C(lf Til . ik v 1 1 cTM.ISlir.1) liY FULTON t PRICK. VVlLMlXfiTOX, XOKTil CAROLINA. SIX lilU.MKS A YKAII, IX ADVAXCF. VOLUME 1. FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER ft 1531. XlMDEl! ti M , 1 f Mi T or advikti-:m;. day,.... .... .... dt,.... .... ... days, ........... day, .... .... ... Jut,.... wnrk.. weeks. mouth. ......2 moaths, 3 50 mouths, 5 00 mouths. ) mi 23 75 00 a trikl lday ...0 S year. .15 00 2 day 3 da V 4 day 5 Jar 1 wrk 2 wrrkf.. 1 RlOQttk.. 2 woDtht 7 00 Smooths.... 10 00 Smooth 1 00 lyear,.... 30 00 5 1 ft) 1 1 M 1 75 2 73 4 00 Ten lines are counted as a square, and ftva lines or les a half-square. Longer advertisements ia f rojrtion, and al! payable ia advance. 4fXotiec of Religions meetings, Penevolent and other unchartered Sot-ii-ius, and Obituaries, will b charged half the above rate Ch alway payable in advance. trrlrat ana DiartMr of tUe .Malta at IHmImjjIoh. The mail from the North, by Railroad, arrive daily about " A. M. , , The mail from the Smth. by Steamer from Charleston, ar rive daily about H A. M. The mail from Fayetteville, via Warsaw, ia due daily up on tha rrial of the cam. Tha mail from Favetteville, via Eliiabethlowa, by ulkey, i iIiia an Tuesd.iT. Thursdays, and Saturday, at 9 A. M. The mail from" Onslow Court-House, by sulkcy, is due on Monday', at 3 1. M. . . . . The mail from Black K iver Chapel, via Long Creek, by i ul key, i due on Thursday, at 5 P. M. C'lokli ft of Malls. Th tn;i for the North, by Railroad, closes daily at 10 P. M. ' The mail fir the South, by Steamboat, clones daily at 10 A. M. The mail for Fayetteville, via Warsaw, close daily at 10 P. M. The mail for Fayetteville, via Eluabethtown, by sulkey, clone on Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturday, at 9 A. M. The mail for Onflow Court-House, by lulkey, close on Thursday, at 10 P. M. The mail for Iong Creek, by ulkey, closes on Thursday, at 10 P. M. Letters should be in the Office at least 13 minutes be fore the time of rioting the mails. , II. I . IIOI.MKS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILMINGTON, X. C lffice on corner of Front and Princess atreets, under Journal office. o27, 151 dWwHif J.IO. IIIIOWM, AKM.OII J. IE OHMKT, jr., R . K. UUDW.N. BKOWN rft IKUOSSKT, cw York, lUO"SCT Si llll( , WllmliiKtoH, S. C'M 32 COMMISSION' ER(I1A'TS. MiKAK W ll.lililt, IMPOHTRIli and W holcunlr and llclnll Oealera In China, (ils, and Lartbenwiire, and Farming Inile ments, ret side Front street, between Market and Ifcnk Htrects, Wilmington, X. 21-tf U'M. m. iiAnuisjii, GKNEHAL oiumlt.loii MereliNiil b Ship Broker, Wilmington, N. C. REFERENCKS: lhidley & Huntington, Jas. Corner & Sons, Baltimore. K. A. Soudcr tL'o., lhiladulhia. fn ' i. . i nompson k uunier, w.Yrk N. C. M. M. Freemnn & Co., Tufts tr Hunting, Honton. 12-ly C. D. ELLIS. II. r. RUSSELL. J- B. RUHSELL. RLLIS, Itl SSKLL & CO., General Commlloii Mt rthanl nml iililp Ilrokcr, Wilmington, N. C. Kefcr to K. P. Hall, Esq., President Uranch Hank or the State. Wilmington. 4 joski'U ii. ki..!m:u, GEWF.HAL C ommlsitloii 3lerrliitt, 2-ly Wilmington, N. C. HAVAK & MK.UtKS, COMMISSION and ForMaidlnK Merchmtl, Wilmington X. C. gept. 9th, 1851 2-ly o k J me Pln- Rive u n ( nil. fr. HOLMES, wholesale and retail dealers in io- mestic goods, suehns negro kersey, linsey. Kentucky jeans, satinets, blankets, chirtings, prinfn, spun cotton, etc., etc.; boot and shoes, direct from the manufacturers; all kinds of foreign and domustic wines nnd liquors, direct from the importer and manufacturer. All kind of groceries, provisions and idiip stores, bought and will be sold low for cash, ooruer of Water aqd Princess streets. Wilmington, X. Carolina. October 6, I . D MKDICAL RiOTK'K. HS. FREEMAN & MALLETT having sssocialed them selves in the llOMtKOPATWC I'raetice of Medicine and Surgery, ofTerkheir Professional services to the commu nity. One or tho Ither of them may be found at all times at their office, when riot professionally called off. Calls in the country will receive prompt attention nt all times. Oct. 22, 1831 TVTl. XJ A CARD. MALLETT. in oITerinir his nrofessional services to the citizens of Wilmington, would state that he has been enenged in the practice of Medicine ami Surgery for five years, and for the last year hns given his attention to Ho moeopathy, to which practice he will confine himself most atrictly in all its branches. N. 6. From hi experience in Surgery, he feels confident that ho can give satisfaction in the performance of all Surgi cal Operations even the most delicate. October 22, 1S51 39-tf M REMOVAL OV LAW OFFICE. ESSRS. Melt AH & STRANGE, desire to inform tho pnblie that they have Removed their Office to the sec ond tory of the building, on the corner of Market and Sec ond Mreeta, rormerly occupied by A. A. U. boutuall, and di rectly opposite the.Carolina Hotel. Oct. la, 151 33-tf PUOPECTl OI? THE DUL JOUtVIL. The feb.vriWr this dsy wift the r-uMi.-atioa la tha Iowa vf Wiluiiiigtua, f a daily evening ar hy the ave title. It will be issued every djy (Sundays oeepted) after the arrival of the Mails, n a la give the ery latent inttHi grnc from all qaarter. The fuUUhera will also avail tbcm.dve of every aJJilional facility wituii their reack for the ellectia f ik ws. Particular atteiitioa will be pai l to the Commercial depart ment of the )per, and full and arcarate report gives of tha state of our owa market, a well ai cf all other having any iuflueaco apoa the trade of thi place or ctioa. The growing importance of Wilmingtea, aed tha Inereav lug waat of ta mercantil eommauity at lrge,kavt feenaod to call fur and warrant tha caanornreaent of thi eaterprtM. North Carolina ia almost, if But o,iU, tho only Mate ia the LBioa in which do daily paper is published. California, which but yesterday waa a wilderne, ha a flourifhing daily pre, while Xnrth Carolina ha sot one within her borders. Such should not be the eae. We believe that we eaa fairly appeal to the State pride, a well as to tho interest of our fellow-eititcns, to sustain us in our present effort to remove this reproach. It is scarcely necessary to refer to the politic of M Thi Dai ly Jocknal," as it will be under the same editorial manage ment with the Weekly " Wimna rni Joi rnal, " which pa per will continue to be published on the same terms as for merly, deriving, it is tu be hoped, additional interest from the use of the more extcnlcd facilities which the publication of a daily must render necessary. lu politic it will suj port the doctrines of the iKmocratic party ; yet, while firm and decided in the assertion and maintenance of its own opinions, w ill be moderate and respectful towards those who may differ from it. Tkrmv The price of "The Duly Jot ral" will be six dollar per annum, intnriablj in udrnni't. The heavy out lay attendant upon the ublicatiou of lueh a p)ier will ren der a trict adherence to thi rule xmytratirt. A tri-weekly puer will also be issued at four dollar per annum, should a sufficient number of tri-weckly tubscrihers be obtained. The Daily JomvtL " is now before tho public. The la bor and outlay which it issue entails is very considerable, nnd will requiie a generous support to save us from heavy Ins. In starting it, we have relied upon that liberality which lias heretofore been extended to us, and have launched our bark, determined that it shall sink or swim ii(on its own merits. 1 -TLTOX k PRICE. Wn.visarot, X. C, September 8, lsfil. ti Our cotemporaries with whom wo exchange, will con fer a favor by giving the above a few insertion. W TIIKY HAVE COME. 7E respect fully invite every body to call and see thorn hether you want to buy or not, come anil see, that you may tell those that do want to buy, where they can find the bent selected, and cheapest good iu town. We can show you 50 handsome cheese, assorted sixes and qualities; 1000 lbs cod fi-h ; I H Ml bacon hams ; WIOD Ibj. sides; foVXIO do. shoulder ; 23 bids. Irish potatoes ; A large assortment of crockery ; 300 cut and plain tumblers ; 6"0 jug, assorted ; 8K) jars, assorted ; 200 bids, flour; 100 half bbls. do ; 33 boxes adamantine candles; 13 boxes spirm do.; 3 ton hollow ware ; 100 lbs. shoe thread ; KM) reeins wrapping impcr; 50 barrels nnd half bbls. ship bread and cracker ; All kinds of buckets, pails, tubs, churns, boxes, measures and brooms ; Mess shad ; 10 hhds. Porto Rico sugnr, very handsome ; ' 5 hhds. St. Croix do.; 20 bugs superior Rio coffee ; 50,000 segars. uworted, from $H to 36; KM) bids. John iibon's rectified whiskey ; CO do. double rectified whiskey ; 23 do. do. assorted very old nnd superior ; Old port wine ; old Madeira do.; old A'herry do.; Old Cogniac brnndy : old Holland gin ; Old Jamaica ruin ; old St. Croix do.; 23 bbls. X. E. rum ; 23 do rose gin ; 20 do. American brandy; with many other goods that we have neither time nor space to mention. We again beg you to call anil see for yourselves. Sept. 22. - O. k (i. HOLMES. EW MMIIX. have received a part, nnd daily exp'ting tho bal ance, nl our rail Mock 'rocei ln nun rutin t hnndltry, which was purchased direct from the importers nnd manufacturers, and selected with great care. We re spectfully invite our customers and the public to call and ex amine our slock, ns we nre determined to sell at the lowest prices. Our stock consists In part of 300 hags Rio, Lnguvra, St. ikmiingo, Java, and Mocha 23 hhds J'. R. Sugar; Coffee; 200 hid, refined, crushed, powdered, k granulated Sugar; 23 boxes " loaf Sugar; 50 bbls coffee crushed do. Teas of nil varieties, Green and Rlack; 200 boxes Soap; 300 " Sjicrm, Aduraantine and Mould Candles; 100 " Lemon Syrup; 1.000 reams Wrapping Pnper; 200,000 Cigars, all grade and kinds; 100 boxes Tobacco a Jim artirlt; 100 bbls. Whiskey, brandy, Gin, Rum, Wines, and Cordials, of every variety and quality; Putter, Lard, Rice, Flour, Salt, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Mustard, Cassia, Nutmegs, Cheese, Crackers, Bread, &. Cordage. Duck, Dlocks, Anchors, Chains, Lanterns, Com passes, and every article required on board of shin. We also have a large stock of Wooden and Willow Ware, Hardware, Dry Goods, kc.i besides numerous articles not mentioned. Pirate call and tramint nvr it nek. sept. 13, 1851 Howard l peden. FIKE lAtt IUX K. frMIL an WrigBd havirg rvr irl the Agency, is jfarr4 X tke lik mfun tht mtl ft r-i uL't (ttm$ ii ur f tbe ma r (' ;isi i it ( .r fi,-wrVf THE II UT H'KD 1'KOTLCTlON. H; M IT, Ari Agut 28.131 si tf KF.W itKK LIKE HWCK ttlMI'AXt. fTvIlL' Agency of thi etablihnieBt for the ta f Wil X lii:gta has Iwea eoufurvd apua le udrr!f t J, h l prtt rr l la sfford all rjai-ite itifortMutton, aiid to reeviie apJieattB f. LIFE INl'KANCli apta a raabl Urss a any other iusUtutioa of the aiv t bara icr ia the roantry. II M IT, Ag. tt. Aagast 29, 1x31 51-tf uitoTHEits uim:. rpllE Steamer UrUhrrt and Tow lUtat. X. Sttrt, and Ikttui Isu i aia irv.md to forward with Despatch, all good eousignrd to the Propri etor. The Steamer Rnthrr$ i of light draught, and well suited to raa in r wvlrr. She nsewc p trrr and tj'tril, and i admirably adapted to fotriag, and tan amtiuiuodate about 20 paseiiger. The Proprietor eotitemplates running the Ptiat himlf. and will give special attention to way freight and naval stores: to towing, and will aUn attend to the comfort and convenience of Passenger. Fioiu hi long riiene a Agent in Wilmington of the several teaut ioat Coui'uie, he think he can give vatifaetion. To Merchant in the interior he would sar, that all Good shipped by him, will be delivered to their gent in Favrtt evill. lii Agent ia Wilmington i JOHN C. LATTA, to whom all communications may be addressed, a Agent of the Steamer Ilrotlun. JOHN HANKS, Proprietor. May 16th, 1851 3tf-tf li rai. Ulti OF lT-RrT, LIstT OK County Court Writ; Superior do. do County Court Subjia-nas; Sujerior do. do. County Court Fl. Fa.; Superior do. do. Couuty Court Sci. Fa.; Superior do. do. Apprentice Indentures; Letters of Administration; County and Superior Court Witness and Juror Tickets; Not ices to Tat List Receivers; Commission Intake Imposition ( ounty Court Execution; Magistrate's do. Capias ad Respondendum ; Overscar's Apsiiiiimeiits; Peace, State, and Civil Wur- Xoteioflland; rniits;( Mtnehincnts; II I. A Mi H. Inspector' Certificate; Certificates of Justici sattend ing Court; Man iage License; Tax Receipts; liisoltcnt Notices; Writs of Ejectment; letters Testniiieiitary; indi. Ell'ooas; Ca Sa; l,and Ik cds; do. Affidavit; I iarnisbee Notices; Check, Chih' Fear Hank; do. Jlramh liunk of he Stale; Notes, nrgotjuble at Hank; Admiiiistratoi'tllouds; Guardian (I.. Appeal do. a a do. di'lf Appearance do. t onstn lilc s vi..:ir- . (in in m i n a i v. .-.i I'roseeutiou Crew Lists; do. do. do. do'. State Recognixnnce; Military Ca Sa; do. Execution; Negro Honda; do. Hill of Sale; Any Hlank wanted, and not on bund, will bo printed with the utmost dispatch. Officer of the Courts and other officers, and nil other per son requiring Blanks, or any other Work in the print ing line, w wild ilo well to give us a call, or send in their orders. U c wrc determined to execute our work well, nnd at the rhenpest rates for cash. Call at the JOI'RNA L OFFICE. T OOK T THIN We respectfully invite the attention A J of the public to our large and well select H stock of Goods. We have enl.iiged our store and arc now prepared to show the mot desirable stock of Groceries ever offered in this unirket. They were bought at very low prices for rn-di, and we believe we can offer them at prices that will induc persons wishing to purchase to buy from us. We have on hand 2-1.3 hags Rio coffee, (iO " Lnguira do 10 hhds I'orto Rico sugar 12 " St. Croix 5 " Muscovado " 50 bbls southern clarified sugar; 23 " crushed do. 23 hhds sweet molasses 1000 lbs tapper; 5O0 lbs spice; 500 lbs ginger . 50 lb nutmega; KM) mats cinnamon Poxes ground pepper, spice, nnd ginger; 100 fresh Cheese; 33 Firkin butter; 10.000 bu-h s salt 175 bbls John Gibson' rectified whikey 120 " Baltimore double rectified do. KM) " assorted superior double rectified nnd Monongn- 30 " Rose and anchor gin; hcln whi:-U"y; 30 " New England rum 20 ". American bratidjr 40 qr. ensks Malaga ami low priced Madeira wines A large assortment of imported wines; 250 bids flour; 73 half bbls do. We are constantly receiving ndditjonal sut.plies and in land keeping on-hand it good st ockf wWrh"' 111 1)CsoM low forcah. October fi, 1831 () r;. HOLMES. XTEW io) Kalnlii. 100 packages new crop Rai-iii !' jut landed. For sale by HOWARD k PEDEX. i JK'KLEN, Prenrrvea. 'Hup, V . Just received di ret from W. Cndnrwood A Co : 500 doxen iar aorted sizes and kinds. For sale low by HOWARD& PEDEN'. rt trrt T4Tt vtnri-isi. i'liB: ft cbl . I f. J M il N Il,.i4iir,( iwf trut. ; iutiti. cfttirk t "ort 99 Ll lulls Wt '. - ri iu.nt. ( . f rrnt i ff V 'a f tn-n an If s. t iivu, j.r r- t i.!ttf it me i(stor v" RVi ( vti crat , UjU 4 vl I .e ai) a4 k.t!rt 4 lfJrit t RttTYtHrSt, f pr ert f 'fi'k l.f IU ht 0ht . N w t Ip.ftfiii ; i.ft- t.irc it.t. Nrwifrw,II(rlt Ulf MlH- Wtxl Ml. I from, It r C'i' I -ff' il "t 1' !ei ' lie ! t. , ,i IW-laartre, t pel rent f sf'rt(ll I'M. ' Warj U,l, I jurr c tat ; vn I fe4t.ro Cin.li U i ', bvttrieoo tan lrsri ,h.I. , - Yiifiaia., ( ft f rent ; fttrfrn J iUI lle astiry, . y.itul aiwinia, ( r cruL ; cotiliscts I x usury tw-U furfrtt bVm.Ii If l HH. NiMiih l'kriii, I p-r real. fixfc W f ti tr rat tttd (fioiuia ta. Hit rmrfi. tir.ufi, a fieifent. foifrit 'lbrt tli BUry. . . -Ut iim. h -r ttnx ttfeit i. liiirirn J oiry. " 1 liiH'pi. "J frf crul ; r xilrurt I wuif Ii cer'rtfe 14 r(MH f"f ilrhl - ' Ijkiimiii . i per fat j Bitl ntcrt i-cautrsct I -beyond f.'I'IH I ll.ll lrl V'lnl T-on'se, rtnt. ; nttu eoolrurf valil. " . ' A'ri.lu-1 1. k . i 1 1 nl ; tiauty irt nvrralile Hla Cwt. . 4 t i(hi, S m rt nt ; usnrl'u e wir ' llil. Im Ii.iii i . M r r nl - 11'n-of it ol I, l .e icr . IIIiomi., j r cent - Ly tuoirct l -tw ttKiJ brfilt tlirlct th Witiri, 6 per n nt -by roi. tract 10 -If beyond, f irfrit of lo cirt n J ui j ' Mwl.ljC ii. 7 )'rr r nl fi fi It f uorT ir (mi nd of ileM. Ark4iiis. fcjief r.i.t by greuri,i it-nurjf rat avertible, tnl c mill m l vnul. j l'inirt oloiiilii:i. 8 per frnl,- Mirf n f mime I toid. ' ' I m I, tt ir tut. -lf (oil tbtertkNt tir. Wus nu.iu, 7 wi cent - Ij conimri U-luifnt thrk ti e rx. cr. " 1 1 Pus , by reemrnt, and erfurrec! ay lr. , On deliN nr jii.liineiit In fnviriiftlt I nllej Btatr, inttre! la rninpotrit nl Hi r reiil. m I hiihmi TItl.MtMllllN ItKOllttHK IKTIIUKll GREAT BARGAIN'S !t " OU Alt!) V l'i:i)K. vutb Water street, hsve laU received their full tm k of Groceries Witirs, Ll'I'M-r. Cigars. IH, I'aml, W ooden tTf. V lllow Ware, llsrl Ware, ih v GiMids, Conlcct ionary, Fruit. Nuts, l.'suins, Fickb, i Wem, Catsups, Sauce, Jvllie and Jamb, Sonps, Starch, Candle. Matches, Wiaj pln Paper, Twine, Cordugc, I lin k, Block, Hanks, Ma! lloopaiid ?U'p Chan dlery, assorted, in all If various branches; Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Hour, Butler, Iird, Fish, Tobacco, Le , and every thing l i e, in fact, t but i wautcd. I'Uatt gin via tu.ll and wtitfy ytiut totvtt. kotu i:. , , ; " , fpilK undersigned having filtered Into ft fartnetbfp f X HH, fur Ihu term of five year, which term will riplrw n the 1st of lk'i'i niber next, whonthey are deslrou of tjo ing all accontits existing on their book at that date, hfrebt reinet nil persons iud"btcd lo thru), to coma forward I nil cllle their ai'eount either by uof or cash, nu or before Ui(t cxpiintion of said partnership. HOWARD PL'DEX. ' Oct. m. s5i. aq-tU . ' JlT HK( KIVI.I) AMI FtUt 8AMJ. tr 1 TiOn IAII:s Men's ml r,..ys heavy swd light llroMntt I,UUV H)" do. do. lined and bound do. r 4H) ib. do. Kips, heaty and light p 210 Boy' do. do. -.Uo... a SiiSTfnie !oot himI Shoe of every variety . Ladict, Mi ess' and Children' Boots and Mines, all qualities, tilth will be retailed cheap. t v ' . X. I!. It would l.n well to mention, hating ronntcted ntT si If wiih two or three of the most extensive lioot anrl f iio Fnetorics at the North, which will enablf me to sell at Nf York irices, at wholesale. Store on Front Street, third, doof lu low Policy U Hurt's, nearly opposifa McRao & HiirrUs' Croekery store. V. Jl. Pi;iltSOf; Agent. ; Wilmii.gi.iii. V. C, Oct. 2!. lHj . . .').dtf-w.3t f II I Oil Till: I.AlII2tf i 1 ' I ' 'PHE finest n wi ll ns the eheopent Table ltry. nnterl 1 (and warranted tokcen Its color) Table. Desert sndlVft poid.s Foik.: Sugar Shovclsj Salt do i nnd Picklo Knivra: Broii.e Ciuiilkli k; and W of Sclisors, Meais, Jtccdlc", and I 'in r . . . . , -. ,. , 'Ihu above I have manufactured especially for tny retail sales, ami every Mrlicio warranted. J. M. ItUI LvUAi , Wilmington, October 3, 1831 23. Ki;iti;i half barrel new No. 1 Mackerel j 10 or. 20 J 20 It 2D I do. do. do. do. do. do. do. 9 no. no.; do. "do. do. Salmon i f Sounds and Tongues 5 Mackerel and Salmon at retail, by i iowa tin ic rnPKN". RK K I' lours In bogsfioiu 25 to 80 lb , from nw rlc . For sab, low. by SAVAGE It MEAREAf, j JJI ITKIl fVlKW J rttha 10 kegs extra fine Goshen Putter, for ale by HOWARD 4- riiUEN. i -A largcaubvly on hand an I forsslelow JOURNAL 0TICH. BltKAI.-50 barrels Pilot Bread ; 50 " firm Navy do.: I )ICK EES 50 dozen fiallonS-qts and pts. For sale by u. ii ii. inn, Mr,. TAW(.K Axle of Superior qnalll) Suitablo for 4 Timber Waggons. Extra Timber Axes; House, nnd Yard Axes, cheap. For sale by J, M. ROBIN'SOX. LASKKTN nihI !M. ero t loll.l.. Howard & pedex. 500 blankets, 5o y 72, and 58 by 76 inches ; ,7K) roll Kerseys, which will be sold low, by F LOU II. 200 bbls. Flour, just received and for sale, by HOWARD 4- PEDEX. OAIl .s-UOO Ash Oars, from 10 to 20 feet. For sale by . HOWARD & PEDEX. CO-PARTWEKglllP. THE subscribers have this day formed a co-partnership, under the style of McRAE & HARRISS, andhave ta Jcen the new granite front store, lately erected by Capt. G. Potter, on I root between Market and Dock streets, where they will always keep a complete u-hnletate and rrf?Y stock of troekeiy and fntmlmr JmpUmeMs, to which they invite the attention of merchants nnd others. Being Importer we feel confident we can sell articles ill ear lino on as favorable terms, and of as good quality, as can be purchased in the United States. ; - - ALEX. McRAE, Jr.77 Oct. 1, P3512Mf J . N. T. II AK HISS. NOTICE! Extra. have authorised Jfr. James Bcnen to collect all accounts due me previous to 1st of October Instant. All persons Indebted are earnestly requested to set tle. . ALEX. McRAK, Jr. ' Oct 14, 1851. -.. BUTTER and Cheer. Jui Jnnded from vesscl-10 kegs extra Goshen Butter; 25 boxes Goshen Cheese For salolowby HOWARD PEDEX. COHXICE and C wrlnli. Danda A full asortment, for sale, at the Hardware Store. J. M. ROBINSON. eceived this day, 28 hhds. Porto R ico sugar; 10 do. St. Croii do.; 10 do. Muscavado do. For sale low by O. AG. HOLMES. , COFFEE Just received 175 bags Rio coffee. Forsala low by , - - : : O. eG. HOLMES. FUHJR 100 bbls. St. Leon Mills, arery snpcrlor arti cle. For sale by J: 0. t G. HOLMES. FrOCR 300 bhll. fresh ground from new wheat, just re ceived. For sale by 0.G. "10LMES. s UGAR.10 bbds. Sugar ; 100 bbls, crushed, powders, lt. For sale low bj HOWARD it PEDEN. M OLASSES. 30 hhds. warranted sweet. (. IcG. For sale by HOLMES. T 1MB I Llnlt850 casks LIME daily WM. M. JLi ,o23. sale by :xpected. For IIARRIfS GROCERIES. Sugar, in hhds. and barrels; Segars, various brands ; 60 hags Adamantine Candles ; -- Soap, Ground Pcpterf and Mustard For- sale low. by dl : SAVAGE k MEA RES. CHEESE. 200 boxes Cheese. For sale low by f dl7 HOWARD Jr. PEDRN GHAMPAGNE. 15 Basket left, of that fine article re cently imported, and warranted to give satisfaction For sale low by SAVAGE It MEAK ES. BAC0.V SIDES.---10 hhds. siiDcrior Bacon Sides. For sale by ELLIS, RUSSELL kCO. WINES AND LIQUORS.-1 pipe pure old Holland Gin; 10 I casks Malaga Wio j 5 do. Port Wine ; 30 i do. Sicily Madeira. - O. tt G. HOLMES. L v 50 boxes soda eraeknrs, fresh. For sale by HOWARD PKPL'XV C. Lard in kegs A HO leaf lard in tins, from 40 to 50 lbs each. Also, a prima article of each. For sale low. SAVAGE k MKAKftS. I ) A T I ; X T W I X D LA SH.-1 second I pli'to. For sale by HOWAI haafdWind! Alt!) k llnsscora DEX. ('VOFFEK. 10 Bags R io in store. - 1 " . 'rt ' ' Z J EL LI?, RUSSELL Ic CO". For sale" PEDEN." s io CofiTi e15o bags prime green Rio Coffc. I , low, hy HOWARD & J)l.ATI'.Il) Attention. I am just receiving from thfl factory, satnpijof Improved cast steel HoesJ which 1 wouiii ne ii any suggest Oct. 17th. 151 pleased to submit to your inspection, and to receive st ion for further improvement. " ' J.M.TlOniNSONvf F OH SALE. 60 barrels New Fonndland Salmon Fof naloby , MILES COSTIN. " 12 Brown's wharfT ' IpOR SALE.-loO bale prime HAY. For sale by . , 1 d2 MILES COSTIN.' Brown's Wharf. ) 1 1 1 L 4 O F. I. PI 1 1 A Haeo n-I I s ms, Sides and ShoaMcrt . 1 30 casks prime Sugar Cured I lams 1 H do. do. do. Shoulders; r ' 7 do. " Sidc. -,; J In prime order, and in small pscknges. For sale byr - DeHOSSET k BROWN. ; ROASOKF, Family Flour-Jut received a, superior' article. For alo low by, u ' ' 1 s Oct. 18,1851 ; . SAVAGE MEARES 7K), SALE 200 hhds bright mUiLTi-Iolassrs. by- (d2). For rale 311LES COSTIN, Brow's Wh:.rf . OIL Clolhlnff. 300 suits Oil Clothing ; 100 doz, seas' men's Shirts, Drawers, Pants, Over Coats, Sheaths, Celts, Palms, Chert, a,ud etery article required for tlm vor a For sale low by 'HOWARD & PEDEX. age. For sale low by VrOllTIl CAROLLVA WINE. 8 born LH Win-?, juit received and for sale bv M ' I.RO,- Scuppertiotij . i iiU 11 e.

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