejiWwas UcdtsHfabii spot.r, And 'when itdid- V I then as' liaTrW'W-Uwfn'to rdieCl. A'tiilP had left bis ctat arid shbf. IWb!tf e ca hrrcoat lie slipped Oae loot Into' one cf hi i l . i i . ..... Leavinff that murkv Jea w . Vl.M'i I 4 !hM nk i-mfrl tki -oarnVia. ... I - 1 . - r - - ' -' . . ' .... w i'i I'll ,'thel j f.Icow olav'. m.'.i t Um .II I lAa" Iahia.nt. ftnt-rMdef ..arera-trtA ' Skp"ul4 " 3-Tir friiflcd I his conntenaBca. IleHeoedSipoelaba yruwaiTUTtroi rvraaLr -aaw tepceu Sa'a andgsmj thea-.ta VxSt3 round btfall'sidtotccs!lVf4-T.? Bockettfnd orooeMsd ioixmtoa-tbo ethrr 4hl bat.'whatwat kU a- tablsheif arwrfrtd te fbaai taw trown t IIW fcelfncs oWwsfae'LTMJ oi his wiiit sick. ao4i hVit5 Cai Li.d4ai o2m2x d, fiwr aevJbyaotaa o K&owtr haaV wowlibeeanred ireoi perihin taprttf ytsrH; -its ftir.l tatraty VVW ttfVrlVc :4r4a tpote4'bcrW4 ccIa-j Vte.l fj. i Lif eaat waeedlrpor apal tabtr kaoupa. leaeaaJy wpee w4ii awe; -tiy ftreek a Urfe -stoae' Cree'S' Ulre tbetsrfaoa. CnoarecBeriee tli atae lb diaoovaraJ aa 'Ai-lMUooed Iroa pot. of abeeri El'e-carmdty, C34 wU5 U) eftpeared'tebe laxe ecnf eetaa 'Tbey at eaoe wcseead te paa e Cm booa, aad aOcrcaaa!?? a trmeSLm wtrt5f were t!i-:ir w!isr -, foe. I-tlxsa ta.be ?pesl& sIlTrr : iS't4 wtre xrciac , bsr i tX ti m V'. 1 1 1 r of Couh rheT aacCAnlbV'cX-'jrorili l rtfiiac U .aaataa,chap,30,Mt tle's RevUali be ntrickda, tout, and tho following bo; iartcd in Ilea tlgVMefSem Jiioeyf sfaoeiftkf X Qti ier .wnapesr Hti'g'1faceUea'veiJttir&eiif bcrept;- ItTsballbe thodaty of the Aftwm.riytoxeqettf an mop eye rirur. tavbacouutr. ajal all pu- tjooeyabj law dire?teda.btpaal itTrxKeep-itaeinaeparbU aaa nlehow'"ai bg'strained InrtRar vViTr' " Tf hi' Tnbl" I kaa amliifr ik mV- it loose in one place, he couLLJeel 1 xeacksd it a itwextt bast nixa. round t UkierpiopcV awdciufaiaerarvcaee. i . 1 . 1 1 . I - " . F - . - . . I . I " m . .lt xigruen pgmewneFC eise., , , f pA'oawUiie epuWTdp.waa jfo, lie hhfl wait.a 'He-conld weeithat the gate was opening wider ahil widM P and. round, one twii or two weal 4 n nooita proriaea xor-anaepsrpese been put Verfttfn tugged and strains witralV' his . . i i fwfc niaM iticui ri aucu roc? I "! .i'.il:!1.! f .jXiiogrouag cian stooa inere, ceep 1y aifiJCLed, d wUKUart lo'bl tjot Xow.T-eald the' r fiVi r "J ire Joa tiet beUerpIraoed tea af 04 ad plsted joar Istewded AtUk iM JiTh dear41rJ'--anWaTedth aiodecC'yoo have tacrbl rhk tM 'a.u.r.wni,,wrcr;fotrft. fX fed now the lrn tb, or the. Vorus w shlw I imsriHVrsnnciruooa: rjofw paeeeed i pjuJhaa to n&dxirli h'-.The'Kirl'cf Chathita said W &k wa i - i Jali 4JV M TTV1 i Peeald lltoesw be tta f b t wtea , ?rt i a r,J Jfirr tri y; U" rie IlabcUts, gaot!id. a f f-aUl t.-fa. i ;:!-fU paviai epwata.i iJ;C;-c-L. i - taiee Cm atrwsn f .-raae t: TTs miw tlsfyr?-ffrf tr!,k a-. lc, WW iU t-sJl t ,t cal Li T ' i M Kuil r. A-wcr' : i jt r f i he fe sUii sal, aad czrr, f . j,: k Bay eediaarr saaa iJ 1 i iT ... Xti rai -re M4rf aa4 li-a sal- a- r'P ?7 T? 1 aft .! t rt.i- !4t 2j At irrJ: ar L t r t r - .'j t . a. - eV4aXiJa; He) LdvA bti a r azaa Laas.w)xa of.lMr.and n a t.cr r,f f 20 barbtl rot i rrts-. . . . - tour tzvmn im winwaaj ereoit aaaa ccr da taewic- - - i a- At lhe5Ule Tra'prr-jTirAVC), ft CT,T;?. ; l tiaj4 5. J". ILAciiccxa xaa ia T-tbd as 4 tbf wfitit r- rHL,Ta rwxxd ahowa taat W 9UTSUC' waek la Jay 1 1 f loan at milk aa4 in one wk Ja rVr-nbfr 5 14 ions of tank. T4 r.'Ti . -.1 cf d.:!kTTO Isoa:"" l' woaia tuvw iftecTiti-a' the eurUicof ,yoaiedc 1'tlej .wW,oCj6cbaiaKtTi; y.oa,4 not rise eariy yoaRaarrnrf r.pyis progreea In anjtbior. i aacaa oonnc i&ijeax MaUaerw U-L). tona. vSTf a eon lare firti aa TV.-i;t iortr?Ad"rVr wa. I

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