Cjje 1 tuple's Jress. THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1889. LOCAL ITEMS. Mr. A. (V VU r eoUbratcd her 5Hh birthday recently '-" L. N. Cli nurd's fine . cow died. Sin' was valued at $150. ' Wo hud several frosls last week; diiij: no damage of consequence j Dr. J F. 'Shaffner and II. W. Fries bavo relurned from the Hot Springs, Ark. . a- rt 11 ii f f ' Mr. noiiowoii, oi txOiusDoro, is ''depot agent hero for tho Iloiwioke & .Southern Railroad. -Rev. P. II. Dal ton left High Point to take charge of the Presby terian church at Mocksville. Tho revenuo collections at the Winston office tor the month of A pril amountsyto $51,878.77. Hoy. W. W. Moore, D.D., wife and bister, Miss Ida, are on a visit to Mis. Ij. M. Fries, Mrs. Moore's mother. the Ciilisthenic Drill by tho yount,' ladies of. : Salem Female .Academy will take place Thursday and Friday nights. V. F. Grabs presented us with soino very fino apples, and William Peterson with tho finost head-lettuce we have seen this season. Thanks. Is there money in fruits? We hope to hear during the coming sum mer of the success of fruit growers, as to profit per acro, por tree or vine. .Rev. Thomas H. McCallie, of Chattanooga, Tenn., will preach the Baccalaureate sermon at the Salem Female Academy Commencement iu June. N. W. Craft, proprietor of Cedar Cove Nurseries, Shore, Yadkin coun ty, has shipped some of bis wines, to be placed on exhibition at tho Paris Exposition. Strawberries and cream will soon be tho order of the day. They are now coloring at the Cedar Cove Nurseries in Yadkin county, and an immense crop to harvest. Wo learn that the Forsyth Ri flemen, under command of Lieut. Bess-en t. acauited thomselves very creditably, at the uuuioru uauie . . ... r I n t T" . I Ground Celebration on Saturday. : - Mayor Buford has resigned the position -of Express Agent and is aueceeded by Ora Kerner. The Express office has been raov od to tho Starbuck block, Winston. A heavy frost on tho morning of the 4th of May, but little damage was Uono to truits to all appear- uuevn. alio iicoD uiu iuii iu ui taa- inir in and about Shore, Yadkin . ....... r 1 1 1 . . I ..-....' a m f i , 1 1 n ktAn Ir county, N. C. Mad dogs are still on the go, 3 having been killed in East Bend Township in the last three, weeks, mid ono hog belonging to C. E Shore, of Yadkin county, was bitten and went mad. Elder Henry Sheets will preach at New Friendship on the 4th Sun day in May, and on the Saturday lieiore at the ... usual time. Elder Sheets will fil) the regular appoint ments at New Friendship for the remainder of the year. The Roanoko Daily Herald say e: ll in to bo hoped that Col. F. fl. Fric i. r some otbor gentleman of i eiual push and vim will bo placed ut tho head of this TRoanoke and Southern Railroad enterprise Col. la. Fries is now acting President, and is mid to be an excellent one. The enteitainment at the Col- oveil church on .Tuesday evening lust was ei)jo3'able. The scholars 1 wero prompt in their work and the Bin;in' ana 8ieakin remarkably goo'l. Mrs. Doro and Miss Town ., . " send, tho teachers, show excellent results from their work, and have tio conhdence of all connected with . .. ... .1 i i IIIO ncilOO . Town Elections. The following is the result of the election in this pliicc on Monday last : Mayor. -H- E. Fries. CommiMsionors. A. C. Vogler, H. Ii. Mt-Iver, S. E. Butner, A. A. Spaugh, II. S. Crist, II. W. Shore, C. H. Foglo. Kernersville elected the following ticket; -Mayor J. S. Ray. Commissioners. -W. II. Leak, B. A. Brown, J. M. Greenfield, E. J. Stafford, J. Kerner. Tho following are the names of -i -tt . j i the Hpecial conimjttees appointed by .. .... . . . tho Winston-Salem Chamber of Com merce for this year On New Hotel J. A. Gray, C. A ro-le, J. C Buxton, T. L. Vaughn and Joe Jacobs. On Market House C. Buford, J. V. Alspaugh and M. VV, Norflcet. Tho public will be glad to learn of the rucult of any work done by tho W'ovo committees. The object of vit:i ,n...t. ....... ... wr: 0 .1 Dailv. -SCHOOL BOOKS of all kinds at Hluiiy,, Bookstore. On Public Roads T.J. Brown, J. ,Wo havo just received a sample able canine sagacity. Palmer Cox's T T .. .1 1 r k r i i T tt I i t- I W RvATOnifl'a d-n rrnr ", ia full rP f ti - ii.. jjuuiow, iu a. iteynojus, ur. n, C0pr OI - SUNDAY SCHOOL SPEECHES - --m uu. T. Bahnson and P. tf. Bailey. for the Yoono Folks, by W. F. "Jj J' TlTnJ! r ff0d i i rw r ci soldier story ot INapoleon s l;mi . Un Uty 1 ark Dr. K. b. Gvay, Grabs. The work is in pamphlet As a whole it is a delightful number. l. L. Miller, F. G. Crutchfield, W. B. form, conUing 120 pages, and makes $3.00 a year. Cheaper tQ cjubs. lenn and Dv: J. F. Hhaflfner. good reading outsido bf speech mak- , .:. - ' - The Roanoke and Southern Rail Road opened 'business on Monday last by dispatching the first regular train over the road to Walnut Cove, its present terminus. A free ride was given to stockholders, shippers and others.r) Some two or throe .hundred excursionists were com fortably sealed. The road is in good condition, and the train runs smooth ly, making tho ride very pleasant. Leaving the suburbs ot Winston, we passed through a gently rolling sec tion, dotted with small farms and a dense growth of young timber, grow ing into future value. Several old homesteads and other landmarks embossomed in beautiful groves or, ike the old time tavern, fronting iuo iutvuBiu3, aim uantiuu uy mo pump and water trough under broad ing lots for drovers, ocagjonally ap- peareu. -x no nrsi picasant spot was the new Moravian Chapel at "Oak Grove," then the old home or the ong smce deceased, Shenfl Stone, Birt Fitzpatrick, Mt Pleasant, Tex Lovo's Chnrch, Walkertown, Henry as: JuMia H. Flake, Beverly, N. C: Marshall's, Waddell's, (the Samuel Blackburn home,) Salem Chapel, and nnmnvnuq nthpr nnink At StnkM numeious other points. At atones- burg tho old building was pointed oui to us wnere tne late hoii. x. u. Lash commenced business, wav back in tho 30's. As you approach "the iwi u . uL y-A ? ture in the landscape, and the hill farms seem to be well tilled. The vil- I, wint rw, ;Q 0; fc v" " j eaana steaauy improving. -Lncre , , . . . will probably be a union depot here, as the C. F. & Y. V. R. R, and tho Roanoko and Soutern interaeot at this point. The coal and iron inter- osts of this section, when better de- veloped will do much to build up the town and vicinity. The return trip was a pleasant evening drive. Through tho cour- tesy of President Lemly, of Wacho- via Bank and President Fries nf the Rnnnnta onr? S"nf Viir T? T? Pnn . n ' . . sircuon company, wo met Mr. tr. vv . Maslin the able and polite Superin- tendontofthe road, and whoSaflfahlo . ' . manners added much to the pleas- urea of the excursion Much credit is aue voi. J?nes lor his "piucic ana push in lorwarding the interests ot .. i. ... . tho company and which is pushing the work at Koanoke City, and will I ultimately finish the road quicker man at, nrst anucipaiea. The timo table between Winston and Walnut Cove is as follows northbound. Daily. except Sunday. Xo. 1. No. 3. Lv. Winston Salem.4.45 a.m. 2.15 p.m Ar. Ogburn's, ' 4.55 " 2.25 Ar. Walkertown, 5.15 " 2.45 Ar. Dennis. 5.30 " 3.05 4' U Ar. Walnut Cove, 5.55 3.32 SOUTHBOUND. Daily except Sunday. No. 2. JSTo. 4. Lv. Walnut Cove, 6.15 a. m. 3.50 p.m. Ar. Dennis, 6 40 " 4.15 Ar. 'Walkertown, 7.00 " 4.35 Ar. Ogburn, 7.15 " 4.50 Ar. Winston-Salem7.25 4 5.00 u Nos. 1 and 2 connect with south bound and Nos. 3 and 4 with north bound train on C. F. & Y. V. R.R. mwuns oi vouniy vommusiojiew. mr e rt a n z The Commisaioners met on Mon- day last. Claims to the amount of 8842.11 were allowed. . A committee waslippointed to lay off a public,road from near Belew's Creek postoffice to the Guilford eountv line: and another committee was appointed to look after the re- opening of a public road from, the Mountain road to tho Bark road in I " Middle Fork Township. p Messrs. J. A. Gray, C. H. Hauser, I N. D. Sullivan, John H. Kapp and Capt. D. P. Mast were appointed a comjmttee to consiuer plans lor a . .... now court-bouse or lor remodelling the present one, with authority to &cl "F Ul-"lga . n ., . . . r. , miues oi me cost anu report 10 me . C A I . ... 1 . . . 1 next meeting of the.Board in June. Civil Engineer Ludlow was en- .0.... I 1 . . picFai 0pciuLauons ior . j .v, u.v.s I t.hn nnonssnrv wnrt nn Sirlan' hiilnra over Muddy Ureek, the Todd bridge over Ronth Fork and t.hn Shnlt , . , t, , . . , A 4, . . , !, tha same hv contract. Timhi A list of Letters remainins? in the Post Office atSSlom, N. C, for the week endipr May 4, 1889 : '; Ladies. Mrs. Ida Butler, Miss Flora N. Elliott, Mrs. Mat. 1ard, Mrs. All is Sapp ; Gentlemen. Mike Bodenhamer, Allison J. C. Bodenhamor, Ed. Rothrock, Noah E. Snider, J unio Williard. Persons calling for these letters should say Advertised, and are required to pay lc for each letter. I -n" t. rvArrmiTini t. T . B . DOUTHIT , P. M. goou reaaing ouisiqooi sp ing. It is neatly gotten up and is a book every parent should place in tho hands of lht;irrcbildren. f rice 25 cents, and worth dxitbl.i tho price Address, W.F. Grabs, Clara P. O., f Stokes Co.. N C Buffalo, Dakota; suffered $100,000 damages from a destructive hurri- cane on th' 0th irttau. -n, , n Blank Bixtks of overy descrip tion at A sacra ft' & Owens, Drug gists, Winston. Jan. 31. The following is tho Programme for Commencement week : Baccalaureate Sermon on Sunday, Juno 2nd, 10.30 o'clock a. m. Children's evening and concert, Monday Juno 3d, 7.45 o'clock, p. m. Art Exhibition, Tnesday,June 4th, 3 o'clock, p.. m: ! Seniors'i-Essays, Tuesday eeening, June 4th, 7.45 o'clock. Commencement, Wednosday, June 5th, 9 o'clock, a. in. Meeting of tho Alumnso Associa tion, Wednesday June 5th, 3 o'clock, p. m. Grand Closing Concert, Wednes day, June 5th, 7.45 o'clock, p. in. The following young ladies form radULtin "Class of 1889 rnu ; . :,i bft . Moravian Chnroh luc entiio ocrioa ui caciuibub win Marguerite DuFour, Geneva, Switz- erianu, iviliio xvia r ain, uanuriuge, Tenn.; Lida A. Fain, Mossy Creek, Tenn ; Minnie F.Tarmer New'sFer- Mary Elinor Fries, Birdie Viola Gos- ,en Salem, I. C; Emily Addison "t""ouuio' -""j r.lndsa v -ReidaviIlo. N. C Julia Meacham, Anderson, Texas; Mary narroia f ionl, uolumous, tiai; u&isy M, Ruff, Ridgeway , S. . C.;. Carrio -,8ea csnanner, oaiem, in. ar- ne Cobane Shelton, Winston, JN. C; S.C.; Annie J.Staples, Reidsville, N.C. Carrie Lstelle btockton, Salem, JN.U Hattio Cromartio Sutton, Fayette- ville, N C.j Lola Estello Wells, Wil- snn N !; Jonm S Whitner, xort Eoed Fla. Bessie Burwell Winkler, J w, Salem, N. C Tho sermon of Rev. Mr. Davis of the Presbyteiian Church, Winston, given in the Moravian Church on Snnday evening last, was remark- able tor its earnestness; and power. Every ono felt the force of the words spoken, and lound tood tor reflection for many days. "It was good to be there. The Commencement exercises of tho Winston Graded School will take place Thursday, May 16th, at 8, p.m Concert Fridav eveninrr Mav 17th.- oi.,4-.:- d t. D.,f 'o.i ':"TJ' i : t tII nZri' Winstnn N ' hftr ftf nniIfl 4ft0 The followins are the sraduatinsr class : K. Li. Patterson, President; m nr.. i Tr: - -T :j ... ... uiuu.Fuy, v ,c ir.os.aont, ) a"10 Dno8Kin' secretary; M lata i A ia J 'I innamiai" 1 too ! IT.i!. TT I O i Fannie CooperOrator; Miss Mattie Mctiehee, Elocutionist: Miss Liillio King, Prophet; ll.P.Boggs Lecturer. Five Forks, Stokes Co., N. C, ) May 6th, 1889. j JJessrs. Editors : Wo have had 4 frosts in spcces.sion theso daj's. Last Saturday nVorning was the coldest, below freezing by tho thermometer. Somo of tho vegetables were badly injured. Beans and melon plants wero all killed in low grounds. The young corn' was injured. We sup pose that there was not much dam age to the fruit upon tho ridges, bat such as cherries and peaches were nearly all killed down on the low grounds. A good many farmers are about done planting corn now, and prepar- ; land for tobacco will h t.h main , iU """, " work for the next few days. Grain is very scarce, or it would bo, was it not shipped from other parts. Too much black tobacco and not enough white corn is the trouble. W. F. G. DAVIDSON COUNTY From the Dispatch At a meeting of the Smith Alii anco last Saturday 16 applicants for membership wero initiated. Several others have their applications on file and are expected to ioin at the - : - next meeting. Smith Alliance holds its meetings at Maley's school house. H. T. rhill ns has an entratremont to adti,.ess the Farmer' Allianc.A at 1 ... o-a Ebonezer. Saturdav. 11th inat. Kn savs he is t?ettinjf used to mak nor " : agr,Gaitural speeches. The latest - O o o v. .... . .. . omeial- tit A that, ho hna fnton tn him8elf; i& f 0rator of tho AUianco r. Ju. tteurick, trustee ot J. W rmch, sold the real estate atauc- ' " tion. The proceeds of the sale ag- g'S iu,uuo, wnicu win a. - .1 i ' a. a -t s rrr . i 1 1 pay the claims of preferred credi tors. It is calculatod that second- ciass creanors win get little or nothing. OT. NICHOLAS for May opens with a pretty picture ot "Babys Sunny Corner. "Daddy Jake, tho Runa way" has a pleasant ending. "The Bells of St. Anne," is highly inter esting, as is "A Bit of Color." "The Land of Nod " shows how well Try, bU8 fuw wou little cantata can bo' rriven in. t little cantata can bo i given in. the .Plantation Schoolhouse. ' J3og8 of JNOted Americans, SbOWS Consider- The New Discovery. You have heard your friends And neighbors talking about it. You mav yourself ne one ot tne many who know trom personal experience just now pood n thinor . ia. Tf vrm mvo avai tttol if you are one of its staunch friends, be cause the wonderful thine about it is. that when once given a tri.il, Dr. King's New UiKnoverv fiver attpr holds n nl-.o in the house.. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough. pojd or any Throat, Lung or Chest trou ble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at V. O. Ibompson s Drugstore, Win ston, N. C. For Coughs, Colds, Croup and soreness of Throat and Lungs, use Dr. Flynt's Cough Syrup. Jt will cure you, for sale by Ashchaft & Owens, Winston; j Jan. 31. Stationery ot all kinds at Ash craft & Owens, Druggists. Winston. Jan. 31. Why do you allowj yourself to be an annoyance to yourself" and every one about by that cough when a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Flynt's Conjh Syrup will cure you. For sale hy Dr. Shaffner, and Ashcraft & Owens j ! Jan. 31. MARRIED. , In Davidson county, J. D. Red- - . tr r II' . wine, ot .Lexington, to jiiss jkmiio McQuiston, ' at the homo o the bride's father, W. R McQuiston, Esq. In Davidson county, April 21st, Hilliard Hill to Miss Direy Varner. In Davie counts7, Aprii 14th, San- ford Brown to Miss Mary J. Vogler, W. B. Ellis' Esq , officiating. - In Tyro Township, Davidson coun ty, J. 11. b ntls to Miss Cornelia lied rick. , ! DIED. In this lace on the 2nd inst., of typhoid pneumonia, Charles R. Wei- iare, 111 nis year. r or a num w r v,o,.. m n AVfar onnHnM.,! a mei-cantile business in this Dlaco. and was highly esteemed by all. Re centlv he removed his store to Win- gton and his business prospects were highly satisfactory. His health had not been good for several years, yot he was at bis post regularly, and was stricken down in the midst of usefulness. Ho loaves a vife and 2 children and a wide circle of rcla tives and friends; to mourn bis loss. He was u consistent member of the Baptist church, j I His remains were interred on Fri day last, in the cemetery. Rev: H. A. Brow n, of tho 1st Baptist church. Winston, .preached tho funeral si-r- mon. Itc-v. Mr. tJonrad added a fow remarks. A large congregation was present. I In Lexington, Stephen W. Rice, aged 54 years. ; In Davidson count', at his resi dence near Welconu, Ransom Hin- kle, of dropsy. On Saturday niht last, nejnl. Dal n Strktma mnnfv l ail 1 1 oure 01 r r -v r . .. . i .. i about 6b years. .Her remain were interred at Tabernacle, Fq Syth Co., on Monday last. At Hiuk Shnal, Yadkin eountv. recently, Daniel Grur. At Cr089 Roads Chnrc, Yadkin county, April 12th, Mrs. J as. Steel- man, a very worthy la ly. Recently, R. W. Cox, one of Pilot Mountain s merchants. I Many Persons Are broken down from overwork or household cares lJrnwn's Iron Bitters rehuilds the svstem. aids digestion, removes ex cess of bile, and cures malaria. Get the genuine. CONDENSED STATEMENT Of L. N. Clinard, Treasurer of Board of Commissioners of the Town of Salem, N. C, 1888. RECEIPTS, May 1, To cash in treas ury 463.51 Tax Levy,1888 6,185.68 Back taxes col lected;.. 87.91 Cash Board of Trustees 200.00 Cashalem F. Academy 50.00 Fines and Pen alties 408.83 Cash Borrowed 1,550.00-8.005.93 DISBURSEM ENTS. ..... . ' SV":' Bath bridge and till... 846.75 " Iron bridge, till, &c... 478.75 " Fire Co., including Bell 224.86 " Police Services, 13 mos 532.75 " Lamps, Oil and Sal ary 13 months 766.12 " Hospital Rent 75.00 Street Commissioner .. 100.00 Secretary & Treasurer 150.00 " Fire Co . Taxes, &c 177.80 " Not liable, over and under age 94.73 Contingent, interest, Printing, fcc 250.42 Unpaid Taxes 142.58 ' Cash 59.45-8,005.93 INDEBTEDNESS. Indebtedness, old.... $3,180.00 new 1,550.00-4,750.00 We the undersigned, auditing committee have carefully examined the accounts and vouchers of Li. N. Clinard, Ireasurer, and find them correct. H.S.CRIST, ) f. SAM'L E. BUTNER. J Uom May 2, 1889, NOTICE. HAVING duly qualified as Administra tor of C. L. Welfare, deceased, all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notiUed to present them to me duly proven-, within 12 months from the d.ite ot this notice, or the same will be plead in bar of their recovery. And all thote indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make payment of the same at once. ii. ir. MAST, Admr of C. R. Wei (are. This 7th May, 1889 6t. 1,889. Harper s Weekly. ILLTTSTBATED. Habpib'8 Wkkkly has a well-established place as i the leading Illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness of Its editorial comments od current politics has earned for It the respect and confidence of all Impartial readers, and the variety and excellence of Us literary contents, which Include serial and sbart stories by the best and most popular writers, lit it for the pernsnal of people of the widest range of tastes and persults. Supplements are frequently pro vided, and no expense Is spared to bring; the highest ord,er of artistic ability tfbear upon the Il I elgn bl8toryf a new work of fiction from tbe pen of lustration of the chungeiui phases of home ana lor- William Dean uowelis, ana one oy capt. cnariea a.lug( wiu im (Uuuug (ni; iuauiii( icamrcs Ui uv WBKK1.T for 1839. - j . HARPER'S PERIODICALS. One, Years: HARPER'S WEEKLY. J (4 00 HARPEK'S MAGAZINE 40O HARPEB'3 BAZAR .... 4 00 iJARPER'S YOU$Q PEOPLE.. ; 2 00 Postage Free la nil suhscrVrs in the United States, Canada or Mexico. ' I j The Volumes of th. Wkscly begin with the first Number for January ,f nach yer. Wh-n no time 1 mentioned, 8iilscritli . MR wul btgiu Uh the num ber current at tlme jif i-.cv-ijttf onler. i "Bound Vola-ne r MAiifafti's Ws sifLr, for 3 years back In neat cloth bii.dl.ig, a il he tent by mail, pos Ugepald, or by express. Iree of expense (provided - u.r ,.Cr ..u... for $" 00 per volum Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding will be sent by .n ul potpai 1, on receipt of 1 OOcae Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order-or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are nut to copy j this advertise meiti without the express order of IIarpek & liKU-mnKa. Addreas HARPER ft BROTHERS, Nw York. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk Best Salti in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tion, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by V. O. Thompson, Winston," N. C. SALEM MARKETS. Wheat- Corn, per bushel, ..$1 00 to 1 20 60 to 60 - 45 to ;8 00 to 0 .. OOto 00 - 2 50 to 2 75 .. 0 OOto 0 50 - 0 00 to 00. -. OOto 00 .. 0 00 to 0 00 .. oooto 00 7 to 8 uats, " Rye, " Barley, per bushel......... Flour per hundred , Peas,( col'd, ) perbusheL, reas(white) ' " Beans.Ccol'd)" Beans( white)" . Onion Setts.per bushel, ....... Pork . Lard Country Meat, (hog ronnd) r ' Hams Green Apples, per bushel- Eggs,- :.. . Butter.pexpound........ l.. Tallow," " 8 to 00 08 to 09 10 to 12 0 50to 0 75 8 to 10 15 to 20 5 to 00 Heeswax," 00 to 20 LFlax Seed, per bushel 75 to 0 60 Potatoes, Irish, per bushel 50 to 0 75 Potatoes, sweet" ' 00 to 0 00 Cabbage, per pound, 2 to 0 00 Chickens, 4 to 24 Hay 5 to 50 Winston Tobacco Market. . Lugs. Common, sound, f 2.50 to $3.50 Medium, 4.50 to 600 " Good, 9.00 to 13.00 " Fine, 16.00 to 18.00 Leaf. Common, 4.50 to 7.9C " Medium, 8.00 to 10.00 Good, 12.00 to 14.00 Cutters. Good, 18.00 to 22.50 Fine, 0 to 37.00 Wrappers. Common 25.00 to 35.00 Medium, 00.00 to 00.00 I Good, 40.00 to 45.00 " Fine. 50.00 to 65.00 1889. gAlllU aUU gUiXLXYiaiVf. Millinery-, Fancy Goods, Notions. I HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL . LINES OF ever brought to this GOODS CITY. MISS BAKER, OF BALTIMORE. AN EXPERIENCED AND TASTY TRIM MER, 18 WITH ME, READY TO SERVE ALL. I WILL BE GLAD FOR ALL TO CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND tt,-, r. ALL GOODk SOLD VERY LOW FOR CASH ONLY. MRS. T. B. DOUTHIT. Main Street, Salem, N. C. GO TO WELFARE'S While in the city ot New York, reoently. I made arrangements with some of. the largest manufacturers in the pity to get; SHOES, 111 mil LE KOTIOHS, from FIRST HANDS, so as to cut out mid dle men's profits, enabling me to sell at prices to ASTONISH JSVEKYBODY. A tew days ago in tne very nicK ot time, I secured a large lot or Sample Shoes for Ladies ana liniurenj at 50 cents in the dollar. , Every train brings ns some drives from NEW YOKK AUCTION KOOMS. COME AND SEE the grand stock we carry. T FROM 4 O'CLOCK TO 10 O'CLOCK on Saturdays, seven men cannot do justice to all who come to trade, as some have to leave without being waited on. Every exertion will be made to wait on customers. . BARGAINS SOLID, BARGAINS is what does the work. 3f Remember the place N. T. WAT- KIN'S FOK3IEK STAND. Very truly,- ; C. R. WELFARE. Winston, N, C, March 14-3m. R. B. KERNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WINSTONi N. O Those wishing Poems and Oth er Miscellaneous Books, would, do well to call at Blum s Bookstore. Go to Blum's for Books of every kind. Poultry Books for 25 cents, at Blum s Bookstore. Pocket Atlas for 25 cents at BlumV Bookstore. ' kali Hut K.nmn. 1 i is on file in Pfailutrlir'niK. N. W. AYERASON, our authorised acanU. 1$5 Bo took, PaUiMr'a Amartoaa Anhitaeroi. m rrirj mmm an iMaatfe aMUIaa. ataiM oa IIU.H.. niLniwiwintmawimiiinmaiK kMt frayi Ik TMIiitattniim aaBaildlac. If aatlT tow kaa4n iiaatewaBoraiBMwiiaaatn. ustiimunrtM liiiliti mr too. llltatkl m o4 Kyi. ku wa kr. 4wlrt nki U Mat Um Malar ama,toHa Hawa. a thaUt aal W aaatly n 1 1 1 4 iy mil. Tfcta kaak aaatalaa KMsatMll w Mlaakaalaal HT t m H,Uli,tii rTtac laaia,alinUiai, iiMllUai,amatriiTHa, actaalaaat af aaaMr 1 aH ka aaaauaa IHitMlll Wlaiall m aaaaXaas work, ia4 tutncMoas How MncMoM How to Balltt Cawagaa. VU rtak laak lliam. aaliaUla tWattr Wk mrf, mtmtm km tka aiai mm warkiafBaa'i mn Imt all t Aa aaaatry, aa4 aaatlac a t0O u HO; aln Bataa, tallUac,taKlMr wtlk ayirttoatliaa, farm afi Mail, aa4 lanrt axmal afl afanuttoa aa tka aracaea al kaUMa, aaUtaa l alia. aiVaaraMalafAiakatactt. ItlawankaiSOtaaay aaa.kat I artll Haw, Tawa Hall. Cl.atcl.aa, a4 ala mMM I SM4tf,raaaTy O yoayaUaTaeapTl J jSwL 'TanSl aa4 ttla ky mfl yaalyaU aa raeatpt afi Lao, tuatla WWaw Xackk otR For $1.00. .HOf If mwE Bection of the world grows UterTobanThrSn ffSSfc. marjtei. ixw grades and emmon Tobacco P?rtanoe.and the selection verTnearTynaHnr STAR last year did not get their Tobacco frostbitten becatis it rinoni .,i- . cured before the frost came. When a man eoeTtoXV fl fc n.d age, size and condition, and formed, thus recognizing that S.SS ot7' WHO BUY" FERTILIZERS prebabilitv next season look nA ."J OLD, THOROUGHLY TESTED AXD RELIABLE STAR BRAND FERTILIZERS which have out-lived their wonld-be cnmnt:tnN t.. or a rival. There has been more fine fI STAR BRAND SPECIAL in Noith Carolina, than all other fertilizers combined. Although there has been an lJl!?"VCED THE PRICEBY8m.LIN60XLY va vaoii aiiu uivKiin? nnr rrm miacmna v. u r . m . - ;r.T .V. S If voa desire to mata FHn Yellnw TaKa & ADDISON'S STAR BRInD SPECIAL TOBAOCOANURES. T very .Respectfully, HINSHAW.& MEDEARIS. Winston. N.C., April 11, 1889, 4t. . BE VAN, THE 55 MA TW ST., Retnrns his most sincere and hearty thanks Piedmont section for their liberal i omoni section tor ttieir liberal patronage in the past and resoectfnll v mit. a continuance of the same, andl havini jast returned from 1 Yfv?iiat3 opening many novelties suitable for BRIDAL and HOLI DAY PRESENTS, together with Ladies and Gent? 3PIHIE GQIaD VEST, WAIST AND DIAMOND & PLAIN SOLID with the most complete assortment of JEWELRY to be found in N. W. N. O, also PURE SILVER SPOONS. RICH TABLE LED PARLOR' CLOCKS. ReTl BRO.s ENAM- G0L!ft Call and be convinced. . Nov. 15. 18S3 tf. Pomona Hill Nurseries. POMONA, N. C. Two and one-half miles west of Greens boro- The main line of the R. & D. R. R. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet ot the otnee. balem trains make regu lar stops twice daily going each way, and make connection with all,trains at Greens boro. My stock consists of all the leadinsr fruits cultivated to suit the Southern and border btaies. New and rare varieties of recent introduction and all the old standard sorts. Also bbade Trees. Evergreens. Roses. Ac. Send for Descriptive Catalogue No. 1 of jvruu irees, vines, sc. and jio. 2 GREEN HOUSE Catalogue, of young, pot-grown Roses, Chrysanthemums, Carnations and a general variety of bedding and -flowering plants, ready for planting out in April ana Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. Address J. VAN LTNDLEY, Pomona. Guilford Co N. C. March 28, 1883. ly. MISS EMMA L. LEINBACH, tor sale, ir. c) r85' iasinj Agent, Also agent for the selection and Ipurchase of No shoddy Pianos handled. Good Second-hand Pianos, prime order, from about 975 up. ' NEW PIANOS FROM $275 UP. 146 West 16th Street, New York City. I cheerfully certifv that Miss Emma. Leinbach has pure shed Pianos for our Institution, and for residents of our town. and has in every case given eminent satis- . lacuon. &ne unites the three qualities which fit her for responsibilities of this kind, she has fine taste and excellent bus iness judgment; she is a thorough musi- . 1 ' x 1 a a ... ciau : )ue is luorougniy conscienuons. JOHN H. CLEWELL, Principal Salem F. Academy. Salem, N..C, Feb. 11, 1889. ONE CAR LOAD NEW LEE STOVES. When in need of Nails, Horseshoes, Axes, iioea, Mattocks, i t Cane Mills, Evaporators, Mowers . i ! and Farming Implements of all kinds, Machinery oi every description, or, in fact, for anything in the HARDWARE LINEp- - senseman & co.; s go to R. R. CRAWFORD'S, who keeps a large ana complete siock of the best quality of HARDWARE I which he sells at bottom figures. i Cincinnati Buggies and- TOOACOO FLUES i A SPECIALTY. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE. ' R.R.CRAWFORD, HABOWABS MKRCHANT, i LIBERTY 8T., WINSTOIT. ST. C Aug. 16, 188S. Sntlsi.irafklM' kia ai aaca aataallak ItraOa as all para, ky r pacaf a a r arkaaa tka aaopla caa aaa wU aaa4 fr ta aa ai aaca Mcauty jmm wmjy y aU at yaar aa I alW aa4. ta Ikaaa ka aaau mmmt Tkas fiaai mar tka m'mfT raa aat It aoat iar nt tka yacaaaaata. aaa mmw aalla faf F aia-klaa b Ik war. m ka tioaa araa. 1 tka b--t ara vspaii laaaaraa. rmtm. rz:--r -work. of kfc ait ct akawa ami i i . TOM V I illU I aa rooaa A ALLLU a an i tt I i tributary to the Winston of IfZmter riU?n iVrfEVM? Cng f BRAND ?"1L " "e -Paru, will in all V "r" "luIoul Rn l .WVU mSJ vug UOO VI TOBACCO MANURE mol MounUln. Arart ud other . j i. . JEWELER, WINSTON, N. C. to the good peoole of WinSton?i WATCHES, CHATELAINE CUALS, GOLD WEDDING RINGS, WARE. can be erown almost unvwrT.., T our line of Drea, Fabric. Satteen, - .civ reJrisHsuieu. TINWARE, FLUBS, AT THE- Big Coffee Pot TOY TINWARE, TOBACCO FLUES. Main St., SALEM, N. C gNo.30-ly. MS MM 9M Waark. , aMwSl.aMUIaaatr. OMiev ua mm. ml HaaafkaU Maas4M. Tk mm.m. aa arait aa tka m l, aa aa4 akaar kntMlnl. wfca mmj kat caUaal. Ikay kini yt mm. mint at aaca caa ka mmr. mt a4 .aplfa. . vav all anai Bv SIS, lrlAa A I lull LADIESI Do Tour Own Dying, at Home, with PEERLESS DYES TOBACCO I t S 1 - waar ... I'- : tkiaa la vaa kuiaa 4h S naika aa4 x.icy win ujo tiiijiuiiig. iurj are aoiu everywhere. Price lOe. a package. 40 colors. They have no equal for Strength, Brightness, Amount In Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading Qualities. They do not crock or smut. For sale by Dr. J. P. SHAFFNER, Drngirt. T. R. PURNELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW RALElGn.Jf.C. BtraiHisa promptlt attxhdxj) IIIVI; FOR THE SPRING OF 1889 I 13 PILED FULL OT NEW GOODS ! In addition to our double store rooms between Jacobs' Clothing Store and TWs Furniture Store, we tare opened a line of nice DRESS GOODS & NOTIONS 2 in the Stein Building, on Main Street, recently occupied by Messrs. Fuller 4 Durham. We would call the especial attention of THE LADIES are being used again this season morv than ever, and we have a lovely liue, both in sold, and the large patterns in fancy. We have also a complete line of Cashmeres, Henriettas, 4c. We have beautiful Sarah Silk in twenty colors at 44 cents. In wash goods we have a antiful line of Prints. Ginehama tc. We have reduced the price of our 7 cent Gingham to 6J, and onr 8J and 9 cent ones to 7 and 7. Our Spring Chal liea are lovely and at prices never be fore heard of. We also have a nice line of Laces and Embroideries bought at New York auction and assignees sales, which we are offering at about half price. If jou want nice Dress Goods and Notions at HONEST PRICES don't fail to inspect our stock, as we can give you goods and prices that are bound to please. Yours, anxious to please, W. D. BAITY & S0iS. THE BEE HIVE SHOE AUD IT STORE is still having a rush. We don't know but we believe we are selling twice as many Shoes and Hats as any house in town. Wellgood goods at honest prices will always bring customers. We shall expect to see you all when in-need of Shoes and Hats, and you know we will save you money. We also hare a lintf of Cottonades for working men's pants and prices" are! very low. Another lot of FARMER'S TOOLS will arrive this week and the low prices for which we are widely known will reign supreme. We are eelling a lot of . 7 gib mm mm' hikd FERTILIZER. It will paj yon to see n. Special low price to clubt. The manufacturers ol our Fertilizers belong to no combina tion to force up prices, and we sell them to you at an honest proSt. COME TO US TOE BEE for any thing yon want and yon will save money. We appreciate your pat ronage, and will never give you cause to regret the confidence you have placed in ns, and shall always do our best for you. Tours Anxious to Please, IW. DB11TY & to.