V ft , i VUBLISHED BY FI LTON & 1MUCC. WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE VOLUME 1. FRIDAY JIUKMSU, MARCH 19. li NUMBER IGa Pi ihE t f ) I l Jar Z d ,.... , oi J 3 djTi, 4 dv , i2j 5 djT, 1 ae'vk TJ 2 wctks 1 it 1 itouth 2 ( 2 mouth 3 50 3 month 5 6 Humta 1 vtar 13 00 ETES OF Alyi RTWNt;. 1 -l.tT '1 M - 2'U T i SJivs . 1 OI 3.1ji ... 1 k... 2 acrk.. 1 ni'tiith . . 2 uioeth. 3 month. ' uiunlb. 1 AT ... . I M . 1 7i . 2 :j .. 4 ui . . 7 oo ..10 00 . .30 00 Teu liue are counted as OjUarc, and fire line or le a Lalf-Mju;tr. linger a.heiti.uitiitJ iu proportion, and all payable in a t a ur-e. j-Notife of Religion meeting. I'enelent ami other unchartered So-it lie, and Obituaries, will be charged half lh above rate ( h alway payable in adtamt. Arrival mmI Dutilui wt lltr Malta uiitlir lb m .rinj; u ', whirl wtitl Into cixiatloit, ll Maith, lst. 7ht Mail fn.iu tie North is due every day at I) A. M , ajid at i IV M. ( ...-t at a (uarter It-fore 1 1'. .M , and at 9 1'. M. prcn.se 1t. " The Mai! f -r the South eb.sr-s at !) A. M. The Mail from On.l.-w 'ourt-1 lm-, Snead Ferry. &. . i due every .Muulav at 3 P. M 'l-'t every Thursd i v at y 1 M The Mail from Long Cn-ek, 111 u k llivt-r ( hnptl, . i due every Thursday at IV M , and dons m- niht g 9 1'. M The Mail from Favettevill.-, via riiriheihtowi) :ind Pros pect Hall. & . i-1 due every Tu t.v. Thursday, and atur day at 9 A SI. ( loses fame day"s at a quarter before 10 A.M. 6-.n extra Paikiise will be ma l" u for I.cttir pun;: N'oith of I! irhmoiid, a . which illbek-pt oi n until 7 A.' M. All other Letter nni-d be in the tli-e at the hour-' above named, or they will not be Mailed until next sueeeed injr, Mail G II. leil.l.StK, 6 l . Kit, jr. IHIIIAKH .1. IMITTKII, i:Ki: AL.CtiM.MI-lU.N MI.IIC HANTS, T (Hil ly! N-w ork. tir Liberal eah ndvanee- nude on eon-'iniiK-nt. S tJH KI, .1. I'KltM .. TI't'UNLV AT LWV. Wllminu'ton. X C J 'like on Prim-en Street, neatly o1n)ite tie-Journal Ilfiee. Mar.li .Vh. h")2 ltil-dtn JS . I-.. fx ItlillWN, AKM Ml I. UK - ,,SvI t". jr.. It. F. F.IMIWN. IlltOUV it l)i IIDSSK'I', New Vork, l)tlttW(KT Si IlltOWV, Wliniliiutun. X. C, 2 C( t X Mi;i!('IHTS. 1 -UaK .V II ll.lll-x. IMIMIllTr.ltS anil U li.! - l( mid lit lull Denier In China, ila-, mid Lint lienware, iind I'nrinin I in le nient", vveit side 'rout street, between Market and I oek ftrei-t, Wilmington. N. C. I-' "' G VM. M. II HKIS, 1 KXKIIAL 'oniiiilioii iIen lliinl S. Ship llroker, X iltninpton, X . ( . i: l Fi n v K : I ludlev I liintiiieioii, ( .la.-. ( orner Sous, J'altiniore i;. A. N.nder &Co ., i'liila lel.-hia. Tln-.n,.-..,, & I ii,ler. s . ... S t ' II.. .1 ... V ... ' . 'I. I JIT My, I j "'I , ti'-i , ' M. M Freeman k Tufts 4- Hunting, lieston t I). Ft. Lis. 12 ly J. II lit F.I.L it. i-. i:i sm.i.l. KL.L1S, Kl'SSKIiL Si, CO.. Clencritl ( oiiiiiiIs.Ioii Mei liaiiln mill Slilp Uroker, T Wilininpton. ". ('. liefer to V.. P. Hm.l, , President liiam-li I'.ank of the State. Wilmington. I G .i.Ki'ii ii. ri,M;i, 1 KM''. 1! A I ( oi.iinl,loii yieielMMit, T 2-Iy Wilininpton. X. C. Pit n- ii" 114 n Cull, 0& (i. IU LMLS wh'desale mid retail dealers in lo- ine.l ie piitil.-i. mi Ii as iieiro kerseys, linseys. Kelltm-ky jeani, (latinets, blankets, -hii t injrs, jprin'p, spun'cot ton, cte., etc ; boot and chocs, direct from the maniifart'trers; nil kinds of foreign and diiin . -tic wines mid liquors, direct from the iitttrter and inaiiHfaet iirert .All kimlf of irocei U s. jirovi-ions and s-li i stores, bought and will be sold low fur en-h. corner of Wuttrand Pi im-e.-s .-treet-. Wilininiton. X. Carolina. October (i. I .-." 1 . MKDICAIi XOTM I'. TAUS. FIIKKMAX & MALLLTT htivinjr associated them J J selves in the 0.i(M( iJ'ATHIC l'raetice of Medicine nnd Surp-ry, idler tln ir ('rofesional services to the commu nity. ( hie or t he other of t hem may be found at till times, at their offiee, when not proressionnllv called off. Culls in the country will receive roiiiit ' ii 1 1 cut ion at all times. tvt. 22, K" 1 i:i. DK. r.U,i;TT. in offering his iirfifessiorial services to the cit i.' iis of Wilinii '1 n. would state t hat lie has I, ecu enp.ip.-d in the rai-tice ot Medicine and .vurp-ry for five years, nnd for the last year h is given his attention to lb liiieoathy, to which raclico ho wHl coofino hiiuself most strictly in till its branches. X. II. From his exji-riei-ee in Surgery, he fceN eonfnlent that he ean give satisfadimi in the performance of all Surgi cal Operation? even the most delicate. October 22, 1.1 . 3!Mf BFTTKIl unci f liM-M'. .lust landed from ves.,1-10 kegs cxt ra ( loshen liutter; 23 boxes ( lodn-n ( 'hece For utile low hv IIOWAUD PLKKX. j 1tliXI V, nod (nituln HnniU. A full assortment, for Male, at the Hardware Store. J. M. l.'OI'.l.SSOX. c Si .VHS. I'eeeived this day, 2 hhds Porto Hieo sugar; 10 do. St. Croix do.; 10 do. Muscat-ado do. For nale low by O. A'i'i. HOLMKS. 01? Clollili,. goo w,it(1 Oil Clothing j 100 doz. uea ineir S-hirt, lirawerf. 1'ants, Over Coats. Sheaths, I5e!t., Piilmis, I'hestd, and every article required ro- the voy age. For sale low by IIOWAli I) & P A)l',S. TUT HLCL1VLTJ AXT) FOI! SALL-J pipe old Jamai til Hum ; J do old (gnine Brandy ; J do id 1 Madeira Wine ; 4 do. old Cherry Wine; 4 do. Port Cherry Wine. O. kC HOLMLS. k l'lK It VC K. TIL sn ierf neJlavH g rteie l the Agepey, is prejafeJ Vt tjktrik? p t:r m- ft fir m t V in pi f f ! he I f 7ns '' ".; mitt l in ftaff THK llAlil hi;U I'KoTKlTluN. ll.'MTT,Afl. Aiua 2?. i3i iilL KV V ItK I IKK ll ltXK t:NIVX. 'IMIL Afeticy of tlii e-tabli-hinriit f r the town .f Wil X m!nt..H ta been riuJtrre4 vn tbe uderifed. ho i reiaied l afford all rejiite iiifirtuatioii, and t reeeiT -plu-4tiva fr LUL INslKAM 1. np readable terui a auj vlhet iujtitiitJoB uf the mu tbaraetrr iu lb 1L Nl'TT, Agent. Aagust 21, 1S31 31-tf llltHI iii:ks LINK. rpHL Steamer llrahtrt. and To ThisM r .tlTS .Vficiuiu n, JhiriJ st ii, Jitm i 'mmlii i) and A fi l Mi, are prrpared to fiijrj wth lespati'h. All goods coti-iiied to the 1 rprietir. The Mt-jitivr lin thti t is of tight draught, and well suited to run iu . w water. he jnnwi-m )hhii and $vrt, nod i admirably adapted to fuwix?, and eau tceouiujodatt about 21 pa.-eiiger!'. '1 he Proprietor contemplate running the Iloat hiius lf. and will gite ,.K-cial attention to y frvigbt and naval toren ; to towing, and ill also attend to the eoiafort and vontciiieiice of Pat iig.-rs. From his long erieuee as Ajent ill Wiliiiiiigtou of the several MeaUl Ixiut Couipauii-s, he t tin k-- he can give atitactiori To Me t bants in the interior he would ay, that all C.ood chipp d I'V him, will he delivered to their Agent in Fayett eville. liia Agent ia Wilmington is UAVil) HANKS, to whom all communication may be addressed, ai Agent of the Meauier lin thru. JOHN HANKS, Proprietor. Feb 4th. y 127 tf I.IM' UK HL.VXKM. County ( 'ourt Writs; Superior do. do County Court Subpienas; Superior do. do. County Court Fi. Fa.; Superior do. do. ( 'ounty ( 'ourt Sei. f a.; Suju-rior do. do. Apprentice Indenture!"; Letters of Administration County nod Superior Coiirtsl Inspector' Cert ifieate; Certitieutes of J ust iee attend iug Court; N'arriage Licenxe; Tax l!eeeipt.s; Insidvent Xoticee; Writs of Ljeetmcnt; Lctteis Testamentary; Ycinli lill'Oms; ( a Sa; Land HcciU; lo. A ffi.l.iv iti; Witness and Juror Tickets; II larnifhee Xolices; Nut ice- to l a x List b'ecei vers; It hei ks, Cape I- ear I'.ank ; Commission t t akc I icriosjt ion j do. I'rain h I'alik of ( ounty t ourt Lxecut ion ; .Magistrate' do. ( apias ad I! espondendum ; )erseer's Appointments; Peace. State, and Cit il War Note of Hand; rant; A t taehine-it s; State Keeigniranee; Military Ca Sa; do. Kxecution; Negro Ponds; do. r.illofSah State; Xote, negotiable at Hank; AdiniiiistratoTf llonds; iuaroiun do. Append 'lo. Ca Sa do Sh'ff Appearance do. Const able'ri do. Shei ill ' Tax do. Forthcoming do. Prosecution Jo. Crew Lists; Oc-taM Malt t-atahi ( Ulna and C anard Llnrt. reon uvixpiMJt " 13- CunarJ CldllB Canard C'ui.aid Culhh Cuuax 1 tvf , IV.to .... , New ork . .New rk . IswItfO . ... . Nr Vuf k , .New Vrk . ..Sator lay... . . Wednesday . . .Saturday ... . . Stardy . .. . .Wfddy. ..Saturday... ...Kea 7 ....FeVll ...Fc 14 ...FrW.Jl ....JVU.23 ...Feb. 23 rt mturi. I-avr Cuoard '.tn Wdieday .... . .. .Fea. 4 t vllias Xew Vik SatarJay Feb. 7 Cunard New York WedueUy ..fVU. 11 Cunard 1'si.ton Wednesday Krb. Cull in. New York Saturday FrV. 21 Cunard New York Wednesday Feb. 23 NF.W YORK AND IIAVllE LINK. llAtl. M.W toll. LfcAVE HtVEI. Saturday j Wednesday Fraiklin Ian 17 Franklin Feb. IS lluuiboldt Feb. lFllu.abs.ldl March 17 Franklin Manh s Frauklin April 14 lluuiU.l.lt April lollluiuUddt May 12 Stopping at Southauiptou both way. NLW YOHK AND UK KM F.N LINK. From South- Waiington. . . II r n aun Washington . . . IL rrmai a .... From New York. ...Jan. 21. ...Feb 2H. ...March 27. April 24. From Pre men. .Feb. 27., .Man b 26. .April 2:1.. .May 21 iiiptun for New Ymk . March 3 ..MarckJl ..April 2X ...May 2ti January 19th, l02. I KI.AI. KlK- OK INTRLkT, in thc eirriaaT tatci nd THiiToaita. Maine; C per it-ui , forleit o( n, rlaioi. N w llampatiire, 6 per eent. ; forfeit of thrire ttie amoont un I iu fully I i ken Veriootii, 6 per rent. ; reeof i-rr tn anion and ota. Vn.u-l,imcti 6 pei cent ; lorleii of lone the uorr Khoile Uliind 6 per rent , l.-rfeil ut the uury and luteiciit on the deht I onnedk ul, 6 pel rent ; forfeit of the whole tleht. New Vork, 7 per cent ; mnirioiia ooiilrarla fold. New Jemejr, pel cent ; fotfeil ol th- Wtwde deht. IVnimylTHrua, t. per rent. ; lorfeit of the wttol delit. Ilelawaie, H pei cent ; loi f il of Hie wluoe ilelil. r l.iinl, 6 per i cut ; on tobacco couiraeiaU; uauriua coif tmrtu void uiini.i, fl per (M ; forfeit d utde llie uaurjf. Noitnl n i oi on, B per tent ; ruotrat ta for uaury Told forlrll ilonlili llie iipiii j. .-sooiii CnroMoa, 7 per cent. ; forfeit of Interrat and pariniuin ta ken, W Mil roMS (.eorniii, per rent ; forfeit tlirlee Hie loony . Mat) iiini " -r ei nt ; loi fell of inierenl noil usury Mown. ii-pi. H per cent. ; tijr i iiilrael I0iiiir recoverable in m l ion tor itctit l ooiUHi . 6 per rent cool i ml. inti-ri iM void Tcnui Met-, fi per cent Aeii'io ky, B per rent Hunk lutereat 0 - contract H-Seyond Any llliink wanted, nnd not on hand, will be printed with the utmost dispatch. Oflieersof tin- ( 'ourt nnd other officer?, and nil other per on requiring Flank, oranyothcr work in the printing line, w Mild do well to give us cull, or send il) their order. We vre determined to execute our work well, and at the cheapest rate-for cash. Call at the JOITlNAL OFFICL. T MK AT Till We respectfully invite the attention j of the pill. lie to our large and well selected Mock of (iixols. W e have enlaigeri our store ami are now prepared to show the most desirable Mock or troeerics ever ottered in this m trk"-t. Thvy were bought at very low prices for cash, and wo believe we can offer them nt price that will induce persons, wishing to purcLii-"C to buy from us. We huvt- on hand 2X bugs liio coffee, (CI " Lnguira do 40 hlids Porto Pico eugar J2 " St. Croix 5 " Museotildo " 30 bhls southern clarified Migar; 23 " crii-hed do 23 hhds sweet nml:'Ssei 10IKI ll.s p. pper: 500 Ihs spiec; HO') lbs ginger 31 His nutmegs; pit) mats cinnamon Poxes ground pepper, fpiec, and ginger; llHlfreshCliee.se; . Xt l-'iikiiiH butter; 10.000 bushels mlt 175 bhls John ( lib-oii' rectified whik y 120 " Pfiltirnore double reetifieil do 1 H I " assorted superior double rectified nnd Mononga lia " 1,'ose and anchor gin; hcla whiskey; " Xew Lnglainl rum 2'l " A ineriean brandy V ) qr. casks Malagu and low priced Madeira wines A large asHorttnent of imported wines; 250 bhls flour: 75 half bhls do. We are constantly receiving additional supplies and in tend keeping on hand a good Mock, which will be nold low for Ca-h October fi. 131 O G. HOLML'S. X J K V . op It ulslo. 400 package new crop Paisin, IN just landed. For .-ale by IIOWAl!l&. PKDF.N. K'.l.s. 1'ic.mi C til nil jist. . Just receivetl di rect from W I'liderwood 4" Co : .Wl iloxeri jars asst.rted sizes and kinds. For .sale low by lOW,l!ll& PLItLX. 1)K K Ll.s. 5 dozen iallons qts and pt.. For rale by o. &. ;. HOLMKS. J AKCi; Aitia of Siiperlor iim:ilj Suitable for J Timber Waggon Lxtra Timber Axes; House and Yard Axes, cheap For ak-by J.M. IJOl'.IX'SOX. I) '. A.Mvi; I S .toil y 1 lul hi ; 500 blanket, f'i 1j by 72, and 5(i by 7"i inches ; 300 rolls Kerseys, which wi be sol',1 low. hv lloWAI.M) k PKUKN. ototrioiiK rontrarla void. oiii reeoveralilr 'Villi coati. I lino, 6 pel cent ; usurious c ,,ilfni I ohl luitiiiiiH A per rent. - H floe oi iloutilc llii; rireMF llliliom, 8 per cent - If COIilfaet Ii - heytml fnrlelt thrir the llilerent Miaamiri, fi per cent. -y contract 10 If bejond. forfeit of In- icrcHl mill iitiiiry. Miring o, 7 per rent. -forfeit of uuvy one fonrtli of ileht. Ark-tii,!, 6 per cent by agreement !U -imury raeoverable, but Coll 1 1 HI' I Voiil 1'iairict I olumliln, 6 per rent. - ii'iirloii rnntrurti void. Florl.ln, 8 per rent. - lorfeit interest nnd ecea. Wlwiuuin, 7 pei ceut -kj cuiitiar i -forfeit thrlra Ida fi Celt. lotva, by Btfreomenl, am! e forced b law. On ilebtH or jiiiliiiiieiita in favor of the United Stalea, mtcreat It con. pun ii i o per rent, pel aonoin. Vmr Bbf . ( o-P HM KKllli rIMIK nubecribera have this day formed a eo-par!nerhin, 1 under the style of Melt A K. k II All It ISS, and li'ite ta ken the new gruiiite front More, lately erected by (.'apt. (!. Put i :e, on Front between Market nnd Dock at recti, where thty will alway keep a complete uholrtnlt and rttml atoek of I MMkii) and KuihiIiik Impii ni nla, to which tlivy invite the attention of merchants and othem. Peing linpoilcia, we feel confident we can sell articlei la our line on a favorable terms, ami of as good quality, as can be purchased iu the, I nited States. ALKX. Melt A K, Jr., Oct. 1, 1s5!-2I-lf N. T. HAHRISS. NOT It K Kttia. I have aulhorixed Mr. Jamfn Hi-bim to collect all accounts due mo previous to lt of ( letohtr instant. All persona indebted are earnestly requested to set tle. ALKX. MeKAK. Jr. Oct II, 151. TICK 31 KMX) I 8 KK.DK TIOX l. I'KK K I (ilfKAT PAKCAINS!! HOW A It I) Ai PKIIKX. South Water street, have just received their fall stock of Groceries. Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Oils, Paints, Wooden Ware. Willow Ware, Hard Ware, Dry Goods, Confectionary, Fruits, Nuls, Haisins, Pickles, Preerves, Catsups, Sluices, Jellie and Jambs, Soap. Starch. Candles. Matches, Wrapping Paper. Twine, Cordage. Duck, Ploeks. Hanks, Mast I loop and Ship ( hun dlery, assorted, in all it various branches; Sugar, ('offce, Ten, Flour, Putter, Lard, Fish, Tobacco, kc, and every thing el.-e, in fact, that i.s. wanted. I'teutr eirr Ufa rail ami untiufi ynvrtrlm. XOTK K. rnilK undersigned hating entered into a partneship in X MWi, for the term of five year, which term will expire on the 1st of December next, when they are desirous of clos ing all accounts existing on their hook at that date, hereby request all person indebted to thein, to come forward and settle their account either by note or cash, on or before the expiration of said partnership. HOWAHD k PKDKN. Oct K 151 SfltlJ Ul.r. 300 Ash Oars-, from 10 to 20 feet. For sale by IIOWAI5D & PKDKN O 17IXI;S A XT) L1QFOPS. Ipipc pure old HollandGin; V lf 4 casks Malaga Wine ; 5 2 do. Port Wine ; 30 J do. Sicily Madeira. () k G. HOLMKS. 1IIKKSK. 200 boxes Cheese. For sale low by II7 IIOWAUD k PKDKN .I7KAPPJXO PAPKIL-b'O Peam Wrapping Paper. V V For sale by HOWARD it PKDK.v XOTKB. TUB undersigned hereby notify the public that they will continue to conduct the business of the old firm after the 1st of December, as heretofore, and thankful for the patro-n- age unncrio exieiiueu 10 inem, repectmily solicit a con tinunnee of the same. HOWARD Dec. 13. 131 IIOWAHD k PKDEN. SPllilTS TURPKNTIXE BARRELS 1 600 spirits turpeutin harreU, wcotul hand, of prime rfunlity. for alc bj DcUOSSETic BROWN. NOW LAXDIXti, from Sehr. Ira h,twUr Yo bbls of Familv Flour; IW bbl. of John Tavlor and Son's Ale ; 2'bbli Ci'der. WKSSKL& K1L KI!S ClHAMPA(LXK.-20 baskeU Chainpazne. For sale by , f 13 HOWARD & PKDKX- JN STORK AND FOR SjALK-1000 sacks of fine TARLK SALT; by WESSKL k KILKRS. II.ME, LIME. 400 bbln. Rockland Lime ; 500 bbls. Lin J colnville White Lump. Also, Calcined Plaster. Plas tering Hair, Fire Brick, and Hydraulic Cement : 1,000 bull. Lime, &sFor gale by"J. C; & R: B. WOOD,""" Oct. 2i, 1831441 Contractor! and Builders. W IIISKKY. 300 lUa. m itorf , assorted qnilitie.. For I OU UK I. A III K " It rpil K finest as well as t ha cheapest Table Ivory. Plated 1 (and warranted to keep its color) Table. Desert and Tea Spoons; Forks; Sugar Shovels; Salt do ; and Pickle Knives; Pronze Candlesticks; and btt of Scissors, Shears, Needles, and Pins. The above I have tnannfaetured especially for rny retail sale, and every article warranted. J. M. ROIilXsf )N. Wilmington. October.3. 1851 23 ( 1'IKW LI8T8. A large subtly on hand and foraleloir n, the JOI'UNA j OrHt.K. IIKAM 50 barrels Pilot Pread ; 50 " fine Navy do.; 60 boxes soda crackers, fresh. For sale by HOW AM) PKDKN. IT HITTK fitlT. Wkti th aaorniag, kl la tbaiev, Kan along tt bill aad ataadow, AaJ wilk aailk-wkitt Infers partod I riaawa raact, guldra batd l-hvaiar aver ratal suar l-.Trrv tari4 mornirr-rlurv. A4 aat'bakier frost iba ashe Sinjiaj laxktaai pleasant tkrahl TaaCi the tluia aar littla baby, Strvyvd fraaa 1'araJiaa, il aiav V Catat witk tyea bka ktavta aleuva krt C, we evald not choeae bal loa kr I Nat enough af eartk for ilnoing, Alwayi feutle, alwtyi wiaotng, Never aeedinj our reproviaf, Kver lirtly, ever loving ; Starry eyei and sunset treitef, , White arm i, made far light caret, JJ., that knew do word of doubting, ( t'te kiuiog . never rmating ) Peauty even ia eonpleUoeM, I Kerfull of childish iweetneu That's the way our little babei Far loo pure for earth, it Biar bf Seeiued to as, who while about her leem d we could But do wlthoet her. When the morning, half in ihadowt Kan aloug the hill aad meadow, And with milk white finger parted Criwsaa roar, guldnn-hearted Opening over rums hoary livery purple morning glorr, And oulsbaking from the bashee Singing larki aud pleasant tbruiheit -That's the time our little baby, lining here fur heaven, it may he, Turning from our bitter weeping, Clod her eyes ai when ia sleeping. And her white bands on her boeuoa Folded like a lutnmer bloaaoia. Now the litter she doth lie on. Strewed with roses, hear to Zlon io, ai tat a pleasant meadow Throuun the valley of the shadow I Take her softly, half augeli, Past the saints and niarti Past the rank of God 'a eranf ell l . tvn loir To the Karth-Porn, meek and lowly( we would have oar preeloui tloiaom Softly laid in Jesus' bosoin PiZ j;nt wjndlass.- plete. For sale by I aecond hand Wii(dls com IIO WARD k PFDKN, lOFFKK. -10 Ilari Rio in store. ellip, ni;s?ELL & CO. T) IO Cofre-rl30 bagj prime green Rio Coffee. For sale itiow.by Howard & peden 1) A XTKitS Attention 1 am just receiving from the . , factory, samples of improved cast steel Hoes, which I woul I be pleiued to submit to your inspection, and to receive any suggestions for further improvement. ' Oct. 17th 1851 J. M. ROBINSON. VTOKTH CAROLINA WINE. 8 barreli gcuppernong 1 Wine, iat received aad for ealo by '19 DcitOrJSET k BROWN. S UGAR. 10 hhds. Sugar j 100 bbli. crashed, powdered. etc. For eale low by uy WAKlMe rEDKN. .Mark It. The loPowing humorous Recount of the itate 01tb tnikris in (lie " diggins" in California, ii taken from a Muryaville aier : " llHtim h;? r (one behind a quarter, probably from the fai t that they were taken from the hind quarter. Mlft8c8 Several trader hae been ituck' with thin article. ' : 1 Boot" love advanced fully two ftttt and ire freely egjr,fl off' at this rate. A we are new althe'heel of the dull aenaon, our merchants will hare Q 'toe thema,k, before nhoyly, Clmhinjr We coat pantaa ft (food in-TeatmenL "' Ilidei, Morn and Tallow-The hoi Jera of bides art almost re.nly to jump out of their kin Morn are freely Ih ken nt the Aalooni, Tallow hat gone te) (iieece in Inre qtiantitica. Powder VVe have lo nniice a fair report of thc fotrti off of thii article, at good rales. Dover is preferred Shot i plentv, principally 'in the neck, :n 1 . PoUloen The arrival of a large number of tmi grant a ftom the ' first gem of the ea' has cauced tfc de culed advance. In fact, not to be mealy-moulhed, it appears to our ' eye' that there must soon be a great acarcity, unless the duty on foreign potatoes be res peeled. -J ' '' 1 Heel Scarcely any in the market, sate those of the watchmen on their 'lonely round.' We cannot aC count for thin without going to the root, and fof ;thnt we hnvn't time . ' Fih Pric- are rather nalty. Salmon Is ((qlng Op Feather river. Mackerel (well broiled) is getting ' down in the inouih.' Sardines are in jtood supply but cannot be ha without the tm ; Oysters can, Cheene (particularly old cheese) is lively. . A ((M)D Shut. A bear, fur sorue time past carry ing on an improper intimacy with the joung hfg belonging to the settlers in the Queen's Bush, closed his career lat week in rather a singular manner. From a litter of nine in an industrious roan's hog sty. the hear had at times abstracted four, and one night on repeating his visit, the hogs screamed so furiously at the abstraction of one or iheif brethren, that the settler boname alarmed, and loading his juri in all trepidation, hastened out to the sty, and seeing the grizzly monster a few paces from him, With the nor k or in hi mouth, he let fir with the mtisket. and the recoil was so violent that it threw him several feet bitckwAnJ, with his head under the fence. Be lieving thai the blow had been dealt by the beaf and that the monster was upon him, he roared out ... . . I ..aai hideously, anil was or course immediately Joined oy his wife, who disabused him of the idea that any thing eNe hut herselt was by him. He then rot Up and found his monster antagonist pierced through the neck to the hog-sty by the ramrod of the gun he bavin? forcitten in his hurrv to abstract it from the weapon, and thus the recoil became so great aa to uptet him. The bear died immediately, and his carcase amply repaid for the loss of the pigs. ' Ualt (Ca.) Keporlef, Mammoth Steamers We see it stated ia the ton don Times that a proposition il on foot to build iron steamers oi zu leet in lengin, wiid u leei oeam, aim 34 in depth, with four engines of 1000 horse power, and a screw, whilst there Will be eight masts with huire latteen sails The vessels are to he boilt of iron, and will he not only shot but fire proof, and, from the novel method, though simple, and lor sirengio mown to everv school bov. their immense length rendera them more safe than those of smaller construction. It is calculated to carry 2000 passengers, with a thea tre for amusements, ke , anil could; in rase of war, nnsn a hatter of three hundred guns. This rrmected scheme is for the purpose of bringing the English CoU onies within a month's reach of London, ': V ? i-unftm itrraa. i'ha Athai.v Dutchman tr n ... 4 I i t nrMea its surprise that Tounz men can consent to loaf about the corners aa they do, when a good dose !f . arsenic can be purchase ! for sixpence," ' 1 -

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