. . 1 ' . . . ? 1.(1 K r -i; r. r.c:.- ' tl t jtZ, J.. 11 S. Ca:::nirrfial. I D 2; L;.. .! Jate frt.;a Li I Latent daie f. tiM livr ... I.j-.-jv. U?e from tlimi.. H'T. ... Atr.CO lany lti. tit It ilutM(;loit .Ma i Wt I . 2avat. Si it We Dvte cf 1.40 LL'j. Tttrj-utiBf at $2 U fwr toft atd $1 Uf-rlarL Sle. ot 1,0 tl! ewiuujoa rv-ia at 9.) tt. A snuU Lt cf sj ir.ts larjutiue at 294e aal aaolbrr do. d. at 2-,4e. r g;'.)u. The maiktt fr the Utter artie!e ii eUK.Lat Bcsctt'.id. aud heavy fcwlJcr are tlijq ti g ia pr fi reoce tt ell;ig at prt ect offers. I'xva. tale ef:fc)bahelj white IVar.s at 1 25. TiXBE. Sale 3 rafts prime mill at S a .S 50 per M. CHARLESTON. iVc. 9 Tbr w a fi dnund for Cotton yesterday, the sale hsvir- reached fu'Jy 1.7J0 LaW Price were unbilled, and the sjle wtri at extreme rer gicg from 7$ to i NEW ORLEANS. Pee. 8 The advice brought by the Pacific were ree i ed here rMt ttroit tft-dv, and pave an active impulse to our Cotton mm kit, 12,Mo talc haviug teen old. I'ricei closed firm, without a decided advance. Strict Middling was quoted at 7je. Whikey ha detliucd oee cent, and 1 4(U barrvl were sold at from 17 to 17Je. per galloa. Mlse ka declined, bat is active, and 3,i0 tar rd were disused of at 2"W. for prime. Rio Coffee was dull at 8 te ee. IV. Cor. Char. Cuurier. BOSTON, IVc. 6 Natal More There hare teen rale f 2-10 bbl. Spirit Turii;tiue at35 a 4'h. r guRoii. rash, In Tar there have teen small sale at 2 37 a 2 50 per bbI.,6tuos, and stock quite small. In Kosin there have been bo fair of importance. The tvk of common i very small, la Pitch small sa'e at f I ("'2J per bbl., tnos. BALTIMORE, Dee. S The Flour market i firm andae tire Sales of Howard tt. at 4, and ( itj inilN at $1 H.lj a $t. Com meal $:l 12 a i l .ile of red wheat at 73 a Sic ; white wheat 8i a 95c. New white and yrllow com, 51 a 56. (tale of K io Coffee at Si to 9c. Heady demand for provision. Old and new Mes Tork, 16 a fib' 50. l'-aron shoulders He.; vide 9 ft I'ie.; hanu 10 a 1 le. Lard, Sje. in bblj., and 9j a IGo in keg. Whitkev 21 a 22c. riIlL.DLLriIlA, Dec. Hth.-ale cf Hour at 4. Hye flour t3 25. Corn meal, $3. Hed whi-at h: advanced to Mc.t whitado. SSaJXk). Yellow eoru, We. Oat .Trie . Kve 70o. TroTisions and groeede? uiiclianed. Wbi-key, 22o. NEV YORK, lVe. 8. Hnur-ale f 7(Vbl.U. State brand at 4 a $t 12 i. and 5):K) t.bl. Smtherti at 4 l-j aild7. Ivvc ru.ur f;i t orn meal f 3 12). Wheat . m . I i 1 jt t a . - j . m roumern wune n ; unxtu v uio tte. tom iiiixeittH) a Die. Aa W . r -W aars.ki i . . firm sales of 1,400 bale. Whi.kev 214e. Marine Inteiliucncc 1DHT OF WILMINGTON, NOKTIMWHOLIXA. AUCTION SALES. Ill .T IIEn LK1T. Atner. AKIUVKL). Ieo. 10 L'oat O.ld Fellow, Furrn., from Fajcttevillo, to h. J. lutterl'ili ; with stunt. turtcntine and rosin Selir. Katoolab, Uliuier, from Full liiver, to J. k D. Mc Re & Co. Iri Holton, l':irker, from Koston, to Adams brother &. Co.; with linio, &c. Sehr. Kudiunt, Wliitelniret, from Fliallotte, to leKos-et & Drown; with naval otore. Dec. 10 l'. S. Mail Stcnmer Wilmington, Date., from Charleston, with WJ passenger. e cm;aiu;d. Dee. 9 .Stcnmer Gov. Crnhmn, Kvan, for Fayctteville, by T. C. Worth, with bo it Teli-graph in tow, laden with ni'I.e. for sundry poisons. Itec. 10 U. Muil Steamer Gladiator, Smith, for Charleston. Schr. Mary Abifiil, Charlotte, for Shallotte, by Chail bourn & Hooper; with mdze. Schr. Ira lirewster, llorton, for New York, by M. Cotin. Sehr. Harriet Ifnllnck, Mamluill. for Nry York, l.v M. Costin; with 2T2 bbl. cririt turp., 1 It do. turp , !27 do. rosin, 61 bales cotton, 37o' bush. jeu nuts. RICK. 15 bb?l. prime quality. For iule low by dio SAVAtii; & mi;ahhs. NOTICE. PKOPOSALS will be received by the umlerjigncd until 22d instant, for Mipplics for tho l'oor House for one year from first January next. JNO. A. TAYLOil, Cln. lX'ccnibcr 10. 1851 H0-H)t XOTK'K TO IMIVMt I.WS. I)ROPOSALS will be received by the underpinned until the 22d instant, for medical service", from a regular I'liy nieian, for tho Poor House for one year from tho first of Jan uary next, (without medicine ) - Dee. 10. '51-m-iQt) .1X0. A. TAYLOR, Ch'n. TAKK -OIlt 1-;. ALL PLRSOXS indebted to tho late firm of I. St L. TIUTC1IIXS will take notice, that all account or note remaining unpaid on the first of January next, will, after that day be placed in the hand of an officer for collection. All persons having claims against the same arc notified to present them for payment immediately, a the affairs of the above late firm must be closed. Dec. 10, 1851. 80-fit I. Hl'TCHINS. SlEAJI-llOAT AliK,.T's Of FKF, ) DKfEMItEU 9th, Kjl 5 PROPOSAL will be received At this office, , -1" until the 20th December, fr furnish-ifiS ing the Wilmington k Raleigh R. R. Company with TWKLVK TIlOl'SAND CORDS OF PINK WOOD for theycarl?52rto bo delivered - -thompan v's wharf, in the town of Wilmington. JAS. T. M1LLKR. dlO S1-H9 S. H. Age nt. Town paper copy till 19th Dec. Mozart Unguent mi (.njli j. Y"e passers by, a word to you, If ye would skill and beauty view, Delay not, but, yonr way pursue To (luliek's well-known (iallery. So life-like images appear. That you will think your friends nre near Their voice you'll almost seem to hear w.n..,. At-hi Daguerrean taller'. All styles and cizes here you'll find, Which cannot fail to suit your miud; , No Artist great are wc behind In our Dnguorrcan Gallery. Here friends in groups are taken well, And such possess a potent spell, In after years a tale they'll tell Of this Doguerrean Gallery. And Gulick has both skill and taste A picture true he'll' take in haste , A moment only you need waste , : At Lis Doguerrean Gallery. The invitation is to nil To rich and poor to great and small ; Flcase don't forget in haste to call At thi Sky-light Gallery. Over Messrs. Tolly and llarCs Store, Front Street. Dec. 8, 1851 ' t -. 78-d4t wtf N1 :cuppcrnon ORTII CAROLINA WINE. 8 barrels W ine. just received and for sale hv d9 t DkH otsET & BR O WN. ICE. CE. 75 casks fresh from the Mill, prime quality. For sale by ANDER80N & LATlMF.R. Decembers, iwl 5 .-.- - 78-tf TO LR ASK. THE FEK RlES"ANDAUSEWAY aetws Eagle Island, will be leased for one year from the. 1st of January, inut. i no Jvcssee win rje reqnircq to gire oonu and security for the amount of the lease, and also to retarn the Causer' way in a? good condition as whffn it is received. Possession will be given on the lt January, 1&52. If not leased before, it will be offered at auction on the 22-1 inst. For terns, to. ftr?1 t ' ' ' - JOHN A. TAYLOR, or Dec. 6, 1851-77-6t N. K. NIXON. maTTTprieTtr of performers, LQUESTIll AN, PUA- Kt'ti.VIU , enjigeU iu this vast specula- Comprising fur erti-brate-1 South'r establishniCQti, ris STltivNhY L NO it TIPS CIRC IS! Till; ORIGINAL NATIONAL! STUNK Sl MeC)LLl 'M'S, and TDK NEW ORLEANS CIRCUS! now organised anler the :uveral title f tha lepl'a 1 1 rr m, and roinprisinj a greater variety f Artite than were ever brfore eooet'ntrated within one Amphitheatre, will open in Wilmingtou on ' TUESDAY, DEC. Kith. AT Z AND 7 O'CLOCK, P. M., . FO II TIUIKB U VVS OX LV f Th MAT1C. and ACKOl tioo, preeludr the posiliility of enumerating only the lead ing me in Uer oi the troupe, iiremut among wnom are ine world-renowned name d W. II STOUT, the barker of many deeds, and classie delineator of the Inch svliool of art. W. O. DALE, the champion ,rid'r of either Hemisphere, and greatest tivmita.-t tu the world. . R(K'UFtKD, the duuUe tntntrtft iTwiry and versa tile equestrian. GEORGE SERGEANT, the Shakspereaa and Protean Horseman. W. AY MAR. tho Antinou of the Cirque. J. FISHER, the flexible phenomenon aud unequalled per former on the " corde volatile." A. LEVI, the greatest living Pastoral Equestrian aud Ec centric Comedian. GEO. Id'.MH R, the impersonation of the ancient Gre cian mid Roman Atblati MESSRS. EE ERE, DECROW. HARRIS, DUNCAN, l'AKER. &.e. Si;: , together with a full complement of A'u jitrnuim rtt) in ami t.ruym iij thr Ring. A magnificent selection of PERFORMING DORSES AND PONIES! The former unrivalled, cither as regards Illool, Itcnnly or Tialiili g; and the latter famous for snga'dty little less than human ; which, with all t In concomitants of brilliant properties, wardrobe, and paraphernalia, form an establish ment without an equal in America. iEX JENNINGS, The Wit, I'oct. I'liiloMP'.hcr.and Prime Minister of the Court ot'Moinus, will preside over the Comic Department ; and II. K. GAI L, The greatest Rugler of the age, will lead the superb Military Hand, discoursing gem of harmony throughout the perform ance, which will abound in classic gein of Equestrianism, and NATIONAL AND P.RILLI.WT SPECTCLES! characterised upon each representation with ' entire Iiiiiikc ol Priturniiimr. i;(il'i;sTRlAN MA NA !ER W. II. STOUT Ui I 'res Circle, 50 cents Children half price. Box for colored people, 23 cents 1 . lu'.l S.-V rf Int Linen. WILL TZ SOLD, at jyll.e cn TIItTDAY. (t EH'rrvw.) the llih Ivcr rt -r. l-Cl.at our tfWe, a 1-4 ef ii.lMi LINEN, reevt:!y isporui frvM i.elir.d, ea pfi :ug tie B-o-t tciutif sl ax.rttutnt ef DAMASK TA1 i-E CHTH. white aud trw9 EAMAr-K NAPKIN and lii.lK; fine LIN N, an llilesar.l gntkneu' IJN EN it KLT 1 11 K FS. The f.d are warranted pure. ati l tree irvia any taixtare of n ttun. 1 bi ii a rare vj por taoity for th ia want ef Utitut, lwrbii tuca a bcr was before fSScrvd to the tuhabtUa of V tltatrctoa. The jj-wmI will be open far examination ea tb t aftrruon. Ibe atteutioa of th mhtitut ol iluinifton are rei peetlul'y olHited. Ilea eli and examine the goods. Lfce. id. l&l.' BO-lt ryur. Ter- - - f r J. cf J.-.irv, 5 i 1 r a ti c' ir c n!y U tL.-l.;.:.:. 1 N Wk. (fxt Jr to the Aitor IIju.) lj rt era and !! r In Frtwcli t l4w i'UH and tt- rw Gla, Falnta. Oft, W. New Urk. Nor. 19. ISil . e3-4U rtm sale. MY FAY MARE, and I.UGGY and HARNESS entirely new. Mart works perfectly jentle ia h jTl any gear, and warranted aouud. M 7i lire S. 5l-7t2ilJ S. N. MAK... T?OK BALTIMORE. Th malar ieket Sehr. X1 11. P. Ul SELL, t ai-t.luiiet.wilUavtqukkj uisiaiiu. ror iini ireiirui or passage, apt'ir lo d4 LUJ?. iilrv-ELL k VTX Dec ii. I-)1 77-tf (k ciiIioiouk1i (.C'.)Mutunt Insurance loin pan)-. I)URSUANT to an Act of Incorporation, a Company has 1 teen formed under the name and style of " Tiik Ghkkns BiMMiroii .Muti al Inm ka( k CoMi'AW,', and fully organ ised by the appointment of tho following Officers, via : JAMES SLOAN, Pirnnhnt. S. G. COFFIN, 'ie President. PETER ADAMS, Serrrtiu v and Timturtr. C. P. MEN DEM I A EE, Attorney. JOHN A. MEBANE, ) W. J. McCOXNEL, Hrrrvtivt Committee, WM. S. RANKIN, S JAMES SLOAN, W. J. M,( ON N EL. WILLIAM S. RANKIN, JED. II. LINDSAY, Sill T.AL G. COFFIN. WILLIAM II. REECE, DIUKITOIIS. JOHN A. MEBANE, ANDREW WEATIIERLY, C. P. MENDENIIAEL, LYNDON SWAIM, JESSE SHELLY, JONATHAN W. FIELD, TYRE GLENN. This Company has now been in successful operation for several iiioiitlis. and will lake risk upon Dwelling Houses, Stores, and other Buildings, Merchandize, Furniture, Pro duce, k'. The object of this orgiini.iition is to afford a sys tem of insurance which shall operate for the mutual benefit of all its member. The peculiar advantages arising from this mode of Insu rance is. th.if the assured pay no more than the actual losses ai.d expenses of the Company, and experience has proved the safety of Mutual Insurance Companies, as well a tho gro.it saving to its members ; ami no t-tronger argument can be produced in their favor, than the confidence which they re ceive from the entire community where such Companies are in suceci-fiil operation. Any information respecting the principles of the Company will be clieei fully furnished by the Secretary, or any of Us A-rnt. PETER ADAMS, Secretary. The subscriber, having been appointed Agent, will receive applications mid make surveys to effect insurance in said Company. A. A. BROWN. Who i al-o Agent, a heretofore, for the North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company. Wilmington, Dec. , l 78-3t 1 1 2t CIOA L. 2n0 tons best quality family Coal, to arrive per Sehr. John Pott Brown, from Philadelphia. Engagements may bo made nt any time for delivery on arrival. Terms, f 6 per ton. Cah hejore delivery. dS DkROSSET St BROWN. IfNT K. lvcl Sehr. A. .1. IItcscl 5 bbls. Linseed Oil ; 4 do Alcohol, of the best quality. For sale low by A. C. EVANS; & BRO. N. B We have a fine Stock of DRUGS and MEDI CINES, on the way from New ork, of which further notice will be given. Dec. , litfl-77-tf i - A. C. E. k V. RICE. Now receiving from the mill, 50 cask, prime quality- SAVAGE k M EAR ES. CillAMPAUNE. Just receiving, the remainder of that lot, J of fine brands, imported direct, and for sale low. by 13 SAVAGE & MEARES. SPIRIT BARRELS. 100 "Affleck's" superior Spirit Barrels. For mile by JOHN C. LATTA. Nov. 21, 1H.51 5.tf S UGAR. 10 hhds. Sugar : 100 bbl. eruidied. nowdercd. kc. For sale low by HOWARD St PEDEN. SALT, SALT, SALT-Cargo of Brig Amesbury, afloat. 5,000 bushels, in lots to suit purchasers, for sale cheap from the vessel, by O. St G. HOLMES. n2 Herald and Goldboro'TelegraT.a copy. TOBACCO.' 25 boxes prime Chewing Tobacco. For sale low, by ; ANDERSON k LATIMER. December 8, 1851 , 78-tf . Kflft nnA FEF.T prime seasoned river FLOORING, uvvtvw on ins waan, ana lor raie oy . . r. , . . ' . . ... . m . VH't. at," lMirMi arf. aJ-J FOll KHKIOIIT OH (II till Kit. fTMIE coppered Brig FRANCIS, Uopkin. master J- Apply to .MILLS COS I IN, di JL5roWB TO RENT (Ml LEASE. The lar-e and comtnodi- -f ous Store of A. V. W. Hewlett, situated on Wa !jj ter Street, formerly occupied as a Tea li Alley, liar A 'L Room, Ste., and lerently as a Grocery and Ciuamisiioa tlore lWcssion given 1st January. Apply to d!72 tf SAV AGE It MEARES. 'pO RENT Till Lt (Vtoter next, a dwelling house A-Hi X eontaiuing peven rooms, reeintly painted and fit- 1 , i ted up, ready lor immediate u-e, situated no SecoudX-iL street, between Market and (. hesuut. Apply to Dee. 1, 1S5I-72 til SAVAGE St MEARES. ROOMS TO LET Several single gentlemen can ff be accommodated with comfortable aud airy L.-ij Kooms, either furnished or unfurnished, as may be r quired, in the indon House, South East corner of Front aud Market etretts, by applying JOHN FITZPATRICK. JU'ilmington, Nov. 1. 151 JH-tf Transient ttl maiieii t IloardlHg. rIMIE subscriber having rented that large and coin X mmlious house on the corner of Frotit and Market I street, known as the "Iondon House," has had itVi' I thoroughly cleansed and painted throughout and refitted in handsome and comfortable manner, for the reception of per manent and transient boarder. Hi table will always be supplied with the best which this market affords, and no ef fort will be spared calculated to contribute to tho comfort ami happiness of those who mar favor bun with their pat rouage, wien ne resiieciiuuy soiieus. JOHN FITZPATRICK. Wilmington, N. 0., Nov. 13, 151 ftS-tf -i kli : ; : c .. . - f. 1 1 u. . a, , ; :..ijir:..-. J to ter.i, t.t a. - i Dre.5, 1n31 MIU)0V CLASS. HOPKINS L FKOTHLT.S. N. UlTll IA1UIL1A llll.t(E IOJIPAST, OF CHARLLSTUN'. S C. . CHARTER F.I) ly the State ef JWh Carolina, witb'a Capital of 4jJ.wH, aJl paid ia and w'l iavestei. HRK. M AHIi:. BU'FH A VII f JFK KISKS. CHAS. EDM ON L-S I ON, rreV A. L Toatu, See'y. Dlretterai Roacar Mti, Cel. Jawre GimsxJ, M. C. MoBPtcai, Cm. H. Win, I S.Mowit, Jr. IIbsbt Qijja. Tke fuWriberthaTincbecB ai poicted sreo'iia this thia for the above named eotupaay, are prepared te reeive offers ana issue policies of Insurance oa r ire. Marine, River and Uf Rii-ks. en liberal terns. All Imti ioeerred at thU ageuer, ill be proaiptly atjuted and pld by the ander- r. Kisks will he talea en the lire ,f slaves en ta owt liberal term. Wilmington. N. C. IW; 1,1 1-72-dJtwtf , OH. FOll I.ICIlltEIlY aidtadeh'i. . Qf FCL?. MKhlf7 Oil; ' ' 4A)l " Tanner's do. Just reeeWrd, tm 5tbr. L. P. Smith from the New York Oil Manufacturing Company, aot warrauted eqal. if not superior, te the best Oil la ase for the purjiose named. I'rice of the Machinery Oil, 73 eents per ralton-of toe Tanner's Oil, 30 cot per gallon returnable If no I ratisfae tory after trial. t ( rrtifli ate of the highest character a to the excellent quality of the Machinery Oil. are in possession ef the lab eriberi, and may be sea on application. lAROSSET It BROWN. Wilmington. Nov. 21th, 151 7.tfdw HKM.IIU O F V AT COKT. BOOT AND SHOE STORE removed to the Store formerly occupied by Mr. Charles Pairr, next door toG. St C. Bradley St ( o V, where can be found as good an assortment of Boot and Shoes as at any other Store in tne place. Any one in want of cheap Boots and Shoos, will meet with a good chance, as I am determined to sell the balance of my stock at cost. Good iirogaus can be bought at 7n cents ; do. lined and Ixiund, of good quality, from b. cents to f I ; Boot from $ I 50 to $5, as fine us can bu furnished at any other Store ; and all other article! a chenp in proisirtion. . It. PEIitsoX, Agent for the sale of Boots and Shoes. o7-tr Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 21, 1H51 OVSTKIt. FfM IK undersigned Informs the public that he X keeps constantly on hand frtth ruwgnf ()ys-N ters, received daily, of the host quality the mar- N ket affords, and rcsiiectfully solicit a share of the tin tronnge, at the Washington Bar, North Water Street, two doors above Rock Spring. GEORGE O. WALTON. Oct. 30th, 1H51 40-tf IIOItK-MIOKI;. 1AM now prepared to Shoe Horses in a style hereto fore unknown in this place. Having secured the i? t services of an experienced Shocr from the North, who If )J has served a regular opprenticeshii at tho business, I Vr' feel confident that he will give cutire satisfaction if not, no charge will be made. Callat the old stand, opposite II. R. Nixon's Fire-proof Livery Stables. JOHN If. LANK. Wilmington, Nov. 'Hi, 1H5I m il rTMIE undersigned would respectfully inform the citi X icns of Wilmington and vicinity, that he has ta f .HI). 21 to- El ken the Store formerly occutiicd bytlha. Ilarr. where ft hointeiids carrying on the MERCHANT TA1LOK- 1NG BUSINESS in all Its various branches. lie in nrenn- rcd to execute all orders in his line, and solicits a share of pui.lic patronage. V. R. PEIHSON, Agent, Nov. 'ii, l?J5-7.tf Market-street. OUR IYIOTTO IS TO rLEABE," AT THB Wlliiiliigtoh siaUillr, Harness, AKtl THINK JIANUPACTOIIT. rpiiE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he X keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of toutli, tlj, null Hiilky Unities; Lui.y'a nntl .rnt Icmen's Siwldles, Kildli a, U lilpa, &.tu Trunk, Valises, Saddle and CarjK't Bags, Satchels, fancy TTunks, Stn. Always on hand a largesupply of ftilit I,-h h-i and Fly Net, and all other artiejes usually found in such establishments, all of which he warrants to be of the best material and work. manship, and wiRbe sold low for rath, or on thnrt credit to prompt customers. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Medical Hags, Sic., mnde to order. Harness and Coach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Whip at wholesale. All kind of Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commi. iion. JOHN J. CONOLEY. Sept. 10, 1851 8 Commercial copy. TJ."U. PAHSEEYT THE nndcrsigned hereby notify the public that they will continue to conduct the business of tha old firm aflr the 1st of December next, as heretofore, and thank fnl for tha patronage hithcrui extended to them, respectfully solioii a continnanee of the ram'.' HOWARDS: PEDEX."" Oct. iy, 1851 - , CO-tlJ NOTICE We are under tho necessity of refusing to send out SAMPLES of our 'GOODS, from thi date. We keep a GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF GOODS in our line, and can supply our customers with anything wanted, and hope they will appreciate our necessities in this case and make it convenient to call and examine our stock. Nov. 7. 185163 McRAK St HARRISS. OlHOLtTIO OK CO-IMIlTKItlllI. ABOUT one year has expired since our connection in bu siness, and we have this day dissolved by mutual con sent. THOMAS F. GAL'SE. Nor. 4, 1851-50-tf JOHN C. BOWDEN. THE business will bo continued at the same stand by THOMAS r. GAUSE. THE old business will be settled by either of the party at tho office of Thomas V. Gauso. . PRESERVES AND BRAND V PEACHES. Wo have just received a fine assortment of Preserves and Brandy Peaches, put up with loaf sugar, by a Lady of North Caroli na, in half gallon stone jars, which are excellent. Call and see Ihcm, For sale at . HOWARD St PEDEN 'S. HOCSfcf HUP, AMD liIO.il PAlSTlXU. THE undersigned respectfully informs bif friends and the public that he has removed hie PAINT SHOP to Chcs. nut Street, Dear the Rock Spring, where be is prepared at all times to execnte all work in hie line in a neat and work manlike manner. WM. S. READ. W ilmington, N. C, Nov. 3. 1851 40-tlm. TJX)H SALE LOW TO CM)SE A CONSIGNMENT-? A, 4 basket! ("hnmnBlic- fi half TilM'S f'dtrna. In bond 8 qr. do. do. do. do do. For sale br dl 8 ,nrr. immmmmmmmmtmui '""' HA V A G E St MEARE?. F 'OR SALE. 6d barrele New Fonndland Piclcd Her ring For tale br d2 -r MILES COSTIN. J Urown's wharf. CHAMPAGNE. 30 baskets just rtcelvcd, warranted as t(f qnalify, and for sale hw by ' - . -' . SAVAGE1 It MEARES. TN STORE AND FOR MALE, HY ' ' 1 ELLIS, RUSSELL k CO. St. Domingo and Ijiguyra coffee, a superior artkle ; Baltimore flour t Adamantine candle ; "1 L I Ibd. sugar eared hams, expressly for family use j ' . iioxes cneese j Parrels Mercer potatoes, for family use Packing yarn, Ste. I nil NOTICE. A special Term of the Superior Court ef Lew,' for the County of New Hanover, for the trial of eue remaining on the Civil 1 locket of said Court, will be h-l 1 at the Court House, in the town of Wilmington, on the Third Monday in December next, when and where all persons iq tereted are required to attend, under the penalty of the lav, in Aueh eases made and provided. t Parties and Witnesses, on Mate Docket, are not require to attend. Ily order, . . , IVsr, 8. R. BUNTING, Cr.'. ov. 4, iwi. , , , , oo-te. I nmniAriilal ai ml IfiaaaiT.l aan t it viiiiuvM-ini ii latiii v)''j i G1 ROCERIES.-Sugar. la bl.Js. and bamUj , , T Segars, various brands l . 50 lags Adamantine Candles r ! ' , Soap, (Sround Pepper, Aud Mustard." Fot aate low, by dl SAVAGE k MEARES, F I ME, LIME. 5(X) this. LIncolnviHe While Iin.p;VAl J so, Calcined Plaster. Plastering Hair, Fire Brick,1 and" Hydraulic cement ; 1,000 bbls. Lime, lie For sale by J. C It K. l. WOOD, n f , Oct. 2fi, 1851-41 Contractor, and UnUdert. NOTRE. :t, , ALL persons indebted to J, Antone Morris, are requested to call on J. G. Wright and settle the same; and alt ' persons having claims against said Morris, are notified to present them forthwith to the subscriber. W. V. HOWARD, AisJgnee. net.Tth.lN61. i - M-it niSII.-50 bbls. FISH, Just landed. For sale by V HOWARD it PE EDEN" TILL The subscriber hai the pleasure of Inform- 1 J. ing Miller's engaged In sawing pitch blue, the" he hai succeenea in getting up tne beet saw for that pa has ever yet been produced, as far Bl he knowi. that purpose that knowi. All lawi warranted not to split in the teeth.. J.'M. ROBINSON'S, Hardware Ptore, Wilmington, N. U". Flags. Masten of vessels will find Hag ef all kinds, for sale at New York prices, by , ID) WARD It" PEDEN. ' OAKUM. 60 bale extra lino Oakum. For sale by . "uward it I'EDEyy, SIIOK", Dlieet from the Uitnrnetarr.9U( pair llantera Ibxds, for women I 250 pair Dutch Boots, fvr.wo men ; 1200 pair Extra Heavy Brogansi all of which aro war ranted to do good lervlce. Person wanting the best Negri shoes at low pricci are Invited to call and lee them, O. k O. HOLMES. 'pilK (SKEAT DELTCAUY.-OryIi extra Quality Cora X STARCH, manufactured expressly for culinary porpo se Puddings, pies, CustArdi and delicious Blane Mange. For rale by HOWARD it PEDEN. . - i i i i nt MACKERAL 50 barrels Ne. 2, 20 half bbls. No. 3, Itt Store. For sale by ELLIS. R U8SELL k CO. RAISINS.-200 boxei New Crop ; 200 half boje do.t 200 quarter do.j 10 casei Prunes j 10 bote! Citron j 11... boxes Preserved Ginger. For solo by . ; f . HOWARD It TEDENt 1I7INDOW CORNICE AND CURTAIN BAND.?. A large and splendid Assortment. sale by Just In store And for J. M. ROBINSON. V QLTEK IOR GRINDSTONES AND FfXTUR EJt.-Fof KJ hale by Wilmington, N C, Oct. 3, 1W1 J. M. ROI1LVSO.V. j .., '' i , 23.i 11LOI It. gyabbfi Richmond Flour, partof Extra brands, for fimily and Baker's use, to Arrive per sehr. " Joseph Jamc,"from Rlchmoud. For sale by ,-.l.t - DkROSSET it BROWN., In "tore, a supply of " Canal and " Roanoke '! FVwr, of best quality. ' ' " , ' ' pilIMDRLPHIA narn-IIamB,Sidei and Shoulder. X 30caski prime Sugar Cnred II ami : . Pi do. do. , do. . Shoulderi j , fi t V 1 do. '.. 'Sidei. -r,-. In prime order, and in nUll package. For safe W i DkROSSET k BROWN. 1 ' i i , ,t ROAKOKR Family FloarM-Juit received a. superior article. For eale low by . " ' Oct. Itt, 1851 . 8AVA0E dk MEARE4. F)R SALE. -150 bnlee prime HAY. For ialo br 12 MILES COSTLV, Brown'a Wl WTiarf. TOR SALE 200 bbds bright retail. Molasses. . For rale (d2) MILES COSTIN, IJrow'i Wharf. TEW CORN dl A fiat load of prime white torn, expected thli week. For sale by j ' . ' ' , h . DEROSSET k BROWN, r OIL Clothing;. 300 witi Oil Clothing i 100 do, ea,' men'i Shirts, Draweri, Panti, Oter XoaU, tl tht Bclti, Palms, Chests, and every Article required for t'o r-yi Age. Forsafelowhy i . rllOWARP fc PEDL? i T7U YETTEVI LLE FLOUR,--A bbls. Just receive 1, aal 1? for sale by " ' -f Z JOHN C. L.1T TA, Noy. 2l185l v'i TTT - i (5 tf F. d2 R SALE. 50 barrela New Fonndland ; - ' ;- ' MILES CC ale by Em PROVf-TONS HO bits: Me Tork ; ti Jo. I ket l'-eef t 10 h!,1. lidet ar t sMnlds t ' T bbls. leaf lard, now l iadinsr frr .Lr; J Brewster. For rale low for cnBb.- . 43 . ...... . iiur, j,T . : . or