rf yii.mlv;to. nokth iAkolina. SIX DOM.AKS A yi:ar, in advance I'UlLl.StlKI) UY Fl'LTON'k PRICK. THl'IiSlUV .UOKMXII, MARCH IS, ISi XIJIBER EL VOLUME 1. - ill fif -J1 a i rT-O' I .V RT Or AlI UTI-iNU. Mi.lt kl ASK. Oi k A2 1 day 2 day 3 days, 4 .l .vi, 5 tijys 1 tfck 2 wr I-. ... .... 1 muiit b, 2 month-, 3 worth, 6 month, 1 y?r, 23 . a. .. . 5o . ... ... T5 KTi . . . I 37 j . .2 (M .. 3 50 . ..3 . . ..i3o 1 1jv. . . . 2jy ... 5 Jj ... 4 J.iv 5 l4V ... 1 k... 2 wt-t-V.. 1 !u-nth . 2 luo' tb . 3 ni'nt h . ti m'uth. 1 er ... f) 51 73 . 1 i" . 1 23 . 1 .Vt . 1 73 . 2 73 . 4 00 . 7 U .10 l . its m .so oo Ten line are counted a sMju.tr", and five lint" or If" half-square. Longer aJveili.HUitnt iu j rojrtiuu, uj all payable iu ad mite. J.otu-v -f lU-lixiou meetings IYi.wolcr t and other nncbtirterrd S.eietic., and Obituiirie. will be ch-ugcd half the above rates C-h alv payable in advance. Arrival Htl 1 pi tuir ul lltr.Malia ui.tUi ihr ttrw In allotment, hit It wtnt lulu oimi at lou, lt Mni,l-Vi. The Mail from the North is due every day at 9 A. M., and at !j IV .M. t lo.-cs at a "juarter before 1 1'. M., ai:d at 9 1'. M. prrci.-e- lv. at ! A. M. -ll'il-f, M.'NI 1 Clot s every Ferry. & , Thui-'Ly at Tlie Mail fur the South dose. The Mail from Onflow Coint is due every Monday at 3 l. SI The Mail from Long (Vck, P.i.uk K iver ( h 1, &.i" , i due every Thursday at b' 1'. .M , and close mine night at i 1'. M The .Mail from Fayetteville, via Lli.abethtown and I'rof Jeet Hall, i" due eery Tin- day. Tlntr.day, and Satur day at 9 A. M. Close same dav'a at a ijuarter before ll A M. td'An extra Paekage will be made up for Letter goinj: North of I! iebuiond, a . whii h will lie k t open until 7 A. M. All other Letters mu-t be in the the at the hour above named, or they will not be Mailed until next suecced iiifi Mail. it. noLi.Nt.ti, o. rr. hi:, jr. DDI.IARK S. PHTTKIJ, rii:F.i;.L commiidn mi;i; hants, VI lbl-lv New York. $n' (liberal eah advance made on eonsignment.. S ll KI, J. i'KIIW X. 4 TTOKNKY AT LAW. Wilmintr .n. N C. J Mike on l'lineevs Street, nearly .j.j,..-ite tlie Journal Olliee. Mareh 15th. 1SV lti I -bm j o. mi l i;i:nw, ak m wt) i . iki iivv;.; i , jr., k. i . i;i:ow. ItltOHV I)( !)' KT, -xv York, Ut KOSSKT t 1IKOW , U llinli.lo.i. . , f'()MMI() Mi:i:cilATS .Melt YK V IHliltl. IMPOHTKHSiiimI UIiiiIkiiIv mill Iti tall D. iileislo China, (J la., and Karttienw.in', and I'anniiig liii'!e Int'iiN, we-t side Front street, between Market and I lock Mreets, Wiliniiijrton, N. C. l-l " ) G M. II UUIS. 1KEU AL CoiiiiiiKhIoii Me i tn. i. t Ship Ibnkrr, ilmintoii, N . C. RKfi:i:i:('Ks O.C. Far-b-y, Ks' , Faidlev & lliintintoii .hi., ( orner & Sons, lialtimorc K. A. Soulier &Co , Philadelphia. Thompson k hunter, ) v , , , M I i etinan &. o , 1 Tufls Hunting. Fn-loii. 12-Iy ( Wilmington, . C V I), tl.l.fs. .1. ii. ki v-i:i.i. w ii. r. i:i "ii.i.i.. I'LIS, M SSKl.t, &, CO., f lenernl oiiiml.-loii ,Hfr hantu uml lil lirnkrin, T Wilmington, . C liefer to V.. V. Iln.l,, Ls.j., President liraneh I'.ank of the Stnte, Wilmington. I G .1 ISKIMI II. I I, N I'.K, KM'.H Al. omiiiivloii .MrhiMit, 2-lyJ Wilmington. X. C. IMense fclvr ns n Call. 0&. C. IK)LMI-;S. wholesale and retail denier in lo- mestie goods, sueli as negro k'rsevs. Iineys. Kentucky jeans, satinet, blankets, .lin t ing', irint, spun cotton, etc., etc.; boot and idim-.. direct tioni the inaiiufact nrers; all kinds of foreign and iloni'.-t ic wines and liipiors, direct from the importer and nianiif.iet uivr. All kinds of groceries. hip stores, bought and will be sobl Water and Princess -tieets, Wilmin ( letolirr ti provision ami cadi, corner of ( 'ai ulina. Mi;i)K at. xoi ic i:. DKS. FI.'LLMAN & MALLKTT having n.-sociate-I H,.,. selves in th- IP .MLJPATIIC Practice of Medici,," nrd Surgery, offer their Professional services to the commu nity. 'lie or the other of them may be found at all times at their office, when not plnf "ionally called oil Calls in the country will receive jiroinj t attention at all times. ( let. 22, 1S-1 TAIL MALLKTT. in J J tlie citizen ot innin A CAItll. offering bis rrofcssioral services to .'tun. would tatl lliat lie fi.i been engaged in the practice of .MeiJIeine arid Surgery fur five years, and for the last year has given his attention to llo iinropatliy, to wdiich practice he will confine himelf most strictly in all its branelie. X. B. From his experience in Surgery, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction iu the performance of all Surgi cal Operation? even the most delicate. October 22, mi 3!Mf Just T)rTTI5K nml ( li el J J keg extra (loshen Putter; 23 liox pale low tiy c:;i landeil from vessel 10 losiicn I hcese r or iiowAt.'it s- pi;ii;n. KIM". It wcv.. rni; uis !. l Laving fiieit. 1 tb- Af-T. i ttr'L X t a take ri-k ; ff f- t f 'f' m' t term in uor f t b 7 -i'" ' V i"ui i il.e rt mtt T1IL U AltT FOKl rtaTLClloX. It. M TT,A;cit. Augu-tr, 1'31 31 tf '1 MAY Yt.HK I IKK lYMHIMK tO.MIMM. MIL Ag iw ef this ei.tab'1-biiJiUt f.r th ton t f i.- mii.gtoti h Iwen . n!ifrrrd Du tbe underigt d, b is i r i jrs fi aiford all reiMi!te inforiuatiou, and to level e . v ' 1. , V . 1 I I- ppjicjU"B lor Lirr. tA.N.r. upon rei"v teiuif a any ether iujlitutiou the bi character iu the countrT. " tt. M TT, Agent. August r. H1 3Mf T llKlillKK ! !:. Steamer R.-i.thn. and Ti l.!tn m . .'J w St max it. ll'irni ;. Jinn t'.isni BY-iw.xt an 1 .1 t,t:i aie i pared to forward with K-.-Jiateh, all g..ois e'i,i-igiH'd to the Proprietor. 'I'll ' Meuniei tin tliti i of light draught, and well suited tu run in . ir nnd . .vbe j.n... s . tri i and hjt r ' , and I admirably adajited to totri , aud fan aceouiiuodate about 2ll ;.s.iige. The Pi opi ietor eonlt tni'late ruiming the Poat liim lf. and w ill give sp'eial attention to way freight and natal .tore: In towing, and w ill at" attend to the comfort and convenience uf Passenger From bis lung exerience a A.'eiit in U iliiiii.gtuii of the cvi rai Mi am l.oat Couij'auie.-, he think- lie eau give .uti-l.ic! ion To Mcicbanls in tin interior fie would say, that all duel .bippeil bv him, will be ill liveii ,( to their Agent in Fayett eville. lii Agent in Wilmington i. F. ll 15ANKS, to I noil all communications may be addicted, ai Agent id the Meaiuer lin tknt. J IIX HANKS, Proprietor. Feb 4th, KV 127 tf I.1HT 'ounty t 'ourt Writ; Miperior do. ibt County Court Sulipicna; Superior do. do. ( 'ounty ( ourt Fi. l a. ; Superior do. do. ounty ( "on i t Sci. Fa. ; upcrior do. do. Apprentice Indenture.; Letters of Administration County and Minerior Coiirtl Ol-' It I. A Mi Inspector' ' 'crt ifieatej; ( 'i 1 1 itieato of J ust iccfatteu J ing I oui t; Mai ri age License; Tax llcnipts; Insolvent Notice; Writs of Ljeet liient ; Lctteis Testunientary ; 'en Ii lixjionas; ( 'a Sa: . Land IVcd.: Affidav it; a Mi; do Witues. N ot ice- 1 1 1 ( 'oliiiui.sj, ( 'ounty ( ' Magi-trat t apia s I 'vci cer"s and Juror Tii kets: inrnishee Notices; l'a l.i-t lleeeiversi't hecks, Hpe Feiirl'jink; ii to take I leuii-it ion I Jo. liraneh Hunk of he State: Vote, negotiable nt Hank: Administrator' Puiiids; .ut ton; lilt I.X" 't do. f! cspoiidinduui ; A l l'oiut l.lent s; Pein e. State, uml ( iv il War Notes of I land; rnnts A ttachiiients: State H eeoirnir.anee; Military ('a Sa: do. Lxeeution; Negro Ponds; ilo. Hill of Sal 1 i u.u dian Appeal a Sa SffT Ant"iiranee ( 'oustabfe's Sberifl ' Tn i Forthcoming Prosecution Crew LiU: do'. Any Plank wanted, and not on hand, will be printed with the utmost dispatch. ( iflieers of the I 'ourt" and other officer, and all ot her per son reiiuirinir Blanks, or liny other work in the print i r g line, w iuM do well to iriv e u u call, or send in their order. We iric determined to execute our Work well, and at the cheapest rates for eah. Call nt the lOFIl NA I. OFKK ape.- r; IOW L'toljfN. I,l. I t 1 f OOK AT Tlll We respect full v invite the attention of the public to our large and well selected stock of Unods. e have enlarged our store and are now prepared to show the must icirahlc stock of ' iroccric ever offered in tlii in irket Tht-'V were bought al very low price fur cash, and we believe "vecan offer tbeiii at prices that will induce pei -oils wi-hing to jiiireha-e tn buy fioiii U. We have on haid- 2-13 bags I! io eolfee, till ' l.ii'.'iiira do 40 hhd Porto llieo sugar 12 " St Croix 3 " Mu-covado " 30 bbls southern clarified sugar; 23 " erii-hed do 23 lihd sweet tnot.isises loo'i Hi pi pp r: 3!in Hi- spice; 300 lb ginger 31 !i out megs; I'll) m ils einn imon l'"i" irionnd p( pp;'r, spiee, and ginger; lull fre-h t h 'c-c; Firkins Imtter; 10. OHO hii-hcN s-ilt bids lolin I lili.-un's rectified whi-key I'altimore double rectifieil do " as. i, iti'ii superior duiibie rectilicl " Pose and anchor gin; ' New Liiglaiul rum " A mcrican bnindy cask Malaga and low priced Madeira wines a-sortnici.i n nnnorteii wines; i 173 12n li(l " :m " 30 " 20 " I I ir. A lar-r. and Monongn h'd i whiskey; 230 bids flour: 73 half bids do We are eon-t ant 1 v receiving additi end keeping on hand a good stock, wl r ca di letobcr (, H31 iiial cut ieh will rind in Kobl low O 0 be IIOLMLS i iu Y itl Uul.liis.-J((l t lai.dcil. For -ale by Jiackages new crop Pai-ins, IP iwaimi L it;di;n. Ivi.t.'s. I'll,! lid ,k(MllK. C I ret from W I'nderwood 8r Co: fiO'l doj.en jars assorted si7.es and kinds niokL For i by lu-t received di- j.en jars lisort( HoWAUlJit Pi.liKN. 30 do.i n iallon 'it. and pt. For sab" by o. & O. IPiLMLS. j MUiV, Alen of Superior nfinllft' Suitable for miner waggon r,xtra J miner Axe; House and Yard Axe, cheap. For sale by J. M. ROHINSON. IV.VMvl'IH .mil . khi t lot il iia;. 5(K) blanketn, 5 Ii bv 72, and 5(i by 7"! inclic.i ; 3KI roll Kersey, which wil Id 1m by M) A: Ift AVAlU) & PKDLX. h ( lar.-, from 10 to 20 feet. For sale by IU'WAPI) & pKlilI.N. lfXI( E nod tmtiiiii KniiiU. A or ale. nt the Hardware Store. J. .M full assortment, i.'opixsov. St tiAliS Pcccivcd this day, 2S hhd Porto Pico sugar; 10 do. St. Croix do.: 10 doM usca vado do. For sale low (t. 4 G. HoLMLS. 300 ?uit Oil Clothing; 100 doz. ea- fU' t lotlilng J tncn'g Shirt., Drawer. Punt. Over Coat. Sheaths. Belt., Palms, Client, and every article required ro'- the voy agc. For ynle low by' HOVrA HI) k P JDhN. Tl 'ST li liUJKlV li U A XH FO 11 HA Lli pipe old Jamai- J ea Hum ; J do. old Cogniae Hraudy ; 4 do. old Madeira Wine ; I do. old Cherry Wine ; 4 do. Tort Cherry Wine. n. & U. HOLMKS. V OTIC E. TIl'E undesigned hereby notify thf public that they will continue to conduct the bu.ine of the old firm after the 1st of Lk'ccmber, as heretofore, and thankful for the patron age hitherto extended to them, respectfully solicit acon- vv A Kt) tinuanee of the same !Vc. 13. 1I H0 SPII1ITS TURPENTINE 'BARRELS. 1,500 epirits turpeutlse bnrreU, second hand,' of prima quality, for ale by DeKOSSJET k BROWN. QVUS. l"7"IN'i;s AND LIOJ'OKS Ij.ipe pure old Holland I iin; 10 J eak Malaga Wine ; 5 1 do. Port Wine ; 1 i do. 11 ILL. 117 E. 200 boxes Cheese. For nle low by HOWAKD & PLDi: Sicily Madeira. O Hi. HOLMLS. YV KAPPINO PAPLR.-i0 I F ile by Ileum Wrapping Paper. IlOWAKDk PKDLX . XJOW LAX III NO. from Schr. Irn Hmntrr.lb bbl or 1 Family Flour; 30 bbls, of John Taylor and Son's Ale ; 23 bhla. Cider. WliSSi;L& K1LLKS. CHAMPA(;Xi;. 20 baskets Champagne. For sale by J f 15 HOWARD & PI-:i)T-:.. TN STORK AND FOR SALIi lUOO acks of 6ne TABLE 1 S5ALT ; by WE.SSliL & EILLRS. LIME, LIME. 400 Ibis. Rockland Lime ; 500 bids. Lir colnrille White Lump. Alio, Calcined llaster. Plan tering Hair, Fire Brick, and Hydraulic Cement 1,000 bbht. Lime, lie. For sale by J. C. tt R, Ii. WOOD, Oct. 23, 1851411 , Contract and Builders. 11TIIISKEY. 00 blU. La store. Msortd qualities saloby O. k G. HOLME?. For OetaM .Mtl ramhlk tol'ltia mil t awtiil Llxeo -tc"i livrnr'H. Cunard... I oll.ii Cunard . . I uuaid... Co! !in. . . . Cunaid... t'unard Collins .... (una: 1 Cunard.... C.'lllilS .... CuilsVl I.... ...lfo .... .New Y.'lk . . ... New Y ti k . . . .. ri-ti'i .... Nt w York . N-w Yoik . k l MK 4. leaves . . . . rxtm Wednesday N Yiuk-. Saturday.. . ..Sttarlay... , . .'Wrdaejjy . ...Saturday... . . .Stm JiT ...Wedue-.LT. 12 ...Feb. 7 ...FrW II ..Feb II - Feb. 21 ...Feb. 23 .Saturday Feb. 2 New Yoik . . . l-ij-din .... , ... Xt-w Yoik ...New York Wedne lay .... Wednlay . . . . Saturday . . . . Wednes lay.... ..Feb. ..Feb. ..Feb ..Feb . . Feb. ..Feb. NEW YRK 1. 1 t Nt '!tlt. Sat ut day Frankliu Iu. Ilui.iboldt i eb AND HAVlli; LINE. . LtlVt IIUKt. ! edneday n.Fraiiklin . HI In in bold t .Feb. X ..March 17 II 12 Fiaiiklin March "!l i,ink!iii April Humboldt April l) I lumboldt May Stopping ut Southampton both way. , .NEW YORK A X D BREMEN Washington 1 b r maun a-h iigtuii ri iiiiii li January 10th W IE From New York. ...Jan 21. ....Feb ti. ...March 27 April 21 K32 From Bremen. Feb. 27. .March 2i .April 21 ..May 21 LINE. Fim South ampton for New ..'k ...Mareh :t . . Ms.ch ri .Ai.nl " . . M ay 2 l.t.;l. KA'U tl IMMlt.Hl, IN THE tlltreaKKT TTk iH THKMToMH. Valne; 6 per eenl , forleit of tlie i laon N w ll iinimlnre, 6 H-r cent. ; forfeit of tfirlce the mount un Ijw I i 1 1 v Inkeh Vcrmoiil, fi per cent. ; reenter in nrtinii nod cihi M,i..if liiiseils 6 pei rcn! ; ffirlcil id inner Hie umirt Kli' ilr U la od ti pei 'frni. , b.rleil ot the imui y and iiiterent on I lie ilel f I i nneeticiit, 6 pei rent , forfeit of th whole ifeht. New Y ork, 7 n r ccnl ; uni urn coiiir.n in tout New Jersey, i pel o ut ; toileiliil tfc w tme ilcfil. I'enti) Ivuliia, n per i eoi ; lorl- il of Il.e u lud ifeht. Iteliivvni e, fi pei cenl ; for fi It nl t lie vt loce delit Vr) liiiiil, 6 pt r f fill ; on lulirn co eoiiirai la H ; unurlctis con ir n m void ii jniia, per rent ; foifcilil uld' r he ufttiry Noitti l hioIiuii, ti per cent ; riiiilraels lor imury tonl - forleit itoolile H e iioi J Siouiii Carolina, 7 per ceni ; forfeit of Interest ami premium ta ken, v it li rust (enijiia, - per rent ; forfeit thn 'e 1 1 e Usui jr . Mali III ' "s lu r I t HI ; loi tell l inleie.l lllnl User Mn-aih'ij'pi. S per rent. ; liy contract ID-tjMirjr lecnf erttde In aelinn loi ilelil I oiu-iai a. ft per rent foiilia. I Ihlci' t void 'I'en iiewxec, percent ; in-u r l"ii cool no In void. A'entiickf, (J per cenl ; uiiijr ieeoefnlil 'tilli cila. (linn, A pei ci nl ; usui fou r uitr.n I tonl. ImtiuiiH A per ci lit.- i An" "I itoolile the rirr lllinoln, 6 per cenl - If collirii lU tejinl torleit llirjcr thr filter, si Mimoiin, A per rent h contruri 10 If tn yonil. forfeit uf In len ml usury Miehin ii, 7 percent forfeit uf usury one fourth of debt A r kalis i. A per cent - If iigreeiuenl '0 iimii; ri'iviatir, but eolili net tonl I 'ist i ii t Col ii in to a, A per rent. - uti ri u roiilrarl tuid. Florida, i pei i i nt I' l leil iiilere-t ami e. . WiM-urisili, 7 pel reut ky miilnul U Imleit tfirier tht rf. Ce low ii, by Hieeiiicnl, nod e forceif lit law. On ileld'n or j iiilg un-nttt In fii nr of tlir I'nllril State, inlerrnf in compuiMl hi h per cent, per (minim Italik iiit.rr.t A contrail H 'ic-ninl 'I i Ir-l'Alt I'M'.HSMII'. MIL piiliscribers have this day formed a eo-pnrtnerhip, under the style ,,f Mi ,K k HAIiPISS. aud hiveta ken the new gtanitc flout store, lately erected by ( apt. O. Pol il.e, on Front between Market and I 'nek strei f, win ir I hey iv ill always keep a complete ) 7mi.V mid ittml U, of loeliei and In i mini; linp.i mi n, o wliieh they invite the attention of men bantu u ml others. Being linpoili i. we feel confident we can m il article in our line on u fav orable tcims. and of us good ijuality, us can be purchased in the I nited States. ALEX. Mi I! A E, Jr , Oct. 1, lM3l-2l-tf N. T. HAI!l;iS. VT"'''" E Exlrn. I have aulhoti. d Mr. Javii s Hi i J to collect nil lceo,(s doe me nri tious to 1st of ( tctuber m-tuht . tie I let I All person indebfi H3I. d nre cariiesily reoitct-d to" t A LEX. Me.RAE, Jr. II lavart Patent Mitaen. r lr IrvT77K: . I 'bt'l gitt a sermon to-ifaj Jrivvn from tie Bj!bvr. trt: The !a Jy tvh'. Ufure a tab, U nut ash-me 1 to lit r rub ; t Hr ua the fl.vr asharuv I t srrvb. And i are nut wbw rail ia I lUr laborieg ft iadotrittly, t ? Y iU uiik a wife f r you or cue. ,My leaiet it asorIane l by IUien not bf tle devil that rry man lioulJ lute a wife and tfry vvoinaii be blfwJ with ft hu-.ian 1. (n the bexmniaje (IihI n a le two of th grunt ico o( 0 posde rx. The wne In rlecled jmitiiely an J tk otlirr one rtfjra. lively, that when apiirOAimrtteJ, their mystical ef feci roti! I he produced frnm one or lb oiher. Th how, why. ari'l he wherefore, ro tnottal hat yet beea able to un. Iritaii. I, i.t-ilher i it nrcevsary tbat 'Ld hdu'J. The eu naitna'ly aj j roach and aJhere to r;irh idher, thtoug'a some mysteiiotM influence that ad, mil of no rnliitmn. Il it itifSc lhat il is 90-' When the Creator ma le Adam he uw lhat it was not giMnl for him to te alone, r-o he mewnerizeJ ibe man; dug a i b front hi i !e withoul the leit particle uf p.i'ii-ati l fioiii it he inrt'le K.e, to he a he!pmaiefor hiin, a wrl' as a f.incv plitythinj ,ow wilhoftt knowing what !o a, they could nt help lovinf ibt moment llie ntt tlieir eye upon vtt anotber. ile raM sheep' eye at liei at a distanre and he tlirevr some killing; frjinrr in return that fired his noul, and M-t ln heart vi!ir;tting like a plin!er opon a chesfnat a I in a "i.' tester I hey finally ci me together just a naitirully a a couple of apple eeia in a baton of water. Hut situate I a they were at first, atri having lift e or tio manual labor to perforin Kve coulj he of little utility lo Adam, an I Adam coiild'nt do a t;rrat deal for Kve. Mill they loved and were ready to as sist each other, in ra-e of any emeruent casuality, and ko when they fo'iml that apron were necessary, they sat to and with the nerillo woiked logelher for rrmlual good K'f only uinleisinol plain swin she knetr not hmsr about your embroidfy, lacew'otkinjr, and pi. ami plaing; The ronple weie perfectly happy in their Hide oiid rough Mate, until the olil sarpinl got , among em, ami even then they tii k to each ofher ' tliioitgh thick and iliin through all the brambling v icis"sitmli" of life, fiotn l'aralne to I'erdition. My htcilitru, since ou know that mariiaue ia a Ji vine niMiiiitioii, uml that eviy one of you should have a w ife, what kind of a r b would you select ? A pret ty lilt e o-ele doll, or a woman b'i and spunky enough to w te-tle with a bear nnd come tiff first beet? I imagine you would rare tiotln'in for either extreme' hut ou would look for p totiul r harms. 0, you fool i)i i.!o a!e s at the "htine of beauty ! Know you not tl.al liumlieil of huslian I have hern made miserable by haiul-ome- wives, and thoiiamN are happy in the piis-ieioti of homely ones ? homely wilhouf, henuii tul wiiliin. Alts! what is beauty It is a flower that wilts uml witheis almost as soon as it is jilucke f, a tr iiisietit rainbow, a fleeting meteor, a dercitful vil o'wisp, siil.lim ited moonshine. 1 he kind of a Wife you want i of good morals and know how to mend iroii('i, who can rcronn'o peeling potatoes with prac tical ut la-h.oioiUe pnty, who can wnltz wilhachurn d .ih,anil f-ng w ith a tc i-ivCllle, w ho understood broom o'ogv.aml tin1 trm." srirnee of mohbingwbo knit stockings without kniiting her brows, and knit tip her hu-band' lavclh.'l sleeve of care who prefersitowintr; laies with her needle, lo sowing tares of scandal wilh her tongue Such is decidedly a " better half M Take her if yoti c.vi get her, wheresoever you can fjnd her - let her be up to her elbows in the sin! of a wash tub. or pu king gcee in a ro stable. . , My h-urt r .ny next hjnf.iks of a lady before a was,h tub. Vou may think it abmrl, bill let me as Mitf you that a female can be a laly before a wash tub, or in the kitchen, as much as in the5 drawing room or in the parlor. What constitute a lady. It is hot TltK.MIOMXll H lll;ll I ION l I'llItKM fJP EAT JiAKOAlNS! OWAHO tV I'KUV.. .'south Water street, have ! received tln ir fall stock of ( '. rnceric. Wines, Lbiuor. j a cos Iv diess. paint for the cheeks, false hair and Still ,. it.. ..i . . - . i . lalce tors ; but it is in tier general deportment. I Itrar. i i. 1'HI'itJ. oo'leti U ire. i ut Ware. aril WJiire. Ihy floods. Confectionary, Fruits, Nuts, Hni-in". Pickles, PresiiKf, Catsups, ."Suhoch, Jellies and JmiiiIi, Snap-. Starch. I niulle. Mafches, Wninping I 'a per. Twin", t 'otdagc, Lu k, Flocks, Hunk. Mast I loops and Hup ( Imii dlciv . .i-.orl' d. in all its yatioii branches: Sufar. ( ofleii. Tea. I lour, Putl'T. Lard, I-i-h. Tobacco, kr , and etery Ihinir d-e, in fact, t Imt is wanted. I'lniM gM'c una r, ill ami mjtil i yMi n h rn, VtlTH K. rntir. imderigned having eutered into a p!irtnebifi in J I lb", for the term of five yearn, which term will expire ori th'" 1st of Peeeinher next, when they are dcirous of clon ing all accounts existing on tlioir nook ut that dato, lietehy reijiie-t all persons indebted lo them, to come forward and settle their account either by note or enh, on or before the expiration of said partner-hip. HoH'Af!l4c PELK.V ct h. m -Mi. r i r T urn i ih; i. Ann:!! MIE finest us well a the ehi ii.et Table Ivorv. Plated (and warranted to keeii if color) Tiiblc, )ecit and Tea Spoons; Forks; Sugar Shovels; Salt do ; aud Pickle Knives; Pionr.'! Candlesticks; and bttt of Scissors, Shears, Needles, and Pins. The above I have tnariufaef ured especially for my retail sab s, and every article warranted. J. M. I! ( 'I'IN.-ON. Wilmington. ictober .'5. 1H3I 23 f 1U 1 ti;V M!ST.S.- the A large sutady on hand arid for sale low JOE U NA L OFFP;E. ItKAli 3d barrels Pilot, Pread ; &0 " fine Navy do.; M boxes oda crackers, fresh. For sale by HOW Al l' I'EDEN. T) A TENT WLI)LASS.-1 second hand Windlass com- pb.de. For sale by IIOW'AIUJ It PFlJEN. CAOFFEE 10 Dags Ilio in store. J ELLIs RUSSKLL & CO. V IO C'oli'i e. J5Q bag prime green Hio CnfTee il low, ny iu'VV ai;u & For sale PEIjEN. 1)fATI'.it.J A tn niloii I am jut receiving from the factory, samples of improved east steel Hoes, which I would bo pleased to submit to your Inspection, and to receive any suggestions for further improvement. 1 - Oct. lth, 1851 S. M. ROBINSON. OK Til CAROLINA. WIN'C 8 barrels tfeupperaong Wine, just received and for sale by DcKOdSET Jc EROWN. S VGA.KT lObhds. Sugar? lOObbls. erashed, nowdered, ice. For a low by HOWARD L ITilDEN. lor intellectual endowments, and that evidence of ..,i , i ........a.. .I. ..i n a i j vii'iir iiii.ii i uuiiiiiiinn nic irrjir.i uil'l ui nil mi lull of the. woild. She would ' recognized as a la dy at ot, cp it matters not where or iu what initia tion she weie found whether scorching bed hugs with a led hot poker, or hollowing hallelujah at a Melli'idi'l camp meeting All that 1 have fuilher to suy, fellow-bachelois, is that w hen you marry, see that you get a lady inside and out one who known how to keep ihn pot boiling and looks well to the household. No mote it he. " , ' Wiir 1'koi j,k f)niNK. Mr. A. drinks because his doctor reromiF. ended him lo lake a little. " ' ir' ' Mr. P.. because his doctor has ordered him not, and he hates such tpiackery -" ,-.;';.' Mr, (.', takes a drop because he's wet. Mr. I) because he's dry. - Mr, K. because he feels something rising in bis stomach. . r ' f . Mr. F. because ho. feels a kind of linking in his stomach. . . ... t' Mr I because he's hot. Mr. K. to digest his dinner. - Mr. VV. because he's got no friends, and Mr. X. because his uncle left him a legacy. Mr. Y. because his aunt cut him off without a ling- . ; shn- John Adams (the older) being called upon for a contribution for foreign missions, remarked, 1 have nothing to give for that cause, but there are herein, this Ticinity, nix Minister, not one of wIiomwill preach in the other's pulpit;uon f WU1 giie os much and more than onjr one elo tociviliao these Clergy, men. . . . ': : ' " ' ' V " To Calcdutc Isterest Multiply thesumbytne nnmber of days, .md divide by 6. For example: $378X93 days? 35154 6 $5S5;9; pfo.lacing ,the ; result, without the use of fraclions. : - Vt A Compabisox. An. Iwnest-lady in' (he , couniry when to,d of her husband's death,- exclaimed, Well, I do declare, our troubles do not come alone J It ainl a week since I lost my best hen, and oow Mr.'JohnROr has gone, too poor man , ? i V r

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