1- J it: It a' 1 - " I I I II Che people's 1 SALEM, N. C. THUBSDAY, JULY 1, 1880. r Entered as second-class matter at the Pos Office at Salem, N. C.I ! AovIWa Innnr and indomitable COU1 r(5$ age; a man of the peiple; and. fa who is behalf lant soldier, vvm. linois. V- The call for Indiana was the cause for most enthusiastic cheering out side of the delegates' seats, which was renewed wildly as the banner of ft TT 1 TlL- 1 A a legislator, -ana nnaiiyt.an of Illinois, henamed the gal )ldier, Wm. !PjMjfrrisonot IV 1 THE PEOPLE'S PRESS Thomas A. Hendricks moved from - .r FOR 1880. V The Democratic Flatforau adopted by thx national convxn- tlOK- AT CINCINltATI, JUNK 24, 1880. ' The .Democrats of tho United States in convention assembled de clare : ! -; First. We pledge ourselves anew to .the constitutional doctrines and 'Democratic i A Frort S1.50 J YEAE. - The Paiss entered Its twenty-eighth (28th) vnrnniA on Jannaxv 1st. 1880. Now is the time to subscribe. will be an exciting one m tne -country, and it will be our endeavor the Paass more interesting and than -ever.. . . If sufficient encouragement be received, various improvements will be made. Persons wishing to act as Agents will bear something to their advantage, if they write us at once- 8end for instructions and terms. L. V. &. E.T. BLUM, Salem, N. C., Jan. 1,1880. FOB governor: THOMAS J. JARVJS, Of Pitt. POE LIEUTINANT-OOTEKNOK : JAMES, L. ROBINSON, . Of Macon. : FOE SECRETARY OF STATE : WILLIAM, L. SANDERS, Of Wake. FOE ATTORNEY GENERAL. THOMAS S. KENAN, Of Wilson: FOE 8TATE TREASURES: JOHN M. WORTH, Of Randolph, fob auditor: W.P.ROBERTS, ; Of Gates. foe soft, public instruction : JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH, Of Johnson. Electors for the State at Large : James M. Leach,, of Davidson. Fabits H. Busbex, of Wake. sifT.a nlatfoim VnnrbftftH 1 traditions OI tllO "re lBW v ' - L :ii....,i w . u: A -.f TnHiorm raid hft rieftired tOTVre- 1 parvv HJ uiubiruitu uy iewuinguu sent the f flames pf'a distinguished example of a long line of Democrat MfirATi f.rTndi&hftVbo was fit to be ic statesmen and patriots, and cm. President:"" After eonplimentary al- bodied in the platform of the last lusion to all the candidates already national convention 01 mo party. 1 "TMq -roar 1UB10I1.1.U Ml MIO VHUUIUBIC? " " . X .. . 1 ' ld poli o?the presented, all . of whom he knew Second. Opposition to ccntralira. 'J eavortomake were worthy of every honor, fho tion and to that dangerous spirit of H. has 1 i entertaining u tiLAW. were nonftu however, with encroachment which tends to consol- Pa" said there were none, however, with more commendation in the works of his life than attached ' to Tbos.A. Hendricks. Great Applause. In- aiana nas ior xweniy years oeen au idate the power of all the "depart ments in one, and thus to creato, whatever be the form of government, a real despotism : no sumptuary XA5 0PE5 'LETTER, Boa. F. InnflU to hU Con- ,-- XrstltBent. : $ Fellow Citizeit of. the Seventh Co i -gressional : District of JCorth. Crto lina: . K J On my return from Washington, I found an unusual amount of contro versy and excitement, in the Demo cratic party, about tho congrcioual nomination.1 Several of tbo rountica, it is said, have bold their conven tions, apd instructed their delegate unfavorably to my nomination, and I hoar - many-murmurs and com plaints of the means by which these results have been brought about. . been tbo uniform custom of in this, and all the district of the Slate, when n man has been elected for one term, to endorso his conduct and bis Democracy, by nom inating him a tctand time unless he mevthat 1 dm not what I profeftsed to bo, a Democrat from principle. Let your convention fairly express the will of tho pccplo ; for they alone havo the riir'-t to ray who shall lead tkem. :Lct uothin'g be done by ma nipulation, nothing yielded lb volici-' Italion or to personal ambition ; and I aatcuro you that whatever posi tion you shall assign to me, I shall cheerfully and to tho utmoat of my ability, aharo with you tho toih of the battle, and tho joys of victory or -the sorrows of defeat. ? 'four grateful fcllow-citircn, K. K. Arm mux. IKK 131 i B aUAiLOWTOCD bT- (OPPOSITE PirDUOVT WAREHOCSE). ' WINSTON n. c.f WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL DEALERS IN rotMers : k4i t n.. Uw ? Beiiaration of Church and State has been guilty of somo. dereliction lUUUf wuv uaiuu c uuu ui vu iu- i i . 1 - . . . 1 . . 1 i-i fi,nnv RbflTftfivprfRltered for the cood of each : common 01 uuiy, or maao some misiaKo, uko- a 1 tt" i.T-i x a r A t a u wnnU b tb tftff of consistintr of cold and silver and Ta- not aware that any such dereliction r i-..- 0 twi. rnrftrtihlfl into coin on dflmiind- or mistake has been or is likely to Kreui yiumrv. inuuwuBo i I rV : ; r. ' 7' t. wvn" rADplause.l schools to be fostered and protected, ly to bring reproach .upon thoiart3', were realize Y Third. Heme rule, honest money, or injury to the public service. I am TT51 TOivw.-rTSilTi-fTTiTiTt GrWerie GeneraP i Grass Seeds, Fcrtlllicrs nnd Conntrj Itadnee. OUIt EFFORTS TO-BUILD UP ALinnE TRADE nAS BEEN CBOWKED with aucceaa, and.w bare ben comitlW to dooMe the alia and capacity of oar former storehouse, which rim a thcr bel arraaged and moat eoavaatrai store-rooma in ia iixe. n bare very tsany articlea to oar stock a4 separated our wholeaala department from the ratail aad toada it vrrj eomplcta ana we are cow ple4 to oUer to Uta Spring trad a both wholeaala and retail a stock.-in quality, variety and mamilodt. net er before eoualed In thia marktt. c arc rtleaacd to see the indica-lna Wlin oarincreaaea lacmuea ana renewea enerry, we tnlena tooctroar eua- The appointment of Col. Jaiuo K. Boyd aa E. H. DUtrict Attorney, has been confirmed. Whittaker, the colored cadet at Wtt Point, haa been convicteil of committing the outrage on hinwlf, by the court o Enquiry. ' He haa alo leen dinmLwetl for incompetency. When Massachusetts was 'called I strict maintenance of tho public a a . aw a t . oe iaia to my cnarge. u nue u . Urt mm . ... . , . " ...W. ftWUV . that I should feci as keenly 'as any man in the district tho reproach of being made the first exception to this- immemorial 'usage a usage pleaded by my immediate predecess- tions of prosperity in that excellent paper, tho Monroe Ksquieee, by its or, ana auow to mm without dis pute yet I desire to say, what ma ny of you know, that 1 did not seek my former nomination by any un manly arts ; by the tricks of the demagogue , by descending to per sonal solicitation; nor would I pur chase a re-nomination at such a price; for I 'believe, with Lord Macaulay that. wThe man who yields his suf frage to solicitation, U as much brib ed as if be sold it fur a fivc-poand note;" and I will add that the man who wins it by solicitation is as cor- it Mr. Saltonstall. took the platform raith, estate ana national; tarinr tor and seconded the nomination of Bay- revenue only, ard. Applause. He said the coun Fourth. Subordination of the mili- try waa weary of merely available tary to civil power and general and men. It wanted the best man, and thorough reform of tho civil service, the best would be the most avail- ; Fifth, The right to free ballot is able. TApplause.! Without a blot the right preservative of all rights, upon his life, public or private, like and must and Bhall bo maintained in his great prototype, without fear every part of the United States, and without reproach, he was . a Sixth. The existing ad mimstra fit candidate for President of these tion is tho representative of a con United States. spiracy only, and its claim of right New York being called, voices in to surround the ballot-boxes with the galleries called "Tilden, "Til- troops and deputy marshals, to in- den," and were greeted with furious timidate and obstruct electors, and hisses. tho unprecedented use of tbo veto to When Ohio was called .Mr. Swee-i maintain its corrupt and despotic ny of that State, took the platform1 power, insults the people and imper. and read a speech in which he said lis their institutions. tVr Ttmnm.iTr rf Ohio in aohvati J Seventh. Tho threat fraud of 1876- tiori. with absolute unanimity, hadi 77, by which upon a false count of rup politically, as if bo paid for determined to present the name of tho electoral votes of two States the J1)" hve-nound note. Allen G. Thurman. He would fori candidate defeated at the polls was Daring the spring ot 1878, when bear any eulogy, for that would not declared to be President, and for the my friends were proposing my name be grateful to the man whose name first time in .American history the for tho nomination, I was careful he presented, nor would he consume will of the people set aside under a never, on any occasion, to attend or time in reciting useless biography, threat or military violence, was commonicato with any convention When Pennsylvania was called, struck a deadly blow at our system of a county or township, though frc its chairman said they had no can- of representative government ; the quently in the towns where they didate to present, but one of their Democratic party, preserve the were being held, attending, as usual. delegates desired to present the country from civil war, submitted w c practice oi my proiession : ior namsofDan Doughterty of PMla- for the time in the firm and patriot- I knew that if any man should a p- delphia; who took tho platform, as ic faith that the people would punish proach me, either as a voter or a he said, to nominate one ' whose this crime in 1880. This issue pre- member of a political convention, to name would reconcile all ., factions, cedes and drawls every other. It inl and carry Pennsylvania, j Indiana, poses a more sacrod duty upon tho Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, people of tbe Union than ever ad- and Ohio. He proposes to name a dressed the consciences of a nation OI tree men. Eighth. Wo execrate tho courso of this administration in making places in tho civil service a reward for political crime, and demand ro- Democracy of Florida, at a harmo nious semtion in convention taut week, nominated W. D. Bloxham for Govern or on the third ballot. ' " . tomert greater inducements than aver. before, and by purtalnf the tama eoanm aa heretofore, we hope and expect to achieve atill greater reaalta, and to merit toe Hmf, , ii v win (mduohi m nava in aiocK m luii um oi LADIES' DRESS GOODS, A Great EaterprUe. Tho Hop Bittern Manufacturing Company fa one of Rochester's great est business enterprises. Their Hop Bitters have reached a sale beyond all precedent, having from their in trinoic valuo found their way into al most every household in the land. Graphic. ICE CREAM. TURE FRESH ICE CREAM, at At MELLERS OLD STAND. or xvrxr ptacxjrnox, .- " . v.-.' .. ; ! . .. . ; Ladiea Ii'dfa, ' CoUoaade, . .. Larfiee ItaftX! linens, Ladiea HhawU, Jeans, ,, Ldiea Kid Glove, Caa timer, Perfumery; - : Doeakina, Ribbona, ' . Broadcloths, Inaertinsa. Friea, Jeaat, Hamburg Ed tinea. Counterpanes, riaia. Sheetinr, Calico Lawns, Piques, Linens, worsteds. Cashmeres, ' Slkj, Gratscloths, Swias Muslins, Victoria Lawns, Jaconets, - Bl'ched Dometio,Cambrk, Ladies Tiea, Osnaberfs, Ladies' Collars, r unnela. jAt Cuff, . Hickory Shirtings, Ladies' Hosiery, wed Tickiof, Putty; .CoCr, Lneks,' &ucsf, lHnrva, vfapt Screws , , Soda, KetUea, Fish, Mule Sheea, Salt, Horaa Saoea, . Meat, ltattocks,Uoea. Lard, Cotton Yarns, Pnlnnfra, Rhirta a Collars, Horse Bhoe Naila,Floar, Tiea a SaspenderSjOrindsloaea, - Meal, Pocket Knives, Kaivea i Forks, Nails, Axes, Hammer, Sa . . Gla, vim a Leaa, hen, VarnUbes, Tuba, , Drafa,Dy-StaCs, Rope, Pat'nt Medieiaea, Cora, Leather, Chop. Crockery, OaU. Atauonery. . Rye, Seventh District Congressional Convention. At a meeting of the Democratic Exec utive Committee of the Seventh District held at Statesville on the 8th of June, a Convention to nominate a candidate for Congress was called to meet in YAD KIN VILLE on THURSDAY, the 5th of August, . -. ! , Democratic National Convention. Wo noticed proceedings of first day, Tuesday, the 22nd, last week. On Wednesday, Hon. Mr. Stephens of Kentucky, was selected as perma nent President, who on taking the chair, addressed the Convention at length. Towards the latter part of the dav. 1 ing to their feet it forever impossible for a defeated (Wednesday,) Mr. Brecenkridge of When South Carolina was , called, candidate, to bribo hisf way to the Kentucky, moved that the Conven- Wade Hampton ros'e and was greet- seat of a usurper. v tiou proceed with the business of cd with a tremendous 'burst of ap Ninth, The resolution of Samuel nominations, which was adonted. plause as he went forward on his J. Tilden not again to bo a cand!- m . C . I . ft 1 J lftl ! L l.-Jl ft 1 . i V The roll of states was called ac- cruicnea ana ascenaeaxne piauorm. uaio ior mo exaueapiaceiownicn oe When order was restored, Hampton was elected by a majority of his coun said South Carolina had no prefer- trymen, and from whieh he was ex ences no candidates. Recognizing eluded by the leaders of the Repub the enthusiasm with which Han- lican party, is received by the Demo cock's name had been received, he crats of the United , States with sen would say that the truth would feel sibility, and they declare their con- safe with Hancock, for they had fidepco in his wisdom, patriotism soldier whose name was as stainless as his sword Winfield Scott Han cock. This gave occasion for the wildest burst of applause that had been witnessed either on the floor or solicit me to support him for office. I should feel that he had insulted me by undefating my intelligence, my integrity, and tbe independence of my judgement, ai.d 1 want to treat all my fellew-citixens with tho tame respect and consideration that" I would require from others. And fur ther, during tho spring circuit of HlllM. cordingly for nominations. When California was called, Mr. McElrath, of its delegation, took the platform, saying it was his high privilege in this convention to name the next President of the United States. fAp- plause.l After some general remarks in the crallerien. manv delegates ris- form bv a statute which shall make 1878, 1 uniformly refused, though so- -r- I . . ... . . .1 ir;. j . i. i . . iiciieu, iu maae poiuicai apeccuca, ui my courts, as I had been in tho hab it of doing on every circuit since 18C5: lest I mioht appear to take advantage of the sitting member, wh was compelled to be in Wash ington attending to hia official do tie. Having, won a nomination and an election from such a people, and by such' honorablo means, 1 have a right and expect to be proud of it as long as I live, and to leave it as a rich legacy of honor to my children. I do not claim, my fellow-citizens, that you owe me a le-nominatiou. 1 havo always held that a party owes nothing to the individual but that tho ' individual if a patriot owes everything to the party that em bodies and carries' out bis princi- 0.LW. HOWARD Would inform his friend and cus tomers that he has moved from Winston to the OLD FOLKBRSON STORE. SALEM, N. C, and, ax heretofore, he will be the pio neer of low prices. Believinjr in a nim ble sixpence, he will endeavor always to sell at the lowest poible rate, FAMILY and STAPLE (1KOCEH1ES, STAPLE DKY GOODS A SHOES. Coffee, 15 cents; Sugar 10 cents and other goods proportionately low. A full supply always on hand. CALL AND SEE HIM. Paints, Notions of every description," White Goods, Trunks and Valise, Sole, Harness and Upper Leather, Blanket, Oil Cloths, Table Linens. Napkin; Um brellas. Ac. A larre assortment of all colors and numbers of J. St P. Coat1 SIX COIID SPOOL COTTON, always on hand, at same prices and on same terms thai it is sold by the largest jobbing houses; In America, Yoa will save freight by buying from us. We continue to keep . Best Assortment of ALPACAS in Town, and offer inducement in Ladiea' Dress Goods. We are Role Areata for the Win chester Caasimeres, Boots and Shoes, which are so well and favorably knowa that it is only necessary to state that we wul offer this year a greater variety of both than ever before. , Every pair of Shoes and Cools fully warranted. It is a co need ad fact that we carry a larrer and batter assorted aioak and sell more Boots and Shoes than any bouse lit this county. . - . Our Wholesale Department will be more complete this year tha ever before, and we are fully prepared to meet all competition both here and elsewhere, and ask our country acerchanta to make a note of this. 20,000 BAGS FOR SALE; ON'LTBEIUL TERMS. THIS SPRING, nr ALLISO IM & A D D I S O r J r S ) a as to the purposes and policy of the I been, under him . when in power, latfd, integrity to bo unshaken by tho democratic party, ho said he desir- xney t appreciatea tne aouuy 91 assaults 01 a common enemy, ana ed to present tho name of one of her Thurman, and the fitness of all the they furthur assnro him that he is own sons, born in JNew England and candidates who have been named, followed into the retirement he has developed in California Stephen J, but South Carolina favored- Bayard cbosen for himself by the sympathy Field. Appointed as a Democrat du- because they believed him the and ' respect of his fellow-citizens, rinn-thft 1 hroAH nf thfl rivil wt hlA stronsrest name before' the Conven- who recrard him as one who! bv ele- the commission of Abraham Lincoln tion. Applause,! vating tbe standards of public moral- Pics- 7 name shall never, with my as evidence of his loyalty to theUni- The chairman of the Convention ity and adorning and purifying tho consent, stand in the way or the tn- on. He was a man without fear and then announced the names ? that public service, merits tbe lasting timph of Democratic principles. Tbe reproach, the very embodiment of were in nomination for President of gratitude of his country and his par- man wn0 Pon th eve of a great na- faith. Mr. Brown of California, ec- the United States. ' The names of ty. . . - tional struggle like the one now im- onded the nominaticn of Mr. Field, Hendricks, Thurman and Hancock Tenth, Free Jship and a living pending, which will shake tho conti- but could not be heard, and was inter- were received with considerable ap- chance for-American commerce on nent, and repair or perpetuate the rupted by cries of "time, time ?" 'let 1 piause, that 01 Hancock being the seas and on land ; no discrimination the Secretary read it," until he with- greatest, most enthusiastic and ap- in tavor ot transportation b;nes, cor- ytxrvuhiy vuc uiubl eponuiueous anu I pursvions or monopolies. 60 XSSORTED CARDS; with name neatly printed, sent by mail to any ad dress for 15 cents. S3 o m -n i O 03 CD 5 H K m COMPLETE MANURE FOR TODACCO. Dried Frnlt! k Ooantry Pro dac taken in fzcbtnit for nerchandlse, Wt invite all to come and examine our Block and Priors LcXors porchaaiag. N.H.-tEDEARIS.of Fonyth. Are with us a haW TH08. H. PI-XiKAU. Jrof Winston, 1 tneo, and Invite their V.w. JIAKTIX, or Davie,- I friends and acqnaiot- W. H. BYNUM. ofStokes, I ancea to call and e K. F. WALL, of Sorry, J .them. : . Respectfully r April 10, 1SS0. niXSnATT BUOTIXKBA S Sol drew. wrongs of tho much injured South, aud givo to the whole country peace, fraternity and a completely restored The call of Delaware) war trrortoA natural. Eleventh. Amendment of the Bnr. union, or perpetuate the reign of with tumultuous applause. Mr. Geo. Mr.Breckenridge moyod the Con- lingamo treaty; no more Chinesoim- iate, discord and consolidation the Gray of that State, presented the vention proceed to ballot, and urged migration except for travel, educa- mun 1 say, who at such a times a name of Mr. Thos. F." Bayard. He the importanco of proceeding with tion and foreign commerce, and "this, could place his personal promo said Delaware, though small in num- business and. getting through with thereon carefully guarded. l'on 'n competition with tho success bers, was proud of the history and U quickly as possible. Twelfth. Public money and public of nis Partji ia taso as tbo soldier her position ' in the sisterhood; of Mr. Hasrcett of Mississippi, moved credit for purposes sole! v. and nub- "who, whilo his comrades aro strug 1 4 I . fv . 1 f a ! r tm a . States. She was here to do her best proceed to ballot for a nominee for President. Agreed to, with a few dissents. The roll was then called. FIBST BALLOT. j' , The first ballot was announced by the. chair as follows : "Whole vote cast, 7351; Bayard 163, Field 65, in behalf oi the common cause. Who will lead best in tho struggle for constitutional government ana pop ular rights? They were here to-day to decide. ; A voice "Bayard, Bay ard 1" When the speaker mention ed the full name of Thomas Francis Bayard, it was hailed with a sponta neous burst of applause. He was no novice, but a man of experience and Randall 3, Tilden 38, Lathrop 1,-M! a ,.u,,,uu c uteiiana a, Jttiack 1, JSngish 1, rar ord were known, berever our flags ker 1, Jewett 1, Ewing 10. i floats or the English language As ho vote of each State was an is spoken. With a private charao- nnced from the platform cheers ter, as spotless as snow, judgement and hisses were renewed, and some cear as suniigni, ana nonest, the one moved that the galleries be dear told who and what he is. In whom more thap him will the business in terests of the country find 'more trust? Who better than he will tru lie land for actual settlers. Thirteenth. The Democratic par- .. A a m a aa iy is tne lriena ot labor and tbo la boring man, and pledges itself to protect' him alike, against cormo rants and the commune. : Fourteenth. We congratulate the Morrison 6?, Hendricks 49, Han- untry uPn the honesty and thrift cock 171, Thurman 68, Seymour 8, ?f lh( democratic Congress which TT a a m -va mr C nfifl mwi nAA1 t. a va Vvf r a AAft,l!a .a... uowiapa o, jrayne 01, Mcxionald 3. 1 C ,UV5U fc,,w uuimn;B m.ji,j luuiiuns a year, upon a con tinuation of prosperity at homo and national honor abroad and above I all tipon the promise of such change iu me administration 01 ine govern ment as shall insure as genuine and lasting reform in . every department of the public service. gling for life and victory, lays down bis gun to fill hia knap-sack with the plunder ot the sialn. IT my name is in the way "of Democratic success in this great struggle,. tako it down, ana 11 1 murmur, or lag behind, or do not figb. as long and woll as firivate in tho ranks, with a musket n my hands, as when I was mount ed and wore a. word, then ay of U w Sh? go 5 h 3 r g2S 5 CO o g 1 h rmtzjOM P; 5 2 ? s ai J n 5r ET O 0 9 5 CD " S - a a, a i X ' AT THE OLD STA1TD OP P. PRIES, J t " a A-3Li mmHllL Kmy TN ORDER TO: SUPPLY- THE INCREASING". DEMAND FOR 1 GOODS AT THIS OLH ESTABLISHED HOUSE. I have had a buyer in the Northern cltlca to make selectiona in person, and aow have ready for inspection - '?.' , . A FULl. AND CdWPLETE STOCK, to which I Invite the 'atUntlon of oiy old . Wholesale and Eetaii Cfustoiiiers, FLORAL PAEL PICTUnE.I LILIES OK THE VALLEY, n UOSES and DAISES, CALLA LILIES, I Haautirui ornaments at tho BOOKSTORE and all who-xnav wish to bnv. The stock Is FULL Jn everr hr&nch. InHnln . . t ..r . , a s ec, hut it was not Dressed. W hil the clerks were adding up their tal- uiu uanu umyeu jjixic, ine nrst there was no choice, -,, The Convention then adjourned until 10 o'clock Thursday morn jug. Thursday's Proceedings. !. Cincinnati, June 2410.45 A J M. The first ballot taken to-day stands : Hancock 316. Barard 113. I.. il . "T . I .-x uuu,v..vv u iucii ICCIi niiu ,j ...un.r iu ...ucrauu pany, cheers, redoubled as Yankee Doodle ur wuugivc jugiier uirecvion 10 aspi- followed rations than he whose name is the very synonym of opposition to cor ruption in every form ? Who4 had contributed more to the, present commanding strength of the Demo cratic party? Don't tell us who ad mire and love him that he is una vailable. Don't tell us that he is too good a man to command the suf frages of the Democratic party.. Tell us that brave party is to be led by brave men; who will never falter, in any emergency. - His nomination will presage a victory in November from the Uulf to plause.1 i When Illinois was caHed, Mr. Hancock 685. Hendricks 30. Bava-H Samuel S. Marshall, after a some- 2, Tilden 1. ' ' ; t what r tiresome, general political Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock was ttpeecb, ih which he was iBterrupt- declared , the . Democi-aUc nominee ed by impatient calls of "time, time" for President of the United States, and,, confusion j said; the American and the Hon. W. H. English of In- people now demand as their leader a diani, for Vice- .President.- CAar- inan worthy of the cause; one of in- lotte Democrat. - ' ' f Hancock and Jarvis Club. A strain of which brought a large part large and enthusiastic Democratic meeting was held at the Courthouse on Saturday last. H. W. Fries was The chair announced that as no called to the Chair. W. B. Glenn one received two-thirds of the vote explained the object'of the mectingj in a few appropriate remarks. raw VCCCTADLE ,. Ell I f Tho.dub was permanently organ ized by electing : r President M. W. NorflecU iVice Presideut.-J. W. Alxpaugh, 2 Dr. Shaffner, 3 S. Allen 4- Dr. Brown, 6 Tjjirown,: C J. Field 65, Hendricks 1, Thurman 50, w Fries 7 G L Miller 7 W A Tilden 6, Randall 129, Hewitt 1 , MlUer' A' Parker 2, Enelish 19. 1 ' BeTeI: V ! I - ' - 2, English 19. the Ocean. Ap- GEN, HANCOCK NOMINATED. 12 o'clock, M. Second ballot Secretary and I Treasurcr.-J.' A. Robinson. ; '-' : ; ' Ono hundred and ffve names were entered upon tbe roll of the club. The Baleni Aroetuur Band furnjghed the music. " ' . State Normal School opened at Chapel IIill,.June 24th, and closes July II 11 v A mat VEGETABLE RtUEDY ' i For Intamal and CztarnaJ Um, ' ) Is s SUtt CUIC fcr afl ths Disss, hka It Is nummfi aW W ALWAYS FLXFECTLY SAfX Is (Ss tiaads f svss ths tort psnoas. T is a mm m4 mlek vsm4t tar COUCns. fKIBB TUBOAT CITXLJA Mat atmllar tombwi: afford --r-r-w mf mmtmmmtg DIPTTTllEJUJl, U4 h (ka Wi t tor IUIEVJ1ATIXM Mat NEUKALUIA. and Gaps. Hoota anrl fllific- TTi-rrltsrare. : Orockctyi'Glaaawaxo; c.; "fib. . . " . -' . - . It would bo' too tedious to enumerate all tho attractions, but would !rty,Laltcnlion o .tb fine selection of SHAWLS, DRESS GOODS, PLAIDS, OPERA, HED AND WHITE" FLANNELS, RE- p ?v p iJi-Mn vn wnpm 1? OTI ONB, GENTLftEMKTS i LADI ES' SiMEB'UWDERWlUIl.-ZIlM & BROTHER'S HAND SEWED BOOTS, AND LADIES PINE SHOES: I will nlj aelL, aa heretofore, the Goods of P. & HPRIES HOLTS. of HANDOLPII SUEETING3 at FACTORY PRIHFi?. r I havo tho agency for.theaale of l s p rOAT'fl CELE BRATED SIX; CORD GPtioCboZll. DixpiiiA raicia. Ihis thread ia ackSc5gc5T it aVo no'.aprrlor i the market. - " . ' '7 ... - -,2- - . . - 1 THE CLCIST.tlSTf ARO UOST WIDELY KROYII FAU1LY LUD1C1HE III THE WORLD. i is ftwu if a- mm H4 far CHjlMT. CIIOLXKA, DUUKIICI.: x cv.-l i LK x , mm ma nutf tXt t.X JlrlftJl.1 N I am mmfmiHug aaraar Oat mm N TH. Oaf U 3 , I also contlnue'tho gcncy of the Justly celabraUd EP HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS' CONST ?T USE IU ALL COUIITRIES ATID CUUATES. - It Si ItXCOanXKXDEO by Parslrian, T '-rttn 'i MWa Maara w PlmatatWa. VVwk.Kktu. '. Wim ta IlMraUaU la abort, tor th. f IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A UniUDIT. Ti abookt tw Md for Pala ta tkm Kara ! U BrvUi 4 K ml Haa, mm mmn.mm.ml rmtimf la iJl Cmtm. StvrmlM, Stvtr Brraa, SmU. at. no rAaxii.Y cxn aarxL.v db wirnorr rr. which bare, by norocrous .trials 'mveJ 'to 'te aoiK?rior to any herrio fore. introduced in this aection.. In addition to their eiccUrt.r. tbe pnee ahould induce every farmer to boy them. v., mn n can, nnu i win aatitfy yoti that I tnUnd to sell yon 4: : G300ID . JBA PAATNT. 3Jiflj frpoi-ppe K- C ta AW Mia. tad a 11 PCnnY DAVIO d COrJ, Provldoncw, R. I. j Proprietor in anything I .haTo to offer, as I. havo boagU cxclosirely for CASH. K,v,nff n?ycfncra the, benefit oi all cah diacoonta, J j awn xery snort profit: "' . ; .,, t I ... m ''",., - . : . . 1 Salem, N. 0; Oct. 23, m. H VJ FRICOf

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