On 4 Published by itltox & price. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YKAIt, IN' ADVANCE. VOLUME I. THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 2iVBil. NUMBER CI. M ill i " V t i I ll ! X RATES OF ADVERTISING. ALT sftrAta. 1 da J, 3 dv, .. 4 dl), .... . 5 days, 1 wk, 2 wetii,.... 1 aiouth, ... 2 month,. 75 iC4 ...1,374 . .2 m ...3 50 OM lrAKS. May 0 5 3 months, .... ..5 00 6 month, 8 00 1 year 13 00 2'laj 3 Jtvs .... 4 days .... 5 days .... 1 wetk.... 2 week.. 1 mouth... 2 luuntbi.. 3 months..' 6 months.. 1 year .... a- 75 1 00 1 25 1 5!) 1 73 2 73 4 00 .... 7 DO ....10 00 oo SO 00 Ten lines are counted as a square, and fire lines or less a hatf-rpiare. Longer advertisements in proportion, and all pay alls In advanee. Arrival and,Icpartur tf the MalU at Wilmington. The mail from the North, by I'ailroad, arrives daily about 11A.M. The mail from the South, by Steamer from Charleston, ar rives daily about 8 A. M, The mail from ' Fayctteville, via Warsaw, idue daily op en the arrival of the ears. The mail from Favetteville, via Elixabethtown, by sulkey, ll due on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays,' at 9 A. M. The mail from Onslow Court-llouse, by sulkey, is due on Monday's, at 5 P. M. , The mail from Ulaek River Chapel, via Long Creek, by sul key, is due on Thursdays, at 3 P. M. Closing of Mall. The mail for the North, by Railroad, closes daily at 10 p. m. The niail fur the South, by Steamboat, closes daily at 10$ A. M. The mail for Favetteville, via Warsaw, closes daily, at 10 1. M. Tie mail for Fayetteville, via Elixabethtown, by sulkey, clones on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, at'0 A. M. The mail for Onslow Couit-Houso, by sulkey, cloaca on Thursdays, at 10 P. M. The mail for Long Creek, by sulkey, closes on Thursdays, at 10 P. M. gW Letters should be in the Office at least 15 minutes be fore the time uf cloying the mails. II. I.. IIOLMKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, N. C. Offico on corner of Front and Princess streets, under. -JeTrrrraiTffieer o2TTt?3I JURmTT JMO. POTTS BROWX, ARMAND J. DGUOSSgT, jr., I!. K. IJKOWN BROWS A, DeROSSET, Sew York, 1HROSSET o BROWS, Wilmington, X. C, tf32 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Kit HAP: t II VltHI'iS, TMPORTEKS ami Wliolcanle and ltt-tatl Dealer In 11 China. Glass, and Earthenware, and tannine Imple ments, west side Front street, between Market and Dock streets, Wilmington, N. C. l'l-"l Will. M. IIARRISS, nKSERAL CommtsDlon Merchant fc Ship Ttrnker, iir:i...:t.. xr r- V UUllllglUll, .1. nEFKRENCES! ' DufcSon, j Wil-lngton. N. C. , Jas. Corner k Sons, liHltimore. K. A. Soudcr &Co., Philadelphia. Thompson & hunter, . Ncw.York. M. M. freeman & Co., J Tufts $ Hunting, Iloston. 12'1?. C. D. ELLIS. H. P. RI'SKELL. J. B. RfSELL. ELLIS, liVSSELL &- CO., general Cotuinlssloii ?Iehaiits ami HhlpRrnkrrs, T Wilmington, N. C. Refer to E. P. Hall, Esq., President Pranch Rank of the Statef Wilmington. G JOSKPII II. FIiAXXEIt, ENERAIa ConimUxlori Merf lmtitv 2-ly Wilmington, N. C. SAVAGE ME ARKS, COMMISSION and Forwarding Merchants, Wilmington N. C. Sept. 9th, ial 2-ly Plrnsb K've us n ('nil. f kG. HOLMES, wholesale and retail dealers in do Jt raestio goods, such as negro kerseys, linfcySj Kentucky jeans, satinets, blankets, eliirtings, prints, t-pun cotton, etc, etc.; boots and shoes, direct from the manufacturers; all kinds of foreign and domestic wines and liquors, direct from the importer and manufacturer. All kinds of groceries. provisions andehip stores, bought and will be sold low for cash, corner of Water ana rnnccss streets, W ilmington, 2s. Carolina. Uctobcr 0, IS,!. MEDICAL NOTICE. TR3. FREEMAN & MALLETT having associnird tlicm- XJ selves in tho UOMr;urATlllC 1'ractico or Medicine and Surgery, offer their Professional services to the commu nity. One or the other of them may bo found at all times at their office, when not professionally cnlled off. Calls in the country will receivo prompt attention at nil times.' Oct. 22, 1851 A CARD. DR. MALLETT, in offering his professional services to the citizens of Wilmington, would state that he hnsbeen engaged in tho practice of Medicine and Surgery for fivg years, and for the Inst year has given his attention to Ho moeopathy, to which practice ho will confine- himself most strictly in all its branches. N. B. From his experience in Surgery, ho feels confident that ho can givo satisfaction in tho performance of all Surgi cal Operations even tho most delicate. October 22, 1851 39-tf REMOVAL, OF LAW OFFICE. MESSRS. McR AE & STRANGEdesirc to inform tbe public that they hava Rcmorcd their Office to the sec ond story of the building, on the corner of Market and Sec find Streets, formerly occupied by A., A. 13. Southall, and di rectly opposite tho Carolina Hotel. , - s Oct. 15, 1851 ! 33-tf : f CO-PARTNERSHIP. "TIlE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership, A sndcr the style of McRAE & HARR ISS, and have ta ken tbe new granite front store, lately erected by CapL f . ;PorTER, on ront between Market and Dock streets, where Sthey will always keep a complete vholcsatc and retail stock ?f V an.4 Farn,,,, Implfinenla, to which they -Jinvite the attention of merchants and others. Being Importers, we feel confident we can sell articles in onr line on as favorable terms, and of as good quality, as can 9 purchased in the United States. , ALEX. McRAE, Jr., Oct. 1, 1851-21-tf N. T. II AltRIS. . , NOTICE Extra. I have authorized Mr James) Bl'rcm to colloct all accounts due me previous to 1st of October -distant. AH persons indebted are earnestly requested to set ii- McllAE. Jr. Oct. 11.1851 : ' " I'- it I I I' !' I II I , SCNORIES. Candy, R aisins, Prunes, Citron, Currants, Almonds, Filberts, Brazil Nuts, Shelled Almonds, Cox ielitine, Yoast Powders, Saleratue, Mustard, and ertry ar iicle jrou want, for js&U low by HOWARD & PEDEN. ' PnOSPKCTl'8 OF THE DAILY JOl RJtAL. The Subscribcn tbis day commence tbe publication in tbe town of Wilmington, of a daily evening paper by the above title. It will be Issued every day (Sundays eaeepted) after tbe arrival of the mails, so as to give the very latest intelli gence from all quarters. The publi.-hers will also avail themselves of every a Hiti.:isl facility within tbeir reach for tbe collection of news. Particular attention will be paid to tbe Commercial depart ment of the paper, and full and accurate reports given of lb state of our own markets, as well as of all others having any influence upon the trade of this place or section. ij Tbe growing importance of Wilmington, and the increas ing wants of the mercantile community at large, bavt seemed to call for and warrant tbe commencement of this enterprise. North Carolina is almost, if not quite, the only State in tbe Union in which no daily paper is published. California, which but yesterday was a wiiderness, baa a flourishing daily press, while North Carolina has not ona within her borders. Such should not be the ease. We believe that we can fairly aptea) to the State pride, as well as to the Intercuts of our fellow-citiiens, to sustain us in our present effort to re'move this reproach. It is scarcely necessary to refer to the politics of "The Dai ly Joirmal," as it will be under the same editorial manage ment with the Weekly " Wilminqtom Joi rxal, which pa per w ill continue to bo published on the same terms as for merly, deriving, it is to be hoped, additional interest from the use of the more exten led facilities which the publication of a daily must render necessary. In polities it will support the doctrines of the Democratic party j yet, while firm and decided in the .assertion and maintenance of its ow opinions, will be moderate and respectful towards those who mny differ from it. Terms. The price of " The Daily Joi bnal " will be six dollars per annum, invariably in advance. The heavy out lay attendant upou the publication of such a par will ren der a strict adherence to this rule wtjrrativt. A tri-weckly paper will also bo issued at four dollars per annum, should a sufficient number of tri-weckly subscribers be obtained. The Daily Journal " is now before the public. Thela- imnimTOTllay which its issue entails is very considerable, and will requite a generous support to save us from heavy loss In starting it, we have relied upon that liberality which has heretofore been extended to us, and have launched our bark, determined that it shall sink or swim upon its own merits. FULTON & PRICE. Wilmington, N. C, September 8, 1851. JTff Our cotctnporarics with whom wo exchange, will con fer a favor by giving the above a few insertions. THEY HAVE COME. iTTF' respectfully invite every body to call and see them. V V Whether you want to buy or not, come and sec, that you may tell those that do want to buy, where they can find the best selected, and cheapest goods in town. Wo can show you 50 handsome cheese, assorted sires and qualities; 1000 lbs. cod fish ; 1 KM) bacon hams ; 8(H)!) 11)3. sides ; ti()00 do. shoulders ; 2.) bbls. Irish potatoes ; A largo assortment of crockery ; 300 cut and plain tumblers ; 500 jugs, assorted ; 300 jars, assorted ; 200 bbls. Hour; 100 half bbls. do.; 33 boxes adamantine candles; 15 boxes spirm do. 5 tons hollow ware ; 400 lbs. shoe thread ; KM) reems wrapping pnper; 00 barrels and half bbls. ship bread and crackers ; All kinds of buckets, pails, tubs, churns, boxes, measures and brooms ; Mess shad ; 10 hhils. Porto R ico sugar, very handsome ; 5 hhds. St. Croix do.; 20 bugs superior Rio coffee ; 50,000 srgars, assorted, from $8 to f 3fi ; KM) bbls. John Gibson's rectified whiskey; 50 do. double rectified whiskey ; 23 do. do. assorted very old and superior; Old port wine.; old Madeira do.; old 6'hcrry do.; Old Cogniac brandy; old Holland gin ; ( )ld Jamaica ruin ; old St. Croix do.; 23 bbls. N. E. rum ; 23 do rose gin ; 20 do. American brandy; with many other goods that we have neither time nor space to mention. We again beg you to call and see for yoursclvcu. Sept. 22. ' ' O. k G. HOLMES. SEW iOOO. WE have received a part, and daily expecting the bal ance, of our Fall Stock of t.roenlrg and Ship t hiftidlrry, which was purchased direct from tho importers and manufacturers, and selected with great care. We re spectfully invite our customers and the public to call and ex amine our Btock. as we are determined to sell at tbe lowest prices. Our stock consists in part of 30 bags Rio, Lagnyra, St. Domingo, Jara, and Mocha 23 hhds P. Jl. Sugar; , Coffee; 200 bbls. refined, crushed, powdered, & granulated Sugar; 25 boxes " loaf Sugar; 5( bbls. coffee crushed do. Teas of all varieties, (Jrccn and Black; 200 boxes Soap; . 4 . oDO " Sperm, Adamantine and Mould Candles; 100 Lemon Syrup;), 1,000 reams Wrapping Pjper; 200,000 Cigars, all grades and kinds; 100 boxes Tobacco a fine arliclt; 100 bbls. WhiBkey, ifrnndy, Gin, Hum, Wines, and Cordials, of every variety and quality; Rutter, Lard, Rice, Flour, Salt, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mustard, Cassia, Nutmegs,. Cheese, Crackers, bread, fcc. Cordage. Duck, Blocks, Anchors, Chains, Lanterns, Com passes, and every article required on board of ships. We also have a large stock of Wooden and Willow Ware, Hardware, Dry Goods. &c; besides numerous articles not mentioned. Phase call and examine mr ttork. Sept. 13, 1831 : HuWARD & TEDEX. BLTTER mid Chcc.c. Jut landed from Tessel-10 kegs extra Goshen Butter; 25 boxes Goshen Cheese. For sale low by - HOWARD PEDEN. eORSICE and Curtain Rands A full assortment, for sale, at tho Hardware Store J. M. ROBINSON., SUGARS. Received this day, 28 hhds. Porto Rico sugar; 10 do. St. Croix do.; 10 do. Mascavado do. L For sale low by , O.A G.HOLMES. COFFEE Just received 175 bags Rio coffee. For sale low by : ' . ; - O. 4" G. HOLMES. FMH'H 100 bbls. iU Leon, Mills, very superior arti cle' For sale by O, G. HOLMES. TpJLOUR. 300 bbls. fresh ground from new wheat, just rt X eeived. For sale by O. & G. HOLMES. 0 IL.5 bbls for macbinenr. for sale bv October 6, 1831 ELLIS, RUSSELL A CO. TORET. IROM tha 1st of October, a Warebous e HenderWs A Alley, sakable for tLa sUrsre cf Salt, Hay. te. Apdi ply to , X.N.NIXON. Sept 3, 151 , 19-tf THE CHILI). V TREATISE on tbe Msgrmsis and treatment of tbe DISEASES OF C HILDKKN, according to tha simple laws of nature, without Medicaments ; and upoa the birth, ursing, and education of children, as well as the most fre quent disease fro their very infancy to tbe period of puber ty, illustrated for the nana, by a description of iiumeroas cases, gathered during a practice- of 22 years. By J. T. SCHONWALP, M. IK The above book is for sale at Ine Booktor.of L. H. PI KKCE, Market-street. Wilmington, N. C, Aagust 1, 1831. 47-tf FIRE IsrilAKCK. THE undersigned baring received the Agency, Is prepared to take risk pn the mn$t favorable term in on of tho Utt l$mnre Vtmpania in the country THE HART FORD PROTECTION. 11. NUTT, Agent. Aogust2t,.l?51 Sl-tf NEW YORK LIFE ltftl'tlAKCE COMPANY. THE Agency of this establishment for the towa of WiL mingtou bas been conferred upon tbe undersigned, who is prepared to afford all requisite information, and to receive application for LIFE INSURANCE upon at reasonable terms as any other institution of the same character In th country. 11. NUTT, Agent. August 29, 1851 61-tf 111 t OTHERS LI.E. rpiIE Steamer Brvthrrt and Tow Boats, A Strrenton and David Lfiri are prepared to forward with Despatch, all goods cqignd-to the Propri et'or. ' - - Tho Steamer lirothtrt is of light draught, and well suited to run in lotr wafer. .She possesses jmwer and iffed, and is admirably adapted to towing, and can accommodate about 20 passengers. The Proprietor contemplates running the Boat himself, and will give special attention to way freight and naval stores ; to towing, and will also attend to the comfort and convenience of Passengers. From bis long experience as Agent in Wilmington of the several Steam Boat Companies, he thinks he can give satisfaction. To Merchants in the interior be would say, that all Goods shipped by him, will lie delivered to their Agent in FayetU rfWe, W i A irewt n-Vr immgton tr J 1 1 it T7RTTA. to LATT as Agent whom all communications may bo addressed, tba Steamer lirothtrt. JOHN BANKS, Proprietor. May 16lh, 1851 3-tf of LIsTTOKHLANKH. Counfy Coort Writs; Superior do. do County Court Subpoooas; Superior do. do. County Court FL Fa.; Superior do. do. County Court Scl. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; County and Superior Courts Inspector's Certificates; Certificate of Justlcciattcnd ing Court; Marriagt License; Tax Receipts; Insolvent Notices; Writ of hjectmeut: Letters Testamentary; Vcndl. Exponas: Ca Ha; Land Deeds; do. Amdavits;- UCALlATEi Or 1NTXEST, la vac irrtisv (VTi TiitiToaita. Xilnei t per tmi, , frfit r th r ) ' ,x N w ll.mphr, per ceaL (orUlx of llrk. ft tmroot - Uwrnllf ukta i V inmM, pr at t rtotcry la anion a! rt. MMcl.seM. pmt cai (nf frit of larie Ih nary. bbs4, 1 per cat. , forfeit of tUerjj tcterrsto thebt i . CnaBcctkdt. pet tent. ; forfait f the wbole bL New Vera. Tprr ceaL ttsorma coatrvett vuM. -Ntw Jerf, f pi ceat fotfrMnf ttt wfenl eeet ' " -rennsytvanla, per cm". J rflt ef th wWj bt. iVIaware, per cent htUn of lite whoi iebL S XsrvUatt, percent; m lobacea toairwcu wurlrcs ton. tracts void. Viriinl, Iperrvntl forfeit 4-abtotb orarf. Worth larolina, percent, t couUKta foe ary VU fortlt Hble Ui uawry. Bnuih Carotin, 7 per cent. forfeit of lnlrtt tad rem lam ta ken, wtth rst. ' . - Georfi, S percent ffeit thrk t1. uiury. , Abhnmn. H per eentf forfeit of latere and usury. ' Misittrpi. 9 per cent. ly eootract aavry racovaraklt la f lloif for JrbL ; ' Li)oa. per rent. Bak Ictcrtst -on tract con I r set, liitrrrsl void. Tena, prr ent J usurl'm tenlract mlj. i AVntiirbr, I per eeBt. aary recoverable mk eoata. ' Ohkt, per cent uuriHM tolracta raid. : , ' Indiana, 6 per crntv-a fla of deaale the eieM. . lllin(M,6prcnt.-br contract ii-bcaatf forftlta thrlca tfe InicrrtL , Missouri, t per eent.-by contract 10 IT beroad, forfeit la- term ml usury. Michlf. n, 7 er rent. for felt of anry on-fourth of debt. Arkansaa. per cnt-b; reemeal t0-wurv roceverabie, nt coot met olJ. . .. IHstrkt t'ulambla, I per eent.-ntirlnn caatneti I4.'"" . FV'rt.la, 8 per rent. forfeit luterrct nd esre, ' V'lconin, 7 pei cent -bv conirart IS-forUll lark tU n ce. . , low,ry agreemenl, nd enforced ay lw. r ''' - On debt orluJinif nt In fvr of 11m United Itatta, inUretllo rnpuid t o per cent, pel annoin. -Valuable Property for Hmlt t ( THE subscriber offers for salt hi plae on tbo Sound, f known a th Pedc a place," eontaining between fire and six hundred acres of land, betweea seventy and eighty acres of which I cleared J th balance Is good terpen tine land Tbe Improvement are, a to nw dwelling boase, with all necessary outbuildings of every description. There will also be told oo the place about one thousand baibcls of corn from Ave to six hundred bushals of potatoes from oae huudred to one hundred and fifty bushel pa ; and a large quantity of live stock, consisting of cows, bogs and sheen t . ll l.t !..!. I i. "l . . niiimiirr wim armuimra nniiBWBt. ana. B laei.-CVeri rii IL! L..I 1 . 1 tuing ouionKina i in itianiaiioa. . . i . , t ' also, f 1 V A Th Augustus place, sitaated on th fonnd, half a mtl from th Peden place, containing about two hundred acres, between fifty and sixty of which It eleared. The remainder is generally turpcotin land. Th land U of th vry beat fiiniuj, aim eiiKi Jiy uuai(j. , . , tor term i I eiigniy situatea. and yt iiiuinKion, i1!. vy,, ucii bib, irtfi n luriner particulars, tpme to J. I. tSCUU.WALD. 27-tf Witness and Juror Tickets; Garnbihce Notices: Notices to Tax LUt Reoeivcrs;lCbecks, Caj Fear Bank; Commission to take Imposition! do. Branch Bank of County Court Execution; I State; Magistrate s do Capias ad Respondendum; Overseer's Ap;ointmcnts; Peace, Stnte, and Civil War Notes of Hand; rants; Attachments; State Itecognizanco; Military Ca Sa; do. Execution; Negro Bonds; do. Bill of Sale; be Note, negotiable at Bank; Administrator's Bonds; Guardian do. Appeal do. Ca Sa do. Sh'ff Appearaneo do. Constable's do. Sheriff Tax do. Forthcoming do. Prosecution do. Crew Lists; Any Blank wanted, and not on hand, will be printed with the utmost dispatch. Officers of tho Courts and other officers, and all other per- ! I 1 V. - - . 1 1- I . . 1 1 . 1 I . 1 ' sons requiring maims, or an inner wura in ine priming line, would do well to give us a call, or send In their orders. We lire determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest ratcsforcash. Call at the JOURNAL OFFICE. T OOK AT THIS We respectfully invite tho attention l of the public to our large and well selected stock of Goods. We have enlarged our store and are now prepared to show the most desirable stock of Groceries ever offered In this market. They were bought at very low prices for cash, and we believe we can offer them at prices that will induce persons wishing to purchase to buy from us. Wa have on hand 235 bags Rio cnfTee, (0 ' Laguira do 40 hhds Porto Rico sugar 12 " St. Croix " 5 " Musoovado " 50 bbls southern clarified sugar; J5 " crushed do. V hhds sweet molasses 1000 lbs pepper; 500 lbs. spice; 500 lbs ginger 50 lbs nutmegs; 100 mats cinnamon Boxes ground pepper, spice, and ginger; 100 fresh Cheese; 35 Firkins butter; 10,000 bushels salt 175 bbls John Gibson's rectified whiskey 120 ' Baltimore double rectified do. I'M) assorted superior double rectified and Monongo- 30 " Rose and anchor gin; hela whiskey; 30 " New England rum 20 " American brandv 40 nr. casks Malaga and low priced Madeira wines A large assortment of imported wines; 250 Ibis floor; 75 half bbls do. We arc constantly receiving additional supplies and in tend keeping on hand a good stock, which will be sold low for cash. October 6, 1851 O. G. HOLMES. NKW Crop RaUlns. 400 packages new crop Raisins, just landed. For salo by HOWARD k PEDEN. : P1CKLICS, Preaeree, Catnap, tiu-. Just received di rect from W. Underwood le Co i 500 dosen Jar assorted sires and kinds. For sale low by IIOWA RD & PEDEN. PICKLES. 50 doxoo Gallons qts. and pt. For sale by O. k G. HOLMES. T. A RGB J J Timber-Waggon; Axle of Superior quality Suitable for Extra-Timber Axes; House and Yard Axes, cheap. For sale by J. M. ROBINSON. BLANKETS and Krgro Clothing 500 blankets, 54 by 72, and 56 by 73 inches ; 300 roll Kerseys, which will be sold low, by ' HOWARD k PEDEN. F LOUR. 200 bbla. Flour, just received and for sale, by HOWARD 4- PEDEN. GARS. yoo Ash Oaxs, from W to 20 feet. For sale by -, , , . t ( HOWARD k PEDEN.. : MOLASSES.s 80 hhds., warranted tweet. 5 For snle by HOLMES. ' LIMK rwme I Ia-aeaski LIME daily expected. For Io23.J , - . aaleby -WJL M. HARRISS. TRKBIICNUOCS RKOrCTIOSI I!f FRICCI I ' GREAT BAROAINSH ' ( r 'i HOWARD K PKUK1. fcuth Water ttrt.t, bar Just received their fall stock of Groceries, Wine, Lintioni,. cigars, uu, raintti woouen warer willow Ware, Hard Wr, Dry Goods, Confectionary, Fruits, Nuts, Kalslna, Pickles, Preserves, Catsup, Sauces, Jellie and Jambs, Soais, Starch, Candles, Matchea, Wrapping Taper, Twine, Cordage, Duck, Blocks, Hanks, Mast Hoop and Ship Chan dlcry, assorted, in all its varioua branches; Sugar, Coffee, Tea, I lour, Buttr, Lard, Fisb,. Tobacco, ke.t and every thing else, in fact, that is wanted. I'leau givt ui tall ana $ati$fy jnur$elvet. ' ' ' , . , HOTICK. THK undersignod having entered Into partnesblp la 110", for the term of fir yean, which term will expire on tho 1st of December next, when they are deslrons of cW ing all account existing on their books at that date, hereby ropiest all person indebted to them, to eome forward and settle their accounts either by note or cash, on or before the expiration of said partnership. , HOWARD k PEDEN. i -Oct. 18, 1851. . , 88-tlJ ' ' in ill iiim. jcrr rrcrivru amu ron sale. , 1 nfill I'AHSMn,iandBoy,e heavy and light Eroganst lyJJVJm" do. do. lined ad hound 3o,i iV) ' do. do. Kip. bavy and light t 210 Jloy4 aV do. do. h Superfine Boots and fchoe f every variety, Indies, Mia. ess' and Children's ISoots and Shoes, all ana ties, which will be retailed cheap. ' , N, 11, It would he well to nentloa. havlnr connected in v. self with two or three of the most extensive Hoot and Show I'artorics at tbe North, which will enable me to sell at New York prices, at wholesale. Store on Front Street, third door below Pulley k Hart's, nearly opposite Mcllae k Harris' Crockery Store. V, R. PE1RSON, Agent. y inningion, m. uci. a, uxi lW-ail-w- Foil TUB LADIRS II - . . ) THE finest as well a the cheapest Table Ivory, Plated (and warranted to keep its color) Tabic, Desert and Tea spoons; forks; Pagar Miovels; Salt do and riekle Knlvee; Bronto Candlesticks; and best of Scissors, Shears, Needles, and Pins. ' ; -:" ' 'j " Th above I have manufactured especially for y retail sale, and every article warranted. J. M. ROBJXcON.i . wiimingwii, Uctobcr 9, 1851 . i MACKRnEL 5 half barrel now No. 1 Mackerel ; KJqr. do, do., ao. on. , . 20 I do. do. do. do.; 20 I do, do. do Salmon j 20 - do. Sounds and Tonguot t X Mackerel aua fcaimon at retail, hi . -A i . i- ft ' 4 IB WARD k PEDbN. RICR Floar In bags from 25 to fif) lb. from new rice. For sale low, by SAVAGE It MEARE5. BUTTER. 10 kegs extra fine Goshea Butter, for ealef by HOWARD PEDEN. , CREW LISTS A large suPvly on hand end for salelow ft the JOURNAL OFFICE. BREAD 50 barrels Pilot Bread ; ; 60 ' fine Nary de.; 50 boxe toda crackers, freA. For sale by HOWARD PEDEN. LARD Nr O. Lard in kegs. Aim, a prime article of leaf lard in tins, from 40 to 50 lb, each. For rale low, by ; , j i ; jj ; SAVAGE k MEARESj CANDLES. aperm, Adamaotlaeand Tallow, in store. . , . ELUS, RUSSELL fc CO. L PATENT WINDLASS. 1 eecond hand Wlnflas eo. plete. Ferealeby , HOWARD fc PEDEN. riOFFEE.-10 Bagi Rio in store ELLIS, RUSSELL k CO. TJ IO CofTee, WO bags prime green Klo Loffee I 1. low. nv f ,.,'- iiowAnua For sal COFFEE, Coffee, Cotfte. 25 bags Laguayra, 25 lag ft. Domingo, to arriveper Schr. Harrison Price, froi New York F?r sale low by ELLIS, RUSSELL tr CO. ,-. a i L1NTER1 Attention I aavlnst :recc?vi fr- factory, sampiee of laiprored eat iw , v Id be clcascd to submit to your inrrection, ar. its r- any suirrstions for further improvement. . r p wonld