j A- .A. . ... SALEM, N.C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1887. Entered assecoud-class matter atthePost Office at Salem N.C THE PEOPLE'S PRESS FOK 1887. : J S1.50 A. YEAE. The Prkss entered its thirty-fifth vol ume on January l8t,1887. Now is the time to subscribe. It will be our endeavor to make the Press more in teresting and entertaining than ever. L. V.& E. T. BLTTM.- Salein, N.C. Jan. 6, 1887. With the end of the year the People's Press will eloso its thirty fifth volume. We would urge our delinquent subscribers to settle up without delay as we need money to carry on the business. Eleven criminals were publicly whipped in the New Castle jail yard, at Wilmington, Del., yesterday. The predicted storm of Wiggins in the Lake region and north Atlan tic coast, struck the Gulf coast be tween New Orleans and Galveston Goldsboro Argus: The fishing season at Morchoad is opening very poorly, we arc informed. Iho nsh are said to be unusually small in size and quantity. ' The State Pensioners have in creased considerably since last year, This year tbe tipportionmcnt wil not exceed $8 to tbe individual while last j'ear it was $14. Trouble is expected with the negroes in Matagorda county, Tex., resulting trom the supposed killing ol a negro constable. Great excite ment among tbe whites and blacks. On Thursday last, the Wilming ton star completed its ZUth year. ii is noi oniy me oldest dairy in North Carolina, but it has attained to greater ago than any other daily ever attained to in this State. It is bright, newsy and one of the beet dailies in the South. New towns and entteprises may need " booms " to push ahead their development, but the old reliable ag ricultural journal, The Southern Cultivator, of Atlanta, Ga., keeps on its steady, sure and permanent march at the bead ot all other publi cations of the kind in the South where it has always been the stand ard authority in agricultural mat tors. JNo better evidence of its worth is seen than the fact that many of its subscribers have taken it ever 6ince 1843, the year it com menced publication. Age, however, docs not dim its brightness or lessen its vigor, for it is always growing in i merest, and power. If you are not a subscriber now, send for a sample copy at once. It will be sent free to any person sode- Binng. . The Ohio Democrats, like the Massachusetts Democrats, are com- S laming that there are too many epublicans in office. Gen. Powell. me jemocratic candidate tor liov ernor of Ohio, mm Washington. He and the President have had a talk over the situation. A Washing-ton special to the New York World, a jy service paper, says : " He told the President frankly mat, ne nao Deen moving around among the people of Ohio and found an alarming amount of apathy" in Democratic quarters. The reason for it, he told Mr. Cleveland, was that so many Republicans were still retained in office in Ohio and Wash ington. Our people are discourag ed,' he added, 'and say that they b(To no incentive to work for their par ty's success." Scribner for October openswith a superbly illustrated article on the Paris School of Ai t. It is a worthy tribute to this high art institution. Seth's Brother's wife continues in in terest. The sacred Flame of Torin Ji is concluded. " Cavern's and Cav- era lnfe" is one of the finest sam-1 pies of descriptive writing accompa nied with illustrations rarely, if ever equalled anywhere. It is a treat to examine the pictures. The Arkan sas story is very characteristic. The Village of Viger and the Bucolic Dialect of the Plains, aro all good of their kind. For beauty and variety Scribner is hard to surpass. Price $3 per year. New York, Sept: 26. The Su preme Court in general term affirm ed the judgement of conviction in the case of Jacob Sharp, all four of the Judges concurring. The case can be appealed to the Court of Ap- Seals, but Sharp will be sent to Sing ing on Friday. -Brownsville. Tains' anA (U u,.. j m u VUU OUA rounding country were visited by a terribly destructive cyclone on Wed nesday week. The damage in the country is incalculable. Countless cattle and sheep have been lost, and crops of cotton, corn and sugar cane are completely prostrated and des troyed. One rancher on a small ' place calculates bis loss in cotton alone at $20,000, and many others arc equally heavy losers. The total of the losses will be far beyond one million dollars. Hartford, Conn., September 15. At -about 1 o'clock this jifternoon Mrs. Simeon-Labonte, the wife of a saloon-keeper at No. 144 Front street left home and with her baby in her arms, walked to the foot of Morgan street and threw herself fnto the river. She was rescued in an uncon scious condition, with the baby dead 9. . . i in uer arum, .a. warrant, to nom i,na woman for murder has beon issued. She had lived unhappily with her husband. State Fair Specialties. Special and very attractive feat ures for the approaching State fair are being added every day. Besides the regular grand display of agricul tural and manufactured products, fancy work, machinery, stock, races, &c, the following attractions are al readj' arranged on the programme: A grand Farmers' State Institute at which more leading farmers will assemble than have ever met togeth er before in the history of the State. A reunion of the survivors of Gen. Robert Hansom's famous and glori ous regiment. A great re-union of Tar Heels who now reside in other States a general greeting, hand-shaking and big lollincatinn ot old friends and acquaintances met once again. A special manufacturers' depart ment w? 'ch will cause the heart of every true blooded North Carolinian to swell with pride A grand industrial parade on a scale ot magnitude and magnificence never before attempted in tho State, snowing its many great and varied industries in actual operation on large floats elegantly constructed and drawn by horses in a grand pro cession. Kutberlord county has as yet s y never been represented at a fair, bat tbe secretary was advised that some extra fine exhibits would be entered from there this year.. Threo other counties that have never before been represented by private enterprises will -have exhibits this 'ear. The Agricultural , Department is working up a grand state exhibit in which every county in the state wil be represented The Great Durham Tobacco Com pany, J.S. Carr, president, has sent in a nouDcation ol its intention to make one of its finest and best ex hibits. Ine company is noted the world over for its magnificence in displays. Col. Thomas M. Holt, of the Gran lto Cotton Mills, Haw River, will shut down tbe mills for one dav during fair week to give the opera- tiycs an opportunity ot attending the fair. It is expected that all the lactones ot Alamance and Randolph counties will shut down for a day that all their operatives may come, and the fair authorities are" taking Bieps towards running- an excursion train for their especial accommoda tion. Something will be done to please 'and interest everybody, both large ana smaii, and an interesting: feature iL. I!nl. I . V ior me nine ooys nas just been ad ded. This is a goat race and occurs on Friday of fair-week. Any boy can enter his goat for the race under the following rules : JNo entrance fee required. Boys who wish to compete must have their names entered with the secre tary of the Agricultural Society at least ten days before the race takes place, lhey will be permitted to practice on the race track by secur ing a permit irom the secretary.. Goats to be in harness and driven by owner. The race to take place on me race tracK at 12J o'clock on Friday, the 21st of October. For fastest goat, half mile, $10.00 For next fastest, 5.00 .Fremiums guaranteed and will be paid. A .Nashville special says: The people of Davidson county voted on the proposition to subscribe half a million collars to the Tennessee Midland Railroad. This line is in tended to run the, entire length of me oiaie irom Jiempbis to the Vir ginia estate line, via Nashville and Knoxville. The campaign has been one of the most bitter ever known in 4 111 a nf.. 1 rP 1 . . i hjio wuuiy. xue voio stood as ioilows : t or the subscription. 12 972- against the subscription, 4,507. This is toe resull,ol to-day's election with five country districts to hear from and it is riot believed that the resnlt. in these five will be such as to g-ive U ; .1 ... -O hjo requisite mreo-iourths by about l l i t iuur nunored.- Marquette, September 20 Th Duluth, South Shore &T Atlantic train ot six cars, laden with ore, got away from the trainmen last night, and ran down the grade at a high rate of speed lor four miles. At. th scale track, just west of the city, the cars crashed into a side track full of empty ore flats. Fifty cars are piled thirty feet high. Billy Mahone. t,h conductor, is missing and thar ;a no doubt that he is under the wroplr About the same time; Robt. Guerny brakeman of the pile train, got caught between the cars and was scalped. He may live. At the same time the fire bell rang: an alarm, and it was found that the Company's freight depot in the city was in flames.. The fire was put out with small loss. Pittsburg, Pa.. Sept. 22. A mnm. moth salt company, composed of all the largo salt manufacturers in the Dnited States is about; to h formal It will be known as the National Salt Union,' and will be headquarters xyji iu Ban, supply ot the whole country. Delegates from salt firms m Ohio, Michigan and New York met in this city within the past week, and made arrangements for the union and another meeting will be held soon for the organization and election of officers. The object of the union is mutual protection and to keep up prices so as to be able to compete with foreign manu facturers. Th.e Union will bo com posed of 63 companies in all : 11 in Pittsburg, 9 in New York, 30 in Michigan, and 13 in Ohio. .Washington, Sept. 21. The Pres ident and Mrs. Cleveland will leave Washington to-morrow for an ab- SCVf,JlirWeek8 in th West and South. They will be accom panied byno officials, the other members of the party being the President's Private Secretary Col Lampnt, two personal friends of tho President, Mr. Wilson S. Bissett, of Buffalo, his former law partner, and Dr. Joseph D. Brvant nfr v, 1 - -1 w ' v . A Ul h. WnA Wilfl o m nmt, f i ... ' ' '"ouiuor ui Q18 staff while Governor. military If your hair is turning gray don't use the poisonous dyes which burn out its life and produce many diseases of the scalp. Ayer's Hair Vigor is harmless, and will restore the natural color of the hair, stimu late its growth, and bring back its youthful gloss and beauty. FOREIGN, Ireland.- William O'Brien,' who is charged with sedition under the coercion act, was on the 22nd, con veyed from Cork jail: to Mitchells town, where the seditions language was used, to stand trial ; he was re ceived with tremendous cheering by a largo crowd who had assembled to welcome him, and a number of Eng lish ladies presented him with bou quets. Mr. O'Brien has been convicted on throe counts and sentenced to three months' impi isonment in each case. He appealed to tbe higher court and is out on bail. O'Brien, when he emerged from the court room after the trial, was received with an ovation by a large crowd which had assembled to testi fy their approval of his course. -Paris, Sept. 22. The story s con- .hrmed that after .0 execution of the murderer Pranzini, acertain po lice official obtained a portion of the murderer's skin from an attendant at the medical school and had it converted into a couple of purses. one ot which he presented to AI M laylor and Goran, and the other to the police officials as souvenirs. The lhe facts leaking out, the latter de livered the purses to the Procurator General, who dismissed all concern od in tho matter. Metz, Sept. 20. A son of Schnae beles, tho French commissary, who was arrested at Pagny Schrelloselle last April, has been arrested and imprisoned by the German authori ties for crossing the frontier near ChemiuoL and affixing a treasonable placard, bearing the tricolor o France upon a tree by the roadside xoung bchnaebeles is 16 years old London, Sept. 24.--Reports from the cholera afflicted citiea of Sicily, show that during the past 24 hours there havo been 119 new cases of the disease and 60 deaths at Messi na ; 10 new cases and 9 deaths at Catania and 6 new cases and two deaths at Palerma. The inhabitants of Messina have fled from the city mio tno country. ! Severe shocks of earthquake were ieit in ouba and Jaroaca on Friday STATE NEWS. Henderson Wright, of Bun combe, has 860 pumpkins, weighing irom to ou pounds. According to the Socket the death rate of Rockingham county. lur me year enumg August 31st, was tu in the 1,000 inhabitants Forty cents on the hundred dol lars worth of property is all the peo ple 01 .DuncomDe wm have to pay, on per cent, assessment, on t.h $400,000 subscription to the 4 rail roads. Dr. Hubert Haywood, of Ral oigh, has been "appointed Sursreon- iienerai 01 the estate vice Dr. Gris som resigned. Tho com nli ment ia most worthily bestowed. " . .. . 1 High Jfoint Entervrise : Hio-h Point has now got the best streets ot any town of her size in North Carolina, and further improvements u 1 - 1 1 am uciug uiaue uaiiy. Greensboro Patriot : A comora. tion known as the Southern Im provement Company, with a capital a.-.1 I APf r r 1 block 01 auu,uuu, nas just been or ganized wun neadquarters inGroens ooro. Albemarlo Observer: John Ford, a noted blockader.' was arrested in Albemarle about two weeks ago by uepuiy marsnai J. vv. JJostian In oeiauit ot bail, Ford was put in the county jail. vaiuiu j.uTuuignt : xne cunncr can oAn 1 ovoouii iui luuauco ; nas Deen wi-xt guou ana we continue to hear of 1 . . j most excellent success with thm emn Our enterprising friend, Col. W. x.xeasiey,ieiis us that he intends Duiiding a railroad from h tr T?- boro soon. landlord Express: Whisks was the cause of the serioii flr,v jonesooro, in which Sam Under T 1 . . - - " wood cut Luther Hicks, colored in to his lung. -The farmers of thia section did not plant much tobacco this year, but what has beon cured is said to be very fine. Greenville Reflector : While the cotton crop is said to be ahort ih indications point to an abundance of corn, we have recently talked with many farmers of the COnntv nnrl all say tho cotton crop will be cut off at east one-lourtu. Some ntr ka shortage will be even more. Raleigh Visitor: Eleven persons were received into membership in the Edenton Street 3.. E. Church on the,, 18th inst. ;The many friendsthere and elsewhere of P. C. Fleming, Esq., will regret to hear that he.awas stricken with paralysis while sittincr in a chair m. h; dence on Hillsboro street. Salisbury Watchman TKa ton and corn crops in this section, it 18 muugui oy some farmers, ill not exceed nn iiviii.i . Wl Granite station, on the Raleio-h n At Gaston railroad, in Vance county, there is a force of about fifty hands employed m taking out and working granite. s tKo7.Th News Jnd Observer says that.ex-Senator Wm. Mahone, of Vir. gima, and probably John Sherman Fair at Raleigh, and that the ex Senator will deliver an address. i7"Varg0.0f 1'500 1008 of steel CPVv'S Wilmington for the C. F . & Y. Y. R. R. The duty alone demanded of the company its check for $25,000. The rails will be Shipped at once to the western end to complete the road to Mt. Airy. Greensboro Patriot .- The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley railroad is now 220 miles loDg and work on it frogresses rapidly northwestward, ts Virginia connection is assured Another batch of convicts will soon be sent to this road. Judge Shepherd heard the Guil ford county mandamus case in Greensboro last week, and adjudged that the Magistrates appointed by the Governor, which the Republican clerk of said county, had refused to qualify, are entitled to qualify, and the said clerk was ordered to at once qualify the parties. Hillsboro Observer: LastThurs-j Asheville Citizen: Sunday niorn day while John K. Hughes, Jr., was ing the engineer of the shifting en riding in tho public road afew miles igine at the Asheville depot, whilo west of Hillsboro, near Cheek's cross- J runnin; his engine nn tho track was ing, :t bullet grazed his right thigh and cut some hair from his horse's head. This is what we call a narrow escape. Hunters and others ought to be very careful with their guns. Durham Recorder: T. II. Martin, the clever gentleman representing Dibbiell Bros. & Co., in Durham, shipped by cxprossP lat Saturday, a hogshead of tobacco: to Louisville, Jiy. There is no dimilar instance on record. The charge by express was 85.80 per hundred, so for a hogshead of 1,000 pounds $58.00 The U. S. Electric Company is now at work placing lights in tl mills of the J. M. Worth Manufac turing Company, Randolph count3' ana win nave tuem in operation in two woeks. The three hundred light dynamo will be run by a special en gine. Clinton Caucasian : Mr. R. G Brooks, of Pine)' Grovo township had the mitortune to lose his (iwe ling house and its entire contents b)' nre lasi rnaay mgnt. .air. Uroofc .1 X "I f anu iamiiy were away irom home J n . a anu can account; lor tne nre in no other way than upon the supposi tion that the house was struck by ugntmng. At a meeting of the directors ot the State Penitentiary in Raleigh on Wednesday of last week, a ful report was made to it of the location of a'l the convicts in the State. There aro to-day 1,356 convicts, of which Jbl are in the penitentiary or on two larms near Kaleigh owned and operated by the penitentiary 273 are on the Western North Car olma Railroad; 257 on the Cape rearas xaaKin v alley liailroad, and 169 on the Mt. Airy branch of tho same ; 155 aro on the Georgia, Car olina and Northern Railroad, from Monroe, N. C, to Atlanta, Ga., ; 50 are on the railroad to Caithage ; 9 are at work on the turnpike road through the public lands in Hyde county. , vn an the convicts 190 are white. There aro 3 white women. xiign roini anierprist : A pro tracted meeting will be begun at the metnooist church, on the 3rd Sun day in Oetober. The pastor, Rev Mr. .tioyle, will be assistei by Rev A. Berryman, of Virgiiia. - A man by the name of Thoa Seagle at tempted suicide by cutting his throat with a razor, at the McAdoo House in Greensboro, yesterdav morning 10 . n ai, !., uuwk yesieraay it was thought that he would recover. Tho town commissioners met yester- aay aiternoon and agred that the tax for tbe present year should be 25 cents on the $100 valuation and 75 cents on the poll. Tkis is an in 1 crease 01 o cents on tre property tax. xney iaued to pass the ordi nance taxing dogs During a heavy shower at Hick ory, last 'Ihursday evening, : tho priests' residence, on the College grounds of Mt. St. Joseph Academy was struck by lightning and nearly demolished. There were three per sons in the house at the time. fath. er McGinnerty and niece and Bishop Northrop. They were very badly Biuiuieu, uui were out the next day and claim to be none tbe worse for their very unpleasant experience. Davie Times : The people in the rum iisinct paid 5113,027.54 taxes on tobacco and corn "licker" dur mg the month of August. W. H .tiargravo was convicted of horse stealing at Lexington last week and sentenced to 7 years in the peniten tiary. He has appealed to the Su preme Court. Mr. Elijah Barny castle lost a barn of tobacco by fire rPL. I . .. . J uji xnuiBuay evening the 10th. lie naa just nnished curing and gone to me nouse wnen one ot the ne trhhnra uiuuoverea tno nre. j: j o iut hertord Banner Mr ff tr Bostick met with ueni at Henrietta Mills last ' - wva in attempting to get on his wagon while it was in motion, he alinnA and fell, and the loaded wagon ran over his leg breaking it badly below the knee. -Mr. R. Duffv met with an accident Tuesday, which came very uear oeing iatai. He was driv ing a pair of mules to a hack, and m making a turn the vehicle was upset, when the moles ran some dis tance, severely scratching and hrnia. ing the imprisoned occupant. Liurbara Uecorder : A aueer rara coming under our personal observa tion is mat oi Mrs. Eliza Rankin of Orange. She inherits her death; that is, an old uncle of ners ieit her dunner her lif a of land, and at her death it was to go to a nephew. She sold her life estate tor a nominal sum and soon tnereaiter the nephew died. ; TW his death she Was the onlir l!xr!n heir, but by her sale she will havo no control of the and until afW Ka dies. This change of fortune has crazed tbe old woman, and she goes "ulu l"wu to country telling people that her signature to the dead WAR a torgery, and asking help. aionroe Enauirer - Exnrpxs w r . i learn of an act of heroism on the part ot a son of Capt. Steele, which deserves special mention and recog nition. John Wilson, the of the engine, for some purpose had to descend into the well, where be was overcome by the foul air and to an appearance became a dead man. Wo one on the nremisfta wrmil An. scena into tbe well for the mimosa S ww v va tA vi v- of potting a rope around tha until Mr. Will Steele came nn whan he at once volnntearnd hia aaw;naa He perform tha (toni.an..a suQcessfully; and was irratifiaH to see the negro drawn out and res tored to conBciousness. A few more S?t8u?f de,fty would been tfnn! u hin?' M life was almost ex tinct when he was brought out. -Asheville Citizen; Within the there have haan Bopped from Hickory, N. C, to vnicago and othe thousand dollars blackberries. It i. r points, twenty worth of dried and do ibe.Verone hundred thous and dollars' worth f , is estimataH that. marketed nt tt;i iruiw "extttremonlhs M the 16rfiVdeeph!nflan. artesia well through sonlVk. W 0W wortn of driaH A.;io uurnueu to nnu tuo mutilated re mains of a human being tying near and partlj- on the track. It was cut into fragments, an arm here and a leg there, fingers, scattered far and wide, and tho body crushed and mangled fearfully. The remains seemed to have been those of Mil liard Yarborough, a while man, who lived near the fair grounds; and nearly opposite his own house he met his fate. He was last seen alivo at the Spartanburg Junction on Saturday evening and was then much intoxicated. It is supposed ho was run over by the freight train which reached the depot about 12 o'clock midnight. Shelby 2?ew Era: Two fine mules belonging to Mr. Columbus Miller, who lives near Waco, were s'.olcn from Devi no's stand Wednes night, while their owner was attend ing service. There is no trace of the thieves. The mules were valued at $125 each. A parly of revenue officers, on Sunday night, seized two blockado stills in Catawba county. From one still the copper had been taken, but in it were about 800 gal lons of boer. Tbe other still was intact. The parties who bad been running the still escaped capture. McDowell Bugle : We aro grat ified to learn, as every citizen of the county must bo, that a vein of appa rently inexhauntible iron ore has been found in the North Cove, Mc Dowell county. The vein was dis covered in the deep gap of Honey cutt Mountain, and runs diagonally north-east across the mountain. It is observed to be about forty feet wide and exposed about a quarter of a mile. Winston Daily : A slight acci dent occurred on the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad yesterday between Greensboro and Fayette ville. It seems that there was a fat car in front of tho mail coach, loaded with steel rails. The motion of the train dislodged one of the rails, one end of which str ck the ground and tho other the mail car, crashing clear through it and. twisting the rail in a spiral shape. Fortunately no serious damage was done. Raleigh News-Observer : Six miles from Greensboro on the Ashe boro road lives a nephew of Aaron Burr, named Burr Higgina. Ho is a native of New York, 75 years old and moved to Guilford county met before tho war. He is a miner. The manufacturing interests of Ran dolph are very great ; there are 12 cotton factories in the county: Ran dleman, 3 ; Naomi Falls, 1 ; PowhaU terprise 1. Eatimat ed capital about $1,500,000. Pu roll about $250,000 per year. Paid out for cotton, over half a million dollars yearly. These mills mano factoro plaids, shcetinra. Wrm. bunch yarn, seamless bags, knitting couon i ana sewing thread. All these factories have onlan. fn .n .i. e O milium i goods they can manufacture up to January 1st, 1883. Windsor Ledger : We learn that wr. boiomon Butler, a young man living m snake Hite township of this county, killed a neero man hv th nnmo of TV V " rr . J I W tVV I TW AUC8aay last. Ine neirro harl . i I l tj.., : -vv..uipiujreu DV iiutler. and vena in t U - . auk ui I DrPARinor mtn tha kn..o riL. I... I ' & " uv uvunu ksi ma JaliCr about 12 o'clock at night. Being detected in the act he ran and suc ceeded in escaping. Butler thon armed himself and 6tood fmanl nd just before day Vann came back a uecono time ana tried to get into the house through a window. It was at this time that Butler shot mm, mortally wounding him. But ier up to tnis time has not been r- restea. Asheville Citizen: K IT. RmitK Bon of Chief N. J. Smith, of the Cher okeo Nation, and a late student of Innity College, is in the city. He will leave on the earlv mornincr train for Terre Hante, Ind., where he en ters a .normal school. He will be aosent tor one year or more. Mr. W.T.Reynolds has leased to Messrs t, A 01 n ... . . (or Reynold's1) mountain. These genueraen will enter at .i .r. enter at once intoi extensive sheep raising, Raleigh News and Observer n Supreme Court met Monday. One uuuureu ana eigoty-three appeals, including old ones, had been ifrvlrt ed and 28 applica Jons for license to pracuce law nad Deen registered nn w jrsoraiuBjr. vrov. cscaies and n tao4 Awl A n sO r a "7 bis staff returned from tho centen tennial celebration of the adont; of the American Constitution. Tho escort, tno t ayettevillo Light Infan try, did not return with the Gover nor, but remained in th nitw day longer. Over six hundred depositorsjwith actual deposits reach ing nearly 820.000. indieatn ik.f k Raleigh Saving's Bank of a success. It is now in itn fnntK mooin. .i -w " Kaleieh News Oh, . tu I . colored peopleof North cwina - u.kii . i . . Other rftala T ol , uniuauiv in snTna tt t k c - i Hnin. j i "iuwl,ur' next thinff will be .0,niift; ;f 'Mv,uiug piugreBBive. i ne colored farmers, which will be held i . T. 'rvwv" in rtaieign on October 1st -Son fltnp Vnnnck it C . i . . r . . oaiu, win lase a hand in the Ohio oAmnawm u: -7. A r iueueiiey ine, governor has nar- uoneu irm. u. xavlor out. ik. a -i ss' wv m a penitentiary. Tavlor wa-tr?d f . . w llU ooiaining money under false ences at th Tnn. v HUOi lUIHfJ T1TA I Wayne county Superior court 1RS5 -rA . . . I rr....v.wH aeuivmsva uj me pen- I .Ant la mw ..im n - Morganton Advertiser: The eod mines in Burke have been I u u iflr mnra (nriinnnns n i i . ; "vibbu . haps have paid better than anv oth. o i . w -wwMv.B.uvruoi y anil nAP. i ei-sm the Slate. Tho flexible a sandstone is theonlv crenuinA la tan, i ; j. ji. Worth Manufacturing Co., 1 ; Central Falls, 1 ; Cedar Falls 1 ; Franklinsville, 1 ; Island Ford, lj Columbia, 1 ; Enterprise 1. Efttimnf. of the diamond. We have perhaps niSht of Ia6t week John W. PhiUioL tho finAat hrl, f. F I..P rtnt.t.ii m ,. '.! x u,pB, I SU, ep.eirae. f wMch :,e' w vaua "JX. itaJin hii inn in a. va in onp nffim Tr . 1. - w. .,i bum DuiiuHione a diamond was found some six years since and brought the sum of 180. - J: T. Patrick has received let tots from Arthur Arringt"", who in charge of a fine exhibit ot ih- state's resources at Potsdam, X. y.'. and from Judge C. C. Pool, in cliurgo of one in Ohio. Mr. Arlington writes that t .e cencval portion of the main exhibition building has been assigned to the North Carolina exhibit and lhat it is creating n sen sation and iQuoa interest among the many poodle who aro at Potsdam fair. Judge Pool writes that the JefferHon, ohio, people aro delighted with the exhibit sent there The gieatresou ces ot the "Old North State" are producing a favorable impression on everybody. Mr. Ar lington will carry his exhibit to tbe Malone fair, about forty miles from where it now is, next week. Governor Scales has been invit ed by the managers to appoint dele gates to the National Convention of Farmers to bo bold in Chicago on November 10. 11 ernor has appointed two delegates I ior tne otato at large and one from each Congressional district, as fol- !SWtt: State at lare CoK Thomas M. Holt, of Alamance, and Capt. S. B. Alexander, of Mecklenburg. First Congressional District, Henry Wa hab, of Middleton; Second. Elias Carr, Jr., of Old Sparta; Third Dan iel McN. McCoy, of Averybboro; Fourth, A. Mclver, of Oaks; Fifth Dr. W. A. Lash, of Walnut Cove Sixth, W. H. Smith, of Ansonville; Seventh, Prof. J. D. Hodge, of Jeru salem ; Eighth, Charles Cook, of Ore Knob ; Ninth, J. F. Wells, of Leices ter. In North Caralina there are in round numbers 18,000,000 acres coy ored by forests. The proportion of arboreal land to the total aroa is 57.9 per cent. In the whole United States the per cent, of forest to the whole area is 26.5. Virginia, with 50.5, and South Caroliua, with 46.6, aro both less favored in thia parties ular. Indeed, North Carolina is above the averago of the South At lantic States, the averago per cent, of which is 52.4; of the Atlantic coast, 43.4.- Wilmington Messenger. Greensboro Workman : The Lynchburg News mentions that there is a prospect of extending the Cripple Creek branch of the Norfolk & Western railroad through the county of Carroll, Va.. to Mt. Airy, N. C. The News adds : This seems to be the first move in confirmation of a reported deal between the Nor folk & Western and the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley. Mt. Airy i the western terminus of the latter road. Should the former bo 'built through to Mt. Airy, both roads will ha greatly benefitted. From Rev. R. R. Michaux, pas tor of Haw River circuit, we havo me louowing news from a protract ed meeling now in progress at Fir. view church, near Osainaa rwrtr. oo if t. niSni T uesday, Aug. utu,; mere were zu penitents, and uau oeen at least IZ converts. This morning, while 1 was at the store an aiarm camj up from tha factory, ana tne managers haMteneH fl.-ktn M - re expecting to nnd some of the operatives killed or wounds! h- i. . - -vva macDinerJ but 8000 known that it was can m n n . . n k. . . ib oocame Caused bv Biuna wu,W u it resuuea in a wnoie squad of girls leaving tho looms and spindles and havii .Su uiiiu euouiing ana reioicinff. ine proprietors had decided to run .l -n . . m1"8 w-aay, out it was stopped ,nr1 c . : 1 1 . . . ,m okvrw otui unui tne girls eot K..u . .. 6 A t."vuKu wiiu ineir Bnoatinp yt . O' Greensboro Workman --Rev. F. L. lleid, of the Christian Advoaite, reports tho endowment iu.ia ior innity College as reachin ueany eVJU.UUU. This in a i-Aml, bly large collection to be made from thA lima it XWraa l . " 1 to uobermmea to raise the fund. President Crnwll f College, Bishops Duncan and Kev Pa to add mD7 to the list of Pott D.I.L!.i .. . Jlmt l . . - uoiifc ana otneis have wnrtert nitk all v i . . . " i.ucir uear is in the matter and with tha .k. U- " w, o Duvest. seems that tho Andnvnont .vnAA ... . uivill, vi iuu.vUU will be secured much soon er than was expected even by the mo8t. sangnine. Educational mass meeunffs are bomi? hehl all k oiaie ana trom $1,000 to $2 500 idu ait eacn place. Charlotte Chronicle: The first grain elevator established in Char- Company, whero three freight cars 4uiuKiy nnea with cotton eoed - Di-uu ittreiiuuseoi tnecom- Pan7.'. TVDarlie McLaughlin, who ! naa nis nsfht hand torn off in . m. lfA1!11! C.,uJmi)ia cto.yafew ttho Su umvea norne last week having sufficiently recovered from his injuries to be able to tr! emaciated face gives evidence to the sufferings which ha hna a -A little twe ve vor r.M o . . - "uumou. iure. aiizaoeth llill. a widow I. 1 fT iau v iving near Dallas, in Gaston coun f O e ij.mewun a horrible death W weeK, oy having his head caught in Wadesboro Intelliaencer: It t.Ava ghum-and we are pleased 1 to know our oeonle h!?, generally. One acre of iW .-i.. a w May V-jJ, I V Amber cane will yield 100 gallons of w it-iiuiii. srvsa m sa m rAa a - a r'"' menus, JJ-iJLxtJJ VV A K. H. .... uur uwn mo asses tor th ,i.a i . . suc- an WelTO months It is no r?n.aer wadesboro is now ia. Ir ' V V uuv couon. r it is one i tno D681 COUon tnnrtAl. : 1 owe. Aooacco wagons sellinff W A m a - W M V T . aro saia to bo aoing a flourishing business in An son county tt the present time, and their boldness is something . uuiary. Tarboro Southerner : The farm- . ""'"S" vnose Who have bmmrht tton lo tbe. coU?'' y, are almost unanimous that the rrr.r. ;a rw.. . -"iy - , . . hotk a storm ot limited di . . I niiuiL. I .o a, . n I - !n lhe 'icinUy of J. M. HowaTi-. blowing down tr TT" "Z 1" mir. mma uitu l rr. u . . utcaauitri - v inuun r i hkh i ra ai. cident reported was the killing mu,e belonging to L.D.Km'ght by tree falling unon it M, b.ro on flr. 7VbS'U syaiiiicuum uwn nntn .1 n.. i a Ill1A. I II rt" . under w.y. AM effort VtTnlnT.b ment urr 6. u $300, two-thirds of which " va , uiiBiaiiiiiir - i, 1088 about xr. a : and fodder. . A Sluggish Liver Causes the Stomach and Bowel io bo came disordered, and tha whole system to suffer from debility. Ta sJl such cases Ayer's Pills give prompt relief. After much suffering from Llrer and Stomach troubles. I have finally been cured by taking Ayer's Cathartic Pills. I always fiad them prompt and thorough in their action, and their occasional dm keeps me in aperfectly healthy condi tion. Ralph Weeman, Annapolis, Md. Twe?!y;fir8 go I offered from a torpid livsr, which was restored to healthy action by taking Ayer's Pills. Since that time I hare nereTbeen wit out. h- They regulate tbe bowels, assist digestion, and Increase tha appe. tite, mora surely than any other medi cine Paul Churchill, Haverhill, Mass. INVIGORATED. I know ot no remedy equal to Ayer's Pills for 8tomach and LiyeT disorders. I suffered from a Torpid Liver, and Dys pepsia, for eighteen months. My skin was yellow, and my tongue coated. I had no appetite, suffered from Head ache, was pale and emaciated. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills, taken in moderate doses, restored me to perfect health. Waldo Miles, Obexlin, Ohio. Aj"" Klls are s superior family medicine. They strengthen and invii orate the digestive organs, areata an ap petite, and remove tha horrible depres i,i'.an,d despondency resulting from ner. CPlakt. I We asedf these Jf tMSBJ' toE J6- they ""Tf' fH. Te nti satisfaction. Otto Montgomery, Oshkosh, Wis. ft Ayer's Pills, m Wonderful Cures. W. D..IIoyt & Co., Wholesale and .Retail Druggists of Rome, Ga., say : We have been selling Dr." King's New Discovery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen's Arnica Salve for 2 years. Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. There havo been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases of pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by the use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold by Dr. V. O. Thompson, Win ston, N. C. ' A great, fiery meteor fell on the border of Maine on last Thursday night and shook up the people. Hal ifax, Nova Scotia, is reported badly shakeu and scared. Teople fled to their cellars in great consternation, believing that it was tbe end of the world. It is said to have been a magnificent sight at sea. Whether it plunged into the Bay of Fondy or burst in space is unknown. We have jasi received direct from Northern cities, and are now open ing an entirely New and Fresh Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry i00 ana .Notions, Plain and Fancy trrocenea. n. full and complete line of Shoes, Hata, Hardware DM I . '. re rogs and Crockery, and everything gen- erally kept in a first class General Merchandise Store. We have purchased at the lowest wwn ngures, and will sell at tbe lowest possible margin. We hope I - - oy iair aeaiings and polite attention to an persons to merit a fair share of the public patronage. Mr. Cli- nard cordially invites all hia old inenas and tbe public generally to come and see him. With an expe rience of 40 years in the mercantile business he feels, flattered that he can please bis friends of the past and luosc wno oe lias waited UDon I tr Very respectfally, yours, CL1NARD & BROOKES. Pfohl & Stockton Old Stand, Sa- lem N C ' THIS MEANS YOU. When in need of K.n TTo.v. 1 avoUUCT. ITU II An. 1 F. 11 1 i. ' uuco, iujiiiiocKs, o lores, among which may be found THE CELEBRATED m t K. Ji. LbC'LlJOK ' Far,mir8. Implement of aJl kinds, Machinery of every descriDtion. : r. ,f . . r . " 'S nyuiing in the HARDWARE LINE Xdl 111-1 a Vr"' u"AwrP'S, who keep. lar?. an.d mP ock of - r . . . i aw ub quail IT OX I TT A T-a-r . --as which he sells at bottom figures. t D0HTF0EQETTHZ PLACE. i n.n.vrrcMwr ukd, HARDWARE MK&CHANT, LIBERTY 8T WlgSTOJ. S.C. SfiLP.M PPMAI.P JITJinniiv r"""1" 1 "I'iiuu iiOKUrimi. ' SALEM, N. C. t FrKid.LI5TSr:LOCA.,n9N; beauti- I eomfortahU "7. wun s.1 vuuus i sa rs rtia b.heuj ... wSnV ddSd oarse of study : sneaal farilitu a. w-rr1 m w - -- jmm. uiia i Uff RTUMtl Mm .V . .. . - - .1U" L7hTf5 eigniy - tnree years of continnon.-li and mor; rnV""IU'Perience lone. add '"" OT cata- rawciriL, 8albm FxsiAta Acabxkt - t Mexican Mustang Linimen SeUtfcw, Lumbago, Rheumatism. Scratches. Sprains, Strains, . Stitches,. Stiff Joints, Backache, Galls, Sores, Spavia Cracks. Contracts! ' I Xoseles, Enptiana, Hoof AO, Screw I "Worms, Swinney, Std&sOaTJr Piles. 'Suns, Scalds, Stings, Bites, Bruises. Bttnioiij, Corns, , Cracks. Ill THIS GOOD .OLD STAND-BY aeeoapIUbes for everybody exact!? wast hrlilmm torls. Ooeof tha rsaaoes torts great popularity & tbe Knstaaf Xintnent Is foudmtts aarreMovT applicability. Everybody ads sacs a xdlclm.- The Lanbcroaaaeedjlttacaaeof aeddoac Tk Uoasewireaordstttor scMcaltaaiity aw. The Caaaler aoeds It for fcls imbi sad hla aamv Tho BIcchaals eds It always Da ala wort beach. j " I The Mlaeracedsttineaaoor eaMrtvncy. The Pleaeeraeadalt caat cat aloes wtthoath Tho Farsser aaeds It ta his hoasa, asi stabl and his stock yard. j The Steaaaboat aaaa or the Boataiaa aeO It la Kberal (apply afloat and ashore. . The norso-faacler aaods It It Is hi bca frtead sad safest reliance. The Steck-crewer aeeda it It win sera hla thousands of dollars aad a world of Utmbla. The Railroad aaaa aoeds It end wfUaeed Itsr sob as his life Is a round of accidents and daagvra. Tho Backwaadssnaa needs It. There ksnoth tns: like It as aa antidote tor tho danrera to life, limb and comfort which surround tho ptonerr. The Mercbaet needs It about his store among als employees. Aoridents wUl happen, and when these eome tho Xostaag liniment la wanted etonee. Keepa Bottle la tho II ease. Hi the best of eeoaomy. j Keep o Bottle I a the Factory. Itslatnsediew see la ease of accident saTes pala and loss of wages. Keep a Bottle Always la the Htahle fee 4- ( AND -:TREE DEALERS.:- ARABE BARGAIN 13 OFJERED BY tbe undersigned, in a ; i Very Ih Let of Ajp .3 d FbkI Trs.s. consisting of from 6,000 to 8,000. all oer 4 im , iuuui one-mim are 2 years Peach and remainder 2 years and 3 years Apple fine trees and choice varieties. I would be nlnisfd tA Msoi the above stock front any responsible party as I am anxions to dispose of it at an early day, and in order to do so, will sell at ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES. Farmers and Orchard ists, in fact all who want or need slot of Fruit Trees, Vines, should not fail to examine MY STOCK AND PRICES before placing their orders for F.n ni.n. ing, as I have some rare bargains to offer v 9.1!? considered, I don't propose to be UNDERSOLD by ANY rLponsible . Prtv. ( list of varieUes and full particulars for stamp. Correspondence solicited, j Address J. R. OSBORNE, Prop'r. Lone Star Nursery, r Bethany, Davidson Co., N. C. Please mention this paper. HERE I AM AGAIN. Modesty is a good trait, but the bsrgai 1 a,p? offering compel me to speak. I a atu A GRAND SELECTION OF Notions. Dry Goods and Groceries, j of high merit, which most all be sold verv cheap for cash or saleable produce. Come and examine my stock of goods and let me quote prices on same, and then yon go to the cheapest store anywhere and do like- L .?uu.w,TO.nTlim hat at my store is the identical place to bay at extremely low Prices! Qnick Sales and 8 mall Profits, shall be my motto. Chean Jnhn i. name and I dare not infringe on his repu- iI0.1 hfT!uno ol4OB" to claiming . kin with him in tbe name ot a Twin Broth er, for I am his equal on low prices, and cis superior in o n a 1 i tJ m nrnu -.v. . d - . - wo, uou urev sl?UnoP DQm on Goods of nearly Come and see me at once in the village of ttsugbtown, 2 miles south of Salem. N. C Jtespectfully yours. July 14. 1887. . JOHN H. SINK. A. U. ZSVZLY ft 80S.' Agents for Mail Contractors, WASHINGTON, P. t. THE WILHISCT05 STAB. REDUCTION IN PRICE. Attuutofouced 1 nte of subscription, cash in adrance. The DaUv Star. I Six McthT Three MonU, una t mp One Year,. J t m XfrintKai 3 00 1 so 50 vo JAODUl. THE WEEKLY STAR. Six Months. J. Three Months, $1 00 60 SO min llDCnTA Uourdeter mjnUo.n to kP the Stab op to the high- "J? of DPP excellence! WM. H. BERNARD. Wilmington, N. C. I VTKTTi THE CEDAB COTE snwrnir. "vuuiUILU ductednd well stockedwUhE? SSt re- liabe fru.u of sny nursery In tbeSuu Dlantinr. W- 1 .FT . " w.w-.mjMmuu xuueu WS niTi nt -iM : T w " " ' ui-sixaoia ages ana sises. We can and win rL Your order, scW'"" TTa reasonable. j Dejcriptive catalogue sent free. f Address, N. W. CRAFT, July 14, issta. - ' aaa "a FA III I LY RIRT.FC A W M W Persons wishing PAHTT.v ot BLES will pleas call and -.: " styles and prices at the Salem Book- ns Salem, N. C. JU1LN ii. 7P'VPT V i j . s

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