.7).'-. Published by fulton & price. WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YKAU, IX ADVANCII. VOLUME I. MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 13, 1S5I. NUMBER 31. P I : I rfv is 1 J D I (0 J RITES OF ADVERTISING. 3 5a 73 . 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 day... $ 25 ! 2 days,. 371 ! 3 days, 50 4 days t2, j '5 days, 75 i 1 wnk,. S71 j - 2 weeks,.... .1 37 ( 1 month, Z UO 2 mouths, .3 50 3 months, 5 IK) months, , 8 HO 1 year, 13 00 aNb fine are counted m a souare, and five lines hlf-qtre. Longer advertisements ia proportion, and all payable in advance o.m satAia. 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 day ., 3 dart lwck. 2 weeks , 1 month 2 months.... 3 months 6 months.... . 1 year 23 50 75 75 00 00 . 4 . 7 .10 00 .16 no .SO 00 or less a FUR IK HARRIS", 1MPORTKRS aHt'Vvoleal md lUtall Dealer In China, Glass, and Earthenware, and Farming Imple ments, west side Front street, tetweeu Market and iWk streets, Wilmington, N. O. 21-tf WM. M. IIARRISS, GKXERAL Comiululon Men-hant A. Ship Broker, Wilmington, X. C. REFERENCES! ft " 7,fV f Wilmington, X. C. Dudley & lluutmgton, S Jas. Corner & Sons, Haiti more. K. A. Souder kCo., Philadelphia. Thompson & Hunter, New.York. M. M. Freeman & Co., $ Tufts Ranting, Boston. lMy C. D. ELLIS. H Rt'ELL. J. H. K1SSEI.L. ELLIS, RUSSELL &. CO., General Commission Merchants ami Ship Hrokera, Wilmington, N. C. Kefer to E. P. Hall, Esq., President Branch Bank of the State. Wilmington. 4 JOSKPH II. FLANVKK, GENERAL tommlitlun Merchant, 2-ly Viluiington. X. C. , SAVA(iK & MEARKS, COMMISSION and For aiding Merchants, Wilmington N. C. Sept. 9th, 1351 2 J Please Rive n a Call. Ok G. HOLMES, wholesale and retail dealer in do- mcstie goods, nuchas negro kerseys, linscys, Kentucky jeans, satinets, blankets, shirtings, printu, f pun cotton, etc., etc.; boots and, shoes, direct from the manufacturers; nil kinds of foreign and dornestio wines and liquor, direct from the iuilorler and manufacturer. AH kinds of groceries, provisions and ship stores, bought and will he sold low for cash, corner of water and Princess streets, Wilmington, N. Carolina. Mober , 1S51. TO TI1K IHTU.IC. THE subscriber lias leased for a term of years, of II. W. Brown, K., bis fire-proof store, with his wharves, and is now in a condition to take especial care of Spirits Turpentine and other Xaval Stores cojiimittcd to his care.. Tlu Ware house ift-well known to be the. "beet and ,vufe..t ida?e in tewn for the storage of liacon. Lard, Corn, Peas, kc '1 he lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain and sun. lie is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, ill kinds ofprodi.ee sent to Lis care. He will alxo n:ake advances when retjuiitd. I Jo begs to refer to the following gentlemen : H . W. Prowd, John Dawson, (). G. Pan-ley. and Tims. II. Wright, Ls(p-s.. MlLKS COSTIN, Brown's wharf, Wilmington, N. C. September 12; 1H51 l-12tn TOPSAIL ACADEMY. THE exercises of tu'u Institution will be resumed on Wed day the 1st day ef October next. Kev. William H. Cbristian, A. B., graduate of U. M. Collego, Prineipal. , Tuition prr SVson of fire iwmthi : Spelling, Readin;', Writing, first class in English Grammar, and Geography. f7 50 Second class of ru.e, including History and Phi losophy. - 12 00 Higher classes of English Science, including first class In Algebra, Latin and Greek, 13 00 Second class of saaie, with lectures on the most I . . L 1Q if French and Anlo-Saxon will be laught if required at the usual prices. Board in the immediate vicinity of the Academy, 7 00 per month. Board may be obtained for at least inirty pu pils. ' Should the School require an Assistant, a competent Fe male will be employed to take charge of the Female depart ment. N. X. XLXOX, President of the Board f Trustees. Topsail Academy, Sept. Ifi, 1851. 9-lwd-wtf 1'. S. It is desirable, that as many pupils should be pres ent at the commencement an can conveniently be. WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR. THE subscriber wishes to contract for One Million of Red Oak llhrt. fctavm, of the following dimensions, vixi Full 44 inches long, j inch thick on the thin edge ; to average 4 inches in width ; none to be less than Si. They must be got out of good, sound timber, and not to shew much nap. They must ke rough shaved with the drawing knife. for which quality or btavea, I am willing to pay f IH per Ji. U. HALL,. thousand. Wilmington, Aug. 29, 1831 51-tf $300 KKYVARD, ESCAPED from the Jail of Kershaw District, on Monday, the 14th day of July last, nmuel J i,oe, who was eon sicted for the murder of Mr. Robert J. Lester, at Spring TFerm, 1831. Said Love is about 20 or 21 yeaw of age, 6 ft. :2 inches high, has rather dark hair, and of a sallow complex ; ion, and has a down-cast look, with dark grey eyes, and some - of his front teeth a little doeayed, and is a carpenter by trade. I will give the above reward to anyperson who will appre hend the said 8. J. ,Love, and lodge him in any Jail in this State, or One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for his safe con finement in any Jail in the United States, so that I can net him miiv 1 Witt a vt w 1l Camden, Se. Ca., August 8, 1851. 49-6in OA OO K. REWARD. K unawav from the subscriber. DWtJ about tbfi 8lh nf Tnlv. n mulatto fellow nnm- u "hnusuH., about 3a years old. Jlc is ahout live .feet eleven inches hiirb. foil himbv hair : rather slow jjojum, anu ratner spare built, his lront teeth slightly decay ed, and probably one or both of his eye teeth out. Said ne j?ro is a Cooper by trade, and will attempt to pass as a free anan, and may probably have free papers, as he has said he an go any wkcre. He is a little rinkley about the eyes, and Jias an i old appearance. The subscribeLjrill gire the abayfi reward forhis ajpprehension and delivery to him, in Conway 'fcoro', S. C, or canfinement in any jail in Xorth Carolina, bo that he can get him. Said negro belongs to James M. Bell, of Greenville, N. C, of whom I hired him. August 1st, 18ol-47-tf S. BELT August 1st, ISol-47-tf S. BELTa FAMILY Beef 10 bbls. superior Beef, put up ejrpTessly for family use ; 10 hulf bids. do. do. do. . For sale by . HOWARD ir FEDEX. "TEW Crop l i.ll ii. 4(H) ra(ka2esin!Wron lUiiniL. J-l just landed, for sole by IJOWARD k PEDEX. 0ICKLK8, Preerve, Cntaups, &. Jgt received di X rect from W. Underwood & Co: 500 dozen jars assorted aizei aud kind Fvr sale Joiv by II0WA11D& PEDEX. . PROSPECTl S OF THE DAILY JOI RNAL. The Sabscriben this day commence the publication ia tha towa t WilmingtoB, cf a daily evening fT by the abovt title, it will be issued every diy (Sundays excepted) after the arrival vf the mails, nmU giva the very latest intelli gence from all quarters. Th publishers will also avail themWlves of every additional facility within their reach fof the collection of news. Particular attention will Be paid to the Commercial depart ment of the paper, and full and accurate reports given of the state of oar own markets, as well as f all others having any iuflaeue upon the trade of this place or section. The growing importune of Wilmington, and the increas ing wants of the mercantile community at large, have seemed to call for and warrant the commencement of this enterprise. Xorth Carolina is almost, if not quite, the only Mate in the Union in which to daily pajer is published. California, which but yesterday was a wilderness, has a flouriebing daily press, while Xorth Carolina has not ons within her borders. Suth should not be the ease. We believe that we can fairly appeal to the State pride, as well as to the interests of our fellow-citizens, to sustain us in our present effort to remove this reproach. It is scarcely necessary to refer to the politics of "The Dai ly J-u rnal, " as it will be under the same editorial manage ment with the Weekly " Wii-mooton Joi haL, " which ta per will continue to be published on the same terms as fur merly, deriving, it is to be hoped, additional iuterest from the use of the more extended facilities which the publication of a daily must render necessary. In polities it will support the doctrines of the Democratic party ; yet, while firm and decided in the assertiou ami maintenance of its own opinions, will be moderate and respectful towards those who may differ from it. Turn!. The price of "The Daily Joi knal " will be su dollars per annum, invariably in udcancf. The heavy out lay attendant upon the publication of such a pajwr will ren der a strict adherence to this rulo tmjxratirt. A tri-weekly paper will also bo issued at four dollars jkt annum, should a sufficient number of tri-wcekly subscribers be obtained. The " Daily Joi rnal " is now before the public. Thela bor and outlay which its issue entails is very considerabls, and will require a generous support to save us from heavy loss. In starting it, wo have relied upon that liberality which has heretofore been extended to us, and have launched our bark, determined that it shall siiik or swim uoii its own merits'. FULTON & PRICE. Wilmington, X. ('., September 8, 151. ti Our coteinporaries with whom we exchange, will con fer a favor by giving the above a few insertions. O'Jll ZflOTTG ZS "TO rLUABEi' AT TMS V. :li ilii-,tou M.-ddle, Harness, AKD 'TRUNK .MANUFACTORY. S112r lO HI I. A I jI rpllE subscriber rescrtfuily informs the jmblic that he X keeps constantly on bu jd a large assortment of t'on-h (Iff, nud Sulky llarn; Lui' and (rntltnien'a Saddles. Hrldlra, VI1i, c.; Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, &s. Always on hand a large supply of Strliitr L-alh-r and Kljr Nr, and all other articles usually found in such establishments, all of which he warrants to bo of the best malarial and work manship, and will bo sold low for rath, or on iW credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks. Medical Bags, ke., made to order. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at ft fair prico to persons buying to manufacture. Whips at wholesale. AH kinds of Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commis sion. JOHX J. COXOLEY. Sept. 10, 1851 3 THEY HAVE COME. 1T7T' respectfully invite every body to call and see them. V Whether you want to buy or not, come and sec, that you may tell those that do want to buy, where they can find the best selected, and cheapest goods in town. We can show you 50 handsome cheese, assorted sizes and qualities; lUOO lbs. cod fi-di ; 1100 bacon hams ; 8000 lbs. sides ; 6000 do. shoulders ; 25 bbls. Irish potatoes ; A large assortment of crockery ; 300 cut and plain tumblers ; - ' G00 jugs, assorted ; W0 jars, assorted ; .200. bbls. flour; 100 half bbls. do.; . 35 boxes adamantine candles ; 15 boxes Tpirm do.; 5 tons hollow ware ; 400 lbs. shoe thread; lOO recms wrapping paper ; 50 barrels and half bbls. ship bread and crackers ; All kinds of buckets, pails, tubs, chums, boxes, measures and brooms ; Mess shad ; 10 hhds. Porto Rico sugar, very handsome ; 5 hhds. St. Croix do.; 20 bngs superior Rio coffee ; 50,000 scgars, assorted, from 8 to j3fi ; 100 bbls.'. John Gibson's rectified whiskey ; 50 do. double rectified whiskey ; 23 do. do. assorted very old and superior ; Old port wine ; old Madeira do.; old S'herry do.; Old Cogniac brandy ; old Holland gin ; Old Jamaica mm ; old St. Croix do.; 25 bbls. X. E. mm ; 25 do rose gin ; 20 do. American brandy; with many other goods that we have neither time nor space to mention. We again beg yon to call and see for yourselves. Sept. 22. O. & G. HOLMES. NEW GOODS. WE have received a part, and daily expecting the bal ance, of our Fall Stock of Groceries and Ship Chandlery, which was purchased, direct from the importers and manufacturers, and selected with great care. We re. spectfully invite our customers and the jmblic to call and ex amine our'stock. as we are determined to sell at the lpwcst prices. Our stock consists in part of 300 bags Rio, Laguyra, St. Domingo, Java, and Mocha 23 hhds P. R- Sugar; Coffee; 200 bbls. refined, crushed, powdered, & granulated Sugar; 25 boxes " loaf Sugar; 50 bbls. coffee crushed do. Teas of all varieties, Green and Black; 200JboxeSoap; ...... , i . 300 " Sperm, Adamantine and Mould Candles; 100 J '. Lemon Syrup; 1,000 reams Wrapping Paper; 200,000 Cigars all grades and kinds; 100 boxes Tobacco a fine artirltf 100 bbls. Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, Jlnm, Wines, and Cordials, of every variety and quality; Butter, Lard, Rice, Flour, Salt, Pepper, Spico, Ginger, Mustard, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cheese, Crackers, Bread, ke. -Xrlagc. JJuckilotksVjknchoravL;hains Lanterns, Com passes, and every article required on board of ships. We also have a large stock of Wooden and Willow Ware, Hardware, Dry Goods, to.; besides nnmerous articles not mentioned. Vmm fall and tramint or ttock. tJ. - Sept. 13, 1851, HOWARD k PEDEX. THE CHILD, V TREATISE on th PiariwM an4 trtatnieri of the -IdSEAttS OF CHILDllEX. aeevrdingta the simple law of nature, without Medicaments; and upon the birth, nursing. aaJ education of children, as well the aatt fre qnect disrates from their Tery infancy to the perio4 of puber ty, illustrated fur tbo mas, by a Jearription of numerous cases, fathered during a practice of 22, years. 'I'j J. T. IS Ntuiwtm, M. i. 1 The above book is for sale at the Bookstore of L. II. PIERCE, Market-street. Wilmington, N. C. Angasl 1, 131. 47-tf FIUK IXSl RANCK. THE undersigned having received the Agency, Is prepared to take risks wo Ik m fumrtiblt trrm in Hof the 61 aiatmwe VumftnU$ i tki country Til E HART FORD PROTECTION. II. NUTT. Agent. Angst2. 1H51 51-tf KEW YORK LIFE lfcl ItAtCE COMPANt'. THE Agency of this establishment for the town of Wfl. mington ha been conferred upon the HU'h'i signed, who is prepared to afford all requisite information, and to receive application for LIFE INSURANCE Uu as reasonable terms as any other institution uf the same character in the country. H. XLTT, Agent. August 29. 1H51 fii-tf FOR MALE OR FOR HET. nMlK unexpired !cn of my ROC'K SPRING. BAR K 1 ROOM is for sale. Ifnotsold.it will be rented frouilU the first of October next. ,f FOR. RENT A dwelling-house suitable for small families, situated on the corner of Queen and Ann St.vets,ln the southeastern part of the town; also, a small Dwelling in Oregon, in the northeast part of the town, are fur rent for one year from the first of next tet.oher. Apply to Aug. 1 1 17-tf ; "DAVID TIIALLY, at the Washington and Lafayette Hotel. TAKE NOTICE. "VfECESSITY compels me to call the attention of my i friends to what is due the late firm of Mokkiuh hk k Pkiisson, Agent, as well as what is due V. R. I'mrhi, Agt. X. B. Philip B. Rot n is my authorised Agent to attend to ml business while 1 am absent. Any business done by him will be considered legal. He ca'i be found a few doors bo low Policy and Hart s. 1 still continue to sell Boots and Shoes at cost. Call and get Zfurg'tH. V. R. PEIRSOX, Agent. Sept. 15. 7-tf UKOTHEHft LIK. rpHE Steamer Uruthnt and Tow Boats, p x VTt X Strrrnnim and Duvid Isirit are Tin I n rr I "it tT"Tt a prein to forward with Despatch, all goods consigned to the Propri etor. The Steamer Tirothtrt is of light draught, and well suited to run in low water. She posscses powtr and , and is admirably adapted to towing, und can accommodate about 20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the lloat hltn'clf, nnd will give special attention to way freight and naval stores ; to towing, and will also attend to the emu fort and convenience of Passengers. From bis long experience as Agent in Wilmington of tho several Steam Boat Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior he would say, that all Goods shlpjud by him, will be delivered to their Agents in Fayctt eville. I lis Agent ia Wilmington is JIIX C. LATTA. to whom all communications may bo addressed, as Agent of the Msauier Jirolheri. JOHX BANKS, Proprietor. May lfith, 1S5I .'Wi-tf ItLANKS. Inspector's Certificates; Certificates of Justicesattcnd ing Court; Marriage License) Tax Receipts; Insolvent Notices; Writs of Ejectment; letters Test amen tary; Vendl. Exponas; Ca Sa; Land Deeds; do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; Checks, Cape Fear Bank; do. Branch Bank of. he State; Notes, negotiable at Bank; Administrator'slionds; i itinrdmn do. Appeal do. Ca Sa do. Sh'ff Appearance do. Constable's do. Sheriff's Tax do. Forthcoming do. Prosecution do. do. Bill of Sale; Crcw Lists; Any Blank -wanted, and not onTiahd, willbeTirInicdwith the ntmost dispatch. Officers of tho Courts and other officers, and all other per son requiring Blanks, or any other work in the printing line, would ilo well to give us a call, or send in their orders. Wo tire determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest rates for cash. Call at tho JOURNAL OFFICE. LIST OF County Court Writs; Superior do. do County Court Subpoenas; SujMirior do. do. County Court F'i. Fa.; Superior do. do. County Court oi. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Lettsrs of Administration; County and Superior Courts witness and Juror I leasts; NoticestoTax Ll.il Receivers; Commission totake Depohiiion ' 1- 1 ' . 1.' if youmj oour i.ioi iuiuu; Magistrate's do. Capias ail Respondendum; ( Jverseer's Apjioiiitments: Peace, State, and Civil War Notes of Hand; (rants; Attachments; State Recognisance; Military Ca Sa; do. Execution; Negro lionds; IOOK AT THIS. W respectfully invite tho attention j of the public to our Targe and well selected stock of Goods. We have enlarged our store and are now prepared to fh'iwthe raot desirable stock of Groceries ever offered in this market. J hey were bought at very low prices for cash, and we believe we can offer them at prices that will induce persons wishing to purchase to buy from us. Wo have on hand 235 bags Rio coffee, 60 " Laguira do 40 hhds Porto Rico sugar 12 " St. Croix " 5 " Muscovado " , GO bbls southern clarified sugar; 25 " crushed do. , 25 hhds sweet molasses 1000 lbs pepper; 500 lbs spice; 500 lbs ginger G0,lbs nutmegs; 100 mats cinnamon Boxes ground pepper, spice, and ginger; 100 fresh Cheese; ' 33 Firkins butter; 10,000 bushels salt 175 bbls John Gibson's rectified whiskey 120 " Baltimore double rectified do. 100 " assorted superior double rectified and Mononga- 30 " Rose and anchor gin; hela whiskey; 30 " New England rum - 20 " American brandy 40 qr. casks Malaga and low priced Madeira wines A large assortment of imported wines; 250 bbls flour; 75 half bbls do. JW are constantly receiving additional supplies anils tend-keeping on hand a good stock, which will be sold low for cash. , . October 6, 1851 N O. & HOLMES. NOTICE TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. HAVIXG located myself in Wilmington for the purpose of doing anflgency Business, persons wishing to save time and a grent deal of trouble, will send their produce to tho care of W. M. Monroe, and the returns will be forward' fid fOrtBWitlu-asaKs KT Office In Washington Bar. - W. M. MONROE. Wilmington, Sept. 10, 1851 3-12m F ISIL Haddock, in barrels s No. 3 Mackerel in kits.- f or tale by ELLIS RUSSELL k CO. irrlval and Dvpartwr of th Malls at Wllaalngtew Th a ffMa the Nurtb. by F.ailrai, arrirts atoot" II A. M. The mail fmtn the Soath, by Meaaser from Charleston, ar rives daily about n A. M. The mail frm 1 STettetiHe.Sia Warsar, U due dally p on the arrival of the cars. - . The mail from Favetteville, via Eliiabelhtown, hy salley, is due on Tnes4ay, Thar lays, and Satardtys. at 9 A. M. The wail from thulow Court-House, by su'.kry, U dae ca Mon.Uy's, at 5 P. M. . The mail from Black River Chapel, via Long Cm k.hyjnl key, Is due u Thursdays, at 5 P.M. Cloalra; of Mall. The nail for the Ntrth, by lUrin al, clouts daily at 17 P. M. The mail for the South, by Steamboat, closes dally at 101 A. M. The mail for Fayetteville, via War;aw, closes dally at 10 P. M. . The mail fur FiyfMev!llet via Eliiabethtown. ? tulkey, clones on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at &j A. M. The mail for Onslow Court-IIouje, by sulkej, closes on Thursdays, at 10 P. M. The mail for Long Creek, by fulkey, closes on Thursdays, at 10 P. M. $r letters should be in the Oftce at least 15 minutes be fore the time of closing the mails. U.UKL RVlEi OF INTl'REHT, 1sjn DirrSBSaiTSTATKa ARB TssaiTeaiis. Maine; S per cent. , forfeit of th rlann. N.-w IUmstilre,6 per cent. ) forfeitof thrice the amount lawfully taken , Vermont, 6 per rent. ! recovery In action and coats. MkimcIoisciu. 6 per cent. ; forfeit of thrice the naury. Kh'xle Island, 6 er cent. , forfeit of the usury and Interest on thedeht. I'oiinectieut, 6 pet cent ; forfeit of the whole debt New-York, percent.; usurious contracts void. New Jersey, f pel cent. forfeit of the Whole debt. Pennsylvania, 6 per ceni. i forfeit of the wholo debt. )claware, S per cent. ; forfeit of the whole delit Maryland, 6 per cent.; on tobacco contracu 8 J usurious eon tracts void. Virginia, 6 per cent ! forfeit di utile the usury. Nnrth Carolina, 6 per cent. ; contracts for usury void-forfeit iloiitile the usury. Houih Carolina, 7 per rent. forfeit of Interest and premium U ken, with coats. Oorgla, 8 per cent, j forfril thrice the usury. Alahama, rf per cent. forfeit of Interest and usury. Miaitlasippl, N per cent. ; by contract 10 usury recoverable in action for dctit. Lmlslana. 5 per rent.; Bank interest 6-contrict 8-beyond Coiitinct, interest void.". Tentieasec, 6 per cant, j usurious contracts void. Aiitnrkr, 6 per rent. ; usury recoveralile wltlieisils. Ohio, 6 pr ei, ; milH cjntfaeia oid. Indiana, 6 per cent. -a fine of double fftf1 escesa. Illinois, 6 per cent. -by contract 12 -beyond forfeits thrice the Interest. Missouri, 6 per cent, -by contract 10-If beyond, forfeit of In-. tercul and usury. Miclilgiii, 7 percent - forfeit of naiiry one-fourth of debt. Arknnsna, 0 per cent. by agreement 10-uaury recoverable, but contract void. iMstrii't Columbia, 6 per cent.- usurious contracts void. Florida, H per rent.- forfeit Interest and excess. WiHi'Diiiiu, 7 per cent by eoiiirarl U -forfeit thrice the fa. cesa. " Iowa, by agreement, and enforced by law. On (Ir bis or Judgments In favor of the b'ulted Slates, interest Is computed at ti per cent, per annum. , W KKJIITrt ANI MEAHI RE9 or VUKSION COUNTaiSN. - Tlierro (Innomlniitiofialreipietilly met with In reports of ma r kc'a, rmUiet English value will not always readily be recollect 1 ed. The following table will he found, we believe, correct .' . Ahuit In Rotterdam, nearly gala ' 40 Almiidn, In Portugal, :V' 1 V "'""'n d". ' 4 87" Almude, In Madeira, do. 4 W ' Aliimeie, in Medelm, ' OVf f pks. 1 5 8 to nearly . 2 Aliitilere, in liable, ; buali, 1 Aloolere. in Mnranliam. Abpiiere, Itio Jnneiro. Pcrnainbuco, Anna, of rice, In Ceylon, Arolni, In Portugal, Arroba, In Hpain, Arroba, III fpiiln, (large) Arroba, In Hniiin, (small) Arroba, In Malaga, of wine, Arabeen, In Kuasia, Ibihar, In Hntnvia, Hale ol Cinnniiion, In Ceylon, net, Itarill, in Naples, t;anlar. tlie Levant, contains 44 okes, Cnntar, In leghorn, of oil, Canisr, in Malta, CantaP, In Naples, Centar, In Hlcily, farro, In Naples, Cerro, In Naples, of wine, Catta, of lea, in China, Cayang.lti lliitnvia, Cbelwort, In Kossia, Faiiegii, in Hpaln, Hectolitre, lu France, Killogranime, France and Netherlands, IHt In Amsterdam, of groin, l.aat, 1 n TTfe ( i i e 'i f g r ii i ii , l-nst. In f 'adix, of salt, Lust, In Dnnt.ic, of grain, list, In Flushing, of grain, IjisI, In Hamburg, of grain, Last, of I.ubec, of grain, LnaSf in Portugal, of salt, Last, In Rotterdam, of grain, Last, In Sweden, LhnI, In I'treebt, of grain, f.lspoiind, In ll'imbiirgli, Mspoiiud, In Holland, Mark, In Holland, Maud, In Calcutta. Mlna, In fienoa, of grain, Moy, in Lisbon, Moy, in Oporto, Mojro, of Portugal, Oke, in Smyrna, a . Orna, In Trieste, of wine, V Orno, of oil, Palrno, In Niples, Tccul, in llHtavlaand Afadraa, Pecul, in China and Japan, Pipe. In Hpain.of wine, Pood, In Russia, Qolntil, in Portugal, Uolninl, In Smyrna, Quintal, in Spain, Quintal, in Turkey, Kottoll, In Portugal, Rottolo, In Genoa, Hottolo, In Leghorn, Raima, In Sicily, Hchheff;!, Germany, Ship pound, Hamburg and Denmark, Mild pound, In Holland, Htaro, In Trieste, Tale, In China, Vara, In Rio Janeiro, VaraAHn Spain, Werst, In Rossis, do. I 14 do I to I 14 lbs. VCo 20 lbs 3i do 2 fals. 4 54(1 do. 3 aj7 about do. 4 14 Inches gft' pccula3to4 1-3 lbs 104 ft 8 equals about gals. II lbs. 118 H lbs. M do. 174 I S lbs. 100 to I9d 1-2 do 170 lo lift 1 3 is crpial to about buabels f0 gala. 24 Is about lbs. I 1-2 lbs. 3MI nearly bushel ti bushels I 0J do. 2 89 lbs. - 3.24 bushels fi.'i 14 " '" oveViloI ) i-3 do. 754 6 nearly do. 9.1 do. 07 1-2 do. 89 7 do. , 01 do. - 70 do,8SJM do, 75 over do. 6tl lbs. 16 5 oz. do. IS 4 oz. - oz. 9 lbs. 73 to 04 bushels 4-4J do. f ,24 do. 30 contains over bushels 'li lbs. 2 .' " fals. 14.94 e do. 17 is a little over Inches lo lbs. i:u 1-2 do. l.'U 18 gals ICoto 164 equal to 30 lbs. 2 oz. nearly lbs. 89.o5 do.U9.4-l do. 96 do. 167 3 oz. do. U-4oz. do. 24 lbs. 3 from bushels 7 83 to 9.77 3 ysries from II -2 to neorly bushels 3 ins. jo i ';. lbs. 30Moz. ' bushels 2 3 ) oz. i i-a I 1-4 yd. nearly no are equal to yds. 9o5 feel 32oo Selling OfT at Cost-Boot ami Moe Store. REMOVED from tho old stand of Morehouse k r Peirson, Market-street, to the store formerly oo-tfl cupied by Mr. Hoard, Front-street, third door South of Messrs. Policy k Hart's. . The subscriber has on hand erery variety of Ladies Gait- ers, Boots, and Slippers tfall of this spring and summer man ufacture. , , He has also on hand a complete assortment of Gentlemen Fine Calf, Kip and French Calf Boots. In fact, every arti cle In the Boot and Shoe line j all of which he will sell at first f cost. , . V. R. PEIRSOX, Agent. , Sept. 5, 1851 - fc , , , . oUt : CREW LISTS -A large $vttW ort ha nd and for salelow tthe 'f - 'JOURNAL OFFICE. St

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