SALEM, N.C. THURSDAY. JULY 5, 1888. Entered as "econd 'la matter at Post Office at Salem, N. C OLD TOUJn. MATTHEW STACH. Dedication of the Monument in Com memoration of Moravian Missions among the Heathen. Bethabara, (Old Town) Juno 30th, 1888. j Bright and early we started for this historic old town. All along the old highway, we found points of local interest, being the old Stage coach route from Wytheville Va., to Salem, N. C, manag'ed by Dabney Walker, by whoso name the road is yet known; Bland & Dunn, and oth- 1 . 1 M ' era, whom our older readers recollect, on the granite shaft, as follows: On the cast side: "In commemoration of tho Morav ian Missions among the heathen." Western side: "Mattheus Siaeh." Northern side. s'Thcy that haye sown in tears, shall reap in joy." Pe. 126 : 5. South side, next to iho grave: " Here lies buried the first Moravian missionary to Greenland." " Tho stone over his grave gives his birth in Moravia, on March 4tb, 1711, died in Bethabara, Dec. 21, 1787. First missipnary to Grecland. The hour or two for a "basket dinner"enlivcnd tho grand old grove, and tempting refreshments wero freelv offered on every hand. It was ! Tho TT(ius' elections Commit tee, by a strict party vote, decided the contested election cae from South Carolina in favor of Elliot t. the silting member. Wilmington Htar Outlines. - SUMMARY OF TBE WEEK. OUE STATE UNIVERSITY. An Explanation of the Recent Reduc tion of the Number of Professors and of the Course Now Offered. The Legislature of 1885 passed I an act providing for the establish- mcnt ot an Agricultural ana .me chanical College, and transferred to that college seventy-five hundred dollars of income then used for Ag ricultural and Mechanical instruc tion at the University. This trans fer of funds has made necessary Int roduction of the Faculty of the TTn! vArait v in pprtfiin anAPiftl Ha- a picnic which will linger long and parlracnU; and a false impression pleasantly in the hearts of all present. may bo made in regard to the effect The North side of tho hill is a "wild of this reduction upon the general wood" flower garden. All varieties work of the University. The iau- r. J flntt.0,. nf Inlv thorities proper, therefore, ' " , ' to mako a statement ot tho tacts. waxen hue and quite iragrant, Dioom jt na(j D?en demonstrated by ex Haxk Twain is now a Yale Master of Arts. Walteb B-ant Is troublod with writer's i cramp. j It will take ten years to complete Victor ' Hugo's posthumous publications. Bismarck says that there will be peace un I leas other powers provoke a war. I Thk official rejwrt of Emperor Frederick's illness has been presented to William II. j Db. Allanson, of London, is raising a fund to establish a vegetarian hospital In that city. Irish Bishops and Archbishops want Par liament to pass effective measures tor the protection or tenants, OFF FOR NONQUITT AT LAST. ' K'g1'1 Sillst WronS- GENERAL SBERIDAlf STARTS WROM WA&HIKO S OJV O-V THE SWATARA. ('ash Against Credit. All. tka Prprtlo were Conplto aad He wo Tk Aboord mm Sotar dojr Til Jamracj Ba Cdr GmmA Awplcoa, Feollag that the Boat Had Been Done E pact d to Arrlva Today. Washington, July 1. General Sheridan was placed on board the Swatara at noon yester day, and about an hour later the vessel set sail for Nonquitt very few people- saw the Ex-Governor Cornell has purchased the i 0J the house The physician, had - - ' anl1 eha V a atnaM t fana4 T"kO aiAwAl old homestead of Governor Clinton, at New Hamburg, on the Hudson. Thk citizens of Findlay object to theimpor tation of Italian laborers to work on the new water-works excavations. ' Gladstone says that the Copyright matter ; can be left to Americans, but he objects to , the law now before Congress. j A pipe smoked by General Jackson while he was President has been presented to the New England Historical Society. Joseph Walker wrote a letter Saturday, accepting the subscription paper Congression- j al nomination in the Tenth District. ' Mrs. Timotht Fineoan of Rye, N. Y., was , killed there Saturday morning, in trying to board a moving train. On her person was found $250. Patrick Conlst, aged 22 years, died at the Newport, B. I., Hospital Saturday morn- said that he womld not depart for several days, perhaps, because of the damp condition of the atmosphere and the chance of storm at sea. j This statement may have been Intentionally misleading in order to avoid the gathering of a crowd amu ud the General's house. Many physicians hero Relieve, however, that the necessity for removal was imperative, and i that the General's attendants preferred to i risk the journey in unfavorable weather ' rather than take the chance ot a longer stay OO TO in prolusion in the deep shade. Abe perience that there was little demand in a circus ring. ladies wore fern sprays and flowers, among our people tor instruction in James A. Bbadlit, the Chief Mogul of As- .MOaaB certain departments of the Univer- bury Park, has issued an edict restricting AFTERNOON SERVICES. notwithstanding their import- the time of occupancy of a public bathing A stand had been erected and ' ftn(J lhe efflcienc and KMal ': v Beats for the people. The church manifested bv the professors in k.VrrS L 1' In this city. Every precaution had been taken to make the two-mile ride to the Navy Yard as oom fortable as possible. The horses which drew the ambulance in which the General vAs con veyed were carefully chosen, and thoy drew .the vehicle without a jar. A squad of mounted police rode on either side to protect the pa tient from curious people, and two physicians and a male nurse rode in two ambulances. Several of the! General's staff followed In carriages, while others rode ahead to see that everything was ready orii board the Swatara. Mrs. Sheridan was the last to leave .the house, and she drove to the Navy Yard la company with two Sisters of Charity. General Sheridan bora the ride very well z . - a R0SI1ACHM ft BHD'S DRY GOODS STORE! FOE B AEGAINS IN EVERYTHING FROM A- CASH STORE PAPER0FNEEDLEST0A silk dress. East Side of Court-Home Square, Next to Jacobs, the Clothier. WINSTON. N. C- Kire farms lie all along the road, band played several sacred airs, and charge : and it was evidently the taking it for a toy pistol, shot and InstanUy and wa less fatigued than his attendants and lure and there the excavations James T. Lineback, made a brief desire ol tbe ijegisiatoro that eer and embankments of tho Wilkesboro address explaining tho object of the 1 studies bo taughi . ... . r. . . . - . . . at the Agricultural and Mechanical Railroad show a progressive spirit, meeting, reciting briefly the origin CoIlege in8teftd of at the Univer- The grand old Blue Ridge and Sau- 0f the Moravian mission work, and sjty. Hence, in the re-adjustment ratown mountains loom up on the particularly that of the sainted mis- of the work of tho University, tbe north-cAStern horizon, and tho well 8i0nary to whoso memory this mon- authorities have omitted the follow- -.ownrilotraar. iu r- umet has bee, eveced. Aftn. JoSSKilS amidal form farther west, bo tno ;ng a hymn, RCv. Samuel Woosley Mining Engineering, Feeding and eye was gladdened with charming 0ffcret Up a fervent prayer. The Breeding of Animals, and Practical view of the distant mountains and choir then sang an athem, Miss A. Horticulture. n.linrent hills and valleys, with lux- VanVIeck, at the organ. . No diminution nor change has . i w int crops of corn, tobacco, ana pev p. P. Lineback then deliver una shocks of harvested wheat. Numer ous carriages aud conveyances ol sketch of the origin and success of and offers full and thorough instruc orv 1os(M-intion. filled with merry he Gieenland mission, and the un- tion in all general branches of stud v, excursionists, enlivened as pleasant a daunted heroism of brother Stach. J18 Faculty now consists of a Pro- .. k nvnin'innp mi . 1. ,, fessor of Constitutional and lnter six mile drive as we have exppi ienc- a he addreM Wtt8 well given and Lold nat.Qn& law and PoIitical Econom7 cd in many a day. lhe day bau the undivided attention of the large Professor of Mental and Moral a triple significance, viz : Dedication congregation present. Will publish Science, a Professor of Mathematics of the Monument, Centennial Anni- the addm,8 next week if possible. w,th an assistant, riV nf M ieoinruvrv'Stach. T5. r T. t:..u . i i VClBarvwuwiuv. j , , r, j.vv. yj. niguiu, lucu auuresstju TnAat:n nu :.i. . i t i i iiiuunLi ai vjucuiiRii v n ilii iiii km hl a Professor of Goologv and killed himself. Thb Yale University crew on Saturday elected George B. Carter of the Soientifl School, No. 7 in the last two raoes, Captum for the season of 1889. Mrs. James McFisnkqan, of New York, aged sixty-threo, threw herself in front of a passing locomotive Saturday morning aud was almost instantly killed. Wabrxsts were sworn out on Friday at the Jefferson Market Police Court, New York, for the arrest of live policy men whose shops aresaid to be in full blast lately. Thx report that the Thibetans have made overtures for peuc.i Is declared to be untrue. F.lcrht thmiAAnd I'hihot&ns are advancing been made in any of the regular I toward Jelapla. The Liamas desire war. collegiate courses of studv. The - Thankt. the strongest Tory division of cd the memorial address, giving a I University still has a large Faculty Kent, which is the most strongly Tory of all . , .i... j . e I j rc J c .. . . - I counties, cave the Liberals a victory. This is a type of the condition of England to-day. The cricket eleven ot Harvard University played the Baltimore Club a good game on the grounds at Mt. Washington. The Baltimores won, however, by a score ot OTtoM. Twax are warm times in Wales, for the peasantry and mechanics refuse to pay the tithes, and there are grout tears of an out break which cuunot be quelled by the civic authorities. Jstt Eabp, a school teacher of Carrollton, Mo., and a young farmer named Beard, expected he would be. Eight marines bora him from the ambulance to a swinging cot la the Swatara'S cabin. An enterprising photographer had a camera set to take a lew as the General was carried to the ship, bat an officer dropped his hat over the lens and spoiled the photographer's plans. The Swatara set sail at 1.15 r. m. Shortly before that hour txie physicians Issued a bul letin which was dated 12.30 p. x. It said that the General rested well last night ; that the transfer to the tiiip was accomplished with out the slightest ottttacle or delay ; that the patient bure the removal excellently and that be was in at least as good condition as before leaving home. j Fobt Moxbob, July 3. The United States steamer Swatara, Capt. McGowan, with Geo. Sheridan and party on board, arrived here at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. Owing to a heavy swell outside from the effects of the late storm Capt. McGowan de oided to remain here until it subsides, end will not sail until b-i.iy. '. The baneQclal effects of the sea voyage on Gen. 8herldan's condition is already apparent, and his physicians are greatly pleased with the result ot the trip thus far. His pulso is stronger and his mind is clearer than it has been sines his illnoss. Tried. Hard f Die. Rocxawat, L. I. "July 1. Cries for help ame from the surf In front of Eldert's with an assistant, a Professor of Latin, a Professor of General and and Ccnlennial year of the building tne pe0ple, giving reminiscences of ant of the church. Arriving at our aes- the olden time. Rev. J as, E. flail Natural History, with an assistant, quarrelled in the country Friday and both pavilion at 1 o'elock yesterday morning. Two tination, we found tho churchyard spoke of the great missionary cause, a Professor of Natural Philosophy began shooting. Both are reported to be mor- men who w sitting on i the Piaz of the . , ? T ' Ei.B - T3r Vr tally wounded. . hotel rushed into the breakers and with great tii i ni ticodih reyioBiiHUK 'v'" anQ ua vasi mnonannfi. kav. j h uiiii.ivvnuc. nuivooui v Winston. Waughtown,Kernersville, clewcll als0 made a few reraarks English Language and Literature Bathania, immediate vicinity. Everything is quaint and ancient looking about the exterior and inter ior of the old church. Built in m av " viuai ao i . i a a r. n n Clcmmonsvillo and the aiuw to the sacrifices made bv i ' - or. . the missionaries. Greek, a fully equipped Law School, Dr. Rondthaler, in an enthusiastic making a total of fifteen professors and ringing address, alluded to this &nd, iat&fu' en , , ... , . , , . Although the Chair of Psedogogics beautiful spot, made sacred by the KnQ hn r -i v v mmv v a iuuvu. V V V 4 V. V I S VX 1788, 100 years ago, ol irregular numerous associations with tho his- study extending through two years, sized stone set in mortar, (as good as tory of our church in this province, has been arranged for the special cement) and stuccoed so as to repre- and the resting place of one of our benefit of students preparing to sent a solid granite front; and is in a first missionaries to the heathen. leat ; ad pecial course of three plhi, u 6 ' months is offerod each spring to fine state of preservation. The In times of trial and discouragement teachers who desire to extend their church-hall is small, with a singular- this spot is a good place to ponder education. i ly constructed organ loft or gallery, and seek encouragement from the The general studies of especial resembling an alcove. We regret life and example of the sainted dead, benefit to farmers, merchants, man that the old organ has been removed. Here in God's rural temple, amid Xn. 0 r , have been grouped into a small It would have added to the interest the whispering leaves as a solemn course of two years, for the benefit to hear its tremulous notes, though requiem, the still small voice of com- of students who are' unable to com- out of tune, on this centennial oc- fort and peaee will be vouchsafed to plete a full course. The completion., casion. Tbe parsonage is part of the you. Ho proposed to make this. 01 ttus course would bo ol great val cburch building, and is spacious and an annual memorial day, or mission- adZ7MZ' find at comfortable, lhe Kitcnen is a eui- ary meeting, wmcn seemed to touch the University! a short course of two iosity in its way, and reminded mo a responsive chord in the hearts of years, comprising such general stu- of the Washington kitchen at Mount allr A collection was taken up for uies are essential to the educa- Vernon. Indeed the building, with the benefit of the missions. -t ot phyBician, and such spe- II. old fashioned steeple, lacks only The choir then rendered a fine SSoiSi'lS the projecting roof, supported by anthem, after which the Doxology eluded in the curriculum of all Med- pillars to make it aae simile olan was sung, Eev. C. L. Eights dis? ical Colleges. 1 By taking this short old Virginia mansion. The fireplace missed the assembly with tho bene- course at the University, they will vmj icvckc tiin uuucuii ui train ing in general, studies at the Uni versity of their State, but will also save one year, at least, which would have to be spent at a Medical Col lege. ' j Fall particulars concerning these shorter special, courses, as well as in th6 Klicncll 10 mig vnvuu - uit-nwii. . v. xugu picwucu roast an ox. The floor is paved with at night, and Rev. J. H. Clewell on flagstones, much worn. Tho furni- Sunday last. ture is in keeping with the surround ings, especially the old hall clock, long since quit marking time, but valuable as a relic. In company with Mr. James T. Lineback, we viewed the sites of tho old buildings and the dimensions of tho "old fort" enclosing, at that time, nearly the CONGRESS. The legislative, executive and ju dicial appropriation bill was nassed tne regular four year courses, mav in the Senate on the 26th ult. : a be htad addresang the President t it r . r tbe Bursar of the Universit', at messageof the Pdent, vetoing a Chapel HilL A. M. Scales. pension bill, aroused Mr. Edmunds, Chm. Ex. Officio Board Trustees. wno wanu;u a vote on it without TO T. Rm,, a fc... whole village. A neat plot, shown referenco to committee, but no quo- Raleigh, N. VJJune 18th 1888 by Mr. Lineback, gives tne lines, locates the buildings, water courses, Ate. The lines have been verified almost to a dot. Tho foundation stones of several of the buildings are intact, showing one of tho buildings rum being present the matter went over as unfinished business: the public land bill was considered in the House by sections for amendment. .The river and harbor appropria tion bill was considered in the Sen- The latest catalogue of Bing ham School is received. We note that the 219 pupils in attendance represent 14 States of the Union, while two are! sons of Army Offi cers, and two are from England. A circular giving the impression made by the School on Lieut. Batch- elor and CaptJ Wygant, both detail- t. ' u tun wall nf thp ate on the 27th ult., and among the to have been pari, 01 vu w - - amendments agreed to was one in fort, facing the high hnl west ot crea8;ng the appropriation to corn- town, where the Indians occasional- piete the improvement of the Cape ed from U. S. Arnw as Tactical Offi. Iv lnrked, while hunting or on the Fear river below Wilmington, from cers, is well worth the attention of e7 were arrested They ' . .L u 8100.000 to 8245.000 . L 'nnhli W o t laU- Perry rearrested and sentei warnath uuring mo rrBiicu-uut- i , ' . ' . .' r " ouuonu- r land hill wan -nassfid in tha Hnnw I A an l.oc nKn,l,l t .j : .l 1 1 rr il Uill tuna a nAint in I : -.-.w., uuu. uo aunuuuiicu abi.ciiuiii2f LUO lish War, this hill was a point to . . . , . .... d,RftHBBftH s. . . a na . . 1 I . -a. Mil wvu. UO UOIIli' I11UIO 1JU.1L Aoe oenaie, on ine 2th, was lul than heipiul. Artillery Drill is Miixions of grasshoppers have recently ap peared in the vicinity of St. Paul, Minn., and seriously threaten the total annihilation ot the crops. It has been decided to pay SI a bushel for the " hoppers." Bobist Fuck of Sjra-.u-e is going down the Whirlpool Rapids at Niagara ia a bout ol his own construction. If he comes out ulivt he will then have a race with Cnarkj Perc of Suspension Bridge. Ex-Policeman John Eliot, who was dismissed from the force a few days ago for violation ol the rules, committed Buicido Saturday bj shooting himself through the bead. He wai forty-five years old. A keg bo named Carter, employed as coo per by a turpentine firm in Manning, sayi he dreamed he was going to turn white and that in a few months his hands commenced to lose their color. He is now almost white His health, he says, was never better. The ease against the American schooner A H. Knight, carrying bait to St. Piere, hai been begun. Witnesses deposed to seeing the vessel In St Pierre passing herring ii baskets to -the French banker. It was proved that she had taken an undue quantity oi herrings on board In Fortune Bay. Mr. Gladstone yesterday made a mani festo to the electors of Great Britian, th Important points in which involve the reten tion of Irish representation in the Imperia Parliament as at present, and also give t national assembly to Ireland, with author ity and control over the judlcary and th police. A briet of a Papal proclamation has beet prepared for communication to the Ameri can bishops, announcing that it Is permittee to Roman Catholics to be Knights ot Labor The brief fully supports Cardinal Gibbons'ii the views which he has expressed in f.ivoi of the Knights of Labor as a lawful organ gation. It has been ascertained that Pitchei the Providence bank defaulter, was h Buffalo last Monday and left for Mon treal that night. While there he bough a draft for 1,000 on London at tu Bank of Buffalo and another for $2,000 on Pro vidence. He travelled under the alias oi James A. Roberts. On Friday evening a canoe containing J. B Codwis'i of Wellesley Hills and a young lady capsized in CharlesRiver, near Riverdals Mass. Cod wise was drowned, but befon sinking he made an effort to save his com panlon. The lady was rescued by Charlei Brown and Albert Randall. The body o Cod wise was recovered in an hour. James Whalen, alias Gyp Ryan, wh is supposed to have been implicated ii the murder of A. J. Suell in March last and who had been seen near the Snel mansion for several nights prior to the murdat . and since that time has completely dlsap peared, was arrested yesterday at Man istee, Mich., by detectives from this city. Mike Hurley, the burglar arrested ii Boston on Saturday by Chief Hanscom's men is wanted in Bennington, VL, for breaklni jail. He was there a year ago, during the un veiling of a monument, and "worked" th crowd. He and Billy Perry, a well knowi broki sentenced U two years. Hurley says he will go there on 1 requisition only. diffleulty rescued a man who was struggling in the water, almest exhausted. When they had dragged the I fellow ashore he gave his name as William Monroe, and said he lived in Boston. He said he was a carpenter engaged He couldn't explain how the water. It Is thought that he intended to commit suicide, but re pented when the water was so wet. on the new hotel. be earns to be in Hn. Victor Won Har Cati. Clxtxxakd, June 29. Twenty years ago. Mrs. Victor, of this city, was sentenced to im prisonment for life, after being found guilty be a Jury of having murdered her husband. Last yaar she was pardoned by the Governor, who was presented with evidence that clearly showed Mrs. Victor was an innocent woman. At the time of het trial the woman jplaced in the hands of a prominent business man of this city a large j amount of property, which he refused to turn over to her after her re lease. She sued txlto, and yesterday the caso was settled in hr favor. The property now amounts to a vary large sum. Cauda Agalaat CklaaaitB. Ottawa, July 1. Th rreent attempt oa the part of the united S'a'es offlcu .. to re turn a large number of Chinamen, who had smuggled themselves ji crows the Una Into Washington Territory from British Columbia, back into Canadian Territory, has led the Government here to Issue aa Imperative order to tho Colleotots of Customs on the Pacific coast to permit, under no circum stances, these Chinamen to land Until the per capita tax of $30 has first b"en paid either by the United States authorities or the China men. The? Caafht Mlaa this Tim. Newport, Tenn., July 1. About five or six month -. r .;o W. O. Harper s distillery 1 burned near this place, and it was strongly suspected that Harper bad burned it, but there was not sufficient ; f to arrest him. Friday night it was .-.gain burned, with a re ported loss of 1,000 gallons of whiskey. To day, however, over 400 gallons ot the whiskey were found burl in a ditch within a nun dred yards of Harper's house. Harper and four others have been arrested. Our Motto: The Lest bottom values for the money down. 1 I ANOTHER COMMON SENSE TALK TO THE WORKING MEN OF I OUR COUNTRY. KIND READER : In these days of "trusts" and "combinations" among capitalists, manufacturers and mer chants to wring from the working-men of our land unjust and extortionate profits on their productions, it ia high time you were looking around for some means of protection, and we hail with pleasure the coming of labor clubs, farmers alliances, Ac, and the deter mination of so many to throw off the yoke of bondage, known as the credit system. We want to congratulate the hun dreds of farmers throughout the Pied mont section of our good old State, who have seen the dangers lurking in th credit system, and gone to work to rid themselves and neighbors of the abom ination. This accursed system has long had a strong hold on our people, and it may seem hard to break its grip, but if you persevere you will not fail to win, and then you will be a happy, prosperous and free man, free to buy your goods where you please and of whom you please. And when you come across some time merchant who is all bound up with these combination man ufacturers to charge you about 25 per cent, above an honest profit, you can assert your independence and give them the go by. We don't believe in this way of giving one man in a town control of an article which enables him to name his own price and charge unjust profits. We believe in competition because it will regulate values, and is nothing but jus tice to a trading public. We believe that when a business hasn't merit enough in it to stand without being propped up by combinations it is a fraud and not worthy the patronage of a buying people. We will make no agreement with any man or company of men to sell an arti cle at a certain price. We believe in a fair and free fight, and if every man in town wants to sell DIXIE PLOWS or DOUGLASS' $3.00 shoes let him sell them, and let the bouse that cvn't stand the fire go down, be it us or any ony one else. The following is an exact copy of a letter received by us from W. L. Doug las, manufacturer of Douglas' $3 shoes. W. D WE ARE SEIZING z Alamance Plaids worth 7 cents at G cents. Sheeting worth 7 cents at G cents. Beautiful Calico worth 7 cents at 5 cents. Nice Calico worth 7 cents at 4 cents. Worsted Dress Goods (wool) at 10 cent. W'hite Lawns worth 10 cents at G cents. Figured Lawns worth 8 cents at 5 cents. Ladies Trimmed Hats worth $1.50 at 85 cent.-. Good Suspenders at 5 and 10 cents. Clocks as low as 85 cents. A regular $1.50 Umbrella at G5 cents. AND THOUSANDS OP OTHER BARGAINS. ROSENBACIIER & BROTH Kit. -GO TO- ROSENBACHER & BROTHER'S SHOE AND HAT STORE I $15 000 WORTH OF NEW SHOES JUST RECEIVED. WE ARE SELLING : A regular $3.00 Mens Fine Shoe at $2.00. A regular $2.00 Mens' Fine Shoe at $1.50 A Fine Calf Boot at $1.50. Mens' Fine Shoes worth $1.75 at $1.10. Brogan Shoes worth 1.25 at 85 cents. Ladies' Fine Button Shoes worth $2.00 at $1.00. Ladies Fine Lace Shoes worth $1.50 at 75 cents. Ladies Slippers worth 75 cents at 25 cents. Mens Slippers worth $1.00 at 40 cents. Fine Fur Hata worth $2.00 at 99 cents. AND THOUSANDS OF OTHER BARGAINS. . ROSENBACHER L BRO. May 3rd, 18g83m. Did Yutt KlWlt. -fV -""clfarc-s.01,. 1 rjiPH'm'X1N w atch the Indiana, when they camp- j cd about the mill. All these remin- principally occupied in the consid Iscences were highly gratifying to eration of the various appropria- u b, Btanding, aa re didn the very Jion ll8 thef PurP08 being to per- . A. u -i- -t nA feet them aa far aa possible at once, spot where the buildings stood, and T lh H Mr. Blount, of Geor- within the ' Dutch lort as the In- p& was elected speaker pro. tern. dians called it. The site of the first during the temporary absence of houBe was shown, occupied in 1753. Speaker Carlisle; the tariff bill was V , , considered, and the conference re- , The services at the church were port on the con8ular and diplomatic interesting, similar to a funeral oc- bill agreed to. The House of casion. Dr. Rondthaler, Revs. C. L. Representatives has passed a joint Riehts J. H. Clewell, J. F. McCuis- resolution providing temporarily for ton And J.E. Hall, took part in the the expenditures of the government w' in case the appropriation bills have exercises. not become laws prior to July 1st, A procession was then formed, and a caucus of Democratic Sena headed by the band of music, and tors has decided to insist on the w np .b. . w. , rxTpptpl',rrue path, to the monument in the grave- The official canvae8 of the Congres- yard on tho hill top, Grouped at sional election in Oregon eives Her- the grave and around the monument mam, Republican, a plurality of nw T?av Ttr Rondthaler ' Rev. R. ,470. ;parr tbo church, c'ZtSJSg Rev'a. C. L. Rights, L. B. Wurresch- propriationa for the present fiscal ke, J. H. Clewell, J, E. Hall, J. F. year for thirty days from the 30th McCuiston, and Sam'l Woosly, who of June, in departments for which all took part in the exercises, which Pf P"'tion bills for the next year . . i. . . .. c shall not have become laws : almost consisted of reading the Litany for the entire day in the Senate was the burial of the dead, with singing spent in the consideration of the and prayer. army appropriation bill: the tariff thk monument pni occupiea tne iiouse session, dur- . - .4 , . luS lDe conBiaerauon 01 which a is of native granite, and beautifully heated oersonal controvert tk cut by McGaliard & Huske. of Ker- plaee between Mr. Breckenridge, of nersville. The snalt is seven leet -aricansas, ana Mr. need, ot Maine, high, resting on a pedestal of two . In the Senate on the 30th, tho r 11 e u u river and harbor bill was considered leet, in all nine leet nign. ino m- . . H Bcriptions are on a polished shield further consideration of the tariff added to the Military Instruction, a feature possessed by no other Pre paratory school in the South.' We are glad to see a North Caro lina enterprise so progressive and so successful. See -advertisement. St. LotJisi Llune 28. After the most exciting local option fight ever known in Missouri the prohibition ists of Independence, tho county seat ot the county, and the oldest town in Missouri, won a great vic tory yesteiday, carrying the elec tion by over two hundred majority, and ending the sale of liquor for four years. - Women were every- wnere at tne, pons, at the lunch stand, on tho street corners wearing eilk badges, and with " dry" ballots in their hands. Tho temperance people had a big celebration last night. ! High Point Enterprise: When it is . remembered that thcro are about 2,000 white persons living here the remarkableness of the fol lowing fact will fully appear. It is this : There has not been over foar deaths of resident white citizens in High Point for the past five years Parlslama Cirair Agala. Paris, July 3. All of the journals are of tin. opinion that the new Budget Committei means a grave check' to the Government Some of the papers predict that if the Op portunists roe u me their hostile tactics a crisii will ensue. To Aultt Stamlejr. Bom, July 3. 81g. Camperio, President at the Milan African Society, has written a letter with the objeot of raising a subscription t equip an expedition to assist Stanley, Emit Bey and Casau. ft 3,000 Gl-r try the tlaeea. Lokdok, July 2. The Queen has given 70 000, the balance of the Women's Jubilee offer Ing, to St. Catherine's Training Hospital lei Nurses for the London Peor. $700,000 Wrtlk of Blact Fbtbmm. BiRMmon iM. AIh., July 1. Seven hundred thnnutnd rf..l':4M tru nlnAnd in hajik har to be used in the ejection of three new blast furnaces in this vicinity. The furnaces are to be 17 feet each. The projectors of the enter prise are H. T. De Bardeleban. ot Birming ham, and parties from Charleston and Savan nr.h. Work is to begin Immediately. Whea these furnaces are completed there will be twenty-four blast furnact in operation la Alabama. I Allowed to Roslgm. Washington, Jane 80. The President yes terday accepted the resignation of Lieut. Em ory 11. Taunt, of the Navy, to take effect to day. Taunt was convicted by court martial In November last of absenee without leave and flagrant disobedience of orders and sen tenced to be I dismissed. Considerable pressure was broht to bear upon the Presi dent to prevent his dismissal, and the Pros!- finally consented to allow him to resign. t From Frngload to Chicago. Chicago, June 29 Propeller " Bosedale,1 Sunderland, England, arrived at Chicago al lOoVlock this morning. She is the first Trana- Ai 1 1 si lie vessel that ever arrived in Chicago. S.-a :s owned in Toronto by Haggerty, Champ- ton & Esthers. She will not return to Eng land, but will rufl between Toronto and Port Arthur. I WaaM to Drlmh ad Smoke. Bostox, Mass., June 80. It has been dis covered that members of the Common Coun cil secreted several hundred dollars' worth ol wine and olgars provided for the recent en tertainment of the Honorable Artillery of London. The scandal amounts almost to a sensation. t" Dr. FotherglU Dead. London, Juno 89. Dr. Fothorgill, tho attbor ot a number of medical works, is dsa4 Baity k Sons. Winston, N.C: Gentlemen : I am in receipt of an or der from you for $3.00 Shoes. I would say that I have learned that you are advertising and selling my 73.00 Shoes for $2.50 per pair. This is contrary to my instructions, and as you did not sign and return to me the contract which I sent you I am obliged to return to you yonr order refused. W. L. LOUGLAS. But we have Douglas' $3.00 Shoes and you can buy them at an honest profit. Now, we want to ask the working men of this country what they think of this? Some one had reported us because we dared to sell for an honest profit. Some merchant and the manu facturer has agreed to try and run out all who are willing to sell for an honest profit, and have clear sailing to rake in your dollars. What do you think of it? A merchant in your own State and a Northern manufacturer combining to make you psy an unjust profit for an article I Is it not time to wake up and stand for your rights and those who help you ? We don't promise to give you goods. We sell for a profit ; but are satisfied with a reasonable one. We spend noth in loafing, and never combine with any one to charge an unfair profit It is a duty ou owe to yourselves to investi gate our promises, it costs you noth- D. S. REID'S STORE, 1 DOOK ABOVE OlIXOCO WAREHOCSI, WINSTON.) N. C, IS KOW HEADQUARTERS FOR LOW PRICES GENERAL .MERCHANDISE. Tho Trustees of Trinity College made several important changes at their late meeting. The High Point Enterprise says : Tutor Hathcock will not return and the primary de partment will bo abolished. Special and business students have been provided for in the- promotion of Professor English, who is now a full professor in charge of the chair. Rev. H. H. Williams, of Yale Col lege and formerly professor of Greek at this institution, has been elected to tho new chair of theology. Scott Parten, who murdered his r ! .9 o iirAna wa m ass n wv am sons who have lived in the town and 3" t"? wn '5 TV7." made it their home. Two or three lhhiTj and ,dentl" persons have died here in the time fied at Sc,ma Johnston county, mentioned wbq were not residents -On yesterday evening the light- of the place. ning struck the barn of M. L. Cline, The Democratic Executive Com- ot Cabarrus county, and killed two mittee have accepted the resigna- horses. It seems that the lightning tion of Mr. C. B. Aycock as .chair- played many pranks in that section. man, auujeiecieu aui. x. 1 . 1 - v.vwo "via oiruvK in yaras in his place. and peoplo stunned. Br a long study of tbe people's wants, he bas been enabled to select the MOST COMPLETE STOCK! to be found anywhere in town, and by close attention to business, he bas been en abled to buy good at prices ITOO LOW to feor competition in bis selling prices. Sells strictly for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Jan. 38. 1S8 im. JOHN H. SINK, AT WJ.VG11TOWX, y. a, Keeps constantly on band and sells at the lowest prices: , Dry Goodi and Notion, Fancy Goods, Hat and Caps, Boot and 8hoe,' Hardware, &c, dc ing. We cannot afford to deceive you. Indeed nearly everythins; usually kept in a tl :.-.. .j general store. and on r'lour. Sbip-StuiT. There are two interests we guard, our h Meat, Sarar. Oil and MoUssea, he is own and our customers, and we believe the leader in aughtown, and makes good when we do this we have done our duty Coffee, Sugar, Cigars and Tobacco as merchants. We hold the reins of A sraciALTT. kinship and friendship over the pocket- He also sells Dr. Howard's Celebrated Burinc and sellin Mea.anes.ana a iuu uneoi ouier ADVANTAGES C. R. WELFARE. 18 years Experience. No extravagant clerk hire. $8,000 available capital. Auction jobs weekly from New York. Stock complete. Prices Light. Renews Her Youth- Mrs. Phoebe Chesley, Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tho following remarkable story, the truth of which is vouched for bv the residents of the . W sk ra II t I Ivmj.1 f wa MSk town : 1 am d years oin, ana nave " . "' FamUy MediciM give him a call and you been troubled with kidney complaint I merchandise is business, and all things I will be sure to get 100 cents worth of goods and lameness for many years ; could I else are not to be counted when you I or every Dollar you pay to aim. not dress myself without help. Now go to spend your dollars, and you do doJ ricbt "In'biVliSbeeJ I am free from all pain and soreness, I yourself an injustice to bur of anv I doinsr." Also whenever you want to build and am able to do all my own house- nnn Waun vou have bn tropin. I go to John and he will sell yoa Lcxse as ... .V . . . 0 low "-j ..... .v...,v. WilQ jum, or ne is your Kin .Diners ior naving renewea ray youth, and removed completely all diseases and pain. Try a bottle, only 50c. at Dr. Vf r Tu r rtr:. v. xuumsgii oiiug uiurc, 11 1 us lull as tbe lowest. WE WILL BUTT against anything in Salem and Winston in price and quality of NEW SPRING GOODS atCIITKD TBIS WEEK, 8 HOES to please alL DRY GOODS in great variety. K0TI0KS without number. t GLASSWARE and .CE0CKEET. GROCERIES to astonish. FLO TTR as Low aa S2J0. HARDWARE that wont wear out. VI CAXXOT KXCItasTE BUT DROP IN AND SEE. Respectfully, O. R. WELFARE. rvvoluliooi ted orlJ daring the half century. Not The farmers in Granville ooun ty are very backward with their crops; not more than 70 per cent, of the tobacco crop has been planted owing to tbe severe drought. It is now too late to plant good tobacco. Capt. Bailey Williamson, ot Raleigh, has harvested 51 tona of cured hay on 24 acres. W. D. BAITY & SONS. PEERLESS DYES They will dye everything. They are sold everywhere. Price lOe. a package. 40 colors. They have no equal lor Strength, Brightness. Amount in Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading tonalities. They do not crock or smut, r or sale by Dr. J. P. 8HAPFHER, Druggist. s a swaav. m sssssa "ss. Remember we ask no favoiitism or I .mm f U I bh O I friendship. We believe in letting every I Do Your Own Dyeing, at Home, with teart among the wooden of inventive pro tub stand upon its own bottom, and only ask your trade upon the claim of the best bottom values for the money down. . Don't forget that when in Winston your interests will be cared for by call ing at the BEE II IVE. YaHirs, against the old rotten system, against combinations and unjust profits. A.H. ZETELY 4 805, o Agents for Mail Contractors, WASHINGTON , D. C. is a method and srsteni of work that can be performed all over the country with out separatinc tbe workers from tht-ir homes. lay liberal ; any one can do the work ; either ses, young or old ; no special ability reauired. CsilbI not n relied : you are started irre. Cut Ibis oat and return to as and we will send yoa free, sumethinc of great value and importance to you, that will start you in business, whir h nil bring yoa in more monev rirLt ssy, than any thing else in the wort J. iSnnd wtt frrt. Address Tac a A Co., Augusta, Maine. mm HQ! .

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