KS tyht people's press, JOB PRINTING re mil ilia rs?iairai t (applied with all BW11117 m&unu. ul la tally prsparad to da -week wlib NEATNESS, DISPATCH, An at na ' VERY LOWEST PRICES L r LY.&E. T.BLUM, Publishers and Proprietors. TERMS: CASH IN ADVANCE. Oas Oofj one yew, . . I -i1 , . . .gLM " " six month, .,,.,,,, n B mm to (It as a trfsl Wfora traetlas with aoj-oo . 1 VOL. XXXVII. SAL JEM, N. C, TH U BSD A Y , MAY 16,' 18 89. NO. 20. M 6 ; Canada is putting her foot on Mormon Immigration from this country. The death of John Bright is regarded In England as a great loss to the Unionist cause. - More railroad building is being done in the South than , anywhere else in the country. - - - Capital is taking hold of a scheme to creosote the soft timber of the South, now useless, and ship it abroad. The Mexican in;i,states that the English investments of capital in Mexico reach the sum of $165,000,000. ' South America is filling up with Eng lish, French and Germans, who are try ing to, carry their trades and industries with them. .. ' ' . The late Sydney Bartlett, of Boston, during his active career at the bar saw the Supreme Court of the United States twice entirely renewed. Georgia's Capitol was to cost $1,000, 000; it did cost $999,981.57, the com missioners appointed to superintend its jiuilding having $18.43 to the State Treasury. Some one has discovered that women never reckon time by calendar years, but always say so many years ago instead of . in the year 1SSS,- or whatever year may be meant. There have been some lugubrious tales lately about the failures of exhibitions held in Europe, but the one at Melbourne, Australia, is the most disastrous that has ever been held, as the deficit amounts to nearly $1,500,000. ' Installment dealers are aghast at a" Te. cent decision of a Louisiana judge that in that State title to any goods passes upon the payment of the first installment, and that after that is made the purchaser may do what he pleases with the goods. According to a denominational paper it cost this Government $1,848,000 to sup port 2200 Dakota Indians for seven years while they were savages. After f they were Christianized it cost $120,000 1 care for the same number for the same time, a saving of $1,728,000. The largest brick yard in the United States is' being built at Chicago,. and the bricks will be as hard as granite and as heavy. . This new brick yard is creating quite a sensation in architectural and building trade circles. They bear a crushing strain of 35,000,000 pounds per square inch. The works will 'cost $250, 000. ' . An employment which would seem per fectly delightful to small boys is tasting molasses. The molasses taster frequently has twenty or thirty samples to experi ment upon, taking care to swallow as lit tle as possible. It is said that only a man with a sweet tooth and a clear head can bear up under the strain of the occupa tion. Li Hung Chang, the famous Viceroy of of China, said recently: "Before half .a century has passed China will be covered with railways as with a net. . Its immense mineral resources will be developed. It will have rolling mills and furnaces in many parts of the country, and it is not impossible that it may do the manufactur ing for the world." j Says the American Standard: "The fundamental chord which binds and preserves American liberties is the com mon school system. It is only by edu cating the masses of the people to a full understanding of the responsibilities of citizenship that we can hope for a con servation of American ideas and a tinuation of American liberty." con- From a native paper it is learned that some of thaVemployes of the Japanese Naval Department are to be fed with a new and delectable delicacy blubber. 4 The heads of the Department have de cided that whale flesh is tolerably nutri tious, and therefore it is to be supplied for food from time to time at Yokosuka and Uraga barracks. The War Department lalso propose to adopt whale flesh as an article of diet for the soldiers. The insurance business seems to be un dergoing a . transformation under the competition of the mutual system, ob- me unicago tsun. .Last year s re port of the factory mutual insurance com panies, numbering nineteen, just pub lished, shows that the amount of risks written for the year were $491,366,988, on which premiums paid amount, to 84,462,059, and dividends declared, $3, W2,308. Losses, $848,068, or less than "ve per cent. . We are not apt to look to South America for evidence of the great progress in science or art, and yet it is said that Uie sewerage system which is now being , c&n8tructed in Buenos Ayres is the most inect in the world. Measures have wen taken which will result in putting cv"y house in the city in perfect sani kry condition within three years. ' Sani' nans will watch this stupendous under taking With great interest, and will b able to deduce from it many valuable practical lesaona, WHIP POOR WILL. When purpling shadows westward creep And stars through crimsom curtains peep And south winds sing themselves to sleep; " From woodlands heavy with perfume Of spicy bud and April bloom . Comes through the-tender twilight gloom, Music most mellow, "Whip po Will Will, oh ! Whip v& Will Will, oh! Whip po' Will, Whip po'JWul, Whip p6 Will , Wffl,ohP rhe bosom of the brook is filled . With new alarm, the forest thrilled With startled echoes, and most skilled To run a labyrinthine race rhe fireflies light their lamps to chase The culprit through the darkling space . Mischievous fellow ""Whip ptf Will W 11, oh! Whip po W2U-Will, hi - ' Whip po? Will, Whip po'Will, Whip po' Will Will, ohP Prom hill to hill the echoes fly, rhe marshy brakes take up the cry, And where the slumbering waters lie In calm repose, and slyly feeds rhe snipe among the whispering reeds, rhe tale of this wild sprite's misdeeds Vj t Troubles the billow, "Whip po Will Will, oh! Whip po Will "Will, oh! Whip po WiUV Whip po Will, Whip ptf wm wm, ohr And where is he of whom they speak? ts he just playing the hide and seek, Among the thickets up the creek? -Or is he resting from his play In some cool grotto, fax away, t Where lullaby crooning zephyrs stray, Smoothing his pillow, "Whip po1 Will Will, oh! Whip po' Will Will, oh I Whip po1 Will, Whip po' Will, Whip Will Will, oh!" po' M. M. Folsom in Atlanta Constitution THE FATAL FLOWER, "You are a dead man," said the Doc tor, looking fixedly at Anatole. . Anatole was astonished. He had come to spend the evening with his old friend, Dr. Bardais, the illustrious savant, whose studies of poisonous plants had made him famous. It was not his fame, however, which attracted Anatole to the Doctor, but his nobility of heart and almost paternal kindness. And now suddenly, without any preparation, the young man heard this terrific prognostica tion from the lips of so great an author ity. "Unhappy boy," continued the Doctor. "what have you done s "Nothing that I know of," stammered AnatoleJ . ' "Think. Tell me what yo- have drunk, what you have eaten, what you nave lnnaieal" This last word was like a ray of light to Anatole. That very morning he had received a letter from a friend who was traveling in India. In this letter he found flower which the tourist had plucked on tne DanKs oi the lianges, an odd-look ing little red flower, whose' odor, he re membered, seemed to him to be strangely purgnant. Anatole looked in his pocket- book and took therefrom the letter and the flower which he showed to the savant.' "There is not a doubt!" exclaimed the Doctor. "It is the Pyramenensis Indies! the fatal flower of blood!" "You really think so?" "Alas! I am certain." "But it is not possible that it should prove fatal to me.- I am only twenty-five years old, am strong and in the best of health." ' "At what hour did you open this fatal letter" "At 9 o'clock this morning." "Well, to-morrow mornine, at the same hour, at the same minute, in full health, as you say, you will feel a peculiar pain in your heart, and that will end all." "And you know of no remedy. no means of " 4 'None," said the Doctor. Then, clasping his head in his hands. the savant fell into a chair, overcome with grief. " The emotion of his old friend convincd Anatole that he was indeed doomed. He departed at once; he was almost insane. 1 A cold sweat on his forehead, his ideas confused, walking mechanically, Anatole went forth into the night, unconscious of what was passing about him. For a long time he walked thus, then,, coming to a Dencn, he sat down. f This rest did him good. Up to that moment he had been like a man who has suddenly received a severe blow on the head. At last, however, his mind seemed to clear, and he began to gather his scat tered ideas. "My situation," he thought, "is like that of a man condemned to death. Such a person, however, -can still hope ' for mercy. But how long have I to live?" He looked at his watch. : inree o ciock in tne morning, it is time to go to bed. What ! I go to bed? give to sleep the last six hours of my life? No. I have certainly something better than that to do. But what? Why, I have my will to make." ; Not far away was a restaurant which was : open all night. Thither Anatole went. " ' .. "Waiter, bring me a pot of coffee and a bottle of ink," he said, as iie seated himself at a table. . He drank a cup of coffee, and, looking at the paper lying on the table before him, said: "To whom shall I leave my income of 30,000 francs? I have neither father nor mother. Among the" people in whom I am interested there is only one to whom I care to leave my money Nicette." jxicette was Anatole s second cousin, a charming girl of eighteen years, having golden hair and large dark" eyes. Like him she was an orphan, and this similar bereavement had Ions: since established a bond of sympathy between them. His will was quickly drawn up. He left everything to Nicette. That done, he drank a second cup of coffee. '., . : ".. ' "Poor Nicette!" he thought,' "she was very sad the last time I saw her. Her eruardian, who knows nothing beyond the wind instruments which he teaches pupils of the Conservatory to play, did not do right in promising her hand to a brute, a bully, whom- she "detests. ' She detests hSm all the more because she loves some one else, if I have able to understand her reticence and her embarrassment. : Who is this happy "mortal? . I know not, but h.e is certainly vorthjr of her since she has chosen him. Good, sweet, beautiful, . loving, Nicette deserves the best of bus bands. Ah! if she might have been my wife! It is outrageous to force her to marry a man she hates, to ruin her life by entrusting such a treasure to the care of a brute. But why may not I be Nicette's champion t I will be. I will undertake the matter to-morrow morning. But to morrow will be too late; I must act at once.' It is an unseasonable hour to see people, but as I shall die in five hours I cannot consider their convenience. It is decided! My life for Nicette!" Anatole left the restaurant and hastened to the house of M. Bouvard, the guardian of Nicette. It was 4 o'clock in the morning when he ran? the bell. Once, twice, three times he rang. At last M. Bouvard him self, astonished, his night-cap on his head, opened the door.' j ; "What's the matter?" he asked. "Is there afire?" - No, my dear M. Bouvard," replied Anatole. "I have come to call on you." "At this hour?" r "All hours are good in which one can see you, M. Bouvard. But you are in your night-clothes; you had better return to bed." 'That is what I'm going to do." And then, leading Anatole to his chamber, he continued : "But I suppose, since you have aroused me at this hour, that you have something important to say to me." "Very important! It is necessary, M., Bouvard, that you should give up the idea of marrying my cousin Nicette to M. Capdenac." "Never! never!" "You must not say neverv" "My resolution is taken; this marriage shall take place." - 4 'It shall not take place." "Well, we shall see. And now that you have my answer I will not detain you longer. 'V - "You are not very amiable this morn- I' M" Bou?ar(L 1 But I am not offended, and as I am persevering I remain. "btay if you will. I, however, shall imagine that you have departed and I shall say no more." Then,turning away, M. Bouvard muttered : 4 'Who ever heard of such a thing! To disturb a peaceable man, rouse him from his sleep to talk about such nonsense I" Suddenly M." Bouvard jumped into bed. , : ... Anatole got the Professor's trombone, in which he blew as though a deaf per son were trying to play it. The sounds it emitted were infernal. 'My precious trombone! the gift of my pupils 1 exclaimed the Professor. "Leave that instrument alone." "M. Bouvard," replied Anatole, "you have imagined that I have departed. I imagine you are absent, and I amuse my self awaiting your return." Then, after blowing furiously on the trombone, he exclaimed: "Ah, what a beautiful note I" "You will cause my landlord to give me notice to leave tne nouse. Me will not let me play on my trombone after midnight." - "Ah, the man has no music in his soul!" Again the trombone thundered. "For heaven's sake, stop 1" "Do you consent?" "To what?" "To give up the idea of this marriage?" "But I cannot do that?" , 'Very well, then- " ' .. s - The trombone finished Anatole's sentence. "M. Capdenac.is a terrible fellow. If I should offer him such an affront he would kill me." 4 'Does that fear restrain you?" "Yes."- -' ' 'Then leave the matter to me. Only promise me that if I obtain M. Capdenac's acquiscence my cousin shall be free." "Yes, I promise, you she shall be free." "Bravo! I have your word. Now I will leave you. But, by the way, what is this Capdenac's address?" " "It is 100 rue Deux-Epees." 4 'I will go there at once. Goodby." "Ah I" thought M. Bouvard, 4you are going to throw yourself in the lion's den, and you will get what you deserve." Anatole hastened to the address the Professor had given him. It was six o'clock when he reached the house. He rang the bell violently. ' '' . - 'Who is there?" cried a deep voice be hind the door. "Let me in. I. have an important communication from M. Bouvard." Anatole heard the rattling of a safety chain which was being removed, and the sound of a key which was turned in three locks successively. 'Well, this man is well guarded!" ex claimed Anatole! At last the door was opened, and Ana tole found himself in the presence of a man who had fierce mrllng mustaches and was arrayed like abuccaneer. 'You see always prepared," said M. Capdenac. "That is my motto." The walls of the reception room were covered with1 panoplies. In the little room to which Capdenac led his visitor one saw nothing but arms yataghans, poisoned arrows, sabres, swords, pistols and 'blunderbusses. It was a veritable arsenal. It was enough to strike terror to the soul of a timid person. "Bah!" thought Anatole. "What does it matter? I shall die within two hours in any case." "Monsieur," said Capdenac, "what is the object of " 4 'Monsieur," replied Anatole, inter rupting him, "you wish to marry Mile. Nicette?" 4 4 Yes, Monsieur." Monsieur, you shall not marry her." 44 Ah, blood! and who will prevent me?" - "I." Capdenac gazed at Anatole who was not very large, but who looked very de termined. - i - "Ah, -young man," he said at last, "you have the good fortune to find .me in a good humor. - Profit by it. Save your self while there is yet time. Were I not in an amiable mood I . would not answer for yeur days." . "And I d not answer for yours." "A defiance! to me!;' Capdenac I Do you Know mat i nave iougm wenty duels, that I have killed five of my ad versaries and wounded' the other fifteen? Go yaung man, go.' I have pity for your youth. 1 There is still time; go u "I see," replied Anatole, "by your manner and your surroundings that you are an adversary warthy ef me, and that increases my desire to measure swords with so redoubtable a man. Come ! Shall we take these two swords or those over the mantel? or these two battle-axes? or cavalry sabres? i or do you prefer these yataghans? Are you undecided? what do you say?" 'Im thinking of your mother and of the sorrow that awaits her." . . "I have no mother. But perhaps you prefer carbines or revolvers?" -, "Young man, do not handle those fire arms." . .- "Are you afraid? you tremble I" - "Tremble 1 I? It is the cold." ; "Then you must fight, or renounce the hand of Nicette." "I admire your bravery. The brave understand each other. Shall I tell you something?" ; "Speak." "For some time I myself have thought of breaking this engagement; but I did not know how to go about it. I would, therefore, willingly consent to your re quest, but you understand that it will not do for me, Capdenac, to seem to yield to your threats, you know, you have made threats." 1 . "I withdraw them." . "Well, then, the matter is settled." 'Will you write and sign a paper stat ing that you relinquish the hand of Nic ette?" : - "I have so much sympathy with you that I cannot refuse." ' Having obtained this precious paper, Anatole hastened to the house of M. Bouvard. He reached the door about 8 o'clock and rang the belL" Who's there?" T "Anatole." "Go home and go to bed," cried the Professor, roughly. - "I have Capdenac's relinquishment of Nicette's hand. - Open the door, or IH break it in." M. Bouvard opened the door. .Anatole gave him the paper, and then went to the door of Nicette's chamber and cried : "Cousin, get up; 1 dress yourself and come here." ; A few moments afterward Nicette, fresh as' a rose, entered the little reception room. j "What's the matter?" she said. "The matter is," cried M. Bouvard, "that your cousin is mad." "Mad be it!" said Anatole; "but Ni cette win see tnat tnere is method in my madness. This night, my dear little cousin, I have accomplished two things M. Capdenac renounces your hand, and your eruardian consents that you shall marry the man you love." "My guardian, are you indeed willing that I should marry Anatole?" "Ah!" exclaimed. Anatole. "It is you, my cousin, whom I love." At that moment Anatole felt his heart beat violently. What caused it? Was it the pleasure which Nicette's unhoped-for avowal crave him? Was it the -pain fore told by the Doctor? Was it death? 'Unfortunate man that I am!" cried poor Anatole. ' "She loved me. I see my happiness before me, and I am going to die without attaining it." Then, grasping the hands of Nicette, he told her all ; he told her about the let ter he had received, the flower whose odor he had inhaled, the warning of his old friend, his will, the subsequent events and his success in obtaining her freedom. "And now," he added, "I am going to die!" 'That is impossible," exclaimed Ni cette. "The Doctor is deceived. Who is he?" "A man who is never deceived, Ni cette; he is Dr. Bardais." "Bardais! Bardais!" cried Bouvard, laughing. "Listen to this paragraph in the morning newspaper : 'The savant, Dr. Bardais, has become suddenly insane. His insanity has taken a scientific turn. It is well known that the Doctor has de voted himself specially to the study of poisonous plants. He now believes all persons whom he meets have been poi soned, and he persuades them of the fact. He was taken at midnight to an insane asylum." "Nicette:" ' ' "Anatole!" The lovers were clasped In each other's arms. &pocn. Samoan Gunboats. : Samoan gunboats are built in the most primitive style. Two long war canoes are lashed firmly together, side by side, and cross , pieces of heavy timber are placed over the top as a foundation for the cabin,' which is situated amidships. This cabin also serves' as a magazine, storeroom, and all of the other useful compartments in a ship combined. Its slanting roof is covered with mats and grass, and the whole structure is of the most inflammable nature. These boats are built for Mataaf a by the Monono peo ple the nautical tribe- of the Samoans. They are armed with a superannuated cannon, which is liable to be as disas trous in its effects when discharged, upon the gunners who handle it, as upon the enemy against whom it is directed. The small arms of the natives are, however, good, being generally of recent design and manufacture Most Samoans are good marksmen, as was illustrated in their recent collision with the Germans. The gunboats have been seldom brought into action during the war. ' While Tamasese was besieged so closely in his fort and all efforts made to dislodge him seemed abortive, Mataaf a assailed him from the water with a fleet of more than a hundred war canoes and four of these "gunboats." Some of them were passed fully two miles to seaward of the fort, harmlessly blazing away, their shots fall- 1 . 1 A 1 T 1 1 ing aooui midway tne aesirea distance, while the fort kept up a desultory answer ing fire with about the same effect. For war purposes they are, of course, almost useless, unless in close contact with the enemy when the small arms could be made effective. Washington Star. The Organ of Cremation. JThere is a paper published in Germany called Die Jflamme, and which is devoted to the advocacy of cremation. Unwit tingly, perhaps, a recent issue contains i the strongest sort of argument against that method of disposing of the dead. It seems that a Professor Ungarelli, of Fer- rara, was taken ill and apparently died. He was laid out, the funeral service held, i and the coffin was being put in the grave, when one of the workmen heard a groan. I Examination showed the supposed, dead man to be alive, and that he had been conscious all the time, though unable te move or express himself. Had cremation been practiced a horrible death nust have resulted. San Franac Chronicle. Tlalf a million dollars' worth of canned goods were shipped from thja country to i tropica; legions last year, ; -. . BUDGET OF FUN. HUMOROUS SKETCHES FROM Couldn't Scratch Against the Door Mot Otherwise About the Same Thine An Anxious Search Original Domestic Economy. Artist (at a Shanty town house door) "Excuse me, madam, but I have an etch ing." '' Irish Landlady (slamming the door in his face) "An itchinhave yez? Begobs 1 then ye'll not scratch yourself agin my dure!" . HOT OTHERWISE. Tom 4 4 Will you take my note for payment?" ' i Dick "Yes; if it's a bank note, and if it's signed by the Treasurer of the United States." Tankee Blade. - " ABOUT THE SAME THINQ. Editor "I am sorry to say that I find your witticisms are not acceptable, Mr. Jinx." Jinx (sarcastically) "Too refined, per haps?" t Editor "No no, refined is not ex actly the word. Say too diluted, and you will come nearer the idea." Terre Haute Express. ".' AN AUXIOUS SEARCH. Ethel "Oh, mamma! Pvo learned in this book that preserved tomatoes will take ink stains out of silk. I'm going to try it on my dress." . Ethel applies tho tomatoes and h an era the dress out to dry. " , Mamma (next day) "Ethel, what are you poring over that book so long for?" Xitnei "I want to find out what will take tomatoes out of silk." Binahamton Republican. QRIGENAL DOMESTIC ECONOMY. .' 'A lady tells this: "Wo needed eggs one morning, and old Maggie was sent to the grocery to get some. Later in the day Maggie volunteered tho general re mark that 'eggs is high.' "Are they?" I replied. "How much?" "Forty cints a dozen, mum. Sure I'd bo after buying no eggs at that price, mum, and so I borried them of the neigh ' bors !" Buffalo Commercial Advertiser. A LASTING WRONG. Fred (bitterly) "That woman did me the greatest injury woman can do to man gave mo solemn promise of marriage." Harry "And broke it?" 4 ! Fred "No, kept it, and made mo keep it, too !" America. A CAUTIOUS GtRI . V 44Ono minute, mamma," said a young woman, Til be down as soon as I have finished taking this photograph." "Photograph of what?" 'Of George's last letter to me..' In these days of perishable writing fluids, it's just as well to be careful." Merchant Traveler. AN OTHER VICTIM. "Have you noticed how fearfully "bad Cholly has been looking of late?" "Yes; the paw feller is killing himself with overwork." "Gud gwacious! You don't say. What's he doing?" "Why, he s actually doing without a valet." New York Sun. NOT A VICTORY. "The London Timet seems to have got the worst of that fight with Parnell.";, . 4 4 Yes, it ought to put loan editorial like the one I read in a Western paper." 4What was it?" . " ; "It read: 'We had a fight with Jim Raddell the other day, but some one pulled him off before we disfigured him.' " Siftings. ' - t ' A SAD REMEMBRANCE. He "She always goes alone. Won't have a gentleman attend her anywhere. Her last escort met such a shocking death right before her eyes, you know." She "I think I remember. He lost his life trying to save her when the con cert hall caught fire, didn't he?" He "No. He was crushed to death by the ladies at Easterdudd's spring open ing. Muntey t weekly. BROUGHT HTM TO HIS FEET. "I fear it can never be, George," mur mured the fair girl. "There 'are obstacles in the way." ' 4 4 What are they, Laura?" demanded the ung man, eagerly. 'Perhaps I can overcome thcml 'Papa has failed in business, and " 4 4 You needn't mention any more," said the young man dejectedly, as he got up from his knees. Chicago Tribune. ' A HORSE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR. Proud American (in Canada) 4 4 Yes, gentlemen, I was President of the Ever Faithful Trust Company, and I stole $50,000.1' Bystander 4 'Seems to me your face is familiar. Ain't you the man who some years before that stole a loaf of bread, for his starving family?" American (ferociously) 4 'Do you mean to insult me, sir?" Philadelphia Record. A FREACHEB S CURVE DELIVERY. Mrs. Frontpew "I think it is shock ing tne interest our minister is taxing in baseball. Why, I saw him out play ing yesterday afternoon with a lot of boys from the college." Mr. F. "Oh, I don't know that there is anything wrong about baseball." Mrs. F. "I don't say that it is really immoral, but. by and by hell get a curve pitch, as they call it, and either leave the pulpit or want $10,000 a year." Chicago Herald. " " . v NOTHING FOB HEB TO BAT. . ! A - trentlemah who had lost his nose was invited out to tea. "My dear," said the kind-hearted lady of the house to her little daughter, "I want you to be very careful to make no remark about Mr. Jenkins's nose." Gathered around the table, everything was going well; the child peeped about, looked rather . puzzled for a long time, and at last startled the table with : ; . "Ma, why did you tell me to say noih ing about Mr, Jenkins's nosef - Hp hasn't got any,'! " . - " A PCSSTERIOUS FHILOSOFHKIi. "See that man working the road ram- ler in the street over there?" "Yes." 'No doubt you feel somewhat better than that man." " "Well, it strikes me that there must be I certain social differences between us." "And yet your occupations are just about the same." . "How do you make it." . Your business is compounding, isn't it?" - "Yes." i "And his is come-pounding. So there you are." Merchant Traveler. ATtBT.K SASQ TBOID. At a club recently the conversation fell on gambling and the sang froid displayed by some men in the face of considerable losses. - ... "Well," remarked suddenly one of th members, "what would you all say if I were to tell you that I once lost a cool hundred thousand, and that it did not affect me more than if it had been ten cents?" Every one was dumbfounded, till finally a timid voice ventured: "Where did that happen? At MonU Carlo?" , "No," replied the other, calmly; my dreams." Commercial Advertiser. kot rKQ,cisrjjvB. There was dust on his back and grime, of two weeks' standing behind his ears, and as he stood on a corner recently, he was heard to remark that he was from Lansing." "What is the fare from Lansing to De troit?" queried a dudish looking by stander, looking ' waggishly at an ac quaintance. "I dunno, was the reply. "Don't know!" echoed his questioner, incredulously. "Young man," returned the tramp, impressively, "when I want to go to a place by rail I get quietly on the train, and when it gets there, I step off again, without ever asking any bloomin' fool questions." Detroit Free Preti. A. PARROT STORY. A parrot was recently bought by a South Side lady upon the affidavit of the man who sold it that it had only a re fined education. The bird had in reality been the property of a saloon keeper, and,' its cage being near the cracker bowl, everybody made free to give it crackers. Its new mistress had hardly got it hung up when a lady friend called, and, of course went into ecstasies over the parrot. When she began to poke her fingers through the cago and call out "P.olly, Polly, Polly," the bird opened one eye, cocked his head sidewise, looked at the visitor, and said with great gravity: "Now, for goodness sake don't ask me to have a cracker. I've sworn ofL" Chicago MaxL . Recollections of John Bright Of all the speakers whom I ever heard, j says Professor Goldwin Smith in the New York Independent, John Bright was the greatest, and of all the speeches of John Bright that I heard the greatest was his speech in St. James's Hall, London, on tho Civil War in the United States. 1 did. not hear what was considered Bright' greatest effort in the House of Commons his speech against war with Russia, in which he said that "the Angel of Death was already hovering over them yoc might hear the rustling of his wings!" His characteristic as an orator was not passion or point, but weight. In this he resembled Webster. His diction was ex tremely simple, and he rarely indulged in metaphor or rhetorical ornament of anj kind. Nor did he use any gesture in hit delivery. He always made you feci that he was speaking, not for effect, but from a sincere desire to convince. The dis tinctness of his pronunciation rather than the power of his voice made him perfectly audible in the largest hall. The idea that he did not compose his speeches is absurd. , Literary form so per fect could not possibly be attained ex tempore. Gladstone's speeches are really, to a great extent, ex-tempo re, and the in evitable consequence is that, the most impressivo when delivered, they are totally devoid of literary merit when read as compositions, "whereas Bright, as an orator, is a classic. I have stood close to Bright when he was speaking and seen his notes written on little slips of paper in his hand. One of his best speeches, in its way, was that on the unveiling of the Cobden statue at Bradford. He told me that no speech had ever given him more trouble, that he had long been in doubt how ho should deal with the subject, and that the inspiration had at last come to him one morning when he was dressing. In common, I believe, with most great orators who feel the burden of their re- 1 putation, he was to the last nervous about his speeches. Even when he rose to ad dress a perfectly sympathetic audience his knees, as he declared, trembled under him. Wlillc speaking, however, he wr.s perfectly collected and could answer in terruptions and take advantage of the in cidents of debate. I have heard him speak very well ex-tempo re in a quiet way. He began, I believe, as a temper ance brator with a single lecture. He had certainly received no training in elocution and was free from all the tricks which it is apt to produce. Thread Imbedded in an Apple. Louise Hnnceker, a Bristol (Conn.) girl, bit into an apple and found a thread embedded in it. By careful manipula tion the apple was cut up and the thread removed. It was twenty-four inches long and quite course, being about No. 4 in size. -There was a knot in one end. The apple was of the King Philip species, I and about four inches in diameter. The thread was wound directly about the core. Its presence in the apple is accounted for by the theory that last spring a bird must have dropped, the 'thread, which lodged I in the apple blossom and remained until it became enclosed in the apple. Two Utah Potatoes. Chief Justice Elliot Sanford, of the Territorial Court of Utah, paid a visit oi congratulation, to Mayor Grant at the City Hall. - The Judge is a great admirer of the young Mayor, ami last fall came from Utah to cast -a vote in his favor. This time .he brought as an offering two huge potatoes, weighing over a pound apiece. Nev York Star. Mississippi miles. contains 46,340 square WOKDS OF 1Y1SD0X. Attack is the reaction. To the lean pig a fat acorn. Good bread needs no trumpet. He is the happiest, be he king or peas ant, who finds peace in his home. Let us consider the reason of the case. For nothing is law that is not reason. To be prepared for war is one of tht most effectual means of preserving peace. If you employ your money in doing good you put it out at the best interest. He draweth out the thread of his ver bosity finer than the staple of his argu ment. The heart of a beautiful woman, like that of a beautiful flower, may be th abode of a reptile. When the sun of virtue is set the blush of shame is the twilight. When thai dies all is darkness. " - " '.' " " 1 Liberty is the soul's right to breathe' and, when it cannot take a long breath, laws are girded too tight. It is always to be feared that they who marry where they do not love will lovi where they do not marry. That character in conversation which commonly passes for agreeable is madf up of civility and falsehood. There is music in the beauty and th silent note which Cupid strikes, far sweetej . than the sound of an instrument. When bad men combine, the good must associate ; else they will fall, one bj one, an un pitied sacrifice in a contempti- ble struggle. , Balloon Adventures in the Clouds. To some extent rain retards upward progress, but, says Professor S. A. King, in the Nashville (Tenn.) American, I hav made a number of ascensions in the fact of storms. Snow, however, is muck more of an obstacle, and in a short timt will accumulate upon the top of th balloon sufficiently to drive it to tht earth. The clouds are sometimes as much at 8000 feet from top to bottom when tht sky is entirely overcast. Often even abovt such a. body of cloud may be seen smallei clouds with clear spaces in between. When within- one of these spaces tht sensation is that of being in a vault. With the solid snowy clouds below yo and the smaller clouds around you being by perspective brought close around, if appears as if you were in a cavern.- I have been above the clouds during a snowstorm, and the light of the moon shining so brightly through the rarified air produced an illumination rather super natural. I have very frequently passed through frozen clouds. This is whert vapor has fallen below the freezing poinl and been congealed into a substance re sembling flour in appearance. This falls, and in doing so reaches a higher tempera ture, where the small particles art aggregated into flakes of snow. Dome clouds, however, present ven much the appearance of a veil, and ob jects on the earth can be distinctly dis cerned from a position above them. I have never known of an in stance in which a balloon was hit bj lightning. The thunder does not makt a perceptibly greater noise than when you are on the ground. The sound pro ceeds from the upper layers of clouds, ai docs also the rain ; and in many cases, when the lower strata appear very violent, perfect quiet there reigns except for sues motion as is produced by the rain falling through from above. The upper current! are most active, and a cyclone or a wild storm is perhaps produced according at those upper currents descend to or re mail above the earth. A Mammoth Elevator. The Canadian Pacific's new grain ele vator, just completed at Fort William, on Lake , Superior, Elevator B, as it ii called to distinguish it from the first ele vator built there by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, has a capacity of 1,400,000 bushels. There are fourteen elevating legs, each capable of elevating 7000 bushels per hour. Each of thest legs is . furnished with a self -cleaning boot. Owing to a provision having U be made for tightening the belt which carries the elevating buckets, there hai always been a certain amount of grain remaining in the boot, which requires U be frequently cleaned out by hand, and always so when changing from one grain to another. ' This boot has an ingenious arrange ment, by which a shield is attached to to the frame carrying the pulley. Thii shield is always just kept clear of tht buckets, no matter what position tht pulley takes in the boot' while tightening the belt from time to time. Grain men will understand the advantages of alwayt having a clean boot to start elevating with. The whole of these legs are driven bj friction clutches attached to the shafting, two 'lines of which are run the entire length of the elevator. These two line of shafting are driven by a single massivt seven-ply rubber belt 56 inches wide and over 300 feet long. This method wat first tried in Elevator B at Montreal, and found to work so satisfactorily that ii was decided to accept the same arrange ment at Fort William. This elevating machinery, with the steam shovels, will enable a train of 16 cars to be unloaded and stowed away in the bins in twenty minutes. Scientific American. A Good Word for the Apple. The apple growers of western New York; are complaining that they cannot dispose of that part of last year's enor mous crop which yet remains in their hands. The 2,400,000 people of New York and Brooklyn cities ought to help them to do so at this time of the yeai and until the autumn season. There it no fruit .more wholesome than the apple, which has also the advantage of being cheap.' The adds and juices it contains are especially beneficial to the human system during , the summer months. It can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch, din ner, and supper, or between meals. It can be eaten raw, and it can be cooked in a hundred different ways. It is good for children, and not less so for theii elders. We ought not to take two months in consuming the 200,000 barrel of apples for which the farmers of west era New York cannot find a market ymo York Sun. - Australia has an aggregate, of 70,000, 000 to 80,000,000 sheep, with a clip oi about 1,200,000 bales of wool. AT SET OF DAY. I sit alone and look back to the past , Those golden da J whose shifting sands have run. And left a present barren oi the sun As one who noble gains hau vridefuuy amass! . To find them melt lik fairy gold at last. Who lingers dispossessed, despoiled, undone; Deploring the dear wealth so dearly won. So lavishly upon the waters cast I who was rich, am now bereft of allj I who had hope am thrall now to despair. Youth's happy prophecies Time has dL proved; Dumb ara the voices that were wont to call In days when love was good, and lif vu - fair - Yet it is something to have lived and loved. Louise Chandler Jloulton. riTH AND POINT. " ; Always worn out Hats. Universal profession That of gold chaser. Ground rents The effects of an earth- quake. The tears shed on the stage are all vol un tears. A young man in town says the best kind of meter to save gas is "meet her by moonlight alone. Svrrutnrn Herald. If speech were really silver, as the pocVs fancy pictures it, what an increase of millionaires mere wgum do. jcxcicr Weelly. "You are now like a book," said the black Sultan to a chained pri.oncr, "lo calise you are bound in Morocco." Xeta York Journal. , One great trouble with those who go to the bad is that they do not think to pro vide themselves with a return ticket. New York Xcvra. VFine dog that of mine. Doc." "Ye-f but isn't he consumptive V "Consump tive?" "Yes he's Spitz blood, you know." Hotel Mad. Elderly Gent "I am eighty years old, young man, and I don't recollect ever telling a lie." The Young 3Ian "Well,, you can't expect your memory to be re liable at that age." 2fe York Sun. "But, doctor, you said last week that the patient would certainly die, and now he is perfectly well." "Madani, the confirmation of my prognosis is only a question of time." Fliegende Blaetter. "Why is it, Jones, that boys aro wilder than girls?" asked Smith. "I guess," answered Jones, as he gazed after a wap-waLstcd girl who passed down the street, "it is because girls arc moro stayed." Boston Courier. Benevolent Pedestrian (to gamin, who is crying) "What s the matter, my boy?" Gamin 'Boo, hoo! I've lost a dime,' sir." B. P. "Here's another," giving it. "What are you crying for now?" Gamin "Because I didn't say a quarter." Philadelphia Kev$. Coal Fields in the South. 1 The Geological Survey has jut issued i a one I preliminary report on tne pro 1 duction of coal in the United States in 18SS in advance of the full and complete returns, which will appear in the final re port. The figures it gives shows a most gratifying increase in the output of coal in the Southern States, and' the progress . of the industry in that section of tho country. During last year theproduttion of coal in Alabama was 2,900,000 tons, as against 1,950,000 tons in the previous year, which is about double. The value of this output is placed at $3,335,000 in 188$ and 2,535,U0O in 1887. In Ten- ' cessee the increase has not been so great, but 1,967,300 tons, valued at 2,164,030 were turned out, as against 1,900,000 tons, worth $2,470,000 in 18S7. Arkansas ; mined 193,000 tons, worth $283,500 last year and only 150,000 tons, worth $252- 500, in the year previous. Texas pro-' duced 90,000 tons in 188S, valued at, $184,500, against 75,000 tons, worth. $150,000, in 1887. Alabama stands ninth ' in the list of coal-producing States in the ; quantities mined and eighth in the value ! of the product. Times-Democrat. I Cuban Pineapple Plantations. Twelve miles from Havana is a fine pineapple phu -fion of sixty acres, owned by two brotL The pineapple trees are low and bushy, about two feet high, ' with long and prickly leaves extending up and around the pineapple. These, bushes, or trees, , are planted touching each other in rows about four feet apart. Each tree has an apple growing in the top. Some were just forming, others half grown and others full grown. We had the pleasure of eating them ripe from the trees, and we found the flavor far ' gripe ror to those we get at home, which are shipped green to ripen on the way. There are about 1700 trees to the acre. Each tree produces an apple every eight months, which are sold on the place for about ten cents apiece. The trees are good for four years' bearing; they are then replaced with fresh settings. It was indeed a pretty sight the pineapples in their different conditions furnished dif ferent Lues some golden, some azure and some bluish green, all blending to gether, making a beautiful picture. At lanta Constitution. Varieties, of Lilae. . . A . lnere Nare aDout iwenry vanexies oi lilac, all of which are pretty and flourish in any garden soil under circumstances in which other shrubs would dwindle and die. The common purple lilac is the largest of the species. The white variety is less common -and hot so sickishly sweet. The Persian lilac is a small tree of grace ful habits, and its flowers are of a lighter lilac color. ..The Chinese lilac has much darker flowers than the other varieties, and its leaves are dark glossy green. Brooklyn Cititen. An Oil King's Luct. ' luck of John McKeon, the oil The king, continues, his present income from bis wells being $50,000 a month. In addition to his oil interests, he owns 25, 000 acres of yellow -pine in Ala bama, one of the largest flour mills ia Minnesota, and a business block in Balti more said to be -worth $1,000,000. Nevertheless he goes afcout his oil wells from five in the morning until late in the evening, in an ordinary workman's dress. Aete York Trunin. A "Chamber of Commerce for Horti culture" has been established in Brussels,