y , PUBLISHKD BY FULTON & PRICE. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE, i -VOLUMES MONDAY. EVLN1XG, OCIQBERUSoL- .KUJIBEB I 1' hi! U- 6- RATES OF ADVERTISING. 23 . 371 60 73 lit tar 1 1 ,l.r t 23 3 dav.... 3 dajs, .......- 4 day,..; 5 dav. i we,........ m weeks, 1 S7 1 BOBth, 2 00 1 mouth,.... .......3 60 5 months, .3 00 6 mouths, 800 1 vear 13 IX) Ten lines are counted W square, and fire line or less a half-aqaare, Leugtt advertisement in proportion, and all payable la advance. " e.vi tariiL lday 19 5.1 2diTi." T3 3daj 1 W 4 days 1 23 5 day 1 & lwk 1 73 2 week 2 73 1 mouth , .... 4 W) 2 mouths 7 00 3 mouths ..... 10 00 6 month W "0 1 Year SO 00 v - JSO. FOTTS BtOWX, AtMASD J. PtKOSStT, jr., E. F. BROW.' BROWS' DcROSSET; Sew York, DeROSSET & BROWS, Wilmington, If. C 32 . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. MrRAE 1IAH1US IMPORTERS and Wholesale and Retail Oralere Ih China, Glass, and Earthenware, and Farming Imple ments, west lid -Front street, between Market and I ock streets, Wilmington, N. C. '21-tf ) XV11. n. HARRIS. GKXERAL Commlulou Merchant Ship Tlrokrr, Wilmington, N 0. Wilmington, N. C. KEFIKEXCES I O. Cf. Parsley, Esq., Dudley & Huntington, ( Jai. Corner & Son, Baltimore. K. A. Souder ft Co., Philadelphia. Tufts Hunting, Boston. 12-ly C. . EIX1S. H. P. RI SSEUL. J. B. RISSKLL. ELLIS, liLSSELL & CO., . General CoutiuUUou Merchants and Ship Broker, Wilmington, N. 0. Refer to E. P. Hall, Esq., President branch Hunk of the State, Wilmington. 4 JOSEPH II. FLAXNEH, GENERAL CommUtlon Merchant, Wilmington. N. C. SAVAGE & MEARKS, O MLM1SSIOJL suid For warding. Jtlewhania, L Wilmington N. C. Sept. 9th, 1351 2-ly 1 Pirate Rive as a fall. Otc O. HOLMES, wholesale and retail dealers in do- raostic goods, such as negro kerseys, linseys, Kentucky Joans, satinets, blankets, shirtings, piintu, spun cotton, etc., etc.; boots and shoes, direct from the manufacturers; all kinds of foreign and dnmestio wines and liquors, direct from the importer and manufacturer. All kinds of groceries, provisions ami ship stores, bought and will be sold low for cash, corner of Water and Princess streets, Wilmington, N. Carolina. " October 6, IS51. NOTICE TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. HAVING located myself in Wilmington for the purpose of doing an Agency Business, persons wishing to save time and a great deal of trouble, will send their produce to the care of W. M. Monroe, and the returns will bo forward ed forthwith. 3-0ffice in Washington Bar. W. M. MONROE. Wilmington, Sept. 10, 1851 3-12m TO THE PUBLIC. THE subscriber has leased for a term of years, of R. W. Brown, Esq., his fire-proof store, with his wharves, and is now in a condition to take especial care of Spirits Tuqtontiue 'and other Naval Stores committed to his care. The Ware house Is well known to be the best and safest place in town for the storage of Bacon, Lard, Corn, Peas, lie. '1 be lower wharves have on them four large new sheds, where Spirits can be safely kept from the rain and sun. He is prepared to receive and ship, or sell, all kinds of produce sent to bis care. He will also make advances when required. He begs to refer to the following gentlemen t R. W. Browa, John Dawson, O. G. Parsley, and Thos. H. Wright, Esqrs, MILES COSTIN, . Brown's wharf, Wilmington, N. C. September 12; 1851 l-12m TOPSAIL ACADEMY. THE exercises of this Institution will bo resumed on Wed day the 1st day of October next, llor, William 11. Christian, A. B., graduate of II. M. College, Principal, . Tut'fton ier Smion of 'five montht : Spelling, Reading, Writing, first class in English Grammar, and Geography, $7 50 Second class of same, including History and Phi losophy, 12 00 ' Higher classes of English Science, including first class in Algebra, Latin and Greek, 15 00 Second class of sarao, with lectures on the.' most important subjects, 13 00 French and Anglo-Saxon will bo taught if required at the usual prices. Board In the Immediate vicinity of the Academy, 7 00 per month. Board ma be obtained for at least thirty pu pils. . Should the School require an Assistant, a competent Fe male will be employed to tako charge of the Femnle depart ment. . N. N. NIXON, ' President of the Board of Trustees. Topsail Academy, Sept. 16, 1851. 9-lwd-wtf P. S. It is desirable, that as many pupils should Le pres ent at the commencement as can conveniently bo. - 9300 REWARD. ESCAPED from the Jail of Kershaw District, on Monday, the 14th day of July last, Samuel J Lore, who was con victed for the murdeT of Mr. Robert J. Lester, at Spring Term, 1851. Said Love is about 20 or 21 rears of age, 6 ft. 2 inches high, has rather dark bair, and of a sallow complex ion, and has a down-cast look, with dark grey eyes, and some of his front teeth a little decayed, and is a carpenter by trade. I will give the above reward to any person who will aptire Tiend the said S. J. Lore, and lodge him in any Jail in this State, or One Hundred and Fifty Dollars for his safe con finement in any Jail ia the United States, so that I can get lm.,.. , JOHN INGRAM, S. K. D. Camden, go. Ca., Angust 8, 1351. ' 49-6m n0 K . REWARD. Runaway from the subscriber, fCrrr;00'11 lDe sta r July,' a mulatto fellow nam d WINDSOR, about 33 years old. He is about five feet eleven inches hizh. full hush h nt i r.ther ilnw apoken, and rather spare built, his front teeth slightly decay- u, uu jtryunoijr pne or ooin or his eye teeth out. Said ne gro Is a Cooper by trade,' and will attemptto pass as a free manand may probably have free papers, as he has said be can go any where. He is a little rinkley about the eyes, and liM an old appearance. The subscriber will give the above reward for his apprehension and delivery to bira.in Conway boro', S. C, or oonfinement in any jail in North Carolina, ao that he can get bim. Said negro belongs to James M. BUI, of Greenville, N. C , of whom I hired him. ' Atl(rnt lfc. 1S51 47-tfl i - r TTPT T ' rt - -i - m 1 ' u. uuiiiii 3S 174 MIL Y Bef-10 bbls. superior Beef, put tip expressly Tor ratolly use f 10 balf bbls. dot do. do. For sale by - - HOWARD 4- PEDEN, BAOON A fw choice hums expected ti Jaincs, from Boston. ELLIS, RJlE r schf. Joseph ELL It CO, ; PROPEfTl'S Of THE DAILY JOIRXAL. Tuc Subcriberi thii day commence, the pullicatioa ia the towa of Wilmington, of a daily evening pa(r by the above title. It will be isafd etery day (Suodaya excepted) afl--r the arrival of the malls, so as to girt the very latent intelli gence from all quartern The publUhers will also avail thi ian lTeii of every adlitiunal facility within their reach for the eollectioaof news. Particular attention will be jail to the Commercial depart ment of this paper, a&J fall and aetrurnt reports given of the state of ur own markets, as wtll as of all others having any inaueuee upon the trade of this place or section. The growing importance of Wilmington, and the Increas ing want s of the mercantile community at large, bare teemed to call for and warrant the commencement of this enterprise. North Carolina is aluiv-t, if not quite, the only State lath Union in which no daily paper is published. California, which but yesterday was a wilderness, has a flourishing daily press, while North Carolina has not one within her borders. Such should uot W the eae. We believe that we can fairly api-eal to. the State pride, as well as to the interests of our fellow-citixeus, to sustain us in our present effort to remove this reproach. It is scarcely necessary to refer to the politics of Thk Dai ly Joc'rn as it will bo under the same editorial manage ment with the Weekly " Wiijii.no ro Joirmal," which pa per will continue to be published on the same terms as for merly, deriving, it is to he hoped, additional interest from the use of the more exteu led facilities which the publication of a daily must render nevewary. In politics it will support the d'H-trines of the Democratic party ; yet, while firm and decided iu thd assertion and maintenance of its own opinions, will be moderate and respectful towards those who may differ from it. Term. The price of "Tin Daily Joi rmal" will be six dollars per annum, intnriiMy in advunrt. The heavy out lay attendant upon the publication of such a paper will ren der a strict adherence to this rule imvratire. A tri-weekly paper will also be issued at four d' liars per annum, should a sufficient njinber of tri-weekly subscribers be obtained. The " Datly Joitenal" is now before the publio. The la bor and outlay which its Issue entails is very considerable, and will requite a generous support to save us from heavy Joel. n starting it, we hare relied upon that liberality which ha heretofore been extended to , and have launched our bark, determined that it shall sink or swim upon its own merits. Fl'LTON it PRICE. Wilmington, N. C, September 8, IS51. jji Our cotcinorarics with whom we exchange, will con fer a favor by giving the above a few insertions. OUR r.IOTTO IS "TO rLEAOBi" at rut Wilmington Saddle, Harness, AKO TRUNK MANUFACTORY M 7r riMIE subscriber respectfully informs the public that bo X keeps constantly on hand a large assortmnut of Com It, ; IK, and Sulky Ilarlirmi; Liuly's nnd (.cntletum's Saddle, Ilrhllra, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Saddle and Carpet Bags, Satchels, fancy Trunks, Ice. Always on hand a large supply of StrliiK Leather and Kly .u, and nil other articles usually found iu such establishments, all of w hich he warrants to be of the best material aud work manship, and will be sold low for rath, or On thiwt crtdit to prompt customers. Suddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Bags, &., made to order. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to msnufaeture. Whips at wholesale. All kinds of Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commis sion. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Sept. 10, 151 " S THEY HAVE COME. " WE respectfully invite every body to call and soe them. Whether you, want to buy or not, come and see, that you may tell those that do want to buy, where they can find the best selected, and cheapest goods ia town. We can show you 50 handsome cheese, assorted sizes and qualities ; 1000 lbs. codfish ; 1 100 bacon hams ; 8 KM) lbs. sides ; 6000 do. shonldors ; 23 bbls. Irish potatoes ; A large assortment of crockery ; 300 cut and plain tumblers ; 500 jugs, assorted ; oOOjars, assortod; 200 bbls. flour; 100 hall" bbls. do.; ..... .. adamantine candlcsf 13 boxes spirm do; - 5 tons hollow ware ; 400 lbs. shoe thread ; 100 reems wrapping jmper ; 50 barrels and half obis, ship broad and crackers ; All kinds of buckets, pails, tubs, churns, boxes, measures and brooms ; Mess shad ; 10 hh'ls. Porto Rico sugar, very handsome ; Shhds. St. Croix do.; 20 bags superior li io coffee ; 50,000 segars, aborted, from $8 to $36 ; 100 bbls. John Gibson's rectified whiskey ; 50 do. double rectified whiskey : 23 do. do. assorted very old and superior ; Old port wine j old Madeira do.; old Cherry do.; Old Cogniao brandy ; old Holland gin ; Old Jamaiea ram ; old St. Croix do.; ' 25 bbls. N. E. ruia : 25 do roso crin : 20 do. American brandy; with many other goods that we iiavr ueuiiPT nme nor npare io rocniion. We again beg yoa to eall and see for yourselves. Sept. 22. " O. It G. HOLMES. nKW CJOODS. fTTE have received a part, and dailv exnectinir the bal VV ance, of our Fall Stock of Giwerlea and Ship inanuirry, which was purchased direct from the importers and manufacturers, and selected with great care. We re spectfully invite our customers and the public to call and ex amine our stock, as we are determined to sell at the lowest prices. Our stock consists In part of . 300 bags Kio, Laguyra, St. Domingo, Javaand Mocha 23 hhds P. R. Sugar; Coffee; 200 bbls . refined, cru.-hed, powdered, L granulated Sugar; 23 boxes " loaf Sugar; 50 bbls. coffee crushed do. -. Teas of all varieties, Green and Black; 200 boxesffoap; ' . 300"" Sperm, .Adamantine an J Mould Candles; 100 : " Lemon Syrup; 1,000 reams Wrapping Paper; 200,000 Cigars, all grades and kinds: V 100 boxes I obacco a nne article , , ' ,..; 100 bbls. Whiskey, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, and ' Cordials, of every variety and quality Batter, Lard. Rice. Flour. Salt. Pepper. Snico. Ginecr. Mustard, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cbecset Cra;kers, lkead, lie. . Cordage, Duck, Blocks, Anchora Chains, Irf-ntorw, LkD passes, aud every article rciuired on board of shins. " We also have a large stock of Wooden and Willow Ware, Hardware, Dry Goodi,&cV;' besides -uraevo: rtiele(si5ot menttonod Plmie call ni examine our - itork. A THE C1I1LO. TREATISE on the !trTois and treatmeEt of the DISEASES OF CUlLliULN. acordiBf to the aimi W Ui of nature, without Medicaments; and upon the bin h. Barrier, aad e-lueatk a of thilJrea, as well as the mot fre ueut diseaxea from their very iafauev te the period of puber ty, illustrated for the maM, by a deriptia of nauie rout eases,- gathered daring practic f 22 yeara. By J. T. Shonw-u, M. D. The ab.jve bock is for sals at the Bookstore ef L, 11. PIERCE, Market-street. Wilmington, N. C. Aagast 1, 1S31. 47-tf FIRK IXSl'RASCE. THE undersigned bavieg reeeivrd the Agency. Is prepared to take rUk um th ! favurnUt termt ia one of the bU Inmrmnct Vnmpunitt in tM ewmrr Til K HART FOKD PHOTECTlUN. 11. UTTi Agent. August 21, 1S51 Sl-tf . SEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. rpiIE Agency of this establishment for the towt of Wil. X mington has beea conferred upen the aak-rstgued, who is prepared to afford all requisite information, and to receive applieatloa for LIFE INSURANCE ujm as reasonable Urtus as a.ny other institution of the same rhirarter in thf eoutitry. II. NUrr, Agent. August 29, 1851 51-tf FOR SALE OR FOR REST. HIIIE unexpired lease of my ROCK SPRING BARAA 1 ROOM is for sale. If not sold, it will be rented frotuU the first of October next. FOR RENT A dwelling-house suitable for two small families, situated on the corutr of Queen and Ann streets, in the southeastern part of the town ; also, a smalt Dwelling in Oregon, io the northeast part of the town, are for rent for one year from the first of next October. Apply to Aug. 1 47-tf DAVID TiiALLY. at the Washington and Lafayette Hotel. TAKE TECESSITY compels SOTICK. me to eall the attention or T kit IN friends to what is due the late firm of MoHtnH'K L I'tiKsoN, Agent, as well as what is due V. R. Pkir mn. Art. N. B. Philip B. B vo is my authorised Agent te attend to my bu.-iuess whilo 1 am absent. Any business done by him will he considered legal. He can be found a few doors be low Policy and Hart s. I still continue to sell Boots and Shoes at cost. Call and &t Barenini. V. R. PE1RSON, Agent. Spt.15. 7-tf 1 BROTHERS LINE. 11IE.-Uauifir - ilnrfWs nd Ttw- Boty Sttvenum and Duval Ismi are prepared to forward with Dosatch, all goods consigned to the Propri etor. The Steamer Brethert Is of light draught, and well suited to run in Imn vmter. She possesses jmutr atil $ttd, and is admirably adapted to lowing, and can accommodate about 20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give siiecial attention to way freight and naval stores ; to towing, aud will also attend to the comfort and convenience ol I'asscnircrs. from bis lonit exnerlenee as Agent lu Wilmington of the several Steam Boat Companies, he thinks be cau give satisfaction. To Men hauU iu the Interior he would say, that all Goods shipped by him, will he delivered td their Agents in Fayett eville. His Agent ia Wilmington is JOHN C. LATTA, to whom all couimuuicatious may be addressed, as Agent of the SUamer lirotlmt. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May Ifith, 185! 3fi-lf Arrival and Depart arc af tk Malls at W Hmlsftsa, The mall frota the North, by IUilroai, arjires dy aUut 11 A.M. " . The mail from the ?onta,ty Steamer fro a CUf.fitan, ar r Ires daily about 5 K. M. le mad from rave tteviEs. via Warsaw, U da iJT en the arrival of the ears. - ! Th mail fmui KaretteviTle. via IlLiabethtown. br Suit f v. is due on TucIaj a, Thar.ty and Satayv . at A. M. Ike mad from Itoiiow. teurvaoajc, ty euky, u se M. nday', at ft P. M. The mail from Black River Chapel, via Lor.g Creek, ly ah 4 key, U due ea Thursday, at J P. M. -f . ClMlogof Malta.. The mail for the Nerth, by Railroad, cloaee caily at 19 r. M. , . - .- The mad for th South, by Steamboat, closes da J J at I0J A. M " - ' - f ' v ;. . The' mail for Fayetterill, via Warsaw, closes dally at 10 P. M. " Th mail foe FavsftfvI'J. via Eliabethte-wn. by salkey,' eloes on Taesdavs, Thurlay, and Saturday, t 9 A. M. The mail for Onslow Court-iIotte, y uiaey, cieeea ea Thuwlays at 10 P. M. ' , The mad f.r Lotif t reeR, By ruuey, oe ea Anaraaayi at 1 P. M. .,..,.-. r. -Letter should be In the OCioe at least 13 minute te fore th time of closing the malla. LtFlAL RATK4 Of" INTEREST, i t. -, 1 taa oimaawr ititm miireaiia. Mslne6pereeftL, forfeit ot the t Mi im. ' n New lUiayehire, I per ceot forleilof tbrlc the meuot BB. lawfully Utea . 4 Vermont, t per cent. reeory In aetk and eeata. 1. 1 ' f Maiwirliuicus, 9 per cent, forfeit uf ttirkt the usury. RhotlA Ulsnd, I per cent. , forfeit of to usury aa4 latere! l the debt. ,t CmineeOciiL per rent. ; f.rfR of the whole deht ' r New-Vorh, 7 per cent. ; usurious eoatracts otd. - ,'? New Jersey, 7 pel cent.; forfeit of the whole debt. Fennsylvania, per cent. forfflieflh whole deht- 4 Delaware, e percent foi fell of the whole debt. , Maryland, 6 per eent. on leasee contracts 3; esuIcu ton trscu void. , Virginia, 6 per rentt forfeit d uble the usury. North Caroline, per cent t contract for uaury Told forfeit double the usury. Mouth tsroluia, 7 per cent. 1 forfeit el Interttt and premram-t ken, with mots. , , (Jeorf la, 8 per rent. forfeit thrice the asury. s r , A labaiua. 8 per rent. 1 forfeit of Interest and uaurv. - . Mlmtirrt, 8 per tent I ay contract luuaury recoverable In action for delit. . . . .- Ixulaiana, B per centj Bank Interest (-contract 0 beyond aoittract, Interest void. ' - " .' . - .' - ehtT-ae78 per cenl.rUsufIniTFfcTrotd. , LIST OK BLANKS. Count v Court Writs; Superior do. do Count v Court Subpoenas; Superior do. do. Couuty Court Fi. Fa.; Superior do. do. County Court Sol. Fa.; Superior do. do. Aijreutioe Indeatares; Letters of Administration; County and Superior Courts Witness and Jeror Tickets; Notices to Tax List Receivers; Commission to take Deposition County Court Execution; Magistrate' alo. Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's A i)Hintment; Peace, State, aud Civil War- INotesof Hand; rants; Attachments; Stato Uceogniiance; Military ('a Sa; do. Execution; Negro Bonds; do. Jiill of Male; !nsiector' Certiflcaf es; Certificates of Justicesat tend Ing Court; Marriage License; Tax Receipts; Insolvent Notices; Writs of Ejectment; Letters Testamentary; Vendl. Exponas; CaSa; Land Deeds; do. Affidavits; Garnishee Notices; Chocks, Cape Fear Bank) do. Brunch Bank of h State; Notes, negotiable at Bank; Administrator's Bonds; Guardian do. Appeal do. CaSa do. Sh'ff Appearance do. Constable's do. Sheriff' Tax do. Forthcoming do. Prosecution do. Crew Lists; Aoy Blank- w-df ttruot on band, wnttT'prlhleriTwfth the utmost dispatch. Officcrsof the (onrts and other offlcers, and all other per sons requiring Blanks, or any other work in the printing line, would 00 well to give os a,call, or send in their orders. We re determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest rates for cafh. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE. A'entur y, 6 per eent. ( usury recoverable WHh coat. Ohio, 0 per cent. ; uauri'Mis emimrn voiu. , , Iniiinnn. Incrrfnt.! Ine of HoaliHi tdaeieeaaT-- llllnnls, 6 per ccnl.-by coniract li beyad forfeit thrle the. Interest. ' . ' ' ,' , - ' Minaourl, 6 per cent. by contract JO if beyond forfeit of tcreHt and usury. " ; , Mirfngmi, 7 pereent.- forfi llofuanryoti furtn of flabt. - - . 1 Arkansas, t per cent by ajreement ID-usury recoverable, tut, contract void. : f 1 ' t ' Ihstrlci Columbia, 0 pef eenh-uurkoa contract void. , 1 rkiriJa.Hperrml forfeit Intareat and ieea. "" Wlsconsiu, 7 pel cent by contract U(of foil thrice th) . ersa. ' -,' " ' .' ' Iowa, by agreement, aod enforced by law. - - l On debts or Jtnlgineiiia In favor of IU bulled Slates, Intereet Is coinputsd at 6 per cent, pel anuuio. , t ; , WEI;tlTH AND JIEASt'BES , v' 0 rORBIflN COlfBtatS. ' ' l;it'() 11 ., Thera nr denomination freiiiiently met with In report ef mar. ke'a, tnit their fiogiuh value will noialway readily l recollect. ' (J. The following tJible will be found, w believe, correct: Sept. 13, 1S31J , t HOWARD k PEDEN.r j LOOK AT THIS. We respectfully invite the ttentlon of the public to our largo and well selected stock of Goods. V e have enlarged our store and are now prepared to showtlio most dcsirablo stook of Groceries ever offered io this mjirket. They were bought at very low prices for cash, and we believe we can offer them at prices tbat will Induce persons wishing to purchase to buy from us. We have on hand 235 bag Rio noffeo, (i0 " Laguira do 40 hhd Porto Rico sugar 12 " St. Croix " 5 " Muscovado " 50 bbls southern clarified sugar; 25 crushed do. 25 hhds swoet molasses JflOO lbs pcpF'J 500 lbs spice; 500 lbs ginger 50 lbs nutmegs; 100 mats cinnamon Boxes gToond pepper, spico, and ginger; 100 fresh Cheese; 35 Firkins butter; 10,000 bushels salt 173 bbl John Gibson's rectified whiskey 120 Baltimore double rectified do. 100 " assorted superior double rectified and Monotiga 30 " Rose a4 anchor gin; hela whiskey; 30 New England rum 20 " "American brandf , . 40 qr. easks Malaga and low priced Madeira wines A large assortment of imported wines; 250 bbla flour; 73 half bbl do. . We are exnstantly jccvingadditionBlsnpplicand in tend keeping on hand a good stock, which will le old low for cash. - , .' October 6, 1851 O.G. HOLMES. FISH-Haddock, in barrel ; No. 3 Mackerel in kits. ' . For sale by ELLIS , RUSSELL & CO. NEW Crop ItaUlna 400 package new crop Raisin, just landed. For sale by HOWARD k PEDEN. PICKLES, Preaervea, Catanpe, Just reeeived di rect from W. Underwood Co : 500 divert jar assorted size and kinds. For sale low;by , HOWARD k PEDEN. JICKLES. 00 dozen Gallons-qU. and pti. for sale by . . . , Oi&JLJ. JlOUlES. Alim.ln Roturdsiii, Aliunde, In Portugal, Almiide, III Madeira, Alquleie, In Medelra, Alipioire, in iiuoin, Alniiire, In Maranhain, Aliilcre. Klo Jimelro. rernainbuco, Aima, r.f rice, In Ceylon, Aroba, In 1'orUJial, Arroba, In flpaiu, Arroba.lO paln,(lane) Arroba, In fpaln, (small) Arroba, In Malaga, of win, Arslieen, In Ruaaia, llnhar, In BaUvla, Hale of Cinnamon, In Ceylon, net, ; llnrili, In Naple, Caeutr, the levant, eontaln 44 ok, l anur, In lf horn, of oil, antar, in Mult, I (Hilar, In Naple, i inter, in mcuy, Carro, In Naples, f'arro. In Nnp!es. of wine, Cait,of lea, In tLina, Cayam , In llatavia, Clmiwort, In Russia, Fanega, In Hpnin, Hectolitre, In France, Killogrammc, France and Netherlands, Ust. in Amsterdam, of grain, tt, in llrrtnen,of grain, Last, In Cadiz, of Bill, Ust, In Dandle, of train, Ust, In Flushing, of grain, Last, In Hamburg, of grain, LaaL of Lubec.or grain, lsf, In Portugal, of salt, Last, In R'rfbjrdaru, of grain, Last, In Sweden, Last, In Utrecht, of grain, LlNpoond, In Hamburgh, Mspoond, In Holland, Mrk,ln Holland, Mud, In CulculU. Mina, Jn fienoa, of grain, Moy, In Lisbon, Moy, in tHrto, Moyo, of rortngal, Oka, In Hinyrna, . ; Oraa, In Trieste, of wine, Orna,of oil, I, I'almo, In NipW, f'ecul, In llatavia and Afadr, f'ecul. in Chin aud Japan, ripe, in fipnln.of wine, food, in Russia, Uniniil, In Fortngal, (Mlutal, inHmyrna, QolriUl, In Spain, Quintal, In Turker, Kottoll, In Portugal, llottolo, In Genoa, Kottolo, in Leghorn, Raima, in nlciiy, Hcbheffsl. Cermany, fillip pound, Hamburg and Denmark, onid-poanu, la iioiiana, Hiaro, in Trieste, Talo, in China, Vara, in Rio Janeiro, : Vara, In Unafn, VVeraW In Russia; t x nearly gala ' 40 . eonuina do.;, f3y' , do., 44 or cf pk. 1 6 8 to nearly -. - , . .Biiafi, i, do. l t.4 doltol J4' a lb. Jo SU" " . ItM, .t. do t '.f?.ilsv do. 3-3:17. about do. 4 1-4 . -Inehea 8S pecttl3to4 1-3' . - lb. 104 M luol about gala. )l '.j .-'. k,:. lb. llA.gr lb. M , - - ' do. 174 13 lbs. Moto )&, . de 175 to 192 12 I equal to about bushel W " gal. 24 U bout b.J 14 lb, 354) , nearly hue he la f' , , , busbcla L691, at. 2.8 tiuahelflPS 1-4 i'r;orer do. Mt4 V , do. 734 1 ". : '" nearly do. 931 , - de. 92l2 do. 817' , , do, do.8SI3) do. ,' 7 over do. - e . Iba, I5ob.,( io. 194 ot. os. ... w i lbs. 73 to 64 bushels 4-43 ; do. 24 - r , ,. do. , 30; contain over busbele 23 . lb. 2 fc3t 1'ile. 14. H tvl fir JT-'.do. ;-f 171 1 a Utile over Inehee Ia lb. 1311-2 t , do 133 1-A, ' gala. 16o to 164 ' equal t 36 lb. 2 oe. neri r ? lbe.89.oS .M .illi-.kkl.4l '---- - - do. 06 1 1 do. 167 3 os. , do. 134 ox. '-f ;i. ;' " ' ' do. : -24 : ; , i U:3h '- from bushels 7 R3 to 0.77 varies from 1 1 -2 to nearly buahels 3 j in. mi lb. 368.4 oa. bushels 3 3-S . , , 1 1-4 yd. nearly , loo r equal to yd 5 Tl T ACKERE7m IT lbalf barrels new No. 1 Mackerel 10 qr. do., do. . di' 'do. 20 do., do., do. . do.; . j C 20 I do. " do do. Salmon ; ; - 20 1 do. - Sound and Tongues 1 ; Mackond aud Salmon at retail, b '1 - jl JwARD k PEDEN, RICK Floor la bags from 23 to 50 lbs., from new rice. For sale low, by , SAVAGE fc ME A RE A. TJl'TTEU. .tt; " 10 keg extra fine Goshen Potter, for rale by . V ; : s' j HOWARD 4 PEPEN. , CREW IJ8T8-A large supply on hand and for sa Mo tt tha t . JOURNAL OFHC?:.-

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