r , f ; r. 4 Z)t Peopled press. prBLISHEItS AND PROPRIETORS. TERMS Cosh in Advance. , One copy one year. . . . . $1.50. i six months ... ... ..... . 75 ii " Ifcrce months.... 60 .vben not paid till end bf the year. I JOB PRINTING. i i ! , i i i the TZiss job DtrjumiEvT u evp- . ph4 with a3 bseetsary Bslcrlal acl It f aUy r. rsparsd to da wxxk .Uk KlUTXt, DI3- r jltczx ujua VERY L9WEST PRICES. strs to f tv cj a UU1 Lefure cnntrciif vUh any oa els. vol. xxvn. SALEM, N. C, AUGUST 21, 1879. NO. 31. ;i'! t - II I s ;r . The Good Old Farm. There's got to be a revival Of goo i Bound sense among man, Before the days of prosperity Will dawn upon us again; The boys mast learn that learn in' Means more'n the essence nv books, And the girls must learn that beanty Consists in more'n their looks. Before we can steer clear nv failures A.ud big financial alarms, The boys have got to quit clerkin', And git back on to our farms. I know it ain't quite so nobby, - It ain't quite so eay, I know, Ez partin' your hair in the'middle An' settin up f or a Bhbw. Bat there mora hard dollars in it- And more independence, too,' And more real peace 'n contentment, And health that is ruddy and true. I kno w it takes years of labor; But you've got to hang on in a store Before you can earn a good livin' , And clothes, with but little more. - And you steer well clear uv temptation On the good old honest farm, And a thousand ways 'h fashions That only bring ye to harm. .There ain't but a few that can handle With sifety other men's cash, And the fate of many who would try it Proves human natur is rash. '" So, when the road of State prison Lays by the good old farm, And she man sees atoilin' brother Well out of the way of harm, H$ monrns he hadn't staid there, A-tillin' the Boil in peace, Where hell yet cre:p back in dishonor, After a tardy release. What host uv 'em go back broken In health, in mind 'n purse, To die in sight uv tho clover, . 0: linger along, which is worse! And how many mourn when useless That they didn't see the charm, The safety 'n independence, Uv a life on the dear old farm. So preach it up-to 'em, parson, Jnst lay it out plain 'nd square, - That land flows with milk 'n honey, And health, 'nd peace are there, And call back the clerks 'nd runners, And show 'em the peaceful charm That waits to cheer and bless them, On father's dear old farm. ' you ft moment longer -whispered Oer truae as she emerged, faint with fatitrue. irom tne lumbering coach and kissed the om gentleman tenderly. xier maau iouowea with nags ana wraps. I rather thought you'd meet me with a carriage at the station. she continued. gently reproachful. 1 am sorry, my dear replied Mr. Liee with some embarrassment, 'but I had made up a party" to go off in my yacht, auu, in i act, naa to bnorien me eaii to TYl-D-of- WTi-1 nf A 11 Dear papa I' ejaculated Gerty, press ing his arm tenderly. Mr. Lee looked doubtfully on the fair little faco nestling against his shoulder; he was evidently ill at ease. A look of relief passed over him when Mrs. Grant announced her intention of remainioff in her room for the evening and having her tea sent to her. She summoned. however, secretly, Miss Nina Montgom ery. . . I shall be perfectly frank with your cousin she said to that young lady. I mean to write to Mrs. Page and propose an interview. No skirmishing. I'll come to the point directly,' That astute young person looked doubtful: 'She is hesitating: may not No, it will frighten her: you said she A SEASHORE IDYL. Dearest Gerty: . i 'Doing precieely as I'd be done by, I write in the greatest hurry to tell you that, unless you can prevent it, your father will be married to a fascinat ing, intriguing kind of consin of mine, who is doing all in her power to make him and every one else in love with .her.' ; 'What a scare for nothing ! interrupt ed Jack. 'He is only in love: I thought it was all fixed.' " - 'Wait until you hear more,' solemnly replied his sister: She is a widow, and fatally, danger ously charming. I bate her, but am forced to acknowledge this. ..Every creature, except me, whom she looks at likes her. She has light hazel eyes, won derful hair, an exquisite white skin, and, whether she walks or sits still, looks up or down, is irresistible. Her very voic3 would charm the bird off the tree. I hate her because I am jealous of her, and, al though she purrs over- me, will not be -friendly. Very well, I'll come to the point. I heard your father entreat, be seech her, to marry him. I listened: yes, I was so base, even as that sat near a window they were on the piazza. He told her he'd settle a million on her, alluded to all of you, and seemed to think noone but Willi em would like it. There is no use in my saying more. Come on in full force. She's a cowardly little thing has scruples. I think you can prevent it. ? Yours, with much sympathy, ' . 'Nina Montgomeby Mrs. Grant laid the letter gravely down on the library-table, gazed at the three with a questioning glance, - and languidly inhaled " the perfume of her blue violets. How can father be such a fool?' . exclaimed Jack: 'he is seventy years old.' ' Poor father P said Archie. 4How de voted and kind he was to mamma ! Let him marry if he pleasef.' You little know what you are saying,' shrieked Gertrude. 'Let him marry I with a sarcastic air. 'The woman is an artfuL designing minx I Dd you sup pose she'll be content with her million ? By no manner of means . She'll never reel until she has put us cut of his house, and out of his heart, and out of his will. She'll take possession of him. I've heard too much Of rich old fathers and young step-mothers. Mrs. Brooks made her husband leave her every bit of his property, cutting off his daughters with a shilling. When the poor man wantea to retract make a new will or some thingthey said he had had an attack of paralyBis in the meantime, and was incapable. Actually, when he wanted to alter it, with death staring him in the face, h& couldn't ! I feel awfully sorry i$t -papa, added Gerty. 'He has had a very. gloomy life, and if he were a younger man But how long could he live with his pert young widow ? Threescore years and ten, the Bible Bays, is the limit, and he has attained it.' ... 'I wish , William were here,' ex- claimed Archie, 'he'd tell ub what to do . is cowardly. No temporizings or hesita tions for me: I hate masterly inactivity. I am going for her! -a common expres sion,' she remarked. They were playing croquet on a very poor croquet ground, with a large party. : 'Mr. Lee,' whispered Mrs. Page, 'will you walk on the beach after the game?' I have something to tell you.' ' I hope it is something agreeable, he replied, disturbed by her manner. No;- it is something very disagree able.' : . The new moon gleamed uncertainly on the water; delicious salt breezes blew upon them as they walked up and down upon the sands. 'Mr. Lee, I have had an inteiview with ycur daughter, Mrs. Grant a very un pleasant interview. If I had made up my mind to be her step-mother, I think I should retract: as it is What did you say, my dear Mrs. Page?' asked Mr. Lse with a serenity he was far from ieeling. I said very little. If she had coaxed. I should have told her how little she had to fear. 'Ah I' in a tone of dismay. As she did very much the reverse, I was cold, dignified and non-committal. She was very disagreeable and Mrs. Page wept at the remembrance of her wrongs 'accused me of entrapping and intriguing talked of your money- MrB. I'agQ actually -cobbed 'in short. my dear Mr. Lee, I think I had better leave to-morrow morning. And if you go, what will be the result, so far as I am concerned ?' he politely in terrogated. 'If .1 go it will greatly inconvenience me, and of course my only object in going -will be to end this matter; Mrs. Grant the immediate propelling cause An angry gleam shot from Mr. Lee's eye. I 11 take care, he said, 'that you 11 not be annoyed in future. Mrs. Urant shall humbly apologize, and A must leave, not .you.' My dear Mr. Lse, promise me that you will never speak to your daughter on the subject. I a cause of discord in your family I Promise me; I insist, I entreat that 'you never allude to me. Promise me, dear Mr. Lee,' continued the coaxing voice. " 'On one condition Mr.' Lee seized his advantage "that you stay, and that what Mrs. Grant has said shall have no effect on your conduct or decision. I'll take no denial,' he gently whispered. How does our little negotiation stand at present? I am at your mercy; you are douotiui, neeitating, duc tne scales weigh a little in my favor, do they not? 'Oh, no. Indeed I have never thought seriously of marrying you, I only dislike to refuse you That last is an admirable frame of mind: preserve it;' and, as they had left the beach and were within hear ing and observation, the conversation ceased. Archie and Jack appeared the next day, summoned by an imperative telegram from Mrs. Grant. 'Now, boys, you must exert yourselves : I've done all I can,' said their sister. She is obstinate and odious would not tell me anything.' prehension of danger, for she avoided Jack Lee skillfully for two entire days. He shot fie roe glances toward her at the dinner table, glared at her from under his bushy eyebrows in the ball room, and when she came up dripping from her bath she could scarcely stagger past him, his saroastio eyes were bo over powering. She avoided the piazzas, and on the third day had hidden herself with a book behind a rock, when, bristling and pug nacious, heappeared: 'Pardon my intru sion, but I am exceedingly desirous of seeing you, and alone - She bowed stiffly. Mrs. Page, we hava been told of my father's proposal, and that you think of accepting him. The idea is very disa greeable to all of us to all of us, be repeated firmly: In fact, we can scarcely think well of you. It puts you in a most conspicuous, really odious light.' ! Mrs. Page did not look dovelike at this moment: her light brown eyes flashed indignantly at him. 'There is but one object in marrying my father,' he resumed after a mo ment's pause: 'it is a transaction com mon enough in Mohammedan countries. You are purchased with a million of 1 VI Vaa . . aouars: x tninx that was the sum men tioned ? Her lip quivered like a child's, indig nation and tears strove for the mastery, but cry she would not: he never should have that eatief action. 'Mr.' Lee, she exclaimed, 'I don't know what you think of your condnc: I think it is cowardly, dastardly. Tou are afraid of remonstrating with" your fa ther, but you hurl cruel, insulting words at me, a poor, defenseless woman. I ad mire ycur father, I am even fond of him, but I was very far from consenting to marry him. Now I think I will. What his entreaties could not effect, your in solence has.' She arose, and with a J uno like air swept away. 1 H P TT? TrTira9' ATAltimAil M. I .aA eenior to his son William, who had walked from the station, and was reg istering his arrival in the book in the offise. j- Not at all, my dear father; and he took his father's arm and led him away. 'I only came to see that you had fair play. Marry whom you please and as you please. Bat what is the lady's name?' She is a Mrs. Page y widow 'Ah 1' exclaimed William, and his cor diality to a 'degree vanished . Let me introduce you, said his father. 'No, I am dusty and tired; I'll make my own way. They say she is staying with the Montgomery s. The Man Who Left Prince Louis to His Fate.- We are told that no one becomes ut terly vila in an instant. Yet it would peem that L:euL Circy took but one step from high courage to pitiful cow ardioe. Strange to fay, the tfSser who deeerted the prinoe imperial had a re cord of exceptional excellence till he tore it with his spurs on that fatal first of Juno. Lieut. Carey began his educa tion at a French imperial lycee, and finished his military studies at Sand hurst. In 1865 he entered the British service, receiving a frfo commission aa ensign in the Third West India regiment. He passed with his company to the west coast of Africa, and, though but a stripling ox eighteen, was made com- ndant of the fort at Accra, rrom Africa he went back to J amaica, Before he had fully recovered from the coast fever he volunteered for the war in Hon duras, and had the spirit to conceal his debility, leBt he should be forbidden to take the field. In Honduras he was honorably mentioned in dispatches more than onoe, and, of all unlikely qualities, it was his bravery in xeconnoitering, and bis quick eye for a cointry, which won him distinction. The diabanding of the Third West India regiment reduced Lieut. Carey to half pay. But he wai rot the man to rust in idleness. He went at once to Hythe, and gained a first claas certificate there. When war broke out between France and Germany, and the ambu lance corps was organised to succor the French wounded,L;ent Carey promptly volunteered Lis services and wore the Bed Cross badge thrcngb the terrible winter campaign. Evidently be was far from chary of his persoi.for the Germans took him prisoner on taree fields of bat tle, and the French Society lor Aiding the Wounded gave him a cross and rib bon, as well as a diploma of thanks, in attestation of his courtge and humanity. As soon as the news of the bloody dis aster at Ieandiana reached England L;eut. Carey asked to be sent to South Africa in any capacity Thus, for the third time, he went to the post of peril as a volunteer. It happened that th? transport in which he tailed was wreck ed between Cape Torn and Durban; and. again, on the sea aa on the land, the rea iy lieutenant distinguished him self by fearlessness, judgment and en ergy. On the long march through Natal to Dundee he acoompaiied the veteran drafts of the Twenty-fourth regiment, and chose all the camping grounds. His ability as a military surveyor won a wilt recognition. It eeoired him a place upon Lord Chelmsford's staff, and des- An Old-Time DneU Among the many bloody duels on re cord as having been fought by Con gressmen was one of which James Jnk son, of Georgia, who had bern and who was afterward s United SUfcs Senator. was the challenged party. Us was an Eogliahman, like the hero of Pinafore, by birtb, but be went to Savannah when a lad, studied law, was ft leading Free mason, and fought gallantly in the rev olutionary war. . Ha killed Lieutenant Governor Wells In 1780 in ft dueL and was engaged in several other "affairs of honor,' until he finally determined to accept a challenge, on such terms as would make it his' last dueL So be Mr, PrllZ f. M w Jth i&nation to map ont the line of advance Mrs. Page began to be very weary with tt i: it: i .:u r.ni rued in, beleaguered, by She' felt hem the Lees, and was taking a brisk morning walk on a dusty highway toward a neighboring town, in hopes to escape them for a time. oome one, however, was m awitt pur suit: she felt that it was a Lee. The foot steps gained upon her. ' Alice I' exclaimed a full melodious voice; and William Lee seized both her hands. 'Alice, is it really you ? Mrs. Page trembled and grew very pale. He placed her on a large stone which stood conveniently near, and sat down beside her. 'Alice, where were you ? I traveled over Europe in search of you. Will you forgive me. my dar ling, my suspicions, my anger, my ab surd jealousy V Mrs. Page closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks. At this juncture Mr. Lee senior. breathless with his chase after her, came up. He felt that this was a scene, and waited for explanations. 'My dearest father, exclaimed Wil liam, rising, and seizing his arm, 'she loves both of u but she promised to marry me first. Im sorry, he con tinued ruMuuv. Dear Mr. Lae, said Mrs. Page, seiz ing his other arm, you are bo like him your bearing, your smiles, ycur tones really, if I could not have married William I must have married you. A cloud paesed for ft moment over Mr. Lee's face, but during his seventy years, whenever there were heroic, un selfish qualities to be displayed, he was never wanting. 'My dear, he said in that pleasant voice so like his turning with 'my dear. uraL more appropriate.' him. was never doubted. Indeed, it was held to be of the truest temper, a combination of coolness and daring, which raised him to the level of the most hazardous enterprise. Nor had .he spared to put it tj tbo proof against the assegai. Oa May 23, only ten days before that shameful flight across the gully by the Ilyotozi river, he had ridden beside the prinoe imperi al at tho head of twenty-five Basntos, and stormed ft kraal that was garrisoned bv sixty Zulus. Thus, with an established reputation for acuteness and intrepidity, for pree enoe of mind and abnegation of self, surely Lieut. Cirev should have been the laat offioer in the army to unsaddle in a man-trap, or to gallop-away from a dismounted comrade; -btill less to fly while the prince, whose safety was his charge, stood among savages at bay and alone. It was a sudden cloud ol coward ice, yet it overshadows the renown of a I lie. Burdette on nil Travels. The editor of the Burlington Hatcky who has been off on ft protracted vaca tion, writes: Possibly the reader thinks I hava at last wandered clear to tne jumping off place, and jumped off, tnd nulled the dace off after me. This is a mistake. 1 have been to the jumping off place, but it was fenced in, and it cost a dollar to ask where it was, two dollars to find out. three dollars to ask to look at it, four dollars to be told that might, five dollars to get to it, six lars to look at it, seven dollars to eay anything about it, eight dollars to keep prescribed as the terms that each Prty armed with a double-barreled gua, load ed with buckshot, and with ft hunting kfttfv should row himself In ft skill to designated points on opposite sides of the Savannah river. When the city clock struck twelve each party should start and row his skiff to ft small island in the middlo of the river, which was wooded and covered with underbrush. Oa arriving at the island each party was to moor his a iff, stand by itfor ten minutes, and then go about on the island until the meeting took place. The seconds waited on the mainland until about one o'clock, when they heard three gunshots and loud and angry cries. Then all was still. At daylight, as had been screed upon, the seconds went to the island and found Jackson lying on the ground insensible from the loss of blood, and his antagonist lying across him, dead. J action recovered, but would never relate his experience on that night, nor was he ever challenged again. He died in Washington, serving his second trm aa United States Sena tor, March 19, 1806. Shooting of a Desperate Convict. John Barrett, an inmate ol Sing Sing prison. New York, refused to work and was onfied in ft dark CilU upon the ad vice of the surgeon, who pronounced him fully able to do tie labor he was endeavoring to shirk. The next morn ing, in making his customary rounds among the prisoners nnder punishment. the surgeon threw open liamtis ecu door, whereupon the convict deluged him with the contents of bis slop bucket. For this insubordination he was whip ped snd sgain put in confinement. Sub sequently two keepers attempted to take him before the super in tend exit, when be drew a sharp Ubleknife and stabbing one of them severely turned and ran through tho grounds to the molding shop, ensconcing himself in ft corner where be could only be attacked in front. and picking up ft hammer uared the three keepers who bad pursued him to make sn onslaught, meanwhile calling on the 200 prisoners at work to revolt with him; and they were only restrained by the revolvers of the few keepers. The latter urged Barrett to snrr.nder, not wifhing to shoot bin, and fearing to throw themselves upon bim lest the balance of the omvicts should spring to caal- Tke Class ef Men See king Fsrtaaes. A eWrymaB, newly arrived at Lead vilb. C L, thought the great number of ran gb-lookin g itn indicated aa dmira ble opportniity for Incule-atinx ClrUU anitv. and accordingly announced be would open a Bible class the next San day, to which all were invited. He was gratified by the appearance of ft goodly array oi young men. between twenty and thirty years old, bronsed, bearded, high -booted and red and blue woolen shirted, who locked as if thev had never seen ft blled shirt, store clthe or ft church hi their lives, even on ft Sunday. Beginning his instructions in ft some what elementary manner, he was soon brought up bv a question from one of his pupils. Hs had hardly answered this when there cams another Query, and then another, aocotnceniel by ft sug gestion that the original Grvk would hardly bear the construction that h) was putting on the passage in hand. Briefly, the poor min soon found that As was the menagerie.' Never before was ft master so questioned by bis scholar. It turned out that every one of his class wss a college graduate, with one ex ception, and even be had not been with out instrustion in the daisies and in di vinity as well aa in scence. Astounded at the result of his benevolent enjrt, be rave up trying to teach men whom he found able to teach him. He did cot exactly go out to shear hi flock, but he did come home shorn. The young gen tlemen might have been in need of ft certain kind of religious instruction, but it was not exactly of the sort that he vis prepared to administer. 1TXXS OF GOEBAL ITTEBXST, The Penalty ef Flirting. A newspaper man sojourning at one of the mountain resorts where the pret ty daughter of the farmers roundabout earn a few dollars during the summer months by acting as waitresses at the hoUl table, sketches the rtsult ot a young man's sly flirtation with cue of the fair damsels. Ha writes: We sat opposite young Fonsby, who is here with his mamma, a vigilant inatrr who presides with much urbanity and pay puff at the head of the table. Taking advantage of his parent's abeecce from breakfast, the guileless Elwsrd flirted openly with the waitress. The coquet tish waitress, evidently believing that what is sauce for breakfast is sauce lor dinner beamed upon the haples El ward, who turned very red, and mur mured in his ear that there were no more clam fritters, but would fish do. whereupon the mother grew wroth, and leaning toward her abashed offspring, who was alternately trying to keep his glass in his eye and swallow everything within reach, remarked, "III ward my son it is evident to me that yon have given that person soxe encouragement. We will speak of this later; in the mean time, remember that your mother and Miss Sylvia are present The wretched E J ward kicked Hebe violently as she approached, and she went away with an injured look, doubtless consequent upon barked shins. It i certainly awtwara ble at any time. his rescue. The d- f pera'.e man lenged the keeper to fire, and declaring I jor pretty waiter girls to flirt when one's his purpose to sill some one, iuta tne i mamma is on deck, but it is orjecuoaa hammer above his head preparatory ior a rush on Keeper Good, steadily ad vancing against the pointed pistol, when the effiser fired and killed Barrett in stantly. The other prisoners sprang forward, but the cQsials cowed them into submission. A jury of Inquest rendered a verdict of justifiable homicide. Jou ol- A Singular State ot Affairs. Bristol. Ye., is perbsps the only city in the world that has two mayors, two city governments, police, etc, and that ia taied in two Btat. The line be tween Tennessee and Virginia is in the center of Main street and it gives rise to msny funny scenes, as for example, the mnaway couple need no ooach and -four, but arm-in-arm step across Main street and aro wedded. The fugitive who com mits ft crime in Virginia goes to the pavement on the other lids of the street and talks defiantly to the effiser on the opposite side, who has a warrant ior ma . . a 1 a arrest. A stumble or ft too doi appo sition will sometimes, however, bring him to grief. Siveral instance have occurred of fngitives being hustled across the line by ft psrty prepared while in the act of holding such ft con versation, and they tell of ft man who int voice bo like his son's, J-fK ? e,f " ao"" deflsnUy perched himelf on ft pile ot th kindly courtesy toward her qmet about it, nine dollars to quit look- nryxJJJilDu, iix feet of the line, .itisbestasitis-morena oa other , 'IJe'd tell us just to make the best of it,' cried Gerty. 'William would let fa - iner cut his (William's) throt cneeriui ly if he were so inclined. He doats on papa. So do we all, she added with a sigh, 'only we don't want him to be mar ried. It is undignified, it ia preposter ous I with rising indignation. 'We can prevent it. Nina savs she's cowardly : let us use our utmost endeavors. I shall start to-day. Harry telegraph papa to secure rooms for me; and, Archie and J ack, jou come as soon as I send for you. - In the meantime I'll write to William- he is at the White Mountains and I'll lay the whole matter before him. If be chooses to evade the responsibility, he may: he cannot say that he has not been warned.' 'Dear papa, I could not live without Perhaps it is all a scare,' exclaimed Archie. 'Ton are very much mistaken. Papa is devoted to her and icy to me. There's no time to lose. We are so intimate with the Montgomerys, you can be constantly at the cottage, and chance will throw opportunities in your way. 'Whose turn will it be to speak first?' cried Archie. 'I'll throw up a penny: heads win, tails lose. It's mine 1' with a elanoe of despair. Archie, clung pertinaciously to Mrs. Page's side on the piazza, sat next her in the omnibus which . took them to the bathing beach, walked home with her through the. shady lane after the bathing. She was delighted with the gay young fellow. At length he showed ft little claw : 'Mrs. Page, we are all very muoh afraid you are going to marry papa. Would you not like me for a step mother ?' and she smiled deliciously at him. His tender heart melted: . 'Like you 1 pho could help liking you? But' and he hesitated 'we don't want a step mother: step-mothers are deucedly in the way. An involuntary smue appear ea on Mrs. Pace's face: then she sighed. The ffood-hearted fellow felt compunc tion as he heard the sigh. 'Hang it!" he burst forth. Gertv set me at you. She exreot8 me to be disagreeable, but who could tt km a aove 7 xi wui uouhukowus to marry papa: we shall be in love with our step-mother 'Jack7 he cried to his brother a few moments after, 'I made a perfect mess of . n i i ii ii A. QUa it Deer an to natter ana au tu&fc. uo an an eel 1' She is detestable 1' returned Jack: I hate vour purring, coaxing women. She shall have a pieoe of my mind, I can tell Seasonable Advice. A metropolitan paper commenting on the fact that the greater number of peo ple to be seen st the seaside and popular resorts are ladies and very young men, while the husbands and fathers remain at their drudgery in the olty in order to earn the money necessary for their fam ilies indulgence, reads tho parents a lec ture not s tune, or to push them into a higher cir cle of society than your own. Give them the best education yon can, but give yourself one also. Take a part of each day, week and year to remember tbat you, too, are a man and not a mere money-maker. CJtuuy some language or science. Lave the farm or shop ooca- sionly. Broaden your mind by friction with men. Go to the cities, to G lUfornia, to Europe. Of course it will cost money. Dress, eat, iurnisn your nouse more simply; your sons and daughters will be better men and women for such simpli - city. Bequeath to them high- thoughts and noble living in neuoi money, lney neither.respect nor love yen more for performing an intellectual han-kari on their toenail. and eleven dollars for thinking about it. So I didn't try to j amp off. I met ft man who had been working there for seven teen vears. to get enontrh money to be allowed to jimp off, but he had only amassed $14,000, and they would only let him stick one leg over for five min utes for that. Bat we enjoyed Niagara all the same. Traveling across Lake Ontario he re marks: Sapper was served on the boat and I saw one man pay seventy-fire cents but uufortunstely for him some more law-abiding citizens tilted the boxes), and when he resched the ground, to his extreme mortification, he found that he was in the other S'ate. Too Moch for Him. The other da ft sharp-looking youth waited up quickly to the c mnter of the posted je in a country town, and empty ing ft bag ot coppers thereon, asked the elijY. who was auenoing to otner ens An Antwerp Sketch A Pennsvlvania Congreesman recreat ing in Europe, gives ft pen sketch of the humbler classes of women of the famous old town cf Antwerp, and the economy ot time and labor they are obliged to practice in order to live. While the steamer was hsnlirg into her berth snd before t Ciders had esme to exam Lew the trunks, I had noticed one of three women over whose shoulders hung from a wooden yoke Urge tin vel of wa ter, from which she refreshed thirsty la borers at the rate oi ft centime, or one fifth cf ft cent, per glass, and every one ot them that stood cr walked upon the quay and did not carry or attend a chili, how deep soever she might be in goip c dispute, plied her knitting needle as rapidly as did her Irt voluble neigh bors; and before we leached the hotel we saw that the women of the humbler elassea all knit as they walk, and that old women, whose wooden shoes ana rude occupation offered strange contrast to their immaculate lace caps with side pezulaits falling to their shoulders, were employed indifferently with men In sweeping the streeta. In England the little donkey and his cart attract atten tion, but we have all seen their counter parts at home, while it is a strange sight to see dogs even of less than medium aixe commonly used ss . substitute tor donkey or horse. But here the slender girl who as porter pulls a hand cart, the matron who serves milk from door to door or vends vegetables, anl the burly fellow who pushes ft load heavy enough for ft horse, all avail themselves of the assistance of a dog or cogs. The Trick Exposed, One of the crowning events at ft on the subject, and remarks: Do a supper that ought to have lasted torfle for doUar's worth of one-cent Orleans variety show as t polled by an truggle to give your children a for- bim two weeks. It didn t last bim five sUmpm nnlooked tor occurrene. Daring the or to vjnsh them into . hisher cir- minutes. I never saw such reckless ex- ,nL u twh-rwd!' ae the an-1 , n Tmd ia wSlyfoutof Ihugw cannon, and Maggie p?" lending to the top ol the .Uge, is caught b Ella Zuila. while banging by TV.aacsTr travagance in my life. One very pale young man told me had crossed the lake twenty times, and baa never been sick, in all the term implies, in all his life. In ten minutes I saw that young man looking down into the angry waters, and I am a sinner if be didn t throw up ev- Oh. von be bothered! was the an- awer. That's not ft legal tender; it is all nnnner 'What is ft legal tenner, tneni asaeu the boy. 'Why, one cent is ft legal tenaer ior nnit-Atmt stamp. . . . .. . OM' MRlsimrd Che von m. IS ill ery thing he had in toU eept his . frota ,rfal it w hear! situation. He looked fetched. In h cent stamp, please.' off" ind Loyal ascended as usual, laot, it was tne reicneaea umex ever . iarw m saw anywhere. you.' Mrs. .rage appeared vo nave wn Labor Honest, tearty, contented labor is the only sour c a of happiness, as well ss the only guarantee oi me. The gloom ol misanthropy is .no. oniy ine great ae- stroyer of happiness, but it tends to de stroy life itself. Idleness and luxury produce premature decay muoh I aster than many trades regarded as tne most . . ai a -ST . a exhaustive ana iaiai to longevity, xjaoor, in general, instead of shortening the term of life, actually increases it. It is the lack of occupation that annually de stroys so many of the wealthy, who, having nothing to do, play the part of drones, and like them, make a speedy exit, while the busy bee fills its day in usefulness and honor. Development of the Heart. Prof. Bencke, of Marburg, Germany, after measuring 970 tuman hearts, says that the growth ot that organ is greatest in the first and second years ot lffe. At the end of the second year it is doubled in size, and during the next five years is sgain doubled. Then its growth is much slower, though from the fifteenth to the twentieth year its size increases by two- thirds. Avery slight growth is then observed up to fifty, when it gradually diminishes. Except in childhood men's hearts are decidedly larger than those cf women. ; - , Paper is now substituted for wood in Germany in the manufacture of lead pencils. It is. steeped in an adhesive liquid and rolled round the core of lead to the requisite thickness. After dry ing, it is colored, snd resembles an or diitary cedar penoO. The pencils sell in London to retailers at ftbout sixty cents ft gross. The clerk gave him one. Another, please.' A second was given bin. Ano ' TTaml mum thai. the clerk Give me the money. It will be the shortest wsy to get nd ot you.' After counting the money, be gsv . . . At- . 2 1 I W . I.J ine vaiue ineiwi in iwaiw w t who was heard to mutter: 'I thought I would tire bim out' Grswu-Fp Bable. The young man who, under the pres sure of the least real or fanoied adversity take to drinking, is ft grown-up baby; but he is nursinsr the wrong botue. ine young man who Is ashamed ol his moth mi because she doesn't 'put on style,' and ot his father because he doesn't nse eJerant lansuaxre. is ft baby that had so rrnsines to have ever srrown UP. An overdose of soothing sirupwoula have been ft blessing to him. The eighteen year old girl who is sentimental, and sighs ior hi eariy coming at u k, well she is ft grown-up baby that like to sit in lap as well as she ever did. her feet to the trapeze. Oa iVwirr. thm mwder refused to go oil when Loyal gsv the word, and there being no noise to hkie tne woramg oi The absence of the explosion put Zad eff her guard, and she failed to catch the human projectile when he rose like ft rocket, so that he came down like ft stick. There w aa an outcry by nervous women, but the man struck in the set, which ssged nearly to the floor undtr iSia f alL but saved Lim from farther ham . . than ft scratched nose, lis vaiwww i the netting until be reached the edge, when he 1st himself down with ft rather graceful somersault to th stage, where he was hastily joined by Zuila, and both bowed themselves off with smile that were suspected of being forced. A fsw davs sgo. BMotdlng to the treasury o&dals, Mr. William H. Van derbilt, made in his own name the larg est investment in bonds ever made st one time by one individual for private account In this country, tits purensjie consisted of ft. 000.000 United Bute four per oraL bonds, each bond of the Jn of 50.000. They were bought. it is said, as ea investment for the family. Texas has 3.671,000 sheep. The debt of the city of Paris sow ex ceeds fifty six million dollars. A girl bitten by ft skunk diel in great agony ia Tom Green county, Texas. Fcur hundred thousand persons are employed upon the railroads of this country. Each individual In ft partnership la re sponsible for the whole amount oi the . debts of the firm. For the first time In th hlrtorr ol the country we are sending abroad more food than fabrics. Scythes have mnlergon so radios! change in form since they were first made, 13 years sgo. Et'ensiveprtparationssreTbeiEgmsde in California to view the eclipse of l-e sun, which will be visible in that Stale next January. A poor fltherman st Tallahassee, Fie., while digging worms for bait the other, day, came nooa an old bras kettle con taining S 1.400 In gold coin. , A carrier pigeon, belonging to partiea in Trenton, N. J., has msde the flight from Dioghamton to Trenton. 203 miles. In two hours and forty minx; tee. The first railroad in ralratias Las been contracted for between Jaffa and Jerusa lem, forty mile. The contractor Is re ported to be G. F. D. LovelL n resident of Cincinnati. Virginia still retains hex right to be considered the mother of statesmen, if Cocgree4sen cm be so considered, for there axe twenty-two member of the c resent Congress who were born ia her borders. The Gloucester (Mass.) fishermen are very Indignant at an interference with their rights unaer tne aanisgiou vrcmij by the inhabitants ot Cspe Breton, by refuting to allow bait to be caught in their waters. Tho fastest one hundred yards ever run by an athlete was aceorspUshed Jjj George Sewsrd, in England over twenty years ago. He covered the distance in the unprecedented time cf nine and a quarter seconds. The leg of Mrs. H. A, DMy, a well known ladr of Bloominrton. CL. was broken by the .contraction cf muscles, resulting from inflammatory rheuma tism. The oaee is cn tide red very re markable by the physicians. England oonsame fifty pounds nf su gar per heed. The United States stands next with forty-four pounds. Franc weUns at the rate of fifteen and one talf pounds, and Tarkey use only three and one-thirds pounds per csp-.u. There exists in England ft catalogue of a Babylonian bbrary, compiled over 4.0CO jeers ego, appended to which are directions to the stuJect to write down and hand to the librarian the cumber ol the book he wishes to consult, the race as in modern libraries. It is estimated that six countries ia Europe will this year be compelled to buy three handrM mill Km bnhels r! whesL and that France and England wiJ need three- fourths of this quantity, while France's share alone will cct her one milliard franc, or ft fifth of the sum ot her famous tanaom. This mesas pros perity for the American farmer. A rather novel sight was witneeaed la the police court at Birhoood. Vs., ia the appearance of ft eolorsd lswyer as the e?one4 for ft white man. who waa arraigned fx some trifling ofirnse. This was the first tim since the enfranchise ment of th negro that one of that rao has appeared as the ecu&lor ol the white race ia the courts of Bichmond, Talmsee is criticised by the OUagow Matt: The delivery cf the lecture was slow and measure 1 ia iU commence mnt, gradually lacre.asisg ia strength and time; his tone slightly harsh and his arcest Yankee; his style rouh and bold, th lac suae at times rithy and poeUcad, at other coarse and vulgar; His pronucc'eUoa execrable; Lis gesture redusdant. Bombay, with ft population I 6M.C03 and aa average to the square mil ex ceeding Imia. Is the second city la th British empire ia point ol cumbers. The everage death rate for the past five years ba beea about the seme as Lon don. The people are tall, thin and stately in sppeerance, with fine, icteili rent rye. Th city stands oa an lalaad, joined by sa embankment to th maia Und. The swiftest railroad trains are rua ia England, according to Ganaa gov ernment report, speed of fift tales an hour being common between Lxdoa and Dover, London and York, snd Lem don and Hastings. Trains ro at ferry two mi! an Lour on one ol the Bds-iaa line. Th fastest ia Franc and Ger many do not often exed forty, and ia other European countries thirty is the maximujx. . as Wm, Sawyer, sged seventeen, ana aged fiiwo. eUTpea ,, some ty-faur " Fndav I hours oy ner iaioc u Saturday the bride was sent ccsd to th Western bcu ol refoge by ft UUoa magistrate, oa th complaint of her hus band that sh was ft vagrant. Laving so means of saf port. A farm laborer at Ardle!gh, England, went to the help of ft man who was be ing overpowered by ft ltrnaiie ia Lis ebsrge and la danger cf being killed, He vm absent from work an boor and ft half, and vat prosecuted by his employ si for five shillings damage oa account of lose ol ervicee. and th court decided against Lim for not getting permistuoa frota Lis employer belore rwng so om rescue of a man who was liabl to be killed at any moment. The dwelling ol the Wine family, at Martinette, Wis., got aire in the tight, and the lower part w sll ia flame be fore the three child rra Led eecaped frota mn tv room. Th e'dest. ft boy. jumped from ft window into ft bedqudt held underneath. A yoca ger lad. only sight vtars old, was about to follow, but the mother sew that ft three year old girl wae not at the window. 'Ban beck andgetsissheeried. The bey returned to bis room, but the fir eat Lim off. aad Lis lifeless body ws fount with the tie one's cUped la Lis arms. i F T! 1 I I 4 t i l ; , ;t . i . t l: ' r ' - . t ;